Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 18, 1999 on Y&R

SC Desk
Sharon was told she needed a biopsy, but hid her medical concerns from her loved ones
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 18, 1999 on Y&R

Nikki found Victor holding Ashley's hand, and she walked out on Victor. Ashley wanted to have a baby to solidify her marriage. Katherine told Mac that Brock was dead. Katherine thought she saw an apparition of Brock, and she fainted.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 18, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 18, 1999 on Y&R

Monday, October 18

by Soap Central

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Vicki comes home, then looks out the window down toward the tack houseas Nikki comes down in a robe. Vicki wonders why Nikki is not going tomeet Victor. Nikki tells Vicki that Diane ruined her dress, leaving outmention of the fight. Vicki sees through her excuses and encourages hermom to go change and meet Victor. Vicki is looking down toward the tackhouse again when Nick strolls in to pick up some mail. Vicki bringsNick up to date on the state of their parents union. Vicki tells Nickthat not every relationship has a happy ending like he and Sharon andgoes back to the window. Nick wonders what she's looking for out there,but he knows Cole is down at the tack house.

Sharon comes home from a PTA meeting and Lisa leaves. Cassie comes downto find out about the meeting. Nick comes home and they find out theyboth stopped by Crimson Lights even though they were going to stay awaytonight. A mention is made of their perfect life (uh-oh). Nick tellsSharon about Vicki then calls the house to check up on her. WatchdogMiguel reports Vicki left.

Tack house

Cole is finally done with his book when the phone rings. It's Stevechecking on the progress and asks Cole to email him the book. Later inthe week they need to go over the dates for the book tour. Knock on thetack house door and Vicki walks in. Cole tells her the book is allfinished, he didn't call her as promised because he just got done. Coleasks why Vicki came down and Vicki responds she was curious. Cole wantsto know if that's all. They are interrupted by Nick and Sharon'sarrival with champagne. Unless this isn't a good time asks Nick as helooks at Vicki. Cole lets Sharon have a sneak preview of the bookgiving Vicki have a chance to tell Nick she knows why he dropped by.She doesn't know whether to slug him or thank him. Cole suddenlyremembers he forgot to call Ash.

Colonnade room

Ash and Victor have a glass of wine while quizzing each other on whytheir respective dates are AWOL. Victor asks Ash if she is concernedabout Cole working at the ranch. It concerns him, for Vicki's sake.Ash lets Victor know that things are not great with Cole right now.Victor says Ash will always be very special to him. Ash thinks theyshould change the subject, so they talk about the fact they are boththere to bridge a gap with the person they love. Ash tells Victor shedoes not want to fail in another marriage, when the phone rings. Ashtells Cole to finish his celebration and she will see him at home.Victor is holding both of Ashley's hands, and looking pretty intimate,when Nikki walks in. Nikki steps aside quickly when she sees this.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 18, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 18, 1999 on Y&R

Tuesday, October 19, 1999

Ashley tells Cole that it is too late now for their celebratory dinner; he might as well continue to celebrate with Victoria, Nick and Sharon. She hangs up and Victor comforts her. He is holding her hands as he guesses why Cole will not be meeting her after all. Through all of this, Nikki is standing behind some plants and watching. Victor tells her that he will be there for her and she leaves. Victor returns to his table just as Nikki steps into the room. He tells her that he is glad she is there. Are you? She asks, coolly. What is the matter with you? He asks, but she doesn't answer. He tells her that she is looking beautiful and she only thanks him. He finally tells her that he doesn't appreciate being kept waiting for this long but he is more interested in trying to find some common ground where they can meet and begin a fresh start. Since it is growing late, he orders the main course from Jacques instead of a la carte. Once Jacques leaves, Nikki cattily remarks that she is sure that his previous guest kept him entertained while waiting for her. So you saw Ashley and me he asks her. "Not that I needed to see her," Nikki responds. "I can still smell her perfume." Victor says that he was only comforting her; she was upset that her husband stood her up---the same thing that almost happened to him. Nikki tells him that she had to go back home and change her gown since his ex-wife tossed wine on it. She now has to explain the fight with Diane and when she tells him that she slapped Diane in Gina's, he gets upset that she was fighting with Diane in the first place and in public in the second place. Now you are blaming me? She says that the only way not to run into one of his ex-wives or lovers is to stay home all the time. When dinner is brought to them, Victor eats hardily but Nikki only picks at her food. "Can't we get past this?" Victor asks. Nikki says that she would like to go to the powder room but she is afraid who would be at the table when she got back. Ramona, possibly or Leanna Love. Victor is angry. He is trying to fix things but she isn't even trying. He says that he prepared a surprise for her tonight. She says that no amount of romantic dinners or surprises will fix what is wrong with them. She thinks it is better if she leaves. Wiping away her tears, she gets up and leaves. Right after she leaves, the wedding consultant arrives and introduces himself to Victor. Victor doesn't even shake the hand that he offers. Instead, he tells him that he won't be needing his services; he will pay him for his time and trouble. The consultant continues by saying that his daughter told him...but Victor shouts at him to send him the bill and he will pay it.

Callie brings dinner to Malcolm at the studio. She lets him know that she is going to Chicago to see her agent but really, she is going to Detroit to see Trey. Malcolm tells her not to allow her agent to talk her into a long tour. She can take a gig in GC or in Chicago but no farther.

After Cole gets off the phone with Ashley, Nick and Sharon announce that they are going to the club. They invite Vicki to go along with them but she asks for a rain check. They are hesitant to leave Vicki and Cole alone but there is nothing that they can do. After they leave, Vicki suggests another drink before he packs up and leaves. They drink to inspiration. Vicki says that she liked having him back in the tack room and he agrees that it was a great place to work. She asks if he is sure that he has to leave and he says that he does. She reminds him that his plans with Ashley fell through so he can stay. He says, however, that he and Ashley need to talk. Vicki says that she will miss him and he thanks her for everything. When he reaches the door, he hesitates and Vicki thinks he is coming back but he leaves anyway. Alone in the room, Vicki has a flashback of memories from when she and Cole were married. Outside, Cole also hesitates, remembering.

Neil goes to Olivia's office and says that they need to talk. She says that it has been a long day and she wants to go home. He says that it is going to be a long rest of the year if she doesn't stop and rethink her choice of lawyers. He says that Michael Baldwin is the wrong person to choose. He talks about what a job he pulled on Victor in the divorce and how he almost took Sharon's baby away. Olivia says that he has been helpful to her as well as professional and dedicated. As for Diane, she was his client and she got what she wanted. Her case is simple and clean but Neal says that there is no such thing with Michael Baldwin. He admits that he talked to Michael and Olivia is furious. She says that he is biased in the Newman's favor and he isn't giving her any credit for having any intelligence. She demands that he stay out of her affairs and let her make her own decisions. Furthermore, she orders him to stay away from Michael.

As Paul gazes at Christine's picture, he remembers when she told him that she wants a life with him and how she was sorry for all that she put him through. His reverie is interrupted when Nina knocks at the door. She guesses that he is thinking of Chris. He tells her that he is thinking of their weekend on the beach in Hawaii and how perfect it was. He confides in Nina that he is worried that when Chris returns, she will be different. He has nothing to base his fear on so Nina tells him not to worry. She then confesses to him that she just mailed off her novel to a string of publishers and agents. He wishes her luck as she leaves to go home to sit by the phone and wait for that call which will make her a published author.

Ross and Gary go to Crimson Lights hoping that Victoria will stop by. Gary warns him about getting into office politics but all Ross wants is to get to know her outside of work. Just as they give up and are leaving, Nick and Sharon arrive. As Ross and Gary get up to walk over to where Nick and Sharon are, Nick is wondering if they need to hire a bouncer. Sharon suggests Tony but the new bartender, Cody, says that there is no need for one. Cody greets Nick and is introduced to Sharon. They talk for a while, asking if Vicki will be stopping by. Nick doesn't think she will but all of a sudden, Vicki walks in. She joins her friends at the bar and when everyone begins to talk shop, Sharon says that business talk isn't allowed in there. A girl comes up and asks Gary to dance. He goes on the floor with her and Sharon suggests that dancing is a good idea. She gets Ross to take Vicki out on the floor.

Ashley arrives home and John greets her, asking about Cole. She tells him that Cole didn't show up and John gets angry. He thinks it is time he had a word with Cole himself. Ashley thinks that maybe John and Jack are right, she isn't Cole's top priority. As John says that he will talk to him, Cole comes in. John demands an explanation. Cole says that he owes an explanation only to his wife and asks John to leave the room. John is about to say more but Ashley asks him to leave and he does. Cole apologizes saying that he got hung up. Ashley asks with what or whom. She accuses him of leaving her hanging while he parties with Victoria. Cole says that Victoria only stopped by to congratulate him on finishing the book. Ashley doesn't believe that Victoria "just dropped by," but that is no reason that he didn't call her earlier than he did. Cole agrees that he should have called earlier but continues to insist that Victoria had nothing to do with it. He insists that Ashley has nothing to worry about from Victoria. Ashley says she knows that Victoria has been coming on to him; she has seen it with her own eyes. You are way off base, Cole says. He says that they have a problem but it has nothing to do with Victoria. Now that he has finished the book, he wants to put the past behind them and start over. Does she want that also? She says that they owe it to themselves to try. She asks him if he wants a night cap but he just wants to go to bed. He invites her up but she says that they will start fresh in the morning. After she is alone, John comes back in and asks if they have reached an understanding. She says that she hopes so. He leaves and after a few moments, she grabs her bag and wrap and leaves the house.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 18, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 18, 1999 on Y&R

Wednesday, October 20

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 18, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 18, 1999 on Y&R

Thursday, October 21

Jack tells John that they control Jabot again
Jack tells John that they control Jabot again

Jack tells John that they control Jabot again

Friday, October 22

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Edited by SC Desk