Young and Restless Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on Y&R

SC Desk
Victor made a fresh start with Hope and Adam
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on Y&R

Nick made love to Grace, thinking she was Sharon. Paul and Christine discovered that Sasha had worked at the same lab where Phyllis had gotten the paternity test done. Phyllis stole Sasha's manuscript from Christine's office. Michael was released from prison.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on Y&R

Monday, June 16, 1997

by Laura

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Nick returns drunk and babbles to Noah. He then notices who he thinks isSharon in the bed in the nursery. He takes his clothes off and beginskissing Grace.......Later, he leaves, saying he'll give Sharon more room andgo upstairs. We see him later in the bathtub.....Grace packs up and leaves,taking a photo of Nick with her. Tony questions why she has returned solate. Giving her grief about her crush on stud Newman. She goes to bedtelling Tony he doesn't have a clue as to what she'll be dreaming about.....Nick finally climbs into bed and Sharon mumbles, good, you're home. He getsthis real perplexed look on his face and shakes his head like, now I'm reallyconfused. (Drunk or not, I can't believe he wouldn't know that it wasn't hiswife he was having sex with.)

Jack breaks a date with Diane so that he can console a hurt Ashley (who wasdumped by Kurt). Victor enters just after Diane hangs up the phone and getsher to go out with him. They end up at the Colonnade Room (his hair now allslicked back, by the way). Jack persuades Ashley to get dressed so that he cantake her out and boost her spirits. We're going to kick it up at theColonnade Room sis.

Danny tells Chris and Paul to stop meddling in his life and back offPhyllis. Meanwhile, Phyllis is repaying Tim the $20,000 and telling himgoodbye. It's time we cut our ties Tim. Later, Danny returns and they gofor round two of the baby making stuff. But wait, there is a man at the doorwith a messengered package for Phyllis....and it's from Sasha!

Paul and Chris vow to keep digging in hopes of finding the manuscript thatSasha had.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on Y&R

Tuesday, June 17, 1997

by Laura

Chris (who has cut her hair) and Paul discover that Sasha worked at the samelab as Phyllis. They begin to wonder if they were right a couple of yearsago when they suspected Phyllis changed the paternity test. They are flyingto NY to question the guy at the lab about Sasha.

Phyllis answers the door and receives her package. She sees that it is fromSasha and lies to Danny, saying it's some book. They go off to the bedroom.The next morning, Phyllis opens the envelope and reads a letter from Sasha.It says that this is just one of many copies that are en route to numerouspeople, as something bad has obviously happened to me. Phyllis hides themanuscript when Danny comes out. He reminds her he is going to Milwaukee andasks if she is okay. She lies and says of course. He goes off about herlying and walks out. Phyllis wonders what she is going to do.

Diane and Victor dancing at the Colonnade room. Back at the table, shequestions him about Hope and Nikki. Jack arrives and sees them and whisksAshley out real fast. Victor and Diane dance again. Back at the Abbott's,Jack finally tells Ashley why they left. I saw Diane there....with Victor.

Victoria trying to entice Cole into bed. He's got to finish up something. Hefinally finishes........(Sorry I can't tell you more here, I just can't standto listen to Victoria speak, but it was mostly bed stuff anyway.)

Nick thinks that maybe it was a dream, that maybe he didn't make love toanybody. He goes through the scene in his head, over and over. Meanwhile,Grace can't sleep either as she keeps thinking about Nick. Tony wonders whatis her problem. Why don't we do something Gracie? I've got something on mymind Tony, it's personal. Cassie awakens they talk. Tony takes Cassie backto bed.....The next morning Grace is gazing at Nick's photo, will you everknow it was me Nick?......Nick is hung-over he tells Sharon. He finallylearns that it was Grace sleeping in the nursery. Grace calls and talks withSharon. Tell Nick I hope he enjoyed last night. Sharon hangs up and tellsNick that she thinks something is wrong with Grace. It was something in hervoice.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on Y&R

Wednesday, June 18, 1997

by Laura Wagner

Dru talking to Sid in Bermuda. He's telling her how much more work he couldgive her if she wanted. She says but I'm miss my family soooo much. Neilcalls, nice chit chat. The baby issue comes up, Sid overhears and after shehangs up questions Dru on it. She tells him the truth, that she is lettingNeil think she is trying but she really isn't. Meanwhile, Neil and Malcolmare talking about the wonderful women in their lives. Later, Malcolm pressesLiv for a wedding date. How about when Dru gets three or four days.Liv says no way at first, then says as soon as humanly possible, they willget married.

Nick at the main house all warped out. Cole tries to get him to open up,Nick just can't. Victor comes over to ask Nick to rejoin Newman Enterprises when heis finished with school, but notices that Nick is distracted. What's thematter my boy? Nick says that he can handle it and tells Victor he'll have togive him time on the Newman Enterprises thing.

Sharon calls Grace and invites her to a picnic with Noah. Grace wonders ifNick will be there. No, he went out. Grace arrives and when in the nurserywith Sharon and Noah, has flashbacks of her romp with Nick. Later, Sharontells Grace that she thinks something is wrong with Nick. He always kissesme goodnight, even if I am sleeping (and how would she know if she wassleeping???) and he didn't last night. Grace asks if Sharon thinks thatmaybe some girls were with the guys on their night out? Sharon says notreally, just her imagination working overtime.

Michael is being released from prison. He wonders if Christine has beennotified. Yes, a letter has been sent which she'll probably gettoday........Christine's helper at Legal Aid is just placing her mail in thebox and the letter from the prison is on top. Meanwhile, Chris and Paul arein NY and get nowhere with the guy at the lab. You're not getting anythingfrom me. Chris tells him they will see him in court.

Phyllis is rereading the letter from Sasha with the manuscript and wonderingwhere the other copies are going. She realizes that Chris might be receivingone of them and goes to Legal Aid to search for it. The helper tells Phyllisthat Chris is out of town for the day. Phyllis convinces the lady to let herleave a note in Chris's office. Phyllis is pawing through stuff when the ladysays she has to go out. Phyllis says okay, I'm almost finished, you goahead. The lady leaves, and then a messenger arrives with an envelope (justlike the one Phyllis received) for Christine Williams. (I'm so sick ofPhyllis always getting away with stuff. She needs to get caught and soon,like NOW!!! Just MO.).....Meanwhile, Kurt finds the fax that he took fromSasha the night of the fire in the desk drawer and leaves a message forChris, tell her it's Dr. Costner and it's urgent.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on Y&R

Thursday, June 19, 1997

by Laura

Nikki visits Victor. It's the same old Nikki/Victor talk and he kisses herbefore she leaves.

Michael reports to work. His new boss is Kevin. Kevin has lots of work forMichael. Later, Michael asks if anyone has called for him. No. Michaelwonders what Christine is thinking about his new job in GC.

Phyllis is about to sign for the package when Gail (the co-worker) returns,puts the package in Chris's "in" box and turns her back to Phyllis while shesigns the delivery slip. This gives Phyllis all the time she needs to put'all' of the mail from Chris's "in" box into her bag. They all leavetogether......Chris and Paul return. Gail enters and begins to ask about thepackage but sees that it is gone. She relates the whole story to Paul andChris who just can't believe that Phyllis is being so sloppy in covering hertracks..........Phyllis returns to the apt. and begins stabbing the packagewith a letter opener saying "damn you, damn you, damn you." Joni interruptsher. Phyllis spews about 'that bitch Sasha from beyond the grave trying todestroy my life'. Phyllis ends up putting 'all' the mail in the fireplaceand burning it. (Remember, the letter from the prison about Michael was alsoincluded in this mail.)...Back at Legal Aid, Chris returns Kurt's call and hecomes right over. I found this paper that I must have taken from SashaGreen. Chris vows to get the information from the World Inquisitor. Theymust know what Sasha Green was selling and I'll find out..... Phyllis iswatching the mail burn saying, "I'm one step ahead of you Christine, one stepahead."

Neil visits Liv at her office. Liv asks how Neil would feel if there wereproblems with Dru conceiving. Neil says they would deal with it, but he isconfident that there will be a baby soon. Malcolm comes by, he and Liv kiss,kiss, kiss. Dru calls later and they want her to come back soon so that theycan get married. She says she'll be wrapping up tomorrow. More kissing.

Ryan calls Tricia and they make a date to meet in an hour at Eve's. Ninastops by Ryan's office and overhears him making a reservation for 7pm. Shetakes a moment to compose herself and enters, asking him about what he thinksabout Cole's job offer. She leaves, asking him to dinner. Sorry, I can't.Maybe some other time. Nina lurks and follows Ryan when heleaves. Tricia is being grilled by Keith about her date but she doeswell in avoiding giving him much information.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of June 16, 1997 on Y&R

Friday, June 20, 1997

by Laura

Malcolm sees the paper and realizes it's AIDS Day of Compasion.He flashes back to Keesha, which brings him to tears. Liv arrives and sees.She is compassionate also and comforts Malcolm. They are going to visitKeesha's grave.

Jack and Victor talk/argue about Diane.

Keith and Jill discuss Tricia, then start a little frolicking of theirown.......Tricia and Ryan have a nice dinner at Eve's, while Nina lurks (thruthe whole thing, I might add. What kind of a restaurant would let a personjust stand around watching somone?)

Phyllis is just a bundle of nerves. Joni says, caffeine isn't really good fornervousness Mrs. Romalotti. What should I have Joni, a valium milkshake?Paul arrives and rattles Phyllis's cage.....Chris is on her way to NY to seethe guy at the tabloid. She runs into Danny who wonders if maybe Chris'sproblem with Phyllis is that Chris is jealous of Phyllis having Danny's kid.Honestly Danny, no way. They part as friends.

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