Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 6, 2023 on Y&R

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Chance was shot. Victor fired Nate. Aria responded to sound. Summer admitted to having feelings for Chance.
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 6, 2023 on Y&R

Mariah and Tessa rejoiced when Aria responded to sound after being fitted with hearing aids. Victor fired Nate. Nina received notice that Chance had been shot, but he was expected to make a full recovery. Summer admitted to Phyllis that she had feelings for Chance but intended to show restraint.

Mariah and Tessa celebrate Aria
Mariah and Tessa celebrate Aria's ability to hear

Mariah and Tessa celebrate Aria's ability to hear

Monday, November 6, 2023

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by Anne Carpenter

Before Mariah and Tessa accompanied Aria to her audiologist's office to be fitted with hearing aids, they had coffee with Sharon at Crimson Lights. Mariah and Tessa shared their concerns. Tessa cried, "What if they don't work? What if our precious baby still can't hear?" Sharon reminded the mothers that they had bravely faced their daughter's hearing problems and should be hopeful and optimistic. Mariah expressed concern that Aria might grow up feeling that she was different from other children.

Sharon assured Mariah and Tessa that other children and their parents were facing the same issues as Aria. Sharon suggested that Mariah, Tessa, and Aria join a support group and rely on help from other parents and children in the same situation. Sharon offered encouragement by describing the joy they would witness when Aria first heard the sounds of the world around her. Mariah replied, "Or she hears her moms' voices." Before Mariah, Tessa, and Aria left to see Dr. George, Tessa confidently announced that the baby would soon be able to hear Sharon's "baby talk" voice. Sharon beamed with pride.

At Dr. George's office, baby Aria was fitted with hearing aids. Dr. George was confident that the hearing aids could be correctly adjusted to meet Aria's individual needs. Mariah and Tessa seemed relieved when Dr. George offered helpful tips, including keeping watch on Aria in case she attempted put the hearing aids in her mouth. Dr. George recommended that they allow Aria to gradually adjust, make the process fun, and not become frustrated.

After Dr. George placed the hearing aids in Aria's ears, the baby initially did not respond to Mariah or Tessa when they spoke her name. Tessa knelt down beside the exam table and began singing. Aria listened intently. When Mariah spoke, Aria turned her head in response and listened. Mariah and Tessa were visibly moved. Dr. George smiled as she observed the mothers expressing joy over their daughter's success with the hearing aids.

Standing alone in her office, Nikki recalled in a flashback a conversation with Nick and Victoria concerning the state of Victor's health. Victoria had shared her frustration about having been kept in the dark when it was obvious she had been terribly worried. Nick had defended Nikki, explaining that Victor had put her in an impossible position. Nikki remembered having told Victoria that Victor's plan was to trick the person he believed was planning to betray him.

Claire entered Nikki's office and spoke to her, but Nikki remained distracted. After Claire spoke again, Nikki collected her thoughts and admitted she had been reflecting on a fight she had had with Victor, adding that everything would be fine. Claire said she had not meant to pry. Nikki assured Claire that she had done nothing wrong. Before Claire stepped out, she said, "I'm always available to listen." Nikki did not reply.

Victoria caught her father's attention by knocking on his office door at Newman Enterprises. Victor, sitting at his desk, told his daughter he was about to leave. Victoria showed her father a shipping contract he had approved and explained that it was not a good deal. Victoria suggested that perhaps her father had misunderstood the terms, noting that Victor would not have normally endorsed such a contract. Victor tersely bellowed, "Are you saying that I'm unfit to run my own company?"

Victoria tried to explain, but Victor stood, buttoned his suit coat, and said, "I'm going to meet Adam at the club and talk to him about the Kirsten/McCall/Newman Media merger." Victoria quickly rose to her feet and replied, "Daddy, that merger." Nate entered, interrupted Victoria, and said, "I'd be happy to drive you to your meeting with Adam." Growing increasingly agitated, Victor insisted he could drive himself because he was "a hell of a good driver." Victoria shook her head in disbelief.

After Victor left, Nate advised Victoria to avoid distressing Victor by correcting him. Victoria expressed concern that Adam would use Victor's confusion to his own advantage by exposing their dad's illness to the whole world. Nate asked Victoria to sit down and listen. Nate admitted that Victor was concerned that something was terribly wrong. Victoria, taken aback, cried, "He admitted that he needs help?"

Nate assured Victoria that once a diagnosis was confirmed, proper treatment would begin immediately. Victoria was miffed at the thought that Nate had considered withholding the information. Nate explained that he and Victor had only recently discussed his issues, so it had never been a long-held secret. Nate told Victoria that breaking his vow of secrecy could have jeopardized Victor's agreement to seek medical help.

Nate assured Victoria he did not like keeping secrets from her, and he admitted that Victor had seemed scared about what was happening to him. Nate explained that he had recommended that Victor seek medical testing at a clinic in another city. Nate added that he had made it clear to Victor that seeking treatment would be his decision to make. Nate suggested that Victoria step in as interim CEO during Victor's absence and run the company. Victoria was surprised to learn that Victor had tentatively approved the plan for her to take the reins. After Nate mentioned Victor's meeting with Adam, Victoria quickly left.

Nick joined Adam in the dining room at the Athletic Club before their father's expected arrival. Adam asked Nick to allow a doctor he had contacted to interact with Victor without their father knowing he was undergoing an assessment. Nick scoffed that Victor would likely become suspicious. Adam stated that he was genuinely concerned about their father and the family.

Adam reminded his brother that he had donated a kidney to Faith. Adam also recalled having taken a bullet for his father. Nick, unmoved, remarked, "That was a long time ago." Adam insisted he would not let their father slip away without fighting to help him. Adam assured Nick that the doctor could effectively assess Victor's situation covertly. Nick sarcastically replied, "So, he's a doctor and an award-winning actor. Nice. Sounds pretty unethical to me."

Nick informed Adam that Victor had told Nikki and Victoria that he would consider undergoing a medical evaluation. Adam said he doubted that Victor had been serious, adding that their father would likely back out at the last minute or pay someone to declare that no medical issues existed. Adam begged Nick to play along and give Victor a chance to find out that he needed his family to look after him. Nick replied, "You really do love pissing Dad off, don't you?" Adam grimaced in frustration.

Before Victor approached, Nick recalled in a flashback having informed Victoria that Victor had claimed that his memory issues had been an act designed to fool them and test their loyalty. Victor, Nick remembered, had replied, "You're trying to convince me that I'm losing my own mind." Alone later, Victoria had told Nick that their dad was either covering up to prevent them from pursuing a medical diagnosis, or he was continuing the ruse because he still did not trust her. The sound of Victor's voice roused Nick from his flashback.

Victor approached and said, "I'll be damned. My two sons sitting together, talking about building a powerful new media empire." Adam attempted to correct Victor, but Nick interrupted and said, "This has to stop, Dad. All right? It has to stop right now. You need help." Nick calmly explained that something was clearly wrong, citing Victor's frequent memory lapses and his failure to negotiate business deals as brilliantly as he once had.

Nick, betraying Adam, admitted that a doctor had been summoned to observe Victor and render a diagnosis. Adam repeated Nick's observation that Victor had been confused lately and explained that he wanted to help Victor. Victor leaned toward Adam and angrily said, "I don't need anyone to help me. Do you understand? The fact that you tried to trick me tells me everything I need to know."

Adam became exasperated. Victoria rushed in. Victor said, "You have something to say about your father, as well?" Victoria replied that she was aware that her father was meeting with Adam to discuss a deal and did not trust her brother's intentions. Adam asked, "Did the two of you plan this? To ambush me in front of Dad?" Victor demanded to know what Adam was talking about. Victoria piped up and cried, "You, Daddy. Whatever's going on with you." Victoria suggested they all go back to the office to talk about it. Victor ordered his children to follow him to Newman Enterprises.

Nate encountered Claire in the hallway near the elevators. Nate observed that Claire seemed stressed. Claire admitted she was striving to become the best assistant Nikki had ever had and felt she often fell short of anticipating Nikki's needs. Nate replied, "Oh, I have no doubt you're doing a great job." Claire shared that she might have misinterpreted Nikki's friendliness and pushed a little too far by asking personal questions. Nate assured Claire that Nikki would let her know if she ever crossed the line. Claire noted that Nate appeared to have mastered the art of succeeding at Newman without being a Newman family member. Nate laughed and replied, "I guess so."

Claire invited Nate to meet outside the office, so he could give her some pointers. Nate explained that the Newman family's ways of interacting took time to get used to, though he advised Claire not to take anything too personally. Nate explained that the Newmans' cautious nature stemmed from dealing with threats throughout the years. Nate told Claire that beyond what he had shared, he had little else to offer, though he agreed to meet Claire for coffee sometime soon to discuss Newman corporate business.

Claire stopped by Crimson Lights to pick up Nikki's favorite drink. Sharon noted that Nikki had been her mother-in-law. Claire seemed eager to talk to Sharon about the Newmans, but her phone rang. Claire stepped out to the patio to take the call. Claire addressed the caller as Aunt Jordan. Claire told Aunt Jordan that she'd thought she would have more time. Claire insisted that she was making progress. Before ending the call, Claire said that she loved her aunt.

Sharon was tidying up the counters at Crimson Lights when Maria and Tessa returned with Aria. Mariah explained that instead of a video-chat, they had decided to show Aria's progress to Sharon in person. Mariah cried, "Say hello to your granddaughter." Sharon asked Aria if she had had fun at the doctor's office.

Aria watched Sharon's lips move and cooed. Sharon pressed her palm to her heart and said, "I think she heard me. It's wonderful." Mariah noted that she and Tessa were feeling the joy. Sharon declared that she had had no doubts that the hearing aids would work, though she also signed the word "grandmother." Aria seemed amazed as she listened to her family celebrate.

In Victor's office, Victoria admitted to her father that she had been concerned about him for a while and had assumed that she had been seeing what she had wanted to see. Nick told his father not to be afraid, adding that Victor's children would support him and get the help he needed. Nate entered and was taken aback to see Victor's children gathered around him. Nikki entered after Nate. Nate asked what was going on. Nikki said, "That's what I want to know." Victor replied, "The time has come to tell you all the truth." Adam shook his head in dismay. Nate appeared taken aback. Victoria seemed stunned as they all waited for Victor to explain.

Victor decides who to fire
Victor decides who to fire

Victor decides who to fire

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

by Jenny Smith

At Society, Devon quietly crept up behind Abby and huskily requested to make a reservation for 52 people that night. Turning to face him, she doubted there were 52 people he wanted to be with. They hugged and kissed hello, and he shared the news that Aria was doing fantastic with her new hearing aids. Abby thanked Devon for telling her in person, and he figured it had been a good excuse to see her. He mentioned that he was about to stop by their old place to see Lily, noting that he felt a little unsettled about all the recent changes.

Abby hoped Devon wasn't talking about wanting to move back into his old building. Devon insisted that the Abbott mansion felt like home and that Dominic loved it there. Devon clarified that he'd been talking mostly about Chancellor-Winters and Mamie's investment in it. He fretted that his aunt was adamant about Nate returning to the fold, but he thought more time needed to go by before considering having his cousin return to the company. Devon worried that Mamie was trying to force family unity by pushing him and Lily to do things they weren't ready for.

Abby empathized, noting that her own family communicated via business memos and hostile takeovers. She asserted that Devon was strong enough not to be manipulated by anyone, and she urged him to trust his instincts. Devon confided that he believed Tucker had been behind Mamie's investment in Chancellor-Winters. Abby had faith Devon would do the right thing, and she encouraged him to meet with Lily to figure out what the two of them wanted. Abby was certain Devon wouldn't let Mamie push him around or allow Tucker to bully him into anything. Devon said he loved Abby for making everything sound so simple. They kissed, and he headed out.

At Lily's penthouse, Daniel asked if he'd told Lily lately what a genius she was for recommending that he hire Sally to decorate his new place. Lily replied that he was a genius for listening to her. Daniel indicated that he'd be meeting Sally in an hour, and he wondered whether Lily was free to be part of the process. Lily informed him that she had some Chancellor-Winters business to take care of, but she offered to meet him if she finished early. Daniel inquired whether she was still cool with him living just a few floors down from her.

Lily pointed out that it was a little late for Daniel to ask when he'd already bought the place, and he explained that he wanted her to be as excited as he was about it. "If I'm being honest ..." she tentatively began before broadly smiling and leaning in to kiss him. She assured him that she was thrilled that they'd be close to one another. Lily asked when Daniel was meeting with Sally, and he amorously replied that he had a little bit of time. Daniel wondered when Devon was supposed to be there, and Lily cooed that she had a little time, too. They kissed again.

Later, Lily and Devon wrapped up some work. Lily shared that she'd been thinking a lot about what Mamie had done and hoped to do, and she felt like Mamie's dreams for the company hinged on Nate working with them again. Lily pondered whether that was even a possibility. Devon conceded that he'd been asking himself the same question about Nate, and he was willing to consider it. Devon appreciated what Mamie was trying to do, but he also suspected that she wasn't being honest about her plans for the company and whether they involved Jill. Lily sensed that Mamie was hoping they'd lean more on family loyalty than their personal connection to Jill.

Devon contended that Jill owned half the company, and Mamie had no way of getting around that. Lily speculated that Mamie's ultimate plan was to push Jill out and have their family be the sole owners of Chancellor-Winters. Devon couldn't imagine Mamie having the power or money to take Jill down. Lily agreed that Mamie couldn't do it without a partner, and she turned the topic to Tucker. Devon was tired of worrying about what Tucker would or wouldn't do to the people Devon cared about. "Which brings us back to Nate," Lily said.

Devon considered it a moot point, since Nate had already made it clear that he wasn't interested in leaving Newman. Lily pointed out that work aside, it would still mean a lot to Mamie if Devon reconciled things with Nate. Devon realized it meant as much to Lily as it did to Mamie. Lily explained that having their aunt back in town and talking about having the family together again had struck a chord with her, and Nate had attempted to put the past in the past. Devon agreed to give it a try for Lily and Mamie's sakes, and he headed out. In the corridor, he sent a text message to Nate, asking if Nate was free to grab a drink later.

Devon found Abby folding napkins when he returned to Society. He noted that she had people to do that for her, but she said she found it relaxing. Devon indicated that he and Lily were on the same page about Mamie and Tucker, and they'd decided to listen to one of them and be suspicious of the other. He figured Abby could guess which was which. Devon shared that he'd also made a move to reach out to Nate. Abby chirped that was a step in the right direction.

Heather and Lucy wheeled their luggage into the Athletic Club lobby and exchanged a look of excitement. Lucy hoped her dad had found them somewhere to live, and Heather asked what the teen had against the club. Lucy complained that it felt temporary, and the move would feel more real once they had their own place. Heather said she felt the same way, and she planned to reach out to Daniel once they got settled in. Lucy warned her not to tell Daniel they were there, since Lucy wanted it to be a surprise. Lucy confirmed that she was happy and relieved to be back because she'd missed home and her dad.

Over lunch at the club, Heather marveled that it felt right to be home. "Almost," Lucy prompted, and Heather agreed that it was time to call Daniel. Heather left Daniel a voicemail, wondering if he'd found a place for her and Lucy to stay when they returned to Genoa City.

Chloe and Sally ran into one another at Crimson Lights. Chloe observed that Sally looked chipper and more energetic than Chloe had seen in a long time, and she asked what was going on. Sally shared that she was about to meet with her first client, Daniel. Sally described her vision for Daniel's place, figuring that he'd want something interesting but personal as an artist. Chloe enthused that she was happy things were finally turning around for Sally. Sally mused that she had been starting to wonder if she would ever wake up and be excited for life again, and she couldn't believe she'd gotten there. Chloe surmised that things were back on track with Sally and Nick.

Sally revealed that things were fine professionally with Nick, but he had made it clear on a personal front that she needed to figure out who she was and what she wanted. Chloe assumed that a "designer extraordinaire" like Sally wanted a successful, gratifying future with Nick as a partner in every way. Sally loved how Chloe was able to cut through the emotional clutter and get to the bottom line, but she confided that the "swift kick in the ass" Nick had given her had really woken her up. Sally proclaimed that she was tired of wrapping herself in a shroud of confusion and despair, pretending it was comforting her when it was more like a straitjacket.

Chloe recognized that Sally had been through a lot, but Sally contended that it didn't give her permission to mope and cry into her pillow forever. Sally found it embarrassing and pathetic, and she'd realized that she hadn't been enjoying her own company anymore, so she couldn't expect anyone else to, either. Chloe pointed out that she hadn't complained, and Sally called her an incredible friend. Sally vowed to get her act together and be done with the sadness and "poor me" attitude. She promised to embrace her new career, live her life, and get her spark back. "I am Sally Spectra, and I am finally going to start living the name again," Sally declared, and the women high-fived.

Chloe exclaimed that Sally had a great new plan -- as long as it didn't include Adam. Chloe groaned that she'd had a crappy few days, and she'd needed to be reminded that she didn't have to be living like that. Sally asked what had happened, but Daniel's arrival interrupted them. Sally introduced him as the first client of her new business, and Chloe jokingly remarked that he looked oddly familiar. Daniel and Chloe warmly embraced.

Sally thanked Daniel for sending photos of his new place, and she eagerly anticipated walking him through her ideas. Daniel stepped aside to answer a call. Sally invited Chloe to join her at Daniel's apartment, hoping to exploit her friend's wisdom and impeccable taste. Chloe realized that she had a couple of hours until her next meeting, which she'd rather have a root canal than attend. Chloe preferred not to rain on Sally's parade by getting into it, and she happily agreed to tag along.

Daniel escorted Sally and Chloe to his new apartment, failing to see the missed call from Heather. Chloe sarcastically said she loved the folding table, and Sally jokingly added that he clearly didn't need her. Sally pressed to get a general sense of his perfect living space, and Daniel responded that he wanted something comfortable and relaxed that felt like someone who appreciated both art and technology lived there. Sally confirmed they were on the same page, and she suggested they get started. There was a knock at the door, and Daniel assumed it was Lily. He grinned happily when he found Lucy there.

Daniel hugged Lucy and welcomed her back. Heather appeared in the doorway, and Daniel introduced Sally to Heather and Lucy. He mentioned that Sally had been just about to give her vision about how to decorate the place, and Heather expressed relief that he wasn't going to do it himself. Daniel asked how Heather and Lucy had known where to find him, and Lucy reminded him that he'd sent photos and the address when he'd pretended to need her final approval. Daniel defended that he'd known Lucy would love it, but she claimed that she hated it. Daniel guessed she didn't need her own room then. Lucy cried that she loved it, and she threw her arms around him.

Later, Sally promised to give Daniel a call once she had sketches and a preliminary budget. After Sally and Chloe headed out, Daniel expressed disbelief that Heather and Lucy were actually there. He shared that he'd had a weird feeling that they might get back to Lisbon and decide they didn't want to move back to Genoa City. Daniel reported that he might have found them a place to live that was less than a mile from there and would be available in just over a month. Lucy looked crestfallen, and Heather mentioned that the teen wasn't looking forward to living at the Athletic Club.

Lucy halfheartedly said it would be fine, but Daniel invited Lucy to stay with him as often as she wanted once he had furniture moved in. Lily stood in the open doorway as Lucy embraced Daniel. Lily closed the door to make her presence known. Daniel informed her that Sally and Chloe had just left, and he offered to tell Lily about it over dinner. Lucy squealed that she'd picked the color for her own room. Lily noted that she'd missed the walkthrough, but Heather and Lucy had gotten the full tour. Lily added that she hadn't known they were back in town.

Sally and Chloe returned to the coffeehouse and compared notes about how much fun they'd had. Sally realized she'd missed how in sync they were, and Chloe replied that she missed it, too. Sally selfishly wished Chloe hadn't settled in at Marchetti, but she was happy Chloe had found success there. Chloe looked away, and Sally asked if work had been the reason why Chloe had had a few bad days. Chloe bemoaned that she thought she'd made a terrible mistake.

At Newman Enterprises, Victor proclaimed that it was time to tell everyone the truth. He admitted that his mental state had become precarious lately, and he'd been in denial about it for a while, but something needed to be done about it. Nikki stammered that it hadn't been what she'd hoped he'd say. Adam admired his father for facing what they'd all noticed, and Victor testily asked if it was why Adam had tried to trick him into being evaluated by a doctor without his consent. Adam doubted Victor would have cooperated if Adam had been transparent.

Victor confessed that he'd faked that he'd been pretending the whole thing because he'd been afraid about what was happening to him, and he apologized. Victoria and Nick confided that they'd both suspected that was what Victor had been doing. Victoria asked what needed to be done. Victor considered the top priority to be protecting the integrity of Newman Enterprises, but Victoria protested that their top priority was to protect his health. Nick agreed with Victoria.

Nate insisted that they needed a diagnosis and treatment plan, assuming Victor's condition was treatable. Victor mentioned that Nate thought Victor should take a leave of absence. Nate revealed that he and Victor had already discussed it, and he shared that he'd made calls to a few former colleagues and found a world-class private clinic where Victor could be tested and diagnosed. Nate continued that they would need to create a cover story to explain Victor's absence, and he'd already drafted a press release. Victor inquired whether Adam concurred with Nate's plan of action. "No, I don't. Not at all," Adam firmly replied.

Adam argued that manufacturing a cover story about Victor taking a routine leave of absence might have worked a few decades earlier, but he anticipated that the press and Newman's rival companies would see it for exactly what it was -- a red flag indicating that something was wrong. Victoria was sure there were ways to handle it without that happening, and Adam dared her to convince him of one. Adam predicted that with modern technology, a young reporter was bound to find out where Victor was and exploit him. Nick wondered if Adam had an alternate idea.

Adam proposed that they keep Victor's diagnosis and treatment in-house for complete privacy, and as a family, they could get Victor whatever was needed and help maintain the appearance of normalcy. Nate warned that it would be a mistake, since Victor needed a controlled, specialized environment. Adam envisioned transforming the ranch or Newman Tower into the most controlled environment in the world, hiring the best specialists money could buy. Nate maintained that it would be a huge mistake to compromise on something that important when Victor's health was on the line. Victoria asked what Nikki thought.

Nikki clucked that they were getting ahead of themselves before they had an initial diagnosis, and they should find out what they were dealing with before they made an iron-clad decision. Victoria threw up her hands and blurted out that she had to agree with Adam, leaving him stunned. Victoria explained that the more control they maintained as a family, the more they'd be able to protect Victor from the vultures and press, who would attack the minute they sensed something was wrong. She thought it was better he stay, since it would be too risky to send him someplace else.

Nate recognized that they had to control the publicity, but he urged the Newmans to also consider the best treatment. Nate lectured that the doctors could control things more definitively if Victor voluntarily checked into a specialized clinic to be evaluated by some of the best mental health specialists in the world. Victor noted that it would keep him sequestered for an undetermined amount of time, but Nate argued that it would allow the doctors to assess Victor's condition without outside distractions or influences. Nate added that Victor would be getting expert care for a reality he'd finally accepted that he needed to face.

Victor questioned what would happen to Newman while he was gone, and his family nervously exchanged looks. Nate considered the logical interim arrangement to be Victoria stepping back in as CEO, since she had experience, and Victor had been satisfied with her work overall. Nate figured it would be one less thing for Victor to worry about while he was away to be evaluated. Victor asked if it had been Victoria's idea, but she denied it.

Nate swore that he'd respected Victor's request to keep their conversation strictly between them, and Victor said he appreciated that much of what Nate had done. Nate wasn't sure he understood, and Victor asked Nikki if she thought it was time to drop the charade. Nikki huffed that it was way past time as far as she was concerned. Victor smiled and nodded. "You're fired," Victor flatly told Nate, rendering Victoria, Nick, and Adam speechless.

Nina receives information that Chance has been shot
Nina receives information that Chance has been shot

Nina receives information that Chance has been shot

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

by Nel

In the jazz lounge, Phyllis said one minute she and Danny had been talking as friends, sharing "so much history," but then Danny had become monosyllabic. Danny claimed he admired how Phyllis was trying to turn her life around, and the effort she was making. She told Danny that "the bug" had it in for her. Danny asked if Phyllis believed he would change his mind about her because of something someone had said. Phyllis apologized. She said old patterns died hard, and her guard went up when it involved "the bug." Danny asked her to stop calling Christine that. Phyllis agreed to stop.

Danny told Phyllis that Christine had returned to town after a rough breakup with Paul. He asked Phyllis to leave Christine alone and to stop making assumptions about Christine. Phyllis admitted he was right, and she would stop. Phyllis said she didn't wish what Christine was going through on anyone. Danny said he saw the effort Phyllis was putting in. Phyllis claimed she was working very hard to change old patterns, and she wanted to get into meditation. Danny said he'd been doing transcendental meditation for years, and it had helped him tremendously. Phyllis asked him to teach her.

Danny told Phyllis a certified trainer could help her tame her wild impulses and harness all that raw energy, so she wouldn't be at the mercy of those impulses. Phyllis asked him to hook her up. She invited Danny to have dinner with her, but Danny said he already had plans with Daniel and Lucy. Phyllis asked if Heather was in town, too. Phyllis promised Danny she wouldn't interfere with Daniel and Heather because she'd learned her lesson. She said her family was her top priority. Danny said she was welcome to join them.

At Society, Christine and Nina greeted each other warmly. Christine said it had felt good to talk to Nina openly and not be judged for having feelings for Danny. She said she felt guilty because things had just ended with Paul, but she'd gone to the Athletic Club after she'd left Nina because Lauren had mentioned that Danny had been there with Phyllis and Daniel. She said she'd had to go because she'd known Phyllis would trash-talk her to Danny. She said Phyllis had left with Daniel, and Danny had invited her to sit at the piano while he played. She said it was easy being with Danny because he was a good listener, and she'd wound up opening up to him.

Christine told Nina that she and Danny had reconnected as friends, but they had a lot of history to unpack. She admitted she wasn't in the best place emotionally. Nina claimed it was kismet, both of them showing up in town at the same time. Christine claimed she wouldn't rush into anything. She said her personal life wasn't her focus, and she no longer had an appetite as a DA. She said she was thinking of doing pro bono work or corporate law. Nina received a call from the hospital, telling her Chance had been shot.

At Crimson Lights, Chelsea acknowledged that Chloe and Summer had been butting heads recently. Summer arrived, and she said she wanted them to clear the air. Chelsea said it was normal for them to have creative differences. Summer agreed and said she was confident they could strike the right balance, but Chloe claimed she didn't think that was possible.

Chloe told Summer the situation couldn't work, and things would only get worse. Chloe said Summer wanted to find a rhythm, but it was impossible when Summer was so hands-on. Summer said as CEO, she had to be hands-on, but Chloe claimed one could find a rhythm only when there were two people; however, when adding a third voice, one would always struggle to be heard.

Chloe told Summer that with Chelsea's return, Summer would find that rhythm and balance, but inevitably, Chloe would always be the one struggling to be heard. Chloe said that wasn't where she wanted to be. When Summer stepped away to take a call, Chelsea said she'd had no idea Chloe was considering leaving. Chloe said she hadn't seriously considered it until their meeting, but it made sense. Chelsea said it made no sense because they were a team. Chloe said they were a great team because Chelsea was the creator, and Chloe was the facilitator. She said Chelsea had a great facilitator in Summer.

Chloe said she and Chelsea had always done their own thing, but Summer wanted to provide her input; that was okay, since Summer was the CEO and got to do what she wanted, but it wasn't right for Chloe. Chelsea claimed she needed Chloe, but Chloe stated that Chelsea needed to create. She said after what Chelsea had been though, she needed to build something, and Chelsea had an opportunity to do that at Marchetti.

Chloe told Chelsea she was happy with where she was in her life, and she didn't need to be at Marchetti. Summer returned, and she asked what she could do for Chloe so Chloe would stay at Marchetti. Chloe said Summer couldn't do anything because Marchetti wasn't a good fit for Chloe. Chloe confessed that Sally had invited her to tag along on a consult. She had loved how they'd bounced ideas off each other, and she'd realize that was what it should feel like.

Chloe insisted she adored Summer and Chelsea, and they would do great things together; however, it was time for her to move on. Summer said she understood why Chloe wanted to do something she felt passionate and excited about. Suddenly, the ladies heard Sharon on the phone, asking Esther to get there as soon as possible because Sharon had to get to the hospital. Sharon ended her call and told them Chance had been shot.

In Victor's office, Nate was in shock after Victor fired him. Victor stated that Nate had planned to send him to some "loony bin" and surround him with doctors who didn't "give a damn," just to keep him away from Newman. Victor said he'd spoken to the head of that facility, and he'd received a full report. Nate claimed he'd been trying to protect Victor's privacy, and he'd needed to arrange things in advance.

Victor accused Nate of lying. Victor confessed that his memory lapses had been a charade because he'd needed to find out who would betray him. Victor also confessed that he'd been leaning toward it being Adam, but he was relieved it hadn't been. Victor said he'd needed to find out who he could trust. Victoria asked if he couldn't even trust her. Victor admitted that when he had told her he would return as CEO and had demoted her, he'd never seen her so angry. He claimed that at that moment, Victoria had been more concerned about her position than about what her boyfriend had done.

Victoria told Victor that Nate had only tried to help. She accused Victor of allowing them to be extremely concerned about him and his memory lapses. Victor claimed he'd done what he'd had to do, and the outcome had proven him right. Victoria said she was hurt that Victor believed she would take advantage of him because she'd been angry about being demoted.

Victor told Victoria that he had employees all over the world, and he'd been watching his company fall apart slowly because of all the infighting -- and Nate. Victor said he'd known someone had been scheming to take over, and that was why he'd played things the way he had. Victoria asked how long Victor had planned to keep them in the dark. Nikki said she'd wanted to tell Victoria, but if Victoria had known the truth, she would have taken it straight to Nate and would never have known about Nate's true intentions.

Nate told Victor that based on his years of medical experience, he'd offered a sound medical solution to get Victor diagnosed and treated, all in Victor's best interest. Victor claimed that Nate had wanted him in that "loony bin" so that Nate and Victoria could grab back the power Victor had taken from her. Nate claimed everyone wanted it to appear Victor was still working and that nothing was wrong.

Adam told Nate they would have protected Victor and the company with minimal chances of exposure or leaks. Nate shouted that they all operated in the shadows. He said he'd been pulled into one of those shadows, and he'd regretted it. Nate claimed his plan had been sound and aboveboard, with no ulterior motives. Nate said Victor had done him a favor by firing him, and Nate left. Victoria followed Nate.

At the elevators, Victoria told Nate she was sorry for everything. Angry, Nate asked why. He asked if it was because he'd been fired, and she'd ignored the only doctor in the room. He said he'd offered Victor the best course of action, and Victoria hadn't had his back. He'd believed they were a team. Victoria claimed they still were, but Nate claimed it didn't feel that way. Victoria claimed she was as angry as he was, but he said she wasn't even close to his anger. She started to say that after everything she'd done to prove her loyalty to Victor, but Nate interrupted and shouted that she would get over it.

Victoria told Nate she hated how things had turned out, but Nate accused her of throwing him to the wolves by siding with Adam. He said he understood where her priorities lay. Nate claimed Adam's plan had been a perfect setup to manipulate Victor from the inside, and if she hadn't seen that, she hadn't been paying attention.

Victoria said Victor had done that to Nate and to all of them, and she hadn't thrown him to the wolves. She said she hadn't known what Victor was going to do. Nate claimed she'd fallen in line the minute she'd realized what was happening. He stated that she still had her job and her family, but he was on the outside, looking in. Victoria claimed there was a way to fix things, but Nate claimed she would have to take a stand that she didn't want to take.

Nate said he'd wanted to protect Victor and give Victoria back what she deserved while Victor healed. Nate claimed his mistake had been believing she would have his back. He said he wouldn't make that mistake again. He left.

Inside Victor's office, Nick claimed Victor hadn't needed to put them through all of that just to get rid of Nate. Victor said he hadn't known it was Nate, and it was the reason he'd had to test all of them to find out. Adam said they had all thought that Adam would be the one to take advantage of the situation and make a power play. Nikki admitted they had -- and with good reason. Adam said he'd been convinced Victor had been mentally in decline, and it had shaken him up. Nikki told Adam to spare them. Nick said he'd had no doubt Adam would use that to his advantage. Adam asked what advantage he would have gained.

Victor told Nick that he believed Adam had acted in Victor's and the company's best interest. Nick and Nikki glared at Adam. Victor said had there been a crisis, it would have been catastrophic because the three of them didn't get along. Nick claimed there hadn't been a crisis. Victor said Nick didn't know that. He said Adam had known what was at stake, and he'd asked them to work together. Nick said they would never know that because Victor had ended the charade before Nate could be put to the test.

Victoria returned and told Victor that Nate should have been given the benefit of the doubt. She asked why Victor had had to fire Nate so quickly. Victor shouted that Nate had called the "loony bin," and he'd arranged for Victor to leave Newman so that Nate and Victoria could grab back the power that Victor had taken from her. Nick said Nate had wanted the advantage for Victoria. Nikki said Nate wanted Victoria back in charge, so he could be co-CEO, more than he had any concern for Victor. Victor said Nate would have done anything to achieve that end. Victor said Nate wanted revenge on him for demoting Victoria

Victoria said it didn't matter how Victor justified firing Nate, and he couldn't justify pretending there was something terribly wrong with him, because that had been cruel. Victor said he hadn't been able to risk that she would tell Nate the truth, and his instincts had been right. Victoria said his instincts were worthless when it came to Adam. She said Victor had claimed he'd expected Adam to betray him. She said it had only been a game to find a way to give Adam another free pass and excuse all the terrible things he'd done -- at the expense of those who loved Victor and who wanted to protect his legacy. She said she didn't know if she could forgive Victor for it. Victoria left.

Adam asked Victor to confirm that he wasn't having any memory lapses, Victor confirmed he was as lucid and sharp as he'd ever been, and he would do everything in his power to protect what he'd built. Adam asked where they went from there. Victor asked where Nick stood. Nick said Victoria had spent her whole life preserving what he'd built, and he understood why Victoria was so hurt. Victor said he felt Victoria knew he'd been right in what he'd said about Nate because she'd seen Nate's growing ambition for more power.

Nick told Victor he was glad Nate was gone, but he was surprised Adam hadn't walked into Victor's trap. Adam said he'd told Nick they needed to pull together for Victor, but Nick hadn't been able to put his personal feelings aside. Victor said that with Nate gone, he needed Nick at the company. Nick told Victor not to be too sure Victoria would forgive Victor, because in her mind, it might be one betrayal too many.

In the reception area, Victoria sent Nate a text message: "Please call me back. We need to talk."

At Society, Nate received Victoria's text message. After some thought, he sent Devon a text message: "Hey -- are you free to grab a drink later?" Devon replied, "Tell me when and where."

Nina and Christine arrived at the hospital. Christine asked the nurse about Chance's status. The nurse informed her they were waiting for the results of imaging to verify the extent of the damage.

Nina rushed into Chance's room. She approached him, and in tears, she told him she was there.

Devon suggests that he, Lily, and Nate mend fences
Devon suggests that he, Lily, and Nate mend fences

Devon suggests that he, Lily, and Nate mend fences

Thursday, November 9, 2023

by Nel

Nina was sitting by Chance's bed when Christine arrived. Nina cried as she asked why it always had to be her son. She said it was too much for any mother to take.

Outside Chance's room, Elena told Sharon that Chance wasn't out of the woods yet, but the prognosis was good. She said the bullet had gone straight through without hitting any major arteries or vital organs. Sharon told Elena that as chief of police, Chance should have been dealing with the mayor and city council, and it shouldn't have happened.

In Chance's room, Sharon told Nina that Chance would make a full recovery. Elena entered, and she suggested they go home. She promised to contact Nina personally if anything changed. Nina was reluctant to leave, but she kissed Chance's forehead and left with Christine and Sharon.

Victoria walked into the Athletic Club, and Nick walked in behind her. He asked if she was looking for someone. Victoria admitted she was looking for Nate. Nick invited Victoria to have a drink with him. Nick asked if Nate was upset. Victoria said Nate had been blindsided, and so had she. She said Nate had claimed she'd thrown him under the bus because she'd sided with Adam about Victor's treatment. She said the only thing she'd agreed with had been to keep things contained. She said if she could have explained that to Nate, he would have understood, but he wasn't returning her calls or text messages.

Nick told Victoria he was glad Nate was gone because he believed Nate had set up a plan to get Victor out of the company. Victoria asked if Nick believed Nate had been self-serving about the plan he'd had for Victor. Nick said Nate was playing the long game to get Victor out, get Victoria back in as CEO, then move up to co-CEO.

Victoria asked if Nick didn't believe that Adam had been planning something just as devious. Nick admitted he'd been having a hard time figuring Adam out recently. Victoria claimed there was no way they would ever trust Adam. Nick told her that Adam was very concerned about Victor. Victoria suggested that maybe Adam was playing the long game, too. Nick said he didn't care because he was mostly concerned about her and how she was going to move on after what Victor had done to her.

Victoria said that when Nick had told her Victor had faked his illness to set a trap, she hadn't been able to believe Victor would consider her a threat or being disloyal. Victoria admitted she'd been angry when Victor had demoted her, but it hadn't meant she would conspire against Victor or sabotage the company. She said when she'd thought Victor was having health issues, it had made her physically ill.

Victoria told Nick she needed to connect with Nate to let him know she'd been on his side. Nick said Nate was also angry with himself for being outplayed by the master, because Nate had thought he'd been holding all the cards; however, Victor had set the trap, and Nate had walked into it. Victoria said it wasn't over because Nate could fight to get his job back, and she would be by his side. Nick said after everything that had happened, he didn't recommend that because Victor believed he'd solved the problem. He said in Victor's mind, Nate was the defeated enemy. Victoria said she would have to convince Victor he was wrong.

Nick told Victoria that Victor was pressuring him to return to Newman and take over Nate's job. Nick said Victor thought Nate had been one of the reasons Nick had left in the first place. He said if Nate wasn't around, Victor believed he might entice Nick to return. Nick said he hadn't said anything, but he knew it wouldn't be the last time he would hear about it. Victoria asked what Nick was going to do. Nick said he and Sharon were about to launch their new company, and he couldn't just walk away from that.

Nick told Victoria that it felt like another one of Victor's tests: put Victoria, him, and Adam in the same place and see which one wanted to wear the crown the most. Victoria admitted she needed to calm down because she couldn't make any decisions when she was that upset. Nick suggested another drink, but Victoria wanted to go to the jazz lounge and listen to some music. She said in the morning, she would figure out what to do about Victor.

In the jazz lounge, Devon told Nate he wanted to turn things around between them. He suggested they spend time together the way they had before things had gone "to hell." Devon acknowledged that Nate had made the effort to put the past behind him, and Devon believed it was time for him to make the same effort with Nate.

Nate told Devon it was a day of big surprises for him, and he asked what had changed. Devon admitted it had started with Mamie and her enthusiasm to bring the family together. He said he and Lily had wondered how Neil would have handled the situation. Devon replied that he could hear Neil telling him to "give the man a chance."

At the upstairs bar, Nick received a text message from Victor: "You're the only one I can count on, Son. Don't let me down."

At Crimson Lights, Sharon spiked Nina, Christine, and her own coffee, and they toasted to Chance. Nina complained that she couldn't take much more because it was the third time Chance had been shot, and all she could do was wait to hear if he would make it through the night. Sharon acknowledged it was difficult to live with that kind of fear, but they had to accept that that was what Chance had chosen to do with his life. Nina refused to accept that. She said she would beg Chance to change his career because he couldn't keep doing that to the people who loved him.

Nina suggested that Sharon might get through to Chance because he really cared for her. Nina asked Sharon to at least try, since she'd been involved with another cop. Sharon informed Nina that Rey had been her husband, and losing him had broken her heart. Sharon told Nina that Rey hadn't died in the line of duty but in a terrible car accident.

Sharon told Nina that Rey had been a good man and a good officer. She said every day, she'd wondered whether Rey would make it home; however, she'd chosen to be with Rey and with Chance, and she accepted the danger. Sharon acknowledged that Nina, as Chance's mother, wouldn't have chosen that line of work for Chance. She said there was nothing worse than knowing one's child was injured, and one couldn't do anything about it. Nina suggested that perhaps Sharon could.

Sharon asked if Nina wanted her to convince Chance to quit, but Sharon couldn't presume to do that. She admitted that secretly, she'd hoped that as chief of police, it would take Chance out of danger, but Chance wouldn't settle for being a desk-bound chief because he needed to be where the action was. She said perhaps it was something deep in their core, something they felt they'd been born to do, and no one could talk them into giving it up.

Danny arrived and asked the ladies if everything was okay. Christine informed him that Chance had been shot earlier. Danny asked if Chance was okay. Sharon said the prognosis was good. At that moment, Sharon and Nina simultaneously received a text message from Elena that Chance was waking up. Nina convinced Christine to stay with Danny. She promised to keep Christine updated.

After Sharon and Nina left, Christine, almost in tears, said she'd been trying to keep it together for Nina, but "this one" had scared her because she'd known Chance since he'd been born. She said he'd worked at the Justice Department with her, and he'd helped her with the whole Phyllis ordeal. She asked why that had to happen to him. She said she had to tell Paul because he and Chance had been close. Danny suggested she wait until the good news was official. She agreed.

Christine told Danny it was "such a shock" when it was someone so close to her. Danny agreed that in the blink of an eye, her whole world had been turned upside down. He said it was a good reminder to cherish each day because it could be one's last.

Danny received a text message from Daniel. Danny told Christine that he and Daniel had to reschedule their dinner. Danny invited Christine to have dinner with him. Christine accepted on the condition they didn't see it as something that could be misinterpreted. Danny confirmed that no one should see it as a date. Danny reminded her that she'd helped him write lyrics when they'd been together, and he hoped she could help him again.

Christine received a text message from Nina, and Christine told Danny that Chance should make a full recovery. Danny was delighted. He asked Christine what she wanted to eat, but Christine balked. She suggested that perhaps it wasn't a good idea. Danny said he understood that she and Paul had been together for a long time, but she needed time to resolve her issues. He said the last thing he wanted was for her to feel awkward or uncomfortable. He said he was hungry, and he didn't like eating alone. Christine said she wanted a burger.

Summer arrived at the hospital, and she asked Elena if Chance was going to be okay. Elena assured her he was going to be fine. Summer asked if she could be with Chance for a little while. She explained that she and Chance had become friends over the past few months. Elena suggested that Summer keep Chance company.

Alone with Chance, Summer asked him to wake up and let her know he was going to be okay. She said when she'd heard he'd been shot, she'd become sick to her stomach. She said she'd wondered whether she would ever see him again, talk to him, or bore him with her problems. She said she didn't think she would have gotten through her ordeal with Phyllis if he hadn't been there for her. She said he'd been a friend when she'd needed one. She wanted him to know how grateful she was that he was in her life. Summer told Chance to be strong because she couldn't bear the thought of losing him.

Chance opened his eyes, and he smiled at Summer. Sharon arrived, and she was surprised to see Summer holding Chance's hand.

Back in the jazz lounge, Nate said he appreciated Devon reaching out, but there had been a lot of blood in the water. Devon acknowledged they'd done a lot to hurt each other. He admitted it would take "a minute" to get past all that, but they were family and could forgive each other, no matter who did what to whom.

Devon told Nate that a while back, he'd been playing with Dominic, who'd done something funny. Devon said he'd pulled out his phone to share it with Nate, but he'd remembered they hadn't been on speaking terms. Devon said it had saddened him that he couldn't share a moment like that with someone he'd known would care, and despite everything, they loved each other. Nate said Devon should have called him about Dom.

Victoria interrupted, and she asked to talk to Nate. Nate told her he had nothing to say. Victoria said they needed to talk, but Nate stated that he and Devon were trying to repair their relationship. Nate wished her a good night, but Victoria asked him not to shut her out. Devon suggested he and Nate pick things up another time. He said they'd made progress, and they could build on that. Devon left.

Victoria said she knew Nate was furious, but so was she. She said Victor had set a trap for all of them, but he'd been the only one caught in that trap. Victoria said she would talk to Victor, but Nate said he understood what Victor had tried to do, pull his family together. He said he was beginning to see how important that was. Nate said when it came to choosing sides, Victoria had chosen Adam when Nate had needed her to have his back. She denied it, but Nate asked if she, Nick, or Adam had been fired.

Nate told Victoria he should have seen it coming because the Newmans would always circle the wagons to protect themselves. He asked how he was supposed to protect himself. Victoria said she wished there was some way she could make Nate understand. He said she'd had a choice to back him up, but she'd chosen not to. Victoria said she hadn't fought for Nate's plan because she hadn't agreed with it. He asked if she would have preferred if Victor had been locked up in some corporate cocoon instead of receiving the help he'd needed. Victoria said she would have. Nate didn't understand.

Victoria told Nate she'd been raised to protect the family above everything else, no matter what. She said to think Victor was losing his mental capacity had sent a warning for her because he'd always been so invincible. Nate said that had been how he'd convinced them he'd been losing it in the first place. He said Victor had sold it like a pro. Victoria admitted she'd been scared that if word got out that Victor was acting erratically, it would have made things much worse for him and for the company.

Victoria asked if a small part of Nate had wanted him and her to be in control of Newman again. Nate emphatically claimed he hadn't. He said he'd seen it as an opportunity for Victoria to take control, given the circumstances. He asked what was wrong with wanting the best for her. Nate stood by his conviction that Victor would have needed to be in a controlled environment if his issues had been real. Victoria said it hadn't been an irrational reaction on Victor's part to believe Nate had been trying to push him out so she could step in.

Victoria told Nate they could salvage things, but Nate said he didn't think he wanted to after seeing what Victor had put his family through in whatever game he'd set up. Victoria claimed Nate wasn't ready to turn his back on Newman Enterprises yet. Nate said he needed time before he made a decision about his future.

Victoria told Nate she would hate it if Victor's actions caused things to fall apart between them. Nate claimed he was having a difficult time figuring out where he fit into her list of priorities. Victoria said it was the reason she wanted to find a way to make things up to him because she wanted to fight for them.

Nate told Victoria her parents didn't trust him, Nick never had, and Adam... Victoria interrupted, and she said she didn't care what Adam thought. Nate said she'd cared earlier. He said when she'd told him she'd been raised to protect her family at all costs, he'd already known that because Mamie had warned him that no matter what he did or how hard he worked, he would always be an outsider to the Newmans. He said it had been a wake-up call for him to work on reconnecting with his family and to put them above everything else. He said whatever the answer was, he needed time to find it.

Chance has second thoughts about being a cop
Chance has second thoughts about being a cop

Chance has second thoughts about being a cop

Friday, November 10, 2023

by Nel

At the Athletic Club, Daniel noticed that Lily seemed distracted, and he believed it was because Lily had encountered Heather in his apartment when Sally and Chloe had been there. Daniel told Lily that he'd been getting ready to show Sally and Chloe his apartment when Heather and Lucy had arrived unexpectedly because he hadn't been aware they were back in town. He said he'd wished Lily had been there to talk to Sally about her ideas. Daniel said he wanted to make sure that Heather moving back to Genoa City wouldn't be a problem for them.

Lily told Daniel he was making a mountain out of a molehill, but Daniel said she'd been quiet from the moment they'd sat down for dinner. Lily assured him she wasn't upset, but she was disappointed that she'd missed his conversation with Sally. Daniel assured her he wanted her involved in his move, and she'd had the brilliant idea of recommending Sally as his decorator. Lily asked if she was being selfish, but Daniel assured her he'd wanted her involved.

Daniel told Lily it was supposed to have been a fun time about decorating his place and not a family reunion. Lily apologized that her meeting with Devon had run late, but she wished she'd been there to hear Sally's ideas. Daniel suggested they go to his apartment, and he wanted to fill her in on Sally's suggestions.

At Crimson Lights, Phyllis told Danny she was looking forward to having dinner with him, but Danny informed her they would have to reschedule because Daniel had had a change in his plans. Phyllis assumed it was because Daniel had been informed that Danny had invited her, but Danny assured her that Daniel had only sent him a text message canceling. Phyllis suggested that she and Danny could still have dinner together. She said she'd heard there was a really great restaurant on the lake that had the most amazing tiramisu. Danny said he'd made other plans after Daniel had canceled. Christine arrived, and Phyllis greeted her civilly.

Danny asked Christine if Nina was all right. Christine assured him Chance was okay, and Nina was with him. Phyllis asked what had happened. Christine said that Chance had been shot during an armed jewelry store robbery. She said the thief had been caught, but Chance had been in the line of fire. Phyllis said she wanted to touch base with Summer because Summer and Chance had become friends.

Christine told Danny they had to leave because their reservation was in 15 minutes. Phyllis assured Christine she wasn't expecting an invitation to join them because she didn't want to intrude on their time. Danny told Phyllis they would do dinner soon, and Christine and Danny left.

At the hospital, Chance regained consciousness, and when he saw Summer, he asked what she was doing there. Before Summer could respond, Nina rushed in. She told Chance he was going to be fine. She chastised him for thinking his job might not be too dangerous for him -- but it definitely was for her. Chance claimed he was fine, and he apologized to everyone for worrying them. Sharon asked if Chance could tell them what had happened.

Chance told everyone that there had been a jewelry store robbery downtown. They had been working the scene because the robbery had been over, and the thief had been gone. He said the thief had left a big piece of evidence, and he'd returned to the jewelry store to retrieve it. Chance said the thief had been surprised by the police, and he'd pulled out a gun and fired a few rounds before they had been able to subdue him. He said one of the stray bullets had hit him.

Summer told Chance she was happy he was going to be okay, but she had to leave. She said she'd wanted to check up on him. Nina said that had been very sweet of Summer, and Sharon agreed. Summer explained that Chance had been there for her during her ordeal with Phyllis. Nina said she was sorry about the nightmare that Summer had gone through with Phyllis. Sharon said Summer's marriage with the love of her life had fallen apart as a result.

Summer told Nina she was doing great, and she'd thrown herself into work. She said Chance had helped her. Chance assured Summer he had her back. Summer left. Elena arrived and told Sharon and Nina they had to leave because Chance had to get some rest. Elena said he had to be transferred to a regular room. Sharon told Chance she would see him in the morning. She gave him a quick kiss, and she left.

Once Chance and Nina were alone, Chance told Nina he knew she was going to say it was time for him to rethink his life and his future. Chance said when he'd been shot, his first thought had been "not again." He said it made him wonder if he was getting too old for that, and he acknowledged that he couldn't keep putting Nina through it.

Outside Chance's room, Sharon saw Summer crying, and she asked if Summer was okay. Wiping her tears, Summer said she was just relieved. She said when Chance had revealed how he'd been shot, it had made her realize how dangerous his job really was, and she was scared for him. Sharon said Chance would pull through, and he would be out of there in no time.

Summer said she hoped Sharon didn't think it was weird that she'd gone to see Chance. Sharon admitted she'd known Summer and Chance had become friends. She said it was good for Chance to wake up to a familiar face. Summer said she was sure Chance would have preferred if it had been Sharon's face he'd seen. Sharon said Chance had opened his eyes, and that was all that mattered. Summer left.

Back in Chance's room, Nina asked if Chance was really having a change of heart or if he was just placating her. Chance said he hadn't fully made up his mind, and he shouldn't make life changes while he was in the hospital, on drugs, with a hole in his chest. Nina said she really hoped he would decide to quit being a cop.

Elena returned and told Nina it was time to say goodnight to Chance. Nina thanked Elena and everyone who'd taken such good care of Chance. She said she'd been really scared, but all the angels had come through for them again. Chance told her to go home because he wasn't the only one who needed sleep. She kissed him on the forehead, and she left.

Daniel and Lily arrived at his apartment, but the electricity had been turned off. He said he would look into that in the morning, but in the meantime, he found some candles. He and Lily kissed. Daniel showed Lily a photo of one of the rooms that he really liked. Lily liked it and said Sally was designing a home, not a showroom. Daniel commented that Sally had an idea board for them to look at.

When Lily tried to look at another photo, she complained to Daniel that she couldn't see everything by candlelight. She smiled and said she had electricity in her apartment. Daniel claimed he wasn't missing the electricity at that moment. Lily said she wasn't, either, but she was missing a bed and a couch. He blew out the candles, and they left for Lily's apartment.

After making love, Lily asked Daniel if she'd convinced him she didn't care that Heather was back in town. He said almost, but he was a skeptic. Lily said she would have to try again, and she kissed him.

Sitting alone at the coffeehouse, Phyllis had a flashback to her earlier days with Danny. Phyllis apologized to Danny for becoming so upset, but Danny told her never to apologize for loving their son. Danny claimed they were the luckiest parents in the world. Danny said Daniel was one tough kid. He suggested they get Daniel some boxing gloves for Christmas, but then he rethought that idea.

Phyllis told Danny she hoped Daniel would become a doctor when he grew up. Danny said Daniel would win the Nobel Peace Prize for discovering one of those miracle cures. Phyllis asked what would happen if Daniel became a writer and wrote a Mommy Dearest book. Danny asked if it would be about how crazy Daniel's mother was. Phyllis laughed, and she told him to think about all the dirt Daniel could dig up on Danny, the big rock star. Danny suggested they not cross Daniel.

Phyllis snapped back to reality when Summer arrived, and they hugged. Phyllis asked if Summer had heard about Chance. Summer said she'd just been at the hospital, and Chance was doing okay. Phyllis asked why Summer was so sad. Summer said she didn't want to talk about it. Phyllis asked what Summer didn't want to talk about. Summer exploded and demanded to know why Phyllis had to grill her on every thought, every mood, everyone she saw, or everything she did. Phyllis said she didn't understand because she wasn't grilling Summer. Phyllis said Summer seemed upset, and Phyllis had only wanted to help her.

Summer claimed Phyllis didn't want to help, but she wanted to know what was going on so she could get involved. Summer said there was nothing to get involved with. She told Phyllis to drop it. Phyllis said Summer was making a big deal about nothing, but Summer growled that Phyllis was incapable of respecting boundaries. She reminded Phyllis about Daniel and Heather, and how she'd tried to push them together. Phyllis claimed that was a gross exaggeration because she'd only wanted Lucy to be in town to be closer to Daniel and her. Summer claimed Phyllis had interfered.

Phyllis told Summer that she was Summer's mom, and she cared what happened to Summer. Phyllis asked if there was something else going on with Chance. Summer informed her that Chance was dating Sharon. Phyllis said she was happy Summer had moved on from Kyle, and she assured Summer that nothing was going to happen between Sharon and Chance. Summer asked how Phyllis knew that. Phyllis replied, "History." She said Sharon was all about going after Nick, "period."

Phyllis told Summer that at one time, she and Sharon had been at odds, and they'd hated each other. She admitted that she and Sharon would never be friends, but they tolerated each other. Phyllis asked if Summer had feelings for Chance. Summer admitted she did, but she wouldn't act on them. She asked Phyllis to stay out of it because she had no desire to come between Chance and Sharon.

Phyllis told Summer the new Phyllis was proud that Summer was showing restraint, but old Phyllis would have told her to go for it. Summer said she was proud of Phyllis' restraint, too, and she told Phyllis to keep up the good work.

Summer was about to leave when Sharon arrived, and she greeted Summer. Summer asked if there were any updates on Chance. Sharon said there were none, but all systems were a go for him to be released in a day or two. Summer said she would keep him in her thoughts. She admitted she couldn't help falling for Chance. She said the heart wanted what it wanted, and she wasn't going to back down. Concerned, Sharon asked if Summer was okay because Summer had zoned out for a minute. Summer said she was fine, just tired. Summer left.

At Society, after Christine ended her call with Nina, she told Danny that Chance might be able to go home in a day or two. Danny was happy to hear it. He said Christine had mentioned something about Chance and Sharon as a couple. He asked if it was serious. Christine didn't know, but she said that Nina wasn't happy about it because Sharon had a dubious track record.

Danny told Christine that at the end of the day, the best they could do was to follow their hearts. He noted that relationships seemed to be complicated for no good reason. He asked "whatever happened" to simpler being better. Christine said they were the poster children of "the simpler, the better," and they toasted to that.

After they'd eaten, Christine told Danny that after eating in some of the most famous restaurants in the world, she still missed Danny's pasta sauce. He claimed he would have to make it for her sometime. She said she would love that. Danny held her hand. Outside, Phyllis jealously watched Danny and Christine through the window.

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Edited by SC Desk