Young and Restless Recaps: The week of June 12, 2023 on Y&R

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Cameron held Sharon at screwdriver-point and revealed he
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of June 12, 2023 on Y&R

Cameron kidnapped Faith. Nick and Sharon found Faith, but Cameron held Sharon at screwdriver-point and revealed that he'd strapped a bomb to Faith. Sharon retrieved a hidden knife and killed Cameron. Sally suffered a medical emergency, and Adam was forced to decide whether to save Sally or the baby.

Sharon collapses in tears after learning Faith is missing
Sharon collapses in tears after learning Faith is missing

Sharon collapses in tears after learning Faith is missing

Monday, June 12, 2023

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by Anne Carpenter

Summer met with Daniel on the patio at Crimson Lights. Summer was eager to set up a legal defense for Phyllis, even if it meant creating a fake witness to clear her mother's name. Summer suggested locating Stark's accomplice, a man named Carson, who was the EMT present when Phyllis had collapsed. Daniel replied, "He's also a fugitive. He was a part of the plot. He's not a credible witness. He'd be lying under oath, which means he'd be tacking another felony on his record."

Daniel cautioned that Carson could not be trusted to testify truthfully in Phyllis' defense and that paying the man would likely make Summer beholden to him. Summer, not dissuaded, said she was certain that Carson, in exchange for a "big bag of money," would say whatever she wanted him to say. Daniel refused to go along, reminding Summer that even their mother would not approve. Summer, once again dismissing her brother's advice, shrugged and replied, "I don't need your help."

After Daniel left, Phyllis contacted Summer on a video call. Summer informed her mother that Kyle had led Chance to her room minutes after they had left. Summer said that everyone wanted to know where her mother was hiding. Phyllis replied, "That's why I'm not letting you know, not that I can't trust you." Summer revealed her plan to find Carson and pay him to claim that he had witnessed Stark's attack on Phyllis. Phyllis replied, "You are absolutely not going to do that, Summer."

Phyllis insisted she would locate Carson herself, speculating that he gone far away from the state after having broken a number of laws. Phyllis pleaded with Summer to reconcile with Kyle. Phyllis assured Summer she would take care of her personal matters on her own. Summer cried that she only wanted to help her mom return home. Phyllis assured Summer she would come up with something and be okay.

As Daniel entered the Athletic Club, Phyllis contacted him and pleaded with him to protect Summer before she went too far. Phyllis explained that after learning of Summer's plans and insisting she not act on them, she feared Summer would carry them out, anyway. Phyllis told Daniel that the EMS guy named Carson was sketchy and had seemed truly scared. Phyllis added that Carson's fear was not a good sign, considering that he had stolen two bodies from the morgue, faked two deaths, and then lied to the police. Phyllis warned that Summer should not confront Carson. Phyllis refused to disclose her location to Daniel, explaining that she wished to keep her family safe.

At Newman Enterprises, Nikki stood nearby as Victor spoke on the phone and barked orders to Michael, imploring him to find out which judge would be presiding over Nick's arraignment. After Victor hung up the phone, he grunted in frustration and told Nikki that their son did not belong in a jail cell. Nikki blamed Cameron, noting that most everyone involved had expected a showdown after he had returned to town. Victor warned that Cameron knew better than to approach Victor's property.

Nikki mentioned work to distract Victor. Victor asked Nikki about Nate Hastings' overall performance. Nikki praised Nate for having made good decisions while running Newman Media. Nikki acknowledged that Victor seemed to have taken Nate under his wing.

At the Athletic Club bar, Nate and Victoria engaged in exchanging not-so-subtle euphemisms while recalling making love in one of Newman Enterprises' corporate suites upstairs. Victoria received a text message informing her that Nick had been arrested. Victoria excused herself to attend to the matter. Nate accompanied Victoria to her office, where her concerned parents were waiting to hear about Nick's arraignment. Victoria seemed more annoyed than concerned.

Nikki informed Victoria and Nate that she and Victor were confident Nick would be released on bail. Victoria, expressing concern for the way her brother's arrest might reflect on the company, blamed Nick for having taken matters into his own hands. Nikki clearly blamed Cameron, recalling that what had transpired was directly related to Cameron's twisted vendetta against Nick and Sharon. Victoria again blamed Nick, recalling that he had acted aggressively while protecting his loved ones. Victor replied, "And if you recall, that helped you a great deal, didn't it?" Victoria rolled her eyes and averted her father's piercing gaze.

Victor, Nikki, and Nate expressed faith in Michael to help Nick. Victoria sighed heavily and said, "On a personal note, I sympathize. Cameron is a horrible excuse for a human being, but as CEO, I have to be practical." Once again harping about negative publicity, Victoria announced that until Nick cleared his name, she would ask him to take a leave of absence. Nate excused himself, so the family could address private matters.

Victor again reminded Victoria that Nick had protected her from Ashland Locke, so she had no right to judge her brother's actions to protect his family. Victoria asked Nikki what she thought. Nikki replied, "I agree with your father." Nikki cautioned that forcing Nick to take a formal leave of absence would raise even more questions. Victor, growing frustrated, said, "Just personal time off. End of story. No one else's business." Victoria insisted that Nick should be free to focus on his family.

After Victor left, Nikki asked Victoria about divvying up Nick's projects. Nikki, noticing that Victoria seemed agitated, asked if her relationship with Nate was influencing her decision about her brother's status. Victoria said she was concerned about her brother and the company. Nikki asked Victoria if she would elevate Nate to Nick's position should her brother step away for any reason. Victoria admitted she would consider having Nate step up as her COO. Nikki appeared concerned about Victoria's urgency to oust Nick.

Michael met with Nick at the police station. Nick, set on edge, railed that Cameron Kirsten's lies, which had led to the charges lodged against Nick, were meant to get Nick out of the way. Nick was adamant that Cameron was planning something. Michael informed Nick that his arraignment, set for later that day, would give him time to cool down. Michael recalled that Sharon had first related to him, before revealing her story to anyone else, the details of Kirsten's vicious attack. Michael warned that although Cameron Kirsten was a disgusting pig, he was not stupid and had Nick all figured out. Michael added, "You didn't even touch him, and where are you? In jail, out of commission, because Cameron anticipated that you'd come for him."

Michael attempted to calm Nick's fear by reminding him that Chance was with Sharon, guarding her. Nick cried, "You keep Cameron Kirsten away from Faith." Michael assured Nick that both Sharon and Faith were safe with Chance. Michael reminded Nick that Victor's security team would be keeping watch, as well. Nick's fears were not allayed. Nick warned that once Cameron's plans were set in motion, no one could stop him.

At Sharon's house, Faith, toting her luggage, expressed frustration about her father's arrest based on Cameron's false accusations. Sharon assured Faith that Michael would clear up the matter, though it would take time. Faith cried that she would not have agreed to leave town had she known her mother would be alone in the face of danger. Faith answered a knock at the door. Seeing Chance standing before her, Faith yelled, "How could you arrest my father?"

Chance explained that the truth would come out in court. Faith cried that her dad should be free to keep Sharon safe. Chance promised to protect Sharon. Chance told Faith that Officer Swift, dressed in plain clothes, would drive her to the airport and escort her to the gate. Sharon instructed Faith to send her a text message before the plane took off. Faith said she would and gave her mom a hug before Chance escorted her to Officer Swift's vehicle.

After Faith left, Sharon thanked Chance for reassuring Faith, explaining that having to send her away was agonizing. Michael arrived while Chance had stepped aside to take a call. Michael told Sharon that Nick was eager to get past his arraignment. Sharon recalled the trouble she had previously encountered with Cameron after attempting to take matters into her own hands. Michael assured Sharon that they had handled everything correctly this time. Sharon, whispering to Michael, cried, "I think I lost my mind last time. I cannot have that kind of violence and cruelty in my life again, and I will make damn sure that Faith never experiences anything like that."

Chance finished his call and joined Sharon and Michael. Michael told Chance that Nick suspected Cameron was up to something. Chance said he felt the same away, especially after Cameron had gotten Nick out of the way. Sharon cried, "I'm so glad Faith is going far, far away from here." Sharon told Chance she wished he could arrest Cameron, adding that waiting for him to carry out his plan made her jump every time she heard a sound indicating that he might be lurking. Michael said he would file a restraining order, which, if breached, would land Cameron in jail immediately.

Michael picked up his briefcase and left. Sharon cried that it would be another long evening and sleepless night. Chance related a humorous story to help keep Sharon calm. Sharon reacted with fright whenever she heard a sound. Sharon grew concerned after realizing that Faith had not sent a text message from the plane. Chance made a call and discovered that the plane had departed without Faith. Sharon broke down and sobbed pitifully, crying out, "No, no, no!"

Michael met with Summer at Society. Summer was surprised to learn about her father's upcoming arraignment and asked what was going on. Michael suggested Summer ask her dad, saying only that it had been a misunderstanding. Michael asked about Phyllis. Summer told Michael she needed help finding an EMT named Carson, so he could claim he had witnessed Phyllis defend herself against Stark. Michael, recalling that Carson was a crook, refused to carry out Summer's illegal plan. Michael insisted Summer forget about her unworkable scheme, adding that he would not break the law for Phyllis or encourage anyone else to do so. Summer cried that without help, her mother would be doomed.

Referring to Carson, Michael said, "He could be a critical piece of this puzzle. He could legitimately testify that Stark was behind Phyllis' fake death and about his darker tendencies, which may have caused Phyllis to kill him in self-defense." Summer seemed hopeful, though Michael admitted it was a long shot, as they would have to locate Carson and convince him to expose himself to possible arrest. Michael assured Summer he would follow up on utilizing Carson to help Phyllis. Michael acknowledged that locating Carson would require Victor's resources.

Nate had drinks with Audra at Society. Nate informed Audra that Nick was dealing with serious issues requiring more of his attention, so Victoria would request he take a leave of absence. Audra replied, "Creating an opening we could take advantage of." Nate acknowledged that Nick's absence would offer an opportunity for him to showcase his talents without having Nick breathing down his neck. Audra noted that she would be one step closer to running Newman Media. Victor watched warily from a distance as Nate and Audra talked and shared a celebratory toast with their drinks.

Daniel went to the Abbott home to speak to Kyle. Daniel told Kyle that Summer felt desperate and was considering risky schemes to help Phyllis. Daniel pleaded with Kyle to talk to Summer. Kyle explained that he had already endured too much after Summer had lied about not knowing Phyllis' whereabouts. Daniel explained that Summer might do something reckless. Kyle said he loved Summer and did not want anything to happen to her, though he believed she did not "give a damn about what I do or say anymore."

Victor approached Summer and Michael at Society and asked why Michael was not working to get Nick out of jail. Michael said he was headed to the arraignment soon. Summer kissed her grandfather and thanked him for coming. Summer asked Victor to track down EMT Carson. Victor was reluctant to do so, considering that Phyllis was a criminal. Victor, chastising Michael, said, "You left my employ to help Diane Jenkins, against my wishes."

Michael noted that he had proven Diane's innocence, which should pardon some of his sins. Victor asked why he should lift a finger to help Phyllis after she had put Summer through so much distress. Summer passionately pleaded with Victor to help her mother return home. Victor agreed to help find Carson.

Sharon receives a disturbing message
Sharon receives a disturbing message

Sharon receives a disturbing message

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

by Jenny Smith

Jack and Diane kissed at the jazz lounge. He gushed that he loved September, and she chirped that their wedding would be another reason to adore autumn. Diane hoped Kyle and Summer resolved their problems by then, and Jack figured that the couple had weathered challenges in the past that had only made them stronger. Jack spotted Ashley and Tucker, and he announced that the Champagne was on him.

Diane toasted to the kind of true love that never died. Ashley griped that it sounded morbid, like a rotting corpse dragging itself out of the cemetery. Tucker suggested that they switch to a ros, and he proposed that they toast to righting old wrongs. Jack preferred to celebrate rekindling old flames. Ashley said it reminded her of when Diane had burned down the pool house to trap a man. Diane resolved not to let anything spoil their celebration, and she toasted to the abundance of love that had found its way into the Abbott family.

Tucker savored his ros and contemplated serving it at his and Ashley's wedding. Diane dryly suggested that Ashley and Tucker buy a vineyard and move far away. Ashley swore that they loved it there and would never move, although she foresaw making some modifications to the house. "My house?" Jack incredulously asked. "Our house," Ashley stressed, pointedly adding that it was sometimes inconvenient to run into "certain people."

Ashley and Diane traded barbs about building a wall or a fence down the middle of the house, and Jack asked if they could have one evening without bickering. Diane complained that Ashley had started it with her asinine wedding charade, and Ashley questioned why Diane considered Ashley's plans asinine and Diane's perfectly normal. "Because you're about to marry that ass," Diane snapped, and Tucker asked if Ashley was going to let Diane talk to him that way. Ashley pondered throwing her ros in Diane's face, but she decided not to waste expensive wine. Abby walked in as the exchange became increasingly heated.

Abby ordered Ashley, Tucker, Diane, and Jack to stop. Jack informed her that they were celebrating, but she thought it looked like they were trying to smash one another's heads in. Diane mused that she and Jack had been mulling over the idea of a September wedding, and Tucker announced that he and Ashley had their eyes set on August. Jack implored Ashley to save face by putting an end to the ruse and walking away from the whole thing.

Abby remarked that August seemed soon, but Tucker proclaimed that he'd marry Ashley the next day if she'd have him. Ashley anticipated the next couple of months would be busy, and she hoped the people on Jack and Diane's guest list weren't "weddinged out" after all the events Ashley had planned. Diane suggested she and Jack find a table closer to the music, and she led him away. Abby scolded Ashley and Tucker for acting worse than children.

As the live music ended, Jack bemoaned that Diane hadn't deserved the abuse Ashley had heaped on her. Diane excused herself to go to the ladies' room, and Abby approached Jack to discuss her mother's crazy behavior. Abby relayed that Ashley had said she was doing all of it to protect Jack and Jabot from Diane's diabolical designs. Jack guessed that Ashley either wanted to expel him from Jabot or just wanted him to think that was what she was doing. Abby suspected that Tucker was exploiting Ashley, but she didn't know if he was doing it for fun or for profit. Jack vowed that even if Tucker married Ashley, Tucker would never get his hands on Jabot.

At the bar, Abby asked if Tucker was so bored not having a company to run that he'd found a hobby in sowing discord. Tucker confided that losing Ashley was the only thing that could leave him bereft. Abby demanded to know what he wanted from Jack and Diane. Tucker claimed that he wanted peace, since he'd been hoping to start something new with Ashley in their own little corner of the world. Abby theorized that it was something he'd said to cover his true motives, since he knew her mom wouldn't walk away from the family business.

Abby accused Tucker of putting himself in the perfect position to snatch Jabot while making it seem like it was Ashley's idea, and she anticipated he would break her mother's heart like he always did. Tucker hoped Abby wasn't teaching his grandson that people couldn't change. Ashley joined them, and Tucker made a show of kissing her. Ashley asked what she'd missed, and Abby indicated that they'd had another round of her getting to know her mom's former and future husband. Ashley wondered who was winning, but Abby wasn't sure yet.

Abby prepared to get home to her son. Jack and Diane rejoined Ashley and Tucker, and Diane contemplated where they would be without family. Ashley muttered that there were a few places Diane would fit right in. Abby reminded them that they were adults, and she lectured that they should act their age and respect the people around them. Abby left to go cuddle with the most handsome man in town. Ashley purred that she wanted to cuddle with the handsomest man in town, as well. Jack proposed that they follow Abby's guidance and show respect toward one another. Ashley preferred to leave instead.

At Crimson Lights, a glum Chelsea sat alone at a table. Billy greeted her with a kiss and remarked that she was the woman he'd been looking for. She replied that if he was looking for confused and exhausted, she was his type of girl. He offered to get her an espresso, and he exclaimed that he'd been looking forward to their movie night all week. Billy invited Chelsea to fall asleep on his shoulder while he and Connor kept things down. Chelsea revealed that Connor had announced that he wasn't leaving his room for any reason.

Chelsea mentioned that she'd left a message for Sharon, but she hadn't heard back. Chelsea worried that it was the start of something hereditary that Connor would struggle with his whole life. Billy pointed out that they didn't know that yet, and he offered to go upstairs and talk to Connor. Billy figured that it might be about a girl, so Connor didn't want to talk to his mom about it. Billy assured Chelsea he had it, and she wished him luck.

Billy returned a short time later and reported that his sense of humor worked better on Connor's mother. He continued that he'd done his best, but Connor had used homework as an excuse and politely asked him to shut the door. Chelsea doubted it was the usual dark cloud that would just blow over, given her genetics and Adam's weird self-loathing. Billy advised her to continue to love and support Connor as his parent, but he also thought a professional was sometimes the best person to help. Chelsea said if Sharon couldn't help, she'd find someone who could.

Billy recognized that it was tough to see one's kid struggle, whether it be with math equations or emotions, but there was no shame in getting help. He called Connor a smart, funny kid who adored his life and his mother, but he surmised that things were floating around in the boy's head that were clouding his vision. Billy swore that they'd do everything they could to get Connor clear-headed again, and Chelsea kissed him. She groaned that date night for single parents was supposed to be more fun, and she pledged to make it up to him. Billy gushed that every night with her was as good as it got, and they kissed again.

Adam dropped off some food to Sally in her hotel suite. She informed him that she wasn't hungry, but he clarified that it was for the other lady in the room. Adam leaned in toward Sally's belly and told his daughter to wait until she saw what her dad had picked up to expand her palate. Adam reasoned that Sally needed to eat for their girl to taste the world.

Sally fretted that Nick had just been arrested for assaulting "that maniac," but Adam pointed out that Nick was the type of guy to punch first and ask questions when he got around to it. Adam reminded Sally that she knew the whole story about what had happened with Ashland, noting that Nick took things to the extreme when there were hints of danger around someone he loved. Sally argued that the situation with Cameron was entirely different, since Ashland's fall had been an accident. Adam opted for a lighthearted topic, like eating. Sally insisted that she still wasn't hungry, and Adam figured they could just sit there in silence.

After the silence quickly proved to be too awkward, Adam recommended that they listen to an audiobook like Machiavelli's The Prince to teach their daughter to be ready like a warrior. Sally quipped that the baby was theirs, so the tot would have no choice. Adam envisioned his daughter growing up watching her dad work day and night to turn McCall from bones into something valuable. Sally wondered why he was working so hard when he had nothing to prove to himself or anyone else.

Adam asserted that he was doing it for the love of a girl who could potentially be the love of his life -- a beauty with a mind for business and a heart as big as a Kansas cornfield. Sally asked if he intended to polish McCall until it sparkled to pass it along to Connor and the unnamed beauty. Adam revealed that he planned to become a contender again and take back what was his -- Newman Media.

At the cottage, Sharon wailed that Chance had promised Faith would be safe, and he swore that the police were doing everything they could to find Faith. Sharon grabbed her things in preparation to go out and find her child, but Chance implored her to let people do their jobs. Chance urged Sharon to take a breath and think about what would happen if she ran out of there without any backup. Sharon realized that she'd put herself in danger, and Chance asked her to trust him. Nick burst in and announced that he'd made bail, but he could tell by Sharon's tear-streaked face that something was wrong. "It's Faith. He took her. He took our baby!" Sharon cried.

Nick growled that he'd told Chance from the beginning that the battery charges had been a setup, and he questioned how Cameron had known where Faith would be. Chance speculated that it had been from someone on the inside who'd known Faith would be on the flight. Sharon argued that she'd booked the trip that day, and no one on the outside had known. Nick contended that they knew Cameron had been inside the cottage to poison the cat, and he began frantically searching to see if the house was bugged.

Certain Cameron was listening, Nick bellowed that Cameron had set him up so Cameron could grab Faith because he wasn't man enough to face Nick. Nick barked that when he found Cameron, there wouldn't be enough of Cameron for the cops to arrest. Nick found a listening device on the back of a photo frame. "Do you hear me? Are you still listening?" Nick yelled directly into the device. Sharon huddled next to Nick. "You wanted my attention. You got it. You bring my daughter home, you bastard. You bring her back home!" Sharon ordered.

Sharon had no idea what Cameron wanted. Nick divulged that Cameron had told him what he wanted during their confrontation at the Athletic Club -- Cameron wanted Sharon. Nick recounted that Cameron thought they belonged together and that he could make her fall in love with him again. Sharon spat that she'd never been in love with Cameron. Nick imagined that Cameron was using Faith as bait.

Chance made a call to ensure police cars were patrolling the area between the cottage and the airport. He reasoned that if Cameron wanted Sharon, he was likely staying close and would reach out to set up a time and place to meet. Chance left to check for any clues in Cameron's room at the Athletic Club. Sharon broke down in Nick's arms.

Nick regretted that he hadn't driven Faith to the airport. Sharon pointed out that Faith had had a police escort, yet Cameron had still managed to take her. Nick envisioned how badly he would hurt Cameron, and Sharon steeled herself to wait for some sort of communication. Nick called Sally, who asked if he was all right. He replied that it was good to hear her voice, and he informed her that he was out of jail and that things were working themselves out. She surmised he was being vague for medical reasons and didn't want to tell her what was really going on.

Nick urged Sally to take care of herself until he was there to do it for her, and he requested that she put Adam on the line. Sally reluctantly handed the phone to Adam and griped that she hated being left in the dark. After confirming that the call wasn't on speaker, Nick instructed Adam to pretend he wasn't hearing bad news, and he shared that Cameron had taken Faith. Adam told Nick not to worry about Sally, since Adam would take care of her while Nick handled the issue.

Sharon recalled when Faith had been born, and it had never felt right when Sharon had been told Faith hadn't made it. Sharon remembered feeling a missing part needing her. Nick recounted that Faith had ended up back in Sharon's arms, just like Cassie had predicted. Sharon murmured that a guardian angel had been looking out for Faith, and Nick added that everything about Faith was a miracle. "From the very beginning. And it's not going to end now," Sharon resolved.

Nick contended that Faith was also Sharon's daughter, which meant Faith was a fighter and a survivor. Nick continued that Faith was made of steel, and he advised Sharon not to shed a tear for their daughter and instead feel pity for the "bastard" who'd made the mistake of messing with their girl. Sharon wished she had a slice of Faith's strength right then. Nick believed that Faith knew she was front and center in Sharon's mind, and it was keeping Faith going.

Nick stressed that Faith needed the Sharon who'd "kicked cancer's ass" and helped Faith recover from a car accident and a kidney transplant. Nick implored Sharon to find their little girl by getting inside Cameron's head. Sharon whimpered that she couldn't, but Nick urged her to look at it like any other textbook case study to determine what Cameron would do next. Sharon predicted that Cameron would play mind games and try to get inside Faith's head to convince her to believe his lies. Sharon was adamant that they find Faith before it was too late.

Chance entered Cameron's hotel room. Chance rifled through a duffel bag and was intrigued by a leather portfolio. He seemed perplexed by what he saw inside.

Adam was pleased when Sally's appetite improved, and she asked where he'd gotten the food. He snatched away the receipt, explaining that he intended to keep it a secret to stop it from becoming Nick and Sally's favorite spot. She commented that it was delicious, and he revealed that it was what New York tasted like to him, stumbling home after a late night and having a grilled cheese while the city came alive again. Sally gushed that the grilled cheese had been perfect and distracting in all the right ways. She questioned which stomach-churning event he was distracting her from -- her blood pressure and the baby, or the thing with the guy from Sharon's past.

Adam wondered if Sally considered Nick and Sharon's past a threat or if she was concerned about the guy from Sharon's past. Sally thought Adam was trying to confuse her, and she questioned whether she should be worried about Nick and Sharon's past. Adam stressed that Sally shouldn't be worried about anything, since Nick would never let anything happen to her. Sally was sure there was something Adam wasn't telling her, but she was more tired than curious.

Adam helped Sally get into bed and hoped she dreamed about wherever her happy place was that day. She envisioned going over color palettes for the job at Chancellor-Winters, and she inquired whether his happy place was on a beach or at the top of a building, sitting behind a custom-made desk. Adam called McCall a shiny toy that was nowhere near what he really wanted, and she asked what he really wanted. "Everything," he replied. She grabbed his hand and requested that he wake her when Nick called. Adam promised he would. Later, Adam smiled as he watched Sally sleep before he became immersed in something on his phone.

Sharon's phone chimed with a message. "No!" she screamed, dropping the phone and collapsing in tears. "My baby! Oh, my God, my baby! How could he do this to me?" she shrieked. Nick looked at the phone and became livid. "Join me where our old love died and a new love can be born. Come alone, same motel, same room. Some things you can never forget," he read aloud. Sharon realized Cameron meant the motel room where she'd thought she'd killed him years earlier. Sharon sobbed as Nick pulled her into his arms. The phone displayed a photo of a bound and gagged Faith.

Sharon is alone with Cameron in her home
Sharon is alone with Cameron in her home

Sharon is alone with Cameron in her home

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

by Nel

At home, a teary-eyed Sharon told Nick that Cameron had Faith, and in a text message, Cameron told her to go to the motel at midnight -- the same room as before. Nick said he would go in Sharon's place, but Sharon insisted she had to go. She pulled up a photo on her phone of Faith, bound and gagged, and showed it to Nick.

Nick told Sharon he had to go to the motel and pound Cameron into the ground until he returned Faith to them, alive and well. Sharon warned him he couldn't do that because he would put Faith in more danger. When Victor arrived, Nick informed him that Cameron had Faith. He showed Victor the photo of Faith. He asked for Victor's help. Angry, Victor asked how Cameron had gotten to Faith with all the security Victor had provided.

Sharon warned Nick that the most dangerous thing he could do was to storm in. She said she needed to face Cameron alone. Nick refused to let her do that. Victor agreed and claimed it was too dangerous because Cameron might have set a trap for her. She said she was aware of that; however, she had to go because Cameron had Faith, and they had no idea where he had her. She said it terrified her thinking of what Cameron might do to Faith.

Sharon told Nick and Victor that Cameron would have meticulously thought everything through, he would have taken precautions, and he would have every angle covered. She said Cameron was methodical, and they couldn't risk Faith's life. Nick and Victor agreed they didn't want Sharon alone with Cameron. Victor stated that if Sharon decided to go alone, she had to arm herself. Sharon claimed that could be the trigger that would set Cameron off. She said they had to be careful not to push Cameron into a more dangerous place.

Sharon told Nick and Victor that if Cameron was delusional enough to think she would fall in love with him and plan a future together, then Cameron wasn't planning to hurt her. She said she was the only one who had the power to control the situation. Nick said Sharon had to take precautions; she would go there with backup, and that included him. She reminded Nick that Cameron had said she had to be alone. Nick said he and the team would keep their distance.

Victor told Nick and Sharon he'd found a special ops guy whose specialty was rescue missions. Nick asked Victor to set it up. Victor thanked Sharon for risking her life to save his granddaughter, and he said he wouldn't forget it. After Victor left, Nick told Sharon he hated the plan; however, Cameron was crazy, and he knew where Sharon was most vulnerable. Sharon said she knew firsthand what Cameron was capable of. She said it made her sick to her stomach to face him again -- but Faith didn't have time.

Nick promised Sharon they would get Faith back. When Chance arrived, Sharon told him that Cameron had Faith. She said he wanted her to meet him at a motel and to come alone. Chance told them he'd searched Cameron's room, and he'd found a deed to a property for a garage on Birchwood. Nick said Cameron had had his plan in the works for quite some time. Nick commented that the garage was located very close to the motel where he wanted to meet Sharon. Sharon asked if Faith might be there.

Sharon and Chance studied the photo of Faith. Sharon saw a pile of tires and asked if Chance thought Faith was there. Out of curiosity, Nick asked where Chance had found Cameron's bag. Chance said behind the sofa in Cameron's suite. Nick claimed that was too convenient. Nick stated that someone had to check out the garage in case Faith was there. Chance said he would take a team, and he would check it out himself. He warned Nick and Sharon not to go to the motel because it was too dangerous, and they didn't know what Cameron had waiting for them.

After Chance left, Sharon asked Nick what would happen if Faith wasn't there. They both agreed they would go to the motel, and if Chance called and said he had Faith, they would return home; otherwise, they would stick to their original plan. He said if Sharon was going to face Cameron alone, he didn't want her to go in unarmed.

Nick told Sharon they would tape a small knife to her leg, and he told her it was just a precaution. Nick said that he and Victor's security team would be there, and Cameron wouldn't get the chance to lay a finger on her. Sharon said she believed Nick would make sure nothing happened to her. She said she had to think about how to handle Cameron, and perhaps he would tell her where Faith was.

Sharon told Nick that if Cameron seemed tense or angry, she would remain calm and strong, and she would try not to get emotional. Nick said he would go to the main house to instruct the team to be as discreet as possible, and they would leave by the back service exit. He asked her to meet him behind the house in ten minutes. They hugged, and Nick left. Sharon checked the knife on her leg. Suddenly, Sharon was startled when she heard Cameron say, "Hi, Sharon, it's just you and me."

At Society, Daniel told Lily he was afraid that the next time he saw Phyllis, she would be behind bars. He said he didn't know what to do because Summer was desperate to keep Phyllis out of prison, and she would go to any lengths necessary to achieve that. He said Summer wanted his help to do it, Phyllis wanted him to keep Summer out of it, and he had no idea how to do that. Daniel said he held out hope that Phyllis would do the right thing, but he didn't see that happening. He said Phyllis was on the run again, so even if he wanted to turn her in, he couldn't.

Daniel asked if Lily believed that Phyllis should go to prison. Lily claimed Phyllis might benefit from some time alone to consider the consequences of her actions, and she might realize how much she'd hurt the people she loved. He said Phyllis could be looking at decades in prison. Lily admitted her own time in prison had been short, but it had changed her life by giving her a different perspective on things. She admitted it had been difficult, but she'd left prison a better person. She said it might be good for Phyllis to get a different perspective.

Daniel told Lily he'd taken everything she'd said to heart, but he hoped neither Phyllis nor Summer would wind up in prison. Lily agreed, and she asked if there was anything she could do to help. Daniel said no because he was at a loss trying to figure out what he could do, since the situation was spiraling out of control. He said he'd asked Kyle not to give up on Summer, but Kyle wouldn't listen to him. Daniel said the whole situation seemed very uncertain for everyone.

At home, Summer admitted to Diane that she'd known Phyllis was alive for a while. Diane claimed she'd already forgiven Summer, but Summer claimed Diane hadn't heard the whole story. Summer admitted she could have had the charges against Diane dropped much sooner, but she'd chosen to protect her mother at Diane's expense. Diane said she was aware of that, and she stated that Summer had allowed her to sit in prison with her life hanging in the balance over false charges. Diane said she wasn't okay with that, but she understood why Summer had done it.

Diane said Summer had been in an impossible situation with no easy solution. She claimed she would do everything in her power to convince Kyle to forgive Summer because she couldn't stand to see Summer and Kyle torn apart because of the situation. Summer admitted it had been her fault, but Diane claimed Phyllis had manipulated Summer into keeping quiet. She said it had been Phyllis' psychotic plan that had caused all the trouble in the first place. Summer warned Diane to stop her attack against Phyllis.

Diane told Summer she wasn't attacking Phyllis. She said it was clear who was to blame for the nightmare they'd all been going through. Summer said it had all been Stark's master plan, since he'd been the one to start the whole thing to begin with. Summer stated that Diane had brought Stark into their lives. Diane claimed she hadn't invited him to town. Summer reminded Diane that she'd had history with Stark, and she'd burned him.

Diane told Summer that Stark couldn't have faked Phyllis' death without Phyllis' full participation, and it was nave to think Phyllis was innocent. Summer stated that Phyllis hadn't done any of it on her own; she said Phyllis had been coerced, threatened, and possibly blackmailed into doing what she'd done. Diane asked if that was what Phyllis had told Summer. Summer said Diane was far from innocent because she'd brought Stark into town, and Summer wouldn't forget that. Summer left.

At the jazz club, Kyle recalled a conversation he'd had with Summer. Kyle said that all the times Summer had run off without an explanation, she'd gone to see Phyllis. He asked when she'd planned to tell him what she'd been hiding. He claimed she'd lied about something that had directly affected all their lives for months. He asked how she could have done that when she could have cleared his mother's name and set Diane free, but she'd chosen to sit back and do nothing.

Summer told Kyle that she'd been trying to figure out a way to keep both their mothers out of prison. She said she'd kept quiet in order to buy time to bring her mom home safely. Kyle said he wouldn't accept her justifications because she'd only been thinking about herself and her mother. He accused her of not only sitting back and watching his mother suffer, but also watching him suffer. Summer said she'd also suffered because she'd hated lying to him. Kyle accused her of lying repeated to his face.

Kyle snapped out of his reverie when Audra introduced herself and said they'd met at the gala. Audra said that had been quite the night because of what had happened to his wife's mother. Audra said she'd heard rumors that Phyllis' demise had been greatly exaggerated. Kyle said in this case, the rumors had been true.

Audra asked Kyle if Phyllis was really alive and if she'd faked the whole thing. Kyle told Audra he didn't discuss his personal life with strangers. Audra claimed a stranger was the best person to talk to because there were no preconceived notions or judgments. She claimed she was a very good listener. Kyle asked if Audra wanted to play the role of his bartender. She said she did. Kyle claimed the real bartender would be a more innocent listener than Audra. Kyle said he was wary of what Audra might be after.

Audra asked Kyle if he didn't see her as a sounding board and someone who wouldn't judge. Kyle claimed he needed to keep his guard up around her because he'd heard she had ambitions, and he didn't know if he could confide in an ultra-achiever like her. He said he'd heard she would do whatever it took to get the job done. Audra claimed she'd made a mark for herself wherever she'd gone. Kyle said he'd heard about her from his brother-in-law. Audra said Noah had moved on, and he'd found happiness.

Audra told Kyle she'd moved on, as well. Kyle asked if she'd found happiness. She asked if Kyle had, because he looked like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Kyle suggested that Audra talk while he listened to her tell him more about herself and how she'd ended up in Genoa City.

Audra told Kyle she'd been working for Tucker McCall until she'd had a brief stint with Chancellor-Winters. She said she was at Newman Media, where she'd found her true self working with Nate. Kyle asked where she went from Newman Media. Audra said she was happy where she was, but she would see what opportunities presented themselves. She said ambition wasn't a dirty word, and some people were afraid to admit how badly they wanted something. Kyle thanked Audra for giving him something else to think about for a while, other than his own problems. Kyle left.

At Crimson Lights, Mariah asked if Summer had received the bouquet of flowers she and Tessa had sent for Phyllis' memorial. Mariah asked "what the hell" Summer had been thinking. Mariah admitted she'd never had a high opinion of Summer, but she'd been surprised Summer had kept Phyllis' secret, knowing how deeply it would affect Diane and Kyle.

Summer asked what Mariah would have done if Sharon had needed protection, especially if Mariah had gone through the trauma of believing she'd lost Sharon forever. Summer said it was easy to judge when Mariah hadn't been through it herself. Mariah admitted she would do anything to keep Sharon safe, if Sharon needed protection. Summer said that was exactly what she had done. Mariah said she could see Summer's point of view, but she didn't agree with what Summer had done.

Summer assumed Kyle had vented to Mariah about how upset he was with her. Mariah said she hoped Summer wasn't expecting her to take Phyllis' side. Mariah admitted she'd encouraged Kyle to go to the police. Summer asked if Mariah believed in Summer and Kyle as a couple and if she'd believed all the loving things she'd said at their vow renewal, that Summer and Kyle belonged together.

Mariah realized that Summer wanted her to convince Kyle to forgive her. Mariah asked if Summer was willing to take accountability for her actions. Summer said she'd obviously made a mistake because Mariah would never see her any differently than she always had. Mariah told Summer not to turn things around and paint her as someone who was unyielding and wouldn't cut people a break. Maria claimed that wasn't who she was.

Summer said Mariah had been stubborn and unyielding since the day they'd met. Mariah admitted that Summer had matured in a lot of ways. She said Summer and Kyle had been very happy before the situation with Phyllis, and she admired what an amazing mother Summer was to Harrison. Mariah claimed that as much as Summer had grown up, she was still her mother's daughter with that same streak of selfishness and recklessness, and Summer would never convince Mariah that Summer was good enough for Kyle.

Summer said Mariah should never officiate at a vow renewal if she hated the bride. Mariah said she didn't hate Summer, but she'd really hoped the marriage would work out. Summer asked if Mariah believed Summer's marriage was over. Mariah said Summer needed to take a very hard look at what she'd done. She said Summer had deceived Kyle, she'd chosen Phyllis over everyone else, and she'd left Kyle's mother sitting in prison. She stated that Summer had hurt them both badly. Mariah told Summer to give Kyle the time he needed because after what Summer had done, it would take a lot to earn his forgiveness, and she wasn't sure if Summer would ever earn his trust again. Mariah stated that Summer had no one to blame but herself. Summer left.

Summer returned home, and she was happy to see Kyle. Summer said she'd done a lot of thinking, and she asked if they could talk. He said, "Not tonight," and he left.

Cameron escapes but not before shouting that he has Faith
Cameron escapes but not before shouting that he has Faith

Cameron escapes but not before shouting that he has Faith

Thursday, June 15, 2023

by Nel

At the Athletic Club, Victoria told Nate that Nick needed to take a leave of absence because he was dealing with Sally's pregnancy and a situation with Cameron. She said in Nick's absence, she would need to lean on Nate. He said her parents sounded like they were against it. Victoria confirmed that her parents understood Nick needed to step back to deal with his situation.

Victoria told Nate that she and Nikki would take over Nick's responsibilities, and Nate would be backup. She said Nate would do the hard work and reap the benefits, exactly what she and Newman needed. Nate confessed that his attraction to Victoria was as mental and emotional as it was physical.

Victoria told Nate that Newman Media would get a lot less attention, but Nate assured her Audra would cover for him. Victoria claimed Audra would take his job in a heartbeat, and she wasn't very subtle about it. She said Audra needed to have her full focus on Newman Media, since Adam had delusions of coming after his old company by using McCall. Nate said they needed to be proactive. Victoria agreed, and she said they needed to make sure that McCall never got strong enough for Adam to make that move in the first place.

Nate told Victoria he'd been looking at McCall, and he thought they should go after their biggest weaknesses first. He showed her a list of the divisions they could take a turn at. Victoria agreed and suggested they put Audra on it. Victoria said he'd missed the biggest Achilles heel; Adam was the weakest link.

Elena entered and saw Nate and Victoria. Elena approached them, and she commented on how cozy they appeared. Nate hoped she wasn't planning a scene like the one in Los Angeles. Elena asked if it had been her fault that things had turned ugly. Nate suggested they talk privately, but Elena refused. She stated that the scene in L.A. had happened when she'd been nave enough to love, trust, and respect him. She looked at Victoria and said she'd always thought Victoria was intelligent, but she'd fallen for two users in a row -- first Ashland and then his best man.

Victoria told Elena she didn't see the similarity. Elena said that was Victoria's blind spot. She said both men were happy to be with Victoria as long as they got what they wanted, but when they didn't, Victoria needed to watch out. Victoria claimed Elena was saying hurtful things because she'd been hurt, but in time, the pain would fade, then perhaps she wouldn't feel the need to verbally assault people in public.

Elena laughed. She said Victoria had been a Newman princess for far too long if Victoria believed that had been an assault. Elena said those had been facts. Nate asked Elena not to do that, but Elena congratulated him because he was finally protecting something. She said she was glad he and Victoria were together because eventually, they would use each other up and burn each other to the ground, and it would be fun to watch. Elena told them to enjoy their evening, and she left.

Nate apologized to Victoria for Elena's behavior. He said because Elena hated him, she didn't have the right to treat Victoria that way. Victoria said Elena had believed she and Nate had had something real, and it was like a punch in the gut when she realized it hadn't been. Nate claimed it was his fault for not breaking things off earlier. Victoria said Elena was free to find the right person. He said he knew what that felt like, and he was exactly where he wanted to be.

At Crimson Lights, Chelsea called Adam and told him they needed to find a professional for Connor to talk to because recently, Connor had been moody and distant, and she was worried about him. Adam agreed and said they would get the best psychologist to treat Connor.

Billy brought a cup of tea for Chelsea and a brownie for Connor. Connor stood in the doorway. Chelsea asked what he was doing there. Connor claimed he wanted to see her. She asked if he was okay. Connor apologized and said he hoped she wasn't mad at him for shutting himself in his room. She said she wasn't mad, and she was happy he came to find her. Connor hugged her.

Connor apologized to Chelsea and Billy for having been rude to them and to Johnny. Billy said he and Johnny understood that Connor had a lot on his plate, and sometimes it was overwhelming. Chelsea said no one was angry. She asked what was going on. Connor said nothing. Billy asked if Connor's mood had anything to do with the baby. Connor admitted it did.

Connor apologized to Chelsea and Billy about how he'd been acting, but he said they didn't have to worry about him anymore because he was getting used to the idea of Adam and Sally having a baby. Chelsea said Connor didn't have to go through it alone. Connor said he knew he had her. Chelsea said there might be times when he wanted to vent about her or Adam, and it was okay to talk to other people about it. She said perhaps they could find him a therapist he could talk to the way she did with her therapist, but Connor vehemently refused. He said he didn't need to talk to anyone other than Chelsea. He hugged her again.

After eating his brownie, Connor said he was ready to go to bed. He told Chelsea he would go on his own. He kissed Chelsea on the check, told her he loved her, and left. Chelsea asked Billy why she was more worried than ever.

After Adam ended his call with Chelsea, Sally inquired if that had been Nick. Adam replied that it had been Chelsea calling about Connor. Sally admitted she couldn't sleep because she was too freaked out about Nick. She said she had to get out of that room. Adam said she wasn't going anywhere, and he hid her shoes.

Sally told Adam she was starving. Adam said he would order in, but Sally complained she was tired of room service. Adam asked Sally to admit it wasn't about food. Sally said Nick had told Adam something about Cameron, and it was the reason Adam was watching her like a hawk. Adam admitted it. Sally accused Adam of dodging the Cameron question and that made her even more nervous.

Adam told Sally that Cameron had had Nick arrested for assault and battery. Sally claimed something else had happened. Adam said he and Nick were both concerned about her and the baby. Angry, Sally opened the door to leave, but Adam suggested she put on her shoes. She asked if there was something she needed to know about Nick because she couldn't stand not knowing, and she would think the worst.

Sally said the reason Nick had asked Adam to watch out for her was to prevent her from stressing out, but if Adam wanted her to relax, he had to let her out so she wouldn't think about Nick. Adam agreed, but only if she didn't leave his sight.

At Society, Adam asked Sally what the baby was craving that Sally could eat without raising her blood pressure or getting heartburn. He also claimed the baby would be perfect if she had the best of Sally and his mother. Sally told Adam to stop implying the baby wouldn't be anything like him. She said she wanted the baby to inherit the best of both their family trees, and that included him.

Adam asked if Sally had given any thought to baby names because he was wondering if Sally would consider the name "Hope." Sally understood it would mean a lot to him. Adam said maybe she wouldn't choose it as the first name, but perhaps the middle name. Sally agreed to add it to the list, but she wanted to put off choosing a name until it was closer to the due date. Suddenly, Sally doubled over in pain. Adam immediately took her to the hospital.

At home, Sharon demanded that Cameron explain how he'd gotten in. Cameron said he'd known that Nick would have the place surrounded by security, so he'd worked around them. Sharon asked him where Faith was. Rather than answer, Cameron said it was the first time they'd been alone in a very long time, and he didn't want Nick barging in. He declared that Sharon was as beautiful as the day they'd met.

Cameron stated he'd thought about Sharon constantly, and she'd become part of him, just like he'd become a part of her. Sharon asked where Faith was. He said Faith was fine for the moment, but it was up to Sharon what would happen next. Cameron locked the door. While his back was turned, Sharon picked up her phone, and she appeared to send a text message. She put the phone in her purse, and she asked what Cameron wanted.

Sharon claimed Cameron had her daughter, and he'd sent Nick, Chance, and Victor's security team all over town so he could get her alone. Cameron said he wanted her. She said she wanted to talk, but Cameron said he wanted more than talk. Sharon asked what it would take to get Faith back. He said Sharon had to agree to spend the rest of her life with him, then Faith could come home.

Sharon reminded Cameron that things hadn't ended well the last time he'd insisted they run off together. He claimed that had been Nick's fault, but thankfully, Nick wasn't there. He said Sharon would make the right choice "this time." Sharon asked why he thought she would comply. Cameron said because he wouldn't have felt that connection between them, something he claimed Sharon felt, too.

Sharon told Cameron that even if there was a connection between them, he'd put her in an impossible situation. She said after he'd sent her the photo of Faith that had terrified her, she couldn't think about her and Cameron because she had to know Faith was okay. Cameron insisted he wouldn't hurt Faith unless he had to. Sharon said that as much as she wanted to trust him, she couldn't until she saw for herself that Faith was all right.

Cameron told Sharon to stop because, as a therapist, she was going to try to manipulate his thoughts. He told Sharon to look into his heart, not his head. Sharon told him to look into her heart and see it was too full of love and concern for Faith to focus on him. He claimed that was a load of crap. He claimed he knew her better than she knew herself.

Cameron told Sharon that he saw her as a woman who'd resigned herself to being alone because every man she'd ever known had let her down -- Nick, Jack, Adam, and Rey. He said none of them had loved her the way he did. He said even after she'd rejected him, and he'd wound up in prison, he'd still wanted her more than anything else. He said 20 years in prison hadn't changed that. He claimed that was how pure his love was for her. He claimed there wasn't another woman like Sharon.

Sharon told Cameron she'd heard about a woman he'd beaten, just like he'd beaten her. She said abuse and hitting someone weren't love. Cameron claimed he felt things more deeply than other people, and he reacted accordingly. Sharon asked how kidnapping Faith could be love. He claimed it was the only way to get Sharon's attention and make her realize she felt their connection. He backed Sharon into a wall. He claimed no amount of shrink talk would ever make him think they didn't belong together. He said it was real and unstoppable.

Cameron claimed he would give Sharon everything she'd ever wanted because he still had enough money stashed away for them to live in luxury for the rest of their lives. He offered her a tropical island, a ranch in Montana, or a home in the south of France. Sharon moved away from him, and she said she had everything she wanted in Genoa City. He asked if she was happy slinging coffee and pastries for Genoa City's brain-dead elite and listening to their never-ending problems. She said it didn't matter whether he believed it or not, but that was true.

Cameron told Sharon that if she left with him, she would never have to make another latte or listen to some sad sack drone on about their unresolved trauma. Sharon asked him why he thought they had a future. Cameron claimed it was Sharon and their connection that had brought him to her. He asked why she couldn't accept that. He claimed his sole purpose was to make her happy, and he would never let her down the way Nick had.

Sharon told Cameron that Nick had nothing to do with their situation. Cameron claimed he understood it was difficult for Sharon to trust a man after she'd been let down so many times, but Nick had always been the problem and the reason for her unhappiness. Sharon shouted that if Cameron really cared about her, she wanted him to prove to her that Faith was okay. He yelled back that he was tired of talking about Nick and Faith. He said there were only two people he wanted to talk about, him and Sharon. He said if other people distracted them, he would remove the distraction.

Shouting, Sharon asked Cameron how it was love when he threatened her daughter's life. She told him to prove his love by taking her to Faith. He yelled that was enough. He kicked an ottoman and told Sharon to stop pushing him. She told him that Nick and Chance would arrive shortly, and Victor's security was crawling all over the property; there was no way out for him. Cameron said Nick wasn't coming because he'd called Nick just after Nick had left and he had said Nick had 20 minutes to get to where Faith was if he wanted to save her.

Cameron told Sharon that Nick wouldn't show up anytime soon because he'd understood the urgency. Sharon asked what would happen if Nick didn't get there in time. He said Sharon needed to hope Nick wouldn't let her down again. He said Chance was going through that garage, half of Victor's team was on a stakeout at the motel, and the other half were with Nick.

Sharon said Cameron had deliberately left his bag for Chance to find the deed to the garage so he would assume Faith was there. Cameron said he'd known Chance would have to follow that lead. Sharon asked about the message to meet him at the motel. Cameron said he'd known Nick would insist on going with her as backup. Sharon claimed his plan was to leave her alone in the house. He admitted he'd had that plan in place for months. He said there was no way out for Sharon. Sharon admitted defeat and claimed she would do whatever he wanted. She asked him to let Faith go.

Cameron told Sharon he would let Faith go as soon as they were far from Genoa City. Defeated, Sharon agreed. She said she would go with him because she needed to keep Faith safe. He said Sharon had to trust that he would never hurt her child. She asked where they were going. He claimed it was a surprise. She said she didn't know what to pack. He said he would buy her all-new things. He kissed her.

Nick entered and pushed Cameron away from Sharon. He said Sharon wasn't going anywhere with him. Cameron punched Nick, and a fight ensued. Nick got Cameron onto the floor and began punching him. Sharon pulled Nick off. Cameron managed to knock Nick out. Sharon screamed for the security team to help her, but Cameron claimed he and Sharon had to leave. Sharon told him to "go to hell," and she wasn't going anywhere with him. Cameron left the same way he'd entered, and he shouted that he had Sharon's child.

Nick got up and staggered after Cameron. Moments later, Nick returned and told Sharon that Cameron had gotten away through a hole Cameron had made in the closet of Noah's old room. Nick stated that was how Cameron had gotten in, evaded ranch security, poisoned the cat, and gotten Sharon alone. Nick claimed they would find him. Sharon said Cameron's perfect plan hadn't worked, and he knew she despised him. She said he had Faith, and he was on his way to her. She said they had to stop him.

Adam and Sally arrived at the hospital, and Adam asked Elena to help them. Adam said Sally's pain had started suddenly. Doubled over in pain, Sally told Elena she had a headache and a pain in her right side. Adam said that Sally was at risk for preeclampsia. Elena left to get an in-charge nurse.

Sharon ends Cameron
Sharon ends Cameron's reign of terror

Sharon ends Cameron's reign of terror

Friday, June 16, 2023

by Nel

At the hospital, Sally told Elena she had a headache, abdominal pain, double vision, and shortness of breath. Elena told Sally she would contact Sally's OB/GYN, and she assured Sally that she was in good hands.

Sally told Adam she was really scared. Adam assured her that she was surrounded by professionals who would give Sally and the baby the best possible care. Sally blamed herself for her condition because she'd been stressed out about Nick, and she'd insisted they go out to eat after Adam had told her to stay in. Adam said she wasn't to blame because it was an unexpected blip, and everything would work out.

Adam told Sally they were having a summer baby, and holidays would be right around the corner, like Halloween. He suggested some baby costumes. He said on Thanksgiving, they would make pumpkin pies with the baby. Sally recalled that Adam's mom had always tried to make the holidays special for the two of them. Adam admitted they were some of his best memories. They laughed when Sally said they would make the pies, even if she wasn't any good at baking.

Elena returned and told Sally that Dr. Chamberlain was on the way. She said she would hang a bag of magnesium sulfate to lower Sally's blood pressure. She told Sally that there was concern about the severity of Sally's symptoms that indicated the possibility of hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, or a low platelet count. She said they were all signs that could be a threat to Sally and the baby. Elena said there was a chance they would need to induce labor. Sally protested and said the baby wasn't ready.

Elena told Sally the longer they waited, the higher the risk for her and the baby. Elena said she had to examine Sally. Sally asked Adam to call Nick and ask him to come to the hospital. As Adam stepped out of her room, Sally said Hope was a beautiful name.

Outside Sally's room, Adam called Nick, and he left a voicemail message telling Nick that Sally was in serious condition and in the hospital. He asked Nick to call him when he was on his way. Adam whispered a prayer, "Let them be okay. They don't deserve this. Do what you want with me, but save them."

Adam called Victor and asked if he'd spoken to Nick, because Nick hadn't responded. Victor said Nick was dealing with "that sleazeball" Cameron. He asked why Adam was looking for Nick. Adam asked Victor to get Nick to call him, no matter how late. Victor asked if there was something wrong with Sally and the baby. When Elena exited Sally's room, Adam said he had to go.

Elena told Adam that Sally was unconscious, the medication wasn't working, and her blood pressure was too high. She said Sally was at extreme risk for a placental abruption that could be fatal for Sally and the baby. Elena stated that if they wanted to save the baby, they needed to take the baby immediately, but there was a chance they could lose Sally during that procedure. She said Adam had to make a choice: save the baby or the mother. Panicked, Adam claimed he couldn't make that decision.

Adam asked Elena if there was a way to stabilize Sally before performing the C-section. Elena said the baby was in distress, and if the placenta removed itself from the uterus, Sally could hemorrhage and bleed to death. Adam claimed he couldn't be the one to decide who lived and who died. Elena said time was of the essence. He asked for a few minutes with Sally. Reluctantly, Elena agreed to two minutes.

Adam kissed Sally on the forehead and said he remembered the first time he'd been sure Sally would turn his life upside down in the best way possible. He asked how he was supposed to decide, since he always screwed things up. He said he'd been stupid to break up with her, and he was the last guy to make life-and-death decisions. After a moment, he said he knew what she would want. Elena entered and said if he wasn't ready to make the call, the doctors would.

After the procedure, Elena informed Adam that it had been touch and go, but they'd been able to stabilize Sally. Elena informed Adam that they hadn't been able to save both of them. Adam went into Sally's room and wiped his tears. Sally woke up. Adam told her everything was going to be okay. She asked if the baby was okay.

At home, Sharon told Nick she was scared to death because Cameron was his way to Faith. Chance arrived. Nick told him that the hole in the closet had been Cameron's entry and exit. Nick said he'd tried to chase Cameron, but Cameron had collapsed the hole, leaving Nick unable to follow Cameron. Sharon told Chance how Cameron had bragged about how he'd outsmarted everyone just to get her alone.

Sharon told Chance that Cameron had told her he loved her, and they were meant to be together. She said Cameron had promised not to hurt Faith if she would go away with him, and she'd agreed to go with him. Nick said when he'd shown up, he and Cameron had fought, but Cameron had gotten away. Nick said he didn't know where Cameron went or where Faith was. Sharon claimed that Cameron had been even more unhinged when he'd left.

Chance told Nick and Sharon he'd brought Cameron's bag, and they needed to check it for any clues. Sharon said it had been part of Cameron's plan to fool them. Sharon pulled out one of her blouses from his bag; it had been cut up. Sharon was horrified that Cameron had gone through her things. Chance found some papers. Nick recognized them as schematics for the Genoa City sewer system. Nick pointed out that one of the tunnels ran under the ranch. At that moment, Sharon received a call from an unknown caller. She knew it was Cameron, and she demanded to know where Faith was.

After the call ended, Sharon told Chance and Nick that Cameron had Faith somewhere in the sewer system, and Faith was running out of oxygen. She said they had to get to Faith before it was too late.

Chance and Nick checked the schematics and made a plan to block off both entrances. Sharon said she was going with them because she knew what Cameron was capable of better than anyone. Sharon said Faith couldn't be hurt because of Sharon's mistakes, and if Cameron felt threatened in any way, he would kill Faith. She said she had to get to Cameron and end it.

Late, Victor and Nikki entered Sharon's home. Victor called out to them, but there was no reply. When she saw the disarray, Nikki asked what had happened. Victor said he'd received a call from Adam, who'd sounded distraught, and he'd said he hadn't been able to reach Nick. Victor said obviously there had been a problem. Nikki asked why Adam was trying to reach Nick. Victor said it probably had something to do with Sally and the baby.

Nikki told Victor she was concerned that Nick hadn't responded to Adam. Victor said he was sure it involved Cameron. Nikki found the schematics to the sewer system on Sharon's desk. Victor called Nick and left a voicemail to call back and tell Victor "where the hell" Nick was.

Victor asked one of the security guards why he hadn't been informed that Nick and Sharon had left the grounds. The guard said they'd left with Detective Chancellor and the team. He said since the police had been involved, he hadn't thought it was necessary. Shouting, Victor fired the guard.

After the guard left, Nikki showed Victor the schematics. She said Cameron had taken Nick and Sharon down there again. Ignoring Nikki's protests, Victor left to find Nick, Sharon, and Faith.

In the sewer system, Faith was tied to a water pipe. Cameron told Faith her mother had let her down, and Faith deserved better. He said Faith was as beautiful as her mom. He said it wasn't Faith's fault that her mom was "a bitch." He said all he'd done over the past 20 years had been to love her.

Cameron told Faith that when he'd first looked into Sharon's eyes, he'd known she was the only woman for him, and he couldn't live without her. He said he'd made his way back to Sharon, and he'd given himself back to her completely. He growled that Sharon had lied, led him on, and told him exactly what he'd wanted to hear, and the moment his back had been turned, she'd stabbed him in the back. He asked if Faith had any idea how it felt to be dismissed and treated like garbage. All the while, Faith kept trying to untie her hands.

Cameron called Sharon. When she answered, she demanded to know where Faith was and if she was okay. Cameron replied that Sharon had broken his heart. He said Faith wasn't too happy. He said he'd told Faith how badly Sharon had treated him. He said Faith expected more from her. Sharon told Cameron she wanted to hear Faith's voice. Cameron said that wasn't possible, but Faith was alive -- for the moment.

Sharon begged Cameron to let Faith go, and she would do whatever he wanted. Sharon reminded him that he'd promised not to hurt Faith. Cameron shouted that Sharon had promised him the world. In tears, Sharon said she would run away with him, but he had to let Faith go.

Cameron asked why he should trust Sharon after she'd lied to him. Sharon yelled that she wanted her daughter. Cameron claimed she would get her daughter, but he couldn't guarantee in what condition. He said it looked like Faith was running out of oxygen. Nick yelled for Cameron to let Faith go. Cameron told Sharon "that useless hero" couldn't help her. He said Sharon had picked the wrong horse, and she'd turned her back on true love. He said if Sharon wanted to find her child, she should look where she'd left his body so many years before, and he ended the call.

Cameron pulled Sharon's scarf from his pocket, and as he smelled it, Faith looked on in disgust.

Cameron told Faith that fertile plain was where the name Sharon had come from. He asked Faith to imagine the kids that he and Sharon could have had, and he'd hoped one of them would be a girl like Faith. He suggested that Faith help him make her mom understand that he'd only done what had needed to be done to remind Sharon of their love. He wanted Faith to make Sharon understand that they belonged together, and they would become a real family. He guaranteed that Faith would learn from him.

Cameron told Faith he was sorry about her cat, but that had been Sharon's fault for ignoring him. He insisted he'd had to do something to get her attention. He told Faith he would buy her a new cat, any kind she wanted. Cameron said that if she played nice, he would remove the gag and give her some water. Faith agreed. Cameron said Sharon took care of people, she was kind and warm, and she wasn't afraid to speak her mind. He said that was part of her charm, even when she did it with a champagne bottle to the back of the head. He said Faith was lucky to have such a great mom. He said it was too bad she had a "son of a bitch" for a dad. Faith said her dad was the best.

Faith told Cameron that Nick was the best man she knew. Cameron asked if that was why Nick had cheated on Sharon and broken her heart countless times. Cameron claimed he would never do that. Faith said Cameron would never be half the man Nick was. He told Faith not to make him sorry he'd taken the gag out.

Cameron opened a bottle of water and tried to give it to Faith, but she asked how she could know it hadn't been poisoned. He took a drink. Faith said Cameron could end the whole situation, but he claimed he hadn't started it -- Nick had, all because Cameron had adored a woman Nick wasn't man enough to love the way she needed to be loved. He said there was only one bump in the road stopping him and Sharon from being together: Nick. He said Nick was the only one who needed to die, and then he could be Faith's dad. He said he would love Faith and Sharon, and he would make them happy for the rest of their lives.

Cameron poured water into Faith's mouth. Faith sprayed it back into his face. He called her a "bitch," and in a threatening manner, he said she shouldn't have done that. He said Faith was trying his patience. Faith replied that he was creepy. Cameron grabbed her chin. Yelling, he warned her never to say that to him again. Faith asked why he was doing all of it and what was in it for him. He claimed it was destiny.

Cameron told Faith he was manifesting a destiny with Sharon because she'd forgotten what they meant to each other. He said Nick had gotten into Sharon's head and turned her against him. He said he needed to remind Sharon how much she loved him.

Faith told Cameron that she knew the men her mother had loved, and he wasn't one of them -- nor would he ever be. Faith asked why, if Cameron loved Sharon, he was taking her away from the happiness in the life she had. He asked what life, slinging coffee to a bunch of losers. He said Sharon needed love, the kind of love only he could give her. Faith shouted that he'd beaten Sharon. He told Faith to shut up, but Faith called him a monster.

Cameron warned Faith to shut her mouth or ... Faith asked, "Or what?" She asked if he would hit her. They heard a noise. Faith yelled to Sharon and Nick not to approach because it was a trap. When Faith turned, Cameron was gone.

Sharon ran in, and she saw Faith. Faith warned her that Cameron was somewhere close by, but she told Sharon she was okay. She said Cameron had talked about how he was in love with Sharon and how Nick had ruined his chances with her. Sharon said there had never been a chance at anything. She said Cameron had always been a complete psychopath. Sharon untied Faith and told her to run. Nick arrived, and Faith ran into his arms.

Nick and Faith were about to run, but Cameron grabbed Sharon from behind, held a screwdriver to her throat, and said, "Not so fast sweetie." Nick told Cameron to let Sharon go. Cameron kissed Sharon on the cheek. He asked if that made Nick uncomfortable, seeing Sharon in his arms. Nick took a step forward, and he shouted for Cameron to let Sharon go, but Cameron asked what Nick planned to do. He said Nick's problem was that he thought fists solved everything.

Sharon told Cameron they could resolve everything, but he claimed Sharon wanted to shrink him and talk him down. He claimed he wasn't stupid, but he was in control. Faith begged him not hurt Sharon. Cameron retorted that love hurt, and it was a sad fact of life, one that Nick would truly understand. Nick said he was the one Cameron wanted to hurt. He told Cameron to let Sharon and Faith go, and he and Cameron would resolve the situation, man to man. Cameron claimed Nick didn't know what "man" meant.

Cameron said Nick had a simple choice to make -- who lived and who died, Faith or Sharon. He said if Nick couldn't make a decision, he would lose both. Nick claimed Faith was free, but Cameron told Nick to look under Faith's sweatshirt. Nick lifted Faith's sweatshirt and saw that she had a bomb strapped to her. Cameron said he would blow Faith to pieces, or he would slit Sharon's throat. It was Nick's call.

Nick called Cameron a "son of a bitch." Cameron agreed. He accused Nick of taking everything away from him: his life, his freedom, and the woman he loved, but Nick had lost nothing. He said he was tired of losing. He said Nick had 30 seconds to decide who would be killed, Faith or Sharon. Nick warned that if Cameron hurt either one of them, Cameron wouldn't leave that room alive. Cameron swore he would destroy Nick's life before he left. Cameron told Nick to give him a name, or he would kill Faith and Sharon.

In the meantime, Sharon reached under her dress, and she pulled out the knife Nick had taped to her thigh earlier. Sharon slashed Cameron's arm, then kicked the detonator away. He called her a "bitch." Chance rushed in, holding a gun. Cameron and Sharon were face to face. Chance told Cameron to get on the ground and get his hands up. Sharon took that opportunity and shocked everyone when she stabbed Cameron in the chest with her knife. Cameron fell to the ground and died.

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Edited by SC Desk