Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 23, 2023 on Y&R

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Nick realized Victor had been faking his memory lapses and told Victoria. Adam and Sally made love. Christine told Danny her marriage was over.
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 23, 2023 on Y&R

Nick realized that Victor had been faking his memory lapses, and he informed Victoria about Victor's duplicity. Adam admitted to Sally that his alleged redemption had been a scam to get revenge. Adam and Sally made love. Christine revealed to Danny that her marriage to Paul was over.

Claire appears to have an obsession with the Newmans
Claire appears to have an obsession with the Newmans

Claire appears to have an obsession with the Newmans

Monday, October 23, 2023

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by Anne Carpenter

At Newman Media, Claire, Nikki's enthusiastic assistant, met with her boss and noted that she had smoothed the course for Nikki's late afternoon. Nikki, pleased, praised Claire and added that she felt they had already formed a trusting relationship. Claire smiled as if she had accomplished a lofty goal. Nikki asked Claire how she was settling in, recalling that Claire had spent summer breaks in Genoa City. Claire claimed that her previous visits had been a big help.

Nikki asked Claire if she had yet connected with her college friend whose family resided in the city. Claire claimed that she and her friend had played phone tag. Nikki was delighted to hear that Claire had made new friends she planned to meet for drinks in the evening. Claire counted herself fortunate for having landed her dream job working for a woman she greatly admired.

Nikki expressed her appreciation and dismissed Claire for the day. Claire instead insisted that Nikki leave for her massage appointment at the Newman ranch. Claire assured Nikki that she would lock the office. Nikki, beaming, replied, "You are an angel." Before Nikki departed, she told Claire to enjoy spending time with her new friends.

After Nikki left her office, Claire went about putting things in order. Claire studied framed photos Nikki had displayed on her desk. One photo featured Nikki and Victor posed together. Another was a photo of Nick and Summer. A third photo depicted Victoria and Nikki in a tender embrace. Later at in her suite at the Athletic Club, Claire filled a glass with red wine. She retrieved from a nightstand a file folder containing society publications about the Newman family and perused them one by one, mesmerized by the pictures and flattering story headlines.

At the Athletic Club, Adam stopped in his tracks and appeared confused when Victor cordially summoned him to sit at the bar. As Adam approached, Victor said, "You're looking good. Everything all right?" Adam asked Victor how he was doing. Pumping his fists, Victor replied, "I'm doing damn well. I feel as if I'm on top of the world." Adam nodded.

Victor told Adam he was proud of Adam for doing a good job working for Nate. Adam complained that Nate was refusing to let him handle sensitive information for fear he might misuse it. Adam shared in confidence his belief that Nate did not care about protecting Newman Enterprises. Victor, peering over his shoulders in both directions, confided to Adam that he had a strong suspicion that Nate was conspiring with Victoria to undermine him, unseat him, and push him out as CEO. Victor said Victoria was determined to take over and run Newman Enterprises.

Adam reminded Victor that he had insulted Victoria when he'd demoted her and that Nate was overly ambitious. Victor replied, "Then you agree. They're trying to take me down." Adam clarified that he did not agree, though it was no secret that Victoria wanted her title back. Victor shared that after Victoria had become upset about being demoted, Nate had encouraged her strong reaction instead of calming her down. Victor cried that Victoria and Nate were trying to prove that he had lost his marbles and might be incapacitated.

Adam, initially hesitant to respond, admitted that Victoria was attempting to undermine Victor and was likely even planning a coup. Adam agreed with Victor's suspicions that Victoria and Nate were acting as a team. Victor told Adam he believed Nick might return to Newman Enterprises, so he could keep an eye on Victoria and Nate. Adam said he was surprised Nick would want to show his face at Newman Enterprises after so many changes had taken place, especially after Nick had started a new company with Sharon. Adam suggested that Nick might have his own agenda.

Victor explained that Victoria had convinced Nick that their father was unstable and unable to run the company. Victor cried that his children, convinced that he was losing it mentally, had conspired against him. Victor asked Adam to become his ally. Adam replied, "Of course, I will." Adam promised his dad that he was on Victor's team and would have his back. Victor held up his hand, palm facing Adam, and replied, "I knew I could count on you." Adam met his palm to Victor's, and the two sealed their deal.

At Crimson Lights, Nick poured out his heart to Sharon. Nick revealed that Victoria was insisting that their father was suffering a crisis of some kind. Sharon said, "And you're not sure about her motives." Nick became emotional and admitted that he, too, believed there was something wrong with Victor. Nick prefaced his findings, explaining that some observations were firsthand and that others were scenarios others had witnessed.

Nick told Sharon that Victor had believed that Victoria, not Nikki, had become CEO of Newman Media. Nick shared that Victor had also claimed that Adam and Sally were about to have a baby together. Sharon agreed that Victor's behavior was concerning. Nick then recalled that Victor had called Adam "Nicholas." Nick reported that sometimes gentle correction of the facts angered Victor, while other times he appeared to be completely normal and lucid.

Sharon asked Nick if he had shared his concerns with Nikki. Nick replied that both he and Victoria had, though Nikki had been resistant to acknowledge that anything was wrong. Sharon said she believed Nikki would support Victor seeking help, so she might actually believe there was not a problem to address. Nick cried that when he and Victoria had confronted their father, Victor had flown into a rage, accused them of trying to stab him in the back, and then kicked them out of his office.

Sharon, reflecting on what Nick had described, said, "Memory issues, emotional volatility, confusion." Sharon conceded that she could not speculate until she spoke to Victor, though she doubted that even then she could render a diagnosis because she was not a specialist. Nick asked Sharon to suggest the next step. Sharon offered to engage in a casual conversation with Victor to get a better sense of the concerns Nick and Victoria had raised.

Nick replied that in the meantime, he would devote more time to keeping tabs on his dad and monitor the situation. Sharon asked Nick if he could manage his father and attend to the launch of their new business. Nick assured Sharon he could, adding that she was capable of handling the endeavor on her own if need be. Nick put aside Sharon's fears that he might be pulled back into working at Newman Enterprises.

Sharon offered comfort by cupping her hand over Nick's. Sharon recalled that Nick had dealt with the Cameron nightmare, the tragic loss of Sally's baby, and his father's troubling behavior. Nick jokingly referred to himself as a bad-luck charm. Sharon noted that Nick no longer had Sally to lean on. Nick was adamant that he did not want to focus on what had gone wrong with Sally. Sharon advised Nick to deal with his feeling about Sally before the situation was made worse.

Nick, confused, asked Sharon if she meant that he should attempt to work things out with Sally, given that she was still in love with Adam. Nick added that he was ready to move on, attend to his dad, and focus on getting his and Sharon's new business off the ground. Sharon asked Nick if he planned to rescind the offer to fund Sally's new business venture. Nick replied that he was undecided. Sharon suggested Nick talk to Sally because she was likely concerned about how her future might change. Nick thanked Sharon and phoned Sally.

At Society, Sally seemed somewhat hesitant when Chloe approached and asked to join her. After Sally found a stopping point on a project she was working on, she closed her tablet and turned her attention to Chloe. Chloe said, "I hope you took my advice and gave up thinking you have any loose thread to tie up with Adam. Please tell me you've talked to Nick, and you've worked things out." Sally answered that Nick had been avoiding her. Chloe claimed that Nick needed time to cool down, so he could be rational.

Sally sadly replied that instead of a cooling-down period, it seemed to her like the end. Chloe disagreed, but Sally recalled Nick's demeanor and concluded that there was no way forward for them. Sally revealed that Nick believed she had unresolved feelings for Adam and had declared he would not compete with his brother. Chloe replied that Sally should convince Nick that he was wrong. Sally opened her mouth to speak, but Chloe interrupted and cried, "No, Sally, absolutely not."

Sally recalled that she had torn into Adam while confronting him about all the ways he had messed up her life. Chloe seemed pleased. Sally continued, admitting that she had confessed to Adam that she had not been able to let him go. Chloe paused before telling Sally that Adam had accomplished his goal by getting inside her head. Chloe took no pauses to draw breath as she fervently warned Sally that Adam would continue to hound her, that she was too good for him, that he had broken her heart, and that he was a terrible person. Chloe asked Sally why she had given Adam the power he sought. Sally threw up her hands and cried, "Well it's too late now. It's out."

Chloe warned that Adam would only break Sally's heart again. Chloe advised Sally to forget it had ever happened and focus on fixing her relationship with Nick because she risked losing the best man she had ever known. After Nick phoned Sally, asking to meet, Chloe said it was a really good sign, and she reminded Sally that Nick was a good guy who did not play games. Sally stood, took a deep breath, and declared, "I have a meeting with Nick Newman that could change my whole life." Chloe replied, "Fingers cross, my friend."

Later in the evening, Nikki relaxed with Victor at the jazz lounge. Nikki said she was fortunate that Claire had come into her life, explaining that Claire was interested in the business, stayed on top of everything, and was drama-free and calm. Noticing that Victor was lost in thought, Nikki said "I'm talking to myself, aren't I?" Victor repeated the gist of Nikki's statements and explained that he had been thinking about an earlier conversation with Adam. Victor said he had planted the idea that Victoria, with Nate's help, might be plotting against him. Nikki sarcastically replied, "I'm sure he loved hearing that." Adam had agreed, Victor said, that his suspicions were justified.

Nikki cried, "Victor, do I have to tell you again how much I hate this plan of yours?" Nikki warned Victor that he would learn things he did not want to know. Victor replied that he would learn things he needed to know, such as whether Adam or Victoria would make the first move. Nikki reminded Victor that Victoria still loved and adored him and would never betray him. Nikki was adamant that Victor should suspect Adam of plotting against him. Victor replied that he would find out soon. Nikki stepped away and watched Victor sitting and brooding. Nikki sent a text message to Victoria, asking her to meet at the ranch.

Sally walked into the Athletic Club and spotted Adam. Sally greeted Adam. Adam told Sally he had intended to call her, but he'd thought she might need time to think. Sally nodded and replied, "You were right." Adam admitted he could not get what she had told him out of his mind. Sally urged Adam to try really hard, explaining that she'd had no business saying the things she had said except for one. Sally repeated that there was no future for them. Nick entered and stood in the entryway, appearing ready for battle.

Adam asked Sally if Nick had come to meet with her. Sally acknowledged that she and Nick had a meeting that was none of Adam's concern. Adam asked Sally if after having confessed her true feelings for him she could stay in a relationship with Nick. Sally claimed she had shared a private thought during a moment of confusion, which she considered a mistake. Sally pleaded with Adam to leave it alone. Adam refused to back down and declared that the love they shared deserved a chance. In the background, Nick shifted his weight from one foot to the other as he watched Sally and Adam converse. Sally cut Adam off and told him goodbye. Adam replied, "I guess that's that."

After Adam left, Nick joined Sally. Sally thanked Nick for meeting with her. Nick clarified that it would be a strictly professional conversation about her business startup and nothing more. Sally cried, "I see. So, in other words, you're pulling the plug. I get it. You have lost faith in that, too." Nick informed Sally that he had no intentions of pulling out of her business, though he had briefly considered doing so.

Nick promised he would honor his financial commitment because he believed in Sally's talent and potential. Nick was hesitant to dive too deeply into the reasons their personal relationship had become rocky, though he said he had hoped that Adam would have faded away. Nick advised Sally to figure out what she wanted. Sally, crying, admitted that she had become confused after so much had happened. Nick said he had known exactly what he wanted, adding that he could not keep doing the same things over and over with her.

Adam entered his father's office at Newman Enterprises and turned on the light. Adam surveyed the familiar surroundings before approaching the bar and pouring himself a drink. Adam made himself comfortable in his father's chair and stared across the room at Victor's stately portrait hanging on the wall. Adam rifled through the drawers of Victor's desk and glanced inside files. Adam discovered a scratch pad bearing the Newman logo. Adam appeared bewildered when he saw that someone had drawn a serpent with a spiral-shaped body. The head of the serpent had horns and a forked tongue protruding from its mouth. Adam said aloud to himself, "What the hell is going on with you, Dad?"

Nick annnounces that he
Nick annnounces that he's onto Victor's plan

Nick annnounces that he's onto Victor's plan

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

by Jenny Smith

At Daniel's new apartment, Danny toasted to Daniel's new home, and he, Daniel, Phyllis, and Lily raised their plastic cups. Phyllis was glad Daniel had moved out of the hotel and into his own place, noting that she was surprised but happy that he was staying after everything he'd been through. Daniel lectured that the state of his relationship with his mother didn't dictate why he wanted to stay in Genoa City. Danny brightly suggested more Champagne. Phyllis referred to several developments that gave Daniel more reason to stay in town, and Daniel testily asked what she meant. Lily squirmed.

Danny claimed that Phyllis had just been talking about how Daniel and Lily had found their way back together. Daniel gushed that it was at the top of the list of good things that had happened to him. Phyllis cited Daniel's success with Omega Sphere, and Danny pointed out that Daniel had worked hard to turn his idea into a vision for the company. Daniel chalked it up to someone believing in him and taking a chance on him. Lily affirmed that she'd known Daniel could make his dream a reality.

Danny applauded Daniel for building a home and career for himself, and he considered it something to celebrate that Daniel had a solid relationship with someone who really knew him. Phyllis added that Heather and Lucy would be moving back, so Daniel would get to be near his daughter. Glaring at Phyllis, Daniel pointedly stated that he was looking forward to spending time with Lucy. Phyllis admitted that she'd had an ulterior motive when she'd encouraged Heather to move back to town, since Phyllis also wanted to be near Lucy. Lily anticipated that Lucy would be off to college before they knew it.

Danny recounted that a teenage Daniel had first shown his artistic talent when he'd drawn a wild caricature of his gym teacher. Phyllis giggled as she remembered the tiny uniform the irate teacher had made Daniel wear, and Danny crowed that the picture Phyllis had sent of it had been priceless. Daniel remembered that he had been Danny's official tour photographer one summer -- until Phyllis had found a picture of Daniel with a random girl, partying on the tour bus. Daniel recalled that Phyllis had shown it to his girlfriend at the time, leading to their breakup.

Danny defused the tension by praising Daniel for channeling his amazing drawing skills and turning his life around by creating a video game with his daughter as the central character. Lily marveled that Daniel had given Lucy an incredible gift. Danny also commended Phyllis for turning her life around after going through things that might have broken other people, lauding her newfound appreciation for family and the opportunities she'd been given. Danny proposed a drink to that. Daniel sourly excused himself to fetch more Champagne, and Lily's expression darkened.

Later, Daniel thanked his parents for helping him break the place in. Phyllis exclaimed that after her kids had lived all over the globe, she was happy her babies were right there in town. She added that she was happy Danny was there, too, and Daniel said he felt the same way. Daniel reminded his father that a guest room was waiting whenever Danny was ready to move out of the Athletic Club. Phyllis beamed when Danny reiterated that he planned on sticking around Genoa City.

After Danny and Phyllis headed out, Daniel sighed deeply and thanked Lily for putting up with his parents. Lily swore it had been fine, but Daniel groused that Phyllis didn't know when to leave well enough alone. Daniel hated the position Phyllis had put Lily in by mentioning Heather's name at every opportunity. Lily pointed out that it was wonderful that Daniel would get to be part of Lucy's life again, but Daniel thought Phyllis was using the move to stir up trouble between him and Lily.

Lily argued that Phyllis knew she'd screwed up and that it would take a long time to regain Daniel's trust again, and she believed Phyllis had just been happy Daniel was staying in Genoa City. Daniel conceded that it would be nice to give his mother the benefit of the doubt, but she'd been the one who'd pushed for Heather to move there. Lily imagined that Phyllis had been self-conscious because she was afraid of being judged -- and not by Lily. Daniel asked if Lily hadn't seen what Phyllis had been trying to do that night. Lily chided Daniel for being the one making it about Heather.

Daniel defended that he'd only wanted to apologize for how his mom had been acting. Lily observed how worked up he was, and he revealed that Phyllis had told Heather that she wanted Daniel and Heather back together. "So what?" Lily asked. Daniel called Phyllis' actions obnoxious and manipulative. Lily was irked that he was more upset than she was about it. Daniel groused that it was exactly what his mother wanted -- for Heather to be an issue for them. "Then stop making her one!" Lily barked. Daniel insisted he wasn't, and he pulled Lily into his arms.

Phyllis and Danny picked up drinks at Crimson Lights. Danny observed that Daniel and Lily had seemed happy, but Phyllis huffed that she hadn't seen it. Danny warned Phyllis to be careful, since she was in the process of rebuilding trust with Daniel, and she wouldn't score points by meddling in their son's relationship. Phyllis insisted that she liked Lily, and Danny surmised that Phyllis just didn't like Daniel and Lily together.

Phyllis noted that Daniel and Lily had a lot of history, and Danny pointed out that the couple had once been passionately in love. Phyllis figured that there had been reasons it hadn't worked out, and she didn't want to see Daniel get his heart broken. Danny contended that couples sometimes got second chances to work things out. Phyllis thanked him for being a positive influence, and she felt honored that the wild Danny Romalotti was dispensing his wisdom to her.

Phyllis leaned in close and added that it had felt good being with Danny and their son that night, and he countered that it had for him, too. After an awkward silence, Phyllis claimed she had an early morning the next day, and Danny opted to stay to finish his tea. They locked eyes for a moment, and he wished her a good night. "Goodnight, Danny" she huskily replied, and she walked out. Danny shook his head as he headed to the patio and sat down at a table, deep in thought. He was surprised when Christine called his name.

In Victor's office at Newman Enterprises, Adam stared at the sketch he'd found on a notepad inside the desk and wondered what it meant. He mused that something wasn't right. Nate appeared in the doorway and demanded to know "what the hell" Adam was doing. Adam joked that he felt like he'd been caught sneaking into his parents' liquor cabinet. Nate scolded him for sneaking around, sitting in Victor's chair, and fantasizing what it would be like to run Newman. Adam reasoned that he didn't need to fantasize, since he'd run the company before.

Nate sternly stated that Adam worked for him. Adam admitted that he shouldn't have taken orders from anyone else in the company, but Victor was his dad. Nate asked what Victor had asked Adam to retrieve, but Adam claimed that it was considered private. Adam openly confessed that he aspired to be in the CEO chair again, and he suspected the thought had crossed Nate's mind, too. Nate recognized that his last name wasn't Newman. Adam said he appreciated Nate's concerns about Victor, but it was nothing to worry about.

At the jazz club, Adam approached Nick at the bar and recognized that he was the last person his brother wanted to deal with. Adam begged Nick to put everything else aside to talk about their dad, since he was really concerned something was wrong. Nick admitted that he'd initially thought Victoria had just been exaggerating because Victor had demoted her. Adam noted that their father had done some questionable things lately. Nick confirmed that he no longer thought Victoria had been exaggerating, reluctantly sharing Victor's recent comment that Adam and Sally were still expecting a baby.

Adam was stunned that Victor had forgotten that they'd lost Ava. Nick indicated that he'd reminded Victor what had happened, but Victor had changed the subject. Adam confided that he'd gone into Victor's office to try to find clues that might help put things together, and he pulled out the drawing he'd found. Adam inquired whether Nick had ever known their dad to doodle, but Nick wrote off the sketch as insignificant. Adam urged Nick to look more closely at the lines, since they were made up of little letters that consisted of Nick, Victoria, and Adam's names over and over again. Adam observed that the letters formed the image of a snake with fangs, and he found it very disturbing.

Adam theorized that the drawing meant Victor saw them as vipers, either going after one another or attacking him. Nick muttered that Adam was reading too much into it. Adam envisioned the time and energy that had gone into the drawing, and he considered it a window into Victor's brain. Adam believed it was more than Victor mixing up names or forgetting who ran Newman Media, and he suspected that the only reason Nick was hedging was because he didn't want Adam involved. Nick confirmed Adam was right, but Adam asserted that Victor was his dad, too. Nick snarled that it wouldn't stop Adam from using it to his advantage, and he guessed that Adam saw it as some sort of poetic justice.

Adam refused to just keep his head down and be a good soldier when something might be very wrong. Nick intended to figure it out without Adam's help. Adam argued that he was already involved, and the best way to get through to Victor was to show him that his children were working together. Nick accused Adam of trying to work his way back in, but Adam contended that he was only trying to give Victor what he'd always wanted -- family unity. As Nick stared at the drawing, Adam incredulously asked if Nick really hated him enough to refuse to work together to do what was best for their father.

Nick acknowledged that Adam sounded sincere, and he mentioned that Nikki had been concerned ever since Victor had announced his intention to step back in as CEO. Adam figured that on top of the pressure of the position, Victor had been consumed with his children returning to be part of what he'd created. Nick ranted that Adam had fought it because all he cared about was what he thought he deserved. Adam stressed that he wanted to do what was right, which was taking care of their dad. Nick ordered Adam to stay out of it, vowing to handle it himself. After Nick left, Adam chugged a drink and placed a call to Dr. Skelton to request help for his father.

At the Newman ranch, Nikki flashed back to confronting Victor about faking his confusion. He had sworn that he wasn't losing his mind and that he was starting to see upsetting patterns amongst his children. Victoria arrived, and she and Nikki hugged. Victoria looked around and asked where her dad was. Nikki reported that Victor was out taking a walk, and Victoria guessed that her mother had noticed he'd been forgetting things and behaving erratically. Victoria wondered how worried Nikki thought they should be.

As Victor hovered in the foyer, Victoria surmised that Nikki had been upset enough to reach out to her. Victor asked if everything was all right, and Victoria embraced him. He imagined she was there to check up on him, and she inquired whether it was a bad thing. He replied that it was bad because she was perpetuating the notion that he was losing his marbles, and he hoped Nikki had been about to tell Victoria that was absurd. Victoria sensed something was off between her parents, and Victor claimed that they'd been discussing a private matter that was nothing to worry about.

Victoria acknowledged that Victor didn't like it when people questioned his ability to manage things, and he huffed that he especially didn't like it when the person thought she should be running Newman Enterprises instead of him. Victoria insisted that she didn't care about the title as much as she cared about him, and she had a lot of questions. Victor asserted that the answer was simple -- nothing was wrong with him. Victoria recalled that it was exactly what she'd said when she'd been going through the situation with J.T., pretending for months that everything was fine but eventually having to face that something was wrong.

Victoria continued that she'd needed Victor's help and guidance once she'd admitted she'd been struggling, and it had made all the difference in the world. Victoria claimed that she wanted to return the favor, and she suggested that Victor talk to a professional. Victoria reasoned that if a doctor determined she was overreacting, Victor could throw a huge "I-told-you-so party." Victor agreed to think about it, and Victoria responded that it was the best she could hope for. Nikki expressed relief that Victor was willing to think about taking the step for everyone's peace of mind.

Victoria received a text message from Nate, who requested that they meet about something important. Victoria thanked Victor, but he clarified that he hadn't agreed to anything yet. She argued that she wanted definitive answers, and she thought he should want the same to make sure everything was all right. Victoria gave her word that she would let it go if a professional determined that she was overreacting, and Nikki knowingly stated that they would all feel better once they knew the facts. Victoria said she loved Victor and kissed his cheek before she headed out.

Nikki imagined that Victor had been lucid enough to see that their daughter was worried about him, but Victor maintained that Victoria was just upset that he'd taken over the reins of the company again. Nikki contended that Victoria had done everything he'd ever wanted, and Newman had been thriving under Victoria's leadership, yet Victor had taken it away from her. Nikki sympathized that Victoria felt slighted and manipulated, but it was what Victor did. Victor predicted that if he hadn't stepped in, Nikki would have told Victoria everything. Pointing an accusatory finger at Nikki, Victor barked that it meant he could no longer trust her.

Nikki admitted that she'd been tempted to tell Victoria that Victor was faking his mental decline, but she would never betray Victor's trust. Nikki begged Victor to consider the consequences of what he was doing. He snapped that he knew what he was doing, and he would soon find out which of his children was willing to betray him. Nikki protested that it wasn't worth the pain he was causing, since Nick would never let on as to how distraught he was, and Victoria worshipped Victor and was terrified she might lose him.

Victor was adamant about moving forward with his plan, but Nikki cautioned that he was punishing all his children when he needed to focus on Adam. Victor conceded that Adam was the most obvious one to go after him. Nick suddenly stormed in. "Dad, I'm onto you. Time to come clean," Nick growled.

Victoria met Nate at Society. She informed him that she'd just been at the ranch because her mother had wanted to talk, but Victor had interrupted them before Nikki could share what had been on her mind. Victoria reported that Victor had seemed fine with no signs of confusion, and he'd resisted her recommendation that she have someone evaluate him. Victoria mentioned the tension between her parents, and Nate wondered if Nikki wanted Victor to get a professional opinion, too.

Victoria recalled that Nikki had been careful about what she'd said, and Nate figured that Victor wasn't accustomed to people questioning his authority or mental health. Victoria indicated that Victor had agreed to consider it to relieve her concerns, and Nate speculated that perhaps Victor was afraid of what a specialist might find. Victoria suspected that her father thought he could fool any specialist, and Nate asked why Victor would hesitate that time. Victoria worried that Victor was really scared about what was going on in his mind.

Victoria recalled that her father had been an almost mythic figure in her life, always finding a way to win. She struggled to imagine that he wasn't in complete control, and she apologized for dragging Nate into her family's issues. Victoria asked what Nate had wanted to talk about, and he mentioned that he'd made it a priority to keep an eye on Adam while she'd been focused on Victor's health. Nate recounted that he'd found Adam sitting behind Victor's desk, looking like he owned the place.

Nate was sure Adam was up to something, and Victoria muttered that she'd never bought her brother's reformed act. Victoria asked what Adam had said when Nate had found him in Victor's chair, and Nate relayed that Adam had claimed Victor had wanted him to grab some personal documents. Victoria contemplated what Adam might be after. Nate recalled that Adam's first response to Victor's strange behavior had been to look out for the company. Victoria thought there was no question Adam was trying to use Victor's condition against him.

Nick uncovers Victor
Nick uncovers Victor's plan and insists he tell Victoria

Nick uncovers Victor's plan and insists he tell Victoria

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

by Nel

At the ranch, Nick pulled out the drawing he'd taken from Adam, and he asked if Victor had drawn it. Nick told Nikki it was a drawing of a snake created with the names of Victor's children: Nicholas, Victoria, and Adam. Nick informed Victor that Adam had found it in Victor's desk drawer.

Nick told Victor that Adam had no idea what the drawing meant, but Nick did. Nick said the drawing was from a story Victor had read to Nick when he was young, "The Serpent of Names." Nick said the drawing had been for his benefit because it was a cry for help. He said Victor had realized something was wrong, and he needed Nick because he couldn't trust Adam or Victoria. Nick stated that Victor couldn't possibly believe Victoria would betray him while he was struggling with health issues.

Nick said he couldn't betray Victor because he wasn't at the company, but Adam could. Nikki begged Victor to tell Nick the truth. Nick demanded to know if it had been a setup and if Victor was putting on an act of mental slippage, forgetting past events, and calling people by the wrong names. Angry, Nick said he'd known there was something to it because Victor's faculties wouldn't have declined that far that fast. Nick asked why Victor would allow him and Victoria to be worried and afraid for him. Victor stated that he had to find out whom he could trust.

Nick asked if Victor had put him and Victoria through hell just so he could prove what they already knew -- that Adam and Nate couldn't be trusted. Victor said Nick had to trust that Victor knew what he was doing. Nick said he didn't have a problem proving that Adam's road to redemption was a load of crap. Nick said Victor couldn't let Victoria keep going through that because it was cruel. Nikki agreed and said she hadn't liked the idea since she'd learned about it. Victor retorted he didn't like that Nikki had exposed his plan before he was ready.

Nick asked why Victor hadn't gone to them instead of letting them worry about him. Nick claimed Victor didn't trust him or Victoria and that Victor was worried about more than just Adam. Victor said he had faith in Nick, and since Nick knew the truth, Victor was counting on him. Nick accused Victor of using him. He said he'd worried about Victor night and day, yet Victor was asking Nick to be his ally. Nick noted that Victor didn't trust Victoria.

Victor said Nick had known how furious Victoria had been when she'd been demoted. Nick said Victoria would never let Victor suffer to get her position back. Nick admitted that Victoria liked being in charge -- she'd chosen Nate over Nick, and that still hurt. However, Nick said he'd never doubted her loyalty to the family or Victor. He said Victoria needed to know the truth. Victor restated that he needed to know whom to trust.

Nick was adamant that Victor had to tell Victoria what was going on, but Victor insisted that wasn't a good idea. Nick claimed if Adam was such a threat, then they should fight him together. Victor stated that Adam wasn't the only threat, and he couldn't rely on Victoria not to alert Nate. Nick said if Victoria found out about Victor's plan on her own, she would never forgive Victor.

At Crimson Lights, Danny was stunned when he heard Christine call his name. Christine explained that she'd returned from Portugal earlier, and her trip hadn't gone well. Danny asked Christine to tell him what had happened, but Christine wanted to hear about the latest adventures of a rock star. She asked what had brought him back to town. Danny said he'd scheduled his tour to include a few months off to spend time with Daniel. Christine asked about Phyllis. Danny said Phyllis and Daniel were a package deal.

Danny said he knew how Christine felt about Phyllis, but Phyllis seemed sincere about wanting to change. Christine asked how many times Danny had heard that. Danny said Phyllis talked passionately about turning her life around after beating the murder charge. Christine stated that Phyllis hadn't beaten the murder charge because she was guilty, and Phyllis had as much as admitted that.

Christine said Phyllis had talked a good game of remorse, and the judge had given her a pass. She said that as much as Phyllis wanted to pretend it had been an exoneration, it hadn't been. She reminded Danny that Phyllis should have been behind bars years earlier for attempted murder. Danny acknowledged it was difficult for Christine to give Phyllis a break. Christine asserted that it was impossible. Danny admitted it was difficult for him, too, because he and Christine knew the harm Phyllis had caused for so many years.

Christine claimed Phyllis had brainwashed Danny. He replied that he wasn't defending anything Phyllis had done, but he felt a second chance was warranted. Christine said she didn't want to talk about Phyllis or her trip, but Danny said he knew she wanted to talk about it, and he asked who was better to talk to than him.

Christine told Danny she and Paul had been having problems, but nothing insurmountable; however, as soon as Paul retired, their issues had magnified. She said they had agreed to spend some time apart and figure things out. She said they continued to communicate via the occasional text messages, and she'd called him on his birthday. She admitted she'd known she needed to give him some space, since he'd crossed an ocean to get away from her.

Christine told Danny that after Phyllis' case, Paul had asked her to meet him in Lisbon to discuss their future. She said at first, it had appeared Paul had wanted to work things out. She said they'd had an enjoyable time together and enjoyed each other's company without talking about their problems. She said it had felt like the good old days when they'd been happy, but it hadn't lasted. She said they'd realized they had to talk about things without glossing over their conflicts. She said they'd tried to figure out if there was any hope for them, but there wasn't any.

Christine told Danny she and Paul had taken a trip to get to know each other again. She said they'd planned to go to the places they'd been before that had made them happy, and they'd wanted to use their good times as a backdrop. She said it had backfired. She said it had become obvious that the distance between them had grown to the point of no return, and Paul wasn't in love with her anymore. Christine said there weren't any more doubts that she and Paul were over, and it gave her a sense of peace. She said she had to figure out where she went from there.

In Audra's suite, Kyle told Audra he wanted to mix business with pleasure. Audra asked if he was ready to discuss their future running Jabot together. Kyle asked how Audra and Tucker would pull off taking over Jabot. He asked about her timeline, where it left his parents, and how he fit into her plan.

Audra told Kyle it was Tucker's plan, and she was along for the ride. She claimed Tucker was very angry with Ashley, and he'd gone back to his original plan of taking over Jabot. Kyle said Jabot wasn't a conglomerate like McCall Unlimited. Audra said Tucker had sold McCall for Ashley, but then she'd changed her mind about partnering with him. Kyle asked if Tucker believed the breakup had been all Ashley's fault. Audra said Tucker never accepted blame for anything.

Kyle asked Audra why she trusted Tucker and why he should. Audra claimed she knew Tucker almost better than anyone. She said she could read Tucker's demeanor, and she could push him in whatever direction she thought he should go. Kyle noted that Audra and Tucker went way back, and he asked how close they had remained. Audra admitted they had an interesting dynamic. Kyle asked if it had ever been sexual. She asked if it would bother Kyle if it had.

Kyle commented that Audra seemed too strong and independent to be seduced by Tucker. Audra said maybe she'd seduced Tucker. Kyle stated "devious" was high on Tucker's list, and he was curious why she would want that kind of involvement. He said one hint of betrayal, and Tucker always went ballistic. Audra claimed she could control Tucker. She said Tucker was a means to an end for her and Kyle, if things worked out. She asked if Kyle was ready to sit in the Jabot co-CEO chair that Jack didn't want him to have.

Kyle kissed Audra and told her he was all in. Audra asked if Kyle was worried about betraying his family. He said he was tired of being pushed aside and being treated like Jabot wasn't his birthright as much as it was Jack and Billy's. He said he was going to take control of his future by helping Audra and Tucker take control of Jabot. They proceeded to make love again.

A short time after Kyle left, Tucker knocked on Audra's door. Tucker said he'd seen Kyle downstairs, and he'd figured Kyle had just left Audra. Tucker asked for a progress report. Audra informed him that Kyle was on board. Tucker said the next step was to find out if they could trust Kyle.

As Jack was about to leave the Athletic Club, Tucker walked in. Jack handed Tucker the listening device Tucker had hidden in the bonsai tree. Jack said after he'd found the listening device, he'd been tempted to beat Tucker at his own game, but he hadn't wanted to stoop to Tucker's level. He said the Abbotts would always have the upper hand where Tucker was concerned. Jack told Tucker to leave town and give up any plans he had for Jack, Jack's family, or Jabot.

Jack reminded Tucker that he and Billy had some serious dirt on Tucker, and if it was released, Tucker would be disgraced in the business world and totally discredited. Tucker claimed he was accomplishing his goals. Jack asked if those were creating mayhem and getting revenge. Jack asked if Tucker was done with his games, but Tucker said he wasn't because he enjoyed getting under Jack's skin and keeping Jack guessing. Jack said he would pretend that Tucker didn't exist. Tucker said that with that attitude, Jack would never see him coming.

Jack claimed that was a lot of bravado for Tucker trying to cover his desperation. Jack claimed Tucker was running scared. Jack received a text message from Ashley, "I'm back. Meet me at the house ASAP." Jack left.

At home, Diane walked into the living room. Ashley greeted her cordially. Diane wasn't happy. Diane said Jack hadn't mentioned that Ashley would be returning that day. Ashley said she hadn't told anyone because she'd decided it was time to return home. Diane declared peace between them for Jack's sake. Diane said she was sorry how things had turned out between Ashley and Tucker.

Ashley asked Diane what Tucker had been up to since his return to town. Diane said she and Ashley had a common goal: protect the family and Jabot from whatever Tucker had up his sleeve. Ashley asked if there was something specific that she should know. Diane said Billy had discovered evidence that Tucker had tried to bury a cover-up for some criminal activity on the part of an artist assigned to the McCall label. Ashley was aware of the statutory rape case and that Audra and Tucker had tried to cover it up, but there were still emails available. Diane said they'd tried to use it as leverage to get Tucker out of town, but he was still there.

Diane told Ashley that Billy wanted to make the information public to discredit Tucker and ruin his reputation in the hope of stopping Tucker from going after their family and Jabot. Ashley said Tucker didn't care if he was seen in a bad light. She said Tucker knew people had short memories, and he was good at spinning everything in his favor. She said she needed to talk to Jack and Billy.

When Jack and Billy arrived, they welcomed Ashley home. Jack said he was sorry about everything Ashley had been through, and he wouldn't push her until she was ready to talk. Billy said Tucker was an idiot. Ashley said she'd been beating herself up about another failed marriage, and she asked Billy and Jack not to rub her nose in it. She asked what Jack and Billy planned on doing to stop Tucker from doing whatever he had planned. She said they needed a united front for what she was sure would be a planned attack.

Jack confirmed they were united against Tucker, but he told Ashley he didn't think Tucker had the ammunition for a big attack because he was a hurt and desperate man. Billy agreed, and he said Tucker seemed to be trying to hold on to power and appear relevant. Ashley told them it wasn't smart to underestimate Tucker. Diane agreed.

Billy asked Ashley why she'd returned home at that particular time, because she'd previously been concerned about meeting Tucker face to face. Ashley said Tucker had contacted her a couple of times, saying he wanted to fix things, and she thought she could use it to her advantage. Jack asked if she was seriously considering pretending to rekindle things with Tucker to find out what he was up to. Ashley claimed it had worked before, and she knew him better than anyone.

Jack argued that Ashley knew Tucker's volatility up close and personal, and Tucker wouldn't believe that her overtures were real. Jack said he couldn't let Ashley do that, but Ashley said thankfully she didn't need Jack's permission.

Kyle arrived and warmly greeted Ashley. Kyle guessed they'd been discussing Tucker. Jack asked where Kyle had been because Harrison had been ready for his bedtime story, but Jack hadn't known where to reach Kyle. Kyle admitted he'd been with Audra. He said there was no reason for them not to see each other, since he was no longer employed at Newman Media. Jack said Kyle was free to date whomever he chose, but he could do better than Audra.

Kyle asked if Jack hadn't learned anything about other people's choices in a partner. Kyle said Jack knew nothing about Audra. Diane was stunned when Kyle said Diane should know what it was like to be judged unfairly and denied a second chance. Ashley asked if Kyle knew that Audra and Tucker were very close. Ashley said Audra was Tucker's confidante. She asked if Kyle had considered that Audra was using him.

Adam tells Sally his redemption is a scam for revenge
Adam tells Sally his redemption is a scam for revenge

Adam tells Sally his redemption is a scam for revenge

Thursday, October 26, 2023

by Nel

At Crimson Lights, Nick told Sharon that Victor was as sharp and cunning as ever, there was no cognitive decline, and they'd all been played. He said Victor had been setting a trap for whichever one of his children would try to take advantage of his so-called weakness. Nick said that wasn't uncommon, since Victor had had Ashland Locke sign over his company while Ashland had been having a heart attack.

Sharon claimed Nick hadn't done anything to cause Victor to doubt his loyalty. Nick said neither had Victoria. He admitted Victoria had been upset when she'd been demoted, but she would never betray or exploit a weakness. Nick claimed the target was Adam. Sharon asked if Victor suspected Adam. Nick said yes, but he didn't understand why Victor had purged Adam from the company then brought him back to prove what they'd all known -- that Adam couldn't be trusted.

Sharon reminded Nick that Victor had always had a soft spot for Adam. Nick asked why, since Adam was nothing but a power-hungry narcissist who would do anything to get what he wanted. Nick said he'd had enough.

Nick told Sharon that Adam was the common denominator in every crisis the family had gone through since his arrival in town. Sharon suggested that Nick try to see Victor's point of view, that Adam had been sincere when he'd promised to change, and Victor wanted to give Adam another chance.

Nick told Sharon that Adam would have made Victor suspicious at that point, and he would have confirmed what Victor needed to know. Nick said it made no sense why Victor continued with his game. Sharon wondered if Adam wasn't Victor's target. Nick replied that if that was the case, then Victor was really losing it. Sharon said that if Victor already suspected Adam, Nick was in the clear, and that left Victoria. Sharon asked if Victoria would ever betray Victor or if Victor would think she could. She suggested that if Victor doubted Victoria's loyalty, then he was waiting for her to make a move.

Sharon said she understood that Nick felt protective toward Victoria, but Nick claimed he knew Victoria. Sharon said Victoria had been very angry after the demotion, and that hadn't been the first time she'd been demoted. Nick admitted Victoria could be vindictive, but he insisted she would never betray Victor. Sharon said Victor had told Nick the truth, but he hadn't told Victoria because he might not trust her completely.

Nick told Sharon that Victor didn't trust Nate, and he didn't want Victoria spilling anything to Nate. Nick said that Victoria was genuinely concerned about Victor's health, but Victor was potentially setting her up to take the fall. Nick said he should be focused on his and Sharon's business because it was fun with no drama. Sharon assured him they were still on track, and his family needed his help, since he usually helped with working things out.

Nick told Sharon he wasn't sure he could "this time" because Victor's disappointment in Adam was filtering down to all of them, and he had no idea how things would play out. Nick said he had to tell Victoria the truth. Sharon said she would normally agree with Nick, but Victor had been Victoria's mentor and guide for most of her life. She asked if Nick believed Victor was holding things back from Victoria because it was really about Nate. Nick claimed Victor didn't trust Victoria at that moment. Sharon said if Victoria discovered Victor had been testing her, it could destroy their relationship forever, and Victoria could end up hating Victor. Nick said he didn't have a choice; he had to tell Victoria.

Nick thanked Sharon for listening. Sharon said Nick had been there for her many times, and it was nice they could be there for each other after all those years. Nick agreed. Sharon asked if Nick was going to call Victoria.

At the ranch, Nikki told Victor she was relieved Nick knew the truth, and she insisted that Victor tell Victoria that he wasn't mentally compromised. Victor refused because he needed to find out what he needed to know. Nikki claimed they already knew it was Adam because Victoria would never betray Victor. Victor said the only people he trusted were Nikki and Nick.

Nikki asked Victor if he hadn't seen the genuine fear in Victoria's eyes or heard her it in her voice because she was terrified something was happening to him. Victor said if that was true, Victoria had nothing to worry about. He reminded Nikki that he'd demoted Victoria, giving her plenty of motive. Nikki claimed Victoria had proven her loyalty to him many times over. Nikki asked why he was putting Victoria on the same level as Adam. Victor said he was aware of what Adam was capable of. Nikki begged Victor to tell Victoria the truth and put Adam back where he belonged -- on the outside, looking in.

Victor told Nikki she needed to trust him because there was one last item he needed to put into play. Nikki asked about that plan. He said the details weren't important because he didn't want to put Nikki in another compromising position. He said he trusted Nikki, but he had to do things his way because the stakes were very high. Nikki said that Victor didn't want to be wrong. She said it wouldn't end well. Nikki stormed out of the room.

In bed at Nate's apartment, Victoria told Nate she recalled Nate saying Adam was using Victor's illness against him. Nate reminded her that Adam worked for Nate, and Nate was in a position of power over Adam. He said Adam knew his every move was being watched, and if Adam tried to exploit anything Victor was going through, Nate would be aware of it.

Victoria told Nate she was scared and very worried about Victor. Nate reminded her they didn't really know what was happening. She said they needed to get the best possible care for Victor immediately. Nate agreed. She claimed she also had to be practical about the business, because if the news got out, it would impact Newman Enterprises -- inside and outside the company.

Victoria told Nate the first thing was to get Victor to see a specialist immediately. Nate said that Victor wouldn't fall in line quietly when Victoria suggested he needed treatment. Nate said she needed to come up with a plan and get Victor to go along with it.

Victoria told Nate she wondered what it would have been like to have been born into a normal family. She said she wished Victor would just be her dad, and they could talk about anything other than Newman Enterprises. She could ask how he was feeling without Victor feeling she was trying to push him off his throne. Nate asked if she didn't want to replace Victor. He said she'd spent her life being groomed for that position, but every time she got close, Victor pulled the rug out from under her.

Victoria told Nate that sometimes she felt they were the royal family waiting around for the king to die so they could fight over his crown; however, she didn't want Victor to die, and at that moment, she didn't want the crown.

Victoria received a call from Nick, who said everything wasn't okay. He assured her that Victor was all right, but Nick needed to talk to her about Victor. Victoria said she was sure she'd talked Victor into seeing someone, and if they didn't find anything, she promised to let it go. Nick told her not to worry about that, but they needed to meet. She agreed. He asked her to meet him at Society.

After Victoria left, Nate received a call from Victor asking Nate to come and see him immediately, and Nate wasn't to tell anyone where he was going. Victor said they thought Victor didn't know what was going on, but he did. Nate asked who they were. Victor said he wouldn't say anything over the phone, and he told Nate to be sure no one knew where he was going. Victor said Nate was the only one he could trust.

At the Athletic Club bar, Sally recalled what Nick had said earlier. Nick said he hated that Adam was manipulating them, and it proved that all that talk about Adam wanting to be a better person was just talk. He said Adam would always be Adam, and it was clear he had affected Sally. Sally claimed it seemed like he'd affected Nick, but not her, at least not in any way that mattered.

Nick told Sally the kiss had tapped into some emotional truth for her, but Sally said he was wrong. Nick insisted he wasn't wrong and that Sally refused to see it at the moment, and until she did, he couldn't be with her.

Sally snapped to the present when Adam called her name. Adam said that things between her and Nick were over. He apologized and said that he'd ruined something good for Sally. Adam was about to leave, but Sally asked him to stay. She told Adam it wasn't completely over between her and Nick because Nick was just frustrated, with good reason. She said Adam had been responsible for some of that. She said it would be easy to blame everything on Adam, but she'd been there, too. She acknowledged that Adam had been honest with her about where his heart was, but it hadn't been what she'd wanted to hear. She admitted the kiss had confused both of them.

Adam told Sally he'd tried bulldozing his way through with no regard that Sally had wanted Nick. He claimed he was a catalyst of bad fortune without trying, even when he had good intentions. He said he always managed to screw things up with Sally and with Victor.

Sally asked Adam what was upsetting him. Adam said he believed he'd driven Victor over the edge, because recently, Victor had been acting erratically. He said Victoria had been the first to notice it, but he'd believed she'd been angling to get Victor declared incompetent so she could return to her CEO position. Adam said then he'd noticed that Victor was forgetting things and had drastic mood swings. He said he'd gone into Victor's office, and he'd found a weird drawing that Victor had filed away like it was important business.

Sally asked Adam how he was responsible for all of that. Adam replied that it all went back to the moment he'd been pushed out at Newman and the years Victor had wanted him to succeed. He said Victor had given him many opportunities, more than anyone had ever gotten, but he'd let Victor down every time. He said the last time had probably pushed Victor over the edge. Sally said she didn't see the connection. She said Adam had changed; he'd asked Victor to start him at the bottom, and Victor had given him that chance.

Adam told Sally that Victor had seen right through him because it was all a scam to get what he thought were his just rewards, to punish the people who'd hurt him. He said Victor had figured it out, and it had gutted him. Sally accused Adam of lying to everyone, including her, and verified that there was no catharsis or redemption. Adam said none, just revenge. Sally said he'd fooled everyone. He said he was sorry, but all he'd been able to think about was punishing Victor, Nick, and Victoria. He asked what better way there was to do that than from the inside. Sally asked if she'd been collateral damage.

Adam said if he'd told Sally, she would have tried to talk him out of it, but he'd just wanted to destroy all of them. He admitted that when he became angry, something would click and trigger the blind rage that drove him. He said the irony was that he'd gotten the revenge he'd wanted by pushing Victor off the deep end, and he felt sick about it.

Sally said Adam was a mystery because he regretted his part in whatever was going on with Victor, but there had been other regrets and broken promises. She said she wanted to believe him, but she wondered if Adam was sincere this time or if it was another ploy to get her sympathy. Adam admitted he'd earned her distrust, but he thought she would be the one to give him the benefit of the doubt. Adam swore to God "this time," it was real. Sally said she believed him because she'd seen the fear, compassion, and guilt in his eyes, and she'd decided to trust him one more time.

Sally told Adam that if he told Victor what he'd told her, Victor would believe him. Adam said it might be too late because Victor didn't want to deal with what was going on with him. He said if Victor couldn't accept there was something wrong with him, Adam had no idea how he would accept someone taking responsibility for it. Sally asked what Adam could do. Adam said he'd reached out to a psychiatrist and told the psychiatrist what was going on, and the doctor believed it was serious. Adam asked how he could get the doctor to talk to Victor without Victor realizing what was really going on.

Adam told Sally that Victor would see it as another angle or a con, but he would have to follow through with it because he didn't know what else to do. Sally said she'd thought of another option: talk to Nick and Victoria, and face it together, as one united front. Adam said he'd tried that. Nick had completely dismissed the idea, and Adam and Victoria could barely stand being in the same room together. Sally told Adam to try harder and to point out that it was for Victor's welfare and that they needed to work as a team.

Adam told Sally she was forgetting one big thing between him and Nick, but Sally said Victor's issues were far bigger than the conflict over her. She said Nick would see that if Adam told Nick what he'd told her. She directed Adam to arrange a meeting that was strictly about Victor. She told him not to let anything get in the way of helping Victor immediately.

At the door of the Athletic Club, Adam thanked Sally for listening and for her good advice. She said the new Adam was trying to figure things out, and he was making good progress. They hugged, said goodnight, and went they separate ways.

At Society, Nick stunned Victoria when he told her that everything Victor had done had been a trap to test their loyalty. Nick said Victor had admitted it to him after he'd figured out the whole scheme. Nick said Victor had been playing them.

Victoria is angry that Victor thinks she would betray him
Victoria is angry that Victor thinks she would betray him

Victoria is angry that Victor thinks she would betray him

Friday, October 27, 2023

by Nel

At Society, Nick told Victoria that Victor was fine and had been faking it. Shocked, Victoria remarked that it was cruel. Nick reminded her that anytime Victor was worried about who he could trust, he did whatever it took to test the loyalty of everyone around him.

Victoria told Nick she'd been afraid they would lose Victor, and she assumed Nick was the only one Victor trusted. Nick said Adam had found a clue in Victor's desk and had shown it to Nick. Nick said he'd figured out the bizarre drawing tied to one of Nick's favorite books from when he'd been a kid, The Serpent of Names, and he'd confronted Victor.

Nick told Victoria that as soon as he'd seen it, he'd realized Victor had wanted to recruit him as an ally, since he didn't have a stake in the power struggle at Newman. Victoria stated that she and Adam were in the middle of that power struggle. Nick added not to forget Nate. Nick told her that he'd informed Victor that he would tell her everything. He said Nikki had insisted Victoria be told so she wouldn't agonize over Victor's imaginary mental condition. Victoria asked how long Nikki had been in on Victor's plan and keeping it from her.

Nick told Victoria that keeping Victor's secret had been eating away at Nikki. Victoria was upset that Victor believed she would use his imaginary diminished mental status to get back into the CEO chair, because that was Adam's M.O. Nick said Victor was convinced someone was going to betray him because of everyone's reaction to his return to the company. Victoria said that decision had come out of nowhere.

Nick told Victoria he wouldn't be surprised if there was a threat inside Newman. Victoria claimed it was obvious it was Adam, but Victor had to suspect everyone, including her. Nick added, "And Nate." Victoria asked if they should go along with Victor's plan and help him smoke Adam out. Nick agreed they should because Adam would take advantage of an incapacitated leader. He said maybe Adam would fall into Victor's trap if they went with the plan. Victoria agreed because then Victor would see Adam would never change.

Victoria told Nick she was furious with Victor, but she was relieved he was fine. She asked if Nate was on Victor's list of possible traitors. Victoria maintained that Nate wasn't a threat, but she needed to know what Victor believed.

Nick said that Victor needed to sell his mental decline to Victoria, Adam, and Nate, but Victor hadn't wanted Victoria to know about it because he didn't want her to tell Nate. Victoria suggested Victor didn't need to know that Nick had told her everything; that way, she could be more convincing while pretending to be genuinely concerned. Nick added they could then escort Adam into Victor's trap. Victoria hoped they would finally be rid of Adam.

Nick told Victoria he wasn't sure Victor's plan would work on Adam because Adam had suggested they join forces to get Victor the help he needed. Nick said Adam seemed to be as worried about Victor as they were. Victoria said the more Adam acted like he cared, the more he thought he would be believed, which would bring him closer to Victor so he could stab Victor in the back and give the knife a twist.

In her suite, Sally fell asleep on the sofa and dreamed that Nick and Adam were arguing over her. Adam asked Sally to admit she was in love with him. Nick accused Adam of being delusional. Sally yelled for them to stop. Nick asked why, if Adam loved her, he did everything to take away her happiness. Nick noted the argument wasn't about who loved Sally but about Adam winning and taking everything Nick cared about. A fistfight ensued. Sally yelled for them to stop. Nick yelled for Sally to choose -- him or Adam. She cried she didn't know. Sally woke up and whispered that she didn't know.

Sally then recalled a conversation with Adam at Newman Media. Sally told Adam she loved how supportive he was to people who mattered to him, including her. Adam started to say that if he ever neglected to show how grateful he was, but Sally interrupted and said she intended to make it easy for him to show it every day.

In another recollection, Sally remembered a time with Nick. Nick had arranged for Champagne and dinner in her suite. He told Sally he'd fallen completely in love with her.

In reality, unnerved, Sally picked up her purse and jacket, and she left.

In the jazz lounge, Adam recalled his conversation with Sally earlier that day. He told Sally that Victor wasn't inclined to deal with what was going on with him, and he asked how an apology from him would change anything. He said if Victor couldn't accept what was wrong with him, Adam didn't know how Victor would accept someone taking responsibility for it. Adam told Sally he'd reached out to a psychiatrist, and he'd explained Victor's symptoms to the doctor, who believed it was serious. Adam asked how he could get the doctor to talk to Victor without Victor seeing it as another angle or a con by Adam. He said regardless, he had to follow through with it, since he didn't know what else to do.

In reality, when Dr. Skelton arrived, Adam thanked the doctor for meeting with him. Adam asked if he could count on Dr. Skelton's discretion. Dr. Skelton confirmed that Adam could. Adam told Dr. Skelton his father was Victor Newman. Dr. Skelton admitted Victor's reputation preceded him. Adam said he needed the doctor's advice because Victor was exhibiting signs of dementia. Dr. Skelton was eager to help, but he couldn't make a diagnosis without a face-to-face evaluation.

Adam said he hoped that Dr. Skelton could guide Adam in the right direction if Adam gave him some examples of what was going on. The doctor said as long as they agreed it was a friendly discussion and not a diagnosis. Adam agreed. He told the doctor everything he'd witnessed, as well as what Nick and Victoria had witnessed. Adam said it had all started when Victor had come out of retirement and assumed his position as CEO. Dr. Skelton said there was a very fine line between dementia and common age-related memory issues. He said it was difficult to assess without thorough testing.

Adam asked Dr. Skelton if it was especially risky for someone running a multi-billion-dollar corporation, constantly managing stress and rapid-fire decisions. Dr. Skelton said stress could be a factor in causing the dementia-like symptoms, as well as other physiological factors such as infections, sleep apnea, hydrocephalus, vitamin deficiencies, and depression. He said all of them were treatable, and most could be reversed. However, progressive dementia like Alzheimer's couldn't; they could only slow it down.

Dr. Skelton told Adam he wanted to do a complete review of Victor's medical history and his medications and then run a series of tests. Adam asked how they could do that if Victor wasn't willing. The doctor said Victor had to be convinced, sooner rather than later. He said undiagnosed and untreated, Victor's situation would decline, and treatment would only be effective if Victor would willingly cooperate with being diagnosed. Adam said the doctor had no idea how unlikely that would be, but Adam would try. He said he appreciated Dr. Skelton's advice.

Adam told Dr. Skelton that he loved Victor, he was scared for him, and he wanted to do whatever he could to help Victor. Adam said he would be in touch when he knew more. The doctor asked Adam to make note of any more incidents. They shook hands, and the doctor left. Sally passed the doctor on her way into the lounge. She stopped in her tracks when she saw Adam. She turned to leave, but Adam had seen her, and he called out to her. He offered to buy Sally a drink. Sally said it was late, and she needed to get to bed. She said goodnight and left. Adam followed her.

At the ranch, Nikki asked Victor what he thought Nick would do with the information that there was nothing wrong with him. Victor said Nick would tell Victoria everything. Nikki said Victoria would be very upset, but he claimed Victoria would eventually understand. Nikki disagreed, but Victor claimed he didn't care because it didn't interfere with his plan. Nate arrived. Victor asked Nikki for some time alone with Nate. Nikki left.

Nate said Victor's call had sounded ominous because he'd indicated that Nate was the only person he could trust. Victor said it was difficult to trust people who believed he was incapable of running his company. He said his children were accusing him of losing his marbles. Nate said they loved Victor, and they were concerned about him. Victor asked if Victoria had said anything to him, because he needed to know what she'd told Nate.

Nate told Victor that Victoria had shared some concerns about Victor's health, and she was scared something terrible might be happening to Victor. Nate assured Victor that Victoria wouldn't use a mental lapse against Victor. Nate insisted she'd come to terms with Victor's return to Newman. He said Victoria's concerns were nothing more than her profound love for Victor.

Victor told Nate he wanted to believe Victoria's support came from love and that it came without an agenda. He hoped that was the case with all his children. Nate asked if Nick shared Victoria's concerns. Victor recalled his earlier conversation with Nick. Nick asked if Victor had put him and Victoria through hell just so he could prove what they already knew, that Adam and Nate couldn't be trusted. Victor told Nick to trust that he knew what he was doing.

In reality, Victor told Nate that Nick shared Victoria's concerns. Victor told Nate that no one was to know about their conversation. Victor admitted his family's worries were justified. He said he feared his grasp on reality was slipping. Nate asked what made him believe that. Victor said the most disturbing lapse in memory had been when he'd forgotten that Adam and Sally had lost their baby, his grandchild. He said when he hadn't remembered that, he'd feared he was losing his memory.

Nate told Victor the incidents Victor had described would frighten anyone. He asked Victor not to jump to the worst possible conclusions because it might not be as dire as Victor believed it was. Nate said Victor needed to contact a medical professional to see what was going on, because there might be treatments that could turn things around.

Victor asked if Nate was saying it wasn't hopeless. Nate said Victor didn't have enough information to write himself off as hopeless. Victor said it bothered him, and he needed to get it out of his head. Victor said Nate was a "damn good doctor," and Victor knew he could confide in Nate. Victor reiterated that no one was to know about their conversation because if there was the slightest hint that he was losing his marbles, it would be devastating to his company.

Nate told Victor he had brilliant contacts in the mental health and psycho-neurological communities. He said Victor only had to say the word, and Nate would get Victor tested, diagnosed, and treated. He said they would be sensitive to the discretion in Victor's situation. Victor agreed, but he reiterated that Nate wasn't to breathe a word of it to anyone, including Victoria. Nate claimed she would be relieved Victor was doing something about his issues.

Victor told Nate there was not to be a word of it to Adam, either. He told Nate the doctors were to contact Nate only on his cell phone, not a landline or email, because if Adam picked up on any of it, it would be disastrous. Victor claimed that Adam smelled the blood in the water already. Victor repeated that their conversation stayed between them only -- or else.

When Nikki arrived at Society, she joined Nick and Victoria. She said she'd had a feeling Nick would go straight to Victoria. Nick stated there was no way he would keep the news about Victor from Victoria. Annoyed, Victoria told Nikki that Nick had told her everything, something Nikki should have done the minute she'd known Victor had been faking. Nikki said she was relieved it was out in the open, and she knew Victoria was upset with her.

Victoria said she understood Nikki had been put in a terrible position, but she didn't understand how Nikki could watch Victoria go through so much concern and worry without telling her about it. Nick told Victoria that Victor had put Nikki in an impossible position. Nikki said Victor believed someone was going to betray him soon, and that was his idea of how they would reveal themselves. Victoria asked why Victor would suspect her or believe that she would stoop that low to use his mental distress against him, just because he'd demoted her.

Nikki told Nick and Victoria that she believed it was all Adam's fault. She said after years of being double-crossed by Adam, Victor wondered whether he could get close to anyone. Victoria said that might be true, but it wasn't an excuse. Victoria said she wasn't sure she could forgive Victor. Nick said it didn't matter how they handled the situation because it wasn't an everyday occurrence to find out someone one loved had faked a mental disorder to expose a traitor. He said they had reacted accordingly.

Nick told Nikki and Victoria that it was important what they did going forward. Nick said they all needed to continue acting like they were buying Victor's condition while Victor continued to set his trap, and hopefully Adam would walk right into it. Nikki added not to forget Nate. Victoria asked them to stop with the distrust of Nate. She said they knew Adam was the danger.

Sally returned to her suite with Adam right behind her. Adam said he'd thought they'd gotten past Sally being uncomfortable around him, and he wanted to know if something had changed. Sally admitted she'd had a bad dream. She said she'd been agitated and thought having a drink would calm her down, but in the lounge, she'd realized she needed sleep more than alcohol. Adam asked if she would have stayed if he hadn't been there. Sally said it had nothing to do with him.

Sally asked if Adam was okay, but he said he wasn't. She asked if it had anything to do with the man she'd passed on the stairs. Adam said that had been Dr. Skelton, a psychiatrist. He said he'd wanted advice on how to help Victor. Adam remarked that he was very worried about Victor, more than anyone would believe because they believed he was always up to something devious or plotting something. Sally said it didn't matter what anyone thought. Adam admitted he was worried sick about Victor, and there wasn't "a damn thing" he could do to help Victor. Sally hugged him. They kissed passionately while entering Sally's suite. They began to disrobe and proceeded to make love.

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Edited by SC Desk