Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 5, 1999 on Y&R

SC Desk
Victor and Nikki could not deny their attraction
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 5, 1999 on Y&R

Alice announced to the court that she and Al were married, but Christine painted Alice as an inattentive mother. Olivia wanted to give her marriage another chance. In New Mexico, Chet learned who Victor really was.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 5, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 5, 1999 on Y&R

Monday, April 5, 1999

by Soap Central

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Directed by Mike Denney

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 5, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 5, 1999 on Y&R

Tuesday, April 6, 1999

by Soap Central

JACK and BRAD talk about how happy the stockholders seem when Brad delivers the strategies that Michael has provided them as requested. When Brad asks about Ashley's support, Jack doesn't jump to say that Ashley will be joining their team, which worries Brad. Jack tells him that he's sure that he can bring her around but this is not what Brad wants to hear. Jack feels that she won't vote against them. Brad morbidly asks if Jack hopes that Victor is dead. Avoiding an answer, Jack says that he just hopes that Victor likes wandering in the desert better than running a company. Brad knowingly says that Victor will be back.

VICTORIA accuses RYAN of only worrying about his position in the company despite the loyalty they've always shared as friends. Ryan admits that he's worried about his job but he remains loyal to the Newmans. When Victor returns, Jack and Brad will be out, Victoria assures Ryan. Ryan tells her that he thinks Victor is going to have quite a battle on his hands. Victoria is tired of being patient and wants to do something. Ryan suddenly has an idea and tells her to trust him. "What choice do I have?" she asks dejectedly.

Ryan greets Brad with feigned surprise and comments that he can't afford to leave town again. In fact, Ryan hopes he's not a casualty of the takeover. Brad looks him squarely in the eye and tells him it all depends on where his loyalty lies.

Stunned by MEGAN'S announcement for a spring break trip with Tony, TRICIA asks her to repeat what she just said. When Tricia begins to lecture Megan on the morality of the situation, Meg tells her that she's a hypocrite and reminds Tricia of her jaunt to Aspen with Ryan. Then Meg realizes that Tricia is comparing Tony to Ryan and Megan tells her that she's sick of her attitude where Tony is concerned. Meg's one final request is that Tricia not tell their father the whole truth -- just that she's gone off with a friend. Tricia agrees and Meg hugs her, saying she'd ask Tricia to wish her a good time but knows that would be futile. When Meg leaves, Tricia is definitely out of sorts.

TONY is finishing up a call to JOE when Meg arrives, bedecked in sunglasses and a new travel outfit. When Tony sees the size of her suitcase he teases her, saying that he thinks that Tricia's inside. Meg admits that Tricia isn't happy with her but she's doing what she wants to do. She tries to explain that Tricia heart is in the right place and Tony can see that -- it's just her mouth that he has trouble with sometimes. Meg and Tony cuddle and Meg suggests that they don't have to go to Florida but Tony says they have to get going so he can stop by the garage and pick up some money from Joe.

ASHLEY looks downcast when COLE joins her in the living room. She tells him that she doesn't want to ever go to bed angry like they did last night. After they kiss and make up, then Ashley discusses her conversation with Jack. Cole gets testy stating that Ashley hasn't heard the facts are they are -- just Jack's presentation. He even tells Ashley that other than Nikki, she knows Victor Newman best of all. Does she think that he deserves this? Ashley tries to tell him that you have to be loyal to family when Jack walks in and suspects something is amiss. The three of them start to discuss the situation and Ashley demands that Jack give her facts so that she can make her decision. She tells him not to sugarcoat anything because she needs answers.

Things are tense in the courtroom when SHARON is testifying. MICHAEL makes several objections, especially when Sharon uses the term "my daughter." Chris mentions that there is some concern to the plaintiff that ALICE only became concerned about "Baby Doe's" whereabouts when she found out that the child was now Victor Newman's granddaughter. Michael further objects. JUDGE JENNINGS tells everyone that they are going to go easy on the semantics of Baby Doe's relationship to each woman due to the personal nature of the situation, but for all intents and purposes, ALICE is "Baby Doe's" mother. The fact that Sharon is the birth mother will have no bearing on his judgment today. The adoption isn't being contested. Chris continues her questioning by having Sharon explain where they live, who is part of the family, and how Cassie has adjusted to living with her. Sharon describes what a lonely, withdrawn little girl Cassie was and how all that has changed, especially how well she and Nicholas get along and how Cassie thinks of him as her father. She testifies that she believed that Cassie's adoptive mother had abandoned her when Grace brought Cassie to her. When Michael cross-examines, he shows records of Cassie's report cards are her elementary school in Madison and tries to contradict the notion that Cassie has been transformed into this magnificent student and child --when in fact, he states, she was already well adjusted with Millie. Sharon gets upset several times and the judge tells her that she must answers Michael's questions, warning her against outbursts. When Michael is finished Sharon sits and Chris tells the judge that they have no more witnesses, meaning that Nick has not appeared and they don't expect him.

When Alice takes the stand, she tells about her rough childhood and the problems that made her leave Cassie with her mother. Even though she states that Millie was not a great mother, Millie and Cassie had a thriving relationship; something in Millie changed when Cassie came to live there. That's why she felt it was safe to leave Cassie with Millie while she got her life together. She admits that she only called sporadically but became concerned when she would call and Millie made continuous excuses for Cassie not to speak with her. Once she came home, she immediately started looking for Cassie. She tells the judge that she and "her husband" want to remodel the garage so that Cassie has her own room and that Millie will continue to stay with the. She introduces Al Fenton as her husband and says that he's here, ready and willing to testify about the loving home they can provide for Cassie. She looks at Sharon as if she's thrown a dagger.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 5, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 5, 1999 on Y&R

Wednesday, April 7, 1999

by Soap Central

In court, Chris cross examines Alice. When she asks her what Cassie's bestsubject in school is, Alice answers, "Arithmetic." Next she says thatCassie's favorite food is hamburgers. Chris wants to know when she becameaware of the report cards that were entered into evidence and Alice has toadmit that she saw them for the first time last night. Chris tells her thatif she had studied the report cards at all, she would have seen thatspelling was Cassie's best subject; also, for the record, Chris tells herthat pizza has been Cassie's favorite food for a long time. Alice testifiesthat Al has always been good to her and he would make a great father forCassie. Chris questions if the quickie marriage was to look better in courtand Alice replies that a child needs a mother and a father.

Joe is talking on the phone with someone in Florida; he tells him that hisguy is on his way to Florida but he had to give him a few extra days tospend with his girlfriend. He assures the man that his guy doesn't knowwhat is going on. As he hangs up, Tony and Megan arrive. Joe warns themnot to get so carried away that they forget that they are going to Floridaon business. He gives them a bundle and tells them that it is cash and theyshould guard it with their lives. When Tony makes a quip, Joe is quick toremind him that it is his money. Tony and Megan leave the shop walking onair and don't even notice the mysterious man that is following them.

Michael calls Al to the stand and allows him to testify to the excitingfuture that he is planning with Alice and Cassie. When he testifies that heloves children, Chris doesn't object. Al admits that he has never metCassie but he feels he knows her because Alice and Millie couldn't stoptalking about her. He is looking forward to having a child in the house.As Michael proudly turns him over to Chris for cross, he says that he wouldlike to make a statement. He says that not much good has ever happened tohim in his life but since he has been with Alice he has felt that thingswere changing. When Alice agreed to marry him, he felt that something goodwas finally happening in his life and he intended to give it all he has togive. Alice beams with pride and pleasure as Al speaks. When Chris gets upto cross, she gets right to the point. First she asks him if he likeslittle girls. Michael objects and the judge asks if this is goingsomewhere. Chris admits that it is going somewhere. She then asks him howmany children he has been around and Al can't say. He admits that he has nochildren and no nieces or nephews. The only children he has been exposed toare those of friends and coworkers. Chris then asks him if his name isAllan Fenton; he answers that it is but he answers to Al. She wants to knowif he lived in Madison in 1990 and he admits that he did. She asks if he isthe same Allan Fenton that was convicted for child enticement when he lureda child into his room with intent to expose himself. Al shouts that thisisn't fair. He says that he was set up on that. The judge wants him toanswer the question and he finally admits that he was convicted for thatcrime. He still insists that he was innocent and having Chris throw it inhis face after this long is like enduring the trauma all over again. Aliceshouts at him to tell her that this isn't true. She shouts that he is toget out of her house and out of her life; she doesn't want to be married tohim any longer. The judge rules that all of Al's testimony is to bestricken from the record as if he had never been called. He tells Al toleave this courtroom at once. As he looks imploringly at Alice, she tellshim not to come near her. A dejected Al is escorted to the door by thebailiff.

Jack asks Cole to leave so he can talk with his sister. As Cole turns toleave, Ashley says that he is part of the family now and should not beexcluded from any discussion that involved her. Jack tells her that he hasnot lied to her; the decision to take over the company was something thatcame up rather rapidly. He also reminds Cole that he tried to find Ashleyat the time; he even reminds Cole that he was trying to find Ashley himselfwithout much luck. Cole admits that this is true and decides to leave buthe warns Jack that Ashley is no fool so he had better not try to pull thewool over her eyes. He also warns Jack that he shouldn't trust too much inAshley's loyalty.

Brad tells Ryan that he is surprised at Ryan's hostility toward Victor butRyan reminds him that he has a rocky history with Victor. Victor had himarrested when he married Vicki, reminds Ryan. Brad points out that Victorhas also given him a lot of perks along the way. Ryan pledges his loyaltyto Jack and Brad. He then goes to Vicki and says that he pulled it off.Vicki is pleased that she has a spy in the enemy camp. She kisses Ryan.The kiss turns passionate for both of them.

As Al leaves the courtroom, Nick walks in. Chris quickly calls him totestify. Michael says that she has already rested her case but the judgesays he wants to hear from Nick. As Nick is being sworn in, Michael tellsAlice that Al has hurt their case very badly. He wants to know why shedidn't tell him about Al. Alice can only say that this was the first thatshe has heard of this.

Nick testifies that he knew Cassie before he knew that she was Sharon'sdaughter and he liked her. He thought she was a bright little girl. Butwhen he learned of the relationship between Sharon and Cassie, he didn'tlike the idea of her living there at first. He worried about whether or notNoah would be neglected in favor of Cassie. But he fell in love with Cassieand Sharon was an exceptional---awesome---mother, able to give both childrenthe attention that they needed. Several times he referred to himself asCassie's father and each time the judge has to tell him that he wasn't herfather. He refers to Cassie so much by name that the judge tells therecorder to substitute "Baby Doe" every time he mentioned her by name. Whenit is Michael's turn, he is persistent with his questions eliciting fromNick the fact that they didn't legally assume custody of Cassie. He alsomakes Nick admit that they didn't search for Alice at all to let her knowwhere Cassie was.

Diane is in Jack's office trying to find out from Jennifer where Jack is.Jennifer readily tells her that Jack is home but won't tell her whether ornot Jack has planned a surprise for her. As she is leaving, Vicki walks in.Jennifer quickly says that she has to get back to work and leaves. Victorialays into Diane for what she has done to her father. Diane says that shehates what has happened but Vicki says she only wants Victor to be safe sothat she won't have his blood on her hands. Diane says that she understandsVicki's attitude but she is wrong about her. Vicki tells her that when herfather gets back Jack and Brad will be ground up and scattered to the wind.Then you will come to my father begging for his forgiveness; you will begroveling at his feet. When that happens, let me know because that issomething I'd like to see! Vicki turns and walks out of the office.

The two lawyers are shuffling their papers in preparation for closing whenthe judge tells them to put the papers away. He says that he has alreadymade his decision and there is no need for closing arguments from either ofthem. He begins by saying that since no evidence was submitted that wouldquestion the legality of the adoption, the court views Alice as Cassie'smother. Alice looks happy but Sharon looks worried. He then adds that hehas seen no reason to feel that the child is in any danger where she is nowand there is no need to upset her by removing her from the stable home thatshe enjoys with the Newman's. Michael wants liberal visiting for Alice butChris objects. The judge agrees with Michael but says that he is orderingreasonable visitation at the ranch; the visits are to be private so thatmother and daughter can feel free to bond. He then warns all the adultsinvolved that they are to conduct themselves in a civil fashion. He remindsthem that he can put Cassie in a foster home at any time he wishes. Whenthe judge adjourns court, Michael grabs Alice and says that he wants to getout of there now. As Alice begins to leave, she turns and looks at Sharon.Their eyes meet in hatred.

After Cole leaves, Jack is irritated and asks who does he think he is,questioning him like that. Ashley informs him that Cole is her husband andpart of the family; he can say anything he wants to say. As they argue,Jack promises that he won't have any other surprises for her. He is aboutto talk more about the takeover when the door opens and Diane breezes in.She gives jack a big kiss and is friendly with Ashley. But Ashley asks herwhy she came in without knocking. Jack then tells Ashley that she is movingin today. He quickly sends Diane upstairs to carve out a place for herself.Ashley is furious that Jack has invited Diane into their house, and shenoticed that ring on her finger. Isn't that the same ring she threw in yourface when she dumped you for Victor? Ashley wants to know. Jack says thatboth of them have gone through some bad times but they still love eachother. Ashley says that he only loves Diane's vote. As Jack wants to getback to the discussion, she says to save it; she is going to work. Butbefore leaving she warns him that he had better take her husband's adviceand be straight with her from now on. Don't even try to pull the wool overmy eyes again, she warns.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 5, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 5, 1999 on Y&R

Thursday, April 8, 1999

by Soap Central

After winning temporary custody, NICK comforts SHARON. She's so upset about Al's record and doesn't want him anywhere near Cassie. Sharon was afraid before this trial but now she's absolutely terrified. Sharon questions CHRIS about how Al's background and why she didn't tell Sharon before the trial. Chris tells her that with everything that was going on she didn't feel that Sharon needed anymore stress. Right now they just have to deal with making Cassie's visits with Alice less traumatic but Sharon is concerned that Alice will try to brainwash Cassie against her. Nick reassures her that Cassie won't allow Alice to do that. After Chris leaves, Sharon tearfully turns to Nick and they embrace. When they release each other, Sharon thanks Nick but it's evident that Nick would rather hear the words, "I love you" instead of Sharon simply being grateful for the presentation of a stable homelife.

GINA is surprised when CALLIE shows up and Callie tells Gina that she came to say thanks and to share the good news -- she has a gig at the Cardinal Cabaret in Milwaukee. She's brought some publicity flyers and Gina promises to put one in every menu. Callie sees MALCOLM come in and they chitchat for awhile, Callie sharing her good news and even offering Olivia and him complimentary tickets if he'll call and tell her when they'll be there. She wonders how Malcolm and Olivia are. He admits that they are still working things out but Callie tells him that she thinks their biggest problem is that Malcolm still has feelings for her and those kinds of feelings never really go away.

VICTORIA and RYAN'S passionate kiss is broken by a guilt-ridden Ryan, who reminds Victoria that he's married. Victoria tells him that he's also her ex-husband, as if that gives her lifetime rights to him. She teases him about being "Ryan McNeil, double agent" and how they must find a way to infiltrate Brad and Jack's inner circle. Victoria is leaning over Ryan as he sits at the desk when TRICIA comes to the door. Victoria taunts Tricia with sexual innuendoes about Ryan until Ryan suggests that he take Tricia out to lunch. Tricia seethes at Gina's, telling Ryan that if it's not one ex-wife, it's another. Ryan tells her that he's made his position plain to Victoria and Tricia tells him that he needs to be firmer with her. Ryan makes a weak excuse that Victoria is the boss' daughter and Tricia suddenly loses her appetite, leaving to work at the library.

NEIL confides to OLIVIA his concerns over his job at NE but congratulates Olivia on her new position. Olivia is called away and while she's gone, DR. SORENSON stops by with some information for Olivia and unknowingly tells Olivia's secret about the position to Neil. When Olivia returns, Neil confronts her and tells her that she's been lying to Malcolm and to him.

Outside the courtroom, MICHAEL talks with ALICE and assures her that they will file for an immediate annulment from Al. Alice is disgusted and Michael tells her that he was blind-sided. Is there anything else he needs to know? When Alice rages against Al, Michael reminds her that despite the revelation during the hearing, the judge awarded her visitation and that dumping Al will certainly help her situation. Michael also tells Alice that they need to have a serious talk about the kind of behavior she needs to exhibit around the Newmans. Not all is lost, he tells Alice.

AL comes back around to the courtroom and tries to talk to Alice in the hallway, telling her that his conviction was a mistake. This is the first time he's ever had anything good in his life but Alice won't here of it, telling him that he's sick and while they had him in prison, they should have thrown away the key. Al looks dejected.

GRACE is waiting for MICHAEL when he enters his office and wants to know how things went in court. Michael tells her that Sharon has temporary custody of Cassie and when Grace thanks him for helping Cassie, he allows her to think that he "threw" the case. When she asks what their strategy is for the next trial, Michael says that he can't discuss that with her. Grace seems confused and states that they are partners in this whole thing. Michael diverts her attention by telling her that the court will appoint a psychologist to evaluate the situation. Grace is sure that Callie will "have nothing to worry about with Michael on her side." When Grace asks how she can repay him Michael states that he can think of several ways. Grace smiles and hugs him. As she leaves his office she waves and Michael looks a bit uneasy.

BRAD enters Victor's office and finds Victoria there. She wastes no time telling him that his and Jack's accomplishment will be short-lived. She is sure that when her father returns that they will both be roadkill. Victoria erotically touches Brad's face and then puts her arms around his neck, pulling him close to her. She kisses him and tells him that broad muscles and testosterone are strong aphrodisiacs. Brad tells her that she's a very beautiful woman but Victoria pulls away from him and tells him that he's gone too far. They'll be no mercy for him. When Victoria walks away from him, it's apparent that Victoria's created sexual tension, as well as a healthy dose of curiosity, for Brad.

While CHET and VICTOR fix the truck, Victor tells Chet that he's checked the road and he's ready to leave. Chet hopes that they can make it out of the small canyon. Victor is counting on Chet to get him out of there. Chet mentions the lack of trust issue in his own "other life" and says that he doesn't miss the rat race. After the truck is fixed, Victor is eager to go but Chet stonewalls him, saying that they will leave when HE says it's time to leave -- not Victor.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 5, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 5, 1999 on Y&R

Friday, April 9, 1999

by Soap Central

Directed by Noel Maxam

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Edited by SC Desk