Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 9, 1996 on Y&R

SC Desk
Olivia and Neil discussed whether Dru
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 9, 1996 on Y&R

Olivia and Neil discussed whether Dru's focus was family or business. Jack and Diane got back together. Phyllis gave back Tim's ring. Grace tried to resist Tony. Cole and Victoria had a passionate evening.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 9, 1996 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 9, 1996 on Y&R

Monday, December 9, 1996

by Soap Central

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Due to technical difficulties, Monday's recap is unavailable.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 9, 1996 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 9, 1996 on Y&R

Tuesday, December 3, 1996

by Soap Central

Due to technical difficulties, Tuesday's recap is unavailable.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 9, 1996 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 9, 1996 on Y&R

Wednesday, December 11, 1996

by Soap Central

Sharon is going threw her Christmas list. She tells Nick that since thisis their first Christmas together she wants to make it special. Sharonbrings up the subject of Grace. She is bothered by the fact that shecanceled her date last night and she is sure that Grace made up the meetingat work just to get out of it. She tells Nick that Grace has always beenup front with her and she can't understand why she would lie. Nick suggeststhat she talk to Grace and find out. She tells nick that Grace is on herway over.

Phyllis is ready to pick up a book when her doorbell rings. Gina is at thedoor, she has a gift for Daniel for Christmas. Gina asks how her visit withDanny went. Phyllis tells her it was terrible and that Danny was in areally bad mood. Gina tells her that maybe she misread his mood becauseDanny left her office in very high spirits. After Gina leaves Phylliswonders if maybe she did misunderstand him and wonders how she can find out.

Ashley visits with Kurt, he remembers her name and she would like to knowhis. He tells her that its not important. She tells him that she isconcerned for him and would like to know what his plans are after hisrelease. He skirts the issue and doesn't give her a strait answer. Hewishes her good luck and she does the same for him and she leaves his room.

Neil visits with Olivia and asks about her son. She tells Neil that this isgoing to be a hard Christmas for him. They talk about Malcolm and Dru, hemisses her and this is why he is glad she didn't sign with those agentsbecause this would be what it would be like. Olivia asks him if he and hisdaughter would like to come for dinner. He accepts. She goes to look forNate and finds him staring at the sky. He tells her that he is looking forheaven and that he wants to see how happy his daddy is. she looks out thewindow with him not knowing what to say.

Malcolm and Dru are waiting for some feedback from Sid to find out if theclient liked their work. He is pacing the livingroom, very anxious andnervous. Dru pumps him up with a good attitude. Tells him that they aregreat together. The doorbell rings. Its sid, the client thinks the work isfabulous. Malcolm and Dru are happy and relieved.

Phyllis walks into Christine's office looking for some answers, she ask'sfor "Crickets" advice about Danny. Christine tells Phyllis that she is thelast person to give her advise about Danny. She wants to know if Danny hadtold her how he feels. Chris tells her that he hasn't talked to her andthat if he had she wouldn't tell her about it. She tells Chris that shejust wants to know what she thinks about Danny reaching out to her. Sheasks Chris " won't you help me. Help us?

Grace shows up at Sharon's.She confronts Grace about the fact that therewas no meeting, she used it as an excuse not to go out on the blind date.Grace admits that she lied. She tells Sharon that she just didn't like theguy and agrees to let Sharon fix her up again after the first of the year.Nick comes into the room and tells Grace hello. He gives Sharon a hug anda kiss goodbye say's goodbye to Grace and leaves. Grace gets real quiet.Sharon asks her what's wrong and she tells her that she just loves the waythat her and Nick get along and it just makes her all mushy inside. Sharongives her a hug.

Katherine shows up at the hospital and runs into Ashley. She asks her what'swrong. She tells her that she is concerned about him. That he maybe tostrong for his own good. She is afraid for him. Katherine tells Ashley thatshe is going to invite him to come back home with her. Ashley is puzzled asto why Katherine sounds like she knows the man. Katherine tells her thatshe does and that Ashley knows him too. Katherine didn't realize that Ashleydidn't recognize him and explains to her that he was her handy man. Ashremembers. She tells Katherine that she is going to find out everythingtheir is to know about Kurt Kosner.

When Christine refuses to help, Phyllis reverts into old behaivior, sheyells at Chris that she is just jealous. Chris reminds Phyllis that she ismarried to paul. Phyllis tells her that she is still in love with Danny andshe always will be. She goes on to tell Chris that she and Danny will betogether one day and she had better not get in the way. She leavesChristine standing their very puzzled as she storms out of the office.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 9, 1996 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 9, 1996 on Y&R

Thursday, December 12, 1996

by Soap Central

Nick requested that Victoria would please come to his house so thatthey could talk. He asks her where her head is at with Cole. She tells himthat they are living together and their are trying to work some things outbut they are far from over their problems. Nick asks her if she is still inlove with Ryan. She tells Nick that she will always love Ryan and shedoesn't know if she will ever get over him. He asks Victoria if the onlyreason she is trying to reconcile with Cole is because Ryan isn'tavailable. She tells him that she has asked herself that same question manytimes and cannot come up with and answer to that question. She tells himgoodbye and leaves.

Chris is at Paul's office talking with Lynn. She wants to know if Lynne hasany ideas what to get Mary for Christmas. Lynne tells her their is onething that she knows of. Chris tells her that she is not having a babyfor Mary's Christmas present. Lynne agrees to go shopping with hertomorrow. Paul walks in, Lynne goes to her desk to answer the phone. Paulasks her what's up. She tells him that he will never guess who came by heroffice today. Phyllis. she proceeds to tell him about her conversation andcan't believe that she told her that Danny was moving towards her again.

Diane is going over some sketches when her boss George walks in. Hecomments on what she is working on and how fond of this man she is becomingto be. She smiles at him and tells him not to tell that to Jack because sheis playing a good game of hard to get, and she is winning! She turns around to look at a sketch behind her and Jack walks in the doorway andmakes a comment on her beauty. They embrace and talk about the fact thatthey are back together, and that they agreed not to let Ashley come betweenthem. He asks her how is "their lake home" coming along. She shows him andhe tells her he likes what he sees. Correction. He loves what he sees andpulls Diane to him and kisses her hard on the mouth.

Victor calls Hope to see if she is home. She asks him why and he tells herif he tells her why it wouldn't be a surprise. She smiles and tells victor"thank you for calling."

Phyllis pacing the floor thinking about Danny. She want's to know the realreason that Danny stopped by last night. She decides to call him. She picksup the phone when the doorbell rings. She smiles hoping that its Danny. ItsTim. He wants to know if this is a good time for them to talk. She lets himin and asks About Daniel. She tells him that he is getting strongereveryday. He asked if he could come in because he needed to talk. She letshim in.

Chris tells him that if Danny is really interested in Phyllis again thatmaybe its time that they tell Danny all about their honeymoon. Paul remindsChris that if Danny is indeed falling in love with Phyllis then maybe they should just stay out of it and not interfere. She agrees, yet she thinksits a terrible mistake if Danny got involved with Phyllis again.

Diane comments to Jack what a great kiss that was. She asks him if Ashleyknows that they are a couple yet. Just then the phone rings and its jacksoffice. He gets a big smile on his face and thanks the caller. He tellsDiane that he must go but that he likes the changes that she has made inthe lake home. He tells her its almost as beautiful as she is and kissesher goodbye.

Victoria walks into Ryan's office. She asks him if its a good time for himto visit. She tells him that she only need to know one thing, What he wantsfor Christmas. Ryan tells her that it wouldn't be prudent for them toexchange presents. She tells him to lighten up, that she just wants to knowwhat he wants. She puts her hand on his shoulder. He tells her not to gothere. She tells him that she misses him terribly.She asks him how things are going at the home front and he tells her justfine. She doesn't believe him. She tells him that " things aren't going theway you hoped that they would are they?"

Jack enters Victor's office very excited about a business proposition. Hetells him its a new innovation that everyone will be wanting in a few years.Its new and exciting and he thinks it would be a good way for NewmanEnterprises to expand into the 21st Century. Victor looks over theperspectives and finds the bottom line and shoots it down. Tells Jack it isway to expensive and he is not interested. Jack tells him again that itsthe wave of the future and to please to take it home and just look it over.That he can't make a decision by just looking at the price tag. ReluctantlyVictor tells him that he will read it.

Victoria gloats to Ryan that she is right . that things aren't going assmoothly as he would have liked. He tells her that he is not going to talkto her about this subject. she tells him " that's because you know thatI'm right." She asks him if he is curious about what is going on betweenher and Cole. He replies " I'm sure your going to tell me anyway." Shetells him that's because he is curious. She tells him that they are livingunder the same roof but their not having sex and she doesn't plan to everhave sex. Ryan tells Victoria that they both owe it to themselves to give theirperspective marriages an honest shot He tells her that he is committed toNina and to the reconciliation, including sex. Victoria asks him if it doesn'twork out between Him and Nina will he give them another chance?

Danny walks into Christine's office and asks Chris what she wanted to talkto her about or should he tell her what she wanted to talk about? He tellsher that Daniel is doing fine and that he is getting stronger everyday. Hegoes on to tell her that during the crisis with Daniel he saw something inPhyllis that he never knew existed. He had always looked at the negative inher. That their is another side of her that he really can appreciate. Thathe was blinded by what she had done to him. He looks at Chris and tells herthat he lost her and that she had moved on. Don't people deserve a secondchance he asks her. She looked at him and told him that she wouldn't knowwhere she would be if Paul hadn't given her another chance, she certainlywouldn't be married now. She asks him what he is planning to do. He tellsher he doesn't know but that Phyllis has become an appealing and attractivewomen to him. He asks Chris if Phyllis and him were to have a futuretogether, what she would think of that.

Victor tells Hope that he is very curious as to the fact that she is goingout a lot more, and if their is anything that he needs to know. She tellshim that there is no mystery, She just wants to get acclimated to the citybetter. Victor asks if their is anything he can do to help. She tells himno, she needs to do it on her own and that she is searching for something andwhen she finds it he will be the first to know. The doorbell rings andVictor asks Hope if she was expecting anyone. She tells him no, but shebets he was expecting someone. He talks to the delivery person and tellshim to leave it right there and he will call if their are any alterationsthat are needed. Hope asks what it is. She brings her over to the dresses.She tells him that it feels like a gown. He tells her that their are threeof them. They are for the holidays. That he has made some plans for them.She begins to get weepy. He holds her and tells her that he understandsthat this will be a rough time for her and that he is going to be their forher. He tells her that Cliff would have wanted her to be happy. He asks herto pick out a gown for dinner and dancing tonight. She asks what theoccasion is and he puts his hands over her head and brushes her hair downand tells her that she is the occasion.

Victoria asks again if Ryan will consider giving their relationship anothershot if it doesn't work with Nina. Ryan, getting a little frustrated tellsVictoria that he is not going to make any deals with her that he is going togive his marriage top priority. Victoria tells him that it won't work becausehe doesn't love her and he never did. That Nina isn't going to be happytill she is with Cole and that she isn't going to be happy till she is withhim. Those are the realities she believes in. so think about your Christmaspresent she tells him and walks out the door.

Chris tells Danny their is one thing he hasn't said and that if he lovesher. He tells her that he is still sorting out those feelings But what hedoes know that Daniel would be thrilled to have the 3 of them as a familyunder one roof again. That's the brightest future he could give Daniel.

Tim reminds Phyllis that he had given her a ring and she had not given himand answer. She tells him that she thinks that he knows without her havingto say it. He tells her that it doesn't come as a surprise to him. Healways knew that she wasn't over Danny, but it still hurts.He tells her that she has come to mean and awful lot to him and thathe wishes her nothing but the best. because that's what she deserves: thebest. Phyllis has a tear rolling over her cheek. She walks over to her endtable and pulls out the ring box. She hands it to Tim and he opens it. Shetells him that she hopes that he knows just how much that their friendshiphas meant to her and that she still needs him in her life. She continues bytelling him that he is the most kindest, sensitive, and loving man that shehas ever met. He looked at her and tells her that he had hoped that itwould have been enough for her. He walks to the door opens it up, pauses asif he was going to say something, changes his mind and walks out the door.

Hope asks Victor to describe the gowns for her. As he is telling her aboutthe sequences and jewels on the dress he stops and say's "I'll be damned,this is a very beautiful gown." Hope laughs at him and comments on how thedesigner would have described it just the same way. He tells her to quitemaking fun of him. They laugh together.

Phyllis is sitting quietly on the couch in deep thought. The doorbellstartles her. She answers the door and is surprised to see Danny. He tellsher that just so their is no misunderstanding that he is there to see herand that they have a lot to talk about.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 9, 1996 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 9, 1996 on Y&R

Friday, December 13, 1996

by Soap Central

Nick calls his dad to find out if he has heard from his mom, she is notback from New York yet and he is getting worried. Victor tells him no, butif she is not home in the next few hours he should contact him through hisservice. As he say's goodbye,Josh walks into the room. Josh ask's if Nikkiis home yet? Nick tells him no, but could he please have his mom call himwhen she gets back. Josh tells him that he will and Nick opens the door toleave as Nikki was about to walk in. Nick hugs her and ask's about thetrip. She tells him it was good. He asks her if it was productive? Shelaughs at him and asks him if he meant did she get any shopping in for hertwo favorite men. Nick laughs. Nikki tells him "yes" she did indeed. Nicklooks at Josh and says "yes" and gives Josh a high five.

Victoria arrives home to Cole working on his book. She asks him if he is stillworking, he say's yes. She asks him how its going, he tells her " fine,give me a minute." (She has that look like yeah, right. ) She sits down onthe bed and grabs a magazine to read. He finishes walks over to her and sheis stunned that he quit for the night. He asks her if she would like to goout to dinner with him at the Collinade Room. She smiles and asks him ifhe has anymore surprises. He pulls a bunch of flowers out of the fridge. Hetells her that he had a talk with a friend and that he has reset hispriorities. He asks her to go slip in something to wear to the CollinadeRoom.

Victor And Hope arrive at the Collinade Room, They are greeted and shown totheir table. after a moment or two Hope tells Victor that she senses thathe is staring at her. He tells her that when they were coming down thestairs everyone in the whole place could not keep their eyes off of her.She tells him that is because she was on the arms of a most handsomegentleman. He tells her that it isn't so it was her and her sense of graceand style, that she has quite a special gift, a special aura around her.She looks sad for a moment and Victor asks her what is wrong. Sheapologizes,Victor understands that she might feel a little guilty outhaving fun. She was thinking of Cliff. But she knows this is what he wouldhave wanted, for her to enjoy herself at the holidays. She tells Victorthat Cliff told her that he was much more comfortable in the end that hewas their for her. And that he was grateful.

Dru and Malcolm are flying home first class all the way. Malcolm tells herthat he could get used to this. They talk about how successful That they aregoing to be now that they have hit the big times. The offers are going tobe pouring in. They are going to have a bright future. The only problem isNeil. She tells Malcolm that she needs more time to make her point, sheneeds time to figure things out. Dru tells Malcolm that she ain't ready totell Neil yet.Malcolm comes back to her with " you ain't never going to beready girl."

Danny admits to Phyllis that he messed up the last time that he was there.That he was there to see her too. And that this time he wants her to knowthat he is their to see her. " To see me?" She asks with a stunned butexcited look on her face.

Neil is at Olivia's apartment. He thanks her for dinner the last twonights. They share some stories about the kids. He tells her that Dru willbe coming home tonight and he is going to talk to her about expanding theirfamily. He tells Olivia again how much he appreciates the fact that shesacrificed that big contract for him and their family. It's time to talk toher about the future. Olivia agree's with him.

Josh and Nikki are seated at a lovely table at the Collinade Room and thehost asks if he can bring her some sparkling water. She looks up and say's"please", Josh tells him that would be fine for him too. Nikki looks aroundthe room and she spots Victor with Hope. She stairs across the room at him.Josh turns around to see what she is looking at. Meanwhile at the top ofthe stairs Cole and Victoria show up. Victor looks up and tells Hope thathe is happy that he took his advice.

Danny talks to Phyllis about how they had both changed while Daniel was inthe hospital fighting for his life. That the anger and bitterness hassomehow disappeared. and that she is a different person to him. ( Phyllisis standing their with her mouth dropped not believing what she ishearing.) He tells her that it is time for them to become a real family.She looks at him and asks him if he is talking about moving back in herewith her and Daniel. He asks her if she could agree to that. She smiles andtells him that there is nothing that she and Daniel want more. He tells herthat they need to take it one day at a time and he wants to move into hisold room. She tells him that it would be fine since she has the rest of herlife free. What ever makes him most comfortable she is fine with. She goesto get Daniel so they can tell him the good news.

Paul walks into Chris's office and ask's her if she had talked to Dannyyet. she tells him yes. He wants to know if she told him about theirhoneymoon and Phyllis. She tells Paul that he was right and that he is anadult and that she decided to stay out of it because she thinks that Dannyis going to get back together with Phyllis. He tells her that it is Danny'slife and she can't rescue him. She tells him that she is going to let italone because Danny is her past and he is her future and gives him a hug.

Cole and Victoria are talking about their lives when she spots her mother.She can't believe she is here. Cole tells her to make it worth her whileand to dance with him. Nikki looks at Josh and asks him " I wonder ifVictor has seen them yet?" Hope looks at Victor and ask's him what's goingon. He tells her that Nikki and her new husband are their, and Cole andVictoria are on the dance floor, dancing. Victor say"s to her "so much forhaving an evening out with no distractions." Hope laughs. Cole and Victoriago back to their table and she spots Victor. She tells Cole "great now myfathers here too." Cole tells her that he knew that Victor would be here.But he didn't want to mention it after her reaction to seeing her mother.Cole tells her that they should go somewhere that nobody will see them.Home. Victoria picks up her purse and they leave arm in arm.

Dru arrives home as her family greets her with hugs and kisses. Lily ishappy to see her. She puts her to bed. She comes right back out. Neilcomments on how fast that was. She tells him that Lily is brushing herteeth. Neil pours them wine and tells her that its so good to have her homewhere she belongs. He looks at Dru and tells her that it is time for her tosettle down. That family comes first. He hopes another job doesn't come herway. Dru is getting more and more upset as Neil is talking. Lily calls outto her mother. Dru tells Neil she will be right back that she needs to takecare of her little girl. Neil looks up to her and say's "yes you do." Shestops dead in her tracks and gives him one of those if looks could killstares. She walks into the other room and under his breath say's "Damn It."

Cole and Victoria arrive home. Cole tells her that it feels like old times.He tells her that he has missed her. He takes her face in his hands andslowly kiss's her, she responds.

Victor and Hope are on the dance floor. Victor tells her that he hopesVictoria and Cole will be happy and together through the holidays. He tellsher that she should know that Nikki and her husband are on the dance floor.( he is well aware of the stares he is getting from Nikki) She asks him ifhe would like to go over and say hello. He responds to her in french. Sheasks what that meant. He tells her that he said "He only had eyes for her."( That is also the song that their dancing to.) Josh notices and asks Nikkiif she wanted to say Hello to them. She doesn't respond to him, she justkeeps staring.

Cole and Victoria made love, they appear to be asleep. Victoria raises herhead and kiss's Cole on the cheek, then lays her head on his chest as bigtears form in her eyes. Cole opens his eyes...

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