Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 12, 2024 on Y&R

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Summer demanded Kyle cut Audra out of his life.  Sally and Billy pressed for answers after they overheard Adam and Chelsea discussing their guilt.
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 12, 2024 on Y&R

Summer demanded that Kyle cut Audra out of his life, but he refused. Billy changed his mind about taking a step back at Abbott-Chancellor. Sally and Billy pressed for answers after they overheard Adam and Chelsea discussing their guilt over "that one night."

Kyle and Summer fail to reach a compromise
Kyle and Summer fail to reach a compromise

Kyle and Summer fail to reach a compromise

Monday, August 12, 2024

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by Jenny Smith

At Crimson Lights, Summer picked up a bag of food and a drink at the counter. She smiled when Kyle walked in. "Someone looks happy," he remarked. "Someone doesn't," she replied, and she thanked him for asking to meet. Kyle prepared to grab a chocolate chip muffin for Harrison, but Summer informed him that she'd just bought the last one, noting it was the boy's favorite. Kyle figured it was something they could finally agree on. Summer hoped it was a sign that they could get past their differences and put the focus back on Harrison.

Summer stressed that she and Kyle needed to figure things out because Harrison sensed the tension between them. Kyle crowed that it hadn't affected their son's appetite, since Harrison had downed two scoops of vanilla with sprinkles. Summer questioned whether that had been a good idea after a night of throwing up, and Kyle chided her for taking the opportunity to get a dig in. She reminded him that he'd called her a bad mother, and he admitted it hadn't been cool.

Summer wailed that she and Kyle had once been close and had actually liked one another. "More than like," Kyle mused, adding that he couldn't remember what that had felt like. She asked if there was a way they could at least be civil with one another, and she said she'd been happy when she'd gotten his text message that day. Kyle surmised that she hadn't been surprised because she'd asked Victor to reach out to him. Kyle considered it a new low for Summer to enlist Victor Newman to put the screws to her son's father.

Kyle was suspicious of Summer's choice to have Victor moderate their conflict, but she countered that they could still be talking through their lawyers. Kyle confirmed that Victor had asked him to try to find common ground with her, but he imagined that her intention had been for Victor to intimidate him. Summer reasoned that her grandfather had been through divorces and hostile takeovers, so he knew a lot about conflict. She pondered how Victor could possibly intimidate Kyle when Victor had no power over him. Summer guessed something Victor had said had resonated because Kyle had reached out to her.

Summer intended to take any support she could get to protect her son. Kyle objected to the implication that Harrison needed protection from him. Summer argued that when Kyle hurt her, he was also hurting Harrison, and Kyle had been using their son's connection to Claire as a weapon against Summer. Summer recognized that Kyle loved Harrison, but she disapproved of the choices Kyle had been making. Kyle defended that everything he'd done had been for Harrison.

Summer spat that Kyle was moving their son out of a family home where the boy was surrounded by love. Kyle found her comment hypocritical, given that Summer took Harrison from that home every week. Summer cried that she felt guilty for it every time Harrison wanted something from his other house or asked for his daddy and Kyle wasn't there. She continued that it was on both of them for failing to stay together to raise their child, who was caught between them. Kyle agreed that he wanted things to be better for Harrison's sake, and he was ready to do that if Summer was.

Summer thought both she and Kyle wanted Harrison to feel safe, and she hoped they could find the common ground Victor had talked about. Kyle recalled that Harrison had accepted their divorce because they'd made a real effort to take care of him when their marriage had fallen apart, and he wondered what they had to do to get back to that place. Summer suggested that he show her he was really serious by cutting someone out of his life completely. Kyle assumed she meant Claire, but she named Audra.

Kyle refused to give up running Glissade to appease Summer. She suspected that his new association with Audra was the reason he'd gone off the rails, and she didn't feel Harrison was safe with Kyle while Audra was in Kyle's orbit. Kyle found it ridiculous that Summer felt she had the right to dictate who he worked with, and he envisioned what would happen if he demanded she fire Chelsea. Kyle contended that what he was building at Glissade was a legacy for their son, and he couldn't just walk away. Summer ordered him to force Audra out by any means necessary.

Kyle protested that Summer wasn't meeting him halfway. She ranted that everything was happening because of the choices he'd made, and he'd forced her to stand up to protect her rights as a mother because he'd stopped respecting them. Kyle wanted to get past the animosity, and he urged Summer to start trusting him again so they could move forward. He scoffed at the idea that his working with Audra would take him to the dark side. "You're already there," Summer barked.

Kyle argued that his work had no impact on Harrison, who Kyle would always put first. Summer retorted that it should be an easy choice to do what she was asking, but Kyle countered that there had to be a choice less insane than blowing up his life. He suggested that they both drop their bids for full custody and keep joint custody, since Harrison needed both of them in his life. Summer noted that Kyle was choosing his words carefully for the first time in a long time, and she wondered what he wasn't telling her.

Kyle insisted that forcing Audra out of Glissade wasn't an option. Summer surmised that Audra was holding something over him, and Kyle groaned that Summer was making it about Audra, when it was always about Summer. Kyle encouraged Summer to do what was best for their son by keeping the custody agreement as it was. Summer protested that it allowed Audra to have access to Harrison, and Kyle seemed willing to protect his association with Audra at any cost -- including his son.

Kyle declared that he was done playing nice, since he'd attempted to offer a truce, but Summer was clearly trying to blow up his life. Kyle added that he'd tried to protect his son, but she wouldn't listen to reason. "See you in court!" he bellowed, and he stormed out.

Billy and Chelsea greeted one another with a kiss in Chancellor Park. She asked if the white rose he was holding was for her, and he joked that he always carried one around. She reported that Connor was doing well and that she'd just dropped him off at the intensive outpatient clinic. Billy inquired whether she was doing okay. Chelsea shared that she'd forgotten to put out a particular spoon that Connor always ate breakfast with; she'd panicked that it might trigger him, but she'd turned around and found him simply eating his cereal with a different spoon.

Chelsea marveled that her son had used the tools he'd learned to manage his OCD, and Billy commented that Connor was tough, like his mother. Billy praised Chelsea for being strong enough to give Connor space, and he thought both she and Connor were in the right place -- despite what Adam had said. Chelsea demanded to know when Billy had spoken with Adam. Billy recounted that he'd run into Adam at Crimson Lights, and it had been clear that Adam considered himself to be a gatekeeper who could set boundaries around who got to see Chelsea and Connor.

Chelsea huffed that Adam didn't get a say in who she saw and when she saw them. Billy sympathized that Adam was trying to protect his son and his son's mom, but Chelsea asserted that Adam needed to focus on Connor and not on managing her. Billy thought he owed Chelsea an apology for trying to push her into opening up about what had been bothering her before she'd left for Baltimore. He regretted putting pressure on her and swore he wouldn't hold her to her promise to talk about it upon her return. Chelsea realized he still thought she was keeping something from him. Billy assured her that it was up to her when or if she wanted to share with him. She thanked him, and they hugged.

Chelsea inquired about work. Billy relayed that Lily wanted him to take a step back at Abbott-Chancellor because she was worried his business history would put a target on the company's back. Billy conceded that there had been instances where his execution had fallen short, but he'd still been shocked because he'd thought Lily believed in their partnership as much as he did. Billy muttered that it was a recurring theme that people thought he wasn't good enough, but Chelsea insisted that he was better than good enough.

Chelsea pointed out that Billy was the one who'd invited Lily to run the company with him, and she considered it Lily's responsibility to figure out a way to make it work. Billy indicated that they'd figured out a way together -- Lily would run Abbott-Chancellor. Chelsea asked how Lily could push Billy out when he was the one with the power. Billy acknowledged that he could force Lily out, but it wouldn't be what was best for the company. He still believed he and Lily could be good partners, and he saw the situation from Lily's point of view, including how his business record might be viewed as a liability that could negatively affect their launch.

Billy thought he was doing what was best by putting Lily in a position to run the company the way it should be done while he publicly stepped back but still worked behind the scenes. Chelsea inquired whether they'd drop his family name, but Billy figured the new logo was already out there. He recognized that people had thought adding Abbott to the company name had been a selfish act, but it had always been about his mother's legacy, and Lily would have to present it as her idea. Chelsea asked how he would explain why he was stepping aside. Billy revealed that his original idea had been to convince Jill to go public with her medical condition, but his mother had shot it down.

Billy resolved to find a new reason to pretend to step away, but Chelsea still didn't understand why he felt the need to do it. Chelsea recognized that Lily had doubts, but she asserted that it didn't mean Lily got to make Billy doubt himself. Billy was dismayed that he wouldn't have the chance to prove what he and Lily could do together, but he anticipated that taking a step back would give him the opportunity to figure out whether he could really be a silent partner or if he had to decide what he would do next.

At Newman Media, Adam told someone over the phone that he didn't care how Nikki would have handled things, and he demanded full coverage in all outlets. He threatened to get someone else to do the job, and Victor walked in. Victor applauded his son for getting things done, and they embraced. Victor said he'd love to see Connor when the time was right, and Adam promised to let Victor know when the boy was up for a visit. Victor pledged to follow Adam's lead, but Adam noted that it wasn't usually what his father did.

Victor reiterated that he'd put Adam in charge because Adam would get things done when it was time. "The time has come," Victor proclaimed. Adam contended that he'd stayed on top of work while dealing with Connor's issues, and he'd flooded their media outlets with messaging on Glissade, painting Kyle and Audra as the team that would make the company a leader in the cosmetics industry while countering any negative spin from their competitors. Victor instructed Adam to focus on something else -- a full-scale negative campaign about Billy's tenure at Abbott-Chancellor. "I want you to rock his damn boat until it sinks," Victor growled.

Adam assumed that meant Nikki was on board to take the helm at Chancellor. Victor wished he'd put Nikki in charge instead of selling the company to Jill years earlier, and he vowed to make it right. Adam shared that his sources had informed him that Abbott-Chancellor was about to make a big announcement. Victor guessed it was about "Billy Boy's" expanded power at the company, which would lead to its downfall. Adam confirmed that he knew how to "execute a hit job," but Victor questioned why Adam seemed hesitant to take Billy down.

Adam credited Billy for being supportive of both Chelsea and Adam throughout Connor's ordeal, and he didn't want to hurt Chelsea. Victor recalled that he'd fought their entire family to put Adam in the CEO chair, and he wondered if it had been a mistake. Adam reasoned that Chelsea needed to be strong for Connor, and there were times when she relied heavily on Billy to do that. Victor thought Adam wasn't giving Chelsea enough credit. Adam doubted it was just about business because they both knew how much Victor hated Billy. Victor asked if Adam thought Billy belonged with Chelsea.

Adam opined that it was up to Chelsea to decide if Billy was good enough for her, and it didn't matter what Adam thought. Victor scoffed at the idea that Adam would like Billy to be Connor's stepfather, but Adam maintained that he was in no position to judge Chelsea or dictate who was in her life. Victor barked that Adam's position was being CEO, and he expected Adam to help Victor advance his plans if Adam wanted to stay in charge of Newman Media. Victor ordered Adam to get it done, and he walked out.

Over the phone, Adam asked someone to tell him when they got intel on the announcement from Abbott-Chancellor. Sally appeared in the doorway and asked if he was okay. He admitted that he was frustrated, and they hugged. Sally inquired about Connor, and Adam reported that his son had been triggered in the middle of the night but had used his tools to make sure the OCD hadn't taken over. Sally wondered what else had Adam on edge. He referred to his dad's new marching orders, but he declined to offer any further details.

Sally warned that it made her imagination go to worst-case scenarios when Adam wouldn't tell her something. Adam claimed that Victor and his agendas demanded discretion, and he was still trying to wrap his head around what his father had asked him to do and whether he was willing to do it. Adam implored Sally to have patience with him until then. Sally complained that Adam had once turned to her for advice when Victor had put him in an uncomfortable position, and she hesitantly asked if Adam still trusted her.

Chelsea arrived and apologized for interrupting. Adam remarked that Chelsea was early, and she explained that she was eager to pick up Connor. Chelsea mentioned that she'd just seen Billy, and she was glad to hear he and Sally had become friends. Sally echoed the sentiment, and she told Adam that they could talk more about work later at home. After Sally left, Adam asked why Chelsea was really there early. Chelsea closed the door. "To ask you why the hell you told Billy to stay away from me," she snapped.

Adam recalled that Billy had been in one of his moods where he'd thought only he could fix things, and Adam hadn't wanted Billy overwhelming Chelsea and Connor. Chelsea informed Adam that she'd been the one who'd called Billy, who'd been worried about her the same way Sally had been worried about Adam. Chelsea observed that Sally hadn't seemed happy when she'd left, and she recommended that Adam concern himself with his relationship while Chelsea tended to hers. Adam groused that Billy was still in the same paranoid headspace as he'd been in when they'd left.

Adam assumed Billy had resumed interrogating Chelsea because Billy thought they were hiding something from him. Chelsea cried that they were hiding that they'd slept together. Adam reminded her that they'd agreed to forget about it and move on. Chelsea relayed that Billy had said he would drop it, but Adam was skeptical because Billy was like a dog with a bone. Adam recognized how guilty Chelsea felt, and he knew she wanted to tell Billy. "Are you going to?" Adam asked.

At the Athletic Club, Michael cheerfully greeted Victor, who grumbled that Michael was acting like scores had been settled when they hadn't. Michael asked how long it would be before he could expect a thaw between them, and he reiterated that he and Cole still believed they'd been protecting Victor and the Newman family by having Jordan removed from Victor's basement dungeon and sent to a maximum-security facility. Michael wondered what he could do to win back Victor's trust. Victor wagged his finger and warned to never "take the task to save my ass without my approval ever again. Ever." Victor added that he thought there was something Michael could do -- use his skill set to find some dirt on Billy Abbott.

Billy returned to Abbott-Chancellor, where he stared at the new logo displayed on the wall before making a call. He told someone to prepare the announcement he'd been talking about. "The world needs to be put on notice that Abbott-Chancellor means business," he firmly stated.

Billy realizes he has to be his own champion
Billy realizes he has to be his own champion

Billy realizes he has to be his own champion

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

by Erin Goldsby

Phyllis bumped into Jack and Harrison in the park while they were looking at baseball cards. Harrison was happy to see her and gave her a big hug. Phyllis gushed to Harrison about Summer, and said, "Your mom loves you more than anyone else in the world." Jack sent Harrison to find caterpillars, then Jack chastised Phyllis for trying to manipulate a child. He said she should be ashamed of herself.

Phyllis said that what Harrison had gone through already had been too much, yet he'd bounced back. Phyllis asked how much trauma Harrison would need to go through before he stopped bouncing back. At first, Jack and Phyllis agreed about Harrison's trauma, but Jack shut down the conversation when Phyllis said that Kyle was acting "off the rails." Before leaving, Jack snapped that Phyllis had too much free time on her hands and was spending it butting in where she was not wanted.

Claire walked into Victora's office at Newman Enterprises and noted how "happy and in her element" her mom looked. Claire told Victoria that she had some free time and had stopped by to see if Victoria could take a break to get something to eat together. Nikki arrived and asked if she could join them at Society for lunch, as she had something she wanted to discuss with Claire.

At Society, Nikki explained that she couldn't give details just yet, but she was getting ready for a big move to a new job and would love it if Claire would come to work with her as her assistant again -- this time for the right reasons.

Nikki noted how thrilled Victor would be if Claire were to join the family business. Claire was shocked by Nikki's offer and said that she'd never thought there would be a place for her there. Nikki told Claire, "Being my assistant would be just the first step. I could see you moving quickly to higher positions. The sky would be the limit." Victoria was also surprised but agreed that the Newman family bonded through work, and they liked to surround themselves with people they loved and respected. Victoria encouraged Claire to consider if it were a career she would want to pursue.

Claire told Nikki that she would love to get away from Kyle and Summer's constant bickering, but it would be hard to leave Harrison. Victoria teased that Claire had a crush on Kyle. Victoria implied that it was why it would be hard to walk away, but Claire asserted that she and Kyle were just friends. Claire admitted that Victoria had been helping her figure out if she felt something more for Kyle. Victoria said if Claire left her position as Harrison's caregiver, it might help her untangle her feelings for Kyle.

Claire told Nikki that she was touched and honored that Nikki wanted to work with her again. "This family's love, generosity, and overwhelms me," Claire said. She added that it was a miracle that they had embraced her the way they had, but she couldn't leave Harrison at that moment. "As difficult as it has been for me, it would be so much worse for him," Claire explained. Nikki was disappointed but proud of Claire's choice, as it showed her character.

After Claire left, Nikki asked Victoria more about Claire's crush on Kyle. Victoria reminded Nikki that she had never listened to Nikki or Victor when they'd tried to warn her away from someone. "Do you think he's the one for Claire?" Nikki asked. Victoria said, "She's been deprived of love her whole life. If she can open her heart to someone, who am I to tell her who that should be?"

Billy stared at the new Abbott-Chancellor logo on the office wall as Lily came in. She said she hoped there was no backlash caused by the name change. Billy told her that it would be easy to explain to people, and he added, "But then, I'm not the one with one foot out, looking for an excuse to bail." Billy asked Lily if she would be more comfortable adding "Lily" to the company name.

Billy told Lily about speaking with Jill, and she wasn't on board with him stepping aside from the company. Lily admitted that she hadn't thought of a reason to tell people she would be in charge, either. Billy told Lily that he had second thoughts and that they shouldn't run scared from Victor. Lily got upset and pointed out that he had said the exact opposite hours earlier.

Billy said the agreement didn't work for him anymore. He said that he'd drafted a statement to announce the name change and the new logo -- and that he and Lily would be running the company together. Lily snapped that basically everything he'd said about the new humble Billy Abbot had been a lie and just a ploy to buy time. Billy said, "No. There was a moment that you convinced me that I was a problem here. That moment is gone."

Lily told Billy she should have known better than to trust that he would keep his word. Billy said that their company was slightly more vulnerable than others, but she was the one who wanted to bail, while he wanted to give them a chance to succeed. Lily said she wouldn't sign off on the press release, so Billy reminded her that he was in charge. "My partner did such an amazing job of painting me as a constant screw-up that I started to believe it. You knew I had baggage and you knew what you were getting into," Billy said.

Billy told Lily, "I brought you in, but the only way you're staying now is if I'm out the door?" Billy told Lily that she'd gotten him thinking. He said he found it odd that she was not more afraid of Victor. "What's your real agenda?" Billy asked.

Lily told Billy to stop looking for conspiracy theories. She said she was trying to protect the company she'd helped build. She told him that he was unpredictable, and that was why she wanted him to step aside. Billy wondered if her plan was to stay and pretend to be partners, then kick him out and take the company. Lily called Billy delusional. "Prove me wrong," Billy said as he handed Lily his phone to read the press release. "Let's tell the world that Abbott-Chancellor is open for business," Billy said.

Lily balked at the press release and said Billy was springing it on her at the last minute. Billy asked what Lily wanted him to fix in the release, but Lily got defensive. She told Billy that he was a one-man band, and if people didn't do what he wanted, then he would wear them down until they did. She wondered if he was using her as his security blanket until he didn't need her anymore.

Lily reminded Billy that she didn't need to work there; she could work with Devon. Billy said, "You could, but you won't. It's not what you want to do. You want it to be as successful as I do, but you don't want to share." Before walking out, Lily said she didn't want to risk the company's future on Billy's gut instincts or because he had something to prove to everyone, including himself.

Phyllis spotted Lily at the Athletic Club bar. Phyllis joined Lily and offered to buy her a drink. Phyllis said, "I really want to have a talk with you, just woman to woman. We have a lot to chat about."

Phyllis thanked Lily for working things out with Daniel and for letting his game survive. Lily looked irritated when Phyllis brought up Daniel and Heather and how it had been inevitable that they would get back together. "Women like us, we go on and persevere," Phyllis said. "What do you want?" Lily snapped. Phyllis wondered if Lily already regretted her decision to work with Billy.

Lily tried to blow Phyllis off, but Phyllis persisted. "Do yourself a favor," Phyllis said, reminding Lily that they had known Billy a very long time. Phyllis warned Lily not to be blinded by Billy's charms, and Phyllis pointed out that Billy always looked out for only himself. Phyllis asked why Lily would partner with Billy when she could be working with her family.

Harrison and Jack were back home, playing Go Fish, when Claire walked in. When Jack and Claire were alone together, Jack asked her if something was wrong. "I'm afraid there is, and I don't know what to do about it," Claire said.

Claire told Jack that she could tell Harrison was trying to act happy to distract Kyle and Summer from yelling at each other. Jack and Claire talked about their concerns for Harrison. Jack shared that Kyle also had childhood trauma, but Jack couldn't get Kyle to see the parallels. Jack asked Claire to try to talk to Kyle, as he wouldn't listen to his parents.

Harrison confided to Claire that he knew that his parents were mad, and it was probably because of him. Claire told Harrison that sometimes, grown-ups had disagreements, and they could get loud, which was scary. "But your mom and dad love you very much. You're not to blame for anything, do you understand that? It's important that you do, always," Claire explained.

Jack saw Billy at Society and joined him at the bar. Billy said that he was glad to run into Jack, as he wanted to give Jack a heads-up that Billy was adding the Abbott name to Chancellor Industries. Jack said that he had heard about the idea from Devon, but when it hadn't happened yet, he'd thought Billy had come to his senses.

Jack said that Abbott was a family name. Billy declared that it was also his name and his mother's, as well, and therefore, it was technically a family company -- just not Jack's company. Jack told Billy that in his mind, Chancellor was and always would be Katherine's company, so he couldn't approve of the name change. He said Billy should honor Katherine's legacy. "I'm forging a new legacy, so maybe you should start respecting that," Billy snapped.

Traci and Alan are smitten with each other
Traci and Alan are smitten with each other

Traci and Alan are smitten with each other

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

by Tiffany M

Claire, Victoria, and Harrison were at Chancellor Park, and Victoria asked if Claire knew what Harrison's fall schedule would be. Claire thought Victoria might be hoping that Claire would go to work at Newman, after all. Victoria insisted that she would not be pressuring Claire to make any career decisions. Claire hoped that she hadn't upset Nikki by refusing the job offer. Victoria admitted that she would love it if Claire ever wanted to work at Newman Enterprises. Claire said that the timing just wasn't right with the custody battle happening over Harrison.

Claire said that the "dynamic between Kyle and Summer" had been difficult to watch, so she couldn't imagine what it was like for Harrison to see his parents like that. Victoria hoped that Claire wasn't letting Kyle and Summer's discord get to her, but Claire said that she was not "jaded" by their struggles. Claire confessed that she had been "tempted" by the offer to work with Newman. Victoria asked if Claire had considered changing her last name to Newman. Claire said that "it would be an honor."

Victor and Nikki were at Newman Enterprises, discussing Chancellor's history. Nikki was very excited to start leading the company. She told Victor that she had asked Claire to join Chancellor, but Claire had declined the offer. Nikki recounted that Claire felt she needed to take care of Harrison while Kyle and Summer were at odds over custody. Nikki said she thought that Claire could be a real "asset" to Chancellor, and she said that she would "welcome" Claire if Claire ever changed her mind. Victor said that he wanted to see everyone in the family take their "rightful place at the Newman empire."

Claire and Victoria arrived at the office, and Claire shared that she had "officially" decided to change her last name. Nikki and Victor were elated. Claire left to get back to Harrison, and Victor said that Claire was a "remarkable young woman." Victor hoped that Claire would eventually change her mind and join Newman.

At the Athletic Club, Summer recounted to Chance that she'd had an altercation with Kyle over Harrison's illness. Summer was at a loss for "how to fix" things with Kyle, and she told Chance that she had even gone to Victor for help. Chance said that Summer should be careful, since Victor's methods could "be a bit extreme at times."

Summer reviewed her conversation with Kyle, and she told Chance that she had demanded Kyle cut Audra "out of his life." Summer said that Kyle had been "overly" defensive, and she wondered if there was more to the story between Kyle and Audra. Summer didn't understand why Kyle was "so dead set" on working with Audra at Glissade. Chance suggested that Kyle was tired of fighting, too, and Kyle had tried to offer Summer "a fair solution." Summer asked if Chance was "taking Kyle's side," but Chance insisted that he was trying to support Summer.

Summer told Chance that Kyle had stormed out of the coffeehouse after Summer had brought up Audra. Chance calmly suggested that Summer "really think through" what to do next. Chance said that he had been in a similar situation when he had divorced Abby, and he encouraged Summer to "focus on what was most important." Chance cautioned that there wasn't a guarantee that Summer could win custody if she decided to battle it out.

Summer had calmed down after talking things through with Chance. Chance said that Summer was a great mother, and that everything would work out. Summer said that she would "try one more time" to work things out with Kyle, and she appreciated how supportive Chance had been. They kissed before leaving to go to work.

Summer walked through Chancellor Park, and she bumped into Claire. Claire said that Harrison was with Kyle, and Summer wondered why Kyle wasn't at work. Summer pried for information about Audra and Kyle, but Claire said that it was "not [her] place" to say anything about Kyle. Summer said that she deserved to know if something was "not right" with Kyle and Audra.

Traci and Alan arrived at the Abbott mansion, and Alan excitedly declared that he wanted to know everything about Traci's past in the house. Diane walked in and welcomed Traci and Alan, and Traci suggested they go to lunch.

At Society, Jack told Billy that the "Abbott name" didn't belong to Chancellor. Jack wanted "the name to be respected," and Billy argued that Abbott was Billy's name, too. Billy felt attacked, and he wanted Jack to admit that he thought Billy was "destined to be a failure."

Jack and Billy continued to argue about the Abbott name, and Billy accused Jack of thinking Billy's plan for Abbott-Chancellor would "go up in flames." Jack felt that Jabot was a symbol of the Abbotts and that Billy had just "slapped" their name on something else. Jack reminded Billy that Abbott wasn't even Jill's name anymore. Jack backed down and said that he didn't want tension with Billy. Billy felt that he had "finally found [his] place at Abbott-Chancellor," and Jack said that he wanted Billy "to succeed."

Jack confided in Billy about the issues he and Diane had recently had with Kyle. Billy was supportive of Jack, and he assured Jack that Kyle would work his way back to his family. Jack seemed defeated by the situation, but Billy told Jack that he was "an amazing father." Billy said that he had noticed how resentful Kyle had become, and Billy advised Jack to let Kyle fail to "shake him up."

Diane, Traci, and Alan arrived at the restaurant, and Jack and Billy said that they would join them for lunch. Traci and Alan talked about going to Los Angeles, and Alan updated everyone that Ashley's progress had been "excellent." Jack expressed his gratitude to Alan, and Traci and Alan looked at each other adoringly. Jack said that he hadn't realized how close Traci and Alan had become. Traci and Alan grinned as they talked about how they had gotten to know each other. Traci told her family that they had gone to L.A. to discuss turning her book into a movie, but it hadn't panned out. Alan called the movie executives "idiots" for not knowing that Traci's book was "perfect."

Diane said that Alan seemed "smitten," and Alan "[couldn't] deny it." Billy remarked, "This looks like the real thing." Traci, still grinning from ear to ear, agreed. Jack said he felt "unspeakable joy" at seeing Traci so happy. Billy asked how things were going to work with Traci living in New York and Alan living in Paris. Alan said that once Ashley was done with treatment, he didn't really need to stay in Paris. Alan said, "I want to be where Traci is."

Sally and Billy overhear a private conversation
Sally and Billy overhear a private conversation

Sally and Billy overhear a private conversation

Thursday, August 15, 2024

by Tiffany M

At Society, Billy approached Sally while she worked at her laptop. Sally and Billy exchanged positive feelings about Connor's progress, and they agreed that Chelsea and Adam seemed better. Billy admitted that he still suspected something was going on, and Sally advised Billy to let it go.

Billy said that he had backed off on his questions for Chelsea, even though he still suspected that Chelsea was keeping a secret. Sally said that Billy's concerns had gotten in her head, but she hadn't let them "get the best of" her. Sally reported that she and Adam had bonded over losing Ava, and she no longer had doubts about Adam. Billy said that he found it "hard to believe" that he was the only one still bothered by what Chelsea and Adam were hiding.

Sally accused Billy of "relentless paranoia," but he continued to be skeptical that Sally was completely over her suspicions. Sally advised Billy to focus on Connor and quit worrying about things between Adam and Chelsea. Billy committed to focusing on Connor, and Billy suggested that he and Sally go to the park to hang out with Adam, Chelsea, and Connor.

Adam, Chelsea, and Connor were playing football in Chancellor Park when Connor lost focus and stared off into space. Adam and Chelsea worried that they would never know what would trigger Connor. Chelsea asked if Connor felt "strange" being back at home. Connor replied, "Some stuff's gonna be weird for a while, but I gotta figure out ways to deal with it."

Adam and Chelsea gave Connor kudos for his maturity and growth. Adam said that he would "trust" that Connor would let his parents know when they were needed. Connor asked if his parents were playing in the park with him because of his OCD, but he assured them that he wasn't mad if that was the case. Connor remarked that it seemed like Adam and Chelsea liked "each other again." Adam and Chelsea awkwardly said that they did like each other. Connor asked if he could go buy something at a drink cart, and he left.

Chelsea said that she hoped Connor didn't "sense anything else" between her and Adam. Adam insisted that Connor didn't suspect their indiscretion. Adam and Chelsea started reminiscing about their past memories together. Adam said that their night together in Baltimore didn't have to be turned into a "catastrophe." Connor returned with the drinks.

Chelsea, Adam, and Connor talked about what Connor had been like when he'd been little. Connor asked if his parents were "sad" that his OCD was "forever." Chelsea suggested that they all should focus on things that made them happy, and Connor said that he was lucky to have parents who didn't "freak out" like other kids' parents had. Connor went to recycle the drink cans. Adam and Chelsea looked off at Connor with pride, and they held hands for a moment before releasing each other.

Billy and Sally arrived at Chancellor Park and approached Chelsea and Adam from behind. Chelsea told Adam that she was glad Connor had picked up on his parents' working as a team, and not on the "tension and guilt from that one night."

Nick and Daniel ran into each other at Society, and Daniel asked Nick how Sharon had been doing. Daniel mentioned the game he had offered to create "in Cassie's memory," and he wondered why Sharon hadn't been returning his calls about it. Nick admitted that he had been worried about Sharon, too. Daniel said that he had given Lucy the whole story on what had happened the night Cassie had died.

Nick appreciated Daniel's idea, but Nick asked that Daniel "keep [his] distance" from Sharon. Daniel agreed to stay away from Sharon if Nick thought that was best. Daniel changed the subject to what had happened between Faith and Lucy at the concert. Daniel explained that Lucy had drunk alcohol, and she had been grounded. Daniel lamented that Lucy had an "obsession with growing up fast."

Sharon was working at home when Faith asked if Sharon had finished packing for the spa. Sharon said that she was going to postpone the trip because she had asked Mariah to take on too much at Cassidy First. From the couch, Sharon's hallucination of Cameron told her that she had been "convincing" when she had lied to Faith.

Faith was worried about Sharon's lack of focus, but Sharon tried to change the subject. Mariah walked in while Sharon was yelling at Faith to "drop" it. Mariah asked if Sharon thought Mariah was unable to handle things at Cassidy First by herself. Sharon said that there had been a few things happening at work that she wanted to take care of, but Mariah said that she had already handled those issues for Sharon. Faith and Mariah continued to push Sharon to tell them what was "going on."

Sharon was irate that her daughters were treating her like she was "about to fall apart." Faith and Mariah apologized, and "Cameron" advised Sharon to "rein it in" so her daughters would "back off." Sharon immediately calmed down, and she apologized for her behavior. Sharon promised that she would rebook her travel plans later that day.

Nick arrived, and Faith's phone pinged. Faith reported that it was Lucy texting "for the 17th time," and Faith told Mariah what had happened at the concert. Faith complained about Lucy's persistence, and as the family discussed it, Sharon lost focus and looked over at "Cameron." Faith was torn between being nice to Lucy and wanting to tell Lucy that they had nothing in common due to their age difference. Sharon, Nick, and Mariah advised Faith to be honest with Lucy before things got worse. "Cameron" gave Sharon a thumbs-up for appearing to be normal.

Nick asked when Sharon was leaving for Sedona. Sharon said that she had gone back on her medicine, causing her to feel a bit off. Nick suggested that Sharon refrain from rebooking the trip and that she allow him, Mariah, and Faith to take care of her at home. "Cameron" commented on "Prince Nicholas" trying to save Sharon again.

Sharon appreciated Nick's support. Nick and Mariah got ready to leave for work, and Mariah asked if she could continue to help out at Cassidy First, even though Sharon was staying in town. Sharon focused on "Cameron," and her family looked at her with worry.

At Crimson Lights, Daniel and Heather discussed Lucy's moping around the house. Heather and Daniel joked about how "terrible and stupid" they were as parents. Daniel said that he wanted to talk to Lucy again about "how royally she screwed up" by drinking. Heather thought that Lucy was "too mortified" to discuss things yet. Heather tried to see the positives, and she reminded Daniel that Lucy had told them the truth about what had happened. Heather told Daniel that it was not his fault that Lucy had done something "stupid."

Billy and Sally want answers
Billy and Sally want answers

Billy and Sally want answers

Friday, August 16, 2024

by Tiffany M

Audra dropped in on Victor at Newman Enterprises, and she reported that Paris had been a productive "whirlwind." Audra asked why Victor wanted to meet at Newman, since their partnership was a secret. Victor said that he had a cover story, and he wanted to know what Audra had done to "provoke" Summer to sue Kyle for sole custody. Kyle walked in and said that he would like to know the answer, too.

Audra said that she had "no idea" what Victor and Kyle were talking about. Kyle reported that Summer didn't trust Audra, and Audra retorted that Kyle needed to "sort out [his] own family drama." Victor suggested that they move on to business. Kyle noted that his presence was unexpected, and he asked if Audra had been getting ready to fill Victor in on business while leaving Kyle out of the loop.

Audra explained that Kyle had been "distracted by personal issues." Audra filled Kyle and Victor in on what she had worked on in Paris. Victor suggested that Kyle and Audra begin planning the "launch party" for the company. Audra shared her ideas for the party, but Kyle disagreed with her approach. After Audra and Kyle argued for a bit, Victor reminded them that they needed to work together to figure things out.

Audra assured Victor that she and Kyle would "hash" everything out. Kyle said that he needed to discuss the custody situation with Victor before meeting Audra back at the office. Audra left.

Kyle swore that things with Audra would be "handled," and Victor replied, "Don't make me regret hiring you." Kyle said that he had "tried very hard" to work things out with Summer, but she had insisted that Kyle cut Audra out of his life. Victor asked if "getting rid of Audra" had been Kyle's idea or Summer's.

Kyle said that the idea had been Summer's, and he was struggling with how to "appease her." Victor replied that it seemed Kyle had been "fighting battles on several fronts," and Victor asked if Kyle needed "some allies."

Summer and Phyllis were at Society, and Summer recounted how upset she still was after her conversation with Kyle. Summer said that initially, Kyle had acted like he wanted to "negotiate" custody, but it had become apparent that Kyle wanted to maintain the status quo. Summer and Phyllis rehashed Kyle's recent behavior, and Summer said that she had told Kyle that he had to "cut all ties with Audra."

Phyllis agreed with Summer's feelings about Audra, but Phyllis warned that it wasn't realistic to think Kyle could walk away from Glissade or force Audra out of the company. Phyllis asked if Summer thought that Kyle and Audra "were having a personal relationship again." Phyllis speculated that Summer could be jealous of Kyle "moving on with someone else."

Summer adamantly denied that she had feelings for Kyle, and she insisted that all her concerns were regarding Harrison's welfare. Phyllis shared that she had "made a lot of mistakes" in the past because she'd been jealous of an ex. Phyllis said that it was "a pretty big ask" to tell Kyle that he had to remove Audra from his life. Phyllis wondered if Summer had been testing Kyle to see if he still cared for Summer.

Summer was annoyed that Phyllis thought Summer still cared for Kyle, and that Chance thought Summer was "out for revenge." Phyllis asked what Summer had told Chance, and Phyllis advised that Summer shouldn't talk to Chance about her previous relationship. Summer said that Chance had been "very supportive."

Phyllis said that everyone was worried about Summer, and Phyllis cautioned her daughter to "take a step back." Summer said that she needed "to think," and she left the restaurant.

Victor arrived at Society, and Phyllis asked to discuss Summer. Phyllis said that Victor never did "anything out of the goodness" of his heart. Phyllis implored Victor to leave Summer out of any schemes he had planned. Phyllis said that Victor would have to "go through" her if he involved Summer, and Victor snickered. Victor said that Phyllis was being "ridiculous," but Phyllis wanted to know what Victor had said to Kyle. Victor replied, "None of your business," and he walked away.

At Chancellor-Park, Billy and Sally overheard Chelsea reference "that one night." Connor returned, and he said hello to Sally and Billy. Sally and Billy said that they had wanted to see how Connor was doing. After Connor said that he'd been doing better, he said that he was tired and asked to go home. Adam, Chelsea, and Connor left.

Billy and Sally compared notes about what they had heard Chelsea say when they had walked up. Sally said, "Maybe something did happen between them." Sally started speculating about what could be going on, and Billy said that they shouldn't "jump to conclusions" yet.

After dropping Connor off upstairs for a nap, Chelsea and Adam discussed whether Sally and Billy had overheard their conversation. Adam suggested that they not "panic," but Chelsea started spiraling with concerns. Adam told Chelsea that she had to maintain their lie, but Chelsea said that she couldn't "do this anymore."

Chelsea and Adam continued disagreeing on how best to handle the situation. As Adam put his head down in frustration, Billy entered the coffeehouse. Billy said that he needed to speak with Chelsea, but Adam said that it wasn't "a good time." Although Chelsea looked concerned, she told Adam to go home to Sally. Adam left.

Billy told Chelsea that he had overheard what she had said to Adam at the park. Billy said that something was tearing Chelsea up inside, and he insisted she tell him the truth.

When Adam returned to his apartment, Sally was waiting. Adam talked about Connor for a minute, and then he asked if Sally was okay. Sally said that it was time for Adam to tell her what had happened.

At the jazz lounge, Nate greeted Audra with a kiss. Audra seemed a bit taken aback, and she reminded Nate that they were keeping "things casual." Audra happily filled Nate in on her time in Paris, where she had been "on fire." Nate said that it sounded like Audra hadn't needed Kyle's help, and she agreed, saying that she wished she could "get rid" of Kyle. Nate asked who the mystery owner was, but Audra again refused to tell him.

Audra told Nate that Kyle was trying to "sabotage" her. Nate encouraged Audra to "play [things] smart." Audra agreed that she needed to "stay focused," and she thanked Nate for his help. Audra asked Nate to buy her dinner.

At the Athletic Club restaurant, Audra promised to stop talking about work. Audra asked what it would "look like" if she and Nate had a real "relationship." Nate described what a relationship should be like, and he said that he wanted "to be there" for Audra. Audra spotted Kyle entering the restaurant, and she said, "Uh oh."

Kyle approached, and Audra commented about Kyle staying behind to talk to the boss alone. Audra asked how "badly" Kyle had thrown her "under the bus."

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