Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 27, 2021 on Y&R

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Victoria realized Billy was only pretending to unravel, and Abby and Chance squirmed when Devon asked for shared custody of Dominic
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of December 27, 2021 on Y&R

Victoria realized Billy was only pretending to unravel, and she agreed to keep mum if he promised to take Newman Media down with a lawsuit. Adam and Sally made New Year's Eve plans. Abby and Chance squirmed when Devon asked them to consider sharing custody of Dominic with him.

Devon steps up to help Chance care for Dominic
Devon steps up to help Chance care for Dominic

Devon steps up to help Chance care for Dominic

Monday, December 27, 2021

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by Anne Carpenter

At Society, Chelsea reunited with Abby. Chelsea greeted little Dominic and recalled Connor as a baby. Chelsea said she'd been relieved when she'd learned that Chance had returned safely. Abby acknowledged it was a miracle. Chelsea noted that her return wouldn't likely be as welcomed, explaining that though she hadn't burned every bridge, she'd set a few fires. Abby assured Chelsea that people would forgive her. Chelsea said what mattered was being with her son.

Abby promised to support Chelsea, especially if the Newmans attempted to give her a hard time. Chelsea laughed and quipped, "Oh, really? You're going to be my defender?" Abby replied, "Oh, absolutely." Chelsea said she, Connor, and Adam had had a nice Christmas together for their son's sake. Abby noted that Adam's about-face changes had impressed her. Chelsea agreed, adding that he'd been surprisingly considerate with her. Abby inquired about the possibility of Chelsea and Adam reuniting. Chelsea sighed and replied, "That would be hard, but you never know."

Chelsea and Chloe met to talk after Abby went to manage her staff. Chelsea reported that she, Connor, and Adam had enjoyed a pleasant Christmas. Chloe got down to business and explained that the fashion platform had been focused on online content, including articles focused on designers, trends, and photo layouts ahead of starting up video production. Chloe admitted she was anxious to get back into design and sales. Chelsea said she, too, was ready to get back to designing and had been working on ideas and sketches.

Chelsea paused a moment before mentioning having had an interesting afternoon with Adam and Sally before Christmas after she'd bumped into them enjoying drinks at the bar. Chelsea acknowledged that though Sally seemed to be a handful, she was smart, ambitious, and competitive. Chloe attempted to defend Sally, but Chelsea noted that Sally had tried to top her ideas, seemingly to impress Adam, while they'd been brainstorming. Chelsea declared that she'd have to be the boss in order to work with Sally and insisted the terms be included in her contract.

At the Grand Phoenix, Sally ran into Tessa. Sally reminded Tessa about them having attended the Newman wedding in Tuscany. Tessa was polite but not overly chatty. Sally acknowledged that few were ever happy to see her, which was why she'd spent Christmas alone. Tessa seemed taken aback when Sally admitted she'd been reaching out to people she admired and respected. Sally recalled having been a fan from the time Tessa had landed in hot water after plagiarizing lines from Mariah's diary and incorporating them in a hit song. Sally defended Tessa, explaining that she'd done what any artist would do. Sally acknowledged that she also drew inspiration from elsewhere when she designed. Tessa replied, "So, you're comparing your dresses and my songs."

Tessa told Sally her songs were often inspired by her and Mariah's relationship, though her lyrics centered on emotions rather than stories. Sally mentioned channeling her feelings into the design of Victoria's wedding gown. Tessa said she believed a designer should focus on the bride's essence. Sally explained that she and Victoria both shared a strong sense of ambition. Sally approached Tessa about designing her concert wardrobe. Tessa explained that she usually wore her own clothing and wasn't into wearing sequined cat suits or thigh-high boots. Sally was persistent and claimed that because they were both fighters, it might be a good jumping-off point to explore.

Noah approached Sally and Tessa and asked Tessa if he was late. Sally told Noah she hoped to work with Tessa in the future. Noah wasn't in favor of bantering with Sally and explained that he and Tessa had work to do. Sally asked if a new album might be on the horizon, but Noah wasn't in the mood to disclose the details. After Sally left, Noah labeled her as being trouble, recalling what she'd done to Summer and Kyle. Tessa said she and everyone else in town knew what had transpired.

Tessa took pity and said Sally was lonely and ostracized. Noah warned Tessa not to involve herself with "the stray" named Sally. Tessa said she couldn't help but feel empathy, noting that Sally had spent Christmas alone. Tessa suggested they not be so quick to judge Sally. Noah admitted that Tessa's big, generous heart impressed him, even if she was accepting of undeserving people.

Noah showed Tessa his rendering of the album cover, explaining that he'd removed the image Mariah had found offensive. Tessa laughed and said the edit would save her grief at home. Tessa gazed at the image of her face superimposed over a cityscape and said she loved it more than she'd thought she would. Tessa explained that she associated the photograph with Mariah because she'd been thinking about Mariah when the photo had been taken. Noah said it explained why Tessa had appeared content and glowing.

Tessa announced that she and Mariah had talked about having a baby of their own. Noah said he was happy -- if they both wanted it. Tessa credited Noah for helping her realize she wanted to share Mariah's dream of welcoming a child. After Tessa received a message from Mariah, she was eager to grab coffee and meet her partner at the park. Noah replied, "Sounds fun. Tell her I'm excited to be an uncle." Before she left, Tessa approved of the cover and instructed Noah to send it to Devon.

At Crimson Lights, Chance ran into Adam. Adam welcomed Chance home and apologized for having missed the party held to welcome him home, explaining that he hadn't been certain Chance wanted to see him. Chance explained that the party had been a bit overwhelming because he hadn't had time to adjust. Adam asked if he and Connor might stop by sometime to drop off a gift for Dominic. Chance acknowledged that Abby had been impressed with Adam balancing his role at Newman Media while raising Connor alone when Chelsea had been away. Adam was happy to know Abby had painted him in a positive light, though he expressed doubt that Chance felt the same way, having insisted in the past that they would no longer be friends. Adam noted that though he couldn't right his wrongs, he was trying to be a better person, especially for his family.

Adam told Chance he hoped to someday regain Chance's trust. Chance altered his schedule to stay and reconnect with Adam. The two men sat and easily chatted. Adam mentioned Chance's latest mission and recalled the difficult undercover assignment Chance had undertaken in Las Vegas. Chance firmly replied that he wasn't ready to talk about Spain and instead was focused on getting to know his son. Adam, recalling his absence from Connor, suggested it was best to focus on the present rather than attempting to make up for lost time. Chance replied that Jack had spoken about mourning the loss of missed time with Kyle.

Chance cried that he should have been with his family, protecting them, instead of attempting to save the world from the bad guys. Adam warned that guilt kept one rooted in the past, so it was best to move forward and focus on the future. Adam proclaimed that Dominic was Chance's future, so he should create a bond by spending time with his son. Chance said he wished it could be so easy. Chance cut the conversation off, explaining that Abby was waiting for him. Adam seemed troubled as Chance grabbed his jacket and left.

Adam was in his office when Chelsea arrived for work and announced that she and Chloe had worked out the details of her contract. Adam said he was pleased to have Chelsea join the team. Adam closed the door, so they could talk about their relationship. Adam mentioned the painting of the lake house Chelsea had given him as a gift and asked what message she'd hoped to convey. Chelsea cleared her throat and replied, "Only that I miss that time when we first moved in there. Do you remember what it was like? Before Sharon?" Adam said he did.

Chelsea asked Adam if he missed their life together. Noah entered, explaining that no one had been at the reception desk. Noah felt awkward for having interrupted and asked if it was a bad time to talk about the job. Chelsea abruptly changed the topic she and Adam had been discussing and excitedly said, "I didn't know you were working here. I love that idea. Connor's going to be so jealous when he realizes I get to work with you." Chelsea thanked Noah for spending time playing with Connor. Noah said Connor was a great kid, in spite of his old man. Adam joked that he could take Noah's abuse, realizing it wasn't as bad as it could have been previously. After Adam agreed to set up an appointment, Noah left.

Adam brought up the painting again. Chelsea said she hadn't intended for memories of the past to put pressure on Adam. Adam admitted he had fond memories, though he felt no pressure because they couldn't recapture their past and had to accept that what they'd had was over. Chelsea agreed they should move on as Connor's parents, a role she was grateful for because it made their son so happy. Sally stood outside the doorway, listening, and overheard Chelsea welcome the opportunity for her and Adam to spend time with Connor while he was home on break.

Abby was on the phone in Society's dining area, ordering seafood, when Chance arrived. Dominic, in his stroller, had become fussy. Abby hung up and declared that she needed a new seafood supplier. Chance said he could help by taking Dominic off Abby's hands for a little while. Chance seemed eager to feed the baby and enjoy a little father-son time before the baby took a nap. Chance leaned down close to Dominic and said it was time for him to fly solo after Abby had shown him what to do. Abby seemed reluctant as Chance prepared to leave with the baby.

Elena joined Sharon on the patio at the coffeehouse. After both acknowledged the busyness of the holiday season, Elena announced that she'd stopped by to give notice about relinquishing her apartment above the coffeehouse. Elena was elated when she told Sharon that Nate had asked her to move in with him. Elena admitted she'd had misgivings about the overlap between private life and work because Nate was technically her boss at the hospital. Sharon advised Elena not to create problems where there were none.

Elena vowed not to talk about work at home. Sharon advised Elena to think of her new home with Nate as a respite from everything going on at the hospital. Elena agreed and explained that Nate was clearing out space for her to add her own touches to his place. Elena wasn't shy about her plans to have Nate get rid of two purple lamps she didn't like. Elena thanked Sharon for setting her at ease and helping her embrace the excitement of creating a home with Nate.

When Sharon entered the dining area, she ran into Tessa, who was ordering coffee. Tessa thanked Sharon for inviting her to Christmas dinner. Sharon insisted the celebration wouldn't have been the same without her because she was part of the family. Sharon mentioned the apartment upstairs and suggested it would be more hospitable than living in a hotel. Tessa phoned Mariah to discuss moving. Tessa later announced that she and Mariah would take the apartment. Tessa thanked Sharon for being supportive, tearfully adding that she loved being part of a family.

At Devon's penthouse, Nate stopped by. Devon teasingly harassed Nate about carving out space for Elena and making his home more attractive by eliminating a pair of ugly purple lamps. Nate said he'd stopped by to check on Devon because Devon had seemed down and a bit distracted during Christmas dinner. Devon said he'd been thinking a lot about Dominic celebrating his first Christmas. Nate picked up a framed print of Dominic's footprints and suggested that the visible reminder had added to Devon's distraction. Devon admitted he'd had to adjust after Dominic had left his care, though he knew the baby belonged with his mother and father.

Nate expressed concern that Devon hadn't taken time to examine how he felt about it. Devon admitted he missed everything about caring for Dominic, even changing diapers and sleepless nights. Devon acknowledged having felt a connection to the baby the instant Dominic had entered the world. Devon told Nate the bond had strengthened while he'd had the boy in his home. Devon acknowledged that he was struggling with not having a constant role in Dominic's life. Nate replied, "In that case, I think you should do something about it." Devon said he was hesitant to do anything more because he was the baby's godfather and felt it was right to give Chance time to bond.

Nate pressed the issue and advised Devon to request more time with Dominic and make his role more official. Devon explained that Amanda had suggested the same, though he wasn't certain it was the right time to insert himself legally. Nate recalled the special circumstances involved and encouraged Devon to help Dominic thrive by lending his love and support. Devon thanked Nate and said he valued Nate's opinion. Nate suggested Devon approach Abby, explain how attached he was to Dominic, and request that he be allowed to play an active role in the boy's life. Devon seemed relieved that Nate had helped him understand that his desires weren't based on selfishness.

Chance struggled while caring for Dominic at home. Devon arrived. Chance, somewhat exasperated, noted that he'd been unsuccessful at enticing Dominic to take his bottle. Chance explained that Abby was taking care of things at the restaurant. Dominic began crying as Chance disclosed that he'd failed at all the techniques he'd learned to soothe his son. Chance worried that Dominic might have fallen ill.

Devon explained that Dominic was tired and needed to be calmed. Devon took the baby in his arms. Just as Abby entered, Dominic stopped crying as Devon hoisted the baby lovingly upon his shoulder and held him close.

Billy asks Victoria to go along with his plan
Billy asks Victoria to go along with his plan

Billy asks Victoria to go along with his plan

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

by Jenny Smith

At the Grand Phoenix, Phyllis spotted a suit-clad Nick and observed that he was back in work mode after the holiday. They chatted about their recent video chat with Summer, and Nick mentioned that he was wearing the gift Phyllis had given him. She smelled his essence and told him not to expect a birthday gift, since she hadn't planned that far in advance. He announced that he'd be giving himself the best gift ever by going to see Summer. Phyllis admitted that she was a bit upset that she hadn't thought of the idea first, but she told him to have a ball.

Nick chalked his sudden impulse to go to Italy up as a New Year's resolution to be more spontaneous. Phyllis remarked that the downside of having a birthday on New Year's Eve was being forced to examine one's life choices, but she could think of worse places than Milan to do it. Phyllis told Nick to let her know if there was anything he needed in Genoa City while he was gone, but he responded that he wasn't her problem anymore. They awkwardly wished one another a happy New Year, and he headed out.

Phyllis greeted Lauren, who'd just wrapped up a lunch meeting at the hotel. Phyllis was glad to see someone other than one of her exes, and she mentioned that she'd had recent encounters with Jack and Nick. Phyllis confided that she was jealous that Nick was going to visit Summer, and Lauren implored Phyllis to hop on a plane to Italy herself. Phyllis hesitated because she'd look like a stalker. Lauren received a text message from Jack, who canceled their meeting the next day because he was in New York. Phyllis voiced surprise that Jack had gone out of town alone over the holidays, and she speculated that he'd left to get away from her.

Phyllis told Lauren that she'd turned down Jack's invitation to spend Christmas Eve with his family, since his sisters hated her. Lauren imagined that Jack had felt rejected, but she didn't buy Phyllis' excuse because Phyllis would have reveled in the opportunity to make Ashley and Traci uncomfortable. Phyllis conceded that she and Jack were in a delicate place, and she didn't want to screw things up by pushing their friendship into something else. Lauren clucked that it sounded like Phyllis had already damaged the relationship, and she implied that Phyllis could make it up to Jack on New Year's Eve.

Lauren reasoned that the worst case for Phyllis would be spending a pleasant evening with a good friend, but the best case might be Phyllis finding herself wanting to kiss Jack at midnight. Lauren contemplated whether it would be a kiss on the cheek or the lips, but Phyllis groaned that the whole thing was complicated. Lauren considered it a moot point because she'd asked Jack how long he'd be in New York, and he'd told her he'd be gone a few weeks. Phyllis figured it wasn't meant to be, and everything had worked out for the best because she, Jack, and the holidays would be a bad mix.

At the Chancellor mansion, Abby found Devon cradling Dominic in his arms while Chance looked on. Abby enthused that all her favorite guys were in one room, and Chance complimented Devon's baby-whispering skills. Abby figured that they'd lucked out with the timing of Devon's visit. Devon confirmed that he loved spending time with Dominic, but he'd stopped by to discuss something with Abby and Chance.

After Abby put Dominic down for a nap, Devon recalled what an incredible experience it had been to be Dominic's godfather and to watch the baby while Abby and Chance had been out of town. Chance said they were grateful they'd had Devon to rely on, and Devon replied that it had meant the world to him to help them out. Devon appreciated them being open about wanting Dominic to know who Devon was, and Abby reiterated that Devon was part of the family. Abby called the bond between Devon and Dominic special and important. Devon announced that it was why he wanted to talk to them about ending their agreement.

Devon gushed that the whole experience had been more than he'd ever anticipated, since a lot had happened that none of them could have predicted. He continued that he'd never imagined he'd be part of Dominic's delivery or be the first person to hold him, and that moment had become one of the most significant ones of his life. Devon added that he'd also never expected Abby to leave Dominic with him, but he was happy she had because he'd loved every second of it and felt that time together had cemented their bond.

Devon explained that the initial arrangement had made sense when he'd expected to be a family friend who dropped in on special occasions, but it had turned into much more for him. He asked Abby and Chance to consider amending the agreement to allow him to spend more time alone with Dominic. Devon envisioned Dominic having his own room at the penthouse when the baby stayed over, and Abby became visibly flustered. She thought it sounded like Devon was requesting shared custody. Devon hesitated to use those words, but he confirmed that was what he was talking about.

A bewildered Abby asked if she and Chance had done something to make Devon feel left out. Devon swore that he felt welcome there, and he contended that his request was only about his desire to spend more time with Dominic. Devon referred to his own history of not having a father figure until he'd met Neil, and he believed those relationships were important to kids. Devon added that they also didn't know what the future held. Devon assured them that he wasn't worried; however, the last year had taught them that life was unpredictable, and he wanted Dominic to know he could always count on Devon.

Devon insisted that he didn't want to replace Chance as Dominic's father, but he wanted to be someone who loved and supported Dominic. Abby pointed out that Dominic already loved and trusted Devon, and Devon reasoned that it was why he'd felt confident asking Abby and Chance to put something in writing. Abby became agitated and turned away. Chance suggested that he and Abby talk about it before they discussed it with Devon further, and Devon urged them to take time to think about it. After Devon left, Abby wailed that she didn't understand. Chance believed it was because of him.

Chance pointed out that Devon's bond with Dominic had strengthened because Chance had decided to go on a mission instead of being there for his son. Abby refused to let Chance beat himself up, and she thought if anyone was to blame, it was her for asking Devon to care for Dominic instead of leaving the tot with a family member. Chance sensed that Devon didn't trust Chance to be there for Abby or Dominic. Abby thought it was a big leap, but Chance admitted that he'd said some things to Devon that he shouldn't have said.

Chance confessed that he'd hinted to Devon that he was overwhelmed not only by adjusting to life at home but also by being a father, and he'd been trying to make up for not being there when his son had needed him. Chance swore that being a father was a dream come true for him, but it was happening under circumstances that none of them had ever imagined and was much harder than he'd thought it would be. Chance continued that Devon was able to do things Chance couldn't, like instinctively knowing how to calm Dominic down.

Abby realized that she hadn't known how much Chance had been struggling, and she assured him that his relationship with Dominic would grow over time. Abby decided to take Devon at his word that his request had nothing to do with her and Chance and everything to do with his connection to Dominic. Abby cited the unexpected attachment Mariah had felt to Dominic after he'd been born, and she compared it to the way Devon was feeling. Abby had faith that they would work everything out as long as they were in it together.

Abby sympathized with Chance's frustration that his connection with Dominic hadn't clicked into place right away. She assured him that he could talk to her about anything, and he wouldn't scare her off or disappoint her. Abby asserted that she was tough, and Chance was sorry she had to be. She proclaimed that she was the luckiest woman in the world to be his wife, and she was happy he was home. They embraced, but she looked unnerved.

Nate ran into Lily at Crimson Lights. He shared that he was there to help Elena start packing for their big move, and Lily noted that it seemed like everything had worked out romantically for Nate and Elena as well as Devon and Amanda. Nate recalled that he'd seen Devon earlier, and they'd talked about how Devon missed having Dominic around after Chance and Abby had returned to town. Nate revealed that he'd encouraged Devon to talk to Abby and Chance about revisiting their arrangement, but Devon hadn't seemed sold on the idea. Lily thought it would be better if Devon didn't pursue it.

Lily recognized that Nate's heart had been in the right place, but she knew how sensitive the issue could be after her own experience with having Mac carry the twins. Lily empathized that new parents were overwhelmed with joy and gratitude, but there was also a lot of doubt. Lily worried that Abby and Chance might feel like Devon was implying he could do a better job. Nate hoped that Abby could see things from Devon's perspective, since she'd chosen Devon to take care of Dominic while she'd searched for Chance. Lily stated that everyone loved Dominic, and she was sure they would figure something out. She headed home to have a chat with her own babies.

Nate ran into Devon on the patio. Devon reported that he'd taken Nate's advice and talked to Abby and Chance about amending the agreement so Devon could spend more time with Dominic. Devon shared that Abby had been surprised that he wasn't satisfied with the way things were, and Nate wondered if Chance had felt threatened. Devon thought he'd made it clear that he wasn't trying to take Chance's place in Dominic's life, and he hoped Abby and Chance saw Dominic spending more time with his godfather as a good thing. Nate realized that Elena was probably thinking he was trying to get out of helping her pack, and he invited Devon upstairs to say hello.

Inside the coffeehouse, Sharon readily agreed to Nick's request that she watch Christian while Nick was in Milan. She was glad Nick hadn't changed his mind about going on the trip, since he'd seemed pensive on Christmas Eve. She recalled that Faith had mentioned something about a dream he'd had, but he claimed that he barely remembered it. He eventually confided that he'd been wrestling with things that might have bubbled to the surface in his dream, but he didn't want to talk about it. Sharon swore that she'd be there for him if he changed his mind.

At Society, Billy chugged a drink at the bar. He spotted Victoria walk in and ordered another drink from the bartender. Victoria approached the bar, and Billy mentioned that he'd thought she'd taken the kids to Madison to see The Nutcracker. She explained that one of the children's friends was having a party, and she'd wanted them to have a chance to say goodbye before they left. Victoria huffed that she was grateful Johnny and Katie hadn't seen Billy drinking alone in the middle of the afternoon. Victoria doubted Lily would be okay with it, since she knew what it felt like to be in Lily's shoes.

Billy told Victoria not to pretend that it wasn't exactly what she'd wanted. She denied wanting to see him self-destruct or liking sending the kids away to boarding school, and she cited the lengths she'd needed to go to to protect the children from seeing their father fall apart. Billy growled that Victoria could have stopped what had gone down, but she'd given Victor and Adam the green light. Victoria questioned when Billy was going to stop blaming others for his problems, and she argued that Victor and Adam hadn't forced Billy to order a drink. She reached over to swipe the glass away from him, but it spilled. She sniffed the drink while mopping up the mess and realized it was apple juice. She demanded to know why he wanted her to think he was drinking too much.

Billy reasoned that it was too early to have a scotch, even for him. Victoria found it implausible that a grown man would be drinking apple juice at a bar, and she suspected that he'd ordered it because it looked a lot like scotch. She wondered why he wanted her to think the worst of him, and she surmised that he wanted to make her feel guilty that he'd lost his job. She scolded that it was the most passive-aggressive thing she'd ever witnessed, but he grumbled that it was impossible to get a Newman to feel guilty about anything. Victoria pressed to know why he was trying to punish her by playing the victim. Billy spat that he'd had enough fun for one day, and he stalked out.

At home, Lily finished a call with the twins as Billy returned home. She reported that Charlie and Mattie were having a good time with their dad in Hawaii, but she became concerned when she saw the scowl on Billy's face. Billy fretted that he might have thrown a wrench into his plan, since Victoria had discerned that he'd been drinking apple juice while pretending he was drunk, and he hadn't had a cover story. Billy anticipated that Victoria would either figure out what he was doing or would talk to someone, and Jack would tell her the truth if she turned to him.

Billy worried that all his efforts to trick Adam might have been for nothing, and he recognized that Lily probably wouldn't mind if that happened. Lily conceded that she didn't love watching Billy pretend to fall apart, but she accepted that it was important to him to redeem himself publicly. Billy pledged to find a way to keep Victoria quiet.

At Newman-Locke, Victoria coolly told her assistant to send someone in. Billy and Lily appeared, and Victoria griped that she'd thought he'd had enough fun for the day. He revealed that he was there to discuss something more serious, and Victoria imagined Lily was relieved he was sober. Lily divulged that Billy's drinking had never been a concern. Victoria realized that Lily was in on the bizarre game Billy was playing and that Lily had been playing her when pressing for details about what signs to look for if he suffered a relapse. Billy hoped Victoria would understand and perhaps even be on their side once he explained, but she was skeptical.

Billy outlined his plan to get Adam to publish a false article about Billy's downward spiral to eventually force Newman Media to publicly acknowledge the pain it had caused ChancComm and Billy. Victoria ranted that only Billy would devise a plan that stupid to redeem himself when the solution was right in front of his face -- get another job and earn his good name back. Billy refused to let Victor and Adam get away with what they'd done, and Lily argued that there was poetic justice to the plan. Lily questioned whether Victoria really wanted Adam to end up on top after all the things he'd gotten away with, but Victoria asserted that her feelings about Adam were irrelevant.

Billy appealed to Victoria just to stay out of it and wash her hands of him like she'd wanted to do for a long time. Victoria balked at staying silent while he set a trap for her father, but Billy indicated that he just wanted to prove that Adam had no place running Newman Media. Billy believed that Victoria also wanted to see Adam taken down, and he requested that she simply stay out of Billy's way. Victoria resented being put in the middle of the mess, and she lectured that none of it would have happened if Billy had listened to her and left Ashland alone. Billy recognized that he'd made mistakes, but he'd also been screwed over. Lily suggested that Victoria take time to think it over, but Victoria told them not to hold their breath. Billy and Lily filed out.

At home, Billy bemoaned that the silence was deafening. Lily thought they might have to accept that Victoria wouldn't go along with his plan. Lily agreed with Victoria's statement that Billy had other ways to redeem himself, and she suggested that he join Chancellor as a consultant to rebuild his reputation. The doorbell rang, and Billy found Victoria there.

Victoria called Billy's plan outrageous and flawed. She saw a million things that could go wrong, but she announced her decision not to get in the way. Billy thanked her, but she informed him that she wasn't finished. She agreed to keep quiet for a price, since there had to be something in it for her if she went along with it.

Victoria decides to help Billy with his scheme
Victoria decides to help Billy with his scheme

Victoria decides to help Billy with his scheme

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

by Nel

At Newman Media, Sally asked Adam what had become of the videos of Billy. Adam said nothing had happened, but he appreciated that Sally had captured everything. She asked what Adam planned to do with that information. Adam claimed a decision hadn't been made, and it wasn't something he'd wanted or caused, as much as Billy had tried to proclaim when he'd had a few too many.

Adam told Sally that Billy had taken a gamble and lost when he'd gone after Ashland. He said Billy's career had taken a hit. Sally realized the information was basically protection in case Billy went after Newman Media. Adam said the evidence of Billy drinking and gambling was nothing new, given the times it had happened previously. It had lost its shock value, and it didn't warrant a preemptive strike.

Sally told Adam she was happy to hear that because she was worried it would affect her plans for Newman Fashion. Sally asked if Adam had any plans for New Year's Eve. Adam said he didn't. Sally didn't, either, and she suggested they could do nothing together, as friends. Adam agreed. Sally left.

At home Billy asked Victoria if the satisfaction of watching him turn the tables on Adam wouldn't be enough for her. Billy assured Victoria that Adam would use the information about his drinking and gambling, and Adam would use Newman Media to shame Billy. Then Billy would sue Adam and his company into oblivion.

Lily asked Victoria for her silence while Billy pulled off his scheme. Billy said Adam wouldn't resist taking Billy's bait. Victoria stated she wouldn't tip Adam or her father off if Billy went through with his lawsuit against Adam and Newman Media. She wanted Billy to hit Adam hard and to demand a crushing amount of money. Billy stated it wasn't about money. The damage to Adam and Victor's reputation would be devastating, and that would be enough for him.

Billy told Victoria that all he wanted was for Adam to admit that he'd set Billy up. Victoria knew Billy deserved the vindication; however, she pointed out that vindication meant the story Billy had published about Ashland's crimes was true and that Ashland had to take a hit for something he'd done in the past. She asked why she would go along with that.

Billy realized that Victoria wanted to use the lawsuit to scoop up Newman Media, but Victoria claimed she was simply giving Billy her terms for her silence. Billy felt there was a way for both of them to benefit. He said when and if Victoria scooped up Newman Media, he wanted Victoria to let him run it. Victoria said Billy had failed running ChancComm. She asked if Billy thought she would give him a shot at a repeat performance.

Billy reminded Victoria that he hadn't failed. He'd been the victim of a very carefully orchestrated plan by Victor and Adam to destroy him. Billy said he'd never planned on publishing Ashland's story. He said that Ashland's lawsuit would have been enough to cripple ChancComm, but he'd swallowed his pride and made a very public retraction. He'd stepped down from ChancComm because he hadn't wanted to see it dismantled or sold. Billy told Victoria he'd put together a plan to force Victor and Adam to acknowledge what they'd done. Billy said his plan was about salvaging his reputation, his credibility, and his name. He asked Victoria not to take that away from him.

Victoria said Billy had made a very compelling case, and she was willing to look the other way while the game was afoot, provided Billy followed through with his threat and filed a suit against Adam and Newman Media because she needed something to work with. Billy claimed that Victoria would end up with Newman Media and ChancComm, and he would be left out in the cold with Victor and Adam -- a very clever strategy. Victoria claimed she hadn't said "no" to anything. She claimed that a good leader needed to show good judgment, and Billy had given her too many reasons to doubt him.

Billy claimed Victoria had made a classic Victor move, or perhaps it was about Ashland because he regretted not selling Cyaxares to Victoria in the beginning. Victoria told Billy not to worry about her motivation because one word from her, and Billy's plan would be finished. He reminded Victoria that they had worked very hard to protect their kids from any of it, and he asked if she wanted the kids to find out about all of it.

Billy told Victoria that if he ran Newman Media, it would be good business. He could continue to do the good work he'd done at ChancComm for both of her companies. Billy said he deserved Victoria's help after everything Adam and Victor had done to him and everything he'd been through. Victoria said she would consider everything, and she left.

At Society, Chelsea thanked Rey for the Chicago Blackhawks hockey jersey he'd given Connor. Rey said Connor was a great kid. Rey asked how Chelsea was doing. Chelsea said she was happy because her son was happy. Rey asked her to be honest with him. Chelsea said considering her and Rey's history, she felt he was the only person she could tell the unvarnished truth to. Rey said he'd seen her crawl out of the dark place she'd been in, and she'd become the mother Connor needed.

Chelsea told Rey that she was living in the penthouse that was filled with memories of her and Adam, and she'd just signed a contract to start working in Adam's company. Rey imagined Connor would love to have his parents together. Chelsea said that she and Adam had made it clear to Connor that that wasn't going to happen. Rey wanted Chelsea to look at her life without Adam and see how much better she was without him.

Chelsea told Rey that Adam was a good father. She wanted them to exist peacefully and work together to do what was best for Connor. Adam had made changes in his life, and he loved his son. Rey wanted to believe that he would have been a good dad, but that time had passed for him and Sharon. Rey and Chelsea wished each other a happy New Year, and Rey left.

At Crimson Lights, Mariah asked Sharon how soon she and Tessa could move in after Elena moved out. Sharon claimed she wanted to clean and paint the apartment before she turned the place over. She wanted everything to be perfect for them. Tessa and Mariah claimed the place was already perfect. Mariah stated they had complete access to the best coffee in town and would be close to Sharon. Sharon claimed it sounded like they were trying to butter up the landlady. Mariah said more along the lines of buttering up "Grandma." Sharon's jaw dropped.

Mariah explained to Sharon that she and Tessa had decided to have a child together, and they wanted to start immediately. Tessa clarified they were talking about adoption. Mariah stated that Tessa being pregnant wasn't feasible because she would be on the road a lot once her album came out, and the doctor had told Mariah to wait a year before becoming pregnant again. They felt adoption was their best option.

Mariah told Sharon that she and Tessa had had in-depth discussions about everything Mariah had gone through and how it had affected her, and they'd talked about the responsibility of bringing another life into the world. They'd made the decision together. Mariah assured Sharon they wouldn't be doing it if they weren't both genuinely certain. Sharon was happy for them; however, she told them that the adoption process could be long and difficult.

Tessa told Sharon they were aware, and it was the reason they wanted to begin the process immediately. Mariah claimed they were ready for any obstacles, and they knew it would be more difficult for them to adopt. When Noah arrived and said he had the final cover for Tessa's album, he and Tessa left.

Mariah said she knew Sharon was worried about Mariah and Tessa's plan to adopt. Sharon told Mariah that the process of adoption could be very daunting. She said once they started the proceedings, they would need each other to lean on through the waiting and the disappointments they would encounter. Mariah claimed she was lucky to have such a strong partner.

On the patio, Tessa told Noah she was blown away with the cover. Noah said that everything Tessa brought to the table -- and then put into her music -- was one of the many reasons he adored her as a friend. Mariah joined them, and she wanted to see the album cover. Mariah took one look and said Noah had done something very special.

After Noah left for his meeting with Adam, Tessa asked Mariah if Sharon wasn't happy about their decision to adopt. Mariah said Sharon was concerned because adoption was going to be challenging. Tessa claimed they could do it.

Rey arrived at the coffeehouse and greeted Noah as Noah rushed out the door. Rey asked Sharon if there was a problem. Sharon said there had been a lot going on with the kids. Rey said he wanted to take his wife home, and they left.

In a booth, Chloe told Sally she'd had an excellent meeting with Chelsea about the direction they were going to take the fashion platform. She said Chelsea's return had the fashion world buzzing, and they had received a ton of interview requests from major trade publications, all wanting an exclusive. Chloe asked why Sally was tuning her out. Chloe surmised it was because Sally didn't have a date for New Year's Eve. Chloe invited Sally to spend New Year's Eve with her and Kevin.

Chloe said Esther would babysit the kids, and she and Kevin were going to hang out with Lauren and Michael. It would give Sally the perfect opportunity to make nice with Lauren after the wedding dress meltdown. Sally declined and said she had plans for that night, and it was nothing big or exciting. Chloe demanded to know who Sally wasn't going on a date with on New Year's Eve. Sally claimed her evening would bore Chloe to tears.

At Newman, Victoria told Ashland about Billy's plan. Ashland wasn't surprised because it was exactly the kind of stunt Billy would pull. He said the element of surprise was gone because Victoria knew about Billy's plan. Victoria said it was -- unless she remained silent and let Adam and Newman Media fall into Billy's trap. She said a lot of things had to go right for it to work. Ashland said there were things that could be quite damaging -- like the article about him that was true. Victoria claimed she'd found a way around that. She said she'd offered to keep quiet on one condition: when Billy filed suit against Adam and Newman Media, it made Newman Media ripe for takeover, just like ChancComm.

Ashland loved the idea; however, he asked if it was wise to go up against Victor. Victoria reminded him she'd done it before with Cyaxares. She said Victor had never liked the idea that she'd sold Newman's media division to Chancellor Industries. Ashland asked why Billy would want to hand over Newman Media to them. Victoria said Billy wanted to run it. Ashland hoped she wasn't planning to let Billy do that, especially after the way he'd tried to hurt Victoria and discredit him. Victoria assured him that Billy wouldn't be a problem.

At the ranch, Ashland and Victoria told Victor and Nikki that Ashland had received his latest test results, and the treatment appeared to have stopped the cancer. Victor and Nikki were ecstatic. Victor stated it was time for Ashland to be part of the Newman-Locke boardroom. Adam arrived. He'd wanted to share his plans for Newman Media for the new year. Victor asked him to join them for a drink instead.

Victoria and Ashland shared Ashland's news with Adam. Adam was happy for them. Victoria said they were elated, but it had been disconcerting to see Billy drinking at the bar in the middle of the day again. Adam said it was all too predictable. Victoria hoped that Adam wasn't planning on exploiting Billy, although Adam might feel justified after Billy had published that expos about him. Adam said Billy wasn't doing anything they hadn't seen a dozen times before. He said there was nothing to exploit. Victoria called Billy.

After Victoria left, Lily told Billy that in the beginning, she'd believed his plan had been outrageous, but she'd been willing to go along with it because she'd felt it would be justice for what Victor and Adam had done to him. She'd believed Billy had a real shot at clearing his name, and she'd been willing to play the aggrieved girlfriend because she loved Billy. She'd believed in what he'd been trying to do, but Victoria had waltzed in and made her demands, and Billy's plan had taken on a new dimension.

Billy told Lily that Victoria had discovered he'd been lying. Lily claimed Victoria wanted him to keep up with the public display of being a relapsing addict so that Victoria could take control of Newman Media. She stated that Billy was at Victoria's mercy, and she wondered if Billy could trust Victoria with anything. Lily couldn't believe that Billy had given in to Victoria's demands without a fight. Billy claimed he'd lost all his leverage, and he was trying to roll with the punches. Lily pointed out that Billy wanted to work for his ex and Ashland, who had every reason to hold a grudge against Billy.

Billy told Lily he believed they could work together and that Victoria respected his business acumen. Lily claimed Victoria was using him. His cover had been blown by someone who couldn't be trusted. Lily said that Billy, Adam, Victor, and Ashland were all Victoria's pawns in her game to out-Victor Victor. Lily said that for Billy's plan to work, Billy had to trick Adam into doing something that would get him sued. Adam wasn't a fool, and he clearly had no interest in Billy's return to the gutter act. She asked what Billy planned to do.

Billy received a call from Victoria, who said Billy needed to up his game because Adam wasn't interested in watching Billy spiral again.

Chelsea is determined to reunite with Adam
Chelsea is determined to reunite with Adam

Chelsea is determined to reunite with Adam

Thursday, December 30, 2021

by Nel

Lauren arrived at the Grand Phoenix and wished Phyllis a happy New Year. Lauren knew Jack was out of town and she invited Phyllis to have dinner with her family. Phyllis declined and said she wasn't going to crash Lauren's romantic dinner with Michael. Lauren informed her that Chloe and Kevin would be there. Lauren said she needed Phyllis there to act as referee because there was still tension between her and Chloe after what Chloe had allowed Sally to pull with Victoria's wedding dress. Lauren said she would hurl insults at Chloe -- but into Phyllis' ear so she wouldn't ruin Chloe and Kevin's good time. Phyllis said trash-talking could be a lot of fun.

Phyllis agreed to spend the evening with Lauren and Michael. Phyllis asked what could be better than to ring in the New Year with a potential catfight between Lauren and Chloe. Lauren suggested that Phyllis call Jack and tell him that even though she'd declined spending Christmas Eve with him, she needed to let him know things between them were good. Phyllis assured Lauren that things were good between her and Jack. Lauren said she would see Phyllis later, and she left.

Phyllis sent Jack a text message that read, "Hey, Lauren told me you're on a business trip. Hope it goes well. Guess I'll see you next year."

At home, Abby recalled the conversation with Devon when he'd asked to change the terms of their contract; he wanted shared custody of Dominic. When Chance joined Abby, she told him she'd been trying to process Devon's request to change the contract that had been drawn up before Dominic's birth. She wondered why Devon hadn't broached the issue much earlier, insisting it might have changed many of their decisions, but they had all agreed to the plan. Chance said no one could have predicted all the crazy things that had happened.

Abby told Chance they owed Devon "so much," not only for being a donor, but for loving Dominic so much. Chance said that as the baby grew up, Devon would be a very important part of the baby's life. Abby said she wouldn't do anything to jeopardize that. Chance asked if Abby was going to agree to Devon's request.

Abby told Chance the more she thought about Devon's request, the worse she felt. She said she could have asked a number of people to look after Dominic while she'd been away, but she'd chosen Devon. Chance said Abby had trusted Devon to take good care of their son. Chance felt that it hadn't been an issue for Devon to maintain emotional issues at that time. Chance felt it might have happened when Chance and Abby had returned, and Devon had seen Chance struggling to adjust.

Abby told Chance that Devon wouldn't hold that against Chance because he knew Chance was doing his best. Abby felt Devon had an issue with her parenting. Devon might have felt she'd been irresponsible when she'd dropped the baby off with him and left for Spain. Chance disagreed. He claimed Devon understood why Abby had been compelled to look for him, and her instincts had been right. Abby felt Devon might think she shouldn't have abandoned her baby under any circumstance.

Abby reminded Chance that Devon would have also seen terrible judgment on her part for allowing Stitch back into her life. Chance stated that no one could have foreseen Stitch's motivation or actions. Abby claimed Devon had known something had been off. She speculated that maybe Devon's instincts were better than hers. Abby wondered how Devon would react if they said "no." Chance asked how far she thought Devon would take things.

Abby told Chance that Devon had been very supportive through the whole process, from the beginning. Chance said he'd read through the contract, and it was solid. He thought everything would be fine. Abby stated that she and Christine had gone through the contract line by line. Abby hoped it wouldn't be an issue that she'd handled the contract in Chance's absence. Chance said they had to handle it in a way that was respectful to Devon. Abby told Chance that Devon had been assured he had complete access to Dominic; perhaps the issue was that Devon had no legal guarantee, but they had to do what was best for their son and their family.

At Crimson Lights, Nate told Elena he was looking forward to waking up each day with Elena in his arms. Devon arrived and told Nate he was there to help Elena move. When Elena left to finish packing, Nate asked Devon if Abby had responded to his request about spending more time with Dominic. Devon said she hadn't, and the more time that went by, the less optimistic he was.

Later, Elena asked Nate if Devon seemed a little off. Nate explained that Devon was still waiting to hear from Chance and Abby about increasing his visitation time with Dominic. It was possible Devon's request hadn't gone over well. Nate didn't feel good about it because he'd convinced Devon to talk to Abby and Chance about his feelings, and it might have backfired.

Abby, Chance, and Dominic arrived at the coffeehouse. Nate and Elena greeted them. While they were talking about Dominic, Devon arrived, and there was an awkward moment. Nate and Elena left. Devon was drawn to the baby. Chance told Devon they hadn't made a decision yet. Devon told them to take all the time they needed. Abby asked for a private word with Devon.

On the patio, Abby told Devon that she and Chance had been discussing Devon's request and she had a lot of questions because they'd been blindsided. Abby asked if Devon was angry with them about something. Devon said it wasn't about anything Abby and Chance had done. It was about him wanting to spend more time with Dominic. He also wanted to be someone Abby and Chance could rely on. Abby wanted to know if Devon felt she'd abandoned her son when she'd left for Spain.

Devon assured Abby he wasn't criticizing her or Chance's parenting skills. He said nothing had changed. He knew they were going through a lot with Chance's return. He knew Chance would become a great father, and Devon only wanted to help them. Abby knew there was more to it. Devon was asking for shared custody and legal rights to her son. Devon said he hadn't intended to put them on the defensive. Abby left when she heard Dominic crying. Devon left.

At Society, Sally bumped into Adam and asked if Adam had considered her proposal to do nothing with her for New Year's Eve. Adam said it depended on the nothing Sally wanted to do. She said their best option was to just hang out together, watch a movie, and have pizza. Adam left.

At the penthouse, Chelsea told Chloe that Connor was spending the night at a friend's house. Chloe invited Chelsea to spend the evening with her, Kevin, Michael, and Lauren, but Chelsea claimed she was looking forward to a quiet evening at home, and she might invite Adam to watch the fireworks. Chloe didn't think that was such a great idea.

Chelsea asked Chloe not to make a big issue about inviting Adam over. She and Adam were friends, even after what she'd put him through. He'd hired Chloe and Chelsea in an attempt to relaunch Chelsea's career. Chloe claimed it had been Adam's guilty conscience because of what he'd put Chelsea through. Chelsea knew Adam cared about her, and not from a sense of obligation. Chloe asked if Chelsea's feelings stopped at a genuine platonic relationship. When Chelsea didn't answer, Chloe asked Chelsea not to go down that path again. Chelsea responded that she couldn't help how she felt.

Annoyed, Chelsea asked Chloe to skip the argument of why Chelsea and Adam shouldn't reconcile. Chloe didn't think she needed to remind Chelsea. Chloe didn't understand Chelsea's tunnel vision where Adam was involved, especially when there were so many nontoxic men that could make Chelsea really happy. Chelsea claimed that what she and Adam had had had been special and unique. Christmas had been special -- two caring adults doing what was right for their son.

Chelsea told Chloe she hadn't been that happy or at peace in a very long time. Chloe said that what had happened over Christmas didn't prove that things would work out in the long run. Chelsea was convinced Adam had changed. Chelsea claimed she'd changed, as well, and she wouldn't fall into the same traps again. Chloe said it didn't mean Chelsea and Adam should reunite. Chelsea told Chloe that given time, Adam would trust her again.

Chloe wanted Chelsea to join her and Kevin for New Year's Eve, and she suggested that Chelsea call Adam the following day. Chelsea asked why it was so important to Chloe that she didn't see Adam that evening. Chelsea was shocked when she realized that Adam might have plans with Sally. Chloe claimed she had no idea what Adam was doing that evening. Chelsea asked if Chloe had invited Sally to join her and Kevin. Chloe said Sally had declined, and she'd been very vague about her plans.

Chelsea told Chloe that she'd spent enough time with Sally to know she wasn't quiet about anything unless she had a reason. Chelsea claimed that she and Adam had a history, and they shared a child. Chloe told Chelsea to leave the past in the past. She didn't want Sally or Chelsea to get messed up by that snake. Chelsea asked how Chloe was going to stop Sally from being with Adam. Chloe said Adam didn't need her permission about who he went on a date with. Chelsea claimed Sally was obviously trying to get her hooks into Adam.

Chloe begged Chelsea to join her and Kevin because being at home alone wasn't a healthy choice. Chloe said she and Kevin would pick Chelsea up later, but Chelsea claimed she had plans. After Chloe left, Chelsea called Adam and asked him to meet her at the penthouse. She said she needed to talk to him, and it was important. Adam said he was on his way.

At Society, Kevin noticed that Chloe didn't look like she was ready to ring in the New Year. Chloe said that despite her best efforts to dissuade Sally, Sally was determined to flirt with disaster: Adam. Chelsea had figured it out, and she wasn't happy. Kevin thought that Chelsea and Adam were through. Chloe stated that Chelsea still considered Adam her destiny. Kevin said Chelsea tended to overreact when she was jealous.

Chloe told Kevin that she'd tried to steer Chelsea in a different direction, but Chelsea had figured it out, and she had a plan, presumably to keep Adam away from Sally. Kevin understood Chloe's angst; two reckless and impulsive women competing for the same manipulative narcissist in the same workplace was definitely a recipe for disaster. Kevin said there wasn't anything Chloe could do, and he asked her to enjoy their last night of the year.

Chloe told Kevin she'd spent a lot of time building the fashion platform, and she couldn't sit back and watch it be blown up. Kevin asked if it would be so terrible if she lost that job and never had to worry about Sally and Adam again. Chloe said that Sally and Chelsea kept saying everything was fine, but they were both on a collision course. She couldn't understand how two amazing women thought Adam was worth fighting for. She said Adam deserved to be alone and miserable for the rest of his life after everything he'd done. Kevin laughed and told Chloe to be sure to tell Adam that.

Chloe told Kevin that might be the solution. Maybe she could get Adam to distance himself from Sally and Chelsea. Chloe thanked Kevin for the great idea.

Adam arrived at Chelsea's. Chelsea told Adam things had been building up, and she had to get out of the penthouse. She told Adam that memories permeated every inch of the penthouse. They haunted her in every room. She said she'd tried to get past it for Connor's sake because he loved being back in his old room, but Connor wasn't aware of everything that had happened there. He hadn't had to live with the ghosts lurking around every corner.

Adam told Chelsea he'd also felt them. Chelsea reminded him of all the times they'd hurt each other and the days she'd spent trapped in her own mind, silently screaming to get out. She wished she could go back in time and get rid of all that negativity, anger, and bitterness and that she had realized what she would have been throwing away before it had been too late.

Adam told Chelsea he'd been in the exact same place, with the same feelings. He said it had been easier for him to move out rather than live with the constant awful reminders. He told Chelsea she could move out or do whatever she wanted with the penthouse. Chelsea claimed she wasn't asking permission. Adam asked if she wanted him to forgive her. He said he had no desire to punish her for the mistakes of the past. They had both suffered enough.

Chelsea began to cry. She told Adam that what had hurt more than the dark memories were the beautiful ones, the loving ones that had been filled with so many promises that they hadn't kept. Adam said he didn't think it was a good idea for Chelsea to dwell on the past. Chelsea said it was easy for him. He'd moved away from all those memories.

Chelsea told Adam she couldn't help but think back to New Year's Eve two years before when she'd walked into the penthouse, and they had connected immediately, without any words spoken. She'd known then that was exactly where she'd needed to be. The following day, they had decided to put their family together again. Adam claimed a lot had changed since then. She said there had been "so much love and excitement" between them. She wanted to know how they had lost it all.

PREEMPTION: The Young and the Restless did not air
PREEMPTION: The Young and the Restless did not air

PREEMPTION: The Young and the Restless did not air

Friday, December 31, 2021

by Soap Central

Due to the New Year's Eve holiday, The Young and the Restless did not air. This was a planned preemption and there were no "lost" episodes as a result. Regular programming resumed on Monday, January 3, 2022, and picked up where the Thursday, December 30, 2021, episode concluded.

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Edited by SC Desk