Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on Y&R

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Malcolm Winters and Olivia Barber were married
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on Y&R

Phyllis won temporary custody of Daniel. Jack toasted Victor and Diane's marriage. Keith threatened to have Ryan fired, but Victor refused. Neil asked Olivia for the name of a fertility doctor. Veronica was ready for laser surgery to get rid of her facial scars.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on Y&R

Monday, September 8, 1997

by Erin Goldsby

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Christine grills Phyllis on the stand about the paternity tests andDaniel's paternity. Phyllis tells the truth -- almost -- as she admits toeverything, except having knowledge to the switch. She puts the blame onSasha and tries to come across as a bit of a victim. Kevin interrupts theproceedings, claiming harsh chest pains. After the paramedics are called,the judge wonders if Michael is prepared to replace Kevin. Michael explainsthat he's not allowed, but the judge rules him to step in. Christine movesfor an objection, but she's overruled. Phyllis' testimony continues untilit's recessed for the evening. Danny mutters something about another daygoing by without seeing Daniel and the judge overhears him. He orders thatDanny be allowed to spend the evening with Daniel at the apartment, andadds that Phyllis can be there if she wants.

At the Private Dining Room, Sharon convinces Nick to give his regards tohis new stepmommy. He does, and Victor is very pleased with him. Later, hereceives a telegram from Victoria and reads it to the crowd, whichexpresses her well-wishes and apology for not being able to attend.Meanwhile, the guests are beginning to notice that Jack has arrived. AfterNick finishes his speech, Jack calls for a toast. To everyone's surprise,he has nothing but kind thoughts for the newlyweds and gives his blessing.Victor approaches him afterwards and notes he doesn't know how to takeJack's words. Jack tells him to take them any way he wants to.

Keith makes it very clear to Ryan that he is to stay away from Tricia. "Ifyou don't, I'll see to it that you're fired," he growls. Ryan has a minifreak out, ranting and raving about how he can see Tricia if, when and howhe wants and there's nothing Keith can do about it. Keith mocks his nervebefore leaving.

Danny is reading Daniel a book when Phyllis calls to check in. Danny liesto her and says that Daniel is sleeping when she asks to speak to him.Daniel says that he wants to talk to his mommy and takes the phone. He asksher to come home but Danny pries the phone out of his hand and says, "Imust hang up now," then hangs up on Phyllis. Phyllis comes home and Danielis very pleased to see her, much to Danny's dislike.

The guests all give their well-wishes to the newlyweds before leaving.Diane and Victor take to the dance floor for a private dance as they coo toone another. Keith picks up Jill and says he's in no mood for a party sothey go home. Josh and Nikki go back home and rehash the evening.

Ryan thinks about what Keith said as he gazes at a photo of Tricia that hehas in his wallet. Meanwhile, Tricia gets out her wallet and gazes at aphoto of Ryan too. Her phone rings and she answers it but no one is there.At the other end of the phone, Ryan hangs up without speaking.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on Y&R

Tuesday, September 9, 1997

by Erin Goldsby

Nikki and Josh rehash the party yet again in the morning. Josh is all giddybecause now that Victor is married, he has Nikki's full attention. Theykiss for a while on the couch until he gets ready for work. Ellie comes inand tells Nikki that it's definite that she's leaving. She wants to moveinto town and gives her two week notice as her sister found her a new job.Nikki tells her that she's sad to see her go, and wonders how she'll find agood replacement on such short notice.

Down at the tack room, Cole and Ashley return from an early morning horseride. They discuss the party too, and Ashley notes Victoria's absence. Sheflat out asks Cole if he's satisfied in his marriage. He admits thatVictoria's priority in life is Newman Enterprises and making her fatherhappy. Ashley agrees, noting that Victoria wants to run the company oneday. They decide that they are "confidantes."

In town, it's lunchtime. Neil goes to Ryan's office and asks why he didn'tshow up at the party. Ryan tells him about Keith's visit. Neil offers totake Ryan (or "Ry" as he calls him now) to lunch to take his mind off ofthings.

Jill and Keith discuss his conversation with Ryan and wonder if he had anyaffect. Jill tries to assure Keith that if Ryan gave his word to stay away,then he will. Only problem is, Ryan didn't give his word. Anyhow, Triciacomes in a catches them whispering. They tell her that they were thinkingof going up to the cabin on the lake, and thought that she and Megan couldinvite Alec and Jeremy. Tricia says that she's going into town to meet Alecso she'll think about it and might ask him. After she leaves, Jill andKeith hope that taking Tricia out of town with Alec will help the situationwith Ryan.

At the courthouse, Christine angrily confronts Michael before the hearingresumes, claiming that he has no conscience. Meanwhile, Gina drops by tooffer Danny some encouragement and tells him that she'll save some tablesat the restaurant for a celebration when he's granted temporary custody ofDaniel today. Phyllis hears her and is shaken up. When the judge arrives,they begin their summations. Christine recaps the events of the hearing andpoints out that Phyllis has no credibility and is an unfit mother. Michael,on the other hand, points out that there was no evidence to prove that shewas a bad mother, just a bad wife. The judge thinks about it for a while inhis chambers. When he returns, he recaps the entire hearing then tells themall that he agrees there was no evidence to prove that Phyllis was an unfitmother and therefore sees no reason to take the young child from hisbiological mother at this time. Temporary custody is granted to Phyllis.After the judge leaves, Christine blasts Michael again telling him to getready for a big fight as she and Danny are not ready to let this go. Out inthe hallway, Danny and Phyllis are at each other's throats as well,although Phyllis points out that it doesn't have to be this way, and admitsshe'll still let him see Daniel.

Mary goes to Paul's office and wants Lynne to fill her in on all thegossip. Paul interrupts and tells his mother himself that everything isjust fine. Mary, however, insists that everything is not fine, pointing outthat Christine is spending too much time with Danny.

Tricia meets Alec at Yves and they have a nice lunch. He invites her to aparty on the weekend. She's about to tell him about going to the lake whenshe spots Ryan across the restaurant and changes her mind. After Alec (andNeil) leave, she approaches Ryan at his table.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on Y&R

Wednesday, September 10, 1997

by Erin Goldsby

Phyllis goes to Michael's office and tells him that they should go have adrink to celebrate their victory in court. Michael tells her that they havea long way to go and she shouldn't take anything for granted yet. Phyllistells Michael that he'll have to guarantee that she's going to win overallin court but he can't. Phyllis says she has every confidence in him, addingthat if he loses, she'll kill him. "You don't mean that," Michaelchallenges. Phyllis doesn't waver as she tells him that they won't everhave to find out if she means it or not, because they are going to win."Now, how about that drink?" she asks. "Sure, why not," Michael sighs.Phyllis goes back to being in a good mood and plants a kiss on him.

Tricia tells Ryan that everything in her life is going well now and she'sover him. She blabbers on about school, etc., and convinces him that she'sgetting along quite nicely without him. Ryan returns to the office andtells Neil all about it.

Sharon tells Nick that she thinks Grace and Tony need some help in gettingtogether romantically. She suggests that they have them over for dinner,and that Nikki can babysit Noah and Cassie. Nick agrees. Meanwhile, Gracecomes home to find Tony working out in the living room, looking quite nicewithout his shirt on I might add. Sharon calls and invites them for dinnerand they agree to go. After Grace gets off the phone, she and Tony beginmaking out on the couch.

Keith tells Jill about his conversation with Ryan again, this time addingthat he threatened to have him fired if he didn't stay away from Tricia.

Phyllis comes home to find Danny with Daniel. After they send Daniel to hisroom, Phyllis pleads with Danny to reconsider the situation before it's toolate. She tells him that they can work everything out and remain a familyfor Daniel's sake but Danny screams at her that she makes him sick and hewants nothing to do with her ever again. Phyllis screams back that ifthat's how he feels then he should get the hell out of her apartment andleave her alone. She adds that it's not helping Daniel any to see and hearthem fighting this way all of the time. Danny freaks, grabs her and saysthrough gritted teeth that he's had it with her games and he will be withhis child.

When Neil comes home from work, he sits with Dru and Lily. Lily surprisesDru by asking if she can have a little brother soon. Dru thinks Neil puther up to that but he says he didn't. He gives them each a gift -- Lily getsa new doll. Dru and Neil discuss the baby issue some more then she opensher gift. It's a mother and child necklace.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on Y&R

Thursday, September 11, 1997Erin Goldsby

Victor calls Nick wondering why he hasn't reported for work yet. Nickexplains that he isn't due in until tomorrow but Victor tells him he'swrong so get his butt in there now. Nick does, and when he arrives, Victorhas a surprise for him -- a new office. Nick is thrilled, Victor is proud,and it's quite the father/son moment. That is, until Grace interrupts.Victor leaves and Grace asks why Sharon is inviting her and Tony fordinner, suspecting it's a set up. When Nick admits that Sharon would likethem to get together, Grace blows a fuse. Nick tells her to relax, come todinner and enjoy herself.

Meanwhile, Sharon goes up to the main house and asks Nikki to babysit.Nikki agrees, and commends Sharon on her efforts to unite Grace and Tony,saying that it's a great idea.

Phyllis meets with Michael and they discuss how mean Danny is and how heshould pay for ripping her family apart and hurting her so badly. Phyllis'eyes light up with dollar signs as they discuss alimony.

Danny meets with Christine and they discuss how mean and cruel Phyllis is.Chris warns Danny that he'll probably be audited for the alimony payments.Danny is outraged, but there's little he can do about it. He tells Christhat his main priority is Daniel.

Neil goes to see Olivia and asks why it's taking so long for Dru to getpregnant. She tells him not to push the panic button. Neil suggests goingto see a fertility expert. Olivia seems uncomfortable with the conversationso Neil asks her to just give him a referral, which she does.

Meanwhile, Dru and Malcolm do a photo shoot. When they're done, Malcolmmentions how Neil's anxious to have a child. Dru tells him that there's noneed to involve doctors or anything as when the time is right, she'llconceive. She encourages him to tell his brother to take a chill pill.

Grace and Tony show up at the Newman's. Miguel was helping out in thekitchen but conveniently finishes in time to take Cassie up to the mainhouse with Noah. Once alone, the two couples have a drink and toast. Nickand Sharon go to the kitchen to check on dinner, and to give Grace and Tonya moment alone. While they're gone, Tony and Grace make out, while Nick andSharon spy on them from the doorway.

Michael goes to Legal Aid as he heard that Christine had called Kevin'ssecretary, which of course means he must return the call in person. Anyhow,Chris warns him that the moment he starts acting as Phyllis' attorney,she'll go straight to the parole board so Michael is careful to repeatedlyrefer to Phyllis as "Kevin's client." They get down to the nitty gritty,with Chris telling him that her client is prepared to make Phyllis asubstantial monetary settlement. Michael tells her not to leave out collegetuition for Daniel as well as life insurance, royalties, etc. When Chrisrealizes that Phyllis is going for everything that Danny's got, she losesit. Michael warns her not to get too emotionally involved, causing Chris torepeat her speech about being ready for a big fight.

Friday, September 12, 1997

Jack drops by Nikki's and they discuss Diane and Victor. Jack is sure thatDiane still has feelings for him, although Nikki doesn't agree. After Jackleaves, Ellie comes in and says good-bye (so much for her two week notice!)Anyhow, Nikki calls a maid service to ensure that she'll get someone toreplace her as soon as possible.

At the hospital, Veronica is pleased when Dr. Archer tells her that theycan start her laser surgery immediately to remove her scars. Realizing thatshe'll soon be released, she gets to work on the needlepoint that she'sworking on. Pam asks to see it and thinks it's a gift when she reads thename "Nikki" embroidered on it.

Jill goes to Ryan's office and tells him that Keith is serious about havinghim fired if he doesn't stay away from Tricia. Ryan doesn't see how Keithhas that power, but Jill points out to him that Victor could be his ally,given that Ryan was in a similar situation with his daughter years ago.Ryan gulps.....loudly.

Over in Victor's office, Keith tells Victor what a smart-mouthed punk Ryanis and demands that he's fired on the basis that he has no morals and can'tbe trusted. Victor sympathizes, but advises Keith to keep his personalproblems out of the office, unless he can convince him otherwise to firehim.

Christine goes to Nina's and is filled in on what happened between her andRyan. Afraid that Nina is going to slip back into a depression, shesuggests that she start writing again as it used to make her happy. Chrisgives Nina her laptop and watches her to make sure that she starts typingsomething. Eventually she leaves, but promises to return and see how muchshe's written.

Sharon is pleased when Tony and Grace put on a good show at dinner. Shethinks that her matchmaking skills were quite effective and is glad to seethat the two are definitely getting much closer. After dinner, Sharon callsNikki then tells Grace that Cassie fell asleep in the guest room and iswelcome to spend the night at the main house with Noah. Grace and Tonyleave, and Sharon and Nick make the most of their night alone. Meanwhile,Grace and Tony return to her apartment. Grace is shocked when they walk inand there's a new bed there. Tony explains that they need a new bed fortheir new relationship. Grace assures him that they don't have a newrelationship, they've just been putting on an act for Sharon's benefit.However, moments later, they try out the new mattress...

by Erin Goldsby

Victor calls Nick wondering why he hasn't reported for work yet. Nickexplains that he isn't due in until tomorrow but Victor tells him he'swrong so get his butt in there now. Nick does, and when he arrives, Victorhas a surprise for him -- a new office. Nick is thrilled, Victor is proud,and it's quite the father/son moment. That is, until Grace interrupts.Victor leaves and Grace asks why Sharon is inviting her and Tony fordinner, suspecting it's a set up. When Nick admits that Sharon would likethem to get together, Grace blows a fuse. Nick tells her to relax, come todinner and enjoy herself.

Meanwhile, Sharon goes up to the main house and asks Nikki to babysit.Nikki agrees, and commends Sharon on her efforts to unite Grace and Tony,saying that it's a great idea.

Phyllis meets with Michael and they discuss how mean Danny is and how heshould pay for ripping her family apart and hurting her so badly. Phyllis'eyes light up with dollar signs as they discuss alimony.

Danny meets with Christine and they discuss how mean and cruel Phyllis is.Chris warns Danny that he'll probably be audited for the alimony payments.Danny is outraged, but there's little he can do about it. He tells Christhat his main priority is Daniel.

Neil goes to see Olivia and asks why it's taking so long for Dru to getpregnant. She tells him not to push the panic button. Neil suggests goingto see a fertility expert. Olivia seems uncomfortable with the conversationso Neil asks her to just give him a referral, which she does.

Meanwhile, Dru and Malcolm do a photo shoot. When they're done, Malcolmmentions how Neil's anxious to have a child. Dru tells him that there's noneed to involve doctors or anything as when the time is right, she'llconceive. She encourages him to tell his brother to take a chill pill.

Grace and Tony show up at the Newman's. Miguel was helping out in thekitchen but conveniently finishes in time to take Cassie up to the mainhouse with Noah. Once alone, the two couples have a drink and toast. Nickand Sharon go to the kitchen to check on dinner, and to give Grace and Tonya moment alone. While they're gone, Tony and Grace make out, while Nick andSharon spy on them from the doorway.

Michael goes to Legal Aid as he heard that Christine had called Kevin'ssecretary, which of course means he must return the call in person. Anyhow,Chris warns him that the moment he starts acting as Phyllis' attorney,she'll go straight to the parole board so Michael is careful to repeatedlyrefer to Phyllis as "Kevin's client." They get down to the nitty gritty,with Chris telling him that her client is prepared to make Phyllis asubstantial monetary settlement. Michael tells her not to leave out collegetuition for Daniel as well as life insurance, royalties, etc. When Chrisrealizes that Phyllis is going for everything that Danny's got, she losesit. Michael warns her not to get too emotionally involved, causing Chris torepeat her speech about being ready for a big fight.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of September 8, 1997 on Y&R

Friday, September 12, 1997

Jack drops by Nikki's and they discuss Diane and Victor. Jack is sure thatDiane still has feelings for him, although Nikki doesn't agree. After Jackleaves, Ellie comes in and says good-bye (so much for her two week notice!)Anyhow, Nikki calls a maid service to ensure that she'll get someone toreplace her as soon as possible.

At the hospital, Veronica is pleased when Dr. Archer tells her that theycan start her laser surgery immediately to remove her scars. Realizing thatshe'll soon be released, she gets to work on the needlepoint that she'sworking on. Pam asks to see it and thinks it's a gift when she reads thename "Nikki" embroidered on it.

Jill goes to Ryan's office and tells him that Keith is serious about havinghim fired if he doesn't stay away from Tricia. Ryan doesn't see how Keithhas that power, but Jill points out to him that Victor could be his ally,given that Ryan was in a similar situation with his daughter years ago.Ryan gulps.....loudly.

Over in Victor's office, Keith tells Victor what a smart-mouthed punk Ryanis and demands that he's fired on the basis that he has no morals and can'tbe trusted. Victor sympathizes, but advises Keith to keep his personalproblems out of the office, unless he can convince him otherwise to firehim.

Christine goes to Nina's and is filled in on what happened between her andRyan. Afraid that Nina is going to slip back into a depression, shesuggests that she start writing again as it used to make her happy. Chrisgives Nina her laptop and watches her to make sure that she starts typingsomething. Eventually she leaves, but promises to return and see how muchshe's written.

Sharon is pleased when Tony and Grace put on a good show at dinner. Shethinks that her matchmaking skills were quite effective and is glad to seethat the two are definitely getting much closer. After dinner, Sharon callsNikki then tells Grace that Cassie fell asleep in the guest room and iswelcome to spend the night at the main house with Noah. Grace and Tonyleave, and Sharon and Nick make the most of their night alone. Meanwhile,Grace and Tony return to her apartment. Grace is shocked when they walk inand there's a new bed there. Tony explains that they need a new bed fortheir new relationship. Grace assures him that they don't have a newrelationship, they've just been putting on an act for Sharon's benefit.However, moments later, they try out the new mattress...

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Edited by SC Desk