Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 17, 2023 on Y&R

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Victor retook control of Newman Enterprises. Sharon and Chance had sex. Kyle confirmed Summer
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 17, 2023 on Y&R

Victor retook control of Newman Enterprises. Nick, Sharon, and Adam agreed to work together at their merged company, Adustus-Kirsten. Sharon and Chance had sex. Kyle confirmed Summer's suspicions that he was sleeping with Audra. Ashley admitted that she was falling in love with Tucker.

An angry Victor regains control and issues firm directives
An angry Victor regains control and issues firm directives

An angry Victor regains control and issues firm directives

Monday, July 17, 2023

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by Anne Carpenter

At the Newman ranch, a downcast Victor poured himself a drink and slumped into a chair situated near his chessboard. Nikki entered and asked Victor what was wrong. Victor replied, "Thinking about our family, how fractured it all is. Maybe this is the beginning of a downward slope. I certainly have tried everything in my power to bring our family together again. Nothing seems to work."

Nikki told Victor she would not allow him to become a defeatist. Victor, clarifying his concerns, explained that Victoria had become totally unpredictable. Nikki agreed. Victor noted that Victoria had refused to let Adam run McCall Unlimited and had forced Nick out of his position at Newman Enterprises. Victor expressed disappointment that Nick had been reluctant to join Adam to help his brother rebuild McCall Unlimited into a viable company. Nikki looked on sympathetically as Victor discussed his disappointments.

Victor cried that his problem child, Adam, felt totally isolated after losing his baby. Blaming himself, Victor bemoaned the fact that no matter what he did, Adam believed he was an outsider. Nikki appeared taken aback when Victor declared that he had given his children too much rein. Victor explained that Victoria's mistreatment of Nick was the result of her relationship with Nate. Victor declared that he did not trust Nate after what he had done to his own family. Victor admitted to Nikki that he was not happy with Adam after he utilized his power to attack Newman Media. Nikki was speechless when Victor announced that he had decided to put an end to it all.

Adam entered the jazz lounge bar and took a seat next to Nick. Nick glared at Adam and told him to leave Sharon alone and stop finding ways to drag her down. Adam explained that Sharon had suggested they merge their companies. Nick replied, "Well, undo it now. Tell her anything. Tell her you changed your mind." Adam asked why Nick thought it was any of his business and reminded his brother that he should be with Sally, helping her heal. Nick said that Sally was strong, did not need him to hover, and knew he would support her if she needed him. Adam replied, "But your ex is defenseless and needs you to save her from the big, bad wolf?"

Nick told Adam that their personal issues were rooted in their relationship, acknowledging that they did not trust each other and could not remain civil longer than five minutes. Adam recalled that the closest they had ever been to forging an accord had been when he had saved Faith's life by donating an organ. Adam claimed that just because he and Nick were related, it did not mean they had to be nice to each other, and it might be better off if they did not even try. Nick reminded Adam that Victor had other plans, explaining that their father was pushing him to work with Adam at McCall Unlimited. Adam recalled that Victoria had ousted Nick from his position to pave the way for her new "boy toy." Nick and Adam received simultaneously delivered text messages from Victor instructing them to meet with him at the ranch immediately.

In the Newman corporate suite at the Athletic Club, Nate and Victoria made love after bringing with them drinks they had ordered at the bar downstairs. Victoria told Nate she was lucky because he had determined that sitting at the bar would be boring. Nate replied, "I couldn't do what I wanted to do to you in public with all those annoying people around. At least, not without getting arrested." Nate said he hoped that their relationship meant more than just spontaneous sex.

Victoria asked Nate what he wanted from their relationship. Nate replied, "I want it all. I want to work alongside you every day. Become a permanent denizen of the C-suite." Nate assured Victoria that together, they could take Newman Enterprises to even greater heights by crushing the competition, dreaming big, and making it happen. Nate added that their sex lives would always be great, admitting he had brainstormed his sincere vision of their future without feeling a hint of shame for his desire for them to succeed.

Victoria kissed Nate after he asked her if there was a reason they could not achieve the goals he described. Nate and Victoria both received messages from Victor to meet with him at the ranch. After speaking briefly with Victor on the phone, Victoria told Nate she had a feeling that the meeting would not be good.

Nick was the first to arrive at the ranch after Victor summoned his children and Nate about an urgent matter. Nick was relieved to learn that everyone was all right. Adam arrived and complained about Victor having been adamant about forcing him to hire Nick at Adustus International. Nick winced and replied, "That's what you're calling McCall now?" Nikki asked Adam what "Adustus" meant. Victor replied, "Singed and burnt." Adam said he preferred the definition "scorched earth," which, Adam added, was the way he intended to proceed after learning of his father's latest attempt to manipulate him and control his future. Victor replied, "That will all stop tonight."

Victoria and Nate arrived in time to overhear Victor's response to Adam. After everyone gathered and seated themselves around Victor, he said, "I have come to the disappointing conclusion that I gave all of you too much power, too much freedom, too much rein to do as you saw fit with whatever company I gave you." Victor pointed at Victoria and recalled that she had declined to run McCall Unlimited as he had requested. Adam sarcastically replied, "What's so hard to understand?" Victor interrupted and emphatically shouted, "I'm talking!" Still referring to Victoria, Victor denounced her for having pushed Nick out of Newman Enterprises, so she could install Nate in Nick's place. Victor told Nate that although he had promise, he could not be trusted after what he had done to his family.

Victor recalled that after Victoria had declined to run McCall Unlimited, he had given the company to Adam, who then used the company like a bulldozer to attack Newman Media. Frustrated, Victor yelled, "I've had enough! What does that mean? It means that from now on, I call the shots. I lay down the law. You do as I want you to do." Adam began shaking his head the second Victor ordered Nick to help Adam run Adustus International and make it a strong, viable company. Victor instructed Nate to continue as COO under Victoria until Adustus International was fit to become a subsidiary of Newman Enterprises.

Adam cried that he'd believed he and his father had had an agreement. Victor leaned forward and replied, "I don't give a damn about past agreements. This is how it will work. You don't like the new arrangement, walk out the door. I want an answer now." Nick shrugged and replied, "Sure. Fine." Victoria said she did not have much of a choice. Victor looked straight at Adam and said, "How about you, son?" Adam shook his head, rose to his feet, and walked out.

Nick stayed behind at his parents' home after Adam, Victoria, and Nate left. Nick told Victor he had not seen his father so fired up in a long time. Victor thanked Nick for falling in line with what had to be done. Nikki interjected, "Unlike Adam." Victor replied that they would move forward despite Adam's rejection. Nikki said Adam might change his mind. Nick cried that if Adam changed his mind and fell in line with the plan, he would become even more volatile and unpredictable than ever. Victor, defiant, replied, "If he doesn't get in line, I'm done with him." Nikki appeared concerned.

At the Athletic Club, Audra read a text message from Nate stating that something was up with Victor and Newman, adding that he would keep her posted. Tucker spotted Audra and asked her what was wrong. Audra muttered that it was not anything she could not handle. Tucker bragged that the stars had aligned for him in ways he had never thought would be possible six weeks prior. Audra glared at Tucker after he offered to buy her drink to celebrate his good fortune.

Audra recalled that she and Tucker had not been on the best of terms. Tucker replied, "You got to throw away the past, Audra. That's right. You got to get rid of all that bad karma." Tucker scoffed when he mentioned McCall Unlimited, adding that Adam could sink into the mire with it. Tucker declared that the world, with all its enthralling possibilities, was all his. Audra observed that Tucker appeared to be drunk and was rambling. Tucker did not disagree, admitting that the alcohol had made him giddy.

Audra suggested that Tucker was purposely keeping the particulars of his good news a secret. Tucker explained that he was afraid that sharing the particulars might jinx his good fortune. Audra announced that her future was looking promising, as well. Audra received a text message from Kyle, asking her if she was "Free for a drink and other things?" Tucker read the message over Audra's shoulder and remarked, "Kyle Abbott? That's what you consider a promising future?" Audra nodded and asked Tucker if he had something against Kyle.

Tucker muttered that Kyle was another spoiled rich kid who had lucked his way into a high-ranking position through no merit of his own. Audra insisted that Kyle had potential, noting that she had hired him at Newman Media. Tucker asked Audra if she had hired Kyle before or after they had enjoyed a roll in the hay. Audra rolled her eyes and told Tucker she refused to play his little game. Tucker bet a trip with him to Las Vegas that Kyle would let Audra down. Audra declined Tucker's bet, claiming she did not want to mess with his apparent winning streak. Audra left the bar, paused at the foot of the stairs, and sent a message to Kyle, asking him to meet in her suite in half an hour.

Sharon was in the process of closing Crimson Lights. Chance entered and announced that he had just booked Phyllis after she had voluntarily surrendered. To celebrate, Sharon teasingly offered Chance his choice of highly caffeinated coffee drinks, one known as a "black eye" and the other called a "dead eye." Chance replied, "Do your worst." Sharon asked about Phyllis' demeanor after having been on the run for months.

Chance described Phyllis as being resigned, though not defeated, and overall contrite. Sharon asked Chance to use a scale of one to ten to describe the level of trouble Phyllis was facing. Chance replied, "Thirteen and a half, and that's without the murder charges, which show no signs of going away." Chance noted that Michael Baldwin had implied that Phyllis had a "special stay out of jail card."

After Sharon prepared two cups of her special brew, Chance took a sip and said, "Mm. Nice." Chance noticed papers with Cameron Kirsten's name on them scattered on a table. Sharon told Chance that Cameron had left his company to her, so she was the new owner of Kirsten, Incorporated. Sharon cried that learning Kirsten had left his company to her had been a total shock, which had seemed weird initially until she realized she deserved the only positive legacy her tormentor had left behind. Sharon proclaimed that she planned to run the company and turn evil into something good. Sharon excitedly announced that the opportunity had given her a new direction and a new purpose, adding that she had approached Adam about merging McCall Unlimited with her company, which could provide streaming capabilities.

Chance told Sharon he had no intention of raining on her joy, which he noted was infectious. Sharon and Chance suddenly kissed passionately, began disrobing, and later retreated to her office, where they made love on a sofa. After they made love, Sharon and Chance were interrupted by repeated knocks on the front door. Sharon checked her phone and noticed two missed calls from Adam.

Sharon quickly dressed and unlocked the front door to let Adam inside. Adam told Sharon he had seen her car in the parking lot. Sharon asked Adam what was going on. Adam, making motions with his hands, cried, "Victor pulled a fast one. I'm walking away from Adustus, so your proposed merger is now moot. But I'm happy to come in with you, though. We can turn Kirsten's company around together. I want nothing more to do with my family or my father."

After Victoria and Nate returned to her office, Victoria poured drinks to celebrate. Nate said, "This is exactly how you hoped it would all play out." Victoria replied, "We have McCall Unlimited -- with little to no bloodshed, I might add. Adam's humiliated, and he's either subservient to us or he's gone. I could've done with a little less scolding, but if that's all it took..." Nate smiled and replied, "Easy-peasy."

Summer comes to a startling realization
Summer comes to a startling realization

Summer comes to a startling realization

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

by Jenny Smith

At the Athletic Club, Christine voiced surprise that Heather had taken Phyllis' case over from Michael. Heather reasoned that she'd been in the States when Michael had reached out to her, and Lucy would be at camp for another week. Heather expected Lucy to visit her there unless the teen wanted to stay in Portugal, but her voice trailed off. Christine realized that Lucy would be with Paul if she'd stayed abroad, and she asked how he was doing. Heather suspected that her father was searching for something at that point in his life, but she suggested that they focus on the case.

Christine huffed that Phyllis didn't make a move unless it worked to her advantage. Heather surmised that Christine thought Phyllis hadn't been sincere when she'd turned herself in. Christine argued that Phyllis had been on the run for weeks before making a public show of taking responsibility. Heather contended that Phyllis' statement had been corroborated by an eyewitness, and the story made sense. Christine barked to save it for the trial. Heather found no reason to drag things out when the truth was obvious, and she demanded that Christine drop the charges and release Phyllis immediately.

Heather asserted that Carson's testimony supported that Phyllis had been a victim of Stark's manipulations. Christine argued that Phyllis had been Stark's wife and partner in crime but nobody's victim. Heather pointed out that Carson hadn't had any reason to step forward, but he'd done it, anyway, to help prove that Stark had been dangerous and capable of anything. Heather added that Carson had witnessed Stark's attack on Phyllis, who had needed to kill Stark to defend herself. Christine considered Carson's statement to be way too rehearsed.

Christine cited Carson's previous acting job, pretending to grieve for his fellow EMT, who'd happened to be alive. Christine called Phyllis' performance at the gala award-winning, but Heather questioned what Phyllis had to gain by turning herself in. Christine was convinced it had something to do with Phyllis "saving her own ass," since no one had been holding a knife to Phyllis' throat while she'd pretended to be dead. Heather shot back that Stark had threatened Phyllis' family if she hadn't gone along with his plan. Christine ordered Heather to stop.

Christine complained that Heather kept trying to convince her of something Christine knew in her heart wasn't true. Heather professed Phyllis' innocence, but Christine retorted that Phyllis had created the scene at the gala, planted evidence at the Abbott mansion, and gone on the run for weeks. Christine demanded to know how long Michael had known where Phyllis had been, but Heather claimed that Michael had told her he hadn't seen Phyllis. Heather continued that she'd stepped in on Michael's behalf when Phyllis had reached out to him to turn herself in.

Christine questioned why Phyllis would surrender after successfully evading arrest, especially when she supposedly hadn't had any knowledge of Carson stepping forward. Heather imagined Phyllis had been tired of running and had wanted to set the record straight. Christine noted that Phyllis would have been facing murder charges without Carson, and Heather realized that Christine thought Phyllis had known Carson would be there to back her up. Christine wondered how Phyllis had found that information out.

Heather maintained that Phyllis hadn't known about Carson's return and that she'd turned herself in to be with her kids again. Christine considered it too convenient that an eyewitness had magically appeared on the same day Phyllis had surrendered. Heather recognized that Christine had historically been unable to give Phyllis the benefit of the doubt. Christine huffed that her years of painful experience didn't make her wrong.

Heather contended that she'd seen how scared Phyllis had been when she'd retold the story, and she believed Phyllis had killed Stark in self-defense. Christine conceded that it might have happened that way, but there were still other charges related to Phyllis faking her death to frame Diane. Heather requested that Christine simply keep an open mind and not let her hatred for Phyllis keep her from doing the right thing.

Lily was getting settled into her new penthouse when Daniel stopped by. He acknowledged that he looked "like hell," which was only slightly better than he felt. Daniel revealed that his mom had been officially booked and was spending the night in jail after she'd turned herself in. Lily pointed out that at least he knew his mom was safe, and she asked why he was upset. Daniel admitted that something didn't feel right, since an eyewitness had suddenly turned up, ready to corroborate Phyllis' self-defense story. Daniel wanted to believe it was just a coincidence, but Lily remarked that with Phyllis, they always had to wonder what was really going on.

Lily gathered that Daniel didn't believe Carson, and Daniel lamented that he didn't know who or what to believe anymore. Daniel recalled that Phyllis had acted surprised when she'd learned Carson had been found, but it had seemed like she'd been trying to make her reaction look good. Daniel accepted that his mother was more than capable of stretching the truth, and he'd seen her "tells" that night. Lily surmised that Daniel thought Phyllis had turned herself in because she'd known Carson would step forward. Daniel didn't know, but he was sure Phyllis wasn't telling them the whole story. Lily sympathized that Phyllis had left Daniel in a place where he was either a loving son or a fool if he believed his mother.

Daniel groaned that he couldn't stop thinking about the other trouble Phyllis might have gotten herself into. Lily changed the topic to the color of the new headboard she'd purchased for the guest room, and they joked about whether beige was neutral or "blah." Daniel inquired about her chat with Nate. Lily recounted that they'd tried to get along, but things had gone off the rails at the mention of Victoria's name. Lily maintained that Victoria was wrong for Nate. Daniel teased that the same statement had applied to him and Lily many times in the old days. Lily fretted that she'd seen too many people get hurt by the Newman family.

Daniel thanked Lily for listening to him and distracting him with paint colors and fabric swatches, and they kissed. He prepared to leave, since he had to get up early for Phyllis' arraignment. Lily thanked him for helping make her move special. Daniel's phone chimed with a message, and he hung his head after he read an update on his mom's arraignment. He bemoaned that as much as he wanted to believe the worst was over, it seemed like every time one storm ended, another one blew through that was even worse than the one before.

There was a knock at Audra's hotel suite door. A lingerie-clad Audra opened the door and pulled Kyle in by his shirt. They began kissing passionately. Audra tore off Kyle's shirt and breathlessly said she'd been surprised to get his text. He hoped she wasn't disappointed, and she admitted she'd presumed he'd want to be well-rested for his first day at Newman Media the next day. As they undressed one another, she cooed that they'd make a great team. He declared the night a celebration of his new job and their collaboration. They continued disrobing and kissing passionately, and they eventually tumbled onto the bed.

After Kyle and Audra had sex, he gushed that it had been amazing, and she agreed. She checked her phone and explained that she was waiting to hear from Nate about something that was going on with the Newmans. Kyle assumed their fun time was over and that her mind was back to work. Audra informed him that it was who she was, and Kyle assured her he wasn't complaining. She stressed that worktime and playtime were two separate things for her, but she gave 1,000 percent to each of them.

Kyle pointed out that he was still technically a member of the Newman family, and he offered to ask around to find out what was going on. Audra replied that she might take him up on it down the road, but she was confident Nate had that one under control. Audra asked what Kyle's wife would think about him sharing Newman intel with an outsider, and Kyle muttered that Summer had done worse. Audra pushed to know how Summer felt about Kyle working with Audra. Kyle admitted that Summer didn't trust Audra and that Summer had advised him to watch his back. "Should I?" he asked. Audra responded that as long as he didn't cross her, he'd be fine.

Later, a fully dressed Audra emerged from the bathroom and was pleased that Kyle had waited to say goodbye. He wondered if she'd expected him to slip out and do the walk of shame, but she insisted that there was no shame. They agreed that it would be best if he left, and he expected Harrison to be up bright and early for breakfast. Audra liked that Kyle wasn't clingy, and she said she'd keep him posted on any new developments with Newman Media.

Audra advised Kyle to be more discreet with his text messages, since Tucker had seen Kyle's message inviting her to meet him. Kyle snapped that he didn't want Tucker anywhere near his business. Audra anticipated that Tucker would make inappropriate remarks to try to get under Kyle's skin, and she advised Kyle not to let Tucker do it. Audra assured Kyle everything was good, and they kissed goodbye. Audra showed Kyle to the door, and they found Nate standing there.

Nate asked if it was a bad time, but Kyle said he'd just been leaving. Nate looked forward to seeing Kyle the next day and welcomed him aboard. After Kyle departed, Audra ordered Nate not to say a word. Nate declared that it was none of his business unless it interfered in their business, and Audra assured him it wouldn't. Audra assumed Nate had shown up in person because he had big news, and he crowed that it was a game-changer.

Nate revealed that he'd been included in a Newman family meeting at the ranch, and Victor had been in rare form, marking his territory and reading everyone the riot act. Nate continued that Victor had suggested Nate couldn't be trusted. He proposed that they continue the conversation over a bite to eat, but she objected to being left hanging. Nate insisted that the story needed a nice meal and great bottle of wine, and he promised that Audra would love the ending.

Diane answered the door at the Abbott mansion and found Summer there. Summer explained that she didn't think it would be appropriate to use her house key, and Diane invited her in. Diane noted it was late, and she guessed the visit had to do with Phyllis' arrest. Summer was surprised Diane knew about it, and she wondered if Kyle was there, because she wanted to tell him about it herself. Diane indicated that she and Kyle had found out together. Summer asked how he'd reacted.

Diane reported that Kyle had been as shocked as she'd been. She revealed that they'd found out from Tucker, who had been at the club when Phyllis had been arrested. Diane was relieved that she could stop wondering what Phyllis was going to do next to punish her. Summer swore that Phyllis didn't feel that way anymore, but Diane groused that the pain Phyllis had caused couldn't be erased in one night. Diane warned that Summer couldn't trust the promises Phyllis had made. Summer insisted that Phyllis had realized what the war between Phyllis and Diane had done to Summer and Kyle, and Phyllis wanted it to be over.

Summer requested to talk to Kyle. Diane mentioned that he'd gone out, but she didn't know where. Diane recalled that Kyle had been restless and agitated because he'd been trying to make sense of everything, and she anticipated that things might change after Phyllis' arrest. Diane mused that Phyllis had created the whole drama to put Diane in a jail cell, yet it was Phyllis' turn at the GCPD. Diane intended to get on with her own life and hoped Summer and Kyle would do the same thing. Diane was floored when Summer clarified that Phyllis had turned herself in.

Diane was sure Summer and Daniel were relieved their mom wasn't on the run anymore, but she anticipated that Phyllis' lies would have lasting damage for all her victims. Summer thought Kyle needed to hear the whole story about Phyllis turning herself in voluntarily. Diane reiterated that she had no idea where Kyle had gone, and she speculated that perhaps he'd gone looking for Summer. Summer indicated that she hadn't received any calls or text messages from Kyle, so obviously he wasn't looking for her.

Summer dryly imagined that it warmed Diane's heart to see Summer and Kyle split up, but Diane swore she truly wanted things to work out for the couple. Diane relayed that she'd had a long talk with Kyle and told him not to give up on his marriage so easily. Diane believed Kyle was hurt, confused, and not thinking clearly, but he would eventually realize where his heart belonged. Summer wondered why Diane cared, since Diane had never been Summer's biggest fan.

Diane explained that when she looked at Summer, she saw the woman her son loved, and she was happy if Kyle was happy. Summer whimpered that she wanted Kyle back, but she didn't know how to make it happen. Diane asserted that there was always a way back, and Summer asked what Diane would do. Diane suspected that the "old Diane" would have lied, begged, and manipulated if something had meant that much to her. Summer imagined the "old Summer" would have done the same thing.

Summer admitted that she'd considered tricking Kyle into a reunion, but she'd already tricked him into marrying her once and refused to do it again. Summer realized that Kyle hadn't told Diane about how Summer had volunteered to donate part of her liver to Lola -- but only if Kyle left Lola to be with Summer. Diane reasoned that Kyle and Summer had stayed together and fallen in love, and she believed the couple could repair the damage to their relationship. Summer prepared to leave just as Kyle returned home. "What's she doing here?" Kyle barked.

Diane informed Kyle that Summer was there to tell them about Phyllis' arrest, since there was more to the story. Summer confirmed that her mom had voluntarily surrendered because Phyllis had realized what she'd done was wrong. Kyle grumbled that it had taken Phyllis long enough, and it was in the law's hands. Summer requested to talk to Kyle alone, but he said he was heading up to bed. Summer pleaded for a few minutes, and she noticed he smelled like perfume. She incredulously asked if he'd been with somebody. "Goodnight, Summer," Kyle coldly replied, and he ascended the stairs. Summer rushed out.

Later, Kyle returned downstairs, and Diane stared at him. "What?" he snapped, and she asked if there was something he wanted to talk about. He opted to get some sleep before starting his new job at Newman Media the next day. He added that he'd sealed the deal that night, and she hoped it wasn't a ploy of Victor's to go after Jack. Kyle assured her that Victor hadn't had anything to do with it, since Audra had hired Kyle.

Diane lectured that it was a bit soon for Kyle to be making major life decisions. Kyle bragged that he'd been in high demand after his father had unceremoniously kicked him to the curb, so he'd taken the opportunity to make his mark without being known as Jack Abbott's son. Diane worried that Kyle was acting impulsively out of hurt and anger. Kyle insisted that he knew what he was doing. Diane replied that she didn't want to argue, and she went upstairs to bed.

At the Athletic Club bar, Audra clucked that Nate had consumed enough pretzels to hold him over until their meal. Nate announced that Victor was back at Newman and had already taken control of the company, rearranging the corporate structure. Nate continued that Victor wanted Nick working with Adam and Sharon, and Audra questioned how the coffeehouse owner fit in. Nate revealed that Sharon had inherited a business, and she had proposed a merger with McCall Unlimited that Victor had signed off on. Audra scoffed at the idea of Sharon running Tucker's corporation, but Nate warned Audra not to underestimate Sharon.

Audra wondered where that left the Newman entities. Nate proclaimed that Victor wanted him to stay on as COO of Newman Enterprises, making Newman Media all Audra's, working alongside her new COO, Kyle. Nate and Audra toasted to a bright future. Audra marveled at the power play Victor had made, and Nate declared that it was why the man was a legend. Nate called Victor a chess grandmaster from way back. Audra was glad Victor had decided to keep their chess pieces in place.

Nate firmly stated that Victor was on their side, and he revealed Victoria's plan to fold Tucker's company into Newman after a little time. "To winning," Audra toasted as Summer walked in. Summer made a beeline for Audra but stopped in her tracks when she recognized Audra's perfume. "Hello, Summer," Audra greeted with a sly smile. "Audra," a shaken Summer knowingly replied.

Adam agrees to work at Adustus with Nick and Sharon
Adam agrees to work at Adustus with Nick and Sharon

Adam agrees to work at Adustus with Nick and Sharon

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

by Nel

At Crimson Lights, Adam asked Sharon if she'd had a chance to look over his proposal. He told her he was walking away from Adustus because he was through doing his father's bidding. He said if he joined Sharon in Kirsten's company, they could dominate the market and turn Victor's master plan into a pile of dust.

To Adam's chagrin, Sharon said she saw the logic in Victor's point of view. She said Victor didn't want Adam to take something good and turn it into a tool against Victoria. Adam denied that was what he was doing. Sharon understood that Adam wanted to attack Newman Media, a division of the parent company. She asked why.

Sharon said that Adam had done a great job turning McCall into Adustus International, and it had great promise. She asked why he would walk away because Victor wouldn't allow him to destroy Newman Media. Adam clarified it wasn't about destroying anything but about having autonomy in his life and not being at the mercy of Victor's mind games.

Adam said he was offering Sharon his services for her new venture, but Sharon indicated she didn't want a war with Victor. Rather, she wanted a merger, a joint venture of two complementary companies. Sharon claimed that if she brought Adam into her company, it would make it appear that she needed Adam to turn her company into something productive, which was not the case.

Sharon told Adam that Victor was testing him, and Adam was reacting the way he always did, with hurt, anger, and the need for payback. She advised him to make a different choice and pass Victor's test. She asked Adam to imagine what they could do with Kirsten and Adustus together.

Adam reminded Sharon that Nick was being forced on him. He stated that Victor wanted to bring Adustus under the Newman umbrella. Ultimately, they would have to answer to Victor and Victoria, and they would lose their autonomy. Sharon suggested that they work to become so successful that they would have to be left alone. She also said that Nick would be a huge asset. She asked Adam to imagine what the three of them could accomplish together. She said it could be a new beginning for all of them, and she told him to consider how good it would feel to get payback "this time."

When Chance entered, Adam told Sharon she'd given him a lot to think about, and he would be in touch.

At the counter, Chance told Sharon he hadn't stopped thinking about her all day. Sharon said she'd wanted to call him. He invited her to have lunch with him. Leaning over the counter, Chance said he wanted to kiss her again. Sharon admitted that lunch was a great idea, but she had a lot of calls to make. She said it would take time to reshape Cameron's company.

Chance asked if Sharon had spoken to Adam about joining her. Sharon replied that she'd told Adam that making him a partner would make it appear she didn't have enough confidence to run the business on her own. She said that Adam had maintained that he wanted them to go up against Newman. She said she didn't want her business becoming collateral damage in Adam's war against Victor. She said she'd told Adam that a merger was good business, but she didn't think Adam could see anything beyond his anger for Victor.

Chance said he'd heard that when Adam had returned from Vegas, Sharon had been his only ally. He said that despite Sharon, Nick, and Adam making a really great team, Nick and Adam needed her more than she needed them.

At the ranch, Victor told Victoria and Nick how he wanted things to run. Nick said it was a lot to process, and he needed time to let it sink in. Victoria stated she was completely on board, and knowing Adam had been knocked down a few notches was a bonus.

Victor informed Victoria it wasn't for her, and it wasn't against Adam. He said it was how he was going to run his company, and he would call all the shots. Victoria said she'd warned Victor that handing Adam a shiny new company would be trouble. Victor pointed out that had Victoria brought McCall under the Newman umbrella, they wouldn't be having that discussion. Victoria argued that Adam would always be Adam, and Victor would always give Adam an opportunity he didn't deserve.

Nick suggested that Victor and Victoria focus on the situation at hand because he wanted things to work. Victor stated that Victoria believed things would only work under her terms. Victoria claimed Adam was a spoiled, rotten brat, and he needed a strong hand to guide him. She claimed it was a great idea to send Nick to Adustus to keep his eye on Adam. Victor reminded her that he owned the company.

Victoria insisted no one was disputing it was Victor's company, and he'd put her in charge because she would always do what was best for the business. Nick reminded Victor that he'd agreed to move over to Adustus and help run the company; however, he didn't appreciate that while he was babysitting Adam, Victor had given Nate his job. He claimed he had reasonable reservations about that. Victor admitted that Nate could be a valuable asset. Victoria laughed and said Nate already was and asked why they were questioning that.

Nick noted that Victor had already moved the chess pieces around and had once again orchestrated it so that his adult children did exactly what he wanted, when he wanted. Victoria stated that she chose to go along with that deal. Nick claimed she was okay with it because it worked to her advantage. Nick claimed Adam didn't go along with it, and Nick said he wasn't happy. Victor told Nick to get over it, and the Newman family unity would be achieved, even if Victor had to force it.

Nick told Victor he couldn't make Adam do anything Adam didn't want to do. Nick said that Adam had probably worked himself into a full-blown rage. Nick reminded Victor that Victor had tried to shoehorn the three children to work together in the past, and it hadn't worked. Victor claimed Nick would make Adam listen to reason. Nick asked if Victor couldn't see the insanity in that, but Victor said he had faith in Nick to make Adam see the bigger picture. Nick left. Victoria was about to leave, but Victor asked her to stay.

Victoria acknowledged that Victor was annoyed with her, and she apologized for accepting the deal so easily. Victor said he was happy she'd accepted the logic of it. Victoria asked who was to say it hadn't been her plan from the start. He warned Victoria that sometimes she wouldn't like the reflection in the mirror. She said he'd raised her that way, and she'd learned it all from him. They hugged, and Victor said he was proud of her.

Kyle met Audra at the front door of the Athletic Club. Summer entered seconds later, and she asked Kyle if it was a good time to talk. Audra left.

After sitting down at a table, Summer told Kyle she was trying to make things right so they could give each other another chance. Kyle said he didn't see that happening. She asked Kyle to open his heart and find a way to get back what they'd lost. Kyle replied that her betrayal had hurt him because she'd lied, sneaked around, and held the key that would have released his mother from prison, yet she'd said nothing. He asked how she expected him to get past that.

Summer told Kyle "betrayal" was an interesting word choice. She said she'd protected her mom, the same as Kyle had done for his. She admitted she done things she wasn't proud of, but there had never been any malice involved -- or any intention to hurt him. She said "betrayal" was more of a conscious act, intentionally hurting someone one claimed to care about. When Kyle asked what she wanted, Summer said she still had hope for them, and she wanted an honest response, unless Kyle told her he'd crossed the point of no return.

Kyle told Summer he had to get to work because it was his first day. Summer shouted for him to admit he'd slept with Audra. Kyle said he wouldn't do that at the club, but Summer persisted. She shouted for him to tell her the truth. He admitted he'd slept with Audra. Summer cried that she'd been a fool to think there was still hope for them. She said she'd been trying to fix them, but Kyle had already moved on and hadn't had the guts to tell her. Summer slapped Kyle, and she stormed out.

At Society, Daniel was deep in thought when Phyllis entered. Everyone stared at her, and she bowed. She joined Daniel, who asked when she'd ever cared what people thought about her. Phyllis said never until that moment because she was drowning in shame and wanted to fix what she'd broken.

Phyllis griped to Daniel that the tabloids would claim she was flaunting her freedom. Daniel said he was glad she was out on bail. She agreed. She was happy that Carson had agreed to testify that she'd been afraid of Stark and that she'd killed Stark in self-defense. Daniel commented that Phyllis seemed rattled, and that wasn't like her. He asked what was going on.

Phyllis told Daniel that everything she'd done had been for the greater good, even with Stark, but she couldn't justify and make amends at the same time to him, Summer, Kyle, Jack, and Diane. She wanted to tell Diane she how deeply sorry she was. Daniel asked if that was for real or for show.

Before Phyllis could respond, Summer arrived, and she joined Phyllis and Daniel. Seeing the look on Summer's face, Phyllis asked what Kyle had said to her. Summer suggested they make the most of being together as a family. Phyllis claimed she wouldn't be free until the charges against her had been dropped. She said she was grateful that Carson was going to testify on her behalf, but there was no guarantee it would be enough for Christine. Summer said it had to be because Phyllis was innocent.

Phyllis told Summer that Christine had wanted her in prison since Christine had known Phyllis, and it would be Christine's greatest dream realized to have Phyllis spend her life behind bars. Phyllis stated that with or without Carson's testimony, she had no idea how things would play out. Daniel said things seemed to be going in the right direction, but Phyllis reminded him it might not go in the right direction, and she would live her life in prison, away from her kids, unless the charges were dropped.

Daniel told Phyllis they couldn't assume the worst. Phyllis claimed she couldn't assume the best, but Summer claimed Daniel was right; it couldn't all have been for nothing. Phyllis apologized for what she'd done to Summer and Kyle, and she promised to make it up to Summer. Daniel said once Carson testified that Stark had forced Phyllis to commit the crimes, Christine would have to accept it. Tucker arrived and sat down across the room. Phyllis smiled. Daniel asked what that was. Phyllis said she'd acknowledged Tucker, and she asked why Daniel thought there was anything going on between her and Tucker.

Phyllis stated that she wanted to help Summer, but Summer claimed she was late for work. Phyllis asked Summer not to shut her out. Angry, Summer asked what the option would be and if Phyllis would pretend to die in front of them and ruin their lives. Realizing what she'd said, she immediately apologized, and she said she hadn't meant that. Summer said she was really happy Phyllis was back, and she left.

Phyllis told Daniel she understood Summer was angry with Kyle, and she'd taken it out on Phyllis. Phyllis proclaimed she would always be there for her kids and would always love them, but she couldn't fix them, only herself. Daniel commented that she sounded very evolved. Phyllis claimed she was because the whole ordeal had changed her. She admitted she'd screwed up, but she was going to do better. Daniel said he had to get to work, and he asked Phyllis if she would be okay. She said she wanted to stay and finish her coffee.

After Daniel left, Phyllis asked Tucker why he was there. He claimed Phyllis was free to outwardly express any gratitude to him, since he was the reason she was out, and he needed to know what her plan was. He said he needed some assurance that she would follow through with their agreement. Phyllis reminded him she'd said she would. Tucker advised her not to plan any escape routes. He also reminded her that Carson hadn't given his testimony yet, and he could make Carson disappear and put Phyllis in prison for a long time. He asked again what Phyllis had planned to get Jack to forgive her and how Phyllis was going to get under Diane's skin.

Audra encountered Tucker in the park. He eyed her outfit and commented that he knew the look of success. He noted that something had paid off. Audra told Tucker her journey was going fabulously. She said she was flattered because Tucker was so involved with Ashley but still had time to fixate on her new friendship. Tucker said the only thing he was fixated on was Ashley. He was sure things would work out the way he wanted them to. Audra asked how many rules and laws he would break to make that happen. He told Audra to enjoy her new little friend. Audra wished him the same, and she left.

Sometime later, Adam walked through the park, but when he saw Nick, he turned to walk the other way. Nick asked Adam to wait. Nick told him Victor was being himself; he would pretend to listen and then he would do what he wanted. Adam noted that Nick seemed very chipper for someone whose job had been yanked from under him and given to Victoria's new boyfriend. Nick said that what Adam saw as an insult, Nick saw as an opportunity. Adam asked if Nick's dream had been to be a babysitter-in-chief. Nick said that just because Victor had suggested it, it didn't mean it was the worst idea in the world.

Nick said Adam had a company to run, and Adam had someone who would keep him in check. Nick stated that Adam could either throw a tantrum, or he could consider all the possibilities.

Nick said he wouldn't coddle or beg Adam to do it. He admitted he'd walked away from Newman many times, but this wouldn't be one of them because he could see the future. He said he had a choice of whether he wanted to be part of it or not. Nick said because Adam had changed the company name, it wouldn't turn McCall around overnight. Nick said he'd seen the numbers, and it would take a lot of effort and planning, and merging with Sharon's company would be essential.

Adam told Nick they would be under Victor's thumb again and waiting for him to pull the strings. Nick said Victor would want that deal whether Adam was part of it or not. Nick said if Adam went off on his own, Adam would be on the outside, once again playing the victim, while Nick and Sharon ran the company, using all the power and influence that Newman had to offer.

Nick told Adam they could create chaos, or they could decide to work together and "do the damn job." He said turning two sinking companies around would be a lot easier than trying to outmaneuver Victor. Adam swore. Nick said he knew the tone of frustrated acceptance. Adam admitted they could waste time raging about Victor, or he, Nick, and Sharon could team up and do it, working together. They shook hands.

Christine is determined to find what Phyllis is hiding
Christine is determined to find what Phyllis is hiding

Christine is determined to find what Phyllis is hiding

Thursday, July 20, 2023

by Nel

At Society, Tucker asked Phyllis how she was going to push Diane over the edge. Phyllis gave Tucker some serious side-eye and ordered him to keep his voice down. Phyllis insisted she would take care of things. Tucker suggested she win Jack and Kyle over because they were the key to Diane's self-destruction.

Tucker told Phyllis he was going for symmetry -- a scenario where Phyllis would walk away scot-free, Jack would forgive her, and Diane's head was the one that would explode. Phyllis said she needed time to lay the groundwork. Tucker reminded her she owed him for bringing Carson to town because Carson was her salvation.

Phyllis told Tucker she wouldn't cop out on him, but first, she had to focus of making things right with her children before focusing on Jack and Kyle. Tucker suggested that Summer was the smartest conduit to winning Kyle over. He said if she could get Summer and Kyle to reunite, it would go a long way toward achieving Jack's forgiveness.

Phyllis told Tucker she refused to use Summer in their game. In a veiled threat, Tucker said Carson was unpredictable, and he might get cold feet before the trial. He said Christine wanted to see Phyllis burn, and Phyllis needed Carson to prove self-defense in Stark's death. Phyllis said Carson had already given his statement to the police, but Tucker countered that in a heartbeat, he could invalidate that statement.

Tucker told Phyllis all he had to do was add a couple of zeros to what he'd paid Carson, and Carson would change his story. He asked what Christine would do if she knew Phyllis' witness had been bribed. Phyllis claimed Tucker would be incriminating himself, but he claimed it wasn't anything he couldn't handle. Phyllis said she understood her part, and it wouldn't do her any good to get on Tucker's bad side. Phyllis asked Tucker about his plan to bring Jabot down, but Tucker said she had all the information she needed. He suggested she concentrate on Diane and finish the job. Phyllis said she would take care of Diane.

At home, Ashley greeted Diane cheerfully when they encountered each other. Ashley asked if Diane had heard that Phyllis had returned. Diane said she had, and the authorities would know how to handle Phyllis. Ashley stated that Phyllis wouldn't be facing any prison time. She asked if that pissed Diane off after what Phyllis had done to her. Diane said it didn't concern her. Ashley said Phyllis had been granted bail, and she didn't have to wear an ankle monitor like Diane had. Ashley claimed it seemed unfair to her that Phyllis could go anywhere she wanted.

To Diane's further discomfort, Ashley said she imagined Phyllis at her old haunts, telling everyone how she'd been justified in framing Diane for murder. Ashley claimed Phyllis would show up at the Abbotts' and beg for Jack and Kyle's forgiveness because Phyllis was very brazen. She added that Phyllis probably wouldn't face any real punishment. Diane stated that Phyllis had killed a man, and she was sure Christine would take that very seriously.

Ashley said she wouldn't blame Diane for anything she might do, because Phyllis' actions had really hurt Jack and Kyle. Diane claimed she would be fine. Ashley recalled that Diane had had therapy, and she asked if it had worked. Ashley said before Phyllis had framed Diane for murder, Diane had tried to strangle Phyllis during their last encounter.

Diane told Ashley that the fact that Phyllis had turned herself in showed remorse for what she'd done. Diane said it was up to the court how light or severe Phyllis' sentence would be. Diane said she would focus on her own life and continue to live and let live. She suggested that Ashley do the same.

Diane suggested that Ashley move on and forget about Diane. Ashley said it was difficult to forget about Diane, since Diane was in Ashley's home and in her head. Ashley claimed it would be a much different story when Diane came face to face with Phyllis. When Diane left, Ashley's fake smile died.

Diane arrived at Society, and she was shocked to see Phyllis with Tucker. She decided to face them, and she approached their table. Diane sat down and stated there wouldn't be a catfight.

Diane turned to Phyllis and welcomed her home. Phyllis thanked her. Diane said when she'd first found out what Phyllis had done, she'd been furious but not surprised. Diane stated that she and Phyllis had been victims of Jeremy Stark. Diane claimed Stark had had the power to make people sink to their lowest level and make the worst decisions. Phyllis agreed. Diane claimed she knew the fear that Stark could instill in a person because she'd lived it, and for that reason, she wasn't gunning for Phyllis but was instead moving on.

Diane was unnerved when Phyllis placed both her hands over Diane's, and she asked if Diane was for real. Nervously, Diane acknowledged that Phyllis would be wary of her sincerity. Tucker stated that Phyllis should be very wary. Diane told him to back off. Referring to the past, he said Diane had sent Phyllis to prison, where she could have spent the rest of her life. He pounded his fist on the table and shouted for Diane to tell Phyllis how she really felt.

Tucker covered Diane's hand with his. He asked if Diane wanted to punch Phyllis. Diane removed her hands from his, and she told him to stay out of it. Diane said she bet that he and Ashley wanted to have Phyllis as an ally in their war against her, but Phyllis had more pressing problems, like dealing with the consequences of her actions in court. Phyllis thanked Diane for her compassion and empathy. Tucker asked if that was the best Phyllis had. Phyllis admitted it was -- "for now." She wished Diane a great day, and Phyllis left.

Diane left Tucker and sat at her own table. At Diane's table, Tucker called Diane's performance masterful, but said that under the civility, he'd sensed Diane's hatred. Diane asked why he and Phyllis had been together. He deflected and claimed the first round had gone to Phyllis in that whole benevolence act that Diane had going, but it would backfire on Diane, because Phyllis would walk away scot-free from her charges. Tucker said Diane had gone down hard without a single punch. Diane told him to "go to hell." Tucker left.

At home, Ashley received a call from Brian in New York, who told her what Jack had done.

Ashley greeted Billy when he arrived and said she was happy to see her brother. Billy asked why he was there. Ashley said she would have gone to Jabot, but she wasn't welcomed there. She said she was sorry things were so strained. Billy said he'd hoped she and Jack could put their war behind them, but it appeared that door had been shut. Ashley didn't like that people saw her as the enemy in her father's company, when the real enemy was living upstairs with Jack. Billy asked how Ashley could say that with a straight face. Ashley stated that Tucker wasn't the one keeping secrets, and she asked why Jack had sneaked off to New York.

Billy told Ashley that Jack hadn't informed Billy of his trip to New York, but Jabot had business in New York. Ashley couldn't believe that the co-CEO didn't know what out-of-town business his partner was up to. Billy claimed he found a lot of things hard to believe lately. He said she'd told him she would let go of the war and move toward a benign plan. Ashley claimed that forming a company with Tucker was a more benign alternative than shredding Jabot and her family.

Billy said it depended on what Ashley planned to take when she left Jabot, possibly including her patents and/or her former company. Ashley agreed there were many decisions to be made. Billy informed her that Jack saw it as a threat to Jabot, and any aggressive move would be responded to in kind. She asked if there was anything she needed to worry about. He said nothing they could talk about. As Billy was leaving, Tucker entered. Billy said he would never get used to Tucker having a key to the house.

After Billy left, Tucker asked what he'd missed. Ashley replied, "Trouble." Tucker said Billy wasn't any trouble to anyone but himself, but Ashley warned him not to underestimate Billy because he'd been working her as hard as she'd worked him. Ashley said she'd received a call from a colleague who'd informed her that Jack was meeting with a board member and attorneys. Tucker stated that Jack was taking steps to protect the mother ship. Ashley said Jack was taking legal action to take what was hers.

Ashley asked Tucker if they were organized, because they had to move quickly. He said he'd looked at the contracts and found a few loopholes, but he needed to prove costs. He said he had a couple of lawyers he could put on it. He wanted to discuss their wedding. He asked if she'd told the family, and he suggested the sooner the better.

Ashley said it wasn't the time for her and Tucker to have that conversation because she couldn't plan a wedding while separating from her father's company and fighting with Jack. Tucker asked what better way to separate from her father's company than to throw their wedding in Jack's face. Ashley said she'd tried to get Diane riled up earlier, but Diane had barely blinked.

Tucker told Ashley he'd had a similar experience. He said Diane and Phyllis had already met, and he'd had a front row seat to a showdown that had been painfully underwhelming. He said Diane had been calm and reasonable, and it had thrown Phyllis for a loop. He said Phyllis had recovered nicely, and she'd responded with gratitude. He claimed they'd bonded over their collective trauma with Stark, but it had appeared to be one big performance.

Ashley asked Tucker if they shouldn't trust Phyllis, but Tucker assured her Phyllis wouldn't risk losing her key to freedom. He thought it was smart for Phyllis to play along with Diane, because Phyllis knew her best bet was to win forgiveness from Jack and Kyle, and attacking Diane would hinder that. Tucker said he wanted to talk about the wedding. Ashley said she hadn't been kidding when she'd said she didn't want to talk about it.

Tucker told Ashley he thought their getting married was to throw Jack off balance. Ashley said maybe she didn't want to use their wedding as a weapon. She admitted that marrying him for real was more important to her because she was falling in love with him. Tucker said he couldn't tell if she was telling the truth or if it was some clever dodge. Ashley insisted it wasn't a dodge. She said she didn't want to trivialize their wedding because it would trivialize what they had. Ashley kissed him.

Sitting alone in the Athletic Club dining room, Christine had a flashback to a confrontation with Phyllis.

Christine showed Phyllis a rental car charge dated the same day that Christine and Paul were to have gotten married, but instead, they'd ended up in the hospital. Christine said she and Paul had assumed they'd crossed someone at work, so no one had given Phyllis a thought because nothing had connected her to the crime. Phyllis claimed it had to have been someone with a motive. Christine claimed Phyllis had a motive.

Phyllis stated that Christine marrying Paul would have kept Christine away from Danny. Christine said it would have unless Phyllis had seen Danny kiss her and tell her he would always love her, and then, Phyllis would have done anything to get Christine out of the way. Christine said Danny didn't love Phyllis, and Phyllis couldn't control or end that. Phyllis reminded Christine that she'd moved on and was married to Nick, unlike Christine, who was living in the past.

Phyllis asked if Christine was trying to accuse her of murder because of a piece of paper. Christine claimed it wasn't only the piece of paper, but Phyllis' insane jealousy, her lies about her son's paternity, and her obsession with Danny. Christine said she'd never believed Phyllis had been capable of murder. She said whenever she saw Phyllis, she saw the face of the woman who had almost killed her. She told Phyllis to say goodbye to life as she knew it, because it was over.

A phone call brought Christine out of her reverie. She guaranteed the caller she had everything under control regarding Phyllis. Christine turned to leave, and she saw Phyllis as Phyllis entered the club. Christine ended her call.

Phyllis told Christine she was checking in. Christine caustically commented that it had to be nice checking in under her own name again. Phyllis said she assumed that Christine didn't believe her defense and that Christine would make sure she went to prison for the rest of her life. Christine said Phyllis' area of expertise was to bend the law, but Christine said she would prosecute the case honestly and fairly. Phyllis said she hoped Christine would enjoy every minute of it.

Phyllis asked if Christine's ancient history would cloud her professional opinion. Christine claimed being run over by a car tended to stick with her, not to mention all the other ways Phyllis had disregarded the rules of common decency to get what she'd wanted.

Christine said she'd followed Phyllis' entire case from the time she'd been prosecuting Phyllis' supposed murder, and she'd decided to put all other issues aside and seek justice for Phyllis' case, only to discover Phyllis had been playing on people's emotions and wasting time, energy, and resources to satisfy some petty revenge. Phyllis claimed it hadn't been petty revenge, and it hadn't been that simple; she'd been in Stark's grasp. Christine said she'd followed the evidence, and she would let the results dictate Phyllis' fate. Phyllis said the evidence would show she'd killed a man in self-defense.

Christine said that Phyllis' evidence included one man's testimony, a man who'd already claimed she'd died in that ambulance fire. She said if he was to be believed, it proved he'd lied at least once to authorities. Phyllis said he'd been terrified of Stark. She claimed she had other things to do, and she walked away.

Christine followed Phyllis and asked if there was anything else Phyllis wanted to confess. She asked if the timing of her coming out of hiding had happened out of the goodness of her heart. Phyllis said her conscience had led her to turn herself in. Phyllis said she'd been in the hands of a madman. Christine noted that Phyllis had married Stark. Phyllis responded that she'd been coerced and brainwashed, and she hadn't known where to turn. She said she'd had to return because her kids had needed her, and she'd needed them.

Christine claimed Phyllis should have realized that before she'd started her game. Phyllis maintained her faith in the justice system, even if Christine hated her. Christine said she appreciated that Phyllis had done the right thing, but despite Phyllis appearing genuine, things were never that simple with Phyllis. She said Phyllis wouldn't have returned unless she'd had the strong belief that she would feel safe and somehow exonerate herself. Christine claimed something felt off, and she would find out what it was. She said she would see Phyllis in court. Christine left.

Alone at her table at Society, Diane had a flashback to the most recent confrontation with Phyllis.

Shouting, Phyllis asked why Diane hadn't stayed dead. She declared that Diane had taken everything that had been Phyllis'. Diane claimed she hadn't thought about Phyllis, but Phyllis claimed Diane had thought about her constantly because Phyllis was the only one who saw through Diane's act. Phyllis said Diane was terrified that she would expose Diane's latest con.

Diane said she and Jack were sick to death of Phyllis' attempt to paint herself the hero when she was the villain. She said Phyllis elevated herself by dragging everyone down, and it was a despicable, disgusting compulsion. Diane claimed Phyllis' family despised her, and she asked where Phyllis' friends were. Diane said Phyllis had used up every last bit of patience and goodwill anyone had for her. She said Phyllis was alone, and her life was a dismal failure. Diane told Phyllis to "get the hell out of" her way.

When Phyllis tried to stop Diane from leaving, Diane slapped her. Phyllis pushed Diane. Diane pushed Phyllis onto the desk. As Diane choked Phyllis, she said she should do the world a favor and strangle Phyllis to death.

Diane snapped back to reality when she received a text message from Jack: "Miss you like crazy. Home soon." Billy entered Society. When he saw Diane, he told her Phyllis had been released. Diane said it was a lot to take in, but she had it under control. Billy mentioned that Ashley knew about Jack's trip to New York, and she'd asked him if he knew anything. He said he'd told Ashley if she and Tucker struck them, they would strike back.

Billy stated that if Diane wasn't stepping down from Jabot, then they might need her help. Diane said she would do whatever it took. She stated that as a soon-to-be Abbott, she wouldn't allow anyone to hurt their family company without a fight.

Sharon, Nick, and Adam tell Victor they agree to be partners
Sharon, Nick, and Adam tell Victor they agree to be partners

Sharon, Nick, and Adam tell Victor they agree to be partners

Friday, July 21, 2023

by Nel

At Crimson Lights, Billy tried to calm Chelsea's frayed nerves by assuring her that she would impress everyone at Marchetti. Billy gave her a bracelet with a bee charm. He explained that bees were good luck because they symbolized hard work and adapted to new challenges and new beginnings. Chelsea loved it and called it the perfect gift.

Billy said he'd thought Chelsea would be more excited about reentering the fashion world, where she was a superstar, with instincts that were better than they'd ever been. She commented that she'd been absent from the fashion world for quite some time. She said after things with Adam had spiraled, she'd convinced herself she needed a new career with no looking back, yet there she was. Billy assured her that the move to Marchetti was positive. Chelsea said the position of creative director was a massive responsibility, and she would be in charge of shaping the vision for a global brand. She said she had to inspire designers under the light of the biggest catwalk there was.

Billy said he knew Chelsea had a million ideas in her head, and he asked her to share them. Chelsea said they needed to revamp the ready-to-wear collection and tweak Fenmore's collaboration to make it more working mom friendly. She added that Marchetti Home hadn't taken off, and there was a lot of potential there. She said she also had an idea for a potential fashion show. Billy laughed and assured her that said she was going to crush it because she was the perfect fit as Marchetti's creative director. He said he was proud of her. He kissed her, and he left.

At the Athletic Club, after Summer spotted Audra, Summer remembered when she'd confronted Kyle earlier that day. Summer asked Kyle to admit he'd slept with Audra. After Kyle admitted it, heartbroken, Summer claimed she'd believed there had still been hope for them. She said she'd been trying to fix things, but Kyle had moved on without having the guts to tell her. She said there had never been any hope for them. Kyle asked if they were done. Summer slapped him, and she stormed out.

Summer approached Audra, and she asked if Kyle was another random hook-up or if Audra had had set her sights on Summer's husband and his money prior to knowing Summer had moved out. Audra said she had her own money, so it hadn't been Kyle's financial assets that had attracted her to him. Audra asked why Summer was torturing herself and why it mattered how Audra and Kyle had started. Summer said it mattered because she and Kyle were still married. Audra said they were technically, but Kyle was a grown man, and he made his own decisions. Audra noted that Summer was trying to blame Audra, and she suggested that Summer had to believe that Kyle could be controlled and manipulated.

Summer told Audra she blamed Kyle, but she was disgusted by the damage they'd done. Audra said she'd had no part in the destruction of Summer's marriage. She suggested that Summer show some class and walk away with her head held high. Summer stated that Audra knew nothing about class. She said she and Kyle might not be together, but they had a son -- and she would protect him from his dad's mistake.

Audra told Summer it sounded like Summer was using her son to justify her self-righteous indignance about Audra and Kyle working together and other things. Audra acknowledged that Summer had been burned. She commented that Summer thought she could do whatever she wanted, and Kyle would be waiting for her.

Kyle arrived and joined Audra and Summer. He asked what was going on. Summer explained that she and Audra were having a little chat. Summer leaned over and told Audra she might want to change her perfume because it was really strong and smelled cheap. She said Kyle could give her a discount at Jabot.

After Summer left, Kyle asked Audra what had happened. Audra said that Summer was having a difficult time accepting the end of the marriage, and Summer was still in love with him. Kyle claimed they had both hurt each other too much to go back to how things had been. She said it was up to Kyle and Summer to see if their marriage could be salvaged, but she was thrilled they would be working together and having fun; however, if he was having second thoughts about anything, she wanted to know. Audra left for a meeting.

At home, Victor recalled his recent conversation with Adam. Victor said that once Adustus became a strong, viable company, they would make it a subsidiary of Newman Enterprises, as it should have been from the beginning. Adam claimed they'd had an agreement, but Victor stated he didn't "give a damn" about past agreements. He said if Adam didn't like the new arrangement, there was the door. Victor wanted an answer immediately. Adam walked out.

Victor sent a text message to Adam.

Sitting at the bar in the jazz lounge, Adam read the text message from Victor: "Last chance, In or out?" Sharon joined Adam and asked if their meeting was about Adustus and focusing on a new beginning. Adam suggested they wait for Nick. When Nick arrived, Adam addressed Nick and Sharon. He said that after hearing Sharon out and listening to Nick's arguments, he'd decided to stay at Adustus and work with them, and he was interested in hearing Sharon's merger idea. Adam stated that he could keep fighting Victor, or he could choose good business. Sharon said joining forces was good business.

Nick told Adam he knew Victor had tried to act like he didn't care if anyone agreed to his plan, but Nick knew Victor secretly hoped Adam would change his mind. He asked if Adam had informed Victor. Adam said that was his next step.

Sharon told Nick and Adam the two companies were a perfect fit. She said Adam's plan for Adustus International was focused on media, and Kirsten Incorporated was a core business technology that distributed that media. Nick said, "Synergy, control the product, and delivery." Sharon added that she felt it could be something special. Nick agreed. He called it very appealing to create something new. Adam said he was all in.

Adam said they all brought unique skill sets with a diverse background to the table, as well as media experience; he had run Newman Media, and Nick and Sharon had been at the helm of Restless Style. Adam suggested they speak to Victor before he changed the terms or yanked out their potential entirely.

At the ranch, Victor asked if that meant Sharon, Adam, and Nick accepted his terms. Nick said they'd agreed to everything Victor had proposed, and the Adustus-Kirsten merger made sense. Adam admitted he was on board, but he was not as thrilled with Victor's plan as Nick and Sharon were. He said he'd believed he would have complete autonomy but was instead under Victor's thumb -- as well as Victoria's and possibly Nick's.

Adam told Victor his new partners had given him some good advice, that waiting for Victor to change was futile. He said the team's greatest hope was that after achieving success, they wouldn't need to be controlled. Victor acknowledged that Sharon's idea of merging the two companies had been a really good one. He hoped Adam would get rid of that chip on his shoulder regarding Victoria and that Adam had discarded the idea of destroying Newman Media.

Adam told Victor he only had one requirement. He asked Victor for six months of absolute free rein. Nick and Sharon agreed because it would give them time to see what they could achieve. Nick admitted that turning two struggling companies around while merging them was no small feat, but they believed they could do it; however, if Victor watched their every move, it wouldn't allow them to get the results they needed. Victor countered with an offer of three months, which would give him time to see if they would use the company to go after Victoria.

Nick told Victor that he and Sharon weren't on board with any attack on Newman Media, and they'd made that very clear to Adam. Adam said he saw a very different option. He stated that when Adustus-Kirsten was brought into the Newman fold, given the plans to merge the companies, it was inevitable that Newman Media would become redundant. Victor asked if Adam intended to wipe out the entire media division of Newman Enterprises. Adam said he didn't want to wipe anything out, but rather put it all together as one company.

Adam told Victor that they would fold Kirsten Incorporated into Adustus, then merge that entity with Newman Media. Adam claimed they would have a powerful media company under the corporate umbrella, with no redundancies and no competition. Nick and Sharon agreed the idea had merit, but Victor disagreed. Sharon said if they didn't combine everything, Newman Media and Adustus would indirectly be in competition.

Victor told them they'd forgotten there was a leadership structure in place at Newman Media, and Victoria loved her people and was loyal to them. He said Audra Charles was CEO at Newman Media, and he asked what would happen to her. Adam said Victor wanted to keep things in the family, and his suggestion was the only way that would happen.

Victor said Adam knew that Victor valued family above everything else, and Newman Enterprises was a family business and always would be; however, that didn't mean he didn't enjoy someone's input from the outside, like Neil and Michael. Adam claimed Audra wasn't in the same category, and Audra had only taken over as CEO of Newman Media because Victoria had promoted Nate and squeezed Nick out. Victor said he'd warned Nate that he had to prove himself, or he wouldn't keep that position.

Adam told Victor they made tough personnel decisions every day. He said that someone with Audra's background would land on her feet. He asked if anyone actually trusted Audra. Nick said Audra hadn't been around long enough for him to get a handle on her. Sharon said she he didn't know Audra outside her history with Noah. Adam said they all knew Audra's connection to Tucker, how she'd worked for him, acting as his mole at Chancellor-Winters. Adam claimed Audra's future was the least of their concerns, and she was expendable. Victor said he would give it some thought

While Chelsea waited for Summer, she looked at her bracelet and remembered a conversation she'd had with Billy.

Chelsea said Billy had a healthy attitude, growth, and maturity. Billy said he'd taken a page out of Chelsea's book because she'd had a good relationship with her exes. Chelsea said only until she'd gone off the deep end over Adam and Sharon. Billy said she'd had a stroke, and that had been a severe medical issue. She admitted it had been a rough patch that had lasted longer than she cared to admit. Billy told her to look at what she'd overcome. He said he only saw a beautiful woman who deserved happiness.

Chelsea and Billy agreed they made each other happy. Billy kissed her. Chelsea told Billy that Connor was spending the night at the ranch. She stated she felt stronger emotionally and mentally, but it had been a long time since she'd been with anyone. He said she would be okay; it was like riding a bike.

Chelsea returned to the present when Summer arrived and said she knew Chelsea wanted to get to the office and meet her team, but Summer wanted to chat first. Chelsea admitted she'd had butterflies earlier, but Billy had helped her through them. Chelsea said it was a new beginning, and Summer agreed it would lead to a new success. Summer stated they'd come a long way since she'd modeled Chelsea's designs for Jabot a number of years before. Summer said they would figure out the best path for both of them in their new positions.

Chelsea said she knew Summer's situation with Kyle was difficult. She said she found talking about things helped. Chelsea admitted she was probably overstepping since Summer was her boss, but if Summer needed a neutral party to confide in, someone who wouldn't judge, she was Summer's girl.

Summer told Chelsea that she and Kyle had worked very hard to overcome many obstacles and they'd been happy and in love. She said that Diane had returned after years of being "dead" and breaking Kyle's heart, and Diane had ruined everything. She said Diane had pushed Phyllis over the edge, which had made Phyllis susceptible to bad influences. Summer admitted that Kyle believed she shouldn't have put her mother first. Summer cried that Phyllis was her mom, and she'd had no choice.

Chelsea noted that it had to have been terrifying for Summer. Summer said she'd felt like she'd held Phyllis' future in her hands, and if she had to do it over again, she had no idea what she would do. She said that whole situation had destroyed her marriage. Summer said that Kyle hadn't taken a moment to grieve. She said he'd moved on, taken a job at Newman Media, and slept with Audra, and he wouldn't consider forgiving her after they'd forgiven each other for so much in the past.

Summer told Chelsea she hadn't done any of it against Kyle, but for her mom. She said the fact that Kyle wouldn't even try to understand that made her feel that their marriage, their vows, and their love had all been a lie. Chelsea said she understood about all the questions that hounded her when her marriage ended, as well as the doubts that crept in about herself and her relationship. She said Summer couldn't change how someone felt, nor could she force them to forgive her. Chelsea said all they could do was forgive themselves and not focus on things they couldn't control.

Summer told Chelsea she didn't know how to do that, and she didn't know how to move on without answers. Chelsea agreed it was difficult to let go of a marriage and the future she'd expected to have with the love of her life and their child. Summer said she loved Harrison "so much," and it was killing her not being with him every day. She didn't get that Kyle couldn't see what he was doing to Harrison, nor could she believe that abandoning their marriage was the right thing to do.

Chelsea told Summer that sometimes when things were over, they really were over, and recognizing the truth was the best thing they could do for themselves. Chelsea said clinging to the past got them nowhere, and perhaps she should take Kyle at his word. She told Summer to stop torturing herself with "what ifs" and "if I had onlys," and focus on what she could control. Chelsea encouraged Summer to live in the present.

Kyle was at the bar at the club when Billy arrived. Kyle said he was supposed to have a meeting with someone, but they'd canceled. Billy commented that Kyle was at Newman Media and was Audra's right hand. Billy said Jack was disappointed that Kyle was working at Newman Media. Kyle clarified that he hadn't taken the job at Newman because Jack had chosen Summer over him for Marchetti, and he wasn't trying to get back at him.

Billy said he'd been in Kyle's situation, and it felt like there were no options. Kyle said he had plenty of options, and he hadn't taken the Newman Media job out of desperation. Billy wished Kyle luck, and he stated that Audra could be a handful. Kyle said he and Audra understood each other.

Billy said Kyle had made the right choice leaving Jabot when he had because Jack and Ashley were on the verge of a civil war. He said Ashley was content with ripping his father's company down the middle. Kyle asked why Jack wouldn't cut Ashley loose; he'd done it to Kyle. He suggested they let Ashley take everything that was hers. Billy asked if Kyle was suggesting they let Billy's father's company go to hell. Kyle said dividing and moving on had its advantages. Billy asked if they were discussing business or Kyle's situation with Summer.

Billy asked if Kyle was so hurt that he wasn't willing to give Summer another chance. Kyle said he and Summer were over, and it was liberating. He said he knew Summer would eventually feel the same way. Billy said Kyle couldn't dictate how people would feel, but Kyle said he wanted what was best for Summer. He said they'd been friends over the years, but there was no marriage left to save after what she'd done. Billy said he hoped Kyle could find a way to forgive Summer because they shared a child; it didn't mean what Summer had done was okay, but for Kyle, it was about moving forward. Billy left as Audra arrived.

Audra asked if Kyle was supposed to be in a meeting, Kyle explained that the guy had canceled. Kyle suggested they have that conversation in private. She agreed, and they went to her suite.

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Edited by SC Desk