Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 10, 2023 on Y&R

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Phyllis turned herself in. Sharon proposed she and Adam merge their companies. Sally encouraged Nick to work with Adam. Kyle removed his wedding ring.
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 10, 2023 on Y&R

Tucker tracked down Carson and offered to help clear Phyllis' name if she agreed to help take down Diane. Phyllis turned herself in. Sharon proposed that she and Adam merge their companies together. Sally encouraged Nick to work with Adam. Kyle removed his wedding ring.

Phyllis prepares to finish what she started with Diane
Phyllis prepares to finish what she started with Diane

Phyllis prepares to finish what she started with Diane

Monday, July 10, 2023

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by Anne Carpenter

At Chancellor Park, Michael waited apprehensively on a park bench. A tall, slender woman with short, dark hair, her face disguised by oversized sunglasses, approached and said, "Hello, stranger." Michael was startled. Michael warned Phyllis that Christine might spot her. Phyllis scoffed and said she would see Christine a mile away. Phyllis explained that Daniel had let her know that Summer and Kyle had broken up due to her beef with Diane. Phyllis declared that it was time for restorative justice, adding that she could not accomplish her mission if she was hiding under a rock.

Michael asked Phyllis to tell him every disgusting detail about Jeremy Stark, so perhaps he might find something to help strengthen her case. Michael asked Phyllis why she had not trusted him in the beginning. Phyllis recalled believing that there was no one to turn to, so she had gone forward alone without involving others. Phyllis told Michael she would require his assistance, so she could change into a better, new, and improved Phyllis. Michael agreed to help his dear friend. Phyllis privately shared with Michael the story of her fake death.

Later, Phyllis asked Michael why he kept checking his watch, guessing he might have a meeting scheduled with Lauren. Michael replied, "I'm meeting your children." After Phyllis begged to accompany Michael, he warned that sheer luck had so far kept her out of police custody. Phyllis pointed to the heavens and exclaimed, "Someone up there likes me." Michael assured Phyllis that even if he was not her attorney, all her secrets would remain safe with him.

Michael noted that Phyllis' homecoming would involve making apologies and doing good works to earn forgiveness. Phyllis agreed to share with close family members everything that had happened the night she'd "died," including how Jeremy Stark had attempted to finish the job. Phyllis told Michael she wanted to sit for a while and breathe the air and enjoy sunshine before the wrecking ball set in. Phyllis promised Michael that she would summon him when she was ready to shed her disguise. Michael replied, "Don't make me wait too long."

After Michael left, Diane appeared and screeched, "Phyllis! Wow, you're not even trying to hide anymore." Diane, recalling her embarrassing arrest, threatened to summon the police to take Phyllis away immediately. Diane reminded Phyllis how her actions had hurt Daniel and ruined Summer's life. Phyllis stood up and insisted she would fix things and make amends to her children.

Diane mentioned Jack. Phyllis warned that Jack would open his eyes to Diane because somebody would prove how dangerous she was. Phyllis admitted she had failed to prove that Diane was a threat. Diane taunted Phyllis, observing that because she had no family, no friends, and no supportive witnesses, she should run away like a coward. As quickly as the imagined encounter with Diane manifested, it vanished. Phyllis seemed contemplative afterward.

At the Abbott home, Tucker snapped candid photos of Ashley while she sorted through notes she had penned for staff recruiters. A nonchalant Tucker peered through the screen of his phone and claimed he wanted to capture the perfect image of Ashley. Ashley gave up carrying out her tasks, pulled Tucker close, and began kissing him. Diane entered through the front door, noticed the lovers locking lips, and exclaimed, "Oh, for the love of God, get a room!"

Ashley told Diane she should be at Jabot, exploiting her position and the title she did not deserve. Diane replied, "I am sick of your accusations about me and my intentions and my position at Jabot. Everything I have, I have deserved." Diane claimed that Ashley hated her because she was unable to admit she hated Tucker. Tucker rolled his eyes and replied, "Yeah, Ashley." Ashley pulled Tucker close and said, "She's right. I hate you." After Ashley began kissing Tucker on the lips, Diane went upstairs.

Ashley's mood abruptly changed, prompting Tucker to note that the change had occurred the second Diane had left the room. Ashley replied, "She loathes seeing us together. I loathe seeing her in my home. I wish she would just go somewhere. I mean, anywhere but here." Tucker admitted that Diane would not leave unless something changed, adding that Ashley was too polished and refined to get down in the dirt with Diane. Ashley replied that only Phyllis could manage to finish off Diane once and for all. Ashley remembered lamenting that a world without Phyllis would be insane, so she was thankful to learn that Phyllis had not died. Tucker replied, "Still missing in action, though."

Tucker noted that upon her return, Phyllis would be engaged in defending herself against criminal charges, leaving her no time to rid Genoa City of Diane. Ashley asked Tucker if he was thinking up a plan. Tucker suggested he and Ashley might ramp up the pressure on Diane with their displays of affection and chatter about their new venture. Tucker's eyes twinkled with delight when he told Ashley they might even sit naked together in a hot tub while blasting music Diane detested. Ashley, her mind on the business at hand, told Tucker he should concentrate on hiring a headhunter and not hesitate to pull talent from Jabot should they need to.

At the Genoa City Athletic Club, Daniel was pleasantly surprised when Jack cordially greeted him. Daniel recalled how his mother had gone out of her way to disrupt Jack's family. Jack assured Daniel that he was not responsible for his mother's actions and noted that Jack's life was going so well, he would not waste his time worrying about what Phyllis was up to. Daniel mentioned Phyllis having faked her murder, explaining that the longer she stayed away, the worse her situation became. Jack mentioned Summer and asked Daniel if he was keeping an eye on his sister. Daniel shrugged and said he was doing his best.

Jack inquired about Daniel's personal life. After seeing Daniel and Lily exchange friendly glances from across the room, Jack said he was certain Daniel's life was going well. Lily joined Jack and Daniel and gleefully announced that they should order Champagne because Omega Sphere had caught fire in South America. Jack congratulated Daniel and Lily. Lily and Daniel giddily embraced their good fortune.

After Jack excused himself, Lily told Daniel she was glad that his relationship with Jack had not been impacted by Phyllis. Daniel, still reveling after hearing the news about the popularity of his gaming platform, handed over his tablet and presented Lily with a sneak peek of a video game version he had developed for her as a birthday gift. Daniel proclaimed that his creation was named Queen Liliana. Lily was touched and said no one had ever created an entire universe for her. Daniel assured Lily she deserved it all and more.

At Jabot, Billy spoke on the phone with a colleague, agreeing that Ashley should have notified the board before abruptly leaving the company. Summer entered the office. Billy told the caller he would call back later. Summer was eager to learn whether or not Chelsea had considered joining Marchetti as the creative director. Billy explained that Chelsea was not quite ready. Billy suggested Summer consider hiring someone from Marchetti's office in Italy. Summer said she could not think of anyone she would trust.

After Billy dismissively recommended that Summer fly to Italy to search for someone, she cried that perhaps, like Kyle, Billy's lack of concern was his way of freezing her out because she was no longer considered family. Billy reminded Summer that her confidence and leadership skills had saved Marchetti, adding that he believed in her to select the person who could assist her to run the company. Summer admitted she had screwed up. Billy recalled that he had screwed up in the past, as well.

Jack joined Summer and Billy. After learning that Summer was searching for a creative director, Jack told her that Diane might have suggestions for a replacement. Summer said she would rather handle the matter herself. After Summer left, Billy told Jack that it felt as if they were only a few steps away from doomsday. Jack mentioned living with Ashley and Tucker, adding that if he could harness the strength and patience it took not to give Ashley a piece of his mind, he could power the city of Chicago. Jack, railing that Ashley had suddenly and without warning left Jabot, asked, "What has she become?" Billy complained that he had been dealing with the press all day regarding Ashley's sudden exit. Jack said, "She wanted to punish me, Billy."

Billy expressed concern that Ashley might again utilize her patents to undermine Jabot. Jack explained that the merger contract would thwart such an action, though the legal department was looking into it. Billy was curious as to what Ashley and Tucker had been up to behind their backs. Jack replied that when Ashley was angry, she grew quiet and sneaky. Billy added that Ashley's partner was the poster boy for the unhinged and unpredictable, adding that there was nothing Tucker would not do. Jack replied, "Which means that this could get very ugly."

Billy told Jack they should employ a secret weapon as a distraction. Billy asked Jack to consider an early release of their fragrance line for younger consumers, enlisting the assistance of big-name celebrities as promoters on social media. Jack, preoccupied, could not see past his and Ashley's deep resentment of each other's future spouses. Billy replied that the hurt feelings and mistrust among the soon-to-be newlyweds were all Jack's to manage. Diane entered, and Billy asked her how she felt about Ashley's betrayal. Diane explained that she had issued directives to human resources and the legal department to proactively reach out to employees and ensure they would have no incentives to leave Jabot and join Ashley and Tucker. Billy left so Diane and Jack could talk.

Jack said, "Why is our happiness such a threat to almost everyone I know and love?" Diane shrugged and told Jack that they should simply let Ashley and Tucker spread their misery. Refusing to let misery dampen their good fortune, Diane told Jack they should plan their wedding, and she mentioned having landed a fantastic new job. Diane insisted that Jabot would grow stronger despite hostile competition. Jack was all the more mesmerized with Diane's exuberant tenacity and begged her to marry him immediately.

Diane told Jack that it did not matter when or where they wed because all she wanted was to be his wife. Jack told Diane he yearned to run away, and he begged her to go to a private island in the South Pacific. Jack pleaded with Diane, explaining that he could not stand being where people did not like that they were happy. Diane assured Jack that all she wanted was him. Jack, gazing lovingly into Diane's eyes, replied, "I get the girl, and I get to ride off into the sunset with her." Diane, beaming, cried, "You are irresistible."

A distressed Summer interrupted Daniel and Lily at the Athletic Club. Summer demanded to know why Daniel had not checked his messages, specifically messages from Michael asking them to meet with him immediately. Daniel kissed Lily before she left. Summer told Daniel that perhaps Michael was preparing them for Phyllis' return to town, when she would surrender to authorities. Daniel mentioned Summer's marital issues, recalling that she had been spinning out of control. Summer cried that her company was going through a major upheaval, and she wished she could talk to Kyle, tell him how much she loved him, and show him how much their marriage meant to her. Summer cried that it felt like she and Kyle were complete strangers.

Summer nervously checked the entrance, hoping Michael might arrive shortly. Summer revealed that Chance had informed her that she could be apprehended soon after their mom was in custody. Daniel reminded Summer that she had allowed their mother to put her in the position she was in. Summer asked Daniel why he seemed so uncaring about what might happen to their mother.

Daniel explained that he cared within certain boundaries. Summer explained that she had helped their mom without hesitation because Phyllis would have done the same for her and also for Daniel. Summer recalled how the situation had evolved for their mom after they had turned their backs on her. Summer cried that she had risked everything for her mom and ended up paying the price for Phyllis' "death."

Michael joined Summer and Daniel and told them to brace themselves because Phyllis was ready for her comeback. Michael told Summer that her mother blamed herself for the state of Summer's marriage. Michael said he might prove that Phyllis had been the victim of Stark's coercive control, adding that Stark had planned to steal Phyllis' fortune. Michael recalled that the EMT named Carson was the key to Phyllis' case. Michael explained that he and Victor had not been able to locate Carson. Summer insisted they had to find Carson. Nearby, Tucker listened as Michael told Summer it was imperative to find Carson in order to help Phyllis.

Still sitting on the park bench, Phyllis picked up her phone and composed a text message to Summer, Daniel, Michael, Lauren, and all her family and friends. Phyllis offered an apology for having caused suffering, adding that she had learned from her mistakes. Phyllis admitted she had been defeated and could not get her life back or enjoy peace until she faced the fact that Diane had won. Phyllis sat for a moment before collecting her thoughts. Aloud to herself, Phyllis said, "Defeated? Diane won? Oh, what? Oh, hell no! No! What are you doing? Who am I? No, Phyllis."

Phyllis rapidly tapped keys on her phone and said aloud, "Delete, delete, delete, delete, delete." Scoffing, Phyllis cried, "Diane won? Uh-uh! No more hiding. This is done. I'm coming out of hiding. Ready or not, here I come, guys. And this time, guess what? I'm going to finish what I started." Phyllis donned her sunglasses and defiantly strode away.

Sharon has a business proposition for Adam
Sharon has a business proposition for Adam

Sharon has a business proposition for Adam

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

by Jenny Smith

In Chancellor Park, Summer approached Phyllis, who was hiding her face with a magazine. Summer swore that she'd been careful, and they hugged and said they'd missed one another. Summer suggested that they run away and do mother-daughter fashion blogs in countries without extradition treaties, since nothing was keeping her there anymore. Phyllis guessed that Summer hadn't had any luck with Kyle.

Summer reported that she'd gotten a room at the Athletic Club. Phyllis inquired about Harrison, and Summer lamented that the boy was confused and sad. Summer wailed that Kyle hated her, and she didn't know if she could turn things around. Phyllis asserted that hate was as strong as love, and she predicted that Kyle would eventually come around. Phyllis added that she felt like she was "kind of" responsible. "Well, yeah, you absolutely are," Summer snapped.

Phyllis acknowledged that she'd made mistakes and put Summer through a lot, and she was sorry. Phyllis insisted on talking to Kyle, but Summer was adamant that she work it out on her own. Summer mentioned that Michael had said Phyllis might be ready to stop living on the lam. Phyllis revealed that Michael was trying to find Carson, and Summer recalled that Phyllis had shut down Summer's plans to do the same thing. Phyllis advised Summer to focus on Kyle. Summer suspected it was too late, but Phyllis proclaimed that love always found a way.

At the Abbott mansion, Traci groaned that she was filled with dread whenever someone called a family meeting. Billy grumbled that he felt like he'd been sent to the principal's office. Diane entered the living room and announced that there were cinnamon rolls in the kitchen. Billy figured that it couldn't be good that Diane was literally buttering them up. Jack invited everyone to have a seat, but Traci protested that the whole family had to be there to have a family meeting. Jack stated that the critical members were there, and he proposed that they get started.

Traci and Billy surmised from Ashley's absence that the meeting wasn't a plea for family harmony. Jack instructed them to direct any lectures toward Ashley, who'd announced her betrayal to the press before telling her family that she'd started a company behind their backs. Traci pointed out that Jack hadn't called a family meeting when he'd announced Diane's promotion. Jack griped that it was the second time Ashley had chosen to play dirty, so they had to protect Jabot at all costs. Kyle entered the room and realized he'd walked in on a family meeting -- minus Ashley and him. Kyle barked that if they had something to tell him, it would be a good time.

Diane indicated that Jack wanted to discuss the landscape Ashley and Tucker had created. Jack huffed that it was a family company, so it was no concern of Kyle's, since Kyle had refused the offer to stay at Jabot. Kyle argued that he'd once had a decision-making role at the company, but Jack had chosen Summer and expected him to be okay with scraps. Jack retorted that Kyle had chosen to chart his own course, and Kyle couldn't have it both ways.

Traci suggested they take a moment to step back, and Billy voted to let Kyle stay. Kyle bellowed that the great and all-knowing Jack Abbott had spoken, and he knew where he stood. Over Traci and Diane's protests, Jack maintained that Kyle had made his choice. Kyle walked out. Jack barked that Kyle was old enough to face the consequences of his actions, and the rest of them needed to focus on Jabot. Billy proposed that they bump up the release of the teenage fragrance line.

Traci doubted that Ashley would be an immediate threat, but Jack pointed out that they didn't know if Ashley and Tucker were building their venture from the ground up or if they'd bought a company that was ready to market products. Jack recounted that Ashley had taken her patents the last time she'd left the company, and he was certain that Tucker's endgame was Jabot. Billy envisioned that Ashley and Tucker would have fun for a couple of months before they got bored, but Jack insisted that they act right away to remove Ashley from the board. Traci and Billy objected.

Jack argued that Ashley couldn't possibly stay when she'd created a company in direct competition with Jabot. Traci countered that they hadn't ousted Ashley when she'd started her own company in Paris, but Jack snarled that Ashley hadn't had Tucker dripping poison in her ear back then. Traci recalled that their father had wanted all of them on the board for a reason, and she supported Ashley staying. Billy sided with Traci, but he assumed Diane would stand with Jack. Diane reiterated that Ashley and Tucker could only hurt them if they allowed it. Traci declared that those on the high road had the majority, and she told Jack not to make things worse because the blood feud had gone on long enough.

Kyle entered the Athletic Club and spotted Audra, who was on a phone call across the room. He smiled as he flashed back to being in bed with her, discussing the possibility of working together. Audra wrapped up her call and sat down at the bar next to Kyle, who inquired about the phone conversation. She claimed that she'd told the other party that she looked forward to growing a relationship, but she had to discuss it with her partner. Kyle flirtatiously asked if her partner was anyone he knew.

Audra eyed Kyle up and down and described her partner as tall with eyes she could drown in and kisses that put the curl back in her hair. Kyle clucked that she was bold to assume he'd accept her job offer, but she was confident that he was dying to work with her. He admitted that he was interested. She grinned and crowed that it paid to be bold.

Kyle imagined that Audra liked tempting him, and she surmised that he liked it. She cooed that they'd work well together because they had much to teach one another, and Newman Media needed them. Kyle cautioned that it could be dangerous to mix business and pleasure. Audra referred to the feeling under her skin when they were together, and she pictured infusing that electricity into the company. Kyle anticipated that they'd have to spend a lot of time with the doors locked.

Audra urged Kyle to tell her what he wanted, and it would be his. "Newman Media," he replied, and she asked how soon he could start. He seductively prepared to make her work for it and contemplated making her wait for his answer. Audra established a rule that he couldn't look at her that way when they were in a public place, like he wanted to take her upstairs to finish what he was starting. She reminded him that she had a company to run, but it would be better if they ran it together.

Kyle warned that he had demands, and Audra teased him for being a silver-spoon-in-his-mouth type who was accustomed to having his way. Summer entered and spied Kyle and Audra together. "How do I make you mine?" Audra purred to Kyle. Kyle pointedly stated that he needed flexibility in a partner, since his needs could change from moment to moment. Audra declared that it was done, and she asked what else she could do to make the transition smooth.

Kyle stated that it would take a lot for him to leave Jabot in the rearview mirror, and Audra promised to make him forget. Audra noticed Summer approaching, and she clammed up. Summer asked if she was interrupting something. Audra claimed that she was on her way to the office, and she told Kyle they'd be in touch. After Audra left, Summer stared suspiciously at Kyle. Kyle shared that Audra wanted him to work at Newman Media, and he noted that his job at Jabot had been sacrificed for Summer.

Summer reminded Kyle that she'd been the one to get the job at Marchetti after the woman he'd had an affair and a baby with had threatened her. She continued that he'd followed her to Milan after she'd begged him not to, but he'd ignored her claims that they didn't belong together because he'd known deep in his heart that they did. Kyle refused to get into it. Summer recounted that Noah didn't trust Audra, and she insinuated that Audra was up to something. "Maybe I do have a type, after all," Kyle retorted. Kyle wished Summer the best with her choices, adding that he was doing just fine with his.

At Society, Ashley greeted Tucker with a kiss and apologized for keeping him waiting. He deadpanned that the wedding was off. She asked if he'd noticed anything odd when he'd left the house. Tucker observed that Jack and Diane's conversations had suddenly stopped every time Tucker had walked in. Ashley thought they shouldn't be surprised after dropping the bomb about starting their own company. Tucker announced that he had another bomb to drop, and he set a gift box on the table. He told her that it was a secret weapon that could also be considered her wedding gift.

Tucker claimed that inside the box was Ashley's fondest wish come true. She opened the box and found a scrap of paper with a phone number written on it. He explained that the number was the key to getting Phyllis back home for good. Ashley realized that Phyllis was the one person who could get rid of Diane once and for all. Tucker revealed that he'd overheard Michael talking with Phyllis' kids about how the EMT who'd survived Phyllis' ambulance crash was the key to making her self-defense claim stick, and Tucker was close to finding the guy. Tucker anticipated that if they delivered the EMT on a platter to keep Phyllis out of lockup, Phyllis would be beholden to them.

Ashley worried that she and Tucker might create new problems by getting Phyllis involved. Tucker compared Phyllis to a battering ram, and he suggested they wind her up and point her in Diane's direction. Ashley noted that the problem was that Phyllis had no off switch, and bad things happened when Phyllis went rogue because she never knew when to stop. Tucker pointed out that Ashley liked taking risks, but she hesitated to take them where Diane and Phyllis were concerned. Tucker proposed that they point Phyllis in Jack's direction instead of Diane's.

Tucker imagined Diane's reaction when Phyllis convinced Jack to forgive Phyllis. Ashley worried that Phyllis was too unpredictable, and she doubted Jack would ever forgive Phyllis for putting Diane in jail. Tucker trusted that Phyllis would find a way, since Phyllis' very existence was an affront to Diane, and Phyllis could get to Diane in ways they never could. Tucker stressed that they just needed the right players and a "yes" from Ashley. He begged her to tell him to find Carson. "Let's get rid of Diane once and for all. Yes, yes, yes!" Ashley cried. Tucker made a phone call.

Phyllis sneaked up on Michael in the park. He lectured that they had to stop meeting like that, or she'd get locked up. Phyllis reported that Summer's life was imploding, and she had to find a way to try to help her daughter. Phyllis added that Summer thought Phyllis was to blame for Summer's marriage falling apart, and she couldn't have Summer worrying about her mother going to jail and losing her husband at the same time. Michael assured Phyllis that he was close to finding Carson, and he implored her to hold on a little longer.

At Newman Enterprises, Victoria explained to Nick that there was often a restructuring when a top executive left. Nick wondered what would happen when he returned to the company. She stressed that his staff had simply been given other duties in his absence to give him time to recover and help his family heal without pressure. Victoria defended that Victor hadn't had a problem with it, but Nick retorted that just because their father had been silent didn't mean Victor agreed -- he'd just been busy. "Doing what?" an incredulous Victoria asked with a chuckle. Nick revealed that Victor had been trying to get Nick to reinvent McCall Unlimited with Adam.

Victoria thought there was a crazy logic to Victor's plan, and Nick imagined that she just couldn't wait to get rid of him. She maintained that she wanted to give him time to deal with his personal life, but he questioned why Nate had needed to be the one to take his place. Victoria conceded that Nate was more in line with the way she worked, noting that Nick had never had the stomach for being ruthless. Nick wondered who her voice of reason would be, but she insisted that she didn't need one. Victoria recommended that Nick put his abilities to use and go work with Adam, since if anyone needed a voice of reason, it was their brother.

At Crimson Lights, Sharon overheard Adam on the phone, ranting about layoffs at McCall. She offered to get him his regular drink to go, and he curtly replied that if she wanted him to go, she could just say so. As Sally eavesdropped from the patio, Sharon remarked that Adam's new company seemed to be keeping him busy with making sweeping decisions and putting people out of work. Adam preferred to think of his employees as simply being numbers in the hopper rather than having faces. Sharon argued that he barely knew what his workers' day-to-day jobs looked like.

Adam considered the layoffs necessary for McCall to take over Newman Media. Sharon was stunned that he'd barely gotten his seat warm at his new company, yet he was already preparing to take over his family's media company. Adam explained that he wanted to fold it into a new enterprise. Making a comparison between business and baking, she contended that if one wanted to make bread, one had to wait for the ingredients to rest to show what they were capable of, and one had to understand how each essential ingredient went into the final outcome. Adam dryly thanked her for the baking lesson, and he headed out. Sharon called out to Sally to show herself.

Sally said she'd been meaning to thank Sharon for the card and flowers, noting that the gesture had been especially thoughtful after everything Sharon, Nick, and Faith had gone through. Sharon recognized that they'd all gone through an ordeal on that particular night. Sharon sympathized that Sally and Adam had lost their baby, but Sally cut her off when Sharon started to imply that parents generally grieved together.

Sharon clarified that she wasn't suggesting Sally do anything that made her feel uncomfortable, but she was sad to see both Sally and Adam's hearts broken. Sally assumed that Adam was doing fine, since he was back to wheeling and dealing, playing God with people's lives. Sally was sure Adam's family appreciated Sharon's support, but she firmly stated that she didn't owe Adam anything, and she'd given him all she had to give. Sally exited.

Later, Sharon greeted Victor and requested some information concerning his sons. She pressed to know what was behind his push to have Nick and Adam working together. Sharon recognized that Victor would do anything to make Adam happy, including risking the happiness of his other children. She questioned whether moving Nick to McCall was intended to save Adam or if Victor hoped the men would have a sibling breakthrough. Victor asked what made her think he couldn't achieve both goals. Sharon thought Nick might balance things out if Adam didn't feel resentful, but the move could also add fuel to the fire and make an already tense relationship even worse. Sharon announced that she might have another solution.

Nick stopped by Sally's hotel room, and he regretted that he'd upset her earlier by talking about working with Adam. Sally accepted that Nick had the right to talk about whatever he wanted. Nick said he could use her advice. Nick was sure Victoria would be overjoyed if he didn't return to Newman, but he anticipated that he'd just be a pawn in his dad's game if he went to work at McCall -- although it might be the best place for him.

Nick sympathized that Adam had no one to talk to about what he'd gone through, and it wouldn't work for Adam to try to bury himself in work. Nick voiced concern that his brother would turn into the old Adam again, and none of them would be safe. Sally was taken aback that Nick really cared about his brother -- maybe more than he'd ever admitted to himself.

Sharon summoned Adam back to the coffeehouse on the pretense that he'd forgotten something. She clarified that he'd forgotten his manners, since he hadn't said goodbye. He apologized and reasoned that he had a new company to run. Sharon proclaimed that she did, too, and she remarked that it was exciting to put the right ingredients together to achieve the best outcome. She informed him that Cameron had left her Kirsten Incorporated in his will, and as the company's new owner, she had a proposition for Adam.

Sharon confided that Cameron had left his company in a mess, but it was her mess. She continued that it was something she'd never thought she wanted, but it was funny how life had thrown her something she hadn't expected, and she'd figured it all out. Adam asked if she was suggesting he buy the company from her. Sharon proposed that she and Adam merge their companies into one powerhouse company -- and that they do it together.

Daniel helps Lily christen her new home
Daniel helps Lily christen her new home

Daniel helps Lily christen her new home

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

by Nel

At home, when Devon had finished packing, he decided to leave a couple of photos of Neil and a few jazz records for Lily. Devon told Abby he had a lot of good memories in that penthouse, but it was time for a new start.

Abby said she knew moving out of the penthouse was a big sacrifice for Devon, but he was doing it for Dominic. Devon said he would do anything for Dominic. He said he was happy Dominic would have a connection to his great-grandmother just by living in her house. Abby said the penthouse would always be special to her because it had been the first place they'd lived together as a couple. She said there were a lot of memories there, and they could return anytime to visit Lily. They left.

At the jazz lounge, Lily told Daniel she was excited to move. Daniel said when she was ready to redecorate, he would work up some sketches for her. After Summer arrived, Lily left. Summer told Daniel she'd seen Phyllis, and all she'd wanted to do was hug Phyllis because she loved her mother; however, she was really angry with Phyllis for everything she'd done. She told Daniel that Phyllis wanted to stop running, but she had to find the EMT, Carson. She said Carson had to testify that Stark had been psychotic, but Carson was nowhere to be found. She said Phyllis was relying on Michael to track Carson down, and when he was found, Phyllis could return home without going directly to jail.

Summer told Daniel she wanted Phyllis to come home, but part of her was still very angry with Phyllis. Summer told Daniel that Phyllis had promised she would fix everything when she returned. Summer claimed they couldn't do any healing until that nightmare was over. Daniel said the healing and forgiveness needed to begin with Kyle. Summer admitted that Kyle was barely speaking to her, and she couldn't force him to forgive her. She said Kyle had a new job at Newman Media under Audra Charles, who was the acting CEO.

Summer told Daniel that Audra was a shark and had previously worked for McCall. She said Audra had learned everything she knew about business from Tucker, and Summer didn't trust Audra. Summer claimed Kyle was making rash decisions to prove a point, and he wasn't listening to her. She said she and Kyle seemed to be in a holding pattern, and she had to let it go. Daniel said that Summer watching Kyle move in a different direction from the marriage was heartbreaking. He understood because he'd gone through it with Heather.

Summer told Daniel that she and Kyle had made mistakes that had cost them the people they loved. She hoped it wasn't too late for her and Kyle. She said she wanted to remind Kyle that they loved each other, and they'd always ended up together, no matter what they'd gone through. Summer said Daniel had a good thing going with Lily, and she didn't want to see him screw it up. Daniel swore he would do whatever it took to do everything he could for those he loved.

In Sally's suite. Nick told Sally that part of him cared about Adam, but he didn't trust Adam because he'd let the family down too often. Sally admitted Adam always let people down, yet many wanted to help him, hoping he would eventually become the person he was meant to be. Nick said Victor would never give up hope. He said that as a father, he respected Victor's choice.

Sally asked if Nick thought he could work with Adam. Nick replied that he had to consider it because that was what Victor wanted, and Victoria was trying to squeeze him out of Newman. To Nick's surprise, Sally said she agreed with Victor. She said Adam could use Nick's positive influence and that Nick should help Adam.

Nick asked what had changed Sally's mind. She admitted she had a deep and agonizing fury with Adam, which had compounded her pain, but she'd read his letter. She admitted it had touched her. She provided Nick with Adam's letter, but Nick said he didn't need to read it because the way Sally had felt after she'd read it was more important. Sally said it seemed like a cry for help.

Sally told Nick that Adam had wanted to meet with her so they could get through the pain together, but she couldn't bring herself to meet with him. She said after some thought, she'd realized what Adam had been going through. She admitted she was still angry -- and she didn't know whether she would ever be able to accept Adam's decision not to fight for their little girl -- but it had cost Adam, as well.

Sally claimed Nick could be that someone Adam needed. Nick said he had a gut feeling that Adam's letter was another subtle attempt to play with Sally's emotions. Sally claimed the letter hadn't seemed manipulative because when she'd read it, she could feel how real and raw his emotions had been. She said she felt bad for the way she'd brushed Adam off and ignored that Adam had been suffering with no support. Nick claimed Adam always brought that on himself.

Nick asked if Sally was going to reach out to Adam to see if she could save him. Sally said she wasn't ready for that, but she didn't think it was right that Adam should deal with the loss alone. She said Adam needed someone. Nick said he would think about temporarily stepping into McCall. Sally said she didn't want Nick making any decisions about his future based on what he believed was best for her. Sally asked Nick to try not to think the worst about Adam because Adam needed Nick more than ever.

At Crimson Lights, Adam asked if Sharon was proposing a merger. Sharon said with Adam's new company and Cameron's company, she and Adam could run the companies together. Sharon explained that Kirsten Incorporated was a tech company, and they created technology for companies like McCall. She said it would be the perfect symbiosis, and a win for both of them.

Adam asked Sharon why Cameron had given her the company. Sharon replied that she had no idea. Adam asked where she'd gotten the idea to merge her company with his and why she thought it was a good idea for them to partner up. Sharon stated that after the whole Cameron ordeal, she felt she needed a new focus. Adam asked if she was sure she wouldn't rather sell it and be done with everything connected to "that psychopath." Sharon claimed she was looking at it from a new perspective.

Sharon told Adam that perhaps Cameron leaving his company to her had been a sign. She was sure Cameron believed he could keep his grip on her from beyond the grave, but it could be a sign she could make something good out of bad. She said there had to be something she could do with Cameron's company to make it useful. Sharon said she wanted to really give back and make a difference.

Sharon told Adam the way to run a successful business was to assemble the right team and maintain a focused vision. Adam claimed Sharon could make Kirsten Incorporated a force for good on its own without merging with his company. Sharon stated that McCall's product was media, and hers was the technology that carried McCall's product to the consumer. She claimed they could be more effective, more efficient, and more lucrative together.

Adam told Sharon he had a very broad vision for his company, which didn't include a partnership. He was sure Sharon could find the right partnership for what she was looking for. He suggested she hook up with Nick, since he'd been squeezed out of Newman. Sharon said she wanted a partnership, a merger, and an opportunity for both of them to strengthen their companies. She stated it was a cost-effective move and asked why he wasn't interested. Adam claimed it wasn't what he'd planned.

Sharon claimed Adam was a visionary, and she asked him to envision them working together, balancing each other out. Adam claimed Sharon was trying to save him from himself, and it was also about Ava and Sally, but he didn't need pity. Sharon stated there was no pity, just a partnership. Adam told Sharon that if she tried to manage him, he would become difficult and argumentative. He said he would question every move she made and question her every look, and their friendship would be "blown to hell." He said he wasn't willing to risk that, since she was the only friend he had in town.

Sharon said she understood that Adam had been through many transitions recently, and she understood why he would be concerned about keeping their friendship intact. Adam said that kind of language made him think she was acting out of pity. Frustrated, Sharon said he had to stop assuming that caring was pity or that needing help was a sign of weakness, because they knew each other too well for that. Adam claimed that since Sharon knew so much about him, she knew why he was concerned about damaging their fragile relationship.

Sharon reminded Adam of everything they'd been through -- they were still friends, and being business partners wouldn't change that. Adam assured her he didn't need saving from himself, but he wasn't saying no. Sharon claimed they would be terrific partners. Adam admitted there might be some value in Kirsten's company, and he owed Sharon a lot. He said he would consider Sharon's suggestion.

Nick arrived at the coffeehouse. He told Sharon he was considering Victor's request to work with Adam and prevent him from going down the dark rabbit hole. Sharon said he might have an assistant on that mission. Sharon said she'd made a pitch to Adam about merging Cameron's company with Adam's. She asked Nick to imagine what an amazing powerhouse they would be if they merged Cameron's technology with McCall's media assets. She added that it could be a great solution. Nick said it sounded great to him. Sharon said if Adam agreed, it would be the three of them working together, unless Nick and Adam decided to kill each other.

In the park, Chloe was overjoyed that Chelsea was taking over as creative director of Marchetti. She said it was a huge step, and Chelsea deserved it. Chloe said Phyllis had once had a furniture line, and Chloe hoped to get some deals on their products to use on her and Sally's interior design business. Billy arrived and teasingly said Chelsea had to say yes for Chloe's sake.

Billy told Chelsea it sounded like Chloe had done a bang-up job explaining what was in it for her. He told Chelsea he was on Chloe's side because it would be a great opportunity for Chelsea. Chelsea admitted she loved fashion design, and she knew both sides of the industry. Billy told Chelsea to go for it. Chloe chirped that it would be a great new challenge for Chelsea. Chelsea said she wanted to do it, but she would have to run it by Connor first. She said Connor had recently shut down.

Connor met Billy and Chelsea during a break in his soccer game. Billy offered to buy ice cream to celebrate, but Connor declined. Billy left. Connor asked if Chelsea wanted to talk about the baby. Chelsea said only if he wanted to. Connor assured her he didn't. Chelsea said she'd been offered the job of creative director at Marchetti, but she didn't want to take the job without talking to him first, since it would impact them both.

Chelsea asked if Connor would be okay with her working longer hours and maybe not being there when he got home from school. She assured him he would always come first. He told her he was fine and not to worry. He said she sounded very excited, so she should go for it. He suggested they celebrate with pizza later. She agreed. Connor said he had to get back on the field and left.

Billy returned and said things had seemed to go well between Chelsea and Connor. She said it had gone okay, but Connor still seemed a little shut down. She said she would call Summer. Billy was thrilled and said he was glad to see her so happy. They kissed. When Summer arrived, Chelsea said she'd reconsidered Summer's job offer, and she was interested. Summer squealed with joy.

When Abby and Devon arrived at Society, they greeted Lily. Abby said they'd left a bottle of Champagne in the fridge for Lily. Devon thanked Lily for keeping the penthouse in the family. He told her he'd left a couple of photos of Neil and some of Neil's favorite jazz albums for her. Lily said she was ready to move from the place she'd shared with Billy. Abby claimed Lily needed someone to share the Champagne with. Devon said he wondered how much time Daniel would be spending there. Lily claimed she was just enjoying the journey.

Abby asked if Lily was going to make any changes to the dcor at the penthouse. Lily said she would add her own touches, but nothing major. Devon said all that was left was the ceremony of passing the keys. Lily said she was also excited for Devon and Abby moving into the Chancellor mansion, and she was excited to be part of their adventure.

After Lily left, Abby teased that Devon had put Lily on the spot about Daniel, but Devon claimed he'd only given her a little nudge. Abby and Devon were making a toast when Adam arrived and asked about the occasion. Abby explained that she and Devon were moving into the Chancellor estate, and Lily was moving into the penthouse. He asked what Lily was doing with her old place, because he was looking for a new base for his operations. Devon suggested that Adam reach out to Lily.

Devon asked Adam how things were going with Tucker's company and if he had a strategy to get the company back on its feet. Adam asked if Devon regretted not taking the company when he'd had a chance. Devon said he had no regrets. Adam said he was downsizing and refocusing his assets and divisions. He said he was trying to streamline it into a top media corporation and gobble up the smaller ones, like Newman Media, and there would only be two media companies in town, his company, and Chancellor's media divisions.

Devon told Adam that was very ambitious, since he'd seen McCall's books. He said Adam had a lot of work to do. Adam claimed things were already falling into place. He stated that Devon and Lily would get a sense of satisfaction to see Newman Media eliminated, kind of karmic justice for Nate and Audra for what they'd tried to do to Chancellor-Winters. Adam walked away.

Abby told Devon she was ready to get Dominic, go home, and begin the new phase of their lives. Devon was very ready and excited for their new future. As they were leaving, Devon stopped at Adam's table and said he was aware of the wars Adam had had with his family, but Devon didn't want Adam to think that he and Lily wanted to do the same to Nate. Devona and Abby left.

Outside, Lily received a text message from Daniel: "Turns out my meeting was canceled. I'll meet you at your new place."

After Abby and Devon left, Adam received a call. He asked if that person had made the changes he'd sent. He said Newman Media wouldn't know what hit them.

Lily walked into the penthouse and saw that Daniel had set up Champagne and flowers. She asked how he'd gotten in. Daniel claimed he had an inside track with the previous owner. Daniel said he wanted the penthouse to feel like home for her right from the start. He said it was a new beginning and one she deserved. Lily said she loved how he always saw the silver lining in things.

Lily said she wanted to christen the place properly, so while Daniel opened the Champagne, she played one of Neil's favorite records. After dancing and a few stolen kisses, Lily went upstairs, and Daniel followed.

Billy suggests that Diane temporarily resign from Jabot
Billy suggests that Diane temporarily resign from Jabot

Billy suggests that Diane temporarily resign from Jabot

Thursday, July 13, 2023

by Nel

At Crimson Lights, Mariah asked Kyle why he hadn't told her he was leaving Marchetti. Sarcastically, he apologized that he hadn't informed her while his life was being upended. Kyle said Jack believed it would be untenable for him and Summer to work together, and Summer needed stay at Marchetti.

Kyle told Mariah that Jack had offered him a lower-level position, since Billy had his co-CEO job, but he'd declined Jack's offer. He said he wouldn't take a demotion while Summer rose to the top. He said Harrison was confused because Summer had moved out.

Mariah acknowledged that Kyle was still in love with Summer. Kyle claimed it had been the wake-up call he'd needed. Mariah asked if Kyle was fine with everything that had happened. She said Phyllis had framed his mother for murder, Summer had betrayed his trust, and Jack had fired him. She asked if he believed all was well. Kyle claimed it hadn't been the way he'd wanted things to play out, but he'd finally seen Summer for who she was.

Kyle told Mariah he'd been handed another job, but a voice in his head kept asking if he would have had the same opportunities if Jack wasn't his father. He said the outside world would think he'd been handed every opportunity, and he had to prove himself based on his own merits. Mariah asked where his new dream job was. Reluctantly, he said it was at Newman Media, as COO for Audra.

Kyle told Mariah that Audra was smart and driven, and she had real passion and energy. Mariah said she wasn't buying all of it. She said the family company meant everything to Kyle. She suggested he take a breath before taking the job at Newman Media because she didn't believe that was what he wanted. Kyle asked why everyone thought they knew what was best for him.

Kyle told Mariah to jump ship, as well. He said there was a battle brewing, and it would get uglier before it got better. He said she was talented, and there were dozens of companies that would hire her in a minute. Mariah said she wasn't looking for that kind of upheaval in her life. She asked if he was going to ask Tessa to resign from being the face of Marchetti.

Mariah told Kyle that she and Tessa relied on their paychecks. Kyle told her to "suit yourself," but he had to leave. Stunned, Mariah asked if he was upset with her because she wouldn't resign in protest. He said she'd been warned. He wished her luck, and he told her to enjoy working for Summer. He left.

At Society, after Summer ended her call informing someone that Chelsea was going to take over the creative director's position, Abby approached and said she'd heard Summer and Kyle had separated. Summer asked Abby to skip the lecture, but Abby said she just wanted to give Summer a hug.

Summer told Abby that she'd betrayed Kyle, he didn't trust her, and she didn't blame him. She said she'd made a mistake, and she wanted Kyle to give her another chance. Abby wished she had some useful advice but offered a sympathetic ear while Summer and Kyle tried to work things out.

Summer told Abby she blamed Diane. She said she was surprised Ashley hadn't filled Abby in. Abby admitted they hadn't had a heart-to-heart in a while. Abby thought it was because Ashley was planning her wedding. Abby admitted she'd had no idea Ashley was starting her own company. Summer said it was all coming to a head, and she asked what Abby would do if the conflict between Ashley and Jack came down to a board vote.

Abby told Summer that Ashley hadn't directly asked whether Abby would support her. Abby didn't think Jack would ask her to vote against her mother, but she couldn't vote against Jack, either. She said if it came down to it, she would have to abstain. Summer stated that not voting was making a statement, and Abby would have to make it count and pick a side.

Alone at the bar, Summer read the Chronicle's headline: "Kyle Abbott Exits Marchetti Amid Rumors of Family Discord."

Elsewhere, Abby sent a text message to Ashley: "Is this new company with Tucker really happening?"

At the jazz lounge, Jack asked if Nikki was waiting for Victor. Nikki responded that she was on her own and enjoying the music, and the atmosphere was very soothing. Nikki said she sympathized with everything happening at Jabot and the family being forced to take sides. Nikki asked if Jack had the board behind him. Angry, Jack asked if it was a fact-finding mission, and he asked what Nikki was after.

Nikki retorted that after everything she and Jack had been through, she didn't know why he would believe she would side with Ashley and Tucker. He said if it was only him, he knew Nikki would have his back, but Nikki hated Diane. He said he wouldn't put it past Victor to join forces with Ashley and take advantage of the latest upheaval at Jabot by staging a hostile act of his own. Nikki said it wasn't like Jack to be paranoid. She assured Jack that Victor wasn't going after Jabot. Nikki said she was offended that Jack believed she had an ulterior motive by simply asking how he was doing.

Nikki told Jack she'd been concerned after reading the press release about Ashley and Tucker's new company. She got up to leave, but Jack stopped her and apologized. Jack admitted he'd been overly suspicious recently because he didn't know where the next betrayal would come from. Nikki acknowledged it hurt that Ashley was leaving Jabot. Jack said he'd learned of Ashley's defection from a press release.

Nikki told Jack that Ashley was probably doing it to get back at him for Diane's new promotion and Jack's engagement. Jack claimed things were untenable between him and Ashley, especially when Ashley despised his fiance. Jack said he'd known Ashley wouldn't be thrilled about the engagement or Diane's promotion, but Ashley leaving their father's company bothered him. Nikki reminded him that Ashley had left previously, but she'd returned. Jack claimed "this time," it seemed different.

Nikki told Jack that his and Ashley's relationship had always been contentious, but she was sure they would overcome their rift about Diane. Jack claimed the level of vitriol was like a wound between them that would never heal, and he felt he'd been targeted. He said Tucker had tapped into his rage and was exploiting it. He claimed Diane was just an excuse for Ashley to come after him and the company. Jack stated that he didn't see an easy fix to his situation.

Jack asked if Nikki was coming around about Diane. Nikki insisted that would never happen because she couldn't forget or forgive that Diane had framed her for murder, but she wouldn't try to banish Diane. Nikki said that Jack seemed happy. He admitted he was unequivocally in love with Diane. He said Diane was a changed person, and she'd left behind everything everyone had hated about her. He said Diane deserved a chance at her new life, and he wouldn't let anyone take that from her, least of all Ashley.

Nikki suggested to Jack that it might not be what Ashley was doing. Jack said Ashley was single-mindedly determined to bring Diane down. Nikki said maybe starting a new company was Ashley's way of coping. She said Jack had let go of any issues with Diane, but not everyone could do that. She suggested that Ashley was putting distance between herself and Diane as a way of saving her family. Jack claimed Ashley was forcing his hand, and he was worried there was no coming back from their rift. Nikki asked how far Jack was willing to go to save Jabot and Diane. Jack said those two things were most important to him, and he would go as far as he needed to.

Nikki asked Jack about Kyle and Harrison, because Jack was talking about igniting a family war. Jack claimed it was only about him and Ashley. Nikki reminded him that when Tucker was provoked, he became unpredictable and mean-spirited. Jack said if Ashley went through with her sham engagement, then they were about to become in-laws. Nikki asked if he wanted to become that person who'd battled with Victor years earlier.

Kyle was at the bar in the jazz lounge. He looked at his wedding ring, took it off, and put it in his pocket.

At Jabot, Diane thanked Billy for not taking Ashley's side in the latest family battle about her destroying the company. Diane claimed she intended to prove herself. Billy said he didn't believe she was out to get Jabot, but he didn't trust Tucker. Diane said she was worried about Jack's role in that battle.

Diane told Billy that Tucker didn't like to fail. She said she was afraid Tucker would play as nasty as he needed to in order to win, and she didn't want Jack stooping to that level. Billy guessed Diane wanted Billy to stand in for Jack. She said she wasn't setting Billy up to do anything unethical. Billy said he wanted to protect his family and their legacy, and he was capable of playing dirty, just like Diane.

Billy told Diane he knew Jack didn't know about their meeting. Billy said he wanted to protect his family and his father's legacy. He asked what was in it for Diane, since her tenure at Jabot had been short. Diane claimed her loyalty was to Jack and, by extension, Jabot. She said Jack had risked everything to help her, and she wanted to do the same for him.

Billy told Diane not to underestimate Jack because he didn't need or want protection. Diane admitted that Jack had crossed many lines, helping her with Stark. She said she wanted to protect Jack's reputation. Billy said they needed to take a few precautions and do whatever they needed to, then Ashley and Tucker's company would fizzle out before they even got started.

Billy told Diane that if anyone made a move toward Jabot, like Ashley trying to pull her patents or take down Jabot in any way, he would "fight like hell" against Tucker to protect his father's legacy. Billy told Diane she didn't need to worry about any of it because she had a wedding to plan. Diane said she had that under control. She said she loved being chief talent officer.

Billy told Diane he'd heard the wedding was going to be quite the party. He suggested that Diane focus on that. Diane asked why. Billy said because he wanted her to resign, which would be in the best interest of Jabot and, more importantly, Jack. Diane said that was what Billy had wanted all along, to get her out of Jabot. She accused him of working with Ashley.

Billy told Diane it had been his idea. Diane said Billy knew Jack wouldn't approve. Billy said Jack would if it was Diane's idea. She claimed Jack would never buy it; giving up her job would mean that Ashley won, and Diane wouldn't let that happen. Billy said it would only be until things calmed down. Diane stated she wouldn't walk away at all because it was what Ashley and Tucker were waiting for. She said they were waiting for any misstep on her part that could prove she didn't deserve to be chief talent officer -- or hold any job at Jabot.

Billy said he understood Diane's reluctance, but if she looked at the whole picture, she would agree she was the driving force in Ashley's declaration of war. He said if she removed herself from the equation, things wouldn't get so ugly. He said Diane claimed she wanted to protect Jack and Jabot; it was her opportunity to do so by putting them first.

Diane said Billy was asking her to give up something she'd worked extremely hard for. Billy reminded her that Jack had given her that job, and he didn't see a sacrifice in temporarily walking away from the job if it meant avoiding an escalation from Ashley. He said if Diane wanted to protect Jack, then that was the way to do it with the least amount of bloodshed.

When Jack arrived, Diane told him that Billy believed that ultimately, Ashley and Tucker wouldn't prove to be a threat. Jack vehemently disagreed, and he claimed they needed to prepare for war. Jack said he would be very disappointed if he couldn't count on Billy.

Billy told Jack that because he saw the threat differently, it didn't mean he was against Jack. Jack asked if Billy was willing to fight for the company if Ashley and Tucker went after them. Billy said when it came to Jack and Jabot, he would always do what needed to be done.

At home, after Ashley saw the flowers and Champagne, she asked Tucker what the occasion was. Tucker said he'd gotten their business venture together, and his PI was closing in on EMT Carson. He said they would soon have Phyllis in town and weaponize her against Diane. He also stated that he and Ashley were in love. He bent in to kiss her, but she avoided the kiss. He claimed Ashley couldn't say the "L" word, and he felt Ashley was testing his limits before he walked away.

Tucker claimed Ashley was looking for the old Tucker to hurt her again. He asked when she would accept that it wouldn't happen. Ashley said perhaps on a subconscious level, but she claimed they were a great couple making great strides, and they had an understanding that it was a transactional agreement. Tucker claimed it was more than that for him, and he wondered why she chose to deprive herself of so much joy.

Ashley asked Tucker what would happen if she liked things the way they were and if it was as good as it would get. He asked if a transactional relationship with a steel-hearted woman was all he was going to get. Ashley said she had a guarded heart for good reason. She said she wanted to talk about the next stage of their plan, which she was ready to set in motion.

After Tucker poured the Champagne, Ashley toasted to pulling the rug out from under Jabot, one employee at a time. Tucker said that was very slow, tedious, and potentially unsuccessful. He suggested they get Simply Ashley up and running because they didn't have time for Jabot to die a slow and painful death. Ashley said she wanted to save Jabot, not watch it die. She wanted Jack to see that Diane had no loyalty. She wanted to lure the employees away with more money, better positions, and the knowledge that Jabot was headed for a crash because of Jack and Diane.

Tucker told Ashley it wouldn't be easy because Jack would have acquired a lot of loyalty over the years. Ashley said they would convince the employees that Jack's obsession with Diane was costing the company. She said they had to make everyone hate and distrust Diane as much as they loved and respected Jack. She said if she couldn't save Jack, she would save her father's legacy.

Tucker told Ashley he wanted to sic Phyllis on Diane, which would throw Diane off, and weaken Jabot when they took the company and Ashley's patents. Ashley said having Phyllis in Diane's proximity would throw Diane off her game, and she would do something stupid. She said Jabot would stumble, and Simply Ashley would be up and running, then they would swoop in and take over a weakened Jabot.

Ashley leaned in to kiss Tucker, but he backed away and asked her to admit she was in love with him. She asked about the saying "actions speaking..." she kissed him, grabbed their glasses and the Champagne, and headed upstairs. Tucker sighed and remained deep in thought.

Phyllis surrenders herself to Chance and Christine
Phyllis surrenders herself to Chance and Christine

Phyllis surrenders herself to Chance and Christine

Friday, July 14, 2023

by Nel

At the penthouse, Daniel and Lily unpacked and talked about their teenage wedding. Their romantic moment was interrupted when Nate rang the doorbell. He told Lily he wanted to welcome Lily into her new home. He gave her a bottle of wine. When he saw Daniel, he said he hoped he hadn't interrupted, but Daniel said he was just leaving. After Daniel left, Nate said he hoped that he and Lily would see more of each other.

Lily told Nate they could have a glass of wine together, but they wouldn't sit around chatting like nothing had happened between them. Nate made a toast welcoming Lily to the building and said he could provide Lily with information about the building. Lily said she had Devon for that.

Lily told Nate that what Mamie had said at Neil's tribute had reminded her that she and Nate were family. She said she'd been trying to get back to a place where they were just family, with no anger or resentment, but it would take time. She said Nate had stabbed her and Devon in the back, and she couldn't just sit and chat with him. Nate claimed he would always regret what he'd done, and he would continue to apologize until Lily believed him.

Lily said things had worked out great for Nate, being Victoria's number two -- and number one in her heart. Nate claimed his position was temporary, and he was grateful Victoria had seen his potential. Lily said it was both professionally and personally. He said he wouldn't apologize for his relationship with Victoria. Lily said she wasn't asking him to, but she reminded him that Victoria had helped him try to steal Chancellor-Winters. Nate stated that Victoria was a brilliant and dynamic woman, and she'd become very special to him. He said if Victoria was the deal-breaker, there was nothing he could do about it.

Lily asked if Nate was really enamored with Victoria or if she was just useful to Nate. Nate stated that his feelings for Victoria were very real. He said Lily didn't have to like her, but she had to respect his decision, otherwise there was no point in them talking about being a family.

Lily asked how Nate didn't realize that by dating Victoria, he'd thrown everything he and Victoria had done to her and Devon in their faces, and they couldn't just forget it. Nate asked if Lily had forgotten that Devon had tried to take her to court or that Devon and Abby had been caught red-handed, cheating on Amanda and Chance, but Abby and Devon were treated like the happy new couple in town. He said everyone had moved on, but no one could see beyond what he'd done in the past. Nate admitted he'd crossed the line, and he was sorry he'd hurt Elena, but he'd never been more comfortable in his own skin than he was with Victoria.

Lily told Nate that was scary because Elena had been his conscience, something Victoria could never be. She stated that Victoria pushed Nate to be bigger and better, collateral damage be damned. Miffed, Nate said he'd made the effort, but it was over. He left.

At Crimson Lights, Summer told Chance that Phyllis was ready to turn herself in, and Michael was her attorney. She said the nightmare might finally be over. Chance asked if Summer had been in touch with Phyllis. Summer said she had, but she didn't know where Phyllis was. She said that since Phyllis was ready to turn herself in, everything was going to be okay. Summer said Phyllis really wanted to return home, but Chance asked, "Why now?" She said Phyllis had realized the damage she'd done and the people she'd hurt, and she wanted to fix what she could. Chance replied that some things would be tougher to fix.

Summer told Chance that Phyllis was surrendering because Phyllis wanted to do the right thing. He asked what had changed, because prison time had been why Phyllis had refused to turn herself in previously. He asked if doing the right thing involved Phyllis facing charges. Summer said Phyllis accepted that. Summer said Phyllis hoped that once everyone heard what had happened, the charges wouldn't be too harsh. Chance said that he and Christine wouldn't turn a blind eye if Phyllis tried to manipulate the law. Summer said Phyllis was ready for it to be over because she was tired of secrets and of being the bad guy.

Chance asked Summer how she was doing with her separation. Summer admitted that she missed Harrison and Kyle, and her marriage was gutted because of her lies. She said she might not deserve to be forgiven.

Summer asked if Chance had forgiven Abby. Chance said it was a process, and time helped. Summer didn't want to wait. She said she'd loved Kyle since she'd been a teenager, and she had to figure out a way to fix her marriage. She acknowledged that that couldn't happen until the Phyllis situation was behind them. She said she was glad Phyllis was finally ready to return home. Chance asked if she was glad, even if it meant Summer would be facing charges. Summer said the first step to normalcy was to take responsibility for what she'd done to help Phyllis and the damage she'd done to her marriage.

Christine arrived at the coffeehouse and asked Chance if there was something she should know. Chance said there could be movement with Phyllis soon, but they couldn't move on it yet. Christine said she understood that Summer was loyal to her mother, and she asked if Summer had considered the damage it was doing to her life. Summer admitted she was aware.

After Summer left, Chance told Christine that Phyllis was ready to turn herself in. Christine didn't believe it. She said even if it were true, there was always an angle with Phyllis, something to get her out of the punishment she deserved. Chance asked if Michael had an ace up his sleeve. Christine couldn't figure out an ace that would cover Phyllis' multitude of crimes, but she was certain Michael would try.

In disguise, Phyllis knocked on a door at the Athletic Club. Phyllis was shocked when EMT Carson opened the door. She said she was surprised that Michael had located Carson so quickly. She claimed Michael was a miracle worker. Tucker appeared and told Phyllis he was the miracle worker.

Phyllis asked Tucker if S.W.A.T. would be showing up with Christine in the lead. She said she wanted to turn herself in, but not that way. Tucker assured her there were no cops, but he wanted to make her an offer. Tucker said he was Phyllis' one shot at not spending years behind bars; however, he could also make Carson disappear. He told Phyllis that Carson's testimony would substantiate her testimony that Stark had coerced her. Carson confirmed that Stark had made it clear that if he didn't toe the line, Stark would kill him.

Tucker said Carson's testimony would go a long way to prove Phyllis had killed Stark in self-defense, and Carson would testify he had witnessed it. Phyllis wanted to know what the catch was, but Tucker assured her there wasn't one. He said just peace of mind for Carson that Tucker would support Carson's mom while Carson did his time, and the possibility of a lighter sentence because he'd turned himself in.

Phyllis asked Tucker how she was supposed to believe it wasn't all a lie and Carson wouldn't throw her under the bus after she'd turned herself in. She asked if Michael knew Carson had been found. Tucker admitted Michael didn't know yet. Phyllis didn't understand why Tucker wanted to help her. Tucker said they shared something very important. Phyllis asked Tucker to explain.

Phyllis warned Tucker that if he wasn't going to be straight with her, she would leave. Tucker said she wouldn't leave because he was the key to her future happiness, and she would probably feel indebted to him for his generosity. Phyllis said she understood her choice was to either be indebted to Tucker, or Carson would disappear. Tucker said yes, and he thanked Carson for his time.

After Carson left, Phyllis asked how Tucker had convinced Carson to testify on her behalf. Tucker said everyone had their price, and Carson wasn't going to disappear unless Tucker told him to. Phyllis said she realized she had to agree to Tucker's terms, or Carson would be gone. Tucker said Carson could be paid to remain or to vanish. Phyllis asked what Tucker wanted.

Tucker told Phyllis that he and Ashley had gotten engaged while Phyllis had been on the lam. He said they'd also formed a new company, Simply Ashley Cosmetics. He said they would have Ashley's patents from Jabot, they would grind Jabot into a fine powder, and then they would scoop it up for pennies on the dollar. Tucker claimed Diane would be the major challenge when they took over Jabot, and he assumed Phyllis knew Diane had been promoted to the C-suite. He said they wanted Diane distracted in every way possible. He said there was no better way to achieve that than to have Phyllis return, vindicated and victorious.

Phyllis asked Tucker if she would have her freedom just so she could return to town to screw Diane over. Tucker agreed. Phyllis claimed Tucker wanted her to terrorize Diane, something she'd been doing, which was the reason for her current predicament. Tucker said it would be different because there was a new approach. Phyllis said she refused to help him bring down Summer's company, and she did not want to be near Diane. She said she didn't want to be part of it.

Tucker promised Phyllis that Marchetti would remain unscathed, and he only wanted Phyllis to be an irritation and a constant presence in Diane's life. Phyllis confirmed that only her presence was required. Tucker said he only wanted Phyllis to be the tipping point that pushed Diane over the edge while Phyllis enjoyed the freedom he would provide.

Tucker said Phyllis would bring down the woman she hated, Diane would lose her position at Jabot, and her marriage to Jack would crumble. Phyllis stated there had been too much pain, and she couldn't go through that pain again. Tucker said he was sure Phyllis had a lot of amends to make with Summer after she'd blown up Summer's marriage. He said Jack and Kyle might be a hard sell, but she could appeal to their mercy, since they'd forgiven Diane. He had faith they would welcome her back into the family and community, and she could resume the life she'd loved. As Tucker was leaving, he warned Phyllis that their conversation hadn't happened.

Tucker sent Ashley a text message: "There should be some good news later."

Heather arrived in Phyllis' suite. She stated that she was taking over Phyllis' case. Phyllis asked about Michael. Heather explained that Michael was on his way to Singapore because Gloria had gotten herself into a serious legal entanglement. Phyllis asked if Michael had dropped her murder trial for a legal entanglement. Heather reminded her that Gloria was Michael's mother, but Phyllis snarked that Gloria was always in a legal mess.

Heather assured Phyllis she was up to speed on Phyllis' case, and Daniel had urged her to help Phyllis. Phyllis panicked and claimed she couldn't do it without Michael. Heather said she was there, and she was a good lawyer. Phyllis said she didn't have the luxury of time, and she admitted Heather was better than good. She hired Heather.

Phyllis asked Heather if Michael had told her he'd been trying to locate EMT Carson. Heather said Michael's investigators had been closing in on Carson, but Carson had suddenly disappeared. Phyllis said she had a feeling Carson would show up sooner or later. Summer and Daniel arrived and thanked Heather for stepping in for Michael. Heather received a text message from her PI, who informed her that Carson had found them, and he was willing to cooperate.

Summer asked if Phyllis was ready to turn herself in. Phyllis said she had to because the stakes were too high. Heather called Chance and told him she'd taken over for Michael, and she was with Phyllis, who was ready to turn herself in.

Christine and Chance arrived at the Athletic Club. Christine griped that she didn't know if they could trust any of it. At that moment, Summer and Daniel came down the stairs, followed by Heather and Phyllis. Christine snarked that Phyllis had outdone herself. She said Phyllis had put the town through hell, devastated the people who loved her, and wasted public resources, yet she walked down the stairs like some prom queen.

Christine continued to berate Phyllis. She said Phyllis' children, who'd grieved her, were with her, even though one of them would be facing charges because of Phyllis. She hoped Phyllis appreciated their loyalty, no matter what it had cost them, because it was "hellishly" more than she deserved. Phyllis said her children knew she loved them. Heather told Christine her client wouldn't be speaking until they were at the station. Christine wished Heather good luck because she'd stepped into one mess of a case.

Phyllis smiled at Christine as Chance cuffed Phyllis and read her her rights.

Meanwhile, Tucker sat at the bar, recording Phyllis' arrest.

At home, Diane asked Kyle if Harrison had asked for his mom. Kyle claimed it would take time for everyone to adjust. Diane said she wanted to talk to him about his marriage. Kyle said he was fine, but Diane claimed he wasn't because he was trying to avoid the pain by constantly running off. She said she knew how much he loved Summer and the life they'd built together.

Diane told Kyle she was sure Summer regretted everything she'd done, but it didn't mean his marriage was over. Kyle claimed Summer had different priorities. He reminded Diane that Summer had burned their marriage to the ground with every decision she'd made. He said that to Summer, how he felt didn't matter. Diane said that all long-term healthy relationship had ebbs and flows, compromise and forgiveness. Kyle stated he had a son whose mother had made it very clear she had no problem putting herself first, and that was no way to raise a child.

Kyle said if Diane was pushing him to forgive Summer ... Diane yelled for him to stop. She said she'd been that mother, and Kyle had forgiven her. She reminded him that he'd been as hurt and angry back then, as well. He said even if he could forgive Summer, he wouldn't trust her not to do something like that again. Diane told him to put his faith in the love and the foundation they'd built.

Kyle asked Diane how he was supposed to maintain a relationship after what Summer and Phyllis had done. He said Phyllis would return soon, and no one knew what she and Summer would do next. Diane insisted that Summer knew that what she'd done had been wrong, and Summer was trying to repair things. She asked if Kyle was ready to throw away the life they'd built together. Kyle didn't understand why Diane was on Summer's side because Summer was more like Phyllis than any of them had realized.

Diane denied she was on Summer's side. She admitted Summer had done a horrible thing, but she was trying to look past it, if that was what Kyle wanted. She said she would not be the reason Kyle didn't have love in his life. She said if that meant ignoring Summer's sins, she would do that. Kyle said he knew she wanted to help, but he had to get through it his way. He said Diane was a good mom, and he hugged her.

Diane received a message from Tucker with the video of Phyllis being arrested. Kyle commented that Summer was right by Phyllis' side.

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Edited by SC Desk