Young and Restless Recaps: The week of June 2, 1997 on Y&R

SC Desk
Victor made a fresh start with Hope and Adam
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of June 2, 1997 on Y&R

Tricia vowed to make Ryan fall in love with her. Diane returned Jack's engagement ring. Grace began working at Crimson Lights. Sharon felt an instant bond with Cassie. Christine and Paul were convinced that the money found in Sasha's room was from Phyllis.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of June 2, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of June 2, 1997 on Y&R

Monday, June 2, 1997

by Laura

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Nick and Sharon get lunch together at the coffee slop, alone. Nikki iswatching Noah. They don't stay long as they both miss Noah. Victor is therewhen they return and he and Nick talk a little. Nick and Sharon take the kidhome and Nikki offers Victor some advice; about Hope and Nick. Don't smotherthem, let them emerge on their own.

Kurt arrives to ask Hope to be in on the purchase of a security system andcameras for the clinic. She is overjoyed. She tells him of her plans tomove out. Hope, are you asking me for advice? No Kurt, I'm just letting youknow what is going on.

Jill tries to get Nina and Ryan together at Jabot. You two need tocommunicate! It doesn't work very well. Ryan leaves. Nina places a call toher doctor. Not available. Please refer me to someone. The name she writesdown is Dr. Tim Reid.

Tricia and Megan rehashing about Ryan. Tricia is bound and determined to getRyan to fall in love with her. Megan says she is crazy, wanting a man withso much baggage. Maybe I should tell Dad. Keith does come in but Megankeeps her trap shut. Later, Tricia visits Ryan at Jabot. Telling him thatshe *isn't* in love with him. She was just in love with the *idea* of beingin love. Let's just be pals! We had a lot of fun together. We can hangout. But no mushy stuff. I'm *not* in love with you Ryan. He says okay,but we've got to keep it under wraps. I don't need Jill finding out.

Grace can't find a job. She goes to the coffee slop. Jay gets her coffee,on the house. He takes a break and talks with Grace. She tells him aboutneeding a job and he just happens to have one! Waiting tables! Can youstart tonight? Yes! She is so happy. She returns to Tony who tells her thatshe doesn't have any goals in her life. She can't see past tomorrow. Whatkind of life is this for you with this kid? Being a waitress? Grace tellshim to shut up. They argue some more and Tony leaves.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of June 2, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of June 2, 1997 on Y&R

Tuesday, June 3, 1997

by Laura

Diane returns Jack's ring. If you think that we are playing by differentrules, then I think you should take this back. After some discussion andDiane declaring her love for only one man, Jack; and Jack accusing Diane ofhaving 'feelings' for her 'mystery' client. He accepts the ring back and sheruns crying, saying "Nooooo!", from the room. Diane then visits Victor and hefinally says that she can tell Jack that he is the 'mystery' client, as longas Jack continues to keep it confidential. Meanwhile, Jack is filling daddyin about the ring return.

Nina visits Dr. Tim (who now sports facial hair). They have a nice shortsession. Meanwhile, Jill tells Keith of her fears about Ryan and Nina'smarriage failure. She vows to do whatever it takes to get them together.Later she presents Philip and Flo with a baseball ticket package inChicago. You better get moving Florence, so you don't miss the first inning.(I smell a Ryan/Nina set up.)

Ryan and Tricia at the coffee slop. (Bryan Adams, 18 Till I Die playing inthe background.) They end up dancing (who would have guessed it!!).

Grace is amazed at the prices that babysitters want (from the paper). Shecan't find Tony and Sharon is busy (little Noah has his first cold saysMiguel). Tony does show up and Grace plays all lovey dovey to him. Heagrees to watch 'the kid'.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of June 2, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of June 2, 1997 on Y&R

Wednesday, June 4, 1997

by Laura Wagner

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of June 2, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of June 2, 1997 on Y&R

Thursday, June 5, 1997

by Laura

Jill goes to see Nina to get her over to Flo's. Meanwhile, at Flo's, Triciais coming down the stairs in a T-shirt and gazes at Ryan sleeping on thesofa. He awakens to the smell of bacon, eggs and coffee. They eat, then sheleaves telling Ryan, 'thanks for last night, I'll never forget it. When willI see you?' Ryan says, 'I'll call you in a couple days'. After she leaves,Ryan tells himself not to get involved......Nina arrives with muffins. Ithought we could have breaskfast.

Jack is leaving for Copenhagen. Victor thought it was a good idea. Ashleytries to get Jack to call Diane. He says that they both need space and tellsAshley to stay out of it. Jack leaves, Ashley calls Diane to tell her thatJack is gone. Victor just happens to be in Diane's office. They werediscussing the fact that neither one of them has told Jack that Victor is the'mystery' client.

Phyllis is all bubbly until she sees an article in the paper about Sasha'sdeath. Danny tries to cheer her up. Later, he visits Chris to deliver agift from Daniel. Chris questions Danny about the Phyllis/Sasharelationship. Did Phyllis maybe give Sasha money? Danny is upset that Chrisis still suspicious of Phyllis. Danny tells Chris, when there are problemsbetween a man's wife and his best friend, the best friend is usually the oneleft out!.....Previously, Paul and Chris were discussing the $30,000 that wasfound in Sasha's hotel room in a metal box along with Sasha's credit cards.

Dr. Tim's secretary questions a $20,000 withdrawal from the business account.She leaves and Tim pulls the promissory note from his drawer from Phyllis.Just then, Paul walks in. What do you want Mr. Williams. I'm here todiscuss a mutual aquantence. Phyllis Romalatti.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of June 2, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of June 2, 1997 on Y&R

Friday, June 6, 1997

by Laura

Diane questions Victor's motives. He reminds her in business you take risksand sometimes the stakes are high. He insists that he isn't pursuing her.(There is more 'Victor' talk here, sorry, I >ff> through it.) Jack calls andtells Diane where he is and that he is thinking of her. She says the same.Victor leaves saying on his next visit he wants to see another drawing.

Tricia and Megan argue about Ryan. Megan tells Tricia that her and Ryan 'gotaway with it'. Tricia insists that nothing happened. Megan tells Trish toforget about Ryan. Tricia tells Megan no way. I'm in love withRyan!......Meanwhile, Nina has brought muffins to Ryan. He says I've alreadyeaten but you go ahead. I'll get you some coffee. They drink coffeetogether and remember old times. They laugh together. Ryan tells Ninathanks as she is leaving.

Tonight is the night for Phyllis and Danny, perfect for baby-making. Phyllisis ready for massages etc. Danny has to run out for a little bit. Joni saysshe'll take the kid overnite. Phyllis is on a high. But.......Paul isquestioning Dr. Reid about maybe loaning Phyllis money. Tim says nothing.Paul leaves his card saying that this time she could ruin you for good. Timcalls, then rushes to see Phyllis. He wants to set up a repayment schedule.Phyllis has no time. Chris sees Tim in the other elevator as he is leaving.Chris visits Phyllis under the guise of thanking Daniel for the gift.Sorry, he's sleeping. On her way out, Chris mentions the cash that wasfound in Sasha's room. After Chris leaves, Phyllis tries to keep from beingrattled. She talks to herself saying Cricket doesn't know who she is messingwith when she messes with Phyllis.

There were superfluous scenes with Tony, Sharon, Cassie and Grace at the coffee shop.

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