Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 22, 2024 on Y&R

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Daniel and Heather made love. Jack agreed to be Nikki
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 22, 2024 on Y&R

Daniel and Heather made love, but he kept their relationship on hold until he could talk to Lily. Jack agreed to serve as Nikki's sponsor without Victor's knowledge. Audra told Nate about her plan to take over Glissade. Ashley and Traci went to Paris to figure out the truth.

Heather and Daniel make love
Heather and Daniel make love

Heather and Daniel make love

Monday, January 22, 2024

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by Anne Carpenter

Daniel invited Heather to his apartment to discuss an important issue. Heather seemed apprehensive when she stepped inside after Daniel answered the door. Daniel noted that Lucy was elsewhere for the afternoon. Heather remembered that Lucy was taking a class in watercolor painting. Daniel mentioned Heather having recently "dropped the L-bomb on him," and he asked for clarification about her feelings for him.

Heather confirmed that she was falling back in love. Daniel recalled their kiss on New Year's Eve. Heather said she was glad the kiss had made an impression because she yearned to see where a reconnection might take them. Daniel replied, "Yeah, but Heather, I'm with Lily now."

Heather asked Daniel if they might have a chance if he was not with Lily. Daniel answered that they could, though he clarified that Lily was in his life. Heather asked Daniel if he was in love with Lily. Daniel admitted that his and Lily's relationship had not yet reached the level of being in love. Heather asked Daniel if he desired a future with Lily instead of making their own family whole again. Daniel admitted he was not sure.

Heather clarified that though she had no intentions of hurting Lily, she would not give up on fighting for their family. Heather reminded Daniel how happy they had been and how they had planned a lifetime together. Daniel blamed himself for ruining their plans. Heather praised Daniel for finding his way back to being the man she had fallen in love with years before. Heather happily observed that Lucy was happy, felt protected, and desired to have her family together. Heather added, "I want us back."

Heather explained to Daniel that she had moved with Lucy to Portugal to give him space to figure out who he was and what he wanted. Heather told Daniel that she had held out hope he might want to reunite with her and Lucy. Daniel recalled that Heather had become involved with someone while living in Portugal. Heather replied, "A safe person. A man I knew wouldn't break my heart."

Heather suggested that she and Daniel might start over, explaining that she was not hesitant about going after what she wanted. Heather cried that she had never given up hope that she and Daniel could raise their daughter together. Heather told Daniel he could ask her to leave, though she felt he did not want her to leave. Daniel kissed Heather on the lips. The couple continued kissing in Daniel's bedroom, where they undressed each other and made love. Afterward, Heather snuggled close to Daniel and asked him if she was alone in feeling what had just happened between them. Daniel replied, "You're not alone."

Victoria reluctantly joined Nikki at Society for coffee. Victoria asked her mother how she was doing and if she was worried about Seth. Nikki, sounding frustrated, admitted she was tired of people tiptoeing around her because they were worried that she might drink. Nikki apologized for making her family and friends feel as if they had to carefully watch their actions and words. Victoria vowed to support her mother and insisted that Nikki would beat her addiction.

Nikki asked about Claire. Victoria replied that Victor, not Claire, was her main concern. Victoria happily reported that Claire had allowed her and Cole to visit. Becoming emotional, Victoria cried that she had hugged Claire and held her daughter in her arms for the first time ever. Victoria wiped away a tear and acknowledged that Nikki had apprehensions about Claire's intentions. Victoria was adamant that her maternal instincts had led her to believe that Claire desired to turn her life around.

Victoria informed her mother that she and Cole would support Claire during her recovery. Victoria complained that even though Victor had accepted Claire, he had summoned Cole to the ranch and questioned him about his relationship with Victoria. Nikki replied, "Well, you know how the past has a way of creeping up on you." Victoria maintained that she and Cole only wanted to help their daughter.

Nikki reminded Victoria that Victoria's feelings might change if she and Cole desired to create the family they believed Claire deserved. Victoria said she considered it offensive that her mom believed she would "swoon into Cole's arms." Recalling how Cole had hurt Victoria in the past and Victor's desire to protect his children, Nikki said it was a valid concern. Victoria insisted that neither she nor Cole was thinking about rekindling a romance. Victoria complained that Victor had no right to draw a line in the sand because both she and Claire needed Cole's support.

At Newman Enterprises, Adam updated Victor. Adam said he and Nick were coordinating to finalize an acquisition. Adam gave equal credit to Nick for his contributions. Victor replied, "Do you know how much I like to hear that?" Adam said he did. Victor told Adam it warmed the cockles of his heart to know that his sons were working together instead of against each other.

Adam thanked Victor for strong-arming him and his brother into working together. Victor boasted that his sons could move mountains together. Adam promised to prove himself to his dad and to all those who had doubted him. Adam noted that his position would likely be challenged when Victoria returned.

Victor assured Adam that his place at the company was secure unless he gave Victor a reason to change his mind. Adam replied that things were going well in every facet of his life, so he was not about to screw up in any way. Victor noticed Adam smiling when he read a text message. Victor said, "I know you're still seeing Sally Spectra." Victor said that he did not believe Sally was good enough for either of his sons. Victor acknowledged that Sally was more closely drawn to Adam, explaining that what the heart wanted was an unstoppable force. Adam replied that Victor's sentiment was about as close to a blessing as he could expect as far as Sally was concerned. Victor replied that he would try to trust Sally if Adam did.

At Crimson Lights, Nick and Sally ran into each other. Sally broke the ice by mentioning Sharon's successful launch of Cassidy First, lauding it as inspiring. Nick agreed. Sally said she was equally inspired knowing that Nick and Adam were working together. Nick laughed and replied, "You mean because it didn't end in a cage fight?"

Nick mentioned Sally and Adam's appearance together at the launch party and said it appeared they were giving their relationship another shot. Sally agreed that she and Adam had reconnected. Nick told Sally he was happy for her, adding that she always followed her heart. Sally apologized to Nick for the pain she had caused him. Nick assured Sally that all was okay. Sally asked Nick if they could be friends. Nick paused briefly before agreeing they could be friends. Nick and Sally shared a warm embrace. Sally thanked Nick before she left.

Sharon stepped out of the back room and caught Nick's attention. Nick sighed and asked, "What?" Sharon replied, "You're hurting more than you're letting on, aren't you?" Nick assured Sharon that he genuinely wanted the best for Sally, though he was certain that Adam would eventually hurt her again. Sharon acknowledged that, while love could be wonderful, it was a risky proposition.

Recalling her past with Nick, Sharon observed that she had gained knowledge as her priorities had shifted. Nick said that after having almost lost Sharon and Faith and surviving the attack from Jordan, he realized how much he valued protecting his family and being the best father, son, and brother he could be. Sharon replied, "That will be a herculean effort when it comes to Adam."

Nick, sounding hopeful, told Sharon he was fine with sharing the top spot with Adam, explaining that he had never been as excited about being back at Newman. Nick laughed and added that the idea of being in love again sounded exhausting. Sharon agreed, adding that she would rather focus on being a good mom and running her company. Sharon noted that though it had taken her and Nick a long time to find themselves, they finally had. Nick invited Sharon to have lunch.

Sally was busily working as she occupied a seat at Society's bar counter. Adam joined Sally and greeted her with a kiss. Sally said she was glad Adam could take a break from his busy schedule at Newman Enterprises. Adam happily announced, "Victor practically gave us his blessing." Sally teased that maybe Victor was messing with him, given that he did not approve of her involvement with either of his sons. Adam told Sally that Victor understood that the heart longed for what the heart desired. Sally expressed thankfulness for their renewed relationship and praised Adam for getting it right. The couple kissed passionately just as Sharon and Nick entered.

Having noticed Sally and Adam kissing, Sharon asked Nick if he would rather dine elsewhere. Nick declined and said he was ready to look forward. Nick led Sharon across the room to greet Sally and Adam. Sally acknowledged Cassidy First's launch, telling Sharon how wonderful it would be. Sharon replied that she was excited about it. Before Nick and Sharon walked away, Nick said he would see Adam later at the office.

After Nick and Sharon seated themselves away from the bar, Sally suggested to Adam that perhaps it really was a new beginning for everyone. Sally told Adam that Nick being involved with Sharon would relieve him of concerns that his brother was still in competition with him. Adam agreed that he no longer felt like he was in competition with Nick. Sally assured Adam she would not waver back and forth between him and Nick. Sally assured Adam that they were together because they chose to be. Adam observed Nick and Sharon enjoying each other's company and declared that fate was at play.

After Nick and Sharon placed their food order, Sharon said, "So, lunch out of the blue." Nick replied that he had no agenda except to enjoy being with Sharon. Nick told Sharon they should catch up on everything, including their kids, Aria, Cassidy First, and how things were going with her. Sharon asked Nick how things were going with him. Nick laughed and replied, "Nah, I'm good. In fact, I'm amazing."

Victoria entered her father's office at Newman Enterprises. Victor asked about Claire. Victoria replied that while Claire had made progress, the real reason for her visit was to insist that Victor leave Cole alone. Victor replied, "What in the world are you talking about?" Victoria explained that she was not creating a fantasy family in her head. Victoria asked her father not to interfere while she and Cole were struggling to deal with a new reality after discovering that Claire was alive.

Victoria asked, "I mean, do you really think I'm interested in a romance?" Victor warned that Claire was unstable, so he was concerned about Victoria rushing ahead with plans to create a family with her. Victoria pleaded with Victor to trust her and let her, Cole, and Claire forge ahead without interference. Victor, reluctant, sighed and replied, "All right. I'll be nice."

Victoria asked Victor to accept Claire into the family after her release from the treatment facility. Victor advised Victoria not to forget that Claire, taught by a master, had fooled them all. Victoria acknowledged that Claire had a long way to go; however, Victoria was optimistic that things could work out. Victoria begged Victor to have faith in her instincts about Claire. Victor replied, "You're a wonderful mother. I hope it works out."

Victoria proclaimed that she had confidence things would work out, and she asked Victor if he would accept Claire into their family. Victor replied, "When and if Claire manages to get a hold of her demons and becomes a true daughter to you, I shall accept her as a Newman." Victoria smiled and embraced her father.

Inside a patient room at Genoa City Memorial Hospital, Claire was fast asleep in her bed. Someone wearing black slacks and a black coat silently entered. Inching closer and closer to Claire, the woman dressed in black stood over Claire. Claire awoke and lifted her head. When Claire saw the woman, she recoiled. Nikki, a stern look on her face, looked down at Claire with a piercing stare.

Nikki reaches out for help
Nikki reaches out for help

Nikki reaches out for help

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

by Jenny Smith

Tucker found Ashley at his hotel room door. She stormed in and confronted him about the things he'd said downstairs about her being afraid of commitment and not allowing herself to be happy in a relationship. Tucker dared her to prove him wrong. Ashley condemned him for convincing himself that she was the one with the problem, but Tucker maintained that she was rewriting history. She snapped that she knew exactly what he was trying to accomplish.

Tucker warned that Ashley wouldn't be able to provoke him into losing his temper and turning over a table to validate her story. She barked that she wasn't the one playing games. He reasoned that if it were a game, he'd be having some fun, but he assured her he wasn't. She accused him of gaslighting her, but he questioned what he stood to gain. Ashley contended that it was retaliation to punish her for refusing to leave Jabot. Tucker retorted that she'd never known him at all.

Ashley called Tucker selfish, smug, and narcissistic. Tucker calmly stated that he'd never been motivated by the need to inflict harm on others -- especially not on someone he loved. Ashley spat that Tucker should be ashamed of himself for throwing around the word "love" as if it meant nothing. She groused that he'd used it as a way to control her, but he countered that she'd proven she lacked nothing and needed no one, including him. He swore that he would have done anything for her, and all he'd wanted in return was love, respect, and commitment.

Tucker continued that he'd wanted to be a partner to Ashley on all things in all ways, but she hadn't been able to give that to anyone who didn't share her DNA. He declared it game over for him, and he was moving on. Tucker recommended that Ashley give up her obsession about what had happened in Paris, since the moment as she recalled it was unrecognizable to him. He suggested that she hop on her fancy jet, go to the bistro, and talk to the waitstaff about what had happened that afternoon. Tucker expected that she'd be surprised by what they told her. Ashley walked out.

At the Abbott mansion, Ashley flashed back to her memory of her encounter with Tucker in Paris, where he'd angrily smashed a glass, knocked over a chair, and yelled in her face to "go to hell." Her thoughts shifted to Tucker's much calmer version of the same moment. She sat down and willed, "Get out of my head. I know what I know." Traci entered the room and sensed that something was wrong. She implored Ashley to tell her what was going on so she could help.

Ashley told Traci about how her memory of Tucker's violent temper differed vastly from his recollection of them simply having a normal argument that he'd walked away from. Ashley ranted that he kept telling her that she was misremembering and had the whole thing wrong. Traci contemplated what Tucker had to gain by making Ashley believe she'd distorted reality. Traci acknowledged that Tucker was no Prince Charming, but she'd never thought of him as the kind of man who would pull wings off butterflies. Ashley confirmed that he wasn't, and she'd never known him to be violent with anyone.

Ashley instructed Traci to pretend she was writing a novel. Traci envisioned her characters being a powerful executive and a sketchy lothario, and she revealed that she usually let the characters talk to her. Ashley argued that it wasn't who she was to make something up. Traci growled that if Tucker was gaslighting Ashley, he'd wish he hadn't once Traci got through with him. The sisters embraced.

Traci expressed concern that Ashley was doubting her memory. Ashley relayed that Tucker thought she was rewriting history as a way of pushing him out of her life because she was afraid of commitment. Traci contended that there were three sides to every story, and in that case, there were Tucker's, Ashley's, and the truth. Traci pondered how they could get closer to the facts. "I know of a way!" Ashley exclaimed.

At the psychiatric facility, Claire awakened to find Nikki standing next to her bed, and she asked if it was a nightmare. Nikki assured Claire that she was awake and didn't need to be afraid. Nikki explained that she'd wanted to see for herself how Claire was doing. "To help me? Why would you want to?" a surprised Claire asked. Claire recalled that Nikki had already saved her life, but Nikki pointed out that Claire had also saved Nikki's. Claire accepted that Nikki had every reason in the world to hate her.

Nikki agreed that she had every reason to hate Claire -- but she didn't. Claire groaned that Nikki pitied her, which was even worse. Nikki recognized that what had happened to Claire had been cruel and relentless, and Claire hadn't been able to help but be a product of her upbringing. Claire compared herself to a broken vase with pieces that would never fit back the way they should. Nikki remarked that they were all a little broken, but the question was whether Claire wanted to get better.

Claire wondered if that was even possible after she'd been raised on lies. Nikki lectured that they were all stronger than they gave themselves credit for, and they just had to be brave enough to dig down to find it. Claire shared that she sometimes felt strong and capable, but there were other times it just seemed pointless. Nikki said no one could do it alone, and she stressed that Cole and Victoria wanted to be there for Claire. Claire thought she needed someone who knew the whole story and would tell her the truth. "Am I inherently evil?" Claire asked.

Nikki promised not to judge Claire, who had been born perfect and innocent before an evil force had gotten in the way. Nikki reminded Claire that they'd saved one another's lives, and she implored Claire to describe how she spent her days there. Claire reported that she was getting up in time for breakfast and that she'd been sleeping better. She mentioned her group therapy and craft lessons, and she excitedly revealed that her new privilege was going on walks to other floors with the orderlies for exercise. Claire continued that she'd gone to pediatrics, where the kids talked to one another and knew all the nurses.

Claire marveled that the parents read stories and played cards when they visited, and the moms and dads all smiled, even though they were worried. Nikki confirmed that it was what parents did so their children wouldn't be afraid. Claire sympathized that the kids were sick or injured, but she admitted she was sometimes jealous because she knew what family was supposed to be like. Claire confided that she'd wanted it for a long time, but wishing hadn't changed anything, so she'd stopped wishing.

Claire wondered what Victoria had been like when she'd been little, and she bet Nikki had protected Victoria from the things and people that might have hurt her. Nikki recalled that Victoria had loved her horses, keeping them under control, yet letting them feel free. Nikki continued that Victoria had been an avid reader, and Claire mentioned that Victoria had dropped off books for her. Nikki recounted that her daughter had liked painting, going to museums, and being in her art studio, but Victoria no longer had much time for art, between work and family.

Claire wanted someone to smile when they said her name and be proud of the things she'd done, like Nikki was with Victoria. Nikki realized that Claire felt very alone, and Claire stressed that she'd thought Jordan had been all she'd had. Claire pictured having a mother who'd loved her and living a life where she hadn't been expected to perform, pretend, and do what she'd been told without making waves. Claire imagined things would have been much different if someone had seen her for her and not as a weapon or a tool.

Claire wailed that she kept thinking it wasn't fair, but then she heard Jordan in her head, telling her life wasn't fair and questioning why Claire thought she was special. "But I was. I was special for a little while, wasn't I? I was Victoria's baby," Claire cried. Nikki counseled that it would be wonderful if they could go back and correct the things they'd done to others and others had done to them, but all they had was the present, and they had to find a way to break free of the past. Claire wasn't sure she could, since Victoria saw her dead baby when she looked at Claire.

Claire shared that when she looked at Nikki, she saw the horrible things Jordan had made Claire do. Claire asked what Nikki saw when Nikki looked at her, but Nikki remained silent. "Just like I thought," Claire blurted out as she began to sob. Claire apologized, but Nikki said she understood that Claire had to feel her feelings to get to the other side. Nikki admired the way Claire seemed to be able to calm herself, and Claire figured that she was used to it.

Claire explained that Jordan hadn't been much of a hugger, and her aunt's hugs had either been too tight because she'd been mad at Claire, or Jordan had only hugged her to whisper something awful into her ear. Claire said it had become normal for her to just deal with it if she was hurt or upset. Nikki asserted that it shouldn't have been normal for any child, and that hadn't been the life Claire was supposed to have had. Claire stated that she had learned that, and she said she should get some rest. Nikki exited the room and hovered outside the door, deep in thought. Later, alone in the park, Nikki retrieved a flask from her purse.

At Crimson Lights, Kyle picked up coffee as Summer walked in. She considered it a coincidence running into him that day, and he guessed that she'd gotten a call from her lawyer, too. She admitted that hearing their divorce was final hadn't been the easiest call to get. Kyle recalled that many things had gone right, and Summer murmured that they'd made a lot of beautiful memories. She figured that they'd pour extra love into Harrison and that she and Kyle would still see one another around the office.

Summer inquired how things were for Kyle with the recent changes in the C-suite, and she assumed he would slide back into the co-CEO position. Summer was shocked when Kyle informed her that Diane was taking over as co-CEO. Summer asked how he felt about his mom taking his job. Kyle swore that he was happy for his mom and that it had been the right call for his father to make. Summer noted that he sounded like he was fielding a call from the press, and she lectured that just because they weren't married anymore didn't mean he couldn't tell her the truth.

Kyle admitted that there had been plenty of disappointment, but he had a lot to learn. Summer was skeptical that he'd be happy as COO, but Kyle looked forward to working with his mom and learning from his dad. Kyle reasoned that Diane supported Jack the way he needed, and Summer realized Kyle or Billy would have their own agendas and push back. Summer predicted that Kyle would bite his tongue and think about how he could have done things better, but he'd learn to be happy with the situation because he put family first. Kyle joked that it was almost like she knew him.

Chance entered the coffeehouse, wearing a new business suit. Summer gushed that he looked incredible, and she instructed him to turn around. Chance mentioned that Summer had been his personal shopper for his executive wardrobe, and she'd known his size without taking his measurements. Summer crowed that it was one of her superpowers, and she complimented the fit. Chance headed to the counter to get some coffee, and Kyle teased that someone had a crush.

Summer claimed that she was just pleased with how she'd styled Chance for his new job. Kyle sensed something was going on between her and Chance, but she called it friendship. Kyle assured her that she didn't need to ask for his permission if it was more, adding that it was good to see her smile again. Summer inquired whether he'd been smiling more lately, too. Kyle indicated that things had gotten better, and they'd always wanted one another to be happy. He swore that didn't have to change, and she replied that it never would.

After Kyle left, Chance told Summer that problem-solving was different in the corporate world than it had been at the GCPD, but the office politics were the same thing. Chance and Summer discussed the mix of old-timers who had been around forever and the new kids begging for a big chance. Chance thought people got used to being a certain way, making it tough to let go of the past. Summer thought it was necessary to mix up the vintage with the modern, but she gasped when she noticed the time. She proclaimed that she had more to say on every topic, and he suggested they get lunch later. Sharon walked in, and the moment became tense when Chance and Summer spotted her.

Summer cheerfully greeted Genoa City's newest mogul, but Sharon thought it would take some time for her to achieve mogul status. Chance congratulated Sharon on her new venture, and she chirped that Chance and Summer should have attended the launch party. Chance brightly pointed out that no one had been held hostage or spiked the punch at the party, and Summer loved that Sharon had named the company after Cassie. Sharon mused that she felt like Cassie was always watching over them, and it had motivated her to work that much harder.

Summer excused herself to take a call. Sharon inquired whether things were good between her and Chance, and he assured her that she could still call him anytime to fix her water heater. Sharon replied that she would be insulted if he went elsewhere for coffee, and she encouraged him to invite any girlfriend he wanted. Chance denied that he and Summer were involved, but he thanked Sharon for being honest about what she wanted and what her priorities were. Sharon remarked that life was too short to dance around the truth, and she requested a favor.

Sharon implored Chance not to be awkward around her, and he jokingly blamed it on the heartbreak. Sharon surmised his heart was mending fine, and they agreed that they'd had some fun times together. Sharon pointed out that they'd been friends once, they'd become more, and they were lucky to be friends again. She added that friends wanted all good things for one another, and he promised that it wouldn't change. Summer returned and announced that she had to get to work to deal with a shipping crisis. Sharon watched Chance and Summer leave together.

At Jabot, Jack informed Diane that he still had to see the press release about her promotion before he signed off on it. Diane was wary about taking a job from her son, but Jack insisted that it was her time, not Kyle's. Diane declared that she was honored to be Jack's life partner and partner at work, but she knew Kyle was hurt that he hadn't been promoted -- so she was hurting for him. Diane contended that losing Summer and then the job had been too much for Kyle.

Jack argued that Kyle had had the opportunity to plead his case, and he was convinced their son was fine. Jack added that he was proud Kyle had realized that he had more to learn in life and in business, and he questioned what message it would send if they didn't trust Kyle to weather a career setback. Jack insisted that they owed it to Kyle to take him at his word, and Diane protested that Jack didn't fight fair when he looked at her like that. She cooed that she couldn't do anything but agree with everything he'd said, and they kissed as Kyle walked in. Kyle jokingly told them not to mind him when he had actual business to discuss.

Jack hoped to hit the ground running once he dealt with the press release, and he stepped out. Diane pushed Kyle to tell her how he really felt about the way things had turned out. Kyle reiterated that he was okay and even proud. Diane considered how she'd feel if someone else had been given a job she was more qualified for, but Kyle insisted that she let it go because he had.

Kyle swore that he loved seeing his parents work together, and he quipped that a man could learn a lot by waiting and watching. Kyle reminded his mother that he'd pushed for her promotion, and he anticipated she'd crush the job. Diane envisioned that she'd be saying the same thing about him one day, and she thanked him. They hugged, but Kyle looked pained.

Later, Jack, Diane, and Kyle brainstormed about ways to increase employee satisfaction at Jabot by making sure everyone at every level knew they mattered. Kyle wanted to recruit more interns and grant educational funds for employees to go back to school. Jack gushed that everything felt like it was falling into place. Jack's phone rang, and he told Diane and Kyle to keep up the momentum as he left the room to answer the call. Nikki whimpered that she was in trouble and needed help.

Nikki insists that Jack should be her new sponsor
Nikki insists that Jack should be her new sponsor

Nikki insists that Jack should be her new sponsor

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

by Rob Pivarnik

As Heather got dressed, she thought back on the night of passion she had just shared with Daniel. Daniel entered the room, and things were a bit awkward. Daniel asked, "What happens now?" to which "Heather replied, "What do you want to happen?

Heather told Daniel that she would love to know how he felt, since they'd just made love, and what that had meant to him. Daniel admitted he had made mistakes in Savannah and that he'd made himself forget everything he had lost. Heather assured Daniel she was "all about the present -- and the future."

Daniel said that Lily deserved better from him. Heather reminded Daniel that he had stated that he wasn't yet in love with Lily. Daniel told Heather that he respected Heather's honesty in having told him exactly what she wanted. "It's me. I'm having a hard time respecting myself right now," Daniel confessed.

Heather continued to plead her case. "We have years of love between us. We have a child. We need to see if we have a chance," Heather said to Daniel. She asked Daniel if what he had with Lily compared to what he had shared -- and could share again -- with her.

Heather told Daniel that she felt as close to him as ever and that it was lovely. Daniel could not deny it had felt good to him, too, but he added that he'd never even let himself think about him and Heather being together again. Heather said it was impossible for her to be around Daniel without wanting to be with him. Daniel joked that he was no longer a jerk. Heather told Daniel she found him so tolerable that she would allow him to buy her a late lunch, no strings attached.

At Devon's office, Abby asked Devon if there was any chance he could hire her or add her to the board of directors at Chancellor-Winters, as she'd suggested, in order to help protect the company from Tucker McCall.

Devon told Abby he'd also been thinking about her joining Chancellor-Winters. Devon asserted that Abby would bring a lot to the company, beyond another line of defense against Tucker, and that included good business advice and honesty as well as the ability to tell Devon when he was wrong about something.

Abby told Devon it would be an honor for her to contribute to what would become their son's legacy. Devon told Abby that he wanted to recommend she be added to the board of directors, and he wanted to have a solid plan on paper before submitting the idea to Lily, Jill, and Billy. Devon invited Abby to lunch.

Jack and Nikki arrived at the Abbott home. Nikki admitted to having had a couple of drinks then asked Jack to take her to an A.A. meeting. "Absolutely," Jack agreed, but he said that they needed to call Victor first. Nikki objected. "No, no! Don't do that!" she pleaded to Jack.

Jack asked Nikki why she didn't want Victor to know what had happened. Nikki called her slip-up "as minor as these things can be." Jack agreed that Nikki having stopped herself and having asked for help was progress, but he said that keeping Victor in the dark would involves lies, cover-ups, and sweeping problems under the rug, all of which were the things that kept addicts as addicts.

Nikki told Jack that Victor's constant checking up on her was driving her crazy. Jack remarked that it also made it harder for Nikki to sneak a drink. "It makes me feel claustrophobic and ashamed," Nikki replied. She told Jack that she hated the fact that, after so many years, her sobriety was still an issue.

Nikki told Jack that Victor had suggested a getaway for Nikki and himself. Jack said a new environment might lead to a new perspective, but Nikki admitted she would just be taking her addiction with her. Nikki told Jack that her meetings and support were in Genoa City. Jack reminded Nikki that she needed a new sponsor and that Victor wouldn't begrudge her that. Nikki responded, "But he wouldn't want it to be you!"

Nikki told Jack that she didn't want to start from scratch with a new sponsor, since that would require her to tell her story all over again and develop trust with a new person. "No, Jack. I need you to pull me out of this nightmare!" Nikki insisted.

Jack expressed gratitude for the faith Nikki was putting in him. She asked if he could have faith that she knew how it all had to happen, and that they had to be sure Victor never found out, but Jack was skeptical. "I'll just tell him I found a different sponsor," Nikki said. "Oh, good. We'll just compound the lie. Deceit is part of the disease," Jack reminded Nikki.

Nikki told Jack that finding a new sponsor would be too stressful for her, so Jack agreed to play it her way -- "for now." Jack told Nikki that he knew someone had forced alcohol on Nikki, but he didn't know all the details. Nikki explained that some of the ordeal had been so horrific that she had decided to spare Lauren many of the details.

Nikki told Jack about the newest member of the Newman family, along with the specifics about everything that had happened in Oregon. She talked about the experience of being subjected to an I.V. vodka drip, and how, once she'd recognized what had been happening, she'd understood that Jordan had known exactly what she'd been doing.

Jack recalled the pain he'd witnessed when Victoria and Cole had mourned what they had believed to be the death of their child. Jack observed that it might take years to undo the damage to Claire's psyche and that it would be harder for Nikki to do "all this" while she also struggled with her own recovery. "I will be with you every step of the way," Jack assured Nikki.

Nikki told Jack about having gone to the hospital to see Claire in order to be alone with her, not knowing in advance if she would feel pity or rage -- or whether she would believe Claire's claims about wanting to get better. Jack asked about Nikki's takeaway from the visit. Nikki compared Claire to someone who had been hypnotized and fed lies her entire life -- that Victoria and Cole had abandoned her and that the Newman family had rejected her. Referring to Jordan, Nikki said, "She is evil incarnate."

Jack found it hopeful that Nikki was empathizing with Claire. Nikki supposed that there could be forgiveness one day, but when Claire had broken down, Nikki hadn't been able to bring herself to hug her granddaughter. Nikki told Jack she'd felt ashamed and upset, then she'd felt self-pity for being in the situation at all. Nikki explained that as soon as she'd left Claire's room, memories of the kidnapping had overwhelmed her, and that was the reason she had wanted a drink.

Jack reassured Nikki that having called him had been a profoundly positive step, and he would be available to her, day or night. Nikki asked Jack to swear not to tell Victor anything. Jack agreed. Nikki thanked him, then planned to have her driver take her back to the ranch.

At Victor's office, Victoria thanked Victor for their talk and for trusting her judgment. Victor confirmed that if things went well, he would accept Claire into the Newman family. Adam and Nick walked in and caught the end of that exchange. "Has Claire's situation changed? And what does 'accept her into the family' mean, exactly?" Adam asked.

"Butt out!" was Victoria's reply. She told Adam that he had no right to ask questions, nor even have an opinion, since he knew almost nothing about Claire. Adam insisted he knew enough to be concerned for their father -- and for Victoria. Adam asked, "Is it that impossible that I would want to protect the family from outside harm?" and Victoria shot back, "Says the outsider who's always trying to claw his way back in."

Adam conceded that he didn't know Claire, nor had he even met her, in fact. Nick told Adam, "Your concerns have been noted. Move on." Adam asked Nick if he was really okay "welcoming a mentally ill felon into the family with open arms." Victoria stepped between them and said, "That's enough!" Victor silenced them all and told his children that they were all going into it with their eyes wide open, one day at a time, and that the situation would not become contentious. Adam asked his father and sister what would happen if a rehabilitated Claire then tried to seek acceptance for a rehabilitated Jordan. "That is not going to happen," Victor declared.

Victoria explained to Adam that she and Cole had taken Claire to the prison so that Claire could confront Jordan, something Claire had needed in order to progress with her therapy. Victoria explained that Claire had declared that she was done with Jordan, but without Victoria's having been in the room nor having made a recording, Adam was highly doubtful.

Adam claimed that he planned to prove himself to the family with his actions over time, while Claire only had her words. Victoria called Adam's opinion "ironic." Adam turned to Victor and said, "Dad, you know I'm right."

Adam told Victor that he didn't trust anything about the situation. Victoria told her brother that what he thought and whom he trusted were irrelevant. Nick told Adam to let it go. Victoria accused Adam of only being concerned about Claire assuming his position in the family and that they would love Claire more than they loved him. Adam denied that then said his concern was that he believed that the family had not yet heard the end of Jordan and that they would be wise to think the same way.

Adam told his family that if Jordan ever got out of prison, they would be Jordan's first stop. Nikki walked in and asked what was going on. Victoria told her, "Apparently, Claire is a threat to Adam's ego." Adam denied that. He said that because he was unclear about the details of the ordeal in Oregon, he was concerned about any threats that had been left hanging in the air.

Victoria explained to her brother that because Claire had been Jordan's victim longer than the rest of the family had been, they should all treat Claire with compassion. Nick told Adam that he had eventually seen things Victoria's way, then Victor told Adam to do the same. Adam left.

At Memorial Hospital, a nurse handed a phone to Claire and told her that she had a call from her mother, Victoria. The nurse left. When Claire put the phone to her ear, she was shocked to hear Jordan on the line. Jordan begged Claire not to hang up.

Jordan apologized for using subterfuge to get Claire on the phone. Claire tried to be strong. "We have nothing left to say to each other. It's over. You're dead to me now," Claire told her aunt. Jordan tried to tell Claire that the Newmans were no good for her, that they would take Claire in and annihilate her.

Claire told Jordan she was wrong and that the Newmans wanted her to get better and have a future. Claire told her aunt, "You ruined my life! I want you dead! Do you hear me? Dead!" then abruptly ended the call. "Don't leave me!" Jordan shouted, but there was no one there to hear.

Claire handed the phone back to the nurse. Claire told the nurse not to accept calls from that number in the future. "That wasn't my mother," Claire informed the nurse, who then asked, "Who was it on the phone?" Claire replied, "The devil."

Abby and Devon arrived at Society, where they saw Heather and Daniel having lunch. Heather told Abby and Devon that they were discussing Lucy's schedule. Abby noted that they, too, were learning how to deal with a child's schedule. Abby and Devon left them and found a table of their own. As Abby checked her phone, Devon looked suspiciously at Heather and Daniel.

Abby asked Devon if he really thought it was a good idea to bring her onto the board. Devon told her he believed it to be a great idea and that it would be an easy sell because Jill and Lily would see the value in having Abby join them. Abby said that while she was still happy running Society, she was excited to think about being back in the corporate world.

Abby told Devon that she considered the idea of Genoa City having another private dining room, like the Colonnade Room, and that she didn't see herself as a restaurateur. Abby told Devon that she didn't want to get pigeonholed into the hospitality field. Abby said she missed being part of the day-to-day in the corporate world. Abby told Devon she believed that she had more to offer Chancellor-Winters than just a vote.

Abby noticed Devon as he looked over at Heather and Daniel. Abby asked Devon, "Okay. What's going on?"

Nikki told Victor, Nick, and Victoria about her visit with Claire. Nikki admitted to them that she xszcsaw Claire in a new light. Victoria was happy to hear that. Victor asked Nikki why she had confronted Claire alone. Nikki corrected him. "It was not a confrontation. It was enlightening," Nikki said.

Nikki explained that Claire had opened up about her feelings and fears, and that she liked to visit the children's ward to watch the young patients interact with their families, since that was something Claire had never had. Nikki praised Claire's instincts and told her family that they had to have faith that Claire would achieve her goal of filling an empty place in her heart.

Meanwhile, Claire was curled up in the fetal position on her bed, trembling.

Devon learns about Daniel and Heather
Devon learns about Daniel and Heather

Devon learns about Daniel and Heather

Thursday, January 25, 2024

by Rob Pivarnik

At the Jabot offices, Summer and Chelsea discussed the new spring/summer dress collection. Chelsea noted Summer's cheerful mood. Summer said that her life had taken "a favorable turn for a change." Chelsea asked, "A favorable romantic turn, perhaps?" and Summer smiled coyly.

Chelsea asked Summer if the romantic turn involved Chance. "Maybe," Summer said with a giggle before she assured Chelsea that she'd had nothing to do with Chance and Sharon's breakup. Chelsea said that she hadn't seen Summer so cheerful in a long time. Summer agreed. She told Chelsea that she was eager to see where her relationship with Chance would go and that she and Chance had planned to meet for a late lunch. Chelsea told Summer that she had planned to meet Billy for lunch. She suggested they go together to Chancellor-Winters.

At Chancellor-Winters, Chance thanked Billy for having shown him the ropes and making his transition into the new career much smoother than Chance had expected. Billy complimented Chance on his keen observation skills and ability to pick up on nuances, qualities Billy credited to Chance's detective training. Chance remarked that he had new directions for his life on several fronts.

Billy asked Chance if he missed working in law enforcement. Chance revealed that he went to bed and woke up thinking about Chancellor-Winters and that he had already had some good ideas. Billy liked the idea of waking up inspired. Billy said that he thought it was a good move for both Chance and the company. He then asked Chance if his personal life was in as good shape as his professional life. Chelsea and Summer arrived to meet Billy and Chance for lunch. The four of them agreed to go together.

Nate ran into Audra at the Athletic Club. Audra admitted to Nate that her plans to take over Jabot had been blown sky-high. Nate criticized her for working with Tucker McCall. "Now, Tucker's left you hanging out in the cold, hasn't he?" Nate asked.

Audra told Nate that she had thought she'd had the situation under control because she'd been working with a savvy businessman like Tucker and that Jabot was no more invincible than any other company. Audra told Nate that she'd had no reason to expect the takeover bid to fail, but Tucker's obsession with Ashley had caused him to make bad choices. Audra insisted that she had tried to warn Tucker but that he had not listened.

Nate tried to convince Audra that she did not need schemes and corporate backstabbing to achieve success because she was talented and smart. Audra confided in Nate that she might have overstepped regarding Nikki, and Audra feared she might have jeopardized her job.

Nate surmised that if Nikki hadn't discovered Audra's plan to jump ship to Jabot, something else had to have happened. Audra was reluctant to reveal any more. Nate told Audra that despite how their association had ended, he didn't hate the Newman family, and he still considered Audra to be a friend. "Why would I try to sabotage either one of you? Is this about Nikki's sobriety?"

Nate told Audra that he had witnessed Nikki drinking and that he had been surprised because Nikki had been sober for so many years. Billy, Chance, Chelsea, and Summer walked into the Athletic Club. Audra waited for them to pass by before she told Nate that she had seen signs of Nikki's struggle. Audra told Nate about taking care of her own alcoholic father.

Audra explained to Nate that she had offered help to Nikki and that she had thought Nikki and she had bonded, but she had since developed some concerns that she might have overplayed her hand by revealing so much about her personal life. Audra felt it would be better to focus on keeping things strictly professional with Nikki. Audra asked Nate if he thought offering transparency and support to Nikki was a bad idea.

Nate wondered if Audra was being paranoid. Audra worried that Nikki would keep her at a distance if Audra could easily recognize the signs if Nikki were drinking. She added that if Nikki remained sober, she would know Audra had a weakness and would see her as flawed. "Even if she sobers up again, Nikki's drinking is not gonna end well for me," Audra said.

Nate doubted that Nikki would penalize Audra for showing some humanity. Audra could not point to any specific sign that Nikki had put distance between them. Audra admitted that she was not sure she even wanted to repair any damage between herself and Nikki, because at Newman Media, there was no room for advancement unless one was family. "I've got to have a ladder to climb," Audra said. Nate suggested Audra rein in in her ambition, and she immediately called him out for that hypocritical statement. "You're just as ambitious as I am, if not more so," Audra declared.

Audra told Nate that she had to create her own safety net, and confided to him, "I've been forming a plan of my own -- a big, audacious plan." "Tell me more," Nate requested, but Audra felt there were too many eyes and ears nearby. Audra invited Nate to go upstairs to her room, so she could "share" her plan.

Nate and Audra went up to her room. Audra told him that her plan was to gain control of Glissade and that she wanted Nate to help her.

At their table in the Athletic Club, Chance told Summer about how much he had been learning from Billy at Chancellor-Winters. Summer, Chance, Billy, and Chelsea all drank a toast to Chance's new career. Billy asked Chance about an analysis report regarding an upcoming company purchase, and Chance remarked that the situation was similar to when Summer had bought Marchetti.

Summer, Chance, Billy, and Chelsea finished their lunch and discussed the spring men's line. Chelsea noticed that Chance was wearing a Marchetti jacket. Summer took credit for turning Chance on to her label's designs. Summer got a phone call, and she and Chance declared that they had to get back to work. As they left, Chelsea gave Billy a look and a smile.

Billy and Chelsea discussed the new thing between Chance and Summer. Chelsea called it "adorable." Billy suggested that if Chance was happy and in love, he would also be more productive at work. "How practical and unromantic of you," Chelsea teased Billy. Billy told Chelsea that he looked forward to mentoring Chance and that he thought Chance looked up to him. "Funny how things work out," Chelsea said with a smile, as she and Billy shared a kiss.

Billy told Chelsea that it felt nice to have Chance looking up to and respecting him. He talked about how he looked up to Jack in that way and that it was nice to be on the receiving end of that kind of admiration. Billy remarked that even his mother had been trusting him more than she had in the past. Chelsea told Billy, "You see? Moving to Chancellor-Winters was the right move. It couldn't have turned out any better."

Chance and Summer wished that they didn't have to go back to work. Chance suggested they plan an official first date. "You up for that?" Chance asked Summer. She gave him a big smile.

Devon was having lunch with Abby at Society but found himself distracted by Daniel and Heather, who were seated at a nearby table. Abby commented on them having Devon's full attention. Devon asked Abby, "Is it just me, or do you get a vibe between them that's a little more than friendly?' "It's not just you. I've sensed it before," Abby replied. She cautioned Devon that they shouldn't assume anything. Abby asked Devon if he thought there was more going on between Daniel and Heather.

Devon told Abby that it was hard to believe Daniel didn't have feelings for Heather, since she had been the love of his life. Abby said that it was hard not to notice how much time Daniel and Heather had been spending together, especially with Lily out of town. Devon admitted he didn't know how serious Daniel and Lily were, but he didn't think they were "madly in love with each other." Devon hoped that Daniel wasn't "playing with Lily's emotions again."

Abby suggested to Devon that they let the Daniel and Heather thing play out, as they might just have been two parents reconnecting for Lucy's benefit. Devon wasn't sold, since he and Abby had both been picking up the same vibe. Abby told Devon that it was their issue to resolve and that Lily was a grown woman. Abby changed the subject to talk about her excitement about becoming a member of the Chancellor-Winters board of directors.

Heather asked Daniel if he was uncomfortable that Devon and Abby were also there at Society. Daniel admitted that it was awkward. Heather told Daniel that they weren't doing anything wrong, but Daniel considered lunch to be an extension of what had happened back at his place when they had made love. Heather asked Daniel if he regretted what they'd done.

Daniel wanted to make it clear to Heather that he did not regret their lovemaking. "We still have something powerful and special," he told Heather. They agreed that their morning had been "wonderful." Daniel told Heather that he didn't feel Heather had been wrong when she'd said she had felt that it "was meant to be."

Heather wondered if and how she and Daniel should move forward. Daniel said he didn't want to feel like a "guy who cheats," but Heather told him not to think of himself that way. Instead, she suggested he think of himself as the guy who was about to get back everything he had lost.

Daniel talked to Heather about how he'd dealt with their breakup and about how Lily had helped him through that. Heather asked Daniel if he and Lily shared the same magic Heather and Daniel did. Daniel told Heather that "today was amazing," and he wondered if they could get back together without messing it up, because he felt neither of them could go through another breakup.

Heather told Daniel that she wasn't afraid or worried and that the two of them had an entire future ahead of them, both as a couple and as a family. Daniel admitted that part of him could believe that, too, but he didn't want to do anything that would hurt Lily. Daniel told Heather that he didn't want Devon to tell Lily before he could tell her himself. Heather agreed with Daniel.

Daniel told Heather that he had never expected the two of them to get back together, then Heather declared that it had not been part of her plan when she'd moved back to Genoa City. Daniel told Heather that he had not suspected her of having an agenda when she had returned to town. Heather admitted that the more time she and Daniel had spent together, the more she had thought about "what if?"

Daniel explained how he had felt after the breakup in Savannah and about what he would have done differently if he'd had another chance. Daniel admitted that the "what if?" voice was screaming in his head. Heather tried to assure him that they could again be "magic" together.

Heather tried to convince Daniel that what they had shared in the past had not been lost but had still been inside them, waiting for Daniel to return to being the man he had been. Daniel declared that he wanted to be totally honest with everyone, and he wanted to start with Lily. He decided to go to California and tell Lily face to face. "Finally, you and me," Heather beamed. "Finally," Daniel agreed with a smile. Heather touched Daniel's hand. Daniel, seeing that Devon had been watching, pulled his hand away. Daniel walked over to Devon and asked to speak with him in private.

Daniel explained to Devon that what was happening between Daniel and Heather had not been planned but that it was real. He told Devon that he planned to go to California and that he hoped Devon would agree that Daniel should be the one to inform Lily. Devon was surprised that Daniel was being so honest with him.

Daniel explained to Devon that his story with Heather had chapters yet to be written. Devon told Daniel that he was torn between being appreciative of the honesty and wanting to hit Daniel for cheating on his sister. Daniel offered to let Devon take a swing at him, but Devon declined.

Daniel asked Devon where Lily's head was at, because of what she was dealing with regarding Maddie. Devon told Daniel that Lily was completely focused on helping her daughter through recent traumatic events. Daniel suggested that he should wait until Lily was in a better place to tell her.

Abby went to Heather's table and asked if Devon was right to be concerned that Heather was getting back together with Daniel. Heather said she couldn't discuss that, but no one wanted to see Lily get hurt. Abby asked if an attorney should have a better poker face. "I'll work on that," Heather replied.

Abby told Heather about her conversation with Devon and that she had recommended to Devon that he stay out of it. Abby also reminded Heather that Devon was very protective of his sister. Abby told Heather that she understood what it was like to be pulled back into an old love, but it was wrong to do so at someone else's expense.

After Abby had left and Daniel returned to his table, he told Heather about his talk with Devon and how Devon had figured out what was going on between Daniel and Heather. Heather informed Daniel that she and Abby had had the same conversation.

Daniel told Heather that it was not the right time to add "this" to everything that Lily was dealing with regarding Maddie and the aftermath of the fire. Daniel told Heather that they needed to put their relationship "on pause" until Lily was in a better place to be told about them.

Nate asked Audra why she thought he would want to work with her, since he had just gotten "into the groove" of working with his family again. Audra explained that like herself, Nate could never rise to the top of the company for which he was working. "With me, you'll be an equal," Audra coaxed Nate, adding in the fringe benefit of beating Tucker at his own game.

Audra leaned in close to Nate and seductively asked, "Surely you can see the potential?"

Audra comes up with a new plan
Audra comes up with a new plan

Audra comes up with a new plan

Friday, January 26, 2024

by Rob Pivarnik

Diane went to Crimson Lights, where Esther congratulated her on her new position as co-CEO of Jabot. Esther offered Diane a celebratory treat, but Diane said there was no time to celebrate, as she had to prove to everyone that she did indeed deserve the promotion.

Nikki walked into Crimson Lights. Esther excused herself to tend to some cookies in the oven. Diane asked how Nikki was doing. Nikki snidely replied that she knew Jack had told Diane everything. "You may know the truth, but it's still none of your business!" Nikki snapped at Diane.

Diane followed Nikki to a table. "What makes you think Jack told me anything?" Diane asked Nikki. They talked around the subject for a moment, and Nikki admitted that she had been through an ordeal and that her sobriety had been compromised. Diane told Nikki that Jack had informed her that he had been helping a friend, and that she was okay with that -- even if the friend was Nikki. Nikki told Diane she was grateful to have Jack at her side.

Diane sat down and told Nikki that things didn't have to be contentious between them. Diane told Nikki she was truly sorry that Nikki was again struggling with her sobriety, and that if Nikki needed someone in her corner, there was nobody better than Jack.

Diane expressed confusion about how Victor would take the news about Jack helping Nikki. "I was waiting for the real you to show up," Nikki said to Diane. Nikki accused Diane of planning to hold that information over her head. Diane told Nikki that she had no agenda, hidden or otherwise, then corrected herself. She told Nikki, "I hope your recovery is everything that you need it to be, so that you come out of this healthier and happier after such a horrible experience."

Diane hoped that Nikki wouldn't be upset that Jack had confided in her. Diane told Nikki that she and Jack were equal partners in marriage, family, and work. "Partners at work?" Nikki asked, confused. Diane informed Nikki that Jack had named Diane the new co-CEO of Jabot. Nikki said she was impressed then remarked, "Some might say you didn't waste any time."

Nikki told Diane how she could envision Diane having manipulated Jack into thinking it was his own idea to choose Diane over Kyle, who already had experience and knew the company well. Diane remarked that she had just wished Nikki well, but Nikki couldn't wait to insult her. Nikki admitted that she shouldn't have said that.

Diane resigned herself to having to deal with backlash over the news, but she felt comforted by the support she had been getting from Jack. She reminded Nikki that they were both getting support from Jack. She suggested that they both try to maintain that common ground. Nikki stood and said, "I wish you well in your new endeavor. Excuse me," then left.

In Audra's apartment, Audra was about to kiss Nate when a knock at the door interrupted her. Audra told Nate not to move. "We're not finished," she declared, then went to answer the door. It was Tucker.

Tucker entered Audra's room and said he hoped he wasn't interrupting anything important. Audra said, "That, like many other things in my life, is none of your business." Tucker asked to speak with Audra alone. Nate left but agreed to meet up with Audra for a drink after she had dealt with Tucker. Tucker said he recognized a look in Audra's eye and was suspicious. "You're up to something. What?" he asked.

Tucker told Audra, "I am done with Ashley." She scoffed at that and compared his statement to an addict's promises. Tucker persisted and said, "I'm done. She's never gonna change, and I'm done." Tucker told Audra that he wanted to put all his energy into Glissade. "And you," he added.

Tucker told Audra that if she didn't want to work with him, he could handle Glissade alone, but he didn't want to lose her. Tucker took Audra's hand. "You know what makes me tick, and I know what sets you on fire," he said, then claimed a future together was theirs for the taking.

"It's too late," Audra told Tucker, as she pulled her hand away. "For us? We're just getting started," Tucker replied. He told Audra that they belonged together and that he believed she wanted the same thing. "In your dreams," was her reply. Tucker told Audra that all his dreams were about her, and he wanted to make her dreams come true. "All you have to do is say 'yes,'" Tucker said. "That's all it takes?" asked Audra. "Say 'yes,' Audra," Tucker implored her.

"I'm not the one you want," Audra informed Tucker. She reminded Tucker that he had let Ashley in and that Ashley had broken his heart. "And I've said some things that hit too close to the bone, so you're probably feeling a little raw," Audra rationalized. Audra continued and told Tucker that she would not be "a woman someone settles for." Tucker protested and said, "That's not what you are to me." He told her he'd been asking himself what was good in his life. "The answer is you," Tucker had concluded.

Tucker expressed his feelings to Audra and said, "Whenever I know I'm gonna see you, I get a spring in my step and a little smile on my face. And every time you walk into the room, my heart races a little bit. I think I've taken that for granted. I don't want to anymore."

Audra was firm. She told Tucker that she had to look out for herself, without his "special brand of assistance." Audra told Tucker to leave. Without a word, he walked toward the door. He looked back, but Audra looked away, so he left. Audra grabbed her phone and her bag then ran out the door.

Nate went downstairs from Audra's room and saw Victoria sitting at a table. He asked Victoria about her mother. Victoria confessed to Nate that she was unsure about how best to help Nikki without adding to the pressure her mother was already under. Nate told Victoria that he knew she had a lot of kindness and insight in her heart, so he was confident Victoria was reaching out to her mother in the best way that she could. Nate reiterated that he would be there for Victoria if she needed to talk

Victoria told Nate a bit about what had been going on with Claire. She told Nate that there were new discoveries happening every day. Nate was confident that, with Victoria looking after her daughter, Claire would find her way. Victoria thanked Nate for talking with her and reminding her where her focus should be. Nate assured Victoria he'd be there if she needed him again. Cole walked in. Victoria introduced Cole to Nate.

Nate left so Victoria and Cole could talk. Cole picked up on the fact that Nate and Victoria had some history. Victoria confirmed that they had had a lovely time, but Nate had gotten on the wrong side of Victor. Victoria asked Cole about his visit with Claire. Cole told her he had some good news. He reported that Claire had seemed much happier than the last time he had seen her. Victoria and Cole agreed that Nikki's recent visit to Claire had been good for both of them.

Victoria and Cole talked about how Claire's escorted walks through the pediatric ward of the hospital made Claire smile, but Cole was worried that seeing ill children and concerned families might remind their daughter of the things she had never had. "On the other hand, maybe it could help heal her," Cole said. Victoria considered the possibility that it could help Claire heal. Cole told Victoria that Claire's care team felt hopeful with the progress Claire had been making. The team had noted Claire had been more engaged during both private and group therapy. Claire had also been awake more and participating in more conversations.

Victoria reconfirmed her determination to be there for their daughter. She said she was proud of Claire. Cole assured Victoria that Claire was "on the road to good things," then reminded Victoria that she knew they would "be there to catch her if she ever falls again." Victoria nodded and said, "I know that. We will be."

At the Abbott home, Jack arrived just as Ashley was preparing to leave. She told her brother that she was off to Paris to get some answers about the events that had happened in the caf during her honeymoon with Tucker. Jack asked Ashley why she was putting herself through it. "This is about proving that I am telling the truth," Ashley informed her brother.

Ashley admitted that she had tried and failed to purge Tucker from her mind. Jack insisted Tucker's version of the story was part of his pursuit of Ashley. Jack said Ashley's inability to resist Tucker was a weakness. Ashley took umbrage at that. "Don't you call me 'weak'! I am not weak!" she insisted. Ashley claimed she was being proactive and that her actions were a way to get Tucker out of her head once and for all. Ashley told Jack that she needed to do it, and she needed to be able to depend on Jack. "But I clearly am asking for too much!" Ashley said.

Jack asked Ashley what her plans were after she landed in Paris. Ashley told him that she planned to go back to the caf and find a waiter or some other eyewitness to the argument she had had with Tucker. Jack was concerned whether Ashley was trying to prove something to Tucker or to herself. He asked his sister if she had been doubting her own recollections.

Ashley promised Jack that she would neither disappear in Paris nor forget about her family. She told Jack that she loved him, then left. Traci walked in. Jack told her that Ashley had just left for Paris. "That was quick," Traci remarked. Jack was surprised. "Wait! Are you saying you knew about her plans for this wild goose chase?"

Traci told Jack that she believed Ashley was just seeking some clarity. Jack told Traci that Ashley had told him something different -- that she was certain about her recollection of events. He accused Ashley of lying to his face. Traci suggested that maybe Jack's reaction was what Ashley had been trying to avoid.

Jack told Traci that he was not only trying to protect Ashley from Tucker, but also from herself. Traci insisted that they shouldn't second-guess their sister and that Ashley's wanting to seek third-party verification of the facts was a rational decision. Traci told Jack that they should support Ashley.

Jack insisted that Tucker purposefully created the confusion in order to "keep his hooks" in Ashley. Jack worried that Ashley might be walking into a trap, but he couldn't help her because she didn't trust him. Jack said to Traci, "She does trust you. Please, don't let her do anything that she will regret."

Audra found Nate downstairs in the jazz lounge. She griped about how Tucker "adores the sound of his own voice" and "gets swept up in his fantasies." Nate noted that Audra seemed to be the only person Tucker depended on, and while that could be a burden, it was also a compliment that would be hard to walk away from. Nate asked Audra if it was a pattern for her and her former partners. "You call it quits, but they can't stay away?" Nate wondered.

"Why do you ask? Are you interested in a partnership?" Audra teased. Nate replied, sincerely, "Are you offering?" Audra wanted Nate to leave Chancellor-Winter to join her at Glissade once she had taken over. Nate told Audra that he knew Tucker had replaced the Glissade board of directors with sycophants, and he was doubtful Audra could undermine that from the outside.

Audra's eyes lit up. She exclaimed, "Oh, my God! Nate! You beautiful genius! You are absolutely right! I will never be able to pull this off from the outside. What I need is... a page from your playbook!"

Diane was sipping a cup of coffee in Jack's office as Jack stormed in. He told his wife about his run-in with a departing Ashley. Diane said that Ashley's plan might be a good idea and that when dealing with a dispute between Tucker and the truth, "it's best to have hard proof."

Jack seethingly repeated his protestations that Tucker was pulling Ashley's strings, and that she was letting it happen. Jack told Diane that Tucker had scared Ashley then made her question her own perception. Diane asked Jack whether he was more upset about what was happening in Ashley's head or her heart. Jack replied, "Both!" Jack couldn't understand how Ashley didn't see that Tucker was manipulating her. Jack noted, "She's a brilliant woman! Why can't she stop herself?"

Diane decided to play devil's advocate. She offered Jack a different perspective, in which Ashley "got close to being pulled into Tucker's thrall, but then, she pulled herself out. She deserves some credit for that." Jack remained unconvinced, and he continued to worry about his sister's psyche. Diane told Jack, "In the final showdown between Ashley and Tucker, my money's on your sister."

Nikki went to her office. She looked drained as she sat down. A second later, Audra knocked and entered. Audra asked if Nikki was okay, and when Nikki explained that she had just been distracted by having so much to do, Audra asked if she could help. Nikki got indignant. "What makes you think I can't handle what's on my plate?" Nikki asked.

Nikki told Audra not to humor her nor treat her like she was going to break. "I wish to hell I had never admitted to you I had a problem!" she said, with frustration in her voice.

Ashley buckled herself into a seat on the company jet. She thought back on her version of the events in the Parisian caf then about the encounter at Tucker's place, when he had told her he'd only wanted commitment from her, and he had accused her of obsessing. In that conversation, Tucker had suggested that Ashley go to Paris and ask the waitstaff what had really happened that afternoon.

Ashley emerged from her reverie to discover that Traci was sitting next to her, smiling. Ashley asked if Traci was there to try to talk Ashley out of going to Paris. "No, I'm not. After all this time, I know which fights I can win and when to just get out of your way," Traci replied. Ashley asked, "Then, why are you here?" Traci answered, "Because I love you. And so does Jack." Ashley acknowledged that.

Traci told Ashley that she and Jack would never let Ashley "do this" alone. "So, every step of the way, whatever you need, here I am," Traci said. Ashley took her sister's hand.

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Edited by SC Desk