Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on Y&R

SC Desk
Malcolm Winters and Olivia Barber were married
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on Y&R

Christine and Paul checked Phyllis' phone logs. Ryan and Tricia reunited, and Nina disappeared. Veronica was hired as Nikki's new housekeeper, 'Sarah.' Dru booked a gig out of town after she learned that Neil had taken a fertility test.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on Y&R

Monday, September 22, 1997

by Erin Goldsby

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Jack and Neil both return to the office and discuss their personal lives.Jack tells Neil that he and Diane stay in contact and despite what shesays, he's sure she's not happy. Neil tells Jack about his and Dru'sattempts at enlarging their family, and how he went to see the fertilitydoctor. Jack advises him not to tell Dru until he has the results of thetests.

Ryan threatens to break the door down so Tricia tells her dad to get out ofher way. She warns him if he tries to stop her she'll leave and never comeback. She goes outside and falls into Ryan's arms then agrees to leave withhim. When she comes back in, she announces that she's getting changed thengoing out with Ryan. The family tries to stop her, but to no avail.

Alone on the couch, Phyllis and Michael steam up the apartment and undresseach other. Meanwhile, Danny and Daniel have a quiet evening at Gina's.Chris arrives to meet Paul, but Gina gives her a message that he's runninglate. She takes Daniel into the kitchen to make himself a sundae, givingDanny and Chris a long time to talk. They chat about the case, and Dannyapologizes again for letting Phyllis ruin their marriage.

Neil comes home and Dru admits that she knows about the fertilityspecialist. He explains that he didn't want to worry her, but stuns herwith the news that he had the fertility tests already. Dru feels reallyguilty when he tells her that he only did it because he doesn't want her tofeel bad if he's the one with the problem. He tells her that they'll havethe results in a few days. When he leaves the room, Dru calls Sid and askshim to send her out of town for few days on an assignment. He says he'llsee what he can do.

Jill tries to calm down Keith but he doesn't want her help. He rants andraves about letting Tricia leave, and says he knows that Ryan has one thingon his mind -- sex. Jill points out that Tricia is a grown adult almost outof college, so a sexual relationship wouldn't be that out of the ordinary,if that's what she chose. "So what are you saying?" Keith snaps, "That sheshould just jump in the sack with him?!" Obviously, Keith is not beingreasonable so Jill is wasting her time trying to talk to him and gives up.

Danny brings Daniel home and just walks into the apartment. Phyllis runsout of the bedroom, quickly tying up her robe as Danny puts Daniel in hisroom and returns to the living room. She blasts him for not knocking, theninvites him to make a quick exit. Danny decides to look for his missingsunglasses in the bedroom, but Phyllis tells him he's not allowed andoffers to look for them in the morning. Danny realizes that she's got a manin her room. They argue but Danny leaves before she can provoke him into afull-fledged argument. After Danny leaves, Michael comes out of the bedroomand suggests they go for round 2. Phyllis tells him that she's glad thathe's on her side in every way now, but says with Daniel home she doesn'tthink it's a good idea. Michael agrees and goes to get dressed.

Ryan brings Tricia back to his office and between kisses tells her that hewants a divorce so he can be with her. Tricia is ecstatic and says shecan't believe they can finally be together. They get quite cozy on thecouch and when the phone rings, she begs him not to stop to answer it.

Meanwhile, on the other end of the phone, Flo is getting desperate as Ryanisn't answering. "Oh Ryan, where are you?" she wails, "For all we know,Nina could be dead!"

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on Y&R

Tuesday, September 23, 1997

by Erin Goldsby

Ryan and Tricia find it hard to pry themselves away from one another, buteventually they do long enough to answer the phone. Flo is on the other endand frantically tells Ryan that Nina is missing. She explains that Aaronthe doorman told her that Nina left earlier in the afternoon with asuitcase and she hasn't been heard from since. Flo adds that Phillip iswith her, and he's very upset as well. Ryan promises to come right over.Hanging up the phone, he tells Tricia what's going on. She sighs thatthings were just going her way and now they're all messed up again. Ryantells her that no matter what, they'll be together and says that he lovesher.

Diane and Victor go to Gina's for dinner. After some dancing, Victor tellsDiane about his conversation with Jack, and wonders if she still hasfeelings for him. Diane says she can't just shut off her feelings overnightso she still cares deeply for him, but assures Victor that he is the manthat she loves. Victor tells her that he was thinking of asking Jack towork with and guide Nick over the next few years in preparation to takeover the company one day. Diane thinks it's a great idea and they decide togo back to the office and see if Jack's still working so they can presenthim with the idea.

Veronica, in her new disguise, arrives at the Genoa City Job PlacementCenter. Luckily, they work all hours there, and the office is abuzz whenshe walks in. They tell her to fill out a form, then they'll see if theyhave a job for her.

Meanwhile, Nikki is stunned when her new maid, Ruth, abruptly quits. Sheexplains that she doesn't like being so far from town. Nikki tries to talkher out of it, but to no avail. When Ruth says she'll be leaving tonight,Nikki blasts her for being so irresponsible and says that she's reallyleaving her in the lurch. When Josh comes home from work, she tells himwhat happened. He offers to call the job placement company for her, butNikki says she'll manage.

Jill tries to calm down Keith but he is convinced that Tricia has been gonelong enough for her and Ryan to have had sex. He rants and raves about it,blaming Jill for sticking up for Ryan. Megan comes in and tries to helpJill out but Keith refuses to be rational. Tricia finally comes home andtells them what happened. When Keith immediately begins to harp about Ryan,she retreats to her bedroom.

Diane and Victor find Jack in his office. They approach him with the ideaof working with Nick, and he likes it. He swears he'll treat him like hewas his own son, and Victor says he's sure he can depend on him to do thejob right. Diane is pleased to see them shake on it.

Ryan goes to Flo's and tries to calm her down as she's downright hystericalby now. They accomplish nothing, having no idea where Nina could've gone.Philip comes in and Ryan promises to find Nina and bring her home.

Veronica is filling out her form but gets stumped on the first line when itasks for her name. She decides to go by the name of Sarah A. Lindsey andfills in the form. She overhears a woman talking to a very irate NikkiLanders, then listens as the woman repeats their conversation to anotherman that works there named Max. Max tells Veronica/Sarah about the positionthat needs to be filled immediately at the ranch and asks if she could goout there to meet her new boss in the morning. Sarah assures him that she'sperfect for the job and can't wait to meet Mrs. Joshua Landers.

Megan goes to Tricia's room and asks for details. Tricia tells her aboutthe whole evening, including how if Flo hadn't phoned, they would've madelove. Despite the fact that they were on the couch of Ryan's office, Triciaswears it was the most romantic evening of her life. Jill overhears andcomes in, adding to the conversation. When Tricia tells her that her heartgoes out to Ryan and she wonders how she can help, Jill tells her she can't- this is a situation for Ryan to fix. "I just love him so much!" Triciawails as Megan hugs her.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on Y&R

Wednesday, September 24, 1997

by Erin Goldsby

Nick goes to Victor's office and tells him that he's ready for his firstbig assignment. As Victor is explaining that he's handing him over to Jack,Jack himself walks in. He tells Nick that although he considers him a son,he won't be getting any special favors at the office and expects nothingbut the best from him. After Nick leaves, Jack makes it clear to Victorthat he won't be undermined by him. He says that he wants total autonomy,and doesn't want Victor second guessing him in any way. Victor makes itclear that he can see Jack's point, but have no doubt -- he'll be watchingover his shoulder anyway.

Nikki sees Josh off to work as she explains that the potential newhousekeeper should be arriving soon. Meanwhile in town, Veronica puts onher disguise, and prepares herself to report to Nikki.

Olivia drops by Dru's and quickly gets on her sister's back about deceivingNeil about her chances of getting pregnant. Dru tells her to lay off, butOlivia warns her that it will all blow up in her face if she continues tolie.

Meanwhile, Malcolm drops by Neil's office and asks him if he's having animpotence problem. Pointing out that Dru's already proven her abilities byhaving a child, Malcolm wonders if Neil is shooting blanks. Neil is quiteembarrassed, but assures him that going to see the fertility specialist wasjust a precaution, not a necessity.

Ryan has a cop come to his office so he can frantically explain to him thatNina has disappeared. The policeman calmly explains that given thesituation, there is a big difference between "gone somewhere" anddisappeared. He adds that in these types of situations, the missing personusually returns on their own. Ryan insists that Nina is unstable anddepressed, so they should be worried. As the cop leaves, Tricia enters,bringing breakfast for Ryan. Ryan tells her about the conversation with thecop, and whines on her shoulder for a while. Eventually, they discuss howthey told each other they loved one another last night. Ryan tells Triciaagain how much he loves her and they make out for a while.

Alec arrives at the Dennison's to pick up Tricia as they have a dateplanned, but Megan tells him that she's not here. When Alec asks what'sgoing on, Megan breaks and tells him everything -- that Tricia is with Ryan,who is married with a kid, and that Nina has gone missing. Alec says thatTricia is too young to be dealing with this mess and Megan agrees.

Max brings Veronica/Sarah to the ranch and introduces her to Nikki andMiguel. Sarah and Nikki chat alone, and she explains that she has noreferences because the last people she worked for died. Nikki buys herlikely story, and decides that she's homely enough to hire. Veronica/Sarahexcitedly accepts the position and moves in. Later, she listens in as Nikkigets a call from Josh, who says he'll be late for dinner.

Ryan and Tricia are still kissing when Phillip walks into Ryan's office."What are you doing here?!" Ryan gasps. "What are you doing?! Why is shehere -- and why aren't you out looking for my mom?!" Phillip blasts back.Tricia kneels down and introduces herself, adding that she's a friend ofRyan's and that she's very concerned about Nina as well. "I know who youare," Phillip growls, "You're the reason my mommy and daddy aren't togetheranymore! I hate you both!" With that, he runs from the office as Ryanchases after him.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on Y&R

Thursday, September 25, 1997Erin Goldsby

Nikki calls Victor and tells him that she's coming to see him, checks inwith Josh at the hospital, then confirms with Miguel that Sarah is workingout okay before heading into town. After she's gone, Miguel gives Sarahsome more instructions on how to do her new job.

Tricia bursts into tears as Ryan chases after Phillip. She tells herselfthat she needs to leave, and writes Ryan a quick note explaining thatbefore dashing out the door. She runs home in tears and tells Megan whathappened. While Tricia admits that for the first time she can fullyunderstand what Ryan is going through, Megan admits that she now sees howmuch Ryan cares for her sister. Keith comes in and overhears part of theirconversation. Letting down his guard and biting his tongue, he gives Triciaa big hug and comforts her.

Ryan drags Phillip back to his office and tries to explain himself. Phillipis very angry and tells him that he hates him. Ryan tries to hold him, butPhillip pulls himself away and runs to Flo when she walks in. Ryan explainswhat happened and suggests that she take Phillip home.

Danny, Chris, Paul and Lynne frantically search Danny & Phyllis' phonerecords, hoping to find Brian's number in New York. Danny loses his temperwhen he finds out that Chris had to tell Michael's office what they were upto. He tells Chris that he thinks she should've waited until they had theopportunity to search the records, or Phyllis could be them to the punch.Paul defends Chris' actions, making Danny even more aGityated.

Meanwhile, Michael tells Phyllis about them searching the phone records andsuggests that she tie up any loose ends with Brian. Phyllis calls Brian andtells him that she videotaped they're lovemaking from the last time he wasin town and unless he wants her to send the cassette to his wife, he'dbetter not tell anyone that he knows her, if anyone calls and asks.

Nikki goes to Victor's office and explains that she's worried aboutVictoria's extended business trip and what effect it's having on hermarriage. Victor doesn't know much, and tells her so. Nikki says if hehears from her, she wants to talk to her too and plans on telling her tocome home. Victor says he supports Victoria's decision to put businessbefore her marriage. Nikki isn't too surprised.

Ashley goes to Cole's and tells him that he totally blew the last chapterof his book by compromising the integrity of the character based on her.Cole doesn't want to rewrite anything, but Ashley encourages him to,claiming that the last chapter is unbelievable. After a mild disagreement,they flirt.

While Keith and Tricia are talking, Ryan comes by to see if Tricia is okay.Megan tells him that she's with her father, and they really need this timetogether so she won't interrupt. She promises Ryan to tell Tricia that hestopped by.

Josh comes home from work, and Sarah/Veronica is worried that he'llrecognize her. However, he doesn't, so she spies on him as he works.

Lynne finds Brian's number so Paul calls him, claiming to be from ahardware store. He says that Phyllis has won a cappuccino machine, and thatshe left his name and number to contact. Brian assures him that he doesn'tknow her. Hanging up the phone, Paul tells the team that he's sure Brian isthe guy, but he wouldn't admit anything. Danny angrily points out thatPhyllis got to him first because Chris told them what they were up to toosoon. Paul tells him that they'll just have to get creative now...........

Friday, September 26, 1997

Phyllis assures Michael that there's no other loose ends to tie up thatwill prove that she lied on the stand. However, she's so irate with that"bleached blonde bug" that she wants to tell her off. Michael demands thatshe has no contact with Chris. Instead, Phyllis decides to go see Paul. Shemarches into his office and tells him that he has to get Chris off thecase. He suspects this is a ploy from her legal defense, but she swearsshe's telling him for personal reasons. Pointing out that Danny has nevergotten over Chris, she warns him that by working so closely, the two mightfall back in love. Paul blasts her for trying to make him insecure, but shecorrectly suspects that he already felt this way. Instead of admitting it,Paul kicks her out. "Don't say I didn't warn you," Phyllis says beforeleaving.

Tony goes to Nick's office and admits that despite how they act in public,Grace isn't that close to him. He asks for Nick's advice and points outthat he thinks he's the problem. Nick can't believe his ears when Tonytells him that he knows Grace turns him on. Grace interrupts, and isshocked to find Tony in Nick's office. After Tony leaves, she demands toknow what they were talking about. Nick tells her that Tony wants to getcloser to her and wonders what her problem is. Grace insists there is noproblem, but Nick isn't so sure.

At Megan's urging, Alec drops by the Dennison house. Tricia realizes sheforgot their date earlier and apologizes. He cheers her up with funnycustomer stories from work.

Victor summons Ryan to his office. When he gets there, Neil admits that hetold Victor about Nina's disappearance. Ryan explains how he's done nothingbut try in his marriage, and how everything is Nina's fault for not beingable to pull herself out of her depression. "It's been so long and now I'vefallen in love with someone else," Ryan adds. He explains that although heknows it's killing Phillip and Nina that he moved out, he had no choice andnow feels pulled in so many directions. Victor and Neil are completelyunderstanding of poor Ryan and suggest that he take the rest of the day offto spend with Phillip.

Dru is on her photo shoot but can't concentrate. The photographer gets fedup and asks Sid to talk some sense into her. Once alone, Dru tells Sid ofher predicament with Neil and getting pregnant. She admits that due to hermedical condition, she probably can't have any more kids, and is worriedthat Neil will freak when he finds out that she's lied to him about it allof these years. Sid points out that she can pretend to have just found outand Neil never needs to know the difference. Dru feels much better.

Malcolm drops by Olivia's office and she tells him that Dru was called awayto Cleveland for a catalogue shoot. Malcolm says that's strange because Druusually only does glamour shoots, not to mention that he's usually thephotographer. Olivia suspects that Dru was running away from Neil and theirfertility problem.

Tony returns home and is about to call Sharon when she arrives at the doorwith a gift for Cassie. He tells her that Grace is much more relaxed aroundhim when they're out as a group and wonders if she'd be interested inanother double date. Sharon is more than happy to oblige and says she'llsuggest it to Nick the minute he gets home.

by Erin Goldsby

Nikki calls Victor and tells him that she's coming to see him, checks inwith Josh at the hospital, then confirms with Miguel that Sarah is workingout okay before heading into town. After she's gone, Miguel gives Sarahsome more instructions on how to do her new job.

Tricia bursts into tears as Ryan chases after Phillip. She tells herselfthat she needs to leave, and writes Ryan a quick note explaining thatbefore dashing out the door. She runs home in tears and tells Megan whathappened. While Tricia admits that for the first time she can fullyunderstand what Ryan is going through, Megan admits that she now sees howmuch Ryan cares for her sister. Keith comes in and overhears part of theirconversation. Letting down his guard and biting his tongue, he gives Triciaa big hug and comforts her.

Ryan drags Phillip back to his office and tries to explain himself. Phillipis very angry and tells him that he hates him. Ryan tries to hold him, butPhillip pulls himself away and runs to Flo when she walks in. Ryan explainswhat happened and suggests that she take Phillip home.

Danny, Chris, Paul and Lynne frantically search Danny & Phyllis' phonerecords, hoping to find Brian's number in New York. Danny loses his temperwhen he finds out that Chris had to tell Michael's office what they were upto. He tells Chris that he thinks she should've waited until they had theopportunity to search the records, or Phyllis could be them to the punch.Paul defends Chris' actions, making Danny even more aGityated.

Meanwhile, Michael tells Phyllis about them searching the phone records andsuggests that she tie up any loose ends with Brian. Phyllis calls Brian andtells him that she videotaped they're lovemaking from the last time he wasin town and unless he wants her to send the cassette to his wife, he'dbetter not tell anyone that he knows her, if anyone calls and asks.

Nikki goes to Victor's office and explains that she's worried aboutVictoria's extended business trip and what effect it's having on hermarriage. Victor doesn't know much, and tells her so. Nikki says if hehears from her, she wants to talk to her too and plans on telling her tocome home. Victor says he supports Victoria's decision to put businessbefore her marriage. Nikki isn't too surprised.

Ashley goes to Cole's and tells him that he totally blew the last chapterof his book by compromising the integrity of the character based on her.Cole doesn't want to rewrite anything, but Ashley encourages him to,claiming that the last chapter is unbelievable. After a mild disagreement,they flirt.

While Keith and Tricia are talking, Ryan comes by to see if Tricia is okay.Megan tells him that she's with her father, and they really need this timetogether so she won't interrupt. She promises Ryan to tell Tricia that hestopped by.

Josh comes home from work, and Sarah/Veronica is worried that he'llrecognize her. However, he doesn't, so she spies on him as he works.

Lynne finds Brian's number so Paul calls him, claiming to be from ahardware store. He says that Phyllis has won a cappuccino machine, and thatshe left his name and number to contact. Brian assures him that he doesn'tknow her. Hanging up the phone, Paul tells the team that he's sure Brian isthe guy, but he wouldn't admit anything. Danny angrily points out thatPhyllis got to him first because Chris told them what they were up to toosoon. Paul tells him that they'll just have to get creative now...........

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 22, 1997 on Y&R

Friday, September 26, 1997

Phyllis assures Michael that there's no other loose ends to tie up thatwill prove that she lied on the stand. However, she's so irate with that"bleached blonde bug" that she wants to tell her off. Michael demands thatshe has no contact with Chris. Instead, Phyllis decides to go see Paul. Shemarches into his office and tells him that he has to get Chris off thecase. He suspects this is a ploy from her legal defense, but she swearsshe's telling him for personal reasons. Pointing out that Danny has nevergotten over Chris, she warns him that by working so closely, the two mightfall back in love. Paul blasts her for trying to make him insecure, but shecorrectly suspects that he already felt this way. Instead of admitting it,Paul kicks her out. "Don't say I didn't warn you," Phyllis says beforeleaving.

Tony goes to Nick's office and admits that despite how they act in public,Grace isn't that close to him. He asks for Nick's advice and points outthat he thinks he's the problem. Nick can't believe his ears when Tonytells him that he knows Grace turns him on. Grace interrupts, and isshocked to find Tony in Nick's office. After Tony leaves, she demands toknow what they were talking about. Nick tells her that Tony wants to getcloser to her and wonders what her problem is. Grace insists there is noproblem, but Nick isn't so sure.

At Megan's urging, Alec drops by the Dennison house. Tricia realizes sheforgot their date earlier and apologizes. He cheers her up with funnycustomer stories from work.

Victor summons Ryan to his office. When he gets there, Neil admits that hetold Victor about Nina's disappearance. Ryan explains how he's done nothingbut try in his marriage, and how everything is Nina's fault for not beingable to pull herself out of her depression. "It's been so long and now I'vefallen in love with someone else," Ryan adds. He explains that although heknows it's killing Phillip and Nina that he moved out, he had no choice andnow feels pulled in so many directions. Victor and Neil are completelyunderstanding of poor Ryan and suggest that he take the rest of the day offto spend with Phillip.

Dru is on her photo shoot but can't concentrate. The photographer gets fedup and asks Sid to talk some sense into her. Once alone, Dru tells Sid ofher predicament with Neil and getting pregnant. She admits that due to hermedical condition, she probably can't have any more kids, and is worriedthat Neil will freak when he finds out that she's lied to him about it allof these years. Sid points out that she can pretend to have just found outand Neil never needs to know the difference. Dru feels much better.

Malcolm drops by Olivia's office and she tells him that Dru was called awayto Cleveland for a catalogue shoot. Malcolm says that's strange because Druusually only does glamour shoots, not to mention that he's usually thephotographer. Olivia suspects that Dru was running away from Neil and theirfertility problem.

Tony returns home and is about to call Sharon when she arrives at the doorwith a gift for Cassie. He tells her that Grace is much more relaxed aroundhim when they're out as a group and wonders if she'd be interested inanother double date. Sharon is more than happy to oblige and says she'llsuggest it to Nick the minute he gets home.

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