Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 29, 2024 on Y&R

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Sharon admitted she
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 29, 2024 on Y&R

Sharon admitted that she'd stopped taking her bipolar medication. Sharon began having sinister hallucinations of Cameron Kirsten. Connor's doctors recommended that the boy continue outpatient therapy from home. Victor deliberately implied to Devon that he intended to go after Chancellor.

Connor's doctors recommend that he return home

Connor's doctors recommend that he return home

Monday, July 29, 2024

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by Jenny Smith

Sharon opened the front door of her cottage and asked herself what she was looking for. "You know Nick did not come back. You know that he did not kiss you," she firmly stated, and she wondered why she had imagined it. She closed the door and saw a vision of a young Cassie before her. Sharon cried that she missed Cassie, and she wished that Cassie was there and real. Sharon recognized that her mind was showing her what she wanted to see, and she closed her eyes. When she opened them, Cassie was gone. Sharon grabbed her purse and headed out.

Sharon approached the bar at Society, and Daniel hesitantly greeted her. She coldly informed him that she was grabbing a to-go order, and he asked if everything was okay. She demanded to know why he would ask that, and he observed that she seemed agitated. "Maybe that's because I am," she snapped. Daniel wondered if there was anything he could do. Sharon replied that nothing short of time travel would help.

Sharon confided that she couldn't stop thinking about Cassie, and she pondered whether naming Cassidy First after her late daughter was making her think of Cassie everywhere she went. Sharon sadly mused that Cassie seemed so alive in her photos, but it had all been erased -- Cassie was gone. Daniel said he was sorry, and Sharon cried that reliving the accident and Cassie's death over and over had been brutal. Daniel figured that seeing him was the last thing she needed, and he asked if the role he'd played in Cassie's accident made it hard for Sharon to even talk to him.

Sharon confided that she'd been reexperiencing some of the emotions she'd felt when Cassie had died, and it had been overwhelming to try to fight them off. Daniel reiterated how sorry he was. He swore he hadn't forgotten the role he'd played, and he never would. He admitted that the choices he'd made that night still haunted him, and he thought about what would have happened if he hadn't gone to the party or if he'd refrained from getting so drunk that Cassie had felt the need to drive him home. Sharon ordered him to stop because she didn't want to think about it anymore.

Daniel sympathized with how difficult it was for Sharon, and he hoped she was at least talking to someone to work through it. Sharon was adamant that she didn't need a therapist, and she regretted laying it all on him. Daniel recognized that grief didn't have an expiration date, and there was no right or wrong way to handle it. Sharon realized that she wasn't usually that blunt, but she'd caught herself sounding off lately. Daniel thought what Sharon was going through was further proof of the impact Cassie's life had had and how much she was missed. Sharon questioned whether he was saying her unusual candor was a good thing. Daniel considered it a direct reflection of how much Sharon had loved Cassie.

Sharon picked up her food and told Daniel she appreciated his understanding. He swore that he was always happy to talk about Cassie with her or with anyone, and Sharon inquired whether he ever talked about her daughter. Daniel conceded that he hadn't done it nearly enough, and he promised not to back away if Sharon ever needed to unload on him. Lucy entered the restaurant and saw them together.

Daniel thanked Sharon for not telling Lucy the whole story. Sharon hoped Daniel would tell Lucy about the best sides of Cassie, since her daughter's memory deserved to stay alive. As Sharon exited, Lucy sent a text message to Faith to press for details about the pool party. Lucy crossed over to Daniel, who urged her to tell him about the epic party. She vaguely replied that everyone had been really nice.

Daniel inquired how Lucy had gotten home, since he'd planned to pick her up, but she'd let him know she'd caught a ride. Lucy noted that she'd gotten home in one piece, but Daniel lectured that it was important to know who was driving and that they hadn't been drinking. Lucy claimed that she'd taken a rideshare, and she guessed that his interrogation had something to do with Sharon, who'd looked upset when she'd left. Daniel questioned why Sharon would have anything to do with him asking about how Lucy had gotten home from the party. "Dad. You really think I don't know about Cassie?" Lucy asked.

Lucy divulged that her mom had let it slip that Daniel had played a role in the accident, so she'd researched what had been published in the papers when Cassie had died. Lucy wondered why Daniel hadn't told her about it, and he explained that he'd pushed it down because it hurt too much to think about. He continued that as much as he'd like to try to forget it had ever happened, Cassie's loss was something he deeply regretted and always would. Daniel swore he hadn't kept it from Lucy, but he'd been waiting until she was a little older to tell her -- like when she might be drinking herself.

Lucy recognized that she was the same age Cassie had been when she'd died. Daniel told her it was why it was important that she took his concerns about who she was getting a ride from seriously. He offered to answer any questions she had about what had happened. Lucy inquired whether he'd ever felt guilty, even though he hadn't been the one driving. Daniel said he had, and Lucy couldn't imagine ever being able to stop thinking about it.

Daniel surmised that his mind had protected him from being consumed by the tragedy, but it didn't mean he didn't think about it. He recounted that it sometimes hit him when he saw Sharon, Nick, or Mariah -- and when his teenage daughter asked to go to parties. Daniel shared that while he didn't talk about Cassie often, he thought about her all the time. Lucy wished he'd told her on his own, and she hoped he hadn't been afraid she'd judge him. Daniel said he wouldn't blame her if she did.

Lucy implored Daniel not to keep his past from her, since it made her feel better about her own mistakes. Daniel doubted many parents were itching to tell their kids about their sordid pasts, but Lucy urged him not to be like other parents. She swore that she wanted to know about everything in his life -- both the good and the bad.

Nick and Faith strolled through Chancellor Park, and she remarked that being back in Genoa City was the medicine she'd needed. Nick empathized that getting over a breakup could be tough, so it was good to get away from the scene of the crime. Faith admitted that she missed Moses in some ways, but she was also ready to move on. She doubted there would ever be another Moses, but she could envision finding a new guy to "vibe" with. Faith mentioned having several prospects, and Nick was taken aback that there was more than one.

Nick questioned where Faith was meeting the guys she was planning on "vibing" with, and they agreed that the conversation was getting weird. Nick suggested that she talk to Sharon about it, but Faith hesitated to bother her mom with something as boring as her potential crushes. Nick pointed out that Sharon lived for stuff like that, but Faith observed that her mother had seemed checked-out lately. Nick shared that he'd noticed that, too, but he didn't think it was anything to panic about yet. Faith confided that she was worried.

Nick asked if something specific had happened. Faith recalled that sometimes, Sharon drifted off, and Nick chalked it up to Sharon's meds. Faith wasn't convinced, since she'd caught her mother looking through Cassie's scrapbook again, and Sharon had seemed really sad. Faith recounted that Sharon had tried to act like it had been no big deal and that she just needed a good cry sometimes, but Faith had sensed it had been more than that.

Nick acknowledged that it was uncomfortable watching someone grieve, and the pain a parent experienced after losing a child never left. Faith wished she hadn't pushed to hear about Nick and Sharon's history together, but Nick promised that Faith hadn't caused Sharon's mood swings. Nick was confident Sharon would get through it, but Faith indicated that she'd seen other things that made wonder if her mother actually would. Faith reflected on the times Sharon had literally stared at nothing, and Nick reasoned that it was taking time for Sharon's body to adjust to the change in her bipolar medication.

Nick pointed out that Sharon had also been running herself ragged at work, but Faith divulged that Sharon hadn't been working. Faith mentioned that Sharon was barely ever at the office, and she cited the meetings Mariah had said Sharon had missed. Faith continued that every time she'd seen her mom sit down to work at home, Sharon had gotten antsy and headed out to grab takeout -- but she had barely eaten any of the food she'd gotten. Faith theorized that it was just an excuse for Sharon to distract herself when things got quiet. Faith added that she wasn't even sure Sharon was taking her meds.

Faith regretted saying anything when she had no proof, but Nick thought she'd mentioned it for a reason. Faith recalled seeing Sharon grab the pill bottle as if she'd been about to take her meds, but Sharon had only stared at it before putting it back down without opening the bottle. Faith said it had happened more than once. Nick said he was glad Faith had told him, since the more information they had, the sooner they could get her mom back to feeling her best.

Faith decided to keep an eye on her mom and find a way to point it out to Sharon when she was acting strangely or forgetting to take her meds. Nick instructed Faith to let him worry about it, since she wouldn't be home for long, and he wanted her to enjoy the summer. Faith insisted that she wanted to help, since she wasn't a kid anymore. Nick warned that it was tricky territory even for adults to navigate. Faith silenced him when she saw Sharon approaching.

Sharon was pleased to see Nick and Faith spending time together, and she asked if she was interrupting something. Faith said she'd expected Sharon to be at the office. Sharon claimed that she was taking a break on a glorious day by having lunch in the park. Nick asked if Sharon was feeling better, and she reported that the tickle in her throat had gone away. Nick clarified that he'd been talking about whether her meds had started to balance out. Sharon exclaimed that she felt terrific and back to normal. Nick and Faith exchanged an uncertain glance.

At Newman Media, Chelsea entered Adam's office and bemoaned that video calls with Connor's doctor made her nervous -- especially when they were last minute. Adam shared that Dr. Hammond had only asked how soon they could meet and hadn't specified what the call was about. Adam inquired whether Chelsea was ready, and she asked if he wanted her to say yes or tell him the truth. She admitted she was scared, and she wondered if he was, too. He asked if she wanted him to say no or if she wanted the truth.

Adam and Chelsea initiated a call to Dr. Hammond, who assured them that Connor was doing very well, with no more attempts of self-harm. The doctor revealed that she'd spoken with Connor's team, and they were so encouraged by his progress that they were recommending that he transition to intensive outpatient treatment. She added that Connor's daily therapy sessions would continue back in Genoa City while he got back to his family, friends, and regular life. "He's coming home?" Chelsea excitedly asked, and she and Adam hugged.

Chelsea wiped away tears of joy. Adam asked if Dr. Hammond was sure Connor was ready to go home, and the doctor stressed that she wouldn't have recommended it if Connor wasn't. Chelsea wondered how they could help Connor without messing things up. Dr. Hammond advised them not to put too much pressure on themselves, since the doctors would be there to help with the transition, and Connor being at home with his parents would be the most beneficial to his recovery. The doctor counseled that Adam and Chelsea would have to act as a team, and they pledged to do whatever it took.

Dr. Hammond cautioned that the journey wasn't over, and Connor's treatment would continue on an outpatient basis with coaching, therapy, and check-ins. Adam asked how they could make sure Connor wouldn't harm himself again. Dr. Hammond explained that their team thought Connor's latest attempt to hurt himself hadn't been a regression but rather, a turning point, and she encouraged them not to worry about the "what ifs" and to try to focus on the positive. She insisted that Connor was ready to take what he'd learned at the facility and continue the work in familiar surroundings back home with the family he loved. Adam asked how soon they could pick up their son.

After the call ended, Chelsea and Adam celebrated the news, but she wondered if they were ready for the responsibility of helping Connor continue with his progress. Adam was confident that they wouldn't mess things up, since they'd always worked as a team. Chelsea admitted that she was less on edge than when she'd arrived, but she was still scared. Adam conceded that it was hard to take in the good news after all the setbacks, but they'd pick up Connor in a matter of hours. "Our boy is coming home to us!" Adam cheered. "We're getting our boy back!" Chelsea enthused. They happily embraced but quickly pulled apart.

Over another video chat, Chelsea and Adam excitedly discussed Connor's homecoming with their son. Connor confirmed that he felt ready, and Chelsea promised he'd have love and support. After they hung up, Chelsea gushed that it was the best day of her entire life, but she expected the plane ride to feel like an eternity. Adam insisted that Connor stay with her, but Chelsea worried about doing something wrong. Adam anticipated that there would be glitches; however, that time would be different because Connor had the tools to cope, and they'd learned a lot about the signs to look for.

At Crimson Lights, Sally had just picked up her order when Billy walked in and approached the counter. Sally asked if he was there to pick up coffee as a surprise for Chelsea. Billy said no, but he and Chelsea had plans to get together later to discuss a few things, including Adam. Sally revealed that Adam had told her that he'd lost his cool with Chelsea in Baltimore, and it was why he'd been distracted lately. Billy asked if she believed Adam.

Sally insisted that Adam felt terrible about what had happened with Chelsea, but Billy sensed that there was something else Adam was trying to hide. Sally figured that Billy was just picking up on Adam's panic that Connor wouldn't get better, but Billy pointed out that something was going on with Chelsea, too. Sally cautioned him against adding more stress to the situation. Billy swore that he had no problem putting personal vendettas aside to be there for Chelsea and Connor. Sally didn't know what else it could be -- unless Adam and Chelsea were protecting Connor's privacy about something, which they had every right to do.

Billy vowed to make sure Chelsea didn't go to a dark place again, and he didn't put anything past Adam. Sally complained that it felt like Billy was trying to provoke her into questioning Adam's character. Billy swore that hadn't been his intention, and he argued that they'd both been concerned about Adam and Chelsea's behavior lately. Sally suggested that he stop trying to figure it out and just have patience, since their partners knew she and Billy were there for them. Billy proposed that the four of them sit down together to talk it out, but Sally imagined it would only cause more stress.

Billy preferred to remind Adam and Chelsea that Billy and Sally were their biggest champions and to let them know there should be no secrets. Sally clucked that he was venturing into "conspiracy theory territory," and she pressed to know what was going on. Billy was certain that something was weighing on Chelsea and that she wanted to tell him what it was but couldn't. "Or won't," Sally replied. Billy resolved not to let it go until he found out the truth.

Adam and Chelsea entered the coffeehouse, and Billy invited them to sit down for an overdue chat. Chelsea balked at the idea of all four of them spending time together. Billy mentioned that he'd picked up on the tension between Adam and Chelsea, and he wanted to avoid jumping to conclusions by clearing the air. Sally suggested that it wasn't the time, but Billy considered it the perfect time because it would be one less burden to bear. Billy stressed that Adam and Chelsea could tell him and Sally anything.

Adam agreed to have lunch together with Sally, Chelsea, and Billy another time. He shared that he and Chelsea had just spoken with the doctors, and Connor would be going home that day. Adam indicated that they were just there to grab Chelsea's things before heading to Baltimore on the Newman jet. Billy referred to how long it took to prep a jet, and he proposed that they skip lunch but still have coffee and chat before Adam and Chelsea left.

Kyle confronts his parents as Audra watches
Kyle confronts his parents as Audra watches

Kyle confronts his parents as Audra watches

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

by Erin Goldsby

Claire visited Victoria as she was setting up Victor's office at Newman, readying it for his return by putting family photos around his desk, including one of Claire. She told her mom about the drama between Summer and Kyle and that the trip to Paris with Harrison had been canceled.

Victoria told Claire that they hadn't really talked about Claire's life before they'd reunited, and she could only imagine what a nightmare it had been. She said if Claire needed to talk about it, Victoria was there for her and wanted to protect her from any more pain. Claire talked more about the canceled Paris trip and how she had been looking forward to riding a particular carousel. Victoria said that Claire was no longer under anyone's control, and if there were things she wanted to do in life, she should.

Cole showed up at Victor's office, and Claire teased him about always appearing wherever Victoria was. He asked if he could tag along with them for lunch. They went to Society, where Claire repeated the story of the Paris trip cancellation and how Summer had stopped it. Cole said he knew that Claire cared about Harrison, but he suggested that maybe she could take a step back so she didn't get stuck between two parents in a custody battle. He encouraged her to go finish her university degree instead.

Claire told her parents that Harrison had really won her over, and she felt responsible for him. She wanted to keep caring for him to make sure he was okay, and she noted that it was good for her, as well. Cole said Summer and Kyle would work things out eventually, and she could try to make it better for Harrison in the meantime. Claire said maybe she could be a source of comfort for Kyle, too.

Audra met up with Kyle at the Athletic Club, and he told her that he wouldn't be taking his son on the trip, after all. She was glad he wouldn't be distracted. Diane and Jack approached them, and Kyle got irritated when his mom interjected her opinion and sarcasm about disappointing Harrison and their business trip. Jack interrupted to say they were there for lunch, so Kyle dismissed them after telling them he could tell that they were scared at how successful Kyle and Audra's Paris trip would be for Glissade.

Jack was enraged by Kyle and told Kyle so in front of Audra. Jack told Audra that the two of them were either in denial or had sniffed too much cheap cologne. "I raised you better than this," Jack barked, reminding Kyle that the company that his father had built had met standards for years longer than the two of them combined had even been alive. Jack warned, "If you want to beat Jabot, knock yourselves out. The crash from your failure is going to be resounding, but maybe that's what it will take to bring you back to your senses."

Jack and Diane sat down and discussed Kyle. Jack had had it with Kyle's attitude, but Diane was worried about losing him. She had walked away from him once and never wanted that again. Jack said he was not going to put up with his grown son acting like an entitled brat.

Audra wanted to get into the car to get to the airport, but Kyle was staring at his parents. "What your dad said, you need to let it go," Audra said. "Not a chance," Kyle replied.

Kyle confronted his parents at their table as Audra watched him tell Jack that Jack wouldn't get the last word. Kyle said, "I'm putting you both on notice. Mom, Dad, your company's days are numbered. Jabot is a bloated dinosaur, and Glissade will render its days extinct." Jack said that Kyle's arrogant disrespect for the family and the company that had taught him everything he knew was astounding. Kyle said he was tired of hearing about family and respect after they'd kicked him to the curb. He forewarned that in the next year, Jabot would be a has-been, and Glissade would be the future. "Maybe then you will give me the respect and recognition I deserve," Kyle said before walking out.

Diane told Jack she was scared about what it was doing to their relationship with their son. "How far will he go to prove some point to us, and at what cost?" she asked.

At Crimson Lights, Billy and Sally met with Chelsea and Adam before Chelsea and Adam had to fly to Baltimore to get Connor. Billy suggested they all sit down to clear up whatever the tension was about between them. He said that he and Sally felt like they were walking on eggshells sometimes, and he wanted to clear it up without fighting. Adam and Chelsea tried to get their stories to match as they explained that the tension between them had just been high, and that was why they might have been acting out of sorts around Billy and Sally.

Adam took full responsibility for everything and apologized to Sally, Chelsea, and Billy. Billy pressed the issue and mentioned that he and Sally had talked privately. Chelsea and Adam both seemed agitated that Billy had talked to each of them one-on-one to dig into why they seemed off. Adam retracted everything he'd just said and claimed he had only said he was being a jerk to make Billy happy, while Chelsea was upset that Billy had been talking about her behind her back. Billy said he'd been picking up on little looks between Adam and Chelsea, even during that conversation, and it seemed like they were checking with each other as they talked to ensure they were getting their stories straight. When Sally agreed with Billy, Chelsea exclaimed, "What is it that you want us to admit? What do you want us to confess?!"

Billy said he didn't mean to sound accusatory, but he wanted Chelsea and Adam to know they could tell him and Sally anything. Chelsea said she'd just been scared she was going to make a mistake with Connor when things were on an upswing. Billy still had questions, trying to get to the bottom of their behavior. Chelsea got upset that her response wasn't good enough, and she walked off, noting that she and Adam had to go pick up their son.

Adam stayed behind to ask Billy if he thought being a bigger jerk to Chelsea than he was would make things better. Billy said he was just trying to get answers, but Adam said it was not about him or his nerves; it was about Connor. "For once, we agree," Billy said before going over to Chelsea to apologize. She said Adam wasn't going to respond well if he felt cornered. He reminded her that she could count on him and tell him anything.

Meanwhile, on the patio, Sally defended Billy to Adam and said he just wanted to help. Adam thought Billy was going out of his way to create problems for Adam. Adam nearly tripped up when he said Billy wanted to get back at Adam for what Adam had done. Sally tried to explain Billy's point of view. She calmed Adam down and returned the focus to being happy about bringing Connor home, and Adam thanked her for everything.

Chelsea promised a deeper conversation after Connor returned home, and she and Billy made up -- but then she stuck her foot in her mouth again. "Trust me, I want to put all the fear, guilt, and mistakes behind me," Chelsea said. She caught herself, and Billy clearly noticed.

"You really shouldn't have pushed this," Sally told Billy as Adam and Chelsea left. "I don't know if you're right about that," Billy said. Sally said he seemed more worried than before, so he told her what Chelsea had said before she'd left, leaving Sally and Billy to analyze what it meant.

As Adam and Chelsea got in the car to go to the airport, they both sighed heavily. Adam said they should have matched stories earlier. Chelsea told him they were both on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and the lies were not what they needed to be dealing with at that exact moment. "How do we keep our son safe while we're walking around terrified that our secret is going to come out?" she asked. She told Adam what she'd said to Billy moments earlier and that she could tell by the look in his eyes that she'd confirmed to him that something was wrong. Adam told her that Billy didn't know what had happened -- and wasn't going to. Adam asked Chelsea if he could count on her to never tell Billy and Sally that they'd cheated.

In their car en route to the airport, Audra told Kyle that she'd heard what he'd said to his parents, and she thought he could be pushing his vendetta a little too far. "I'm not using our company to hurt someone in my personal life," she said. "I wonder if Tucker McCall would agree," Kyle asked with a smirk. Audra told him she knew when to attack, and they were not in a position of strength. She added that Jack could crush them if he wanted to. She asked him not to let his emotions get in the way of their big plans. "Don't worry, I'm in control," Kyle said.

Sharon continues having conversations with an imaginary Nick
Sharon continues having conversations with an imaginary Nick

Sharon continues having conversations with an imaginary Nick

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

by Tiffany M

Mariah arrived at Sharon's house and found it in disarray. Faith had been doing the dishes, and she reported that she had been trying to clean up other parts of the house, as well. Mariah and Faith agreed that being messy wasn't "like Sharon at all," but Faith speculated that Sharon was just very busy. Mariah was concerned, and she said, "Something is wrong with Mom."

At Newman Enterprises, Victor told Nick that Connor had been doing better and was returning home. Nick was happy for Adam. Victor and Nick started talking about Victor's plans to take over Chancellor. Nick's phone rang, and he answered a call from Mariah.

Nick said that he hadn't talked to Sharon recently, and Mariah recounted that Mariah and Faith had been calling Sharon, but there had been no response. Mariah said that the house was a wreck, and she was "trying not to scare Faith" with her concerns. Nick said that he needed to finish a meeting, then he would check in with Mariah.

Nick asked if Victor had spoken with Jill. Victor continued to be cagey about his plans, and he evaded Nick's questions. Victor said that the "wild card" was Lily Winters. Nick said that if Lily wanted to stay at Chancellor, Victor should treat her with respect. Victor agreed that he didn't want Lily "caught in the crossfires."

Nick continued to press for details, and Victor continued evading his son. Devon entered, and Nick congratulated Devon on his engagement to Abby. Victor said that he wanted to talk further with Devon about the Chancellor-Winters split.

Devon reported that things had been going well with the demerger. Devon told Victor that Lily would be staying " Abbott-Chancellor." Victor and Nick found the name change interesting, and Victor said that he was "sad" that Lily would be staying back with Billy. Nick called Devon "diplomatic" for supporting Lily's decision. Devon said that he wished Lily "all the success in the world." Victor asked if Devon felt the same sentiment toward Billy and if Devon wanted to "take him down."

Devon was ready to go his "separate ways" from Billy, but Victor pushed Devon to "rethink" leaving Billy alone to run the company. Victor encouraged Devon to "protect Lily" by convincing her to go to Winters. Victor warned that Billy would run Chancellor into the ground, and Victor complained that Billy had "reduced [Katherine's] name to second billing in her own company." Devon said that whatever Victor was planning, Lily could not be hurt. Victor told Devon to convince Lily to "get the hell out of Chancellor" before it was too late. Devon understood Victor's message, and he left.

Nick asked why Victor would let Devon know the plan, since Devon would "go straight to Lily" with the information, and she would "alert" Billy. Victor said that that was "exactly what [he wanted] to happen." Nick was confused, and he warned that Billy would "prep for a fight." Victor didn't care, and he said that "the game [was] on."

Mariah and Faith cleaned Sharon's house while waiting for their mom to return. The sisters discussed their concerns, and Faith said that she was unsure if Sharon had been taking her bipolar medicine. Faith and Mariah agreed that Nick could potentially help Sharon.

Faith confided that she had postposed her trip to Europe to stay with Sharon. Mariah said that she felt like Sharon had been "avoiding" her. Faith speculated that Cassie had been on Sharon's mind more than usual, since Faith had heard Sharon whispering Cassie's name lately. Mariah thought that her presence had been causing Sharon to be "triggered."

Faith and Mariah talked about how hard losing a child would be. Mariah said that Sharon had been though a lot of other difficult situations since she had lost Cassie. Mariah and Faith talked about how much Sharon had supported them, and they said that they wanted to do the same for Sharon.

In Chancellor Park, Sharon daydreamed Nick was with her, and she told him that she didn't know what "[was] wrong" with her. Sharon told the hallucination that she knew he wasn't really there. Sharon talked to "Nick" about daydreaming of Cassie. Sharon said that she and Nick would never get back what they had had, but "Nick" told Sharon not to give up, since she had "a lot of love to give."

Sharon continued to lament Cassie's death. Sharon said that she and Nick would "always be connected" because of Cassie. Sharon and "Nick" talked about their grief, and they agreed that the pain over Cassie's death was "always there." "Nick" suggested that there had to be "something other than grief" out there for "both of [them]." The hallucination of Nick suggested that Sharon needed to "fall in love again," but Sharon argued that she had found other loves, and having them taken from her had made "things worse."

Sharon said that she didn't want to find love with anyone but Nick. "Nick" said that he didn't deserve Sharon, but nothing was "right" when they weren't together. Sharon and "Nick" kissed. Sharon awakened from her fantasy and was disappointed to find herself alone.

Sharon returned home, and Mariah and Faith were relieved to see Sharon. Faith asked if Sharon was okay, and Sharon replied, "I don't think so." Mariah called Nick, and she asked him to go to Sharon's house, since Sharon didn't "look good."

At Chancellor, Billy showed Lily the new logo for Abbott-Chancellor. Lilly was impressed with the design, but she noticed that Billy seemed "off." Billy said that he was just tired, but Lily knew better. Lily questioned how things had been going with Chelsea.

Billy reported that Chelsea had "been through a lot" with Connor's situation and that Chelsea and Adam were in Baltimore, picking up Connor. Billy confessed that he was worried about Chelsea, and Lily surmised that Billy might be "overwhelmed" by "neglecting [his] own feelings." Lily continued to try to pry into what was really bothering Billy, and he changed the subject back to the new logo.

Devon arrived, and he asked Lily to get coffee. Billy said that he would cover the staff meeting so Lily could go.

At Crimson Lights, Devon urged Lily to reconsider joining him at Winters. Devon reported that something had changed and that Lily needed to "get out before all hell breaks loose."

Sharon confesses that she is off her meds
Sharon confesses that she is off her meds

Sharon confesses that she is off her meds

Thursday, August 1, 2024

by Tiffany M

At Crimson Lights, Devon continued to try to persuade Lily to join him at Winters. Lily was exasperated with Devon's relentlessness, and she said that she was insulted that Devon thought Lily would allow Billy to destroy Chancellor. Lily could tell that there was more to the story of Devon's pressure. Devon continued to insist that Billy could "screw up," and he argued that someone might "swoop in" on the company if that happened.

Lily angrily asked if Tucker was going after Chancellor. Devon recounted his earlier conversation with Victor, and Devon said that Victor had told Devon to strongly advise Lily to leave Chancellor. Lily said that since Devon had been honest with her, she would tell him the truth, as well. Lily confessed that she had stayed at Chancellor to protect the company from Billy potentially destroying it.

Devon "felt better" that Lily had had a plan and that she didn't think Billy was "some kind of business genius." Lily thought there was "something off" about what Victor had said to Devon. Devon and Lily discussed what Victor's motivation had been for warning them, and Devon suggested that it could have been out of loyalty to Neil.

Devon and Lily continued to speculate about Victor's "strategy." Devon wondered if Victor had talked to Devon, knowing that the conversation would get back to Billy and cause Billy to panic and do something stupid. Lily said that she was sticking to her plan to "keep Billy close," and she left.

At Chancellor, Billy showed Chance the new logo. Chance seemed unimpressed, and he asked if Lily had agreed with Abbott appearing before Chancellor in the new name. Billy said that Lily had "signed off on it," and it was "a win." Chance asked if Billy and Lily would truly be working together, or if they would really be competing against each other instead. Billy replied that he and Lily were "great." Billy said that Lilly was "100 percent on board," but he wondered if Chance felt the same way.

Billy and Chance were discussing Chance's commitment to the company when Lily entered the office. Lily reported, "Victor Newman may be coming after [Chancellor]." Lily filled in Billy and Chance on her recent conversation with Devon. Billy accused Devon of trying to "turn [Lily] against" Billy. Lily said that Victor had been warning her to "get out," but Billy said that Victor was pretending to help Lily. Lily reminded Billy that Victor had helped Chancellor before, but Billy said that Victor had helped Lily before Billy had been "in the picture." Chance excused himself.

Billy understood that Devon and Victor both thought Billy would mess up. Billy said that he would not give Victor "an opening," and he was "not afraid of Victor Newman." Lily replied, "Well, maybe you should be." Billy said that Victor was always trying to "divide and conquer," and Billy accused Devon of "buying into it." Billy said that they needed to focus on turning Abbott-Chancellor into a "powerhouse." Lily said that they couldn't do that if Billy was constantly checking his phone for calls from Chelsea.

Billy apologized for being distracted, and Lily suggested that Billy was fixated "on plots and agendas" at Chancellor because he couldn't "fix things with Chelsea." Billy denied Lily's assertion, and he said that he could help Chelsea while also focusing on Abbott-Chancellor.

At Society, Summer accused Daniel of being on "Kyle's side" regarding custody of Harrison. Daniel explained that he had just wanted Summer to think "things through" about the situation. Daniel said that he would always be on Summer's side of things, and he asked how he could help. Summer said that she needed help finding a house, and she thought Daniel would help pick something that would "look great to a judge." Daniel agreed to help Summer find "the perfect kid-friendly, judge-friendly home."

Summer told Daniel that the fight for custody was looking "hopeful." Summer reported that she had been able to prevent Kyle from taking Harrison to Paris, and she would be going for "full custody." Daniel reminded Summer that she and Kyle had agreed to joint custody. Daniel warned that getting sole custody would be challenging. Summer continued to feel unsupported by Daniel.

Daniel pointed out that the Abbotts had "very deep pockets," and Summer said that she would get Victor involved if she needed to. Daniel asked if Summer intended to ignite another war between the Abbotts and the Newmans. Summer argued that her motives were to "protect Harrison" only. Summer grew angry, and she reminded Daniel of all the times she had supported and "rooted" for him. Summer told Daniel that he could keep his "so-called support" to himself, and she stormed out.

Summer was still upset about her fight with Daniel when she met Chance in the park. After recounting her discussion with her brother, Summer said that she could "use a hug from Harrison." Chance offered to fill in, and they hugged. Chance suggested that since they were both having "lousy" days, they should "escape." In an Athletic Club suite, Chance suggested that he and Summer stop talking about their days and focus on escaping. Chance and Summer began to kiss. In bed, Summer went back to worrying, and Chance said that Summer needed to stop letting her troubles consume her.

Nick arrived at Sharon's house, and he asked where Sharon had been when they hadn't been able to locate her. Sharon confessed that she had been "reminiscing a lot" lately, and she had lost track of time. Nick told Sharon that her family was "concerned" about her recent behavior. Sharon made excuses, but Mariah and Faith wouldn't let her brush things aside.

Sharon tried to argue, but she lost her train of thought. When Sharon reported that she didn't know what was wrong with her, Nick suggested that they figure things out together. Sharon reported that she had stopped taking her medicines because she hadn't "like[d] how they were making [her] feel." Sharon admitted that things had been confusing since she had stopped the medicine.

Nick gently told Sharon that she should have talked to her doctor about her decision. Nick asked Sharon to open up about how she had been feeling. Sharon said that she had been seeing and talking to Cassie. Faith and Mariah blamed themselves for Sharon's issues, but Sharon insisted that the recent anniversary of Cassie's death had been her trigger. Sharon tried talking through her recent issues, but even she didn't understand why she had discontinued her medication. Mariah, Faith, and Nick agreed that it was "[their] turn" to take care of Sharon. Nick advised that they start by making an appointment with Sharon's doctor.

Sharon said that she needed to "get away" for a while to find some balance. Sharon didn't think a hospital would be the answer. Sharon brought up that she had "never grieved" Ray or dealt with the return of Cameron. Sharon suggested that she needed to allow herself to feel the feelings that she had been pushing aside. Mariah, Faith, and Nick supported Sharon's idea. Sharon was grateful for the support, and she vowed to return "better and stronger." Sharon said that she would like to call her doctor without "an audience." Nick, Faith, and Mariah left for the coffeehouse.

At Crimson Lights, Nick said that he thought Sharon had had a "breakthrough." Nick consoled Faith, and he told her that Sharon's pain over losing Cassie was very deep. Daniel walked in and overheard Nick say that he and Sharon would never forget the night they'd lost their daughter.

At home, Sharon was on her computer when she heard Cameron tell her that she could run, but she couldn't hide. Sharon looked up and saw a bloodied Cameron standing before her.

Billy has a run-in with Nikki and Victor
Billy has a run-in with Nikki and Victor

Billy has a run-in with Nikki and Victor

Friday, August 2, 2024

by Tiffany M

Over lunch at Society, Victor and Nikki discussed Chancellor. Nikki was happy to know that Lily had decided to stay at Chancellor, but Nikki wanted to make sure Lily didn't "get hurt." Billy entered the restaurant and went to the bar for a scotch, and Nikki commented to Victor that Billy's "spiraling [had] already begun."

After grabbing a drink, Billy approached Nikki and Victor. Billy said that he had heard Victor believed Billy would "run Chancellor Industries into the ground." Victor said that he had "no doubt." Billy accused Victor of being a "vulture," and Victor called Billy paranoid. Billy suggested that Victor was "hellbent on sabotaging Abbott-Chancellor." Victor smugly replied, "That's a terrible name, isn't it.?"

Billy asked what Nikki thought of Victor's plan. Nikki responded that she didn't think Katherine would be "very pleased with the state" of Chancellor. Nikki reminded Billy that Katherine "purposely" hadn't left Chancellor to Jill, so it was "disrespectful" to put the Abbott name first in the rebrand. Billy continued to poke at Victor, and Victor said that it would be a "bad choice" for Lily to stay at Chancellor. Nikki told Billy that she and Victor would "always look out for Neil's children." Victor said that he and Nikki would "be damned" if they'd let Billy's "hubris" tarnish Katherine's legacy.

Victor reminded Billy of how things had worked out at the previous company Billy had led. Billy warned, "The spectacular failure is going to be you, if you make a move against Abbott-Chancellor." Billy walked off, and Nikki looked shocked at Billy's attitude. Billy called Lily, and he told her that they had "a party to plan."

After lunch, Nikki and Victor returned to Newman Enterprises and continued discussing Billy. Nikki called Billy "predictable," and Victor said that they needed to be "ready to strike." Nikki vowed to make Chancellor "a smashing success." Victor said that his plans were "all falling into place."

At Chancellor, Billy told Lily that they needed to "make a splash" with the new Abbott-Chancellor rebranding. Lily asked if there was "a particular person" who Billy wanted to "send this message to" by having a huge event. Lily quickly understood that Billy was motivated by Victor. Lily asked why Billy suddenly cared about Victor's schemes, and Billy reported running into "that pompous ass." Billy recounted his conversation with Victor and Nikki. Lily thought Billy was letting Victor get to him.

Mariah and Tessa met at Chancellor Park, and Maria filled Tessa in on Sharon's troubles. Tessa was sorry to hear that Sharon had gone off her medication, but Tessa thought it sounded "positive" that Sharon would be going away for some rest. Tessa suggested that they take Aria over to visit Sharon. Mariah shot down the idea because she felt that she made things worse for Sharon, since she looked like Cassie. Mariah was distraught over being a "painful reminder" of Cassie.

At Sharon's house, Sharon hallucinated that Cameron was in her living room. Sharon said that she knew Cameron wasn't real, and "Cameron" said that he'd settle for being inside Sharon's head. After taunting Sharon, "Cameron" disappeared.

Sharon answered a knock on the door from Daniel, and Sharon was surprised he was "really" there. Daniel said that Sharon seemed "rattled," and he apologized for stopping by. Daniel and Sharon discussed Lucy and Faith becoming friends, and Daniel wanted to know how Sharon felt about the situation.

Daniel said that he knew he wasn't Sharon's "favorite person," but Sharon said that her feelings toward Daniel had "nothing to do" with Lucy. Daniel admitted that he had been avoiding Sharon, but he had decided he should "do the opposite." Daniel told Sharon about his game, Princess Louisa, and he said that he had created the game to "connect" with Lucy. Daniel offered to create a new game to help Sharon do the same with Cassie.

Sharon was confused by Daniel's proposal, and he explained that he thought a game could "help young people deal with complicated feelings." Daniel wanted to "create something in Cassie's memory," and he suggested a game for kids to play in school. Sharon called the idea "lovely," and she told Daniel to discuss it with Mariah, since Mariah was taking over Cassidy First for a while. Sharon said that Daniel's offer was "gracious," but she lamented that they both would "always carry this pain...and bear some of the responsibility for Cassie's death."

At Crimson Lights, Lucy asked if Faith had received Lucy's text about the pool party. Faith reported that Lucy hadn't "miss[ed] much" at the party. Lucy asked Faith to go with her to a concert that evening, since Daniel could no longer go. Faith said that she already had plans, but she recognized that she had hurt Lucy's feelings, so Faith asked Lucy to tell her more about the "cool band."

Lucy gushed about the band, and Faith changed her mind about going to the concert with Lucy. Daniel entered, and he quickly realized that Lucy had told Faith that he couldn't attend the concert. After Faith left, Daniel asked why he'd had to "lie to Faith." Daniel was "not okay" that Lucy was planning to go to the concert without an adult. Lucy said that it would "mean a lot" to her if Daniel allowed her to take Faith to the concert instead of him. Daniel felt that Lucy might end up disappointed by Faith, since Faith was older.

Daniel said that he knew that Lucy hadn't gone to the pool party, and he insisted that Lucy stop lying to him. Daniel encouraged Lucy to make friends her own age, so she wouldn't end up on "the outside, looking in." Lucy assured Daniel that she understood, but she begged him to let her go to the concert with Faith. Daniel relented.

At home alone, Sharon made a reservation over the phone for a "week away in the desert." "Cameron" suddenly reappeared, and he said that Sharon had created a "permanent connection" between Cameron and Cassie, since Sharon had renamed Cameron's company Cassidy First. "Cameron" said that he, Cassie, and Nick were having a party in Sharon's mind. "Cameron" told Sharon that Nick didn't want her anymore. Sharon begged the hallucination to shut up, but he called Sharon "damaged goods" who no man would want.

Sharon said that "Cameron" was just "giving voice" to her insecurities. Sharon insisted that she was hallucinating Cameron because he had caused her trauma when he had kidnapped Faith. Sharon said that she was going to leave town and find peace, but "Cameron" said that he would always be in her head. The hallucination disappeared when there was another knock at the door.

Sharon let Faith in, and Sharon said that she had been planning her trip to Sedona. Sharon could see that something was bothering Faith, and Faith confessed that she thought she had "made a big mistake with Lucy."

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