Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on Y&R

SC Desk
Malcolm Winters and Olivia Barber were married
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on Y&R

Ryan was arrested, and the judge decided that Ryan would face the grand jury. The fertility doctor asked to see both Dru and Neil in her office. Nina couldn't remember any of the circumstances surrounding the shooting.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on Y&R

Monday, October 13, 1997

by Erin Goldsby

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Victoria surprises Cole by coming home. They discuss the status of theirmarriage, and Victoria tells him that she plans to move back to her oldbedroom at the main house. Cole doesn't seem too bothered, so she asks ifhe's expecting Ashley, but he doesn't' answer.

Christine goes to the hospital to see Nina. After getting the run down fromRyan, she goes in and sits with her friend. Ryan takes a break, but Det.Wylie and Bates show up. They ask him to come down to the station forquestioning.

Neil goes to see Malcolm and shares the results of his fertility test withhim. Malcolm is happy, but suggests that the problem is Dru. Neil assureshim that he'll approach her about it carefully.

Meanwhile, Dru and Olivia are still at each other's throats. Olivia saysshe knows that Dru won't tell the whole truth, and guesses that Dru's goingto keep from Neil how long she's known about her condition. Olivia preachesto her about morality, etc, and Dru wonders if she plans to tell herhusband the truth. Olivia can't seem to give her a positive answer, so Druaccuses her about being in love with Neil again. Olivia gets her back up,Dru threatens her, then she leaves.

Victoria goes up to the main house, and shocks Nikki by telling her thatshe's moving in, and that Cole is expecting a woman at the tack house.Nikki wants to go talk to Cole, but Victoria tells her to stay out of it,this is what she wants.

Down at the tack room, Ashley shows up and is surprised by Cole's news.She gets pangs of guilt, and threatens to leave out of sudden respect forVictoria. Cole stops her and says this is what he wants and they kiss.

At the police station, Ryan answers all of their questions, but is quickerthan Tricia to realize that they think he shot Nina on purpose. Hereiterates his story about the attempted suicide, swearing again that henever touched the gun. To his horror, the ballistic reports find hisfingerprints all over the gun. Det. Bates dramatically deduces that he'strying to divorce his rich wife for his young mistress, but Nina isstanding in his way so he thought he'd go for the insurance money and shother. Ryan threatens to sue them for the thought, but is quickly arrestedfor the attempted murder of Nina. He shouts at them to talk to Nina as shewill explain everything but they tell him to just get a lawyer.

Back at the hospital, Christine asks Nina to recount what happened -- butshe doesn't remember a thing.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on Y&R

Tuesday, October 14, 1997

by Erin Goldsby

Christine tells Danny about Nina and how she might be paralyzed but no onehas told her about that yet. She then tells about her visit to New York andhow she found out that Phyllis was seen in Sasha's office about the sametime as the first paternity test, and that she was a computer whiz whomight know how to change the results on the computer. They discuss Sasha'smanuscript and lament that they don't have a copy. Chris also tells himabout Paul's meeting with Brian and Phyllis' suspected interference. Chriswarns Danny that if Brian was to find out that he's Daniel's father, hemight get involved in the custody case too, and then Danny really wouldn'thave a leg to stand on in court. Danny says he needs to think about thisone for a while.

Meanwhile, Paul calls the lab and asks if they still have a blood samplefrom the second paternity test. He asks for a special toxic test to be doneon Brian's sample, and they have no problem heeding his request. Whilewaiting for the results, he explains to Lynne that he's going with a hunch.

Victoria continues to tell Nikki that she has everything under control inher marriage, but Nikki is outraged that Cole has a woman down at the tackroom. She accuses Cole of having an affair while Victoria was out of town,and chastises her for being gone so long. Victoria defends him, and saysthat she doesn't think things have gone that far between Cole and the otherwoman. Nikki begins to wonder if Victoria wants to stay in the marriage ornot.

Down at the tack room, Cole and Ashley are kissing up a storm. Cole tellsher that Victoria suspects what's going on between them but he isn'tworried since this is what he wants. Ashley says she doesn't look forwardto going head to head with Victoria, but says she won't back down either.Cole agrees a catfight wouldn't be good and suggests that they go fordinner. Ashley is all for it until he mentions something about them beinggood friends. "We're more than just good friends," she says. She plants along kiss on his lips and tells him to think about that for a while beforeleaving.

Tricia is standing in the room when Ryan calls Jill and tells her that he'sbeen arrested. He asks her to contact John Silva for him and she promisesto do so. Tricia gets on the phone but he can't talk for long. He asks herto keep her mouth shut the next time the police start asking questions, andto promise not to tell them anything without a lawyer present. Triciaswears she didn't say anything incriminating, but Ryan is told to hang up.He shudders as he hears the cell door slam.

Chris comes to Paul's office and he tells her about the test that heordered. His friend at the lab calls back and tells him his hunch pannedout -- Brian's blood had high traces of tranquilizers in it. Chris and Paulrealize that Brian has no idea that he could be Daniel's father, let alonethat he even gave blood for a paternity test.

Jill puts in a call to John Silva but he's in court and can't be reachedyet. Tricia says she must run to Ryan's side as he needs support but Jilldemands that she stay away from him. She tries to explain that she'll makematters much worse for Ryan if she's seen at the jail, but Tricia justdoesn't get it. Jill explains that the cops think she's the other woman ina homicide attempt, but Tricia thinks that as long as she knows the truth,nothing else matters. Jill tries to tell her to wake up and smell thecoffee, but Tricia insists that Ryan needs someone that loves him with him,and bolts out the door before she can stop her. As Tricia leaves, Johncalls back and Jill tells him the scenario.

Det. Wylie and Bates go to see Nina and ask for her cooperation. They hoverbeside her bed as the doctor examines her, then tell her that they want herto tell them everything she can. Nina says she will, but isn't sure whatshe remembers. They ask her a few questions but when she swears she doesn'tremember anything, it leaves them to wonder if she's telling the truth orhiding something.

Phyllis goes to Michael's office and they steam things up for a while. Shegives him a gift -- a letter opener, and they make weird comments about itsuses. They discuss the case and Michael tells Phyllis that Christine is agood lawyer but not a magician. "She'll need hard evidence to use againstyou in court if she plans to win," he says. Phyllis tells him about herphone call to Brian and how she interrupted Paul's visit. She also assureshim that she's left no stone unturned in covering her butt.

Tricia arrives at the jail and demands to see Ryan. She explains to thesergeant that he has no family -- except his wife and son -- and he needs herbadly right now to arrange a lawyer and care for his son. The sergeant asksif Ryan asked her to come, but Tricia says she's all he's got. "He needs meto find him a lawyer but I don't know who to call so I have to ask him whatto do," she explains lamely. Finally, she's let in but is reminded there'sno physical contact allowed. A guard watches over them as Tricia rushes toRyan's cell. She tells him that she wants to help him in any way that shecan, but Ryan tells her the best way is to just stay away from him. Asshe's apologizing, John Silva marches in and tells the guard to escortTricia out. Tricia looks at Ryan with her puppy dog eyes hoping he'll sayshe can stay, but when he doesn't she rushes out in tears. John tells Ryanto tell him everything. Ryan explains that it's quite simple. He didn'tshoot Nina, he was trying to save her life. He tells John that if he'd justexplain that to the police for him, there'll be no need to go to court.John looks at him incredulously as he assures him he'll be having his dayin court................

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on Y&R

Wednesday, October 15, 1997

by Erin Goldsby

John Silva calmly explains to Ryan about the preliminary hearing. Ryanrants and raves about being innocent and being able to just explain himselfso people will understand that he's not guilty. John tells him that thebest thing he can do for himself is to tell Tricia to stay away as shelooks like the other woman in a sticky love triangle. Ryan says that'sinsane and if the police would just talk to Nina, they'd find out thetruth. John tells him that they have talked to Nina, but she doesn'tremember anything.

Nick is taken aback when Grace tells him that she's not committed to Tony,and is curious to know more about Jack. She asks him to introduce them butNick tells her to leave him out of it. "I'm a big girl, I guess I can makemy own friends," Grace shrugs. After Nick leaves, she calls Jack's officebut his secretary says she's out. She's stunned to look up and see himstanding in the doorway. He explains that he was looking for Nick, butGrace is stunned because he obviously heard her on the phone looking forhim. She explains that he'll be reviewing a project she worked on soon andshe has lots of questions for him. Jack's surprised when she asks him to gofor coffee sometime. He says he will but he's all coffeed out for the dayso he'll take a raincheck, which Grace readily accepts.

Tony works on his love song for Grace as Cassie watches. Out of the blue,she asks if they can call Millie. Tony doesn't see a problem with that andcalls for her. Millie and Cassie chat for a moment, and both feel betterfor it.

Megan tearfully listens as Tricia tells her the whole Ryan-in-jail saga.She's fuming as she tells her how Jill had the nerve to accuse her of beingresponsible for blabbing so much to the police. "I can't live under thesame roof as that woman a day longer!" she says dramatically. With hersuitcases packed, Tricia says she's moving out. Megan throws herself infront of the door in an attempt to stop her from leaving, but Tricia can'tbe stopped. Until, that is, she opens the door to find Keith on thedoorstep. He asks for an explanation, so Tricia tells him that she's tiredof having to defend Ryan to him and Jill all of the time so she's movingout. Keith tries to reason with her, but Tricia runs off so Keith runsafter her.

Phillip has a draining day after visiting Nina in the hospital and Ryan injail. Nina woke up briefly enough to visit with her son for a moment beforegoing back to sleep. After Phillip said a prayer for her, Jill took himover to the jail to see Ryan. However, it was a confusing moment for thekid, seeing his dad behind bars for shooting his mom, all the while Ryandefending himself and promising he didn't shoot his mommy. While a nicepolicewoman takes Phillip for some ice cream, Ryan tells Jill about thepreliminary hearing in the morning. When Jill notes that the police talkedto Nina, Ryan tells her that she couldn't remember a thing about theshooting. He adds that after all that has happened, he can't help butwonder if Nina is telling the truth.

Jack drops by Katherine's and is overjoyed to see how well her facialrejuvenation treatment went. They discuss Diane and Victor but Jack swearsthat he won't let them bring him down.

Grace comes home and Tony tells her that Cassie called Millie. Grace isunnerved and makes sure that Tony didn't give her their number. Under herbreath, Grace notes that sometimes she considers doing something about thesituation but isn't quite sure how to handle it.

Nick goes home and cuddles up with Sharon. They get talking, and shementions the baby she gave up for adoption. She explains that not a day hasgone by that she hasn't thought of the child and wonders about it. Nicktells her that she's just a chasing a dream if she tries looking for it,but Sharon insists she can't get the kid off of her mind and it might beworth looking for.

Just after Millie hangs up with Cassie, the phone rings again. To heramazement, it's Alice calling from a phone booth. She says that the guy sheleft with is out of the picture now, and she might be coming home. She asksif Cassie is okay, but Alice doesn't answer.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on Y&R

Thursday, October 16, 1997Erin Goldsby

Christine pays a visit to Ryan in his cell, and he tells her how upset heis that Nina doesn't remember anything. He says that given everything, hecan't help but wonder if Nina is telling the truth, or trying to bring himdown with her. Christine doesn't think his accusations are justified, butit doesn't take long to convince her that he might be onto something. Heasks her to go talk to Nina and find out if she really has amnesia.

Victor and Diane are enjoying an uninterrupted dinner together at theColonnade Room when they spot Jack and Katherine across the restaurant.They come over to the table to say hello and much to Jack's chagrin,Katherine asks to join them. Victor compliments her on her new face, andshe asks him to the dance floor, knowingly giving Diane and Jack a momentalone. Diane tells Jack that she's very happy being married to the livinglegend and he says that he's happy for her. Diane's surprised but happy tohear that.

Neil excitedly tells Olivia that without even asking her to, Dru went tosee a fertility specialist. Olivia feels terrible and after Neil leaves,she mutters to herself that she won't let her sister get away withdeceiving Neil like this.

Cole comes to see Ashley at the lab, but she's hesitant to talk to him. Shereminds him that she doesn't feel comfortable seeing him now that Victoriahas returned, but Cole says that unless she can look him in the eye rightnow and say she never wants to see him again, he's not going anywhere.Ashley can't say that, so Cole stays.

At the main house, Victoria is surprised when Sarah questions her about hermarital status. She apologizes for being nosy, but Victoria knows thateveryone is curious. She asks how Sarah likes living at the ranch and shetells her that she really thinks a lot of Mr. & Mrs. Landers. Victorianotes what a hunk Josh is and says that Nikki really lucked out. Sarahagrees, but once alone says to herself that Nikki should enjoy is while shecan.

Dru gets a call from the fertility specialists office and makes anappointment for tomorrow with the doctor. Neil comes home and is sosupportive that he insists on going with her.

Malcolm comes home and finds Olivia completely distressed. She says it'sjust a patient that she's worried about but he thinks there's more thanthat to it.

John Silva returns to the jail to talk to Ryan and explains the preliminaryhearing procedure. He says that the purpose of it is only to have theprosecution show that they have a case, nothing else. Therefore, he saysit's in their best interest not to provide any information and not to haveRyan testify. "The judge isn't there to determine your innocence," he adds,"Only to decide if there's enough evidence against for a case." Ryan freaksout and screams "Who's side are you on?!" many many times. John has amazingpatience and tells him he's trying to help him but he'll have to work withhim on this if they're going to get anywhere.

Victor gets a call from Nikki so he rushes out to the ranch. Nikki's nothome so Victoria says that she knows why she called. Victor's stunned whenVictoria tells him of her new living arrangements. Surprisingly enough, hetakes the news quite well.

Christine goes to see Nina and finds her sleeping. When she awakes, Ninasays how weak she feels and wonders why Ryan isn't there anymore. Chrisdecides to tell her the truth and studies her reaction carefully as sheadmits that Ryan was arrested. Nina gets very upset, insisting that Ryanwould never hurt her. Chris asks her if she's sure that she doesn'tremember what happened. When Nina realizes she's implying that she's lying,Nina freaks and sobs that she loves Ryan and would never try to hurt him.Chris stares at her while she works herself up to a hysteria, thenapologizes and tries to comfort her as she says that she believesher.

Friday, October 17h, 1997

Phyllis thinks Michael has come over to play, but he wants to get thebusiness done with first. He tells her that he's worried about the time andeffort Chris and Paul are putting into Danny's case, and can't help butwonder if Brian is helping them after all. Although Phyllis assures himthere's no way Brian would open his mouth, Michael tells her to fly to NewYork tonight and convince him in person to stay quiet.

Meanwhile, Danny tells Christine that he wants to be more active in thecase and suggests that he accompany them to New York this time. He saysthat he remembered Peter, Sasha's (and Phyllis') ex-boyfriend and wondersif he has a copy of the manuscript. He says that he'd like to talk to himwhile they talk to Brian. Chris says they'll have to run it by Paul first.She then tells him about the traces of drugs in Brian's blood, sure that itmeans he doesn't know he's Daniel's father.

Dru and Neil go to the doctor's office. While Neil is waiting for Dru to beexamined, Malcolm shows up to lend his support. He sits with Neil while hewaits, and they have a pretty much meaningless conversation.

Keith laments to Jill about the whole Tricia/Ryan/Nina thing. When Jilltries to defend Ryan, Keith loses interest in the conversation and leaves.Megan comes in and uses a blaming tone on Jill that Tricia is gone, butJill explains the gravity of the situation and what a twit Tricia is. Jillrealizes that Ryan's arraignment is today, and suspects that Tricia hasgone to the courtroom despite orders to stay away. She bolts out the doorto stop her before she does any more damage.

Over at Paul's office, he gives Lynne an update on the custody case andBrian's blood test. They discuss what an unfit mother Phyllis is. Chris andDanny arrive and Danny demands to go along to New York. When Paul refusesto let him, Danny pouts and accuses him of having ulterior motives. He asksif he's heard of the name Peter Garrett, noting that he should have. Afterhearing Danny's long winded speech, Paul finally concedes to let him cometo New York with them.

Sure enough, Jill finds Tricia at the courtroom, insisting she needs to bethere for Ryan. Jill tries to reason with her but Tricia won't listen toanything she has to say. Seeing John Silva, Jill asks him to explain thesituation to Tricia. He tells her that if she wants to help Ryan, she can'tgo in or she'll appear as the other woman. Tricia agrees to leave, butasks that John tell Ryan she was there. She then ignores Jill as she callsout after her, hoping to find out where she's staying.

In New York, Peter comes home to find his girlfriend (Gloria?) in hisapartment. She asks him if he's heard from Sasha and notes that he mustwonder about her. Peter says he really could care less and goes to thebathroom. Gloria holds up an envelope, one that looks much like the onescarrying the famous manuscript, and reads aloud that it's addressed toPeter from Sasha. She wonders if she should even give it to him, thendecides to deal with it later. Before leaving for work, she places it ateye level on the living room cabinet, with the label with Sasha's name onit facing out.

Ryan's hearing begins after he is led into the courtroom and fixes quitethe look on his face. He stands there with his jaw out, rolling his eyes asthe prosecution explains the love triangle that he shot his way out of.Everyone is surprised when the prosecution asks for an extension as they'dlike to talk to Nina before proceeding. John tells the judge to go ahead,if they had enough evidence to arrest him without talking to the victim,why should they prolong anything? The judge agrees and Det. Bates takes thestand, telling his version and suspicions of the incident. John and Jill'seyes bug out of their heads when the detective notes how Ryan swore henever touched the gun, but changed his story after his fingerprints werefound on it. At the end of it all, the judge decides that there's enoughevidence for a grand jury and sets the bail for $500,000. Ryan freaks out,yelling that he doesn't have that kind of money and he has a son to thinkabout, you know. The judge changes her mind and says $300,000instead.

by Erin Goldsby

Christine pays a visit to Ryan in his cell, and he tells her how upset heis that Nina doesn't remember anything. He says that given everything, hecan't help but wonder if Nina is telling the truth, or trying to bring himdown with her. Christine doesn't think his accusations are justified, butit doesn't take long to convince her that he might be onto something. Heasks her to go talk to Nina and find out if she really has amnesia.

Victor and Diane are enjoying an uninterrupted dinner together at theColonnade Room when they spot Jack and Katherine across the restaurant.They come over to the table to say hello and much to Jack's chagrin,Katherine asks to join them. Victor compliments her on her new face, andshe asks him to the dance floor, knowingly giving Diane and Jack a momentalone. Diane tells Jack that she's very happy being married to the livinglegend and he says that he's happy for her. Diane's surprised but happy tohear that.

Neil excitedly tells Olivia that without even asking her to, Dru went tosee a fertility specialist. Olivia feels terrible and after Neil leaves,she mutters to herself that she won't let her sister get away withdeceiving Neil like this.

Cole comes to see Ashley at the lab, but she's hesitant to talk to him. Shereminds him that she doesn't feel comfortable seeing him now that Victoriahas returned, but Cole says that unless she can look him in the eye rightnow and say she never wants to see him again, he's not going anywhere.Ashley can't say that, so Cole stays.

At the main house, Victoria is surprised when Sarah questions her about hermarital status. She apologizes for being nosy, but Victoria knows thateveryone is curious. She asks how Sarah likes living at the ranch and shetells her that she really thinks a lot of Mr. & Mrs. Landers. Victorianotes what a hunk Josh is and says that Nikki really lucked out. Sarahagrees, but once alone says to herself that Nikki should enjoy is while shecan.

Dru gets a call from the fertility specialists office and makes anappointment for tomorrow with the doctor. Neil comes home and is sosupportive that he insists on going with her.

Malcolm comes home and finds Olivia completely distressed. She says it'sjust a patient that she's worried about but he thinks there's more thanthat to it.

John Silva returns to the jail to talk to Ryan and explains the preliminaryhearing procedure. He says that the purpose of it is only to have theprosecution show that they have a case, nothing else. Therefore, he saysit's in their best interest not to provide any information and not to haveRyan testify. "The judge isn't there to determine your innocence," he adds,"Only to decide if there's enough evidence against for a case." Ryan freaksout and screams "Who's side are you on?!" many many times. John has amazingpatience and tells him he's trying to help him but he'll have to work withhim on this if they're going to get anywhere.

Victor gets a call from Nikki so he rushes out to the ranch. Nikki's nothome so Victoria says that she knows why she called. Victor's stunned whenVictoria tells him of her new living arrangements. Surprisingly enough, hetakes the news quite well.

Christine goes to see Nina and finds her sleeping. When she awakes, Ninasays how weak she feels and wonders why Ryan isn't there anymore. Chrisdecides to tell her the truth and studies her reaction carefully as sheadmits that Ryan was arrested. Nina gets very upset, insisting that Ryanwould never hurt her. Chris asks her if she's sure that she doesn'tremember what happened. When Nina realizes she's implying that she's lying,Nina freaks and sobs that she loves Ryan and would never try to hurt him.Chris stares at her while she works herself up to a hysteria, thenapologizes and tries to comfort her as she says that she believesher.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 13, 1997 on Y&R

Friday, October 17h, 1997

Phyllis thinks Michael has come over to play, but he wants to get thebusiness done with first. He tells her that he's worried about the time andeffort Chris and Paul are putting into Danny's case, and can't help butwonder if Brian is helping them after all. Although Phyllis assures himthere's no way Brian would open his mouth, Michael tells her to fly to NewYork tonight and convince him in person to stay quiet.

Meanwhile, Danny tells Christine that he wants to be more active in thecase and suggests that he accompany them to New York this time. He saysthat he remembered Peter, Sasha's (and Phyllis') ex-boyfriend and wondersif he has a copy of the manuscript. He says that he'd like to talk to himwhile they talk to Brian. Chris says they'll have to run it by Paul first.She then tells him about the traces of drugs in Brian's blood, sure that itmeans he doesn't know he's Daniel's father.

Dru and Neil go to the doctor's office. While Neil is waiting for Dru to beexamined, Malcolm shows up to lend his support. He sits with Neil while hewaits, and they have a pretty much meaningless conversation.

Keith laments to Jill about the whole Tricia/Ryan/Nina thing. When Jilltries to defend Ryan, Keith loses interest in the conversation and leaves.Megan comes in and uses a blaming tone on Jill that Tricia is gone, butJill explains the gravity of the situation and what a twit Tricia is. Jillrealizes that Ryan's arraignment is today, and suspects that Tricia hasgone to the courtroom despite orders to stay away. She bolts out the doorto stop her before she does any more damage.

Over at Paul's office, he gives Lynne an update on the custody case andBrian's blood test. They discuss what an unfit mother Phyllis is. Chris andDanny arrive and Danny demands to go along to New York. When Paul refusesto let him, Danny pouts and accuses him of having ulterior motives. He asksif he's heard of the name Peter Garrett, noting that he should have. Afterhearing Danny's long winded speech, Paul finally concedes to let him cometo New York with them.

Sure enough, Jill finds Tricia at the courtroom, insisting she needs to bethere for Ryan. Jill tries to reason with her but Tricia won't listen toanything she has to say. Seeing John Silva, Jill asks him to explain thesituation to Tricia. He tells her that if she wants to help Ryan, she can'tgo in or she'll appear as the other woman. Tricia agrees to leave, butasks that John tell Ryan she was there. She then ignores Jill as she callsout after her, hoping to find out where she's staying.

In New York, Peter comes home to find his girlfriend (Gloria?) in hisapartment. She asks him if he's heard from Sasha and notes that he mustwonder about her. Peter says he really could care less and goes to thebathroom. Gloria holds up an envelope, one that looks much like the onescarrying the famous manuscript, and reads aloud that it's addressed toPeter from Sasha. She wonders if she should even give it to him, thendecides to deal with it later. Before leaving for work, she places it ateye level on the living room cabinet, with the label with Sasha's name onit facing out.

Ryan's hearing begins after he is led into the courtroom and fixes quitethe look on his face. He stands there with his jaw out, rolling his eyes asthe prosecution explains the love triangle that he shot his way out of.Everyone is surprised when the prosecution asks for an extension as they'dlike to talk to Nina before proceeding. John tells the judge to go ahead,if they had enough evidence to arrest him without talking to the victim,why should they prolong anything? The judge agrees and Det. Bates takes thestand, telling his version and suspicions of the incident. John and Jill'seyes bug out of their heads when the detective notes how Ryan swore henever touched the gun, but changed his story after his fingerprints werefound on it. At the end of it all, the judge decides that there's enoughevidence for a grand jury and sets the bail for $500,000. Ryan freaks out,yelling that he doesn't have that kind of money and he has a son to thinkabout, you know. The judge changes her mind and says $300,000instead.

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Edited by SC Desk