Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on Y&R

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Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on Y&R

Neil moved out. The custody trial continued with Danny's testimony. Tricia approached Ryan about moving in together, but he was hesitant. 'Sarah' made Josh's favorite meal, and Nikki wondered how she had known it was his favorite.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on Y&R

Monday, December 1, 1997

by Soap Central

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In the courtroom, Brian Hamilton is called to the stand, but he cannotbe found. The judge orders Christine to call another witness eventhough he will be out of order. She calls Chad Atherton, the hotelclerk, who testifies that he rented the room to a gorgeous redhead whosigned in as Mrs. Brian Hamilton. He also states that when Brianchecked into the hotel, he was not drunk or drugged. However, undercross examination, he admits that he only saw the stranger once and foronly a few seconds.

Nick and Sharon reminisce about Thanksgiving and the wonderful timeeveryone had. Nick is especially happy that his Mom and step-mom gotalong so well especially since the holidays are so important to hisDad. Victor was wonderful with Noah, Nick says, while Sharon tells himthat Diane had the look of a woman ready to have a child of her own.Nick is surprised. Remember, you heard it here first, Sharon tells herhusband.

Jack visits Diane in the office and asks how the Thanksgivingcelebration went. I survived, Diane tells him bitterly. It was theworse Thanksgiving of my life!

Nikki arrives in Victor's office and brings his share of the leftovers.Sweetly, she comments on how smoothly things went, especially sinceDiane really didn't want to be there.

Why do you say that? Victor wants to know.

Back in the courthouse, Danny leaves the courtroom and goes outsidelooking for Brian and Paul. He finds them in an anteroom, Paul tryingdesperately to talk Brian into testifying. Brian wants nothing to dowith going against Phyllis. She could make my life miserable, he tellsPaul. Paul says he cannot guarantee anything, but Phyllis is makingempty threats. Just my coming here is enough to ruin my life andmarriage, Brian tells him.

Danny joins in trying to persuade Brian to testify. "I hope you aren'tthinking of leaving!" he tells Brian. Your testimony is critical.Remember, there is a child involved here.

Brian leaves the room with Danny in hot pursuit behind him.

Tricia pays Ryan a visit in his office. She didn't hear from him allweekend and wonders if he was avoiding her. Ryan tells her that he hada bad time over Thanksgiving and didn't want to spoil her holiday time.

Nina and Phillip visit Jill's office. Jill is excited to see hergrandson and gives him a catalog to look through for selection ofsomething for Santa to bring to him. Nina sends him to the commissaryfor a snack; she needs to talk to Grandma Jill for a while. AfterPhillip leaves, Nina tells Jill that she has to do something aboutTricia.

Diane tells Jack that seeing Nikki all sweetness and grace made her wantto throw up. Jack seems surprised at Diane's reaction, but tells herthat she did a good thing by giving it a shot. At least you made yourhusband and the kids happy. But Diane can't forget that it is thanks toNikki's meddling that she won't be having Victor's child. Seeing Victorhold Noah was like twisting a knife in his chest. And to sit across thetable from Nikki was all she could do; she doubts she could ever do itagain. When Jack wonders if she will try it again for Christmas, shesays she will do all she can to avoid that!

Nikki tells Victor that she knows their coming to the ranch was his ideaand not Diane's; they were there only because he put his food down.

"Why are you looking for trouble?" Victor shouts. "I told you thatDiane and I had private plans. But we gave up our plans to be at theranch. I think that was a very generous gesture for Diane to make. Whycan't you just accept that and thank her for her gesture?"

"Don't be so defensive!" exclaims a wide-eyed Nikki.

"You have to accept the fact that I am married," Victor warns.

Nina tells Jill of Tricia's visit. Why is she tormenting me? Did shejust want to twist the knife? Does she want us to be "best friends?"Jill is horrified at Tricia's nerve, but she assures Nina that it wasn'tmalicious, just stupid. She will see that it doesn't happen again.

Phillip returns and when Jill accidentally calls him "Phillip McNeil,"he tells her that he is Phillip Chancellor. He never wants to be called"McNeil" again. He hates his "father."

Jill is called to a meeting, but before she goes, she makes amends withPhillip and also makes plans for a day of shopping and lunch. Ninaholds Phillip close.

As Brian, Danny and Paul enter the hallway at the courthouse, they seeJoani and Daniel sitting there. Danny introduces Daniel to Brian.This is the most important person in my life, he tells Brian. I wanthim raised with morals and values. Help us!

Once again, Christine calls Brian Hamilton to the stand. When hedoesn't answer the call, she calls Danny Romalotti. Danny enters thecourtroom and is followed by Brian. Glad you could join us, the judgesays.

Nikki laughs. "You think I am jealous? Don't be absurd. I have aloving and wonderful husband. I am certainly not jealous of Diane."

"Then leave my wife alone." Victor yells. "Go home and dote on yourwonderful husband and leave my wife and me alone."

Just at this point, Diane enters the office. She is warmly greeted byVictor. Nikki turns and smiles sweetly at Diane. "How wonderful thatyou could join us Thanksgiving," she says. "You are family now andwelcome at the ranch anytime. It is time we got to know each otherbetter."

Jill returns home and confronts Tricia. Why did you go to Nina's?Tricia tells Jill that it was "no big deal."

"You have no idea what you have done?" Jill exclaims. "You are theother woman! You have helped to cause horrible pain and suffering to awoman and her child. You have helped to break apart a commitment thatshould have lasted a lifetime. Of course they were having problems!They were married. All marriages have problems; without outsideinfluence, they can work them out. But you didn't stay out of it. Youmade yourself available every chance you had. No matter what yourintentions, you are a part of this. That little boy will have scars forthe rest of his life."

Tricia begins to cry as she realizes that Jill is telling her the truth.

"You went to Nina in order to absolve yourself of your guilt, but youcannot do that. No matter what, you are guilty. You cannot be absolvedof that responsibility just by going to see Nina. This is what yourfather and I have been warning you about. This is why we didn't wantyou involved with a married man." She pulls a crying Tricia into herarms and tries to soothe her. "We know you didn't mean to hurt anyone,"she says as she tries to comfort her.

In Jill's office, Ryan walks in on his wife giving comfort to his son.He speaks to Phillip but Phillip just walks out of the office.

Victor tells Nikki thanks for stopping by, but she isn't ready to leavejust yet. She comments on Diane's handling of the children at the partyand tells her that she "must be a natural with children." She thenissues an invitation for the Christmas holidays.

"We'll consider it," promises Victor. "Now let me show you out." AsNikki walks toward the door, Victor gives his wife a kiss and says hewill be right back.

As Diane considers the Christmas invitation, she says, "Christmas at theranch? NO...WAY...IN...HELL!"

In court, Brian gives testimony. He has known Phyllis for a few years.They were intimate until she "dumped" him for Danny Romalotti. Passingthrough GC a couple of years ago, he stopped by and Phyllis told him to"get lost." That was when he learned that Phyllis was a mother. Later,Phyllis called him, just a few months ago, and tells him that she misseshim. He comes to GC for sex, although she didn't promise that in somany words. After checking into the hotel, he and Phyllis talked for awhile then shared some wine. He only had one drink, but suddenly heblacked out.

"Do something, Michael. NOW!" whispers Phyllis.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on Y&R

Tuesday, December 2, 1997

by Soap Central

Brian is on the witness stand testifying to the fact that he and Phyllismet in the hotel room, drank a glass of wine, talked some more theneverything blacked out. Later, he woke up in the bed, nude, withPhyllis nude in the bed beside him. When asked what he thoughthappened, he objected, saying that he thought his testimony was aboutbeing drugged, not all the lurid details of what did or did not happen.

In the tack room, Cole finishes dressing. Vicki is surprised to see himdressed and wonders if he is well enough to be out of bed. He tells herthat he is feeling strong and he is going out to visit a friend. Vickiis sure she knows who that friend is, but when she suggests it isAshley, he tells her that she is wrong.

Ryan and Neil are discussing business when Neil gets a phone call. Hementions "how many rooms?" and "how much is the rent?" so that Ryanbecomes curious. Don't tell me you are doing what I think you aredoing? asks Ryan. Are you getting a new apartment?

Neil tells him that he and Dru are having problems and he cannot stay inthe same apartment with her any longer. Ryan is sorry to hear this, butoffers his own apartment to Neil. Better to spend the time withme---even in your own room, if you feel like it---than to worry aboutsigning long-term leases when you don't know what will happen in thefuture, Ryan suggests. Neil says that if Ryan is sure about the offer,he would be glad to accept it. He would like to move in today.

Dru is out to dinner with Sid. Her marriage is over and there isnothing she can do about it.

"If you aren't going to see Ashley, when who are you going to see?"Vicki wants to know. However, Cole tells her only that he is going tosee an old friend with whom he hasn't touched base with lately. As longas that is all you touch, says Vicki.

Cole thanks her for taking such good care of him these past few days. Iowe you, he says.

"So, to pay me back, you will dump Ashley? Right?" she queries.

"I'll pay you back with this," he answers, as he kisses her. It turnsinto a long kiss, but when he draws back, she tells him that it is onlya down payment.

Sid tries to tell Dru that her marriage is not over; it is just goingthrough a rough spot right now. But Dru tells him that he didn't seeNeil's face, his eyes. Neil was angry; she has never seen him soangry. And when he looked at her, there was hatred in his eyes.

"But we had to talk. Those weeks of not speaking were tearing me up. Icould have handled it if he had tore into me about taking the BCP; buthe never said a thing, he just waited in silence for me to bring it up.And when I did, when I admitted that was what I was doing, he just blewup. All those weeks of keeping his anger bottled up just spewed out atme. Then he just turned and walked out."

"I know you are going through a difficult time in your marriage," admitsSid. "But, you have to pull yourself together and stay strong for yourand Lily's sake. That is why this tour is the best thing for you. Iam talking about the A-list of clients in the most exciting cities allover the world: New York, Paris, Milan, Tokyo. While on the road, Neilwill miss you; he will realize what he has in you. We will bring alonga nanny for Lily. You will leave all this stress behind."

Christine tells the court that she isn't trying to embarrass the witnessbut she is eager to get to the truth about what Phyllis is capable of.The judge wonders if she is going to amend the charges to includeadultery. No, Chris tells the judge; on the contrary, she wants toprove that adultery didn't occur, only the illusion of adultery. Shewants to prove how devious Phyllis is capable of being. Brian says thathe didn't have sex with Phyllis; he couldn't have had sex. He was in nocondition to have had sex. However, he admits that he thought he hadfor a very long time.

Nina admits Cole to her apartment. He tells her that he has heard aboutwhat she has been through. She tells him that she is better and goingon with her life. Cole is surprised to find out that she sent Ryanpacking. Ryan thought he had a duty to stay with her, but she didn'twant anyone out of duty. Now she is fighting for a new life for her andher son.

"So what are you doing?" questions Cole. "Are you writing?"

Nina isn't ready to make plans, but Cole thinks there is another reasonfor her to postpone her future. Finally, Nina wonders if she willsucceed or fail again. She can't stand to have another failure rackedup against her.

Cole tells her to use her experiences. Write them down. Ninacouldn't bear to open herself up and write about all these feelings. Ithurt too much. But it will be good therapy for you, Cole tells her.Now I want you in front of that computer. Do not tell me you can't doit. You are a strong, creative person. Failure is not trying; you havestrength, but no one else can do it for you. Trust me; you can do it.

Brian does not remember Phyllis taking his blood. He awoke with aheadache, they got dressed and left. It was all he could do to gethimself back to the airport. He denies that he knew he was Daniel'sfather. He didn't know this until Chris told him months later.

On cross examination, Patrick gets him to admit that he was coming allthe way to GC for one evening of sex with an old girlfriend. He admitshe didn't tell his wife where he was going now who he would be with.When Patrick asks when he was going to tell his wife about that he washaving an adulterous affair with an old girlfriend, Chris objects tothis character assignation and the judge sustains the objection.

From his apartment, Neil calls Malcolm to come up. Malcolm enters andwonders what was going on earlier; he almost knocked him down on his wayout earlier. Then I came inside, Malcolm says, and your wife and childwere a mess. What is going on?

Neil tells his brother that he is leaving and he wants Malcolm to tellDru. Malcolm can't believe this! "It is your responsibility to tellher, not mine," he says. "You two have to talk."

Neil picks up his bags and starts out the door. He refuses to tell hisbrother where he will be staying other than to say he will be with afriend from work. If anyone needs to get in touch with him, they shouldcall the office.

Later, Sid escorts Dru to her apartment door. She thanks him for takingher out tonight; she invites him in, but he says she and Neil need to bealone to talk. After Sid leaves, Dru enters the apartment. She callsout for her husband but gets no answer. The phone rings and it isMalcolm. He wants to come up and talk with her.

Brian admits that he didn't report his "drugging" to anyone. He did seea red spot on his arm, but Phyllis told him it was a "bug bite."Patrick laughs; a bug bite from the GC hotel? Well, he believedPhyllis, Brian admits. It was only when Ms. Williams approached himthat he realized that the "bug bite" was a needle mark. "So youbelieved Phyllis until Ms. Williams offered you another theory?" asksPatrick. "Or did she confront you about the blood test and you realizedyou had to dream up this whole "bug bite" theory?"

"What is so important?" Dru asks Malcolm. Malcolm tries to gently tellher about her husband. But when he tells her that her husband has lefther, she is devastated.

At the witness table, Phyllis is in shock. "I am going to lose, aren'tI? I can feel Daniel slipping away from me. After all the horriblethings Brian said about me, I will lose my boy."

Michael tells her that Patrick got in some very effective crossexamination. When he sees that Phyllis isn't listening but is trying toget to Danny, he physically holds her back. He suggests they go out,but she isn't listening. She gets up and walks to the table where Dannyand Christine are sitting.

"I hear you introduced Daniel to his real father," she says sweetly. "Iam glad you did that. I am glad that Brian had a chance to get to meethis son and I am looking forward to letting Daniel get to know his realfather better. When I get custody of Daniel, I plan on spending a lotof time with Brian."

"I hate that woman!" Danny says after Phyllis and Michael leave.

"She is just trying to get to you." warns Christine.

Out in the hallway, Paul approaches. Phyllis asks if he is there forhis wife.

"She is still in the courtroom with her client," Phyllis tells Paul."But I suggest you clear your throat before entering. Or better yet,don't. You might be interested in entering unaware and listening towhat they have to say."

Paul sneers at her but when he enters the courtroom, he sees Christinerubbing Danny's shoulder. Even though Chris is only trying to calmDanny down, she and Danny look to be in an intimate conversation withintimate touching. Instead of interrupting, Paul turns away with doubton his face.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on Y&R

Wednesday, December 3, 1997

by Soap Central

In a business meeting, Jack compliments Neil's work, but Neil realizesit isn't enough. He has been distracted of late, but he will have moretime in the future to handle business. Jack tells him not to neglecthis family. When Neil becomes evasive, Jack asks what is going on.Malcolm arrives at Dru's apartment. Here to check me out; to see if Ihave gone totally bonkers? asks Dru. Dru tells him that she cannotbelieve her husband left him to tell her he was leaving. He was weak;why couldn't he have been a man and tell me himself? she wonders.Chris visits Nina and asks if she has given any more thought to thedivorce. Nina informs her friend that it is a done-deal; she hasalready filed for the divorce. It's over; there is no going back now.Chris tells her that she is proud of her for turning her life around.She has a wonderful idea! Why don't they have a "girl's night out?"Sharon arrives in Grace's office and finds only Tony there. He tellsher that Grace is in a meeting. Sharon is there to talk about aChristmas present for Cassie. Since she has Tony cornered, she wonderswhat he thinks she should give her best friend. He replies that he canhardly tell her what to get for Grace when he can't think of what heshould give her---except for a sports car, and his job doesn't make thatpossible.In Nick's office, he and Grace are going over their report. Just asthey are about to call it a day and go home, Nick finds the problem.Grace tells him that he is so smart; she is learning so much from him.Nick tells Grace that if she has the time before going home, he wouldlike to talk to her about something personal.Sara is going through Nikki's closet looking for dry-cleaning. Shefinds what she is looking for, then spies a white jacket. She begins tohave a flashback. She hears screaming; she sees people coming towardher while she screams. Then she sees herself in a straight jacket. Shecomes to herself and turns to leave the closet, but, once again, shefixates on the white jacket. She sees herself running down a corridor.She is at an elevator trying to open it's doors. Someone is comingafter her. She leaves the elevator and runs down the other corridor.Two men catch up to her. One holds her while the other puts the jacketon her. All the while, she is screaming and fighting."Is everything okay, Sara?" Nikki asks, and brings Sara back to reality.Sara tells her that she is okay, just lost in thought. When Nikkimentions that she is flushed and maybe coming down with something, Saratells her she never gets sick. Sara changes the subject asking if Dr.Landers will be home for dinner. What would you like for dinner? sheasks.Sharon thinks Tony should get Grace an engagement ring for Christmas,but Tony isn't sure that Grace is ready for that. Sharon thinks thatwith the romance of the holidays, he just might catch Grace in a "yes"mood.They are interrupted by someone leaving some papers for Grace. Shehappens to mention that the meeting is in Nicks office. So after sheleaves, the two decide to go up to Nick's office. But before theyleave the office, the conversation turns to Cassie. Sharon tells Tonythat the three of them are already a family. Grace loves that littlegirl like a mother, Sharon observes. Yes she does, Tony admits. Butshe isn't Cassie's real mother."I really need your help," Nick tells Grace. Grace seems eager to knowwhat she can do for him. He begins telling her that he has beenthinking and thinking and can't come up with what to get Sharon forChristmas. So he has marked some things in a catalog and wonders whatGrace thinks about them. Grace seems disappointed that this is all Nickwants from her. He wonders about a music box just as Sharon and Tonyenter the office. Nick greets his wife with a long kiss, while Tonywaits by the door and watches Grace slip the catalog into a filedrawer. She finally notices him and wonders what he is doing there. Hewants to take her to dinner since Cassie is having dinner with friends.Sharon tells Grace that she wants to run an idea by Grace and Tony as towhat she wants to get Cassie for Christmas. Grace tells her friendcoolly that she will provide Cassie with plenty of presents forChristmas. It is not necessary for Sharon to shower her with gifts.Sara mentions to Nikki that Dr. Landers likes veal. "I didn't knowthat," says Nikki. "How did you know?"Sara tells her employer that Dr. Landers mentioned it to her once."Well, then, we should have veal." Nikki tells her.Neil tells Jack that he will have a lot more time to get his work donenow, but Jack wants him not to neglect his personal life. When Neilsays that he doesn't have a personal life, Jack encourages him to talk.Neil, however, doesn't want to get into any specifics; he merely tellsJack that he will be staying at Ryan's apartment but he doesn't wantthat to become common knowledge."Is it really that bad?" Jack asks, incredulously."The one thing I cannot live with is dishonesty." Neil tells Jack."How is your little girl taking it?" Jack asks."She will be heartbroken," Neil admits. "I do not know how I am goingto tell her."Dru suspects that Neil went straight to Olivia to talk, but Malcolmtells her that Olivia is in Chicago this week. Dru has decided to towait for Neil to come to her; when he does, he will be ready to hear herside. They may never get it all back but she has to be hopeful. She isencouraged because Neil didn't say good bye to Lily.Sharon is puzzled; did she say something wrong? She wasn't intending toshower Cassie with gifts. Grace tells her friend that she wants Cassieto know the real meaning of Christmas; not just think about presents.All Sharon wanted to do was take Cassie shopping and let her pick out aChristmas dress. Tony thinks she would like that; he and Grace willtalk about it and let her know.Dru is alone when Neil lets himself into the apartment. He had notexpected her to be home. Dru is glad to see him; she wants to tell himsomething---he owes her that much. This angers Neil and he beginsshouting at her. Dru tells him that she loves him; she made a mistake,she admits, but they need to talk. Neil explodes. A mistake! is thatwhat she calls it? She is a liar and only interested in what she wants."This is tearing me apart," Dru tells her husband. I still love you.""You have a funny way of showing it," accuses Neil."I never meant to betray you," insists Dru. "I wasn't ready to have ababy. I was trying to handle the situation the best I knew how.""Oh, right!" Neil counters. "You were trying to handle it so it didn'tupset your precious career. You didn't want to put your glorious careeron hold to have another baby.""What if it were you? What if you were told to put your career on holdwhile you had a family?" Dru asks."It's not the same thing." Neil says. He admits that he doesn't knowhow to answer the question, but he is sure that he would have talked itover with her."You are going to punish me forever, aren't you?" Dru asks.

Nikki and Josh are doing a little post-dinner necking. He is so full!Maybe he shouldn't have had that second helping of veal. But it was sodelicious. Veal is his favorite. He will just have to work it off inbed tonight.

Nikki mentions that Sara knew it was his favorite meal. How did sheknow? he wonders. Nikki tells him what Sara had said: that he had toldher. He doesn't remember ever saying anything to her about it.

Sara interrupts to say good night. As she is leaving, Josh wonders whenhe told her he liked veal. She can't remember, but he must have toldher; else, how would she have known? As she leaves, Nikki has a "wonderwhat that's all about" look on her face.

After a wonderful night out at Gena's, Chris and Nina return to theapartment. Nina thanks her for rescuing her but Chris wants somethingin return. She wants Nina to promise to spend at least four hours atthe computer writing tonight and every day. Just write about anything,Chris tells her. All that matters is that you write. If you don't getstarted, you will never do it. Chris even has the perfect title for herwork tonight: A Night on the Town with a Best Friend. Nina finallyagrees. As Chris lets herself out, Nina walks over and turns on thecomputer.

"I know you felt betrayed," Dru tells Neil. "I felt betrayed when youjust walked out on us and left your brother to break the news to me."

It was all she deserved, Neil said. When she wants to know when heplans to tell Lily, he says he will tell her right now.

She isn't home, Dru tells him. Then he will get his things and talkwith Lily tomorrow, Neil says.

"Why don't you just tell Lily that I am working late. Then tell her Ileft early in the morning for work. If you don't like that, make upanother lie. That is what you do best." Neil shouts as he slams thedoor behind him.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on Y&R

Thursday, December 4, 1997

by Soap Central

Victor walks into Neil's office; he has something to discuss with him.He needs someone he can trust and who has good people skills to go toHong Kong for a few weeks. Neil gets the feeling that there is more tothis invitation than business.

Nick compliments Grace on her report on "Millennium Madness." Theydiscuss Sharon and Tony's visit of the day before. Grace feels thatSharon is a woman on a mission; the mission is to get her and Tonymarried. But, she tells Nick, she doesn't see that in the cards, nomatter how sweet he is. Nick thinks that this will be the bestChristmas he has ever had. Having Sharon and Noah in his life is all hecould ever dream of.

Ryan is giving Jill a good report on the men's line. He wants someadvice on what to get for Phillip for Christmas. It has to be a reallyspecial present. He has been thinking about one of those home videosystems. Jill explodes; that would be the worse thing you could givehim!

Tricia and Megan are sharing some hot chocolate. Tricia is wrappingChristmas presents, a surprise to Megan since she is usually the verylast one doing that. Last Christmas, she was still tying bows at threeAM on Christmas Eve. Tricia explains that she wants to get it out ofthe way in case she isn't here at Christmas. What's going on, Meganasks. "I am thinking of moving out," Tricia tells her sister.

But you just got back home, protests Megan.

I just can't live here any longer, Tricia tells her. Things are betterwith her dad, but still it is tense. She is going to move in withRyan. He has two bedrooms; she will just move into the spare room.They will be roommates, not living together. She will just let her dadthink she has found a place of her own.

"This is crazy!" exclaims Megan. "What if Dad calls and Ryan answers?Or, what if he decides to visit you? He is going to find out one way oranother and when he does, all hell will break loose!"

Olivia calls Malcolm. She is back from Chicago. He needs to talk withher; she needs to clear some time for him right after her next patient.

Victor tells Neil that this isn't about anything other than businessexcept that having some time away from home might give him a betterperspective on his personal situation. Neil tells him that he hasalready taken that step; he has left his wife.

Malcolm arrives at Olivia's office. They play kissy-kissy until Oliviatells him to hold on; this is her office, after all. He tells her thereason he is there: Neil has moved out on Dru. He doesn't know any ofthe details; Neil won't talk to him. But Dru is a mess. They have todo something for her. Olivia turns away. She thinks they should justleave it alone, but Malcolm is adamant. This is family and Dru is inbad shape. She needs her big sister. We cannot turn our backs on her,he tells his wife.

Jill tells Ryan that aside from the fact that video games are tooviolent, it is too much for Phillip right now. With the way thingsstand between him and Phillip, it will be like buying his love. Ryanthinks Jill is overreacting. Okay, she tells him, when you see Phillipstart manipulating you to get whatever he wants, don't blame me!

Malcolm tells Olivia that he doesn't believe her hesitation. "Is itbecause of your conversation with Neil? If it is, I won't ask what thatwas about, but that doesn't mean you can't help your sister. We justcan't stand by while their marriage falls apart." Olivia finally tellshim that she will try to talk with Dru.

As Nick goes on and on about his Christmas plans, he finally noticesthat Grace is uncomfortable. He wonders what is wrong. Has he saidsomething? Isn't she into the Christmas spirit? Grace tells him thatit isn't anything like that; she is just thinking about work. Nickinvites her to lunch with him and his wife, but she has some work to doand refuses.

Dru is surprised at the shape Dru is in when she opens the door. Shegives her sister a hug. Dru tells her she is in such a mess; shedoesn't know if she is going or coming. It is like a bad dream. "Tellme what to do," she pleads with her sister.

Olivia wants to know what the problem was. Hesitantly she tells hersister that Neil found out she was taking BCPs.

Nick comes home and tells his wife that he is there for a "nooner.""Shame on you, Nick Newman," Sharon tells her husband. He sees all theChristmas decorations sitting around in boxes and tells her that thehouse is going to look great. There cannot be too many decorations toplease him.

After lunch, Nick tells Sharon that Grace doesn't seem to be in much ofa Christmas mood. She also got that idea from their conversationyesterday. As they wonder what is going on with her, Sharon suddenlyhas the answer. Grace and Tony are worried about money! Here they aregoing on and on about Christmas and they have so much more than thosetwo who have to struggle. Well! they will just have to include thatlittle family in all their Christmas plans. Sharon tells her husbandthat he is wonderful.

"I am so sorry that you felt you had to leave your home, your child andyour wife." Victor tells Neil.

"It is more than just her telling me a lie," Neil says. "I look at thiswoman that I loved---the woman I believed was my true soulmate---and Idon't know what is real and what isn't. It isn't about that one lie; itis about our entire marriage."

"Well some time away will give you a different perspective," Victortells Neil. "I would like to see you take this opportunity, but if youfeel you can't, there are many others lining up to go."

Neil tells Victor that he is worried about his daughter and how she willcope. But he will let Victor know by tomorrow what his decision willbe.

"You were taking BCPs!" exclaims Olivia. "Dru, how could you? Youwere taking birth control pills behind his back! You have been deceiving this man youclaim to love all this time? How can I help you when I don't understandhow you could have done this. This is serious! You betrayed this man."

"Please talk to him, Olivia," pleads Dru. "Neil will listen to you.Tell him I never meant to hurt him. Explain it to him."

"How can I explain it to him when I don't understand it myself?" Oliviaasks.

Tricia says that if she can't keep it from Dad, she will just tell him.She will explain that they will only be roommates. She wants to livewith Ryan more than anything she has ever wanted.

Keith enters Jill's office and is cordial with Ryan. Ryan leaves andJill compliments him on his handling of the situation. He ways that heis feeling better about his daughter these days. She is seeing less andless of Ryan and that makes him happy. Also she is dealing with thesituation better. And it is all thanks to Jill; she has been a positiveinfluence on his daughter. He then states that he wishes he could showher how much he likes having her back home.

Jill has this great idea. Tricia once made mention of her room lookinglike a little girl's room. But now she is a young lady. So, why don'tthey allow her to redecorate her room any way she wants to as aChristmas present? Keith thinks this is a great idea, and, except forknocking out walls, he gives carte blanche to the plan.

Alec arrives just as Tricia is going out to find Ryan. They invite herto go out with them, but she declines. After she is gone, Meganapologizes for her sister since Alec has been so good to her in thepast. But Alec says he came to see her, not Tricia.

Megan and Alec are enjoying a hot chocolate and playfully arguing aboutmovies when Jill and Keith come home. They want to see Tricia, butMegan tell her that she is out. It will wait, Jill smiles. They tellMegan that they have a surprise that will make her glad that she cameback home. It will make her want to stay. Megan looks troubled butsays nothing.

"So you won't help me?" questions Dru.

"I'm not sure I can," Olivia admits. "We are talking about a man whopoured out his heart to you; he begged you to have another baby. Whatyou did to him is cruel and heartless. It is unforgivable. And why didyou do these things? Because you wanted to put your "pretty littleface" on the covers of magazines; because you didn't want to spoil that"pretty little figure" by having another baby."

"Well, thank you Miss Perfect," sneers Dru. "Miss Perfect Daughter,Miss Perfect Student, Miss Perfect Teacher, Miss Perfect Doctor, MissPerfect Wife, Miss I put everyone ahead of myself.

Well it wouldn't hurt you to put someone else ahead of yourself foronce, Olivia tells her. Look what you've done to your husband; lookwhat you've done to your precious little girl.

"I should have known you wouldn't help me," Dru says. "All right,don't help. Just take your Perfect little butt out of my apartmentright now. Go! Get out of here."

"All right," Olivia signs. "I will talk to him for you. How can I nothelp when I think of Lily.

Neil is interrupted by the phone. He tells his secretary that hedoesn't want to speak with his wife, but she tells him that it is Dr.Winters. He speaks to Olivia. She wants to come and see him, but hewon't have it. "Make time," she tells him, firmly. "I am on my wayover. This is important."

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 1, 1997 on Y&R

Friday, December 5, 1997

by Anne Carpenter

Olivia arrives at Neil's office, but she isn't exactly welcomed. Neilcontinues with his work, ignoring her; when he does speak it is only inanswer to a question and then in a cool manner.

"Put down that pen, Neil," Olivia commands. "We need to talk."

Lily comes into the room and sees her mother studying pictures of herfather. "Why are you looking at Daddy's pictures?" she asks.

"Daddy works a lot," Lily observes. "Did Daddy come home last night?"Dru gathers her child into her arms, tears in her eyes.

Danny is pacing the floor of Chris' office. He is nervous abouttestifying in court, but Chris tells him that by the time she isfinished with him, he will be a seasoned veteran in the witness box.Danny tells her that he isn't so much worried about answering herquestions; he doesn't like Patrick and he is expecting some "low blows"from him. They are going to make him look like a "low life." Hewonders if they are winning. Chris tells him that both sides have madesome good points, but she feels that they are ahead. What they reallyneed is a blockbuster. Danny looks at her and tells her that she lookssweet, but she sure is tough. "You oughta know." Chris answers.

Phyllis is also nervous. Michael tries to settle her down before courtconvenes. She wonders when things are going to get better. Right now,it looks like everything is going Danny's way. Christine is tearingthem apart. Michael reminds her that they knew Christine was good. Youwere supposed to be better, she reminds Michael.

Michael tells her that it doesn't matter what is happening right now.The payoff will come at the end of the trial when the judge gives hercustody of her son. Then she can feel as victorious as she wants to.

"I like you, Michael," Phyllis tells him. "But, I can't stand notgetting what I want. You won't like it if I lose. See to it I don'tlose."

Ryan opens the door, his shirt completely unbuttoned. Tricia takes himall in with her big eyes. He tells her that he was expecting themaintenance man for a leaky faucet. They kiss passionately. I missedyou, he tells her. I missed you, too, she answers.

When they break apart, he gives her her first look at his apartment.How do you like it? he wants to know. She thinks it is okay, but couldcertainly use a woman's touch. Ryan tells her she can decorate it anyway she likes; he will even give her his credit card. But it isn't thedecorating she is talking about; she thinks he needs a roommate.

Jill and Keith are all excited about the surprise they have for Tricia.They have just come from the Design Center; they are going to giveTricia a gift that she will really love: a new bedroom. Oh boy! saysMegan.

Keith explains that having Tricia move back in means a lot to him andJill; they want to get her involved with the redecorating so that itwill be something she has done. They think this will show her how muchthey appreciate her being there. Jill notices that Megan is less thanenthusiastic and asks if something is wrong. No, answers Megan,everything is fine. She is sure her sister will be surprised andtouched.

Alec reminds her that if they want to see the movie from the beginning,they had better hurry.

"So, you must have spoken to Dru," Neil says. "Are you here to tell meyou disapprove?"

"I'm horrified!" Olivia tells him.

"Well, how about what she did?" responds Neil. "Don't tell me that wasokay?"

Olivia tells him that it was wrong of Dru to do what she did, but shefelt she had no choice. Neil asks what kind of woman would tell herhusband that she wants a baby as much as he does then take BCP behindhis back. How can Olivia justify that?

When Olivia tries to tell him that her sister is desperate, Neil doesn'tcare. Olivia will not get him to change his mind. Dru rationalizedwhat she did by saying it was his fault. What garbage! He then tellshis sister-in-law that he was feeling calm before she came. He needs toget some work done and he would like her to leave.

"I can't just walk away," Olivia tells him.

After Megan and Alec leaves, Jill and Keith wonder why she wasn't moreenthusiastic. Keith knows that she adores her sister and loves havingher back home. She should have been thrilled. Then it occurs to himthat Megan has been ignored for weeks now while they gave all theirattention and worry to Tricia. Of course! cries Jill. So it's back tothe Design Center, laughs Keith. We'll give them both new rooms.

You are such a good father, Jill tells Keith as they embrace.

Tricia tells Ryan that they are on the brink of an incredible future butthey can't have that while she is still living at home. But living withhim opens up all kinds of possibilities. It will be great! She reallywants to start her life with Ryan now---not later; life is too short towait. Ryan tells her that she can spend the night there occasionally.No, Tricia tells him. She is not going to just spend the night. Aslong as she is living at home, she will live by her father's rules.

"I want you, Ryan," she tells him. "I want you so much, and I know youwant me. Other girls I have known, have given themselves to many guys,but I didn't. I waited for the right guy. And now that I have foundhim, I don't want to wait any longer." Ryan takes her into his arms andthey fall on the couch, kissing.

Paul is having a bad day. He just stares out the window. He can't gethis mind on work. Even his mother's visit to the office can't get hismind back to the here and now. He finally sends Lynn and his mother toFenmore's to scout out some good ideas for a Christmas gift for hiswife.

Court finally convenes and Danny Romalotti is sworn in. He gives anaccounting of meeting Phyllis backstage when he was doing the Broadwayplay. He went home with her one night and they talked over a drink.The next thing he knew, he awoke in bed with her. She told me we hadsex, but I didn't remember it.

"You loved me, Danny," Phyllis cries. "You made love to me, you knowyou did, and it was beautiful!"

The judge warns that outbursts will have a negative effect on him, butMichael tells her that she made some points, but don't try it again.

Danny continues. He never saw her socially again until she told himthat she was pregnant. He didn't believe it; he didn't even believethat he had had sex with her, because he had been in no condition tohave sex. Only when the paternity test proved that he was the fatherdid he accept his responsibility. He married Phyllis only to give hischild a name. He did not love Phyllis.

Later, after they were divorced, he saw a new side to Phyllis. Ithappened when their son was deathly ill. He saw how she loved her sonwith all her heart; she was totally devoted to Daniel. He came to seeher as a wonderful person; he thought she had changed, so he remarriedher. For a while things were good---until she admitted that she hadtampered with the paternity test.

His career has provided him with enough money to give Daniel anything hewants and needs. He wants to hire his present nanny to take care ofhim. He will not disrupt his schooling or religious training. Hewants to make the transition as smooth as possible for Daniel. He willeven do less touring if he gets custody of Daniel.

Neil tells Olivia that her motives are good. She is a doctor---a caringperson. It is in her to take care of people and their problems. Butshe cannot do that for him.

"You are forgetting someone," Olivia tells him. "Your daughter. Shehas lots of questions. She doesn't know what is going on; her world isfalling down around her. It is your responsibility to protect thatchild."

"You didn't answer me, Mommy," Lily tells Dru. "Did Daddy come homelast night?"

Dru tells her daughter that daddy didn't come home last night. Shetries to answer her daughter's questions as best she can. When Lilywants to know if Daddy is ever coming back, she tells her that she hopesso.

Ryan comes up for air. I love you, he tells Tricia. And I do want usto be together. He just isn't sure they are ready. Tricia tells himthat she won't make love for the first time and then go home. You havetwo bedrooms, she reminds him. I could stay in one and you in theother; some nights we could stay in the same one.

"There is just one problem," Ryan tells her. "It is a big problem. Ialready have a roommate."

"How do you plan to handle visitation?" Chris asks.

Danny is taken by surprise. There is an objection from Phyllis' table,but the judge tells them that if Ms. Williams had not asked thequestion, he surely would have. "Please answer the question, Mr.Romalotti."

"There is no question that a lot of animosity exists between us," Dannybegins. "I don't like her. I don't respect her. I don't even want heranywhere near my son. I think she is an evil woman. But she is hismother and he loves her. I would never interfere in theirrelationship. If the court decided that she should be in his life, Iwould honor any arrangements, for my son's sake. I would hope that thecourt would protect Daniel.

When Neil enters the apartment, Lily jumps down from her mother's lapand rushes to him. He catches her in his arms and hugs her tightly.Lily notices that he doesn't have his briefcase and hopes that he won'thave to go back to the office.

Neil tells her that he can't stay. He explains that he loves her, buthe and Mommy are having some problems. Lily wants to help him fix theproblems, but he says it isn't something she can fix.

"Can't you see what you are doing to her?" begs Dru.

Neil gives her a cold stare and tells her he is talking to hisdaughter. He turns away. Lily is begging him to come home to her andher Mommy. He tells her that he can't, but he is still her Daddy and hewill spend a lot of time with her.

"Did I do something wrong?" asks Lily.

"No, you are the most beautiful, the most wonderful daughter. It isn'tyour fault. You didn't do anything wrong."

He turns on Dru, cruelly. "Thank you very much!" he snarls at her."See what you have done. I hope you are happy."

Neil walks out the door. Lily runs after him, all the time begging himnot to go. She falls against the closed door saying she wants herDaddy. Dru gathers her up in her arms and is crying along with herdaughter. "It will be okay, baby."

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