Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 5, 2024 on Y&R

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Faith discovered that Lucy had been drinking. Lily insisted that Billy step down at Chancellor. Jack and Diane celebrated their wedding anniversary.
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 5, 2024 on Y&R

Faith discovered that Lucy had been drinking at the concert. Jack and Diane celebrated their wedding anniversary. Victor ordered Kyle to work things out with Summer. Lily insisted that Billy step down at Chancellor. Sally turned to Billy for support.

Jack and Diane celebrate their one-year anniversary
Jack and Diane celebrate their one-year anniversary

Jack and Diane celebrate their one-year anniversary

Monday, August 5, 2024

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by Jenny Smith

At the Athletic Club, Lucy excitedly told Daniel and Heather about the food trucks and pop-up shops that would be at the music festival. Lucy squealed that there would even be a tattoo booth, and her parents firmly said "no" in unison. Heather suggested that Daniel take his sketchbook, but Lucy announced that her dad wasn't going with her -- Faith was. Heather voiced surprise, and Lucy claimed that Faith had begged her to go together. Heather prepared to get two more wristbands, so she and Daniel could join the girls. Lucy glowered.

Lucy protested that her parents couldn't accompany her because everyone would think she was still a kid. Heather pointed out that Lucy was one. Daniel reported that he'd already checked, and the concert was sold out. Heather referred to the resale market, but Daniel opined that it wasn't a big deal for Lucy to go without them because Faith was trustworthy. Daniel insisted that the girls take a rideshare and that Lucy keep a tracking app on at all times.

Heather argued that it was supposed to be an evening for Lucy and her dad, and she lectured against ditching people for a better offer. Lucy whined that she'd gone from Savannah to Lisbon to Genoa City with no friends to show for it. She asserted that she finally had someone cool who wanted to hang out with her, and, as Summer's sister, Faith was practically part of their family. Lucy pleaded for them not to rob her of the one chance she had to make a friend.

Heather contended that she had every right as a mom to make the call about whether Lucy could go to the concert without them. Heather decided to allow it with some ground rules, including no drinking, smoking, vaping, or leaving a non-alcoholic drink unattended. Heather added that there were things Faith could do legally that Lucy couldn't, and even if Faith did them, it still wasn't okay for Lucy. Lucy insisted that she got it, and she rushed off to get ready. Daniel laughed and mused, "What an age."

Heather contemplated whether Lucy's "fangirling" over Faith was getting excessive. Daniel recalled that when Cassie had been Lucy's age, she had wanted to be friends with Lily, Colleen, and him. He shared that it had been a weird few days after he'd run into Sharon at Society, and the tragedy of Cassie's death had rushed back. Daniel sympathized that Sharon was obviously still hurting, and he mentioned that he'd offered to create a game in collaboration with Cassidy First to honor Cassie.

Heather loved the idea and saw how much it meant to Daniel. He believed that any friendship between Lucy and Faith would present another level of complication, and it was tough for him to see how desperate his kid was to make a friend. Daniel relayed that he'd told Lucy to slow down, but part of him was glad about Lucy's persistence, since there was a glimmer of hope that it would make things less painful between him and Sharon if their daughters became friends.

Daniel suspected that Faith wasn't interested in hanging out with a younger kid and had only accepted Lucy's invitation to be nice. Heather questioned why Daniel had given up his ticket for a "charity hangout." Daniel divulged that Lucy had told Faith that he'd needed to back out, and he'd gone along with the story so Lucy wouldn't get caught in a lie. Heather thought Daniel shouldn't have let Lucy off the hook for lying. Daniel remarked that "that one" hadn't been that egregious. Heather was taken aback when she realized it hadn't been Lucy's only lie.

Daniel revealed that Lucy's invitation to the pool party had been revoked because she was under 21. Heather recounted that Lucy had told them about what a great time she'd had, but Daniel noted that their daughter had just gone along with the questions they'd asked. Heather stressed that a lie was a lie, but she imagined that Lucy had kept the truth from them because she'd been embarrassed by the rejection.

At the cottage, Sharon lost track of what she and Faith had been talking about. Faith apologized for bothering her mother with her concerns about Lucy, but Sharon insisted that she was fine. Faith remarked that Lucy was nice but that she also seemed incredibly lonely and desperate. Sharon imagined it had been difficult for Lucy to make lasting connections because the girl had moved around a lot. Faith confirmed that it was the reason she'd said yes, but Sharon looked confused. Faith reminded Sharon that Lucy had invited her to a concert that night.

Sharon chirped that it would be fun. Faith preferred to cancel and instead help Sharon prepare for her spa trip. As Sharon incessantly clicked a pen open and closed, she clucked that no daughter in the history of daughters had ever wanted to help her mom pack instead of going to a concert, and she swore that she didn't need help. Faith asked whether it was weird because Daniel's kid was close to the age Cassie had been when she'd died. Sharon insisted that she was fine with Faith spending time with Lucy.

Faith considered it embarrassing for someone her age to hang out with someone Lucy's age, but Sharon asked when Faith had started caring about what other people thought. Faith hesitated to allow Lucy to think they were actual friends or that Faith would start taking Lucy places with her. Sharon sensed that there was more to it than not wanting to spend time with someone younger. Faith found Lucy to be clingy, and she confided that she was starting to think Lucy was a little obsessed with her.

Sharon reasoned that Lucy really wanted to fit in but hadn't met many kids her own age yet -- and if Lucy had, she'd consider them childish because of the sophistication of her own life experiences. Faith complained that it didn't make the situation less "cringy," and she doubted Lucy would enjoy one night out and then leave Faith alone. Sharon advised Faith to set boundaries and to encourage Lucy to socialize with her own peers, starting by sowing the seeds that night.

Sharon inquired whether Faith liked the band, and Faith compared the headliner to her favorite group. Faith was reluctant to miss out on spending time with her mom, but Sharon figured it would only be for a few hours. Sharon urged Faith to go and try to have fun. Sharon implored Faith to feel good about making an awkward young lady feel accepted. Faith sighed and hoped Lucy got the hint that it wouldn't be a regular thing.

Later, Lucy arrived at the cottage, and Sharon said she looked great. Lucy admitted that she hadn't been sure what to wear, and Sharon assured her that she would fit in. Faith descended the stairs, and Lucy complimented her dress. Faith stammered that Lucy's outfit was "super fun," too. Faith hoped Sharon was still awake when she got back, but Lucy anticipated that the show would go pretty late. After Faith and Lucy left, Sharon sat on the couch and unclenched her hand, which had still been clutching the pen. She discovered that her palm was covered in ink.

At Crimson Lights, Summer, Phyllis, and Harrison played "never have I ever," and Summer declared that she'd never eaten a bug. Harrison proclaimed that he had, since a bug had flown into his mouth by accident at camp and gone straight down his throat. Summer vowed never to open her mouth outside ever again, but Harrison teased that she'd have to if he tickled her. Summer responded by tickling him first, and Phyllis observed that the two were like best friends. Phyllis advised the boy to never be afraid to tell anyone that -- including daddies, nannies, and judges. Summer's smile faded when she saw an incoming call from Kyle on her phone. Phyllis reached over and pressed the button to ignore the call.

Harrison shared that he'd been learning about the letter "M" at camp. Summer suggested Harrison check out the jukebox to see how many "M" words he could find. After Harrison ran off, Summer scolded Phyllis for declining Kyle's call, since he'd probably wanted to say goodnight to Harrison. Phyllis rolled her eyes at the thought of Kyle checking on the son he'd abandoned to go to Paris with an "undesirable" while Summer was there, focusing on building a bond with Harrison. Phyllis predicted that in court, there would be no question who Harrison should be with.

Summer clarified that she was spending time with Harrison because she loved him, and it had nothing to do with a judge. Phyllis cautioned that Kyle's attorneys would scrutinize every move Summer made, and it might be the difference between winning or losing custody. Phyllis called Summer the best mom, and she was sure Harrison would agree with her. Summer thanked Phyllis and groaned that she hadn't felt supported lately. Summer complained that her dad and Daniel acted judgy whenever the subject of custody was broached, like she was doing something unforgivable to her son.

Phyllis noted that the men had been through similar situations and had their own baggage, and she was certain that part of Daniel identified with Harrison. Summer testily wondered if it was Phyllis' way of warning her against filing, too. Phyllis swore that she fully supported Summer and understood what her daughter was going through. Phyllis insisted that she had Summer's back, and that would never change. A panicked Harrison returned to the table, and Summer asked what was wrong. "Everything!" Harrison cried.

Faith and Lucy stopped by Crimson Lights for coffee. Lucy overeagerly took a swig of her hot drink and winced when it burned her lip. Embarrassed, Faith quickly looked away and pretended she hadn't noticed. Phyllis approached and fawned over how adorable the girls looked. Lucy mentioned that they were going to the concert, and Phyllis said she'd thought Daniel was taking Faith to it. Lucy firmly stated that she was taking Faith.

Phyllis expressed concern about Lucy's blistered lip. Lucy squirmed, and Phyllis abruptly changed the topic by complimenting Lucy's skirt. Sharon entered the coffeehouse and commented that she'd thought Faith and Lucy would be dancing the night away by then. Lucy explained that they'd picked up coffee because it would be a late night, but Faith stressed that it wouldn't be too late. Faith ushered Lucy out to meet their driver.

Sharon glared at Phyllis before silently walking away. Phyllis followed Sharon and demanded to know what the stern look had been about. Sharon countered that she didn't want to fight, and she was glad the girls were having a big night together. Phyllis praised Faith for being really sweet, and she mentioned how Lucy looked up to Faith. "Maybe a little too much," Sharon snapped.

Phyllis was appalled at Sharon's insinuation that Lucy was a stalker. Sharon reiterated that she was happy the girls were together, and she hoped they had the time of their lives. Phyllis lectured that they should be bridging the gap between their families instead of creating more of a divide. Phyllis acknowledged that Lucy should be making friends her own age, but Faith had been lovely by making Lucy feel special. Phyllis spat that obviously Faith was more sensitive than her mother, and she stalked off.

Meanwhile, Daniel checked the tracking app and saw that Lucy had arrived at the fairground. Heather lamented that her "sweet, funny little peanut" was lying, going to see bands, and trying to befriend adults. Daniel swore they'd get through it. "Maybe," Heather bemoaned, and she craved some comfort food. He suggested they split a brownie, but she thought she needed one of her own.

"This is awesome!" Lucy exclaimed as she and Faith arrived at the concert, adding that she couldn't wait to get inside and "mosh-pit so hard." Faith asked if Lucy had meant "mosh," and Lucy claimed it was what she'd said. Faith prepared to run to the bathroom -- unless Lucy wasn't comfortable waiting by herself. "Go do your thing!" Lucy blurted out. After Faith stepped away, Lucy's enthusiastic demeanor faded, and she told herself to relax. She reached inside her bag and pulled out an unlabeled bottle of clear liquid. She anxiously looked around to see if anyone was watching.

Diane walked into the Abbott mansion and called out that she had great news about the release date of a new product line. She stopped in her tracks when she discovered bouquets of flowers and an elaborate spread of food in the living room. Jack appeared and welcomed her home. She marveled that it was stunning. "Yes, you are," he replied.

Jack informed Diane that the one caveat to the surprise was that she had to leave all her troubles behind from that point forward. Diane told him to consider it done. Jack popped open a bottle of Champagne and proclaimed that he'd arranged for her favorite food, her favorite flowers, and her favorite bubbly. "And my favorite husband," she added. They wished one another a happy anniversary, and they kissed.

Jack admitted that Mrs. Martinez had played a role in making his vision become a reality. Diane shared that the housekeeper had also helped her turn their bedroom into an intimate boudoir to surprise him, and Jack looked forward to it. He explained that he'd planned to take her out, but with Kyle in Paris, Harrison spending the night with Summer, and Traci in L.A., he'd realized they had the place to themselves. Diane wondered why Traci was in L.A., and Jack replied that he didn't have the details, but he knew his sister was with Alan.

Diane was happy for Traci, and she wished the rest of the family was doing as well. Jack gently scolded that she was breaking the rules of their "marital sanctuary," and she promised not to mention anything else that would spoil the mood. He insisted that the night be about celebrating their first year of wedded bliss. She called it the best year of her life. Jack turned on some music and asked Diane to dance. "As if I'd ever turn down the chance to be in your arms," she purred, and he twirled her around.

Diane couldn't believe it had already been a year, and she wanted time to slow down so moments like those didn't just slip away. Jack pledged to make it his mission to show her how much he loved her every day for the rest of their lives. He presented her with a gift box and explained that he'd gone with a paper theme for their first anniversary. She found a framed copy of his wedding vows to her inside, and he declared that the words he'd spoken at their ceremony still stood true that day.

Diane started to read the vows aloud, but she became choked up, and Jack completed them. "You are my life. You are my heart. You are my love," he said, adding that his whole world had opened up again when she'd said, "I do." "I did, I do, and I always, always will," she replied, and they kissed.

Diane gave Jack her gift to him and prompted him to read the card first. Jack read aloud that she'd first fallen in love with him nearly 25 years earlier, but something had always prevented them from making a lasting commitment until then. In her note, she wondered how she'd let that much time pass without him, since, while neither one of them was perfect, they were somehow perfect together. Jack continued reading that the calendar said they'd been at it for one year, but Diane's heart said they'd been connected since the beginning of time. Blushing, Diane said she hadn't realized how sappy it sounded. Jack told her the note was lovely, and he loved it and loved her.

As Jack opened the gift, Diane revealed that she'd also gone with a paper theme by creating a book of coupons redeemable for things like total control of the remote, massages, and spending the day in bed. She pointed to one coupon in particular, and Jack amorously asked how soon he could redeem it. She opted to finish her drink first, and he told her to do it quickly because he'd have to stop himself from redeeming everything at once. They were kissing as Harrison burst through the front door, followed by Summer.

Summer explained that Harrison had forgotten his stuffed bunny, but she noticed the romantic setting and apologized for interrupting. Jack and Diane revealed that they'd been celebrating their anniversary in an empty house, and Summer promised it would soon be empty again. Summer added that it was nice to see them having a nice time, since she knew things hadn't been easy with Kyle and Glissade. Diane inquired whether Summer was still planning to seek sole custody, and Summer huffed that Kyle hadn't given her much choice. Jack argued that despite the issues they all had with Kyle, Kyle loved Harrison very much. Summer agreed -- but sometimes she felt like Kyle loved himself more.

After Harrison fetched his bunny from upstairs, he asked if his grandparents were having a party. Diane informed him that she and Jack were celebrating one year of marriage, and she offered the boy caviar. Harrison grimaced when Jack told him caviar was fish eggs. Summer wished the couple a happy anniversary, and she and Harrison left.

Diane said she hated the way Summer had talked about Kyle, but Jack thought Summer had made some valid points. Diane worried that they would see Harrison even less if Summer won custody. Jack enforced their anniversary rules and requested to redeem one of his coupons in the love nest she'd been talking about. They happily scurried upstairs.

Sally opens up to Billy about a painful anniversary
Sally opens up to Billy about a painful anniversary

Sally opens up to Billy about a painful anniversary

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

by Erin Goldsby

Sally ran into Billy at Society. Billy was happy that everything was coming together at Abbot-Chancellor, and he showed her the new logo. Billy told Sally that for the first time in a long time, he was exactly where he should be, carrying on the Abbott legacy, honoring his mother, and leading the company with someone he respected. "Sky's the limit," Billy said.

Billy and Sally talked about Adam and Chelsea and discussed their last conversation. Sally told Billy that Adam was still upset about it. Billy said he just wanted to help Chelsea. Sally asked why he thought more was going on, and Billy said it was just a feeling. He repeated how Chelsea had mentioned "guilt and mistakes," and he wondered if it had anything to do with Connor or if it was referencing something else.

Sally suggested that Chelsea might not be hiding something; she just might not have wanted to always burden him with her problems. Billy said he didn't buy that theory and thought she had a secret. Sally said sometimes people kept secrets with the best of intentions. Billy asked if she had something she wanted to talk about. Sally looked upset and asked if they could go for a walk to talk instead of doing it in Society.

Billy and Sally walked to the park and sat on a bench, where Sally tearfully told him that she and Adam had lost Ava one year before. "I would have given anything if it were me that died," Sally said, and she lamented that Adam had chosen for her to live instead. She wondered if it was weird that she talked to Ava every day, and Billy told her it was not. "She never even got to take her first breath," Sally cried.

Billy said his heart broke for Sally and Adam, but Sally confided that Adam hadn't mentioned it or even seemed to remember. "Nothing guts you like losing a child," Billy said, and he suggested that Adam was dealing with his feelings by focusing on Connor. Sally said Adam was the only one who knew how she felt, and she had really hoped that they could have gone through the anniversary of the loss of their daughter together.

Billy told Sally that he understood what she felt because he'd "been there, still there." They talked about Amelia and cried together as they shared memories of the daughters they'd lost. Billy told Sally he didn't think Adam had forgotten about Ava, but Adam was just trying to be there to help Connor. Billy said Adam was a good dad. "I just wish Ava had gotten to know that," Sally said. She pulled Ava's knitted cap out of her purse as she cried that Ava would have been bright and fierce. Billy agreed and said she would have been just like Sally.

At the Genoa City Athletic Club, Lily stopped by the bar to say hello to Nate, who was sitting alone. He was cold and sarcastic to Lily about her working with Billy. Nate told Lily that Devon had hopes and dreams about Hamilton-Winters, but she had shattered those dreams. "Hope it was worth it," Nate said.

Lily told Nate that she knew her brother better than Nate did. "We're good," she said. Lily told Nate she had no regrets, and Devon respected that. Lily told Nate that she and Devon had forgiven Nate for worse, and she told him to trust that she knew what she was doing. Nate pointed out that the whole reason for the merger had been to bring the family together, but Lily was fine with just blowing it up. "I guess it only matters when it's your idea," Nate sniped.

Victor and Nikki interrupted Lily and Nate. Lily confirmed to Victor that Devon had relayed Victor's warning to her. She asked Victor if he was coming after her and Billy.

Victor told Lily that Billy had a habit of running companies into the ground and repeating himself. Nikki added that they wouldn't want Lily to be hurt because of Billy. Lily told Victor and Nikki, "If your warning is a prelude to something more, then I hope you reconsider your plan." Victor and Nikki excused themselves and sat down at their table. Lily complained to Nate that everyone had discounted her role at the company, and it was insulting to imply she was weak with bad judgment. "I cannot wait to prove you all wrong," Lily said before leaving angrily.

At the concert, Faith could tell that Lucy wasn't herself, and Faith pulled Lucy out of the crowd. Lucy admitted that she had brought alcohol with her that she had taken from her mom's place. Lucy explained that she wanted to seem older and cool like Faith was, and Lucy wanted to impress Faith. Faith was very unimpressed and told Lucy they were leaving. She grabbed Lucy's arm and pulled her out of the concert grounds.

In a cab, Faith lectured Lucy about underage drinking. Lucy was worried and asked Faith not to tell her parents what had happened.

Alone at home, Sharon continued talking with Cameron's ghost, who told her that she could see him because she needed him. Sharon listed aloud all the rational reasons that she could see Cameron. He countered that there was only one way to get him to leave, and she knew what it was. Sharon responded by closing her eyes and saying, "Go away." Cameron told her she had dismissed her fears, but she needed to roll around in them and feel them instead. "Maybe then you'll find the itch that you need me to scratch," Cameron said. Sharon called him a byproduct of going off her meds, but he dared her to go back on them -- or finally confront the things that she had never put to rest. Sharon wondered what the things could be.

Sharon told Cameron to spell it out for her and give her some answers. Cameron said he wasn't the only one in her head. "Say her name," he said. Sharon reluctantly said, "Cassie." She cried as she realized that it was happening because she had lost Cassie and had almost lost Faith because of Cameron, and the emotions of it all were jumbled together. Cameron said, "You buried a knife in my chest to save Faith, but you couldn't save Cassie, and you live with that every single day. But is that really living?"

Cameron continued that Nick had always swooped in and rescued Sharon, and she didn't deserve what Nick had done to her. "All the love and wedded bliss went to hell after Cassie died," Cameron said. He suggested she deal with that, and Sharon said she was going back on her meds. Cameron said, "All this healing you want, you think you can only get it from Nick's love, but maybe you need it from something else, something only I can give you." Just then, Faith and Lucy walked in the door. Sharon said, "You're home early. The concert couldn't be over already. What happened?"

Faith lied to Sharon and said that Lucy wasn't feeling well, so they had returned. Lucy thanked Faith and apologized. "Keeping you safe is more important than some concert," Faith said, clearly agitated.

At the Athletic Club, Victor approached Nate and said he had seen Lily leave in an upset state. "If you want to take down the company, have at it, but keep Lily out of the path of whatever you have planned," Nate said. Victor told Nate to advise Lily to leave Chancellor. Nate said he agreed she should, and so did Devon; however, Lily was angry and defensive and was out to prove everyone wrong about Billy and Chancellor. "In that case, she's going to fail," Victor told Nate.

Lily walked into Crimson Lights and bumped into Daniel. With all the Abbott-Chancellor changes, Daniel wondered if he could get Omega Sphere back, but Lily dismissively told him to ask Devon. Lily was being cold, so Daniel asked if they could get to a point where they could be civil with one another. Daniel told Lily that he admired her for being able to give Billy the chance to work together and knock it out of the park, but he would hate to see her hurt. That comment made Lily laugh, and she sarcastically asked, "Really?" Daniel said, "Yes, really. Just be careful."

At the Athletic Club, Victor and Nikki returned to their table, and Victor told her about his conversation with Nate. Nikki agreed with Victor but asked for no more business talk for the rest of the evening.

Daniel arrived at Sharon's, surprised that Lucy and Faith had returned early. Faith told him that Lucy was feeling sick, and he thanked her for looking out for his daughter. Lucy told Faith, "Sorry for ruining your night. I'll make it up to you." Faith replied sternly, "Don't worry about it. Just take care of yourself." After Daniel and Lucy left, Sharon said, "Poor thing, hope she feels better." Faith scoffed, "Poor thing? It's so not what you think."

Faith told her mom that Lucy had brought alcohol with her and had been drinking. She recounted how Lucy had sneaked it into the concert, had gotten tipsy, and had been bumping into Faith. Faith said she'd been irritated and gotten Lucy out of there. Sharon told Faith that she understood why Faith had covered for Lucy in front of Daniel, but he and Heather needed to know the truth so they could watch out for their daughter. Cameron reappeared and said to Sharon, "The way you couldn't watch out for Cassie."

Daniel and Lucy walked into Crimson Lights, and he seemed confused about why she wanted to stop there. Lucy admitted that she wasn't sick; she was hungry and hadn't eaten all day. Daniel asked, "Why didn't you just eat something? Did something happen?" Daniel was stunned when Lucy confessed, "I drank, Dad. I snuck in some vodka, and Faith found out."

Billy walked into Crimson Lights and saw Lily. Billy looked concerned when Lily told him that Victor was definitely coming after them. He told Lily that if Victor wanted to go after Abbott-Chancellor, "then let him." Lily said, "He's not the problem. I made a mistake." "Are you bailing on me?" Billy asked. Lily responded, "I'm not leaving Chancellor, Billy. You are."

Lily asks Billy to take a step back at Chancellor
Lily asks Billy to take a step back at Chancellor

Lily asks Billy to take a step back at Chancellor

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

by Tiffany M

At Crimson Lights, Lily told Billy that he was the issue at Abbott-Chancellor. Lily said that she had spent her day defending Billy from his detractors. Billy didn't understand why Lily cared so much about what others were saying, but Lily said that Billy needed "to go." Lily and Billy argued about whether Victor was a serious "threat" to Abbott-Chancellor. Lily said that she had been "caught up" in Billy's plans, but she had realized that Billy brought "instability to everything" that he did. Lily refused to let Billy take her or the company "down" with him.

Billy insisted that the company was about to have great success, and Lily was just "buying all the crap" that people were saying. Billy didn't understand why everything seemed to have changed with Lily's plans. Billy said that it was not Lily's "call to make" whether he stayed at the company. Lily, exasperated, asked if Billy would consider taking a smaller role at the company and allowing her to "be the face and the voice of the new Chancellor image." Billy was shocked at Lily's suggestion, and he said that Lily was the one who should leave if she didn't like what he was doing. Billy said that he wasn't "going anywhere," and he left.

Abby and Devon were on a date at the jazz lounge. Devon talked about the challenges of separating the companies, and Abby said that Lily staying at Chancellor "didn't make it any easier" on Devon. Devon and Abby quickly agreed to stop talking about work. Abby and Devon were dancing when Abby suggested that they go on a vacation soon.

Devon replied that the company was "in the middle of a major transition." Abby argued that it was the "perfect time" to go on vacation, before they relaunched Winters. Devon said that they needed to stay in town for the announcement about Abbott-Chancellor. Abby asked if something was "bothering" Devon.

Devon said that he was just concerned about Lily, but Abby thought there was "something else" on Devon's mind. Devon confessed that he'd spoken with Victor, and Devon worried that Lily was going to be hurt by Victor's plans. Abby insisted that Lily could handle Billy and Victor. Abby again said that they should go on a trip, and Devon said that he'd figure something out. They kissed, and Abby suggested that they "head home." On their way out, they ran into Billy.

Billy told Devon to stop "filling [his] sister's head with lies" about Billy. Billy accused Devon of trying to "destroy" Billy's career. Devon advised Billy to "pump the brakes" on his attitude. Billy called Devon "a pain in the ass," and Devon retorted that he hoped Billy would take a look in the mirror and change his ways someday.

Billy sat at the bar alone, and he answered a call from Chelsea. Chelsea said that she was back at home with Connor. Billy and Chelsea made plans to see each other the next morning.

Lily was sitting in the park when she received a call from Billy. Billy said that he had an idea he wanted to share with her.

Devon and Abby continued their romantic evening at home in their bedroom.

At the Abbott mansion, Summer explained to Jack and Diane that Harrison had not been feeling well, so Summer had brought him to stay in his own bed. Kyle walked in and demanded to know what Summer had "let happen" to Harrison. Summer didn't understand why Kyle was not on the way to Paris. Diane confessed that she had called Kyle when Summer had brought Harrison over sick. Kyle went to check on Harrison, and Summer said that she couldn't believe Diane had called Kyle.

Diane defended her decision, but Summer accused Diane of trying to make Summer "look bad so that Kyle [would have] the upper hand in the custody battle." Jack tried to calm Summer down, and Kyle returned from checking on Harrison. Summer suggested that Kyle "hop back on" the jet and go to Paris. Kyle said that Sumer could go back to the Athletic Club. Both parents refused to leave until they knew Harrison was feeling better.

Jack invited Summer to spend the night, and she went upstairs to check on Harrison. Jack told Kyle that all the arguing was "not good for Harrison." Kyle thanked Diane for calling him about Harrison's situation, and he left. Jack warned Diane that the "terse thank you" from Kyle wasn't "exactly a ceasefire." Diane was obviously still encouraged that Kyle had been nice to her. Jack and Diane talked about their hopes for healing the family, and Jack suggested that they focus on helping Kyle and Summer "calm their storm."

Summer returned downstairs, and she told Kyle that Harrison was asking for Kyle.

Sally was asleep on the couch when Adam returned home from getting Connor in Baltimore. As she awoke, Sally hid Ava's baby hat under the pillow. Adam reported that he was home early because Connor had been ready to get home. Adam could tell something was wrong with Sally, but she said that she was "dazed" from having fallen asleep.

Adam filled Sally in on Connor's progress. Sally said that she was really happy to hear about Connor, but Adam continued to ask what was on Sally's mind. Sally deflected Adam's questions, and he went upstairs to change. Sally grabbed the baby hat she had been snuggling and hid it in the chair.

When Adam returned, Sally reported that she had been talking to Billy about what had been bothering Chelsea. Adam attributed any concerns Billy had had to Billy's own insecurity. Adam didn't know how much longer Billy and Chelsea could last together, and Sally questioned why Adam thought that. Adam explained that Billy only cared about himself, but Sally disagreed. Sally said that Billy had been very supportive of the situation with Connor, but Adam said that Billy was "self-destructive" and always ruined everything.

Sally didn't like that Adam was rooting for Chelsea and Billy to break up. Adam argued that Billy was a "toxic influence" on Connor. Adam said that he didn't want to spend more time talking about Chelsea and Billy. Sally went to bed, and Adam texted Chelsea to tell Connor goodnight. When he got up, Adam looked over and noticed the baby hat stuffed in the crack of the chair. Adam realized why Sally had been off.

Adam thought back to the night he and Sally had lost their baby, and he remembered telling Sally that the baby "didn't make it." Sally walked downstairs and saw Adam holding the hat. Adam apologized for his preoccupation, and he realized that it had been a year since the baby had died. Adam and Sally teared up, and Sally said that she understood that Adam had been going through a lot with Connor. Adam said that they should have "grieved together" over Ava. Sally hugged the baby hat, and then Adam pulled Sally in for a hug.

Summer and Kyle continue to hurl accusations at each other
Summer and Kyle continue to hurl accusations at each other

Summer and Kyle continue to hurl accusations at each other

Thursday, August 8, 2024

by Tiffany M

At Crimson Lights, Chelsea and Connor met Adam. Connor reported that being home was "kind of weird," and it had "triggered the OCD." Connor explained that he had kept his OCD under control by using the "strategies" he'd learned in therapy. Adam and Chelsea were thrilled at Connor's "progress." Connor went to grab a snack, and Chelsea said that she had felt like she was "on high alert" with Connor at home. Chelsea and Adam agreed that they needed to stop catastrophizing what could happen with Connor, but they both felt unprepared to help their son.

Chelsea asked how things had been when Adam had gotten home to Sally. Adam reported that Sally had been "wonderful," but he had forgotten that it had been the one-year anniversary of their baby's death. Chelsea was sorry to hear the news. Adam said that he felt more guilty than he'd already been feeling. Chelsea said that Billy was "still suspicious" about what had been bothering Chelsea. Connor returned and asked, "Who's suspicious?" Chelsea acted like she had been talking about work.

Connor said that he had run into a former classmate while getting a treat. He sarcastically said that he had told the classmate that he'd been away "getting treatment for OCD." Chelsea wanted Connor to know he had nothing "to be ashamed of." Connor was tired, and he asked if could go upstairs for a nap. Adam said that he needed to get to the office, and he hugged Connor. Connor said that it felt like the three of them were "a family again." Chelsea and Adam looked at each other awkwardly, and then Chelsea and Connor left.

Billy and Lily met at Chancellor, and Billy asked if Lily still wanted him to leave the company. Lily said that she still felt that Billy should not hold a "prominent position." Lily and Billy talked about what Victor could be planning. Billy admitted his "record [was] spotty," but he said that he could "just as easily" ask Lily to leave the company.

Billy said that he had been very mad at Lily the night before, but he had eventually admitted to himself that he was "a liability" to Chancellor. Billy said that Lily and the company didn't "deserve" Victor's wrath due to Billy's name being attached to them. Lily was shocked at Billy's admissions. Billy said that he wouldn't "walk away," but he would agree to become a "silent partner." Lily hadn't thought that Billy would agree to something like that, but Billy said that he would do what she had asked for the good of the company.

Billy hoped that once Abbott-Chancellor had some success, he would be able to "step out from the shadows." Lily asked if Billy thought Victor "would just disappear." Billy felt that Victor wouldn't attack Lily the way he would Billy. Lily asked how they would publicize the change without making Billy appear to be "weak." Lily suggested they create a "plausible cover story." and Billy said that he had an idea, but it would involve Jill. Billy suggested that they "go public" with Jill's health condition, and tell the media that Billy was stepping away to take care of his mother.

Lily didn't think Jill would "go for" the plan, and Billy agreed that Jill would "hate it." Billy said that Jill would also hate it if Lily left the company or if Victor took over Chancellor. Billy suggested that they "keep it vague" for the press, and he thought Jill would get on board. Lily was still unsure about Billy's idea, but she suggested that Billy talk about it with Jill.

Billy went to Crimson Lights, where he ran into Adam. Adam reported that Chelsea and Connor were tired, and Adam suggested that Billy stop by "another time" if he was planning on visiting. Billy asked how long Adam wanted Billy to "stay away from Connor and Chelsea." Adam suggested that Billy wait until everyone was "comfortable having Connor back at home." Billy said that he would be taking "Chelsea's lead on this."

Adam said that Billy had been upsetting Chelsea with his "cross-examinations." Billy insisted that "something [had] happened," and Adam was proving it by the way he was acting. Billy made it clear that he would figure out what had happened.

Claire arrived at the Abbott house with some chicken soup for Harrison. The doctor had surmised that Harrison had had food poisoning. As Kyle was telling Claire that he shouldn't have left Harrison, Summer entered, and she accused Kyle of saying it was "all [her] fault." Summer laid into Kyle for acting like she was an "evil stepmom." Kyle said that Summer wasn't to blame for taking Harrison to a new restaurant, but it didn't "let [her] off the hook" for trying to obtain sole custody of Harrison.

Claire left to check in on Harrison. Summer chastised Kyle for not "[wasting] any time calling Claire." Kyle accused Summer of being "jealous," and Summer insinuated that Kyle needed Claire to help him parent. Kyle said that he was "finished" with Summer, and he would be speeding up the custody hearing.

Claire returned and reported that Harrison was feeling good, and she asked if she could take him to the park. Summer and Kyle agreed that Harrison could go. Claire asked if Kyle would be going to Paris, since Harrison was okay. Kyle replied, "I'm not going anywhere."

Claire and Summer said that they both thought the business trip was "important." Summer asked if Kyle was staying in town because he didn't trust her to take care of Harrison. Kyle suspected that Summer had been "trying to take advantage" of his absence by spending time building a case for custody. After arguing some more, Kyle said that he didn't trust Summer, "plain and simple," and he would be staying to watch over things. Summer said that she was done "wasting [her] time" arguing, and she left for work.

Claire told Kyle that he and Summer needed to "dial it down a lot more" for Harrison's sake. Kyle appreciated Claire's advice, but he said that things were going to get "even worse." Kyle told Claire that he would need her "help more now than ever before."

Kyle admitted that he didn't like the way he had been letting Summer get to him, and he asked Claire to continue to remind him when he wasn't acting in Harrison's best interest. Claire thought that whenever he started to feel like he was losing control Kyle could try to remind himself of how he had felt about Summer in the past. Summer went to the Athletic Club and called her lawyer. Summer told Elaine that she was "scared."

Summer turns to Victor for help
Summer turns to Victor for help

Summer turns to Victor for help

Friday, August 9, 2024

by Tiffany M

After receiving a note that made her smile, Abby made her way to Chancellor Park. Devon was waiting with a romantic picnic. Devon wanted to make up for his original proposal, but Abby said that it had been "beautiful." Devon said that Dominic had helped prepare their lunch, and Devon showed Abby cookies that read, "Will you marry me."

Devon got on one knee, plucked a diamond ring off the cookies, and proposed officially. Abby was elated, and she said yes again. Devon and Abby toasted their engagement with Champagne. Abby admired the ring on her hand, and she said that she loved it. Abby couldn't wait to tell Ashley, and Devon asked how Ashley had been doing. Abby reported that Ashley should be home "in the fall," and Devon suggested that they get married on Abby's birthday in November.

Devon wondered if they could plan the wedding that quickly, but Abby wasn't worried. Abby and Devon talked about different silly ideas for their wedding.

At the Abbott mansion, Harrison told Kyle and Claire that he was feeling better and that he'd eaten too much shrimp. Harrison was sorry that Kyle had had to cancel the trip to Paris. Kyle assured Harrison that they would go to Paris someday. Harrison declared that he had "room for ice cream," despite having been ill.

Summer visited Victor at Newman Enterprises, and they talked about business for a bit. Summer admitted that she was there to ask for Victor's help with Kyle. Summer recounted the "tension" between her and Kyle. Summer said that Kyle wasn't "thinking about anybody but himself." Summer continued detailing her complaints against Kyle, including that he thought he'd "turn this nothing of a company, Glissade, into such a powerhouse that it's gonna crush Jabot someday." Victor didn't let on that he knew anything about Kyle and Audra working together at Glissade.

Summer told Victor that she would be suing for custody, and she complained about Kyle trying to take Harrison to Paris. Victor defended Kyle, saying that Kyle was trying to get out of Jack's shadow. Summer didn't think that Victor could "seriously condone" Kyle partnering with Audra. Victor asked what Summer needed from him.

Summer asked for advice on how to win custody. Victor asked if Summer was sure that nothing else could be done. Summer said that although she had adopted Harrison when they had lived in Italy, it wouldn't be enough to fight Kyle's arguments that she wasn't Harrison's biological parent. Victor said that he would speak to Kyle to help Summer and Kyle "avoid war." Victor texted Kyle to meet him at the Athletic Club immediately.

At the Abbott house, Claire could tell that Kyle had become "tense," but Kyle said that he needed to take care of a "work thing." Claire and Harrison went to the park for ice cream, and they talked about how much Harrison's parents loved him. Harrison said that he was sad that his parents were divorced, but Claire promised that Harrison's parents would always love him. Harrison knew that he was loved, but he lamented that Summer and Kyle didn't "even like each other" anymore.

Kyle met Victor at the jazz lounge. Victor was concerned about the "looming custody battle over Harrison," and he was not pleased with what Summer had told him. Kyle explained that Summer had become "insecure" and "paranoid." Victor asked Kyle to "fix it," and Victor advised Kyle to sit with Summer and sort things out for Harrison's sake.

Jack and Diane were dining at the Athletic Club, and Diane spotted Phyllis across the restaurant and told Jack to "brace" himself. Phyllis approached, and she said that Summer and Kyle were having a "crisis," and they needed their parents' help. Phyllis reminded Jack and Diane that they "all [had] been through custody battles," and she said that their experiences could help their kids. Diane was shocked that Phyllis was suggesting that the three of them "work together."

Phyllis called Kyle "highly irrational," but Diane argued that Kyle had always been a great father. Phyllis said that Kyle was making it "next to impossible" for Summer to be a good parent. Diane and Jack disagreed with Phyllis' assessment.

Phyllis sat down, and she continued talking about Kyle's recent behaviors. Phyllis blamed Kyle's issues on the fact that Diane had fired him. Diane retorted that Phyllis was "taking the facts and twisting them into complete fiction." Diane said that Kyle was defending himself, since Summer had retained a lawyer to help her sue for sole custody. Phyllis argued that Kyle's decision to take Harrison to Paris with Audra had been "horrible." Phyllis reminded Diane that Kyle had hopped "into bed with" Audra when he had still been married to Summer.

Diane asked why Summer had suddenly started considering Audra "a threat," and Jack thought Phyllis had pushed Summer to become concerned about Audra. Jack implored Phyllis to "stay out" of the situation. Phyllis didn't understand why she was the only concerned parent. Diane accused Phyllis of influencing Summer to make an "extreme" decision, since that was the way Phyllis always handled conflict.

Phyllis suggested that Kyle was acting out because his family had "ostracized" him, and she said that she would never do something like fire her own child. Phyllis became more and more heated, and she asked how many more times Diane would "reject [her] son."

Diane reminded Phyllis that Kyle and Summer had broken up because Phyllis had faked her own death and had forced Summer to be an "accomplice." Diane became livid, and she called Phyllis a "hypocrite." Phyllis was shocked that Diane could go on the attack about Phyllis' actions, when Diane had faked her own death for years. Phyllis reminded Diane that Jack had even been a "suspect" in Diane's murder. Diane and Phyllis continued to trade insults, and as they started shouting over each other, Summer walked up and begged them to stop fighting. Summer dragged Phyllis off to the jazz lounge.

Jack tried to calm Diane down, and he suggested that everyone "back off" and let Summer and Kyle handle their personal lives. Diane, tearing up, vowed to fight Phyllis if it would help Kyle.

Phyllis said that she had been defending Summer, and Diane was "oblivious." Victor walked up and told Summer that he had "handled everything," and he left. Phyllis, looking aghast, said, "Please tell me you didn't ask Victor to help you."

Summer confessed that she had gone to her grandfather for help. Phyllis cautioned that Victor didn't do things "out of the goodness of his heart." Summer received a text from Kyle to meet, and she suggested that Victor might have already "turned things around" for her.

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