Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 15, 1997 on Y&R

SC Desk
Malcolm Winters and Olivia Barber were married
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 15, 1997 on Y&R

Grace tried to make everyone believe that she and Tony were involved. Jack implied to Victor that Diane still had feelings for Jack. Michael and Phyllis had a romantic encounter. Tricia learned that Ryan had left Nina.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 15, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 15, 1997 on Y&R

Monday, September 15, 1997

by Erin Goldsby

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Danny goes to the apartment expecting to pick up Daniel for the day butPhyllis tells him she completely forgot that he wanted him. Swearing it wassimple mistake, she explains that Joani offered to take Daniel to the zoofor the day. Danny is furious and yells at her for playing games beforeleaving. Phyllis apologizes again, swears her innocence and offers for himto come back and spend the evening with Daniel instead. Danny says he can'tbe fooled twice in one day and storms back out.

At Legal Aid, Chris grumbles to Paul about how hard it is to work in thesame courtroom as Michael. Paul gets frustrated and tells Chris to quit thecase, this stress level isn't worth it. "Is that what you'll tell ourgodson -- that he wasn't worth it?!" Chris defends herself. Paul gets madand leaves, knowing that she won't change her mind.

Neil drops by Ry's office to see how his buddy is doing. Ryan's deep inthought and obviously disturbed. He explains about his visit from Jill,discussing her conversation with Keith, about his visit to Ryan, about histhreats to go to Victor. Neil keeps up amazingly with the story, then triesto assure him he has nothing to worry about. However, Victor calls andinterrupts, asking to speak to Ryan immediately. When Neil remembers seeingKeith in Victor's office earlier, Ryan thinks he's toast.

Tricia tells Megan how she bumped into Ryan at Yves. Megan makes somesarcastic remarks but Tricia tells her to lighten up, claiming to be overhim. Megan is doubtful so Tricia suggests that she should call Nina andtell her too. Megan tells her that the last person Nina would want to talkto is her, but Tricia tells her that she thinks she should tell Ninaherself that she's no longer a threat to her marriage to Ryan.

Chris goes to Nina's but she doesn't answer the door so she lets herselfin. She surveys the mess in her apartment and is picking up the junk foodwrappers when Nina walks in. Chris asks her if she completed the assignmentshe gave her, and Nina admits she didn't. Chris tells her to have a showerand start over, promising to check in again soon.

Phyllis calls Michael and asks him over to talk. He tells her what Chrissaid about their offer for a settlement. Phyllis asks Michael if he findsher attractive. He says he does, but she's also needy. He advises her tofocus on the case and getting custody of Daniel. When Phyllis appearsoverly confident that she'll get permanent custody, he tells her not totake anything for granted. He points out that if she overlooked even theslightest detail, it could be disaster and wonders if there's any looseends she should tie up. "If they can prove you lied on the stand, it wouldbe very damaging," Michael explains. Michael suggests that maybe there'sevidence that she altered the first paternity test.

Back at Legal Aid, Danny races over to tell Chris of Phyllis' latest stunt.Chris advises him to start documenting everything. She tells him about hermeeting with Michael and what was said. Danny rants about Phyllis and howmuch he hates her. Chris tells him if they can prove that she lied on thestand, it would better their chances at getting full custody of Daniel.Determinedly, they decide to try to find some clue that they overlookedthat will prove how unfit Phyllis is and "nail her to the wall." Chrissuggests that maybe there's evidence that she altered the first paternitytest.

Neil goes to Olivia's office and tells her that he called the fertilityspecialist but was told they weren't taking on new patients. He asks Oliviato get him in. She doesn't want to but eventually gives in and gets anappointment in one hour for him. After he leaves, she calls Dru to warn herbut she's not home so she leaves a message on the machine that they musttalk ASAP.

Ryan goes to Victor's office expecting to get fired but to his surprise,Victor assures him that his job is secure. Ryan apologizes that hispersonal life was dragged into the office but Victor is surprisinglysupportive. He even tells Ryan that he has lots of divorce experience andoffers to lend an ear anytime.

Dru goes to the studio to review the proofs from her shoot. She asksMalcolm if he knows of any medical problems that Neil may be having andkeeping from her. Malcolm doesn't know of any but wonders why she'd ask.Dru explains that she found a note by the phone with a Dr. Kline's name andnumber on it. After discussing the possibilities, she calls the number andasks the receptionist what kind of doctor Dr. Kline is. When she hangs upthe phone, she says gravely to Malcolm, "He's a fertility specialist."

Nina is just getting out from the shower when the doorbell rings. To hersurprise, it's Tricia. "Ryan's not here," Nina barks at her. "I'm here totalk to you, Nina," Tricia says.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 15, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 15, 1997 on Y&R

Tuesday, September 16, 1997

by Erin Goldsby

Dru marches into Olivia's office and accuses her of interfering in hermarriage. Claiming she must have an ulterior motive, she tells Olivia thatshe knows she referred him to a fertility specialist. They argue, andOlivia tells her to quit worrying about her, and to focus on her husbandbecause he's blaming himself for her inability to conceive.

Meanwhile, Neil goes to Dr. Klein's office and explains that although heand Dru have been trying for a couple of months now, she's still notpregnant. Dr. Klein tells him he's jumping the gun, but Neil wants to makesure he's not shooting blanks and demands that he be tested.

Jill tells Keith that he was way out of line to go to Victor about Ryan.Keith insists that he'll do whatever it takes to keep him away from Triciabut Jill points out she's an adult and it's time to let go. They bothrealize that Keith fears they are in love and that they'll get togetheranyway. As their voices rise, Tricia comes in and overhears them. "Is theresomething going on with Ryan?" she asks.

Michael and Phyllis rehash the case again, repeating themselves fromyesterday. Phyllis says there might be one little detail that sheoverlooked, but she'll handle it.

Christine and Danny review what they know again about the paternity tests.Danny remembers being in New York when they got the first results from DMSlabs, and recalls that not only was Sasha the lab technician, but she waspassed out on the floor when he arrived. In the flashbacks, it shows howthat was overlooked before, but now it's worth pondering.

Mary drops by Paul's office and finds him disturbed again about Danny'scase. He goes to Legal Aid and offers to help them.

Ryan fills in Neil about his meeting with Victor. Neil advises him to takethis as a warning that it's probably not a good idea to get involved withTricia. "He might not be so understanding if it happened again," Neil adds.Ryan tells him that he's going to follow his heart and if it leads him toTricia, so what, no one can stand in his way.

Cole goes to the lab and tells Ashley that his publisher, Steve, recognizedher as the heroine of the novel immediately and liked it so much that hewants him to pick up the pace. As a thank you, he gives her a gift -- a newleather jacket. Ashley tries it on and models it for him. When she asks himif he likes how it looks, he answers her with a long kiss.

Nina asks Tricia what she wants and why she's at her door. Tricia calmlyexplains that she has no desire to be a home wrecker and has backed offfrom Ryan. "Despite our feelings for one another, it's over," she says, "Isupport Ryan's decision to make his marriage work. You two have a lot ofhistory." Nina can't believe her ears. That said, Tricia heads off, leavingNina completely bewildered...

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 15, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 15, 1997 on Y&R

Wednesday, September 17, 1997

by Erin Goldsby

Tony drops by Grace's office to ask if she slept okay in her new sofa bedwithout him. She tells him that he's out of his mind if he thinks thatshe'll ever share that bed with him and reminds him that they've lost thespark that they once had and she's sure it'll never return. Tony, however,tells her that he doesn't plan on giving up on her anytime soon. He asksher out for the evening, but she tells him she's not interested.

Cole invites Ashley to dinner but she says she needs to think about it andwill let him know later. After she leaves the lab for a moment, he tries tocall Victor, but he walks in instead. Cole asks him if he's heard fromVictoria and/or if he knows when or if she'll return. Victor is surprisedto learn that she hasn't called her husband since leaving on her businesstrip. Cole explains that he left her a message at the hotel the nightVictor announced his marriage, but she sent the telegram to Nick. Realizingthat Victor doesn't know anything about the situation, Cole tells him notto worry about it, and he's sure everything will work itself out.

Sharon goes to the main house to pick up Noah and Cassie but Noah's havinga nap and Cassie's down at the stables. Instead, she fills in Nikki abouther dinner party, hinting that Tony and Grace are really hitting it off.Nikki is happy to hear it and encourages her to keep playing Cupid.

Grace goes to Nick's office and gives him the pen set she bought him forhis new office. They get talking and he tells her that he wishes she couldhave the kind of love with someone like he does with Sharon. Grace tellshim that she wishes that too. Outside of his office, she breaks down intears.

Jack brings a report to Victor's office but finds Diane waiting for himthere instead. He's stunned when she asks him to help her plan some dinnerparties for Victor's corporate execs and their wives. He tells her that theinvitation was inappropriate and blasts her for acting as though they haveno history together. "Are you really that shallow?" he wonders. Before hecan answer, Victor walks in and asks what he's interrupting. They say theywere just talking, then Diane makes a quick exit. Once alone, Victor andJack discuss business then Victor mentions that he plans to delegate morebusiness to Jack in the future as he wants to go away with Diane moreoften. "Hmm, I got the distinct impression that she's interested insticking around here, playing her new role of Mrs. Victor Newman, ReigningSocial Queen of Genoa City," Jack smirks. He tells Victor that Diane evenasked him to be part of the first of many Newman soirees but Victor wantsto turn the conversation back to business. Jack then asks Victor if he everwonders if Diane is really over him like she claims. "This meeting hasconcluded," Victor says, biting his tongue as he dismisses him. On theother side of the office door, Jack grins as he notes that he hit a nerve.

When Tricia catches them talking about Ryan, Jill and Keith don't bothertrying to hide anything. Keith admits that Ryan has given up on hismarriage to Nina, but assures her that he's not interested in Triciaeither. Megan comes in, and she, Jill and Keith all try to convince Triciathat Ryan will be too wrapped up in his divorce to concentrate on her soshe may as well give it up. Tricia tearfully tells them all to quitinterfering in her happiness with the man she loves and runs out the door.

Grace goes to the main house to pick up Cassie. Nikki tells her that shecalled her at the office but was told she was in Nick's office for somereason. Grace assures her that she thinks of him as her best friend'shusband, but Nikki flat out accuses her of having a crush on him. Gracedenies it, pointing out that she's involved with Tony. She then takesCassie back to the office where Tony comes to pick her up. Grace tells Tonythat she wants to go out with him tonight after all. He's pleased to hearit and he and Cassie leave on cloud nine. Once alone, Grace calls Sharonand invites her and Nick along on a double date. When she hangs up, Gracesays to herself that hopefully by being seen with Tony all the time she'llget everyone off her back about Nick.

Tricia goes to her favorite phone booth and calls Ryan's office but istold he's not there. She then calls Nina and demands to know his newnumber. When Nina refuses to give it to her, Tricia blasts her forwithholding the information. "Why would I give it to you?" Nina asks,incredulous, "You're the whole reason I've lost everything that meansanything to me!" "Oh, quit acting like I'm to blame for all of this,"Tricia snaps, "It's your own fault that Ryan doesn't want you!" Nina hangsup, telling her not to phone again. Tricia takes another quarter out of herpurse as she remembers that Ryan has a cell phone.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 15, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 15, 1997 on Y&R

Thursday, September 18, 1997Erin Goldsby

Jill finds Tricia waiting in Ryan's office and pleads with her to leave.She repeats Keith's speech about how Ryan hasn't come running to her andthat proves that she should just leave him alone. She reminds her of allthe baggage Ryan will have with an upcoming divorce, but Tricia doesn'tcare. Eventually, however, Tricia agrees to leave, but says she's not readyto go home yet. Jill leaves before her as Tricia says she's going for adrive to clear her head.

Tony watches Grace get ready, albeit she dresses behind a screen. To hisdisappointment, she tells him that she invited Nick and Sharon along. Whenhe pouts that he wanted her to himself, she tells him that there'll beother nights.......and reminds him that although there'll be four of themgoing out, there'll only be two of them returning to her apartment. Tony's,uh, spirits, are instantly aroused.

Nick comes home from work and Sharon tells him that they're going on adouble date tonight with Grace and Tony. Nikki drops by and they tell herabout their plans. When she goes back to the main house, Nikki tells Joshhow she thinks that Grace is putting on an act to cover up her truefeelings for Nick. Josh is only half listening as he's reading a medicaljournal. Nikki notices when a picture of Veronica falls out of it. Joshtells her that he didn't know it was in there, and in case she has aninsecurity attack, assures her that she's the only one for him.

Meanwhile, Veronica is having quite the night at the hospital. Dr. Archertells her that her red marks from the laser surgery should be completelygone in a few days. Veronica tells him that's not soon enough and puts herplan in motion. She gets the doctor to bring in a make-up artist, thensteals her make-up. She goes to the cafeteria and steals a lady's pursewhich just happens to have a whopping $432 in it. Then she goes to thePositive Appearance Centre in the hospital which was set up to help chemopatients. After finding the perfect wig and disguise, Veronica decides toleave the hospital tonight.

The Double Dating team arrive at the restaurant and a good time seems to behad by all. While Tony and Grace dance, Nick and Sharon analyze them. Nickhas flashbacks to being in bed with Grace while he watches her kissingTony. Later, Sharon and Nick dance while Tony and Grace analyze them. Alonefor a moment at the table, Sharon excitedly encourages Grace to beromantically involved with Tony.

Ryan returns to his office to finish up some work and is surprised whenTricia comes in. She tells him that she knows that he gave up on hismarriage and is hurt that he didn't say anything. However, she notes thatshe knows now that everyone was trying to protect her by keeping it asecret. Ryan is stunned when Tricia tells him that she feels partially toblame that his marriage didn't work out. She notes that he couldn't reallygive it another chance with her constantly in the picture. "Now that you'recompletely free, I think you should go back to Nina and give it a realchance," she announces. Before Ryan can answer, his phone rings. It'sbusiness call but he says he's busy. When he hangs up and turns around,Tricia is gone.

Friday, September 19, 1997

Ryan races after Tricia, but it's too late, she's gone. He calls her athome, but Keith tells him that she's not home. After some heated words,Keith hangs up on him.

Paul and Chris ask Danny to recount the entire evening that he went to thelab for the second paternity test so they can piece together what happened.They figure out that Phyllis must've some how gotten the blood from Brian,then brought it to the lab to make the switch. Danny leaves to see Daniel,but Paul and Chris continue the discussion and decide to obtain the phonebill to see if Phyllis called Brian in New York from her apartment.

Michael calls Phyllis and they discuss the case again. He advises her toplay by the rules or she could screw up everything for herself. Afterreminding her to tie up any little details she could've overlooked, hetells her to pleasant to Danny when he picks up Daniel and not to play anygames.

Dru fills in Malcolm about the note that Olivia had written with Dr.Kline's name and number on it. She asks him to help her by trying to talkNeil out of taking a fertility test. Malcolm sees no reason to intervene,but wonders why the whole thing is making her so upset.

Jill asks Keith about the phone call and he admits that it was Ryan. Aftercomplaining that the McNeil punk is badgering his daughter, Keithvehemently tells Jill that he will continue to get between them. Triciacomes in and asks what's going on. Keith tells her that Ryan called, butsays it wasn't urgent and suggests she just go off to bed. Tricia is aboutto go upstairs when Ryan comes back. She hangs around a moment to see ifthe call is for her, but Keith fakes his side of the phone call so shethinks it's a personal call for him instead. On the other end of the phone,Ryan angrily demands that Keith put Tricia on the phone, but he gets hungup on again.

Sharon and Nick go to the main house and tell Nikki all about their doubledate. Nikki points out that Grace has a sudden interest in Tony, but Sharonchalks it up to Grace being preoccupied with other things lately. She saysthat Grace just needed a little bit of coaxing, that's all.

Meanwhile, Grace and Tony return to her apartment. Tony suggests that theyjump into the sofa bed that he bought and cuddle but Grace isn'tinterested. Tony acknowledges that Grace was putting on an act for Sharonand Tony, but suggests that she's warming up to him after all. He pointsout that he's a better dancer than Nick, and they start to boogie in theliving room.

Danny comes to pick up Daniel, and for once Phyllis doesn't play any games.Despite the fact that she's very cordial, Danny squints, glares, and poutsas he tells her off. After they're gone, Michael shows up, wanting to makesure that Phyllis played by the rules after all. Within minutes, Phylliswraps his arms around her and begins kissing him. Michael doesn't pullaway.

Jill tells Keith that she doesn't think it was too smart to brush off Ryanlike that. Keith doesn't care, and suggests they go to bed. They start tohead up the stairs when suddenly Ryan appears on the doorstep, screamingfor Tricia, and threatening to break the door down. Megan and Tricia comedownstairs to see what all the ruckus is about, but Keith warns Tricia tostand back.

by Erin Goldsby

Jill finds Tricia waiting in Ryan's office and pleads with her to leave.She repeats Keith's speech about how Ryan hasn't come running to her andthat proves that she should just leave him alone. She reminds her of allthe baggage Ryan will have with an upcoming divorce, but Tricia doesn'tcare. Eventually, however, Tricia agrees to leave, but says she's not readyto go home yet. Jill leaves before her as Tricia says she's going for adrive to clear her head.

Tony watches Grace get ready, albeit she dresses behind a screen. To hisdisappointment, she tells him that she invited Nick and Sharon along. Whenhe pouts that he wanted her to himself, she tells him that there'll beother nights.......and reminds him that although there'll be four of themgoing out, there'll only be two of them returning to her apartment. Tony's,uh, spirits, are instantly aroused.

Nick comes home from work and Sharon tells him that they're going on adouble date tonight with Grace and Tony. Nikki drops by and they tell herabout their plans. When she goes back to the main house, Nikki tells Joshhow she thinks that Grace is putting on an act to cover up her truefeelings for Nick. Josh is only half listening as he's reading a medicaljournal. Nikki notices when a picture of Veronica falls out of it. Joshtells her that he didn't know it was in there, and in case she has aninsecurity attack, assures her that she's the only one for him.

Meanwhile, Veronica is having quite the night at the hospital. Dr. Archertells her that her red marks from the laser surgery should be completelygone in a few days. Veronica tells him that's not soon enough and puts herplan in motion. She gets the doctor to bring in a make-up artist, thensteals her make-up. She goes to the cafeteria and steals a lady's pursewhich just happens to have a whopping $432 in it. Then she goes to thePositive Appearance Centre in the hospital which was set up to help chemopatients. After finding the perfect wig and disguise, Veronica decides toleave the hospital tonight.

The Double Dating team arrive at the restaurant and a good time seems to behad by all. While Tony and Grace dance, Nick and Sharon analyze them. Nickhas flashbacks to being in bed with Grace while he watches her kissingTony. Later, Sharon and Nick dance while Tony and Grace analyze them. Alonefor a moment at the table, Sharon excitedly encourages Grace to beromantically involved with Tony.

Ryan returns to his office to finish up some work and is surprised whenTricia comes in. She tells him that she knows that he gave up on hismarriage and is hurt that he didn't say anything. However, she notes thatshe knows now that everyone was trying to protect her by keeping it asecret. Ryan is stunned when Tricia tells him that she feels partially toblame that his marriage didn't work out. She notes that he couldn't reallygive it another chance with her constantly in the picture. "Now that you'recompletely free, I think you should go back to Nina and give it a realchance," she announces. Before Ryan can answer, his phone rings. It'sbusiness call but he says he's busy. When he hangs up and turns around,Tricia is gone.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 15, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 15, 1997 on Y&R

Friday, September 19, 1997

Ryan races after Tricia, but it's too late, she's gone. He calls her athome, but Keith tells him that she's not home. After some heated words,Keith hangs up on him.

Paul and Chris ask Danny to recount the entire evening that he went to thelab for the second paternity test so they can piece together what happened.They figure out that Phyllis must've some how gotten the blood from Brian,then brought it to the lab to make the switch. Danny leaves to see Daniel,but Paul and Chris continue the discussion and decide to obtain the phonebill to see if Phyllis called Brian in New York from her apartment.

Michael calls Phyllis and they discuss the case again. He advises her toplay by the rules or she could screw up everything for herself. Afterreminding her to tie up any little details she could've overlooked, hetells her to pleasant to Danny when he picks up Daniel and not to play anygames.

Dru fills in Malcolm about the note that Olivia had written with Dr.Kline's name and number on it. She asks him to help her by trying to talkNeil out of taking a fertility test. Malcolm sees no reason to intervene,but wonders why the whole thing is making her so upset.

Jill asks Keith about the phone call and he admits that it was Ryan. Aftercomplaining that the McNeil punk is badgering his daughter, Keithvehemently tells Jill that he will continue to get between them. Triciacomes in and asks what's going on. Keith tells her that Ryan called, butsays it wasn't urgent and suggests she just go off to bed. Tricia is aboutto go upstairs when Ryan comes back. She hangs around a moment to see ifthe call is for her, but Keith fakes his side of the phone call so shethinks it's a personal call for him instead. On the other end of the phone,Ryan angrily demands that Keith put Tricia on the phone, but he gets hungup on again.

Sharon and Nick go to the main house and tell Nikki all about their doubledate. Nikki points out that Grace has a sudden interest in Tony, but Sharonchalks it up to Grace being preoccupied with other things lately. She saysthat Grace just needed a little bit of coaxing, that's all.

Meanwhile, Grace and Tony return to her apartment. Tony suggests that theyjump into the sofa bed that he bought and cuddle but Grace isn'tinterested. Tony acknowledges that Grace was putting on an act for Sharonand Tony, but suggests that she's warming up to him after all. He pointsout that he's a better dancer than Nick, and they start to boogie in theliving room.

Danny comes to pick up Daniel, and for once Phyllis doesn't play any games.Despite the fact that she's very cordial, Danny squints, glares, and poutsas he tells her off. After they're gone, Michael shows up, wanting to makesure that Phyllis played by the rules after all. Within minutes, Phylliswraps his arms around her and begins kissing him. Michael doesn't pullaway.

Jill tells Keith that she doesn't think it was too smart to brush off Ryanlike that. Keith doesn't care, and suggests they go to bed. They start tohead up the stairs when suddenly Ryan appears on the doorstep, screamingfor Tricia, and threatening to break the door down. Megan and Tricia comedownstairs to see what all the ruckus is about, but Keith warns Tricia tostand back.

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Edited by SC Desk