Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on Y&R

SC Desk
Phyllis received a marriage proposal on New Year
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on Y&R

An undercover policeman rescued Nina after a stranger tried to drug her at a bar. Dru learned that Neil had turned down a job offer on her behalf, and she angrily left for Paris with Lily. A man searched the dresser drawers in Kurt's house.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on Y&R

Monday, March 3, 1997

by Laura

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Dru says no to the Paris job. Neil calls Sid to growl at him about offeringDru more modeling jobs. Sid says that Neil should talk to his wife; sheturned the job down. Neil is real pleased with himself. Sid then calls Druand tells her that they are releasing her from the contract. Too many jobsturned down, an interfering husband, etc. Dru is really upset. Later, shecalls Sid and says she has changed her mind. Reluctantly he accepts her yes.Be ready at 4. Neil arrives home all chipper until the driver arrives forthe luggage. He stalks back to the office after saying goodbye to Lillie.

Cole visits a very *different* Nina. No, the research isn't done yet. Sorryabout the mess, not up on my housework. Please go now. Cole then goes tosee Ryan. Just what are you doing to help your wife Ryan? This is alsoafter Ryan confided in Jill about Nina's behavior and of course, Jill wantsto go give Nina some advice. Ryan says best to leave things alone.

Everyone is anxiously awaiting news on Sharon and the baby. Josh arrives.We got to her in time. Surgery looks to be a success. Yes, the baby isalive. In an incubator. The next 24 hours will tell. Later, Victor tellsJosh he is going to get all the medical specialists available. Josh says goahead, get doctors from all over the world if it will make you feel betterVictor. But know that I am the doctor of record and all specialists have towork through me unless Nick and Sharon say otherwise. Josh leaves. Victor saysto no one, "Well, we'll just see about that won't we." Sharon awakens. OhNicholas, the baby! The baby is in the nursery. Have you seen him yet? Notyet. Take me to see him Nicholas! When Dr. Josh says its okay. OhNicholas, we're parents. We have a baby!

Grace takes Doris home to *freshen up*. She snoops for Sharon's first baby'sfather's address/phone number. She finds it (amazing!) in the closet.Scratches it on a piece of paper and proceeds to take Doris back to thehospital.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on Y&R

Tuesday, March 4, 1997

by Soap Central

Grace visits Sharon who wants to know about the baby. Nick visits the baby.Jack stops by. Be positive Nick. Nick and Grace talk about Sharon and howNick needs to tell her everything about the baby. Grace tells Sharon she hasto go out of town for a few days. Nick finally tells Sharon that they haveto be positive. The next 24 hours will tell. My baby's going to die isn'the Nicholas. That's what everyone thinks, isn't it?! Grace gets into hercar as Tony slips in beside her. Maybe you should come along with me. Idon't know what is going to happen and I might need your help.

Chris and Paul go to see Nina who isn't at home. Cole shows up. Ryan showsup. Where is Nina? Nina is at another bar. Orders a sandwich. Some guyogles her from another table, comes over, buys her a beer. Nina goes to the'ladies room' and he slips her a mickey (some kind of powder [drug?] in herbeer).

Kurt visits Ashley at the lab. Ashley then goes to visit Hope to fill herin. They talk about 'the letter'. Kurt gets a call from Mrs. Miller.Somebody is interested in your house Kurt. I'll fly out tonight. I was gladto see that you found the letter Kurt. Letter? What letter?

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on Y&R

Wednesday, March 5, 1997

by Laura

A policeman sees that something is wrong when Les tries to take Nina out ofthe bar. The policeman drops her with the doorman (?). Paul, (being thegreat PI that he is) sees that there is more than too much to drink involved.They call the officer who tells them that he thinks she was drugged. Ryanleaves, can't take any more 'liberation'. Chris stays with Nina.

Victor and Jack are into it again over the Dennison/Vanguard deal. Jacktells Victor that Nicholas needs his father. Victor says you've got somenerve telling me what to do.......Diane overhears some of the conversationand tells Jack he should get out now. Jack says I can handle Victor.

Kurt returns to the house. Has more flashbacks. Mrs. Miller again asks Kurtif he found the letter. Ashley is on her way to Cape Cod, with the letter.

Doris tries to reassure Sharon about the baby. Nick goes home. Nikki tellshim that Victoria is gone. Nick tells Nikki just how scared he is for Sharonand the baby. Meanwhile, Sharon is trying to go see the baby herself. Shemakes it outside her door where Victor is there to catch her before she fallsto the floor. Back in bed Sharon is saying over and over, I want to see mybaby, my baby, my baby.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on Y&R

Thursday, March 6, 1997

by Soap Central

Ashley arrives at the house in Cape Cod and she and Kurt rehash.

John A. visits Jack and whines about how Ashley is obsessed with Kurt. Jacksays she's a grown-up now. I'm too busy planning my wedding. Meanwhile,Diane is visiting Victor who admires her loyalty and wants to discuss thismore over dinner. Now.

Previously, Victor calls Nicholas at the ranch telling him to get to thehospital. Sharon fell trying to see the baby and after she wakes up, thedoctors say that she can go see the baby. Victor arrives at the ranch tofill in Nikki. He wonders if Nikki blames him for the baby she lost withJack. Of course not Victor, I could never blame you. (Of course, Victor isimmediately beamed to his office as the NEXT scene is of him and Diane.)

Nina wakes up and wonders why Chris is there and where is Ryan. Chris tellsher what happened with 'that guy' and the police. Nina doesn't believe untilshe hears it from the policeman herself. What am I doing Chris?! We allcare about you Nina, and want to help. Hugs and tears.

Nick and Sharon visit the baby. They return to their room, trying to bepositive but end up hugging and praying for their child.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 3, 1997 on Y&R

by Soap Central

Grace gets Frank to a diner and tries for information. He says he doesn'tknow anything about any baby and leaves.

The guy shows up to see Kurt's house. He looks through it on his own. It seemsthat his only real interest is a dresser in the master bedroom. He paws throughthe drawers, finally finds an envelope with photos, but doesn't get a chanceto look inside as Ashley comes to find him. He says he'll be back. (I thinkwhoever said it was right, this is the guy that Kurt's wife was going toleave him for.)

Victor and Diane get to know each other better over dinner. Meanwhile, Hope,Nikki and Victor Jr. are planning a birthday celebration for Victor. Hearrives home and is surprised. He has forgotten that it is his birthday.They eat cake and Jr. gives 'Mr. Newman' a baseball glove for a gift.

All the specialists that Victor called in agree that Sharon and the baby havegotten the best treatments available. There is nothing any of them wouldhave done different. Josh is pleased, but it will get through to Victor if thereports come from you directly, says Josh.

Ryan tells Chris that he is fed up and he is leaving Nina. He's got to givePhillip some stability.

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