Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 8, 2024 on Y&R

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Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 8, 2024 on Y&R

Ashley's alters battled inside her mind. Traci staged an intervention. After Lily rejected Daniel's plea to let him keep Princess Louisa, he decided to sue Chancellor-Winters. Victoria and Cole kissed. Friends and family made toasts at Victor and Nikki's 40th anniversary party, as a disguised Jordan lurked outside.

Audra witnesses Ashley
Audra witnesses Ashley's unhinged behavior

Audra witnesses Ashley's unhinged behavior

Monday, April 8, 2024

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by Anne Carpenter

In their suite at the Athletic Club, Audra daydreamed about Tucker's marriage proposal. Audra recalled having been hesitant after Tucker had popped the question. Audra remembered having said, "Are you sure you're not trying to prove something to Ashley or Devon, or perhaps the rest of the world? Or maybe you're just out to prove something to yourself?" While Tucker showered, Audra gently stroked her bare finger and appeared lost in thought as she gazed at the ring box sitting beside her on the nightstand. After Tucker finished his shower and entered the bedroom, he was surprised to find that Audra had left. Tucker picked up the ring box, opened it, and saw the engagement ring still tucked inside.

Ashley, wearing a brown leather jacket, entered the Athletic Club and warily surveyed her surroundings. After seating herself at the bar, Ashley checked her phone and said, "Geez, how many messages could one person leave? I love you, Trace, but you're a pain in the butt." Talking silently to herself, Ashley said, "I've got to find Tucker and scare him off. It's the only way to protect Ashley before she takes back control and does something stupid."

Ashley caught the attention of the bartender and initially ordered a ginger ale before quickly changing her mind and requesting a martini. Ashley bit into the olive before taking a drink of her martini. Ashley recoiled and cried, "So gross! Why would anybody drink that?" Ashley then lifted the glass to her lips and almost finished the drink while grimacing and shaking her head in disgust.

Ashley noticed Audra and called out to her. Audra was taken aback when Ashley insisted that she needed to talk to Tucker. Audra reminded Ashley that Tucker was done with her, adding that Ashley's repeated attempts to confront Tucker could result in public humiliation. Ashley, her usual appearance altered by wearing blue eyeshadow and light pink lipstick, replied, "I'm not who you think I am." Speaking in a hushed tone, Ashley cried that she needed to find Tucker so she could warn him.

Audra appeared confused by Ashley's odd demeanor. Ashley, distraught, said, "No, it's not me. Listen to me, please. It's not me; it's her. She's pretending that she loves him, but she doesn't. She wants to hurt him really, really bad. She thinks it's the only way to protect Ashley, but she's wrong." Audra replied, "Oh, my God. Tucker was right. You are losing your mind."

Ashley, growing desperate, warned, "You have no idea what she's planning." After Ashley grew quiet and trance-like, a stern voice in her head said, "Ashley, stop right now. Not another word, or I will shut you down." Audra appeared stunned as Ashley audibly responded, "No!" to the voice that only she could hear. Audra asked Ashley what was happening.

Ashley pleaded with Audra to keep Tucker away from "her." Audra replied, "Who is her?" Ashley paused for a moment before shaking her head and suddenly appearing confident and tough. Audra noticed the sudden transformation and bristled at the startling difference in Ashley's demeanor. In an assertive manner, Ashley said, "Let me tell you what happened."

Tapping her toothpick on the rim of her martini glass, Ashley explained, "I had a couple of these bad boys, and I forgot to eat. No big deal." Audra replied that she was not sure who Ashley was after witnessing her perplexing behavior. Brushing off Audra's concern, Ashley requested that Audra keep their "silly little conversation" to themselves.

As Audra turned to leave, Tucker appeared and asked her what was going on. Audra replied that the things Ashley had said made no sense. Ashley chuckled and called Audra a drama queen. Tucker, addressing Ashley, asked, "Have you talked to anyone yet, as we discussed?" Ashley, smug, replied that perhaps she should worry about Tucker as much as he worried about her. Tucker told Ashley that her response had not answered his question. As Ashley stood up to leave, she suggested that Audra "do the world a favor and get a sense of humor."

After Ashley left, Audra told Tucker that, for a moment, she had been afraid for both Ashley and him. Audra recalled that Ashley had seemed frantic, had referred to herself in the third person, and had rambled that "she's out to get Tucker." Audra noted that after Tucker had shown up, Ashley had pulled herself together and claimed that she had drunk too much and that she had "just been messing around." Tucker said, "She might have been." Audra replied, "You don't believe that any more than I do."

Ashley entered a room upstairs, turned off the light, and mumbled aloud to herself, "This has got to stop. I've got to get that kid in line before she ruins everything." Ashley sat on the sofa and slowly exhaled as she experienced a vision. Ashley, wearing a green blouse, imagined herself in a white room in which there were three beds. Ashley sat upright in the middle bed while another version of herself, wearing jeans, a casual athletic-style jacket, and white sneakers slept. In the bed on the other side, a version of Ashley clad in a black cocktail dress slumbered peacefully. The Ashley wearing the black dress suddenly sat upright on the edge of the bed and yelled, "Wake up!" The Ashley wearing jeans smirked and turned over to face away from both Ashleys. The Ashley wearing the black dress angrily yelled, "We have to get something straight, you little brat!"

At Society, Chance joined Summer and shared news that unsettled her. Summer immediately phoned Daniel and left a message, telling him she could not believe he had been fired. After Summer hung up, she told Chance that Lily had unfairly fired Daniel. Chance acknowledged that repercussions would be felt throughout the company because Daniel owned Omega Sphere.

Seeking a distraction, Summer and Chance retreated to a room upstairs at the Athletic Club. Chance quickly ripped off his shirt when Summer offered to give him a massage. Summer told Chance she liked shutting out the world with him. Chance unbuttoned Summer's blouse and kissed her neck and shoulder.

After Chance and Summer made love, she mentioned sharing parental duties with Kyle, noting that, like Chance and Abby, they could be civil for the sake of their children. Chance told Abby he loved every second he spent with Dominic. Summer sighed and told Chance that she and Kyle were seeking a nanny for Harrison, though the one person her son preferred was not safe to be around. Acknowledging that Summer was referring to Claire, Chance noted that the Newman family had accepted her. Summer admitted she was uncertain that Claire's therapy had been successful; therefore, Claire could not be trusted to care for Harrison.

Entering the Newman tack house, Claire toted a box of belongings and declared, "I have a home -- a real home with my mom, and actual siblings that I can't wait to meet." Victoria appeared anxious, and Claire asked if her mother was all right. Victoria admired a blooming plant Claire set on a table and said, "I'm pleased that you're so happy." Claire noted that though her new home was her dream, it was not Victoria's. Victoria admitted that she could not help but think of the home she had lost in the fire, adding that she had raised her children in the home and formed fond memories there.

Claire asked Victoria to share stories about her beautiful home. Victoria recalled that she and Billy had instantly been drawn to their house because it had reminded them of Father Knows Best. Claire said she was aware of the television show, which had featured happy family hijinks. Victoria told Claire she could almost picture Claire in the home, enjoying game time around the table with Johnny and Katie and sharing memories celebrating holidays. Sobbing, Victoria acknowledged that her home could never be rebuilt.

After drying her tears, Victoria presented Claire a key to her new home. Victoria told Claire she should have first pick of one of the bedrooms. Claire, excited, unpacked two books from the box. Victoria recognized the books she had given Claire at the hospital. Claire told her mother that the books were her most treasured possessions. Victoria embraced Claire and said, "It's actually starting to feel like home already."

At the Newman ranch, Nikki secreted her bottle of vodka inside her handbag after imbibing a few swigs. After she popped a mint in her mouth, Victor appeared and told Nikki he knew what was going on. Nikki stiffened. Victor told Nikki that Larry had informed him about the mysterious person who had sent Nikki a drink while she had been meeting with Jack at Society. Nikki admitted that the incident had terrified her. Nikki explained that the man who had ordered the drink had quickly left the restaurant and that Larry had not noticed the stranger at the bar because he had been on the lookout for Jordan. Nikki insisted that Jordan had somehow been involved.

Victor expressed concern about Nikki venturing out alone until he could double the number of security guards to keep watch. Nikki cried that Jordan and her accomplice had to be stopped. Victor defiantly declared that the threats from Jordan would end. Nikki, fearful, nixed Victor's plans to take a vacation. Noting that she had shared her concerns with Jack, Nikki explained that if she and Victor left town, then Jordan would win. Victor barked that it was none of Jack's business.

Nikki told Victor that if she left town, then Jordan might instead target Claire. Nikki shared her plan to throw a lavish wedding anniversary party, which would draw Jordan's attention. Nikki explained that Jordan would sneak in and find herself outnumbered by members of the security team. Victor declared that he would never allow a psychopath to ruin their celebration. Nikki, acknowledging that Jordan had done much damage already, insisted that it would be worth the effort to finally stop her. Nikki pleaded with Victor to put her plan into action, explaining that she felt responsible and wanted to make amends. Victor adamantly declared that he had control of the situation.

Nikki told Victor that while they were celebrating with their friends, members of their security team would apprehend Jordan. Victor, unconvinced, insisted that he would rather focus solely on celebrating the 40th anniversary of the day they had expressed their love for each other. Nikki told Victor they could celebrate in a big way by capturing Jordan. Victor agreed that they could make Nikki's plan work, adding, "Then, let's have a party to end all parties, okay? In more ways than one."

After Victor left, Nikki retrieved the bottle of vodka from her purse and took a drink just before Victoria entered and called out to her mother. Nikki quickly concealed the bottle before Victoria and Claire entered the room. Nikki announced that the plans for a trip had been postponed in favor of holding a party. Victoria, taken aback, cried that a party might be a magnet for Jordan. Nikki insisted that she and Victor would no longer allow Jordan to have power over them.

Claire praised the Newmans' strong resolve and their determination to put family first. Victoria invited her mom to accompany her and Claire for a relaxing evening at the jazz lounge. Victor entered and agreed that it was a wonderful idea, even suggesting that Victoria invite Cole. After Victoria and Claire left to get changed and Victor stepped out to make a phone call, Nikki stood alone in her living room, appearing terrified.

Daniel decides to sue for wrongful termination
Daniel decides to sue for wrongful termination

Daniel decides to sue for wrongful termination

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

by Jenny Smith

Cole arrived at the Newman ranch and inquired whether there had been an update on Jordan. Victor declared that there would be no mention of "that woman's" name that night, since they were going to the jazz lounge. Victor continued that he and Nikki had an anniversary to plan, and he wanted Cole, Victoria, and Claire to join them. Victoria hoped Cole didn't mind the venue, since she wanted to tell Claire about the man it had been named for. Cole surmised that Victoria intended to explain how Neil had almost become Claire's stepfather. Victoria squirmed.

Claire wondered if it would be too awkward. Cole admitted that he hadn't been happy when Neil had wanted to step in at the time, but he'd eventually appreciated what Neil had been willing to do. Claire assured Cole that he was the best father she could ever want. Cole insisted that Claire know her entire story, and Neil was part of it because he'd helped Victoria through a very tough time. Claire marveled that every day, she was learning about or meeting people who had touched her life in ways she hadn't even known about, and she couldn't wait to learn more.

Chance and Summer entered the jazz lounge. She remarked that staying at the Athletic Club had its perks, and Chance confirmed that it was nice having someone else make their drinks. Summer purred that it wasn't what she was talking about, and they kissed. She received a text message, and she reported that Daniel wanted to get breakfast together the next day. She imagined her brother was upset about getting fired, but she figured blowback had been inevitable after Daniel had left Lily for Heather.

Chance anticipated the dismissals would cause HR issues. Summer was more concerned about Daniel's emotional state, since Omega Sphere had saved him after he'd gone to a dark place when his painting career had fallen apart. Summer credited Princess Louisa for allowing Daniel to reunite with Lucy and Heather. Chance figured that the game had served its purpose, and maybe Daniel didn't need it anymore. Summer fretted that having it yanked away might make Daniel spiral all over again.

Chance considered how he'd felt when Abby had cheated on him, and he understood Lily's point of view. Summer recognized that she probably would have done the same thing in Lily's shoes, and she groaned that falling in love didn't get less complicated the more one did it. Chance countered that it was totally worth it when things worked out, or people would stop after the first time. "Wise man," Summer praised. He extended his hand and pulled her up to dance, and he held her in his arms as they swayed.

Victor, Nikki, Victoria, Cole, and Claire arrived at the jazz club. Summer rolled her eyes when she spotted her family members with Claire. Claire inquired about her new buddy Harrison, and Summer tersely replied that the boy was fine. Nikki invited Summer and Chance to join them for a family night out. Victor pulled Summer aside and asked if she wasn't happy with her new cousin because of what he'd told her about Claire.

Summer objected to everyone acting like everything that had happened was ancient history when Claire had tried to poison the Newmans just months earlier. Victor stressed that they'd all decided to move beyond it, and he hoped Summer could, too. He reminded her that they were all a result of their upbringing, and Claire hadn't had a good one. Summer maintained that anyone who would go along with a scheme like that couldn't be trusted.

Victoria, Cole, and Claire gazed at Neil's portrait. Claire was amazed that Neil had wanted her, and she asked how that had happened. Victoria and Cole explained that they'd been headed for a divorce, and Victoria had been dating Neil when she'd found out she'd been pregnant with Claire. Victoria recalled that Neil had wanted to get married and raise the baby as his own. Cole clarified that when he'd found out about Victoria's pregnancy, he'd been determined to raise his daughter. Victoria sadly recalled that when they'd been told their child had died, the grief had drowned out everything else.

Across the lounge, Nikki said she missed Neil every day, but she felt his presence in that room. She added that it was a relief to feel almost safe somewhere other than the ranch. Victoria overheard and asked if her mother was worried about an uninvited guest. Nikki asserted that Jordan wouldn't dare, and she pledged to enjoy their family night out.

Nikki excused herself to powder her nose. Victoria thought Nikki seemed skittish, and she contemplated following her mom. Victor encouraged Victoria to give Nikki time. In the corridor outside the ladies' room, Nikki pulled a bottle of vodka from her purse and took a drink.

Cole invited Victoria to dance, and Claire mused that she'd never seen her parents dance before. Chance and Summer joined them on the dance floor. Claire mentioned that she'd seen Victor talking to Summer, and she assumed her cousin thought she was a monster. Victor told Claire not to worry about it, since he was sure she'd win Summer over.

Victoria apologized if telling Claire about Neil had opened up old wounds. Cole thought it was good for Claire to see that people could change. Cole and Victoria agreed that they'd grown a lot, and he believed they wouldn't make the same mistakes they'd made in the past.

Nikki returned and was touched to see Victoria and Cole dancing. Claire murmured that her parents "just fit." The music stopped, and Victoria thanked Cole for the dance. Summer wished that they didn't have to stop, but Chance countered that it would be weird to sway there in silence. Summer doubted it would be any weirder than making small talk with her cousin. Victor proposed that they all raise a glass to family and the anniversary of his marriage to the love of his life.

Victor and Nikki returned to the ranch, and she requested that he ask the chef to make them a light supper. After Victor stepped out, Nikki retrieved her vodka bottle and carefully checked to make sure Victor wasn't nearby. She took a swig and told herself that she just needed a sip at a time to get her through that night, and then until the party was over and Jordan was gone. She anticipated that she'd be able to fight it eventually, but she intended to sip slow and steady, without anyone having a clue.

Cole escorted Victoria and Claire to the tack house. Claire commented that the night had almost been perfect, but she'd sensed that Summer wasn't wild about her. Cole figured it would just take more time for Summer to see how great Claire was. Claire looked forward to getting into her new bed, and she headed upstairs.

Cole reluctantly said he should let Victoria turn in, and she showed him to the door. She thanked him for joining them, and he thanked her for the dance. Victoria realized she hadn't done that in a long time, and it had been nice. Cole gently cupped her chin in his hand, and they shared a tender kiss.

Meanwhile, Summer thanked Chance for being a good sport by hanging out with her family -- even her new cousin. Chance pointed out that he had a good sense of people, and he believed Claire was trying hard to get over her past. He wondered if it would be that hard for Summer to give Claire a chance.

At Chancellor-Winters, Daniel entered Lily's office, and she coldly asked if she could help him. He requested to talk, but she replied that they'd said all there was to say. Daniel said he understood why Lily had cut him loose from Omega Sphere, but he begged her to let him keep Princess Louisa. She testily asked why she would do that. He pointed out that she knew more than anyone what it meant to him, since he'd created the game for his daughter and made the character in Lucy's image.

Daniel recounted that he'd poured his love for his daughter and the pain of messing up his relationship with her into the game, while Lily had cheered him on and given him the opportunity to make Princess Louisa a reality. He continued that it had saved him by giving him the chance to be a father to Lucy again. Daniel clarified that he wasn't saying Lily shouldn't be mad at him, but he urged her to remember why he'd built it. He pleaded with her not to take it away from him.

Daniel hated that he'd hurt Lily, and she snapped that it was too late for regrets. He hoped she could find it in her heart to carve out a tiny piece of his creation, and he'd gladly walk away from the rest of Omega Sphere. Lily huffed that he seemed to think he had a say in it. She contended that Lucy had forgiven him, and Heather was back in his bed again, so Princess Louisa had served its purpose. "Now it's just another game. And I own it," Lily proclaimed.

Daniel explained that he'd wanted to approach things civilly by appealing to Lily's better nature, but she'd left him no choice. He announced that he was suing Chancellor-Winters for wrongful termination, and he planned to keep whatever he wanted of the platform he'd created. Lily chuckled and dared him to try, citing his iron-clad contract. Daniel informed her that Heather would be representing him, and she rarely lost. Daniel advised Lily to get ready for a fight.

Tucker and Audra entered their hotel suite, and he said he was sorry that she'd had to deal with Ashley. Audra admitted that there was something strange happening to Ashley, and it was unsettling to watch for anyone, but especially for the people who cared about her. Tucker hoped that Jack and the Abbotts would get Ashley the professional help she needed.

Tucker suggested that they move on to a more pressing topic, and he whipped out the engagement ring. Audra voiced surprise that he hadn't mentioned the proposal to Ashley, and he asked if she'd wanted him to. Audra conceded that she'd almost said something about it herself, but it had seemed cruel to do so when Ashley was clearly troubled. Tucker wondered if Audra was saying she felt sorry for Ashley.

Audra compared her conversation with Ashley to talking to two different people -- a scared little girl and another Ashley on steroids, in complete control. Audra considered it jarring and more than just a mood swing. Tucker bemoaned that Ashley seemed to be getting worse by the day, and Audra shared that Ashley had referred to herself in the third person when saying Ashley was going to hurt him. Tucker doubted that Ashley was physically dangerous.

Audra thought Tucker's idea of making a commitment and living happily ever after was a fairy tale, but they were no prince and princess. She reiterated that they worked because they weren't traditional, and trying to fit into a conventional love story would break them. She assured him that he already had her every day for endless adventures, with no labels or documents. Tucker thought she sounded superstitious, like a marriage certificate would mean the death knell for them.

Tucker asked if the drama with Ashley had influenced Audra's decision, but Audra swore it hadn't. She planted a kiss on him, and she asked if it had felt like a kiss of rejection or intense love. He said he needed another one to figure it out, but she begged off because she was late to meet Sally for a drink. Tucker called her a tease, and Audra cooed that it was why he loved her. They kissed again, and she headed out.

In a hotel room, Ashley sat on a couch with her eyes closed. In her mind, three versions of herself sat on separate beds. Ashley sat motionless with her eyes closed in the middle, flanked by her dominant alter on one side and a sleeping, childlike alter on the other. "I said wake up!" the dominant alter bellowed, and the childlike one sat up. The dominant alter groused that the childlike alter had been interfering with her plan, so she'd had to do damage control to get it back on track. The childlike alter whined that the plan was dangerous and would backfire, and they were supposed to protect Ashley, not get her into trouble.

Ashley's dominant alter called the childlike one an idiot for not seeing the emotional threat Tucker posed to Ashley. The childlike alter refused to be intimidated, and she accused the dominant alter of putting Ashley at risk. The dominant alter reasoned that Ashley was vulnerable when she was around Tucker, and it was her job to make sure he got out of Ashley's life for good. The childlike alter wailed that she was scared about what the dominant counterpart was planning.

Ashley's dominant alter called the childlike one ignorant, and the childlike alter yelled, "You're gross!" The childlike alter reasoned that if people blamed Ashley, then the alters weren't protecting her at all. The dominant alter was confident that their "sweet little vessel" wouldn't be blamed, since Tucker's "bimbo girlfriend" would take the fall. The dominant alter crowed that her plan was genius, and she ordered the childlike alter to stay out of it, or she would make her disappear for good.

Ashley's childlike alter contended that Ashley had created her to protect her from the dominant alter, who was going too far. The childlike alter vowed to stop the dominant one. The dominant alter growled that she was in control of the situation, and she was stronger than either Ashley or the childlike alter. The dominant alter mocked Ashley for being weak and vulnerable. Ashley remained unresponsive.

Ashley's dominant alter ordered the childlike one to go back to sleep. The childlike alter pouted, crossed her arms defiantly across her chest, and told the dominant one that she wasn't the boss of her. "Oh, but I am!" the dominant alter exclaimed, and the childlike alter succumbed to sleep. The dominant alter told Ashley that Tucker would soon be gone for good, and she promised that Ashley would be safe.

In the hotel suite, Ashley snapped out of her trance-like state and grabbed a compact mirror out of her purse. She grimaced when she saw the makeup her childlike alter had applied. She let down her hair and wiped off her lipstick. "It's time for you to go, Tucker," she growled.

At the Abbott mansion, Traci thanked Jack, Diane, and Billy for being there because she needed to address something she didn't think could wait. Diane was glad to be included in the family meeting. Billy asked how long it would take, since Chelsea was dealing with some stuff with Connor. Traci swore it was important, and Jack assumed they were waiting for Ashley because she was the topic. Traci confided that she was scared to death for Ashley.

Traci referred to Tucker's warning that Ashley needed professional help, but Jack chalked it up to being another one of Tucker's mind games. Traci sensed that something bigger had been going on since she and Ashley had returned home from Paris. Traci cautioned that they'd never forgive themselves if Tucker was right, and they sat back and did nothing. Jack balked, citing the multiple times Ashley had ordered him to butt out. Diane agreed that Ashley had made it clear that she was tired of everyone weighing in with their opinions.

Traci reasoned that it was better to be wrong and sorry than to ignore the warning signs, since things had become far more dangerous than the rest of them knew. Traci explained that she was struggling because she was trying not to break Ashley's confidence, and her sister had sworn her to secrecy. Billy argued that safety was a concern. Traci divulged that Ashley had been having blackouts and waking up in strange places with no recollection of how she'd gotten there.

Traci informed the group that Ashley had been out all night and had been a wreck when she'd returned home in the morning. Traci revealed that Ashley had woken up alone in a seedy motel with no memory of how she'd gotten there, but Ashley had sworn that no pills or alcohol had been involved. Traci pointed out that they'd all witnessed Ashley's erratic behavior. Billy and Jack recalled their odd encounters where Ashley had been acting like a child. Traci thought it was time to consider the possibility that something serious was going on with Ashley.

Traci relayed that one minute, Ashley had agreed to see a doctor because she'd been terrified by her blackouts, and the next moment, she'd claimed it was nothing to worry about. Traci was adamant that they step in to help Ashley. The front door opened, and Ashley entered the mansion. "Oh, dear. Look at these faces -- so grim. Who died?" Ashley asked.

Traci informed Ashley that they'd been discussing their concern for her. Ashley surmised that Traci had blabbed everything that Ashley had shared in confidence. Traci defended that she hadn't been able to keep the secret because Ashley's behavior was a cry for help. Jack stated that Ashley's condition was more serious than they'd known.

Ashley scoffed at the idea that she had a condition, and she found it fascinating that she wasn't allowed to have conflicting feelings or concerns because her family would think she was falling apart if she voiced any doubts. Jack asserted that she had been blacking out and needed to see a doctor. The doorbell rang, and Billy led Tucker in. "Now, isn't this peachy? The gang's all here," Ashley sourly declared.

The Abbotts stage an intervention for Ashley
The Abbotts stage an intervention for Ashley

The Abbotts stage an intervention for Ashley

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

by Tiffany M

At the Abbott mansion, Tucker walked in as the family sat looking worried. Ashley asked if the meeting was an "intervention." Tucker said he had dropped by to speak to the Abbotts but hadn't known they would all be there. Jack and Traci said that they weren't there to "trap" Ashley. Billy asked Tucker to leave, but Ashley quickly said, "You don't speak for me," and she asked Tucker what he had to say.

In Ashley's head, her childlike alter said to the sleeping Ashley, "This is so, so bad. Tucker can't be there right now! What if she does what she's planning on doing, and she does it right this minute?" Jack told Ashley to ignore Tucker. Tucker told Ashley that she needed to listen to her family because they wanted what was best for her.

Ashley told her family and Tucker that she would hold them all "accountable" for the ambush. Diane argued that Tucker's arrival had not been planned. Ashley yelled that Diane needed to stop talking. Ashley sarcastically asked her family to "run the guest list" by her for the next intervention. Traci told Ashley that Diane had just been concerned.

Tucker asked Ashley if she remembered having asked him to get back together and then having said that she wanted nothing to do with him the next time they had seen each other. Tucker next asked if Ashley remembered having spoken with Audra and having said that "she" -- Ashley -- was going to do Tucker harm, as if Ashley had been "someone else entirely." Jack and Traci stared at Ashley in shock.

Ashley petulantly told everyone that they should be ashamed of themselves. Billy asked Ashley if what Tucker had said had been true. Tucker said he could back up what he had said with video footage and texts. Tucker then read aloud what Ashley had said to Audra about having wanted to "wound" Tucker. Ashley yelled at Tucker for "interrogating" her. Jack said that was not what they had wanted to do. Ashley said that she had already explained herself, and as for what Audra had said, Ashley had had a couple martinis and had gotten "silly." Tucker said he needed to take Ashley's threats seriously.

Ashley's childlike alter sat handcuffed to her bed, yelling that Ashley's dominant alter was going to kill Tucker.

Ashley told the Abbotts that whether they believed her or not was up to them. Ashley apologized to Tucker for not having reacted well to things. Ashley suggested they discuss it further in private. Traci protested, but Ashley said she would explain her "behavior" to Tucker and then they could "go their separate ways."

Ashley's childlike alter tried to wake the sleeping Ashley up so she could stop the dominant alter from killing Tucker.

Billy and Jack agreed with Traci that Ashley did not need to go off with Tucker alone. Ashley said she had decided she wanted to give her marriage to Tucker another chance. Jack argued that Ashley could not possibly want Tucker back. Ashley asked Tucker to "go talk." Tucker refused and said Ashley's family had been right. Tucker informed Ashley that he had proposed to Audra.

Ashley asked if the ink had even dried on their annulment papers. Tucker replied that all Ashley needed to know was that he had proposed to Audra. Tucker told Ashley that whatever they had had was in the past, and they would not get back together. Jack accused Tucker of only stopping by because he wanted to drop a bomb. Tucker argued that he hadn't been sure if he should tell Ashley about the proposal but that he had decided it would be good for Ashley to know in case the idea of the two of them reconnecting was "contributing" to her situation. Tucker said he sincerely hoped Ashley would get the help she needed. Jack and Diane asked Tucker to leave, and Billy opened the door. Jack told Ashley they were all on her side.

Billy admitted Tucker's "timing" had been bad, but the fact that the family and Tucker had all agreed said something. Ashley snidely asked for someone to get Billy a straitjacket. Traci interjected that she understood Ashley's anger, but "deep down inside," Ashley knew her family was right. Traci said it wasn't funny to threaten Tucker and say that she -- in air quotes -- would hurt Tucker.

Traci reminded Ashley that she had said her intentions were to get close to Tucker to take his company away from him. Ashley, irate, said that she had told Traci that "in confidence" and that it had been a joke. Billy said "Traci did the right thing" by telling the family. Ashley sniped at Traci that Traci would be making Ashley a deranged character in her next novel. Ashley howled like a wolf, and Traci told her to stop.

Ashley said she didn't know who Traci even was anymore. Traci started to cry and reminded Ashley that they were sisters, and her family loved and cared for her. Traci reminded Ashley that Ashley had promised to see a doctor because she had been having blackouts. Ashley screamed that Traci hadn't given her enough time to call the doctor, and instead, Traci had run right to Jack, Billy, and "even Diane." Ashley venomously said that she would never forgive Traci. Ashley asked if Traci believed Ashley was "nuts." Ashley said she had never felt so alone.

The childlike alter in Ashley's mind continued trying to awaken the sleeping Ashley to get her to stop the dominant alter.

Traci told Ashley that everyone in the room thought something serious was happening to Ashley, and they couldn't understand it. Jack and Billy concurred that they were on Ashley's team and would help her. Ashley asked if the family remembered what it had been like for her "at Fairview" before. Ashley said she knew that they wanted to help, but they were making her feel like she was "broken" and "just beyond repair."

Jack told Ashley that they couldn't just ignore the blackout, and that the family wanted to help her before things got worse. Ashley asked Jack if he really wanted to "start pointing fingers" after the "sketchy situations" he'd been in over the years. Jack said he had sought help for his issues. Ashley said that no one in the room should be judging her, and if they wanted "judgment," there was "plenty of it to go around." Ashley snidely said, "I think this evening just got interesting."

Ashley said, "Bring it! Let's see how you stand up to all the scrutiny you've been putting me under." Ashley asked Diane about her time as "Taylor" and then yelled, "You faked your own death, bitch!" Diane agreed that she had had a breakdown and that she had gotten help. Ashley accused Diane of "poisoning" her family against her.

Ashley turned to Jack and taunted him about being their "father's favorite." Billy tried to step in, so Ashley sarcastically thanked him and said Billy was clearly just happy that someone was "on a lower peg" than him. Billy told Ashley he had noticed she had "taken swipes" at everyone but Traci, since Traci loved Ashley "unconditionally" and just wanted to help. Ashley said that Traci probably had "deep-seated" resentment of Ashley because John had called Ashley "my beauty."

The Abbott family appeared to be disgusted, and Diane asked Ashley to stop. Diane said that she and Ashley could fight each other all night long if it meant Ashley would stop hurting "these people who love you." Ashley responded that she had to "get out of here." Jack and Billy blocked the exits so Ashley could not leave.

The childlike alter yelled at the sleeping Ashley to wake up, or the dominant Ashley would "take us all down with her."

At the jazz lounge, Audra and Sally hugged hello. Audra was exasperated and said her emotions were "all over the place." Sally asked Audra if Tucker had "found a way to weasel his way back" into Audra's heart. Audra confirmed Sally's suspicion and told Sally that Tucker had proposed. Audra told Sally that she had turned Tucker down and that she really didn't want to marry anyone. Audra said that she and Tucker had "magic," but that marriage would "ruin" them. Sally asked how Tucker had taken "the rejection." Audra said that she had made it clear to Tucker that getting married wasn't necessary for them to continue to be a couple.

Sally said she was stunned because Tucker didn't seem like the type of person to "take no for an answer." Audra recounted to Sally that Tucker had said he would keep proposing. Sally said that was romantic and that Tucker would then have to spend all his time "pledging his undying love" to Audra. Audra said that she felt that Ashley was still on his mind.

Sally asked Audra if Tucker had really been focusing on Ashley or if Audra had just been looking for a reason to reject his proposal. Audra replied that she didn't need "an excuse" to not get married. Sally asked if Tucker thought Ashley had mental health issues. Audra said someone like Ashley wouldn't just "fall apart" but that even Audra had seen firsthand that something had been wrong with Ashley. Audra recounted how Ashley had been "spinning out after Paris," and then she'd "suddenly accepted the truth" about Tucker's version of events.

Audra continued to explain to Sally how Ashley had been flip-flopping on her feelings for Tucker. Sally agreed that it sounded like Ashley had not been "exhibiting normal behavior." Audra said that earlier in the day, things had gotten even weirder and that Ashley had been talking about herself "in the third person." Audra told Sally that Ashley had something like "she thinks that's the only way we can protect Ashley."

Sally, visibly taken aback, said that Audra's story had given her goosebumps. Audra continued, saying that Tucker had walked in, and Ashley had acted like she had been joking. Sally conceded that Tucker probably had been focused on Ashley -- but because Tucker saw she needed help, not because he was still in love with Ashley. Sally commented that Ashley's meltdown "must be breaking her family's heart."

Audra said that Ashley was part of "so many" conversations that she had had with Tucker. Sally asked Audra if that had made her jealous. Audra said that it just made her wonder if the proposal was "more about Ashley" and less about her. Audra suggested that Tucker had proposed to make a point to both Ashley and Audra. Audra said she understood Tucker's concerns, given that Ashley's issues had started after they had been in Paris.

Sally said she hadn't known Tucker "had it in him to feel bad about something like that." Audra said that Tucker was trying to get Ashley help. Sally responded that Ashley had a family that cared, and Ashley would probably listen to them before she would listen to Tucker. Audra agreed but said Tucker wouldn't "let it go." Sally asked where Tucker was at that moment. Audra rolled her eyes and said she knew "exactly" where Tucker was. Tucker walked in, and Sally told Audra that Tucker was "back now."

Tucker and Sally exchanged pleasantries, and Audra asked where Tucker had been. Tucker replied that he had been in his "secret lair," being "nefarious." Sally excused herself, and Tucker ordered a drink at the bar. Tucker told Audra he had really been at the Abbott house. Tucker said he had done "[his] best" to alert the family about Ashley's situation. Tucker said it had appeared that the family had already been trying to intervene when he had arrived.

Audra confessed that while Tucker had been trying to save Ashley, Audra had been venting to Sally about him. Audra told Tucker that she had told Sally that Tucker was "romantic and charming" but had always chosen the "wrong moment" to prove he was a good person. Audra said that she had "gone on and on about how maddening and infuriating" Tucker could be. Tucker replied, "What can I say? I'm a catch."

Tucker asked Audra if she had told Sally about the proposal. Audra confirmed that she had. Audra said that she had made it clear that she had turned down "the idea of marriage," not Tucker personally. Tucker asked if Sally had "nudged" Audra into saying yes. Audra said Sally had "respected" her decision. Tucker said he respected it, too; he just didn't "agree with it." Audra said he would need to get over it because she was worth more than "a trip to city hall or some big party." Tucker agreed.

Tucker said that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Audra. Audra replied that "all that is still on the table, but marriage is not." Tucker smiled and toasted, "To us being unconventional." Audra said she still wanted "everything" with Tucker. Audra asked Tucker if he wanted to tell her more about what had happened at the Abbotts'. Tucker said that there was no need because the guilt had been "lifted" since he had spoken to them.

Audra said Tucker had never had anything to feel guilty about. Tucker told Audra she had "[his] word" that he was letting everything with Ashley go. Tucker promised that from "this second forward," his attention would be on Audra.

Kyle and Summer discuss Claire
Kyle and Summer discuss Claire

Kyle and Summer discuss Claire

Thursday, April 11, 2024

by Tiffany M

At the Abbott mansion, Ashley demanded that her siblings get out of her way. The voices in Ashley's head started speaking, and Ashley yelled out, "Stop!" Ashley begged Traci to get Billy, Jack, and Diane to "back off." Jack tried to call Sharon for help. When Sharon returned Jack's call, Jack asked her to visit the Abbott mansion. Sharon said that she was "on [her] way."

Ashley continued to scream at her family. Billy said that the family was just trying to help. While she started to cry, Ashley told her family that they were being cruel and vile. Traci said that she wished Ashley would stop fighting them so they could get to the bottom of things. Ashley continued to protest that no one had been listening to her. Ashley questioned how Sharon would be able to help Ashley, since Sharon wasn't even a "practicing professional." Ashley said that she would never forgive her family for the betrayal.

In Ashley's head, her childlike alter screamed for the sleeping Ashley to wake up "before it's too late."

Diane tried to comfort Jack as the screaming in Ashley's head continued. Jack told Diane not to worry about him. Jack told Diane that she shouldn't have to put up with the situation and might want to stay at the Athletic Club. Diane said that she would rather stay and let Ashley vent at her if Ashley needed to. Jack said that he would protect Diane from Ashley.

Diane asked Jack if he really thought bringing Sharon over would be a good idea. Jack said that he hoped Sharon could provide them with some "insight." Ashley fell over, and her siblings ran over to her. Ashley said that she had just been dizzy and told everyone to "stop hovering." Ashley said that she just wanted to rest in her room.

The childlike alter started kicking the bed with sleeping Ashley in it. Sleeping Ashley started to awaken. In the Abbott living room, Ashley grabbed her head and started violently shaking. Ashley seemed to pass out for a moment. When Ashley stirred and sat up, the "real" Ashley was back. Ashley asked her siblings what had been "going on."

Ashley asked why everyone was standing around like something was wrong. Traci told Ashley that Ashley had fainted. Ashley didn't remember anything that had happened. Diane suggested that they take Ashley to the hospital. Jack told Ashley to relax, and Ashley said that Jack was starting to "terrify" her. Billy said that Ashley had had a blackout. Ashley asked Traci if she had told the family about her previous blackouts. Traci confirmed that she had told their siblings about the blackouts but that Ashley had already known that.

Sharon entered and said that she wanted to help if she could. Traci told Ashley that the family had gotten together to help her with what had been going on. Traci reminded Ashley that Ashley had promised to see a doctor. Ashley swore that she had been planning to call a doctor. Ashley asked why Sharon had arrived. Sharon said that she was there "as a friend." Jack told Ashley that having someone "more experienced, more objective" might help Ashley. Ashley protested that she was "too exhausted" to continue.

In Ashley's mind, the dominant alter was handcuffed to a bed. The childlike alter cheered that she had beaten the other personality.

Billy suggested that Ashley get some rest. Jack apologized to Ashley for having worn her out. Traci escorted Ashley upstairs, and Jack asked Billy why he had clearly wanted Ashley to leave. Billy said that he felt they needed to give Sharon more information before Sharon spoke further with Ashley.

In Ashley's mind, the childlike alter taunted the dominant alter. The dominant alter argued that she was the only one who could protect Ashley. Traci sat by Ashley on the bed and reminisced about Ashley tucking Traci in when they'd been little and about the dreams they had had then. Ashley started crying, and she admitted to being scared and needing help.

The dominant alter cruelly taunted the childlike alter and said that they would be rendered powerless, and Ashley would be sent to Fairview.

Jack and Billy explained Ashley's breakdown to Sharon. Traci returned, and she reported that Ashley had fallen asleep. Sharon said that she got "the gist" of what Ashley had been going through. Traci explained the "frightening" blackouts that had been occurring. Traci said, "It's as if we're dealing with two Ashleys." Billy suggested that the family had witnessed two "very different personas" in Ashley. Billy shared that he had had a strange encounter with Ashley at Society previously.

Billy told Traci that he had gone through his own blackouts in the past, and he hadn't wanted to "project" that experience onto Ashley. Traci asked Billy when his blackouts had occurred. Billy said they had been after Delia's death. Billy continued to tell Traci about some of his blackouts, including one night that he wouldn't "get into." Billy said that he had gotten "serious therapy," and he had been treated for dissociative identity disorder. Billy said that Ashley was a stronger person than he was, and she would get through her situation, too.

Jack asked Sharon for her thoughts. Sharon agreed with Billy that the situations sounded similar. Sharon offered to make calls and get a list of referrals for who Ashley could go to for help. Jack worried that Ashley would fight her siblings on getting help, but Traci felt that Ashley would go along with their plan. Traci insisted the family had to help Ashley "before it's too late."

At the jazz lounge, Kyle was sitting at the bar when Summer walked in. Summer told Kyle that she hadn't been able to sleep. Summer, sensing Kyle's mood, asked if he was "not having a good night." Kyle replied that it had not been the best night of his life. Summer asked if it would make it better or worse if she joined Kyle.

Summer asked if Kyle was upset because they hadn't found a nanny for Harrison. Summer said that they should have found at least one person Harrison had liked. Kyle said that they had found a person who had clicked with Harrison -- Claire. Summer protested that she had not seen "any clicking at all."

Kyle said that Harrison had probably liked Claire because of her childlike excitement. Summer said that she had not noticed. Kyle speculated that Claire was excited to do "normal" things because of her horrific childhood. Summer seemed shocked and said that Kyle had to have really been paying attention to see all that in Claire from one meeting. Kyle told Summer that he had actually run into Claire again at Society.

Kyle admitted he had wanted to know more about Claire's past. Kyle recounted that Claire had "laid it all out there" and had told him all about her past. Summer questioned how Kyle had spoken to Claire twice and was already "on her side." Summer explained how Claire had won over the rest of the Newmans, but Summer had been "too skeptical to welcome" Claire. Kyle told Summer that he had not been trying to "push" Claire as a nanny for Harrison. Summer was relieved and reminded Kyle that they both had to agree who Harrison's nanny would be, and it wouldn't be Claire.

Changing the subject, Summer suggested they talk about why Kyle was "drinking alone at this hour." Kyle and Summer moved to more comfortable seating, and Kyle told Summer that he was just at the jazz lounge after work for a drink. Summer didn't believe Kyle's story and reminded him that they had been married twice. Kyle confessed that he had been having a hard time at Jabot as a "subordinate" of his mom. Summer didn't understand Kyle's confession because he had been the one who had "pushed for this in the first place."

Kyle said that Diane had not been ready for her position. Summer said that if Kyle thought Diane had been in "over her head," other people had probably noticed, too. Kyle said that Jack didn't "see it." Summer said that after having worked with her own mom before, she understood Kyle's frustration. Kyle said that Diane had felt that Kyle had been making her look bad. Kyle conceded that Diane could be right.

Kyle said that he hated "feeling all this resentment." Summer replied that she had had "a feeling something like this" might happen when Diane had gotten promoted. Summer told Kyle that although he had had the "best of intentions" in pushing for Diane to get the job, Diane hadn't really been qualified. Kyle asked Summer if he should back off or keep trying to help Diane. Summer said that Kyle had to decide whether to walk away or to stand up and prove that he was the one who deserved the co-CEO job at Jabot.

Kyle said that Summer's suggestion was a "bold move." Summer said that she had softened toward Diane but that Summer would never trust Diane. Summer said that Diane should have turned down the offer and "insisted" that Jack rehire Kyle instead. Summer told Kyle that Diane's decision had been self-serving, arrogant, and "doomed to fail." Summer asked if the Abbotts could "really afford to have Diane in this position of power without the ability to handle it." Kyle agreed that Summer was right. Kyle worried the company would suffer if Kyle didn't take what should have been his all along.

Nikki and Victor celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary
Nikki and Victor celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary

Nikki and Victor celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary

Friday, April 12, 2024

by Tiffany M

Dressed in formal attire, Victoria was setting up for a party at the jazz lounge. Nick asked one of the security guards to be on the lookout for Jordan. Victoria and Nick agreed that it was crucial that Nikki and Victor's anniversary party went off without a hitch.

Adam and Sally approached Victoria and Nick. Sally complimented the party, and Victoria excused herself. Abby and Devon arrived and exchanged quick pleasantries before going to find Victoria. Nick told Adam and Sally that he was glad they were both at the party. Nick inquired about Connor, but Adam said that he had had no contact with his son. Nick said that he felt for Adam and asked if things were like that for all the parents. Adam said that the situation was different for Adam and Chelsea because they were the "cause" of Connor's illness.

Nick told Adam that what Adam and Chelsea were going through sounded "agonizing." Nick asked why the doctors felt Connor's parents had triggered their son. Adam explained that Connor had told the doctors that he had worse thoughts when his parents were around. Adam became angry as he filled Nick in, so Adam suggested they change the subject. Adam offered to grab martinis, but Nick informed Adam it was a "dry party."

Summer and Chance walked downstairs to attend the party as Harrison and Kyle entered the Athletic Club. Harrison and Summer left so Harrison could show Summer a present for his great-grandparents. Kyle told Chance that Summer looked happy and that Chance was "a big part of that." Chance said that he was "pretty happy" himself. Chance said that Kyle had done a great thing by bringing Harrison to the party.

Claire and Cole walked into the Athletic Club and greeted Kyle and Chance. Harrison saw Claire from across the room and ran over to give her a hug. Jordan, disguised as a man, peered in through the window.

Harrison showed Claire his "good luck charm" -- a lucky bunny. Claire said that she had had a charm like that when she had been a kid, but she had lost it. Summer said that it was time to go to the party. Harrison grabbed Claire's hand and pulled her along. Kyle, Chance, and Cole grinned as Summer looked annoyed. Outside, Jordan said to herself, "How precious."

At the Abbott mansion, Jack told Diane that she had never "looked more beautiful." Traci asked if they were off to the party. Jack affirmed that it was time for them to go, but he didn't like leaving Ashley. Diane offered to skip the party, but Traci said that Jack needed to "be there" for Nikki's big night.

Jack questioned what would happen if "angry Ashley is the one who wakes up next." Traci said that Jack had nothing to worry about and that she would deal with anything that happened. Traci demanded Jack and Diane go have fun at the party. Billy entered and said that he was thrilled that he was not going to the party.

Billy told Traci that he didn't remember a lot about Ashley's previous "psychological issues." Traci said that Ashley had once suffered from "hysterical amnesia" and had left town. Traci said that Ashley had had other issues after that, but the recent situation was different. Traci recounted that in the past, Ashley had always gotten help, but Ashley had been very resistant to treatment for her latest episodes.

Traci asked Billy to tell her more about the situation he had been through that had been similar to Ashley's. Traci told Billy that she was "so grateful" that Billy was okay and that she was sorry he hadn't felt like he could "turn to the family." Billy said that he had known he could go to the Abbotts, he just hadn't been ready to share things with everyone at the time. Traci thanked Billy for trusting her and said that if anything like that ever happened again, the family would "rally around" him. Billy said that there was "no shortage of love" within the Abbott family.

At the party, Michael complimented Lauren, as Jack and Diane entered. The couples exchanged hellos, and Michael joked that Victor could not have approved the guest list. Michael and Diane went to grab a drink. Jack told Lauren that Nikki had begged him to attend the party. Lauren said that Nikki was lucky to have Jack, and Jack reminded Lauren how she had helped Nikki before, as well.

Victoria greeted Cole, Claire, and Harrison at their table. Victoria and Cole told Harrison that they were Claire's parents. Claire noticed Summer glaring at them from across the room, and she suggested that Harrison go visit his mom. After Claire left to grab a drink, Victoria asked Cole if he had noticed the way Summer had been looking at Claire. Cole confirmed that he had noticed. Victoria said that she thought she should say something to Summer about the situation, but Cole told Victoria to stop "overthinking."

At the Newman ranch, Nikki took a swig from her flask. Victor entered the living room and told Nikki that she looked "more gorgeous" every time he saw her. Nikki said that she was ready for their "big night" and that no one could spoil the 40th wedding anniversary of their first marriage.

Victor presented Nikki with a small gift. Nikki opened the box and gasped at the "stunning" ruby ring inside. Victor put the ring on Nikki's finger. Nikki thanked Victor - not just for the ring - but for everything he had done for her over the past few months. Nikki promised Victor that the years ahead would be "better than [they] could even imagine." Victor leaned in to kiss Nikki and said that he had "as much faith" in their future together as Nikki did.

Nikki and Victor entered their party, and everyone in the room stood and applauded. Nick kicked off the festivities by telling Nikki and Victor that they had shown their children "what real love is." Victoria continued the accolades, saying that Nikki and Victor had taught their children how to believe in family and the love that held them all together. Victoria expressed how proud she was to be their daughter and witness their "once-in-a-lifetime love."

Adam walked to the front to offer a "toast of [his] own." Adam confessed that "over the years," he had been trouble and regretted it. Adam said that he had learned to see Victor's wisdom and love for family.

Summer stood and said that everything she had learned about love, she had learned from her grandparents. Summer mentioned how generous her grandparents were with gifts and told the crowd to "check out" the ring Nikki was wearing. Summer continued, saying that nothing compared to the "love, support, and loyalty" that her grandparents showed their family. Summer concluded by saying, "Happy 40th anniversary. I love you."

Abby stood and said that it had not been a secret that she had been "a little bit of a brat." Abby praised Victor's patience with her over the years and said that he had set the bar very high for how far someone could go for love. Abby said that Nikki was the only person who could match Victor's energy. When Abby finished, Devon stood for his turn to toast the couple. Devon said that he was very happy to see Nikki and Victor celebrate their anniversary in the same place that honored Neil. Devon reminded everyone how much Victor and Nikki had meant to Devon and Neil. Devon concluded his toast by saying the power of the couple's love had been "felt by everybody in this room."

Michael noted how a lot of things had changed between him and Victor over the years. Michael said that the "one constant" with Victor had always been his love for Nikki. Michael told Victor that when Victor had found Nikki, he had found his heart. Lauren added that everyone was "so grateful" for that.

Jack grabbed a glass of Champagne and took his turn toasting the couple. Jack said that he had always been impressed with Nikki's "strength and resilience" in putting up with Victor. The crowd laughed. Jack said that he had recently been able to see firsthand how much Victor loved Nikki. Jack concluded by toasting Victor's love and loyalty and Nikki's commitment and strength.

Victor stood and looked into Nikki's eyes. Victor reminded Nikki that a long time before, Nikki had said to him, "Victor Newman, you will never love another woman the way you love me." After Victor gave Nikki a kiss, he proclaimed, "How right she was!" Victor thanked Nikki for the family they had built and said that all his success meant nothing without her. Nikki and Victor both teared up. Nikki told Victor that as long as he was by her side, "everything" would be possible. Nikki told Victor that he was the love of her life and that the celebration with their family and friends could not be "taken away" from them. The crowd stood and cheered.

As the party continued, Abby and Devon chatted with Victoria and Claire. Abby apologized to Claire for not being "around much." Nikki thanked Lauren for the toast from her and Michael. Lauren said that Nikki was glowing and that Lauren was very glad Nikki was sober again. Diane and Jack congratulated Victor. Victor inquired about Ashley's whereabouts, and Diane answered that Ashley sent "her regrets" and that Ashley was "under the weather."

On the dance floor, Summer thanked Chance for being her date. Adam told Sally that their dance was the "best part" of his night. Nick, alone, watched the couples dancing and took a sip of Champagne. Cole and Victoria happily glanced over at Claire from the bar. Cole told Victoria that he hoped he hadn't overstepped when he had kissed her before. Victoria assured Cole she had not been uncomfortable.

Adam and Sally left the dance floor and congratulated Nikki and Victor again. Sally told the Newmans that they were "truly an inspiration." Victor inquired about Connor. Adam sighed and responded, "Not good." Nikki asked Adam if she would be able to send Connor a care package. Victor told Adam not to worry about Connor and that Adam's son would "be all right." Victoria told Adam to take Sally back out on the dance floor and have a great time.

Victor commented to Nikki on what a nice evening it had been. Nikki grasped at her purse, longing to take a drink.

Diane told Kyle that she hadn't expected to see him at the party. Kyle said that Harrison had wanted to be there. Diane tried to chit-chat about the party, but Kyle said that he knew she was just trying to make "an extra effort" because she was unhappy with him. Diane argued that she was not unhappy with Kyle but that she was "unhappy with the situation."

Harrison ran up to Victor and Nikki and gave them a drawing. Harrison hugged Victor and blew Nikki a kiss. Harrison walked over to Kyle and told Kyle that he was sleepy. Kyle and Harrison went to tell Summer goodbye before leaving. Claire approached Summer and said that she thought Harrison was "amazing." Summer agreed and brushed Claire off.

Nick told Victor that Victor knew "how to throw a party." Victor asked Nick to keep an eye on security. Nick said that he had been talking to security all night, and there had been no sign of Jordan. Victor said that he wished Jordan had shown up so they could have caught her. Nick told Victor to "be careful what you wish for."

Victor and Nikki hugged, and Victor asked Nikki if she was happy. Nikki replied that she was as happy as she had been 40 years before. Nikki thanked Victor for the party. The crowd surrendered the dance floor to Victor and Nikki, and the attendees looked on in admiration. Nikki and Victor both flashed back to the dance from their first wedding. The Newmans wished each other happy anniversary again and kissed.

Claire noticed that Harrison had left his "lucky bunny" on the couch. She looked over at Summer and then left the lounge. Kyle and Harrison left the Athletic Club as Jordan looked on.

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