Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 1, 2024 on Y&R

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Sharon broke up with Chance. Victoria took time off to tend to Claire
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of January 1, 2024 on Y&R

Adam and Sally celebrated New Year's Eve together. Victoria took time off work to devote herself to Claire's recovery. Victoria worried that she was losing her connection to Claire. Nikki fought the urge to drink. After an unnerving dream, Sharon gently broke up with Chance.

2003 FLASHBACK: J.T. and Brad try to rescue Colleen
2003 FLASHBACK: J.T. and Brad try to rescue Colleen

2003 FLASHBACK: J.T. and Brad try to rescue Colleen

Monday, January 1, 2024

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by Soap Central

Due to the New Year's holiday, The Young and the Restless opted to rebroadcast a classic episode instead of a new episode.

The episode originally aired October 17, 2003. In the episode, Nick questioned Sharon's loyalty, and J.T. and Brad worked together to rescue Colleen. You can read a full recap of the episode here.

Regular Y&R programming resumed on Tuesday, January 2, 2024, and picked up where the Thursday, December 28, 2023, episode concluded.

Adam and Sally celebrate New Year
Adam and Sally celebrate New Year's Eve together

Adam and Sally celebrate New Year's Eve together

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

by Jenny Smith

Adam entered the jazz lounge and picked up a noisemaker from a table. "You know how those work, don't you? You just put your lips together and blow," Sally quoted. Adam recalled that Lauren Bacall had spoken the line, and Sally cited To Have and Have Not as being one of her favorite movies. Adam invited Sally to show him how it was done, and she exuberantly tooted the horn. He joked that she'd clearly been practicing.

Adam asked if Sally was there to celebrate New Year's Eve with Champagne and confetti. She clucked that he should know her better than that, and he acknowledged that she'd never do something that traditional. Sally admitted that she'd watched the ball drop on television, but she'd been restless, so she'd gone down there. Adam reported that it had pretty much been the same thing for him, and he called them a sad pair. She observed that he seemed in good spirits. "I am now," he replied. Adam offered to buy her a drink for "auld lang syne."

Adam marveled that he and Sally were drinking Champagne, like a normal New Year's Eve. They fondly recalled their first New Year's Eve together, when she'd adhered to his rules by getting decorations for every other holiday but that one. Adam commended her for finding a loophole. Sally argued that neither of them was big on doing what other people did, yet neither of them had wanted to spend New Year's Eve alone. "Not then and not now," Adam affirmed.

Adam suggested that he and Sally turn back the clock to just before midnight. He figured it was clich to ring in the year with a crowd and noise, but they almost had the place to themselves. She lauded him for finding another loophole, and they raised their glasses and counted down from ten. They wished one another a happy New Year, clinked their glasses together, and sipped. Adam pointed out that they were missing one thing for a traditional New Year's Eve -- the kiss.

Sally warned that Adam was pushing it, and he defended that he couldn't help himself where she was concerned. She leaned over and kissed his cheek, and he considered it fair enough. He added that the evening didn't count as the date she'd agreed to, and he didn't think they'd had it yet. Sally pointed out that they'd had one dinner and a lunch, and Adam wondered if it meant they were dating. "Not yet," she responded, and she gently scolded him for continuing to push.

Adam chalked it up to the excitement of actually celebrating New Year's Eve, and he toasted to new beginnings and opportunities. Sally declared that she was excited for 2024, since her business was ready to take off, and she was finally feeling like her old self. He was glad to hear she'd gotten her Spectra energy back, and he anticipated that it would be a great year for him, too. Adam enthused that his relationship with his father was good, and he thought he and Sally were on the cusp of a really great second act.

Nick arrived at Crimson Lights and asked if it was too late for a cup of coffee. Sharon chirped that it wasn't for him, but she intended to shut the place down afterward. She rambled about how it was one of the busiest nights of the year, and she said she didn't know what she would have done without Esther. Esther wished Sharon had let her handle it alone, noting that the owner of a big company shouldn't be slinging coffee and cookies on New Year's Eve.

As Esther fetched Nick's coffee, Sharon voiced surprise that Nick wasn't at the ranch, celebrating with his family. He groaned that it had been a rough few days, and Esther asked if everyone was okay. Sharon urged Esther to go home after being on her feet for hours, and Esther offered to put up the "closed" sign on her way out. After Esther left, Sharon implored Nick to tell her what had happened.

Sharon sympathized about everything Nick had gone through, and she inquired about how Victoria was holding up after finding out her daughter hadn't died. Nick imagined the emotional toll it had taken on Victoria to try to reconnect with a daughter who'd been taught to hate her mom her entire life. Sharon predicted that with time, patience, and the right therapy, Claire would eventually get past her anger and see her parents in a new light. Nick wished Sharon could be their therapist.

Sharon was confident that Claire was getting top-notch psychiatric care at Memorial. Nick praised Sharon for having a gift for helping people through tough times as a therapist and a friend. She volunteered to be there for him as a friend, noting that he'd been looking after everyone when he'd been through a trauma himself. He reported that his knife wound was healing, and the only thing he was worried about was helping his family get through it. Sharon stressed that he didn't have to go through it alone.

At the Athletic Club, Cole suggested he and Victoria order some bubbly, since they'd missed the countdown, and it might be a way to take their minds off the day. Victoria bemoaned that she wasn't in the mood after getting Claire settled in. Cole regretted that their daughter had been through "hell and back," and he vowed to do everything they could to keep Claire safe. Victoria wondered how much more one person could take, and she worried that Claire was slipping further away.

Victoria wondered if Claire had just been through too much after decades of brainwashing and then having her aunt turn completely against her. Cole was glad that Jordan was out of their lives, and he applauded Nikki for saving herself and their daughter. Victoria hated to think about what would have happened if Nikki hadn't fought so hard, and she considered what it had been like for Claire to have her aunt try to kill her. Cole intended to let Claire know she wasn't alone because she had them.

Victoria thought she and Cole had to accept that there was no way of making up for what they'd lost with Claire, and they just had to move forward. Cole agreed, adding that all that really mattered was taking care of Claire. Victoria appreciated Cole for being such a positive force for her and helping her stay focused on what was important -- their daughter. She marveled at what a way it had been for them to reconnect after not seeing one another in a long time. "Too long," he replied. Cole figured they'd never gotten over losing baby Eve, and he couldn't help but think about how different things might have been if Jordan hadn't taken their daughter.

In the psychiatric facility, Claire silently thought to herself that it was where she lived and might always live, with no one to believe in or trust. Claire remembered that Jordan had said it had been them against the world, but her aunt had lied and saved herself, leaving Claire to take the fall at the lake house. Claire's thoughts shifted to Jordan breaking her out of the mental facility to try to kill her, and she reasoned that maybe it had been what she'd deserved. Claire told herself that Victoria and Cole had said she was theirs, but she'd seen the fear in their eyes, which wasn't and would never be love. Claire thought to herself that she would always be no one and nothing.

Claire believed she was a monster in Cole and Victoria's eyes, and she couldn't see that look anymore, so she had to keep them away. She pledged not to let the doctors or her parents get close, and she resolved to stop calling Cole and Victoria that because they weren't her dad and mom. Claire recognized that Cole and Victoria might have died, and she was the one who had almost helped kill them. She surmised that they wanted a sweet, perfect baby girl and not her, since she was no one. Claire wallowed in the thought that they could never love her, and she could never love them.

At the Newman ranch, a despondent Nikki approached the bar and found it empty. Victor put his arm around her and explained that he'd removed the temptation. Nikki was mad that he'd had to protect her from herself, but she was also grateful. She confided that she didn't think she would make it that time.

Victor offered to get Nikki some tea to help her sleep. She wailed that she didn't want to sleep, since she'd only have nightmares of Jordan. Victor suggested they stay up and watch the sun rise, and Nikki remembered doing that when they had been much younger. Victor proposed that they play chess or tell one another stories, but Nikki remarked that they already knew one another's stories. Victor assured her that he could never hear enough of her stories, and he would do anything to help her get through that night and each one thereafter. She called him her rock and mused that she didn't know what she'd do without him.

Nikki recalled the bad times when she'd been at her worst. Victor remembered how angry he'd been when he'd realized how dependent she'd become on alcohol, even though he'd known she'd been trying to medicate the pain she'd suffered in a riding accident. Victor ranted about all the booze he'd found, and he began to dump it out. He bet she had bottles hidden all over the house, and she sobbed that she was sorry. He admonished her for telling him she wanted to stop drinking, all while having vodka with her orange juice.

Victor accused Nikki of being so locked into the lifestyle that she'd put the bottle ahead of her family, her children, and her friends. He smashed a bottle on the floor. Nikki recounted that even his anger hadn't stopped her from drinking, but it also hadn't stopped him from helping her. "I didn't walk out on you then, and I will not now," Victor promised, calling her the love of his life. He pledged to always protect her.

Nikki reflected on how Victor hadn't given up on her, and he'd convinced her to go to rehab. Victor credited her with doing the hard work to get sober. At the rehab center, Victor presented Nikki with a birthday gift. She told him that just getting her there and visiting her were the best gifts he could have given her. He implored her to open the present, and she found a bracelet inside.

Victor explained that the trinket contained Chinese symbols that represented courage and strength, and Nikki could just look at the bracelet if she ever needed those things. He added that their strength would continue to hold their family together. Nikki mused that it was what she'd needed to hear at that moment. Victor swore that she would get sober again, and they would work through it as a family. He referred to the many plans he had for their whole clan that year, and he held her close.

The next day, Nikki wished Victor good morning with a hug. He was sorry they hadn't stayed up long enough to watch the sun rise. Nikki was glad she'd finally gotten some sleep after drifting off in his arms, and she reported that it had been the first time she hadn't had nightmares since the whole thing had started. Victor wondered why she was dressed for work, since he'd expected to spend the day at the ranch.

Nikki looked forward to a fresh start at work, and she was going to start her day with an A.A. meeting. Victoria arrived to see how her mother was doing, and she was happy to see Nikki looking well. Nikki mentioned that she was on her way to a meeting, and she asked if she would see Victoria at the office. Victoria questioned whether Nikki was sure she was ready to go back. Nikki shared that Victor had reminded her that she'd faced worse and gotten through it, and she intended to do it again. Victoria called her parents an inspiration for the way they were there for one another. Victor thought they would all overcome the difficulties life had thrown at them.

At the A.A. meeting, Nikki shared that she hadn't been sleeping because she'd been having nightmares. She recognized that she'd used her drinking to mask the painful feelings and anxiety, but drinking just made the thoughts worse, resulting in the need to drink more. She expressed gratitude to her husband for staying up with her the night before so she wouldn't have to be alone with those thoughts and feelings, but she also accepted that she was the only one who could keep herself sober. Nikki lamented that many people in the world thought it sounded simple to just not take a drink, but everyone at the meeting knew it wasn't that easy. She resolved to wrap her mind around what had happened and face her demons in order to get sober.

Over coffee at the Athletic Club, Sally picked up a party hat left over from the night before. She made a call, and Adam smiled as he answered. He inquired about the rest of her night, and she indicated that she'd gone straight to sleep. He asked if he'd bored her, and she replied that he was a lot of things, but boring wasn't one of them.

Adam thanked Sally for salvaging New Year's Eve for him, and she wanted to thank him formally for doing the same for her. She wondered if he was free that night for dinner, and he queried whether it would be a date or another loophole. Sally confirmed it would be a real date, and Adam pretended to check his schedule. He gleefully informed her that he was free, and he couldn't wait.

Outside Claire's room, Cole told Victoria that Claire was sleeping. Victoria peered into the room and wistfully stated that they'd never gotten to put their daughter to sleep. She imagined all the years they could have argued over bedtime, read stories, and soothed Claire when she'd been sick. Cole reminded Victoria that there was no looking back, only forward.

After Victoria left, Cole quietly entered Claire's room as she slept. He softly said he knew she was exhausted, but he hoped she wasn't going someplace inside where they couldn't help her. Cole mused that he'd never gotten to tell her the story about a little girl whose parents hadn't been able to wait for her to be born, and he recalled imagining what their lives would be like with her. Cole thought maybe they could finish the story when she woke up. Cole pledged that both he and Victoria would be there for Claire through all of it.

At the coffeehouse, Sharon handed Victoria a black coffee and mentioned that Nick had told her about what had happened. Sharon asked how Victoria was holding up, and Victoria admitted that she wasn't sure. Sharon offered to lend an ear if Victoria ever wanted someone to talk to. Victoria started to walk away, but she stopped and asked if Sharon had a couple of minutes. The women sat down at a table, and Victoria confided that she felt like she didn't know what she was doing or what she should do. Sharon prompted Victoria to start with what she did know.

Victoria stated that she and Cole would love to find a way to connect with Claire, but they just didn't know where to start after Claire had been raised to think they'd abandoned her. Sharon encouraged Victoria to show Claire who they really were. Victoria groaned that it was hard being patient when they'd already lost a lot of time. Sharon advised Victoria to take care of her own psyche, and Victoria prepared to leave for the office. Sharon acknowledged that work could be a distraction during tough times, but she recommended that Victoria consider taking time off. Sharon echoed that Victoria had already lost precious time, and she urged Victoria not to lose any more.

At Newman Enterprises, Adam was stunned when Victor and Nick filled him in about how Jordan had nearly killed them. Adam admonished them for keeping him in the dark about something that big, but Victor pointed out that they'd called Adam there to tell him. Adam couldn't imagine how Victoria was feeling after learning she had a grown child who she'd thought had died, and he asked if she was okay to work. Nick and Adam bickered. Victor demanded that they work together as a family unit because it was how they survived, and he was tired of his children arguing.

Nikki arrived, and Nick hugged her and asked how she was feeling. She reported that she was taking one step at a time, but she was optimistic. Adam told her to say the word if he could help. Victor revealed that he'd just been talking to his sons about the importance of working together, and Nikki hoped it was possible. Adam proclaimed that it was at the top of his resolution list, and he swore they'd get no trouble from him.

Victoria entered the office and inquired whether there had been a family meeting she hadn't known about. Adam said he was sorry about what had happened, and he asked how she was holding up. Victoria indicated that things were going okay under the circumstances. She was glad they were all there, since she'd made a decision. She announced that she was taking a leave of absence to devote herself to Claire's recovery.

Danny grills Daniel about his closeness with Heather
Danny grills Daniel about his closeness with Heather

Danny grills Daniel about his closeness with Heather

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

by Anne Carpenter

While Claire slept in a patient room at Genoa City Memorial Hospital's psychiatric ward, Victoria maintained a vigil through a narrow window in the closed door. Worried, Victoria asked a therapist about Claire's habit of sleeping for long periods of time. The therapist explained that medical staff usually talked more than their patients at the beginning of treatment. Victoria cried that Claire appeared to be shutting down and shutting people out. The therapist did not appear to be concerned. Longing to be closer to her daughter, Victoria asked the therapist to let her inside Claire's room.

Victoria sat by Claire's bed as Claire slept. Victoria said, "I know you're probably scared and confused. You probably don't know who to believe, especially after everything that your Aunt Jordan did to you and my mother, your grandmother. I just want you to know that you're not alone." Victoria noted that a number of family members and friends yearned to embrace Claire into the fold whenever she was ready. Victoria promised Claire she was safe with her family.

Victoria pulled two books with worn covers from her bag, explaining that she could not wait to find out what Claire liked to do in her spare time. Victoria admitted she did not know what might come next, though she was grateful to have Claire in her life. Victoria set the books on the bed. Claire awoke and seemed somewhat surprised to see Victoria. Victoria, tears welling in her eyes, said, "Happy New Year, Claire."

At Daniel's apartment, Lucy, clad in her pajamas and robe, emerged from her bedroom and asked about her mom. Daniel replied, "She left after midnight." Lucy replied that she had assumed her mom might have spent the night. In a flashback, Daniel remembered Heather having kissed him on the lips. Responding to Lucy's statement, Daniel said, "Why would you say that?"

Lucy recalled that it had been late and that her parents had passed out asleep on the couch. Daniel asked Lucy why she had not awakened them. Lucy displayed a photo she had taken with her phone of Heather asleep with her head resting on Daniel's shoulder. Lucy admitted she had hoped that the three of them could have enjoyed breakfast together like they had during the old times.

After Lucy retreated to her bedroom, Daniel remembered pulling away from Heather when she'd kissed him, telling her that he had not intended for them to kiss. Heather had said, "I didn't, either. I don't know what happened, but you felt it, too, didn't you?" Daniel had told Heather he was with Lily, and he'd made it clear that misunderstandings and miscommunications were not good for them or for Lucy. Heather played innocent and claimed that her romantic overtures had felt natural like they had before. Daniel replied, "You're talking about before I turned toxic and before I ruined everything?"

Heather noted that Daniel was his old self again. Daniel insisted he was not, explaining that he had gone down a black hole. Daniel was adamant that after growth and change, there was no going back because he was no longer the same person. Daniel made it clear that he was with Lily. Heather replied, "Which is why I hope she never hears about this ridiculous blunder of mine." Lucy entered and noticed that her dad's thoughts were a million miles away. Daniel claimed he had been thinking about his next project.

Lucy unwrapped a breakfast bar, but Daniel grabbed the bar and threw it away. Daniel insisted that they have a proper breakfast of pancakes with bananas at the table while enjoying conversation. Danny arrived and was delighted to be invited to enjoy a Romalotti-style breakfast. Across town, Heather was about to order breakfast at the Athletic Club when Lucy secretly invited her to join Lucy and Daniel for pancakes. Heather replied via text message, asking Lucy if her dad was aware of the invitation. Lucy replied, "Whose idea do you think it was?" Heather smiled.

At Crimson Lights, Phyllis wished Christine a happy New Year. Phyllis mentioned having run into Christine before she had spent the evening with Danny. Christine noted that she and Danny were two people who enjoyed and respected each other, adding that mature relationships evidently did not appeal to Phyllis, given her decision to plan a sudden dinner date with the rather unsavory Tucker McCall. Christine bragged that she and Danny had enjoyed an evening to remember, adding that not even Phyllis could have ruined the evening, no matter how hard she might have tried. Phyllis said she was sorry Christine considered her to be a threat. Christine laughed and let Phyllis know she was aware of Phyllis' contrived date with Tucker, teasing that he and Phyllis had likely whiled away hours, comparing scandals.

Phyllis acknowledged that though Tucker was dangerous, he knew how to have a good time. Christine replied that she was aware that Phyllis had made a move on Danny, which, Christine insisted, had more to do with her ridiculous rivalry than it did with any real feelings. Christine noted that Phyllis' flaw was her inability to take charge of her new freedom and success and to instead chase someone who did not want her. Summer entered just as Christine insisted that Phyllis leave her and Danny alone. Christine told Phyllis that Danny considered her a mistake he should rid himself of. Summer stood between Christine and Phyllis and said, "Seriously? Is this the way you two want to start fresh?"

After Christine left, Summer asked if her mom had been chasing Danny. Phyllis admitted she had kissed Danny on New Year's Eve. Phyllis insisted that Danny and Christine were not in a committed relationship. Phyllis added that she was a better choice for Danny, so he should choose her because Christine was still married. Summer asked her mom how Danny might react when Phyllis did something unethical or fought with Christine. Phyllis insisted that Danny was a good influence in her life. Summer recalled that her mother had not even thought about Danny for as long as Summer had been alive, adding that Phyllis was only interested in Danny so she could stick it to Christine. Phyllis replied, "Maybe I just want to be in love, Summer."

Becoming emotional, Phyllis claimed that after having been hurt, she had built a defensive wall of protection, though having thoughts about a romance with Danny had allowed her to see herself differently. Phyllis spoke of fluttering hearts and listening with interest to a love interest's silly but engaging stories. Summer paused and noted that it would be a different situation if Phyllis were actually describing her true feelings for Danny. Phyllis said, "Well, maybe I was talking about you and Chance." Summer replied, "Are you serious right now? Why would you try to turn this around on me? This is about the lines that you are crossing, not me."

Phyllis insisted to Summer that she had not attempted to deflect and instead claimed that one could not deny a relationship set in motion by the universe. Phyllis noted that no one ever earned brownie points for not going after what was desired, adding that Summer had once been so brave. Summer explained that she was an adult in control of her actions, adding that the old Summer had been a brat. Phyllis insisted that the old Summer had been filled with life and would have never, ever let Chance walk away without telling him how she felt. Summer sighed in frustration after Phyllis kissed her on the forehead and said she hoped that the New Year would be a really good one for Summer. Nearby on the patio, Sharon overheard the exchange between Phyllis and Summer and shook her head.

After Phyllis left, Sharon entered the main dining room from the patio and said, "I guess I could just smile and pretend I didn't overhear you and your mother." Summer, almost breathless with embarrassment, replied, "Talking about Chance. Sharon, oh, my God. I'm so sorry." Summer admitted she was horrified, adding that her mom's comments had been inappropriate, though her mom did not get it. Sharon admitted that she had noticed how Summer enjoyed being around Chance. Summer assured Sharon she would never do anything to comprise Sharon's relationship with Chance. Sharon replied, "It's very mature of you, Summer."

Summer, stating that Sharon did not have to answer, asked Sharon if she was in love with Chance. Sharon agreed that it was a personal question. Summer explained that she wanted to know where things stood between Sharon and Chance. Sharon explained that though she could not speak for Chance, they enjoyed spending time together talking, though they had no expectations or labels. Sharon explained that she needed time to figure out who she was after enduring heartbreak and various life roles and career paths.

Sharon said all she wanted was to explore a future that was wide open. Chance entered and greeted Sharon and Summer. Sharon did not reply, picked up her files, and walked across the room to the counter. Chance, confused, asked, "Everything all right?" Sharon glared at Summer.

Christine arrived at Daniel's apartment while Daniel and Lucy were in the kitchen. Danny welcomed Christine and told her that he'd been just about to phone her and invite her to eat pancakes. Christine told Danny that although breakfast sounded inviting, she had an errand to run. Mentioning New Year's Eve, the couple reminisced about having enjoyed an amazing night.

Christine invited Danny to take a trip out of town to a lake during the upcoming weekend. Christine explained that with no distractions, they could be free to determine what happened next. Danny asked Christine if she was asking him out on a date. Christine blushed and acknowledged she was rusty. Danny accepted. Christine said she would plan everything, and she asked Danny to wait for her to contact him.

As Christine was leaving, she ran into Heather in the hallway. Lucy emerged from the kitchen and told Heather she could have slept over because there was plenty of room in Lucy's bed. Heather teased that Lucy was not an optimal bed partner. Daniel entered from the kitchen and was surprised to see Heather. Heather realized what was going on and asked if it was okay if she stayed. Lucy insisted they could not have pancakes without her mom. Danny seemed somewhat uncomfortable. Daniel, feeling pressured, replied, "Right. Of course."

As the Romalottis sat down around the table to eat Daniel's pancakes, Danny proclaimed that his son had outdone himself. Heather agreed, reminiscing that tasting the pancakes again rekindled feelings of being together in a cozy home, laughing at the same stupid stories while making new memories. Daniel smiled and said, "I totally understand." Danny paused and looked at his son's face to determine what he had meant by his reply to Heather. Lucy beamed.

Heather and Lucy insisted on clearing the table and cleaning the kitchen, as was usual after Daniel had prepared the meal. Daniel said it was nice to know that some things never changed. While Heather and Lucy busied themselves in the kitchen, Danny confronted Daniel privately. Danny noted that Lucy was playing matchmaker while Daniel and Heather were exchanging glances at each other.

Danny said, "Whatever's happening here, Daniel, you've got to straighten it out and fast. Okay? You gotta let people know where they stand, so there's no miscommunications." Daniel, defensive, replied, "Well, you just got this all figured out, don't you?" Daniel acknowledged that his dad had experience with rekindled romances, and he asked about Danny's date with Christine. Danny explained that the date had gone so well that even Phyllis had been unable to send their evening off the rails.

Danny demanded that Daniel explain what was going on with him and Heather. Daniel insisted that he and Heather had only had breakfast together. Danny said he knew his son to be a romantic, adding that when Daniel felt something, it was hard to let it go. Daniel insisted that he had been very clear with Heather. Danny replied, "Have you? Really? Because if I can't see it, are you sure Heather can?" Heather and Lucy returned before Daniel could respond. Heather explained that she had legal contracts at work needing her immediate attention. Lucy asked for a ride to the gym and went to collect her things, explaining that she would meet her mom downstairs.

Heather pulled on her coat and bragged that Daniel had made the best breakfast she had had all year. Heather thanked Daniel for making a spot for her at his table. Daniel replied, "There will always be a place for you here." Heather, smiling, said that being with them all had been a great way to start her year. Daniel replied that he felt the same way. After a pause, Daniel laughed about the awkward exchange and embraced Heather. After Heather left, Danny said, "What in the hell are you getting yourself into?"

Victoria fears she is losing her connection to Claire
Victoria fears she is losing her connection to Claire

Victoria fears she is losing her connection to Claire

Thursday, January 4, 2024

by Nel

At Crimson Lights, Sharon and Summer had been discussing Chance when he arrived, and he asked if they'd been talking about him. Summer left. Sharon admitted they had been talking about how handsome and charming he was, but they'd gone quiet because they hadn't wanted to feed his enormous ego. Sharon and Chance kissed.

On the patio, Sharon told Chance her business was coming along masterfully, and the launch was set for the following week. Sharon asked if he still intended to work at Chancellor-Winters. He said Jill was eager for him to start, and he'd had a couple of meetings with her about his start date. He said they'd discussed having Billy as his mentor, but Chance didn't think that was the best idea. Sharon said Billy had had a lot of experience in the corporate world, and he'd worked in the C-suites of the most prestigious corporations in town. Chance said he didn't want Billy's brand of business influencing his approach to things. He said he'd heard that Billy wasn't the person he should be taking advice from.

Sharon asked Chance if he would be interested if Summer asked him out. She said she'd noticed how happy Summer had been after going to the concert with him. She said Summer had enjoyed it so much that she hadn't been able to stop talking about it. Sharon said it had been more than the music Summer had enjoyed.

Chance told Sharon they'd seen one of Summer's favorite bands. Sharon asked why Summer lit up whenever Chance walked into the room. She said she believed Summer had feelings for him. Chance claimed he and Summer were just friends. Sharon asked again if he would date Summer if he and Sharon weren't dating. Chance said he was dating Sharon, and he liked what they had. Sharon asked what they had.

Chance asked if Sharon thought there was something going on between him and Summer. Sharon denied it. Chance asked if Sharon believed he was developing feelings for Summer. Sharon said she couldn't blame him because Summer was beautiful, smart, and a successful woman. Chance said Sharon was, also. He said it felt like Sharon was trying a sneaky way to end things between them. Sharon denied it.

Sharon told Chance she adored spending time with him, but she wasn't looking for a serious relationship. She said she liked the way her life was settling down after everything she'd been through in the past few years. Chance told her he was happy with the way things were. She said his last relationship had been cut short, so it would be natural for him to be looking for that one big love, and the last thing she wanted to do was to lead him on or hold him back. Chance said he was exactly where he wanted to be, and they kissed.

At the health facility, Claire woke up. Victoria asked how Claire felt, but Claire said she didn't know how to answer that. Claire saw the books, and she asked if Victoria had been reading to her while she'd slept. Victoria said she'd been talking, hoping if Claire heard her voice, it would bring Claire out of any nightmare she might have been having. Claire claimed nothing could stop her nightmares because they were always there.

Claire told Victoria she'd dreamed that Nikki and Jordan had been fighting, and Claire had shot Jordan. She said in her dream, it had felt like she'd had no choice, because she'd needed to stop Jordan. Victoria suggested that Claire was trying to kill Jordan's hold over Claire's life. Claire asked why she felt so guilty about it. Victoria said it could have been her mind's way of getting beyond the pain and the hurt. She suggested that Claire bring it up at her next therapy session. She asked if Claire was beginning to feel more comfortable there. Claire said she felt more frightened.

Victoria assured Claire she had nothing to fear because Jordan would never be back. Claire admitted that Jordan terrified her. She said she didn't feel normal or safe. Victoria replied it was hard to get past the pain when Claire was hurting, but it wouldn't go on forever. Victoria said Claire needed time, rest, and therapy. She assured Claire that she and Cole would be there for Claire.

Claire asked Victoria how that was even possible. She said her entire existence had been about getting back at Victoria for what she'd believed Victoria had done to her. She'd never imagined that her real mom would be sitting there, making sure she was okay. She said that hadn't been part of the plan. She didn't know if she was strong enough to face whatever came next.

Victoria stated that Claire had survived "so much" already, and that strength would get her through to the other side. Claire admitted she hated the therapy sessions because she didn't like talking about Jordan, her childhood, the lake house, or the cabin. She just wanted to erase her entire life. Victoria said she understood that, but Claire couldn't change what had happened. She said Claire had to accept it, and she had to understand it hadn't been her fault. She said Claire could have a normal life, by getting stronger, and she would find happiness.

Claire told Victoria that Jordan had told Claire for her entire life that she didn't deserve to find happiness. Victoria said it was time Claire found some happiness. She said Claire couldn't blame herself for what had happened. She stated that Claire had been emotionally manipulated in the worst possible way. Claire claimed she'd known the difference between right and wrong, like kidnapping, threatening, and attempted murder.

Claire told Victoria she'd stood beside Jordan, and she'd followed Jordan's instructions. She said she could have called someone, but she hadn't; she'd willingly gone along with Jordan, and it had been wrong. Victoria said Jordan had raised Claire to rely on and respect her, and she'd groomed Claire to do those things. Victoria said Jordan was in custody, and Victoria hoped Jordan would spend the rest of her "miserable life" there. Claire asked what would happen if Jordan got out somehow.

Victoria told Claire they wouldn't let that happen; Jordan would pay for what she'd done, and she would be kept far from all of them. Claire asked how Victoria could be so supportive of her or even look at her. Victoria said that looking into Claire's eyes wasn't difficult, and supporting her was even easier because she wanted what was best for Claire. She said she saw the courage and the strength inside Claire.

Victoria said she would be forever grateful that Claire had saved Nikki's life. She said Claire standing up to Jordan had been a remarkable act of bravery, and Victoria was very proud of Claire. Claire said that at the lake house, she'd seen how everyone had looked at her. She said there had been fear and anger because of what she'd done. Victoria said that wouldn't be easy to forget, but it didn't mean she wasn't being honest with Claire. She said she had faith in Claire and the life they could have. Victoria said it might not seem that way at that moment, but perhaps it was something they could work on together.

Claire said the shock for Victoria to realize she had a grown daughter might not have worn off yet, but Victoria would realize that Claire wasn't that sweet innocent baby that had been taken from Victoria. She said Victoria could see who Claire really was -- a person who had tortured and tried to kill her. Victoria assured Claire that she and Cole would never look at her that way, but Claire claimed that wasn't a promise Victoria could keep. Victoria asked Claire not to shut them out, because they'd just found her. She asked Claire to give them a chance to get to know her.

Claire told Victoria it was too hard, and every time she saw Victoria and Cole, she got a knot in her stomach and braced for when they would hate her again. Claire said Victoria's baby Eve had died the day she'd been taken from the hospital, and Claire was someone who was angry, alone, rejected, and abandoned, and she didn't know how to get past that. Victoria admitted it wouldn't be easy, but Claire had to know she wasn't alone. She said she and Cole would help Claire get through it together, no matter how long it took.

Claire claimed she wasn't strong, brave, or able to do the things Victoria believed she could. Claire said she would always see Victoria as someone who had abandoned her, and Victoria would always see Claire as the person who had tortured Victoria and her family. Victoria said she didn't think that, and neither should Claire. Claire told Victoria to go and never return. Victoria stated that Claire wasn't listening. Claire yelled for Victoria to leave and never return. She shouted that she would have Victoria and Cole struck off the visitors' list. Victoria begged Claire to let her help, but when Claire refused to respond, Victoria left.

At Newman Media, Nikki was trying to work, but she had a flashback. She was locked in a room at the lake house and calling for Claire. The image changed to her being in bed, and beside her was a cloche, which she lifted, revealing a bottle of vodka. In real time, she told herself to stop. Audra walked in, and she asked if Nikki was all right.

Audra told Nikki that fighting alcoholism was a constant war of resisting temptation and of willpower. She understood how stress and trauma could affect Nikki's ongoing fight. Audra said she'd lived with her father for a long time before he'd lost that war. She said she understood what Nikki was going through and the toll it could take on her and her family.

Audra told Nikki she'd been to many Al-Anon meetings, and she understood the process. She said she recognized the signs of someone covering the urge to drink. Nikki claimed Audra had misread the situation. She said she and her family had been through a very traumatic experience, and they were dealing with it together. She thanked Audra for her concern. Audra said she understood, and she left.

Summer arrived at Daniel's and said she was surprised how Sally had decorated his apartment, calling it really modern but very warm and inviting. Daniel asked if she was there to critique his dcor or tell him what was really going on.

Summer told Daniel she couldn't talk to Phyllis because Phyllis couldn't help her. Daniel guessed it was about Chance. Summer said she didn't know what she was doing. She said she was a CEO, she was a mom, she helped with school projects, and she was always very busy. She said she didn't have time to be tied up in knots over "some guy," especially one that was involved with someone else. Daniel admitted she was asking the wrong person for advice because he was tied up with his own emotional mess.

Summer asked Daniel what emotional mess he was referring to. Daniel said he thought Heather was trying to start something up between them romantically. Summer asked why Heather wouldn't want to rekindle things. Summer said Heather would want to be happy and in love and to have her family back together. She asked if Daniel didn't want to explore and see if there was still a spark between him and Heather.

Daniel told Summer they'd both moved on with new people since Savannah. Summer claimed that didn't stop people from acting on their feelings. Daniel claimed it had stopped Summer from acting on her feelings for Chance. Summer said Chance had never been hers. She claimed the difference was that she and Chance had no history and hadn't even been on a date, but Daniel and Heather had been happy together for a long time. She said that if Daniel hadn't screwed up, they would probably still be together.

Daniel told Summer he still kicked himself for what he'd done, and he asked if Summer wanted to pass up that opportunity. Summer admitted she was interested in Chance, but not while he was dating Sharon. Daniel said Heather should respect that he was in a new place emotionally with Lily, and they were fine.

Summer asked if Daniel had actually told Heather he wasn't interested in reuniting. She said if he wasn't sending mixed messages, Summer believed Heather would accept that. Summer insisted she wouldn't make a move on Chance because she knew he was still with Sharon. Daniel asked if Phyllis had told her that if she wanted it, to do whatever it took.

Summer told Daniel she didn't know what kind of advice she wanted, but she was sick of feeling confused and dancing around it. She said she'd tried distracting herself, but every time she saw Chance, all those questions and feelings crept back in. She wondered if those feelings worked both ways. Daniel asked if Summer had any reason to believe that Chance and Sharon weren't happy.

Summer told Daniel that Sharon and Chance seemed very happy whenever she saw them together, but she'd had a very strange conversation with Sharon, who'd said she and Chance were just hanging out and having fun. Summer said she'd gotten the impression they hadn't discussed any type of future together. Daniel said that sounded a lot like where things stood between him and Lily. Summer said that was why Heather thought she could test the waters with Daniel. Summer threw up her arms and said "screw it" -- she was going to test the waters with Chance.

At Society, Nikki sat at the bar and ordered a sparkling water with lime. After it had been served, she verified she wasn't being watched, brought out her flask, and poured vodka into her drink. Nate saw Nikki at the bar. He asked how she was, and he hoped she wasn't upset with him. Nikki said she wasn't thrilled with him, since he'd told Victor she was drinking again. Nate asked if he'd been wrong.

Nate told Nikki he'd alerted Victor out of concern for her, and not retaliation because he'd been fired; it had merely been a doctor's healing instinct. Nikki said her family was aware and supportive of her journey, and she was concerned about them. She told him there was no need for him to worry any longer. Nate left her. Nikki paid for the drink she hadn't had, and she left.

Back at Newman Media, Nikki had just given Audra instructions when Victoria arrived and told Audra she needed to speak privately with Nikki. Audra left. Victoria asked if something had happened. Nikki admitted she'd almost had a drink earlier, but it had been Nate who had pulled her back. She asked if Victoria had had any recent contact with him.

Victoria said she believed Nate wasn't done being angry with her. Nikki claimed Nate didn't seem angry at all, but genuinely concerned for Nikki's well-being. Victoria said Nate was a kind and compassionate man. Nikki asked Victoria what was wrong. Victoria claimed she was losing her connection with Claire. She said she was scared that she might be losing Claire "forever this time."

Sharon must decide her future by reflecting on her past
Sharon must decide her future by reflecting on her past

Sharon must decide her future by reflecting on her past

Friday, January 5, 2024

by Nel

On the patio at Crimson Lights, Sharon fell asleep at one of the tables.

Chance asked Sharon where she'd gone. She replied that she must have dozed off. She said he looked very dashing. She asked if he'd changed his clothes. Chance said he'd been in that suit all day, but Sharon claimed he'd worn a sweater and cords. Summer entered. She and Chance embraced. Chance told Summer she looked amazing. Summer and Chance had their arms around each other when Summer asked if Sharon was ready to go. Confused, Sharon asked where they were going. Chance said they were going to celebrate the deal she'd finalized between Kirsten Incorporated and Chancellor-Winters.

Sharon, Summer, and Chance were suddenly transported to the entrance of the Athletic Club, where Billy greeted them. Billy said it would be a fantastic night because Kirsten's technology combined with Chancellor-Winters' content was sure to be a success, thanks to Sharon's suggestion that they join forces. Summer asked if Nick was there, because they couldn't start the celebration without him, since he was the other half of it. Sharon asked if she was dreaming, but Chance said it was definitely Sharon's reality.

At the bar, Billy gave Sharon a glass of Champagne. She heard Summer tell Chance that leaving the police force had been the best thing he could possibly have done for himself. Chance said it was thanks to Sharon, who'd encouraged him when he'd been wrestling with the idea. Billy toasted Sharon for being an incredibly brilliant influence on everyone.

After Summer had stepped away, and Billy left to schmooze, Sharon told Chance that nothing made sense. She asked if Chance was dating Summer, and when they had parted ways. Chance told her they hadn't been together for a while because she'd said she wasn't ready to fall in love. Chance admitted it had taken him some time to get over her, but she'd made the right call because he realized there was only one person who was right for Sharon.

Sharon turned and watched as Nick walked past her. She followed him. Suddenly, she was in the jazz lounge, and she was about to approach Nick, who was at the bar, but Phyllis came up behind him and asked Nick to buy her a drink. Nick said he was waiting for someone. Phyllis asked if it was Sharon. She claimed that wouldn't work again. She said no matter how many times Nick had been sucked into Sharon's orbit, he would never love Sharon the way she loved him. She said it would never last.

Sharon turned. She was suddenly in the Athletic Club dining room. She saw Mariah and Tessa at a table, Sharon sat down with them. Mariah asked if Sharon was confused. Sharon guessed she was in a dream because she didn't know what was going on. Mariah told her to take control.

Sharon told Mariah she'd finally found her niche, but Tessa claimed Sharon's heart was still empty. Tessa began singing, and she sang and danced out of the room. Mariah claimed that what Tessa had said had bothered Sharon. Sharon said she knew Tessa hadn't meant to upset her. Sharon claimed her heart wasn't empty because she was happy, but she wasn't ready to fall in love again because of everything she'd been through.

Sharon told Mariah that Nick had brought her a lot of joy, but he'd also caused her a lot of pain; she'd lost Rey, and she claimed that she and Chance were at different stages of their journey. Sharon said she knew what it was like to be deeply in love. She said Chance had been married to his career for so long that he had yet to experience that. Mariah stated that even with Abby, his job had come first. Sharon claimed Chance would need to find that connection, and for that reason, she'd had to let him go.

Sharon told Mariah that Chance had always made her feel special, and he'd been fun to be with. Mariah asked if Chance had been a distraction for her. Adam, dancing with Tessa, claimed they'd all been distractions for Sharon. He said there was only one life and love that was Sharon's destiny, and they all knew who that was. Sharon stated she was sick of hearing people tell her that Nick was the one. She asked why everyone thought that.

Sharon asked if no one remembered the times Nick had cheated on her and broken her heart. Adam said it seemed to have mended itself very well, considering how many times she'd gone back to Nick. Sharon said she'd loved Nick with everything in her, but it hadn't been enough. She claimed Nick hadn't been her only love. She said she'd felt passionately about Rey, and they'd had an amazing life. Adam agreed it had been solid and emotionally safe, but he asked if it had really been passionate, wild, and unbridled. Adam claimed there had been more of a spark between him and Sharon, and he hadn't been the love of Sharon's life.

Adam claimed he'd only been Sharon's dark temptation, and Phyllis had been the dark temptation for Nick. He said it wasn't love, but something different with no staying power. Sharon stood up and said she was there to celebrate a new and successful business, and that was what she was focused on. At the bar, Billy and Chance raised a glass to her.

Chance said Sharon had taken a struggling business founded by a monster, and she'd turned it into a vehicle for good. He said it was launch day, a joint venture with Chancellor-Winters, represented by him and Billy. Billy claimed the sky was the limit, thanks to "Sharon Newman." Everyone applauded. Nick entered with Phyllis on his arm. Adam said it was Sharon's dream; she could either follow Nick, or she could lead.

Suddenly, Sharon was standing at the bar with Chance and Billy. She told them there was no such thing as a solo triumph, and success was always a joint effort borne of collaboration. She picked up her glass and said the celebration was for all of them. As they drank, Sharon watched Nick and Phyllis walk out. She saw Summer and Chance dancing while Tessa sang. Adam told Sharon it was her chance to make a quick getaway. Billy asked her to go with him.

Sharon and Billy were transported to the coffeehouse. Billy said he had always admired Sharon because she'd accomplished anything she'd ever set her mind to. He said since she and her mother had been left to fend for themselves, Sharon had had her fair share of trials: a boyfriend who'd left her when she'd been pregnant, losing Cassie and Mariah without knowing she'd had twins, Cassie's death, Adam's head games, her bipolar disorder, cancer, Rey dying far too young, Cameron Kirsten and that nightmare, and all the heartache Nick had put her through, but that had been mostly Phyllis' fault. He said Phyllis was Nick's Achilles heel, and he couldn't say no to her. Sharon claimed Phyllis had known that.

Sharon told Billy that Phyllis used her sexuality as a weapon to get what she wanted, and it didn't matter who got hurt. She said when she and Nick had been mourning Cassie, Phyllis had pursued Nick, even though they'd needed to be together to heal as a family from such a tremendous loss. She said after Noah's birth, Nick had found an oasis in Phyllis, where he could feel like himself again. She said she'd never forgiven Nick and Phyllis for leaving her alone at a time like that.

Billy told Sharon not to think they didn't know how much that had cost Sharon and Noah, and especially Nick. He said the reason Nick and Phyllis never worked was because of the guilt Nick carried. Billy said Nick and Phyllis had had fun, but when it had become work, it had been done. Sharon said she didn't want to discuss Phyllis anymore. Billy snapped his fingers, and Nick and Phyllis walked in laughing. Billy asked Phyllis to pass him the deck of cards in her right hand. He asked if she wanted to join him on the patio for a hand. She agreed.

After Billy and Phyllis left for the patio, Nick chose a tune on the jukebox, and he asked Sharon to dance with him. Sharon asked if Nick remembered the last time that they'd tried to make a go of it. Nick said he did. He said they'd been at the altar, ready to say, "I do." Sharon said she'd made sure everyone at that church had known exactly why the wedding hadn't happened. Phyllis entered, and she asked if it was going to be a reenactment of that day. They all took their positions. Phyllis announced Sharon and Nick's fiasco of a wedding. There were cheers and applause from an unseen audience.

Standing as bride and groom, Nick told Sharon he was sorry because he'd never meant ... Sharon asked, "What? For me to find out?" She said it was too late because everybody knew. Billy asked if Phyllis had slept with Nick. Phyllis asked if she could talk to Billy outside. Sharon asked why Phyllis was leaving when the fun was just beginning. Billy asked why they should go. Phyllis claimed it was a private matter. Billy said it wasn't a private matter anymore, so there was no reason to run out just to tell him how innocent she was.

Sharon told Billy that Phyllis and Nick had thought they could get away with lying to both of them. Billy asked Phyllis when it had happened. She said after she and Billy had broken up. Billy claimed that had only lasted a few days. Sharon said that she and Nick had only been apart for one night. Nick took Sharon's arm and asked her to go with him, but she shook him off. Billy thanked Sharon for not only saving her life but his, too. He said that while they'd been waiting, he'd asked Phyllis to marry him at the moment Sharon had been about to tell everyone about Phyllis and Nick's dirty little secret.

Nick told Sharon they needed to talk. Sharon claimed she'd already heard all his pathetic excuses the first time he'd cheated with Phyllis, but Billy said he wanted some answers. Phyllis didn't respond. Billy asked Nick if it had been a one-night stand or an ongoing affair. Phyllis said it had happened once, and they'd immediately regretted it. Phyllis asked why Billy was making a big scene out of it.

Sharon asked if Phyllis was embarrassed. Sharon said she was standing there in her wedding gown, so it made no sense why Phyllis was humiliated. Nick took Sharon's arm and asked her to listen to him, but Sharon told Nick not to touch her. She slapped him. The unseen audience cheered and applauded. Billy, Phyllis, and Nick thought the reenactment had been really cool. Sharon wasn't amused. She thanked Phyllis and Billy, and she dismissed them.

Alone with Sharon, Nick admitted he'd been a real jerk to Sharon. Sharon asked why they kept missing the mark. Nick claimed he hadn't found what he'd been looking for. Sharon asked if he'd ever known what that was. He claimed it had always eluded him. Sharon said there was a part of Nick that coveted the bad boy image, which was the reason he detested Adam. She said Nick envied how easy it was for Adam to be that person and the way Adam could lure a certain type of woman right in, usually the insecure type who didn't think she deserved anything better. She said Billy could be that way, too, which was ironic because Billy coveted being someone like Nick.

Nick asked Sharon who he really was. Sharon said he was Superman, the champion of all good, but it was a role he was conflicted about. She said she never understood why he wouldn't embrace his goodness, and she asked what was wrong with being a righteous man rather than following someone like Phyllis into the shadows. Nick claimed opposites attracted. She said opposites usually canceled each other out, and he was back at square one. Nick asked where that left them.

Nick told Sharon he'd never meant to hurt her. Nick said he was content with where they were, despite their history. He said he would never ask her for another chance. She asked if he would take it if she offered. All of a sudden, Nick, Phyllis, and Billy were gone. Sharon complained that she couldn't get a straight answer, even in her dream.

Sharon was back at the jazz lounge. She saw Summer, and she asked if Summer had seen Nick. Summer said he'd just been there. Sharon said maybe he was avoiding her. Summer asked why Sharon thought that. Sharon asked if Nick had left with Phyllis, but Phyllis answered that he'd been there with Billy. Summer asked why Sharon thought Nick was avoiding her. Summer said she knew Nick had made many mistakes over the years, and she asked if it was time for Sharon to absolve Nick for everything and give Nick a clean slate.

Sharon asked if Summer was feeling guilty around her because Summer had latched on to Chance so quickly after their breakup. Sharon asked if Summer was suggesting that she try again with Nick. Chance appeared and told Sharon he'd known deep down that he and Summer had been inching toward each other. Sharon said she didn't think she and Chance had been right for each other. Chance asked if they were talking about him or Nick, because he didn't believe she'd given up on Nick, since she was still trying to find herself. He said the end was in the beginning. Tessa stood at the piano and sang.

Sharon was transported to the dining room. Summer and Chance rushed in, and Summer excitedly announced that Chance had asked her to marry him. Everyone was quiet. Kyle clapped. Harrison waved and said, "Hi, Mommy." Sharon demanded to know what was going on. She asked why they couldn't get things right. Nick said life wasn't supposed to be perfect. She asked if it was about her and Nick in the end. Nick put his hand on her cheek.

In real time, Chance woke Sharon, who'd fallen asleep at a table. She told Chance she'd had "the most bizarre dream." He asked if she wanted to talk about it, but Sharon opted to keep it to herself for a little while to sort through it.

Chance said he'd been thinking about their last conversation, and he was right where he wanted to be. He said when Sharon had asked earlier if he was looking to fall in love, he realized he hadn't given her much of an answer. Chance said he was looking to fall in love, and he could see himself doing that with Sharon.

Sharon told Chance she was flattered, but they'd talked about it. She said she'd really enjoyed their time together, but falling in love was the last thing on her mind. Chance said he believed she was afraid of getting hurt again. Sharon maintained that she had a lot going on in her life, and it took priority over her love life. Chance said she needed to let her guard down and keep her heart open to every possibility. Sharon told him to take his own advice.

Chance said when one was with the right person, they knew. Sharon said she wasn't the woman of his dreams. Chance asked how Sharon knew what the woman of his dreams was like, because he didn't. He said he could see a future with Sharon. Sharon said she couldn't see one with Chance. She said there was so much more out there for them because they were both looking for a fresh start. Sharon said Chance deserved a woman who would love him with her whole heart and put him first. He said it sounded like she was breaking up with him. Sharon kissed him, and she said she was.

Nick saw Summer in the dining room, and he asked why she was there alone. She asked why Nick and Phyllis had never worked as a couple. Nick claimed they'd been more different than alike. Nick said that part of it was that they didn't have enough in common and that they wanted different things. He said he and Phyllis had had some amazing times together, but they hadn't had what it took to go the distance.

Summer asked Nick about Sally. Nick asked if he was going through his list of failed relationships. She explained that she'd been thinking about her life and disappointments. She'd hoped that hearing others' experiences would help her gain some clarity. Nick admitted he didn't know what had gone wrong in his relationship with Sally. He said obviously there had been Adam, who was relentless.

Summer asked why Nick and Sharon hadn't worked out. He said things had been great between him and Sharon, but he'd screwed that up. He said he'd broken Sharon's heart too many times, and there was "no coming back from that."

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