Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 24, 2023 on Y&R

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Jack and Diane got married. Jack and Billy staged an argument in front of Ashley and Tucker. Sally pondered Victor
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 24, 2023 on Y&R

Jack and Diane got married. Jack and Billy staged a public argument in front of Ashley and Tucker, hoping to plant Billy as a Trojan horse. Tucker arranged for Carson to disappear. Sally pondered Victor's offer for her to start her own design company under the Newman umbrella.

Phyllis faces harsh retribution after Tucker reneges
Phyllis faces harsh retribution after Tucker reneges

Phyllis faces harsh retribution after Tucker reneges

Monday, July 24, 2023

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by Anne Carpenter

After Jack returned from his business trip to New York, Billy asked him for a report. Diane was standing beside Billy when Jack replied, "New York was illuminating, and not in a good way. Ashley and Tucker are planning on taking her assets and her patents out of Jabot." Diane asked Jack if Ashley could take her assets and patents. Jack replied, "Legal has said that that there are loopholes within our merger agreement that allow her to take everything if she can show cause." Billy and Diane expressed doubt that Ashley could show cause.

Jack told Billy and Diane that Ashley was planning on using Diane's past to build her case. Billy said he was not surprised because Ashley despised Diane. Jack adamantly refused when Billy suggested that Diane temporarily step down from Jabot. Billy warned Jack that they would he heading to war. Jack defiantly proclaimed that they would win the war. Billy cautioned that if they underestimated Ashley and downplayed her vendetta, it might spell the end. Diane supported Billy, but Jack insisted that ousting Diane was off the table, adding that he would not move one inch, despite whatever Ashley and Tucker plotted and planned. After Billy left, Diane thanked Jack for being in her corner.

Later at home, Jack and Diane had drinks. Jack told Diane he refused to discuss Ashley. Jack remarked that he had been surprised to hear that Phyllis had just shown up suddenly. Diane laughed and noted that Jack had gone from mentioning one woman who hated her to talking about another who hated her even more. Diane recalled that after Phyllis had turned herself in, Carson, the EMT, had suddenly turned up to corroborate Phyllis' story. Jack replied, "Including the part about her killing Stark in self-defense?"

Diane nodded, explaining that Carson had apparently caved in to his guilty conscience. Jack, wrinkling his face, replied, "Guilty conscience?" Diane agreed that it was a hard story to buy, though Phyllis had used Carson's testimony as her get-out-of-jail card. Jack shook his head in disgust and muttered that Phyllis might beat the charges. Diane acknowledged that it had been a nice coincidence for Phyllis.

Diane told Jack that her encounter with Phyllis, dining with Tucker at Society at the time, had been uncomfortable. Diane recalled having told Phyllis that she intended to move past her anger and get on with her life. Diane described Phyllis as remorseful, but she noted that Phyllis was known to fake her emotions. Jack agreed that something seemed off, which made him suspicious. Diane cried that she almost did not care if Phyllis beat the charges because a continued conflict with Phyllis was the last thing she needed with Ashley and Tucker coming after her.

Jack noted that Phyllis would be working overtime to make amends to Summer and Daniel. Diane recalled that Summer's efforts to reach out to Kyle had not gone well. Diane blamed her feud with Phyllis for causing trouble for everyone and hurting their loved ones. Jack replied, "Where there is love, there is always room for forgiveness."

Ashley and Tucker arrived at the Chancellor estate, Devon and Abby's new home. Tucker and Ashley presented housewarming gifts. Abby noted that Ashley looked happy, and she asked if Ashley had worked things out with Jack. Ashley replied that she had not, blaming Diane for having poisoned Jack's mind. Ashley brushed aside her family issues and happily announced that things were finally falling into place for her and her future. Tucker wrapped his arm around Ashley and pulled her close.

During a private moment together, Abby asked Ashley if Ashley felt she could actually trust Tucker. Ashley replied that she trusted Tucker, explaining that they both had a past, though she did not want the fear of being hurt again to prevent her from giving love one more chance. Ashley whispered, "He makes me happy. In fact, we have an announcement we want to make." Abby seemed intrigued.

After Tucker and Devon rejoined Ashley and Abby, Tucker served Champagne and proposed a toast to Devon and Abby to wish them a lifetime of happiness in Tucker's mother's house. Tucker promised to be the dad Devon deserved, adding that Devon was a good son he did not deserve. While Tucker and Devon visited, Abby again chatted privately with her mom. Ashley asked Abby if it seemed awkward living in the same house with Devon that she and Chance had once shared. Abby admitted that she sometimes felt a tinge of guilt because living with Devon and having Dominic with them offered her the perfect life she had always wanted. Abby added that though she had once believed Chance might offer a "happily ever after" life, she had always suspected deep-down inside that it was not to be. Ashley, with tears in her eyes, told Abby she wanted Abby to feel happy always.

Across the room, Devon told Tucker he had heard rumors that Tucker and Ashley planned to take her portion of Jabot and start their own company. Tucker declined to discuss business, instead calling out to Ashley to share their news. Ashley stood by Tucker's side when he announced, "We're getting married in a couple of weeks." Abby appeared concerned by the sudden rush to hold a ceremony, which Tucker noted would be a small gathering at an undetermined venue. Abby and Devon grew quiet and declined more Champagne when Tucker offered refills. Abby admitted she was in shock over the sudden announcement to set a firm date. Tucker acknowledged that Abby did not trust him. Abby expressed concern that her mom might get hurt again.

Tucker promised Abby he would not put his relationship with Ashley in jeopardy ever again. Devon sided with Tucker, adding that when the time was right, it was right. Abby jubilantly declared, "You have our blessing." Abby insisted that the wedding be held at the Chancellor estate. Tucker and Ashley were overjoyed. Abby told the couple she had noticed a change and believed they had genuinely fallen in love. Tucker said he was touched by their offer to host the wedding at his mother's house. Devon and Abby congratulated the couple.

After Tucker and Ashley left, Abby asked Devon if her support for Ashley and Tucker's plans to marry had surprised him. Devon asked Abby what had changed her mind. Abby noted that Ashley had seemed happy and appeared to trust Tucker despite their past. Devon was not as convinced and said he had learned to go with the flow where Tucker was concerned, adding that the flow could likely switch midstream. Devon acknowledged that he had detected a look of true love on Tucker's face. Devon mentioned that he and Abby had never talked about getting married, adding that they had been best friends for a very long time. Abby told Devon she loved the idea of discussing getting married.

Phyllis met with Heather at the Athletic Club dining room to discuss her case. Phyllis was disappointed but not surprised to learn that Heather had not been successful in convincing Christine to dismiss the charges. Phyllis reminded Heather about the statement from Carson, the EMT, who had attested that Phyllis had killed Jeremy Stark in self-defense. Heather explained that Christine believed Phyllis had convinced Carson to say what she needed him to say, so she planned to take the case to trial. Phyllis claimed that Christine was determined to bring her down. Heather said she was certain that Christine's actions were not personal this time, though a jury would have to be convinced beyond a reasonable doubt. Phyllis cried that Carson, her witness, might change his mind and mess things up.

Phyllis told Heather that Carson should be in protective custody, so no one could force him to recant his testimony. Heather, appearing suspicious, replied, "Why would anyone want to do that?" Phyllis, evading an honest reply, claimed that she did not trust Christine. Heather insisted on knowing what was going on, noting that both Michael and Daniel had warned her that Phyllis might hold back information and be dishonest.

Heather assured Phyllis that anything she said would be covered by attorney-client privilege. Stifling her emotions, Phyllis admitted that Tucker McCall had her under his thumb after finding Carson and convincing him to testify. Phyllis cried that Tucker had her life in his hands. Heather asked Phyllis if Michael had known about Tucker's blackmail scheme. Phyllis shook her head and explained that Tucker had tracked down Carson before anyone else had been able to and had immediately forced her into submission.

Heather was livid after she learned that Phyllis had already known about Carson offering to testify well before Heather had told her about it. Heather asked Phyllis if Carson's testimony about having witnessed Stark coercing her into doing his bidding and later watching Phyllis kill Stark in self-defense was truthful. Phyllis replied, "Absolutely, he was a witness. He was. He saw what happened through the window, and then he ran away. He only knows things that a witness would know."

Heather asked Phyllis what Tucker had wanted her to do. Phyllis looked away and cried that Heather did not want to know. In the next breath, Phyllis admitted that Tucker wanted her to force Diane Jenkins out of Jabot. Heather stopped Phyllis and agreed that she did want to know anything about it. Phyllis insisted that Tucker McCall should not be trusted because he was shady. Phyllis cried that Tucker was holding an axe over her head.

Phyllis told Heather she would attempt to string Tucker along and convince him she was making progress. Phyllis acknowledged that Jack would have to extend his forgiveness. Heather reminded Phyllis that she had done a lot of damage to the Abbott family. Phyllis sarcastically replied, "Have I really done damage to them? Where's this coming from? Christine?" Heather indicated that Daniel had told her about Phyllis having hurt the Abbott family. Phyllis said her goal was to make amends to her children. Heather told Phyllis it was imperative to fast-track the trial in order to deactivate Tucker's threat.

Heather instructed Phyllis to focus on making amends. Phyllis, becoming emotional, insisted she would make things right with Summer and Daniel, adding that her life would not be dictated by Tucker McCall like it had been with Jeremy Stark. Phyllis declared that big changes were coming. Billy approached and replied, "Well, wouldn't that be something?" Billy greeted Heather. Heather told Billy that she had taken over Phyllis' case.

Billy sarcastically asked if Phyllis had a prayer. Phyllis defiantly insisted she had more than a prayer because she had an eyewitness and innocence on her side. Before he left, Billy wished Phyllis good luck. Heather informed Phyllis that she would get straight to work on protecting Carson, acknowledging that Phyllis' instincts were correct. Across the room, Tucker lurked, watching Heather and Phyllis talking. After Heather exited, Tucker rushed out, too.

Ashley entered her home while Jack and Diane were kissing. Ashley asked Jack about New York. Jack replied, "Oh, I think you know how New York went." Ashley claimed she had protected her interests. Jack disagreed and told Ashley she was using Diane's history as a tool for her and her greedy boyfriend to carry out their power play. Ashley insisted she was saving Jack from himself.

Diane, frustrated, cried, "I'm out!" Diane insisted she would step away from Jabot because she would not allow Ashley and Tucker to use her as ammunition to hurt the company. Diane, addressing Ashley, said, "But that leaves you with a little problem, doesn't it?" Diane explained that if she stepped down, the situation Ashley was concerned about would then be resolved, so it would be reasonable for Ashley to back off. Jack stepped forward and insisted that Diane would not leave because he refused to give in to Ashley's extortion.

Jack challenged Ashley to take her part of Jabot, adding that he would sign the papers. Ashley asked Jack if he was serious. Jack replied, "I am dead serious." Ashley told Jack it was disgusting of him to consider giving away a large portion of the company he had spent his life building just so he could retain Diane. Jack insisted he would do it plus a lot more for the woman he loved.

Jack asked Ashley why she was doing everything possible to oust Diane from the company and force her out of the family. Jack yelled, "You want war? I'm ending it right now!" Tucker entered and asked what was going on. Ashley replied, "Jack's caving." Diane interjected, "No, he's not. I will not let you throw it all away for me. I'm out." Jack glared at Ashley. Ashley, grinning, stood defiantly next to Tucker and glared at Jack.

Billy, noticing that Phyllis was sitting alone after Heather left, joined her. Phyllis acknowledged that she had hurt many and said it would be nice if her detractors might cut her some slack, just as they did for others. Billy replied, "That's quite the mea culpa." Billy told Phyllis he had been impressed with Summer and the way she had handled herself, despite the confusion and sadness she had experienced after believing her mother had died. Phyllis replied, "God forgive me for that, right?" Billy praised Summer for truly acting grown up and becoming quite a woman.

Billy advised Phyllis to be careful and not break Summer's spirit. Phyllis told Billy that her situation had changed her and made her realize she had a lot to lose if she did not turn things around and become someone her family could love and respect. Phyllis asked Billy how Jack and Kyle had reacted after learning she had turned herself in. Billy said he did not know how Kyle had reacted, though Jack remained skeptical. Billy recalled that Diane wanted Phyllis to "walk the plank." Billy told Phyllis that if anyone could pull themselves out of an inferno, she could. Heather rushed in and asked to speak to Phyllis privately. After Billy left, Heather informed Phyllis that Carson had disappeared. Phyllis appeared terrified.

Victor surprises Sally with an unexpected offer
Victor surprises Sally with an unexpected offer

Victor surprises Sally with an unexpected offer

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

by Jenny Smith

At Society, Sharon told Chance that they'd established their supper club to try out new restaurants, yet they'd ended up at a place they'd been 1,000 times before. Chance pointed out that he'd ordered something he'd never tried before, and Sharon voiced surprise that he hadn't sampled everything on the menu, given that Abby ran the place. Sharon quickly apologized, but Chance reasoned that they shouldn't avoid the best restaurant in town just because his ex-wife owned it. He confirmed that he and Abby were on good terms, and their arrangement with Dominic had been going well.

Chance turned the topic to Sharon's new company, and she grumbled that she wasn't thrilled about the name. Chance noted that Adustus was Latin for "burned," and he surmised that Adam was trying to send a message. Chance doubted many people would get it, and Sharon mused that Adam amused himself with his own inside jokes. Chance wondered if she still thought partnering with Adam was the right move. Adam approached and ordered Chance to stay out of it.

Adam sensed a different dynamic between Sharon and Chance. Adam recalled that he'd inquired about Sharon's interest in Chance, and she'd given him the "just friends" card. Adam hated to think she hadn't been honest with him; however, he'd noticed her glowing every time she saw Chance, and the two were dining together. Chance flatly stated that friends could have dinner, and it was none of Adam's business. Adam scoffed at the idea that it was Chance's business to try to talk Sharon out of doing business with Adam.

Chance warned that Sharon was asking for big trouble by partnering with Adam, noting that the name of the company said it all. Chance concluded that Adam was bitter about being under his daddy's thumb, and he expected Adam to weaponize the company to somehow use it against Victor. Adam acknowledged that Chance had once known him in the past, but he contended that Chance had no idea what was going on in Adam's head. Sharon implored Chance to give Adam the benefit of the doubt, since she and Nick would keep Adam in line. Adam remarked that he had no doubt they would try.

Sharon and Chance returned to the coffeehouse, and Sharon noted that he hadn't said a word on the walk back from dinner. She wondered if running into Adam had bothered him. Chance suggested they not ruin a perfect night by talking about Adam, and he agreed to give Adam the benefit of the doubt, even though he didn't think Adam deserved it. Chance recognized that Sharon could handle Adam, and he proposed that they get back to more important things. They kissed.

Chance expressed his faith that Sharon and Nick would keep Adam in line, but he still didn't trust Adam. Sharon thanked him for trusting that she was fully in control of her life. Chance said he wanted her to be happy and successful. She took his hands in hers and murmured that it had been awhile, but she had a feeling she was on her way to finding both.

Sally unpacked her suitcase in her hotel suite. Nick arrived and greeted her with a kiss and a bouquet of flowers. They said they'd missed one another, and he asked if she was glad she'd gone. Sally reported that spending time with her sister and grandmother had done her a lot of good, and the change of scenery had made her see things more clearly. She added that she still had a long way to go to deal with the loss, but she felt the trip had given her a huge head start to healing. Nick observed that Sally seemed more at peace, and it looked good on her.

Sally inquired about the latest in Genoa City. Nick revealed that he was out and Nate was in at Newman Enterprises and that Victor had again asked him to join forces with Adam. Nick admitted that he'd been annoyed at first to be shuffled around like a chess piece, but he'd seen the potential with Sharon joining the team and pairing the company with Kirsten International, so he'd jumped on board. Sally thought he'd liked working with his mother and sister, but Nick believed he could make a greater impact by working with Adam. Nick shared that he wasn't happy Nate had been appointed as COO, but he was very excited about the future.

Nick envisioned turning Cameron's blood money into something positive that would do good. Sally loved his enthusiasm, but she questioned whether he could work with Adam. Nick figured that Sharon would be there to prevent them from killing one another, and Adam seemed to be on his best behavior when Sharon was around. Nick recalled that he and Sharon had made a good team in the past, and he expected they'd be able to keep things running smoothly. Sally chirped that she was excited if he was, and she suggested they go downstairs to get something to eat. They headed out.

Victor dined alone at the Athletic Club. He gestured for Phyllis to join him, and he noted that she looked "damn good" for a dead woman. He recognized that he'd been presumed dead multiple times, but he'd never deliberately tortured his family with that notion. Victor condemned Phyllis for allowing Summer to plan a memorial for her, and he barked that Summer's marriage was in shambles because of Phyllis.

Phyllis conceded that Victor was right, and she was very sorry. Victor mentioned that Summer had asked him to help Phyllis by finding Carson. Phyllis told him not to worry about it, since someone else had already done it. Victor growled that what Phyllis had done to his granddaughter had been unforgivable, and Phyllis would pay for it. Phyllis stalked off.

Nick and Sally entered the dining room, and Victor invited them to join him. Victor sincerely offered Sally his deepest condolences and empathized that losing a child was tough. Sally supposed it hadn't been meant to be, and Victor admired the way she'd handled herself. Sally thanked him, and Nick asked where Victor was going with the conversation. Victor recognized that Jill had contracted Sally's design firm to do work for Chancellor-Winters, but he had a better offer -- to create a new design company for him under the Newman umbrella.

Victor proclaimed that money would be no object, and Sally would have all the office space she needed. Victor explained that he was making the offer because of his own past experiences after suffering a loss, and he'd found it best to plunge into a new task or challenge requiring hard work. He called it the best therapy there was. Sally said she needed time to think about it, since she wanted to fulfill the commitment she'd already made to Chancellor-Winters. Victor encouraged her to take some time, but he warned that if she accepted the offer, she'd work for no one else but Newman.

At the bar, Nick apologized if his dad had put Sally on the spot. She insisted that she was fine, but she was getting a little tired. She suggested they go upstairs and order room service. Nick suggested she go up while he said goodnight to his father. As Sally headed to the stairs, she flashed back to Adam telling her they could recreate what they'd had at Newman Media, but she'd stood firm that a Newman would never sign her paychecks again.

Meanwhile, Nick crossed the room as Victor finished a call. Nick wondered if Victor's offer had been a manipulation of some kind, either to keep Sally away from Nick or just to keep an eye on her. Victor defended that he'd just given her an enormous opportunity to create her own design company, and he demanded to know why Nick always questioned his motives.

At the Abbott mansion, Diane flashed back to Jack's argument with Ashley, during which Diane had announced she was going to leave Jabot to keep Jack from throwing everything away for her. Jack entered the room, and Diane assumed that he was mad at her for telling Ashley she'd walk away from Jabot. Diane recognized that Jack had been excited for them to work together, but she believed stepping down was the only thing that made sense. Diane refused to let Jack break apart his family company just to stop Ashley.

Jack told Diane that he didn't want her to sacrifice her happiness to appease his sister, especially since there was no guarantee Diane's gesture would get Ashley to back off. Jack snarled that Ashley should feel guilty and ashamed for the way she'd treated them when Diane posed no threat, and he thought Ashley's chances of success were slimmer with Tucker weighing her down. Diane worried that Ashley and Tucker could be successful if they took Ashley's patents with them, and she maintained that she wouldn't let Jack throw away any part of the company for her. Diane recalled that they'd met at Jabot, and it was part of their love story.

Jack recounted that he and Ashley had done that dance before. He said the best case would be if history repeated itself, and they found their way back together. He anticipated the worst case would be that Ashley and Tucker's business imploded, and Jabot would get everything back. Jack insisted that it was his decision to make, but Diane remained adamant about not letting him walk away from the fight. Jack vowed to fight dirty if needed, since he expected Tucker to pull out every trick he could think of. Diane announced that she had a plan.

Diane suggested that Jack call Billy. Jack received a text message from his assistant with a link to Leanna Love's website. In a broadcast, Leanna contemplated what the surprise resurrection of the former Mrs. Jack Abbott meant for the future Mrs. Abbott. Leanna teased that the women shared more than taste in men, since they both had a penchant for faking their own demise. Leanna declared that Phyllis had schemed to have Diane charged with Phyllis' murder before reports surfaced that Phyllis' death had been wildly exaggerated, and the Abbott family was taking sides over who was right and who was wrong.

Leanna divulged that Jack and Diane's son and Phyllis' daughter were a married couple on opposite sides, and things were so bad that they both had divorce lawyers on speed dial. Leanna addressed people not being happy with Jack giving his fiance a top executive job at the family company. She pictured Phyllis awaiting trial while Diane looked forward to a wedding and a luxurious life in the Abbott mansion. Leanna predicted that Phyllis was almost certainly on her way back to the slammer, only being able to see her family on visiting days.

Diane figured that people were bound to gossip, and there was nothing they could do about it. Jack grumbled that there had been a time when Leanna would have told him before she'd aired his family's dirty laundry. He flashed back to Leanna attempting to seduce him at a business meeting. Jack opted to focus on the things they could control.

Jack prompted Diane to tell him about her plan and how Billy fit into it. Diane recognized that Billy was determined to protect Jabot from Ashley and noted that he wasn't opposed to getting his hands dirty. Jack recalled that Billy hadn't seemed that concerned about Ashley's plans, and he balked at putting his brother in an untenable situation when Billy had only recently gotten back on his feet. Diane suggested that Billy become their Trojan horse.

At the jazz bar, Ashley updated Tucker about how Diane had wanted to quit her job at Jabot, but Jack had objected. Ashley said she'd found it quite entertaining, but the best part had been when Jack had offered to sign over part of Jabot to Ashley to keep the peace. Tucker considered it good news that they didn't have to go to war, but Ashley asserted that it wasn't how she wanted things to end.

Ashley swore she wouldn't back down, since it would accomplish nothing if Jack tore Jabot into pieces, and she wouldn't risk her father's legacy for "the hell of it." Tucker figured that if Jack hadn't had an epiphany about Diane by then, it was never going to happen. Tucker suggested that Ashley pull her assets from Jabot to give their own venture a foundation and let Diane drag Jack down into the mud. Tucker added that there was no saving a man who was determined to drown.

Ashley and Tucker prepared to leave, but they ran into Phyllis at the bar. Tucker cheerfully asked Phyllis how things were going. "Where is he? What have you done with him?" Phyllis demanded to know. Tucker assured her that Carson was safe in a new location, but he warned that she'd violated the terms of their agreement by trying to put the EMT in protective custody to keep him away from Tucker. Ashley figured that Tucker should have known he couldn't trust Phyllis.

Phyllis ranted that Tucker was holding her hostage and trying to make her fight a war she didn't want to fight anymore. Phyllis realized that Ashley was part of Tucker's plan and was getting joy out of it. Ashley replied that Phyllis couldn't begin to understand. Tucker quipped that Phyllis might be done with the war, but the war wasn't done with Phyllis.

Ashley and Tucker watched Leanna's video, and Tucker encouraged Phyllis to consider some of Leanna's points. Tucker clucked that Phyllis had been willing to betray the one man who could keep her out of prison, and he suggested she do something to win his confidence back. Phyllis asked what Tucker had in mind. He replied that he didn't know yet, but he'd either figure something out or let her take her chances in court. Ashley considered it karmic justice, since Stark never would have been in Genoa City if it hadn't been for Phyllis.

Tucker led Ashley away, greeting Adam on the way out. Adam joined Phyllis at the bar and noticed that she looked frazzled. He guessed it was to be expected, given what she was facing. She snapped that she wasn't in the mood for him. Adam remarked that a witness showing up out of nowhere screamed payoff. He swore he wasn't throwing shade because he would have done the same thing, but he didn't have a decades-long history with a D.A. who wanted to throw him in jail. Phyllis ordered him to shut up and stay out of her business. He asked if she was sure, since he'd been about to make her an offer.

Phyllis groused that she didn't like Adam and wasn't interested in anything he might offer. He hinted that it was something she'd be really good at, and he reminded her that he was all about second chances. Adam revealed that he needed someone to build and run an IT team at his new company, making the infrastructure impenetrable. Adam mentioned that Nick was his partner, and he insinuated that it might be a good way for her to get back into Nick's good graces. Phyllis reiterated that she wasn't interested in employment when she was trying to save her life. Adam replied that she knew how to get in touch with him.

In her room, Sally considered Victor's offer. She reflected on Adam incredulously inquiring whether she'd have a no-Newman clause in her contracts. There was a knock at the door, and Adam called out to ask if she was there. Nick stumbled upon Adam in the corridor and asked what he was doing there. "Nothing," Adam curtly replied, and he hurried off.

After Sally ordered room service, she told Nick she didn't want to talk about Victor's offer because she had no idea how she felt about it. She flirtatiously added that she didn't want to talk about anything, and they kissed.

Meanwhile, Chance put a coin in the jukebox and pulled Sharon into his arms. During a musical montage, Sharon and Chance swayed to the music. In her hotel suite, Phyllis watched Leanna's broadcast and threw her phone down on the bed in exasperation. Adam sipped a drink alone at the Athletic Club bar.

Ashley and Tucker returned home, and he asked when they could expect paperwork giving Ashley a share of Jabot. Jack declared that he'd changed his mind, since he wouldn't tear his father's company into pieces, and Diane wouldn't resign. Jack dared Ashley and Tucker to hit him with their best shot, and he proposed that they stop all of it by walking away and having a sibling divorce. Ashley huffed that there was no question that Jack was willing to put Diane above everyone else in his life, including his own family.

Jack spat that he wasn't the one trying to tear their family legacy in two. "Last chance!" he bellowed, and he asked whether Ashley was ready to be reasonable or if she was turning it into an Abbott family war. "Bring it on," Ashley icily replied. Ashley and Tucker silently left the room. Jack called Billy and asked if they could meet first thing in the morning, since he and Diane had a plan to stop Ashley from destroying Jabot.

Jack and Billy agree on a plan against Ashley and Tucker
Jack and Billy agree on a plan against Ashley and Tucker

Jack and Billy agree on a plan against Ashley and Tucker

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

by Nel

In her suite, Sally and Nick discussed Victor's offer for her to work at Newman. She asked for his opinion. Nick said he was surprised Sally was even considering it, since she'd been adamant about never working for a Newman again. Sally admitted that most of her motivation had been related to her relationships with Nick and Adam, and working for either one would complicate an already strained situation; however, a lot had changed since then. Nick commented, "Because of Ava."

Sally told Nick that losing Ava had changed the dynamics. Nick suggested that Sally take as much time as she needed before making her decision. Sally replied that Victor's offer was a much better career move than working at Chancellor-Winters. Nick asked if Sally could do that to Jill and Lily, and he asked if she trusted Victor enough to risk working for him.

Sally told Nick it was a difficult situation for her because she was wary of Victor's intentions, and she wasn't eager to let Jill down. She said she had to make the best deal for herself and Chloe. Nick asked if Sally was sure Victor's offer was a better deal. She said Victor's offer gave them much more than the slow build at Chancellor-Winters. She said it would be a great job because it was everything she and Chloe were looking for with a lot more reach. Nick said it was never that simple with Victor.

Sally told Nick that her other motivation was the fact that Victor had offered her the job himself, and that meant a lot. She said she wasn't Victor's favorite person, and she wanted to change his opinion of her. Sally admitted she wasn't thinking about herself but was thinking of Nick, because Victor was Nick's dad, she was in Nick's life, and Nick was important to her. Nick said the only thing that mattered was how they felt about each other.

Nick assured Sally she didn't have to worry about Victor. Sally said she would love it if she and Victor could learn to trust each other. She claimed it could be another test and another manipulation. Nick agreed there was always the chance that could be the case, even when Victor was offering something good.

At home, Victor was on a video chat with Jill. He informed Jill that he'd offered Sally a more permanent job at Newman Enterprises because it was far more lucrative than freelancing at Chancellor-Winters. Jill said she and Lily would have to come up with a contingency plan, but Victor told her not to worry because he'd hired a reputable firm to do the work Sally had been contracted to do.

Jill reminded Victor that he'd dissuaded her from working with Sally because he didn't like Sally, and he'd sent her a dossier about Sally's past. Victor claimed that sometimes things changed, and he needed to keep Sally closer to the family. Jill claimed that he wanted to keep an eye on her. Victor smiled, and they ended the chat.

Nate was in a suite at the Athletic Club. Audra arrived and said the cleaners had just dropped off his suit, and she'd decided to bring it to him herself. Nate claimed he had to look the part. Audra remarked that it was admirable how much he'd accomplished in a short time, and she was really happy for him. Audra left.

At the Abbotts', Diane told Billy and Jack that she had an idea about how to protect Jabot. She said Ashley and Tucker believed they would walk away with half the company. She said Jack and Billy had to lure them into a false sense of security; they needed Ashley and Tucker to witness Jack and Billy having a huge falling-out in a public place.

Billy told Diane that Ashley and Tucker would believe he could be their ally. Billy said once he was on the inside, he would see what Ashley and Tucker planned next then destroy them from within. Billy agreed it could work. Jack said he admired how Billy had turned his life around; however, disrupting a company and pretending to fail could stigmatize him in the business world at large. Billy claimed he wasn't concerned about his reputation when it came to protecting their father's legacy. Jack insisted he wouldn't allow Diane to become a victim of Ashley's hate campaign, and they agreed to the plan.

Diane told Jack and Billy they had to convince Ashley and Tucker the fight between them was legitimate. Billy claimed that wouldn't be difficult, since he and Jack had had bad blood in the past. Jack stated that Billy had been up-front with Ashley recently, telling her that if Jack and Ashley did battle, Billy would have to be on Jack's side. Billy admitted he was concerned about Ashley's feelings about Diane's promotion, the corresponding release that had blindsided them, and his and Jack's volatile past. Billy stated that Jack was obsessed with Diane at the expense of the company.

Jack told Billy it was one thing to sell a fight but another for Ashley and Tucker to take Billy into their confidence. Billy said he would take it a step further and give them false information about Jabot's future. He said he would make it sound like he was helping Ashley and Tucker's company. Jack wanted assurance that Billy wouldn't get sucked in if they offered him a position of power. Billy said it would be easy to be pissed off with Jack if Jack didn't trust him. Billy claimed Jack's first instinct was to think the worst of him.

Jack immediately apologized and said he knew Billy wasn't the man he'd once been. He said he didn't want to put Billy at risk of falling backwards. Billy assured Jack that wouldn't happen. Jack explained he had to look at every potential pitfall in putting their plan in motion. Billy agreed. Jack said he was angry and frustrated they were in that position in the first place. Billy told Jack to use that, and in their upcoming battle, Billy would use his indignation that Jack didn't really trust him.

Diane told Jack and Billy to stop fighting. She claimed the argument wasn't meant to be for real at that moment. She claimed she felt horrible that she was the cause of Jack and Ashley's rift, and she didn't want another family war. Billy assured Diane he and Jack would handle it. He said it was a risk he was willing to take for the greater good, and they would keep each other in check. Jack agreed. Billy said he would be in touch about the time and place.

After Billy left, Diane told Jack that with any luck, it would be the end of that terrible family battle. Jack said he was conflicted about going through with Diane's plan. He said despite everything Ashley had done, he took no joy in deceiving her or playing with her emotions. He admitted there was merit in the plan because it would stop Ashley in her tracks.

Jack hated that Diane blamed herself for the rift between him and Ashley and that she felt the need to fix it. He asked her to stop thinking that way because it was Ashley's fault for failing to see how much Diane had changed. Diane said Ashley was trying to be protective because she was afraid Diane would hurt Jack. Diane said she wouldn't let Ashley hurt Jack's family's company. Jack claimed Diane was an inspiration, and he loved her very much. They kissed.

Jack told Diane he didn't want to wait until September to get married. He wanted to go before a justice of the peace and make her Mrs. Jack Abbott. He insisted they do it immediately.

At Crimson Lights, Adam said he'd heard it was a big day for Nate, steering the Newman ship while the boss was out of town, and he was busy working his way into the inner circle. Nate said he'd heard Adam wanted to absorb Newman Media into his new company. Adam replied it was a logical step, since both companies were under the Newman umbrella, and Newman Media would be redundant with what Adam planned to accomplish. Nate claimed Newman Media was a powerhouse, and McCall needed a ton of work done to be fit enough to face off against it. Nate claimed that what Adam was planning would never happen. Nate left.

At the ranch, Victor greeted Nate and immediately warned him not to get too comfortable in the big chair while Victoria was away. Nate claimed he was only there to hold down the fort; he would follow through and set in motion some of the projects he and Victoria had discussed.

Victor said he admired Nate's ambition and drive to succeed; however, he didn't agree with Nick that Nate was doing that out of self-interest, nor did he feel Nate was a threat to the company. He stated that Newman Enterprises would never be led by anyone but a Newman. Victor said he wanted to avoid any confusion because that had been a sticking point in the past, including with Neil. He said Nate would be working with Victoria, in case Nate had some grandiose ideas about the future. He suggested that Nate disabuse himself of those fantasies, because it wouldn't happen.

Nate arrived at Newman and smiled as he sat down in the big chair. In the doorway, Nick asked if Nate was trying it on for size, because Nick was under the impression Victoria was still running the family's company. Nate stated that Victoria and Nikki had been called out of town for an emergency business meeting. He said Victoria had asked him to step in and handle things. Nick bet that Nate hadn't hesitated to step in. Nate asked if he was supposed to turn down a request from his boss.

Nick said Nate would do whatever it took to fuel his own ambition. Nate said he'd tried to reason with Nick, but he was fed up with being on the receiving end of Nick's constant attacks and accusations of ambition and untrustworthiness. Nate asked what it would take to knock that massive chip off Nick's shoulder. He said he had Victoria's support and Victor's backing, and he wouldn't apologize for his rise. Nick stated that Nate's "rise" was at Nick's expense. Nate asked if Nick was bitter because Victor had forced Nick out and sent him to work with Adam.

Nick told Nate that his role in the company was none of Nate's concern. Nate said something had to be working at a deeper level than strictly Nick's distrust of him. Nate suggested that Nick had fallen out of favor with his own family, and he was taking it out on Nate. Nate claimed his drive and ambition had led him to where he was, and Nick's lack of both had landed him where he was. Nick warned Nate to stop testing him. Nate told Nick to leave him alone to do the job Victoria and Victor expected him to do. With a smirk, Nick walked out.

Sally entered the coffeehouse. She told Adam that Nick had mentioned that Adam had stopped by the previous evening. He said he'd heard she'd returned from her trip, and he'd wanted to know about Coco and Grams. She said they were well. He hoped Sally was feeling better. Sally admitted that seeing them had helped put things into perspective. She asked if that had been the reason he'd stopped by. Adam said no. He said when Nick had arrived, he'd realized it had been a mistake to try to see her. He said he'd realized he was the one Sally hadn't wanted to see.

Sally told Adam she'd been in bed when she'd heard him call out to her. She said she hadn't been avoiding him. She asked why he'd stopped by. Adam explained that he'd had a bad encounter with Chance, who'd said things that had riled him, and he'd lashed out at Chance. Adam claimed his instinct had been to find Sally, hoping she would calm him down, but he'd walked away rather than forcing the issue.

Sally told Adam that while she'd been away, she'd had a chance to talk to her family about everything she'd gone through with her pregnancy and the position Adam had been put in, having to choose between her and the baby. She said she'd told them how angry she'd been with Adam when she'd realized the choice he'd made. She said her family thought she should be less harsh with Adam, and she'd agreed. She said they'd both lost something the night Ava had died.

Sally said that despite all that, Adam had an opportunity to start something new, yet he still looked for reasons to be upset. She asked why. Adam wished he knew because it would make his life much simpler and more peaceful. He said things were going well between him, Sharon, and Nick, and they had three months to turn two failing companies around. He said it was Sharon and Nick's mission to make sure he stayed on the straight and narrow, and he wasn't comfortable with that.

Sally told Adam it would do him good to be on a straight and narrow path. She said if he could collaborate with them and not see Nick as the enemy, it could work. Adam asked if Sally was really in love with Nick. Sally stated that her affection for Nick was obvious. Adam claimed affection was very different from love. Adam asked if Nick had told her he loved her. Sally said Adam was veering into rough waters. He apologized.

Adam told Sally he was happy she was speaking to him because he knew how angry and hurt she'd been after they'd lost Ava. He said he didn't want to veer off the friendship path, since they were making progress. Sally said they still had a long way to go. She told Adam that Victor had offered her a job at Newman. Adam claimed Victor never did anything without a self-serving agenda. He said Victor was probably sorry about the loss of their child and most likely wanted to keep an eye on her. Sally shared that Nick suspected the same thing.

Nick entered and asked what was going on. Adam said he was waiting to meet with Sharon. Sally said she had to get to work, but they should both know she wanted to give Victor the benefit of the doubt, and after she'd spoken to Chloe, she was going to consider taking Victor up on his offer. She understood they had mixed feelings about her working for Victor; however, she needed a new focus and direction, and it was the best decision for her. Nick said he respected her decision, and he asked if Adam had affected her decision in any way.

Sally told Nick she'd asked Adam for his opinion, and Adam had shared Nick's concerns. Sally said they'd both helped her make a decision, and she felt it could be great for her career and a personal challenge.

At the Athletic Club, Nate was on the phone with Victoria when Billy entered and heard Nate tell her he was holding down the fort, and he ended the call. Billy admitted he'd overheard Nate's call, and he was impressed with Nate's ability to combine business and pleasure where Victoria was concerned. Nate caustically replied that Billy had been able to do the same with Lily and Chancellor-Winters, but Billy had taken issue with him for doing the same. Billy said he'd only made a comment, but Nate claimed there had been more to it.

Nate said he would understand Billy feeling a sense of loss where Victoria was concerned, because she was a remarkable woman. Billy agreed and added that she was the mother of his children, and he would always watch out for her. Nate claimed Victoria didn't need protection, and anyone who thought she needed coddling didn't know her at all. Nate left.

Nate had returned to Newman and had just ended his call when Audra entered and gushed about how impressed she was at how easily he'd taken the reins. Nate claimed it came naturally, but the day hadn't been entirely smooth. He said Nick had stopped in, and Nick hadn't been aware that Nate had been put in charge. He said Nick was still bitter and resistant to his presence. Audra said Nate's rapid rise to the top could be frustrating for Nick.

Nate told Audra he'd had a conversation with Victor, who'd made it clear that a non-Newman would never take over the CEO position. He said he would make the most of his time there, and he wouldn't let Victoria down. He said he planned to make himself indispensable to Victoria. Audra said the next step was to solidify his relationship with Victoria and take things to the next level.

Jack and Phyllis have a chance encounter at the Athletic Club
Jack and Phyllis have a chance encounter at the Athletic Club

Jack and Phyllis have a chance encounter at the Athletic Club

Thursday, July 27, 2023

by Nel

While reading their text messages, Summer and Kyle accidentally bumped into each other at the park. While they were discussing Harrison, Audra joined them. Summer asked if Audra had somewhere else to be. Audra claimed she was on her way there. Summer claimed Audra's agenda was clear, but Kyle would eventually see through Audra. Kyle told Summer to stop. Audra smiled maliciously.

Summer claimed she knew Kyle felt everything she felt, but Kyle was trying to escape by throwing himself into whatever that was, pointing to Audra. Kyle said it was no longer Summer's concern what he did or who he was with. He declared that Summer had created the situation, not him. Summer accused Audra of loving what was going on, but Audra said it was sad that Summer was showing how controlling she was and that she had betrayed Kyle's trust. Summer barked that Audra knew nothing about her and Kyle's relationship or the meaning of trust.

Kyle told Summer and Audra to stop. Summer admitted she'd hurt Kyle and that he might hate her, but she hated seeing him the way he was. She told him not to destroy his life because of her recent actions. After Summer walked away, Kyle apologized that Audra had had to witness that. She commented that Summer was still getting under Kyle's skin. Kyle admitted that sometimes it was hard to let go. Audra said she knew what that was like because she'd gone through it with Noah, and it had been the only time she'd ever been in love. She said that situation had taught her how dangerous love could be.

Audra told Kyle she'd learned how to put herself first and focus on things that brought her pleasure and excitement, personally and professionally. She said she found it better to be selfish than to get hurt because pain was distracting and caused her to make mistakes. Kyle saw the logic in what she'd said, but he wasn't going to live his life that way. Audra said maybe not yet.

At Society, Billy asked Chelsea how things were going at Marchetti. Chelsea admitted it had been easier than she'd thought. She said she'd been working on the marketing and the business models, and she'd made some really big decisions as the creative director. She admitted that whenever she'd begun to feel insecure, she'd recalled the pep talk from Billy and looked at the bracelet he'd given her. She said she'd felt great when she'd walked out of the office.

Chelsea asked Billy why he seemed distracted. He stated that Jack and Diane wanted his help in a plan they'd devised. He said he had to convince Tucker and Ashley he was on their side, and in the hope of undermining Ashley's attack, he and Jack had to stage a falling-out because of Jack's relationship with Diane. Billy said he would then become a Trojan horse and infiltrate Tucker and Ashley's camp. He said it was a deceptive move and not without risk, but it was the right move, not only to protect Ashley, but also to save Jabot. Chelsea asked if Billy was worried about Tucker's influence on Ashley.

Billy told Chelsea he didn't think Ashley was thinking clearly and that Tucker had been able to pull her in. He said he was about to go to great lengths to try to expose Tucker for who he really was.

At home, Diane noted Ashley appeared edgy since she'd failed to get the upper hand with Jack or Jabot, and she said that Jack wouldn't fire Diane or let her quit. She stated it was beyond comprehension that Ashley thought she could divide the family company. Diane claimed she was certain that all that failure had Ashley frustrated and more determined to get what she wanted. Ashley admitted Diane was right, but Ashley maintained that she would win.

Diane informed Ashley that she and Jack were getting married at the courthouse that afternoon. Ashley claimed it was Diane's last-ditch effort to get her hooks into Jack before it was too late. Diane said it had been Jack 's idea because he couldn't wait to make things official between them. She said Jack wanted to prove to Ashley and all the naysayers how true their love was. She said Ashley had a new ally because Billy wasn't happy with the way Jack was handling things. Ashley asked who would have thought Billy would be the voice of reason, and she lamented "if only" Jack would open his eyes and see that he would lose everything because of a "stupid bitch" like Diane.

Diane laughed and said Ashley was the one who would lose everything, but it wasn't too late to change her mind. Ashley said there was no scenario where things ended well for Diane because Diane was out of her league. She told Diane to move on. After Ashley left, Diane smiled.

At the Athletic Club, Jack spoke with someone about reserving the best table for two in the lounge for him and his soon-to-be wife. He asked for the works, Champagne and flowers. Jack turned to leave, but he was stunned to come face to face with Phyllis. Jack asked why and how she could have done that after everything they'd been through. He claimed Phyllis had "unleashed hell" on Diane and on Phyllis' family. He asked how she could show her face in public.

Phyllis said she deserved Jack's anger, but she'd never intended for any of it to happen. Jack spat that she never did. Phyllis said Jeremy Stark had manipulated and threatened her and her family, and he'd made her do all those horrible things. Jack claimed he had a hard time believing Stark had gotten the best of someone as savvy, clever, and manipulative as Phyllis. He said given how much she despised Diane, there hadn't been a lot of coercion.

Phyllis agreed with Jack and admitted she'd been blinded by anger and rage, and everyone she'd cared about had abandoned her. She said she'd deserved all of it. She asked Jack if he could find it in his heart to forgive her, like he had Diane. Jack claimed the situations were very different. He said Phyllis had created the situation she'd been in. He said she'd made a choice to punish everyone because she couldn't let go of a decades-old feud. He said no one had forced her to do anything, and she'd known the consequences of her choices. He blamed her for their children's marriage falling apart.

Phyllis told Jack she was going fix it, but Jack growled no, because she'd done enough already. After Jack left, Tucker rounded the corner and stated that that hadn't gone well. Phyllis said she'd been caught off guard. Tucker said that Carson would catch her off guard if he didn't show up to testify on her behalf. Tucker asked if she was prepared for prison. She told Tucker to relax, but Tucker said Jack wasn't ready to give her the benefit of the doubt, let alone forgive her. He said if Phyllis couldn't fulfill her end of the bargain, she was of no use to him.

Phyllis told Tucker she knew Jack very well, and she could get him where Tucker wanted him. Tucker said she talked a big game, but he asked if she could back it up. She said Tucker would get full forgiveness and acceptance. She said whatever Jack and Diane decided to do from there would be on them because she wouldn't continue her war with Diane. Phyllis asked what would happen if it didn't bother Diane if Jack forgave her. She asked where that left her and their arrangement. Tucker said he would have to think about it. Tucker left.

Lauren arrived and said she'd been afraid to see Phyllis because she was caught between her love for Phyllis and how much she'd missed her. Phyllis said she'd missed Lauren. They hugged. She said she loved Lauren and Michael and would spend the rest of her life making it up to them. Lauren said that Phyllis needed to put her trust in Heather and do everything Heather told Phyllis to do, because Heather was Phyllis' best chance.

Phyllis told Lauren she had to be nice to Tucker so that Carson didn't disappear, and it was a challenge. Lauren said the deal with Tucker was a tricky one because Tucker was very shady. Phyllis claimed she was under his thumb. Lauren told her not to give up because it would be worth it if Jack forgave her.

Phyllis told Lauren her meeting with Jack hadn't gone well. Lauren claimed Jack would come around because he'd always had a soft spot for Phyllis, but Phyllis felt she'd killed that. Lauren told her not to give up trying because getting Kyle and Jack's forgiveness would work in Phyllis' favor -- and hopefully in Summer's, too.

Lauren told Phyllis that seeking Jack's forgiveness would be good for her, and with Jack and Kyle's acceptance, she would be free of Tucker. Lauren said that then, hopefully the charges against her would be dropped, and Phyllis could return to her life. Phyllis said she wanted to create a new life with her kids and make it up to the friends she'd hurt. Phyllis said she didn't trust Tucker, and she needed some leverage in case he decided to make Carson disappear. Lauren claimed it never hurt to take precautions against someone like McCall, and she vowed to be with Phyllis every step of the way.

Phyllis told Lauren that Tucker had an agenda; he was after Jabot. Lauren encouraged Phyllis to find Tucker's weak link. Phyllis said she'd been honest so far, but she had to tap into the old Phyllis one last time.

On the patio at Crimson Lights, Summer explained to Chance that she'd had a weird encounter, and she hadn't shaken it off. She said that despite everything that had gone on, she really appreciated his kindness toward her. Chance said he was happy to be there for her. Chelsea arrived. Summer thanked Chance for trying to cheer her up. Chance left.

Summer told Chelsea she still felt conflicted because she wanted Kyle to forgive her, and she would find a way to forgive him for cheating on her. She said Chelsea had recommended that she let go, but she said after everything she and Kyle had been through, it was worth trying to save their marriage. She asked how she could just walk away when she still loved Kyle.

Chelsea told Summer that walking away from Adam hadn't been easy for her. She said she'd tried to save their marriage past the point of it making sense, and she'd failed. Summer said she and Kyle had been "so good together," until they weren't. Chelsea said Summer couldn't force someone to stay with her. Summer admitted Kyle had betrayed her by sleeping with another woman; however, she still loved him, she wanted to be with him, and she wondered if he felt that way about her. Summer said Kyle was her other half. She claimed she didn't understand how Kyle couldn't love her back just as much. Summer said it was time they got to work.

Summer told Chelsea that everyone at Marchetti was super impressed that Chelsea had stepped into the creative director's role with ease. Summer said working with Chelsea would result in record growth at Marchetti. Chelsea told Summer that from a personal observation, Summer was a lot stronger than she gave herself credit for, and she would find a way to move on and be happy.

Jack returned home and told Diane that everything was set for their courthouse marriage, with a little surprise for her after. Diane said she'd reached out to Kyle, and she hoped he would be excited for his parents. Jack was certain Kyle would be thrilled for them. Diane said she'd run into Ashley, and Ashley had reacted just as Jack had expected. Diane said she'd hinted at how troubled Billy was with the situation. She said they should put things in motion with Billy as quickly as possible. She said the courthouse marriage would be the perfect place for Billy and Jack's fight, but Jack didn't want anything to ruin their happiness that day.

Diane told Jack they needed to do it quickly because she saw it as the only way out, and she thought it was a chance to put Ashley in her place. Jack said that was all he wanted, peace in the family, so he and Diane could enjoy their life together.

When Kyle arrived at home, Diane told him that she and Jack were getting married that afternoon, and they wanted him to be part of their wedding. Kyle asked why the rush. Jack claimed they wanted to put everyone's doubts to rest. Kyle said he felt that outside forces were motivating them to get married. He asked what it was really about. Jack admitted there were other factors in their decision.

Jack told Kyle he was deeply in love with Diane, and he wanted to make a point to Ashley and anyone else who doubted his sincerity. Kyle said Billy had informed him that the fight between Jack and Ashley hadn't ended, despite Traci's attempt at a truce. Jack said the principal factor in them getting married was their love, not Ashley. Kyle checked his phone and said he had back-to-back meetings at Newman Media all afternoon and into the evening. Diane asked him to rearrange his schedule for the day because they wanted to have their son beside them. Kyle said he couldn't, and he had to get back to the office.

Jack told Kyle it was a civil ceremony, and it wouldn't take long. Kyle said he hoped it went well, congratulated them, and left. Jack said Kyle was being diligent and responsible at his new job at Newman Media, but Diane felt there was more going on. She said since the whole ordeal with Summer, Kyle had shut down emotionally, and seeing two people exchanging their vows would be too much for him.

In the park, Ashley told Tucker that things had gotten a lot worse. Billy arrived and informed them that Jack and Diane were getting married that afternoon. Billy said he'd been supportive of Jack, but he felt Jack was crossing the line by marrying Diane. Ashley commented that Billy had never seen Diane as a threat previously. Billy said Jack was rushing into the marriage without taking steps like getting a prenup to protect himself, and that was dangerous. He said Jack's rush to the altar had him questioning everything else.

Ashley told Billy that Diane had said it had been Jack's idea, but she didn't believe Diane. Billy agreed and claimed Diane was a mastermind. He said Jack hadn't said anything about Diane's promotion or pushing Kyle out of Marchetti. He said he was worried about Jabot. Ashley asked if Billy really saw Jack as an idiot. Billy said the quickie wedding proved Ashley's point that Jack wasn't thinking clearly, and he'd lost his mind because of Diane. Billy said he was angry, and he didn't want Ashley and Jack going to war over Jabot. He said the wedding was a mistake.

Summer was sitting on a park bench when Chance arrived and asked if she was okay. She said no because everyone was telling her to move on and let go, but she didn't know if she could do that. She said she'd lost "so much." She said her mother was back, but it wasn't the same. She told him she wanted everything to go back to the way it had been. Chance said sometimes the best way out was forward.

At Society, Kyle joined Audra and apologized for being late, but he admitted he'd had more family drama to deal with. He suggested they cancel their afternoon meetings because he need to be alone with Audra. Once they were in Audra's suite, Kyle and Audra began removing their clothes and preparing for a little afternoon delight. She blindfolded him with his tie and pushed him onto the bed.

Billy arrived at the Abbotts' and told Jack and Diane he'd run into Ashley and Tucker, and he'd baited the situation. He said he didn't know if they would bite or not, but they were poised. Ashley and Tucker arrived. Jack invited them to attend the civil ceremony at the courthouse. Ashley said that proved that Jack had completely lost his mind, and Billy had finally agreed with her. Jack asked Billy if that was true. Billy said Jack wasn't making it easy. He said Jack shouldn't be going through with his plan to marry, and if Diane really loved Jack as much as she said she did, she would put an end to things immediately.

Jack and Diane are married at the courthouse
Jack and Diane are married at the courthouse

Jack and Diane are married at the courthouse

Friday, July 28, 2023

by Nel

At home, Diane told Billy that she and Jack were getting married later because they wanted to prove to everyone that their love was strong. Ashley applauded and said it was one of Diane's best performances. Jack told Ashley to stop because their love was real, and nothing would change that. Billy said that was the problem. Jack asked "who the hell" had asked for Billy's opinion.

Jack asked if Billy couldn't see that Ashley and Tucker were using Diane to get their greedy hands on the Abbott family's company. Billy said Jack was blindly jumping off the cliff, but Jack claimed his eyes were wide open. Jack accused Ashley of doing business with a "Cretan like Tucker."

Traci entered, and she asked if Ashley couldn't give Jack and Diane one day of happiness without tearing each other apart. Ashley and Tucker walked out.

In her suite, Audra told Kyle they had to bring their A-game for the next few months because Adam and his company wanted to make them redundant. Kyle said he'd beaten Adam once, and he could do it again by giving Adam enough rope to hang himself. Kyle claimed Adam was "an angry boy with daddy issues and a short fuse." He said Adam would self-destruct given the chance, then they would show him the door. Audra recognized that Kyle had a ruthless streak she hadn't seen previously.

At the ranch, Adam accused Victor of not wasting time telling Victoria about him wanting to merge his company with Newman Media. He said he'd shared that with Victor in confidence. Victor said she needed to know, since she was the CEO of Newman. Adam said Victor had known she would tell Nate, and Nate would back Audra. Adam said Victor had always preached that knowledge was power, but Victor had taken that away from him and given it to the enemy.

Victor asked why Adam perceived the other divisions of Newman as the enemy, since he was part of the company. Adam said Victor had total disregard for his judgment. Victor reminded Adam that he would fold Adam's company into Newman Enterprises, and Adam had three months to turn the companies around. He said that wouldn't happen if Adam kept bulldozing everyone he saw as the enemy. Adam denied it, but Victor claimed Adam was about to do just that. He said if Adam didn't see how good it was to be united as a family and how productive that was, then Victor would have to change Adam's perspective.

Victor told Adam pitting divisions against each other wasn't part of his master plan. Adam asked if he was part of Victor's master plan. Victor said that Adam needed to be taught some humility because he couldn't find it on his own. He said he was putting the brakes on the entire endeavor. Adam asked if Victor was going to pull the plug on Adustus and throw him out of the family again. Victor insisted he'd never thrown anyone out of his family, nor would he. Adam said from his perspective, it didn't look that way.

Victor reminded Adam that he'd always left of his own volition, and it had always broken Victor's heart. Adam said Victor always said that so they would return and tell him how sorry they were for breaking his heart. Adam said he was tired of crawling. Yelling, Victor said he was tired of Adam's attitude. He said for years, he'd tried to put Adam and Nick together, hoping they would create harmony in their family, but Adam always rebelled. Victor snarled that he'd had enough.

Victor told Adam he wouldn't pull the plug on Adustus-Kirsten, but he would change Adam's involvement in it. Victor said he was stepping in to protect Adam from himself, and going forward, what Adam did was up to him. Victor asked Adam to meet him halfway. Adam shouted there was no halfway, only Victor's way, and he never seemed to measure up to that. Victor shouted that he ran the company and the family. He demanded that Adam stop fighting him. He said for years, he'd hoped that Adam would get rid of his anger and resentment toward Victor because he'd gown up without a father. He shouted that had been Hope's fault, not his. He said he'd kept hoping Adam would become the son he'd always wanted him to be.

Adam asked Victor where they stood and if the deal for Adustus-Kirsten would go through as planned. Victor said when Adam said he would let go of the vendetta against Victor and the family, Adam was paying lip service to what Adam thought Victor wanted to hear. Victor said Adam would always devise another scheme to go his own way. Adam asked if that was a farewell drink. Victor said it was a warning with a caveat.

Victor told Adam he would put the companies together; Adam, Nick, and Sharon would work under his tutelage, and he would dictate the terms. He wanted to see if the three of them could work together and create unity. Victor said those were the terms, and Adam could take them or leave them. Adam said he looked forward to Victor's lessons. He told Victor he'd offered Phyllis the position of head of IT. Victor said it hadn't been a joint decision. Adam admitted it hadn't been, and he'd just proven his point.

At the Athletic Club, Billy was about to enter the dining room when Tucker arrived and said he was surprised to see Billy because he'd thought Billy would be at Jack's wedding. Tucker said he realized Billy really was as opposed to it as he'd claimed. Tucker noted that the Abbott clan buried the hatchet on special occasions. Billy replied there wasn't a special occasion, and the more he thought about it, the more it pissed him off because Jack was losing his mind. Tucker agreed.

In the lounge area, Ashley met with Abby to discuss wedding pans, but Abby noticed Ashley was distracted. Ashley said she'd had an unpleasant afternoon with Jack and Diane. Ashley said Jack was about to make the worst mistake of his life.

Abby said if Jack and Diane were at the courthouse, getting married, then Ashley needed to calm down She asked why Ashley was so angry. Ashley said it was because Jack was about to throw away the rest of his life. Abby said it was his life, and Ashley needed to focus on her own. Ashley said Jack had made Diane part of their family's company. Abby remarked that Ashley and Tucker were starting their own company, so she didn't see why Ashley was so concerned about the family company.

Abby said Ashley was still holding on to her anger toward Diane. She suggested that perhaps that anger was aimed at herself. Abby stated that perhaps Ashley believed she was being sucked into Tucker's world again. Ashley said there was no doubt she and Tucker loved each other, even if Abby didn't believe it. Abby replied that Ashley was angry at Jack for doing the same thing Ashley was doing with Tucker. Abby was worried that Ashley didn't really trust Tucker and that Ashley's instincts were telling her to put things on pause.

Abby told Ashley she wanted to be happy for them. Ashley saw Billy and Tucker; Billy stopped at the bar, and Tucker joined Ashley and Abby. He asked if everything was okay. Ashley replied it wasn't because she was still trying to process the awful news about Jack. Tucker said he and Billy had been commiserating about it, but Billy said they hadn't commiserated. He insisted he and Tucker would never be friends. Billy said he only cared how things affected his family, and Tucker wasn't family. Billy said anything he did was for the people he loved.

Tucker said he was hurt that Billy didn't consider him family. Billy said that he didn't accept Diane as family, either. He considered Tucker and Diane to be in the same boat, and he wished they would drift far away. Abby had heard enough, and she left.

At the courthouse, Traci attended Diane and Jack's wedding. Before the justice of the peace, Diane remarked that they'd had quite a journey. She had a flashback to their first meeting at Keemo's house: Jack was stunned when Diane entered Keemo's house and said she'd waited a very long time for that moment. She said she was trying to make amends, but Jack barked that she was trying to make amends to him, not the people she'd hurt, used, exploited, and accused of murdering her. He said she'd left fear, heartache, and anger in her wake, and she'd stolen something from Kyle he would never get back.

In another memory, at Society, Diane told Jack that in Los Angeles, she'd hidden her past, lived a lie, and never gotten close to anyone because of it. She said she was dodging grenades in Genoa City, but she had to face the damage she'd done. She said that being with Jack, talking about Kyle and Harrison, and being open about her past almost made her feel whole, and it gave her hope for her future.

There was another memory at the Abbotts': Jack said he could see things had been tough on Diane. He told her to take the clean slate that he and Kyle had offered. She said she appreciated Jack because he had the least reason to make her feel worthy, believed, and safe. She said she liked who she was when she was with him. Jack said he felt the same way when he was with her. Diane said she believed in him completely, and Jack believed in her. He said there had always been beauty, strength, and wit in Diane, but she had developed courage, which he found very attractive. They kissed.

Diane had another memory from the Abbott cabin: Jack told Diane he was happy, and he had a very positive view of the future. He said having Diane back in his life had given him energy, optimism, purpose, and happiness he thought he'd lost forever. He said he loved her. Diane said she loved him, too. Jack asked her to marry him, and she said yes.

Back in the moment, Diane told Jack she'd wanted to be Jack's wife for a long time, and they were together at last. She promised to put their happiness above everything, and she would make their home a sanctuary for their family. She told him she loved him, and her happiness was because of him.

Jack told Diane he'd almost given up on sharing his life with anyone. He said after seeing Diane, he'd realized he'd been wrong. He agreed what they had wasn't simple or traditional, but she was his life and his heart, and he loved her.

Jack and Diane were pronounced husband and wife, and they kissed.

Jack and Diane arrived at home. Jack told her that later, they would have dinner at the club, with Champagne and some dancing, but first, he wanted to make love to his wife. After the loving, Jack said he wanted to stay where they were because they only had one wedding night, and dinner and dancing could be anytime. Diane reminded him about their plan to stage the fight between him and Billy. Jack said they'd done it. Diane agreed they had pre-wedding, but it had to be official. Jack agreed.

Jack told Diane they had to up the ante and escalate things. Diane claimed it would be more convincing doing it on their wedding night. He said Billy had to get on the inside and find out what Ashley and Tucker had planned for Jabot, but he really wanted them to stay in each other's arms. Diane said she did, too, but the war with Ashley was tearing him apart. She feared eventually it would tear them apart. She said they had to stop Ashley, or they would never be free of it.

Later, Jack thanked Traci for being at their wedding. Traci said she could see that the love he and Diane shared was genuine, and she was happy to see him so happy. Jack wished the rest of the family could see what Traci saw. Traci hated that the family was at odds. She said things were worse than before. He warned Traci that things could get very ugly.

Audra and Kyle entered the dining room at the club and saw Ashley, Tucker, and Billy. Kyle said they had nothing to hide, and they sat at the bar. Ashley asked Tucker "what the hell" that was about. Smirking, Tucker claimed it was a couple of platonic co-workers having a drink together. Ashley said it looked much friendlier than that. Billy greeted Kyle and noted that Kyle hadn't made it to the wedding. Kyle claimed he'd had meetings all afternoon, and he hadn't been able to get away. Sarcastically, Billy stated that Kyle had to be a very busy man.

When Jack and Diane arrived, they were shocked to see Kyle. Diane told Kyle she hadn't expected to see him there. Kyle said one of the meetings had been canceled, and he and Audra had decided to grab dinner. He asked how the ceremony had gone. Diane said it had been lovely, but she wished he'd been there. She said Traci had taken some photos. Jack turned to Billy and said it would have been nice if he'd shown up. Billy reminded Jack that he knew how Billy felt about it. Jack said he thought Billy could set that aside for an afternoon to show a little support. Billy asked if he was supposed to support a wedding he felt was irresponsible.

Billy announced to everyone that Jack and Diane were a mistake, and he thought it was a joke and a disaster waiting to happen. He said Jack kept trying to convince him that Diane was a changed woman, but he would never believe that. He said their son hadn't even shown up at their wedding. Kyle protested and said he supported his parents. Billy asked why Kyle couldn't squeeze an hour out of his day to be side by side with his parents. He said it was because Kyle had a voice inside saying that Diane had hurt him before, and she would do it again. Kyle claimed Billy was out of line and asked "what the hell" had gotten into him.

Billy replied, "Knowledge." Billy told Kyle a leopard never changed its spots, especially Diane. Jack declared it enough. He told Billy to leave. Billy asked if Jack owned the club. He told Billy to take a walk. Billy asked, "Or what?" He told Jack to open his eyes because Diane would burn to the ground everything that Jack had spent his life working for.

Ashley told Tucker she wasn't enjoying the confrontation.

Jack reminded Billy that Diane was his wife, and he trusted her more than he trusted Billy. Billy countered that it didn't say much, since it was a total betrayal of every person Jack cared about, all for Diane Jenkins. Jack said he didn't see it that way. Billy shouted that was the problem; Jack wasn't seeing anything straight. He said Jack was going to blow up their family. Jack asked if Billy wanted to take it outside, but Kyle stepped in and told Billy to go somewhere to cool his heels. Billy agreed to leave. He told Jack that Diane would tear apart the family and Jabot, and that would be on Jack. Billy said he wouldn't follow Jack down that rabbit hole. Billy left.

Tucker called out to Jack and said it looked like the rats were jumping ship. Diane told him to leave them alone. Ashley said Diane would be alone soon enough. She said the walls were crumbling around her, and Ashley and Tucker would be her final wrecking ball. Jack told Kyle he needed to be alone with Diane, and they left.

By the door, Diane asked Jack if he thought they'd bought it. Jack appeared to be upset but replied that they'd seemed to. He said it wasn't the way he'd wanted to spend his wedding night.

Ashley found Billy at Crimson Lights, and she asked what they were going to do about Jack.

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