Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 10, 2020 on Y&R

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Sharon awaited test results and Adam learned that Sharon had cancer
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of August 10, 2020 on Y&R

Sharon recovered from surgery as she awaited the results of her pathology report. Phyllis halted Abby's hotel construction by planting dinosaur bones on the site. George confirmed Victor's story that Adam had killed A.J. Adam reeled when he learned Sharon had cancer. Sharon offered to help Adam.

Genoa City citizens reflect on their pasts
Genoa City citizens reflect on their pasts

Genoa City citizens reflect on their pasts

Monday, August 10, 2020

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by Anne Carpenter

Lily and Billy, co-CEOs of a newly formed communications and public relations firm, met at their office to discuss how best to cover a special event. Genoa City residents would soon gather to rededicate Chancellor Park and formally observe installation of a statue Jill had commissioned in Katherine Chancellor's memory. Billy was saddened that his mother would be unable to attend. Lily suggested that Chancellor Communications record in-depth coverage of the event, including interviews of Katherine's beloved family and cherished friends. Billy wholeheartedly approved of Lily's ideas, which she explained would serve as a love letter to Katherine and the town.

At the picturesque Chancellor Park, Lily recorded informal conversations with the people who'd been impacted by Katherine's love, kindness, and benevolence, and by her stalwart example as a sharp-minded business owner, mother, grandmother, and friend. Lily asked Nikki how she believed Katherine might view the current state of Genoa City. Nikki was quick to pinpoint her impression of Katherine's likely reactions, based on the way her friend had regarded goings-on in the past. Nikki said Katherine would be amused, horrified, and cautiously optimistic, noting that Genoa City had never been a sleepy little town. Lily was taken aback by the term "horrified."

Nikki reflected for a moment and, in a flashback, painfully recalled an event to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Newman Enterprises. Nikki visibly winced when she remembered how an assailant had stabbed Victoria in the side. Billy had rushed toward Victoria seconds after the attack, just as his ex-wife had collapsed in his arms. A worried family had later cheered Victoria's narrow escape from death. After Nikki reflected on the horrific event, she composed her thoughts and continued her interview with Lily. Nikki said, "You just know that Katherine is watching from her perch, gasping, shaking her head." Lily nodded in agreement.

Nick dedicated his testimony to Sharon and her battle against breast cancer. Nick gushed that Sharon was the strongest, bravest, most hopeful women he'd ever met. Mariah, standing nearby, nodded in agreement when Nick said, "Sharon is an example for all of us. She faces an obstacle, and she faces it head-on. She's a warrior." Mariah appeared proud as Nick spoke about Sharon's bravery and fortitude.

Nick recalled the day Sharon had mustered her courage to break the news to him. Nick told Lily that some words and phrases had the power to knock one sideways. Nick acknowledged that though Sharon was strong, he, along with Rey Rosales and the whole family, had supported Sharon as she'd navigated the uncertainties of her journey. Nick told Lily that living through such an experience required a different kind of strength, especially on days when Sharon had drawn a sense of calmness from her loved ones. Nick recalled how they had all, including Faith, joined together as "Team Sharon" to be at the ready whenever and wherever Sharon needed them.

Mariah picked up where Nick left off, and shared with Lily how she'd struggled with her mother's diagnosis, which she termed an emotional and physical attack. Mariah recalled how she'd often observed her mother fight for the people she loved, noting that Sharon had reluctantly put those battles on the backburner to fight for herself. Mariah said, "And we have to fight for her, even if we feel helpless." Faith, Mariah explained, had witnessed her mother's suffering. Mariah confessed that she'd stepped up as the elder child to act on her mother's behalf after Sharon had placed trust in her to make the right decisions. Lily, having survived her own bout with cancer, replied, "As a mom, all the fight I had in me was for the twins, so you are an integral part of her treatment. I mean, you all give her the strength to win this battle." Mariah thanked Lily for affirming her struggles and efforts to serve as her mother's advocate and caregiver.

Victoria, Katherine's goddaughter, appeared on camera next, affirming how lucky she'd been to have strong role models like Katherine and Nikki in her life. Lily replied, "What do you think Katherine would think of your ascension to the Newman throne?" Victoria explained that Katherine would understand that her role sometimes required fighting in order to do the right thing. Before Victoria expounded on her statement, she told Lily that even Katherine had been familiar with Newman drama.

Victoria paused momentarily and remembered in a flashback how Adam had attempted to usurp her position as head of Newman Enterprises through a failed blackmail scheme. Adam, having grown up on a farm with his mother, had accused Victor of murdering a man who'd lived on a neighboring farm. Adam, age eleven at the time, had repressed the event from his childhood until a friend from his past, a journalist and the murdered man's daughter, had launched an investigation. Armed with his evidence, Adam had threatened to publish the condemning story unless Victoria stepped aside, placing Adam in charge of the empire Victor had built from nothing.

Victoria, drawing from the unspoken memory, told Lily that Katherine had never run from a fight, nor had she ever hesitated to "get dirty." In another momentary flashback, Victoria had initially been taken aback when Victor had agreed to Adam's terms, though Victor had cautioned Victoria that Adam only believed he was as ruthless as his father. Victor had assured Victoria that she'd once again take her rightful place behind his desk.

Lily followed up and asked Victoria if she'd experienced resentment. The question again prompted a flashback memory of Adam's diabolical plan. Victoria recalled how she'd forged ahead on her own, insisting she be restored at CEO. Victor had relented, but Victoria's heavy-handedness had negatively impacted her relationship with Victor. Victoria once again resumed the interview and strongly proclaimed, "My focus right now is on the forward motion of Newman Enterprises."

With Lily's focus on the Newman family, Nikki added to Victoria's account of her rise to power within the family company. Nikki, the lioness of her family, replied, "Well, I do hope this hasn't become less of a tribute to Katherine and more of an expos of the Newman family." Lily defended her examination of the famous family and said she'd just been following a thread. Nikki shut down and walked away. Billy had observed Nikki's departure and quipped, "Newmans. Gotta love 'em -- or not. My vote is not."

Nikki paused in the rose garden and reflected on the traumatic climax of Adam's nefarious misdeeds. In a flashback, Nikki remembered how Victor had admitted that Adam had "done his homework," thanks to his journalist friend, concluding that Victor had murdered A.J. Montalvo. Victor had maintained his innocence to Nikki, but she demanded he confront Adam immediately. Victor insisted that Nikki drop the matter, explaining that he'd done what he'd had to do. Nikki's flashback abruptly ended when Victor approached. Sensing his wife's apprehensiveness, Nikki shared her fears that Billy could be planning a "deep dive into Newman family business." Victor replied, "Well see about that."

Victor confronted Billy and asked why Billy had ambushed Victor's family. Billy said he'd assumed Victor was referring to Adam, considering how quickly Adam had been accepted back into the family fold and then how quickly he'd been ousted again. Victor warned Billy not to slander his family. Billy replied, "It's not slander if it's true." Victor, stone-faced, stepped forward and said, "Heed my warning, Billy boy."

Victor turned and walked a few feet away before remembering in a flashback how Mr. Montalvo's life had ended in a barn. Victor had waited until the time had been right to reveal the truth to Adam. Victor had filled Adam in on the details, explaining that while A.J. Montalvo had been imprisoned, he'd nursed his anger toward Hope and her husband, Cliff. Hope had been frightened, and Victor recalled how Adam had emerged from a hiding place to protect his mother and fend off A.J., killing the man. Adam had claimed Victor's story was a concoction. Victor's attention was drawn away from his memory when he saw Adam approach. Victor left the park.

Victor later joined Nikki at home. Victor told Nikki it had been good to feel close to Katherine again. Nikki nodded, though she seemed troubled. Sensing something was amiss, Nikki asked Victor if he was all right. Victor replied, "I feel a chill in the air. I think a storm is coming."

Back at Chancellor Park, Billy called out to Adam and noted that his casual clothing and unkempt hair seemed unsuitable for Katherine's tribute and memorial. Billy said that Victor, Nikki, and Victoria had earlier appeared on camera. Billy mentioned Victor's reaction when asked about Adam. Billy asked Adam if he had words of his own to add. Billy mentioned that Adam had had been booted from Newman Enterprises, noting that Victoria had been reinstated. Adam said he was done wasting his time with people like Billy, who spread lies and innuendo. Billy warned that Adam was his own destructive force and would eventually end up all alone.

After Adam walked away, he recalled the evening he'd asked Chelsea to marry him. Chelsea had happily agreed to marry the man she said she'd always felt close to, even when they'd been apart. Adam's memories of happiness gave way to an abrupt change in circumstances when he'd told Chelsea that Victor had fired him. Chelsea had been angered by the announcement and mentioned the evidence against Victor in the death of A.J. Montalvo. Adam had told Chelsea that Victor and Victoria had concocted a cover story, which pinned the murder on him. Adam roused himself from his flashback and continued his run along the park's garden pathways.

Billy watched from a distance as Adam sprinted away. Lily approached and said, "So, I assume you spoke with Adam? How ugly was it?" Billy quipped that he hadn't gotten punched. Lily praised Billy's restraint, and he noted that they made a great team. Billy thought back to a past conversation he'd had with Jill, when she'd advised him to wisely determine when to take a risk and when to pull back. Jill had followed up on her motherly advice by introducing Lily as Billy's business partner. Jill had charged Billy and Lily to put their heads together and work out their differences. After Billy and Lily had discussed their varying approaches to problem-solving, they had accepted Jill's terms and agreed to run her company.

After Billy's attention turned again to the present, he addressed his business partner. Lily said, "You and I are equal partners at ChancComm, and it's insulting that people just assume that you're the one in control." Billy said he felt insulted because people tended to assume that he'd drive the company into the ground. Lily replied, "We have to prove them wrong, you know, on both fronts. I mean, I have your back, Billy, but you need to have mine." Lily excused herself when she spotted Devon.

Lily greeted Devon and explained that she was covering the event for ChancComm. Lily asked Devon to share his memories of Katherine Chancellor by imagining what he might say to his grandmother. Devon began by noting that Katherine would have had something to say about everything that had occurred since her passing, adding that she'd been adept at discerning both humor and the brighter side of any situation. Lily agreed that Katherine had always been able to find light in the darkness.

Devon acknowledged the one-year anniversary of their father's death. Lily said "It's still very hard." Thinking back over his recent trials, Devon told Lily that he'd lost his inheritance and then had gotten it back. Devon's face lit up when he said he'd found new love and had created ways to give back to his community. Devon said he was most proud of working alongside Elena and Nate and the free clinic they'd opened. Devon told Lily that Katherine had often said, "I'm going to live until I die." Devon fondly agreed with his grandmother's mantra and added that he'd keep on giving in Katherine's memory and, in doing so, surround himself with people who felt the same way he did.

Devon recalled in a flashback the day he'd finally confronted Amanda. Devon explained that he'd regarded Amanda as his enemy. Amanda had arrived in Genoa City to contest Katherine's will, representing a client she'd believed had brought forth a valid claim on the estate. Devon had admitted that most of his frustration with Amanda had stemmed from his difficulty in dealing with her strong resemblance to Hilary. During their exchanges of peace, Devon had apologized to Amanda.

Amanda was Lily's next interviewee. Lily introduced Amanda to viewers as a newcomer. Lily said Amanda could best share a unique perspective, though she'd never met Katherine. Amanda, referring to the circumstances surrounding the will, credited Katherine for the new phase of her life. Lily acknowledged that she'd not been welcoming and admitted that she'd regretted her past ill treatment of Amanda. Amanda said she was glad she'd stayed and had since built friendships. Lily acknowledged that Amanda had joined ChancComm as the company's in-house counsel. Lily mentioned the new man in Amanda's life. Amanda smiled when Lily mentioned Nate.

Jack approached after Amanda left. Jack was eager to share his memories and said, "Katherine was an indomitable force. She was an honor to know, a joy to be around -- a pleasure to watch in action, and we should all be so lucky to have her level of perseverance." Lily asked Jack about his own mother, Dina Mergeron, Katherine's dear friend. Jack explained that Dina hadn't been as fortunate as Katherine.

In a flashback, Jack remembered the adjustments he, Traci, and Ashley had made when they'd welcomed Dina back home from a brief stay at a memory-care facility for Alzheimer's patients. After Dina had settled in, Jack and his siblings had been forced to reverse roles with their mother. Dina's memory of her children emerged in flickers of fleeting recognition. The siblings had learned to navigate their mother's quickly changing moods. Jack, the eldest, had borne the brunt of his family's breakup when he'd been a young man coming of age, a time that still haunted him.

Though Dina had chosen to leave her husband and young children, the siblings had later gained an understanding of their mother's turmoil in a letter they'd found in her belongings. Dina had written that she'd felt inadequate as a mother and had not clearly discerned the difference between selfishness and self-sufficiency. Dina added that despite her absence, she'd taken pride in her adult children, complimenting their various attributes. Dina had also expressed regret for hot having flown home from France to mourn with Traci when Colleen had died. Dina had written that her absence during a tragic time had been truly unforgivable. Dina's memory of Colleen's untimely death made Traci cry. Jack and Ashley comforted their younger sister.

Jack's internalized memories of his mother prompted him to continue with the interview. He said, "We all have to live with our choices, with our actions, and so many other things we can't control. One of the things I learned from Katherine was resilience. Hiding from a problem will not make it go away. No, you have to take whatever life gives you head-on. You get smarter, you get stronger, and hopefully, more grateful in times of peace." Jack glanced at Billy, expressing hope that his brother would continue his journey to finding peace. Jack concluded his remarks with a nod to the future of their fair city, stating, "Whatever lies ahead for Genoa City, though, is sure to be unexpected and probably explosive."

After Lily and Billy returned to their office, Billy recalled the series of interviews Lily had recorded. Billy said, "The stories in this town, the people -- it just spills out of them. If it's not their words, it's their eyes or their expressions. They just give it away. Lily replied, "Yeah, one might call them open-hearted and generous." Billy recalled their tense interview with Victor. Billy noted that something was going on with the transfer of power at Newman Enterprises, and he ventured to guess that Adam had screwed up somehow. Lily cautioned Billy not to use ChancComm to carry out a vendetta against Victor and the Newman family. Billy paused for a moment and agreed to work with Lily and not screw things up.

Nick makes Abby an offer
Nick makes Abby an offer

Nick makes Abby an offer

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

by Jenny Smith

At the Abbott mansion, Abby eyed a solemn Jack with concern. She surmised that he was thinking about Dina, and he confirmed that he'd been preoccupied with his mother, their family, and Theo. Jack assumed that Kyle had told Abby that Theo had been fired. Jack questioned whether his idea of pitting Kyle and Theo against one another had put pressure on Theo to cross the line. Abby pointed out that Theo had caused trouble since he'd arrived in Genoa City, but Jack countered that Theo was family and deserved a second chance. Jack scoffed at the idea that he and Abby knew nothing about stirring up trouble.

Abby sympathized that Jack was torn about Theo, and she thought it might have been too much to hope that Theo would think of the Abbotts as family. Jack explained that he'd wanted to give his mother one last gift by introducing her to her grandson, while at the same time replacing the family Theo had lost. Abby gently assured Jack that he'd done that, and the fallout was on Theo. She advised Jack not to worry about Theo because Theo always landed on his feet.

At Society, Theo played a video on his phone that he'd filmed to broadcast that he was looking for the next big thing. He shut it off and muttered that the first step was to redo the video. A server set down a bag of takeout on the bar, and Theo noticed that the receipt was for Chancellor Communications. He excitedly jotted down a note and tucked it into the takeout bag.

At Chancellor Communications, Lily perused some changes that Billy had made to some contracts that they'd gone over with Amanda the day before, and she wondered what had prompted his new cautiousness. Lily recalled that during their meeting with Amanda, Billy had been deferential instead of his usual opinionated self. Billy asserted that he respected Amanda's expertise, but Lily had sensed an uncomfortable vibe between Billy and Amanda. Lily questioned whether it had been a mistake to hire the lawyer.

Later, Billy returned after picking up lunch, and Lily complained that he'd avoided her earlier question. Billy defended that he'd been nothing but professional with Amanda, but Lily pushed to hear the whole story about what had gone on between them. Billy recalled that Amanda had been a good friend to him when his relationship with Victoria had ended, but he insisted that he and Amanda hadn't been romantically involved. Lily inquired whether either of them had developed feelings.

Billy admitted that there had been a point where he'd thought something had been there, but Amanda had been too smart to get involved with him. Billy swore that he was fine working with Amanda, but he was just adjusting to the new professional dynamic. Billy bragged that no one could hold back the visionary force he was. He started to unpack the takeout bag and found Theo's note. Billy announced that they'd received a proposal from a potential Abbott family defector.

Billy and Lily reviewed a list of names Theo had sent, and she recognized some influencers and bloggers that they wanted to work with. She assumed that the note meant Theo had access to them, and she crossed over to her computer to look up the names she didn't know. Billy explained that Theo was a "sort-of Abbott family member" who was the son of a child Dina had given up for adoption. Billy added that he and Theo weren't related, and he didn't trust Theo, but Jack had welcomed Theo into the family.

Billy recounted that Theo and Kyle had been buddies in New York, but the relationship had fallen apart. Lily argued that it might not have been Theo's fault. Billy thought the note meant that the job Jack had given Theo at Jabot had also fallen apart. Lily was impressed by the names on Theo's list, and she praised his eye for talent. She questioned how big a risk Theo would be, and Billy shared that he'd warned Kyle that Theo was a threat.

Meanwhile, Theo watched his second attempt at making a video about being back in business, and he dejectedly called it lame. He perked up when his phone rang. Billy ordered Theo to get to Chancellor Communications right away if he wanted ten minutes to make a pitch. Theo replied that he only needed five, and he rushed out.

Theo arrived at the office, and Billy introduced him to Lily, who complimented Theo's unusual job application. Theo contended that he liked to stand out in a crowd, but Billy compared it to being a square peg in a round hole. Theo proclaimed that he'd heard great things about Chancellor Communications, but Lily stated that she'd been under the impression that he worked for Jabot. Theo claimed that he'd moved on because it hadn't been a good fit. Theo reasoned that it had been too corporate, and he preferred to have freedom of expression. Billy warned that Theo's time was ticking.

Theo confidently stated that he understood young people's priorities and attention spans, and clickbait wasn't as effective as it once had been. He pitched an idea about how to reach Chancellor Communications' target demographic by using his contacts. Theo recognized that his five minutes were up, and he thanked Billy and Lily for their time. Billy stopped him from leaving and revealed that Traci had informed him that Theo had been fired. Billy dryly invited Theo to "retweet, like, or share" the truth.

Theo confirmed that he'd been fired, and Billy chided him for lying about it. Theo argued that he'd had limited time to make a pitch, and Lily asked what had happened. Theo claimed that Kyle had had it in for him since Theo had been hired, so the writing had been on the wall when Jack had set up a competition between them. Theo clarified that he didn't blame Jack for anything, and he hadn't been lying when he'd said it hadn't been a good fit. Theo believed Chancellor felt more like his niche, and he asserted that he could deliver the names on the list and more. He thought he wouldn't still be standing there if Billy and Lily weren't interested, and he thanked them again and exited.

Billy admitted that Theo had an eye for the connections and talent Chancellor needed. Lily was concerned that Theo had lied about his firing, but Billy understood why Theo had wanted to make himself sound better. Lily reminded Billy that he'd said Theo was trouble, but Billy conceded that for some reason, he liked Theo. Lily voiced surprise that she and Billy had switched sides. Billy was impressed that Theo hadn't stumbled, even when Billy had thrown everything he'd had at him. He wanted to give Theo a chance.

At Crimson Lights, Theo hesitantly approached Jack and said they had unfinished business. Theo regretted that he'd stormed out of the boardroom after being caught trying to pass off Jack's old presentation as his own. Theo shared that he didn't want his old job back, and he thought going to work for Jabot had been a mistake. Jack was glad Theo realized that he'd burned that bridge, and he wished he'd anticipated the conflict between Kyle and Theo.

Theo was relieved to be back out in the world again, pulling his own weight instead of getting things handed to him because of DNA. Jack contended that it had taken more than DNA for the Abbotts to keep Jabot on top, but he thought he might have made the same statement back in the day if he'd been caught -- although his indiscretions had been more personal. Theo cracked that maybe they'd both inherited the same trouble-causing gene.

Theo pledged not to slink off into the sunset, no matter where he stood with the rest of the family. He planned to still visit his grandmother, and he vowed not to have any arguments in front of her. Jack was touched that Theo wanted to spend time with Dina, and he stressed that Theo's departure from the company didn't mean a disconnect from the family. Jack referred to the many Abbotts that had gone through Jabot's revolving doors over the years, and he mused that family was a bond that was there forever.

Rey escorted Sharon home after her surgery. She asked where everyone was, and he inquired how she was feeling. She replied that she was glad the surgery was over, and she just wanted to take a moment to breathe. He was relieved the house was quiet so she would have a chance to rest. Mariah, Tessa, Faith, and Nick burst in and fussed over Sharon. Faith queried whether the doctors had gotten rid of all the cancer or if it had spread. The group exchanged worried glances.

Sharon explained that she was still awaiting the pathology report, but she expected to still have chemo and radiation. Sharon wondered what smelled so good, and Tessa, Mariah, and Faith revealed that they'd picked up a variety of takeout from all of Sharon's favorite places. Tessa mentioned that they'd run into Nick and Phyllis while picking up deep-dish pizza. Sharon was surprised to hear that Nick had been having pizza with Phyllis, and she questioned what she'd missed. Nick reluctantly stated that he hadn't wanted to risk upsetting Sharon earlier, but he and Phyllis were back together.

A shocked Sharon stammered that she was in no place to process the news. Tessa apologized for saying anything, and Sharon assured her that it wasn't her fault. Sharon considered it to be just another example of the world turning around, and she and Nick had been down that road before. Nick swore that it hadn't been a secret, but he'd just been waiting for the right time to tell her. Sharon thought it explained the gift basket Phyllis had sent before the surgery. Nick prepared to take off, and Sharon coolly thanked him for checking on her. Nick left, and Sharon asked Rey to help her upstairs.

Later, Mariah lectured that Sharon shouldn't be out of bed. Sharon complained that she hadn't been able to sleep, and she didn't want to be alone. Mariah offered to call everyone in from the kitchen, but Sharon wanted to talk privately about her scars. Mariah wondered if Sharon should be talking to her doctors, but Sharon preferred to talk to another woman who would understand what she was feeling. Sharon recognized that she hadn't seen what she looked like underneath her bandages, but she knew she was going to look different than she had before.

Sharon tearfully queried whether it was superficial of her to be worried, but Mariah insisted that anyone who judged Sharon would have to answer to Mariah. Mariah continued that it was normal for Sharon to care about what she looked like, and it would be weird if Sharon didn't. Sharon bemoaned that she'd eaten healthy and exercised, thinking she was in control of her body, but her cancer had been calling the shots. She dreaded finding out what the disease had done to her.

Mariah chirped that the stitches might not be that noticeable, but Sharon doubted that was likely after major surgery. Mariah countered that Sharon had a permanent cover with clothes. Sharon lamented that she'd still see it, and Mariah realized her mother was worried about Rey's reaction. Mariah was sure that Rey wouldn't care, but Sharon sobbed that she would.

Sharon acknowledged that the most important thing was her health, but things would never be the same as they had been before the diagnosis, since the disease had changed her permanently. Mariah suggested that Sharon view the incision as a physical representation of her strength and bravery, and Sharon liked the sentiment. Mariah declared that Sharon would always be the most beautiful woman in the world to her.

Sharon and her loved ones savored the takeout feast. Sharon wondered how they'd scored food from a sashimi place that didn't offer takeout, and Mariah confessed that she'd paid off the doorman. Rey feigned horror that Mariah had committed bribery, and Sharon proposed that they make a pact that none of them would get convicted of a crime before she went into remission.

At the Grand Phoenix, Phyllis dragged a huge box into her hotel suite and breathlessly anticipated examining its contents. There was a knock at the door, and Amanda called out that she'd seen Phyllis enter the room. Phyllis answered the door but declined to invite Amanda in. Amanda pushed to know what was in the big box Phyllis had lugged in, and Phyllis claimed it was a bunch of clothes she'd ordered online. Amanda barged in over Phyllis' protests and made a beeline for the box. "What the hell?" Amanda blurted out as she lifted a large bone out of the box.

Phyllis insisted that the bones were fake, but Amanda exclaimed that they looked real to her. Phyllis grabbed the bone away and hoped Amanda didn't think she'd dug up a dead body, since it had been a long time since she'd done something like that. "Meaning you've done it before?" Amanda incredulously asked. Phyllis informed her that the bone wasn't human, but Amanda countered that it was still a bone.

Amanda pointed out that Phyllis still hadn't explained why she had the bone, and she was shocked to find more bones in the box. Phyllis claimed that they were part of an art installation for the lobby, but Amanda didn't buy it. Phyllis contended that it was for a good cause, and Amanda pushed for a hint. Phyllis shared that they were dinosaur bones that were going to save her hotel from extinction.

In the hotel lobby, Phyllis ran into Nick and asked how Sharon's surgery had gone. Nick reported that there had been no problems with the procedure, but Sharon had found out about their reunion, and it hadn't sunk in for her yet. Phyllis looked forward to Sharon being healthy enough to go after her. The construction noise resumed next door, and Nick remarked that Abby hadn't given up the fight. He caught Phyllis anxiously checking her watch and sensed that she was up to something.

Nick found it odd that Phyllis was being mellow about the construction. Phyllis chalked it up to learning to deal with it, but Nick saw the scheming glint in her eyes. She seductively sidled up to him and dared him to tell her what else her body was saying, and he replied that she was dirty -- literally. He grabbed a paper napkin from the bar and wiped some dirt off her neck. She considered it evidence that she was working her hands "to the bone" to keep the place alive.

Phyllis considered Nick to be on a need-to-know basis. Nick requested that she promise that Abby wouldn't get hurt, and Phyllis obliged. There was the loud sound of a jackhammer outside, and Nick realized that the construction was really messing with the hotel's business. Phyllis returned to work, and Nick called Abby and announced that he had an offer to make.

Later, Amanda approached Phyllis and jokingly asked to speak to the owner about the skeletons in her closet. Phyllis pressed to know what was going on with Amanda, who shared that she'd just accepted a job as Chancellor Communications' in-house counsel. Phyllis praised Lily for having her head on straight, but she reminded Amanda of what a handful Billy could be.

Amanda was sure Billy wouldn't be a problem, but Phyllis advised her to tread lightly. Phyllis requested Amanda's help with her plan for the Grand Phoenix, and Amanda wittily inquired whether it was "bad to the bone." Phyllis intended to implement a brilliant marketing idea once the noise stopped, and she asked for Amanda's idea of the perfect staycation. Amanda envisioned a massage, good food, and at least one good friend to share it with.

Nick and Abby met at Society, and he presented her with images of buildings on his tablet computer. He informed her that he owned all of them, and he wanted to give one to her. He noted that it would take years of construction to finish her new hotel, but she'd be up and running in no time if she simply renovated one of his buildings. Abby realized that he wanted her to stop the construction across from the Grand Phoenix. Nick volunteered to cover her sunk costs, so there was no reason for her to say no. Abby realized that he wasn't doing it for her -- he was doing it for Phyllis because he'd fallen for her again.

Abby assumed Phyllis had put Nick up to it. Nick indicated that Phyllis had gone out of her way not to involve him because she knew he cared about both women, and he refused to apologize for having strong feelings for Phyllis. He recognized that Phyllis had gone to extremes to hang onto the hotel that she'd put her heart, soul, and every last dime into. He argued that Abby had Society and more than enough money to build a dozen hotels, but the Grand Phoenix was Phyllis' only shot. Abby huffed that it didn't justify what Phyllis had done.

Nick thought Abby understood the instinct to fight for what she wanted, and he wanted to convince her that there was no need to battle to the death. They simultaneously received text messages and were shocked to learn that Victoria was back in charge at Newman. Abby couldn't imagine how their sister had pulled it off or that Adam was okay with it. Nick hoped Victoria had bested Adam once and for all, but he turned the topic back to what he and Abby had been discussing. Nick asked if they had a deal.

Adam searches for the truth
Adam searches for the truth

Adam searches for the truth

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

by Nel

At his penthouse, Adam searched through a box of files, looking for information to prove he hadn't killed A.J. Montalvo. Chelsea entered the room and said she'd gone through the documents several times, and Adam wouldn't find anything there. Adam refused to give up until he proved that Victor had killed A.J. Chelsea said there was nothing in those files that indicated that Victor had ever hired anyone to kill A.J. She didn't think he would find anything in the box of files. Adam stated he would look for proof elsewhere because he couldn't believe that he, as an eleven-year-old child, would kill anyone.

Adam told Chelsea that Victor was playing with his head once again, because that was what Victor did. Adam said he'd "be damned" if Victor would take him down that way. Chelsea claimed she had errands to run, and she wanted to give Adam space. Once outside the suite, Chelsea appeared concerned.

Inside the penthouse, Adam sent a text to Alyssa, which read, "Can we meet? Need to talk." When she didn't respond, Adam sent her another text that read, "Coming to your hotel. This can't wait." Alyssa responded, "Can't help you. Left town." When Adam asked why, she responded, "Because you used me. And because you should leave the past in the past. I'm done. Don't contact me again."

At the ranch, Victor left a voicemail for Adam, stating that he knew Adam was furious with him. He apologized for having to tell Adam the truth about A.J.'s death.

A short time later, Chelsea arrived at the ranch, and Victor thanked her for being there. He said that Adam hadn't returned any of his calls. Chelsea asked why Victor was surprised. She said what Victor had done had been vicious. It was psychological torture. Victor told her to slow down, and he explained that he'd never had any intention of torturing Adam. He said there had been nothing vicious about what he'd done, and he'd kept the reality from Adam for as long as he'd been able to. Chelsea said that Adam had confronted him about the murder, but Victor had chosen to lay the blame on Adam.

Victor told Chelsea that Adam wouldn't have been able deal with the reality of what had happened. Chelsea asked if Victor expected her and Adam to believe that Adam had killed A.J. Montalvo when Adam had been an eleven-year-old child. Victor explained that Adam had been trying to protect his mother, and he'd pushed A.J., who had fallen to his death. That was what had happened. Victor said that for all those years, he'd kept that memory from Adam. He said that Adam had lost his memory about the incident. He said that he'd shielded Adam from himself and that it was too huge a burden for Adam to deal with. He said that that was the truth about A.J.'s death.

Chelsea said she couldn't accept it as the truth, and she still had a lot of questions. She asked why, if Adam had been traumatized by that incident, Victor and Hope hadn't tried to help him come to terms with it. She said that was what she and Adam had done to help Connor work through his issues. Chelsea said she had a problem accepting that Hope had agreed to be complicit in hiding the truth about the incident from Adam. Victor assured Chelsea that Hope had agreed to that course of action, but Chelsea stated that Hope wasn't there to confirm or deny it.

Victor told Chelsea that Adam was Hope's only child. He asked what would have happened if the truth had come out that night. He said the police would have taken Adam away for trying to protect his mother. He said it had weighed heavily on Hope, but he'd persuaded Hope that it was the best course of action in order to shield Adam from ever remembering what he'd done. Victor said that the incident had been so traumatizing for Adam that Adam had lost his memory of it, and the memory hadn't returned. Victor had believed that door had been closed forever -- until recent events.

Chelsea told Victor that the fact remained that there was no one to corroborate his story, but Victor said there was -- the farm's caretaker, George. He'd been there that night, and he'd helped clean up by removing any indication that Adam had been to blame. Chelsea found it hard to believe, but Victor said that George was enormously loyal to the family and a very sweet man. Victor said he'd told Adam what had happened, but he surmised that Adam had chosen not to share it with Chelsea. It was possible that Adam wanted to keep the memory buried, perhaps as self-preservation.

Chelsea promised Victor that whatever had or hadn't happened that night, would be fine, and she would make certain of it. She said they were both survivors, and she would be at his side for whatever followed. Victor said that was good, but she had to watch Adam closely because he would need her.

Nate entered the Grand Phoenix and spotted Amanda at the bar, attempting to focus on her work. He distracted her by saying he'd wanted to see her. He said that legal documents were gibberish to him. Amanda laughed and said that was how she felt about medical documents. She said that Nate's timing was perfect because she was ready for a break. Nate asked how things were going at Chancellor Communications and how she liked working with Lily and Billy. Amanda said things were good. She told him about Lily interviewing people at Chancellor Park and that Lily had gotten her on camera for an interview.

Amanda told Nate that Lily had managed to get her talking about him during the interview, and Amanda admitted that she'd described him as pretty amazing. Nate smiled and said he would try to live up to her description. Nate said that he wanted to spend some time with her, but Amanda said she had to get some work done. She asked him for a rain check. Nate agreed, and he left.

After Nate left, Nick arrived to speak with Abby. Abby told Chance that Nick wanted to give her a hotel. Chance was taken aback by the offer. He said it sounded like a good idea, but it was up to Abby. Abby said she'd been blown away by Nick's offer. Nick stated that it would help Abby and Phyllis, but Abby pointed out all the rotten things Phyllis had done to her in an attempt to drive her away.

Abby told Nick that she wouldn't back down. Nick tried to convince Abby to take him up on his offer, but Abby said that Nick shouldn't be in the middle because it was between her and Phyllis. She didn't want to reward Phyllis for her bad behavior. Nick said that Abby needed to look at the situation objectively because it would be a win-win situation.

At Society, Elena told Devon that he'd changed Jared's life that day by giving him a scholarship. Devon said the change wasn't close to how much Neil had changed his life. He said he missed Neil, and it still felt like it had been yesterday that Neil had passed away. Elena said that missing people was an ache that never went away. Devon wished that Neil had had a chance to meet her, because he would have loved her.

Devon told Elena that she'd entered his life when he'd needed her most, and she'd brought him peace and hope. Elena said she was grateful for her life. She was happy that because he and Nate had believed in her, she'd finished her residency. Opening the clinic had been the most rewarding thing she'd ever done. She'd never believed she could be so happy. Their conversation was interrupted by a phone call. Nate asked if she could help him at the clinic because he'd been inundated with patients. Devon took the phone and told Nate that Elena would be there shortly. Elena told Devon she loved him, and she left.

At Crimson Lights, Summer met with Phyllis, who told Summer that she and Nick had reunited. She said that she and Nick had discussed the pros and cons at length, and they'd decided that they were committed to each other and wanted to give it another try. Summer said she was fine with it and that she'd already voiced her concerns. She said that if Phyllis and Nick wanted to pursue their relationship, they had every right to do so. Surprised, Phyllis said she'd thought Summer would give her a fight, but Summer claimed that resistance was futile, and Phyllis and Nick being together again wasn't the worst thing.

Summer told Phyllis that she'd thought about what Sharon had been going through and realized that life threw curve balls. She wanted Phyllis to be happy. Phyllis said she had a great daughter and commented that Summer was a good shrink.

After Phyllis left, Nick arrived and asked Summer if she'd spoken to Phyllis. Summer said she had, and all was well. However, she reserved the right to change her mind. She also wanted Nick and Phyllis to accept her and Kyle together. Nick agreed and said he wanted to talk to Phyllis. He said that if everything went the way he hoped, things would work out. Summer looked at him, said she didn't want to know what he was talking about, and left.

At the Grand Phoenix, Phyllis approached Amanda, who was still sitting at the bar. She told Amanda that she believed she had the upper hand regarding the hotel. She also told Amanda that there was more to life than work. She advised Amanda to stop being a workaholic and to enjoy life.

In her suite, Nick and Phyllis noticed that the construction noise had stopped. Nick said it had worked. Phyllis admitted it had and then realized that Nick was referring to something else and that she'd admitted to being responsible for the lack of noise. Phyllis told Nick that one could buy anything on the Internet then explained that Jack had told her that his construction had had to stop because some fossils had been discovered on his site. She admitted she'd planted fossils on Abby's hotel site. She'd called the company and had the construction shut down. She said the site would be shut down for ages while they searched for more bones.

Nick told Phyllis he wished she'd told him her plans before going ahead. He told Phyllis about his offer to Abby. He believed it would have been the perfect solution. He said that when things had gone quiet, he'd thought Abby had accepted his offer. Phyllis said that Nick shouldn't have made the offer to Abby, but it had been an amazing gesture. She told Nick that she could fight her own battles. She said she had a victory she needed to celebrate, and she turned to Nick.

Chelsea returned to the penthouse and called to Adam. Adam told Chelsea that he'd sent Alyssa a couple of text messages in the hope that she'd help him, but she'd left town. He believed that Victor had gotten to her. He told Chelsea that he recalled Victor had said that George had been there the night of A.J.'s death. Victor had said that George had moved the body and covered up Adam's involvement. Adam admitted he hadn't given that much thought because he'd believed it had been another lie in an avalanche of lies from Victor. Adam believed that George could clear up what had happened that night.

Chelsea asked Adam if he really wanted to do that. Adam said he didn't understand why she would have a problem with him talking to George. Chelsea said she didn't have a problem, but she appeared concerned. Adam called George and thanked him for taking such great care of them while they had been at the farm. He wanted to return the favor, and he invited George to visit them in Genoa City. George accepted the invitation.

At the clinic Nate and Elena discussed how busy things had been. Elena commented how good Nate was with children, just like Devon. She said that Nate and Devon would make great fathers. Nate said he wasn't ready to be a dad yet, and he suggested that Elena go back to her date with Devon. Elena said she and Nate made a great team, and she left.

After Elena left, Nate heard someone enter and thought it was another patient, but it was Amanda. She said she had wanted to surprise him. She told Nate that someone had told her that there was more to life than work. Nate said it was a wonderful surprise.

Elena returned to Society, and Devon was still there. She told Devon they could finish their date over something sweet, and they kissed.

Adam seeks immediate help from Sharon
Adam seeks immediate help from Sharon

Adam seeks immediate help from Sharon

Thursday, August 13, 2020

by Nel

Sharon was asleep on the sofa, and when she woke up, she told Rey and Faith that she hoped she hadn't been talking in her sleep. Faith laughed and said that Sharon had kept repeating "bleeping" cancer. Sharon was mortified and changed the subject by asking Faith about school. Faith said she had to do a book report on Little Women. Sharon said it had been her favorite book. She said she would read it again and help Faith with her report. After Faith left, Rey said he hadn't known that Little Women had been her favorite book. Sharon admitted she hadn't read it, but she would read it to help Faith.

When Victoria arrived for a visit with Sharon, Rey said he had things to do upstairs and told Sharon to call him if she needed anything. Victoria asked if Sharon had received her gift basket. Sharon gushed over all the items in the basket and thanked Victoria.

Victoria reminded Sharon that a certain friend had stopped by when Victoria had been recovering from the stabbing and how Sharon had cheered her up. Victoria wanted to return the favor. Victoria commented how well Sharon looked after her lumpectomy and asked what was next. Sharon explained that she had to wait for the results from her surgery, and then it was back to radiation. She told Victoria that she slept a lot and that she'd used foul language in her sleep -- in front of Faith. Victoria said that Sharon didn't need to be brave and strong around her, but Sharon assured Victoria she wasn't holding anything back.

Sharon asked Victoria what was new with her. Victoria said that Adam had lost the CEO chair, and she was back in control of Newman Enterprises. When Rey returned, Victoria left. Rey suggested that Sharon should take a nap, and she agreed. She curled up on the sofa and drifted off to sleep.

At Crimson Lights, Chelsea told Adam that she would meet George and buy him a ticket back to Kansas. She was worried that Adam was still trying to come to terms about losing his CEO position at Newman and she wanted George to go home and not add to Adam's stress. Adam said he wanted to expose Victor for the liar he was and for trying to blame him for A.J. Montalvo's death. He had to talk to George, face to face. He told Chelsea not to worry and that he knew what he was doing. He said that as soon as George told him the truth, everything would change. He asked Chelsea to contact the sitter because he wanted Connor as far from the situation as possible.

Standing at the bar at Society, Victor left a voicemail for George to call him before he spoke to Adam. Jack arrived and grinned when he read the text message from Jill inviting him to join her on the beach. He joined Summer and Kyle and asked how it felt to be the power couple at Jabot. Kyle assured Jack that everything was under control at Jabot. Jack informed them that he'd been trying to be the good son. He said that once a person became a parent, it became clear that their parents needed them as much as they had needed their parents when they'd been a child.

Jack told Kyle and Summer to focus on themselves and Jabot while he focused on family. Kyle apologized for the argument he and Theo had had in front of Dina. He said he would like to visit with Dina and he wanted to go and see her immediately. Summer said she had to make some calls to push some of her meetings back because she wanted to go with him.

In the meantime, Jack joined Victor at the bar. Victor asked what Jack was doing there. He said he would suffer Victor's company in honor of Katherine and the rededication of Chancellor Park. Jack said that normally when Victor was that ornery, Adam had done something. Victor stated he wouldn't unburden himself on Jack. Jack said that Victor had missed Summer and Kyle. They would have sprinkled some sunshine on his mood because they were so in love, and it was refreshing. He said that they would have put a smile on Victor's face. Victor reminded Jack that Kyle had broken Summer's heart more than once and told Jack to save his breath.

Jack said because Victor had gone in that direction, it was confirmation that Victor's mood was about Adam. Jack said he'd had a conversation with Summer and Kyle about father and son, and father and daughter relationships. He said that Victor and Adam had never been able to work it out. He said they both wanted it, but it had never been at the same time. He suggested that perhaps it was time to give up.

Victor reminded Jack that when Adam had been younger, Jack had used him to get back at Victor, and Adam had gone to prison for faking a journal purporting to be Victor's. Jack said that at the time, he'd thought it had been a good time to take a shot. Victor said that Jack had always been after what Victor had -- his company, his wife, and his son -- but he'd never succeeded. Jack said that Kyle had the tools to maintain a relationship -- Adam didn't. Jack said he was Adam's friend, and the more time Adam spent around Victor, the more dangerous it was for Adam. It was in his DNA.

Jack received a call from Kyle about Dina. Once he disconnected from the call, Jack said that Adam was toxic to Victor, and he advised Victor to walk away. Victor said he didn't want Jack's advice and that Jack had no idea what Victor had been dealing with.

At the Chancellor Estate, Kevin was inundated with text messages from Chloe. One of her requests had been for strawberries, and another for antacid because she had heartburn. Esther ran in, out of breath, and said she needed Kevin's help immediately. She went to check on Chloe, and when she returned, she informed him that Chloe had drifted off to sleep. Kevin looked out the window. He told Esther that the pirate ship play set that was being set up in the backyard was too much. He asked Esther how much money she'd spent on the baby in the past week, and he began rhyming off everything that Esther had already purchased.

Esther admitted to Kevin that she'd been trying to make up for the things she hadn't been able to provide Chloe when Chloe had been growing up -- she hadn't been able to give Chloe a father. Kevin said even having a father didn't mean a person had a father. Kevin said he was already a father to Bella, but he was worried about being a father to his son. He often recalled growing up with Terrible Tom. He was worried he might do the same to his son as Terrible Tom had done to him. He said that Esther had been a good mother to Chloe, and Chloe loved her. Esther told Kevin that he was a wonderful man, and he was good to Chloe.

Kevin told Esther that he was grateful to have Chloe around every day. He said that Chloe was the way she was because Esther had been an incredible mother to her. Esther asked if she could continue shopping for the baby.

At the Abbotts', Kyle had been visiting with Dina. He left her room and told Summer that there was something wrong because Dina wasn't responding to anything. Summer suggested that he try something familiar. Kyle found one of Dina's favorite songs and hoped he could get through to her. He returned a short time later and said that Dina was upset. He called Jack and said something was wrong. Jack said he'd be home shortly.

After Jack arrived and checked on Dina, he told Kyle and Summer that Dina was upset, and she'd said the strangest thing: "Bixley." He asked if that meant anything to either Kyle or Summer. It clearly meant something to Dina, and Jack wondered what it was.

George arrived at Adam's penthouse, and Chelsea welcomed him. George said it had been a surprise to get their invitation. He said that Genoa City was lovely. Adam and George reminisced about the good and bad times at the farm.

Adam asked if George remembered Alyssa Montalvo. George said he didn't. Adam said that he and Alyssa had grown up without a father and that Alyssa's father was A.J. Montalvo. George asked why they were talking about the Montalvos. Adam said that A.J.'s death had hit Alyssa very hard; she'd been led to believe her father's death had been complicated, and she would never know the truth.

Adam told George that A.J. had fallen from the hayloft, and he'd hit his head and died. George asked when Victor would arrive. He said that Victor had left him a voicemail to call him back, but he figured they could talk when Victor arrived. Adam said Victor wouldn't be there, and he continued to tell George that the A.J. story was fiction and that Victor had been at the heart of it.

George kept refusing to respond to Adam's questions about A.J.'s death. George asked why they were talking about A.J.'s death. Adam said that he'd confronted Victor about it and that Victor had blamed him for what had happened to A.J. George asked if that had been the reason Adam had invited him, to sandbag him for information. Adam said he needed to hear the truth from George. He said that George had never lied to Hope or to him. George said he didn't want any part of that conversation, and he asked to be taken back to the airport.

Adam asked George for a chance to explain, but George said he'd heard enough. He didn't appreciate being lied to and brought there under false pretenses. Adam promised there was nothing nefarious, and he only had a few questions. George asked who he had to call to get a cab. At that moment, Adam received a call from Connor about his soccer game. Adam spoke calmly and quietly to calm Connor down, and he offered to play soccer with only the two of them after Connor returned home. Adam ended the call and said there had been a little drama at the playground.

George told Adam that he'd had a change of heart and would tell Adam everything. Chelsea asked what had changed his mind. George said the way Adam had spoken to his son. Adam had lost his anger and put his son first. Adam had spoken to his son until Connor had felt safe. He said that a father's love was a special thing, and he'd witnessed something similar with a little boy who had been upset that his mother had been threatened.

George said that Victor had protected Adam and had shielded him from what had happened because what had happened to that little boy had been so much worse. George had agreed to keep the secret because what had happened to that little boy had been too much for him to handle. Agitated, Adam told George to stop because what he was saying couldn't be right. George said he wished it wasn't, but unfortunately it was.

When Adam was alone with Chelsea, he claimed that Victor had coached George on what to say. Chelsea asked if George could pull off a lie like that. She said that Adam had been a little boy, and he couldn't remember that night. Adam claimed that it wasn't him, and it wouldn't be until he understood. He said that before he'd returned to Genoa City, everyone had been telling him that he was Adam Newman. They'd told him about the things he'd done, but none of it had been anything like this.

Adam asked Chelsea how Victor could have kept that secret all those years. Chelsea said because Victor loved him and had wanted to shield Adam from the horror of that night. Adam said he'd killed a man and shoved that memory to the back of his brain. He said he needed to unblock that memory and wished he knew how to do it.

Asleep on the sofa, Sharon was awoken by a loud knock on her door. She called for Rey, but he didn't hear her. She shouted for the person knocking to enter. It was Adam, and he appeared to be in distress. He said he needed Sharon's help, and it couldn't wait.

Adam learns Sharon has cancer
Adam learns Sharon has cancer

Adam learns Sharon has cancer

Friday, August 14, 2020

by Jenny Smith

Ashley stopped by the Abbott mansion to check on Dina. Jack recounted that their mother had experienced an emotional reaction when Kyle and Summer had played some music, and Dina had said "Bixley" when Jack had tried to calm her down. Ashley had no idea what it meant, and she wondered if Bixley was someone Dina had known. Jack lamented that it could be something important that Dina was trying to tell them, or it could be nothing at all.

Ashley commented that things were sometimes better left buried, and Jack recognized that secrets had hurt her in the past. Jack thought it would drive him crazy if he didn't do whatever he could to find out what Dina had meant, but he understood if Ashley didn't want to join in the search for answers. Ashley was determined to help him, and she speculated that Bixley had been a former lover. Jack countered that it could have been a coworker or business rival.

Jack performed a search on his phone and found hundreds of Bixleys online. Jack pondered whether he was making something out of nothing, and he saw no point in pressing Dina for more information. Ashley proposed that they look at Dina's memoirs again. Jack started to head upstairs to retrieve them, but Ashley spotted something on the table and stopped him. She held up a pad of paper with "Bixley" written on it, and she noted that Dina had been thinking about it even before she'd heard the song.

After speaking with the nurse, Jack indicated that she'd given Dina the pen and paper, but Dina hadn't provided any explanation of who Bixley was. Ashley believed that it had meant something for Dina to make the effort to write it down. Ashley pondered whether Bixley might be another long-lost sibling, but Jack doubted that Dina had another child out there. Ashley argued that Dina had been young enough to have more kids when she'd left John, but Jack thought that they would have found out if that had happened. Ashley pointed out that Dina had kept her fling with Stuart a secret for decades. Traci arrived home and asked what was going on.

Traci thought Jack and Ashley's imaginations were running wild, since she didn't see how they'd made the leap to Dina having another child. Ashley groaned that she was still inclined to think the worst of their mother. Traci examined Dina's scrawl on the pad of paper and realized that the word was "Bixby" -- and she knew exactly what Dina had been talking about. Traci recalled that John had constantly lined his children up to have their pictures taken, and he'd always said to "smile for the Bixby" -- a movie camera called the Bixomatic. She fondly remembered how he'd loved taking home movies, and she theorized that Dina wanted to see the films and maybe go back to where it had all begun.

Mariah met Tessa on the Crimson Lights patio and panicked when she saw a formally decorated table with flowers and a cupcake. Mariah fretted that they weren't ready to face a reviewer that day, but Tessa revealed that the setup was for Mariah, who she thought could use a break. Mariah pointed out that she had a lot to do, but Tessa rattled off a list of everything that had already been handled at home. Tessa declared that the only thing left was for Mariah to take a long, deep breath and slowly exhale.

Mariah felt that she should be doing something for Sharon, but Tessa reasoned that Sharon would insist that Mariah take a few minutes to herself. Mariah didn't know how she would have gotten through any of it without Tessa, and Tessa replied that she'd only been a small cog in Sharon's support system. Mariah gushed that Tessa was much more than that, since Tessa was the cheerleader who kept everyone loose and knew the right moment to pump them up. Mariah received a text message, and her expression darkened when she read it.

Mariah demanded to know why Tessa hadn't told her about turning down the chance to appear at a music festival in October. Mariah relayed that Tanner had just sent a message to warn that it was a huge mistake. Tessa insisted that it wasn't a big deal, but Mariah noted that many well-known artists would be there. Tessa explained that she hadn't mentioned it because she hadn't wanted to distract Mariah from everything that had been going on. Mariah wanted the exposure for Tessa, and she felt like she was holding Tessa back.

Mariah protested that Tessa shouldn't give up a make-or-break moment for her. Tessa argued that no music festival would make or break her, but losing Mariah would, and she wouldn't let that happen. Tessa was adamant about being there for Sharon and Mariah, since families stuck together through the good and the bad. Tessa recognized that she'd never had that growing up, and it was the first time in her life that she felt like she belonged somewhere. She added that she wouldn't give it up for all the fame and money in the world.

Mariah accepted that Tessa was staying put for a while, and Tessa insisted that playing songs in the park would make her just as happy. Mariah was sure Tessa would still be an epic star. "As long as I'm your star," Tessa lovingly replied.

At the clinic, Nate and Elena took a moment to relax after an onslaught of patients, and she teased him for jinxing things by saying it was going to be a slow day. The phone rang, and Elena said it was all on him. Nate picked up the phone and pretended to accept an invitation to a round of golf. Elena clucked that he wasn't amusing anyone, though she was clearly charmed.

Nate and Elena took a break after treating an elderly lady who'd cut herself after walking into a glass door. Nate was glad that the patient hadn't lost an eye, and Elena joked that it was all his fault for jinxing things. She added that the little old lady had been smitten with him, and he replied that the woman had competition, since a gall bladder patient had offered to make him a pie. Elena good-naturedly complained that it was sexist because no one ever gave her dessert. Nate volunteered to pick one up for her.

At Society, Amanda and Devon went over the projects she'd completed. He wished she'd charge him for the work she'd done, but she stressed that pro bono meant free. He marveled at where they'd ended up after the way they'd both grown up in foster homes. They discussed awarding scholarships, and she envisioned what the money would have meant for her when she'd been in high school, praying to go to college. Devon recalled that he hadn't paid attention to school until Neil had served as a role model for him.

Amanda named Constance Baker Motley as her inspiration for having to work twice as hard for half the credit. Devon recognized that he had billions of dollars, but he felt like he was borrowing a suit out of Neil's closet sometimes. Devon mused that it was why New Hope and his other charitable projects meant a lot to him, and Amanda praised him for putting Katherine's money to great use. Devon recounted how he'd spent it in more frivolous ways until Neil had set him straight. Amanda anticipated that his money would make a huge difference to a lot of people.

Devon announced that their work was done, so Amanda could get back to her real job. She insisted that it was a real job, even if she worked for free. Devon marveled that it was just the beginning, since he didn't intend to slow down with Hamilton-Winters or the scholarship fund. Amanda remarked that while she'd never met Neil, she knew in her heart that Neil would have been proud.

Nick stopped by the Newman ranch, hoping to find out why Victoria was back in charge at Newman Enterprises. Nick wanted to be sure that Victor hadn't been arrested for murder. Victor walked in, and Nikki swore that Victor hadn't killed anyone -- but Adam had. Victor explained that Adam had been protecting Hope when A.J. had threatened her, and Victor had known the truth all along. Nick was appalled that Adam had blackmailed his own father for a crime Adam had committed.

At the penthouse, Chelsea descended the stairs, calling back to Connor that she'd try to reach his dad again. Chelsea anxiously called Nikki and indicated that she needed to get Connor out of the house. Chelsea was thankful when Nikki invited the boy over to the ranch, and Chelsea inquired whether Victor would be there. Chelsea added that she wasn't trying to keep Victor from seeing Connor, since it was just the opposite. She thought that Connor needed to feel safe and loved, and she believed that only Victor could give Connor what he needed.

Nikki reported that Chelsea was going to drop off Connor soon, and Victor remarked that Connor was better off with them, so they could control what he found out. Nick doubted that Adam had completely blocked out killing a man, and Victor sternly hoped that it wouldn't be discussed outside that room. Nick wondered if Victor intended to blackmail Adam, like Adam had tried to do to Victor. Victor defended that Adam had been eleven years old and trying to protect his mom. Nick conceded that A.J.'s death had been a terrible tragedy, but he was talking about what Adam had done to Victor and Victoria.

Nick ranted that Adam had been there when Victoria had been stabbed, but it hadn't stopped Adam from pushing her out of her job. Victor admitted that Adam's actions had been despicable, but he was opposed to continuing the cycle of revenge. Nick begrudgingly agreed to keep it a secret for Connor's sake, but he demanded to know if Adam would be out of their lives completely. Victor and Nikki remained silent, and Nick grumbled, "That's what I thought." Nick headed out over Nikki's protests.

Nikki lectured that Victor couldn't blame Nick for asking the same question that she'd asked many times. Victor urged her to imagine what Adam was going through. Nikki griped that they'd all agonized over Adam enough, and she thought Victor should be focusing on Victoria, who'd become collateral damage in his war with Adam. Victor asserted that Victoria had what she wanted, and he found Victoria's lack of compassion for Adam unconscionable.

Chelsea arrived and mentioned that Connor had run straight to the stables, and Nikki went to check on him. Victor surmised from Chelsea's expression that she was there to talk about Adam. Chelsea shared that Adam had accepted the truth after speaking with George, but she had no idea where Adam was. She remembered saying that Adam would be fine, no matter what, but she was no longer sure. Chelsea confirmed that George had backed up Victor's story, but Adam hadn't taken it well.

Chelsea worried that Adam was scared and confused because he still couldn't remember what had happened, and she'd hoped he'd reached out to Victor. Victor imagined that Adam was trying to process all of it, but he was confident that Adam would recover with his family's help. Chelsea realized that Victor really loved Adam. Victor declared that Adam was his son, and he'd never give up on any of his children. Chelsea thought Adam might never be able to say it, but she thanked Victor for what he'd done for Adam.

Later, Victor poured a drink as Nikki returned from the stables. He informed her that Chelsea had left after letting him know that Adam was aware of the truth. Nikki imagined that Adam hadn't reacted well, and they both knew what he was capable of when pushed against the breaking point.

At the cottage, Sharon told Adam that it wasn't a good time, but he insisted that he had to talk to her. He rambled that everything he'd thought about his childhood hadn't been true, and he needed her because she knew him better than anyone. Sharon assumed that Adam was referring to Newman Enterprises, and he confirmed that it had started that way. She wanted nothing to do with a Newman power struggle, but he blurted out that it was about what he'd done -- he'd killed someone.

Adam explained that he'd killed a man when he'd been eleven years old, and Victor had covered it up. A stunned Sharon asked what he needed from her, and he recalled that she'd helped him before. She argued that helping him to recover his memory had been different, but things were more complicated because he'd since remembered her. She suggested that he talk to someone else, but he wanted her help because she understood him. Nick walked through the door. "What the hell are you doing here?" Nick growled.

Nick asked if Sharon was all right, and she assured him that she was fine. Adam snapped that it was between him and Sharon, but Nick demanded that Adam leave. Nick encouraged Sharon to get some rest while he handled Adam, but Adam argued that Sharon could speak for herself. Sharon stepped out to take a call. Adam complained that Nick was overreacting, but Nick barked that Sharon didn't need Adam or his baggage. Adam guessed that Victor had filled Nick in, and Nick warned Adam not to dump his problems on a woman who'd just had surgery. Adam was flabbergasted.

Adam reeled when he learned that Sharon had cancer. He stammered that nobody had told him about it, and Nick hissed that it was because Adam wasn't part of her life anymore. Adam inquired whether Sharon would be all right, and Nick replied that they had every hope she would be. Nick added that she had a very long road ahead of her, and she didn't need Adam's selfishness. Adam spat that it wasn't Nick's call to make.

Adam questioned why Nick was involved when he and Sharon weren't a couple. Nick contended that he and Sharon had history and children together, but Adam reiterated that it was Sharon's decision to make. Adam wanted to apologize to Sharon and offer his full support, but Nick ordered him to go and to keep his distance, since the people who cared about Sharon would make sure Adam never made it to the front door.

Later, Sharon returned to the room, and Nick told her that Adam was gone. Sharon asked if it was true that Adam had killed someone when he'd been a child. Nick revealed that Adam had attacked the man who'd been responsible for Adam's stepfather's death, Adam had blocked out the memory, and Victor had covered up the truth for years. Sharon was horrified by Nick's lack of concern, and Nick figured that Adam had Chelsea, so Adam's problems weren't Sharon's responsibility.

Sharon assumed that Adam had already spoken to Chelsea, yet he'd shown up at the cottage, clearly in need of more support. Nick stated that there were many therapists out there. Sharon pressed to know what had made a little boy do something that violent, and Nick relayed that Adam had supposedly been trying to protect his mother. Nick was skeptical because both Adam and Victor had problems telling the truth, and he believed that something had always been wrong with Adam.

Sharon refused to believe that anyone was born evil. Nick complained about how Adam got away with everything by getting people to feel sorry for him. Sharon contended that she'd seen how terrified Adam had been, and he was a broken man, not a monster. Nick worried that Adam was taking advantage of her again, and he reminded her that she had a bigger battle to face. He figured that Adam had Chelsea, Victor, and the protection of the Newman name, and he advised Sharon not to let Adam exploit her kindness or drain her energy when she needed it the most.

Adam returned home, and Chelsea asked if he was all right. He called it a complicated question, and he inquired about Connor's whereabouts because he didn't want his son to overhear anything. Chelsea said she'd dropped Connor off at the ranch, and she relayed that she'd told Victor that Adam had accepted the truth. Adam questioned how he could accept that he'd killed someone when he couldn't remember it. Chelsea urged him to keep living and building on their wonderful life by leaving the past where it belonged.

Adam couldn't forget that he'd killed a man. Chelsea thought he'd locked it up because it had been too overwhelming, and she credited Hope and Victor for sparing him. Adam insisted on dealing with it then, but Chelsea appealed to him to let it go. Adam wailed that it had made him question who he was, but Chelsea swore that he was still the man she loved and the father Connor adored. Adam contemplated whether Victor was protecting him from something even more unimaginable, and he wouldn't know unless he remembered. Chelsea begged him to trust her and leave it alone.

Chelsea offered to get Adam something to eat. She headed to the kitchen but stopped to say she loved him before she exited. Adam's phone pinged with a message from Sharon, who'd written, "Tell me how I can help."

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Edited by SC Desk