Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 8, 1999 on Y&R

SC Desk
Victor and Nikki could not deny their attraction
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 8, 1999 on Y&R

Al was overjoyed to learn that Cassie was with a rich family. Katherine and Birdie got acquainted. Alice forced Millie to sign her Social Security checks over to Alice. A young girl named Mac rescued Katherine from a mugger.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 8, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 8, 1999 on Y&R

Monday March 8, 1999

by Soap Central

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ALICE continues to argue with the POLICE OFFICER when NICK suggests they goup to the main house and wait for CHRIS. Alice will have nothing to do withthat but then Chris arrives to handle the situation. Nick steps outside andsees car lights coming up the drive. Inside, Alice begins to mouth off atChris, who shows Alice the court documents that the process server has beentrying to deliver to Alice's home in Madison. Alice and Sharon continue toargue and Alice finally begs the police officer not to make her leave untilCassie returns. Besides, the Newmans have lawyers for everything and theofficer suggests that Alice go and find a lawyer for herself. Alice vowsshe's not going anywhere -- it's been years since she held Cassie in herarms and they have no right to keep her from Cassie. Chris insists thatAlice leave and as the officer takes her arm to escort her outside Alicevows that they haven't heard the last from her; no fancy lawyer is going tokeep Alice from her kid. To calm Sharon, Chris makes her a cup of tea.Sharon poignantly reminisces about times she's spent with Cassie: Cassiestaring out the window, making chocolate chips together, feeding Noah,Cassie as she sleeps, snuggling with Cassie, and Nick, Sharon, and Cassie inbetter times. Sharon tearfully expresses her fear to Chris that the courtswill allow Alice to have custody of Cassie.

In Madrid, VICTORIA comes to visit RAFAEL at his studio and wishes to seesomething he's painted. Unfortunately, he only has some sketches of nudesthat he can show her. He takes a moment and sketches the likeness ofVictoria on his sketchpad. She is impressed but still wants to see one ofhis paintings. Rafael asks her what's keeping her in Madrid. Could it bethat she's waiting to see her friend Ashley? Victoria tries to gain someinformation from Rafael, but he skirts the issue and says that Ashley's workwill be done when she returns so he's going to miss Ashley and Cole whenthey leave. When Victoria leaves, Rafael asks if he'll see her again. Victoriatells him coyly that it depends on whether Rafael wants to see her again andshe leaves.

Back at the hotel, COLE is a bit concerned that he's received nocommunication whatsoever from Ashley. Victoria comes back and Cole issurprised she's not gone. Then he accuses her of snooping in his andAshley's life trying to cause trouble. Victoria wants to know what's reallygoing on with him and Ashley. What is the real reason Ashley came here?They are interrupted when a bellhop brings Cole a telegram and Victoriaimmediately wants to know what Ashley has to say.

JILL demands to know what ESTHER isn't telling her when she finds hercrying. Esther finally confesses that she didn't break the mirror and shefound a broken drinking glass that reeked of alcohol. Jill tells SHIRLEYthat she only wanted to drive Katherine out of the house, not to drink. Ifword gets around, Jill will be ostracized. Shirley thinks that Esther iskeeping something from them. Jill doesn't want to call the police becauseit would only cause Katherine more embarrassment. Jill then comes tobelieve that Katherine is in some posh hotel in cahoots with Esther to foolher but Jill vows it won't work. Katherine may be getting her jollies nowbut Jill will have the last laugh.

KATHERINE warms her hands over an open fire inside a barrel. A BAG LADYtells her that she's never seen Katherine before and she doesn't look likeshe belongs there. Katherine comments that she's only warming her hands.The bag lady tells her this is no place for her and Katherine, nearlycatatonic, states that it seems she belong no where. The bag lady asksKatherine not to leave and wants to trade shoes with her. Katherine acceptsan old pair of hiking boots and finds out that she can get a hot meal fromthe homeless shelter. The bag lady turns aggressive and demands thatKatherine give up her coat and when she won't, the bag lady pushes Katherinedown, causing Katherine to get a nasty gash in her forehead. She finallywanders to the homeless shelter where she takes off her expensive rings andputs them in her pocket. A man named NED is kind to her and tells her thatdinner will be ready shortly. Ned cleans up her wound and bandages it butKatherine won't tell him how it happened. She does admit that no one caresabout her and she has no place to go.

With Cassie's interest at heart, GRACE and MICHAEL think that it would bewonderful if Alice truly did just walk away, stating how sad Al is going tobe that Alice blew his moneymaking scheme. While they munch on Chinesetakeout, they discuss what may happen when Victor finally returns. Michaelsays that Grace's career could soar with him on the Board of Directors butGrace politely tells him that she's like to climb the ladder of success byherself and Michael understands. He didn't mean to offend Grace and shetells him there was no offense taken. Turning back to the subject of Alice,they have just begun a toast when Alice interrupts them saying that shenever should have trusted a crummy lawyer. Michael jumps up in Alice's faceand tells her to never barge into his office like that again. Alice is moresubdued after Michael's outburst as Michael tells her that she can't goaround like a loose cannon. Alice admits that she's not happy and Michaelsays that they'll just forget the whole deal. At first Alice tells him he'sbluffing but throwing all caution to the wind, she says that she's nothaving anything else to do with their sleazy deal and they both can go tohell. After Alice leaves, Grace tells Michael that she doesn't think thatAlice has washed her hands of Cassie all together. While Grace is worryingover the outcome of this whole masquerade where Cassie's concerned, Michaeltells her that she'd make a good mother -- as well as a delightful dinnerpartner. Grace turns him down and states that she hopes Alice won'tthreaten Cassie's happiness ever again.

Having intercepted CASSIE and Lisa, Nick takes Cassie to the main house andtells her that he wants to surprise Sharon. Cassie suggests that they makeher a special dinner and they enlist Miguel to help with the preparations.Cassie helps Miguel in the kitchen. In a short while, Sharon comes to themain house with NOAH and tells Nick that she'll be back down to explaineverything after she puts Noah to bed. Once she's downstairs again, Nickoffers Sharon some water, which she declines. When Sharon starts to tellNicholas what transpired at the house, Cassie comes out of the kitchen andalmost spills the beans about dinner. She stops herself and just tellsSharon that she and Nick are working on a surprise. "By the way, Mommy,"Cassie asks innocently. "Why was there a police car in front of our house?"Sharon is wild-eyed with fear, searching for a plausible explanation for herdaughter.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 8, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 8, 1999 on Y&R

Tuesday, March 9, 1999

by Soap Central

In Madrid, VICTORIA is present when COLE receives a telegram from Ashley,which makes Victoria extremely curious. When she inquires if Ashley hassent him bad news, Cole tells Victoria that he and Ashley are just fine.Victoria tells him that she was changed when Eve died and it changed the wayshe felt about Cole. He admits that it was an experience he'll neverforget, either. However, he came to Spain to move on with his life andVictoria should too because he's happy with what he's got. Eyes brimmingwith tears, Victoria wonders just exactly what it is Cole has. Once Victoria hasgone he reads Ashley's telegram: "Darling/Unexpected delay/Please forgiveme/Be back as planned/So sorry/I love you/I'll make it up to you." Colewonders if something more is going on than Ashley's led him to believe.

Sad, Victoria finds RAFAEL in the bar and they share sangrias together.Rafael is feeling melancholy and can see that something is wrong withVictoria. At first, Victoria is reluctant, but she finally tells him aboutlosing Eve and how difficult it was for her. She does not reveal that Colewas Eve's father. She also shares that when you suffer a loss in America,you grieve and then move on with your life. Rafael finds that sad. On abrighter note, Victoria states that it's a shame she's sitting with thebest-looking man in the place but they aren't dancing. Rafael remedies thatby taking Victoria in his arms and they dance slowly at first. When themusic changes, it's not quite to Rafael's liking so they twirl about thedance floor with a tango rhythm sans the tango music. Victoria laughs andsays that her mother warned her about men like Rafael. It seems that boththeir spirits have been lifted and there is a definite chemistry betweenthem.

MALCOLM comes out from tucking Nate into bed, telling OLIVIA that Natewouldn't even allow him to read a chapter in his book because Nate thoughtthey should spend time together. Seeing that Olivia is uncomfortable,Malcolm begins to tell her that it was her voice that he heard when his eyeswere swollen shut and it gave him the will to live. He admits that he'staken her medical skills for granted but tells Olivia that it was theknowledge that she was there with him that sparked the desire to becomestronger. Olivia begins to cry and Malcolm kisses away her tears,eventually kissing her hungrily with Olivia responding in like fashion.Later in their bedroom, the sheets are rumpled and Malcolm moans in ecstasy,basking in the warm glow of their togetherness. However, in his sublimestate, he doesn't notice that Olivia is crying and her tears stream softlyonto her pillow.

NED, the male counselor who spoke to KATHERINE when she first came into theshelter, talks to ELLEN, the shelter's female counselor, about their newestarrival. Katherine has eaten an entire meal. When Ellen approaches her shetries to get more information from Katherine, which leads Katherine to tellEllen to mind her own business. "Isn't there someone we can call for you?"Ellen asks poignantly. "Are you homeless?" Katherine shakes her weary headand mutters that she has no home and there is no one to call. She justwants to be left alone. Ellen leaves her alone and exhaust overcomesKatherine, causing her to fall asleep at the table leaning on one arm. Nedmentions that there are four beds left in the women's dormitory and Ellenasks him to save one for "Kay," the name Katherine has given them. As Nedand Ellen watch "Kay" sleep, Ellen becomes entranced, telling Ned that Kaylooks familiar to her but she can't remember where she's seen her. At anyrate, Ellen states, when Kay rouses from her nap she'll take her to her bed.The vision of Kay haunts Ellen.

CHRIS and PAUL lounge about in pajamas in their apartment after dinner.Paul can see that Chris has had a harrowing day but is surprised when Christells him about the fiasco with Alice. Chris states that it wouldn't havetaken her long to find Sharon if she had been served the custody papers butChris can't figure out how Alice found Sharon when the process servercouldn't deliver the court documents. Paul comments that someone is"sleeping with the enemy" but can't fathom who leaked the information toAlice. Chris describes how upset Sharon was and Paul tells her if they findhow Alice came across such detailed information then they could trace itback to the culprit and the riddle would be solved. On a related matterthey discuss the fact that no one has been able to locate Millie and thisworries Paul. Chris wonders if Millie is even still alive, stating thatthey need her testimony badly to shore up Sharon's case.

Sitting behind Victor's desk, JACK is working on several things when he isinterrupted by a visit from Grace who has come to congratulate him. Shecomments on how comfy Jack looks behind Victor's desk and tells him that itwas time for a change in management and she is looking forward to workingwith him. In fact, she thinks the Newmans got what they deserved sinceVictor especially like twisting the screws and making her life miserable.Jack states that Grace is certainly a bright young woman and an asset to thecompany. Grace admits forthrightly that she wants to go as far up theladder of success as it will take her and Jack has to wonder why she's nothaving this talk with her own boss, meaning Brad. Grace says that it's nota secret who will be number one around here and she wanted to show herallegiance to the man who went to bat for her when Victor and Nick werepushing to fire her after the little incident in Denver. In fact, if Jackthinks it would reinforce his standing with the company, Grace would be morethan happy to resurrect the sexual harassment suit that she dropped againstthe Newmans -- whatever she can do to help. Jack thanks her for stopping byand offering her support for the new regime. After Grace is gone Jackmutters, "I just may ask you to do that Grace." He smiles because he knowshe's just formed another important ally.

SHARON is completely thrown by CASSIE'S question regarding the police butNICHOLAS doesn't miss a beat in explaining that around this time every yearthe police collect donations for a special fund. This satisfies hercuriosity and MIGUEL comes out to the living room looking for his "littlehelper." Cassie scurries back to the kitchen and Sharon expresses her deepthanks to Nick, explaining that she just froze. She also thanks Nick forinterceding and bringing Cassie to the main house so she wouldn't encounterAlice. The last thing she wants is for Cassie to know what's going on.Nick tells Sharon that they need to prepare Cassie for the fact that heradoptive mother is looking for her and wants her back because a court caseseems a near certainty. They both are startled with a knock at the door,Sharon nearly hysterical thinking that it might be Alice. Instead it's aninsistent JILL, who demands to know where they're hiding Katherine, surethat she's in hiding with Nikki but Nick reminds Jill that his mother isstill in the islands. Jill apologizes, explaining that she was sure thatNikki was in cahoots with Katherine to drive Jill insane with worry. Shetells Nick that they need to talk as soon as possible because there's goingto be a firestorm when Victor returns. Nick says that he'll stop by heroffice when he returns to Newman Enterprises.

Returning to the Chancellor/Abbott Estate, Jill is still certain thatKatherine's disappearance is a hoax. When ESTHER hears Jill enter, sherushes in hoping to find that Katherine has returned. Jill angrily tellsher that the gig is up. Esther isn't a good enough actress to pull thisoff, Jill retorts. When Esther repeats that she knows nothing ofKatherine's whereabouts, Jill takes her by the arms and violently shakesher. Esther breaks down, telling Jill she can beat her all she wants butshe still doesn't know where Katherine is. When Esther runs out of the roomin hysterics, SHIRLEY mentions that Jill was a tad harsh on Esther. Jillthinks it's all a huge charade. Katherine is going to stay away long enoughto let Jill get comfortable in thinking that she has the estate to herselfand then she's going to come back and shatter Jill's dreams. It's all justan act! Jill spews. "But you're not sure, are you?" Shirley asks. Jillsays nothing but her visible anger has been replaced with genuine concern.

Nick has called up the Security Company and hires extra men for the frontgate and both houses. He wants Sharon and the children to spend the nighthere at the main house. Sharon is worried that there's something Nick isn'ttelling her but he promises that he's only taking special precautions tokeep them safe. He hates to have to leave but in light of what Jill hassaid, he wants to be at the NE when his father returns to brief him onexactly what's happened. Sharon understands and tells him that they'll befine. Again she thanks Nick for all he's done, saying that she doesn't knowwhat she'd have done without Nick. For a moment, time between them issuspended and they search each other's eyes. They both act as if they wantto comfort the other with an embrace but not wanting to push himself onSharon, Nick tells her that he'll be back from the office soon. Sharon'seyes brim with tears when he leaves and rampant fear engulfs her entirebody.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 8, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 8, 1999 on Y&R

Wednesday, March 10, 1999

by Sandy Rosser

In Madrid, COLE finds VICTORIA at the hotel bar and joins her for a whitewine. Victoria expounds eloquently on Cole's current situation and Colesuggests that she should be a writer, which leads Victoria to ask when Colelast wrote anything. Trying to change the subject, Cole asks Victoria how longshe plans to stay, implying that it would be best for Victoria to be gone whenAshley returns. Victoria picks up on this and states that there's not enoughroom in Madrid for both her and Ashley. She continues to needle Colestating that his life lately has consisted of chasing after his wife, alwayswaiting to spend time with her, and further suggests that perhaps Cole haslost his muse. This hits a nerve with Cole and he bids her farewell.Victoria phones the airlines and asks when the next connection to New Yorkis, telling the airline attendant that she will also need a flight to GenoaCity. RAFAEL finds her sitting alone and quite despondent. He suggeststhat he whisk her away on a tour of the city but Victoria tells him she's goinghome. He begins to describe a thousand-year-old castle and a tiny fishingvillage he would love to show her. Victoria questions Rafael's motives,hinting that he may be looking for a romantic rendezvous but Rafael tellsher that he knows that her heart lies elsewhere and he would never try tointerfere. With his picturesque descriptions and his persuasive charm,Victoria agrees to join him for a tour and Rafael helps her into her coat.

NEIL comes to OLIVIA and MALCOLM'S apartment and is surprised to findMalcolm there. He is even more surprised that Olivia allowed Malcolm tospend the night and Malcolm hints that he and Olivia shared a bed. Neilasks about Callie and Malcolm assures his brother that Callie isn't an issuefor them. Malcolm bluntly asks if Neil is happy for them because Neil isn'tshowing support. Neil admits he is worried about Olivia's concerns andMalcolm tells him to put on a smile because everything will be fine. Infact, he's heading out to the studio. Neil reminds Malcolm that he promisedto take it slow when he got out of the hospital and Malcolm tells him he'llbe fine. Neil tells him he's going to the hospital to give blood because heremember just how much blood Malcolm lost. Malcolm says he gets thepicture.

Neil stops by to see Olivia after he gives blood. They discuss Malcolmspending the night at home and Olivia admits that it felt good to be soclose to her husband again, but it doesn't erase all their problems. Shestill has a lot of problems with Callie -- most of those fears being in herimagination. Still, she can't help how she feels. What bothers Olivia themost is that even after the closeness of last night, things just aren't thesame.

A perturbed NICHOLAS is on the phone with Connie, Victor's secretary, askingif his father has checked in. Upon finding that Victor has left nomessages, Nick furiously instructs her to find out if Victor could haverented a jet and to call him immediately if she hears from Victor. SHARONand CASSIE have come down and MIGUEL tells them that breakfast is ready.Sensing that Nick and Sharon may want to spend some time alone, Miguel asksCassie to help him in the kitchen. After Cassie leaves, Nick and Sharon arequite civil to each other, with a smiling Sharon sharing her gratitude forall Nick has done. Nick suggests that Cassie stay home from school, just incase Alice has decided to lurk around town. Sharon agrees but is reluctantto tell Cassie what's going on. Wisely, Nick insists that Cassie would bemore prepared for what may happen if she was told about Alice. When Sharonagrees, Nick asks her to allow him to be present when Cassie is told so theycan face this as a family. He asks Sharon to apologize to Cassie because hemust leave early to speak with Jill. For the second time in two days, thereare several moments of awkwardness between Nick and Sharon, as if there issomething they need to say to each other, yet it remains unspoken. Sharonwatches as Nick leaves.

BRAD and JACK discuss the minority shareholders documents being signed andJack tells Brad that he's sending couriers to expedite the process. Infact, Jack's waiting for his father and Traci's documents now. Brad isworried that Victor will somehow throw a kink into their plans. Jack is notworried and expounds upon the information he'll use to block Victor'saccusations. First, he'll say that he ran across the Newman-Forrester Dealwhile he was cross-referencing another file. To further support hisposition, he'll add that he couldn't have possibly changed anything in theForrester deal because Victor uses passwords that only Victor knows. WhenBrad reminds him that Victor will check with the Forrester accountants, Jackassures him that it would be plausible to assert that Victor and Brooke werehaving a fling and that Brooke tampered with the numbers on Forrester's endof the deal. With witnesses to the fact that Brooke was found clad in onlyher underwear in Victor's office, it taints Victor's credibility. Bradadmits that either Jack is very brave or crazy and Jack responds that youhave to be a little of both.

After the courier arrives, Jack is concerned because there are somedocuments missing. He receives a surprise visit from TRACI, who has thedocuments Jack wants. Looking them over, he finds that John has signed hisbut Traci's is blank. She tells Jack she has reservations concerning themotive for the takeover and says she has a hard time believing that Victoris incompetent to run NE. Frustrated, Jack relates the story that he andBrad concocted for the Board meeting. Traci finds Victor's behavior bizarrebut Jack asks, "Knowing Victor, is it really?" Still Traci wonders if thetakeover is as much about Victor's incompetence or Jack's hatred of Victor.

Nick meets JILL at the Chancellor/Abbott Estate bound and determined toshore up his father's position before Victor returns. Jill tells him thatJack and Brad must have had their bases covered to pull something like thisand Victor just can't come back and fire those two traitors. Nick needs todo something but Jill tells him he already did something -- he let Jack intoVictor's files. Nick hangs his head and begs for Jill's help. She promisesshe will do what she can with one stipulation: if she helps Victor, she'llrequire support for several projects she wants to start. Nick promises thatif Jill offers her support to Victor, her loyalty will be rewarded and he'llbe right there with his father to offer Jill the support she needs.

In Madison, AL is placing horseracing bets when ALICE demands to know whathe's doing. Alice informs him that she won't shell our any cash for him.Al guesses that Alice found Cassie and bemoans the fact that Alice has blownthe deal for them. Now they won't get any money because Alice blew thewhole "cha-cha." Alice tells him that she has her own plan and she doesn'tcare about the money. Al suggests that they retain Michael as theirattorney to go against the Newmans but Alice isn't sure what her next moveis. She answers a knock at the door and is met by a process server whohands her the court documents. Upon reading the papers she gasps in horror,telling Al that Sharon wants to take Cassie away from her for good."They're taking me to court," Alice declares with fear.

After breakfast, Sharon tells Cassie that she wants her to stay home fromschool. Cassie finds this unusual and is excited at first -- until sheremembers the big spelling test she's supposed to take. She nearly begsSharon to let her go to school so she won't get behind in her work butSharon insists that she can make up the test. Seeing the fear in Sharon'seyes Cassie asks if something is wrong. At first, Sharon denies it but whenCassie insists, she tells her that something is wrong. Cassie tells Sharonshe's scared because something's happening and she doesn't know what it is.Sharon admits that there is something she needs to discuss with Cassie andCassie tells Sharon that she believes that whatever is wrong has somethingto do with her. Sharon's eyes brim with tears when she tells Cassie that itis about her and someone who knows her. Cassie is confused.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 8, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 8, 1999 on Y&R

Thursday, March 11, 1999

by Sandy Rosser

Due to NCAA "March Madness," The Young and the Restless will not be shown. Broadcasting will resume on Monday and pick up whereWednesday's show concluded.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 8, 1999 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 8, 1999 on Y&R

Friday, March 12, 1999

by Soap Central

Due to NCAA "March Madness," The Young and the Restless will not be shown. Broadcasting will resume on Monday and pick up whereWednesday's show concluded.

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Edited by SC Desk