Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 13, 2023 on Y&R

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Victoria made Nate an indecent proposal. Victor discovered that Devon and Abby were romantically involved. Phyllis revealed Jack and Diane
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 13, 2023 on Y&R

Elena confronted Nate about his relationship with Victoria. Nate declined Victoria's indecent proposal. Phyllis told Kyle and Summer that Stark had flown to Paris to look for Jack and Diane, who believed the lie and returned to Genoa City. Victor discovered that Devon and Abby were romantically involved.

Jeremy and Phyllis finalize plans to target Diane
Jeremy and Phyllis finalize plans to target Diane

Jeremy and Phyllis finalize plans to target Diane

Monday, March 13, 2023

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by Anne Carpenter

Victoria entered Nate's office and found Audra sitting alone. Victoria told Audra she had hoped to speak to Nate. Audra explained that Nate had gone out to enjoy a date with Elena. Audra extolled Nate's virtues, noting that he balanced his career with romance. Audra sighed and said, "If only all men could be like him, right? In my book that man's a keeper. Elena is such a lucky woman." Victoria agreed and said she was also lucky to have Nate as an employee.

Victoria confirmed that Audra's instincts had been right about Tucker having offered to sell his company to Devon. Audra replied that she knew Tucker quite well. Victoria asked Audra to tell her what Tucker's next move might be. Audra said that when Tucker did not get his way, he usually fought harder, grew angry and impatient, or might even decide to move on to something else. Audra agreed when Victoria suggested that Tucker might give up on Devon if the offer to sell did not gain traction as he expected it would.

Victoria hatched a plan to create a distraction with a big payoff to draw Tucker's focus away from Devon, so Newman could move in and make a deal. Audra praised Victoria for not letting anything stand in the way of her goals, especially her desire to acquire McCall Unlimited. Audra recalled how Victoria had inserted herself into another family when she had worked with Nate to acquire Chancellor-Winters. Victoria sternly replied, "That was strictly a business proposition." Audra reminded Victoria that she had solely focused on Newman's bottom line, not on Nate ruining his relationship with his cousins.

Audra pointed out that with Tucker Unlimited, Victoria seemed to have no issues coming between a father and his son. Victoria explained that unlike the family Audra had mentioned, the Newman family had always remained united with clearly defined and unquestionable allegiance. Victoria told Audra that a family member who could be swayed was the weak link, not the person doing the swaying, adding that the family had to pull together to keep things from falling apart.

Audra replied, "So, just to be clear, we're talking about swaying Tucker away from Devon, right?" Victoria agreed that she was, and she asked Audra if she had read something else into their conversation. Audra replied that Victoria had been perfectly clear about not blaming the person whose actions split two others apart. Victoria said, "That's what we're going to do to Devon and Tucker."

At the Grand Phoenix, Nate arrived late to his date with Elena, explaining that his meeting with Victoria had detained him. Nate bragged that even when he and Victoria had taken opposite sides of an issue, they could still inspire each other due to the "unreal" synergy between them. Elena replied, "Unreal? That's how you describe your relationship with your boss?" Nate boasted that he and Victoria had developed more than an employer-employee relationship. Elena replied, "What's going on between you and Victoria?" Nate seemed taken aback and replied, "What are you talking about? Where's this coming from?" Elena told Nate she had had an enlightening conversation with Audra, who had reported noticing an interesting dynamic between him and Victoria.

Audra, Elena added, seemed to believe that based on what she had witnessed, Nate and Victoria had crossed a boundary. Nate claimed that the only thing going on between him and Victoria was related to business, though he admitted that he admired Victoria's vision. Nate praised Victoria for having encouraged him to grow and expand, far different from his stifling experience at Chancellor-Winters. Nate told Elena he thought she understood and appreciated his relationship with Victoria. Elena told Nate she did not want to fight and should not have agreed to meet for drinks, fearing she might create tension between them again. Nate promised Elena they would not revisit the dark place they had endured before.

Elena acknowledged that she might have been looking for trouble. Elena assured Nate she had been wrong to suspect that he and Victoria were having an affair. Nate told Elena she should not be concerned about his professional relationships because he loved her and only her. Nate suggested he and Elena spend the evening at home. Elena was eager to cuddle up in bed with Nate. Nate said, "Let's get you home."

Victoria was waiting for her order at Crimson Lights when Elena entered. Victoria told Elena she thought Elena and Nate were enjoying a couple's night out. Elena said she'd realized she needed rest and some tea and would not be surprised if Nate had gone to the office. Victoria insisted on paying for Elena's drink as an apology for all the late nights she had kept Nate at the office. Victoria praised Nate as being a dream to work with because he was creative, collaborative, and respectful. Victoria boasted that she and Nate were very much in tune, and she envisioned bigger and better things in his future. Victoria recalled that Nate had been an amazing doctor and had adeptly pivoted to become an incredible businessman.

Nate entered his office and asked Audra what was going on and why she had meddled in his personal affairs. Nate said it seemed Audra had filled Elena's head with all kinds of nonsense. Audra replied, "About what?" Nate insisted that he and Victoria had merely established a strong rapport, which was completely professional. Nate said he had finally found a workplace that encouraged forward thinking and had hoped that Audra could work well with him as his COO. Audra apologized, explaining that she had described to Elena the inclusive though professional vibe that she, Nate, and Victoria had developed. Audra offered to clear things up with Elena.

After Audra left, Elena arrived at Nate's office with two cups of tea. Elena said she felt bad about questioning Nate, so she had stopped by to apologize, knowing she could not sleep until she did. Elena told Nate she still feared they might fall back into a contentious pattern that had almost ended their relationship. Nate assured Elena it would not happen, reminding her that he had been unhappy at Chancellor-Winters. Elena explained that all jobs would become demanding, even in the best environments.

Elena told Nate she supported him, though she was aware that he seemed to be changing more every day. Elena cried that she might lose Nate forever if things at Newman Media became difficult. Nate assured Elena that she would never lose him because he loved her. Victoria phoned Nate and invited him to join her for a drink to discuss business. Nate told Victoria that he and Elena were about to head home. Victoria appeared disappointed. Elena smiled.

At the Abbott cabin, an anxious Diane told Jack she had a terrible feeling in the pit of her stomach that something was wrong, as if a storm was coming. Diane told Jack about the strange call on the landline that had rattled her. Diane cried that though no one had been on the line when she'd answered, she feared it might have been Jeremy. Jack insisted there was no way Jeremy could know where they were. Diane told Jack that if Jeremy had heard her voice, he might already be on his way to the cabin or might even use their family as leverage. Diane cried that she was worried about their family back home, just sitting in the crosshairs. Jack insisted their family was fine with the security team on full alert. Diane begged to return home.

In Jeremy's suite at the Grand Phoenix, Phyllis told Jeremy that Jack and Diane were at a rustic cabin in the woods just up the highway. Jeremy said, "Did they really think they could get away with this? Oh, that's so brazen. Well, if nothing else, they're quite clever." Phyllis replied, "They think they're clever." Jeremy told Phyllis that it was time to prove to Jack and Diane that they were not untouchable. Phyllis warned that there was no room for failure, explaining that she had a lot more to lose than he did. Phyllis shared some ideas and insisted that no one in town was more resourceful than she was.

Phyllis told Jeremy that because the Abbotts knew the lay of the land around the cabin, Jack and Diane would have to be lured back to town. Phyllis made it crystal clear that Kyle, Summer, and Harrison could not be used as pawns. Jeremy asked Phyllis how they could lure Jack and Diane back to town. Phyllis replied, "We make them think that the dangerous element has disappeared. We basically do the same thing to them that they did to you, but we do it better. We do it much better."

Kyle greeted Summer on the patio at Crimson Lights. Kyle told Summer he had become worried after she'd failed to return to the office. Summer, weighed down by all that was troubling them, cried that despite what Phyllis had said about dropping her obsession with Diane, the opposite seemed more likely. Kyle asked Summer if Phyllis had revealed any specifics. Summer recalled that her mom had claimed to have a present for Harrison to drop off, though she had not wanted to encounter Jack and Diane. Phyllis, Summer recalled, had then asked a number of vague questions about Jack and Diane's whereabouts. Summer suggested she and Kyle remain especially vigilant because something had not seemed right.

Phyllis quickly rushed in, out of breath, with her hand on her chest as if she was frightened. Phyllis cried, "Oh, good. There you are." Summer insisted they would not tell Phyllis where Jack and Diane were. Phyllis told Summer and Kyle she would not have tracked them down if it had not been urgent. Phyllis announced that Jeremy was on his way to Paris to find Jack and Diane. Kyle asked Phyllis how she knew. Phyllis admitted that Jeremy had hounded her to team up with him, so he could exact revenge on Diane, though she had refused. Kyle asked Phyllis why she had not said anything earlier. Phyllis said she'd thought Summer and Kyle would not believe her, though the situation had changed, since Jeremy was determined to get back at Diane and might even be pursuing them.

Kyle excused himself to make a call, and then he remembered he had forgotten his phone. Phyllis pulled Kyle's phone from her pocket and said, "Looking for this?" Kyle took his phone and left through the patio entrance. Phyllis promised Summer she was being truthful and was only concerned about her daughter's safety. Summer told her mother she wanted to believe her, though Summer would continue to maintain distance to keep from being disappointed.

Kyle reached Jack at the cabin. After Jack hung up, he told Diane that Jeremy had gone to Europe to search for them. Diane replied, "What? Why?" Jack told Diane that Kyle had confirmed with his friend at the airport that Jeremy had chartered a flight to Paris and had already left. Jack asked Diane why Jeremy thought they were in Paris, adding that it could be a trick just like they had pulled on him. Diane was relieved when Jack said they could return home. Diane called attention to her ring and asked Jack if they should tell others about their engagement. Jack replied that they should absolutely tell the whole world.

After Kyle retuned to the coffeehouse, he told Summer he had spoken to Jack and had even confirmed that Jeremy had left on a chartered flight to Paris. Summer replied, "So, my mom was telling the truth?" Kyle said his parents would be returning home. Summer remained troubled, recalling that her mother had had Kyle's phone. Kyle assured Summer that his phone was protected by a password. Summer told Kyle she feared Phyllis was still working with Jeremy, which meant that Jack and Diane could be walking into a trap. Kyle explained that Jack had already planned to return to Genoa City even before Kyle had alerted them about Jeremy, though none of them should let down their guard.

After Jack and Diane returned, Diane suggested making sure Kyle approved before sharing news of the engagement with others. Jack replied that Kyle knew he and Diane were in love and would embrace the marriage. Diane was hesitant, though she agreed with Jack's plan to tell family first and share the news with friends later on. Diane said she would have to wait to show off her ring, so she put her ring back in the gift box and slipped it into her purse. After Kyle and Summer entered, Jack thanked them for sharing the information about Jeremy. Jack announced to Kyle and Summer that he had proposed and that Diane had accepted.

Phyllis returned to Jeremy's suite and said, "It's done. Kyle and Summer think that you left town." Phyllis acknowledged that Summer seemed to have doubts but that Kyle had likely summoned Jack to return to town. Jeremy said his idea to use Phyllis had been brilliant. Phyllis replied, "It was your most brilliant idea. All right, mastermind, what's next?" Jeremy told Phyllis she would have to reconnect with the Abbotts because she needed access to Diane's belongings inside Jack's house. Phyllis was initially hesitant but changed her mind when Jeremy threatened to hire someone to break into Jack's house. Jeremy instructed Phyllis to take one or two of Diane's personal items that could be tied to directly to her.

Victoria makes an indecent proposal
Victoria makes an indecent proposal

Victoria makes an indecent proposal

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

by Jenny Smith

At the Abbott mansion, Kyle and Summer were stunned by Jack and Diane's engagement announcement. Jack acknowledged that it sounded sudden, but he insisted that it made perfect sense. "To you," Kyle erupted. Jack admitted that the moment had surprised him and Diane, but he figured that their relationship had been heading in that direction for some time, and it had felt right. Kyle found the timing weird, given that his parents had left town to avoid the potential of Stark seeking revenge. Kyle wondered if they'd gotten engaged because of the threat Stark posed.

Jack swore that Stark hadn't been the reason for the proposal, although the situation had helped show Jack that he no longer wanted to look backward or rehash the past. Diane piped up that she didn't expect people to forget the things she'd done, and she intended to continue to win people's trust by how she lived her life. Jack couldn't remember the exact moment he'd fallen back in love with Diane, but he knew it had happened after he'd realized she'd been trying to protect Kyle. Jack contended that Diane's love for Kyle and Harrison had proven that she'd become a different person with different priorities.

Jack proclaimed that he'd asked Diane to marry him for one reason -- he loved her and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Jack reminded Kyle and Summer that his and Diane's love had started many years earlier and had been put through unbelievable tests, yet the flame hadn't been extinguished. Diane added that she and Jack had gained wisdom and experience they hadn't had during their first time together, and they'd matured into different people who were better together than they were apart. Kyle and Summer looked unconvinced.

Jack insisted that Diane was an integral part of the family, and he considered marriage the natural next step. Kyle recognized how strong both of his parents' feelings were, but he cautioned that not everyone would see it as a natural step. Jack refused to let other people dictate their decisions, and he embraced the wonderful thing that had happened between him and Diane. Jack encouraged Kyle and Summer to do the same.

Kyle swore that he wanted Jack and Diane to be happy, but he struggled to understand why they felt the need to get married then. Kyle requested some time to let it sink in. Diane hoped Kyle and Summer could see it in their hearts to give Jack and Diane their blessing at some point. Jack asked Kyle and Summer to keep the engagement news to themselves, and he and Diane headed to Society. "What the hell was that?" Summer huffed.

Summer contemplated whether the engagement had been Diane's plan all along, but Kyle doubted his mother had hatched a diabolical plot to return to town and marry his dad. Summer countered that Diane had lured Jack to L.A. in underhanded ways, and it had been secret after secret with Diane ever since. Summer voiced concern that Kyle was turning a blind eye to something, and he worried that she would never let go of her suspicions and give his mother a chance. Summer defended that she'd given Diane many chances, and she felt they couldn't ignore that Jack and Diane's rush into marriage was a red flag. Summer believed both she and Kyle knew things were moving way too fast.

Kyle fretted that his mother was in danger and that she might have to leave again. He doubted the looming threat would just go away on its own, and Summer lectured that the engagement wouldn't get rid of Stark. Kyle questioned why his parents were keeping their engagement a secret. Summer grumbled that no one would welcome the news, and she anticipated it wouldn't be pretty when her mom heard about it.

Kyle reiterated that he wanted his parents to be happy, and seeing how much they loved one another made him remember them all being happy and together when he'd been a kid. Kyle worried that Jack had put his whole heart and soul into it, but he had misgivings about whether Jack and Diane getting married was the right thing to do. Kyle couldn't imagine that the couple was on the road to happily ever after, and he feared that his father was ignoring reality and setting himself up to be hurt again.

Outside Society, Phyllis was on the phone with Stark. She informed him that the next phase of their plan would take some time, since it wouldn't be easy to obtain personal items of Diane's. Phyllis sternly reminded Stark not to endanger her family while making it happen, and she warned him against making threats and being impatient. Phyllis quickly hung up as Lauren approached.

Inside the restaurant, Lauren observed that Phyllis had seemed to be on an intense call. Phyllis fibbed that she'd been trying to book an appointment at the nail salon, but they hadn't been able to fit her in until the following week. Phyllis grabbed Lauren's hand and thanked her for citing Phyllis' intensity. Phyllis pledged to call the salon and apologize, and she noted that she'd been apologizing a lot lately. Phyllis tried to turn the topic to Lauren's assistance with planning for the bicentennial party, but Lauren demanded to know what was going on.

Lauren recalled that Phyllis had been miserable the last time Lauren had seen her, yet Phyllis was vibrating with positive energy. Phyllis claimed that she'd had a wake-up call after the unfortunate evening she'd had with Lauren and Michael. Phyllis accepted that she'd been self-sabotaging, and she resolved not to do it anymore. Lauren wanted to believe the change in Phyllis was legitimate, but she still thought Phyllis needed some perspective and distance.

Lauren proposed that Phyllis join her on a girls' trip to Las Vegas for the weekend, since they could have some fun while Lauren took care of some business there. Phyllis regretted that she couldn't get away right then, but Lauren pointed out that Phyllis didn't have a job and was fighting with her kids. Lauren questioned what was keeping Phyllis from leaving. Phyllis vaguely replied that she had a lot of things going on and couldn't leave town at that moment, adding that she couldn't run from her problems. Phyllis followed Lauren's gaze to Jack and Diane, who had just entered the restaurant.

Jack and Diane approached Phyllis and Lauren's table, and Phyllis gushed that the couple looked amazing. Diane remarked that Phyllis almost sounded sincere. Phyllis figured she should get points for trying, and Diane snapped that Phyllis was always keeping score. Phyllis admitted that she'd played a game and lost, and it had given her nothing but misery. Phyllis added that all she wanted was the romance and love Jack and Diane had, but that was hard to get and harder to sustain -- especially under their "current circumstances." Phyllis said she was surprised to see them back in town.

Jack demanded to know why Phyllis was surprised. Phyllis simply stated that she'd thought Jack and Diane would be out of town for a while, and she guessed that Summer and Kyle had told them that Stark had gone to Paris to find them. Diane incredulously asked how Phyllis had known that. Phyllis smugly announced that she'd been the one who'd told Kyle and Summer about Stark's plans.

Phyllis revealed that Stark had asked her to be part of his scheme to get to Jack and Diane, but she'd told Stark she wanted nothing to do with it. Diane thought something about Phyllis' story didn't make sense. Phyllis insisted that Stark was a dangerous man who scared her, and she didn't want him in any of their lives. Diane spat that Phyllis should have thought of that before she'd called him. Phyllis cried that Diane was right.

Phyllis contended that her fight with Diane had cost Phyllis her relationship with her kids, and she was working hard to fix that. Phyllis reasoned that it was why she'd told Kyle and Summer that Stark was on his way to Europe to find Jack and Diane. Jack and Diane retreated to their own table. "That was quite a performance," Lauren remarked. Lauren pushed to know what Phyllis was up to, but Phyllis plastered on a smile and swore that she wanted nothing but happiness for Jack and Diane. Phyllis watched as Jack kissed Diane's hand.

Nick entered the Grand Phoenix lobby and spotted Victoria. She explained that she was getting some work done over a glass of wine, and she surmised he was on his way to see Sally. Victoria inquired how Sally was doing. Nick reported that Sally and the baby were doing great physically, but it was a tough situation emotionally. Victoria sympathized that things were more difficult whenever Adam was involved.

Nick gave Adam credit for behaving like an adult and respecting the rules, but Victoria anticipated that Adam would try to manipulate Sally to suit his own agenda. Nick declared that he was ready for anything. Victoria advised Nick to remember what Adam was capable of and not take him at his word. Nick groaned that he'd been burned by it too many times. Victoria thought the fact that Adam was acting like a mature adult set off alarm bells. Nick assured her that they were clanging in his head, loud and clear.

Nick appreciated the reminder, especially since he knew Victoria preferred that Adam and Sally end up together. Victoria reasoned that Adam and Sally were better suited for one another because their personalities were more similar, and she saw them as more of a natural couple than Nick and Sally. Nick disagreed, but he saw why she'd say that. Victoria urged him to ask himself whether he should be concerned. Nick asserted that he wasn't worried about Adam making inroads with Sally, but he was concerned that Adam might cause Sally a bunch of stress that she and the baby didn't need.

Nick revealed that Adam had confirmed Victor's plan to put Adam in charge of McCall Unlimited once Newman acquired the company. Victoria scoffed at the idea it would ever happen, but Nick warned that Victor would never quit until he found a way to pull Adam back into the Newman fold. Victoria barked that their father had to find another way to get what he wanted. Nick argued that having Adam run McCall would keep him out of their business and focused on something else, but Victoria protested that Adam would win.

Victoria stood by her plan to fold McCall into Newman, and she vowed not to let Victor and Adam ruin it. Nick pointed out that Newman was doing great without McCall, and he suggested they concentrate on what they had and let Victor and Adam do what they wanted -- away from Victoria and Nick. Victoria refused to pass on the opportunity just so Victor could use McCall to lure Adam back into the family, and she condemned Victor's actions as bad business and miserable parenting. She brightened when Nate approached.

Nate explained that Elena had crashed as soon as they'd gotten home, but he still had energy. He hoped to continue strategizing about a potential deal with Tucker. Victoria mentioned that she'd bumped into Nick by chance, but she welcomed Nick to stick around for the discussion. Nick begged off and told them to have a great conversation. Nick headed to the elevators, but he eyed Victoria and Nate with interest as they huddled close together to look at some numbers.

As Sally snoozed in her hotel room, she dreamed that Summer was brushing Sally's hair. Summer stressed that she had a feeling in her bones that things weren't over between Sally and Adam, and she sensed an eternal connection between them. "As if ..." Summer began, and Sally turned around and asked, "What?" Summer morphed into Adam, who replied, "As if we're meant to be."

Sally stirred in her sleep and continued dreaming. Adam presented Sally with a large bouquet of roses, apologetically noting that the gesture was clich. She commented that she loved good old-fashioned romance from time to time, and he promised that it was what she'd get with him. She remembered when he'd given her flowers on her first day as Newman Media's CEO, and he recounted that her nervous response had been honest and endearing. Sally appreciated how much Adam had believed in her from the very beginning. He proclaimed that he knew her like no one else did or ever would. Sally smiled in her sleep.

Another dream began in Sally's mind. Sally asked why Adam was there, and he repeated that they were meant to be. He urged her to remember how perfect things had been when they'd been together, and she softly replied that she remembered. Adam recalled that they'd lived their lives like they'd been on the outside and at war with the world, but then they'd suddenly found someone who'd understood them and seen them for exactly who they were. Adam professed that he'd accepted and loved Sally in a way that had made her feel like she hadn't known what love was until that moment, since they had a connection of a lifetime.

Adam continued that their baby represented that their love was real. He gently touched Sally's belly, and she placed her hands over his. Adam sternly said her name. Sally awakened and heard Nick calling her name from the corridor. He became worried when he received no response, and he yelled that he'd call security. Sally opened the door, and Nick asked if she was okay. "Get in here," she responded, pulling him inside and kissing him passionately. They proceeded to disrobe and have sex.

As Nick and Sally cuddled in bed, he breathlessly noted that he'd barely gotten a word out before she'd had his clothes off. He added that he wasn't complaining, but it had seemed a little urgent. Sally replied that she'd thought he liked her spontaneity, but he referred to the look in her eye when he'd first arrived. He guessed that she'd been trying to lose herself in the sex, and he asked if there was something going on that he should know.

Sally confided that her last encounter with Summer had been bothering her. Nick offered to talk to his daughter again, but Sally clarified that Summer had actually seemed like she'd wanted to make peace. Nick didn't see the problem, but Sally found the conversation strange. Sally recalled that Summer had started out as a concerned daughter and then a concerned friend to Sally before the topic had veered to how Sally and Adam had once been happy together. Sally repeated Summer's words that Sally and Adam having a baby made it seem like they were meant to be. Nick wondered if Summer's words had triggered Sally's conflicted feelings about Adam.

Sally said she hadn't bought Summer's friendly act. Sally was sure Summer believed Sally deserved a head game or two, but Nick wanted Sally to exist in a bubble of peace and harmony. Sally gently informed him that no such bubble existed. Sally insisted that she wasn't conflicted about Adam, but she admitted that she'd been having anxiety dreams about what the future might hold. She braced herself for grief and negativity as they moved forward. Nick assured her they would get through it. Sally contemplated whether she'd be able to handle the onslaught from his family.

Meanwhile, Victoria told Nate that she knew what had fueled Tucker to win at all costs, and she believed Nate understood it, too. She sensed that Tucker was taking a different path, and she speculated that perhaps he was getting soft after everything he'd been through. Victoria pondered whether Tucker wanted to bridge the gap between him and Devon, noting that Tucker had a grandchild to consider. Victoria continued that Tucker also apparently had a woman he couldn't get off his mind, since he'd been pursuing Ashley since he'd returned to town.

Victoria surmised that Ashley had bought Tucker's debt to keep him under her control, and she compared the powerful move to something Victoria might have done herself. Victoria realized that she and Nate had to figure out what Ashley wanted if their goal was to get Tucker to sell the company to them. Victoria called control a powerful motivator that most people craved. Nate mused that some people craved it more than others, and Victoria seductively replied that some people were more honest about it.

Nate noted that Ashley was in a position to make demands of Tucker. Victoria wondered if Ashley had used her leverage to force Tucker to offer to sell his company to Devon. Victoria couldn't imagine why Ashley cared about Tucker's company or repairing the relationship between Tucker and Devon, and she figured the simplest answer was usually the most likely. "Two powerful, dynamic people with passion for business and each other," Victoria murmured.

Nate imagined Ashley was testing Tucker to see how far he'd go for her, and Victoria purred that it was a game she thought most men enjoyed playing. Victoria recognized that they weren't talking about Ashley and Tucker anymore, and Nate confirmed they were talking about themselves. Victoria suggested they stop dancing around it and address what was going on between them.

Victoria opted to get a room upstairs, and she said she'd really like for Nate to join her. She leaned in close and assured him that she wouldn't be insulted or take it personally if he chose not to, and she stressed that it had nothing to do with his job or their professional relationship. She left the decision up to him, and she sashayed over to the front desk. Nate gulped.

Victor and Devon strike a deal about Hamilton-Winters
Victor and Devon strike a deal about Hamilton-Winters

Victor and Devon strike a deal about Hamilton-Winters

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

by Nel

In the lobby of the Grand Phoenix, Nate received a text message from Victoria, giving him the room number of her suite. In a flashback, Nate recalled when he'd told Elena that he admired Victoria, the way her mind worked, and her business acumen and that he was learning a lot from her. He'd said they worked well together.

In another flashback, Nate remembered Victoria telling him she needed as much information as possible to make her move. She'd said information was power, power was control, and control was as important as money, if not more so. Victoria had kissed him.

Nate finished his drink, and as he approached the elevator, the door opened. Nick walked out. Nick asked if Victoria was still around. Nate said he wasn't sure because they'd finished up earlier. Nick asked where Nate was headed. Nate said he and Elena had had an argument, and he'd decided to have a drink and clear his head.

Nick noted that earlier, Nate had made it seem that he'd been there to meet with Victoria to discuss the McCall deal. Nate said he'd cleared his head by having a scotch and strategizing about Newman Media. He claimed business was a good distraction from his personal life. He said he and Elena needed some space, and he'd decided to crash at the hotel for the night. Nate said goodnight and entered the elevator.

In Victoria's suite, Nate told Victoria he wasn't there for sex, even though he was interested. Nate told her that he was in two committed relationships, one with Elena and one with Newman Media, and he wasn't about to screw up either one. He admitted that he really wanted to throw caution to the wind, but his logical side held him back. He said he was in a committed relationship with the woman he loved, and he didn't want to tarnish the amazing working relationship he had with Victoria.

Nate told Victoria he loved working with her. He said she was a great boss, a great leader, and a true visionary. He said there was a physical attraction and a desire, but things would become untenable it they acted on their feelings. Victoria said Nate's earnestness made him even more attractive. She suggested he leave, and she would enjoy her nightcap alone. She assured him they were okay, and she would see him at the office. Nate left.

Alone, Victoria sipped her nightcap, looked at the bed, and envisioned herself and Nate making love.

At Society, Adam told Tucker that Victor had told him Tucker was selling McCall. Tucker said he hadn't realized Adam was part of the inner circle. Adam claimed they'd never been closer. Tucker asked if that was true even after Adam had plunged a dagger into Victor's heart by working for Jack.

Adam told Tucker he was no longer at Jabot. Tucker said he knew Adam had underperformed his way out the door. Adam claimed it hadn't been a good fit. Tucker asked if Adam was going to spend more time with a family who couldn't stand him. Adam said that he, Victoria, and Victor had their issues, but at the end of the day, they were family and always would be. Adam claimed that he and Victor understood each other because they were so much alike.

Adam said Tucker had really botched his relationship with Devon, and Devon didn't want anything to do with Tucker or acquiring McCall. Adam gloated that he might wind up being the CEO of Tucker's empire. Tucker said that over his dead body would Adam ever have anything to do with his company.

Adam boasted that when Tucker sold McCall to Newman, Victor intended to install Adam as CEO. Tucker said it was a good thing he had no intention of selling to Newman because with Adam at the helm, it would be a sure-fire way to run the company into the ground. Tucker said he didn't know what wild promises Victor had made to Adam, but he shouldn't fall for them. Adam claimed Tucker's deal with Devon wasn't done, and there were two things he knew about his family: they didn't give up and walk away, and everyone had their price -- and the Newmans would pay.

Nick approached and announced that he was there for takeout, and he wasn't interested in Tucker and Adam's conversation. Adam said that Tucker claimed Newman would never get their hands on McCall. Adam said it sounded like an opening for negotiations. Adam asked Tucker what it would take to change his mind. Tucker responded that Devon meant everything to him, and Adam meant less than nothing. Tucker finished his drink, and he left.

Nick told Adam that he'd gotten his answer straight from the man. Nick said Tucker would never let Newman buy McCall, and he asked if Adam was ready to let it go. Adam said it would take a lot more for him to give up on McCall Unlimited. He said they had to make sure Devon wouldn't accept Tucker's offer. Nick reminded Adam that Tucker usually got what he wanted. Adam claimed he knew how to work on a fractured father and son relationship.

Nick reminded Adam it was Tucker's call to make, even if Devon wasn't in the picture. Nick asked why Adam thought Tucker would sell McCall to Newman, since Tucker clearly didn't want Adam near the CEO chair. Adam said Victor did, and Tucker was no match for Victor. Nick said Victoria was Victor's match. Adam claimed Victoria wouldn't come out on top in the sale of McCall. Nick said the reason Adam and Victoria didn't get along was because they were both like Victor, and they were toxic.

Nick told Adam he had no interest in being part of another Newman family drama, and the reason he was trying to keep things civil was Adam, Sally, and the baby. Nick suggested Adam let go of the idea of running McCall because Adam had several high-profile options. He suggested that Adam start his own company. He said the world was Adam's oyster, and Nick asked why it had to be Tucker's company to satisfy him. Adam claimed he had a reason to fight for it. He said he had a baby on the way, and he wanted to leave a Newman legacy for both his children. Adam left.

At home, Devon told Abby that his time with Dominic was the reason he was fighting so hard to get his company back and why he was considering buying McCall. He said it was for Dominic's future. Abby pointed out that Dominic might not want to be part of the business. She said he might want to be his own person and create his own path. Devon said he would never force Dominic to do anything, but he wanted Dominic to be proud of him for fighting to protect the family legacy. Abby said Dominic would be proud of the man Devon was, no matter what. She asked if Devon still wanted to buy McCall.

Devon told Abby he'd told Tucker that he was aware Tucker had offered McCall to Newman first. Devon said it didn't matter because Tucker had rescinded his offer to Newman. Devon said he hoped Tucker was sincere about what he'd offered Devon. He said he wanted to buy the company as a safety net in case the lawsuit didn't go his way. He said he had to consider whether there was a benefit in rebuilding the company with Tucker.

Abby told Devon she wasn't sure if she could fully trust Tucker, and she didn't want Devon to get burned again. Devon informed her that Tucker had suggested that if Devon bought the company, Tucker wanted to take on an advisory role and report to Devon. He said since Tucker didn't like taking orders from anyone, Tucker had said he would take on a lesser position. Devon said he saw that as a sign that Tucker was being honest about wanting to fix things between them.

At Crimson Lights, Audra apologized to Nate if she'd caused any misunderstanding between him and Elena. Nate said he'd cleared things up with Elena. Audra invited him to join her, but Nate claimed he had a ton of work to do at home. Audra asked if he'd seen Victoria recently because she was curious where things stood with the McCall acquisition.

Nate told Audra he'd seen Victoria, and they'd discussed it. He said Victoria had had a conversation with Tucker, and she'd tried to convince him that Newman was the right place to sell his company to. Audra suggested that Nate talk to Devon. Nate said that wouldn't work because there was still too much anger and hurt feelings, and mixing business with personal problems would make things worse. He said making peace with Devon had to be done slowly and carefully.

Audra said Victoria would be disappointed if Nate didn't try to persuade Devon. She covered Nate's hands with hers and said Victoria would admire him for trying to make amends with his family. Nate thanked Audra for the talk, and he left. Tucker stood in the doorway of the patio and asked Audra if she'd been working on acquiring his company or landing Nate. He said her quest for getting Noah back had become quite boring. He asked if landing Nate was going better. Audra said it was too early to say. She said Nate was quite the catch, and she wasn't the only one in the game.

Tucker advised Audra to be careful because Elena might have more teeth than she appeared to have. Audra said Elena was a do-gooder doctor with a holier-than-thou moral code, and she didn't see Elena as her competition. She said she was more worried about Victoria. Tucker asked if there was something going on between Victoria and Nate. Audra said not yet, and she planned to keep it that way.

Tucker asked if Audra planned to insert herself with her boss and her boss's boss, which he claimed was short-sighted and reckless. He asked how Audra would survive if she stole the man Victoria wanted. Audra told him she'd landed on her feet after messier situations. She said the bigger the risk, the bigger the reward.

Tucker commented that it was too bad Devon didn't trust Audra anymore. He said it would have been nice to point Audra in Devon's direction. He said he could have used her help convincing Devon to take over McCall. Audra asked why he thought she would help him. Tucker said he would have offered her something she'd wanted in return. She asked what he could possibly offer that would interest her.

Adam arrived at the ranch, and he told Victor he'd run into Tucker. He said Tucker seemed very determined to make a deal with Devon. Victor said what Tucker wanted and what Devon would do were two different things. He said Victoria had had a conversation with Devon, who'd informed her he wanted nothing to do with Tucker. Adam said something had changed, because Tucker had been adamant that Devon would make him an offer.

Victor told Adam that Tucker was full of bull. Adam admitted he was very excited about the idea of being at the helm of McCall. Victor said he wanted it for Adam and for the family. Adam said the key was to make sure Devon wasn't interested. He said Tucker had made it clear his endgame was to sell to Devon. Victor suggested Adam leave it up to him.

Victor agreed with Adam that they needed Devon's help. Adam suggested it would be more effective if Victor met with Devon, since Devon seemed to admire Victor. Victor said he would meet with Devon later that evening. Victor said he felt the tide was turning in his favor, and he saw Adam returning to the family fold. Adam said only under the conditions Victor had promised because it wasn't a warm and fuzzy reunion, but rather, a totally selfish move. Victor said he knew that.

A short time later, Victor arrived at Devon's and said he needed to talk to Devon about Tucker McCall. Victor asked if Victoria had been correct, that Devon wasn't interested in buying Tucker's company. Devon said he might have changed his mind about that. Devon said he wasn't sure Victor would understand. Uninvited, Victor walked into Devon's home and asked Devon to explain.

Devon reminded Victor he was trying to regain control of Hamilton-Winters. Victor was aware but saddened by the conflict between Devon and Lily. Devon said Lily and Jill hadn't given him any choice, and he was being forced to protect Neil's legacy. Victor asked why he wanted to buy McCall while dealing with the lawsuit. Devon said McCall Unlimited would be a safety net in case the lawsuit didn't go his way.

Victor told Devon that safety nets weren't any good because one never fought to the very end to get what one wanted. Devon said he would agree in most cases, but his was a different situation because he was about to go up against Lily, Jill, and the whole Chancellor-Winters legal team. Devon said if Victor could convince Lily and Jill to return his company, he might be willing to forget about buying McCall. Victor told Devon he would see what he could do.

Abby walked downstairs, only wearing one of Devon's shirts. She asked why Victor was there. Victor scowled. He told Devon he was happy they'd had that conversation, and he left.

Abby told Devon that had been awkward with Victor, and it hadn't been the way she'd wanted him to find out about their relationship. Devon reminded her they weren't hurting anyone and that she and Chance were divorced. Devon said that she made him very happy. They kissed.

Nate arrived at home, and Elena was waiting for him. She asked where he'd been. Nate explained that he'd met with Victoria to discuss the McCall acquisition. When he saw the look on Elena's face, he explained that he and Victoria had a working relationship and nothing more. Elena said that was funny, because that was exactly what she had said to Devon in the past, but that hadn't been entirely true. Nate claimed the difference was that he and Victoria weren't doing anything.

Nate told Elena that Victoria was determined to get McCall, and they had to find the best path to integrate Tucker's company into Newman. He said Victoria wanted to talk about it so they could cover every aspect of the deal. Elena said Victoria was ruthless, and when she made up her mind to get something, she got it. Elena asked why he was so defensive. Nate claimed she was putting him in that position by insinuating something was going on with Victoria, and he was trying to reassure Elena that wasn't the case. Elena said the more he tried to reassure her, the more worried she became. Exasperated, Nate stated he couldn't win.

Elena said she didn't want doubt creeping into their relationship, but she'd also learned to trust her instincts. She said her instincts were telling her something that Nate swore wasn't happening. She said she really wanted to believe him and hoped he wasn't gaslighting her. He said he was committed to their relationship. Elena claimed that sounded like an obligation. Nate assured her that she wasn't an obligation and that he was deeply in love with and committed to her. They kissed.

PREEMPTED: The Young and the Restless did not air
PREEMPTED: The Young and the Restless did not air

PREEMPTED: The Young and the Restless did not air

Thursday, March 16, 2023

by Soap Central

Due to CBS Sports coverage of the NCAA March Madness basketball tournament, The Young and the Restless did not air. This was a planned preemption and there were no "lost" episodes as a result of the programming change.

Regular programming resumed on Monday, March 20, and picked up where the Wednesday, March 15, episode concluded.

PREEMPTED: The Young and the Restless did not air
PREEMPTED: The Young and the Restless did not air

PREEMPTED: The Young and the Restless did not air

Friday, March 17, 2023

by Soap Central

Due to CBS Sports coverage of the NCAA March Madness basketball tournament, The Young and the Restless did not air. This was a planned preemption and there were no "lost" episodes as a result of the programming change.

Regular programming resumed on Monday, March 20, and picked up where the Wednesday, March 15, episode concluded.

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Edited by SC Desk