Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 29, 2024 on Y&R

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Nikki fired Audra. Audra forced Tucker to choose between her and Ashley. A fire broke out in the prison where Jordan was being held.
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 29, 2024 on Y&R

Nikki fired Audra. Ashley accused Tucker of paying off the Parisian waiter to back up his version of their argument. Audra forced Tucker to choose between her and Ashley, and he chose Audra. After a fire broke out at the prison in Oregon, it was unknown whether Jordan had perished or escaped.

Nikki fires a stunned Audra
Nikki fires a stunned Audra

Nikki fires a stunned Audra

Monday, January 29, 2024

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by Anne Carpenter

Summer appeared apprehensive when she arrived a little late at the Athletic Club for her date and did not immediately see Chance waiting for her. Chance entered and apologized for being late. Summer teased that Chance could earn a "first date badge" by taking her coat. When Chance admired the lovely cocktail dress Summer had exchanged for business attire, he remarked, "You changed." Summer explained that she had done so because it was their first official date. Chance escorted Summer to a table in a quiet area. Summer admitted she was experiencing "full-blown social anxiety," explaining that she would feel awkward facing Kyle, Abby, or even Phyllis." Chance was charmed to learn that Phyllis had assumed the role of matchmaker by suggesting to Summer that she and Chance should get together.

Summer and Chance spoke about traumatic times in their lives when they had been present for each other. They also shared lighthearted moments neither had before known about the other. Chance poked fun at Summer when he learned that she did not like watermelon. Chance was sympathetic when Summer mentioned her severe peanut allergy. Chance shared that he developed rashes whenever he ate kiwi fruit. Summer teased that that they should not order a peanut butter dessert with a drizzle of kiwi.

Summer's eyes lit up when she told Chance she enjoyed the jovial side of him. Summer was impressed when Chance remembered a detail about her life she had shared long before, though he admitted he had at times been called out for not paying attention to his significant others. Summer was charmed when Chance smiled and promised he would not forget anything she told him.

Reaching far back in time, Chance recalled Summer's grand theft auto escapade. Summer spit out her coffee when she burst into laughter. Summer asked Chance if he had never had a rebellious streak. Chance replied, "Straight as an arrow all the way through." Summer, referring to the unfortunate car incident, noted that she had fallen for the wrong guy, having had her heart broken a couple of times afterward. Summer admitted she had once believed that Kyle had been the love of her life.

Chance compared Summer's heartbreak to his regarding his breakup with Abby. Summer said, "Lately, something's lifted for me. I feel lighter. More hopeful." Chance raised his coffee cup and replied, "Cheers to that." The couple's tensions eased as they laughed while sharing their life stories.

Nikki summoned Audra to her office to "clear the air" after a recent exchange about Nikki's relapse. Nikki expressed regret for snapping at Audra. Audra offered an apology for having overstepped by sharing her father's struggle with addiction and promised not to do so again. Nikki explained that she would be uncomfortable working with Audra, fearing that her assistant would be hovering over her and waiting for her to slip up. Audra promised to back off and pretend she was not aware of Nikki's relapse. Nikki insisted that codependence posed a danger to her recovery.

Audra, concerned, told Nikki she feared she was about to be fired. Nikki offered Audra a position at the Newman Media office in London. Audra noted that the office would not open for a year. Nikki rattled off a number of tasks to be completed before the office was up and running. Audra said, "You want me to move to London?" Nikki recalled that Audra had once lived in London and could prove her value to the Newman Empire. Audra told Nikki she liked Genoa City and did not want to leave. Audra cried that she regretted having shared her father's struggles with alcohol, fearing it might cause tensions between her and Nikki.

Audra, becoming emotional, begged Nikki to devise another way to work things out. Nikki insisted Audra should consider the transfer to be an opportunity. Audra replied, "And what if I say no?" Nikki said she could not see another option. Audra warned that Nikki would be making a huge mistake. Nikki advised Audra not to threaten her. Audra claimed she was concerned. She noted that Nikki had already lost Claire and would put herself under additional stress.

Nikki noted that Audra's statements proved her earlier point about Audra treating her differently. Audra recalled that stress had been her father's worst trigger, which had always caused him to relapse. Audra explained that her absence in Genoa City would not accomplish Nikki's goal of not being reminded of her disease. Audra asked Nikki to consider the people she would hurt if she slipped back into drinking to relieve her anxieties. Nikki replied, "You leave me no choice but to let you go."

Audra appeared shocked and hurt. Nikki promised Audra a generous severance package along with a glowing recommendation. Nikki also reminded Audra that she had signed a nondisclosure agreement. Audra replied, "Yes. It is ironclad." Before exiting, Audra told Nikki it had been a privilege working with her. Audra, appearing sincere, said she hoped Nikki would beat her disease. After Audra left, Nikki, her hands shaking, retrieved a flask from her desk drawer before quickly replacing it. Nikki picked up her phone instead.

At Society, Jack phoned Nikki and left a message telling her he was available if she needed him. When Jack stepped out of the alcove, he spotted Victor sitting alone at the bar. Jack hesitated for a moment before entering the dining area and taking a seat beside Victor. After Jack said Victor appeared to have the weight of the world on his shoulders, he offered to listen if Victor wished to talk. Victor reminded Jack that they were not exactly friends. Jack broke the ice by displaying a photo of Harrison on his phone for Victor to admire. Victor and Jack both expressed regret about the end of Kyle and Summer's marriage.

Jack mentioned the kidnapping trauma, explaining that a rattled Nikki had filled him in during an encounter at Crimson Lights. Victor was curious as to why Jack had lent Nikki a sympathetic ear. Jack set Victor at ease after explaining that Nikki had been short on details, though he had surmised that the ordeal had been traumatic. Victor replied, "Yeah. Tough on all of us." Victor bristled when Jack mentioned being aware that Victoria had taken a leave of absence, though he insisted that both Victoria and Nikki were dealing with what had transpired. Jack said he admired Victor for supporting his family.

Jack and Victor, former fight-to-the-death foes, shared lighter moments and even laughs while recalling their sparring days in the past. Victor, refusing to back down from his initial inquiry, asked, "What do you really want to know?" Jack insisted he had no hidden agenda and was genuinely concerned about Nikki and the Newman family. Victor told Jack it was none of his concern. Jack said he had maintained a friendship with Nikki, Nick, and Victoria. Victor attempted to shut down the topic.

Jack was signing his bar tab to pay for his and Victor's premium drinks when Nikki phoned. Jack was careful not to reveal his caller's identity. Nikki, struggling to maintain her composure, cried that she needed to talk. Jack agreed to meet Nikki at her office. Jack told Victor that Diane was expecting him. Victor said he would tell Nikki that Jack had asked about her.

Audra entered Society after leaving Newman Media and ran into Victor. Victor asked Audra if Nikki was still at the office. Audra explained that Nikki had discussed sending her to London to open Newman Media's new office. Audra cried that Nikki had fired her after the offer had been declined. Victor said, "I never heard about those plans." Audra looked over her shoulder and quietly replied, "Nikki was perfectly sober when she gave me the axe. Yes, I'm aware that she's been drinking."

Audra noted that she had not used Nikki's substance abuse against her, though she had made a mistake by offering help. Victor offered Audra a position at Newman Enterprises. Audra replied, "In exchange for my silence about Nikki?" Victor noted that he valued discretion. Audra assured Victor she would abide by her NDA and would never use Nikki's sobriety as a bargaining chip. Audra informed Victor that she had other plans, adding that it had "been a clarifying evening." Audra informed Victor that she knew what her next moves would be.

Jack entered Nikki's office and locked the door. Nikki told Jack she had had an upsetting day with Audra. Nikki admitted having told Audra that she had been struggling with her sobriety. Jack replied, "Please tell me she didn't hold it against you." Nikki explained that Audra had offered understanding and had even shared that her father had been an alcoholic until he had lost his battle. Jack replied, "Do we believe her?" Nikki said she did, adding that Audra had a deep understanding of the disease. Nikki explained that Audra had been present during Seth's visit and had noticed the subtleties of their interactions.

Jack recalled witnessing Audra's manipulations of Kyle and Tucker, and he declared that he could not put much faith in Audra. Nikki admitted she regretted having trusted Audra because it had made their working relationship difficult. Nikki explained that after Audra had declined a position in London, she had been let go. Jack winced and warned that Audra was kind of a wild card, adding that it was wise to keep one's enemies close. Nikki panicked and asked Jack if she had made a mistake. Jack told Nikki that Audra might take action if she felt wrongfully terminated. Nikki said she did not anticipate Audra taking legal action.

Jack expressed concern about Nikki running Newman Media while it was short-staffed, which he noted was not a good recipe for sobriety. Nikki, appearing shocked, cried, "That's what she said. Oh, God, Jack. What am I doing? I mean, I'm making a mistake." Jack offered to help Nikki find a suitable COO, suggesting she select Nicholas. Nikki explained that Victor had insisted on having Nick and Adam work together, a plan that had been surprisingly successful. Jack asked about Victoria. Nikki shook her head and replied that Victoria needed to focus on her family.

Nikki insisted that she would not flirt with disaster by considering Adam. Jack suggested Nate or Sally. Nikki declared that she would never again trust Nate after he had almost betrayed Victor. Nikki recoiled at the thought of working with Sally. Nikki cried that her whole life was spiraling out of control, and she blamed herself for her predicament. Jack, remaining calm, said, "We will fix this." Jack assured Nikki he knew of someone who might fit in perfectly. Jack told Nikki she had to trust that he would not let her down. Nikki begged for details, but Jack insisted on doing it his way. Jack said, "Don't get burned out on this."

Nikki suggested she take a leave of absence. Jack nixed the plan, explaining that Nikki needed to stay focused with the help of a healthy support system. Jack promised Nikki he would ensure she did not fall back on alcohol as long as she leaned on him. Jack reminded Nikki that she had demonstrated strength by reaching out to him for help, adding that he was in her corner. Victor knocked on the door and called out to Nikki. Nikki, concerned, bristled and looked to Jack for a clue about how to respond and react.

Victor gets some disturbing news
Victor gets some disturbing news

Victor gets some disturbing news

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

by Jenny Smith

At Chancellor-Winters, Nate suggested that he and Devon call it quits for the night, and he offered to buy his cousin a drink at the club. Devon said it was the best offer he'd had all day.

At the Athletic Club, Tucker joined Audra at a table and voiced surprise that he'd heard from her that soon after their last conversation. He ordered his usual drink, and she instructed the server to put it on her tab. Tucker marveled that it was the deluxe apology, and Audra wrote off their last encounter as a few angry words between old friends. Tucker wondered if she was becoming as mercurial as everyone said he was.

Tucker surmised that he was rubbing off on Audra. She countered that it wasn't in the right ways, since she wasn't rich beyond her wildest dreams, like him. "Not yet," he replied, and he insinuated that he could change that for her. Audra referred to the plan he'd mentioned, and Tucker recalled that she'd turned him down. He assumed she'd changed her mind, and he inquired whether his pitch had gotten under her skin or if he was just that irresistible.

Audra denied that she found Tucker irresistible, but she thought his offer to work with him might be. Tucker pointed out that she'd emphatically declined earlier, and he asked what had changed. She claimed that she'd had a kneejerk reaction to the mention of Jabot, but she'd had time to think things through and become calmer. Tucker sensed that something was different, since she'd been adamant that she was done with him in all ways.

Audra announced that she'd decided to leave Newman Media because there was no upward mobility for her there, and there were better options on the table. Tucker was skeptical that she'd just realized that, and Audra flatly asked if the offer was still on the table. Tucker informed her that it was, but only if she was honest with him; he guessed Nikki had fired her. He concluded from Audra's silence that he was right. Audra insisted that she'd quit, and she dared Tucker to ask Nikki about it himself.

Audra muttered that it wasn't the pleasant drink and chat she'd hoped for. She spotted Nate enter the club. Tucker followed her gaze and concluded that something was going on between Audra and Nate, and he was sure it was related to her "quitting" her job. Devon joined Nate, completely ignoring Tucker, whose expression darkened.

Devon briefly glanced over at Tucker and asked if Nate was still friends with Audra. Nate hesitated to call her a friend, but Devon recalled that the two had been close enough to do deals together. Nate swore that he'd learned his lesson, and while he and Audra were still polite to one another, he didn't consider it a friendship. Devon detected a vibe between them. Nate said it was beyond him why she still gave Tucker her attention, and he called it a messed-up co-dependency because the guy was toxic. Nate quickly apologized, but Devon declared that he'd reached the same conclusion.

Nate was glad that he and Devon were able spend time together again because family meant everything. Devon hoped Nate wasn't about to encourage him to reach out to Tucker. Nate empathized that it was hard for Devon not to have his father in his life, but Devon figured that Tucker had never really been around, so it wasn't that hard. Devon added that he'd had the only father he'd ever need, and Tucker would never be half the man Neil had been. Devon griped that he couldn't trust a single word out of Tucker's mouth, and he didn't want someone like that in his life.

Meanwhile, Audra sympathized that Devon had blown Tucker off. Tucker claimed he hadn't noticed, but she considered his love for his son to be one of his most endearing qualities. Tucker asked about the others, and Audra envisioned giving him a list of his good points so he could tape it to his mirror to remind himself that he was part of the human race. He admired her skill set, including the simmering looks, clever jabs, and underhanded compliments. She commented that he made her sound fascinating, and he insisted she was.

Tucker recounted that he'd opened a vein when he'd bared his soul to Audra, and she'd shut him down without batting an eye. He scoffed at the idea that she was filled with regret after she'd supposedly quit her lucrative job, and he accused her of using his estrangement with Devon to pretend she cared while she exchanged sly looks with Nate. Tucker dryly asked if she was part of the human race, and he said he was dying to know about the long con she was playing.

Tucker observed that Nate was trying hard not to look at Audra, and he suspected that Nate fit into whatever she was up to. Audra speculated that perhaps she just liked looking at Nate because he was an attractive man. Tucker pointed out that Nate kept looking at her, and she argued that she was an attractive woman. Tucker called her dangerous, and he pushed to know what was going on with her and Nate. Audra claimed that she and Nate were sleeping together. "No, you're not," Tucker knowingly replied.

Tucker added that he couldn't care less if Audra and Nate were sleeping together because she'd just be using sex again as a means to some end. Tucker pondered what that end was, but Audra ordered him to focus on their partnership. "Who said I still want to partner with you?" Tucker queried. Audra scoffed at the idea that he'd offered her the world only to change his mind. Tucker claimed that he was thinking about it, and he got up to leave. "Gentlemen," he said as he passed Devon and Nate's table. Devon didn't acknowledge his father.

Devon ranted that everything about Tucker was a lie, and he was annoyed that Tucker felt like he could pull one over on anyone he wanted. Devon continued that it had been bad enough when he'd been in the dark about things, but it had gotten worse when he'd found out that Tucker had played him like a sucker. Nate imagined that the news had destabilized Tucker's new company, so it would be better for everyone if Tucker tried to manage it from France. Nate questioned why Tucker would stick around Genoa City when everyone hated him -- unless he was still holding out hope Devon might forgive him one day.

Devon figured that Tucker always thought he could win, and he doubted Tucker would let anyone think he'd been chased away. Devon compared it to how Nate had been determined to have his family forgive him, but Nate defended that what he'd done had been nothing compared to what Tucker had pulled over the years. Devon asserted that the difference was that Nate had proven he could change and make amends, whereas Tucker had proven that he couldn't or wouldn't. Devon realized he needed to get home, and he thanked Nate for the drink. After Devon left, Nate and Audra locked eyes.

Nate crossed over to Audra's table, and he wondered why Tucker had been eyeing him. Audra informed him that it had been about Nate eyeing her, and she cautioned that he needed to work on that. She added that Nate had given her the perfect suggestion for how to take Glissade from Tucker by undermining him from the inside, so she had to get back in Tucker's good graces. Nate grumbled that it was an excuse for her to get sucked back in again, but Audra insisted that she knew exactly what she was doing. Nate warned that Tucker knew, too. Audra recognized that it was how the game was played for her and Tucker -- and it was her time to win.

At Newman Media, Victor found Nikki's office door locked, and he knocked and called out to ask if she was there. Inside the office, Nikki and Jack remained silent. After Victor walked away, Nikki sighed deeply and remarked that it had been close. Jack grumbled that it had been a long time since he'd felt the need to sneak around, and he didn't miss the feeling. He warned her against keeping secrets, but she reminded him that it was what they'd agreed upon. Jack questioned whether Nikki was sure she wouldn't tell Victor that Jack was her new sponsor.

Victor returned to Newman Enterprises and made a call. Nikki panicked when she saw an incoming call from her husband. Jack urged her to take it, and she answered. Victor mentioned that he'd found the doors locked at her office, and he'd thought she'd left for the night, but then he'd seen her car in the garage. She lied that she'd gone out for a walk, and she asked if he needed to see her. Victor invited her to dinner, and she agreed to meet him at his office.

After Nikki hung up, Jack observed how keeping the truth from Victor was affecting her. She assured him she could handle it, and she reiterated that it would be best if Victor didn't know Jack was involved. She explained that being in that position made her feel ashamed, since she couldn't string two days together without feeling the urge to drink. She groaned that she knew how the program worked, and she thought she should have beaten her addiction weeks earlier.

Nikki imagined how Victor would react if he knew she was already relying on Jack, and she worried that Victor was going through enough stress without her telling him she'd chosen someone else to support her. Nikki insisted that she had to spare Victor. "Okay," Jack conceded, and she thanked him for dropping whatever he'd been doing to spend time with her. Jack shared that he'd been at Society, having a drink with Victor and trying to get a read on how Victor was reacting to everything. Nikki snapped that it was exactly what Jack shouldn't have done.

Nikki admonished Jack for seeking Victor out to interrogate him. Jack assured her that he was an old hand at getting information out of Victor without Victor realizing it, and the one big thing he'd gotten was that Victor loved her and would do anything in his power to protect her -- including accepting Jack as her sponsor. Nikki maintained that Victor couldn't know anything about it, and she insisted on getting through it herself with the support of someone who truly understood what it was like. "I'm your guy," Jack affirmed.

Jack returned home to the Abbott mansion. Diane greeted him and mentioned that she'd expected him earlier. He relayed that he'd received a distress call from Nikki, so he'd checked in on her at her office, where Victor had almost walked in on them. Jack hated what the secret was doing to Nikki, and he lamented that he was worried about her.

Jack recounted that he'd seen Nikki fight the battle more than once, but there was fear in her eyes that he'd never seen before, and she was doing everything she could to seem in control. Diane asked if it was what it had been like for him. Jack didn't remember feeling the urge for pills, but he recalled the ugliness his addiction had caused, and detox being a "living hell." Diane worried that it was too much for him to take on, but he assured her that there was no reason to be concerned. He opted to focus on her, and he suggested an evening of Champagne and dancing. They kissed.

Jack and Diane entered the jazz club and spotted Tucker alone at the bar. Jack urged Diane to ignore Tucker, who greeted them and crowed that he'd heard Ashley had gone back to Paris. Jack snapped that it was none of Tucker's business, but he wondered how Tucker had known. Tucker stated that he made it his business to know things, but it was obvious why Ashley had left town.

Tucker surmised that Ashley had taken his advice to return to the scene of the so-called crime, and she was about to find out everything she'd claimed had happened at the bistro hadn't happened. Jack imagined another scenario in which Tucker was the liar, leading to Ashley purging Tucker from her heart forever. Jack predicted that Tucker would be lonelier than he ever had been in his life, and even his delusions wouldn't keep him warm. Tucker chuckled as Jack walked away.

At Newman, Nick invited Victor to grab a drink, but Victor reported that he was having dinner with Nikki. Nick asked how his mom was doing, and Victor indicated that she was pretending to be stronger than she was. Victor groused that he didn't like that Jack was sniffing around, and he revealed that Jack had bellied up to him at the bar to ask questions. Nick inquired about what exactly Jack knew, but Victor wasn't sure. Nick thought that Jack had Nikki's best interests at heart, especially if Jack knew she was drinking.

Nick reasoned that Nikki might have opened up to Jack because he'd dealt with the same issues, and it made sense that Jack would be concerned enough to check in on them. Victor barked that he didn't need Jack's concern, and Nikki didn't need Jack's support. Nikki walked in and took issue with the way Nick was looking at her, as if she were seconds away from falling apart. Victor asked how things were going with her new sponsor, and Nikki indicated it was a much better fit.

Nick wondered what had happened to Seth, and Nikki reported that he'd had a setback of his own. She explained that she needed someone on more solid ground with their recovery, and she thought the new person would work out well because they'd been in recovery a lot longer. Victor invited Nick to join them for dinner, but Nick mentioned that Christian had reminded him that it was taco and video game night. Nick stressed that he'd be there for anything Nikki needed, and he headed out.

On the Crimson Lights patio, Sharon conducted an online business meeting with her sales team on her laptop. She encouraged them to make sure each customer felt as if they were the company's most important account. Nick quietly walked in as she ended the meeting by praising her employees and giving them an assignment that would kick off a brainstorming session. After she signed off, Nick proclaimed that she was amazing.

Nick applauded Sharon's drive and energy, and he was impressed with the advice she'd given her employees, who he assumed were younger people. Sharon admitted that it was like speaking a foreign language when technology was involved, but Nick considered her team lucky to have her as a mentor. He admired that she'd kept a hand in the coffeehouse while running a new company, and she credited Esther for being a great manager. Sharon admitted that she hadn't been able to sell the place with all the memories there, and Nick was glad it had stayed in the family.

Sharon thanked Nick for noticing that she'd managed to keep many balls in the air, and he expected her to continue to impress everyone the way she always had. Sharon pressed him to share what was going on with him, but Nick thought he was boring in comparison. Sharon inquired about Nikki. Nick lamented that his mother was one of the strongest people he knew, but the disease went in for the kill. Nick shared that Victor thought Nikki was putting on a brave front to hide how fragile she was.

Sharon assured Nick that Nikki was surrounded by people who loved her and would help her get her addiction under control again. "If she can," Nick murmured. Sharon asked if he really doubted it or if it was just an old, deep fear. She proclaimed that her money was on Nikki, who had gotten through it in the past and could do it again.

At Society, Victor inquired about Nikki's appetite, and she replied that she could eat. He mentioned that he'd had a talk with Jack at the bar earlier, and she hoped Victor had been civil. Victor shared that Jack had asked all kinds of questions that had indicated she'd told Jack about her abduction and her drinking. Nikki reasoned that she hadn't wanted to hide what was going on with the people who cared about her, and talking about it had made her feel stronger. Victor lectured that she knew he liked to keep their problems inside the family for everyone's protection. Nikki contended that the issue was her and her recovery, but Victor countered that Jack couldn't be trusted. Nikki pleaded with Victor not to make more out of it than it was.

After dinner, Victor referred to the difficult decision Nikki had recently needed to make, and he revealed that Audra had informed him that Nikki had let her go. Nikki supposed that he disagreed with her decision. He reiterated that she could hire and fire whoever she pleased, but he didn't want more stress added to her life. Nikki promised that she'd get the right people who understood boundaries on board, and she swore she wouldn't overdo it.

Victor answered a call, and one of his men reported that there had been a major fire at the prison where Jordan was being held. The man added that there had been no word on casualties or survivors. Victor requested that he be kept informed, and he hung up. Victor fibbed to Nikki that the call had just been business, and there was nothing to worry about.

Nikki learns about the prison fire
Nikki learns about the prison fire

Nikki learns about the prison fire

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

by Rob Pivarnik

Nick and Victoria were called to Victor's office, where Victor told his children about the fire at the facility where Jordan was incarcerated. Victoria wondered whether Jordan was dead or perhaps had escaped. Victoria asked what the news would mean for Nikki and Claire. Nick wondered if Jordan would risk returning to Genoa City. Victor said that Jordan was insane and had a vendetta against Nikki and the family, and until they had confirmation of Jordan's status, they should all remain on their toes.

Victor assured Victoria that he had already sent a security team to the hospital. Victoria asked that, for her daughter's sake, Claire not be made aware of the increased security. Victor assured Victoria that he would take care of it. Victor told his children that Nikki had been with him when he'd received the call but that he had decided not to tell his wife. While Victoria saw the wisdom in her father's decision, Nick stated that they would not be able to keep the information a secret for long. Victor then informed Nick and Victoria that Nikki had fired Audra. Nikki's children were worried that their mother would be running Newman Media alone.

Later, after Victoria had gone, Victor asked Nick if he and Adam were working well together. Nick informed his father that Adam has been on his best behavior, yet Nick remained a bit skeptical, noting that an obstacle or perceived grievance could undo the situation. Nick did add that he was truly rooting for Adam to succeed. "Even if he is seeing Sally Spectra again?" Victor asked his son.

Nick admitted to Victor that he himself had hoped for a future with Sally, but he wished the best for her and Adam. Victor admitted that he had never really liked nor trusted Sally, and Nick suggested that the two of them staying out of it was the best way to keep Adam focused and on his best behavior. Victor expressed concern about Nick not taking time out for a personal life. Nick told Victor that he was happy with things as they were. Victor told Nick that he was happy they were working together.

At Nikki's office, Audra informed Nikki that she had packed all her things. Audra wondered if Nikki had changed her mind about firing her. Nikki reiterated that Audra could stay only if she took the position to oversee the Newman office in London. Audra again declined, so Nikki told Audra that her decision would stand.

Nikki confessed that part of her regretted the decision, but circumstances demanded that she be selfish. Audra reiterated that she was not a threat and would never reveal Nikki's struggle to anyone. Audra also reminded Nikki that she promised to keep her distance and not monitor Nikki. Nikki stopped Audra and said, "Audra, we've had this conversation." Audra replied, "I hope you can find my replacement -- and quickly -- because running Newman Media alone? The stress is gonna be a bigger burden, a greater test of your sobriety, than my presence could ever be."

Nikki wished Audra success, offered again to write a letter of recommendation, then extended her hand. Audra shook Nikki's hand and expressed appreciation for Nikki's guidance, then called Nikki "a legend in this business." Audra wished Nikki success "with this latest... challenge."

Audra left Nikki's office then texted Tucker to ask him if he had made up his mind.

Jack and Diane arrived at Jabot headquarters and found Kyle, who was already hard at work. Jack told his son that he couldn't be prouder of Kyle. Kyle informed his mother that he planned to "go above and beyond" to make up for past bad behavior by working hard. Jack assured his son that the past was the past. Jack reminded Kyle that he had helped to save Jabot from Tucker McCall.

Diane agreed with Jack and told Kyle that he had nothing to prove to them. "Maybe I have something to prove to myself," Kyle replied. Kyle showed his parents a proposal to restructure the internship program at Jabot, a project Diane had already been working on. Kyle then left to attend a meeting.

Jack was confident that Kyle's new position would work out and optimistic that the three of them would lead the company to a "bright new future." Diane, however, was doubtful their son was on board with Jack's decision. "What are you talking about?" Jack asked Diane. Diane told Jack that Kyle was saying all the right things but was disappointed his father had not named him co-CEO.

Jack suggested that Diane was being overprotective, but Diane waved that away. "He wasn't trying to help me with the intern project. It was his subtle way of saying, 'I can do this job, and I can do it better,'" Diane explained to Jack. Jack said Diane's motherly instincts would always keep her wishing she had given the job to Kyle. Jack told Diane that she and Kyle were both exactly where they were supposed to be.

Jack received a call from Nikki. Diane excused herself so Jack could take the call. Nikki told Jack she was swamped at work then asked him if he'd found a replacement for Audra. Jack informed Nikki that "these things" could take time. Nikki told Jack that she'd had a bad moment after her conversation with Audra.

Jack advised Nikki that she shouldn't question letting Audra go because it was part of Nikki's recovery, and Nikki was capable of running Newman Media alone until a new COO could be found. Nikki wondered if she was sabotaging herself, but Jack told her, "Don't fall into that spiral of doubt. Focus on work -- one task at a time, one hour at a time."

Nikki agreed that Jack was right. There was a knock at Nikki's door. Victoria walked in, so Nikki ended her call with Jack. Victoria let her mother know that she was aware Audra had been let go. Victoria asked if Nikki thought that had been a good idea. Nikki brusquely replied, "Questioning my judgment is not helpful, Victoria!" Victoria started to apologize, but Nikki cut her off and apologized for snapping at Victoria.

Victoria asked if a double workload would be dangerous to Nikki's sobriety. Nikki proclaimed that she wished everyone around her would stop hovering. Victoria claimed the right to be concerned about her mother. Nikki insisted she could win the battle once more. Victoria told Nikki that she just wanted to help then offered to step in as an interim COO.

Nikki said that Victoria had been dealing with out-of-the-ordinary circumstances of her own, and she had stepped away from her own position in order to help Claire. Nikki changed the subject by asking about Claire. Victoria gave her mother an update, informing her that Claire had become more open and optimistic. Once more, Victoria volunteered to help, but Nikki declined then kicked her out of the office, citing an upcoming conference call. They embraced, smiling, and Victoria left. Nikki's smile faded quickly.

Tucker approached Nate at Society and asked if Nate and Audra were an item. Nate told Tucker it was none of his business. When Tucker tried to tell Nate that he and Audra were close, Nate retorted, "Audra's done with you, Tucker. Are you really the last to know?"

Tucker received Audra's text then declared that Nate had no idea how close he and Audra still were. Nate replied that Tucker would always be alone and that if he truly loved Audra, then he would let her go. "She is brilliant and talented, but she'll never achieve her true potential with your dead weight around her neck." Nate told Tucker.

Nate walked away to sit at a table. Tucker followed him and sat. Tucker explained to Nate that he and Audra understood each other and that he knew Audra had planned some sort of revenge. Tucker asked if Nate knew anything about that. "No clue," Nate lied. Tucker asked Nate to tell Audra that he was onto her. Tucker advised Nate not to throw in with Audra.

Nate called Tucker's ego and narcissism "astonishing." Tucker rebutted that his world did, in fact, revolve around himself, just as Nate's and Audra's did around each of them. Nate objected and said, "I'm nothing like you." "Of course you are. You're just not good at it," Tucker said as he smirked.

Tucker said Nate's weakness was that he was desperate to be liked. He informed Nate that he had seen Nate the night before, begging for Devon's approval. Nate countered that "Devon and I, we're rebuilding our relationship, and we're in a good place, and you can't stand to see that because your son wants nothing to do with you."

Tucker ignored Nate's statement then told Nate that if he ever got tired of being passed over at Chancellor-Winters, he should move over to Glissade with Audra and Tucker. "There is no more Audra and you," Nate said as he shook his head. Just then, Audra approached their table.

Tucker took a parting shot. He told Audra that Nate was considering going to work with them. "No way in hell," Nate declared. Tucker left, but despite Nate's protestations, Audra followed Tucker out of Society. She caught up to Tucker and asked him if he'd forgiven her. "Hmmm... How should I play this?" Tucker wondered, aloud and cynically. He told Audra that she was still "in" at Glissade and that he wasn't still angry with her.

"You won't regret it," Audra assured Tucker, to which he replied, "No, I know I won't, because bringing you back in is the only way I'm gonna find out what the hell you're up to."

Audra insisted she was not plotting against Tucker, but he seemed unconvinced. Audra told Tucker she wanted to continue to learn from him. Frustrated, Audra coyly told Tucker that they were a team again and that she wanted to start taking Glissade to the top. Tucker wasn't buying it. "You really don't trust me?" Audra asked Tucker. "Should I?" Tucker replied.

Tucker left. Audra walked back into Society and over to Nate's table. Audra told Nate that she had resigned from Newman Media. Nate was doubtful. He crossed his arms and said, "Something must have gone very wrong for you to lie to my face."

"You didn't quit, did you? Nikki fired you," Nate accused Audra. "Splitting hairs," Audra replied, then she told Nate that she hadn't mentioned it the previous night because she hadn't been in the mood to discuss it. Audra told Nate about the London offer but called it "exile."

Audra told Nate that she had only offered to help but that Nikki had seen it as a threat. Audra was upset that Nikki had used her recovery as an excuse to fire Audra. Audra also resented that Nikki had brought up the subject of the NDA Audra had signed. Audra declared that she would never spill Nikki's secret. Audra told Nate that Victor had offered her some other position at Newman, "As if I would waste my time," Audra said resentfully.

Nate hoped that Audra wouldn't use the fresh start to proceed with her plan to take Tucker down from the inside at Glissade. Nate reminded Audra that Tucker was already suspicious of her. Audra admitted that Nate's advice had registered and that he thought Audra backing off would be the smart thing to do, but she revealed that she didn't agree with him. Nate kept trying to dissuade Audra, but she was determined. Nate pleaded with Audra and predicted, "As brilliant as you are, if you go through with doing this, you're setting yourself up for a massive fall."

Audra asked Nate, "If you're so worried about me, take me up on my offer. Join with me against Tucker for fun and profit. How can you resist?" Nate declined again. Audra told Nate that he had been braver before "and much more interesting." Nate told Audra that she couldn't go up against Tucker and win. She told him to stop underestimating her like everyone else in town had done.

Outside Jack's office, Diane ran into Kyle, whose meeting had been canceled. Kyle told his mother that he had time to work on the Jabot lip-oil launch. Diane tried to stop him, as she had had some details she wanted to tweak.

Kyle told Diane that he had had some ideas about the launch, too. Kyle mentioned that Diane had talked about improving production turnaround times. "Now, you have time to explore that," Kyle said. Diane looked at her son and calmly said, "Kyle, stop."

Diane suggested that Kyle was "in overdrive" and that, subconsciously, he might be trying to do his mother's job to prove he was better at it than she was. Kyle apologized and agreed to back off. Mother and son both stated that they didn't want to hurt each other. They both expressed pride in working together as a team. Diane left, and Kyle exhaled.

Kyle entered Jack's office and requested a reality check. "Did I overstep with Mom?" Kyle asked then told Jack how Diane had accused him of being passive-aggressive when all he'd been trying to do had been to help. Jack explained that Diane was insecure about her own abilities rather than concerned for her son having tried to show her up. "You wouldn't do that, right?" Jack asked Kyle.

Kyle expressed concern about Diane stepping into a new role, but Jack assured him she needed no help. Kyle agreed to back off.

Cole met Victoria at Crimson Lights, where she informed him about the fire at the prison. She said that news updates were coming in very slowly. Cole confessed that the world would be a safer place if Jordan wasn't in it. Victoria informed Cole that Jordan might be heading for Genoa City and that she was trying to keep the news away from Nikki.

Victoria told Cole that Nikki was struggling and that Nikki had fired Audra. Victoria was afraid that the possibility of Jordan being a threat again would be too much. She used the same logic with regard to keeping Claire in the dark, citing the recent end of Claire's nightmares. Cole agreed not to tell Claire.

Cole insisted that the chances of Jordan having escaped the fire were slim and that he and Victoria were going to remain positive. Victoria asked Cole how he was able to remain so calm. Cole related the facts of their situation: that Nikki and Claire were protected, that Victor's team and the police were on top of things, and that they had beaten Jordan so far.

Cole explained that it had been humbling for him, having to deal with madness his entire life. Cole explained that Claire had not inherited the family insanity but that she had been "twisted in knots" and might have remained that way if she hadn't met Victoria. Cole told Victoria that he had seen more of her than himself in Claire and that he had taken that as a sign that Claire would one day be okay. Victoria touched Cole's hand and told him that none of it was his fault.

Nikki looked at her tablet and gasped. She read a news story about the prison fire and the possibility that some inmates might have escaped. Nikki started to quietly panic. "Oh, my God! What if she has escaped and she's coming for me? She's coming for me right now? Oh, God."

Ashley questions the waiter in Paris
Ashley questions the waiter in Paris

Ashley questions the waiter in Paris

Thursday, February 1, 2024

by Rob Pivarnik

In his office at Jabot, Jack left a voicemail for Traci. He asked how Ashley was doing in Paris. Jack moved to leave the office, but Nikki was on the other side of the door, trying to enter at the same time. Nikki stumbled into Jack's arms. "Oops," she said.

Jack could tell Nikki had been drinking. He asked her how she had gotten to his office. Nikki told Jack that she had been stupid enough to drink but not stupid enough to drive. Nikki told Jack that she'd used a ride share so that her driver wouldn't notice her condition and tell Victor. Nikki told Jack that she hated being a burden to Victor, but Jack replied that she was not a burden to anyone.

Jack asked Nikki what had triggered her latest slip. Nikki showed him the story about the fire at the Southpost Women's Correctional Facility in Oregon, the prison in which Jordan had been incarcerated.

Nikki admitted to Jack that Jordan terrified her. Nikki feared that Jordan would be coming after her and might have already arrived in Genoa City. She told Jack that she had only wanted one drink, to "make things better," but drinking had only made things worse.

Jack praised Nikki for not covering up and for coming to him for help. "You did the right thing, Nikki. I'm glad you came," Jack told her. Nikki confessed to Jack that she was feeling shame and helplessness. Nikki talked about how good she had felt for having her workload mostly under control and for having a full day of sobriety under her belt, but then, one headline had sent her running to the vodka. Nikki told Jack that one drink had become three.

Jack told Nikki that she had made a good decision by coming to see him. Jack acknowledged and validated Nikki's fears about Jordan. Jack told Nikki that the chances of Jordan having escaped were minimal and that if Jordan went to Genoa City, Victor's security team would protect Nikki. Nikki replied, "I know that logically, but this beast finds a way to feed itself."

Jack told Nikki that she needed to set herself up for success and that she needed something to make herself stronger. Jack told Nikki that they would be going to a meeting. Jack extended his hand, and Nikki took it.

Victor, in his office, was on the phone with his security team. He angrily demanded answers as to what had happened to Jordan. He demanded to know if she was dead, incarcerated, or on the loose.

At Daniel's place, Lucy entered the room as Daniel was deep in thought. Once Lucy was able to get her father's attention, she asked why Daniel had been grumpy all morning. Lucy reminded Daniel of the plans they had made for the day, but Daniel seemed distracted. Lucy commented that her mother, Heather, had also seemed preoccupied.

Lucy wondered if her parents had had a fight. Before Daniel could answer, there was a knock at the door. It was Heather. Lucy asked her parents if their plans to see a gallery show were still on. When Heather suggested Lucy should talk to Daniel about that, Lucy grew suspicious. Lucy told her parents that she didn't believe they were both dealing with deadlines at work.

Heather told Lucy that she had to speak with Daniel about work -- in private. Lucy told her parents that she was certain something was up. Heather ordered her away to do homework. Daniel backed Heather up. Lucy left the room. Daniel and Heather gave each other guilty looks.

Heather asked Daniel if he thought Lucy suspected the truth, as Lucy eavesdropped behind a door. Heather told Daniel that she was uncomfortable living a lie until Daniel could get around to telling Lily that Daniel and Heather were together. Lucy smiled when her mother said, "We love each other. We finally found our way back to each other. Do you have any idea how lucky we are?"

Heather told Daniel she had been up all night, trying to figure out where the two of them would go from there. Daniel admitted he, too, had been awake all night, asking himself the same questions. Lucy looked worried when she heard her mother ask Daniel, "Are you taking a step back from what happened?"

Daniel assured Heather that he wanted them all to be a family again as much as she did, but he couldn't keep cheating on Lily behind her back. Daniel reiterated his reluctance to flying off to California and dump it all on Lily while she was in the middle of dealing with Maddie's crisis.

"You're an honorable man, and I kinda hate that right now," Heather said to Daniel. Heather knew that she and Daniel couldn't be together until he did the right thing. Heather asked Daniel, "Where does that leave us?"

Heather, convinced that Lucy would soon figure out what was going on, asked Daniel if they planned to ask their daughter to lie for them, too. Heather was concerned that while their situation was in limbo, Daniel might start second-guessing the whole thing. Daniel tried to reassure Heather. Daniel said, "I love you. I have always loved you," but despite that, he had to be kind to Lily.

Heather confessed that she didn't want to be selfish but that she was, and she didn't want to risk anything. Daniel told Heather to be patient and to wait it out. Then, he kissed her. Heather told Daniel that she would wait for him to tell Lily. They kissed again. Lucy did a happy dance behind the door. Lucy's elbow hit the door, and Daniel heard it click shut. "You can come out from hiding now, Luce," he called out to his daughter. Lucy entered, smiling.

"You are busted, young lady," Daniel said to Lucy. "Worth it," Lucy replied giddily, as she credited her own lack of subtlety for helping her parents to figure out that they belonged together. Daniel explained to Lucy that they would all have to "lay low" until he could speak with Lily but that they could do some "family stuff." Lucy joyfully embraced her parents.

At his place, Tucker left a voicemail for Ashley. He began, "Bonjour, Ashley. I know where you are, and I know what you're doing."

At the bistro in Paris, Ashley replayed, in her mind, her version of the events that had taken place there during her honeymoon with Tucker. She was visibly rattled. Traci asked if Ashley still wanted to pursue answers.

Ashley told her sister that she needed proof that Tucker had been violent in the bistro. Ashley thanked Traci for accompanying her to France, both as her sister and as a witness. Ashley explained that it was the way to get Tucker to stop gaslighting her and that finding answers would allow Ashley to get on with her life. Ashley received and listened to the voicemail from Tucker. It concluded with Tucker wondering how Ashley would react once she'd learned the truth from the staff at the bistro.

"He's just baiting me," Ashley told Traci. One more time, Traci tried to dissuade Ashley. Ashley spotted the waiter she had remembered from that day. Ashley asked the waiter if he remembered her. The waiter remembered both her and the man with her who had been very angry. The waiter remembered the commotion Tucker had made when he had left, and the waiter said that he had felt bad for Ashley.

When Ashley mentioned the broken glass and overturned chair, the waiter said that he didn't recall those details. The waiter stated that he remembered the incident perfectly then excused himself. Ashley became upset and insisted to Traci that she did remember what had happened. "I know what I saw! I know what I heard! I remember!" Ashley exclaimed.

Traci tried to suggest that the high emotions involved in an argument might have led to confusion on Ashley's part. Ashley insisted to Traci that she was not confused then concluded that the waiter had lied because Tucker had gotten to him. Ashley decided that Tucker's message had revealed foreknowledge of Ashley having gone to Paris.

Ashley confronted the waiter. "How much did Tucker McCall pay you to lie for him?" Ashley demanded. The waiter replied, "I assure you, madame, I have only spoken the truth!" He walked away. Traci tried to get Ashley to leave, but Ashley said, "I need to be alone." Ashley walked off, and Traci followed her.

Tucker approached Kyle, who was sitting at the bar in the Athletic Club. Kyle told him to go away, but Tucker sat down, anyway. Tucker asked about Kyle's family, then Kyle countered with a question about how Tucker's plans for Glissade had been going since Tucker had replaced the entire board of directors. Kyle scoffed at Tucker for having bought the loyalty of the new board members, adding that he didn't think they'd be around long. Tucker replied, "I love it when you talk about loyalty. The boy who almost turned on his daddy."

Kyle told Tucker that he had learned from the mistake of having thrown in with Tucker and Audra. Kyle asserted that he had realized that family was the most important thing. Kyle called Tucker a "toxic mess" then predicted that the new board members would walk away and that Glissade would "crash and burn, just like everything else in your life."

Tucker called the Abbott family "self-righteous." He informed Kyle that he had hand-picked the new board members at Glissade, and he added that a scandal wouldn't scare them away. Kyle said that that fact only meant that the new hires were as lacking in morals as Tucker.

Tucker taunted Kyle about being passed over for the number-two spot at Jabot for a second time. Tucker told Kyle that if he had stayed with Tucker and Audra, Kyle would be calling the shots, "instead of always playing nice and toeing the family line." Kyle insisted that he would rather be at Jabot, succeeding, than anywhere else. Tucker accused Kyle of being nave.

Tucker took a dig at Kyle by summarizing Kyle's family history. He brought up the fact that Diane had abandoned him and pretended to be dead, but she had scored "the brass ring" at Jabot. Kyle informed Tucker that he had suggested Diane for the job. Kyle smirked as he pointed out that Tucker couldn't understand the satisfaction that came from working with family.

Tucker accused Kyle of having "chickened out, just like Ashley." Kyle told Tucker to leave his aunt out of it. Tucker warned Kyle, "You're never gonna be a player, man, until you step outta your father's shadow." He wished Kyle a good day then left.

At the A.A. meeting, Nikki shared that she had slipped again and that each time it had happened, she had felt it was harder to climb up out of the abyss. Nikki doubted her own strength but then declared, "I did beat this once... and I will do it again. Every fear that this demon feeds on, I am going to fight back. I will find the courage to keep fighting whatever this disease throws at me. And with the help of my family... my friends... my sponsor... I am going to win!"

Ashley called Tucker from Paris. Tucker laughed at Ashley when she accused him of having paid off the waiter. Tucker told her to accept the fact that no violence had occurred at the bistro. Ashley insisted, "You want to make me think I'm crazy, just to get back at me!" Tucker replied, "I'm just trying to make you see the truth." Ashley stood her ground. "I... am not... delusional," Ashley said through gritted teeth. Tucker responded, "I don't know what you want to call it. There's reality... and then there's whatever universe you're living in." Ashley hung up the phone.

Traci returned to the bistro and asked the waiter if Ashley had returned. "No, madame," the waiter replied. Traci, worried, called Jack. The call went to voicemail. Traci left a message that Ashley had disappeared after hearing Tucker's version of the story from the waiter.

Jack and Nikki returned to the Jabot office. Nikki thanked Jack for taking her to the meeting. Having sobered up, Nikki wanted to stay and focus on work as "a good distraction for all the noise" in her head. Jack told Nikki he was glad to help. Jack hugged Nikki, and as he turned to leave, he found himself face to face with Victor. "What are you doing here?" Victor asked.

Audra gives Tucker an ultimatum
Audra gives Tucker an ultimatum

Audra gives Tucker an ultimatum

Friday, February 2, 2024

by Rob Pivarnik

Billy met Chelsea at Crimson Lights, where she told him that she was worried after a phone call from Connor. Chelsea told Billy that Connor's grades had been slipping again. Chelsea was concerned that her son's frustrations were hurting his confidence. Billy assured Chelsea that they would all face the problem together. Billy asked Chelsea if she'd discussed Connor's recent struggles with Adam.

Chelsea explained to Billy that she had spoken to officials at Connor's school, and strategies were being developed to discover if a learning difference was at the root of Connor's problems. Billy could see that Chelsea was sad for her son. Chelsea said that since transferring to the school had been Connor's idea, Connor had originally thrived there, and he had made friends. Chelsea was unsure how to get Connor back to that point.

Billy tried to assure Chelsea that the school would figure out what was wrong and then would support Connor while fixing the problems, both academically and emotionally. Chelsea told Billy that the sadness in Connor's voice had reminded her of the last time Connor had been struggling, and even the love of Chelsea and Adam hadn't been able to fix things. Chelsea agreed with Billy that Connor's school was the right place for Connor to get the help he needed. Chelsea told Billy how Adam had overreacted upon hearing about Connor's issues.

Billy thought it was time for him to butt out of the situation because he was not objective when it came to Adam. Chelsea and Billy both admitted that they trusted that Adam loved Connor, but Chelsea said she didn't trust Adam's judgment when it came to "taking a beat before reacting, especially when it involves his son." Chelsea was glad she hadn't run off to see Connor while she was so upset. She was grateful Billy had talked her down. Chelsea was concerned about what Adam would do "in the name of protecting his son."

At Society, Adam vented his concerns about Connor's schooling to Sally. Sally suggested that maybe it was nothing more than the "normal speed bumps that happen when school gets a little harder." Sally asked Adam how Connor had sounded when the boy had called. Adam explained that Connor had called Chelsea who, in turn, had called Adam.

Sally assured Adam that Connor loved him. Sally believed that, like most kids Connor's age, he didn't want to draw attention to himself and that Connor was merely trying to maintain "a low profile." Adam was convinced that Connor trusted Chelsea more because Adam hadn't been around for much of his son's life. Adam remarked that neither he nor Victor had grown up with their fathers. "So, now what? It's Connor's turn?" Adam asked. Adam felt responsible for his son's state. "All of this is on me," Adam declared to Sally.

Sally told Adam that she thought he was a wonderful father. Adam was doubtful, but Sally wasn't buying it. "You'll never convince me your son doesn't adore you, Adam," Sally told him. Sally added that she wasn't about to let Adam beat up on himself. Sally told Adam, "I think you're a pretty great dad."

Sally explained that because Adam had supported his son and let Connor choose his own school, Adam had displayed faith in Connor, trust in Connor's judgment, and respect for Connor's feelings. Sally reminded Adam that since Connor had changed schools, Adam had been in constant contact with Connor through phone calls, visits, and video chats.

Sally pointed out to Adam that, until the recent bump, everything had been going great for Connor at the new school. Adam worried that someday, Connor would tell Adam that he never wanted to see his father again. Sally dismissed that idea and said to Adam, "I grew up without either one of my parents because they couldn't be bothered to stick around."

Sally wished one of her parents had stood by her the way that Adam had stood by Connor. Sally admonished Adam, "Don't you dare think it doesn't matter to him! I can see it every time he looks at you. It matters more than you can ever imagine." Adam took Sally's hand.

In Nikki's office, Victor repeated his question to Jack: "Perhaps you misunderstood my question. What are you doing here?" Nikki and Jack both tried to tell Victor that it was nothing, but Victor continued with his interrogation. Victor accused Jack of garnering the information about the Newman family's ordeal in Oregon and then questioning Victor about it. A third time, Victor asked, "What are you doing here?"

Before Nikki could respond, Jack interrupted and told a lie to Victor that Jack and Nikki had run into each other at an A.A. meeting. Victor asked, "What were you doing at the same A.A. meeting?" Jack reminded Victor about Jack's past addiction to opioids. Victor was not deterred. "What were you doing at the same A.A. meeting?" Victor repeated.

Jack informed Victor that A.A. meetings were helpful for all sorts of addicts. Jack said that he had run into Nikki, they had stopped for coffee after the meeting, and he had walked her back to the office. "End of story," Jack declared. "You're both addicts. You should be around him?" Victor asked Nikki. She told her husband that it was sweet that Jack had gone with her. Victor told Nikki that he was happy she was going to meetings. Nikki admitted that she needed them, both for herself and for her family.

Victor asked Nikki what had triggered the most recent incident. Nikki asked Victor if the phone call he'd received the previous night had been about the fire at Jordan's prison. Nikki accused Victor of keeping silent about it to protect her. Victor told Nikki he'd held back due to lack of information.

The conversation between Nikki and Victor was about to become private, so Nikki proposed meeting Jack for a lunch. Jack agreed, then left the office. As soon as the door was closed behind him, Jack exhaled in relief.

Nikki told Victor that she'd learned about the fire on the Internet. She admitted to having been shocked by the news of the big fire. Nikki observed, "It just seems like Jordan takes chaos and destruction with her wherever she goes. Apparently, she can't just be locked up and forgotten because now, she is in my head and coloring every part of our lives!" Victor replied, "She'll fade out of our lives, I promise you. What I don't like is that you need to confide in Jack Abbott. You know I don't like it."

Nikki asked Victor what he had learned about the fire. Victor told Nikki he had received no new information. Nikki asked him if it was possible Jordan had started the fire as a means to escape. Victor assured Nikki, "I promise you this: if she comes around, tries to do any harm to you or to our family, she will not live long enough to regret it."

Nikki doubted she could be as confident as Victor. Victor told his wife that if she did not feel strong, she could lean on him. Victor suggested to Nikki that they go home, but Nikki said she had extra work to do, since Audra was gone. Victor offered to help Nikki find Audra's replacement, but Nikki told him that she had already lined up some candidates. Nikki explained to Victor that she wanted to vet prospective replacements herself, not only to judge their skills, but their compatibility, as well.

Once again, Victor told Nikki to turn to him if she needed anything. Nikki smiled and agreed. Victor left her to her work. Nikki looked worried.

Audra showed up at Tucker's place and found him in a bad mood. She asked Tucker about it, but he did not want to discuss it. Audra knew the cause of Tucker's mood. She asked Tucker, "This is about Ashley, isn't it? She's yanking your chain yet again... and you're letting it get to you."

Over coffee, Tucker told Audra about Ashley's trip to Paris. He explained to Audra that the waiter whom Ashley had questioned had confirmed Tucker's version of the events. Tucker told Audra that instead of offering an apology, Ashley had called Tucker to accuse him of paying off the waiter.

Audra called Tucker "pathetic" for letting the dispute with Ashley throw him into "a snit like this." Audra told Tucker that she felt bored and insulted that Tucker was still wasting his time and passion on Ashley. Audra added that Tucker would never be able to sever his connection to Ashley. Tucker asked Audra, "Why do you care one way or the other?"

"You don't get to turn this around on me," Audra told Tucker. She told Tucker that it was about his "fixation and complete idiocy" with regard to Ashley. Tucker asked Audra why she cared about his feelings for Ashley. Audra responded, "Because before you got sucked back into her vortex, I could almost rely on you. Now, you bow to her every whim, which forces me to bow to yours."

Tucker claimed that he still meant every word he'd said to Audra. Audra listed Tucker's claims. "I'm what's good in your life. I make your heart race. I'm the one you wanna be with. But here you are, hoping Ashley will accept your version of Paris, and she magically comes back to you. That's insulting, Tucker," Audra declared. She told Tucker, "I've had enough!"

Audra stood to leave. Tucker stopped her, then apologized for jerking her around. Tucker repeated that he had meant every word he'd said to Audra. Tucker stated, "It's profound. It's like nothing I've ever experienced." Tucker admitted, though, that that the Ashley situation did have a hold on him, but it was not because he was pining for Ashley. "Then, what is it?" Audra demanded.

Tucker explained to Audra that he was afraid Ashley would return obsessed and accuse him of something he hadn't done. Tucker said that he wanted Ashley to confess that she had been the one in the wrong, so that they "could be done with it all."

The fact that Ashley had not called to apologize but to accuse caused Audra to wonder if Tucker had indeed bribed the waiter. "Did you do it?" Audra asked Tucker directly. Tucker denied bribing the waiter, and he denied trashing the bistro. Tucker said Ashley was still acting as if she was the injured party. "I'm sick of it," Tucker said.

That was the last straw for Audra. "Just... stop, okay? I can't do this anymore! I am done listening to you obsess about Ashley! " Audra gave Tucker an ultimatum. "It's time for you to pick a side. Right here. This minute, " Audra demanded. "What are you saying?" Tucker asked Audra. Audra replied, "Either you cut Ashley out of your life, once and for all, or never see me again!"

Tucker responded. "I don't react well to ultimatums, Audra. You know me better than that," he said to Audra. "I know you better than you know yourself," Audra challenged Tucker. Audra told Tucker he was conflicted because he was "too stubborn to accept the fact that Ashley was just a fantasy, an imaginary ideal that you refuse to let go of. She's not your reality. I am. At least, you keep telling me that."

Audra theorized that Tucker had clung to the idea of Ashley not because he loved Ashley but "because you can't stand to lose. It makes you crazy." Audra moved to leave. Tucker grabbed her hand to stop her. "Then, make a damn choice," Audra softly but firmly said. Tucker gently caressed Audra's hair, touched their foreheads together, then kissed her. The kiss broke, and Audra initiated a second one.

Audra and Tucker undressed and made love. Later, still in Tucker's bed, Tucker smiled and softly said to Audra, "I choose you." They kissed.

Jack went to his office at Jabot. Diane was there. Jack told his wife about Victor's reaction to finding Jack with Nikki. Jack remained convinced that if Nikki continued keeping the secret that Jack was her sponsor, it would blow up in her face.

Jack admitted to Diane that he had wanted to tell Victor everything, but Nikki was too fragile to handle such a betrayal. Diane expressed concern that if Victor learned the truth from anyone other than Nikki, it would blow up in Jack's face, too. Jack realized Diane was concerned that he and Victor would "start World War III." Jack commented that he and Diane had both had experience with Victor's ire. "I can't believe I was married to him," Diane said. "I can't believe I was married to Nikki," Jack replied.

Diane wondered if Victor would be able to keep the peace for Nikki's sake. Jack said, "If I could just convince Nikki to tell him why it is I am hanging around so much." Jack wondered if Nikki had told Victor the truth after Jack had left Nikki's office.

Jack took out his phone. He had planned to text Nikki to get an update, but instead, Jack saw that a voicemail from Traci had come in -- two hours earlier. Jack played the voicemail. In the voicemail, Traci expressed concern for Ashley, and she requested Jack call Traci if he heard from Ashley. When the message ended, Jack immediately checked for missed calls or texts from Ashley, but there was nothing.

Diane figured there were only two ways events could have played out the way they did, since the waiter had confirmed Tucker's version of that day in Paris: either Ashley was misremembering, or Tucker had bribed the waiter.

Chelsea told Billy that he was good for her. Billy corrected Chelsea and told her. "We're good for each other," Billy left to pay the bill. Chelsea's phone rang. It was Adam.

In Paris, Traci answered a call from Jack. Traci told Jack that she had just heard from Ashley, who had apologized for running off on Traci; Ashley had told Traci that she had needed time "to process and plan." Neither Jack nor Traci knew what that meant. Jack told Traci that Diane had wondered if the waiter had been bribed. Traci told Jack that Ashley had suggested the same thing and had "desperately wanted to believe it."

Traci, unsure what to believe, told Jack that she would keep an eye on their sister and keep Jack posted. Traci also told Jack that she would do some investigating of her own. Jack cautioned Traci to stay safe. After the call, Jack told Diane that part of him wanted to fly to Paris to be there for his sisters, but he needed to stay in Genoa City for Nikki.

Victor went to his office. He called his security team and told them to keep an eye out for Nikki "at all times" and to make sure Nikki was safe. Victor also told them to keep an eye out for any glimpse of Jordan.

In her office, Nikki's phone rang. The caller ID read, "Unknown." Nikki dropped the phone and flashed back to all the times she had answered an "Unknown" call, only to have been taunted by familiar music. Nikki shuffled papers, as she tried to ignore the ringing phone. Finally, Nikki swept all the papers from her desk. Nikki put her hands to her forehead and muttered to herself as the phone continued to ring, "I can't! I can't! I can't! I can't!"

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