Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 19, 1999 on Y&R

SC Desk
Nick and Sharon were awarded custody of Cassie
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 19, 1999 on Y&R

Nikki continued to see Brad, even though Victoria had warned her to stop playing around. Victor learned that Jill had caused the quorum at the board meeting that had allowed Jack and Brad to pass the ''golden parachute'' deal. Victor and Victoria ganged up on Jill and accused her of being an Abbott spy. Keith returned unexpectedly and got the news of Tricia's pending motherhood. Victor met with Diane and learned something interesting. Nick and Sharon were awarded custody of Cassie. Christine nearly collapsed at the end of the hearing; Paul was worried about her. Callie and Olivia had a heated discussion about Malcolm.

Sharon and Nick win custody of Cassie
Sharon and Nick win custody of Cassie

Sharon and Nick win custody of Cassie

Monday, July 19, 1999

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by Jenny Smith

In the courtroom, the judge cited some serious issues that had been raised about the family that was petitioning for custody of Cassie. Miss Holiday suddenly burst into the courtroom and announced that there was someone asking to be heard, and she thought the judge should listen. Cassie appeared in the doorway, and Sharon wondered what the girl was doing there. Cassie apologized for interrupting, but she proclaimed that she had something important to say. Sharon explained that the judge was busy, but Cassie stepped past her and requested to speak to the judge.

The judge instructed Nick to show Cassie to a seat as Christine and Holiday approached the bench. Holiday explained that she'd talked to Cassie, and she felt it was important that the child be given an opportunity to speak. The judge voiced concern that it might harm Cassie, but Holiday advised that Cassie only stood to be traumatized if she wasn't heard. Christine saw no reason to object, and the judge granted Cassie her day in court. Nick led Cassie to the witness stand.

Cassie revealed that she knew Sharon and Christine had told the judge that Cassie didn't want to go with Alice, but she understood that she might have to go with Alice, anyway. Cassie promised to try hard to be happy in Madison if that ended up happening, but she wanted the judge to know why she wanted to stay there with her mommy, Nick, and Noah. Cassie asserted that she had a real family. She recognized that Millie had taken care of her and loved her, but it hadn't been the same.

Cassie turned to Millie and said she was sorry. Millie assured her that it was okay and prompted her to go on. Cassie recognized that Millie had tried hard and been nice to her, but she'd since learned what it was like to have a family with a mommy, a daddy, and a little brother. Cassie enthused that when the kids at school talked about their parents, she could finally tell them all about hers, too, and everything was perfect.

The judge asked if Cassie was aware that sometimes things hadn't been perfect between Nick and Sharon. Cassie confirmed that she did, but she'd always known that they loved one another. Cassie acknowledged that they had to obey the law, but she hoped the law would let her continue to stay with them. Cassie added that she didn't have anything else to say, and the judge noted that the girl had said quite a lot. Cassie gazed at Sharon, who stood up and extended her arms. Cassie raced into them as Sharon sobbed.

The judge promised not to keep Cassie waiting, but she needed to talk to the adults for a moment. Holiday escorted Cassie out of the courtroom. The judge acknowledged that everyone had waited long enough, and she prepared to make a ruling. She referred to the significant issues about the stability of the Newmans' marriage and their deception about their relationship, and she wasn't comfortable with ignoring it. The judge continued that she also couldn't ignore Cassie's statement, in which the girl had described being part of a functioning family unit with meaningful relationships she hadn't experienced before.

The judge considered Cassie's compelling testimony and the absence of testimony about Cassie's wholesome environment being at risk, and she thought it would be a travesty to remove Cassie from her circumstances. The judge ruled that Nick and Sharon be awarded custody of Cassie -- at first as foster parents for six months, with Holiday continuing to observe to ensure Cassie received the care and love she deserved. The judge recommended that Nick and Sharon proceed with their petition for adoption to make Cassie legally their own, and she adjourned the hearing. Nick and Sharon happily embraced, and Christine sank down into her chair in relief. Sharon cried that it was finally over, and Cassie was really theirs. Christine tearfully looked on as Nick and Sharon rejoiced.

Holiday returned with Cassie, who learned that they'd won. Cassie happily hugged Sharon and gushed that she'd get to stay with her family. Sharon thanked Holiday for everything, and the social worker said she was glad the system had worked. Nick praised Christine for the amazing job she'd done and thought he couldn't thank her enough. Christine replied that seeing the love and joy of their family was all she needed.

Sharon credited Christine for giving her hope when she'd been afraid of losing her little girl. Cassie threw her arms around Christine and swore that she'd never forget what Christine had done for her and her family. Christine prepared to leave, but Nick insisted that she and Paul join them to celebrate. Christine declined because she believed the Newmans needed to be together as a family, and she departed. Cassie invited Millie to go home with them because Millie was family, too. Cassie joined hands with Nick and Sharon, and Millie followed them out.

Nick, Sharon, Cassie, and Millie returned to a brightly decorated cottage. Lisa appeared with baby Noah in her arms and mentioned that Christine had called to pass along the wonderful news. Lisa added that the decorations had been Sharon's idea, and Sharon explained that she'd bought them weeks earlier, when they'd been more confident. Sharon admitted that she'd never been more frightened in her whole life, and she hugged Cassie and marveled that their little girl was there to stay. Lisa considered it to be a time for family, and she handed Noah to Sharon and headed out.

Millie thought she should also leave the Newmans to celebrate, but Cassie insisted that Millie stay. Cassie apologized if she'd hurt Millie's feelings in court, but Millie swore that she'd told the judge the very same thing Cassie had -- only Cassie had done it better. Cassie and Millie embraced, and Nick suggested that they celebrate with ice cream and chocolate syrup. Millie opted to lie down after a long day, and Sharon led her upstairs to the guest room. Cassie happily offered to help Nick get the sundaes ready.

After indulging in ice cream, Cassie, Sharon, and Nick declared that they were stuffed. Nick wondered what had made Cassie decide to go into court and speak to the judge. Cassie shared that she'd heard them talking the night before about being worried they were going to lose, so she'd called Mr. Morgenstern's office after Sharon and Millie had left for court. Miss Holiday had then stopped by, and Cassie had begged the social worker to let her talk in court.

Cassie asked if Nick and Sharon were mad at her, but Nick insisted that he was proud of her for having the courage to tell everyone how she felt. Sharon felt that Cassie had been the one person who'd really gotten through to the judge, but Cassie didn't think she was what had made the difference. Cassie revealed that she'd prayed for it really hard, and she guessed that God had heard her because He'd answered her prayers. Cassie looked heavenward and thanked God, and Sharon and Nick wrapped their arms around her in a group hug.

At Newman Enterprises, Victor barked orders over the phone to cancel a transaction that Jack had authorized. Neil entered and presented Victor with a dossier about Jack and Brad's attempt to steal the company. Neil reported that the men had covered their tracks well, but he planned to continue to document every move they made. Victor snarled that the company he'd spent a lifetime building stood to be taken away by backstabbers.

Neil swore that preserving the company meant everything to him. Victor recalled that he'd had a strange feeling at the board meeting, and he still thought something odd was going on because the Matheson deal had been one of Jack's pet projects. Victor realized that Jack had known that he hadn't had enough votes to push the project through, and he questioned why Jack had allowed his proposal to be shot down.

Neil speculated that Jack and Brad had assumed that Victor wouldn't show up to the meeting, since he'd just gotten back from his ordeal in New Mexico. Victor doubted that Jack would be that sloppy, and he knew that Jack never stuck his neck out unless he knew it wouldn't be chopped off. Victor wanted to investigate further and be ready to move as soon as the time was right. He instructed Neil to tell Jill not to leave town, since they might need her. Neil headed out.

Jill sat at her desk, crying and drinking. There was a knock at the door, and she set her glass out of immediate sight. Neil entered and mentioned that Victor had found Jack and Brad's Achilles' heel, so they needed to be on alert. Neil advised Jill that they'd be moving quickly, so she had to stay close to home and cancel any business trips. Jill grumbled that she had nowhere to go, and Neil asked what was wrong. He sniffed her breath and asked if she'd been drinking.

Jill snippily asked if Neil had ever heard of a business lunch, but Neil queried whether hers had been business or liquid. He encouraged her to talk about whatever was wrong, but she insisted it was nothing. He pointed out that she was tying one on at the office, but she snapped that she functioned as well as anyone. Neil lectured that she did when she was sober, but her personal problems didn't give her the right to fall apart at the seams. Jill maintained that she was fine, and she sauntered out. A skeptical Neil looked around her desk and found a half-empty glass of booze. He smelled it and grimaced.

At the Athletic Club, Jack reviewed some documents and was surprised by Grace's suggestion that they upgrade Newman's classic products. Grace remarked that there was always room for improvement, and Jack called her a beautiful woman with quite a head on her shoulders. He added that Newman was lucky to have her. She replied that it meant a lot to hear it, but she voiced concern about her future. He assumed that she thought it was just a matter of time before he and Brad were out on their rear ends, but he suggested that she think again.

Diane arrived at the club and joined Marissa at a table. Diane groaned when she spotted Jack and Grace together, noting that her fianc was out with a gorgeous young blonde. Marissa pointed out that it could be a business lunch, and Diane grumbled that her board vote seemed to be the only thing that mattered to Jack. Diane questioned whether Jack had ever really loved her, and Marissa recounted that Diane had hurt him once. Diane wondered if he was getting back at her for breaking their engagement and marrying Victor instead. Diane wanted to believe in Jack with all her soul, but she didn't know if she could. Victor called Diane and requested to speak with her.

Meanwhile, Grace noted that Jack seemed very confident. He contended that he and Brad hadn't wrestled control of the company only to hand it back, and he advised her not to count them out. She hoped he was right, and he assured her that she'd hitched her horse to the right carriage. He excused himself to make a call.

Michael grabbed a drink at the bar and approached Grace, who snapped that she wasn't interested in whatever he had to say. He noted that she obviously hadn't heard that Alice had lost the custody case. Michael expected Grace to be thrilled that she didn't have to feel guilty anymore, and she tried to dismiss him. He observed that she'd set her sights pretty high on Jack -- another man who would reject her. Michael contemplated warning Jack about what he was in for. Jack returned, and Michael left them to enjoy their lunch.

Victor joined Diane and said he was very anxious to speak with her. He sympathized that she was going through a difficult time, and she questioned what had made him think that. Victor recognized that they'd both made mistakes, and Diane scoffed at the idea of the great, infallible Victor Newman making such an admission. He recalled that she'd told him she wasn't bitter, and she reminded him that he'd dumped her and broken her heart. He regretted that he'd hurt her deeply.

Diane coolly asked Victor to do them both a favor and cut to the chase. He leaned in and claimed that he wanted to bury the hatchet. Victor suggested that he and Diane let bygones be bygones, so they could become friends again. Diane said she looked at him and could only see another man trying to use her, and she grabbed her purse and walked out. A pleased Victor thought to himself that she had just indicated that she knew Jack was using her. Victor pondered whether it might be the perfect time to make his move.

Jack observed Diane and Victor's conversation. Grace asked if it was a problem, and Jack was sure the "Moustache" would like to think it was. Grace again wondered why Jack was so confident. "All in good time, Grace," Jack replied, adding that she would know soon enough.

At the Abbott mansion, Ashley and Cole cuddled in bed, and he couldn't believe that she was playing hooky from work. Ashley suggested that she do something special by cooking for him, but he replied that he wasn't hungry. She seductively inquired whether he had no appetite at all, and he amorously responded that he'd never said that. They kissed passionately.

Cole fed Ashley some fruit, and she fawned over her sexy husband hand-feeding her mangoes. He inquired whether she ever fantasized about going away on an extended vacation. He figured that she didn't because she was a career woman who had responsibilities, but she argued that she was entitled to a fantasy life, too. She envisioned the two of them on an isolated tropical island, surrounded by pristine beaches with a cascading waterfall behind them. Cole guessed that she'd expect him to feed her mangoes all day long, but Ashley pictured ravishing one another in the pounding surf. They kissed.

Mrs. Martinez rapped on the door with an urgent delivery from Newman for Ashley. Cole encouraged Ashley to open it, and he planned to take a shower before getting back to work himself. Ashley pledged her love, and Cole replied that he'd meet her that night under the waterfall. He stepped out, and she examined the contents of the envelope. She discovered plans to finalize a new employment contract, stock option plan, and severance package with Newman's present chief executive officers. Ashley hissed that Jack and Brad had gone too far that time.

At Paul's office, Paul complained to Lynne that every time he tried to slip out to meet Christine at the courthouse, he was met with another crisis to deal with. He was surprised that he hadn't heard from his wife yet, and Lynne chirped that no news was good news. Paul recalled how supportive Christine had been of the rights of adoptive parents, and Lynne asked if he thought the judge wouldn't be fair. Paul worried that what was fair under the law might not be enough for Sharon and Nick, and he hoped the judge had a heart.

Christine showed up and revealed that the judge had ruled that Cassie could stay with Nick and Sharon. Paul hugged her, but Christine looked upset. Lynne congratulated Christine and stepped out to let Paul and Christine celebrate in private. Paul complimented Christine on the wonderful job she'd done with the case, but she fought against tears. He wondered what was wrong, but she wasn't sure.

Christine stressed that Cassie, Nick, and Sharon had won, but she wasn't sure what had happened to her, since her stomach was churning. Christine referred to it as terminal combat fatigue, but Paul figured that it was just temporary. She lamented that, win or lose, it was always a letdown after going through something like that. He understood that her emotions had been running high, and she bemoaned that professional detachment wasn't something that was taught in law school.

Paul pointed out that Christine hadn't been dealing with corporate contracts or estate planning but had been fighting for a little girl's future. Christine was sure that Cassie would be fine, but Christine was worn out. Paul cradled her in his arms, and she wailed that she honestly didn't know if she could go through something like that again, since the next person who walked into legal aid might totally tear her heart out.

Christine didn't understand why she was overcome with emotion, and Paul noted that she'd been wound up pretty tight. He cheerfully pointed out that the bright side was that Michael had lost, and she reveled in the fact that her opponent had been totally blindsided. Paul hoped Michael choked on his defeat. Christine mused that she hadn't seen that look in Michael's eyes in a long time, and she didn't want to run into him anytime soon.

In his office, Michael muttered that every time he thought he'd dealt with Christine, she turned the tables on him, and he was getting "damn tired" of it. He ominously stated that she might have won that round, but it wasn't over yet.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 19, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 19, 1999 on Y&R

Tuesday, July 20

by Lorie Ehmer

Victoria was waiting in her father's office when Neil and Victor entered. She asked what was wrong. Neil handed her the minutes of the last board meeting. He told her about the large severance package that Brad and Jack had approved for themselves. To fire the two of them would cost Newman Enterprises millions. Victor got on the phone to consult with John Silva on the legalities of it. John informed him that the motion was valid and binding unless they could prove malfeasance.

Victor was sure that Michael Baldwin had set the situation up. Victor realized that they couldn't afford to vote Jack and Brad out at the next meeting as they had planned. Victoria realized that the motion had passed before she and Neil had shown up at the meeting. Victor remarked that they were dealing with snakes, and the way to kill a snake was to cut off its head. They observed that the quorum had included Jill.

Neil thought Jill's judgment was impaired due to her recent drinking and personal problems. That was news to Victor. He speculated as to whether Jill had ever been on their side and raised the possibility that she might even be a spy for Jack and Brad. He decided to call her in immediately and ask her.

Nikki and Brad met at the Lodge for lunch. He declared her "ravishing," as usual. Brad thought she seemed uneasy that day, so he pressed her for the cause, saying that she could "trust" him. He asked about her trip to New Mexico. Nikki told him that her trip might have been a huge mistake. Brad picked up on that and asked for details on Ramona. Nikki described her as young and beautiful, just Victor's type of woman.

Brad came right out and asked Nikki if she thought that Victor and Ramona had had an affair. She had no proof that they'd been romantically involved -- and Victor denied that they had been -- but she "senses things" due to her own experience. Nikki was sure that a "strong bond" still existed. Brad tried to fuel the fire by telling Nikki that he'd felt her suffering while Victor had been missing, and all the while, Victor had been romancing and "bonding" with Ramona. He said Nikki had every right to be upset.

Nina and Ryan were sitting at Crimson Lights. She told Ryan to "get over yourself" and advised him to get ready. He was still moaning about the timing of the baby. Nina gave him a real lecture about supporting his wife at that time. She'd gone through a pregnancy alone and wouldn't wish it on even "your darling wife."

Ryan didn't think Nina was very supportive of him. She read him the riot act some more and told him that there was nothing like a baby. She finished with, "You're gonna be a daddy. Get your act together! Do what's right!" She said Phillip wouldn't be the first to have to learn to deal with a new sibling, and he would be fine. Nina said" "Goodbye, Daddy! Regards to the missus...go home!" After he left, she had a troubled look on her face.

Megan was about to leave Tricia's apartment, but when she opened the door, she was surprised to see their father standing there. He announced that they had some serious catching up to do and asked both girls to tell him what was new. They tried to change the subject by asking about England, the queen, and the weather. When he asked them again to tell him how they had been, Megan suddenly remembered that she had an important appointment and hurriedly left.

At Keith's urging, Tricia told him the news of her pregnancy. He sensed that something wasn't quite right and guessed that Ryan wasn't overjoyed with the baby. Keith told Tricia that it was a happy time, and he wouldn't let Ryan spoil things for Tricia. As if on cue, Ryan walked through the door with flowers and announced, "Honey, I'm home!"

Jill entered Crimson Lights and ordered the strongest coffee they had for her hangover. As Nina was paying her bill, she spotted Jill. She went over and sat down with Jill. Nina asked about Billy, and Jill snapped at her. Nina got up to leave, and Jill apologized and asked her to stay. She asked Nina to tell her what it was about her that drove people away. As Nina was about to answer, Jill's cell phone rang. It was Victor, and he wanted to see her "now." Jill told Nina they would have to continue their discussion later.

Grace was walking around the apartment in her undies when Tony arrived home. As they chit-chatted about Grace's job, Tony didn't let Grace's near-nude state faze him. She pranced around the room, reminiscing about their past together. When Tony mentioned Nick's name, Grace frowned. She informed him that Nick was "ancient history." Their relationship had been a big mistake, and she was lucky that it hadn't ruined her career. She regretted losing Tony and claimed she'd never meant to hurt him. Grace wanted him to know that she had cared for him then and still did.

Megan was knocking at the door. Tony threw Grace a robe to put on before she went to answer the door. She tried to send Megan away, but Megan insisted that she had to speak to Tony and walked in. After Grace got dressed and left for work, Megan told Tony that her father was back in town, and she was afraid of what would happen when he found out about the arrest. Tony told her she was just being dramatic. Megan told him that she was scared of what her father would do when he found out.

Callie was taking a break during work at Crimson Lights, still pressing Malcolm to tell her what was really bothering him. She thought he should just "forgive and forget" whatever it was that Neil had done to upset him. "Some things can't be forgotten," he insisted. When she got up to deliver an order, Malcolm took off. When she noticed, she told the boss that she had to go. She took off after Malcolm.

Callie followed Malcolm back to his studio and continued to nag him for details. He told her to "let it go," but she kept pressing him. She went over the facts, as she knew them, concerning Neil and Olivia. She demanded to know what it was that Neil had done that was so bad. Malcolm finally gave in and told Callie that Neil hadn't helped him; he'd "helped himself." He said that Neil had feelings for Olivia, and he was not talking about only a friendship.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 19, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 19, 1999 on Y&R

Wednesday, July 21, 1999

by Soap Central

Ryan returned home with all the makings for a romantic evening, including flowers, but found a third party in his house, his father-in-law. He felt the coolness as Keith greeted him. Keith congratulated him on the new baby. Tricia had a bout of sickness and left the room. While she was gone, Keith questioned Ryan as to why he wasn't being more supportive.

Ryan tried to evade the question by saying that a lot was going on. He told Keith that he had lost his job at Newman Enterprises because of politics. Keith sympathized somewhat, saying that one needed to be very smart to play office politics. However, he told Ryan that he had responsibilities and should be out looking for a job. Ryan said he had some leads but was waiting for his job back at Newman Enterprises. Keith told him that he should get whatever job he could until something opened up for him at Newman Enterprises.

Ryan and Keith were arguing when Tricia returned and separated them. Keith left, and Ryan wanted to know why she'd had to tell him that Ryan wasn't happy about the pregnancy. She told him she was sorry, but she needed someone to talk to. "Talk to me," Ryan said. She said that she had tried to talk to him, but he had chosen not to listen. Ryan said that he'd gone home to try to correct that. "But what is the use now?" he asked. She already had her "old man" on his back. He walked out of the apartment, leaving her alone.

When Jill arrived at Victor's office, she wasn't prepared for the reception that she received. Victor gave her the minutes of the board meeting and told her to read it. She was surprised at the depths to which Jack and Brad had sunk and called them bastards. Victor and Victoria began to grill her, and before long, she got the idea that they were accusing her instead of trying to gain information. Both of them accused her of being Jack's spy. She asked Neil to back her up.

Neil didn't say a word, and eventually, Victor said that Neil had already spoken for Jill. She explained that she had had some personal problems, and her mind hadn't been on business. She reminded them that she had abstained on the vote until she'd been able to study the proposal. Victor demanded to know why she hadn't just gotten up and walked out of the meeting. Jill said that she hadn't known that they were pulling something like that. Finally, sick of their accusations, she marched out of the office, saying that she didn't deserve that treatment. After Victoria left, Victor said that he might have thought of a way to handle "these bastards."

Brad was finishing up his lunch with Nikki. He inferred that he had someplace important to be. She tried to get him to reveal where he had to be and what was so important, but Brad quickly backed away and didn't give her any information. Nikki was disappointed, but she saw how close she had gotten and was pleased with herself.

Megan and Tony argued about her father. She wanted him to stay as far away from her father as he could, but Tony said he wasn't afraid of her father. He said that he would take all the blame for her problems, and Megan said that that wouldn't help. She would have to tell her father that she had a police record. She bemoaned the fact that what could have been so beautiful had been rendered ugly. "It is such a waste," she said as she left the apartment.

Neil stopped by to see Olivia, who was crying over her wedding picture with Malcolm. Neil offered to be there for her, but she said that for the time being, she needed some time to herself. After he left, she had another visitor. Callie walked in and wanted to talk to Olivia. She said that she'd heard something that she didn't want to believe; she said that she wanted to give Olivia the benefit of the doubt. Olivia was very belligerent with her, and finally, Callie told her that she was the one who had ruined her marriage by taking on another man. Callie said that she felt sorry for Olivia, and she left.

There was another meeting, and it was in Jack's office. Before Brad arrived, he warned Michael not to let whatever was going on between him and Grace interfere with work. Michael said that he was back on track, and nothing would interfere again. Jack said that he hoped so because Michael was just as much on the line as Jack and Brad were.

When Brad arrived for the meeting, Michael assured both Brad and Jack that the plan was going to work. They asked if it was going to present any legal problems, and Michael said that it was all legal from his end. He said that Victor could sue, but he would only be tying everything up in court for years on end, which would cost more than the business could stand. Just as he said that they were about to take Victor down, Victor appeared in the doorway.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 19, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 19, 1999 on Y&R

Thursday, July 22, 1999

by Dianna BurrowsJack, Brad, and Michael were discussing how to handle Victor. Michael commented that Victor was the loser, just as Victor walked in the door. Victor said, "Am I now?" then told Michael to leave the room. Michael left willingly. Victor confronted Jack and Brad about the incentive package and how they'd gone about getting it passed by forming a quorum. He told them that he knew all about the clause they'd put in there that would make it hard for him to fire them.Jack began to act cocky and very sure of himself, which infuriated Victor. Victor asked Brad to leave. Brad insisted that whatever Victor had to say to Jack, he should say to both of them. Jack told Brad that it was okay and that he did not mind talking to Victor himself. Brad reluctantly left. Jack confidently told Victor that he had won, and Victor could not do anything about it. When Victor asked Jack what it was that he wanted, Jack replied with a smug smile that he thought he had everything already.Victor assured Jack that he did not have anything. He was going to surround himself with all the legal guns and then point them at Jack. Jack suggested that Victor retire and buy a golf course or something. Victor was just about boiling at that point, and he told Jack that Jack would end up with nothing and be out on the street. He said Jack had much ambition and no brains; that would cause him to fall from the top, and it was a long way down.Meanwhile, Michael found an empty boardroom and went inside. He used his cell phone to call a clerk at the courthouse who owed him a favor. He wanted the text to Judge Brainard's ruling. The clerk read it to him, and he recorded it on his tape recorder. When he left the room, he ran into Brad in the hallway. They discussed Victor and how they had both been asked to leave the room. Michael said he did not care. He had more important things on his mind.Brad told Michael that Victor had better be the most important thing on Michael's mind, or they would all go down. Michael said he had done his part, and he did have a life outside of taking Victor down. Michael said Brad had his number, and if Brad needed him, he could call. He ended with a cocky "Bye" and walked away.Ashley was looking for Victor when she ran into Jill. Jill told her how Jack and Brad had used her. She said she'd been a fool to ever trust any of the Abbotts. She said they had always screwed her over, not only at work but with Billy, also. She insisted that Ashley could have tried to convince Billy to spend some time with his mother.Ashley suggested that Billy was reacting to a mother who had never had time for him. Jill said she loved Billy more than anything. Ashley did not doubt Jill's love for him but said Jill had never been there for him as a mother. Ashley then pointed out that Jill was in no frame of mind to have Billy for the summer, anyway.Christine and Paul shared a toast to Cassie. Christine was still teary-eyed and emotional. Sharon and Nick called to invite them to a party at the ranch the next day to celebrate their victory. Christine accepted but told Paul she really didn't feel like celebrating. She wasn't sure they would have won if Cassie hadn't shown up to speak to the judge. She worried that Michael would be out for payback as a result. Paul assured her that Michael wouldn't do that. He left. Michael showed up a little while later and said he was there to congratulate her.Nick and Sharon were cleaning up after the kids were asleep. They talked about what a great day it had been. They felt they had everything. They acknowledged that they had been able to overcome their problems because of Cassie. They talked about how much they loved each other. Nick carried Sharon upstairs to bed.The doorbell rang at the Chancellor mansion, and Mac answered the door for Esther. Nikki was surprised to see her. Mac invited Nikki in and offered lemonade. Nikki wanted to know who Mac was. Nikki remembered meeting her at the shelter when she'd dropped off a box of clothes. Katherine walked in, and Mac excused herself. Katherine told Nikki that Mac was her granddaughter. She told Nikki the whole story.Mac returned. Nikki told her how wonderful Katherine was and how glad she was that they had found each other. At that moment, Jill arrived at home and ruined everything with her bad mood. Jill went off on Nikki and told her what Victor had accused her off. Nikki said she didn't know anything about it. She then excused herself and left. Jill was giving Katherine an earful when the doorbell rang. She threw open the door and found Billy standing there with his bags.Malcolm arrived at home and found candlelight and Callie waiting with a massage table set up. She began to massage his back, and he drifted off. He imagined that it was Olivia giving him the back rub. He snapped out of it and started talking to Callie again. She told him she had to tell him about something. He guessed that it related to Olivia.Callie told Malcolm she had gone to see Olivia, and Olivia hadn't denied anything about her and Neil. They talked about it for a minute then she started to massage his back again. He imagined Neil and Olivia making love in bed. He got upset, jumped up, grabbed Callie, and started kissing her passionately.Olivia was in her office, gazing at a picture of her and Malcolm, when Neil showed up. She told him she knew they had feelings for each other, but at that moment, she needed a friend. He promised they could talk as friends. She told him about Callie's visit and that Malcolm thought they had something going on, which explained why he had been acting the way he had. They could not figure out what had given him the idea, though.Neil then told Olivia he was glad they had acknowledged their feelings because he wouldn't have to go to his grave, knowing what they could have had but never gave the chance. Olivia said the timing was all wrong right then. She needed to focus on her career and her son at that moment.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 19, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 19, 1999 on Y&R

Friday, July 23, 1999

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