Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 3, 1997 on Y&R

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Malcolm Winters and Olivia Barber were married
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 3, 1997 on Y&R

Ryan arrived to take Nina home from the hospital, but she sent him away. Danny searched Phyllis' apartment. Tim agreed to testify for Danny. The war between Ashley and Victoria for Cole's affections grew. Neil discovered Dru's birth control pills.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 3, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 3, 1997 on Y&R

Monday November 3, 1997

by Erin Goldsby

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Olivia and Dru continue to argue about her predicament with Neil.Meanwhile, upstairs, Neil doesn't know what to make of the birth controlpills in Dru's purse. Malcolm interrupts his thoughts when he drops by toannounce that he thinks Neil and Dru need a vacation, and says that he'sreserved tickets and a hotel in Hawaii. After Malcolm leaves, Neil getsback out the pills and wonders if Dru is capable of deceiving him likethat.

Over at the hospital, Nina again tries to get out of bed. This time, shecan walk so she marches over to the room in which Ryan is beinginterrogated by the police and D.A. Nina comes in and dramatically tellsthem that she knows Ryan didn't try to hurt her and says she'll testify tothat in court. Once her grand speech is over, Ryan tries walking her backto her room as he thanks her profusely, but Nina shrugs him off and saysthat she doesn't want his help.

Jack goes to the tack room and tells Cole he'd better not hurt his sisteror else. Cole gets all defensive and tells Jack to leave, adding that hewon't be telling Ashley about this, or she'd be real mad at him. Jack tellsCole that he'll just tell Ashley about it himself and says that Cole's madeone thing perfectly clear -- that he's the wrong guy for his sister. Fromthere, Jack goes to Diane's office. She tells him about her conversationwith Victor about having children. Jack lends a supportive ear and ashoulder to cry on.

Victor is flabbergasted when Ashley admits that she's the other woman inCole's life. He blasts her but she snaps right back about him stealingDiane away from Jack. As they're arguing, Victoria comes in with a reportfor her dad. Victor and Ashley don't let on what they were talking aboutand Ashley quickly talks business with Victoria. They both put on a goodfront for Victor's sake but once Ashley leaves, Victoria asks her fatherwhat she really walked in on. Victor tells her that Cole has been seeingsomeone and he knows who. Victoria tells him she does too -- it's Ashley.Victor warns her to either stay in or leave her marriage before thedecision is made for her.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 3, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 3, 1997 on Y&R

Tuesday, November 4, 1997

by Soap Central

Ashley peeks around the door of Victor's office and asks if the coast isclear. Victor is very cold to her and wonder what that question means.She mentions that it was very tense before when Victoria arrived. Isshe gone? Victor tells her that she would be uncomfortable too if itwere her husband and mistress they were talking about. Ashleyacknowledges the truth in that statement and wonders what Victor's takeon the situation is. Come on in and I will help you strategize, Victortells her. He then tells her that his daughter is not ready to give upon her husband. I realize that, Ashley tells him. But she won't talkto Cole about the marriage either. She has to come to some kind ofdecision. Ashley then tells Victor that while the two of them areworking things out, her involvement with Cole is nobody's business butmine, Cole's, and Victoria's. "Are you telling me to keep my nose outof it? The mustache asks.

Miguel wheels in Doris Collins. Nikki warmly greets her. It hasbeen a long time since we have seen you, she tells Doris. Nikki thenturns to Sara and asks her to make some Earl Gray and bring it in tothem. "Some what?" asks Sara. Nikki explains that Earl Gray is a tea.She can find it in the pantry where Miguel keeps it. Also, bring insome cookies. As Nikki turns back to her guest, Sara stares at her inan unfriendly manner. Of course, Mrs. Landers, she says sarcasticallyto herself. Anything you want, Mrs. Landers. Your wish is my command,Mrs. Landers.

Nikki and Doris make small talk. It has been a while since she visitedwith Sharon. They had a really good visit. Noah is really growing.Our lives get so busy, Nikki tells her. Christmas is right around thecorner. Doris looks pained. What is wrong, asks Nikki. Is somethingbothering you? You know you can talk to me. Doris tells Nikki that theholiday season can be very emotional for her and Sharon. I know youknow about Sharon's first baby---the one that was given up foradoption. Every year, we can't help but wonder where he or she is andwhat he or she is doing.

Cassie is showing Grace her spelling test. Only she and one otherperson got 100%. It is because you helped me study, Mom. WhenGrace corrects her, Cassie says she doesn't understand why she can'tcall her Mom. She is never going to have a real mom. Cassie knows thatTony doesn't want her to call Grace Mom, but she kinda thinks Gracelikes it. Cassie proposes that she only call Grace "Mom" when Tonyisn't around. It can be just our secret. "He's not here now, MOM"Cassie smiles winningly. Just then Tony comes in and both Cassie andGrace look at him guiltily. What is going on? he asks. Cassie tellshim that she and Grace are sharing a secret. Tony tells Cassie thatMrs. Kramer from down the hall has her granddaughter visiting. Shewants to include Cassie in a trip to the movies. Do you want to go.Cassie is all excited. "Can I go, Mo---Grace?" she asks. As she putson her coat and leaves Tony asks what the big secret is. Grace remindshim that it is only between the two girls. Tony tells her that she isdoing a big head trip on herself and the little kid, too.

Jack and John are just finishing up a business meeting. They both wishthat Ashley had attended the meeting. John wonders if something isgoing on with her. Jack does his best to avoid the subject, but Johninsists. He wants to know if Ashley is seeing someone new. She seemsto be walking around on Cloud 9. He hopes she isn't headed for moreheartbreak. He reminds Jack that his kids happiness is important tohim. Jack assures his father that he is looking out for Ashley.

Ashley tells Victor that she didn't mean to say that he had to keep his"nose out of it." She would just rather that no one else know about thesituation. "I don't indulge in gossip!" Victor tells his ex-wife. Butyou must suffer the consequences of your conduct. Ashley then tellsVictor that she has things to do and leaves.

Doris tells Nikki that Christmas is a sad time. We cannot help thinkingabout the baby. It was a decision that had to be made and there were noeasy solution. Now, we wonder what happened to the child. Did it getloving parents the way we wanted? Is it happy? Does it have a goodlife? Nikki understands that it has to be difficult for them,especially when the question can never be answered.

Why are you on my case again? shouts Grace. Tony knows that Grace isplanning a future as Cassie's mother. Grace tries to convince Tony thatshe is just taking it day by day. Tony reminds her that the time willcome when she has to give that child back to it's mother. She isgrowing too attached; it is going to be more painful the longer it takesfor her to give Cassie up.

Sara questions Miguel about Nikki. Wasn't she once married to VictorNewman? What is he like? Miguel tells her that Victor is an amazingman, the head of an international company. Sara wonders why they weredivorced. Miguel answers that sometimes even Mrs. Landers wonders thesame thing. But, he tells her, Mr. and Mrs. Landers are very happy. Soshe has no regrets? asks Sara. Miguel tells her it is best not todiscuss their employers. He leaves the room and Sara looks into thedistance. Hmmm---Victor Newman.

Nikki visits Victor. She wants to know what he knows about Vicki'smarriage. She is worried. Victor tells her that he is staying out ofit. He has learned his lesson. Nikki won't give up. She suddenly getsthe idea that Vicki has met someone while on her trip. They have to dosomething. She could leave and be on the road all the time! They mightnot see their daughter but a couple of days each year. Help me,Victor. Tell me please!

Nick tells Grace that Sharon and Cassie belong together. He knows itwill be hard to give her up, but she will be able to visit Sharon andsee Cassie as much as she wants. He then tells her that Christmas iscoming and what better gift to give her best friend than her long lostdaughter. I love her and she loves me, Grace cries. But you are nother mother. Sharon is, Tony tells her. Grace decides to go to theoffice. You mean well, Tony, but I am tired of hearing all that I amdoing wrong.

Sara is arranging flowers. She looks down at Nikki and Josh's weddingpicture. She begins to remember when she was with Josh. Josh wastelling her that their marriage was not working. Veronica tells Joshthat she loves him. The only problem in their marriage is hisschedule. If he could just spend more time at home with her! Joshtells her that he is a doctor; his time isn't his own. Veronica saysthat after he finishes his residency things will be better. No, hetells her. I will have to work very hard for years building up mypractice. It will be years before I can give you the time you need.You are a wonderful person. I think it is best if we ended the marriagewhile you can still find the right person for you; someone who willfulfill all your needs. As he leaves for the hospital, he tells her tothink about it. She is alone, sobbing. I won't let you divorce me,Josh. It will never happen----never!

She is brought back to reality by Josh. I think I have caught youdaydreaming, he says.

Nick and Grace are working together. He says Jack was well pleased withthe proposal they worked on before. That late night felt like years,Grace tells him. Nick says he could not have done it without her andasks if she wants to continue working together. She can be his righthand. She leans over his shoulder and asks what they will work on next.

Nikki tells Victor that she is not going to leave until she gets ananswer. Victor gives in and tells her that there is another woman. Itis Ashley Abbott. Well, whaddya know! Nikki says. Thank you Victor.

Jack tells his father that his sister is an intelligent woman---a grownwoman. They can't tell her who she can and cannot see. But don'tworry, I am looking out for her. If I need your help, I'll come to you.

Ashley is working in the lab when Nikki arrives. She wonders if Ashleyhas no scruples at all. My daughter was barely out of town when youset your sights on her husband, accuses Ms. Landers. Ashley tells hervisitor to be careful. I do not need this right now. You broke up mymarriage, Nikki accuses. Now you have set your sights on my daughter'shusband

Nick says their next project will have to do with holiday advertising.Grace reminds him that this year will be Noah's first Christmas. Areyou excited. We want you to bring Cassie over to share the season withus. Nick says he isn't into it yet, but Sharon is. Maybe in anotheryear or two, there will be a new addition to your Christmas card, Gracesuggests. Another addition? asks Nick. Grace wonders if there will beanother baby. Nick is surprised but answers that their cup is full. Hedoesn't see a new child for a while. Sharon is ready for another baby,he confides, but he doesn't think he wants another. Nick admits that hehasn't given much thought to another baby, as he promised Sharon hewould, but now that he has voiced his reservations, he knows what hedoesn't want. So now it is time he shared this with his wife.

Josh tells Sara that she is doing a great job. Does she still like itout at the ranch? Sara tells him that the ranch feels just like home toher. Josh leaves, telling Sara to let Mrs. Landers know that he will belate getting home. Yes, I'll be sure and tell her, Sara says. AfterJosh is gone, Sara says: I am still your wife, Josh. The divorce youwanted so much never happened. I am still your wife.

Jack brings Nick's report to Victor. He did a fine job, Jack says. Iam proud of that kid. Victor is also proud of the work his son hasdone. I'd like to speak to you about my sister, Jack tells Victor.Jack believes Ashley belongs in the boardroom. She is smart andexperienced, he tells Victor. Let's not waste it. She spends too muchtime in the lab. Victor agrees that it is a good idea. Who shouldbring the subject up? It is decided that it would come best fromVictor. About your sister, begins Victor. As Jack hesitates, Victortells him to never mind.

Ashley reminds Nikki that Cole and Vicki were having problems before shecame on the scene, but Nikki says that it was she who brought them tothe point they are at today. Ashley explains that she was only helpingCole with his book. They enjoyed each other's company and that turnedinto a wonderful friendship. We are very close, she tells Nikki. I amsure you are, agrees Nikki.

Wait a minute, Ashley tells Nikki. We have not slept together---not yetanyway. Nikki says she will not stand by and allow Ashley to ruin herdaughter's life. I warn you, Ashley. Stay away for Cole. And if Idon't? wonders Ashley. Don't test me, threatens Nikki. And don't sayyou weren't warned!

Nick arrives home. Noah has just been put down to rest. He worehimself out at Mom's today. We need to talk, Nick tells his wife. Youask me to think about a baby. I know it is what you want, he tellsher. But it is not what I want.

Nikki walks into her house and slams the door behind herself. Damn thatwoman! she exclaims. Sara is startled. Are you all right. Nikkiapologizes for her abruptness. Can I get you anything? a drink,perhaps? asks Sara. Talk about temptation! Nikki says. I don't needanything unless . . . How are you with poison, Sara? Nikki wonders.What? asks Sara. Never mind, Nikki laughs. I am going for a hotshower.

Cole is busy on his novel when there is a knock at the door. It isAshley. Should I have called? she asks. No, he tells her. If you hadcalled, I would have told you not to come. But now that I look at yourbeautiful face, how could I have given up this pleasure? She wonders ifhe has talked with Victoria. He tells her about the dinner party thenight before. Sharon and Nick were trying a little familymatchmaking---a little food, a little wine, and things would be rightback where they left off. He laughs at the fiasco the night turnedinto.

Cole admits that he had a good time at the dinner. Vicki was witty andfunny. It reminded him of what she was like before they began to haveproblems. Ashley tells him that she had a chat with Victor and now heknows. How did he take it? wonders Cole. Better than Nikki did, Ashleyassures him. Nikki came into my lab on a broomstick and read me theriot act, she tells him. She is just a mother protecting her young,Cole says. Not exactly, Ashley says. She is good about taking themoral indignation high ground when it suits her but she has hermoments. Tomorrow it will be in the tabloids, laughs Cole and theykiss.

You don't want another child? asks Sharon. Not right now, answersNick. I don't want to plan on having another child for a few years. Weboth have to want this. I'm sorry, but you need to know how I feel.Sharon is in tears. He apologizes for upsetting her. When he sees justhow upset she is, he says maybe he should change his mind. He didn'trealize she wanted it so much. But she tells him that he is right.They both have to want it for it to work. Thank you for offering, but Ican wait until you are ready. I love you, Sharon, Nick tells her as hepulls him into his arms. I love you so much, Nick, a tearful Sharontells her husband.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 3, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 3, 1997 on Y&R

Wednesday, October 5, 1997

by Erin Goldsby

Sharon drops by Grace's apartment but she's still at work so she chats itup with Tony. They discuss his progress with Grace, or lack of it. Sharongives him a pep talk, and assures him that she'll do her best to continueto convince Grace to go for him.

Cole calls Ashley at the lab and invites her over for dinner. She accepts,but is delayed by Jack dropping by. Jack angers Ashley when he admits thathe went to see Cole. She tells him to back off and stay out of it but hesays he can't. He pleads with her to let Cole and Victoria have a fightingchance and to just back off for a while.

Meanwhile at the tack house, Cole has dinner cooking and gets into theshower. Victoria drops by and lets herself in. Deducing that he has adinner guest coming, she waits to talk to him. To her surprise, Ashleycalls and leaves a message with her that she needs to cancel their dinnerplans. When Cole gets out of the shower, Victoria gives him the messagethen asks if she can stay for dinner instead. He reluctantly agrees. Theyhave a cordial dinner, and Victoria tells him that he's fair game, andshe's going to try to win him back.

Neil thinks back to the night that Dru dropped her birth control pills intoa glass of water and announced that she was ready to have another child. Herealizes that they weren't the same type of pills that he found in herpurse, and decides to take them to a pharmacist and find out for sure whatthey are. Neil is devastated when the pharmacist reveals that not only arethey birth control pills, but that Dru had the prescription refilled justtwo weeks ago. Overcome with shock, Neil heads for a bar and has a stiffdrink.

Back at home, Dru can't track down Neil. He's late, and hasn't called, soshe fears the worst. Panic stricken, she calls Olivia and Malcolm over,rambling that she thinks Neil is missing and hurt somewhere. They tell herto calm down, but to no avail. Finally, Neil walks in the door. Dru racesto hug him and say how much she was worried about him but how glad she'shome. Neil mutters through gritted teeth that he has a lot on his mind, butsays it's work related. He goes off to bed, so Olivia and Malcolm leave.Alone, Dru is happy that her man is home, and thinks that all he needs issome good ol' lovin' from her to cheer him up.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 3, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 3, 1997 on Y&R

Thursday, November 6, 1997

by Erin Goldsby

Dru talks with Malcolm and tells him how out of it Neil seems to be. Afterbriefly speaking with him, Malcolm agrees that something heavy is weighingon his brother's mind. Malcolm tells Olivia about it, and they both presumethat there's more on his mind that just business, like he claims. Oliviagoes to Neil's office to find out what's going on, but Neil denies anythingis wrong. "I can't believe that you'd lie to me," Olivia challenges.

Tricia comes home to talk to Megan but she's not there so she reluctantlytalks to Jill. They discuss Ryan and Nina and before Jill can lecture,Tricia tells her that she plans to stay away from the situation for awhile.Jill says she wishes she could believe her. Tricia is on her way out thedoor when Ryan shows up. He tells her that Nina is being released from thehospital and he plans to pick her up and take her home. He also announcesthat he plans to stay with her for awhile until she's back up on her feet.He makes it clear that he's doing this only out of responsibility and asense of obligation. Jill asks to speak to him alone, and lays into himabout staying away from Tricia.

Phyllis discusses the custody battle with Joani and while thinking aloud,discovers that she's left one stone unturned. She realizes that there'ssomeone out there that could testify against her if Christine got to himfirst -- Dr. Reid. Phyllis rushes to his office and reminds him that he gaveher the pills that she used to knock out Brian. She explains about thecustody battle and says that she needs his help.

Meanwhile, Paul discusses the case with Lynne, and while thinking aloud,wonders where Phyllis got the tranquilizers that knocked out Brian. Hecalls Danny and tells him to bring the credit card receipts from when heand Phyllis were together. Danny goes to the apartment but finds Joanialone. She explains that Phyllis had to go out and she's on her way to pickup Daniel. Danny doesn't give her much choice but to leave him alone in theapartment. Phyllis returns and finds him there, and immediately demands anexplanation. Danny lies and says that he was simply picking up some sheetmusic that he left behind. Phyllis freaks out, and accuses him ofharassment.

Ryan goes to the hospital and cheerfully greets Nina, congratulating her ondoing so well that she can go home. He explains that her doctor called himand told him of her release so that he could drive her home. Ryan isshocked when she tells him that she doesn't need a ride from him. She callsFlo and says she's ready to be picked up. When Ryan adds that he wants tolive with her until she's better, Nina puts her foot down. She tells himthat since he's only doing this because he feels obligated, she doesn'tneed his pity and doesn't want his help. She tells him not to feel anyobligation to her anymore. "But I'm your husband," Ryan pouts. Nina tellshim that their only married by legal definition, but their marriage hasbeen over for a while. "For a long time, I held onto every crumb ofattention I could get from you," Nina explains, "But I deserve better thanthat." Ryan tries to fight it for some reason, but Nina tells him not topretend anymore and cuts him loose.

Megan is surprised when Tricia tells her of Ryan's plans to move in withNina. She starts to lecture her, but the phone rings and interrupts. It'sNina, and she tells Tricia that not only is Ryan not driving her home, butshe's also released him of all responsibility where she's concerned. "Ifyou want him, he's yours," Nina announces, "You two deserve eachother."

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 3, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 3, 1997 on Y&R

Friday, November 7, 1997

by Erin Goldsby

Jack questions Ashley about her evening with Cole, but she tells him thatshe cancelled their dinner plans. Jack is pleased to know that what he saidgot through to her.

Danny makes up some excuse as to why he has a bottle of Phyllis' medicinein his hand but she doesn't believe him and takes it back. After he leaves,she wonders what he was really up to. Michael comes over and she tells himabout it but he says he has good news for her. He explains that he's gotsome witnesses to testify against Danny that will make him look really badin court. Phyllis tells him about her trip to see Tim and says she's surehe'll be keeping his mouth shut.

Meanwhile, Danny goes to Paul's office and tells him that he found a bottleof pills in the medicine cabinet that he thought might be the ones thatPhyllis used to knock out Brian, but Phyllis took back the bottle. However,he smugly explains how he memorized the name of the drug on the bottle, andeven wrote it down when he got to his car so he wouldn't forget it. Paulchecks it out, but it's not the same as the drug they found traces of inBrian's blood. Paul wonders if a doctor would've given Phyllis the pills,and Danny says the only doctor of Phyllis' that he knows was Dr. Reid. Paulsays he'll go talk to him.

Olivia tells Neil that she's not leaving his office until he tells thetruth about what's got him so upset. Neil is obviously distraught, but allhe reveals is that no one can help him with his problem.

Dru talks to Malcolm about Neil. Since Neil will only say that it's hiswork that's got him so upset, she assumes that someone is pressuring himtoo much at work. She goes to Victor's office looking for answers. Victoris surprised when Dru demands to know who is stressing out her husband.However, he tells her that it's highly doubtful that it's work that's gothim so upset. Dru is pleased when Victor offers to talk to Neil and findout what's going on.

Paul goes to Tim's office and quickly lays a huge guilt trip on him aboutbeing indirectly involved in a fraud case for giving Phyllis the pills.When he tells Tim what Phyllis used them for, Tim buckles and says he'lltestify in court that he gave Phyllis some pills from his own prescription.

Victoria tracks down Ashley in the board room and rubs it in about what agood time she and Cole had at dinner the night before. She finally gets onAshley's nerves, and she lashes back. Ashley reminds Victoria that she wasa bad wife for going out of town for months and never calling, and says itserves her right to lose her husband now. Victoria reminds Ashley that sheand Cole have a history, and she plans to use that to her advantage to winand keep him. Ashley tells Victoria that she doesn't really want Cole, shedoesn't want anyone else to have him.

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