Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 11, 1999 on Y&R

SC Desk
Sharon was told she needed a biopsy, but hid her medical concerns from her loved ones
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 11, 1999 on Y&R

Tricia conspired with Grace to break up Megan and Tony. Katherine learned that Brock had been presumed dead. Billy watched as Raul and Mac kissed. Victor planned to pop the question to Nikki. Nikki and Diane got into a brawl at Gina's.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 11, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 11, 1999 on Y&R

Monday, October 11

by Soap Central

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Jill is at the bar, self-medicating again, when Neil comes in and joinsher. Jill gets Neil to admit he is on the outs with Mal. When Dr O'sname comes up, Jill puts two and two together and figures out Neil hasthe hots for his sister-in-law. Jill's phone rings before she can prymore information out of Neil. John tells Jill they need to talk aboutBilly, but Jill hangs up on him.

Callie comes in and Neil joins her to ask about Mal. Callie tells Neilthat Dr O is out for blood, why else would she have hired MichaelBaldwin? Neil is surprised.

John comes in and finds Jill still drinking at the bar. John is goingto get more involved in the mother and child reunion. John suggeststhat all three of them see a therapist. Jill is against it, but Johnkeeps plugging away. Jill is afraid of being an even bigger failure andwalks out. John sits at a table, and Gina brings John a brandy. Johnwonders if Gina remembers everyone's favorite drink. Gina appears to bemaking some moves on John!

Dennison family

Ryan spots the blonde bimbo duo and wonders what the devil those two aretalking about. Grace realizes Tricia wants her to do all the dirty workin breaking up Meg and Tony. Ryan walks up, interrupting the plottingfor now. Grace leaves and Ryan asks what they were talking about. Ryanthinks Grace was trying to use Tricia to get Ryan to help her get herjob back. Tricia tells Ryan that Grace is working at Jabot now. Ryantells Tricia he does not think she should socialize with Grace.

Meanwhile, back at Grace's apartment, Grace is lounging on her bed,talking to a picture of Tony. I want you back, that little virgin can'tmake you happy the way I can.

Over at the Dennison house, Meg is trying real hard to get Tony tostay. Same old drivel, too young, etc. Meg tells Tony she is going togo upstairs to change. Tony calls Sally and finds out his old apartmentis available and he sneaks out before Meg comes back downstairs.

New Mexico

Ramona is talking to Victor on the phone and he's really talking up thejob offer. Ramona's not sure about moving, she asks Victor what sheshould do, but Victor does not tell her. She ends up telling Victor sheneeds to think about it more, it's a difficult decision. Ramona hangsup and says if you only knew how difficult. The Dr asks Ramona if shehas made her mind up yet. Ramona tells him she thinks she should waitand the Dr asks for what? Ramona says I don't know, I truly don't know.

Newman ranch

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 11, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 11, 1999 on Y&R

Tuesday, October 12, 1999

by Soap Central

Nikki blows into the living room cursing Victor all the way because ofRamona. She hurls a crystal glass against the wall, smashing it. Justthen Vicki comes downstairs. Vicki tries to talk sense to Nikki, Bradis out of the picture now, give it some time. But Nikki says Brad isnot the only thing standing between her and Victor. It's Ramona. Vickitells Nikki it is beginning to sound like she is losing it.

Vicki waits up for Victor to get home so they can talk about Nikki.Vicki thinks that Victor needs to do something. Victor says the idea ofanother baby is ridiculous, he can't give that to her. Vicki tells herdad that Nikki is trying to fill a void. Vicki asks if he has mentioneda wedding since they got back to GC. Victor doesn't even know when thesix month waiting period will be up.

Genoa City Hotel

Jack got the wrong idea, he thought Leanna wanted to have businessmeeting. Leanna has something to show him; it's a loaded room servicecart. Why Ms. Love, if I didn't know you better, I'd say you weretrying to seduce me. Jack and Leanna have a glass of champagne. Leannahas found the funding for her show, but she needs a primary sponsor.Jack tells her all Jabot's cash is tied up right now. He tells hersorry, he doesn't blame her for using him after all he did talk her intowriting Ruthless. Jack is ready to leave, and asks for just one littlekiss. Then things really heat up and Jack isn't going anywhere justyet.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 11, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 11, 1999 on Y&R

Wednesday, October 13, 1999

It's the morning after as Jack and Leanne awaken with Leanne wearing his shirt from the night before. Jack asks if it was a good for her as it was for him and she responds that men have such egos. She thinks that there is a little bit of Victor Newman in all men. Jack remarks that she never remarried and he hopes that she isn't going to hand him that old line about once you've had VN, you don't want anyone else. She tells him that he shouldn't worry; he measured up just find last night. She then asks him about Diane and he tells her that that boat has sailed. He tells her that he wants his shirt back and she wants to know how badly. Badly enough, it seems, that they go back into the bedroom, closing the door behind them.

Ashley is having breakfast and working at the table when Billy comes in for his breakfast. He mentions his great friends in New York and how he really misses them. She tells him that it is time to start making new friends here in Genoa City. She begins talking about their killer soccer team. About that time, John starts into the dining room but waits until their conversation has finished. As John does come in, Billy is leaving for school. John thanks Ashley for her help, saying that she speaks Billy's language better than he or Jill. A rumpled Jack comes into the dining room, wearing his white shirt, and pours himself a cup of coffee. Ashley wonders if he has changed his perfume or does he have a woman upstairs. John tells him to share with them, but before he can answer, Cole comes in and barely speaks to the room before going for his breakfast. Rather than stay in the room with Cole, Jack takes his coffee upstairs saying that he needs a shower.

When Jack returns, smelling better according to Ashley, Cole is about to leave. Ashley says that they would like to have a celebration for the finishing of his book tonight. Would the Colonnade room be okay? Jack throws a few sarcastic zingers Cole's way before he leaves for the tack room. Afterward, Ashley begs Jack to tell him that it wasn't Diane in his room all night. Jack says it wasn't but if it were, he wouldn't have answered her; he deserves his privacy. He doesn't need her approval of the ladies he sleeps with. He then suggests that Ashley needs a night of bliss more than he did. They begin arguing about Cole again and Ashley orders him to leave it alone. She leaves and John reenters the room. He says that he is also getting impatient with Cole. He questions Cole's loyalty to their family, especially now with him working at the Newman ranch. He says that the time is coming when they have to draw a line, but that time is not now. They need to support Ashley as much as possible.

Kay finally reaches someone in India and asks them if they have heard any word on her son. They have nothing to tell her and she wonders why they don't have someone there brave enough to go and find out. Mac comes in at the end of the conversation and asks her about the call. She makes an excuse and then asks her what is new in her life. Mac tells her that Billy and John are staying in Genoa City. Kay asks her about that "handsome" Raul but before a blushing Mac can answer, the doorbell rings. Mac goes to the door and finds Sharon there. She has come to see how things are going for Mac but when she sees Kay home, she is happy that she is back. She asks about her trip but Kay hasn't much to say. When she learns it was Sharon that got Mac into school, she is overjoyed and very appreciative. She sends Mac to school and when they are alone, Kay tells her all about her trip to India. Since there is a chance that Mac will never know her father, it is more important than ever that they keep her here. Sharon says that Mac is smart; all they have to do is direct that energy into something more positive.

Victor comes downstairs and asks where his wife is. Miguel says that she went out before he came down. Victor is puzzled that even Miguel doesn't know where she has gone. Miguel answers the door and Cole waltzes right in, telling Miguel to let Victoria know that he is there to see her. He goes into the living room and greets Victor in a friendly, intimate manner. Victor is surprised to see him there and Cole says that he is there to let Victoria know that he should have his novel finished today and he'll be moving out of the tack house. Victor says he didn't know that Cole was using the tack house again. Cole explains his problem with writing and Victor says that he wishes he had been informed that he was back. He wonders why he would come back here since he divorced his daughter. Cole says that he had a problem with his work and the tack room was where he did his best work. No problem, he assures Victor. Victor says that he hopes this is about finishing his book and not about resuming his relationship with his daughter. Cole seems insulted and coolly tells Victor to give Victoria his message. He turns to leave and Victor harshly asks him if he heard what he said because when it comes to his daughter, he is very worried and very concerned. He will be watching out for her. All right?

Tony returns to the Dennison home to find an upset Megan. He explains walking out on her the night before. She accuses him of going back to Grace's house but he tells her that he called Sally, his old landlady and his old place was empty. He doesn't want to wreck what they have by pushing her into another level, one she isn't ready for. He wants it to be perfect for them since this is the first time in his life he has ever loved someone. Megan is overjoyed that he wants to wait until "they are married."

Meanwhile at Crimson Lights, Grace is waiting for Tricia. When she arrives, Grace tells her that Tony has been staying at her father's house. Tricia doesn't believe it and makes sounds like she regrets trying to get between Tony and Megan. Grace says that she is just hiding her head in the sand; she is in a state of denial. She points out that Tony and Megan are completely different and don't belong together. Tricia accuses Grace of trying to manipulate her just because she wants Tony. Grace says that the ends justify the means. Yes, she wants Tony but doesn't Tricia want to protect her sister? Tricia says that Grace doesn't care at all about her sister. Grace tells her to think about it. She gets up and leaves. After a few moments, Tricia gets up and goes around the corner to the pay phone, completely missing the entrance of Megan and Marnie.

Marnie and Megan sit at the counter and Megan tells her about Tony staying one night at her house. She knows that Tony loves her but how will she know when the time is right to take things further? In jest, Marnie suggests getting married but Megan thinks that is a god idea. Tricia is just coming back into the room but stands back and watches.

At Walnut Grove Academy, Raul and Billy talk. Billy asks him not to tell Mac why he was at the house yesterday. Raul wonders why he doesn't want Mac to like him and Billy says that it is no big deal. Just then, Mac joins them and the first thing she wants to know is what Billy was really doing at her house yesterday. She points out that when he left, he didn't take away any of his things. Billy sees TJ and rushes off, the question unanswered. Raul wonders where Mrs. Chancellor went on her trip and Mac says that she has a feeling that she was looking for her dad. Raul is confused. What would she know about Mac's dad and how to find him? Mac tells him that Mrs. C. is her grandmother. She gives Raul some of her family history and he is amazed that she has been handling all of this alone. He tells her that any time she needs to talk to anyone, he is there for her. Mac goes on to say that she wishes that Kay really had gone in search of her father. Raul listens empathetically as she tells him how as a child she often dreamed of her father coming in and taking her in his arms. Many times she would talk to him and pretend he was there. "I'm glad you told me," Raul says. As they share a kiss, Billy looks on from the open doorway.

At the Chancellor estate, Kay wonders what she should tell Mac. Just then, the phone rings and it is someone from NE in India. She tells Kay that the authorities relate that there were no survivors in the village where Brock was last seen.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 11, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 11, 1999 on Y&R

Thursday, October 14

Unaware that Tricia is secretly listening, Megan boasts to Marnie about her relationshipwith Tony and jokes about eloping with him. Tricia runs to Grace's office and lets herknow what she overheard. She insists that they do something now to stop them. Megansurprises Tony at his place and suggests that they elope. Though he claims that now isnot the right time to get married, Tony assures her that one day he will marry her. Jillarrives at the estate to find Kay crying over the news that there were no survivors inIndia. As she tries to comfort her, Jill advises her that because she wasn't close toBrock over the years, it won't be as hard to deal with his death. Outraged by hercomment, Kay later asks Paul to find a way to oust Jill from the estate. Mac assuresRaul that she didn't mind his kiss. She talks about Kay returning home and how shefantasized that Kay went looking for her father. Billy talks with Raul later who confirmsthat he and Mac are almost "official." Ashley lets Brad join her at lunch where they makesmall talk about her marital troubles. She mentions that she believes in marriage andbeing faithful to her vows but Brad comments that not all marriages are meant to be.Sharon finds Nikki playing with her grandchild again and mentions her visit with Kay.

Jack tells John that they control Jabot again
Jack tells John that they control Jabot again

Jack tells John that they control Jabot again

Friday, October 15

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Edited by SC Desk