Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 26, 1981 on Y&R

SC Desk
Victor posed as a butler to court Nikki Reed
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 26, 1981 on Y&R

Victor posed as a butler to court Nikki Reed. Vanessa Prentiss vowed not to let anyone discover that she was ill. A doctor removed Barbara Lowell's bandages, revealing a surgically altered face. Dorothy Stevens questioned April about her twin sister.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 26, 1981 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 26, 1981 on Y&R

Friday, October 30, 1981

by Anne Carpenter

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At the Newman ranch, Douglas Austin, Victor's loyal friend, escorted Nikki Reed inside. Nikki was impressed with the sprawling estate and was unaware that Douglas, affectionately called "Colonel," was only pretending to be the landowner so Victor could get closer to Nikki. Victor, dressed like a butler, listened as Nikki asked Douglas if his only goal had been to invite her over for tea. Colonel showed Nikki a pot of orchids he'd cultivated, but Nikki said, "Look, Colonel, if we're going to have tea and do an interview --" Colonel interrupted Nikki and turned his attention to his butler, barking orders to get things ready. Victor emerged and explained that the tea would be briefly delayed because he'd had to send out for crumpets.

Nikki recognized Colonel's butler and said, "Wait a minute. You're Mr. Victor, the decorator." Victor requested that Nikki just call him Victor. Nikki seemed enthralled with the handsome butler and said, "What's going on here?" Victor changed the subject and said it was time to serve tea. Nikki sat at a table with Colonel, tasted a crumpet, and told Victor the treats were delicious. Victor poured Nikki a second cup of tea. Nikki was eager to get on with the interview.

Colonel ordered Victor to record notes and to ask Nikki any questions he might think of. Colonel leaned closer to Nikki and said his servant had quite an agile mind. Nikki smiled and said she knew what the two men were up to. Nikki's comment took the Colonel aback, and he assured Victor that he'd never said a word. Nikki added, "Victor, you're the one who suggested to Colonel Austin to put me in his book, right?" Victor asked Nikki why she thought so. Nikki explained that it seemed to be too much of a coincidence that Colonel had hired Victor to redecorate her dressing room, and then he'd also shown up at the Colonel's estate. Victor claimed that he'd only dropped Nikki's name but that Colonel had been the one to bring up the idea of writing about her.

Nikki readied herself to answer questions, but Colonel stuttered a bit as he struggled to form a query. Victor suggested that Colonel ask Nikki about her impression of the home. Nikki said it seemed comfortable. Victor asked Nikki if she'd prefer something more elaborate. After Nikki balked at the mention of touring the bedroom, Colonel asked Nikki to share her ambitions and dreams. Nikki was confused by the question. Victor explained that Colonel wished to gratify Nikki's desires.

Nikki was still confused, even after Colonel asked her if she'd like to have jewels, furs, or a Rolls-Royce. Nikki replied, "In return for what? Look, I didn't come all the way out here to be propositioned and insulted." Nikki grew increasingly frustrated, so Colonel suggested Victor escort her to the stables to talk. Nikki wanted to leave, but after Victor mentioned seeing the horses, she was eager to see the animals she'd only ever had an opportunity to admire from afar. After Victor and Nikki stepped out, Colonel said, "Now how did she know Victor's weakness was horses? She's setting the trap, and he's about to fall right into it."

At the Newman stables, Victor showed Nikki the tack room. Victor explained that Colonel kept his tack gear and riding trophies in the room. Nikki was impressed when Victor said Colonel sometimes allowed him to exercise the horses. Victor said Nikki seemed to have fallen in love at first sight when she'd visited the horses. Nikki cried that she'd likely never get an opportunity to get as close to horses again.

Victor offered to teach Nikki how to ride. Victor explained that horses, along with making money, were his obsessions. Nikki appeared sympathetic to Victor's station in life and apologized. She realized that Victor didn't have the means to own horses and depended on his boss for opportunities to ride. Victor replied, "And you feel sorry for me?" Nikki said she did because Victor appeared to have a lot of talent. Victor seemed charmed by Nikki's innocence.

Nikki admired the cups and trophies displayed in a case and noticed that the name Victor Newman was inscribed on them. Victor claimed that Victor Newman had been the ranch's former owner. Nikki was enthralled to learn that the former owner sometimes returned to visit. Victor explained that he and the former owner were the same age. Nikki told Victor he shouldn't be discouraged, and she recalled her own sudden success story after she'd become a star at the Bayou Club and had earned everything she'd ever wanted -- except horses.

Victor offered to introduce Nikki to Mr. Newman. Nikki said she would like to meet the gentleman, though she didn't think Mr. Newman would be the type of person to hang out at the Bayou. Victor offered to have Mr. Newman meet Nikki for supper after her show to talk about horses. Victor told Nikki he couldn't wait to introduce her to Mr. Newman.

At Lorie Brooks's house, Lance Prentiss told Lorie he was eager for them to visit his mother, business magnate Vanessa Prentiss. Lance wanted to announce that he and Lorie had set a wedding date. Lorie, concerned because she and Vanessa had had a troubled relationship, suggested Lance visit his mother alone to announce that a wedding date had been set. Lance reminded Lorie that she'd expressed a desire to smooth things over and was reneging. Lorie claimed her decision was only a "strategic backup." Lance insisted it was time to meet the enemy and move forward. Lorie replied, "Into battle, you mean?"

Lance was adamant that his mother longed to make a fresh start with her and Lorie's relationship, though he was aware that Lorie had every reason to remain skeptical. Lance pressured Lorie not to close doors just as they were about to begin a whole new life together. Lorie replied, "Well, you're a very persuasive man. Okay." Lorie kissed Lance and agreed to accompany him. Lorie declined Lance's offer of a drink, explaining that she might need it more after the visit.

At Vanessa Prentiss' estate, the maid, Doris, had earlier set on a desk a letter, addressed to Vanessa, which Vanessa had actually written herself. Vanessa had typed a forged letter using Lorie's typewriter in hopes of setting up Lorie and casting her in a bad light. In another room, behind locked doors, Vanessa was stretched out on the floor with an open pill bottle beside her. Vanessa was terminally ill and had blacked out. Vanessa awoke somewhat and thought, "What's happening? I can't be dying. I can't be. It's too soon. No, I will not die -- yet. Have to get medication."

As Vanessa struggled to reach her pill bottle, she heard her son, Lucas Prentiss, enter and call out to her. Vanessa didn't respond because she was keeping her illness a secret. While Vanessa heard Lucas searching for her, she thought, "No one can discover I'm ill. It would ruin everything -- everything I've planned." Lucas paused outside the locked door and entreated his mom to accompany him sailing on the beautiful fall day. Vanessa didn't respond.

Lucas heard a knock at the front door. Doris had returned to see if Vanessa needed anything. Lucas invited Doris inside and said he didn't know where his mother was. Doris reported that she also hadn't been able to locate Vanessa earlier in the day. Doris noted that Vanessa's car was parked outside. Lucas theorized that his mom was somewhere around the property. Vanessa overheard the conversation and appeared panicked when Doris suggested she and Lucas search. Lucas assured Doris that there was nothing to worry about.

Doris offered to stay and straighten up the home, but Lucas declined. Before Doris left, she told Lucas that she'd jotted down a phone message from Ross. Doris pointed to the desk, where she'd put the note and the letter. Lucas recognized Ross's name and said the message was related to the business, which he didn't want to deal with. Doris replied, "But you will be sure she gets the message?" Lucas promised he would.

After Doris left, Lucas searched again for Vanessa. After a while, Lucas left, thinking his mother had gone out for a walk. Inside the locked room, Vanessa grasped the pill bottle and swallowed her medication before losing her strength and slumping over. After a while, Vanessa pulled herself up and crawled, willing herself not to die, as she made it to a sofa, where she again collapsed. Vanessa roused when she heard someone enter the house. Vanessa thought, "I can't let them know I'm ill. No one must know."

When Lance and Lorie entered, Vanessa had regained her strength. She greeted her son and said it was a lovely surprise to see Lorie. Lance announced that he and Lorie had set their wedding date for Friday, November 20. Vanessa said she was surprised the wedding wouldn't take place sooner, knowing how eager the couple was to wed. Lorie said she wanted time to ensure her wedding would be perfect. Vanessa asked about the plans and offered to help.

Lance spotted the note from Ross on the desk. Lance asked his mom about the note. Vanessa glanced toward her desk, panicked, and thought, "My God, the letter. You mustn't see that letter now." Lance referred to the note and asked Vanessa if she'd answered it. Unbeknownst to Lance, the note was about Vanessa's plans to transfer control of Prentiss Industries to Lance's younger brother, Lucas. Lance picked up the note and said it was a message from Ross that appeared to be urgent.

Lance noticed that his mother seemed distracted. Vanessa said Doris had taken the message while she'd been out on a walk. Lance set down the note and told his mother not to forget to return the call. Vanessa said they shouldn't be concerned about business after learning wonderful news about the wedding. Lance was happy that his mother seemed pleased. Lorie said, "We plan to be very happy -- this time."

Lance said he and Lorie were on their way to the Brookses' home to share the news with Lorie's parents. He invited his mother to join them, but she declined, citing business she had to attend to. Lance offered to return Ross's call, but Vanessa assured Lance she'd return the call immediately. Lance said he'd let his mom handle the matter. Vanessa once again offered Lorie help in arranging the wedding. After Lance and Lorie stepped out, Lance assured his fiance that his mother had been pleased. Lorie replied, "I'd like to believe that. I really would." Back inside the house, Vanessa, speaking aloud to herself, said, "Time is running out, Lorie, for both of us."

From her modest apartment, a woman identifying herself as Barbara Lowell while speaking on the phone with her doctor's office, confirmed her afternoon appointment. After Barbara hung up the phone, she glanced in a mirror and examined the bandages on her nose and cheek. Barbara said, "Finally coming off today." Barbara, whose real name was Barbara Ann Harding, paused and said, "Maybe I'm better off like this." Barbara's identity was obscured by the bandages and a scarf she had tied around her head.

Barbara put on her coat and headed out the door just as John Harding, Barbara's adoptive father, arrived. Barbara was cold as she explained to John that she was on her way out. John set down a brown paper bag. Barbara said, "What's in the bag? Another bottle?" John explained that he'd brought sandwiches. Barbara said she wasn't hungry, but John said he was eager to talk.

John told Barbara he didn't blame her for feeling betrayed because he'd failed to tell her much earlier that she'd been adopted. Barbara said she didn't feel betrayed, though she'd always felt like a square peg being pounded into a round hole. John blamed himself for the way Barbara had turned out. John added that he should have given her more attention. Barbara cried that John should have given her more love, which she claimed he'd withheld because he'd never felt love for her.

Barbara said her die had likely already been cast because she was probably just like her biological parents. Barbara insisted her birth parents were lucky to have chosen to give her away. John replied, "Honey, don't go talking like that." Barbara wheeled around and said, "I told you not to call me that."

Barbara was insistent that John let go of the illusion of her being his daughter because she wasn't -- nor had he ever been anything close to a father. John expressed hope that he and Barbara might start over again, and he promised to give up drinking. Barbara reminded John that he had run away before throwing her a promised birthday party when she'd turned four, and he had broken many promises in the years after that. Barbara explained that after her bandages were removed, she would become a new person and leave her past behind.

At the medical clinic, a doctor removed Barbara's bandages. Barbara removed her scarf and examined her altered facial features. The doctor told Barbara that the surgeon who'd performed the surgery had been quite skilled. Barbara asked about the scars. The doctor assured her that the remaining scars would fade entirely. Barbara replied, "Wrong, doctor. Some of my scars will never go away."

At the home of Wayne and Dorothy Stevens, Wayne attempted and failed to persuade a depressed Dorothy to leave home and accompany him to a bar or a movie. Wayne suggested Dorothy distract herself from her worries because there was nothing she could do about them. Dorothy replied that their daughter April hadn't told them everything she'd learned about her twin sister during a trip to New York with Paul Williams. Wayne said it was perhaps best to leave the mystery a mystery because knowing more wouldn't do any good.

Dorothy paced about the room as she told Wayne that Paul and April had learned that April's twin had been involved in a serious car accident in which the twin's adoptive parents had supposedly been killed. Dorothy was distraught because April hadn't seen her twin during the visit, so she didn't know what her long-lost sister looked like. Dorothy was insistent that April wouldn't have gone to such lengths only to drop her search abruptly. Dorothy cried that she feared the twin she'd given up might be in trouble.

Wayne grew increasingly concerned and reminded Dorothy that they'd had no choice but to give up one of their twins at birth. Wayne cried that they couldn't have afforded to raise both girls at the time. Dorothy agreed that what they'd done had been for the best at the time. Wayne pressured Dorothy to drop it. Dorothy was determined to question April and discover what she might be hiding.

At April's apartment, Dorothy questioned April about her twin sister. April replied that she didn't think her mother cared about the twin sister. Dorothy assured April she cared about her family, though she feared what April might have discovered during her trip to New York. April said she wasn't prepared to discuss it because she didn't fully understand what she'd discovered. Dorothy asked what it was that her daughter didn't understand. April replied, "Barbara. There's so much about her that doesn't make any sense." April explained that it was a mystery as to why Barbara had taken off abruptly from her beautiful home, her full life, and her friends.

Dorothy insisted that April and Paul had to know more after having tracked Barbara's trail, first to Chicago and then to New York, without even seeing her. Dorothy cried that she and Wayne hadn't gone one day since April and Barbara had been born without worrying that they might have made a big mistake. April grew quiet before telling her mother that she had a picture of Barbara. April held a framed photo of a young woman wearing a floppy hat, but Dorothy refused to look at the image of the offspring she'd given up at birth. Dorothy sobbed and said, "I can't, April. I'm sorry. I just can't." Dorothy grabbed her coat and left hurriedly.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 26, 1981 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 26, 1981 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 26, 1981 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 26, 1981 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 26, 1981 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 26, 1981 on Y&R
Victor poses as a butler to court Nikki Reed
Victor poses as a butler to court Nikki Reed

Victor poses as a butler to court Nikki Reed

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Edited by SC Desk