Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 26, 1999 on Y&R

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The Newmans hosted a party to celebrate Cassie
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 26, 1999 on Y&R

Billy returned to Genoa City. Christine and Paul told Mary that Christine wasn't pregnant. Tony received his summons to court. Diane gave back her engagement ring. Nikki and Brad met for dinner. There was a special family celebration for Cassie. Jack made Victor an offer.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 26, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 26, 1999 on Y&R

Monday, July 26, 1999

by Meredeth Haley

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Michael comes to Legal Aid bearing a gift of flowers and factitious congratulations on Christine's win against him in court. He lords over her the fact that he knows that before Alice flaked out on him and Cassie charmed Judge Brainard with her last minute appearance in the courtroom, the judge was actually going to rule in his favor. Chris says that if he needs to feels that he "beat" her, then by all means continue that line of thinking. However, he knows that this case was not about the well being of a child but about Michael besting her in the courtroom. Michael reiterates that the Newmans only have Cassie because of luck and tells Chris that they will meet in litigation again and he will prevail. Chris reminds him that she can't prove that he and Alice imprisoned Millie against her will but if she could find one shred of evidence to uphold her suspicions, Michael's law license would be gone in a heartbeat. Michael taunts her, telling her that the problem is she can't prove anything. Chris warns that he still is under her supervision and future unethical behavior could mean the end of his career. Sure that he's sufficiently ruffled Christine's feather's, Michael hands her the flowers adding that she needs to be sure to put them in water. As he turns to leave the office, Chris thrusts his tainted offering in the trashcan. However, Michael has churned Chris's feelings of inadequacy.

Later, Paul finds Chris in tears at their apartment and offers to help in any way he can. Before she can share the day's events with him, they receive a visit from Mary, an early return from her trip to Rome and the Vatican City. She immediately tells Chris that she looks tired and that pregnant women need lots of rest. Without taking a breath, she unfolds a beautiful christening gown that she found on her trip and states that she's not going to wait for the baby to arrive before she begins to spoil it. Seeing Paul and Chris's troubled faces, she asks what's wrong and the two tell her that Chris's suspected pregnancy was just a false alarm. Mary holds Chris in her arms as Chris weeps openly and Mary comforts her, assuring Chris that she and Paul will become pregnant and soon. Sensing that Chris and Paul want to be alone, Mary leaves them with the clich, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try, again." Paul smiles and tells her that's advice they'll be sure to follow. When Mary is gone, Chris collapses into Paul's arms and sobs.

Ashley meets Cole at Gina's and wonders where the bottle of Merlot he promised her earlier is because Cole is drinking soda. He seductively tells her that they are going to need all their strength for the night so they are foregoing the wine. Ashley is intrigued and tells him that it's a good thing they drove two cars or else they might not make it home. They kiss and promise to meet at home as soon as possible. Once Ashley is gone, Cole sees Victoria and Rafael together across the restaurant. Coolness drapes Cole as he walks over to speak.

Victoria and Rafael are in a melancholy mood. He has seen Ashley with her husband and Victoria encourages him to go after her but Rafael admits to Victoria that he doesn't stand a chance with his muse. Besides, she is evidently a very happily married woman. Cole joins them and intentionally announces that he and Ashley are leaving to spend the evening together and reminds Rafael that Ashley did him and his family such a tremendous favor. Rafael acknowledges this and his gratefulness to Ashley. Even more boldly, Cole outright tells Rafael that it's time for him to move on; perhaps move back to Spain or any other of the thousands of places he could paint -- just leave Genoa City. If Rafael stays, Cole promises, the two of them will have serious problems.

Later, Victoria visits the tackhouse and finds Rafael packing. He tells her that in his life, he's had two great loves: "La Senora de Consolada" and Ashley. Since he knows he can never possess either and he must find a way to work and live without them. He is leaving but he invites Victoria to come with him and not spend her days working and thinking about Cole. Victoria tells him that perhaps she has moved on in her life as well but Rafael doesn't buy it. The one thing that Victoria asks from him as a parting gift is the sketch that he painted of Ashley and although Rafael finds it an unusual request, he grants Victoria her wish. Victoria approaches Rafael and they share a long, passionate kiss. Rafael breathlessly contemplates that perhaps he's been painting the wrong face all along. Victoria asks him to stay but he refuses, stating that his home will always be open to her. He picks up his bag and leaves. Victoria stands in the tackhouse alone and bemused.

A promiscuous Nicholas and Sharon fairly tumble down the stairs barely able to keep their hands off one another. They end up on the couch kissing and sharing soft, sweet conversation about their love and their newfound peace and happiness. Cassie, too excited to sleep, interrupts and begs them to allow her to stay up awhile longer. She wants to make sure that this is not a dream and they assure her that they are forever a family now. They discuss the party they're throwing in Cassie's honor tomorrow and she states that she can't wait. Sharon offers Nick some lemonade but Cassie declines Sharon's offer to bring her water. When Sharon is gone, Cassie climbs into Nick's lap and asks him if he's going to be with them forever and he promises that he'll always be there for her because he's not going anywhere. When Sharon returns, she's moved as she sees her daughter asleep in Nick's arms. They huddle together on the couch and that's how Millie finds the trio. She came downstairs because she awoke and found that Cassie was missing from her bed. Watching Cassie sleep, Millie tells Nick and Sharon that Cassie gave her a special gift -- she taught Millie that she was capable of loving someone. She only wishes that she could have been the kind of mother that Alice needed and worries about Alice being all alone. Nick tries to comfort Millie by telling her she must have done something right or else Alice would never have been so selfless where Cassie's future was concerned.

Billy surprises Jill by arriving at the mansion unannounced. When Billy enters the living room, Katherine re-introduces Mac and she and Billy exchange passing hellos. Jill offers Billy something to eat but he declines, stating that he ate on the flight. Perhaps some cookies and ice cream then, Jill asks? Although Billy declines, Katherine and Mac exit to forage in the kitchen themselves, giving Jill and her son a chance to be alone. Billy immediately tells Jill that he isn't here by choice and explains about his friend Dylan's appendectomy and John's plans to go to Australia with Traci and Steve. He is furious with his father for not trusting him enough to allow him to stay on his own in New York. Jill strikes an unpleasant chord with Billy when she upholds John's concerns. Billy is rude and refuses to speak to his mother. She quietly states that she doesn't care how he got there, she's just glad that he'll be with her this summer and exits.

Katherine enters and tells Billy that she couldn't help but overhear his conversation with Jill. With complete disrespect, Billy tells Katherine that he blames HER for his visit to GC as much as his father. He knows that John called Katherine and asked if he could stay at the mansion. It was probably Katherine's open invitation that put the last nail in Billy's carefree summer coffin. However, Katherine takes no guff from the young upstart. Mac has overheard Billy ranting at Katherine and listens as Katherine advises Billy not to grouse about his summer plans. After all, it's not like he's imprisoned. As soon as Katherine departs, Mac enters the living room and tells Billy that he can speak to his mother any way he wants but he'd "better back off Mrs. C." Billy disdainfully wants to know who Mac is to Katherine and Mac replies that she's Katherine's friend. Billy blows past Mac and she decides that Billy and his mother are just alike. "What a creep!" Mac mutters as Billy storms upstairs.

Ashley and Cole are having a romp in bed when they take time out to talk. Cole shares with her the events that took place at Gina's after she left and tells her that he knows that Rafael is totally enamored with her. Ashley finds that assessment surprising and is amused that Cole has warned Rafael off. Suddenly impassioned by her husband's show of possessiveness, the two begin blistering the bedsheets once again.

In Madison, the Johnson house sits gloomy and silent. Alice huddles in a chair and it's obvious she's been crying for hours, her face tearstained and nose red from the excessive use of tissues. She stares across at the oversized teddy bear that sits on the couch and is reminded that she could not buy Cassie's affections. She slowly walks to the couch and curls on top of the bear as if it could absorb the pain and emptiness that now pours from her heart and soul. She gently embraces it, her body racked with sobs, perhaps hoping that its arms will magically enfold her and bring her some shred of comfort in her lonely solitude.

Victor and Nikki host a party at the Newman Ranch to celebrate Cassie
Victor and Nikki host a party at the Newman Ranch to celebrate Cassie's adoption

Victor and Nikki host a party at the Newman Ranch to celebrate Cassie's adoption

Tuesday, July 27, 1999

by Anne Carpenter

At Paul and Christine's house, Christine shared her concerns with Paul after Michael Baldwin paid her a visit at the Legal Aid office. Paul asked Christine about Michael's visit. Christine told Paul that Michael had claimed she'd won her case against him due to luck. Christine added that there was more than a little truth to Michael's claim. Paul disagreed and insisted that the case had turned out as it should have because Cassie belonged with Nick and Sharon, adding that any other outcome would have been tragic.

Christine remained unconvinced and noted that whenever she faced Michael in the courtroom, she desired to beat him outright. Paul told Christine that she was the best in town and would have additional opportunities to lock horns with Michael. Paul, noticing Christine's unsettled mood, assured her that the Newmans would understand if she opted to skip their party. Christine said attending would be a perfect opportunity to celebrate her victory and enjoy fun and fresh air.

At Nick and Sharon's house, Sharon consulted with Miguel to finalize preparations for the party celebrating Cassie's official adoption. Cassie arrived downstairs and overheard Miguel mention that he'd baked a pan of brownies as a surprise. Cassie interrupted and said she loved brownies. Miguel laughed and told Cassie he had lots of other surprises she didn't know about. Cassie replied, "This is going to be the best day of my whole life." Nick entered through the front door and proudly announced that the pool decorations were all set. Sharon asked Nick to help Cassie find her swimsuit while she dressed Noah.

After Nick whisked Cassie upstairs and Miguel left, Tony Viscardi phoned Sharon and congratulated her. Sharon invited Tony to join the celebration party, but he declined, explaining that he had too much work to do. Nick carried Noah downstairs and said, "All right. The Newman dudes are ready to party." Nick asked Sharon who'd phoned. Sharon explained that Tony had called to offer congratulations, so she'd invited him to the party.

Nick asked Sharon if she'd forgotten that Tony lived with Grace. Sharon replied, "Maybe I should've invited her, too." Sharon added that Grace had taken the stand on their behalf in court and cared a lot for Cassie. Nick told Sharon not to worry about inviting Grace because there was no reason to rock the boat. Cassie, holding a colorful beach ball, joined her parents and Noah and said she was ready to head to the pool.

At the home Tony shared with Grace Turner, Grace overheard Tony talking to Sharon on the phone. Tony explained that he'd called Sharon to congratulate her and Nick for being awarded custody of Cassie. Grace questioned Tony about Sharon having invited him and not her. Grace was miffed and complained that she hadn't been invited despite all she had done for Nick and Sharon. Grace threatened to unleash her frustrations should the Newmans snub her again. Tony tried to change the subject, but Grace expressed her displeasure about Megan Dennison often showing up to visit him.

Tony explained to Grace that Megan's father had returned to town, so she'd stopped by to warn him to steer clear of the vengeful man. Tony sorted through the mail and opened a letter from the state attorney's office. He read the letter aloud and said, "The grand jury has returned indictment on charges of conspiracy and grand theft auto. You are required to appear for arraignment and plea before Judge Jennings." Tony said he could handle it, but he was concerned about Megan and wished there was some way to get her out of it.

Victor and Nikki entered the pool patio and admired the festive decorations and tables laden with food. Victor said, "This is a momentous occasion. I'm surprised you didn't hire a marching band." Nikki teased that it had crossed her mind. Cassie walked steps ahead of Nick, Sharon, and Noah and said, "We're here!" Cassie was in awe of the balloons and party fare and said everything looked great.

Miguel pushed Doris in her wheelchair along the narrow pathway to the patio and said, "The other grandmother has just arrived." Cassie greeted Doris with a hug. After Paul and Christine arrived, Miguel announced that the food was ready. Victoria arrived and told Nikki the party was nice. Nikki consoled Victoria after hearing that Victoria's boyfriend Rafael had moved back to Spain. Victoria insisted that she and Rafael had just been friends.

Millie Johnson, the woman who'd been Cassie's caregiver, greeted Cassie. Cassie told Millie she was glad to see her then Cassie excitedly rushed off to play. Millie told Nick and Sharon that she feared Cassie believed Millie would be staying at the Newman ranch. Nick and Sharon told Millie she could stay as long as she liked. Millie insisted she'd never impose.

After Nick and Sharon stepped away, Doris told Millie that Nick and Sharon had been serious about their offer and that Cassie would enjoy having her stay nearby. Millie worried that she'd be in the way. Doris invited Millie to stay with her in her small apartment. Doris thanked Millie for giving Sharon and their family a new life and said they'd never forget the sacrifice she'd made by going against her own flesh and blood. Millie watched as Cassie played with Nick and Sharon and said it was all worth it to see Cassie happy.

Victor approached Christine and thanked her. Christine gave credit to Millie and her testimony. Victor replied, "I think you'd have won that case without Millie." Victor told Christine she'd made the Newmans very happy and noted how great it had to have been to beat Michael Baldwin. Christine replied, "All's well that ends well."

Christine told Victor she was prepared to assist him with his business situation. Victor expressed concern about Christine's health and offered to give her time to rest. Victor later approached Paul and asked him if he was aware that Christine planned to join Victor's legal team. Paul admitted he was concerned about Christine because the custody case had left her emotionally drained.

Nick poured Sharon a glass of lemonade and offered a toast to mark the end of their nightmare. Sharon admitted she'd been worried and credited Christine Williams for her role and Nick for being supportive. Nick gathered the guests together and first acknowledged his father's return to town. Then, Nick knelt down before Cassie and said, "We got our little girl, and you are in our family now, for good. I thank God for you every day, Cassie. You'll never know how much I love you."

Cassie wrapped her arms around Nick and hugged him. Nick told Sharon he loved her forever and always. Sharon said, "The darkest hour is right before the dawn. Nicholas and I are a testament to that. We've just gone through the roughest time in our lives, but it proves what love and faith can accomplish. Now we have each other."

Victor thanked everyone for attending the party and said he'd once thought he might never see any of them ever again, so he was grateful to celebrate the beautiful day with his wonderful family. Cassie asked to make a speech. She said, "This is the most wonderful pool party I've ever been to. I've always dreamed of having a big family, and now my dreams have come true. I think I'm just about the luckiest little girl in the whole world." Cassie took Sharon's hand and said, "Thank you, Mommy." She took Nick's hand and said, "Thank you, Daddy." Cassie lifted her eyes toward the skies and said, "Thank you, God, for keeping us all together."

At the Chancellor mansion, Mackenzie Browning, Katherine Chancellor's granddaughter, greeted her grandmother and explained that she'd gotten up early to check out job listings. Katherine told Mackenzie she'd give her spending money. Mackenzie explained that from an early age she'd held various jobs to earn money and would feel odd not earning her keep, though she noted that her grandmother's home was far from town. Katherine offered to drive Mackenzie to work, but the young woman scoffed jokingly at the idea of showing up at a minimum-wage job in a car driven by a chauffeur.

Katherine said it was unnecessary for Mackenzie to get a job, but Mackenzie was adamant about doing so and told Katherine she wouldn't allow her grandmother to talk her out of it. Billy overheard and said, "Talk you out of what?" Mackenzie glared at Billy and replied, "It's personal." Billy asked to talk to Katherine alone.

After Mackenzie stepped out, Billy apologized for having been rude, and he asked Katherine to let him handle his mother on his own. Katherine graciously accepted Billy's apology. After Billy stepped out, Mackenzie returned. Katherine told Mackenzie that she'd hoped having Billy around might have helped calm Jill down. Katherine changed the subject and offered to drive Mackenzie to town herself to apply for a job.

After Katherine and Mackenzie left, Jill joined Billy downstairs. Billy apologized for having lashed out at his mother. Jill recalled that Billy had said very hurtful things. Billy cried that he'd been upset and frustrated. Jill replied, "I know. Because you're being forced to stay here with me." Jill told Billy he should accept the situation. Jill suggested they make plans for the summer because she hadn't worked anything out. Billy reminded Jill that he was 16 and didn't need his mother to make plans for him.

Billy asked his mother if he could borrow her car. Jill told Billy where he could find the keys. Jill asked Billy to keep in touch and call her at the office. Before Billy rushed off, Jill admitted she wanted to spend some time with him. Billy, seemingly giving his quick reply little thought, said he didn't know why because Jill hadn't spent time with him when he'd been a little kid. Jill became visibly distraught, and Billy apologized for hurting her. Billy admitted there were a lot of things he'd rather not think about, and he left.

Megan Dennison attempted to sneak out of her father's house. Keith Dennison, always the overprotective father, caught Megan before she could make a quick exit and asked her where she was going. Megan explained that a family issue involving Keith's son-in-law Ryan McNeil had been a mistake. Keith complained that his daughter Tricia's spouse should have been prepared to become a father, adding that Ryan's unexpected reaction to the pregnancy news had hurt Tricia and made her cry.

Keith couldn't contain his frustration and insisted that Tricia deserved a man who'd hold her hand and help her through her pregnancy. Megan advised her father to not interfere and to allow Tricia and Ryan to work through their problems on their own. Keith expressed doubt that Ryan would do the right thing after acting as if his wife's pregnancy was a major inconvenience. Megan seemed concerned after she was unable to convince her father he was being unreasonable.

At Ryan and Tricia's house, Ryan served Tricia dry toast for breakfast. Suffering from morning sickness, Tricia nibbled the toast and told Ryan she hoped she wouldn't become sick after eating it. Tricia thanked Ryan for looking after her. Ryan replied, "Tricia, just because I'm not doing cartwheels over this pregnancy -- I'm not a monster. I hate it when we fight, and we've been doing way too much of that lately." Tricia grew teary-eyed and told Ryan it was the nicest thing he'd said to her in days. Ryan admitted that a friend had talked to him about adjusting his attitude and making the best of an unplanned situation.

Tricia apologized on behalf of her father for him having made a scene. Ryan noted that Keith was just worried, though he admitted he didn't appreciate his father-in-law's constant criticism. Ryan expressed concern about their tight financial situation and said he doubted Victor would give him back his position at Newman Enterprises. Tricia insisted that Ryan not give up. Keith stopped by to check on Tricia. Keith said he'd stopped by because he had ideas about ways he could offer help. Ryan seemed apprehensive about what his father-in-law had in mind.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 26, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 26, 1999 on Y&R

Wednesday, July 28, 1999

by Lorie Ehmer

Jack and Brad are discussing the company status, waiting on a late Michael Baldwin to arrive. They try to assure one another that there is no way that Victor can retake the company. Michael arrives and asks what is up? Jack tells him of Victor's claim that he can have Jack and Brad out in one year, even if it means crippling the company financially. Michael doesn't believe that Victor will do this. Brad announces that he has "places to go and people to see" and he leaves. Jack continues to press Michael for proof that all the "roadblocks" are in place. Michael tells him that where the law is concerned that "anything is possible, but highly unlikely" that Victor can retake Newman Enterprises. He reminds Jack that he "has the upper hand, use it!"

The pool party at the ranch is a huge success! Victor tells Nikki that "the most important thing in my life is family!" Nick and Sharon share a kiss as Cassie smiles at the scene before her. Millie and Doris watch the fun and Millie declares "Everything is as it should be." Chris gets a phone call, she must leave to take a deposition. When Paul goes to get their things, a tired Chris rubs her eyes. Victor stops Paul and asks about Chris being close to "burnout." He tells Paul that he has "something in the works" and will call him later. When Chris tells Cassie goodbye, Cassie tells her that one day when she is grown up she may become a lawyer like Chris so she can help people too! Chris is very touched by this remark and hugs Cassie.

Tony shows Grace the letter from the Grand Jury. They have returned an indictment against him for conspiracy and grand theft auto. He must appear in court for an arraignment. He expresses the possibility of serving time in jail. Grace won't believe that he will go to jail! Tony realizes that Megan will be getting a letter too. He has to warn her before her father finds out!

Keith offers job leads to Ryan. Ryan rejects them saying that he has his own "contacts." Keith reminds Ryan of his "obligations", wife, baby, etc. Ryan knows what his obligations are and says he must leave now before he says something that he will regret! As the door closes, Trish gives her dad a disgusted look for this new trouble he has caused. Keith tells her that he thought Ryan would be grateful! Trish says that he has upset everything and to stay out of it! The phone rings, it's Tony looking for Megan. Trish tells him that she doesn't know where Meg is and hangs up. Keith guesses that it was Tony on the phone and asks Trish to tell him about Tony. Trish makes an excuse about being tired and avoids saying anything.

While the party continues, Vicki takes her father aside to remind him of how Ryan put his neck on the line for them. Victor tells her that he will reward Ryan for his loyalty. Nikki is telling Sharon how she feels like Victor's "mistress" in a triangle with him and his company when Victor walks up to them and announces that he has business to attend to.

Ryan shows up at Gina's restaurant. He complains to Gina about his father-in-law being "a pain in the butt!" Gina listens and sympathizes as Ryan continues to moan about Trish's dad meddling in their lives. He tells Gina about the pregnancy and the bad timing. His cell phone rings, it's Victor wanting him to come to the ranch right now! Ryan leaves in a hurry.

Megan gets a call at home from Trish to come over right away. She doesn't see the letter from the court sitting on the coffee table. When Meg arrives at Trish's apartment, she learns that her dad was asking questions about Tony. Trish assures her that she told him nothing. Neither of them want him to find out about Meg's arrest. They agree that it would be best for both of their current situations if Keith went back to London.

Victor greets Ryan at the ranch. He tells him that he is aware of Ryan's loyalty and his family is grateful. Victor has decided to reward Ryan and makes him "assistant to the founder." He assures Ryan that the position is valid and declares that "Jack and Brad won't get rid of me!" After Victor leaves the room, Vicki arrives and asks Ryan why he is at the ranch. He plays coy with her at first then tells her of her father's job offer. She is happy for him! He tells Vicki that she "will have to get her act together, she has to answer to him now!" She gives him a congratulatory peck on the cheek. Ryan asks her if she had a hand in getting him the new job? "I owe you" he says. "No, we owe you! Vicki replies. He tells her that it is amazing that they are still friends. Vicki tells him that he will always be special, he's her first love! She moves in close and gives him several juicy kisses and he offers no resistance.

When Victor gets a call from John Silva and has to leave to take the call, Nikki pouts as she starts cleaning up from the party. Her cell phone rings, it's Brad.

Keith is at home, just about to pick up the mail when the doorbell rings. He opens the door to find Tony on the other side.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 26, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 26, 1999 on Y&R

Thursday, July 29, 1999

by Soap Central

Tony is surprised when Megan's dad answers the door. He asks for Meg and when Keith says that she isn't in, he thanks him and is about to leave. However, Keith guesses that he is Tony and he invites him in. A nervous Tony tries to get away by saying that he has things to do, but Keith is insistent. Inside the house, Keith begins to interrogate Tony about who he is, what he does, and how he met Megan. He thinks that it is good that Tony is a hard worker trying to start his own business. He is impressed when Tony says that Megan loves him and thinks that he is a great dad. Tony continues to edge toward the door but Keith is following right behind him. He asks to take him and Megan to dinner. When Tony agrees, he says that tonight is as good as any other. Tony says that he should ask Megan before making plans. He finally escapes.

Victor arrives at Legal Aid to see Chris. He comments that she looks tired. He thinks he has the perfect answer for her. He presents her with a brochure for a three-week legal conference in Hawaii. She is impressed with all the big name lawyers that will be attending but doesn't think that she can take the time off. He convinces her that this is important; she will come back with a new perspective and can do more to help him. Finally, she agrees to go. He gives her the tickets and tells her that after the three weeks are up, she is to stay for one more week, on him, as a resting period. After he leaves, Paul comes into the office and tells her that Victor has already asked him if it would be okay for Chris to be away. He then announces that he has cleared his desk and their plane leaves in three hours.

When Victor returns to his office, Ryan comes in and asks him about his office. Victor tells him that for now he will have the same office. Ryan is worried that Jack and Ryan will not accept him working back at Newman but Victor isn't worried at all. He says that they will just have to get used to it. He reminds Ryan of the importance of his new job. Ryan says how grateful he is and Victor says that he did this for his daughter, not Ryan. After Ryan leaves the office, Victor calls someone and tells them that he wants Michael Baldwin's phone tapped. He wants to learn all the dirty little secrets that he can so that he can get rid of him.

Megan is still with Tricia talking about their father. They both agree that it would be best for each of them if their dad went back to London as soon as possible. Megan doesn't want him to find out about her arrest and Tricia doesn't want him causing more problems with her husband. Ryan returns home as they are talking. He gives them the good news that he has a job and he is Assistant to the Founder, Victor Newman. Megan has to leave. Tricia is happy that he has such a prestigious job but wonders how it came about. Ryan lets it slip that Victoria had a lot to do with it. She calmly accepts this. When Ryan expresses his surprise, she says that she doesn't like or trust Victoria, but she really came through for him and she is grateful for that.

Nick and Sharon are all lovey-dovey, promising that nothing will ever come between them again when Millie comes out on the patio with them. She thanks the young couple for allowing her to live with them these few days. Nick says that she is welcome to stay as long as she wishes. She doesn't want to interfere. She is also grateful to Doris for inviting her to stay at her apartment. Sharon says that Doris means it so if she doesn't want to stay with them, she should consider taking her mother up on the offer. Millie explains more about how she raised Alice, trying to see to it that Alice grew up knowing that she had to be tough and know how to take care of herself. She mentions that the last few days before the trial ended, she had the feeling that Alice was reaching out to her and wanted to be a family. But now, she says, she doesn't feel like they have a chance. She says that she is afraid of going back to her house with Alice there. Sharon says that it is her house and she shouldn't allow Alice to put her out if going home is what she wants to do.

Brad calls Nikki and they make a date to meet for lunch. Vicki is listening to the conversation. When her mother comes back downstairs, dressed to go out, Vicki confronts her. She says that her father needs her and her support now more than ever. Nikki says that Victor isn't at home and she doesn't know when he will be home. She shares a secret with Vicki. She says that there are times when she hopes that Jack and Brad's plan works and Victor loses the company. Vicki is shocked. The company means the world to her father. Exactly, Nikki says. She has been competing with the company since before Vicki was born and she is tired of playing second fiddle. She would like to come first for a change.

Alice is sprawled on the sofa looking sad. The phone rings and she finally answers it. It is the temp agency calling to say that they have a "gig" for her. She says that she can't make it; she tells them that she is sick. A little later, there is a knock at the door and she ignores it. But the person at the door will not give up. Eventually Alice can't ignore it any longer and goes to the door. She is surprised to see Sharon standing there.

When Nikki meets Brad at the Lodge, she is surprised that he knows that there was a party for Cassie and that Victor was no longer at home. He plays on her insecurities about Victor. He tells her that if he were Victor, he wouldn't be spending all his time with business. She doesn't believe him. He goes on to tell her that he didn't come back for the takeover, which was just an excuse. He says that he really came back for her. He asks her what she would say if he told her that he would give up the entire takeover. She still doesn't believe that he would do that. He says that he didn't say he would; he asks her what she would say if he offered. He tells her that for her, he would give up everything. He would open a bookstore; run a restaurant, anything if it meant that he would have her. He gets up and leans over and kisses her passionately. It is a long kiss that Nikki can't help but respond to it.

Megan returns home but tells Keith that she is only there to pick up a book for her friend, Marnie. He tells her that he met her friend, Tony. He says that he isn't the man that he would want her to end up with but for now, he is a nice enough young man. Megan is nervous about what was said but also wants to leave the house. While she is getting the book, Keith picks up the mail and begins to go through it. Just as Megan returns to the living room, he finds the letter from the court. He begins to tease her about getting cited for failing to yield or speeding. She admits that that is what it is. He says he has had his share of tickets and he will help her get out of it. No! She says. She wants to be on her own and handle her own problems. He laughs and says that that is what Dad's are for. He tears in to the envelope as Megan stands there like a cornered deer.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 26, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 26, 1999 on Y&R

Friday, July 30Today's recap was provided by Dianna Burrows

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