Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 17, 1997 on Y&R

SC Desk
Phyllis received a marriage proposal on New Year
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 17, 1997 on Y&R

Josh found Nikki in Victor's arms. Katherine planned a dinner and invited Ashley -- without telling Kurt. Jill met Keith's daughters. Victoria went away to 'find' herself. In the hospital, Sharon began to bleed.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 17, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 17, 1997 on Y&R

Monday, February 17, 1997

by Laura

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Chris visits with Nina. You'd better do whatever you have to to keep Ryan.See my Valentine from Ryan? It makes me cry every time I read it. Chrisleaves. Ryan comes back and says sorry for storming out. (Um, didn't he dothis already? and find Nina on the couch crying with the Valentine?) Anyway,he sees that she has found the card. That was supposed to be for Valentinesday (Um, did they miss it? Danny and Phyllis had Valentines day. It's stillsupposed to be the same night as he left in a huff...I can't figure thisout!). He pours the wine and they end up in the sack. You are such awonderful lover Ryan, don't every doubt yourself.

Tony tells Grace she ought to go for Mr. Newman. Just think, if you were tomarry him and I was to marry Victoria, you would be my stepmother! ........Victor tells Josh not to ever tell him what to do again, don't you interferewith my family. Nick sees and asks Josh about it. Josh tells him not toworry about it. Tests are back, everything looks okay for Sharon and thebaby. Can go home tomorrow morning if all is well through the night. Dorisvisits with Sharon. Sharon gushes to Doris and Nick how she wants them bothto stay with her. My family is so very important to me, it is just what Ineed now.................Later, at the ranch, Victor arrives to questionNikki about what Sharon was upset about before her fall. They end up suckingface and guess who arrives home?! Josh. He slams the door to make hispresence known and proceeds to tell Victor to stop coming out to the ranch,it's not your house, you just cause trouble. Victor says, so you want me tostop coming do you......

Chris and Paul at the Collonade Room. (Let's see, for them it must beValentines day as they were supposed to go out, I think, gosh I'm so confusedas to what day it really is!?) Anyway, they do what they do best in tellingeach other just how wonderful the other is, they dance, they suck face.(Most of this I ff thru, it's just too much for me.)

Cole and Victoria finally find out about Sharon. Cole wonders if maybe it'stime for them to have a baby, being as how life is so precious. Victoria can'tbelieve he would even suggest such a thing in her state of mind. It endswith Victoria telling Cole that he's got to realize just how different each oftheir lives is, how two people couldn't be farther apart than they are.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 17, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 17, 1997 on Y&R

Tuesday, February 18, 1997

by Soap Central

Nikki gets Josh and Victor to stop fighting, for the family's sake. Joshgoes to take a shower, you'd better be gone when I get done. Nikki whines toVictor some more about the family being torn apart. Meanwhile, Nick laysdown with Sharon at the hosptial. Later, Victor visits 'my boy' and Nickactually talks to him. I love her so much dad, I don't know what I wouldhave done.......I need to be alone with my wife.

Ashley is whinning to Hope about Kurt when Katherine calls. I need to seeyou. I won't be here when you arrive, but make yourself at home. Katherineinstructs Esther to prepare dinner for two, but I won't be here. You justlet Ashley in and keep quiet and make dinner for two. Ashley arrives, andwho does she see?........IT's KURT!

Jill has dinner with Keith and meets Tricia and Megan (Keith's daughters) atGina's.

Tony and Grace meet at the coffee slop.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 17, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 17, 1997 on Y&R

Wednesday, February 19, 1997

by Laura

It's Sharon and Nick's first anniversary; and he remembered! He gives her acard. They find out she can go home tomorrow, he leaves; flowers aredelivered. Grace is helping Sharon pack, oh no! Sharon doubles over.Grace, get the doctor something is happening, something is wrong!

Ashley and Kurt go round and round about his wanting to be alone, herpressuring him, etc. It ends with her storming out, I'm through caring andworrying about you, Kurt Costner.

Malcolm brings sandwiches to Olivia. They talk about Dru and Neil. Oliviaremembers with what looks like longing, her moments with Neil. She shoosMalcolm out. Dru arrives and sputters about Neil, how he went behind herback, calling Sid. Can Lily and I come and stay with you? No, you and Neilneed to work things out. She sends Dru on her way and then places a call toMalcolm, I'm sorry for the way I shooed you out, it was really nice of you tobring me food, you are very important to me Malcolm. He wonders just whereshe is coming from.

Megan and Tricia tear apart Jill after dinner. She's nothing like mom was.But dad really cares about her, it's what he wants, etc. Keith comes homeand questions them on their thoughts. Previously, John A. has walked in onJill and Keith sucking face. Keith leaves. Are you really okay with thisJohn?

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 17, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 17, 1997 on Y&R

It's the next morning. Sharon is okay for now. Nick is there with her.Want to keep you here a few more days, just to be safe.

Josh and Nikki have words about Victor. He gets the news of Sharon's badnight, he calls Victor (who was just in the process of telling Hope about hisand Josh's confrontation). Both Victor and Nikki go to see Sharon.

At the coffee slop, Grace is really worried about Sharon and the baby. Tonytries to help her calm down. Later at the hospital, Tony goes to thecafeteria while Grace grills Dr. Landers about Sharon. While they aretalking, the nurse rushes to the good Dr. It's Sharon Newman, she's spottingagain. Grace--WHAT DOES THAT MEAN DR.?! Doc rushes into the room.

Ashley arrives to tell Hope about her dinner with Kurt. Meanwhile, Kurt ispreparing to go wandering again. Katherine tells him just what she thinksabout him and wishes him God's speed. I guess Kurt decides to stay after allas later, he calls Ashley and asks her to dinner, or lunch. I guess it willtake some time for you to tell me exactly what you think of me. I'll be atGina's at noon. (BTW, this is the most animated I've see this guy since he'sbeen on the show.) Well Kurt, I'm not sure I will.

Jack and Diane discuss their wedding.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 17, 1997 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 17, 1997 on Y&R

Neil wakes up to an empty bed. Calls Olivia. No Neil, she's not here. Druis playing with Lily in the other room. They shoo the kid out so they canargue until Neil is summoned to work by the Black Knight. Olivia comes bylater and Dru tells her that on her next modeling gig she is taking Lily withher. Meanwhile, Malcolm is visiting Neil and Neil is telling him to stay outof his family business. I just don't understand it Malcolm, Dru and I havenever been so far apart.

Victoria tells Victor that she is leaving. Cole comes by the office, summonedby Victoria, and she tells him. I've packed a bag and I'm on my way to theairport. He can't believe she is just going to leave like this. More talk,they kiss and she goes. (What I can't believe is that she didn't tell Nikkior Nick. And Sharon is the *hospital!* What a caring daughter/sister sheis.)

Katherine buys Kurt some new clothes. He puts his hair in a pony tail andgoes to Gina's to wait for Ashley. She does show up. Kurt tells her thankyou for your help. I'm not there yet, but I've decided to get a grip andmove forward. Ashley asks about his previous career and he says "it's toosoon for that." A guy shows up at the table who recognizes Kurt. Good tosee you, sorry about your wife and kid. Give me a call so we can gettogether. Hands him his card and leaves. Of course, Kurt doesn't tellAshley anything.

Sharon has another ultrasound. The kid is a boy. Later, with the testresults, Josh tells her that she must stay in bed because of a slightplacenta separation (that's why she is spotting). Sharon bellows, tell usthe truth Josh, am I going to lose this baby? AM I? Grace is lurking at thedoor and hears that. Of course, the show ends with no response from the gooddoctor (of course, it's Friday).

Oh yes, there are superfluous scenes with John A. and Ashley and Jack andDiane.

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