Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 6, 1997 on Y&R

SC Desk
Malcolm Winters and Olivia Barber were married
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 6, 1997 on Y&R

Nina put the gun to her head, but Ryan dove for the gun, and it went off. Neil's fertility doctor gave him some good news. Victor learned that there was a new man in Ashley's life. Nick and Grace shared an embrace.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 6, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 6, 1997 on Y&R

Monday, October 6, 1997

by Erin Goldsby

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Gina and Danny lose their appetite after seeing Phyllis with Michael and goback home. Danny soon forgets about them, however, and goes back tocomplaining that Paul wouldn't let him come to New York. Gina points outthat Paul might have reason to be insecure, but Danny insists that heshould be there. Back at the restaurant, Phyllis and Michael continue theirevening of dining, dancing and smooching.

Meanwhile in New York, Chris is still lamenting that Paul told Danny tostay in Genoa City. She reminds him again of the trouble she had trying toget information from the lab last time without Danny. Paul says they'llworry about it if and when they have to.

Victor drops by the ranch to tell Nikki that Victoria is home. Nikki isconcerned when she realizes that Victoria went to tell Victor that she washome before she talked to her own husband. Victor agrees it was strange,and they both wonder what's going on.

Down at the tack room, Victoria and Cole suffer an uneasy silence as theyboth seem to feel uncomfortable. Cole reminds her that she was gone formonths without even calling, but she points out he didn't call her either.Eventually, Cole suggests they start over and they kiss.

Neil visits Malcolm and they rehash how he went to the fertility specialistand his feelings about it. Meanwhile in Cleveland, Dru discusses thesituation with Sid again. She calls the doctor's office and finds out thatthe test results will be ready tomorrow.

Tricia begins pleading for her life as Nina points the gun at her. Ninascreams at her how it's all her fault that she lost her husband, but Triciasays she has to go as her daddy is expecting her home soon. Just then, Ryancomes through the door and yells for her to drop the gun. Nina hystericallyhollers at him for bringing his girlfriend to her apartment. Ryan tellsTricia to leave, but she says she wants to stay with him. She finally doesgo when Ryan insists that he and Nina need to talk. Once alone, Ryan begsNina to put down the gun and swears he wants to help her become the oldNina again. Nina puts the gun down, but loses it on him when she asks if heloves her and he doesn't answer. She grabs the gun back as Ryan thinks thatshe's going to shoot him. "This gun isn't for you," Nina sighs, "I havenothing to live for anymore." She holds the gun up to her head as Ryanscreams at her not to pull the trigger. He lunges for her and they struggleas the gun goes off.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 6, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 6, 1997 on Y&R

Tuesday, October 7, 1997

by Erin Goldsby

After the gun goes off, Ryan screams in horror as Nina's limp body sinksinto his arms. He screams for help and almost immediately, the policearrive, followed by the paramedics. The same policeman that Ryan had calledabout Nina's disappearance is there and questions Ryan about what happened.He explains, insisting that he didn't touch the gun as they pick it up andseal it for evidence. After Ryan admits that there was animosity between heand Nina, and that she didn't want the divorce, the police wonder if theyshould take him in to the station but later decide against it until they'veanalyzed the gun.

Grace is delighted when Nick asks her to work late on a project that'sneeded in the morning. She's even more delighted when she has theopportunity to massage his shoulders, and manages to get a hug out of himbefore the night is through.

Meanwhile, Sharon visits with her mother and tells her that her marriage isback on track. Doris is suspicious when Sharon mentions that she had herdoubts about Grace during their little crisis. Doris advises her thatalthough Grace is her best friend, she has a lot to be jealous of andshould stay wary.

Victoria goes to the main house and is welcomed home by Nikki. They chitchat about her trip, Victor's marriage, and Cole. Nikki tries to pry, butfinds out nothing.

Jack goes to see Ashley at the lab and lays into her about Cole again. Tohis surprise, she doesn't deny it when he accuses her of having fallen inlove with him.

Tony entertains Cassie with his guitar and singing while they wait forGrace to come home from work. When she does, Cassie keeps her secret thatTony has written a love song for her. Before going to bed, Cassie stunsTony and Grace by suggesting that since they get along so well they shouldget married and have a baby.

Ryan follows the ambulance to the hospital, where he's soon joined byTricia after they take Nina away for surgery. Tricia explains that she wasso upset about leaving him alone with Nina that she called the police. Whenshe didn't hear back from him, she called the doorman who said a gunshothad been heard and that the paramedics had been called. "So that's how thepolice arrived so quickly," Ryan muses. The police watch them as theydiscuss what happened, and comfort each other affectionately. Ryan ishorrified when the doctor comes to explain the surgery. He says that theythink the bullet is lodged in her spine and they don't know yet if she'sparalyzed or not..

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 6, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 6, 1997 on Y&R

Wednesday, October 8, 1997

by Erin Goldsby

Ashley goes to see Victor in his office, but her good mood tells him thatshe has a man in her life. Ashley admits that there is, but says there'scomplications. Victor catches onto the fact that the man is married andasks about it but Ashley doesn't really say. Victor decides to let up onher and changes the subject by telling her that Victoria is finally home.On that note, Ashley leaves, but outside Victor's office she wonderswhat'll happen now that Vicki is back.

Keith is going out of his mind knowing how close Tricia came to being shot.He rants and raves about her being at the hospital with Ryan and threatensto go get her and bring her home. Jill stops him by saying that he'd justmake a scene and that would be too hard on Phillip. Keith calms down whenhe realizes how insensitive he's being about Jill's worries about hergrandson.

At the hospital, Tricia naps on Ryan's chest for a while, then wakes up toask about Nina. There's still no word, but they figure they would've beentold by now if she had died. Tricia comforts and listens as Ryan tells herof his fears for Nina and she promises to stay with him.

Phyllis wakes up in a great mood and continues to snuggle up with Michaelin the living room. They discuss the case and how anxious Phyllis is tobeat Danny in court. After Michael leaves for work, Danny drops by to visitDaniel but is seemingly disturbed to find him playing with toy soldiers. Hetells Phyllis that he doesn't want Michael near his son, but Phyllis tellshim the same of Christine. They argue, with each trying to convince theother that they'll lose in court.

Meanwhile in New York, Christine's secretary tells her that Nina is in thehospital and that police are involved, but that's all she knows. Christineis concerned, but Paul tells her she can race back to Nina after she's doneher work there. Christine gets focused and heads off for the lab.

As Victoria is remembering seeing Cole and Ashley kissing when she camehome, Cole wakes up. They get up, but the tension is still there as Vickiheads off for work.

Nikki goes to Victor's office and finds him reading in the paper about whathappened to Nina. Nikki reads it too and they're both stunned by the news.They talk about the effect on Phillip and since the article is unclear,wonder if perhaps Ryan shot Nina. Changing the topic, Nikki tells Victorthat she's concerned about Victoria and Cole but he tells her to let themwork out their own problems and not to interfere.

Jill shows up at the hospital and finds out that Flo and Phillip are dueany minute. She tells Tricia that it's time for her to leave, but Triciarefuses to leave Ryan alone. Jill blasts her, telling her that Phillip isdistraught enough that his mother may die, the last thing he needs to is tosee her here. Tricia still refuses to go, and bats her puppy dog eyes atRyan as she sobs that she doesn't wanna leave. Ryan comforts her and tellsher she doesn't have to leave. This continues until a nurse tells them notto be so loud in ICU. Jill tries again, this time adding that Keith wasgoing to come himself and drag her home, but she talked him out of it.Tricia says good-bye.

Christine goes to DMS Labs and demands some information to nail Phylliswith. However, the man she talks to tells her to leave before he callssecurity and warns her that she can get all the court orders she wants, buthe'll retaliate with his own lawyers. Across town, Paul goes to Brian'sapartment and introduces himself. He tells him that he told him before onthe phone that he didn't know Phyllis, but he knows that's a lie. "You knowher very well," Paul says.

Tricia goes down to the blood bank and offers to give some blood for Nina,figuring she can help in some small way. Back up in ICU, Flo shows up withPhillip. Ryan is stunned when Phillip screams that he hates and blames Ryanfor his mom's condition. Jill tries to console Phillip, but the nurse comesback and tells him the rules about being loud in ICU, so Phillip runs away,leaving Ryan in tears. He cries to Jill then goes to see Nina. As he'sbegging her to live, she says his name, then takes hishand...

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 6, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 6, 1997 on Y&R

Thursday, October 9, 1997Erin Goldsby

Victoria has a meeting with Victor to review her trip and all that wasaccomplished. Victor tells her about the raving letters that have poured infrom their associates that were impressed with her. He hands her one from acertain man that seemed to have taken quite a liking to her. "Is that allhe said?" Victoria asks nervously. Victor explains he didn't read the wholeletter because he realized it was addressed to her instead. Victor thanksher for a job well done, but suggests that she now turn her attention toher marriage and get it back on track. Victoria tells him there's nothingto worry about.

Christine hashes it out again with the director of DMS Labs but getsnowhere, even after showing him that Phyllis admitted to the test alteringin court. After he kicks her out of the building, she wanders across thestreet to a coffee shop. She asks the guy at the bar to point out DMSemployees so he does. After asking several people, she finds a woman whoclaims to have known Phyllis and Sasha very well.

Over at Brian's apartment, Paul grills him about his relationship withPhyllis. At first Brian gets mad and tries to kick him out but after Paultells him that he's got proof of their involvement, he buckles and admitsthey're friends. Paul tells him that he knows how Phyllis operates andcorrectly guesses that she's got blackmail of some kind on him. Paulguarantees that he and Chris can and will protect him if he tells himeverything he knows. "Will you help us or not?" Paul asks. Brian hesitatesto answer as his phone begins to ring. On the other end of the phone,Phyllis is anxiously waiting for him to answer so she can threaten himagain to keep his mouth shut.

Megan tries to tell Tricia that she should just back off for a while andlet Ryan handle this crisis, pointing out that it's not helping Phillip anyto see her right now. Tricia, however, insists that being in love meansthat you are there for that person no matter what and decides to go be withRyan anyway. She finds him at his office, getting ready to go back to thehospital. He tells her that there's been no change in Nina's condition, butadds how happy he is to see her. They coo and cuddle for a few minutesuntil the police come in. When they try to question Tricia, Ryan intervenesand says she wasn't involved in any way with the shooting. After Tricialeaves, they get Ryan to explain again about the struggle with the gun. Hetells the story, but this time it comes out that he's been seeing Tricia,and that she was the one who called the police about the gun. The policeseem to be getting quite suspicious of Ryan now so he gives them a speechabout how he never meant to hurt her or cause her to hurt herself. "Ididn't want to be married to her anymore, but I still cared about her," heinsists.

Victoria goes to Nick's office to check it out and say hello. He welcomesher home, and notes how happy Cole must be that she's back. She casuallyasks him if he noticed anything with Cole while he was gone but when Nickstarts asking questions, she denies any problems and leaves.

Down at the lab, Cole comes to tell Ashley that Victoria has returned butshe tells him that she already knew that. She asks if they made love thenight before and is relieved when Cole tells her that they didn't. He addsthat they also didn't discuss where their marriage stands. Ashley warns himthat even though Victoria is back, she won't be staying away from him andCole tells her that he feels the same way, then they kiss........

Friday, October 10, 1997

Christine asks Ms. Roberts for everything she knows about Sasha andPhyllis. Chris finds out that she remembers seeing Phyllis is Sasha'soffice in May of 1995 but unfortunately she doesn't remember the exact dateor if the computer was on at the time. She adds that although she was goodfriends with both women and ate lunch with them frequently, she wasn'tquite sure what Phyllis' job at DMS was. However, she does note thatPhyllis was a computer whiz, while Sasha was less than competent. Theyexchange business cards, then Chris waits for Paul.

Meanwhile, Phyllis' call interrupts Paul's plea for help at Brian's. Shecan tell by the way that Brian is speaking that someone is there andguesses that it's Paul. When Brian hints that it is, she sternly remindshim about the video she claims to have made of the two of them and howshe'll show it to his wife if he blabs to Paul. When he hangs up, Paulguesses that it was Phyllis threatening him on the phone but Brian deniesit. Paul tries toget him to rat out Phyllis, but when he won't he threatens him with havingto give a deposition and assures him it would just be easier to confide inhim now. Brian tells him to forget it and sees him to the door.

Back in Genoa City, Phyllis thinks to herself that she needs to have Pauland Chris disappear, then notes what a great idea it really is. Michaeldrops by and sees that she needs to let off a little steam, and does hisbest to help her the bedroom.

Neil drops by Olivia's office to anticipate the results of his fertilitytest. They hum and hah about it, wondering what the results will be.Finally, Neil goes to get the results. He's overjoyed when the doctor tellshim that he passed every test.

Meanwhile, Dru goes to see a doctor too. She tells her that she's havingtrouble conceiving and wants to know why. The doctor promises to run sometests, then Dru goes to see Olivia. Her sister tells her about her visitfrom Neil, and reminds her of her predicament, wondering what she's goingto do when Neil tells her the results. Dru tells her that she's goteverything under control and plans to tell Neil the truth. Sure, he'll bedisappointed when he finds out that she might not be able to conceive, buthe'll get over it, Dru assures Olivia. Olivia glares at her and demands toknow what part of the "truth" she'll be keeping from Neil.

Paul and Chris meet up and tell each other of their discoveries, or lack ofthem. They decide to go back to Genoa City and check in with Danny as Chrisfeels the information they've accumulated so far is too big to tell himover the phone. Paul finds that a little questionable, so Chris quicklyadds that she'd like to check in on Nina, too. They plan to fly home, buttheir flight doesn't leave for another few hours so they make the most oftheir hotel room, instead.

Victoria finds out from Nick that Ryan is at the hospital, so she rushesover to see him. He's in Nina's room wondering how everything got soscrewed up when the doctor comes in and tells him that they still don'tknow if Nina is paralyzed. After the doctor leaves, Nina wakes up and tellshim that she doesn't remember anything. Ryan promises to explain everythinglater and assures her that Phillip is okay. He comforts her for a moment,then goes outside to find Vicki waiting for him. He explains the situationwith Nina, then she admits that she and Cole might be having some problems.They promise to be there for one another.

Jill is shocked when she opens the door and recognizes Det. Wylie. She'seven more shocked when the Detective and her new partner tell her thatthey're there to see Tricia. Tricia comes downstairs and they ask her abouther involvement in the shooting. Tricia starts rambling freely about thewhole situation, explaining how Ryan is trying to leave Nina and how muchthey care about each other but Nina wouldn't let him go, etc, etc. WhenDet. Bates asks flat out if he was leaving Nina for her, Jill intervenesand tells Tricia to quit talking. However, she doesn't and makes it lookpretty bad for Ryan. Jill gets upset, and gets the detectives to leave,then explains to Tricia what just happened. Tricia is shocked when Jilltells her that the police think this was attempted murder.....and Ryan is asuspect.

by Erin Goldsby

Victoria has a meeting with Victor to review her trip and all that wasaccomplished. Victor tells her about the raving letters that have poured infrom their associates that were impressed with her. He hands her one from acertain man that seemed to have taken quite a liking to her. "Is that allhe said?" Victoria asks nervously. Victor explains he didn't read the wholeletter because he realized it was addressed to her instead. Victor thanksher for a job well done, but suggests that she now turn her attention toher marriage and get it back on track. Victoria tells him there's nothingto worry about.

Christine hashes it out again with the director of DMS Labs but getsnowhere, even after showing him that Phyllis admitted to the test alteringin court. After he kicks her out of the building, she wanders across thestreet to a coffee shop. She asks the guy at the bar to point out DMSemployees so he does. After asking several people, she finds a woman whoclaims to have known Phyllis and Sasha very well.

Over at Brian's apartment, Paul grills him about his relationship withPhyllis. At first Brian gets mad and tries to kick him out but after Paultells him that he's got proof of their involvement, he buckles and admitsthey're friends. Paul tells him that he knows how Phyllis operates andcorrectly guesses that she's got blackmail of some kind on him. Paulguarantees that he and Chris can and will protect him if he tells himeverything he knows. "Will you help us or not?" Paul asks. Brian hesitatesto answer as his phone begins to ring. On the other end of the phone,Phyllis is anxiously waiting for him to answer so she can threaten himagain to keep his mouth shut.

Megan tries to tell Tricia that she should just back off for a while andlet Ryan handle this crisis, pointing out that it's not helping Phillip anyto see her right now. Tricia, however, insists that being in love meansthat you are there for that person no matter what and decides to go be withRyan anyway. She finds him at his office, getting ready to go back to thehospital. He tells her that there's been no change in Nina's condition, butadds how happy he is to see her. They coo and cuddle for a few minutesuntil the police come in. When they try to question Tricia, Ryan intervenesand says she wasn't involved in any way with the shooting. After Tricialeaves, they get Ryan to explain again about the struggle with the gun. Hetells the story, but this time it comes out that he's been seeing Tricia,and that she was the one who called the police about the gun. The policeseem to be getting quite suspicious of Ryan now so he gives them a speechabout how he never meant to hurt her or cause her to hurt herself. "Ididn't want to be married to her anymore, but I still cared about her," heinsists.

Victoria goes to Nick's office to check it out and say hello. He welcomesher home, and notes how happy Cole must be that she's back. She casuallyasks him if he noticed anything with Cole while he was gone but when Nickstarts asking questions, she denies any problems and leaves.

Down at the lab, Cole comes to tell Ashley that Victoria has returned butshe tells him that she already knew that. She asks if they made love thenight before and is relieved when Cole tells her that they didn't. He addsthat they also didn't discuss where their marriage stands. Ashley warns himthat even though Victoria is back, she won't be staying away from him andCole tells her that he feels the same way, then they kiss........

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 6, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 6, 1997 on Y&R

Friday, October 10, 1997

Christine asks Ms. Roberts for everything she knows about Sasha andPhyllis. Chris finds out that she remembers seeing Phyllis is Sasha'soffice in May of 1995 but unfortunately she doesn't remember the exact dateor if the computer was on at the time. She adds that although she was goodfriends with both women and ate lunch with them frequently, she wasn'tquite sure what Phyllis' job at DMS was. However, she does note thatPhyllis was a computer whiz, while Sasha was less than competent. Theyexchange business cards, then Chris waits for Paul.

Meanwhile, Phyllis' call interrupts Paul's plea for help at Brian's. Shecan tell by the way that Brian is speaking that someone is there andguesses that it's Paul. When Brian hints that it is, she sternly remindshim about the video she claims to have made of the two of them and howshe'll show it to his wife if he blabs to Paul. When he hangs up, Paulguesses that it was Phyllis threatening him on the phone but Brian deniesit. Paul tries toget him to rat out Phyllis, but when he won't he threatens him with havingto give a deposition and assures him it would just be easier to confide inhim now. Brian tells him to forget it and sees him to the door.

Back in Genoa City, Phyllis thinks to herself that she needs to have Pauland Chris disappear, then notes what a great idea it really is. Michaeldrops by and sees that she needs to let off a little steam, and does hisbest to help her the bedroom.

Neil drops by Olivia's office to anticipate the results of his fertilitytest. They hum and hah about it, wondering what the results will be.Finally, Neil goes to get the results. He's overjoyed when the doctor tellshim that he passed every test.

Meanwhile, Dru goes to see a doctor too. She tells her that she's havingtrouble conceiving and wants to know why. The doctor promises to run sometests, then Dru goes to see Olivia. Her sister tells her about her visitfrom Neil, and reminds her of her predicament, wondering what she's goingto do when Neil tells her the results. Dru tells her that she's goteverything under control and plans to tell Neil the truth. Sure, he'll bedisappointed when he finds out that she might not be able to conceive, buthe'll get over it, Dru assures Olivia. Olivia glares at her and demands toknow what part of the "truth" she'll be keeping from Neil.

Paul and Chris meet up and tell each other of their discoveries, or lack ofthem. They decide to go back to Genoa City and check in with Danny as Chrisfeels the information they've accumulated so far is too big to tell himover the phone. Paul finds that a little questionable, so Chris quicklyadds that she'd like to check in on Nina, too. They plan to fly home, buttheir flight doesn't leave for another few hours so they make the most oftheir hotel room, instead.

Victoria finds out from Nick that Ryan is at the hospital, so she rushesover to see him. He's in Nina's room wondering how everything got soscrewed up when the doctor comes in and tells him that they still don'tknow if Nina is paralyzed. After the doctor leaves, Nina wakes up and tellshim that she doesn't remember anything. Ryan promises to explain everythinglater and assures her that Phillip is okay. He comforts her for a moment,then goes outside to find Vicki waiting for him. He explains the situationwith Nina, then she admits that she and Cole might be having some problems.They promise to be there for one another.

Jill is shocked when she opens the door and recognizes Det. Wylie. She'seven more shocked when the Detective and her new partner tell her thatthey're there to see Tricia. Tricia comes downstairs and they ask her abouther involvement in the shooting. Tricia starts rambling freely about thewhole situation, explaining how Ryan is trying to leave Nina and how muchthey care about each other but Nina wouldn't let him go, etc, etc. WhenDet. Bates asks flat out if he was leaving Nina for her, Jill intervenesand tells Tricia to quit talking. However, she doesn't and makes it lookpretty bad for Ryan. Jill gets upset, and gets the detectives to leave,then explains to Tricia what just happened. Tricia is shocked when Jilltells her that the police think this was attempted murder.....and Ryan is asuspect.

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