Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 6, 2023 on Y&R

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Diane accepted Jack
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 6, 2023 on Y&R

Diane accepted Jack's proposal. Phyllis agreed to help Stark take down Diane. Summer attempted to convince Sally that Sally and Adam belonged together. Sharon warned Billy that Chelsea was too dependent on him. Ashley kissed Tucker. Adam accepted Victor's offer to run McCall Unlimited.

Phyllis has a change of heart after Jeremy saves her
Phyllis has a change of heart after Jeremy saves her

Phyllis has a change of heart after Jeremy saves her

Monday, March 6, 2023

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by Anne Carpenter

At the Abbott cabin, Diane was taken aback by Jack's marriage proposal. Jack told Diane he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, assuring her that his proposal, though spontaneous, had been sincere. Jack insisted that he and Diane belonged together. Diane, hesitant, cried that getting married would be complicated. Jack requested that Diane delay her response until after he returned. Jack rushed toward the door without explaining where he was going or what he was planning to do. After grabbing his keys off the mantel, Jack promised Diane he would return as soon as he could.

Diane recalled having told Jack that she had not used Allie to deceive him. Diane insisted she had only wanted to let Jack know he had a granddaughter he did not know existed. Aloof, Jack sarcastically thanked Diane, reminding her that she had left heartache, fear, and anger in her wake. Jack berated Diane for breaking Kyle's heart, insisting he would never forgive her. Diane recalled how Jack's anger had slowly relented after she had relocated to Genoa City to face what she had done. Diane recalled how she had eventually won over Jack and Kyle. Still anxious, Diane also remembered a setback during her journey, when Jack had said he might never fully trust her. Jack had later credited Dina's "Teardrop of Love" gemstone for having magically brought Diane back to him.

Diane seemed to relax somewhat until she received a text message from Jeremy Stark. The message warned, "You can't hide from me forever." Diane anxiously peered out the window, fearing Jeremy was nearby. Diane was relieved when Jack returned. Jack revealed what he had gone out for when he poured two glasses of Champagne. Jack proposed a toast to the new life Diane had created and to their spectacular future together. Diane replied, "Well, I like the sound of that." Jack knelt down on one knee and proposed by presenting a ring. Through tears of joy, Diane told Jack she loved him, and she thanked him for having given her a second chance. Diane's voice wavered when she told Jack they could not marry. Jack seemed crushed.

Diane reminded Jack that she had a target on her back, which made her a threat to him and the people they loved. Jack reminded Diane that he was also on Jeremy's list of enemies. Jack assured Diane that together, their bond would make them impervious to anyone's threats. Jack cried, "Now is the right time. I believe that with everything in me." Jack begged Diane to say yes. Diane's mood abruptly changed. Diane kissed Jack and excitedly agreed that he was right about it being their time. Diane cried, "Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!" Jack slipped a sparkly diamond ring on Diane's finger, and the couple kissed.

Phyllis awoke in a suite at the Grand Phoenix. Phyllis struggled to open her eyes and spotted Jeremy Stark sitting in a chair near the sofa, where she was reclined and covered with a blanket. Opening her eyes wider, Phyllis cried, "I'm in your room. What happened?" Jeremy replied, "You don't remember?" Phyllis recalled that she had been drinking vodka. Jeremy, nodding, interjected, "Drowning your sorrows."

Phyllis wiped her face and said she remembered walking out of the hotel and had heard the sound of a car. Phyllis, disoriented, asked Jeremy if she had gotten into a car or if anyone had been hurt. Jeremy assured Phyllis that though he had tweaked his back a little while picking her up after she had passed out in the middle of the street, no one else had been hurt. Phyllis praised Jeremy for acting as a Good Samaritan, and she asked him why he had brought her to his room.

Jeremy insisted that his discreet actions had saved Phyllis from having her embarrassing behavior revealed through the release of security video and had saved her from being seriously injured. Jeremy ridiculed Phyllis for having been a danger to herself and to others. Phyllis was unfazed, telling Jeremy he had little leverage over her. Phyllis insisted she would not allow herself to be coerced by Jeremy.

Jeremy recalled that during his incarceration, he had decided not to allow his burning feelings of anger to eat away at him and had instead focused on getting back at the person who had ruined his life. Jeremy suggested that the same method could work for Phyllis, as well, noting that Diane was the target of their anger. Jeremy promised that both he and Phyllis could achieve serenity by bringing down Diane Jenkins. Phyllis declined to participate, explaining that doing so would be destructive.

Jeremy helped Phyllis steady herself when she stood up. Jeremy said, "Phyllis, aren't you ready for a change like that? Huh? Shake things up? Get your mojo back?" Phyllis cried that she could lose everything. Jeremy replied that Phyllis had already lost everything. Jeremy assured Phyllis that the plan would work and make her a whole new woman.

Phyllis denounced Jeremy's plan, explaining that nothing so far had worked to get rid of Diane. Jeremy insisted he would move forward with his plan and would seek help from someone else if Phyllis refused. Jeremy pressured Phyllis to change her mind, so she would not miss out on a golden opportunity.

Adam sat alone at Society, having a drink. In a flashback, Adam remembered a discussion with Sally and Nick in her hotel room, when he had requested to accompany Sally to some of her appointments with doctors and ultrasound exams. Sally had replied that she would think about it. Nick entered Society, approached Adam, and acknowledged that they had run into each other twice on the same day. Nick, waiting for a take-out order, took a seat after Adam said he was at the restaurant alone.

Nick, noting that he and Adam had not been alone together since Sally had announced her pregnancy, was adamant that his relationship with Sally was solid. Nick told Adam he was worried about Sally's well-being. Adam noted that Nick seemed to think he had been charged with determining what Sally could and could not handle. Nick admitted he was concerned that Adam might use the circumstances to insinuate himself into Sally's world, citing Adam's request to accompany Sally to all of her appointments. Adam corrected Nick's statement, explaining that he had asked to be with Sally at some of her appointments, not all.

Nick asked Adam to back off and not cause Sally additional stress by putting his desires ahead of her needs. Adam recalled that Nick had acted in good faith to warn him about Victor's manipulation. Eventually, Adam said, he had come to realize that Victor was the only one who understood his true nature. Nick, baffled, said he did not how to respond to Adam's statement. Adam explained that even he had not realized how capable he was of changing because everyone had regarded him as a borderline monster who caused trouble for sport.

Adam told Nick that after dealing with the consequences of his breakup with Sally, being forced to rethink his career path after leaving Jabot, and spending time with Chelsea and Connor, he had learned not to take anyone or anything for granted. Adam admitted that Nick had been kind to reach out and give him a chance to be a better man. Adam acknowledged that though he had initially failed to reach his potential, he was ready to try again. Adam left without elaborating.

Sally approached Summer at Crimson Lights. Summer, holding a bag of pastries, mentioned she was picking up a sweet treat for Harrison. After Sally inquired about Harrison's apparent sweet tooth, Summer suggested that Sally's interest was merely an effort to be unnecessarily polite. Summer asked Sally about her relationship with Nick, expressing hopes that Nick might have moved on. Sally informed Summer that she was pregnant.

Summer, taken aback, said she could not believe Sally was pregnant with her little brother or sister. Sally informed Summer that the baby was Adam's, though they had only been together once just before ending their relationship. Sally assured Summer that Nick was fully supportive, though disappointed about not being the father. Sally made it clear that she and Adam had no intention of reconnecting.

Sally told Summer that Nick was everything she could ever want in a partner. Growing frustrated, Summer cried, "Sally, you could not be more selfish." Sally explained that she and Nick, having remained open-minded since the beginning, kept no secrets and had decided to stay together despite not knowing what the future held. Summer cried that it was in Nick's nature to stick with Sally, whether or not it was good for him. Summer accused Sally of using Nick as a shield to protect herself from Adam.

Summer recalled how Adam had shown his true colors when he'd dumped Sally. Summer reminded Sally that the baby would tie them together for life. Sally disagreed, explaining that she and Nick had a deep connection based on real feelings. Summer replied, "You're pregnant with his brother's baby. You know their history. In what universe does this end well for anyone involved?" Summer accused Sally of sowing nothing but chaos.

In the lobby at the Grand Phoenix, Kyle ran into Billy. Billy asked about Jack. Kyle replied that Jack and Diane had taken a last-minute trip together. Billy recalled that Jack seemed pleased about growing close to Diane, though Ashley was livid about Jack and Diane's romance. Kyle assured Billy that Diane was trying to be a better person. Kyle said he had no doubts that Diane's feelings for Jack were genuine and that she felt they could have a stable relationship. Kyle admitted he was worried about the possibility of Diane hurting Jack. Billy said he imagined it would be impossible for Kyle to forget Diane's past, especially after she had abandoned him.

Billy, acknowledging that Jill had never been an especially engaging parent, recalled that he had grown resentful of her for having sent him away to boarding school. Billy remembered how amazing his dad had been, though they had sometimes butted heads. Billy assured Kyle it was normal to feel protective about the parent who had been a constant in his life. Kyle nodded. Billy told Kyle he hoped Diane would strive to be the type of mother he hoped she could be, so he could have the family he had always wanted. Before Kyle left, Billy requested he pass along a message to Jack to contact him.

As Billy was about to leave the hotel, he saw Phyllis exit the elevator. Billy asked Phyllis if she was okay, noting that it seemed like she had had better days. Phyllis sighed and said, "I'm going to pretend you didn't say that." Phyllis collected her thoughts and told Billy he could help her by telling her where Jack was. Billy replied that Jack and Diane had gone on a romantic getaway, noting that it seemed as if the couple was in it for the long haul.

Jeremy was in his suite, pouring himself a drink, when he heard a knock at his door. Jeremy opened the door and did not seem surprised to see Phyllis standing before him. Phyllis, despite the dark circles under her eyes, looked defiant and determined. After a brief pause, Phyllis said, "I'm in." Jeremy nodded his head slowly and slightly smiled. Phyllis fixed her gaze on Jeremy, letting him know she was serious.

Sharon voices concern about Chelsea
Sharon voices concern about Chelsea's dependency on Billy

Sharon voices concern about Chelsea's dependency on Billy

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

by Jenny Smith

At Society, Sally informed Nick about her uncomfortable encounter with Summer and confirmed that she'd told Summer everything. Sally lamented that Summer had accused her of creating chaos wherever she went, and Nick said he was sorry. Sally groaned that the worst part was that Summer hadn't been wrong because the whole thing was a mess.

Sally didn't blame Summer for not offering understanding or support. Nick figured that something had happened that they hadn't planned for, but they'd make the best of it. He added that Sally wasn't alone, since he wasn't going anywhere. He offered to go with her to the doctor's appointment she had later that day, but she declined. He told her to call him if she changed her mind, and he urged her not to worry about Summer or anything else because the baby was their focus. They kissed and embraced.

Kyle entered the Abbott mansion and asked if Summer had worked from home that morning. She was clearly agitated, and he wondered what was wrong. "I'll tell you what's wrong. Sally freaking Spectra!" Summer huffed. Summer ranted about how Sally had latched on to Nick with the latest stunt she'd pulled, but Kyle was sure there was a reasonable explanation for it. Summer announced that Sally was pregnant, leaving Kyle stunned.

Kyle stammered that maybe it was a blessing, and Summer revealed that the baby was Adam's. Kyle figured that at least Sally wouldn't be in their lives, but Summer griped that her dad was sticking by Sally. Summer declared it a nightmare, and she chided Sally for acting like she'd expected Summer to be happy for her. Summer believed Sally had enjoyed every second of watching Summer squirm, but Kyle doubted Sally had done it intentionally. Kyle pointed out that there was a baby involved, and he suspected Sally had a lot more on her mind than how the situation would affect Summer.

Summer incredulously asked if Kyle had just defended Sally. Kyle imagined Sally was scared and anxious about the situation, and he thought the most important thing for everyone was the baby's health. Summer begrudgingly recognized that they all needed to focus on the baby, but she still thought Sally was using her pregnancy to manipulate Nick. Kyle urged Summer to accept that Nick and Sally's relationship had gone beyond being a casual thing. Nick arrived and told Summer they needed to talk.

After Kyle headed out, Summer surmised that Nick was there to scold her. Nick shared that Sally knew she'd never get Summer's support and understanding, but he expected it. Summer groused that she was running low on those things lately. Nick recognized that she and Sally had a messy history, but he pointed out that things had worked out for Summer. Summer insisted that she was concerned about him and not holding a grudge.

Summer contended that Sally was using Nick, but he retorted that it was a hurtful and baseless accusation. Summer questioned how long Sally had known she'd been pregnant before she'd told him, and Nick admitted that Sally hadn't informed him right away. Summer concluded that Sally had purposely waited to share the news while she'd reeled him in and deepened their relationship so he would do exactly what he was doing -- standing by Sally and protecting her from Adam.

Nick acknowledged that Summer was being protective, but he considered it impossible that Sally had an agenda. Summer complained that he was too trusting for his own good. Nick recalled that Sally had been shaken when she'd found out she was pregnant; however, she wasn't alone, and what they had was real. Summer contended that what Sally had with Adam would be real for the rest of their lives. Nick proclaimed that it didn't change how he felt about Sally, and Summer's disapproval wouldn't change anything. Nick insisted that he loved Summer, but it didn't mean she got to run his life. He said he needed her to respect his choices. He urged her to open her heart and mind to the idea of him and Sally being together.

At Crimson Lights, Sharon observed that Billy had picked up flowers and Chelsea's favorite pastries. He shared that Chelsea was making lunch, and he figured he shouldn't show up empty-handed. He swore it wasn't a big deal, but Sharon remarked that it was often the small, thoughtful gestures that spoke volumes. Sharon praised the admirable way Billy had stepped up to help Chelsea reclaim her life, but she worried that the two had gotten close under extraordinary circumstances. She warned that Chelsea was still in a fragile state.

Sharon recognized that she wasn't Chelsea's therapist, but Billy welcomed her input. Sharon voiced concern about Chelsea's dependency on Billy, since Sharon had seen how often Billy had been there to check on Chelsea. Billy acknowledged that he and Chelsea were good friends and maybe a little more, but he felt it had been a natural progression. He swore that he'd never consciously do anything to jeopardize Chelsea's progress.

Sharon cautioned that Billy's actions didn't have to be conscious to be harmful. Sharon sensed that Billy was too close to the situation to be aware of the potential dangers when Chelsea was still in a vulnerable state. Billy argued that Chelsea was getting better, but Sharon pointed out that a new romance would be enough to improve anyone's mood. Sharon explained that it was almost like Billy was artificially lifting Chelsea's spirits when Chelsea needed to get through it on her own.

As Chelsea set a table for two in her apartment, Adam arrived to check on her. He noticed the set table and commented that it looked like she'd been expecting him. She informed him that she was making lunch, adding that she would have set a place for him if she'd known he would be stopping by. Adam pointed out that Connor was at school, and he guessed the extra place setting was for Billy.

Chelsea recognized that Adam disliked Billy, but she scoffed at the thought that Billy wasn't allowed to eat lunch. Adam argued that there were plenty of nice restaurants in town. Chelsea countered that Billy had been there for her during every step of her progress, and she advised Adam to leave his bad attitude at the door. She lectured that she didn't need his negativity about her friendship with Billy, but Adam suspected it had gone past being "just friends." Chelsea retorted that maybe it had.

Adam muttered that it was a good thing Chelsea hadn't invited him to lunch, since he'd just lost his appetite. Adam called Billy a "self-serving, walking trainwreck" who couldn't possibly have her best interests at heart, and he thought she deserved better. Chelsea encouraged Adam to let go of his animosity and be happy for her, since good things were finally happening in her life. Adam insisted he was happy for her, but he warned her to keep her guard up because Billy was toxic.

Billy arrived and asked if everything was okay. Adam replied that things were perfectly fine, but Billy wanted to hear it from Chelsea. Adam snapped that it was absurd that Billy was concerned about Adam's presence when Adam's son lived there. Chelsea suggested that the men leave if they couldn't be kind and respectful in her house. Billy said he had no problem with Adam, who sourly replied that they were all friends. Chelsea told Adam she appreciated him checking in on her, and he headed out.

Chelsea fawned over the flowers and pastries Billy had delivered, and he reasoned that it was just something sweet and pretty to put on the table for lunch. She wondered if he'd drop off something even more decadent if she invited him to dinner, and he flirtatiously dared her to invite him to find out. Billy wondered what he'd missed with Adam. Chelsea sympathized that Adam felt lost, and she was the most stable thing in his life. Billy hoped Adam didn't get into one of his phases where terrible things happened. Chelsea advised Billy not to judge Adam for things Adam hadn't done yet.

Billy recounted that Chelsea had hinted that something special was going on when she'd invited him to a fancy lunch. She informed him that she'd talked to her therapist about her idea for Omega Sphere to help its users' mental health, and her doctor had thought it would be healing for her to work behind the scenes on a project like that. Chelsea explained that after her therapy session, she'd run into Lily and Daniel, and she'd ended up sharing her idea. Billy imagined Lily had been a tough crowd, but Chelsea enthused that Lily had seemed to like it.

Chelsea elaborated about her vision for players to go through mazes and obstacles that were related to the trauma in their lives. Billy was thrilled she was using her personal experience for something good, and Chelsea gushed that he was the reason it was possible. She exclaimed that the lunch was a celebration of her next steps and getting closer to being the person she wanted to be. "A celebration of us," she added.

Chelsea anticipated that Daniel's company would do the coding while she designed the visuals. Billy wondered if Daniel had the authority to make decisions or if Jill and Lily had to sign off on everything. Chelsea figured that Lily had heard everything, and Billy was sure the pitch had gone as well as Chelsea thought it had. Billy thought Chelsea was the perfect fit for Daniel's platform, but she admitted she was anxious about the business side. Billy expressed confidence that she and Chancellor-Winters would make it work, and he was glad she had her creative juices flowing again.

Chelsea sensed that Billy had become more distant since he'd gotten there, and she thought things felt different from the last time they'd hung out. She asked if something was wrong. Billy claimed that he was distracted because Jack had offered him a job to take over Adam's position as co-CEO of Jabot. Chelsea imagined it would be complicated, considering Billy had just had an epiphany about no longer working in the corporate world. Billy confessed that he was considering taking the job, even though he would have laughed at Jack's offer a few weeks earlier. Chelsea jokingly guessed that Billy had realized how good he looked in a suit and tie.

Billy admitted that he was considering the offer because of Chelsea. He noted that while he'd been there helping her out, she'd been helping him more than he'd even been aware. He stressed that family was important, and he wanted to work with his family again. He thanked her for helping him see things in a different light. She replied that she owed him, "now and forever."

Chelsea swore that she wanted to be there for Billy after everything he'd done for her, but he assured her that she would have been all right on her own. Chelsea hated to think of her life without him in it because it made her heart hurt, but she also knew she needed to stand on her own. She murmured that she was grateful to have him in her life.

Adam entered Crimson Lights, where Sharon brightly asked how he was doing. He glumly responded that he was fine, but she knew from his tone that he wasn't. Sharon inquired whether he was still okay with the Sally situation, but Adam barked not to "therapist" him because he was just there for coffee. Sharon pointed out that it was called being a friend to show awareness, and she knew Adam was going through a rough time. She added that there were plenty of other places that served coffee if he didn't like it. "There are?" Adam deadpanned.

Sharon assumed that Adam didn't know how to deal with his emotions, so he was lashing out. She guessed that running into Billy upstairs at Chelsea's had put Adam in a foul mood. Adam doubted Sharon thought Chelsea and Billy getting involved was a good idea, and Sharon divulged that she'd given her opinion to Billy. Adam grumbled that it was like Billy needed Chelsea to need him, and Billy didn't care how it affected her recovery. Adam added that he'd shared his feelings with Chelsea, but he hadn't gotten through to her. He was certain that Chelsea would listen to Sharon, but Sharon ordered him to stop.

Sharon clarified that Adam needed to stop focusing on other people's issues and deal with his own life. She thought his feelings had been hurt by Sally's choice; however, it had been out of his control, and ranting about Billy was just a distraction that allowed Adam to avoid paying attention to what he could control. Sharon referred to the great opportunity Jack had given Adam at Jabot. Adam spotted Kyle enter the coffeehouse, and he suggested that Sharon ask his former colleague what had gone wrong.

Kyle flatly stated that Jabot had somehow managed to survive without Adam's "half-assed" contributions. Adam said he was glad the place was still standing after he'd been forced out, but Kyle asserted that Adam hadn't been forced. Kyle sarcastically remarked that the world was against Adam, and it was why Adam had failed to do a single worthwhile thing while in the C-suite. Adam conceded that Kyle had been right to work to get Adam out of there. Kyle snapped that Adam's approval didn't mean much to him.

Adam taunted that Kyle only wanted Daddy's thumbs-up, but it hadn't been a very proud moment for Jack. Adam hoped Victor had made it worthwhile, and he questioned what Kyle had received for his treachery. Kyle apologized to Sharon for leaving to get coffee elsewhere, and he exited. Adam cracked that Kyle was bluffing, since there was nowhere else to get coffee in town.

Sharon clucked that Adam would rather stay fixated on the tiniest insult or injury rather than move on to the next thing that might give him happiness. Adam indicated that he'd just been toying with Kyle, since Adam hadn't belonged at Jabot. Sharon encouraged Adam to find something that gave him a sense of purpose. Adam disclosed that someone might have already offered him that.

Adam updated Sharon about how Victor had tried to get him fired from Jabot to cut off his options and then dangle an attractive alternative in front of him. Adam added that he'd thought it had been another of his father's manipulations, but the offer had turned out to be real, and he thought it might give him the sense of purpose she'd described. Sharon envisioned that it would also help Adam and Victor work though their issues, and Adam thanked her for the straight talk. He headed to the patio, where he called Victor and said he was ready to talk.

Daniel joined Lily at Society and thanked her for meeting with him. Lily reiterated that she believed in him and his project, and she thought the venture was too important for him to walk away from. She stressed that it wasn't just a beautiful gift for his daughter, since he was creating something impactful to reinvent himself. Daniel shared that he'd needed to do some wallowing after Lucy and Heather had left town, and he thanked Lily for being patient with him. Lily thought she owed a huge thanks to Chelsea.

Lily explained that Chelsea had helped reenergize Daniel with the idea she'd pitched. Daniel found it inspiring that Chelsea had taken something personal and painful and turned it into a big project. He said it had reminded him of why he'd wanted to do it in the first place, and he planned to have someone on his team handle the technical aspects to shape Chelsea's vision. Lily was glad to see him excited again, since it was the kind of good news she'd needed that day. Daniel recalled that they'd joked about creating a game to deal with family conflict. Lily realized that he was trying to use Omega Sphere to get her to open up about something she didn't want to talk about.

Daniel promised not to pressure Lily if she didn't want to talk about what was going on with her family, but he hated seeing how things had deteriorated between her and Devon. Lily announced that a pretrial conference date had been set, but Daniel argued that it didn't have to happen. Lily countered that Devon wasn't backing down, and he wasn't happy that she'd hired Amanda as her lawyer. Daniel called it a harsh move, but Lily asserted that Amanda was the best person for the job.

Daniel understood that Lily was doing whatever was necessary to protect her company, but he also credited Devon for handling things well under the circumstances. As Nate eavesdropped from the bar, Daniel wished there was some way to mend the rift between Lily and Devon. Lily prepared to get back to work, and she reiterated that she was happy Daniel was back on track with Omega Sphere. She added that while she'd love to find a solution for her and Devon, she thought things had progressed past that point.

Daniel contemplated finding a way for the siblings to sit down and listen to one another. Lily bemoaned that they'd tried, and it wouldn't work. She refused to apologize for protecting her company, and she knew Devon felt the same way. After Lily left, Nate approached and asked if Daniel had a minute. Nate noted that it sounded like he and Daniel wanted the same thing.

Devon ponders buying McCall Unlimited
Devon ponders buying McCall Unlimited

Devon ponders buying McCall Unlimited

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

by Nel

At the ranch, Adam told Victor he would accept Victor's offer to run McCall Unlimited, and he offered to help Victor remove any issues. Victor assured Adam he would make the acquisition a reality. Adam stipulated that he wanted to run McCall as its own entity with no ties to Newman Enterprises, and he wouldn't answer to Victoria.

Victor assured Adam that McCall would remain its own entity, with Adam at the helm. Victor asked why Adam had left Jabot. Adam admitted he'd only done "a half-assed job" at Jabot because his heart hadn't been in it, and he didn't he belong there. Adam also admitted Victor had been right about him at Jabot.

Victor said all he'd ever wanted was for Adam to have a place where he could be happy. Adam said he felt it was the right move for him. He said Sharon had suggested that he find something he was passionate about and something that gave him a sense of purpose. He said he'd realized that was what Victor had been offering him. He thanked Victor for not giving up on him. He asked if Victoria knew about Victor's plan. Victor told Adam to leave Victoria to him.

When Victoria showed up at Devon's, he asked "what the hell" she wanted. He suggested she call his office for an appointment. Victoria said she wanted to discuss Tucker and the sale of McCall Unlimited. She said someone had bought up Tucker's debts, and she suspected it had been Ashley. She asked if Tucker had approached Devon about buying and taking control of the company. Devon asked why Victoria cared.

Victoria asked if Devon was aware Tucker had approached her first about buying his company. Devon asked why he would believe anything Victoria said. Victoria claimed she had nothing to gain by lying to him. She assumed that Tucker hadn't told Devon he hadn't been the first one Tucker had offered his company to. Devon admitted Tucker had led him to believe he'd been the only one Tucker had approached.

Victoria told Devon that Tucker had taken his offer off the table after some entity had bought his debts. She stated that McCall was no longer on the market. Victoria said she didn't blame Devon for not trusting Tucker, since he hadn't been completely transparent. Devon asked why Victoria wanted to talk to him about it. Victoria said Newman was interested in buying McCall Unlimited, and she wanted to know where Devon stood, in case she was forced to play hardball.

Devon told Victoria he had enough problems in his life, and he didn't need to add Tucker to the list. Victoria asked if Devon was interested in purchasing McCall Unlimited. Devon told her that he had nothing to say. He reminded her that she'd recently tried to grab his company, and he asked why she thought she could talk to him about his business dealings. He said Tucker wasn't the only person in Genoa City he didn't trust.

Victoria told Devon she'd been transparent about wanting Tucker's company. Devon said he couldn't help her get it. She claimed Tucker was using the company to manipulate his way back into Devon's life. She warned that if Devon didn't trust Tucker, then he should imagine what would happen if Devon bought the company. She said McCall wasn't a gift but rather a curse, completely opposite from Hamilton-Winters. She said that it would be best for everyone if Newman bought McCall and allowed her to take care of everything. Victoria left.

At the Abbotts', Abby noted that Ashley had been spending a lot of time with Tucker, and there was a "thing" Ashley had wanted to force Tucker to do. Abby wanted to know what that "thing" was. She asked Ashley to explain how Tucker had wormed his way into her good graces.

Ashley told Abby that Tucker hadn't wormed his way into anything; however, she'd asked Tucker to show her he was a changed man. Abby commented that he would have to do something really big to prove he'd changed. Ashley replied that she couldn't say anything about it at that moment. Abby lamented that she was worried about Devon. Ashley admitted she was, as well. Abby revealed that Devon wanted to know if Tucker was being sincere and if he should consider buying McCall Unlimited. She said Devon needed someone that he could believe in, and she wondered if Ashley believed Tucker could be a good and honest man.

Ashley told Abby she understood that Devon found the situation complicated, but she admitted that Tucker never did anything unless he wanted to. Abby said she didn't buy that Tucker wanted to step up and be a parent. She said Devon was about to lose the company he'd built with Neil, he was estranged from his cousins, he was about to go "scorched earth" against Lily in court, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Ashley suggested they have a little faith that everything would work out the way it was supposed to.

Abby told Ashley that Devon was a good man and that things didn't always work out for the good guys. Abby said, "He's already lost so much. He's lost a member of his family. He's lost faith in family." Abby asked if Tucker was acting in Devon's best interest or if it was a grand gesture to impress Ashley. Before Ashley could respond, Tucker arrived. Abby left without acknowledging Tucker.

Ashley said she hoped Tucker had good news. Tucker admitted he hadn't heard from Devon, but he'd found some viable options. He suggested making the sale of his company contingent on large-scale charitable donations to causes that were near and dear to Ashley. He suggested a charity for young women who wanted to pursue careers in sciences, or environmental groups to clean up the oceans. He said whoever bought the company would need to be prepared to educate and beautify the planet. Ashley told him not to give up on Devon.

Tucker told Ashley that Devon was inflexible. Ashley replied that he'd come up with ways to change the world, but he couldn't find a way to change Devon's mind. Ashley said she had to wonder if it wasn't one of Tucker's silly business deals motivated by his ego and his greed. She claimed Tucker didn't want it enough. Tucker asked if she wanted him to move heaven and earth, because Ashley knew how much he wanted Devon to buy McCall.

Tucker admitted he didn't want to force the issue with Devon. Ashley pointed out that he was trying to help Devon, not ruin him. She said he was doing it for Devon and Dominic's future. Tucker asked what their future held. Ashley kissed him. She said she wanted to know that Tucker was sincere about healing things with Devon. She said she wanted Tucker to be a man Devon could trust and believe in. Tucker received a text message from Devon: "Let's talk." Tucker was elated. Smiling, he claimed things were falling into place for them and Devon. Tucker left.

At Newman Media, Daniel griped about Nate eavesdropping on his conversation with Lily. Nate said the battle between Lily and Devon had him worried, and it appeared that Daniel felt the same way. Daniel said Nate had betrayed his family and he'd been ready to sell out the company because his feelings had been hurt. Nate admitted it had been reckless and thoughtless, and he would regret it until the day he died. He said he'd tried to make amends, but perhaps there was a way of repairing some of the damage with Daniel's help.

Nate told Daniel he'd caused the war between Lily and Devon. He admitted he'd shaken the faith they'd had in the merger and the future of the company. He said it hurt him to watch the devastation he'd created. He admitted he didn't expect Lily to forgive him overnight, if she ever did. He claimed it would take an act of God to get him and Devon back to where they'd been before he'd betrayed his family.

Nate asked Daniel to help him put an end to that battle because neither Lily nor Devon would listen to him. Daniel asked if Nate wanted him to convince Devon and Lily to settle their lawsuit and see him as their hero. He said he would then tell them they should thank Nate, and there would be tears of joy and forgiveness. Daniel asked if that was what Nate had in mind. Nate said he knew what he was up against, but it was a natural human instinct to want to be accepted into one's pack.

Daniel suggested that a more plausible scenario would be for Nate to stay out of it because he would only make things worse; Nate would dig up all the anger, betrayal, and distrust, and make the wounds deeper. Daniel said he would be blamed for helping Nate, the most hated guy in the family. Daniel told Nate to count him out. Nate accused Daniel of not caring whether Lily got her family back. Daniel said Nate couldn't fix the situation, and he should leave Lily and Devon to work things out between themselves. Daniel left.

At Crimson Lights, Lily told Daniel that Amanda couldn't wait to sink her teeth into the Hamilton-Winters lawsuit. She said she didn't know whether Amanda was just motivated or whether she wanted Devon to pay. Lily said she didn't care because she just wanted to win. Daniel suggested that Lily and Devon come to a quick resolution and agreement. Lily said it was a corporate issue, and there was no quick resolution. She said the lawsuit could go on for years.

Daniel told Lily that Nate had overheard them talking at Society earlier. He said Nate had wanted to recruit him into helping Nate put an end to the lawsuit. He said Nate felt responsible for the rift between them. Caustically, Lily said it was all about the great Nate Hastings, who believed he would be forgiven if he helped resolve the situation between her and Devon.

Lily asked Daniel if she should be worried about Nate eavesdropping on their conversation. Daniel assured her it hadn't been intentional, and Nate hadn't been trying to get information to use against her. Lily said Nate had done things in the past she wouldn't have believed he was capable of. Daniel said he'd advised Nate not to get involved, but Nate was hurting over what he'd done at Chancellor-Winters. Daniel asked if Nate's crime deserved a life sentence. Daniel said Nate wanted to help her find a peaceful resolution with Devon. Lily said she'd wanted them to build something they could all be proud of.

Lily told Daniel that Billy had walked away, Nate had tried to destroy the whole company, and Devon was suing her. She admitted she'd been excited when they'd begun that journey because she'd believed they could build a legacy and something Neil and Katherine would have been proud of. Daniel said Lily ran a multimillion-dollar company. He said she was loyal and focused, and she lived every day and night, trying to make it a reality. He said she expected family to be there fighting for and supporting her, but they had all failed her.

When Abby returned to the penthouse, Devon told her he'd been going over the financials for McCall Unlimited. He recalled that when he'd filled in at McCall a few years back, the people he'd put in charge had ignored all the fixes he'd put in place, and they'd fallen back into some bad practices from which the company had never recovered. He said the company was a mess, but it had good bones. He claimed that with the right person at the helm, the company would be very valuable once the divisions that weren't operating up to par were discarded.

Abby asked if Devon was interested in being the right person. He said he wasn't sure, but it wasn't a good idea to go into the lawsuit empty-handed, because if he lost, he would have nothing. He said he should consider buying McCall because it would be a safety net and a great insurance policy for him. He indicated that no matter what happened, he would still have a company that was established and that he could build on.

Devon told Abby he had to take into consideration the person selling it and why he should trust anything Tucker said after everything he'd done. Devon said he suspected Tucker was manipulating him to get back into his life again. Abby asked what might happen if Tucker really meant well and there were no strings attached. Devon said that had never happened before. He said Abby was a very trusting person, something she hadn't gotten from Victor. Abby indicated that Victor believed people could change and that family was most important. She said she agreed with Victor. She claimed Devon could be wrong about Tucker.

Devon told Abby that Victoria had told him Tucker had offered to sell his company to Newman prior to offering it to him, and Victoria had made it very clear that Newman was very interested in buying McCall Unlimited. Abby said she wondered what Victoria's next move would be. Devon said Victoria was trying to salvage the deal she'd had in place prior to Tucker pulling out. Abby asked why Tucker had pulled out of the deal. Devon said he felt it was tied to Tucker's debt. She asked if Devon wanted to make a deal or if he wanted to walk away.

At Newman, Victor asked if Victoria had met with Devon regarding the purchase of McCall Unlimited. She said Devon wasn't interested in buying McCall. She said she'd told Devon what her intentions were, but Devon wouldn't confirm or deny her suspicions. Victor said they needed to acquire McCall Unlimited; once they had it, it would remain a separate entity from Newman, and Adam would be in charge. Stunned, Victoria said she'd known Victor wanted Adam to run that corporation, but she had assumed McCall would be part of Newman.

Victor told Victoria they would keep what was of value and dispose of the rest. He said Adam would be the CEO of the new corporation. He said Victoria would either accept the deal, or it was off the table. Victoria claimed it was a very attractive acquisition to bribe Adam with and a good way for Adam to be beholden to Victor. Victor stated he was doing it for the sake of his son. Victoria said the reason Victor wanted McCall was because Adam would never answer to her, and it was to make Adam feel like he was the big man in charge. Victor said the discussion was over, and Adam would be in charge.

When Nate arrived, Victor said there would be no further discussions about it, and he left. Victoria told Nate she and Victor had been discussing McCall. She said Victor wanted Adam in charge of McCall, which would be palatable if McCall would be part of Newman and she would make the final decisions. She said Victor wanted McCall to remain a separate entity, with Adam in charge, and she wasn't having it. She claimed there was no way she would allow Adam to get his hands on that company. Nate asked if she would kill the deal. Victoria stated that McCall was hers.

Victoria told Nate she always got what she wanted. Nate suggested a compromise, but Victoria insisted that wouldn't work because the corporate world was messy, ugly, and unforgiving. She said one needed to pace oneself, have fun with it, let them think they were winning, and then go in for the kill. She told Nate to trust her because she had everything under control.

Diane dreams about how life could be
Diane dreams about how life could be

Diane dreams about how life could be

Thursday, March 9, 2023

by Nel

At Crimson Lights, Summer asked Chelsea how she was doing. Chelsea confessed she'd gone through a rough patch in the fall, but the worst was behind her. Summer invited Chelsea to work at Marchetti, but Chelsea turned her down because she was trying something new. She said it had nothing to do with fashion, but it was something very personal to her.

Chelsea told Summer her personal life was impinging on her work. Summer said not a day went by without family drama at Jabot. Chelsea noted that it was probably because Phyllis worked there. Summer admitted she'd fired Phyllis for cause, and since then, her work life had improved greatly; however, her family life had taken a hit. Chelsea warned Summer to be careful about pushing things aside because it didn't always lead to healthy results. Chelsea left when Summer received a work-related call.

On the patio, Phyllis saw Summer was on a call. Phyllis took out her own phone and pretended to talk to someone as she walked toward Summer. Phyllis ended her imaginary call and commented that it had to be difficult for Summer to find time for Harrison and Kyle because of her busy schedule. Summer said it wasn't, because they were the most important part of her life.

Chelsea sat in a booth and listened to the exchange between Phyllis and Summer.

Before Phyllis left, she informed Summer she had a gift for Harrison, but she wouldn't stop by the house because she didn't want to bump into Jack and Diane. Phyllis recalled that Jack and Diane were on a trip. Summer confirmed they were away for a while. Phyllis asked if Jack and Diane had gone someplace exotic. Summer asked why Phyllis was fishing for information about two people she didn't care about.

Summer told Phyllis to stop using Harrison in her plots for revenge against Diane because it was insulting. She said she didn't know where Jack and Diane were, and even if she did, she wouldn't tell Phyllis. She said she didn't want any part of Phyllis' schemes against Diane. She told Phyllis to leave Diane alone. Summer left.

At Society, Billy told Ashley he'd been under the impression she would remain in Paris for a few months. He asked why she'd returned so early. Ashley said Abby was going through a lot, and there was her grandson. Billy mentioned that he'd heard Ashley had been in contact with Tucker since her return.

Billy told Ashley he didn't like the idea of Ashley being sucked back into Tucker's orbit. He asked if she'd forgotten how much pain he'd caused her. Ashley asked if Billy believed she was incapable of being smart enough to make the right decision or protect herself. Billy admitted she was the smartest person he knew, but when it involved matters of the heart, all intelligence flew out the window. Ashley agreed, and "case in point" was Jack reuniting with Diane.

Ashley reminded Billy he'd advocated for Diane to be given a second chance when she'd returned to town. She asked if Tucker didn't deserve the same thing. Billy claimed Tucker would never change. Ashley said that neither would Billy. She said Billy constantly asked for support every time he felt it was time for him for start cleaning up his act. Billy said that, unlike Tucker, he'd always meant it, and it had never been part of some elaborate scam.

Billy asked if Ashley believed Tucker could change. Ashley claimed Billy wasn't in a position to judge Tucker. Astounded, Billy accused Ashley of having feelings for Tucker again. Ashley said she wasn't interested in discussing her romantic entanglements with Billy.

Billy asked Ashley how Jack felt about it. Ashley smirked and said Jack didn't have any credibility because of his relationship with Diane. Ashley said Diane had moved in, and Ashley felt crowded. Billy suggested she could move out. Ashley said she wouldn't leave her family home. She asked if Billy had given Jack grief over uniting with Diane, who'd faked her own death. Billy said he'd decided to let Jack make his own decisions. Ashley accused Billy of being an ass. She accused Billy of giving Jack a pass while he had no problem judging her. Billy said she was his sister, and it was a different situation. Ashley growled that Billy spoke like a true chauvinist.

Ashley asked if Billy was aware that Diane specifically and repeatedly had caused her harm. She admitted Tucker was an egotist and took himself too seriously, but Billy's double standard was disgusting and egregious. Billy agreed it was unfair for him to judge anyone's messy affairs. Ashley asked if he was having an affair. Billy said he wasn't, but there was someone. He said he was trying to be thoughtful and taking his time to be conscientious. Ashley couldn't wait for Billy to go public with his relationship so she could "judge the hell out of" him. Billy apologized for his line of questioning.

Billy said that whatever Ashley had going on with "that manipulative and scheming megalomaniac" was none of his business. Ashley asked if Billy had a job. Billy informed her that Jack had asked him to return to Jabot. Ashley snickered and said Billy couldn't be considering it because it had always been a disaster. Billy told her he was a changed man. Ashley laughed. She asked if he believed people could change and become functioning members of society. Billy said some people were capable of that. Ashley said that would mean Billy had to believe there was hope for Tucker.

Billy admitted Tucker could prove him wrong, and maybe Tucker would prove to everyone that he was capable of change. Billy said his own relationship was unique in that it had helped him see things in a different light and put his priorities in order. He said he didn't want to take family for granted. He said he wanted to work with his family at the company their father had built. Ashley said it sounded like Billy wanted to take the job. Billy left a voicemail for Jack, asking him to call and discuss Jack's proposal.

At the penthouse, Devon told Tucker that he'd discovered that Tucker had taken the idea of selling his company to Newman Enterprises first. Devon said Tucker's notion that it was all about Devon carrying on Tucker's legacy had been a lie. Tucker explained that he'd taken on a load of debt. Newman had been prepared to buy the debt and then force him to sell his company to Newman. Tucker said he would never ask Devon to take on a "debt-ridden and failing organization." Devon asked what had changed.

Tucker informed Devon that a benefactor had consolidated the debt before Victoria had had a chance to make her play. He said the company was in a better place, and Devon could buy it for pennies on the dollar. Devon said it felt like it was Tucker's attempt to dump a failing company on the next sucker, who just happened to be him.

Frustrated, Tucker told Devon the company was all he'd had in his life -- every thought, every ounce of effort had been his attempt to make it something special. He said the company was faltering, but it had never been his intention to dump his company on someone. Angry, Tucker said he had to go, but Devon stopped him. He said if Tucker was telling the truth, he was still interested in buying. Devon said taking over McCall was "an enticing offer."

Devon told Tucker the company was a mess. He said there were a bunch of unrelated divisions that had either been acquired or developed on a whim and without forethought. Tucker claimed he'd wanted to restore the core divisions, namely music and entertainment, but he was a collector and had to have more. Devon said music and entertainment were Tucker's strongest assets, and his staff was the most knowledgeable. Devon said Tucker's distribution was outdated. Tucker claimed there was a big demand for the old stuff.

Tucker asked what Devon would do with the less successful divisions. Devon said he wanted to see if those divisions could work with each other. He asked about the San Antonio trucking company. Tucker explained that one of those trucks had cut him off on the interstate. He said the truck had had a bumper sticker: "How is my driving? Call ..."

Tucker told Devon he'd called the company, bought it, and fired the driver. Devon said he would use the trucking company for the artists when they went on tour. Tucker suggested Devon could use one of the divisions to stream the concerts. Devon liked the ideas. Tucker claimed they worked well together. He said that he and Devon could find some common ground, and maybe McCall Unlimited would be the way.

Devon said he didn't know how Tucker figured that buying Tucker's company would help their personal relationship. Tucker suggested Devon buy the company and hire him to work for Devon. Devon said he wouldn't do that. Tucker said no one knew his company better than he did. Tucker said with his institutional knowledge and Devon's vision, they couldn't lose.

Devon asked if Tucker was suggesting he would sell his company to Devon, and then Tucker would take on a small role to fix their relationship. Tucker said yes.

At the Abbott cabin, Diane found a note from Jack that read, "Off to find you the best dinner within a 50-mile radius. Open a great bottle of wine. I love you." Diane fell asleep on the sofa. She dreamed it was her wedding day at the cabin.

In Diane's dream, there was a knock at the door. Diane shouted for Jack to return to the hotel because it was bad luck to see the bride before the ceremony. Kyle walked in and said Jack had mentioned releasing a thousand doves at the end of the ceremony. Diane said it had been an idea she'd had, but she'd never expected Jack to make that happen. She exclaimed that she loved that man.

Kyle said Diane was glowing, and he'd never seen her so happy. Diane said it was like a dream come true. Kyle said it was for him, too, because his mother and father were finally going to be together, and it was everything he'd always wanted -- the fairy tale ending. He gave her Jack's gift. It was a necklace, and she cried that it was perfect. Kyle said she was perfect, and he hugged her.

Summer entered and asked Kyle for a word alone with the bride. Summer said Diane looked beautiful, and she commented on the necklace. Kyle left. Diane said she knew Summer had complicated feelings about Diane marrying Jack. Summer interrupted and said Diane was like a mother to her, a mother that Phyllis could never be. Summer said Diane had shown her what a mother's love could do, and it hurt that her own mother couldn't come close to that. Diane said she was sorry Phyllis hadn't been there for Summer, but she was there for Summer to call her "Mom." They hugged.

When Traci arrived with Champagne, she commented how much love there was on a wedding day. Summer kissed Diane on the cheek and left. Traci said Jack had tried to bribe her into allowing him to be part of the toast, but traditions had to be upheld. Traci said nothing would spoil that wonderful day, and everything would be perfect. Traci commented on Diane's necklace. Traci gushed that Diane was going to be the most beautiful bride and Jack the handsomest groom. Traci chirped that as a wedding gift, she was going to write a novel about Diane and Jack's inspirational romance. Diane squealed ecstatically.

Traci said her agent had already sold it in just a three-line pitch. She said they'd offered the story to Hollywood, and they were going to make it into a big movie. Traci said she would call it "The Return of the Perfect Woman." Diane raved that she loved it, and they toasted to it.

When Ashley entered, Diane said she hoped she and Ashley could set aside their differences for one day. Ashley said she had no intention of faking anything because she had nothing but love in her heart. Ashley said she'd realized that Diane really had changed. She apologized for having been so unfair and for making Diane's life so difficult since her return to Genoa City. Diane thanked her and gushed that they were going to be sisters. They hugged. Diane said she was going to love being an Abbott. Traci claimed Diane would fit right in.

Ashley acknowledged that Diane had taught them "so much" about what it was to change and become a better person, and she said that she loved Diane. Diane asked if Ashley would be her maid of honor. Ashley said nothing would make her happier. Traci said it was time for a toast to Diane joining the Abbott family. Ashley added, "To the most beautiful wedding ever."

The music started, and Traci said the horse-drawn carriage would arrive any moment to take Diane down to the lake. Traci and Ashley were about to leave and allow Diane time finish getting ready. Diane turned to pick up her veil and asked if Ashley would help her with it, but when she turned back, Ashley and Traci were gone.

Diane looked in the mirror and saw she was wearing the necklace they'd stolen from Nikki to frame Stark. There was a knock at the door. She shouted at Jack that she would see him at the altar. There was another knock. Diane went to answer the door, but when she opened it, there was no one there. She called out to Jack. There was no response. When she reentered the cabin, she was shocked to see Stark there.

Diane woke up with a start from her dream and looked around the empty cabin.

At home, Chelsea was working on her project. There was a knock at her door. She shouted for Billy to enter. He asked if she wanted to grab a coffee. She showed him her coffee and said she was in a groove with her project and that she didn't want to stop. She confessed she'd had a lot of ups and downs the previous day, and she'd felt like a failure. Billy told her not to think that way. Chelsea said they'd been her feelings, and she asked Billy not to talk her out of them. Billy agreed.

Chelsea told Billy she'd been downstairs, and she'd seen something that had triggered a multitude of ideas. She said she'd realized she'd been thinking about Omega Sphere in a very limited way. She said she'd seen something that had reminded her there was a lot of pain and conflict within families -- people who loved each other but didn't know how to navigate family. She said the world was full of pain, conflict, and complicated interaction.

Chelsea told Billy she'd seen it as an opportunity for the game to be a way for people to dissect all sorts of human relationships. She asked why the game had to be about slaying dragons or blasting aliens rather than players navigating different personalities. She said it would be how they moved on in the game. She said the better the player was at the interpersonal stuff, the easier it was, but if they weren't good at the interpersonal stuff, then it was next to impossible. Billy exclaimed that he loved it.

Chelsea told Billy that Daniel had given her all the tools to help people not feel left alone. She wanted to change people's lives. Billy praised her and said he thought she was onto something. He said Daniel was lucky to have her because she would crush it. He said she had him inspired about his next endeavor. Chelsea asked if he was going to accept Jack's offer. He said it felt like the right place and time, and he wanted to bring fresh new ideas.

Chelsea reminded Billy he'd been in the same spot at Chancellor-Winters a year before. Billy said he had come to see things differently. He said he hadn't been excited about Chancellor-Winters because he'd been there to support Lily. He said Jack's offer was different because he felt he could make a difference in his family's company. He said he wanted to show up with his entrepreneurial spirit and do things the way his dad had. Chelsea said it was inspiring that they were both excited about their futures. She said they were each creating a life with meaning and purpose, and they were doing it for the right reasons.

At the Grand Phoenix, Phyllis asked if Kyle was sending a text message to Summer. He denied it. Phyllis said it was good to know that, after she and Summer had met, Summer hadn't immediately sent him a text message telling Kyle what a monster she was. Kyle said Summer might think it, but she wouldn't say it. Kyle said Summer and Phyllis needed some time for the two of them to work out their differences. Phyllis said she was happy Kyle was confident because she felt it was hopeless. Kyle said he'd love to stay and talk about it, but he had to get to the office. He left. Phyllis shouted that he'd forgotten his phone.

Phyllis picked up Kyle's phone and saw a notification: "Floral delivery to Abbott, Twin Lakes, compete." Using her own phone, Phyllis called the Abbott cabin. Diane answered, and when no one spoke, Diane asked if it was Jeremy. Phyllis hung up. She sent Stark a text message: "I found them."

Summer tries to convince Sally she belongs with Adam
Summer tries to convince Sally she belongs with Adam

Summer tries to convince Sally she belongs with Adam

Friday, March 10, 2023

by Nel

At Chelsea's, Billy told Chelsea he really loved her idea for Daniel's video game. There was an awkward moment when Chloe stopped by to check on Chelsea. Chloe asked if she'd interrupted something. Billy said she hadn't, but he had errands to run. Before he left, he quietly told Chelsea she was amazing.

Chloe told Chelsea she'd picked up on a very strong vibe between Chelsea and Billy, and Chelsea had been flushed. Chelsea said she and Billy had been discussing the new video game idea. Chloe asked if there was something going on between her and Billy. Chelsea said she didn't know how to define it or whether she wanted to.

Chelsea told Chloe there were strong feelings growing between her and Billy, and the feelings had taken them by surprise. Chloe said Billy had saved Chelsea's life, and she understood why Chelsea and Billy had developed feelings for each other. Chelsea said Billy had been there for her every day, and he'd been an incredible source of comfort. She said it wasn't just gratitude, because he made her feel hopeful and excited about the future. She said she could be herself around him, knowing that whatever she said, Billy understood.

Chloe told Chelsea she was glad Billy could be that person for her. She reminded Chelsea that she and Billy had had a previous relationship, but it had ended badly because, at that time, they'd both just gone through a tragedy. She said they'd found strength in each other, but Chelsea hadn't loved Billy with her entire heart and soul. Chelsea admitted she hadn't gotten over losing Adam forever when she'd been engaged to Billy. Chloe asked if it really was what Chelsea thought it was with Billy.

Chloe said she hoped she hadn't upset Chelsea because Chelsea had made such incredible progress, and Chloe would hate to see anything derail that. Chelsea assured Chloe that Chloe hadn't upset her. She said that, as a good friend, Chloe was asking all the right questions. Chelsea said that whatever was going on between her and Billy was exhilarating and terrifying, and she didn't want to mess it up.

Chelsea told Chloe that she'd asked herself if she was ready for more than a friendship and then wondered if she should be. She confessed that the connection she had with Billy was new and different from what she'd previously felt for Billy or anyone else. She admitted she was drawn to Billy, and it was hard not to act on it.

At Society, Summer complained to Nikki that Nick was with Sally. Nikki was stunned when Summer announced that Sally was pregnant with Adam's baby. Nikki said the situation was a mess. Nikki said Nick hadn't said anything -- and Victor obviously didn't know, or he would have said something. Summer asked Nikki not to say anything to Victor until Nick or Adam told him. Summer said it would create conflict if Victor confronted Nick before Nick was ready. Reluctantly, Nikki agreed.

Nikki told Summer that Nick was probably too embarrassed and upset. Summer said Nick was still seeing Sally. She explained that it had been a one-time thing between Adam and Sally, and Sally had no desire to reunite with Adam. Summer confessed that she'd accused Sally of being selfish and using Nick. Summer said Nick had approached her and told her how wrong she'd been and that the pregnancy hadn't changed his feelings for Sally.

Summer told Nikki she saw the situation as a disaster. Nikki agreed. Nikki asked how Nick and Sally could stay together when Sally was having Adam's child, and she wondered what Adam thought about it. Nikki said she wanted to get Nick away from Sally, but she worried that any maneuver would backfire. She said if Nick had such strong feelings for Sally, despite the situation, it would be difficult to change his mind.

Summer asked Nikki what would happen if something in Nick's relationship changed drastically and he realized it would be better to end it sooner than later. She said Sally had been heartbroken when Adam had dumped her. She said that had been the reason Sally had turned to Nick. She said they all knew Adam wasn't over Sally, and perhaps deep-down, Sally still cared for Adam. She wanted to reunite Sally and Adam, and if she pulled that off, it would be a service to two people who belonged together, Sally and Adam.

Nikki said Summer had to consider the obstacles. Nikki said whatever lingering feelings Sally had for Adam, she'd decided to keep him at arm's length, and she'd built very high walls. Summer claimed walls could be climbed with the right motivation and tools. Nikki said it was unlikely that Adam would win Sally's heart without a lot of help and luck.

In the Grand Phoenix lounge, Nick told Sally he'd laid down the law with Summer and told her to keep an open mind about his relationship with Sally. Sally said she hated that she'd caused friction between Nick and Summer. Nick assured her that he and Summer were strong, and they would get through it.

Sally told Nick it was time to focus on her career. She said she and Chloe were preparing for their follow-up meeting with Jill, unless Victor tanked them again. Nick said he would make sure that Victor stayed out of it. Nick commented that it would be nice to lock in a contract with Chancellor-Winters. Sally said it would be a huge client because they had tons of offices, restaurants, hotels, and other properties that could use interior design. Sally said she wanted to tour some of them to get an idea about their function, colors, and textures that she and Chloe could recommend and impress Jill with. Nick asked if she wanted to use the Newman jet. Sally declined and said they would fly commercial.

Adam arrived. He stood behind a wall and eavesdropped on Nick and Sally.

Sally told Nick that her business had nothing to do with Newman, so she wasn't entitled to fly in a fancy corporate jet, especially if it came from Nick. She said they weren't at that stage of their relationship yet. Adam approached them. Sally told him she and Nick were having a private conversation. Adam said he had a proposition for Sally and the baby that he hoped she would seriously consider.

Adam told Sally it was important that Sally and their child feel settled, and he wanted to buy Sally a house. He said he wanted her to have the house she'd dreamed of as a child. Sally said his offer was generous, but she declined his offer. Nick chimed in that that was what Sally had been concerned about, Adam overstepping. Adam claimed he was simply providing for his child and the baby's mother, not overstepping. Sally said they were both very sweet, but they were thinking too grandiose, and they were trying to think for her. Sally said she wanted to make her own decisions about how she traveled and where she lived. Sally said she had work to do, and she left.

At the bar, Adam told Nick they had to find a way to navigate their situation. Adam said he was going to be part of the baby's and Sally's lives, and Nick agreed they needed to find some common ground. He said if they both made a good effort, they should be able to find a way.

Adam claimed they had more in common than either one of them was willing to admit. He said Victor was their father, and not many understood the complexities that went with that. Nick agreed and noted that Adam seemed to see Victor in a more positive light. Adam admitted he'd realized that Victor knew him better than he'd believed, and Victor might finally do right by him.

Adam asked if Nick was current on Newman's plan to acquire McCall Unlimited. He said Victor wanted to keep it a separate entity and put Adam at the helm. Nick said he knew. Adam asked if Nick was okay with it, assuming everything went according to plan. Nick said the acquisition wasn't a done deal. He said if they acquired McCall, he had no problem with Adam running it; in fact, he would prefer if Adam never returned to Newman. Nick said he believed that if Adam stayed autonomous, it would keep conflict to a minimum. Adam agreed but noted that Victoria wasn't as open to that concept as Nick was.

Nick asked if Adam had spoken to Victoria. Adam said Victor had told him that Victor would take care of Victoria, which indicated she wasn't on board. Adam asked how big a fight faced him. Nick asked if Adam had ever known Victoria to back down from a fight. He said Victor had grand plans for Adam, but Victoria would put up roadblocks.

At Crimson Lights, Sharon commented that Billy had arrived from the direction of Chelsea's apartment. She asked about Chelsea. Billy said Chelsea was very well and working on a new project. He asked if Sharon had heard about Daniel's gaming platform. Sharon said she had, and it sounded intriguing. He said Chelsea had pitched Daniel an idea, and Daniel was looking into developing it. Sharon replied that it sounded wonderful, and it would really give Chelsea a boost. Billy said, "Among other things." Sharon asked if that was in reference to him and Chelsea.

Billy said he wasn't ignoring Sharon's advice about what could potentially be developing between him and Chelsea. He said he was on board with slow and steady and proceeding with caution. He said Chelsea had been talking to her therapist, and she was on top of it. Sharon said Chelsea had to navigate very carefully for herself and for Billy, Johnny, Connor, and Katie's sakes. Billy agreed their relationship would affect the people they loved. He said they had to make sure the kids were okay with it.

Sharon told Billy she hadn't meant to sound negative. Billy replied that he appreciated everything Sharon had done for him and Chelsea, and he respected Sharon's professionalism. Sharon confessed she'd been in a similar situation. She said after her breakdown, she'd clung to Adam, and the things he'd done for her had created a very intense bond between them; however, it hadn't meant they were supposed to be together. She said that for a while, the emotional lines had been blurred, and it had been difficult to let go of them. She said she didn't want Chelsea or Billy to go through that kind of pain.

Billy thanked Sharon for opening up about her past. He said it was a good reminder to keep his wits about himself where Chelsea was concerned. Billy stated that his and Chelsea's story wasn't Sharon and Adam's story. He said he and Chelsea had been honest with each other about everything, and he wasn't going to hurt her. He said whatever he and Chelsea had felt right.

At Society, Summer and Nikki were about to leave when Sally greeted them. Nikki said Summer had informed her about Sally's news. She said it wasn't news she'd expected. Sally admitted she'd been caught off guard. Nikki stated that she had a lot to say, but she didn't know where to begin. Sally said she knew what Nikki was thinking. Nikki left. Summer asked Sally to join her because she wanted to apologize.

Summer told Sally that the last time she'd seen Sally, she'd been very upset, and she'd crossed some lines. Summer admitted she'd been cruel and wrong. She said she had to accept that Sally was an important part of Nick's life, and she needed to find a way for her and Sally to get along. She said she had no interest in an ongoing battle that would hurt everyone. Sally agreed and said she would love to find a way to make things work. Sally said she wanted to meet Summer halfway but didn't know how.

Sally said she understood the situation had jarred Summer and that Summer wanted to protect Nick. Summer asked how Adam was taking the news. Sally said he was excited to be a father again. Summer asked how Adam was handling Sally and Nick staying together. She said she'd assumed he felt he should be by Sally's side, and he could be relentless when he wanted something. Sally agreed it was what Adam wanted.

Sally told Summer that all things considered, Adam was handling the situation very well. She said he knew they would be parents together and that pushing her for more would alienate her. Summer was happy to hear Adam had his priorities in order. Sally noted that Summer's concern was very different than it had been the previous day.

Sally said she understood that Summer was protecting Nick, but she found Summer's abrupt change of heart unsettling. Summer indicated that she was trying to be a better person. She said when she'd been little, Nick would give her a look when she'd disappointed him, and she'd hated that look. She said she'd gotten that look during their talk, and he'd made her see things from another perspective. Sally asked if Summer was trying to get along with her so she wouldn't disappoint Nick. Summer agreed.

Summer told Sally she still had reservations about Sally and Nick. She said she'd always believed that Sally and Adam were a better match. Sally asked if that was because Summer thought so little of them. Summer said she had in the past, but she'd seen how good they'd been together; they'd inspired each other to be their best selves, and it had made them both easier to take. She said they'd been in a lot less trouble together than when they'd been apart.

Sally asked if Summer wasn't getting the same vibe between her and Nick. Summer said all she cared about was that her dad was happy, and if Sally was the woman who did that, it was fantastic. Summer admitted that the Adam factor bothered her because it felt like Sally and Adam weren't done with each other yet, and Sally was pregnant with his baby. Summer said Sally and Adam had only been together once in months, and she wondered what the odds were of a pregnancy happening. She said the universe seemed to be saying that Sally and Adam belonged together.

Assuming they were about to be given their assignments for the gala, Lauren and Michael visited Nikki at the Newman ranch. Nikki said she would be meeting the planning committee. Nikki chirped that after all the events she'd planned, the bicentennial gala for the 200th anniversary of the founding of Genoa City held "so much meaning" for her. Nikki suggested that Michael and Lauren work as a team and handle the catering because they had quite the guest list. The three of them reminisced about the last masked ball years earlier. Lauren remembered that Katherine had been the Queen of Hearts, and Lauren had been Marie Antoinette.

Lauren recalled that Christine had shown up as a blonde bombshell, Jack as Prince Charming, Victor as a Roman conqueror, Ashley as Scheherazade, and Jill as Cleopatra with her two half-naked, very hot men, who had proceeded to fan her all night with two very large ostrich feathers. Nikki stated that the gala she was planning would be toned down.

Nikki asked Michael to update her on Tucker and his company and what Victor's plans were around acquiring McCall. Michael informed her there hadn't been any movement on that front because Tucker hadn't agreed to sell to Newman. Nikki said she was concerned what might happen after they made the acquisition. She said Victor wanted to put Adam in charge, and he would report only to Victor. Nikki said Victoria wanted to dismantle the company and fold it into the flagship, making it a part of Newman Enterprises.

Michael asked if Nikki had spoken to Victor about the situation. Nikki said she had, to no avail. She asked Michael to help her put a stop to Victor's plan. Michael said he sympathized, but he refused to be caught in the middle. He said whatever happened to McCall after McCall was acquired was above his pay grade. Nikki said she'd hoped he would help, but she understood the position she would put Michael in. She said she wouldn't sit back and accept defeat.

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Edited by SC Desk