Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 4, 1997 on Y&R

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Malcolm Winters and Olivia Barber were married
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 4, 1997 on Y&R

Nina and Ryan shared a kiss. Cole wanted Ashley's help with his character study. Michael was forced to represent Phyllis. Danny discovered he could sue for custody. Tricia and Alex pretended to be lovers in an effort to make Ryan jealous.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 4, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 4, 1997 on Y&R

Monday, August 4, 1997

by Erin Goldsby

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Nikki goes to Katherine's for a visit, and Katherine tells some more aboutthe facial rejuvenation procedure that she's having done. After that, theydiscuss how Nikki told Victor about Josh's first wife, and his reaction toit.

Ashley can tell by Jack's demeanour that he's up to something and asksabout it. He admits that Diane and Victor are having problems, and he seesno reason not to take advantage of the situation. Against Ashley's betterjudgment, he goes to Diane's office and asks if her relationship with herfiance has improved. She admits that nothing has changed, and she hasn'theard from Victor. Jack showers her with compliments, then asks her todinner, noting that he'd love the Moustache to see them together. Diane isabout to accept his offer when Victor calls and interrupts. He abruptlyorders Diane to be in his office first thing in the morning with the newsketches then hangs up. After she gets off the phone, Diane isn't in themood to be with Jack anymore and dismisses him. Jack is infuriated withVictor, but it just encourages him not to give up.

Ashley goes for a physical at Olivia's office. They discuss their personallives, and Olivia advises her to get a man as it does wonders for thepersonality. .

Nikki comes home to find Victor waiting for her. He says he needs adviceabout Diane, but Nikki doesn't offer anything positive, noting he'd bebetter off without her. Needless to say, Victor doesn't like her advice.While Nikki's upstairs having a shower, Nick comes in and offers to helpVictor with his problem, noting that Nikki wouldn't be the most objectiveperson in the situation. Victor tells him about seeing Jack and Diane kiss."Whoa, tough one," Nick agrees.

Veronica studies her new face in the mirror again. She asks the doctor howlong it will take to heal. He says she can leave in a month or two.Veronica talks to herself about how anxious she is to see her husband soshe can show him how much she's changed.

Josh comes home from work, furious, and is pouring himself a drink whenNikki comes downstairs. He tells her about his visit from Victor, andangrily notes that he had no right to confront him at his place of businesslike that. He can't understand what would compel Nikki to tell him anythingabout his past anyway, and advises her to be more aware of what she'ssaying in the future where Victor is concerned.

Nick goes down to the tack room and tells Cole the latest about Gracerejoining Newman Enterprises. He hates to admit it, but fears that Cole wasright all along about her.

Phillip happily watches his parents and instructs them while they celebratetheir anniversary. At his prompting, they tell him how they met and allabout the beginning of their relationship. Ryan and Nina share some truelaughs as they remember together, and Ryan admits he's honestly having agood time. Phillip asks them to dance, then watches like a hawk as theywaltz in the living room, and gets them to kiss. Nina thinks she's inheaven when Ryan tells her that she's really beautiful. Nina can't find thewords to tell him how she feels about him, but Ryan says it's okay -- shesaid it all in her kiss. Nina swears she didn't put Phillip up to that, butRyan again says it's okay. "This one is my idea," he says softly thenbegins to kiss her passionately..

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 4, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 4, 1997 on Y&R

Tuesday, August 5, 1997

by Erin Goldsby

Diane's somewhat surprised when Jack shows up at her office with coffee andmuffins first thing in the morning. He knows that she's on her way to seeVictor and warns her not to let him get to her. Diane thanks him for thesupport, but is anxious to see her fiancé and rushes off. Jack goes back toJabot and finds Ashley in the lab. He gives her a report on what's beenhappening between him, Diane and Victor. She tells him to get over Dianealready, but Jack admits he can't get her out of his mind.

Malcolm and Nate come home from the studio where they developed the weddingpictures together. Nate is very interested in photography, but overlyecstatic about having a daddy again. When he refers to Malcolm as "Uncle",Malcolm tells him how happy it makes him when he calls him "Daddy" so Natecalls him daddy. They bond, and have a touching moment. Olivia is overjoyedthat things are going so well.

Paul calls Christine to ask her to lunch later. He wonders if Danny's comeby yet, but he hasn't although Chris is sure she'll see him later. Once offthe phone, Paul fills in Lynn about the whole Phyllis/paternity thing andshe's appalled. She finds it curious that Christine would represent Dannythough and wonders if it bothers Paul at all. Paul tells her that they'rejust good friends so it's nothing to worry about.

Diane arrives at Victor's office but he doesn't seem too pleased to seeher. He refers to her as "Ms. Jenkins" and can't even make a small smile.She gets right to business and goes over the latest changes to herdrawings. Victor growls that he doesn't like anything that she's done andtries to dismiss her. Diane accepts his opinion, after all he is theclient, but tells him that the meeting isn't over until they discuss what'sreally going on. She tells him that she's sorry that he saw her kissingJack, and hopes that their relationship isn't over. Victor just dismissesher again without answering.Cole drops by the lab to ask Ashley if she's made a decision about helpingwith the character study for his book. She turns him down again, but Colemanages to change her mind after a while. She tells him a bit aboutherself, her job, and the company then says she has to get back to work.Cole tells her he'll contact her again for more information.

Danny spends his morning with Daniel until Phyllis tries to join them. Sheasks him if he's already gotten a lawyer, then guesses that Christine ischomping at the bit to head this case in court. Danny doesn't answer herbut when Michael calls, he wonders if she got a lawyer. Phyllis proudlytells him that she's hired someone who'll 'blow them out of the water'.Danny doesn't seem to concerned, given her sins.

Nikki goes to Victor's office and blasts him for confronting Josh. Victordefends himself, insisting that Josh is hiding something. Nikki tells himto leave Josh alone, especially at his place of business. Victor tells herstaunchly that he won't be bossed around and he'll do whatever he wants,especially when it comes to protecting her. The conversation then switchesto Diane, and Nikki again puts in her two cents about her opinion of what alousy choice Diane is.

Phyllis goes to Michael's office as arranged and asks about himrepresenting her. He notes that he's only a paralegal, but he can adviseher but Kevin Andrews, his boss, will actually be the one who'srepresenting her in court. He introduces her to Kevin, then they ask forher last name. When she says "Romalotti", Michael freaks. He tells themboth that he can't have anything to do with the case, especially whenPhyllis adds that Christine Williams will probably be representing herhusband in court. Kevin sees the potential of the money to be made in thiscase and doesn't want to lose it but Phyllis says that she only trustsMichael and if he's not involved, she'll get another firm to represent her.Kevin assures her that they'll work it all out. Once alone, Kevin tellsMichael that if he doesn't help out with this case, he'll be fired -- andthat won't look very good to the parole board, now would it?!

Danny goes to Christine's office and is pleased when she tells him thatshe'll represent him after all. They go over legal aspects of the case.Chris points out that she's sure he'll be granted the divorce after allthat Phyllis has pulled. She also notes that since he's believed sinceconception that he was Daniel's father and has accepted the role, he mightbe granted full custody of the child. Danny is blown away as he didn'trealize he had that right. They get all caught up in the moment and arehugging when Paul walks in, but is taken aback to see themembracing.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 4, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 4, 1997 on Y&R

Wednesday, August 6, 1997

by Laura Wagner

Grace phones Victor. I'd like to move into my new office. Today? I've gotthe day off from the coffee slop and I thought...Stop by my office when youarrive. She does, he asks questions about Cassie. Victor then escorts herto the new office. I haven't been there myself and want to check it out.The office is huge! I can't thank you enough Mr. Newman. You already havewith your gratitude and appreciation. We'll need to get you a desk and achair. Grace gives Victor a peck on the cheek. A desk and a chair aredelivered. Grace calls Sharon to gush about her new office and how Mr.Newman took her there himself.....Sharon asks Nick about his graduationcelebration in two weeks. She then tells him about her phone call fromGrace. Nick is upset. I think it was sweet of him honey. Yeah, I guessit's because she is your best friend. You're right Nicholas, maybe she is takingadvantage. Do you want me to speak to her? No, maybe I'll talk to her aboutit if I see her later. I've got to go to the university to wrap up somestuff. How about dinner later. Bye......Nick to Grace's office. Surprisedto see me? You seem upset Nick. It's your tone. Just what the hell isgoing on here Grace?! Why didn't you inform me about this? They go on andon about things being weird, why don't you trust me, etc. Grace says you'rethe one causing the tension Nick. What do you want me to do? You are sosuspicious! I just want to be your friend again. Don't turn away from meNick, we need to get this out in the open, NOW!

Keith visits Jill. They discuss Megan, Tricia, Jeremy, Alec, Ryan and Nina.Kiss kiss, goodbye....Nina, Ryan and Phillip stop by. Ryan is showingPhillip his new office. It's so good to see you Gramma! We had so much funlast night with mom and dad's anniversary! Ryan and the kid leave. Ninagushes to Jill about the anniversary celebration. Thanking her again forreminding her. Jill says she is so happy. Just remember Nina, you've gotthe ace in the hole, Phillip. Ryan and Phillip return. It's time to saygoodbye. See you at home sport. Keith is lurking outside the office andoverhears Phillip says goodbye to Gramma Jill.

Danny and Chris embracing, Paul walks in. Did I walk in on a celebration?Danny gushes about his parental rights. Chris wonders if Danny knows whoPhyllis's attorney is. No. Guess we'll find out when the papers are filed.Don't speak to Phyllis about any of this. We'll file the petition fordissolution. Yes, I've got to get that conniving bitch out of my life. Paulsays, wait, aren't you both forgetting something? Phyllis is pregnant, whatabout that child? Chris asks Danny if he ever had any real proof ofPhyllis's pregnancy, other than her word. No, doctor visit, but onlyconsultation. She could be lying just to keep me on her string. If she is,you'll be off the hook. Yes, and another innocent child won't have to havePhyllis as a mother.........Phyllis visiting Michael. I thought I hadanother day for my decision? What is in your past with Christine? Come onhandsome, you can tell me. Revenge? Don't put me in this position Phyllis.I want you now more now than ever, especially with your past with Christine.I can find out, I'll just mention you name to Chris wait, if youdo accept, I'm sure you want to pick the exact moment to reveal your name.I'll talk to you tomorrow.....Back at the apartment, Joni asks how hermeeting went. Not exactly my lawyer yet, practically. He's good lookingtoo! I just hate to see what's happening Mrs. Romalotti. Especially with ababy on the way. Joni! I forgot about that! You didn't remember? You'renot pregnant? You sure know how to get yourself into trouble Mrs. Romalotti.That's a pretty big lie. Well Joni, it could be true. I'm taking fertilitypills. It's a big risk. I've beaten the odds before and will again. Do mea favor Joni, go pick up a home pregnancy test for me.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 4, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 4, 1997 on Y&R

Thursday, August 7, 1997

by Laura

Nick and Grace at her office rehashing about being trustworthy, beingsuspicious, Wife's best friends, taking advantage of Mr. Newman,etc.......Sharon telling Cole she just knows something is going on withNicholas, but he won't talk to me! Cole says Nick told him that he is kindof worried about going back to work for his father.......Nick returns home,Sharon wonders why he is upset. Did you see your dad? Nick blows up, why doyou always have to do this every time I come home! I'm just trying to helpyou. Talk to me! I'm your wife. A little later, Nick says I'm sorry.Sharon says sorry doesn't cut it. There is nothing we can't handletogether. I've got to do this one on my own. I'm going for a ride. Justwhat are you hiding from me Nicholas!......Tony and Cassie visit Grace.Cassie wants something, Grace says later, after I get my first check, we'reshort on money right now. Cassie says sorry, I didn't think of that. Tonyassures Cassie everything will work out......Grace calls Sharon, is Nickthere? He was just here with me and I need to talk to him. Sorry Grace,Nick is on a ride, don't know when he'll be back. Have him call me, bye.Sharon thinks, Nick was just with Grace, maybe she has something to do withthis?!

Keith confronts Jill about her being deceitful regarding her relationshipwith Phillip, Nina and Ryan. I don't know why you are so upset! I hadeveryone's best interest in mind. How could I be a confidant to Tricia if sheknew! Jill can't believe how Keith is behaving. I don't give a damn whatyou do, I'm seeing a side of you I've never seen before and I don't like it.Okay Jill, let's discuss this some more over dinner. No thanks.

Tricia visits Ryan at his office. I just came by to see how last night went.Did you do it all for your wife. Tell me it wasn't special. Ryan sees shehas been crying. I don't know why you are doing this to yourself. You'reyoung, you don't need a guy like me. Tricia says you're pushing me awayaren't you. You really want to say, I never want to see you again, don'tyou. Well, goodbye Ryan.......Tricia talking to Alec about Ryan. Alec saysshe needs to stop putting her life on hold for this guy. Get out. Find outwhere he is going to be and we'll go there and show him just how much fun youare having without him. We'll see how green he turns.

Paul gives Danny a warning regarding Chris. Don't you hurt her again oryou'll answer to me. The three of them go to get Phyllis. They've made anappointment with Dr. Landers for a pregnancy test......Phyllis and Jonilooking at the test. Phyllis isn't going to wait for the answer. Shealready knows it will be positive. She throws it into the trash. Joni takesDaniel to a friends house. The three musketeers arrive. Arguments begin.Phyllis says she isn't going anywhere with them. Paul then notices theempty test box. Phyllis goes to the phone to call the police. Chris spiesthe test in the trash and tells Phyllis to hang up the phone. We've got whatwe came for, as she holds up the test for all to see.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 4, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 4, 1997 on Y&R

Friday, August 8, 1997

by Erin Goldsby

Phyllis, Chris, Paul and Danny. Chris holding up the pregnancy test. It'snegative, Phyllis isn't pregnant. Well, at least there is some justice,you're not having my baby. Phyllis, what is your attorney's name? asksChris. Phyllis goes off on a tirade. Why are you all so cruel? You aretearing my world apart! Paul tells her to stop looking for someone to blame.It's not going to work this time. Phyllis tells them all to get out. Thenshe leaves, needs some air. Daniel arrives home. Daddy! Paul is going totake the kid for ice cream but Lynn calls with a hacker problem. Joni takesthe kid out, Paul leaves, watching Danny and Chris together before going.Daniel's future depends on what happens in that courtroom, says Danny. Chriswonders who Phyllis's lawyer might be. Maybe the same guy as before. Chriscalls Roy Sullivan. Sorry. Who could it be?..........Phyllis barges intoMichael's office. I need your answer; are you my lawyer or aren't you. I'mdesperate! Michael begins rambling on, Phyllis clearly isn't listening, sheis warping out. "Nobody knows me like you," she sobs. "I'll get on my knees and beg if I have to!"'Michael says he can't stand to watch her cry. I'll work with you on thecase Phyllis. You'll never regret it Michael.

Alec and Tricia. Alec says that they need to rattle Ryan's cage. Triciaisn't too sure. She calls Ryan's office under the ruse of looking for herfather. The secretary tells all. Business meeting with/Neil at Gina's. Triciagets the reservation time from Gina. Her and Alec arrive. Ryan notices themand is distracted. After dinner, Tricia thinks it was a bust. Alec says hewas able to see Ryan and it was working.

Jack at Victor's office. Yes, it's about Diane. She is just a means to anend for you. You don't love her. She still has unresolved feelings for me,that kiss proves it. I'm asking you to back off and let Diane go. She needsa stable relationship and you won't ever be able to give it to her. Victorsays I'll ask you again to leave, because if you don't I won't be responsible forwhat happens. Jack leaves. Diane enters later. What brings you by. Thosesketches you wanted, I've redone them. I don't have time for this. I've gotan important trip. Victor asks Diane to go with him. You want me to comewith you? Surprises happen when you least expect them. Go pack and meet meat the jet in an hour. She leaves, Victor calls Chet, the pilot. I've got afavor to ask.....

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