Young and Restless Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on Y&R

SC Desk
Victor made a fresh start with Hope and Adam
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on Y&R

Cassie visited the ranch for the Memorial Day party. Christine learned that Michael had been offered a job in Genoa City. Tricia had second thoughts about breaking up with Ryan. Malcolm proposed to Olivia.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on Y&R

Memorial Day Monday, May 26, 1997

by Laura

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It's Memorial Day in Genoa City and the Newman's are having a party at the ranch.Sharon calls to invite Tony, Grace and Cassie. Tony says sorry, Cassiedoesn't feel good but thanks. Grace gets really angry at Tony for decliningthe invitation. They rehash about telling Sharon who Cassie really is.Grace and Cassie end up leaving for the party.

Sharon is telling Doris about how this day is reminding her of her loss; theloss of her baby that she gave up. Doris tells her to stop dwelling, youcan't change the past.

Josh is called to the hospital so he will miss the party. Victor arrives.Hope and Jr. have other plans and aren't there. Cole and Victoria spend theday in bed with Miguel bringing them room service.

That's about it for today folks. They all gathered around the pool, ofcourse, and there was tons of food, even though it was just Nick, Sharon,baby Noah (now he'll eat a lot), Doris, Grace, Cassie, Victor and Nikki.Maybe on Tuesday's show all these strange people will have arrived to dance,swim and eat the food!

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on Y&R

Tuesday, May 27, 1997

by Laura

Nothing new today except we find out the cause of the fire that killed Sasha.

Tony shows up at the Newman party and tries to convince Grace to tell Sharonwho Cassie really is. blah blah blah Victor and Nikki talk about Hope andlook longingly at each other. Cole and Victoria still in bed. Then theyfinally show up at the party.

Tricia overhears Jill and Keith talking about Ryan. Jill is explaining aboutRyan's past year with Nina, and their separation. Tricia goes to see Ryanand asks him to explain. He does and she leaves, telling Ryan, "I love you."

Chris and Paul speculate some more about Sasha, the fire, and Phyllis. Theycall 'Jeff the fireman' again and learn that the fire was started by acigarette. Sasha was drunk, lit a smoke, dropped it into some papers and itstarted the fire. No foul play.

Danny consoles Phyllis about Sasha. Later, Phyllis rants at Joni. No, Ididn't torch the place but I can say that I *am* glad that Sasha is dead.blah blah blah

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on Y&R

Wednesday, May 28, 1997

by Laura Wagner

Dru is summoned by Liv to be questioned about telling 'her man' about the PIDand how she probably won't get pregnant. They argue. Later, Neil visits Livon cloud nine. His life is so great. Yours could be too Liv. Why don'tyou marry Malcolm. Later, Nate asks mommy if she likes Malcolm, why doesn'tshe marry him? Nate sets up Malcolm and Liv. Liv tells Malcolm about Nate'squestion. Malcolm says it's not such a bad idea.

Chris and Paul discuss 'Jeff's' fire conclusion and think that maybe theywere wrong about Phyllis........Phyllis is at the pawn shop with the money,she needs her ring. I've got to get it back. My husband is taking us on atrip. It's what I've dreamed about.blah blah blah......The clerk finallylet's her have the ring back (just to shut her up) for what he paid her forit. Later, Malcolm visits Phyllis wondering about her 180 on her outlook onher marriage. Did you tell Danny? No, just know Malcolm, everything is justgreat. You don't have to worry about me anymore. Are you sure this is overwith this Sasha person Phyllis? You're right, there is one loose end. I'vegot to go........She visits Chris, fishing for information that Sasha mayhave given Chris. Phyllis is relieved to discover that Chris doesn't knowanything. Later, Chris tells Paul about her Phyllis encounter and they vowto dig until they discover just what's up with Phyllis and Sasha.

Jill talks to Ryan about Nina and Tricia......Tricia is telling Megan thatshe is still in love with Ryan. So what if he is married. He is nowseparated. I don't want any advice from my little sister!

Diane hooks up with an angry Jack at some bar. She reluctantly gets him todance and they end up making out on the dance floor.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on Y&R

Thursday, May 29, 1997

by Laura

Chris, Paul and Lynn call all the tabloids trying to see if Sasha contactedany of them. Chris is trying the last one, the World Inquisitor. She talksto a guy who fishes for info as much as Chris does. He says he hasn't talkedto any Sasha Green. They hang up. The guy tells his co-worker that hethinks that girl on the phone was a competitor. Chris tells Paul and Lynnthat he thinks the guy knows more than he is saying. "It was something inthe guys voice, like he'd said her name before." (My nomination forThursday SLOP (stupidest line of the program) award. *like he'd said hername before?* give me a break.)

Dru visits Malcolm at the studio. Malcolm says he thinks that he is engaged.Liv shows up and they make it official. Dru can't wait to tell Neil.

Jack and Ashley talk about Diane and Kurt. Later, Jack is telling Victorabout surprising Diane for lunch and then about her mystery client. Jackarrives at Diane's office. Lunch sounds great as long as we eat in, Dianesays. They begin to dance and kiss, kiss, kiss. Just then, a *huge*arrangement of flowers arrives for Diane. The card isn't signed. Probablyyour client! Jack walks......Diane shows up at Victor's office.

Previously, Hope overheard Victor's phone conversation with Diane. Hope andVictor have words. Hope arrives at the clinic for work. A guy on the streethassles Hope. Kurt saves the day. Kurt says maybe this isn't the job foryou, I need a bouncer, not office help. Please Kurt, don't take this awayfrom me. I need this. blah, blah, blah..... Victor does this.......what Ineed is to be held and touched. She goes to Kurt and *sees* his face withher hands. They kiss. Ashley watches through the window.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of May 26, 1997 on Y&R

Friday, May 30, 1997

by Laura

Hope tells Victor she thinks it's time she got a place of her own. She needsto move forward with her life.

Ashley tells Kurt she saw him and Hope kissing. Let's see, that's three forher and three for me. Her psychoanalysis of have a problemtrusting women so you are stringing two of them along. It's understandableafter your recent experience. Ashley is going to do what she can to makeKurt trust again.

Chris gets a letter from Michael. Same stuff as before, I'm sorry, I'm gladyou're happy, etc. The parole board is meeting, still unsure whether toparole him. Michael's lawyer tells Michael that the original job fell through.Now you've got a job as a paralegal with a firm in.....Genoa City. Michael says hejust can't do that. It would cause Christine more stress. Maybe it wouldjust be best if I don't get paroled. (Maybe he really has changed?)

Diane accuses Victor of trying to break up her and Jack. You're insertingyourself in my life, trying to send a message to Jack. Victor tells hermaybe I am trying to send someone a message, but it's not Jack. Goodbye MissJenkins.

Grace is out of money. She tries to get her job back at Jabot. Sorry, wefilled your position. Try back after the summer. Tony tells her to callNick. He can pull some strings. Grace says no, and they proceed to rehashthe Cassie/Sharon/Nick stuff.

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