The Boom Boom Room; General Hospital Two Scoops for the week of September 9, 2024

Carly snarls at Nina at the Quartermaine home.
Carly snarls at Nina at the Quartermaine home.

Dear readers, it’s a rare occasion on General Hospital when Sonny does his own dirty work. This week, however, he made an exception. We watched the mob boss put two shiny bullets into Jagger Cates’s chest. Boom. Boom. Gone. Everyone knows you don’t mess with Sonny’s kids, right?

I know presumed-dead characters come back to life on soaps fairly often, but I can’t imagine a scenario where Jagger can come back from this. Well, unless, of course, Sonny’s gun was loaded with blanks, Jagger was wearing a bulletproof vest, and he also had a sack of stage blood handy because he anticipated that Sonny would double-cross him. I guess I can imagine a scenario…

Fun fact, when I used to act professionally, we made our own stage blood with Karo Syrup and red food coloring. Before they took it off the market, because I am ancient.

But back to Port Charles…Sonny shot Agent Cates on the Quartermaine estate during a family party, because…of course, he did. Michael stumbled onto his dad committing murder, shuffled Sonny off to the main house, cleaned up the crime scene, and called the cops to say he'd found a body.

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So, now, Sonny, in the name of saving his family, has included both Michael and Carly in his crime. Carly agreed to give Sonny an alibi before she even knew what he had done, and she messed up Tracy’s bed to make it look like they'd had a fling. When Nina approached Sonny and Carly at the Q’s, making snide comments, the snarl Carly gave when Nina walked away left me howling. I took a screenshot, and it’s going into rotation.

Tracy pondered why her bed was messed up, and when Brook Lynn and the family gave her hints, Tracy gagged when she realized why her bed was rumpled. Jane Elliot always brings the comic relief and the heart to this show. I hope she never retires.

But the problem is, no one is buying what Sonny and Carly are selling. Tracy immediately jumped to the conclusion that Sonny had killed Jagger. She noted that on the exact night that Sonny came to visit, his archenemy just happened to be shot cold dead on her property. What are the odds? Knowing it and proving it are two different things, though.

When Josslyn heard that her mom and Sonny were together, she was in disbelief. When she went to Sonny’s and saw Carly walking out, she was enraged. Joss and Carly had a blowup.

So, let’s try to line up all the moving pieces here. 1) Kristina stole a gun from Sonny with the intent to kill Jagger and Ava. 2) Sonny actually did kill Jagger with a totally different gun. 3) Alexis found the gun Kristina stole and threw it off the bridge. 4) Ric and Elizabeth witnessed Alexis tossing the gun and didn’t buy her cover story about it being a cell phone. 5) Jason has the actual murder weapon in his back pocket, along with the shell casings from the crime scene. 6) Ric and Elizabeth told Chase what they saw. 7) Carly gave Sonny an alibi, but Josslyn, who hates Sonny, gets the inkling that her mom and Sonny didn’t have an affair. Instead, she thinks Carly is letting Sonny get away with murder, and she is enraged by her mother’s choices. (Their fight was legendary! Laura Wright and Eden McCoy are fantastic as mother and daughter, and if I found out they were really related, I would not be shocked, Casting perfection.) 8) Freshly out of the police academy, Dex Heller shows up to Sonny’s place with Anna and knows exactly where to look for Sonny’s guns. 9) Anna sees Jason trying to shuffle out the door and realizes he is back to working for Sonny and no longer on team cop.

There is a lot going on here, and there are so many ways this could all go wrong. I am anxious for Monday’s episode. Will Jason get out of there and get rid of the gun before Anna gets a search warrant for his place, too? I love Sonny, but I hate that the people who love him always pay the price for his life choices, though he rarely ever does. Who will take the fall for his latest murder?

Meanwhile, across town, Ava recanted her story about Kristina and is indebted to Jason for her life. Do you think Ava would be grateful enough to hide a gun for Jason if asked? Not that he would trust her with it. If the writers continue to write Ava as savvy and intelligent as ever, she will blame everything on Cates, like the switching of the meds fiasco, and get herself off the hook with Sonny.

But Kristina still wants to kill Ava, and I don’t understand. Kristina has her memory back, and she knows that she tripped over Jagger’s bag and that Ava did not push her. So, why is Kristina still insisting that Ava needs to die? Is it because she has a guilty conscience because knows in her heart that Molly has a point? If Kristina had not gone to Ava’s to confront Ava, she would not have fallen, and the baby would still be here.

Perhaps it’s easier to blame Ava than to look in a mirror. Mind you, this does not mean I have forgiven Molly’s cruel outburst at the cemetery, but I can see both sides of this heartache. GH could do something soapy like have Kristina shoot her and use postpartum depression as a defense, but instead, I hope Blaze comes back from tour early, calms Kristina down, and sends Natalia packing.

When Kristina went to visit baby Adella in the cemetery in the pouring rain, as she was lying on the gravesite, weeping, how could you not feel sympathy for her? It’s all such a big soapy mess! Which, dear readers, is exactly how I like it!

Readers, I wonder if you realize how good you have it. General Hospital is the most action-packed soap in daytime. As you may know, I write two scoops for both The Young and the Restless and GH, and let me tell you, nothing remotely as exciting as this is happening in Genoa City right now. I’m not saying I don’t love Y&R, because I do, but Thursday, I said that more happened in the first five minutes of General Hospital than happened on The Young and the Restless in the past two episodes. I think that was accurate.

I haven’t even gotten to Holly appearing in Lucky’s captor Sidwell’s lair, and Lucky’s partner Isaiah being unconscious in GH while everyone frantically looks for Lucky. Sawandi Wilson plays Isaiah and is now on contract on GH, so we will eventually find out all the answers to our questions about him. But my first question was, how old is he? I searched online and found no definitive age. says he can play 21 to 30, so I suppose he is somewhere in that age range?

The reason I am curious is because I can’t decide if he was brought on as someone’s new love interest or maybe someone’s long-lost son. I am just trying to get a handle. If he was just a prop to bring Lucky back home, he wouldn’t have gotten a contract, so apparently, there are plans for him. Since he’s a doctor and since GH is desperately in need of more doctors, that’s my first guess.

Holly Sutton is apparently still a con woman. Interesting. She and I are about the same age, so I have to give it to her. I don’t have the willpower to want to pull off a con—or even fold my laundry—in my 60s, but, hey, good for Holly. Will she save Lucky’s life, help him get back home, and visit Robert in the process? I surely hope so.

Another familiar face back in Port Charles is Ric, and he still has it bad for Elizabeth. Elizabeth said one thing she knows about Ric for sure Is how much he loves his daughter, but I am not as convinced as Liz is about that fact. Ric hasn’t been back to Port Charles in a decade, so his love for his daughter is less obvious to me.

I had to think twice this week about Ric marrying Nina. This was back when Nina was played by my absolute favorite, Michelle Stafford, to steal her inheritance on behalf of Nina’s vile mother, Madeline. When they referenced it this week, I had to rewind the 40 years of stored-up soap plots in my brain until I got to that forgotten storyline!

What is Ava going to do? She has alienated nearly every lawyer in Port Charles. Scotty is MIA, Alexis most certainly will not represent her—nor will Diane, and Ric rejected her, too. That only leaves Martin, and he has been missing for months. Perhaps Sonny will let Ava borrow Diane in exchange for dropping the custody battle and exonerating Kristina? Unlikely, but possible.

Also, I was thrilled to see SNL’s Sarah Sherman on GH this week as Ms. Finch. When Lois first started worrying about her accent, we discussed that perhaps Rena Sofer was just weary of doing the accent, so they came up with a reason for Lois to stop using it. Ms. Sherman was a delight, as she always is, I am a big fan of her quirky comedy on SNL; she just tickles me. Finding out she is a GH fan and wanted to be on the show made me love her all the more.

I wonder if Tracy will convince Olivia to take a class, too? I anticipate we will still see flashes of Lois’ accent, like in scenes where she is mad and her inner Brooklyn comes out, but I think it’s a good character development for Lois, as she is now a spokesmodel on Home and Heart. It makes sense that the character would want to make herself more TV friendly. It’s not an uncommon thing; many actors use dialect coaches to either lose or gain an accent, depending on a role they are playing.

Olivia’s over-the-top reaction to Lois changing made me sad in a way, because we all have friends who encourage us to grow and change and friends who want us to stay exactly as we are for life. Olivia revealed which sort of friend she is.

Readers, when is Nina going to tell Willow that she’s sleeping with Drew? I think it might cool down Willow’s hot crush on Drew if she knew he was her mom’s lover. But Nina never tells the truth until it is forced out of her.

It was nice to see the Scorpio brothers together again and for Robert to learn he has a new nephew. I can hardly wait to see the first Uncle Robert and Cody scenes. I don’t know if Robert and Diane are still dating, but if they are, when Holly shows up, it will most likely end. Diane has no patience for competing. I’d rather see Diane back with Max. He and Milo should come home now that Jason is back.

What will happen tomorrow, dear readers? Will someone discover Sonny’s wet clothes under Tracy’s bed? Will dialect coach Ms. Finch get a crack at Olivia, too? Will Drew continue to grieve for Senator McConkey, whom he’s only known since Nina introduced them like a month ago? Will Sam die trying to save Lulu, or Lucky, or one of her much-less-interesting sisters? Will anyone find out why Ace is still flinging food at people at 18 months?

Will Willow keep saying she’s not the type of wife who cheats while she is cheating? Will I realize as soon as I submit this column that I forgot five other really intriguing storylines? Probably. GH was a runaway train last week, and my note-taking fingers can only fly so fast. Will Lucky get to come home before Lulu’s liver gives out? Will Maxie ever tell Dante that Lulu was on her way back to him? Will Valentin show up with a good excuse for all the horrible things he did?

Only tomorrow knows, dear readers, and I will tune in tomorrow as long as there are tomorrows.

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