Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 14, 2022 on Y&R

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Jack learned that Allie was Keemo
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of March 14, 2022 on Y&R

Victoria's faith in Ashland began to waffle. Nate confronted Ashland with medical evidence that Ashland had faked his cancer diagnosis. Jack learned that Allie was Keemo's daughter, but she wasn't interested in getting to know Jack. Allie later gifted Jack with a figurine that Keemo had treasured.

Victor reveals the truth to Victoria and Allie has a shocking truth for Jack
Victor reveals the truth to Victoria and Allie has a shocking truth for Jack

Victor reveals the truth to Victoria and Allie has a shocking truth for Jack

Monday, March 14, 2022

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by Anne Carpenter

At Newman Media, Nikki entered Adam's office and found Victor alone. Victor, holding a large envelope, turned down Nikki's offer to go out for lunch, explaining that he had something pressing to deal with. Nikki, noticing the cautious way Victor was holding the envelope, hypothesized that it might either contain gold or a bomb. Victor told Nikki the envelope contained documents Michael Baldwin had collected and sent from Peru, proving that Ashland Locke had been deceiving Victoria.

Nikki sighed and replied, "Then it's definitely a bomb. What do you intend to do with it?" Nikki implored Victor to carefully consider how to approach Victoria because she was terribly upset already and might become more alienated from her family. Victor explained that Ashland had forced his hand, so he had no other choice but to confront Victoria.

Victor arrived at Victoria's office. Victoria, alone, told her father that she had nothing to discuss until he retracted the disgusting allegations he'd made against Ashland. Victor, explaining that he wished he'd been wrong about Ashland's misdeeds, presented the opened envelope filled with evidence Michael had collected. Victor told Victoria he wouldn't leave until she examined the documents. Victoria said she'd seen everything she'd needed to see, and she accused her father of being so needful of control and power that he'd stoop to anything, including efforts to destroy her marriage.

Victor calmly told Victoria that Ashland had lied to her about his illness from the beginning. Victoria replied, "Did you really think you could blackmail Ashland with these outrageous lies and that he would just disappear into the night and leave me with no questions asked?" Victoria accused Victor of attacking Ashland for his own hubris. Victor told Victoria she was projecting the anger she felt for Ashland at him.

Victor cried that he could no longer stand by and do nothing while Ashland continued to deceive his daughter. Victoria insisted that someone who had it in for Ashland had been spreading lies and that she had no interest in trying to figure it all out. Victoria cried that she had not seen even one shred of evidence, even after she'd attempted to reach out to Michael Baldwin herself. Victor, holding the envelope, replied, "Michael Baldwin sent this to me this morning from Peru. All the evidence is right in here."

Growing increasingly angry, Victoria asked her father why he'd gone to such great lengths to prove something so hurtful. Victor replied, "Sweetheart, I'm trying to protect you and protect the company. Do you understand that?" Victoria told her father that he'd "lost the game" because Ashland had officially become co-CEO of Newman Locke, having already signed the contract. Victor gave the envelope to Victoria and told her that it contained records of huge payments sent to a Peruvian doctor, who'd since disappeared. Victoria contended that payments had been made by someone out to get Ashland. Victor said he'd hoped to be proven wrong, which was why he'd sent Michael to Peru to investigate. Michael, Victor said, had traced the payments from Ashland back to a shell company owned by Locke Communications.

Victoria appeared shocked when Victor informed her that Michael seemed to have disappeared. Victor explained that he and Michael had been contacting each other numerous times daily, either by email or text messages. Victor told Victoria that Lauren was also worried because she hadn't heard from Michael in a while. Victor expressed concern about Michael's safety because Ashland knew that they were on his trail, realizing that Victoria would be presented with hard and cold facts. Victoria replied, "You're making a lot of assumptions right now. It's insane to think that Ashland would harm Michael in any way."

Victor told Victoria that perhaps Ashland had locked up Michael so he could buy himself some time. Victoria insisted her husband was innocent, and she vowed to stick by him. Victor insisted that Victoria read the documents, and he informed her that he'd made extra copies. Before Victor left, he told Victoria that he was deeply sorry to be the bearer of such bad news. Victor told Victoria that he loved her and only wanted what was best for her. After Victor left, Victoria removed the documents from the envelope.

At Society, Ashland was sitting at the bar, his drink untouched, as he nervously rubbed his face with the palm of his hand. Ashland, lost in thought, lifted his head when he spotted Nikki enter. Nikki attempted to evade Ashland when she saw him approach, but he begged her to stop and hear him out. Nikki walked toward the counter to pick up her food order, but Ashland followed her, telling her that Victor had likely filled her head with all kinds of accusations about him. Ashland said he felt that perhaps Nikki might not be as convinced as Victor had been by the word of one unscrupulous doctor. Nikki agreed to hear Ashland's defense.

Ashland begged Nikki to give him the benefit of the doubt, knowing how much Victoria loved him, and he assured Nikki he would never hurt Victoria. Nikki said she didn't want to believe that Ashland had concocted a plot that would so callously hurt Victoria. Ashland begged Nikki to trust her instincts. Nikki informed Ashland that Victor didn't believe the evidence he'd gathered could have been fabricated, though Victoria desperately wanted to believe someone was out to get her husband. Ashland told Nikki it was a contradiction for Victor to believe that Ashland had fabricated mounds of evidence to fake an illness. Ashland, hoping to get Nikki on his side, said it would be a waste of his time to explain whatever Victor believed. Ashland, expressing fear that his marriage would be destroyed, said, "Victoria believes me now, but Victor is going to be relentless about this."

Ashland told Nikki that perhaps his recovery had sparked fear, which Victor perceived as a threat, so Victor had sought ways to discredit Ashland. Nikki, growing frustrated, insisted that Ashland's theory was completely baseless. Nikki said, "Victor is not easily threatened, certainly not by you. All he cares about is protecting Victoria, period." Ashland, speaking in a menacing manner, insisted that all he cared about was protecting Victoria and their marriage.

Ashland asked Nikki if she'd ever seen her daughter happier or more in love. Nikki recalled how supportive she and Victor had been of her daughter's marriage, having hosted a ceremony at the Tuscan villa they'd given to the couple as a gift. Nikki also reminded Ashland that Victor had gone to great lengths to prevent Ashland's past from destroying his reputation and his company. Ashland acknowledged Nikki and Victor's support and said it was why the sudden turnaround had been so puzzling. Nikki cried that Ashland's betrayal in the face of what they'd done for him was an unforgiveable act.

Ashland told Nikki he wasn't lying about his illness, crediting his treatment for having given him a reprieve, though denying it had been a magical cure. Ashland told Nikki it was unfair that he had to fight to spend the remainder of his time to be with the love of his life. As Nikki signed the tab for her takeout, she told Ashland that it was crucial for them to get the truth. Nikki assured Ashland that if he could prove he was innocent, Victor would apologize and back off. Ashland sighed heavily after Nikki left.

After Nikki returned to Newman Media with lunch, Victor told her that Victoria was furious about him having collected evidence against Ashland. Nikki expressed concern that the issue might create a rift between daughter and father. Victor said he didn't take his daughter's anger personally, knowing it wasn't all directed at him. Victor expressed certainty that Victoria would come around after learning how devastatingly deceitful Ashland Locke had been. Nikki asked Victor if he had any doubts. Victor replied, "No."

Ashland entered Victoria's office, carrying a bag of food. Victoria closed the door and told Ashland she'd had an unpleasant visit from her father. Victoria said she'd learned that Michael Baldwin had disappeared while he'd been in Peru. Ashland asked Victoria if Victor thought Ashland had either kidnapped or killed Michael. Victoria said that Victor had given her printouts of bank statements that documented well-camouflaged transfers of funds to a Peruvian doctor's account.

Victoria informed Ashland that all payments traced back to a small, obscure radio division owned by Locke Communications. Victoria told Ashland that though the evidence hadn't been easy to find, Michael had uncovered it. Victoria asked Ashland why a small radio station would be sending a steady stream of money to a doctor in Peru who'd been connected with Ashland's treatments. Ashland remained defensive and didn't avert direct eye contact with Victoria.

Allie showed up at the home once belonging to the late Hao Nguyen, the name Keemo had used during the latter years of his life. Phyllis, having traveled to the Nguyen residence to support Jack, listened as Jack interacted with the young woman he'd never met. Allie, having never heard of Jack, was shocked when Jack explained that Keemo was his son. Allie told Jack she was certain he was mistaken, noting that "Hao" and "Nguyen" were both common names. Jack insisted he was right and assured Allie that he wanted nothing more than some answers. Allie replied, "Hao couldn't possibly be your son, because he's my dad, and he never mentioned you."

Allie stated that her dad had never known his father because her father had been born in Vietnam after his mother had had an affair. Jack replied, "Her name was Luan." Jack asked Allie if her father had told her that he'd never known his father or if he had ever mentioned his father's name. Allie told Jack her father had said he'd never known his father. Allie asked Jack if he was claiming to be the man who'd had an affair with her grandmother.

Jack told Allie that he had had a relationship with Luan and that Hao, whose given name had been Keemo, had been their son. Jack admitted he'd never known anything about Keemo until Keemo had been a young adult. When Allie asked Jack for proof, he opened a wooden keepsake box, retrieved the photo made on the day he and Luan had wed, and showed it to her.

Jack asked Allie if she'd ever seen the photo of him with her grandmother. Allie said that her grandmother had died before Allie had been born, though she acknowledged that the people in the photo were her grandmother and Jack. Jack told Allie that her father had been best man at the wedding. Allie, claiming the picture didn't prove anything, asked why her father had never mentioned knowing that Jack was his father. Allie slipped the photo into her pocket and sat on a chair.

Jack showed Allie the legal document he'd drawn up showing he was Keemo's father. Jack explained that he and Keemo had had a major falling-out because Jack had withheld the truth about Luan's illness at Luan's request. Jack said he'd found out by accident about Luan's illness, though he'd never let on that he'd known. Jack explained that at the time, he'd felt he'd been honoring Luan's wishes by not telling Keemo that his mother had been dying. Jack told Allie that Keemo had understandably been devastated after learning the truth because he'd never gotten to say goodbye to his mother.

Jack told Allie that at one time, he'd believed he might bridge the gap between him and Keemo, but he'd later discovered he'd been wrong after receiving bitter emails from his son. Jack cried that Keemo hadn't been able to forgive Jack, so he'd cut himself off, changed his name, and refused to communicate. Allie replied that if what Jack had said was true, then clearly her father had wanted nothing more to do with him. Allie thought for a moment and asked, "What are you after?"

Jack told Allie that he'd received text messages from someone he couldn't identify, requesting that he show up at the Nguyen residence as soon as possible. Jack admitted he'd been conflicted about entering the residence and going through belongings, confiding that he'd also been wandering in the dark, unsure about what to do. Jack cried that he'd traveled to the home in hopes of learning what kind of man his son had become, and he had found some answers, though they'd been painful.

Jack showed Allie the letters and explained that Keemo had written them to him. Allie tried to read one of the letters, but reading her father's words was too emotionally upsetting. Jack told Allie the letters revealed that her father had considered connecting with him again, though he'd died before he'd had the chance. Allie scanned one letter and sobbed, telling Jack that seeing her father's handwriting made her hear his voice in her head. Allie's grief saddened Jack.

Jack asked Allie if she had someone that could give her the support she needed. Allie told Jack that after her parents had divorced, her mother had moved to the East Coast, where she'd returned soon after the funeral, claiming she'd had to get back to work. Jack, acknowledging that he was the last person she might want to turn to for comfort, cried that it killed him to know she was alone. Allie replied, "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." Phyllis spoke up and said, "Allie, is it possible that your mom knew the truth, and maybe she's the one sending the texts to Jack?" Allie replied that she doubted her mother had sent the messages because her mother had believed Keemo's story about his parents.

Phyllis pointed to the box on a table, filled with Keemo's belongings, and asked Allie if she'd been aware that it had been left behind. Allie, insisting she'd had no idea who Jack Abbott was, asked Phyllis and Jack if they were suggesting that she'd sent the text messages. Allie became frustrated, explaining that she had a life and grad school to focus on and had no intention of connecting with Jack, knowing that her father had avoided reconnecting with him.

Allie walked toward the front door and asked Jack to forget they'd met. Jack said there was no way he could walk away and pretend they'd never met. Jack encouraged Allie to take all the time she needed to process what she'd discovered. Jack expressed hope that he and Allie could work together to find the answers they sought. Phyllis winced when Allie told Jack she wasn't interested. Jack pleaded with Allie to call him if she changed her mind. Jack presented Allie with the gold necklace he'd given to Luan. Allie gave the necklace back, told Jack he could keep her father's belongings, and said she was sorry for the waste of everyone's time.

After Allie left, Phyllis comforted a grieving Jack. Phyllis told Jack not to suppress his emotions. Jack, stifling tears, admitted it had all been overwhelming. Phyllis told Jack that Allie wasn't ready to talk to him yet, likely because Keemo had passed along his bitter feelings to the next generation. Jack said he'd gained comfort from knowing that Allie loved Keemo and was honoring his wishes.

Phyllis asked Jack to tell her how he truly felt. Jack cried that hours after discovering that Keemo had considering reconciling, he'd had his heart broken when he'd learned that Keemo had never even mentioned his father's name to Allie. Jack, expressing concern for Allie, said he'd picked up from the way Allie had spoken about her mother that their relationship was strained.

Nate finds proof that Ashland faked his cancer diagnosis
Nate finds proof that Ashland faked his cancer diagnosis

Nate finds proof that Ashland faked his cancer diagnosis

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

by Jenny Smith

On the Crimson Lights patio, Victor informed Nick about the bank statements that backed up the Peruvian doctor's story that he'd received a lot of money from a subsidiary of Locke Communications to help Ashland fake his cancer diagnosis. Victor also solemnly shared that Michael had gone missing, and he had no doubt Ashland was behind Michael's disappearance. Victor promised that if Michael had been harmed in any way, Victor would hold Ashland responsible. Nick wondered how much Victoria knew. Victor revealed that he'd told her everything, but Ashland had already claimed that it was all part of Victor's plot against him.

Nick questioned what anyone could do if Victoria refused to believe what was right in front of her. He recalled that he'd been against Victoria and Ashland's marriage from the beginning because he'd seen how easily Ashland had manipulated her. Nick imagined that Ashland had brainwashed her into thinking Ashland was a victim who could do no wrong, leading to her giving up sole control of the company she'd fought for years to lead on her own.

Victor reported that Ashland had just signed the paperwork to become co-CEO, and Nick grumbled that it had been Ashland's goal all along. Victor was angry with Ashland for having the audacity to claim he just wanted to take a more active role in the company after his miraculous recovery. Nick lamented that the only thing to do was turn Victoria against Ashland, but no one had been able to do that. Nick wondered what Victor was going to do. Victor responded that it was all about what Nick was going to do.

Victor implored Nick to talk to his sister to try to get through to her. Nick doubted it would work, since Victoria had cut him off when he'd tried to reason with her at her wedding, and they still weren't in a good place. Nick groused that Victoria knew they had proof about Ashland's lies, yet she was still siding with her husband. Victor appealed to Nick to do it for their family, and he questioned what Nick had to lose.

At Newman Media, Sally walked into Adam's office as Adam left a voicemail for Victor, asking whether there had been any updates from Michael. Adam told Sally that it had been the second time he'd called Victor, and he guessed that his father was caught up in something that involved Ashland. Sally suspected that Adam thought there was more to it. Adam confided that it had crossed his mind that Victor might be icing him out yet again.

Sally lectured that Adam worried too much about what Victor thought and did. She pointed out that Adam was barely on Victor's radar, since it was "all about the princess." Sally admonished Victor for not thinking about how the situation with Ashland would affect Adam or Newman Media, and she cited how Adam had told her it could all work in his favor. Adam reiterated that it was possible Ashland had done something that Adam could take advantage of, but there were no guarantees. Sally pointed out that if things went south between Ashland and Victoria, Newman Locke could suffer, and it might create an opening. "Oh, really, Lady Macbeth?" Adam quipped with a grin.

Sally clarified that she wasn't suggesting Adam seize any thrones, but she questioned what the cold, hard reality of the situation meant for their business. She pointed out that she didn't know the exact situation, but Victor had made it clear that he'd look out for Victoria, and Ashland was obviously looking out for himself. Sally anticipated that Victoria would protect her pride and her family -- with one notable exception, leaving Adam to look out for himself, with Sally backing him. Sally speculated that he might have to step up and fill a leadership void.

Victor appeared in the doorway and asked for a moment with his son. Sally stepped out, closed the door behind her, and eavesdropped from outside. Adam griped that he'd been starting to think Victor was ignoring him, but Victor explained that he had a lot on his mind that had nothing to do with Adam. Victor shared that he'd tried talking to Victoria, but she had refused to believe Ashland would betray her. Adam assumed that Victor had a plan to keep Ashland from getting his claws deeper into the company. Victor indicated that he'd asked Nick to speak with Victoria.

Adam was appalled that Nick was Victor's strategy for dealing with Ashland. Adam asserted that Victoria was impervious to logic at that point, and she'd put the company in the hands of a ruthless shark. Adam huffed that he and Victor knew who Ashland was, and Victoria was the one who'd failed their family.

At Newman Locke, Victoria informed Ashland that Victor had presented her with the Peruvian doctor's bank statements, and she invited Ashland to explain why the documents showed a series of large transfers into the account. Ashland sputtered that it was the first he'd heard of it, and he reasoned that it had all been part of Victor's plan to paint him as a charlatan who had made up a long-term illness to gain an advantage over others, including his own wife. Victoria noted that the proof was right there, since a substantial amount of money had been funneled from a small Locke Communications subsidiary into the account of the doctor who'd accused Ashland of fabricating his medical history. "Kudos to Victor!" Ashland proclaimed.

Ashland surmised that Victor had found someone willing to accommodate his need to dig up dirt on Ashland, and he couldn't wait to get his hands on the person who was trying to set him up. Victoria suggested that they redirect their energy to figuring out who had transferred the funds. She reasoned that it had been someone from the inside unless it had been a hack job, and Ashland remarked that no one was more inside than Victor. Victoria ordered Ashland not to go there, since she was convinced that her father would never hurt her that way. Ashland argued that her family had been attempting to interfere in their relationship since they'd met.

Victoria countered that Victor had supported her marriage to Ashland up until then, and she found it implausible that her dad would devise a ridiculous scheme to frame her husband. Ashland recalled that the troubles had started when Victoria had told Victor she was thinking about making Ashland co-CEO. Victoria was adamant that Victor wouldn't have resorted to such tactics just because he disagreed with a business decision. She begged Ashland not to fight her and instead to focus on finding out who would want to make it look like he'd been lying about his cancer. Ashland noted that someone wanted to hurt him in the worst possible way by making Victoria think he could be that cruel and calculating. He pleaded with her to tell him it wasn't working.

Victoria insisted she hadn't changed her mind, and she knew Ashland was innocent. She was amazed by the level of deception that had gone into the plan, and she was determined to figure out who was behind it. Ashland complained that he should be celebrating his recovery and standing on top of the world with his beautiful wife, but the campaign was working to poison people's minds against him. Ashland received a text message from Nate, who wanted to meet.

Ashland was certain that Victor had been working to make Ashland look guilty in Nate's eyes, but Victoria stated that perhaps Nate wanted to tell Ashland that he knew the accusations weren't true. Ashland pledged not to jump to the worst-possible outcome, but he felt like he was under siege, waiting for the next attack. Victoria assured him that Nate was his friend and confidant. Ashland gushed that with Victoria by his side, he knew he would get through it. They embraced.

Later, Victoria looked deep in thought as Nick entered her office. She chided him for having the nerve to show his face there. He acknowledged that she'd been furious at him for months, and he'd stopped by at the risk of making things worse because he couldn't just ignore what was happening. Victoria referred to Victor's absurd accusations about her husband, and Nick told her Victor had asked him to talk to her to make her see reason. Nick continued that he had no illusions about how she'd react; however, she was his sister, and he cared about her and her happiness. She demanded to know why he was still trying to destroy her marriage.

Nick pressed to know how Victoria was really doing, since he couldn't imagine the pressure she was under. He wondered if there was a chance she'd changed her mind about Ashland. Nick sympathized that it was brutal to think that Ashland might have betrayed her, and he offered to be a sounding board if she needed one. Victoria wailed that she didn't know what to believe anymore. "It can't be true. Can it?" she contemplated.

Ashland met Nate at Society. Nate coolly invited Ashland to have a seat, and Ashland guessed that Victor had gotten to Nate. Ashland wasn't surprised that Victor had continued to try to poison Nate's mind against Ashland, but he contended that Nate knew better because he'd seen Ashland's test results. Nate recalled that he'd seen confirmation of late-stage cancer, but Ashland had provided him with the results. Nate hated the thought that someone would use a horrible disease for financial gain or to deceive Victoria and her entire family -- plus Nate didn't like being used, so he'd dug deeper.

Nate recounted that Ashland had made a point of saying his cancer had been discovered on the chest X-rays following his heart attack, so Nate had gone into the hospital archives to see the photos for himself. Nate admitted that he'd crossed an ethical line, but the images had told him everything he'd needed to know -- there was no evidence of cancer on any of the scans. Ashland chalked it up to a mix-up with the medical records, but Nate insisted that he'd double-checked, and there had been no mistake. Ashland scoffed at the idea that it was proof of Victor's wild accusations. Nate said he'd anticipated that would be Ashland's response, so he'd broadened his search.

Nate divulged that there had been no record of Ashland receiving chemotherapy treatments at Memorial or any of its affiliated centers. Nate concluded that Victor was right, and Ashland's cancer had been a colossal lie. Ashland threatened to have Nate's medical license revoked. Nate found it ironic that he'd already been planning to leave the field to work for Ashland. Ashland barked that Nate had illegally obtained information, and he demanded to know what Nate planned to do with it. Nate firmly stated that Ashland had left him no choice -- he had to inform Victor and Victoria of what he'd learned.

At Keemo's house in L.A., Jack gazed at the photo of Allie. He answered a call from Traci and apologized for not getting back to her the day before. Jack guessed that she'd talked to Phyllis, and Traci mentioned that she knew they'd gone to Keemo's house. Traci referred to the letters Keemo had written to Jack but never sent, and Jack told her that by reading them, he'd learned that Keemo had eventually forgiven him. Traci sympathized that there had been much left unsaid between father and son, and her heart was breaking for Jack. Jack stared at Allie's photo again.

Jack admitted that the whole trip had been an emotional journey that had been overwhelming at times. Phyllis returned to the house with espresso and called out hello to Traci. Jack lauded Phyllis for being his rock from the moment they'd arrived. Jack opted to wait to give Traci a full update when they could talk in person, and she looked forward to it. Traci reminded Jack to take care of himself, and the siblings exchanged words of love and hung up.

Phyllis handed Jack some coffee and offered him a sandwich, but he said he wasn't hungry. Phyllis prompted him to share how he planned to proceed, but he received a text message from Allie. Allie had written that she was sorry for how she'd left, but it had been a lot to take in, and she wished Jack safe travels back to Genoa City. Jack figured the decision had been made for him, and it was time to go home. Phyllis asked if he was sure, and he refused to force Allie into any situation she couldn't embrace. Phyllis found it interesting that neither of them had told Allie they were from Genoa City.

Phyllis deduced that Allie had done an online search on Jack because she was curious about him and her newfound family. Jack appreciated Phyllis' efforts to give him hope, but he wanted to let things be. He admitted that he wanted nothing more than to have a relationship with the granddaughter he'd never known he'd had, but he didn't want to risk pushing too hard. Phyllis was sure Allie was in shock after what the young woman had just learned, and Jack pointed out that Allie was also grappling with the fact that Keemo had never wanted her to know Jack even existed. Jack resolved to back off and give Allie time and space, so there was nothing left to do but go home. Phyllis vehemently disagreed, since she felt they had to find out who'd prodded him to go there in the first place.

Jack groaned that he'd had enough investigations, and he preferred to go home once he tied up one loose end -- he wanted to call Kyle to tell him what was going on. Phyllis stepped out to the porch to give Jack privacy, and Jack initiated a video chat on his tablet. Kyle appeared on the screen and wondered if he'd missed a meeting. Jack requested a few minutes to discuss something important, and Kyle asked where Jack was calling from. Jack indicated that he was in L.A. at the house Keemo had lived in.

Kyle was stunned to hear Keemo's name, since Jack hadn't mentioned Keemo in forever. Kyle assumed Jack was out there visiting, but Jack confessed that he and Keemo had been estranged for many years. Jack added that there was a lot he hadn't told his family, but he'd recently learned Keemo had passed away suddenly from a heart attack. Kyle expressed sympathy, and Jack revealed that it wasn't everything, since Keemo had had a daughter who Jack had met that day.

Jack gushed that Allie was lovely, bright, and full of spunk, just like her father. Kyle realized that was huge news for Jack, who bemoaned that it was complicated because Keemo hadn't wanted Allie to know Jack existed. Jack divulged that Keemo had claimed he'd never even met his father, so Allie's world had been turned upside down, and Jack was trying not to pressure her. Kyle assured Jack that he'd always be there for his dad, since it was what their family did, and he was sure Allie had realized that in the brief time she'd spent with Jack.

Later, Phyllis returned from outside, and Jack informed her that Kyle's head had been spinning by the time they'd hung up. Jack regretted that Kyle had never gotten to meet his older brother and never would. Jack considered the silver lining to be that Keemo's death wouldn't be a loss for Kyle, who'd tried to reassure Jack that things had gone well with Allie. Phyllis called Kyle a good kid who was tough like his dad.

Jack thanked Phyllis for putting her life on hold to be there with him, and she told him he didn't have to keep thanking her. He appreciated her knowing when to push and when to lay off, and he was sure she'd bitten her tongue a couple of times. He declared that it was time to go home, and he grabbed the box of Keemo's mementos and prepared to head out. Phyllis opened the door and found Allie about to knock. Allie said she was glad she'd caught Jack before he left.

Allie told Jack she'd found something of her father's that she thought he might want to have, and she handed him a small figurine created by one of her dad's favorite artists. Allie explained that her father had kept it in his study, where he'd been sure to see it every day. Jack found it exquisite, but he hesitated to accept it if it was important to her. She thought he should have it, since it was clear how much Jack had cared about Keemo, despite their rift.

Allie recognized that Jack was hurting, and she wanted him to have a little piece of his son. Jack took the figurine and said it meant the world to him. He continued that her giving it to him in person had been a lovely, brave thing to do, and he wouldn't forget it. Allie stressed that she hadn't changed her mind about Jack, since she was going through a lot between graduate school and dealing with her dad's death, and she had to learn how to move forward without her father. Jack swore he understood and respected her decision.

Jack promised that he would never force any relationship on Allie. He confided that he'd recently lost his mother, so he had some idea of the enormity of what Allie was dealing with, and none of it was easy. Jack told Allie to call him if she needed anything. She grappled with how to respond and politely told him goodbye. "Until we meet again," he replied, and Allie walked out. Jack reeled as he clutched the figurine in his hand.

Nate informs Victor that he has the smoking gun
Nate informs Victor that he has the smoking gun

Nate informs Victor that he has the smoking gun

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

by Nel

At Society, Nate told Ashland he had to inform Victor and Victoria what he'd learned. Nate said the scans that showed Ashland never had cancer were damning. Ashland claimed Nate wasn't a radiologist or oncologist, and Nate was wrong. Nate stated there were no records of Ashland receiving any chemotherapy treatments.

Nate told Ashland that the Newmans deserved the truth. Ashland told Nate to think long and hard before he did anything rash. Nate asked if that was a threat. Ashland said he only wanted Nate to think through the ramifications before he made any accusations. Ashland was surprised that Nate was buying into the smear campaign against him.

Nate told Ashland it had been one thing to dismiss claims from a former disgruntled doctor, but Nate was disgusted by the level of Ashland's manipulation. Nate was enraged by Ashland's scam. Ashland claimed he hadn't conned Nate when he'd asked Nate to be his best man or when he'd offered Nate a job. Nate felt it had been Ashland's attempt to buy his silence.

Ashland told Nate he wouldn't hire anyone he didn't genuinely believe in to work in his company because the business meant too much to Ashland. Nate stated Ashland had faked having cancer so he could get his hands on the Newman side of the business. Ashland told Nate that Victoria loved him, and she wouldn't accept the lies from Victor and Nate. Ashland claimed he could prove his innocence, and Nate would then wish he'd never doubted Ashland. Nate said if Ashland didn't tell the Newmans the truth, Nate would.

At Newman Locke, Nick asked Victoria if she had any new information that would have changed her mind about Ashland. Victoria said she'd previously made a mistake confiding in Nick, and he'd betrayed her. Nick assured her he was there to listen, not point fingers. Victoria asked why Nick thought she would give him more ammunition to criticize Ashland. Nick said it sounded like she had new information. He said he was there because he loved her, and he would support her, no matter what. Victoria pointed out that Nick had publicly stated that he hated Ashland.

Nick said he could see Victoria was struggling with believing the person she loved could betray her that way; however, trying to make sense of it could tie her up in knots. He guessed she would reject anything anyone said to her, and she would ignore all the evidence in front of her. He told Victoria to tell him as much or as little as she wanted. He assured her he was only there to listen.

Victoria was certain that Nick had heard how Ashland had masterminded a massive lie in order to gain control of Newman Locke. She asked if Victor had shown Nick the evidence. Nick said he'd seen the video from the doctor in Peru who'd claimed Ashland had lied about being sick. Victoria said Ashland had claimed it was from a disgruntled former employee. Nick asked what Victoria had concluded from the video and Ashland's explanation. She said if Victor's information was true, then Ashland's love for her was false and manipulative, a thought she didn't want to entertain.

Victoria told Nick that Ashland had claimed he was being slandered. She said Ashland believed Victor was responsible and that it had been Victor's grand plan to take back control of Newman Locke. Victoria said Victor had shown her physical proof of money that had been paid to one of the Peruvian doctors. The payment had been traced back to a shell company, one of Ashland's small radio divisions inside Locke Communications.

Victoria realized Nick already knew that. Nick said the only thing that mattered was what Victoria thought and what the evidence told her. Victoria admitted Michael's evidence was damning and difficult to explain away. Nick asked how that made her feel. She admitted she was scared to let herself believe that Ashland would do that to her. Ashland arrived and stated he should have known Nick would be the next in line to try to turn Victoria against him.

Nick told Ashland that when it came to protecting their own, the Newmans were relentless. Nick said he wasn't there to fight with Ashland. He said he was there because he loved Victoria, and he wouldn't allow anyone to hurt her. Nick left. Ashland asked if Victoria was okay.

While waiting for the elevator, Nick saw Victoria embrace Ashland. Nick received a call from Victor. He told Victor that Victoria hadn't believed Ashland's accusations that Victor had set Ashland up in order to regain control of Newman Locke. Nick said that just when he'd thought Victoria had been considering the truth, Ashland had arrived, and Nick felt he'd lost any ground he might have gained.

Later, Elena joined Nate at the bar. She couldn't believe Ashland had lied about his cancer. She said Ashland had not only manipulated everyone around him, but it was also a slap in the face to the people who actually suffered from such an awful disease. Nate said he hadn't believed it at first, but after Victor had shared the evidence with him, he'd felt obligated to look into it. He admitted he'd accessed Ashland's medical records. He'd discovered that Ashland's x-rays after his heart attack hadn't shown any signs of cancer, and there were no records of Ashland having had any chemotherapy appointments at Memorial.

Nate told Elena that Victor believed it had been an elaborate scheme to win over Victoria, merge their companies, and take control of Newman Locke. Nate said Ashland had made a few veiled threats that Nate would be sorry if he followed through on telling the Newmans. Elena said Ashland had been "so warm and generous" to them while he'd been manipulating everyone. Nate said it had all been an act, and nobody was better suited to be Ashland's allies than two doctors.

Elena said Nate had put himself at risk, and she knew it had been a difficult line for him to cross. Nate claimed there hadn't been another option because he owed it to Victoria and the Newmans to tell them the truth. Elena was stunned at the scope of Ashland's deception. Angry, Nate said "that son of a bitch" had lied about having cancer. Nate felt he should have figured out something had been off, especially after all the time he'd spent with Ashland.

Nate told Elena he realized he'd been coaching Ashland by helping him accurately portray his symptoms while he'd been undergoing "treatment." Elena assured Nate that none of it had been his fault because he'd been Ashland's friend, and Nate had only weighed in with his advice. He'd had no reason to question whether Ashland had terminal cancer.

Nate told Elena he'd been too trusting; a billionaire had asked Nate to be his best man and offered Nate a job, and Nate had never noticed something was off. Elena said she would feel compelled to take everything she knew straight to Victoria. Nate said that had been his initial plan, but it would crush Victoria.

At Newman Media, Adam told Victor that Victoria had let that shark in, and she continued to defend him, even with the overwhelming evidence of his deception. Victor claimed the whole family had been deceived in one form or another by "that bastard." He said they'd all been fooled by love, and he pointed out that Adam had been involved with a woman who'd set Adam up for attempted murder.

Adam reminded Victor that Chelsea had never been a threat to the family business, and he'd walked away from her after he'd discovered what she'd done. Victor stated that the family had had compassion for what Adam had gone through -- even Victoria. He wanted Adam to reciprocate. Adam claimed Victoria deserved "so much better" than Ashland. He said they might all suffer from her blind loyalty.

Sally was outside Adam's office, eavesdropping.

Victor told Adam to stop pointing a finger at Victoria. Adam claimed they needed a plan B to oust Ashland, since Victoria was determined to stand by her man. Victor said he'd asked Nick to talk to Victoria. Adam claimed they needed a backup plan to the backup plan. Adam claimed he had one.

Adam told Victor they needed to leak to the press that Ashland had faked his illness in order to take over Newman Locke. The story would be true because they had the evidence. It would solve the problem of Victoria blaming anyone in the family for forcing Ashland out of the company and out of her life. Once the story was published, the negative publicity would drive Ashland away.

Victor asked what Adam thought the negative publicity would do to Victoria's self-esteem. Adam claimed Victor underestimated how tough Victoria was. She'd hardly been fazed by the bad publicity Ashland had received. Victor reminded Adam about the hit she'd taken to her self-confidence after the J.T. fiasco. It had taken her a long time to trust her own judgment.

Victor told Adam that Victoria was in denial, but she would eventually accept the truth. Adam felt they could publish something without involving Victoria. Victor stated that the reporters would dig deep, and it would be an embarrassment to their company when people discovered that Ashland had been able to deceive them for such a long time. Victor said Victoria would never forgive them if she discovered they'd been responsible for the leak. Victor hoped Nick would be able to get through to Victoria.

After Victor ended his call to Nick, he told Adam that Ashland would stop at nothing to gain control of Newman Locke. Ashland had convinced Victoria to make him co-CEO of the company, and Ashland had signed the contract the previous day. Adam was annoyed he hadn't been told. Victor claimed that in the end, they would all come out ahead.

Adam asked Victor if the accusations against Ashland were legitimate. Victor asked why Adam doubted all the evidence against Ashland. Adam felt that with Ashland as co-CEO, it added new weight to his claim. Adam asked if it had been Victor's master plan to regain control of Newman Locke. Nate arrived and told Victor and Adam he had the smoking gun they had been looking for.

At Crimson Lights, Chelsea told Lauren and Chloe that she had made some great connections in New York and had found some very promising manufacturing options. Chelsea felt they might be able to get their line out earlier than anticipated. Chloe suggested that Lauren put her marketing resources behind them. When Chloe asked what Lauren thought, Lauren apologized and stated she hadn't heard a word they'd said.

Lauren told Chelsea and Chloe she hadn't heard from Michael, and she'd promised Kevin she wouldn't file a missing person report until the next day; however, she knew something was definitely wrong, and she couldn't wait. She made a phone call. She said Kevin was going to file a missing person report, and Rey was going to reach out to law enforcement in Peru. Chloe said with Kevin and Rey putting their full resources on the situation, they would figure things out.

Lauren told Chloe she should have talked Michael out of working for Victor because working for Victor was going to be trouble. Chloe said Michael was resourceful and clever, and he would find his way out. Chloe asked Lauren to remember all the jams Michael had gotten them out of. Lauren began to calm down, recalling Michael's antics.

Sally arrived at the coffeehouse. Sharon asked how Sally was handling all the new responsibilities as COO. Sally claimed that as COO, she should be involved in more closed-door meetings. Sally asked to talk to Sharon about Adam, since Sharon knew him very well. Sally hoped Sharon could give her some insight as to how Adam's mind worked. Sharon realized Sally needed help navigating the Newman dynamic. Sharon agreed to help on the condition that Sally didn't expect her to praise or badmouth Adam -- or reveal any personal relationship she'd had with Adam. Sally admitted she liked Adam and wanted to support him.

Sharon told Sally that she was one of the people who had seen the good side of Adam, and she'd defended him, sometimes to her detriment. Supporting Adam hadn't always been a popular thing to do. Sally reminded Sharon that Sally wasn't very popular, either. Sharon said that could be the reason for Sally's attraction to Adam. Sally claimed she was only referring to their working relationship, and she believed she could be an effective business partner for Adam.

Sally told Sharon that Victor concerned her. Sharon said Victor held a lot of sway over all the Newmans. She asked what Sally was specifically concerned about. Sally was worried that Adam would make decisions that would please Victor and not what was best for himself. Sharon said that solving the daddy issues any of the Newmans had with Victor was a "fool's errand." Many had tried, and there was a long list of casualties. Sally felt the more she could understand the dynamics, the more she could help Adam.

Sharon appreciated Sally's honesty. She felt that Adam was in a good place, and perhaps Sally had something to do with that or perhaps Adam had finally made peace with Victor. Sharon said there were two things Adam needed more than anything: feeling the love from his father and feeling in harmony with him. Sally claimed Adam might not find that harmony because he didn't see himself as an equal to Victor. He was still the son trying to impress his father. Sally left when Nick arrived.

Sharon told Nick that Sally wanted some insight into the Victor and Adam dynamic. Sharon asked if there were any updates on the Victoria and Ashland situation. Nick said he'd been with Victoria, and she'd been very close to admitting all her doubts about Ashland because of the mounting evidence against him; however, she hadn't quite been able to get there. Sharon said it would be hard to accept that the man she loved could do something so duplicitous and play with her heart that way. Nick said Victoria couldn't seem to break away from Ashland. Sharon was happy Nick was doing everything he could for Victoria.

Nick told Sharon that if Victoria couldn't get Ashland out of her life, then the family would need to come up with a plan to get him out of her life for good.

Sally was about to leave through the patio doors when she heard Lauren thank Chelsea and Chloe for distracting her and for reminding her of her strengths. Sally approached and told Lauren that Victor had men actively searching for Michael in Peru. Sally claimed she was getting to know Victor very well, and he was good at harnessing all his resources to solve problems.

Lauren thanked Sally for the information; however, she didn't find that very reassuring. Lauren realized Victor had lied to her when he'd said Michael was fine and that he wouldn't allow anything to happen to him. Lauren was more worried than before because Victor was concerned about Michael, as well. Lauren left.

Sally apologized and told Chelsea and Chloe she'd thought Lauren would have wanted to know. Chelsea said they had just calmed Lauren down, but Sally had needed to stir things up again. Chloe said Lauren needed to know Victor was looking for Michael, and Lauren was understandably on edge.

Sally asked Chelsea and Chloe if they could hit the reset button and put the past aside. Sally told Chloe she really missed Chloe's friendship. She apologized to Chelsea because they'd gotten off on the wrong foot. Sally was hoping for a truce. Chelsea said she would let bygones be bygones.

PREEMPTION: Due to March Madness coverage, The Young and the Restless did not air
PREEMPTION: Due to March Madness coverage, The Young and the Restless did not air

PREEMPTION: Due to March Madness coverage, The Young and the Restless did not air

Thursday, March 17, 2022

by Soap Central

Due to CBS Sports coverage of the NCAA "March Madness" basketball tournament, The Young and the Restless did not air. This was a planned preemption and there were no "lost" episodes as a result of schedule change. Regular programming resumed on Monday, March 21, and picked up where the Wednesday, March 16, episode concluded.

PREEMPTION: Due to March Madness coverage, The Young and the Restless did not air
PREEMPTION: Due to March Madness coverage, The Young and the Restless did not air

PREEMPTION: Due to March Madness coverage, The Young and the Restless did not air

Friday, March 18, 2022

by Soap Central

Due to CBS Sports coverage of the NCAA "March Madness" basketball tournament, The Young and the Restless did not air. This was a planned preemption and there were no "lost" episodes as a result of schedule change. Regular programming resumed on Monday, March 21, and picked up where the Wednesday, March 16, episode concluded.

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Edited by SC Desk