Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 21, 2022 on Y&R

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Jack learned that Keemo had died, and Victoria agreed to make Ashland co-CEO
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 21, 2022 on Y&R

Jack revealed that he and Keemo were estranged. Phyllis found Keemo's obituary online. Dominic's health improved after a bone marrow transplant. Nate decided to work for Ashland. Michael obtained evidence that Ashland had paid to falsify his medical records. Victoria agreed to make Ashland co-CEO.

Jack learns startling information about his text messages
Jack learns startling information about his text messages

Jack learns startling information about his text messages

Monday, February 21, 2022

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by Anne Carpenter

When Jack arrived at the Grand Phoenix, Phyllis was eager to inform him that she'd done some research about the cryptic text messages he'd been receiving. Jack replied, "A little digging online, you mean?" Phyllis, covering her tracks, added, "Well, I mean, other resources, as well. We won't get into that." Phyllis told Jack she'd discovered who owned the property connected to the phone number of the person who'd sent the text messages and even had a screenshot of the home. Phyllis was interrupted when Summer made contact via video chat. Phyllis invited Jack to briefly join her to converse with Summer. Jack stepped away after greeting Summer, explaining that he had a meeting.

After Jack left Phyllis to chat with Summer, he ran into Traci. Traci told Jack she didn't know they'd be going to the same place because he'd said nothing about it at breakfast. Traci, after glancing at Phyllis, smiled and said maybe Jack's plans weren't any of her business. Jack reminded Traci that he and Phyllis were just friends. Jack was interrupted by a text message that read, "Please don't dismiss these messages. You'll be glad you pursued this." Jack didn't tell Traci about the message and instead teased that he could assume there might be romantic trysts involved with her frequent trips to New York to meet with her publisher. Traci smiled and replied, "And who's to say you would be wrong?" Traci didn't elaborate and rushed away to get her scheduled massage.

Phyllis told Summer she'd been showing off photos of them and Harrison taken during her visit to Milan. Summer asked her mom if she was ready to accept the job offer and move to Milan. Phyllis thanked Summer for the job offer, but she turned it down, explaining that Genoa City was home. Phyllis said she'd set down roots and made friends, as well as investing in the hotel. Summer admitted she was disappointed and thanked her mom for explaining why she was hesitant to move away. Summer asked Phyllis how much Jack had factored into her decision, recalling their conversations about Jack, and Kyle's conversations with his dad about Phyllis. Phyllis insisted that she and Jack were just friends, noting that he'd been supportive during her breakup with Nick.

Phyllis told Summer she wasn't ready to jump into another relationship. Phyllis admitted that she and Jack cared about each other, fondly remembering that Jack had repeatedly forgiven her every time she'd screwed up. Summer remarked that Phyllis' description of her relationship with Jack sounded like love. Phyllis sighed and replied, "Listen, missy. Jack is not the reason I turned down your job offer, and that's the bottom line. Are you satisfied?" Summer said she understood why her mom had decided to stay put. Summer promised to visit more often. After the call, Phyllis seemed lost in thought.

Jack later approached Phyllis. Jack said he was glad things were going well with Summer across the pond. Phyllis told Jack that Summer knew she wasn't accepting the job in Milan. Phyllis gushed about how proud she was of Summer for being levelheaded. Jack admitted he'd been dazzled by the way Summer and Kyle had handled parenthood.

Jack asked Phyllis about the information she'd gathered for him. Phyllis pulled up the screenshot of the property and said that Hao Nguyen owned the home. Jack explained that Hao Nguyen was a common Vietnamese name. Phyllis said she hadn't yet narrowed down who actually owned the property and asked Jack if he knew someone by the name. Jack replied, "My late wife Luan was Vietnamese." Phyllis recalled that Luan was Keemo's mother. Jack told Phyllis that Luan's maiden name was Nguyen and that her father's first name was Hao. Jack looked puzzled and said, "But it can't be the same person."

Tessa and Mariah spent the morning at their apartment, brainstorming ideas about places to hold their wedding. Mariah wasn't in favor of Tessa's first suggestion, which included riding off together on horseback after a ceremony at a dude ranch. Mariah reminded Tessa that their venue location and theme would be constrained by their modest budget. Mariah also reined in some of Tessa's grandiose ideas by reminding her that April was approaching, so they should reserve a spot as soon as possible. Tessa said she couldn't wait that long to be Mariah's wife.

After considering a ceremony at a spa and destination weddings to San Francisco and Dollywood in the Great Smoky Mountains of Tennessee, Tessa was disappointed to discover that all locations on their list were booked solid. Mariah suggested the rooftop pool at the Genoa City Athletic Club. Tessa agreed it was a special place, where they'd had their first real date. After considering additional venues and themes, Mariah suggested a "Great Gatsby" theme at a mansion near Lake Geneva. Overwhelmed by too many good options, the couple agreed to seek help with their final decision.

Devon was finishing his morning coffee when Amanda asked him when he'd be heading to the hospital. Devon said he'd leave soon to meet Abby and Chance at their house, so they could all arrive together at the hospital with Dominic. Amanda offered to accompany Devon. Devon explained that Abby and Chance would be there while doctors transferred the cells extracted from his bone marrow to Dominic through an I.V. Amanda said Dominic would have the best chance of recovery because Devon was a perfect match. Devon was hopeful that Dominic would respond well to the transplant.

Amanda vowed to support Devon no matter what happened, and she asked him if he planned to tell Moses about Dominic's illness. Devon explained that he hoped Dominic would recover quickly, so there wouldn't be a reason for Moses to be concerned. Amada said she hadn't told her sister, so Imani wouldn't become worried during the transition to work at Chancellor Industries. Devon praised Amanda, noting that becoming chief legal officer was an accomplishment that they'd soon celebrate. Amanda replied, "But first things first. You need to go take care of your son."

At the Chancellor mansion, Abby told Chance that it saddened her to see their baby tired and listless instead of being bright-eyed and full of energy when he awoke. Chance assured Abby that Dominic's treatment would prevent his condition from worsening. Abby said she'd prayed that the bone marrow transplant would be successful. Abby seemed troubled that they hadn't shared everything about Dominic's condition with their families. Chance replied, "Don't worry about that. They'll understand. I promise. We've got the situation under control."

Abby asked Chance how he was doing, adding that she wouldn't accept empty reassurances that he was okay. Abby said she hoped Chance hadn't regretted telling her what had happened during the stakeout with Rey. Chance assured Abby that it had helped him to talk about it. Abby told Chance she understood how it might have been a shock to his system to feel that he'd let people down. Chance shut down, telling Abby that the day should be about Dominic. Abby told Chance they couldn't continue delaying the conversation or ignoring his issues. Abby prevailed on Chance to seek help from a specialist. Chance promised that he'd think about it.

Devon arrived and asked Abby and Chance about Dominic. Abby said he was the same, though he'd soon be on the road to recovery. After Abby went upstairs to get Dominic, Chance thanked Devon for hiring a nurse and arranging the setup of medical equipment that would allow Dominic to recover at home. Chance expressed gratitude for Devon having given Dominic life and for helping to save his life. Devon said he hadn't done anything Chance and Abby wouldn't have done, adding that they were lucky that his bone marrow had been a match for Dominic.

After Chance began nervously pacing, Devon asked about his ongoing struggles. Chance replied, "I'm great, yeah. Dominic's the focus now, right?" Devon agreed and suggested that Chance focus on his recovery after Dominic was better. Devon recalled how he'd mistakenly believed he could deal with the loss of Hilary and Neil on his own and had shut out everyone offering advice. Devon admitted he'd developed panic attacks, and one had even occurred in front of Abby during the opening of the Grand Phoenix. Devon told Chance that reaching out for help had worked out well for him. Devon urged Chance to take charge, seek help, and not wait because, if left unchecked, his problems would take charge of him.

At Crimson Lights, Sharon and Faith made plans for her to visit college campuses. Nick and Noah entered and asked about Faith's big college trip to Ann Arbor. Faith said she and her mom were nailing down which campuses were most important for her to visit. Sharon said the hardest decision for Faith would be choosing which college she preferred. After Faith expressed concern about the possibility of being rejected, Nick assured his daughter that any school would love to have her. Noah recalled that leaving Genoa City for a time had allowed him to realize "what else was out there."

After Faith and her mom later finalized travel plans, Faith thanked her mom. Sharon said she was looking forward to traveling with her daughter. Moses arrived, and Sharon went to get hot cider for him and Faith. Faith and Moses walked to the patio to wait for their drinks while Sharon offered to get refills for Nick and Noah. Sharon took Noah's cup and stood nearby to refill it with coffee.

Noah asked Sharon if Moses and Faith had talked about applying to the same schools. Sharon replied, "Okay, she has mentioned that she'd be applying to schools in the Northeast because that's where his mom lives -- New York." Nick suggested Sharon talk with Faith about not allowing her boyfriend to be a factor when making such an important decision. Sharon explained that it was uncertain how Faith's relationship with Moses might stand in the coming months. Sharon stepped away to take a call from Chance.

Chance, calling from the hospital, told Sharon that Dominic was in the middle of his procedure. Chance glanced back and briefly watched Abby pacing the hallway outside the treatment room. Sharon was relieved to hear that the procedure was going well, and she promised to keep her fingers crossed. Chance asked Sharon for a referral, explaining that he was seeking a counselor. Sharon promised to check with her sources and get back to him. Chance thanked Sharon and told her he'd update her about Dominic's condition later.

After Chance hung up, Abby thanked him for taking steps to seek help. Devon, having gone to get coffee, returned to the waiting area, accompanied by Amanda. Amanda explained that she wouldn't have gotten work done and hoped they didn't mind her being there. Abby said they didn't at all. Together, they waited to hear word about Dominic's procedure.

Faith asked Moses if he'd planned visits to college campuses. Moses said his mom had taken him to visit a few colleges when he'd been considering medical school. Faith asked Moses which school had been his top choice. Moses explained that because he was considering a career in music and working with Devon, he was considering Genoa City University. Faith, clasping Moses' hand, replied, "I think that might be the best choice for me, too."

Faith told Moses that staying in Genoa City would allow her to do internships or work part-time at Newman Enterprises while taking classes. Moses explained that if Faith turned down offers from big-name colleges, her family would think it was because of him, so they wouldn't be happy about it. Faith assured Moses that her decision would be based on what was best for her, adding that she hadn't yet made any decisions. Faith admitted it would be nice for them to remain in the same place. Faith suggested that by not having to travel to see each other, she and Moses would have more time to study. Moses expressed doubt that Nick would see it that way.

Mariah and Tessa went downstairs to Crimson Lights to enlist input from Sharon, Nick, Faith, Moses, and Noah regarding their wedding plans. Sharon asked the couple to list their top three choices. Mariah replied, "Okay, first idea, one of those big, fancy Chicago museums." Tessa acknowledged it might be a little extravagant, though not far away, for a destination wedding. Mariah said the second choice was "one of those murder mystery places," where everyone could have fun. Nick grinned and nodded, and Moses suppressed his reaction by locking eyes with Faith, who raised her brows in surprise. Mariah seemed most interested in hosting a mini music festival, complete with outstanding musical performers.

Sharon favored the museum wedding. Nick said he liked the "murder mystery thing" because it was quirky yet practical. Moses said if it were up to him, he'd choose the music festival. Faith agreed. Mariah and Tessa noted that it wasn't helpful that their family and friends had each chosen different ideas. Mariah enlisted Noah's opinion to break the tie. Noah suggested the couple embrace all their ideas, making the theme "All of Me," like the old jazz standard implied. Noah explained that including everything Mariah and Tessa both liked would celebrate their acceptance of each other. Tessa told Mariah that it didn't matter where they got married, as long as it was a celebration of themselves as a couple. Mariah thanked Noah. Noah smiled and replied, "Any time."

After Abby, Chance, Devon, and Amanda brought Dominic home, Abby took her baby upstairs and put him in the care of the nurse. Devon said all they could do was wait. Chance assured Devon and Amanda that he and Abby would keep them updated. Devon admitted that it was killing him to think about spending the night away from Dominic. Abby said she hoped Devon wasn't suggesting taking Dominic to his place. Abby invited Devon and Amanda to spend the night, so they all could be close to Dominic. Devon accepted the invitation. Abby said Dominic would be surrounded by all his parents. Amanda said, "What a lucky little boy."

Jack reveals that he and Keemo are estranged
Jack reveals that he and Keemo are estranged

Jack reveals that he and Keemo are estranged

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

by Jenny Smith

At the Grand Phoenix, Jack reeled when Phyllis informed him that she'd traced the address in the text message he'd received to Hao Nguyen, his ex-father-in-law. Jack swore that it was impossible that Hao had sent the message, and Phyllis pointed out that it was a common Vietnamese name. She remembered Luan's last name being something else, and he indicated that his deceased wife had gone by Volien, her married name from her first marriage. Phyllis asked why it would be odd for Jack's former father-in-law to send Jack a message about going to L.A.

Jack revealed that Luan's father had died before Jack and Luan had even been married, and Phyllis gently chided him for allowing her to jump to conclusions. Jack shared that Keemo had intended to change his last name to Nguyen in honor of his mother's family, and Jack had supported the decision because it had seemed important to his son. Phyllis guessed that Keemo had sent the messages to have some fun with his dad. Jack stated that it didn't sound like Keemo, and Phyllis asked if the men were on good terms. Jack claimed that they were, and Phyllis recommended that he simply call Keemo.

Jack tried calling the number that the text messages had been sent from, but there was no answer and no voicemail. Phyllis assumed the sender wanted to remain anonymous, and she pushed him again to call Keemo. Jack said he didn't have the number, since Keemo kept moving and losing his phone. Jack groused that he didn't have time to deal with it. Traci overheard as she returned from the spa, and she pressed to know what he was talking about. Jack insisted it was nothing, but Phyllis divulged that someone had been sending him mysterious messages to lure him to L.A.

Jack recounted that one of the messages had referenced something he was missing. Phyllis voiced her theory that Keemo had something to do with it, since the address mentioned in the messages belonged to Keemo's grandfather. Jack protested that he hadn't talked to Keemo yet, and Traci argued that the next logical step was for Jack to get Keemo on the phone. Phyllis offered to find Keemo's number, and Traci voiced surprise that Jack didn't have it. Jack ordered them to stop, and he blurted out that he and Keemo hadn't talked in years, since Keemo had cut Jack out of his life completely.

Traci recounted that Jack had recently talked to Keemo, and everything had been going just fine. Jack confessed that he'd been lying for a long time, but Traci didn't understand because Keemo had forgiven Jack for keeping Luan's illness a secret. Jack explained that Keemo had reconciled with him out of respect for his mother, but when Keemo had left Genoa City, he'd told Jack that he neither needed nor wanted Jack in his life. Jack brokenly shared that he'd tried to reach out for years to try to change Keemo's mind, but his son continued to want nothing to do with him. Jack continued that the last time they'd communicated, Keemo had demanded that Jack stop pursuing a relationship with him.

Jack apologized for lying out of shame, but he felt exponentially more ashamed that his son wanted nothing to do with him. He said it caused him more pain than anyone could imagine. Phyllis was sure Jack had done everything in his power to reconnect, and Traci sadly recognized that no one could force Keemo to change his mind. Jack regretted lying, but it had been easier than telling the world he'd lost his son. Traci suggested that the text messages meant Keemo had had a change of heart, but Jack believed Keemo would have reached out directly if he'd wanted to make amends. Jack appreciated the support, but he refused to reopen the wound. He stalked off.

Phyllis was determined to do something to help Jack, but Traci preferred to wait to find out how he wanted to proceed. Phyllis struggled to understand why Keemo had pushed Jack away. Traci surmised that Keemo just hadn't wanted to be part of the Abbott family, despite everyone's efforts to make him feel welcome. Traci recalled that when Keemo had been a young man, he'd found out he had a ton of relatives he'd never known about, and he'd been wary at first. Phyllis pointed out that they weren't just relatives but the Abbotts of Jabot Cosmetics, and even family breakfasts were intimidating.

Traci thought Jack and Keemo had become closer over time, and she remembered that Keemo had even worked at Jabot for a while. Phyllis suspected that Keemo had felt that he'd hit the jackpot by being Jack's son. Traci thought Keemo had distanced himself because he'd needed time to grieve after Luan's death. Phyllis became livid at the thought of someone sending the messages as a cruel prank, and she threatened to hunt the person down and make their life miserable. Traci had no doubt that there wasn't much Phyllis wouldn't do to protect Jack.

Traci reflected back on what a huge part of Jack's life Luan had been, and she feared the messages were stirring up horrible memories of him losing his former wife. Traci added that she'd always thought Luan had been the most significant love of Jack's life. She considered it a miracle that they'd found one another decades later, and Jack had learned he and Luan shared a child who'd been raised apart from both parents. Traci hated that their happiness had been short-lived, but she pointed out that Jack had gone on and found an even more intense love later in life.

Traci lamented that Jack had never been able to make peace with Keemo, and she wondered what had been going through Keemo's mind when he'd turned his back on his father. Phyllis noted that the difference between her and Traci was that Traci wanted to empathize with everyone, whereas Phyllis only cared about the people she was close to. Phyllis imagined it had been devastating for Jack to lose both Luan and Keemo. She said a lesser man would have cracked, but it still didn't answer the question of who had been sending the text messages. Phyllis resolved to do some digging and find out, but Traci warned that perhaps Jack didn't want to know.

At Society, Victor greeted Nate at the bar, noting that they hadn't seen one another since the wedding in Tuscany. Victor referred to Elena and imagined it was nice for Nate to have someone to go home to after working in a stressful profession. Nate crowed that she was the kind of person he'd want in his life no matter what his job was. Nate was glad he'd run into Victor that night, since Nate was contemplating a big change in his life and was having trouble making a decision. Victor wondered how he could be of help, and he was shocked when Nate replied that Victor's name would be on his paycheck if he made the change.

Nate indicated that Ashland wasn't putting pressure on him, but he felt he had to decide soon about whether to leave medicine. He thought Victor might have some insight. Victor asked why Nate was considering a change when medicine was clearly his calling. Nate regretted that he could no longer perform surgery, so he spent the bulk of his time on administrative work. Nate cited the bigger impact Ashland thought Nate could make by driving innovation and helping people on a global scale, but he grappled with whether it was the right move for him.

Victor confirmed that Newman Locke was a good place to work, but he urged Nate to ask himself whether he'd find the work rewarding. Nate relayed that Ashland was certain it would be, and Victor remarked that Ashland seemed to be certain about many things. Victor pressed to know what Nate thought about Ashland's condition, and Nate vaguely indicated that things looked good. Victor commented that the clinic in Peru had worked miracles, and he wondered if Ashland was thinking about opening other locations to expand the treatment. Nate recalled that Michael had made a similar inquiry, and he doubted it was a coincidence that both Victor and Michael were pursuing the same line of questioning.

Victor reasoned that he was concerned about his son-in-law's health because Ashland was part of the family, and family meant everything to Victor. Nate sensed that Victor was digging for something specific, but he swore he didn't have what Victor was looking for. Nate added that even if he did, he wouldn't share it because keeping medical information private mattered to him, and he wouldn't betray a friend's confidence. Victor agreed that friends should remain loyal, and he respected loyalty above everything else.

Nate wished Victor a good night and headed out, running into Jack in the corridor. Nate asked if Jack was meeting someone, and Jack stated that he was there for drink on his own. Nate commented that there was a lot of that going around. Jack joined Victor at the bar, and Victor observed that Jack looked like he could use a drink. Victor started to call his driver to take him home, but Jack offered to treat Victor to another drink if he had the time. A surprised Victor mused that miracles never ceased, and he ordered another tequila.

Victor found Jack's quiet demeanor to be uncharacteristic, and the fact that Jack hadn't said a word about Newman Locke taking over Newman Media spoke volumes. Victor surmised that Jack was bothered by something personal. Jack asked if Victor had ever had regrets, since there were people out there who claimed to live their whole lives without them. Victor believed only sociopaths had no regrets, and Jack confided that he had many.

Victor bet one of Jack's regrets was about the many feuds they'd had in the past, but Jack denied having any remorse for those interactions. Victor cited when Jack had left him to die on the office floor, and Jack chuckled and noted that Victor had done worse to him. Jack contended that their battles had been about business, but he was dealing with something closer to home because it was about being a father. Jack inquired whether Victor ever looked back and contemplated whether the mistakes he'd made in the past could be fixed.

Victor proclaimed that fatherhood was fraught with opportunities to fail, and if he'd made wrong decisions, his children had been mature and wise enough to look beyond them. Jack interpreted the statement to mean that Victor had made mistakes, but Victor joked that it had been the tequila talking if that was what Jack had heard. Victor readily admitted that he'd made mistakes, and he'd sometimes thought they'd caused irreconcilable difficulties; however, regrets were only good if they spurred one to new action.

Victor asked why Jack was concerned when Jack had clearly been an excellent father to Kyle. Jack muttered that Kyle wasn't the problem, but the past had sneaked up on him and stabbed him in the chest. Victor pointed out that they were both men of action, and sometimes those actions tended to haunt them later; what counted was how they handled it. Jack thanked him, noting that Victor had more experience with such things. Victor conceded that he didn't like to reminisce about his awful childhood, so he'd taught himself to look forward and never backward. Victor said the past was never done with them.

Jack returned to the Grand Phoenix, where Phyllis relayed Traci's message that she was available to talk anytime. Jack mused that Traci was always there for him, and he applauded Phyllis for being there, too. He thanked Phyllis for persuading him to open up and trying to help him solve the puzzle. Phyllis was sorry that he'd felt the need to keep the secret, and she wished she had known so she could have helped him. Jack realized that he couldn't ignore the text messages any longer, and he pledged to find out what was going on.

At the Chancellor mansion, Chance, Abby, Devon, and Amanda hung out in the living room. Amanda bemoaned that she was a nervous wreck after the medical procedure Dominic had been through that day, and she questioned how the rest of them could be that calm. Chance admitted that he was also a complete wreck inside, but his peaceful exterior was to keep Abby relaxed. Abby shared that she was doing the same thing for Chance.

Amanda admired Abby and Chance for inviting her and Devon into their home, and she envisioned the happy events in Dominic's life that they'd share together, like birthdays and Little League games. Amanda added that she was touched by the bond Abby, Chance, and Devon shared, and she knew it would grow as Dominic got older. Amanda apologized for getting too deep, but Abby thanked her for her beautiful words. Amanda changed the topic to food, and she suggested they get takeout.

Abby placed an order for Chinese food over the phone, including extra fortune cookies. Devon teased Abby for reading all the fortunes until she found one she liked. Chance returned from checking on Dominic and reported that the nurse had said everything looked normal. Abby requested that they not talk about transplants or medical procedures because she needed a distraction.

Amanda announced that she and Imani would be going to work for Lily at Chancellor, and Chance welcomed them to the family business. Amanda asked if Chance had ever considered joining the company, but he explained that corporate life hadn't been for him because he'd wanted to travel the world and fight the good fight. Chance seemed uncomfortable when Abby called him a hero. Devon commended Chance for choosing that path, since there was a long list of people Chance had helped protect.

Later, the food arrived, and Abby realized she'd overordered. She referred to what Devon had been saying about a podcast, and he explained that he and Lily were teaming up by having Hamilton-Winters and Chancellor produce socially relevant podcasts. Abby gushed that Neil would have been proud of them, and Devon thought Katherine would have been pleased, too. Amanda wished she'd gotten to meet the influences in Devon's life, and Abby was sure Amanda would have loved Katherine. The group heard Dominic cry over the baby monitor, and Abby and Devon raced upstairs.

Chance contemplated going upstairs, but he figured Abby and Devon had it. Amanda was sure they'd hear something if Abby and Devon needed help, and they sat in awkward silence for a moment. Amanda sympathized that it couldn't be easy for Chance, not only because of the transplant but also sharing custody. She hoped he knew Devon wasn't trying to usurp Chance's role in Dominic's life. Chance said he knew Devon had Dominic's best interests at heart, but it was uncharted territory for all of them. Abby and Devon returned and happily reported that the baby had just needed a diaper change.

After enjoying dinner, Abby put the leftovers away, and Devon looked forward to having them for breakfast. The doorbell rang, and Devon mentioned that he'd asked someone to stop by. Chance let Nate in, and Abby and Chance thanked Nate for expediting everything at the hospital. Nate announced that he was there to check on Dominic, but he also wanted to make sure Devon was doing okay. Devon shared that he was a little sore, but it was nothing worth complaining about. Nate advised them all to get rest, since taking care of a sick baby could be exhausting.

Nate headed upstairs, and Abby apologized for not asking Devon how he was doing. Devon figured that he'd done the easy part, and he opted to focus on Dominic. Abby lauded Devon's contribution to Dominic's health, and Devon replied that he'd been happy to help. Abby stepped out to grab the fortune cookies, and Amanda joined her in the kitchen. Chance thanked Devon for doing it again, and Devon asked what he'd done. "[Saving] Dominic when I couldn't," Chance responded.

Devon refused to take much credit, chalking up his ability to donate bone marrow as simple biology. Chance said it didn't matter how much Devon tried to pretend it wasn't a big deal, since Devon had done a generous and special thing. Devon pledged to do anything the boy needed, but it didn't diminish Chance's role as Dominic's father. Chance worried that he'd never have the natural parental instinct Devon had, but Devon stressed that it wasn't about biology. Devon recounted that he hadn't met Neil until Devon had been a teenager, yet Neil had been the center of Devon's world. Devon assured Chance that the love was there, and the rest would follow.

As Abby passed around fortune cookies, Nate returned downstairs and announced that everything looked good with Dominic. Abby offered Nate a fortune cookie, and he wondered if they'd happened to order his favorite dish. Abby invited him to help himself to the leftovers, and Nate headed to the kitchen. Devon opened his cookie and shared the fortune: "Serious trouble will pass you by." Abby was too nervous to look at hers, and she asked Chance to open it for her. "A dream you share with others will come true," Chance read.

After Nate left, Abby repeated Nate's advice that they all try to get some rest. Chance offered to take Devon and Amanda up to their room, and Abby was sure they'd hear Dominic if he made noise. The group headed upstairs to go to bed. A short time later, Abby returned downstairs, set the baby monitor in front of her, and sank into a chair. Devon joined her and plopped on the couch, followed by Chance and then Amanda. The foursome made themselves comfortable as they prepared to keep vigil overnight.

Victor receives damaging information about Ashland
Victor receives damaging information about Ashland

Victor receives damaging information about Ashland

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

by Nel

At Crimson Lights, Sally told Victoria she wanted to prove to everyone that she'd been the right choice as COO. She told Victoria about the plans she and Adam had for Newman Media, and she said the chief marketing officers of Newman Media and ChancComm were on board. Sally had assumed that Victoria believed Sally hadn't done her homework or had any thoughtful ideas. Sally said she believed Victoria was betting that Sally would fail.

Victoria said she wasn't sure what Sally would bring to the table, given her background -- or lack thereof. Victoria said she hadn't questioned or challenged Adam on his choice. Sally suspected that it had been a calculated move, since Victor wanted Adam to stay on as CEO and hadn't wanted to create any conflict by rejecting Adam's first major decision. Sally assumed Victoria had believed that Victor would hand Sally her pink slip and punish Adam for his choice, but Victor hadn't. Sally stated she wasn't operating under any delusions.

Victoria admitted that Sally had designed a very beautiful wedding dress for her; however, she was skeptical about Sally's skill set. Sally said she liked leaving everyone in the dust by proving everyone had been wrong about her. Victoria claimed Sally had won Adam over very quickly, and Adam had been enthusiastic about Sally. Victoria said Sally was confident about her abilities, but she would have to do a lot more than talk a good game.

Sally told Victoria she'd had to fight for everything she'd ever had. She'd earned her place, and she would make Newman Media an unequivocal success. Sally said she was as determined and as resilient as Adam because they were a match made in heaven, professionally speaking.

Victoria told Sally she sensed there was more going on between Sally and Adam besides strategizing for the company. Sally claimed it wasn't Victoria's business what kind of relationship she and Adam had, as long as they did their best work. Sally added that if there were anything going on between her and Adam, it wouldn't be any different than Victoria and Ashland. Victoria claimed there was a big difference, since she and Ashland were married. Sally claimed she was referring to how they conducted themselves professionally. Sally said Victoria and Ashland were equals, just like she and Adam were.

Victoria told Sally that she and Ashland had years of experience, Adam had all the expertise, and Sally was a neophyte. Victoria asked if Adam perceived Sally as his equal partner or if that was only Sally's perception. Victoria stated she had a meeting to get to, and she left.

At Newman Media, Adam told Victor he wouldn't spy on Ashland. Victor said that the previous day, Adam had agreed to see if Ashland displayed some unusual behavior. Adam admitted he'd left Victor with that impression because he'd taken the path of least resistance. Adam didn't want to get wrapped up in a no-win situation between Victor, Victoria, and Ashland, especially since Victoria and Ashland resented that they had to work with him. Adam claimed his focus needed to be on running the company Victor had funded for him but later sold to Newman Locke because he'd disappointed Victor.

Victor asked Adam why he would have kept Adam on as CEO if he didn't have faith in Adam's abilities. Adam claimed Victor wasn't allowing him to do his job because Victor suspected that Ashland had been faking his condition, his illness, and his treatment. Victor said Ashland couldn't be trusted about his cancer diagnosis, his marriage to Victoria, or the merger.

Victor told Adam if he allowed Locke to continue on the path he was on, he would endanger the Newman family. Adam claimed Locke was family, but Victor stated that Locke wasn't a Newman, and they needed to protect their own. He asked if Adam was too arrogant to see beyond his own shadow. Victor stated he'd given Adam one opportunity after another. He'd taken Adam into his home despite the skepticism from the other family members. He'd believed in Adam, but Adam had never taken steps to feel included in the family.

Adam asked Victor how spying on Ashland meant he was one of the family. He asked what Victoria would think when she learned that members of her family were digging into Ashland's past -- again. Victor stated Ashland was a danger to Newman Media, Newman Enterprises, and the Newman Empire. Adam told Victor to find someone else to do his dirty work. Victor stated Adam was the only one who could help, and if he gave "a damn" about Newman Media, he would do as Victor asked-- or there wouldn't be a Newman Media left.

Adam understood why Victor felt the need to pursue questions about Ashland; however, Adam said he'd been working hard to prove he'd changed his life and that he was worthy of Victor's and everyone else's respect. He said that whenever he'd felt he'd succeeded, Victor would put him to another test. Victor claimed that spying on Ashland wasn't a test. Adam stated that if he didn't follow Victor's orders, he was a failure and a traitor to the family. Adam didn't want to play Victor's game. Victor said perhaps he'd made a mistake believing in Adam, as Adam had displayed disrespect, arrogance, and hubris. Adam stated they were finished. Adam grabbed his coat and left.

At Lily's, Nate told Lily he was thinking of stepping down as chief of surgery to work for Newman Locke. He explained that Ashland had suggested that he leave Memorial and go into business with Ashland. He said the more he'd thought about the offer, the more appealing it seemed. Nate said he would put all his knowledge and experience to use where he would have a bigger impact on a national and international scale. Nate admitted that since he hadn't been able to perform surgery because of his injury, he hadn't had the same passion for being a doctor.

Nate told Lily he spent his days behind a desk, doing paperwork, or in meetings, trying to cut through red tape. Nate was surprised when Lily asked Nate to work with her at Chancellor. She said Chancellor had endless resources and infinite possibilities. She said Nate knew that things at Newman Locke were complicated, especially with the Newman family's personal and political dynamics constantly changing. She called Nate family and said she wanted him to be part of what she was building. Nate stated he had two fantastic offers to consider.

At Society, Billy congratulated Ashland on his improving health. Billy asked whether Ashland had been wondering what to do with the future he hadn't expected to have. Billy believed Ashland was itching to get more control of his wife's company by putting a lot more Locke into Newman Locke.

Ashland thought Billy would be up to his ears in work as Billy's girlfriend's right-hand man. Billy said he found it hard to believe that Ashland would settle for being an advisor to his wife after he'd built an empire that he had basically run on his own. Billy knew Ashland liked to flip coins, and he asked if that was how Ashland decided who worked in which division. Ashland claimed he and Victoria were handling things very well together.

Billy said he was sure that was what Ashland wanted Victoria to think. He said Victoria had waited her entire life to get control of Newman, and Ashland had thrown a wrench in her plan by sticking around longer than she'd expected. Ashland understood why Billy had a bitter view of marriage, given his sordid history. Billy stated he enjoyed marriage and wasn't negative about it, but he didn't trust Ashland and didn't like what Ashland was doing to Victoria.

Ashland claimed it was difficult for Billy to see Victoria finally happy, married to a man who was worthy of her, and knowing Billy had blown every chance he'd had with her. Billy claimed they'd both moved on. Ashland asked if Billy didn't think he'd done enough damage in his relationship with Victoria by attempting to convince her that he knew what was best for her. Billy told Ashland not to worry about him, but Ashland claimed he was worried about Lily.

Billy told Ashland that Lily was great and thriving. Ashland asked if Lily was concerned about Billy's continued interest in Victoria's marriage. Billy said not in the least, since their relationship was open and wasn't built on lies and secrets. He respected Lily as CEO, and he was happy to do whatever he could to help her dream become a reality. Victoria arrived and was surprised to see Billy and Ashland together. Billy claimed that he and Ashland had been having a polite conversation.

Ashland told Victoria that Billy had some interesting ideas about their marriage and their company. He said Billy felt Victoria was more threatened by Ashland's recovery and his position at Newman Locke than she was letting on. Victoria asked Billy how many times had she asked him to back off. Billy asked if Victoria expected him to forget how Ashland had helped Victor destroy his career. Billy wished he'd blown Ashland out of the water in Tuscany because Billy hated that Victoria had married someone who couldn't be trusted. Billy accused Victoria of not seeing what was in front of her. He said she was blinded by the fact that she continued to believe Billy was the bad guy.

Billy and Victoria agreed they should avoid crossing paths with each other. Billy said he knew Victoria loved Ashland and that he was everything she'd ever wanted in her personal and professional life; however, Billy said Ashland was going to let her down in a way that would be hard to imagine, and when Ashland did, it would be a long way for her to fall. Billy left.

Victoria apologized to Ashland. She claimed some people brought out Billy's hatred of them. Adam was one of those people, and it appeared Billy had added Ashland to his list. Ashland claimed he'd been despised by some of the most powerful people in the world. He said he thrived on that because it reminded him that he'd been doing the right thing. Billy was of no consequence to him; however, he was concerned about the toll it was taking on Victoria.

Victoria told Ashland she'd had an encounter with Sally and that Sally and Adam were a couple. Ashland laughed. Victoria claimed it was a recipe for disaster. She believed Sally would be a huge distraction and would make it impossible for Adam to do his job. She said Sally was completely underqualified for the COO position, and she foresaw trouble at Newman Media. Ashland felt Victor would regret supporting Adam and Sally as CEO and COO respectively. Victoria wanted to let Adam and Sally fail without any help from her or Ashland.

Victoria received a call from Victor asking her to stop by Newman Media as soon as possible.

Billy arrived at home and heard Lily ask Nate to think about her offer. After Nate left, Lily told Billy that Ashland had offered Nate a job at Newman Locke, and she'd made a counteroffer for Nate to work at Chancellor. Billy felt it was an easy choice who Nate should work with. Lily reminded Billy that Nate was close with Ashland. Billy said Nate was smart and would realize it was time to keep his distance from Ashland.

Billy told Lily he'd run into Ashland at Society, and Victoria had shown up. He'd told Ashland that Victoria needed to open her eyes. Billy wasn't happy about the way he'd handled himself because he'd allowed the residual bitterness for Ashland to take over after weeks of telling Lily he wasn't that guy anymore. He admitted he still had a lot of work to do in that regard.

Lily told Billy that Ashland had succeeded in getting under Billy's skin; however, Billy had said his peace, and he'd left. He'd acknowledged losing his cool. He said Lily was right; Ashland didn't deserve a second of Billy's time. Lily said she knew Billy was a changed man.

Lily told Billy she'd been thinking about Billy's podcast, and she wanted to move forward with it. She said it would be good for Billy to share his experiences and have a creative outlet. She said people would relate to the stories Billy had to tell. Billy wanted Lily to trust that he could take care of the podcast as well as his job as COO. Lily said they had a deal, and they kissed.

Adam met Sally in a suite at the Grand Phoenix. Sally said she'd set a few things straight with Victoria. Sally said she had known Victoria wasn't happy about Sally being COO; however, she would prove herself by making the company bigger and stronger than anyone could have imagined. Adam was impressed that Sally excelled in fighting for what she wanted. Sally said Victoria had asked if she and Adam were more than professional partners. Sally claimed she'd shut Victoria down and stated that Newman Media was their top priority. However, Victoria was on the hunt about Adam's personal life. Adam claimed he could handle Victoria. Sally noticed Adam seemed a little off.

Adam told Sally he hadn't slept much because he'd been thinking about looking out for himself and not playing any games. Adam believed he'd overplayed his hand with Victor. He'd told Victor he wasn't going to spy on Ashland. He'd insisted he be allowed to do his job with no strings attached, or he would walk away from the company. Victor had claimed that Adam didn't understand how important it was for Victor to know what Ashland was doing and that it was Adam's duty to protect the family.

Adam told Sally that Victor didn't understand how important it was for Adam not to be Victor's mole. He said Victor had called him selfish, disloyal, and arrogant. Sally suggested that Victor had lashed out because Adam had shown independence. Adam claimed Victor had meant every word because Victor hated being challenged, especially by family. He said it remained to be seen whether Victor would accept it and understand Adam's perspective. Sally claimed she had intimate knowledge of how Adam could turn any situation to his advantage. She said Victor respected strength, and he would eventually admire Adam for standing up to him.

At Newman Media, Victor was on a video chat with Michael. Michael told Victor he'd persuaded the doctor to share his story on video. The doctor had stated that Ashland had paid the clinic a substantial sum to falsify his medical records and to make it appear he was suffering from terminal cancer when he'd been in perfect health. Victor said he needed more evidence to convince everyone. He wanted Michael to send him the entire paper trail. Victor disconnected the call when Victoria arrived.

PREEMPTION: The Young and the Restless did not air
PREEMPTION: The Young and the Restless did not air

PREEMPTION: The Young and the Restless did not air

Thursday, February 24, 2022

by Soap Central

The Young and the Restless did not air due to CBS coverage of a presidential press conference regarding the crisis in Ukraine. While this was not a planned preemption, there were be no "lost" episodes. The episode originally scheduled for broadcast aired on Friday, February 25.

Jack learns that his son, Keemo, has died
Jack learns that his son, Keemo, has died

Jack learns that his son, Keemo, has died

Friday, February 25, 2022

by Nel

At Newman Media, Victor told Victoria that Adam was having second thoughts about staying at Newman Media. Victoria said she'd done as Victor had asked. She couldn't force Adam to stay. Victor wanted her to smooth things over with Adam to ensure the merger with ChancComm went smoothly.

Victor wanted Victoria to make Adam feel welcomed, appreciated, and respected. Victoria asked if he wanted her to stroke Adam's fragile ego. Victor said as CEO, she needed to deal with people who disagreed with her. He told Victoria to also inform Ashland because Ashland had told Adam that he would keep Adam on a short leash, and if Adam didn't like it, Adam could quit. Victoria was certain Ashland had been setting some boundaries.

Victor shouted at Victoria that no one got to set boundaries on his children except him. Victor asked why Ashland would antagonize Adam. He asked if Ashland had done that unilaterally or if Victoria had been part of it. Victoria said she'd arrived in the middle of that argument, and she'd heard more than enough.

Victoria told Victor that Adam had been testing his boundaries, and Ashland had let Adam know what those boundaries were. She said Adam would have autonomy to a certain degree, but ultimately, he would answer to her and Ashland. Victoria reminded Victor that she'd signed off on Adam's first very questionable major decision.

Victor told Victoria that Ashland had shown Adam a degree of disrespect that Victor didn't like. Victoria smugly asked if that surprised him. Victor asked if Victoria had forgotten that Adam had prevented her wedding from blowing up, even though they'd had their differences. Adam had made sure she and Ashland had had a great wedding in Tuscany.

Victoria told Victor that Adam had done it only to prove his loyalty to Victor, and he'd been rewarded for that. She'd kept him on as head of a division, which would become much larger once the merger was completed. Victoria claimed Adam had gone crying to Daddy. Victor said that hadn't happened, and Adam wasn't trying to stir up trouble. Victor told Victoria not to look for trouble where there was none. He told her to make it work with Adam. He wanted Victoria to make Adam feel welcome for the good of the company. Victoria made a sour face, and she left.

When Nikki arrived, Victor said he'd heard some alarming news about Ashland. Nikki was frustrated and asked if he was digging into Ashland's life again. Victor assured her he wouldn't have done so if he hadn't been given a good reason. Victor told Nikki that Michael had a Peruvian doctor on tape, admitting that Ashland had paid a substantial amount of money to have his medical records falsified. He said Ashland had never had cancer.

Nikki watched the video, and she asked Victor how reliable the doctor was. She thought believing Ashland had paid the doctor to alter his medical records was too far-fetched. Victor said Michael was the sharpest legal mind around, and he'd found the testimony credible. Nikki said the doctor no longer worked at the clinic and was probably a disgruntled employee looking for money or attention -- or both. Victor said Michael was continuing his investigation. Nikki didn't understand why Ashland would lie about his recovery.

In their suite, Adam told Sally he'd been wondering if he'd gone too far with Victor. Adam told Sally that Victor had asked him to spy on Ashland, and that undermined everything Adam had been trying to accomplish. It felt as if his position had been contingent on Victor's bidding and not on his merit, and he admitted he'd been filled with righteous anger.

Adam said that Sally had articulated everything he'd been feeling; she'd said all the things he'd wanted to say to Victor, and he had. Adam said Sally's advice had been spot-on and proved she had great instincts.

Adam told Sally that walking away from Newman Media accomplished nothing. It would only feed into the narrative that he was impulsive and reckless and not to be taken seriously. Adam said it was clear that once the merger went through, Victoria and Ashland would try to push him aside. Adam stated he was going on the offensive, and he would make Victoria and Ashland fail. He said he would tell Victor that he would stay on and keep an eye on Ashland; however, he wouldn't do that for Victor's sake but for his own.

Phyllis stopped by the Abbotts' to check on Jack. Jack said he'd been going through all the text messages he'd received from Keemo, hoping to find a clue. Phyllis said she was there for him if he needed help with anything or just someone to talk to.

Jack read one of Keemo's text messages to Phyllis. Keemo had written he would never forgive Jack for keeping his mother's illness from him and that Jack meant nothing to him. Phyllis told Jack it had been Keemo's knee-jerk reaction to his pain and his way of lashing out at Jack. Jack said he'd reached out to Keemo "so many times," but Keemo had never responded. Phyllis suggested that Keemo might have sent the text message in an effort to reconnect with Jack in some way. She asked if Jack would want to find out if it was Keemo. Jack was afraid to hope, but he wanted to know.

Phyllis told Jack she'd noticed that Hau Nguyen owned a lot more properties aside from the one Jack had been given. Stunned, Jack said he'd found an obituary. He recalled that Keemo had said he would take his mother's maiden name, Nguyen. Jack wondered if it was possible Keemo had taken his grandfather's given name. He asked if Phyllis believed that Hau Nguyen was his son. Phyllis warned Jack not to jump to conclusions.

Jack told Phyllis the date of birth was the same year Keemo had been born. The obituary said he'd died three weeks previously in Los Angeles. Phyllis said it could be a coincidence. Phyllis promised they would find out one way or another. Phyllis found a memorial website, and it displayed Keemo's photo. Heartbroken, Jack stated his son had died.

At the Chancellor mansion, Devon, Abby, Chance, and Amanda were happy that Dominic had slept peacefully through the night. Chance took Devon to one side and told Devon the doctor had said it was okay for Dominic to go to Devon's place. He said Devon had given Dominic an amazing gift, and they were all in it together. Chance said he'd seen how much Devon loved Dominic and knew Devon would do anything for him.

Nate and Dr. Austin arrived. The doctors went upstairs to check on Dominic.

Chance told Abby he finally realized he couldn't manage his PTSD himself, and he needed help. Abby was happy with his decision.

The doctors returned and said Dominic was doing extremely well. His vitals were stable, and there was no sign of infection. Dr. Austin said she'd taken a few cultures to be sure, but Dominic was going to be fine.

Dr. Austin told everyone she'd shared the information with the nurse, who would check for any signs of infection and be watchful for any side effects or other problems that might arise. Everyone was elated, and they all wanted to go and see Dominic. Nate stopped them and reminded them of the high risk of infection. He said they needed to take every precaution in Dominic's room and to limit their visits. Nate was impressed how three parents had worked together for the well-being of a little boy.

In Victoria's office, Ashland was on the phone and told someone to "find the damned doctor" before he did any more damage. Ashland shouted, "How in the hell could you allow this to happen?" Victoria walked in and asked, "Allowed what to happen?" Ashland claimed there was a problem with the contract language in the Newman Media acquisition. He said she didn't need to worry about it. Victoria said she worried about every aspect of Newman Locke, especially when it concerned that deal.

Ashland told Victoria he was on top of it. He claimed it was minor detail and not worth distracting her. Victoria claimed he'd sounded very heated on the phone, and it appeared to be a bigger deal than he was making it out to be. Ashland claimed that sometimes people had to be shaken out of their complacency. He offered to show her the language he'd been referring to, but Victoria declined.

Ashland told Victoria that when they'd decided to merge their companies, he'd been fixated on cementing his legacy. His illness and treatment had made it impossible for him to make any significant contribution, and he hadn't been able to be Victoria's partner. Victoria said she'd encouraged him to leave it to her so he could focus on getting better. Ashland said he felt better, and he wanted to immerse himself into everything they were building. He called it a powerhouse and said it was very exciting.

Ashland told Victoria he'd been trying to carve out a place for himself and make more of a contribution. He said they had both been accustomed to being the heads of their own corporations. Victoria agreed that the dynamic had changed. Ashland said he'd been in an advisory role because of his illness when they'd set Victoria up as CEO. Victoria asked if he was rethinking that.

Ashland told Victoria they worked side by side in a company that bore both their names as equals. He suggested they change his title. Victoria asked if it mattered what his title was, since they were both running the company. He said it mattered when he took on more responsibilities. The legal department had given him a hard time about making a small change about a relatively unimportant matter because he hadn't been deemed a partner.

Victoria asked Ashland who he'd been dealing with and said she would call them and explain. Ashland protested vehemently. He wanted to be respected in his own right. That was what a title did. Victoria felt he was making a big deal out of a very small issue and said it was obvious he was the strong businessman he'd always been. Ashland disagreed. He'd lost that reputation because of his illness, and he needed to get it back if he was going to operate at full capacity. He proposed they change his title to co-CEO.

Victoria hesitated. She told Ashland she was worried it would worsen his condition. She'd seen the toll chemotherapy had taken on him, and she didn't want to risk all the progress he'd made. Ashland said he didn't believe he'd been magically cured; however, he felt better than he had in a long time, and he wanted to live his life to the fullest. He claimed he felt better when he had a purpose. He said it made him feel stronger and in control.

Victoria told Ashland that Victor had put a bug in her head that she needed to be on her guard because Ashland was getting better and stronger, and he might be a threat to her and the company. Victoria knew Victor was wrong about that, and she had no intention of paying attention to what Victor had to said. Victoria agreed to make Ashland co-CEO. She said she would have a contract drawn up immediately.

At Crimson Lights, Devon told Elena no one had slept much because they'd all been listening to the baby monitor. Devon claimed he'd never been so worried. Elena claimed Dominic was the luckiest boy in the world with three parents who were so committed to his well-being.

Nate told Devon and Amanda that he was in the process of making a life and career change. After discussing it with Elena, he'd decided to leave medicine and go into the corporate world. Nate explained that his passion had been being a surgeon; being on the administrative side and the bureaucracy weren't appealing. He said his life hadn't turned out the way he'd planned, but rather than settle for what he had, he'd decided to make a change.

Nate told Devon that he and Ashland had hit it off. It had started with Nate helping Ashland through a bad moment with his illness. Nate was aware they had completely different perspectives and life experiences; however, Ashland had sensed Nate's dissatisfaction. Nate said Ashland had offered Nate the job and convinced him it could be an exciting challenge. Elena said she supported Nate completely.

Devon was surprised that Nate didn't want to work at Hamilton-Winters, since he was already on the board of the family business. Nate said that Lily had also offered him an opportunity to work at Chancellor Industries. Nate appreciated the offers; however, Ashland had gotten the ball rolling, and Nate felt that was the best move for him.

At the counter, Sharon received a call from Chance, who wanted to follow up about finding a therapist as soon as possible.

Sharon arrived at the Chancellor home and gave Chance a list of therapists. Sharon said she understood that talking to someone about very personal matters could feel daunting. Chance didn't know what he would say or even if there was anything to say. He admitted he didn't have it in him to know how a parent should feel, but Devon did. Sharon assured him it would happen for him because he'd taken the first step, and it was a sign of strength. Sharon said to call her if they needed anything, and she left.

Chance called a therapist and said he wanted an appointment as soon as possible.

Nikki asked Victor why Ashland would lie about his condition. Victor said his gut told him there was much more to it than wanting to protect Victoria. Nikki was adamant she wouldn't allow Victor to stir up trouble in Victoria's marriage especially since they didn't know if the information was true. Victor promised he would handle the situation with extreme caution for Victoria's sake. Nikki left when Adam arrived.

Adam told Victor he'd done a lot of thinking since their last talk. He apologized to Victor, and he admitted he hadn't been thinking about family, company, or loyalty; he'd been thinking about himself. He said Victor had given him a great opportunity, and he wanted to make the most of it. Adam said he'd decided to stay on at Newman Media. Victor was happy, and he asked if Adam had spoken to Victoria recently. Adam said he hadn't. He asked if Victor had tried to pressure Victoria to smooth the waters over with him.

Victor told Adam he only wanted to protect his family and bring it together. Adam said he wasn't going to spy on Ashland for Victor. Victor claimed Adam no longer needed to do that because Victor was keeping a close eye on what had been going on at Newman Locke. Victor said he had more reason to believe he was right; however, the most important thing was that Victor could count on Adam. Adam agreed. Victor said all hell was about to break loose.

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