Young and Restless Recaps: The week of June 19, 2023 on Y&R

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Sally lashed out at Adam over their baby
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of June 19, 2023 on Y&R

Sally lashed out at Adam over their baby's death. Chance deactivated the explosives that Cameron had strapped to Faith. After forcing Nick to take a leave of absence from Newman, Victoria offered an interim COO position to Nate. Traci tried to use John's legacy to broker family peace.

Sally learns devastating news and blames Adam
Sally learns devastating news and blames Adam

Sally learns devastating news and blames Adam

Monday, June 19, 2023

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by Anne Carpenter

Sally awoke in the hospital and told Adam that the last thing she remembered was talking to Elena. Sally recalled suffering from a headache and feeling short of breath. Adam, hoping to buy some time, offered comfort by encouraging Sally to rest. Sally sensed something was wrong and asked Adam if their little girl was okay. Adam remained silent.

Sally became anxious and cried, "Where is our baby?" Sally told Adam she was aware she had undergone a C-section and felt something was not right. Sally begged Adam to tell her what had happened. Adam reminded Sally that Elena had told them that labor might have to be induced. Sally cried that her baby should not have been born so soon and would require intensive neonatal care. Sally began panicking and insisting on seeing her baby.

Adam paused before calmly telling Sally that during surgery, a complication had arisen. Sally, sobbing, insisted that her baby, part Newman and part Spectra, was a warrior who could handle anything life could throw at her. Adam became teary and cried, "Not everything. She didn't make it." Sally, in shock, mumbled, "This can't be true. It's not real. It's not real."

Sally stiffened her body and sobbed pitifully. Adam attempted to calm Sally, reminding her that her body required rest. Sally, inconsolable, cried out and demanded to know what had happened, insisting that she could have saved her child had she not passed out. Adam replied, "Stop! Stop! You did nothing wrong!" Sally, sobbing, asked why their little girl was gone.

Sally became distressed after learning that Nick had not been informed, blaming Adam and accusing him of attempting to keep Nick away. Adam explained that he had repeatedly attempted to contact Nick and had even enlisted the help of Victor, though Nick had not yet responded. Sally cried that Nick would be present if he could be, so something had likely gone terribly wrong. Sally, sounding defeated, said that Nick was dealing with his own family. Adam assured Sally that Nick would rush to her side after he dealt with Cameron Kirsten, promising that Nick always showed up when loved ones needed him.

Elena entered Sally's room and expressed condolences for Sally's loss. Adam told Sally that Elena and the doctors had done everything possible. Elena asked Adam to step out. Adam calmly told Sally he would stay just outside her room. Sally pleaded with Elena to tell her why her baby could not have been saved. Sally cried that she felt there was a hole in her chest that could never be filled. Elena warned Sally that her feelings would intensify before easing, adding that her emotional distress was exacerbated by her physical condition and plummeting hormone levels.

Sally listened quietly as Elena cautioned that it could take many weeks before Sally felt like herself again, urging her to seek and accept support. Sally blamed herself for having failed to nurture her daughter. Elena told Sally that there was nothing she could have done differently to save her baby due to the high-risk situation coupled with complications facing both the baby and the mother. Elena explained that due to the dire circumstances, Adam had been forced to make a decision about which life to save. Sally cried, "Adam had a choice?"

In a suite at the Athletic Club, Nate and Victoria made love. Nate teased that he and Victoria might have to cut down on their "corporate suite meetings." Nate explained that he wanted to give work his full attention during Nick's leave of absence. Victoria replied that making love was her favorite perk, adding that they would need even more time together to discuss all aspects of the company. Nate began kissing Victoria passionately after she asked him if he found her to be a distraction.

Nate and Victoria, clad in robes, later spoke about Nick's predicament after she recalled that her brother was protecting his family from Cameron Kirsten. Victoria expressed concern that Nick might try to handle the situation on his own and make things worse, though the police and Victor's security team had been alerted. Nate recalled that Chance was highly trained and equipped to handle the situation.

Nate assured Victoria he would help her get through whatever happened. Victoria embraced Nate and thanked him for his support, telling him she already felt better. Victoria calmed herself and said she would wait for word from her family. Unable to distract herself, Victoria cried that Cameron was a wildcard. Nate told Victoria she was worrying about something she could not control, even after she'd said she would not worry. Victoria replied that Nick, a fierce protector, had been jailed even though he had not laid a hand on Cameron.

Nate told Victoria that even Cameron Kirsten would not stand a chance against the protection of the authorities. Nate promised to support Victoria through whatever happened. Victoria told Nate that whatever happened, Nick would need extended time off to be with Faith. Nate suggested he and Victoria have a nightcap at the bar and wait for an update from Nikki. Victoria held Nate's hand and told him she was glad he was with her.

Nate entered the club's dining room ahead of Victoria and encountered Audra at the bar. Audra said, "Hmm -- I see you come from the corporate suite. Burning the midnight oil?" Nate told Audra she should roll back her attitude, adding that it was none of her business. Audra reminded Nate that it was their business. Nate informed Audra that the stalker from Sharon's past had put Nick and his family in danger, so Victoria was determined to force Nick to take time off, even if the crisis ended with no one being harmed. Audra asked Nate if he felt conflicted knowing he had gained an advantage due to Nick's troubling situation. Nate admitted he did not like the circumstances, acknowledging that Nick and his family were dealing with a crisis.

Nate admitted to Audra that even though he and Nick were friends, Nick feared he was too power hungry for the Newman family business. Audra told Nate that even if Victoria got her way, he would still have to deal with Nick. Nate promised he would step up for Victoria, which would require Audra to also step up. Nate asked Audra if her questions about his moral code were related to her having qualms about going forward with their plan. Audra insisted she was ready and that Nate could count on her on a moment's notice. Victoria entered the dining room and saw Nate and Audra talking. Victoria appeared concerned.

In a sewer tunnel beneath the Newman ranch, Sharon stabbed Cameron after he had held her in a chokehold and threatened her with a screwdriver pointed at her neck. Chance checked Cameron's pulse and determined that he was deceased. Sharon informed Chance that Cameron had wired explosives to Faith's torso. Faith, terrified, cried, "Help me. Please help me. Get these bombs off of me." Chance asked Faith how Cameron had fastened the bombs on her. Faith replied that she could not remember, guessing that Cameron had strapped the bombs on her when she'd been passed out.

Sharon pointed to a small control device with a blinking light and told Chance that no one had touched the detonator. Chance determined that the triggers on the bombs could be set off wirelessly from a transmission point anywhere. Sharon cried, "What do we do?" Chance replied that the explosives would have to be deactivated one by one. Nick asked Chance if he could deactivate the explosives. Chance replied that he had been trained to deactivate explosives while serving in the military.

Faith was panicky, but Sharon assured her daughter that they could not have asked for a better person than Chance to help her. Nick illuminated the belt with a flashlight as Chance comforted Faith and promised her they would work together to defuse the bombs. Faith cried, "If the bomb goes off, we both die. I trust you to keep me safe." Sharon recalled that during the conflict in Spain, Chance had not been successful in defusing the explosives, though she was certain he would save Faith.

Sharon held Faith's hand, and Nick stood beside his daughter, holding the flashlight, as Chance worked to cut the signal wires attached to each pack of explosives. Chance warned Faith not to breathe too deeply as he set about cutting the first red wire. Sharon gasped in relief after Chance successfully severed the first trigger wire. Chance, sounding hopeful, said, "Only five more to go."

After Chance noted that Cameron might have mixed up the wiring, Faith cried that she did not want everyone to die. Nick and Sharon refused to leave Faith alone, and Sharon assured her daughter that Chance knew what he was doing. Chance examined each looped wire and said, "Black. That's got to be it." After clipping the black wire, Chance was confident he had determined how Cameron had connected the wires.

As Chance worked carefully to cut each wire, Nick distracted Faith, mentioning that Sally's baby would be born soon and would look up to her even more than Christian did. Nick said that spoiling children was one of the greatest joys of his life. Chance exhaled in relief and announced that he had disconnected all the wires. After Chance removed the belt, Sharon cried tears of relief as she held Faith in her arms. Nick kissed Faith and told her she was one brave and strong woman.

Chance instructed Sharon, Nick, and Faith to exit the sewer, so he could deal with Cameron's body. Sharon asked Chance if he was considering arresting her. Nick and Faith insisted that Sharon had acted to defend herself. Chance agreed and told Sharon she should not question whether or not she had done the right thing. Nick said he could not imagine what might have happened had Sharon not had a knife. Sharon thanked Nick for arming her with the knife.

After Nick, Sharon, and Faith left, Chance rolled Cameron's corpse over and said aloud to himself that he should leave the body alone with the rats. Chance called for assistance to process the crime scene and remove Cameron's body.

Victor escorted Faith, Nick, and Sharon back to Sharon's house. Faith said she had never felt so relieved to be home. Victor told Faith he would have been by her side had police allowed him to enter the sewer. Nick told Faith that fathers protected their children all their lives. Victor embraced Faith and said he would contact Nikki to let her know everything was all right.

After Victor left, Faith declined offers of food and asked her parents to sit with her for a while. Nick patted Faith's back. Sharon promised Faith that Sharon and Nick would not leave her. Faith expressed concern for her mother. Sharon replied that being with Faith was all the comfort she needed. Nick said Sharon was a brave and strong woman for facing up to a sick and demented man, recalling that Cameron had forced them to make a drastic decision.

Nick admitted he was also concerned about Sharon after her violent ordeal. Sharon claimed she was fine and was only concerned about Faith processing her trauma with help from professionals. Faith said she was too exhausted to think and needed to lie down. Victor returned and told Faith that Nikki sent her love and felt it was best to give her granddaughter time to rest. Faith nodded, appearing exhausted.

After Sharon went upstairs with Faith. Nick told Victor he could not have envisioned what had transpired with Cameron, though he felt relieved that his family was no longer threatened. Victor said he was thankful Sharon had gotten rid of Cameron. Nick admitted he was worried about how Sharon would handle what had taken place after the shock wore off. Nick sighed and recalled that he knew how distressing it could be to process the aftermath of killing someone.

Nick said he hoped Chance would not force Sharon to deal with any repercussions in court. Victor insisted they would be supportive, and he asked if Nick would stay with Sharon and Faith. Nick assured his dad that he would make sure his family felt safe and secure. Victor told Nick that Adam had been trying to reach him and had seemed very concerned.

After Victor left, Nick phoned Adam. Adam said he had been trying to reach Nick all night, and he asked about Sharon and Faith. Nick told Adam that everyone was safe and that Cameron was no longer a threat. Adam told Nick he had not disclosed to Sally what had been going on with Cameron. Nick asked Adam about Sally. After learning that Nick had not listened to his messages, Adam told Nick he was with Sally at the hospital. Sharon overheard Nick talking to Adam and insisted that Nick attend to Sally. Nick told Adam he was on his way to hospital.

Elena stepped out of Sally's room after Adam hung up from talking to Nick. Elena told Adam that losing a baby was one of the hardest things she had witnessed as a doctor. Elena asked Adam how he was doing, acknowledging that he, too, had lost his baby. Adam replied, "It just doesn't seem real." Elena told Adam that he had had to make a tough decision with only a moment to consider. Adam admitted it was a decision he had never imagined having to make.

Elena offered her support to both Sally and Adam. Adam entered Sally's room and told her that he had spoken to Nick, promising her he would arrive soon. Sally looked at Adam and asked, "How could you do this? How could you let our baby die?"

A grieving Sally lashes out at Adam
A grieving Sally lashes out at Adam

A grieving Sally lashes out at Adam

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

by Jenny Smith

At the cottage, Nick and Sharon descended the stairs after getting Faith settled into bed. Sharon hoped Faith could get the sewer smell off of her, and Nick offered to stick around until Sharon got cleaned up. Sharon insisted that she would be okay, and she encouraged Nick to go to the hospital to check on Sally. Nick hesitated to leave until he knew Sharon was safe. She told him that she would call if anything happened, and she expected him to do the same. She added that Cameron was gone, and Faith was fine, so it would all be good news from there. Nick hoped she was right.

Later, Faith startled Sharon when she emerged on the stairs. Faith admitted that she'd been freaked out to be upstairs alone, and Sharon considered it understandable after everything they'd been through. Faith lamented that things would never be normal again, and she spotted Cameron's duffel bag. Sharon explained that Chance had left it there when they'd gone looking for Faith, but the bag had contained evidence that had led them to where Cameron had been hiding. Faith requested that they put it outside until the cops picked it up, and Sharon set the bag on the porch.

Sharon guessed Faith had the answer to how far Sharon would go to keep her daughter safe. Sharon confirmed that she'd been terrified when she'd realized Cameron had taken Faith, but Faith asserted that she hadn't been scared because she'd known her mother would find her. Sharon said she'd known Faith would do everything she could to stay alive until Sharon could get to her, and she was proud of Faith. Sharon assured Faith that Cameron wouldn't be back ever again, since there was no question he was very dead. "Thanks to you," Faith gushed.

At the hospital, Sally confronted Adam over the death of their child. "How could you do this?" she asked, and he said he didn't understand. She spat that she didn't, either, since the last thing she remembered was being pregnant with her little girl, who was gone. Adam explained that he'd needed to make a decision because Sally's symptoms had been getting worse, and Elena had given him no time. He continued that he'd only been able to save one of them, and it had been too soon for their daughter because her lungs hadn't been ready. "I chose you. How could I not?" he questioned.

Sally demanded to know why Adam had chosen her over their daughter. Adam replied that he hadn't been able to lose Sally, but she snapped hat he'd already made that choice long before. Sally wailed that her daughter had been all she'd had, and she accused Adam of not even trying to fight for their girl. Adam brokenly contended that it had been the hardest decision in his entire life. Sally blasted him for not stepping up and being the man nobody thought he possibly could be for someone who'd needed him.

Adam defended that he'd thought he'd been making the right choice, but Sally cried that he'd destroyed their daughter's life -- and hers. He protested that she wasn't being fair, but she ranted that with all his power and connections, he couldn't give her back the life that had been ripped out of her. He clarified that it had been taken from both of them, but she bawled that their daughter hadn't had anyone but them to fight for her. Sally pointed out that she hadn't been able to do it, but Adam could have.

Sally tearfully recalled that she'd promised her baby that the tot wouldn't have to fight for herself the way Sally had needed to do after her parents had left her, but Adam had forced Sally to let their daughter down. Sally became increasingly hysterical, and Adam asked if she wanted a doctor. "No, I want her! I want her, Adam, but you let her die. You're the reason that she's dead!" Sally sobbed.

Sally asserted that if Adam loved her at all, he should have known to save the baby. Adam reasoned that their daughter would have needed more than friends and a father, but Sally cried that she didn't want to be there without her baby. She recounted that she'd been terrified of becoming a mom because she hadn't wanted to fail her child the way her mom had failed her, but he had gotten her pregnant and told her everything would be okay. Sally blamed herself for not doing enough, but Adam assured her that she'd done everything right. Sally recounted that she'd been happier than she'd ever been to bring their child into the world, but she'd ended up with nothing.

Adam gently informed Sally that she'd been in critical condition, and she could have died. Sally asked if he'd loved their daughter. "With all my heart," he replied. Sally argued that he would have taken care of their child and given her a world beyond her wildest dreams. Adam countered that it wouldn't have been much of a world without Sally.

Adam swore that there was nothing he wouldn't have done for their little girl or for Sally. Sally condemned him for being willing to do anything but let her go, but Adam insisted that Sally had needed to live. She ordered him to get out, raging that he'd let their little girl die. Elena entered the room and asked if Sally was in pain. Elena calmed Sally down as Adam stepped into the corridor.

Nick arrived at the hospital and asked Adam if Sally was being examined. Nick assumed the visit there was just precautionary, but Adam stammered that he'd wanted to update Nick in person. Adam recounted that Sally had been frustrated being cooped up and worried about what Nick had been doing, and she'd threatened to leave, so Adam had taken her out for food. Nick lectured that Adam was supposed to have been trying to keep her blood pressure down.

Adam continued that he and Sally had been having a good time, laughing and relaxing while keeping her mind off Nick, but her headache hadn't gone away, so Adam had taken her to the hospital. Adam recalled that the doctors had tried administering medication, but nothing had helped, and he'd called Nick a hundred times. Nick defended that he'd been in a life-or-death situation, and Adam barked that he and Sally had been in one, too. Adam growled that Nick didn't have a "damn clue" about what they'd gone through, since everything possible had gone wrong, and the baby hadn't made it. "Our little girl is gone," Adam sadly revealed.

Nick struggled with what to say, but Adam told him not to try because there was nothing to say. Elena exited Sally's room and informed Nick that Sally had just been asking about him. Elena warned that Sally had been through a lot that night, and she observed that it looked like Nick had, too. Nick promised he wouldn't keep Sally long, and he entered the room. Nick embraced Sally and apologized for not being there. "It should have been me," she whispered.

Sally mentioned that Adam had had a choice between her or the baby, and he'd chosen Sally. Nick supported it as the right choice, but Sally argued that she'd already had her screwed-up life, whereas her daughter had been pure and perfect with her whole life ahead of her. Sally envisioned her little girl being feisty and spirited, and she believed Nick would have loved her child. Nick swore that he would have.

Nick recognized how much both he and Sally hated what had happened, but he pointed out that she had a lot of people who loved her and would get her through it. Sally wondered if it had been a test to see if she could be good, and she'd failed her daughter. Sally whimpered that the baby had needed her, and she needed her baby. Nick regretted that the doctors didn't want him to stay long, and he encouraged her to get some rest. He tried to hold her, but she begged him to just let her go. Adam watched from the doorway before turning away.

Elena advised Adam that it was important to remember that Sally hadn't been the only person who'd lost a baby, so he should be kind to himself. She handed him a bag with a memento inside. Nick returned, and Adam inquired about how Sally was doing. Nick mentioned that Sally had requested something to help her sleep, and Elena said the nurse would be there to handle it soon. Elena urged both men to go home and get some rest.

After Elena walked away, Adam commented that Nick looked "like hell." Nick quipped that Adam should see the other guy, and he suggested that they go somewhere for a drink to talk. Adam mentioned that there was something he needed to do first, but he agreed to meet at Society afterward.

Elena checked on Sally and wished things had turned out differently. "These things happen, right?" Sally bitterly asked. Elena offered to lend an ear or just sit there and not talk if Sally didn't want to be alone. Sally preferred to sleep, and Elena informed her that a nurse would give her a sleep aid soon. Elena gently said that when Sally was up to it, she could see her daughter -- unless she'd changed her mind. Sally insisted that she wouldn't, and Elena instructed her to use the call button on the side of the bed when she was ready. Elena set down a small box next to Sally and revealed that it was a gift from the nurses.

Once alone, Sally opened the box and found a knit pink cap and booties inside, along with a card with the baby's footprints and name -- Ava Hope Spectra. Sally murmured that Ava had been the light of their lives. She contemplated pressing the button so she could hold her daughter, but she was afraid Ava would be disappointed in her. Sally wished she'd had a lifetime with her little girl. She noted that she'd loved Ava for the baby's whole life, which hadn't been very long, but Ava had given her a joy and lightness that she'd never had.

Sally mourned the loss of having someone to love who would love her back, ensuring she'd never have to be alone again. "Maybe you were more than I deserved," Sally cried. Sally mused that Ava's life had been brief, but the baby had made her stop in the middle of the day and smile because Sally had been about to be someone's mom. Sally said she was sorry they wouldn't get the life she'd promised Ava, but she vowed to always love Ava and never forget her. Sally steeled herself to say goodbye, and she wanted to do it while she held her daughter. Sally pressed the call button and requested to see her baby.

Adam arrived at Society, where Nick was waiting. Nick pushed a drink across the table to Adam, who surmised that Nick wanted to hear the rest of the story. Adam explained that the doctors had needed to induce labor, and there hadn't been any time. Adam numbly recalled that they'd understood the risks involving preeclampsia, but the worst thing that could happen had happened. Nick bemoaned that it had happened that night.

Adam informed Nick that Elena had forced him to make a choice, and he'd only been able to choose one. Adam wondered if Nick could imagine such a thing, and Nick confirmed that he could. Nick regretted that Adam had needed to make the choice, but he was glad Adam had been there. Adam lamented that he'd been the last person Sally had wanted to see after he'd told her what Elena had made him do, and Sally blamed him for everything.

Adam contemplated whether Nick would have made a different decision, but Nick stressed that it had never been his place to make any decisions about Sally and the baby. Nick assured Adam that Adam had done the right thing. Adam couldn't imagine a world without Sally in it, but he doubted she would ever forgive him. Nick realized he'd never convince Adam that it hadn't been Adam's fault.

Adam reiterated that all he cared about was Sally, but he'd really been looking forward to getting to know his little girl. Adam added that he'd been ready to give his daughter the world, and he would have given his life for her, yet he was supposed to just go on while the world kept spinning without her in it. Nick remarked that people found a way to endure. Adam encouraged Nick to go and be with Sharon and Faith. The men stood up, and Nick asked if Adam was sure. Adam extended his hand, but Nick pulled him into an emotional hug instead.

After Nick left, Adam opened the bag and pulled out a box identical to the one Elena had given to Sally. As a bereaved Adam inspected the contents, Victor approached and expressed his condolences. Victor inquired about Sally, and Adam replied that she hated him but that she would be just fine. Adam pondered how a person was supposed to bounce back after everything had gone out of control. Adam recalled that he'd expected that time to be different, with a chance for him to do things right with a new baby by paying attention and cherishing every moment.

Adam concluded that there was something corrupt in him that had ruined everything. Victor changed the topic by asking about the baby's name, and Adam replied that they'd named her Ava. Victor called it a beautiful name, and he wished he'd known her. Victor confided that he'd gone through something similar, and he'd made a big mistake by turning away from everyone. Victor implored Adam to turn to the people who loved him in moments like that. "Who the hell would that be?" Adam testily asked.

Adam noted that he was alone, with no Sally, no siblings, and no daughter. Adam figured that he had to get through it alone, but Victor firmly stated that Adam didn't. Victor pointed out that Adam had people in his life who had experienced big losses. Adam predicted that those people would be happy to see his life in shambles and would smugly hold it over his head.

Victor pledged to always be there for Adam, Sally, and Connor, and all they had to do was ask. Adam said all he wanted was Sally's forgiveness, but it would never happen. Victor agreed that Adam couldn't expect it -- yet. Adam grew agitated and barked that he appreciated his father trying, but nothing mattered anymore. Adam grabbed the bag containing the baby items and stormed off.

Nick returned to the cottage and found Sharon and Faith on the sofa. Sharon asked if everything was okay with Sally and the baby. Choking up, Nick shared that the baby hadn't made it, and he opted to tell them all about it later. Faith consoled him, and Sharon inquired about Adam. Nick indicated that his brother was struggling. Nick pointed out that Sally had him and Chloe, and Sharon recognized that Adam had no one. Nick had no idea how Adam would deal with it.

After Faith retreated upstairs, Sharon welcomed Nick to stay in the guest room. He thought he should get home to Christian, but he preferred to stick around for a bit if she wasn't in a rush. Sharon sympathized that it was sad news about the baby. Nick noted that Sharon was always looking out for everyone else, and she reasoned that she could do so because she was fine. Nick recognized that he knew what it was like to kill a man.

Nick asserted that Sharon's actions had been justified because she'd saved all their lives. Sharon imagined that Nick would have done the same thing in her position. He cautioned that she wouldn't be able to move forward until she felt the emotions, and the experience would haunt her and grow until she faced it and stared it down. Sharon assured Nick that she was processing recent events.

Nick recommended that Sharon talk about it with someone, since it could be ugly and terrifying if she stuffed her feelings down, and it wouldn't just go away. Sharon pointedly asked where he'd gotten advice like that, and he responded that a good friend of his had told him that after he'd killed the man who had been hurting his sister. Sharon chirped that the friend had given him good advice, and Nick pressed Sharon to talk him through it.

Sharon recounted that "that animal" had had her daughter strapped with enough explosives to level a building, and she'd kept her promise to do whatever it took to keep Faith safe. Sharon acknowledged that she'd killed the man who'd been trying to hurt her child, and she wouldn't change a thing if it ever happened again. Sharon exclaimed that she felt alive. She continued that since Rey had died, it had been like she'd been asleep, pouring coffee and listening to other people's problems. Sharon declared that she was finally awake.

Victoria demands that Nick step away as COO
Victoria demands that Nick step away as COO

Victoria demands that Nick step away as COO

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

by Nel

On the patio at Crimson Lights, Faith had a flashback to being in the sewer, tied up with an explosive device strapped to her waist. Sharon encouraged Faith to talk to her or Nick whenever she needed to. When Chance arrived, Sharon told him that she was grateful for the way things had turned out and that they were all okay. She said it was unnerving taking a life, but she knew she'd made the right decision.

At the hospital, Adam walked into Sally's room, saw she was sleeping, and left. Sally opened her eyes after he left.

A short time later, Nick arrived. Sally told him Adam had been there earlier, and she'd pretended to be asleep. She asked how Adam dared seek forgiveness after he'd let their baby die. Nick reminded her that Adam had also lost his child. Sally asked if Nick was justifying Adam's decision. She stated that Adam had lost his child because he'd chosen to let her die.

Nick told Sally that Adam had been in an impossible situation, and unfortunately, Nick had been faced with the same situation: Faith or Sharon. Nick said Cameron had strapped an explosive device to Faith, and he'd threatened to stab Sharon. He said when Cameron had told him to choose who lived and who died, Nick admitted that in that soul-crushing moment, he hadn't been able to give Cameron an answer he could live with. He said before they'd gone into the sewer system, he'd strapped a knife to Sharon's thigh, and she'd been able to kill Cameron with it before Nick had had to choose.

Nick told Sally that Adam had faced the same black hole, and Nick couldn't fault Adam's decision. Sally claimed it wasn't the same because their little girl had never had a chance to draw her first breath because Adam had taken that from her.

Nick asked Sally if Adam had known how she felt prior to going to the hospital. She said she'd never thought things would go the way they had. Nick said he was sure Adam hadn't foreseen it, either, and his focus would have been on Sally. He said Adam had tried to calm her and help her through the crisis. He said when Sally had lost consciousness, Adam had been alone to face an impossible choice, and he'd gone with his first instinct because he loved Sally and would always put Sally first.

Sally asked if Nick would have saved Sharon over Faith. Nick said it wasn't the same situation. Crying, Sally claimed he would have saved Faith, because she had her whole life ahead of her. She asked if Nick would have saved her little girl. Before he could answer, he received a call from Victoria, who asked him to stop by the office later to discuss a few things.

After Nick ended the call, he told Sally that Adam... Sally interrupted and said she didn't want to talk about Adam. Nick said Adam's dreams for the baby had been just as big as Sally's. He apologized that he hadn't been able to be with Sally, but he said he'd asked Adam to look out for her. He said Adam had been by her side every second. Nick said he knew how angry Sally was with Adam, but he hoped she would find some way to forgive him.

Sally said Nick was a good man, standing up for his brother. Nick said Adam deserved it, and Sally didn't need the stress over hating Adam. Nick told Sally he loved her, and he asked her to move in with him. He told her to take time to think about it. Nick left.

At Newman, Nikki told Victoria that Sharon, Nick, and Faith were quite shaken. Nikki said Cameron had wanted Nick to choose between Sharon's life and Faith's. Victoria said it would take time for them to get over that trauma, and it was a good time for Nick to take a well-deserved break. She asked Nikki to support her when she asked Nick to take a leave of absence. Nikki was shocked.

Nikki told Victoria that Nick didn't need more upheaval in his life. Victoria claimed he needed time to recover. Victoria said it wasn't just about Cameron, but also about Sally losing the baby. She said that as strong as Nick was, he needed to step back from Newman, take time to recover, and spend time with his family and Sally. Nikki asked if Victoria was suggesting it out of sisterly concern. Victoria said she was, just as Nikki had been concerned about her after what had happened with Ashland.

Nikki reminded Victoria that she'd refused to take time off work because she'd claimed work would be the best remedy, and Nick might feel the same way. Nikki said it had to be Nick's choice whether he took time off. Nikki asked if Victoria's reason about Nick was because she had someone eagerly waiting in the wings to jump behind Nick's desk. Victoria repeated it wasn't an attempt to remove Nick from the company permanently; it was a tactical move for Newman, and it was in Nick's best interest. Nikki told Victoria that if it was in Nick's best interest, then it needed to be his choice. Nate arrived.

Nate told Nikki he had some ideas he wanted to run by Victoria. Nikki asked if they were for Newman Media or Newman Enterprises. Nate said Newman Media because he wouldn't presume to suggest ideas for the parent company when Victoria did such a great job of leading them. Nikki said he spoke like a man in favor of Victoria's agenda regarding Nick.

Nikki told Victoria she had a meeting to go to, and she asked Victoria to wait a few days to see how Nick felt before she made any rash decisions. Victoria said she would take that under advisement. Nikki stated she wouldn't back Victoria if she insisted on going ahead with her plan for Nick. After Nikki left, Nate commented that Nikki wasn't keen on the idea of him taking up the slack if Nick took a leave. Victoria said Nick needed to take time off, and it wasn't Nikki's call. She indicated she wanted Nate involved in the bigger corporate picture.

Nate asked if Victoria was certain that was the move she wanted to make, since Nikki wasn't happy about her decision, and Victor probably wouldn't be, either. Victoria said Nick had been through hell, and after the trauma he'd suffered, there was no way he would be able to do his job. Nate asked if Nick would see it as being removed as COO. Nate said he would return later with his ideas for Newman Enterprises. Victoria said she was always impressed that he thought big and that he kept two steps ahead. They kissed.

At the coffeehouse, Chance told Sharon that Cameron had known he wouldn't walk out alive, and he'd wanted to take them with him. Sharon said it was hard to reconcile how close they'd been to losing Faith. Chance said Sharon had saved everyone's lives.

When Adam arrived and saw Chance, angry, he asked "where the hell" Chance had been when Faith and Sharon had needed him. Adam asked how many clues Chance had missed. He said he'd heard that "that psycho" had been staying at the Athletic Club. Sharon told Adam to stop. She said Chance had been a hero, and if he hadn't arrived, she and Faith might not be alive.

Adam claimed that if Chance had found Cameron sooner, Faith wouldn't have been kidnapped. Faith came in and said Chance had risked his life to save hers, the way Adam had done. She said they were both her heroes. Adam claimed he was no hero, and he left the patio. Sharon followed him.

Adam offered an apology to Sharon for his lack of manners. Sharon acknowledged that Adam had been through a lot recently. She said she was sorry about the baby, and asked when Sally would be released. Adam said he didn't know because Sally wasn't speaking to him. Sharon told Adam to be kind to himself. He asked how Sharon could be so generous after what he'd done to her in the past. He said he'd allowed Sharon to think she'd lost her baby. He claimed a lot of people would say he deserved the hell he was going through.

Sharon told Adam that if anyone said that to him, they had no decency. She said no one deserved that. Sharon told Adam not to look for reasons like karma or payback for his past, because it had been a medical emergency, nothing else. She said he was capable of a lot of love and compassion. He said he wasn't feeling very loving or compassionate. Sharon said it was understandable, and it would take time to get over his loss. He claimed his baby had died because of him. He said his one true bond with Sally was gone, and she hated him for it.

When Nick arrived, Adam asked how Sally was doing. Nick said Sally was going through a rough time. Nick said the events had been out of Adam's control. Nick said Adam had made the best decision in that moment. Adam stated that Sally never wanted to talk to him again, but he wanted to talk to her and make her understand. Nick suggested that Adam give Sally some space because she needed time to deal with her emotions. Adam left.

Sharon reminded Nick that they'd come very close to losing Faith, but Nick said they hadn't because Sharon had done what she'd needed to do to save Faith. Faith came in and hugged Nick. She said she was doing okay, but she wanted to get out of Genoa City. Faith said she wanted to get a head start for the fall semester. She said she would get a job near campus.

Sharon told Faith she'd been through a major trauma, and it might not be a good time to make major decisions. Nick agreed. Faith said Cameron had been in their house and the coffeehouse, and he'd found her at the park. She said everywhere she looked and went, it hit her all over again. She said she didn't want to live with that fear. Sharon said it wasn't healthy to run from the memories. Faith claimed she wasn't running away; she wanted to live her own life again and be with friends. She promised she wouldn't do anything crazy or flip out. She said she had amazing parents who were a phone call away. Sharon agreed if it was what Faith really wanted. They all hugged.

When Chance returned, he saw Sharon in tears. Sharon told him Faith was returning to Ann Arbor. Sharon said Faith didn't feel safe after everything that had happened. Chance assured Sharon that she and Faith would be okay.

Sharon told Chance that Adam's statement had been incorrect because no one blamed Chance for what had happened with Cameron. Chance claimed he should have gotten to Cameron before Cameron had gotten to Faith. She said Chance had done everything he could. She said Faith was alive because of him. Sharon hugged him.

Adam returned to Sally's room. While Sally was sleeping, Adam said he knew she didn't want to see him, but he wanted to explain. He said when Elena had asked him who they should save during surgery, his heart had stopped. He'd been overwhelmed with the thought of losing Sally. He said they weren't together any longer, but he couldn't imagine a world in which Sally no longer existed. He said when Elena had told him their child might not survive, he hadn't been able to face losing both of them.

Adam told Sally he'd dreamed of their baby, and he'd loved her. He said their spicy little girl would have been as amazing and as bossy as her mother. He said it ripped him apart that he wouldn't get to know her, but Sally had because she'd felt the baby, talked to her, and sung to her. He said he'd known Sally would have chosen the baby because Sally loved her, but he'd chosen Sally because he loved her.

Adam told Sally he hoped that someday she would look at him and let him explain how impossible the situation had been, but he would understand if she never wanted to hear from him again. He said it didn't mean he would stop loving her because that was impossible. He said he'd only wanted to protect her and the baby, and he would never forgive himself for breaking her heart. He kissed her hand and left. Sally opened her eyes and began to cry.

At Newman, Victoria asked Nate about the white paper for the streaming series he hoped Newman would acquire. Nate said Audra was working on it, and it would be done by the end of the day. Victoria said she'd seen Nate and Audra at the club the previous evening, and they had appeared to be in the middle of something. He claimed Audra had had some questions about the white paper.

Nate told Victoria that Audra was all business. Victoria said they both knew Audra wanted more power at Newman Media. She asked if Nate was okay with that. Nate claimed Audra had done wonders for the company, but they needed to keep her ambition harnessed and focused. When Nick arrived, Nate left.

Victoria asked Nick how he was holding up. He said Cameron was gone, and they could all move on. Victoria inquired about Sally. He said it would take Sally a long time to get to the other side of it. She said she knew that even though the child hadn't been Nick's, he'd been excited about helping Sally raise her. She claimed Sally would need Nick's support. He asked if Victoria was suddenly a fan of his relationship with Sally. Victoria said Sally needed him, and so did his family.

Nick asked Victoria why she had all that concern. Victoria said he needed to take a leave of absence from Newman. Nick said that wouldn't be necessary. Victoria disagreed. She said he might be able to let go of Cameron, but it wouldn't be as easy for Sharon or Faith. Nick said Faith was returning to Ann Arbor, but even if she wasn't leaving, he didn't need to stop working to support the people he loved, which included Sally.

Victoria claimed Nick needed time to think about it, but Nick said Sharon and Faith had gone to the coffeehouse because they'd known working would help them get past the memories of what they'd survived. He said the same applied to him, and Victoria should understand that. She claimed his situation was different, but Nick disagreed. He reminded her that he, Nikki, and Victor had all tried to convince Victoria to stop working after the Ashland situation, but she'd refused because she'd claimed working made her whole. He said he needed to be at work more than ever.

Victoria said Nick had almost lost Sharon and Faith the previous night, and Sally had lost her baby. She said there was no way Nick could see clearly to make sound decisions after all that trauma. She said she wasn't asking, and the decision had been made. She said she needed him to step away from his role as COO.

At Society, Nikki had ended her meeting when Nate walked in and commented that it appeared she'd had a successful meeting. Nikki admitted it had been, and she'd received positive feedback about Newman Media and his work on the social media platform Newman had just acquired. Nate said he was excited about it. Nikki said it appeared Nate was looking forward to overseeing such a high-profile project. Nate claimed it would be a huge success, but Audra would be heading it up.

Nikki said Nate was already shifting his focus to Newman Enterprises, and Nick hadn't left yet. Nate hoped Nikki didn't think he was out of line. Nikki stated he was hijacking Nick's position, but Nate claimed he was trying to respect Victoria's wishes and do what was best for the company. Nikki stated Nate hadn't always done what was best for the company. Nate admitted he'd made mistakes at Chancellor-Winters, but he'd learned from them. He said his ambition might upset her and Nick; however he and Victor had spoken at length, and Victor seemed to respect it.

Nikki told Nate that she and Victor had different ideas about where and when business took precedence over family. She advised Nate to proceed very carefully. Nikki left.

Traci tries to use John
Traci tries to use John's legacy to broker family peace

Traci tries to use John's legacy to broker family peace

Thursday, June 22, 2023

by Jenny Smith

At the Athletic Club, Traci met with her agent, Zelda, to discuss Traci making some appearances in smaller towns outside their major markets. Traci was grateful for the opportunity, noting that she could use a break from Genoa City. Traci hesitated to elaborate, but Zelda referred to how they'd grown up in the business together, and she implored Traci to open up about what was bothering her. Traci confided that she was worried that her family might be imploding.

Zelda remarked that she'd thought the Abbotts had always been a tight-knit bunch, but Traci groaned that it wasn't always the case. Zelda recalled that all the Abbott family members she'd met over the years had been very gracious -- especially John. Zelda figured that they were all high-powered, creative, independent thinkers, which could stir up conflict. She guessed there had been more drama between Jack and Ashley. Traci explained that there had been an ongoing battle over her siblings' romantic partners.

Traci revealed that Ashley was staging a coup in plain sight because she feared Jack would promote Diane into a powerful position, potentially hurting the company. Traci shared that the real punchline was that Ashley was doing exactly the same thing with Tucker by angling to give him a prominent position, so she'd have an ally on the inside. Traci griped that it was making her crazy, since she'd always been the peacemaker, but she didn't know what to do. She lamented that the battle was out of control, and she worried that they'd all be scarred for life if it dragged on much longer.

Zelda invited Traci to join her in Manhattan and write about her family's turmoil instead of living it. Traci clucked that running away wasn't the answer, and she pledged to try to fix it. Traci mused that Jack and Ashley felt that Jabot was their father's legacy, but John's legacy was their family. Traci was determined to make Jack and Ashley focus on that.

A teenage Traci told John that she loved him and that she didn't want to go away again. She begged him to let her stay, and he inquired about her plans to continue school. Traci said she intended to keep studying, but she mostly wanted to be around her family and friends. John revealed that he'd hoped she would make that decision because he loved having his girls home. He marveled that their family was together for the first time after many years, and he'd been dreading the idea of her leaving.

A stunned Traci asked why John hadn't told her that, and he explained that he hadn't wanted to influence her decision. She realized that she'd been afraid of disappointing him, and they laughed over their failure to communicate. They agreed to talk more often. Father and daughter hugged, and Traci thanked him for being so understanding. John exclaimed that it was good having her home again, and she enthused that it was wonderful to be home with her "super neat" dad. They hugged again.

Zelda recalled watching Traci write her way out of a million tricky situations, and she urged Traci to tackle that one the same way -- head-on. Zelda suspected that underneath Traci's sweet personality was a will of iron. Traci vowed to find a way for Jack and Ashley to understand that making peace was the only way, even if she had to "slap them upside the head" to make them see it.

At the Abbott mansion, Kyle descended the stairs. Summer called out to him, but he coldly replied that he was on his way out. She wondered if he'd heard the story about the hamster at Harrison's day camp. Kyle confirmed that he'd heard it when he'd tucked Harrison in, and Summer guessed it had been after she'd already said goodnight to their son. Summer mentioned that there were muffins in the kitchen, but Kyle barked that he wasn't hungry. She pleaded with him to talk before he went to the office.

Kyle snapped that he was late for a meeting, but Summer pressed to talk about how they'd get through everything that had happened. She reiterated how sorry she was, and she mentioned that his mom had forgiven her. Summer hoped Kyle could forgive her, too, since she missed him. Kyle huffed that it was all about her trying to convince him to let go of his anger and accept what she'd done. He flatly stated that it wouldn't happen with one conversation, and it would take time -- if they could even get there.

Kyle recounted that Summer had slept in another room for weeks while he'd begged her to talk to him and let him comfort her, and he assumed she'd give him the same time and space he'd given her. Summer started to protest, but she ultimately relented. After Kyle headed out, Diane appeared and said she hadn't meant to eavesdrop, but she felt terrible about what the couple was going through. Summer asked if Diane thought Summer had lost Kyle.

Diane sympathized that Summer was feeling helpless and scared, and she offered to be there for Summer with no judgment. Summer asked if Diane had meant what she'd said about feeling responsible for setting things in motion, and she suggested that Diane make amends by helping Summer and Kyle through their rough patch. Summer bemoaned that she saw pain in Kyle's eyes because he was so disillusioned with her. Diane recalled that Jack had looked at her that way many times over the years.

Diane asserted that it was in the past for her and Jack, and she was sure that would soon be the case for Kyle and Summer. Summer thought the difference was that Diane had earned Jack's trust back, whereas Summer had had Kyle's trust but broken it. Diane volunteered to help Summer and Kyle find their way back to one another. Summer thanked Diane, and she stepped out to pull herself together before going into the office.

At Crimson Lights, Jack told his assistant, Emily, to have their public relations team put together a press release about Diane's appointment as chief talent officer of Jabot. Emily offered to book a photo session to take new headshots of Diane. Jack loved the idea, and he declared that it was time they let the business world know about the new face in the C-suite at Jabot. Emily asked if she should mention Jack and Diane's upcoming wedding. Jack proclaimed that Jabot was an Abbott family business, and Diane was about to become a vital part of both.

At Jabot, Ashley informed Billy that she'd reached out to additional board members to let them know she thought Diane was a threat to the stability of the company. Ashley announced that they'd agreed that they had to be proactive about stopping Diane in her tracks before she caused any real damage. Billy pointed out that he and Ashley had had more conversations about the threat from Diane than about research and development. He argued that Diane had no superpowers or seat on the board.

Billy noted that there were checks and balances in place to make sure Diane couldn't burn the company down. Ashley recalled that Gloria had caused a lot of damage, but Billy countered that Jabot had been fine because of those checks and balances. Ashley contended that the balancing part included being willing to act preemptively to prevent another Gloria situation from happening. Billy questioned why Diane would destroy the company when she'd be vested in Jabot's success once she married Jack.

Ashley scoffed at the thought of Jack and Diane's marriage being legitimate and not a long-game con Diane was running. Billy asked which board members Ashley had spoken with. Ashley revealed that she had Abby's full support, and she anticipated it would only be a matter of time before she convinced Traci to help keep Diane far away from Jabot. Billy joked that it was a "hell of a coalition" she was building.

Ashley told Billy to check himself before he dismissed her concerns. Billy responded that he understood but didn't share her concerns, and he swore that he'd fight her if she tried to oust Jack. "You're such a kiss-ass," Ashley taunted, accusing him of being so beholden to his big brother for letting him back into the company that he was willing to ignore the wolf waiting outside the door. Billy retorted that Ashley was embarrassing herself, since Tucker had gotten her riled up about something that hadn't even happened.

Billy wondered if he'd be next to go if Ashley successfully got Jack kicked out, leaving her and Tucker as queen and king of the castle. Billy believed it was exactly what Tucker wanted, and he vowed never to let Tucker get his hands on Jabot. Billy declared that he was "Team Jack" all the way as Jack walked in. Jack was grateful he could count on Billy, and Ashley called their "little boys' club" a joke.

Jack and Ashley bantered about one another's romantic choices. Billy tried to intervene, but Ashley cited Billy's past transgressions and spat that he had no business pretending he knew how to run a company. The three siblings simultaneously received text messages from Traci, summoning them to an urgent family meeting. They all rushed out.

Traci and Zelda entered the Abbott home, and Traci introduced Zelda to Diane and Summer. Jack returned home and greeted Zelda with a hug. Jack asked if everything was all right, since he'd been afraid something had happened to Harrison when he'd received Traci's message. Ashley and Billy arrived, and Traci assured the group that everything was fine. Billy remembered meeting Zelda in New York years earlier.

Traci said she was waiting on one more family member. Zelda prepared to head out, and Traci promised to try to say goodbye before Zelda left town. After Zelda departed, Kyle joined the group. Traci explained that there was no real emergency, but they had to talk about something important. She requested that Diane and Summer excuse the rest of them to discuss some family matters, but Jack insisted that both women were part of the family.

Ashley supposed Tucker should be there, too. Jack grumbled about Ashley forcing the guy down their throats, and Ashley muttered, "Look who's talking." Traci lectured that it was exactly why she'd called them there, since the bickering and tension was tearing their family apart, and it had to stop. Traci complained that their home had become a battleground, and she couldn't take it anymore. She contemplated what their father would have thought if he were there.

Ashley predicted that John would have been appalled that Jack had let Diane back into his life again. Jack surmised that John would have been just as furious that Ashley was letting Tucker manipulate her. Traci imagined that John would have told them to be kinder and more understanding of one another's quests to find loving relationships. Traci recalled that their father had been a strong and focused businessman -- yet he'd also been fair, and he'd believed in redemption and second chances for the people he cared about.

Jack fretted that Jabot was hemorrhaging money, and he wondered if he'd rushed things. He pondered whether he was leading the company or allowing his contempt for Victor to lead him. John reminded Jack that they'd been working toward entering the market for a long time, and he was certain Jack's efforts would pay off. John assured Jack that they'd known about the potential long before the Newmans had gotten involved, and Jack had done nothing to be ashamed of. John stressed that he believed in Jack, and the men embraced.

Ashley refused to talk about their family -- especially their father -- with Diane standing there. Ashley continued that she appreciated what Traci was doing to try to mend the cracks in their family, but there were some things that couldn't be fixed. Diane agreed to leave so the Abbotts could speak freely as a family. Diane added that Ashley might be determined to get everyone to choose sides, but it wasn't what Diane wanted. Summer opted to go with Diane, and the women exited.

Traci invited everyone to take a seat to discuss what they could do to get past the anger and bitterness that had taken over their family. Billy thought John would have done what Traci was doing by getting them to talk to one another kindly and rationally, since they hadn't been hearing one another with everyone shouting and not listening. Jack piped up that he had John's voice inside his head all the time, guiding him on the right path and telling him when he'd crossed the line.

John welcomed Jack home at Jabot. John commended Jack for accepting responsibility for his mistakes, and he thought Jack was ready to be the leader John had always known Jack could be. John added that he was proud of Jack, but he urged Jack to pace himself. Jack acknowledged that he had just gotten off pills. John advised that Jack didn't have to be the best at everything he did, since John wouldn't love him any less. John implored Jack to stop driving away the people who were trying to help him. Jack regretted that he'd made a mess of things. John ordered him to clean it up and get the Abbott family back together again.

Billy thought it was the perfect time for Jack to listen to John's voice. Ashley said she carried "Daddy" in her heart, too, and she murmured that John had always known all the right things to say. John told a despondent Ashley that it broke his heart to see what she was going through. Ashley wailed that she felt completely empty inside. He wished he could take her in his arms and make it all go away like he'd been able to do when she'd been a little girl. Ashley groaned that the world could be cruel and hurtful, and she wondered if the pain would ever go away. John comforted her.

Traci referred to John as their family's true north. She credited him for teaching her everything she knew about morals, ethics, and the right way to treat people. Jack believed all of them could say that. Kyle admitted that he hardly remembered John, but he knew the man from everyone's stories. Ashley recalled that it had killed John to see his kids in pain. Jack added that it had been even worse when the source had been someone within their family.

John expressed concern to Ashley about the animosity between her and Jack. John was adamant that it stop and said he counted on her to make the first move. Ashley confirmed that their father had hated it when his kids had fought. Jack stated that what meant most to him about being an Abbott was that they stayed united as a family when times got tough, and they didn't let their differences or quarrels consume them -- at least not for long. Traci felt more hopeful than she had in weeks.

Ashley conceded that she felt better not being quite as angry with Jack. Traci hoped Jack and Ashley found enough common ground to consider the possibility of resolving their differences. Jack was willing to settle for not constantly being at one another's throats. Traci observed that Kyle had been quiet, and she pressed to know what he was thinking. Kyle figured that he couldn't force Ashley to like or trust his mom any more than she could force Jack to like Tucker, but he suggested that they both turn down the volume.

Kyle pointed out that he had his own issues with Summer, and that took precedence. Traci recognized that Kyle felt hurt and disillusioned -- with good reason -- but she suggested that perhaps Summer's guilt was punishment enough. Kyle replied that he might agree if he thought Summer was being sincere, but he couldn't tell if she felt bad about what she'd done or only because she'd been caught. Kyle realized he would probably never know, and he wasn't sure if he could live with that.

Traci reasoned that they'd all been in situations where they hadn't thought they'd be able to forgive people who'd hurt them, and she referred to the long time it had taken her to forgive Ashley and Brad. Traci asserted that it had been hard, but it had been worth it because the anger had taken up too much space in her brain and heart, squeezing out all the room left for joy and happiness. Kyle admired her big heart, but he wasn't ready to forgive Summer, and he wasn't sure if he ever would be.

Jack accepted that forgiveness couldn't be forced, and they had a choice about whether to fix things. Traci couldn't believe any child raised by John Abbott would choose anger over healing, and she couldn't bear it if it were true. She walked out.

After Kyle left for the office, Billy told Jack and Ashley that he loved them both and wanted them to be happy. Billy recognized that he was on the outside because he wasn't one of Dina's kids, but he respected them and would continue to respect them, no matter who they decided to marry. Billy stepped out. "Can we get past this?" Jack asked Ashley. "I don't know, Jack. Can we?" Ashley replied.

Traci returned to the Athletic Club and thanked Zelda for convincing her to try with her family. They hugged, and Zelda gushed that it had been her immense pleasure. Traci didn't know if it had made much of a difference, but she was determined to have hope.

In a series of happy flashbacks, John expressed love for and pride in his children. Jack and Ashley huddled close and began to talk. Meanwhile, Traci gazed adoringly at a photo of her and John on her phone.

Victoria names Nate as interim COO of Newman Enterprises
Victoria names Nate as interim COO of Newman Enterprises

Victoria names Nate as interim COO of Newman Enterprises

Friday, June 23, 2023

by Nel

At Newman, Nikki told Victoria she'd seen Nick storm out of Victoria's office. Victoria said Nick would get past his upset, and he would realize he needed a break. Victoria claimed the ordeal with Cameron, and Sally losing her baby were too much for Nick to handle all at once. Nikki insisted it should have been Nick's call. Victoria claimed she'd made the right decision for Nick and the company. Nikki asked what Victoria's next move would be. Victoria denied any next move and said she was tired of everyone second-guessing her decisions for the company.

When Victor arrived, Nikki said Victoria had forced Nick to take a leave of absence because she'd decided that after the trauma with Cameron, and Sally losing the baby, Nick needed a break from the company, whether he wanted it or not. Nikki reminded Victoria they had all asked Victoria to take time off after the whole Ashland debacle, and Victoria had claimed she'd needed to focus on work.

Victoria told Nikki there was no comparison between the two circumstances. Nikki stated that Nick knew what he needed to do to take care of his family. Victor agreed that Nick was capable of handling his job and caring for his family. Victoria claimed she was worried about Nick carrying around such a heavy burden on top of his workload. She claimed he would thank her for it later. Nikki asked who Victoria was to make that decision for him. Victoria claimed she was looking out for everyone concerned. Nikki stated there was more at play, and it had to do with Victoria's relationship with Nate.

Audra stood outside the door and listened.

Victoria asked why Nikki thought Nick's leave of absence had anything to do with Nate. Nikki said Nate had delegated all the Newman Media work to Audra. Victoria asked what was wrong with Nate helping her while Nick took time off. She claimed Nate had already proven himself, and Victor had mentioned how impressed he was with Nate.

Victor stated that Victoria was romantically involved with Nate. He asked if Nate had been part of her decision before Nick's leave had been considered. Nikki asked if it had been Nate's idea from the start. Victoria refused to be interrogated by her parents. She said if they had a problem with her running the company, then they should let her go. She stormed out. Victor said they'd struck a nerve, and that troubled him.

At the Athletic Club bar, Tucker asked Nate how the business world was treating him. Nate stated he was proud of his accomplishments at Newman Media. He said he also took credit for the increase in the profit margin. Tucker claimed Audra should receive some of that credit. Nate said Audra had been given a chance to shine, and he knew how that felt. He stated that at Chancellor-Winters, his ideas and opinions hadn't been valued. Nate said Tucker hadn't treated Audra well. Nate walked away.

Tucker finished his drink and was about to leave when Nick rushed past him and approached Nate. Nick said Nate's move had been very smooth. Tucker sat down to eavesdrop.

Nick stated that hiring Nate had been a mistake from the beginning. Nate claimed he'd brought nothing but success to Newman Media. Nick didn't deny it. Nate claimed he'd also had a great mentor. Nick asked if Victoria was a mentor or a target like his family's company. Nick said a betrayal like that wasn't easily forgotten. He asked how far Nate would have taken things if Elena hadn't made him come clean. He asked if Nate and Victoria would be running Chancellor-Winters if he'd succeeded in stealing it. Nick claimed Victoria was behind Nate's power moves. Nate denied there were any clandestine plans between him and Vitoria.

Nate acknowledged that Nick was going through a lot of personal issues. Nick claimed Nate and Victoria were using his personal issues to shove him aside. He told Nate to stop pretending he didn't know Victoria's plan to force him to take a leave. Nick asked if Victoria had already made Nate interim COO.

Nate claimed Victoria was looking out for Nick because he'd been through a terrible ordeal, and he denied he wanted Nick's job. Nick asked if Nate would say no if Victoria asked him to step in as interim COO. Nate claimed he only wanted to help Victoria and Newman. He said if Victoria wanted to make him interim COO, that would be her call, but he didn't know if that was part of her plan.

Nick said he wasn't buying Nate's innocent act. Nick said he wasn't upset with Victoria because he knew she loved him and had his best interests at heart, but he claimed Nate wanted to take full advantage of the situation.

Nate asked Nick when they'd stopped being friends. Nick said when Nate had tried to sell Neil's company and betrayed his family. Nick said Neil had been his friend, and Neil had shown loyalty to the people he'd cared about, his family and friends. Nick said that had been one of the things he'd loved most about Neil. Nate questioned if Nick was saying that Nate wasn't as loyal to the people he loved as his uncle had been.

Nick asked if Nate believed he'd been loyal after what he'd done. Nate claimed that ultimately, he hadn't betrayed anyone. He admitted he'd been angry at being overlooked and constantly demoralized, but in the end, he hadn't been able to go through with it. He said he'd tried to prove his regret for the hurt he'd caused.

Nate said he wished he could allay Nick's doubts and get back to the friendship they'd had. Nick told Nate to stay in his lane at Newman Media and away from Newman Enterprises. He said that would prove Nate hadn't cooked up some master plan with Victoria. Nate said if Victoria needed his input, he wouldn't say no. Nick said, "And there it is."

Nate said he'd had it with Nick's insults and insinuations. Nick stated he hadn't said anything that wasn't true. Nate suggested that Nick should be using his personal time to take care of all the turmoil in his life. Nick said he was doing it by keeping everyone safe. Nate stated Nick was keeping them safe from him. Nick was happy Nate had admitted it. Nate said he was genuinely sorry for what Nick had recently gone through, and he told Nick not to blame him for Faith being kidnapped or for Nick not being there when Sally had lost her baby.

When Victoria arrived, Tucker suggested she break up Nick and Nate before it got physical. Tucker left. Victoria accused Nick of not wasting time blaming Nate for her decision. Nate said he didn't blame Nick for jumping to conclusions. Nick received a text message from Sally: "They're letting me go home." Nick told Victoria and Nate to carry on but to remember that plans like theirs wound up crashing and burning. Nick left.

Nate noticed that Victoria looked like she'd been through the wringer. She admitted she had -- "a Mom and Dad spin dry over Nick." He asked if she was having second thoughts. Victoria claimed it had strengthened her resolve. She said she'd made it clear it had been her decision and that it was best for the company and for Nick. She said Nick's leave was effective immediately, and in Nick's absence, she officially named Nate as interim COO of Newman Enterprises.

Adam arrived at the hospital, and Sally said she'd asked him to stay away. He asked Sally to hear him out. Adam said he knew seeing him was a painful reminder of everything they'd lost. He said he felt the same pain, but he wanted to help Sally get through it. He said he knew that emotionally, Sally was as wrecked as he was, but he wanted to tell her why he'd made the decision he had.

Sally told Adam she'd heard everything Adam had said earlier when he'd thought she'd been asleep -- how much he still loved her, how difficult that decision had been for him, and how, in the same circumstances, he would make the same decision again. Sally told him that was the last thing she wanted to hear.

Adam said he didn't regret that Sally had heard the painful truth. Sally said nothing would change or fix the decision he'd made. She asked how she could ever forgive him. She asked why he hadn't saved their baby's life. Adam asked how he could have given permission for Sally's life to be taken. Sally accused Adam of sacrificing their baby.

Adam told Sally time had been of the essence to make a life-saving decision. He said he was grieving their baby and would never get over it, but he wasn't grieving her. He said even if he'd opted to save the baby, there hadn't been a guarantee she would have lived, and he hadn't been able to risk losing both of them.

Adam told Sally he would never regret saving her because she deserved to live. Sally claimed Ava had deserved to live, too. He said someday, Sally would be a mother again. He said he wouldn't be the father, but that baby would be the luckiest being in the world to have Sally as a mother. He said he'd had to save one life, and it had needed to be Sally's. Sally told Adam to leave. Reluctantly, he left.

A nurse handed Sally her discharge papers. Sally opened the folder and saw a document entitled "Certificate of Birth Resulting in Stillbirth" for Ava Hope Spectra. Sally began to cry.

In the jazz lounge, Audra saw Adam at the bar. She introduced herself to him as Audra Charles, Newman Media. Adam said that, no matter how flirtatious she got, he wasn't interested. She said no flirtation had been intended. She said she was merely curious about her new competition. Adam claimed he was her "newest -- and most lethal -- competition."

Audra told Adam she understood that McCall was struggling to get back on its feet, and a man with Adam's track record didn't help McCall's chances. He commented that she'd done her research. Adam suggested that Audra not believe half of what she'd heard. He stated she would soon be in charge of everything Newman Media. She asked where he'd heard that. Adam said he had a good handle on Nate. He said Nate and Victoria were involved in an extracurricular affair, but Audra already knew that.

Adam told Audra he assumed Victoria would drag Nate into the business at the parent company, something he was sure Nate coveted. He said Newman Media would need someone perfectly positioned to step up. Audra claimed she was more than ready.

Audra told Adam that when she'd arrived in Genoa City, she'd looked into a pied--terre to settle into, but she was glad she'd decided to stay at the club because it was the "hot spot for all the movers and shakers." Tucker arrived. Adam asked if Tucker was looking to cause more trouble or stick his nose where it didn't belong. Tucker said he'd heard Sally had lost her child, and he'd wanted to offer his condolences. Adam asked how Tucker knew about that, Tucker replied, "There are no secrets, Adam. Isn't that right, Audra?" She silently signaled for him to leave.

Adam told Tucker he wasn't interested in discussing his personal situation with Tucker, or his business plan with the soon-to-be his rival in charge. Adam left. Tucker asked if Audra had pulled it off and been crowned. Audra said things had been progressing nicely for her at Newman Media, but nothing was official yet. Tucker said he'd run into Nate, who'd spoken very highly about her. He'd said Audra was a very valuable asset to the company. Tucker said, "Heavy is the head that wears the crown." He warned her to be careful what she wished for because it might come with many sleepless nights.

Audra told Tucker she knew exactly what she was in for. Tucker warned her that she didn't know Adam because he was trouble and someone she had to look out for. She claimed Adam didn't scare her because she could handle him and anything that was thrown at her.

Audra asked if Tucker was still flying high. He admitted things were progressing nicely with Ashley, and their engagement was still on. He said Ashley was hellbent on taking Jabot away from Jack. Audra said that should make Tucker happy, since that had been his initial goal when he'd returned to Genoa City. Tucker admitted it wasn't a fight he wanted to fight because it was destined to fail.

At Society, Victor complained to Nikki that the whole family was at odds. He said Adam had lost his child, they'd almost lost Faith to Cameron, and everyone else was going in different directions. Nikki said Faith had returned to school, and Victoria was trying to drive Nick away. Victor claimed Adam was on a downward spiral. Nikki remined him about Noah's departure and said Johnny and Katie were heading to boarding school in the fall. Victor said it upset him because he'd always been of the view that a family that stuck together solved problems together.

Victor told Nikki that Nate had something to do with Nick's departure. Nikki said she refused to believe that Victoria would allow herself to be manipulated by a man after everything that had happened with Ashland. Victor claimed Victoria would never learn. Nikki asked if he thought Victoria was driving the situation. Victor said he did. He claimed Nate was more than eager to follow her, and Victor didn't like that.

When Nick arrived at the hospital, Sally was dressed and waiting. She told Nick that being there made her heart ache, and dealing with Adam didn't help. She said every time she saw Adam, it messed her up more. Nick assured her he wouldn't push her to forgive Adam; she needed to work that out on her own. Nick asked where he was taking Sally. He asked if she'd considered moving in with him.

Sally said Nick was the sweetest man she knew, but moving in with him and Christian was a huge step. She said she needed more time to think about it. Nick told her to take as much time as she needed. She asked Nick to take her back to her suite because she wanted to take a long, hot shower and rest in something other than a hospital bed.

In his suite at the Athletic Club, Adam recalled when Sally had told him the baby was his. Adam asked Sally how she knew that for sure. Sally said she'd had a paternity test with Nick's DNA, which had ruled Nick out, and Adam was the only other possibility. Adam didn't know what to say. Sally said that emotionally, it changed nothing, but Adam claimed it changed everything.

In another memory, Adam and Sally were at the coffeehouse, and Sally touched her stomach. Adam asked if she was okay. Sally put his hand on her stomach and said she wasn't sure if the baby was moving, but she thought that was it. He said that was definitely a moving baby.

In another recollection, Adam was in Sally's suite when she informed him the baby was a girl. Adam claimed he had no idea about little girls. Sally said he had nieces, but Adam claimed it wasn't the same because uncles got all the fun stuff. He asked how he would be able to say no to their perfect little daughter when she was looking at him with her big blue eyes.

Adam recalled when he'd been at the hospital, and Sally had been crying. Sally accused Adam of choosing her over their baby. She asked why he'd done that. He replied that he couldn't lose Sally. Sally stated he'd lost her a long time before, and she wasn't his anymore. She said she belonged to the baby, and the baby belonged to her. Sally said that had been all she'd had. She said Adam had let her baby die without trying to fight for her. Adam claimed it had been the hardest decision of his entire life.

Sally asked if Adam envisioned a life with someone who actually needed him. She said he'd need to step up on his own and be the man that nobody thought he could be. He said he thought he'd made the right choice. Sally said he'd destroyed a life -- and hers.

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Edited by SC Desk