Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 17, 2014 on Y&R

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Victor and Nikki were remarried, unaware a bomb had been planted in the basement
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 17, 2014 on Y&R

Jack proposed to Phyllis, and the couple made love. Stitch and Billy found Victoria in the Jabot storage closet, and they helped deliver a healthy baby girl. Devon paid Colin off. Gabriel's dog growled at Adam.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 17, 2014 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 17, 2014 on Y&R

Monday, November 17, 2014

by Anne Carpenter

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In a locked maintenance room inside the parking garage at Jabot, Victoria moaned as she experienced sharp labor pains. Upstairs, Billy and Ben frantically searched the lab and several offices before heading back down to the garage, where Victoria had left her car. Ben placed a call to Victoria's cellphone. The men were shocked to hear a faint ringtone, and they later discovered the phone in a trashcan after Ben disabled the noisy exhaust fans. He and Billy heard Victoria's cries and used a fire extinguisher to break the padlock on the door.

Once inside the room, Victoria announced that her baby was about to be born. Ben phoned for an ambulance. Billy raced upstairs to the lab to retrieve a medical kit and some blankets. Ben moved Victoria out of the cramped storage room. When Billy returned, Victoria asked Ben if he was aware of how she'd gotten locked inside the storage room. Ben didn't respond, but Billy said he also wanted to know what had happened.

Ben cleaned his hands with antibacterial gel and said they should instead concentrate on the baby. Ben promised Victoria that he and Billy wouldn't let her lose the baby. Billy acted as a birthing coach while Ben prepared to deliver the baby. Victoria complained of exhaustion, but Ben coaxed her to push. The child arrived crying. Victoria beamed. The men looked relieved. Ben, cradling the newborn, announced that the girl was healthy. He placed the infant in Victoria's arms. The elated mother cooed to her baby and kissed the newborn's pink forehead.

At Chelsea's penthouse, Jeffrey stopped by unannounced. When Chelsea opened her front door, she expected to find Billy and blurted out that Billy had to have found Victoria. Jeffrey muttered, "Is Victoria lost?" Chelsea asked why her father had stopped by. Jeffrey replied, "Can't a father watch out for his daughter's well-being?" Chelsea mistakenly believed that Jeffrey had planted the tiny hidden camera she'd recently discovered in Connor's nursery. Jeffrey examined the camera and said, "Glad I'm here to help." Chelsea vehemently refused Jeffrey's offer to contact the police.

Jeffrey admitted to Chelsea that he'd stopped by because he needed money. Chelsea asked about the lawsuit Jeffrey had filed against Ben. She explained that it was important to Billy for Jeffrey to drop the lawsuit against Ben. Jeffrey said, "I get it. What's important to Victoria is important to Billy. You know, Adam had his flaws, but at least he was clear about who it was he loved."

Jeffrey reminded Chelsea that Billy might be the father of Victoria's baby. Chelsea noted that a baby couldn't magically mend a damaged relationship. Chelsea said that she, too, shared a biological child with Billy. Chelsea offered Jeffrey a lucrative deal to drop his frivolous lawsuit. Jeffrey laughed and said he'd have to think it over. After Jeffrey left, Chelsea phoned and left a message for Billy to return her call.

At a stately home, Adam, masquerading as Gabriel, admired his altered facial appearance. Addressing a young woman named Sage, Adam said, "When I walk back into Genoa City, no one will suspect for a minute that I'm Adam Newman -- not my close friends, not my family, not even Chelsea." Hobbling with the aid of a cane, Adam took a seat behind a desk. Sage insisted that Adam couldn't yet return to Genoa City because he hadn't fully recovered. Adam glared at Sage.

While Adam devoured his lunch, Constance, confined to a wheelchair, encouraged "Gabriel" to continue regaining his strength. Sage cleared her throat to prompt Adam to speak a kind word to the older woman. Constance noted that Gabriel hadn't touched the spinach on his plate. Adam replied, "I don't care for it." Sage cringed, and Constance said, "It's always been your favorite. You always loved spinach even when you were a little boy."

Sage interrupted the awkward conversation between Adam and Constance. Sage recalled that Gabriel's doctor had mentioned the possibility of altered taste as a side effect of medications. Constance noted that she'd always maintained hope that her grandson would recover. Constance noted that her grandson had inherited her fortitude along with her good looks. Adam nodded.

Sage panicked when Constance began coughing and choking. Constance dismissed Sage's concern. Constance said she was brimming over with good health, thanks to her grandson's ever-promising recovery. Constance assured her grandson that something valuable could be gained from his harrowing ordeal if he learned to appreciate the bigger picture.

Adam admitted that he'd made mistakes. Adam said that he'd been irresponsible and had taken things for granted. Constance claimed that her grandson was being too hard on himself. He added that his near-death experience and long recovery process had given him a glimpse of a better life. Adam expressed his desire to put himself in a new place, so he could be a better man. Sage seemed apprehensive as she studied Constance's reaction.

Constance asked Gabriel how he planned to accomplish his goals. He said he would be less self-serving and would venture out into the world to work. Sage warned Gabriel that he might not be fully recovered. Constance praised her grandson for attempting to save the life of a despicable man who was the son of Victor Newman. Constance became agitated, and Sage attempted to comfort her, but Constance cried that Adam Newman had killed an innocent little girl, so he hadn't deserved to be saved.

After Constance left the room, Sage pointed out that Adam hadn't said a word about the hit-and-run the entire time he'd lived at the house. Adam reminded Sage that before Constance had entered the room, Sage had pleaded with him not to leave. Sage said, "It's dangerous!" Adam replied, "It's risky, and we both knew that going in. As far as I'm concerned, nothing has changed at all." Sage, frustrated, noted that she'd gone along with their arrangement so far. Adam reminded her that they were both getting something out of the agreement, so she had no right to alter the rules.

At the Underground, Phyllis berated Summer for wasting her time with Austin by hanging around the bar while he cut lemons and mixed drinks. The tables soon turned, and Summer lashed out at her mother for not immediately notifying her and others that Nick was her biological father. Summer cried that Phyllis' only concern was punishing Sharon. Phyllis quickly shushed Austin when he attempted to defend his wife. Summer scowled at her mother.

Phyllis seemed unfazed when Summer insisted that she'd grown up a lot during the year her mother had been in a coma. Phyllis asked to speak to Summer privately. Summer, agitated, replied, "Stop treating Austin like that. He is my husband! Don't you love us anymore?" Phyllis asked if either Summer or Jack had paused to consider that she might need reassurance. Austin left so Summer could talk to her mother.

Phyllis noted that "so much" had changed while she'd been away. Summer admitted that she'd gone on with her life. She added, "You were always there with me in my head. With everything I did, I would ask myself if you would approve or not." Phyllis apologized for having made mistakes when she returned to Genoa City. Phyllis cried that Jack seemed to no longer feel the same way about her as she did for him.

Summer told her mother that she feared losing Jack as a father figure. Phyllis assured Summer that Jack wouldn't turn his back on her. Phyllis vowed to remind Jack how much they both loved each other. Summer asked Phyllis what she planned to do to mend her relationship with Jack. Phyllis gently patted her daughter's hand and told her not to worry. Phyllis' directive seemed not to quell Summer's concerns.

After Phyllis left, Summer seemed uneasy. Summer told Austin that she was worried about how her mom would react when she found out about Jack's involvement with Kelly. Summer, considering her awkward situation, said she wasn't sure which of her families to visit on Thanksgiving. Austin suggested they eat turkey and watch football games all day. Summer admitted that she no longer thought only of herself. She credited Austin with helping her forge a new outlook on life. The couple shared a passionate kiss.

At the Abbott mansion, Jack returned and called out to Phyllis, who didn't respond. Jack spied a ring box sitting on the mantel. He opened the box and saw Phyllis' engagement ring nestled inside. In a flashback, Jack recalled the day at the clinic when he'd slipped the ring on Phyllis' finger and pledged to wait for her indefinitely. He seemed lost in thought when he heard a noise at the front door.

Phyllis returned home. She told Jack that she'd placed the ring back in its box, so they could announce their engagement at a party. Jack said he wasn't sure they should throw a huge party. Phyllis apologized for jumping ahead and noted that she remembered the words Jack had spoken even though she had been comatose at the time. Jack replied, "I was terrified that I'd lose you, and my heart was so full of love for you."

Phyllis asked Jack if he still desired to place the ring on her finger. Jack replied, "I feel our love. I feel our connection and the same lightness of heart and ease I had when I stuffed that ring box in my tuxedo jacket, so I could meet you at the benefit eager to pop the question." Tears of joy filled Phyllis' eyes when Jack opened the lid of the ring box and said, "Red, will you marry me?" Phyllis cried, "Yes!"

Phyllis asked Jack to make love to her, and the couple went upstairs. After Phyllis and Jack made love, Phyllis asked about Jack's life during her year-long absence. Jack claimed that it had been a terrible, joyless year. Phyllis demanded to know if Jack had been with anyone else. Jack nervously replied, "Yes, there was someone." Jack refused to name the woman he'd dated. Phyllis said it was best that she didn't know because she might kill "the bitch."

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 17, 2014 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 17, 2014 on Y&R

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

by Jenny Smith

At the hospital, Victoria held her baby in her arms and mused that her daughter was beautiful, and Stitch said the girl was just like her mom. Victoria couldn't believe that she'd given birth in the Jabot parking lot, and Billy suggested she gloss over the story when she told Victor. She asked if she'd thanked both men for delivering her child, and she called her little girl lucky for having two people who'd been willing to do anything to deliver her into the world, but Billy and Stitch simultaneously corrected, "Three." Victoria's monitor beeped, and Billy rushed out to get her doctor as Stitch assured Victoria everything would be okay.

The doctor entered the room, and she recommended rest and fluids for Victoria to recover from the blood loss during a traumatic delivery. The doctor prepared to take the baby to the nursery, and she advised Billy and Stitch to give Victoria time alone, but Victoria asked to talk to Stitch privately. Billy stepped out, and Stitch thought his conversation with Victoria could wait, but she insisted that it couldn't, since she knew he hadn't killed his father. Stitch's expression grew solemn, and Victoria revealed that she'd run into Maureen at Jabot.

Victoria explained that she'd voiced her theory that Stitch had been innocent, and Maureen had denied it, but Maureen had eventually admitted that she'd killed Stitch's father. Stitch asked what had happened, and Victoria recounted that she'd gone to her car to tell someone what she'd learned, and Stitch guessed Maureen had followed her to the garage. Victoria divulged that Maureen had been afraid that Victoria would ruin her life, and Maureen had refused to let her do it. Stitch realized that Maureen had locked Victoria in the storage closet.

In the hallway, Kelly asked a nurse how Maureen was doing, but the nurse merely informed her that the doctor would be there soon to fill her in. Kelly checked her voicemail, and she discovered Jack had left a message to inform her that he'd spoken with Phyllis and that he needed to see Kelly.

At Jabot, Jack instructed Hilary to fetch reports and to cancel his trip to Chicago. Hilary asked if it was all right for her to take care of everything in the morning, and she prepared to head out. He inquired whether she had a hot date, and Neil appeared in the doorway and hoped it was with him. Neil good-naturedly scolded Jack for working his employees too hard, and Jack replied that he hadn't realized he had been doing so. Neil wanted to take Hilary to dinner, but she said she had a meeting. Jack offered to handle it, but Hilary objected that Jack had too much on his plate already.

Hilary reminded Neil that she'd told him she'd be home late, and Neil was supportive of her desire to advance her career. Jack mentioned that he didn't know who the meeting was with, and Neil said that what was important was that Hilary did. Hilary promised to make it up to Neil, and she kissed him goodbye and left. Neil crowed that he was a lucky guy, and he joked that Jack looked "like hell." Jack grinned and asked if Neil could read his mind, and Neil inquired how Jack had been doing since "Hurricane Phyllis" had blown back into town.

Jack reported that he was still standing, but Neil said that he'd heard Phyllis had leveled Sharon, so he couldn't imagine what Phyllis had done to Kelly. Jack revealed that Kelly was fine, but she was unaware that Jack had decided to get back together with Phyllis. Jack conceded that it wasn't fair to Kelly, and he'd been selfish to allow her to give him her heart after all she'd been through. He admitted that he hadn't thought about what it would do to Kelly if Phyllis woke up, and it made him sick to think of Kelly having her heart torn out again.

Neil advised Jack not to put off telling Kelly, or Kelly would hear the news from someone else, and he offered to be there to talk after Jack met with Kelly. Jack asked what was going on with Neil, and Neil replied that he was doing okay under the circumstances, but he was trying to be realistic. Neil confessed that he was tempted to drink sometimes, and Jack understood, but Neil pledged to stay strong. Kelly called Jack and stammered that her mother had suffered a heart attack, and Jack told her he'd meet her at the hospital.

Abby tracked down Billy in the hospital corridor, and she babbled excitedly about the birth of Victoria's baby girl. Billy reported that Victoria was worn out, but she and the baby were doing okay, and Abby demanded to know the highlights. Billy replied that he wasn't in the mood, and Abby recounted all the months of preparation she'd gone through, only to have Victoria have the baby without her help, but she was glad that at least he'd been there. Billy mentioned that Stitch also had been present and that Stitch was in Victoria's room. Abby asked what was wrong with Billy.

Abby asked what had happened to the idea of doing whatever it took to be with the person one loved, and she questioned whether Billy wanted Victoria back, but Billy replied that it wasn't about him. Abby warned that Stitch could take both Victoria and the baby away, and she imagined how Chelsea had felt about Billy delivering Victoria's baby. Billy realized that he'd forgotten to call Chelsea, and as he headed down the corridor, he ran into Jack. Billy assumed that Jack had found out about Victoria having the baby, but Jack informed him that Kelly had called about her mom's heart attack.

Jack asked if Victoria was okay, and Billy proudly announced that she'd had a little girl. The men hugged, and Billy reported that mother and child were both fine. Billy remarked that it had been a long night and a long year, and just when he'd felt like he had been picking up the pieces and moving on, he'd looked at the little girl's face. Jack understood that old feelings had flooded back, but Billy lamented that it didn't change anything. Jack said that he'd told himself the same thing, but it hadn't lasted very long.

Meanwhile, Kelly told Stitch that Maureen hadn't woken up yet, and she asked if he'd found Victoria. Stitch revealed that he hadn't had a chance to say what he'd needed to say, since Victoria had been in labor, and he'd delivered the baby with Billy's help. Stitch added that the birth had happened in the Jabot parking garage because of their mom, who had locked Victoria in a closet. Kelly questioned why Maureen had done that, and Stitch said that something had happened years before, but he wanted to let Maureen explain.

Kelly asked why she had to wait to hear the story from her mother, who had done nothing but show resentment toward her. Kelly ranted that Maureen had been jealous of her relationship with her dad, and Maureen had tried to keep them apart, but Stitch stated that Maureen had had her reasons. Kelly found it ironic that when she'd heard about Maureen's heart attack, she'd had the sick feeling she had been about to lose another person she loved, but she couldn't lose something she'd never had. Jack approached and said he'd gotten there as quickly as possible, and Kelly rushed into his arms.

Kelly reported that Maureen's surgery had gone well, but when she'd been there alone, she'd imagined all kinds of things. Jack apologized, and Kelly anxiously inquired whether he'd told Phyllis about their relationship. Jack explained that he'd told Phyllis he'd started seeing someone while she'd been in a coma, and Kelly sympathetically imagined that it had been hard for Phyllis to hear. Jack pointedly said that he hated hurting someone he cared about, especially knowing everything the person had been through, and Kelly assured him that Phyllis was strong and that a lot of people loved her. A nurse informed Kelly that Maureen was groggy but awake, and Kelly told Jack that they'd finish their discussion later. Kelly said she loved Jack before she rushed off.

Abby sat with Victoria and teased that they'd discussed a wilderness birth but not a parking garage. Abby said she'd been looking forward to being Victoria's birthing coach, but she forgave Victoria for doing it without her. Billy entered, and Abby left to get a peek at her niece and to let people know Victoria had had the baby. Victoria instructed her to keep it out of the tabloids, and the women hugged. Abby advised Billy not to screw things up, and Victoria and Billy smiled at one another.

Billy speculated that the parking garage birth would inspire Victoria's daughter to become a mechanic, and Victoria suspected that Victor would have other career choices in mind. Billy joked that he'd sign the tot up for shop classes the next day, but he said that he didn't care what she grew up to be because he was just glad the baby was there. He remarked that he knew how much Victoria had wanted another baby, and she acknowledged that he had, too. They called one another amazing, and Billy conceded that Stitch had been pretty handy, too.

Victoria wanted to explain why she'd asked Billy to leave earlier, and she informed him that she'd needed to talk to Stitch about something that affected him. Billy said that he only cared about her and the baby, and when he'd been holding the infant, he hadn't been able to help but think of Delia and how she'd entered the world. Victoria imagined it had felt like dj vu, and Billy replied that it had been in more ways than one, since he'd looked at the child and had seen hope and possibilities for a new beginning.

Nikki arrived home, and she eyed the liquor as she called out for Bonnie. She replaced the vodka bottle with a full one and tucked the nearly empty one into her bag. Victor declared that his baby was back, and Nikki tentatively greeted him. He suggested that they put their troubles behind them and celebrate, and she nonchalantly placed her bag out of sight and said she didn't feel like celebrating. Victor recognized she was upset about the methods he'd used to expose Sharon, but he contended that everything had worked out.

Nikki agreed that it was good the truth was out, and Victor thought they could get back to normal. Nikki whimpered that she wanted that more than anything, and Victor hugged her and asked what was wrong. She stated that the past few weeks had taken a toll on her, and he inquired whether her multiple sclerosis symptoms had flared up, but she insisted she had it under control. Victor said he didn't want distance between them, and he held her close and murmured that he hadn't intended to hurt her when he'd tried to protect his family. Nikki recognized that she was to blame, too.

Nikki recalled that she'd accused Victor of not being there for her, but she'd also pushed him away. They agreed that they hated it when they kept things from one another, and Nikki said that it had started when Katherine had died. Victor asked if she meant searching for Dylan, and she cried that she was sorry. Victor said that they'd both made mistakes, but they were starting on solid ground again, and his phone rang. She told him to answer it, and he stepped out to take a business call. She unscrewed the cap on the new vodka bottle, but after a moment, she replaced it without taking a drink.

When Victor returned, he noticed that Nikki was looking through an old photo album. She said that she'd been remembering the wonderful times they'd had, and he swore that they'd have more. He wanted their children and grandchildren to be there for Thanksgiving dinner, and Nikki hoped Nick was up to it. She mentioned that Nick was filing for full custody of Faith, and Victor was pleased. Nikki thought they needed to pay extra attention to Faith, and Abby arrived and announced that they had three granddaughters to spoil, since Victoria had given birth to a baby girl. Victor insisted upon going to the hospital, but Abby asserted that Victoria had all the support she needed.

Over the phone, Victoria told Victor and Nikki that she and the baby were fine, and their granddaughter was beautiful. Nikki promised that they'd wait until the next day to visit, and Victor said to call if Victoria needed anything. Victoria hung up, and she thanked Billy for not asking questions that she didn't have answers to. Stitch returned, and the doctor entered with the baby for a feeding. The doctor suggested that the men give mother and daughter time to bond, and Victoria gazed lovingly at her baby. In the hallway, Billy phoned Chelsea to tell her about the baby, but he wasn't sure what time he'd be home to tell her the whole story. After he hung up, Billy said that he intended to hang around in case Stitch wanted to go, but Stitch insisted on staying.

The doctor told Billy and Stitch that she understood they were anxious, but she advised them to try not to put pressure on Victoria. The doctor stepped into Victoria's room, and she asked if Victoria wanted to talk. Victoria wondered if the doctor wanted to discuss the baby's name, and the doctor inquired whether Victoria had one picked out. Victoria asked if she meant the first or last name, and the doctor guessed the dad would want to weigh in. The doctor advised that the men deserved to know which one of them was the baby's father, and Victoria replied that she deserved to know, too.

Abby assured Victor that Victoria was in good hands, and Victor grouchily concluded that Billy was by Victoria's side. Abby argued that Billy had helped deliver the baby, and Nikki reminded Victor that Billy could be the child's father. Abby recognized that the baby wouldn't replace Delia, but she thought the fact that the baby was a girl was a sign that Victoria and Billy belonged together. Victor disagreed, and Abby inquired whether he preferred that Victoria be with a man who'd murdered his own father. Victor declared that neither Billy nor Stitch was worthy of Victoria, but Nikki pointed out that Victoria was about to be tied to one of the men forever. "We'll see about that," Victor huffed.

At the Athletic Club, Devon thanked a waiter for retrieving a bottle of champagne, and Colin asked if Devon was planning a big night. Colin referred to the conversation they'd started earlier, and he noted that the club took a lot of work. Colin wondered if Neil knew how hands-on Devon was, and he implied that he'd let Neil know. Devon snapped that Colin could tell Neil whatever he wanted, and Colin suggested that Neil might find out all kinds of things. Devon played dumb, and Colin flatly stated that Devon was having sex with Neil's wife. Colin claimed that he'd been agonizing over what to do since he'd accidentally found out, and he thought he'd reached a decision.

Colin claimed that he was the last person to pass judgment, and Devon coldly asked what he wanted. Colin said that two million dollars would give him peace of mind, and he called it a "win-win" for both of them. Devon pointed out that blackmail was a felony, and he wondered why Colin would risk losing Jill and going to jail. Devon imagined that Colin's financial problems had to be bad if Colin was willing to resort to blackmail, and he refused to comply with Colin's terms. Colin threatened to tell Neil the truth, and Devon spotted Hilary in the foyer.

Colin pretended to ponder whether he should keep what he knew to himself, but Devon dared him to tell Neil what he thought he knew, and he contemplated what Jill and Cane would think of Colin's financial problems. Colin warned that Devon was playing a dangerous game, since Devon was an amateur who would lose against a professional. Devon flippantly said to let him know if he could do anything else for Colin, and he met Hilary at the bar. Hilary nervously surmised that Colin knew about their affair, but Devon contended that Colin had no proof. Devon added that Colin wanted money, but he'd made it clear that he wouldn't give Colin any. Devon vowed not to let Colin hurt Neil or Hilary.

Hilary said that she'd known Colin had been up to something when he'd make innuendos, and she guessed that he'd seen her and Devon going into the hotel room. Devon reiterated that Colin had no proof, and he hated what they were doing to Neil, but he was willing to do it because he loved her. Hilary returned his declaration of love, but she thought the situation had turned into a mess. She suggested that Devon just give Colin the money, but Devon suspected that Colin would be back for more, and Hilary said that they could end it by telling Neil the truth. Devon recalled that she'd been afraid Neil wouldn't be able to handle it, but Hilary contemplated what would happen if Neil found out anyway.

Neil entered the club, and Colin pulled him aside and expressed concern that Hilary would have a problem including Colin in their family's Thanksgiving celebration. Colin asserted that a leopard could change his spots, and Neil said that he would talk to Hilary. Hilary cautiously greeted the men, and Neil said that he hadn't known her meeting was there. Colin taunted that he'd seen her meeting with a colleague, and it had looked pretty intense. Devon joined the group, and Colin declared that the club was the place to be for business and pleasure in Genoa City.

Neil said that he and Colin had just been discussing Thanksgiving, and he asked if Hilary minded whether Colin joined them for the festivities. Hilary coolly replied that it wasn't a problem, and Colin pointedly remarked that he looked forward to spending time with such a close family. Neil suggested they all have dinner together that evening, and Colin offered to buy, since he'd had an upturn in his finances. Hilary led Neil to a table, and Colin instructed Devon to give him two million in cash the next day, or he would tell Neil everything.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 17, 2014 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 17, 2014 on Y&R

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

by Isaac Mayo

At Crimson Lights. Nick told Dylan that Victoria and her baby had been asleep when Nick had stopped by Genoa City Memorial to pay a visit. Nick said, "Apparently our niece is doing great." Dylan liked the sound of that, and the brothers planned a joint visit to see Victoria and their new niece. The topic changed to Nick's disgust with Sharon. Dylan wondered if Nick wanted to move on or if he wanted to seek revenge on Sharon.

Nick said that all he was concerned about was his children's well-being and told Dylan that he hated the whole situation. Mariah entered and, overhearing Nick, said, "Hey, you're not the only one, bud." Dylan made a hasty retreat so Nick and Mariah could talk privately. Mariah said that she'd heard that Nick had moved out of the cottage. Nick wondered if, under the circumstances, Mariah had expected him to stay with Sharon.

Mariah reminded Nick that he and Sharon had put each other through a lot, not the least of which had been Nick's affair with Phyllis. Realizing that Mariah was upset with him, Nick told her that he regretted that she felt as if she was caught between a rock and a hard place. Nick didn't want Mariah to feel like she had to choose sides. Mariah said that people always had to choose -- and she would, too.

Sharon showed up at Avery's law office and snidely asked the lawyer if she was working on Nick's attempt to win full custody of Faith. When Avery said that she was, Sharon told Avery that she wasn't going to allow Faith to become a pawn just because Nick was angry. Sharon admitted that she had hurt Nick, but he was lashing out at her -- and none of his decisions made sense.

Sharon said that dragging Faith through a legal "mess" wasn't the way to protect the child. Avery countered that there didn't have to be a legal mess if Sharon voluntarily gave up custody of Faith. Sharon told Avery that would never happen. Avery smirked and said, "Okay, then legal case it is." Sharon said that if Avery had actually ever cared for Faith then Avery would be trying to talk Nick out of his attempt to gain full custody.

Sharon added that Faith deserved better than to be dragged through Nick and Sharon's marital problems. Avery sarcastically replied that it was remarkable that Sharon suddenly had strong maternal instincts -- reminding Sharon that she had used Faith to try to break up Avery and Nick's engagement. Sharon claimed that she had been emotionally ill during Nick and Avery's engagement -- and that Faith definitely was not the reason that Avery had left Nick at the altar.

Avery became angry, saying that Sharon did terrible things to people -- then tried to make it appear to be someone else's fault. Fuming, Avery said that Sharon had tormented Summer by allowing the girl to think that Jack was her father -- and even if Sharon hadn't pushed Phyllis down the stairs, Sharon was still responsible for Phyllis losing a year of her life.

Sharon admitted that she hadn't been in her right mind when she'd switched the paternity results but said she had regained her mental health and was trying to protect Faith. Avery told Sharon that Nick felt he was best suited to care for Faith. As Avery tried to show Sharon out, Sharon said that Nick was wrong, adding that Avery was fighting "against motherhood" -- and wasn't going to win. Avery smirked, telling Sharon that she had just given Avery all the ammunition she needed to beat her in court. Sharon walked out of the office. Her expression turned to one of fear and concern as she stood alone in the lobby.

Later, Nick arrived at Avery's office, wondering how things were progressing with his custody case. She told him that she had just drafted a motion -- but had fallen behind in her schedule because of Sharon's visit. Avery quickly recapped her conversation with Sharon and told Nick that since Sharon wouldn't relinquish custody voluntarily, court was the only alternative. Avery said that she had bragged to Sharon that he would win but added that she wasn't one hundred percent certain of a legal victory -- Nick's case was tricky, and the battle might become ugly.

Nick said they needed to ensure that Faith didn't get caught in the middle. Avery assured him that they would make it as painless for the little girl as possible. She warned Nick that he had no legal right to maintain physical custody of Faith -- that was at Sharon's discretion -- and he needed to allow Sharon to see Faith whenever possible.

Changing the subject, Avery told Nick about her ex-husband, Joe, and his Genoa City Development Project. Nick boasted that he could throw some Newman weight around Genoa City Hall and ensure that Joe's business proposal would never "come to fruition." Nick waxed nostalgic about Crimson Lights. He told Avery about "Cassie's Corner" and how much the coffeehouse had meant over the years. He said he wasn't going to allow Joe to "blow it up." Avery thanked Nick for his offer but turned it down, saying that she and Dylan had formulated a plan of attack. Nick left.

At the Athletic Club bar, Joe ogled Lauren as she entered. Lauren initially thought Joe was trying to hit on her until he revealed that he was Joe Clark -- the man she was scheduled to meet. Lauren turned red with embarrassment. Joe chuckled and told her not to worry about it. Lauren wondered why Joe had wanted to meet. He said that he was a client of Michael's and hoped that he could do business with Lauren as well.

Joe showed Lauren the prospectus for the proposed development in Genoa City's warehouse district. Joe said he was looking for high-end restaurants and retailers to lease the space in the development. He wanted the project to cater to the type of person who shopped at Fenmore's. That piqued Lauren's interest, especially when Joe said that he could offer Lauren a special pre-construction deal on a lease. Lauren told him that he had given her a lot to think about -- she was going to take the prospectus and discuss the project with Jill.

As Joe began to leave, he asked Lauren to send his regards to Michael. Lauren told Joe that Michael would be joining her for lunch at the club if Joe wanted to stick around. Learning that Michael was out of the office Michael shared with Avery, Joe lied and told Lauren that he had another meeting. They said their goodbyes, and Joe left. Lauren called Michael and left a voicemail informing him that her business meeting had ended early if he wanted to join her at the club.

Avery was unpleasantly surprised to see Joe standing in her office doorway. He claimed to be there to see Michael. Avery asked Joe to tell her why he was really there.

Joe said he was sorry for what had happened during his recent visit to Avery's office. Avery found that difficult to believe, since, after that visit, he had gone to the coffeehouse to purposely irritate Dylan. Joe said that he had gone to Crimson Lights to smooth things over with "your boyfriend." Avery accused Joe of wanting to build a "generic monstrosity," but Joe said that the architecture was quite attractive and handed Avery a folder. He said the project was generating a lot of interest.

Joe and Avery finished arguing about the development project then began arguing about their relationship. Joe said that there was still a spark between them, demonstrated by the kiss they had shared. Avery told him that the kiss had almost got him a knee to the groin. Looking dejected, he said, "Look, I kissed you because -- you know, it doesn't matter anymore. Please tell Michael I stopped by." He turned to leave, only to find Dylan in the doorway. Joe grabbed his coat and, without saying a word to Dylan, left. Dylan stared at Avery, took a deep breath, and said, "You kissed Joe?"

Avery insisted that she hadn't kissed Joe -- rather, he had kissed her. Dylan said he wanted to know if Joe tried to kiss her again, but Avery said that she would handle it. Their heated discussion was interrupted when Avery's phone rang. Dylan, clearly upset, told Avery to take the call then stormed out of her office.

Avery sat at her desk and opened the folder that Joe had left behind. Joe's picture was plastered on some promotional material for the proposed development. Avery stared at the picture for a moment, smiled a faint smile, then frowned and threw the folder into the trash. She thought for a moment, retrieved the folder from the trash and began reading the material, an idea formulating in her head.

Dylan found Joe at the Athletic Club. After a brief, snarky exchange of words between the men, Dylan said, "You said shutting down my business isn't personal? Obviously it is. And I'm here to let you know that it's personal for me now, too."

Not paying attention where she was walking, Sharon ran into Dylan, literally, in Chancellor Park. Recognizing him, she tried to make a quick exit, but he caught up and said that he had been waiting for an opportunity to speak with her. Sharon suspected that he wanted to berate her and told him that she couldn't take that anymore. Dylan admitted that he hated what Sharon had done but told her that he could never despise her. He said that he could empathize -- he had psychological problems as well.

Sharon told Dylan that if she hadn't been ill, she never would have switched the paternity test results. Very caringly, Dylan told her that she needed to get help and to "take baby steps" with the people she had hurt -- and realize that no one owed her forgiveness. Sharon asked Dylan if he held her misdeeds against her. He reminded her that she had been a good friend to him when he'd moved to Genoa City -- and that she was a great mother to Faith. She smiled when she heard his kind words, telling him that they mattered more than he could know.

After Dylan left, Sharon sat on a park bench and stared at a picture of Faith. She noticed Nick walking through the park and told him that they needed to talk about Faith. Nick said that he had spoken to his attorney and that Faith would be staying with Sharon -- but only temporarily, until a judge could decide Faith's fate.

Sharon asked Nick why he was battling her for custody. He told Sharon that he didn't trust her around Faith. Suddenly turning angry, Sharon said that she would never harm their daughter and accused Nick of behaving just like Victor. Nick felt that, in the future, he and Sharon should communicate exclusively through their attorneys.

As Nick began to leave, Sharon softened her tone and told Nick that, with time, things would get easier. Nick heatedly accused her of destroying their family and said that their relationship was over -- permanently. He walked away, leaving Sharon alone in tears.

Sharon called attorney David Sherman and told him she needed representation in a custody case. After he spoke, Sharon said, "Yes, I am aware of how the Newmans always rally around their own. Mr. Sherman, I know you're the man I need on my side."

At the Underground, Nick poured himself a drink and downed it. Hearing footsteps, he said, "Bar's closed." He looked up and saw someone he obviously recognized. He smiled and said, "What are you doing here"

Michael sat nervously in his oncologist's office. Kevin walked in and told Michael that apparently the doctor was running late. Michael wasn't happy to see Kevin and asked him to leave. Kevin refused, telling him that he wasn't going to allow his big brother to "go through this alone." Michael asked Kevin to back off. But Kevin replied that he wanted to be a decent brother and help Michael through his health crisis. He offered to take notes during Michael's consultation with his oncologist.

Dr. Derek Larson, the oncologist, showed up and introduced himself to Michael. Kevin introduced himself as Michael's brother -- and his backup. Dr. Larson said that it always helped to have "a second set of ears." Michael insisted on seeing the doctor privately. Kevin acquiesced and agreed to leave, after making the doctor promise to take good care of Michael.

As soon as Kevin was gone, Michael asked the doctor about his prognosis. Larson told him that more information was necessary to definitively stage Michael's cancer. Given Michael's test results, the doctor felt that the cancer had progressed beyond stage one, and treatment would be necessary. Michael mentioned some alternative therapies, but the doctor implored him not to believe everything he read on the Internet. Dr. Larson told him that they would run some tests, including imaging, and take it from there.

At the club, Michael joined Lauren for their lunch date and apologized for arriving late. She showed him the prospectus that Michael's new client, Joe Clark, had given to her. Michael remarked that some women seemed to think that Joe was handsome, but Lauren said she hadn't noticed -- the only handsome guy in her life was Michael. Michael said that he might blush. The Baldwins kissed.

Lauren wanted to order lunch, but Michael said that he couldn't stay. When Lauren asked him why, he said he needed to go shopping so he could prepare a romantic dinner, after which they would make love. Lauren smiled and said that it sounded intense -- but wondered if there was something else going on. He told Lauren how much he loved her then waxed poetic, saying that there would never be enough moments with her. Lauren nearly swooned then, with a mischievous look in her eye, asked Michael to take her home.

Kevin stopped by Crimson Lights and noticed the sullen Mariah. They acknowledged that they'd both had lousy days. Mariah urged Kevin to tell her what had been happening in his life, but Kevin told her that he couldn't discuss it. Mariah said that she had initially been reluctant to become part of Nick and Sharon's family, but once she had, she'd realized they didn't "totally suck." She lamented that her "kinda, sorta" family was just as screwed up as everything else in her life.

Mariah related the story of the paternity test switch and its aftermath to a shocked Kevin. She told him that she felt powerless -- she was unable to really help anyone. Kevin said that her mere presence was probably helping Sharon. The mood lightening, Mariah asked him if he had seen a new online fantasy series written by Plato Sphere. Kevin said that the name was corny; also, he had read some reviews and didn't think he would be interested in the series. Mariah begged him to read the first five pages, and if he didn't like it, she would buy him a cup of coffee.

Mariah stood over Kevin's shoulder as he read the beginning of the fantasy book on his laptop. She asked him if he loved it, and he replied with a noncommittal "Eh... it's okay." Mariah claimed that it was "way better than okay." She told Kevin that she needed to leave to visit Faith, but she couldn't wait until he read the next chapter. After she was gone, Kevin smiled and, on his laptop, typed, "My Next Installment coming soon. -- PLATO SPHERE"

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 17, 2014 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 17, 2014 on Y&R

Thursday, November 20, 2014

by Jenny Smith

At the Underground, Nick chugged a drink, and he heard someone enter the bar, but he yelled out that the place was closed. He looked up and saw Grace, who purred that Nick's glass looked lonely, and she thought it would feel better with a companion. Nick poured her a drink, and she divulged that she'd stopped by Sharon's house to meet Cassie's twin, but she'd been shocked when Sharon had told her what had happened, since Nick had seemed ready to make Sharon his wife. He coolly stated that it wasn't going to happen, and Grace imagined he was devastated. She added that she was there because she cared about him, and she asked whether he preferred that she leave.

Grace seductively offered Nick a friendly shoulder to lean on, and she suggested that his alternative was to rely on himself for unsatisfying comfort. Nick asked what Sharon had said about their split, and Grace replied that Sharon knew she had hurt him very badly. Grace surmised that another man had been involved, but Nick said that he could have forgiven infidelity, and Grace asked what had been worse. Nick explained that Sharon had changed the DNA records to make him think Summer was Jack's daughter and that Sharon had pushed Phyllis down a flight of stairs to keep her from exposing the truth.

Grace said she was sorry, and Nick was grateful he'd found out everything before he and Sharon had gotten married. Grace asked if he was sure it was over, and he firmly replied that he was positive. Grace pulled Nick into a passionate kiss, and they began tearing at one another's clothes. They tumbled into a booth and began to make love, but Nick pulled away and said it was wrong. Grace cooed that she didn't throw herself at just anyone, and Nick conceded that she was incredibly sexy and that he'd probably kick himself later, but he thought she should go.

Nick apologized for letting things go that far, and Grace understood that he'd been trying to stop the hurt, but she'd try not to take offense. He realized that he'd been about to do what Victor had accused him of always doing -- jumping into relationships without thinking things through. Grace contended that it had just been a little fooling around, but Nick wanted to break the pattern. She wished he'd waited to have the revelation until after they'd had great sex, and he tenderly kissed her and said it was great to see her. Grace pointed out that all the women in Nick's life weren't going anywhere, and Nick wondered if maybe he was the one who needed to go.

At the penthouse, Billy left a voicemail for Chelsea, explaining that he was home to change clothes, but he was about to head back to the hospital. Jill arrived, and she noted he'd been very busy during the past 24 hours. He assumed she'd heard about the birth of Victoria's baby, and Jill griped that her own son hadn't told her, but she'd give him a pass. Billy tried to make a quick exit, but Jill proclaimed that she had something to say that he needed to hear, and he hoped it wasn't another lecture about what he was doing wrong with his life. Jill replied that she was worried about what he wasn't doing.

Billy informed Jill that Chelsea was trying to let go of Adam, just like he was moving on from Victoria. Jill doubted that Billy's future was with Chelsea, but she thought that no matter who he ended up with, he had to find out whether Victoria's baby was his. She added that she wanted to know if she had a new grandchild to spoil, and Billy said he didn't want to pressure Victoria. Jill lectured that Victoria owed him the truth, and she ordered him to go get it.

Devon set down a briefcase next to Colin at the Athletic Club bar, and he announced that it and everything in it was Colin's. Colin asked if he needed to count the cash, and Devon questioned whether Colin thought Devon would short him, considering what was at stake. Colin said it had been a pleasure doing business, and Devon flatly stated that they were done. Colin warned that Devon and Hilary were playing a dangerous game.

Hilary met Lily for lunch in the dining room, and Lily said that she wouldn't have been surprised if Hilary had stood her up after Lily had erroneously concluded that Hilary was pregnant. Lily apologized if she'd made Hilary uncomfortable, and Hilary continued to blame her nausea on the bumpy plane ride. Lily implied that Hilary would be pregnant if Neil had his way, and Hilary suggested they order. Lily declared that she just wanted her family to be happy, and she mentioned that she wanted to talk to Hilary about Devon.

Lily explained that she could make a big deal out of something, but she wanted to do it in the least painful way possible. She called Devon over to the table, and she announced that she was going to cancel the family dinner she'd been planning for everyone to meet Devon's girlfriend. Lily admitted that a dinner would be too much too soon, so she'd decided to have a casual lunch. Devon groused that she wasn't canceling anything, and Lily argued that Neil had been looking forward to it. Lily contended that they couldn't blame Neil for wanting the people he loved to find love, too, and Hilary protested that she couldn't squeeze in a lunch. Lily was determined to find a date that worked for everyone, and she wondered if Devon wanted to invite Colin, since they'd seemed chummy at the bar.

Devon fibbed that he and Colin had been talking about an investment, and Lily warned that she didn't trust Colin with money matters. Devon assured her that he'd be careful, and Lily left to make some calls. Hilary asked what had really happened between Devon and Colin, and Devon reported that he'd paid Colin off to keep their secret safe. Hilary fretted that it was only a matter of time before someone else found out, and she wondered what Devon intended to do about Lily's lunch. He replied that he had no choice but to invite his girlfriend.

Lily returned, and she announced that she'd talked to Neil and Cane about scheduling a family lunch after Thanksgiving. Devon sarcastically said that was fantastic, and Lily insisted that it was important to her and Neil. Lily pointed out that Devon had changed after Katherine had left him her money, and he had seemed lost until the new woman had entered his life. Lily declared that it showed money couldn't buy happiness, and Devon mumbled that it could buy some things. Lily swore that she wanted to welcome his girlfriend like she'd tried to welcome Hilary, and Hilary said she appreciated it. Lily was sure that Devon's girlfriend would appreciate it, too.

In the foyer, Kurtz complained to Colin that he didn't like meeting in public, and Colin handed him the briefcase and declared that it contained every penny Colin owed, so their business was done. Kurtz reminded Colin about the new business of funneling cash through Fenmore's boutiques, and he reiterated that Jill's life depended on it. Colin ordered Kurtz to take the money and to leave his wife alone, and Kurtz taunted that Colin's threats were idle there, since his network was in Australia. Meanwhile, Jill took a photo of the men from outside the door.

Kurtz commanded Colin to follow his instructions to prevent Jill from having an unfortunate accident, and Jill approached and asked if the men thought they could get away with it. Detective Harding appeared behind her, and Jill demanded that he make an arrest. Harding placed Kurtz under arrest, and he explained that thanks to Jill's photo, he'd discovered that Kurtz had a few outstanding warrants in Madison. Jill was thankful Colin hadn't been hurt, and Kurtz protested that he could prove Colin was the real criminal.

Colin claimed that he'd never met Kurtz before, but Kurtz had tried to draw him into a business scheme. Kurtz cautioned Colin to be careful what he said, and Harding threatened to add intimidation to the list of charges. Harding read Kurtz his rights and led him away, and Colin called Jill an amazing woman. She shook her head and said that Colin never learned, and she said that she'd make sure he was thrown in jail unless he told her what was going on.

Colin questioned whether Jill would really do that to her devoted husband, and she insisted that he tell her what was in the briefcase. He reluctantly disclosed that he had two million dollars to pay off Kurtz, who had discovered that the fake necklace was a dud. He explained that Kurtz had wanted to become a silent partner in the boutique business to launder dirty money, but Colin had refused, and Jill guessed that Colin had tried to buy Kurtz off instead. Jill wondered where he'd obtained that kind of money, and Colin vaguely stated that one of his investments had turned a profit.

At the hospital, Nikki and Victor arrived with flowers to visit Victoria and her baby girl. Victoria said that their granddaughter was anxious to meet them, and Nikki asked about the baby's name. Victoria disclosed that the girl didn't have a first or a last name yet, and Victor proclaimed that all that counted was that the infant was a Newman. Nikki pointed out that the baby had a couple of potential fathers who might have a say in what the girl's name was, and Victoria introduced Victor to the baby as the master of the universe. Victor cuddled his granddaughter and remarked that she was just as beautiful as Victoria has been when she'd been born, and he promised that the tot would have just as good a life.

Victor envisioned teaching his granddaughter how to ride horses, and he contemplated whether she'd attend Wharton or Harvard. Nikki took the baby and said the most important thing was that she would be surrounded by people who loved her very much, and she handed the infant back to Victoria. Nikki gently stressed that after her experience with Dylan, she knew it was important to involve the father in a baby's life from the beginning. Victor asked Nikki to get some water for the flowers, and Nikki exited. Victor noted that Nikki thought with her heart, but he wanted Victoria to think with her head for her own sake as well as the baby's.

Victor said he knew Victoria was more than capable of raising a child without a man, and Victoria replied that she wasn't sure she wanted to. Victor urged her to consider what both Billy and Stitch had done before she made a decision, and a nurse interrupted to take the baby back to the nursery. Victor assured Victoria that she'd have all the help she needed if she decided to raise the baby on her own, and Billy appeared in the doorway and grumbled that Victor would like that. Victoria said she needed to speak with Billy alone, and Victor kissed her goodbye and departed.

Billy thanked Victoria for standing up to Victor on his behalf, and she said it had been the least she could have done, since she owed Billy a lot. Billy joked that he was thinking about quitting his job and becoming a midwife, and she replied that he could deliver her baby anytime. She mentioned that the nurse had taken the baby to the nursery, and Billy planned to check on the infant before he left. Victoria complained that she hated being away from her child even for a minute, and Billy said that he knew the feeling.

A groggy Maureen awakened in a hospital bed, and she asked Stitch how long she'd been out. He reported that she'd been unconscious for a day and a half, but her surgery had gone well. She asked if Kelly knew, and Stitch revealed that Kelly had been there the whole night, so he'd sent her home to get some rest. Maureen muttered that she was tired, but she suddenly started rambling about Victoria. Stitch coldly informed her that he and Billy had found Victoria, but they could have lost Victoria and the baby if they hadn't done so.

Maureen asked if Victoria had given birth, and Stitch snapped that he and Billy had delivered the baby right outside the dirty closet Maureen had locked Victoria in, but the baby girl hadn't suffered any complications. Maureen excitedly mused that it was a girl, and Stitch barked that Maureen had no right to look happy after what she'd done. Stitch demanded to know why she'd left Victoria in the closet, and Maureen whimpered that she'd been scared that Victoria would call the police. Maureen insisted that she hadn't meant to hurt Victoria, but she'd just wanted time to figure out what to do. Stitch told her to relax while he checked on Victoria, and after he left, Nikki entered the room and said she was glad Maureen was all right. "I bet you are," Maureen huffed.

Nikki didn't understand Maureen's attitude, and Maureen said it had started when Nikki had spied on Maureen's private conversation with Stitch. Nikki countered that she'd been in the next room, and it hadn't been her fault that she'd heard Stitch say that he hadn't killed his father. Maureen accused Nikki of telling Victoria, and Nikki asserted that she'd simply encouraged Victoria not to walk away from Stitch. Maureen groused that it had been enough to prompt Victoria to interrogate her, and Nikki ranted that Maureen could have prevented it by vindicating Stitch years before. Maureen spat that she'd thought she and Nikki were friends, but Nikki had thrown her under the bus, and she threatened to tell everyone Nikki's dirty secret, starting with Victor.

In the corridor, Stitch asked if Victor had been visiting his grandchild, and Victor asked what it meant to him. Stitch revealed that he'd delivered the baby, and Victor questioned whether Stitch had caused Victoria to go into labor in a parking lot. After Stitch told Victor about the incidents prior to the birth, Victor was outraged by Maureen's actions. Stitch said that Maureen hadn't been able to deal with the truth, but she'd have to, and Victor vowed that Maureen would pay for her crimes.

Stitch advised that Maureen was recovering and that she couldn't take too much, and Victor snarled that he didn't "give a damn," since she was a killer. Victor started to leave, but he turned back and said that he'd always had admiration for Stitch. Victor added that he admired a man who had sacrificed everything for someone he loved, even if the person hadn't deserved the sacrifice, and he walked away.

Nikki dared Maureen to tell the whole world that Nikki had been drinking, since she had the problem under control. Maureen contended that all alcoholics said that, and Nikki questioned who would believe a woman who'd forced her son to suffer for her own crime. Nikki pointed out that Maureen didn't have much credibility, and it would be her word against Maureen's. Victor stormed in, and Maureen said it was great timing. Victor suggested that Nikki step outside, since he had a few things to say that weren't fit for a lady's ears, and Maureen replied that she might have a story for him, too.

Maureen said she'd been doing Nikki a favor by keeping quiet, but she thought Victor should know something. Victor snarled that he didn't need to know a "damn thing" from her, since he was aware of what Maureen had done to Victoria and the baby. Victor informed Nikki that Maureen had locked Victoria in a closet to keep her from going to the police about Maureen's husband's death, since Stitch hadn't been the one who'd killed him. Victor threatened to use all his legal resources to go after Maureen, and he hissed that he would be Maureen's worst nightmare. Nikki dragged Victor out.

Victor and Nikki returned to the ranch, and he grumbled that he'd never trusted Maureen, but they had something to celebrate. He divulged that he'd asked Bonnie to have champagne and cider ready, and he toasted to their daughter and new grandbaby living a long, happy life. Nikki wondered how he'd found out about what Maureen had done, and he mentioned that Stitch had revealed what he'd endured because of his mother. Victor mused that Stitch wasn't a murderer but a hero, and Nikki pointed out that Billy was also a hero for helping to rescue Victoria and the baby.

Victor asserted that he hadn't changed his mind about Billy, and Nikki asked what would happen if Billy turned out to be the baby's father. Victor hoped Victoria had enough sense not to allow Billy back into her life, and Nikki poured him more champagne. They again toasted to their new grandchild.

Billy said he was grateful Victoria and the baby were okay, and he murmured that he couldn't begin to describe how amazing it had been to watch the child take her first breath, knowing he might have been a part of making her. He said that he had to know, and Stitch entered and agreed that they both needed to know. Stitch argued that every second that passed was a second the baby's father lost with his daughter, and the nurse scolded that she'd given Victoria orders to rest. The men stepped out, and the nurse remarked that both men were very handsome. She inquired which one was the daddy.

Billy peered into Victoria's room and thought to himself that the baby was lucky to have Victoria for a mom, and he hoped he had the chance to be the baby's dad. Meanwhile, Stitch found Maureen's bed empty.

Nick arrived to see Victoria and her daughter, and he said that she'd hit the jackpot by getting her miracle baby. Victoria thought it was a sign to never give up, and Nick said that he'd needed to hear that. Victoria asked if he wanted to talk, but he said no, and she understood how he felt, since everyone had been asking about the baby's father. Nick advised Victoria to find out the baby's paternity so that she'd be free to make her own choices, and not knowing would only put everyone "through hell." Victoria declared that Nick had helped her to make up her mind, and she requested that he find the doctor so she could arrange to have the DNA test done as soon as possible.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 17, 2014 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 17, 2014 on Y&R

Friday, November 21, 2014

by Jenny Smith

Billy returned to the penthouse, and Chelsea asked about Victoria and the baby. He reported that everyone was happy and healthy, and Chelsea thanked him for keeping her posted. She imagined he had been excited to see the baby, and he revealed that he'd been there when Victoria had gone into labor and that he'd helped deliver the child. Ashley arrived and asked if she was interrupting, and Billy requested that she return later. Ashley declared that she wasn't leaving until he heard what she had to say.

Chelsea went upstairs to check on Johnny and to call Anita, who was watching Connor. Billy asked what hadn't been able to wait for a more convenient time, and Ashley mentioned that Victoria had had the baby. Billy defended that things had been hectic and that Jill had chewed him out already, and he informed Ashley that the paternity test hadn't been performed yet. Ashley wanted to know how he was doing, and he said he was fine. She asked if he'd forgotten who he was talking to, since she had been able to tell he was anything but fine from the second he'd opened the door.

Ashley guessed that Billy was anxiously wondering if the baby was his, but he contended that the test results wouldn't change anything, since he and Victoria were divorced. Ashley said that their marital status didn't make Billy love Victoria any less, and she insisted that Billy and Victoria belonged together. Billy replied that the penthouse was his home, and his life was with Chelsea and Connor. Ashley thought he was kidding himself if he thought he'd found happiness without Victoria, and she advised him to start listening to his loved ones, who believed he'd still love Victoria even if the baby wasn't his. The siblings hugged, and Chelsea hovered at the top of the stairs.

After Ashley left, Billy asked how Johnny was doing, and Chelsea replied that the boy was perfect. She told Billy not to feel like he had to lie, since she'd heard what Ashley had said, and Billy said his sister had been out of line. Chelsea understood that Billy cared about Victoria, and she imagined that old feelings had resurfaced when he'd been there for the birth of Victoria's daughter. Billy admitted they had.

Billy swore that he wouldn't lie to Chelsea, and they recalled that lies had ruined their prior relationships. She assured Billy that she wouldn't flip out if he was feeling conflicted, and he revealed that he'd had a moment when he had been alone with Victoria and the baby. Chelsea asked if Ashley had been right, but Billy insisted that he loved Chelsea and that he wanted to be with her. He added that he'd shared a life with Victoria, and they would always have a connection, just like Chelsea would always be connected to Adam.

Chelsea agreed that even though Adam was gone, they'd shared hopes and dreams, and those would always be there. Billy commented that when the plans hadn't panned out, she'd had to put them away and move on with her life to find happiness, and he'd found happiness with her. Chelsea questioned whether Billy could honestly say things wouldn't change if Victoria's baby turned out to be his.

At the Abbott mansion, Phyllis greeted Summer and Austin, and she said that the others would be there soon. Jack asked who else Phyllis had invited, and Phyllis replied that she'd thought it would be a great idea to make the announcement about their engagement to their friends and family that night. Jack blurted out that it wasn't a good idea, but Summer squealed that she was happy for them, and Austin congratulated Jack. Traci and Abby entered and asked what they'd missed, and Summer proclaimed that her mom and Jack were getting married. Abby hugged Phyllis, but Jack protested that the announcement was premature, and Phyllis asked why.

Jack claimed that he wanted time to revel in the engagement before he and Phyllis shared it with the rest of the world, but Phyllis contended that they were just celebrating with family, and she had champagne and hors d'oeuvres. Summer said she couldn't stay, and Abby revealed they had plans to have dinner at Victor's. Phyllis complained that Victor was upstaging her, and Summer mentioned that it was a Newman family thing, but she quickly apologized for calling it that. Abby explained that they wanted to rally around Nick after his life had blown up, and Summer griped that she hated being torn between two families.

Jack understood that Summer wanted to be there for her father, but Phyllis argued that they were her family, too, and she had ordered enough food to feed an army. Summer pleaded with Phyllis not to force her to choose between families, and Jack pointed out that Phyllis had put together a last-minute celebration, but their guests had already made plans. Phyllis mentioned that she'd asked Jack to throw a splashy engagement party, and Abby offered to help plan it. Summer thanked Jack for calling Kyle to explain everything that had happened.

After Summer, Austin, and Abby left, Phyllis informed Traci that the event planner at the Athletic Club would handle most of the party details, and Traci suggested that they use some roses in the conservatory for the floral arrangements. Traci led Phyllis to take a look at the flowers, and Ashley returned home. Jack explained that Phyllis wanted to throw an engagement party, and Ashley questioned whether Jack was actually going to marry Phyllis. Jack swore that he loved Phyllis and that he wanted to spend his life with her, and Ashley inquired how the other woman he'd fallen in love with fit into the plan.

Jack admitted he'd fallen for Kelly, but it had happened after he'd lost hope Phyllis would return, and he'd been blindsided when Phyllis had woken up. He continued that finding out Summer wasn't his daughter had made things more difficult, but he was as crazy about Phyllis as he'd ever been. He said that he had to tell Kelly it was over, and Ashley scolded him for stringing Kelly along. Jack explained that Kelly's mother was in the hospital after suffering a heart attack, so Kelly had been distraught. Ashley advised Jack to tell Kelly right away, or Kelly would hear about his engagement from someone else.

Later, Ashley told Phyllis that news of the engagement had been a surprise, and Traci said she thought it was great. Jack claimed that he had a meeting, and Phyllis implored him to have someone else handle it, but he insisted that he had to see a certain person himself. Ashley agreed that Jack needed to handle the situation before things fell apart, and Jack kissed Phyllis goodbye. Ashley half-heartedly congratulated Phyllis, who said she wasn't an idiot, and she was sure that Ashley had had a few choice words for Jack behind Phyllis' back. Ashley insisted that she hadn't, and she invited Phyllis to ask Jack herself, but she wanted a chance to clear the air.

Phyllis accepted that her party had been a bust, so she decided to go to Jabot to reconnect with some colleagues and wait for Jack. Ashley suggested that they all catch up instead, and Traci reasoned that it would be great for Jack to see them planning the party together. Phyllis agreed to stay, and she recognized that she had her differences with Ashley and Traci, but she wanted them to know that she'd do just about anything to be the wife Jack deserved. Phyllis proposed that they sit down with wine and snacks and look through old family albums, and Traci and Ashley went to retrieve the photos from the study. Phyllis made a quick exit.

At the Athletic Club, Kelly stared at a photo of her and Jack on her phone. She turned around and literally ran into Lily, who asked how Maureen was doing. Kelly relayed that the surgery had gone well, but her mother needed rest. Lily couldn't believe Kelly was at work, and Kelly figured that she'd get something done while she was wired. Lily wondered why Jack wasn't there to help.

Kelly said Jack had stopped by the hospital, but her mom had woken up, and Kelly and Jack hadn't had a chance to talk. Lily wondered why Jack hadn't waited for Kelly, and Kelly replied that he'd been preoccupied, but she had no idea why. Kelly mentioned that Jack had told Phyllis that he and Kelly had been dating, and Lily countered that Kelly had moved in with him. Kelly sympathized that the situation wasn't easy for Jack, especially since Victoria had just had the baby, and both Stitch and Billy wanted to be the father. Lily suspected there was another reason why things were awkward for Jack.

Lily and Kelly discussed plans for an upcoming wedding reception at the club, and Lily mentioned that the bride wanted red velvet cupcakes, since the couple had shared them on their first date during a concert in the park. Kelly mused that her first date with Jack had also been a concert in the park, and Lily theorized that Jack was trying to let Phyllis down gently. Kelly recalled that Jack had tried to tell Phyllis everything, but they'd been interrupted, and she wondered if they'd had a blowout after they'd finished the conversation. Lily suspected that Phyllis hadn't taken the news well, and Kelly joked that she was surprised Phyllis hadn't gone after her with a machete.

Lily offered to have the chef prepare some food for Kelly, but Kelly insisted she'd be fine with the vending machines at the hospital. Lily wished her a good night, and Kelly looked forlornly at her phone. Jack arrived and called to Kelly, and she moved toward him to kiss him hello, but he said they needed to talk.

Nick arrived at the ranch, and Victor declared that he was the first one there for the Newman family celebration. Nick clarified that he wasn't there for the party but to say goodbye. Nick explained that he was going out of town to have time to himself, and Noah appeared and asked if that was why Nick had called to request that Noah look after the Underground. Victor reminded Nick about his court date, but Nick said he wasn't there for advice, and he accused Victor of throwing a party to celebrate the fact that Nick had kicked Sharon to the curb.

Victor wondered if Nick thought Victor had an agenda because he wanted to celebrate that Summer was Nick's daughter, but Nick suspected that it was a chance to twist the knife and to prove that Victor had been right about Sharon. Victor asserted that he had been right, and Nick admitted that Victor had also been right about Nick. Nick recalled that Victor had urged him to focus on his own choices, and he acknowledged that he'd let his anger control him, so he had to get away from both Sharon and his anger. He added that he needed time to think, especially because of Faith, and Victor questioned why Nick was leaving to be alone when he was suing for full custody. Noah cried out in surprise.

Nick said he and Sharon shared legal custody, so he couldn't take his daughter away when her mother had a right to see her. Nick continued that Faith was furious with him, and he thought the girl could use some space, too. Victor admonished Nick for running away, but Nick reiterated that he needed to get away from people. Noah snapped that none of it would have happened if Nick had just arranged for another paternity test when Summer had been born.

Nick recognized he'd made a terrible mistake when he hadn't gotten another test, but he'd let fear get the best of him, and he was truly sorry. He said that he had to get away to figure out a way to make better decisions, and he hoped Noah could forgive him. Nick asked Noah to take care of the club and Victor to keep an eye on his girls, and he hugged them both goodbye. and entered with Summer and Austin and declared it was a party, but Nick said he had to go out of town. Summer whined that she'd been looking forward to spending time with Nick, and he promised that they'd do it when he got back.

Victor proposed a toast, and Summer suggested that they wait for everyone, but Victor said that Nikki wouldn't mind, since she was at the hospital with Victoria. Victor proclaimed that he'd always considered Summer to be his granddaughter, but he was happy they were related by blood. Summer added her own toast to Jack and Phyllis' engagement, and Victor testily asked if she expected him to toast to Jack. Summer chided Victor for gloating over Jack's loss, and Victor left to get another bottle of champagne.

Austin was surprised that Victor had been that amiable, and Noah reported that Victor had been on a roll earlier, insulting Sharon. Summer wished she'd been there to join in, and Noah scolded her for bashing his mother after she'd stuck up for Jack. Austin contended that Sharon had hurt Summer and had wrecked people's lives, and Abby snapped that Austin was out of his element. Summer defended her husband, and she said that Victor had wrecked more lives than anyone else she knew.

Summer complained that Victor was constantly forcing her to choose between families, but Abby argued that Summer no longer had to choose, since Nick was her dad. Noah questioned how long it would be before his family forced him to choose between his parents, and he barked that Sharon was no worse than Phyllis. Summer and Austin stormed out, and when Victor returned, Noah claimed that he wasn't feeling well. On his way out, Noah told Abby and Victor to enjoy their family dinner, and Abby told Victor that no one had a sense of humor.

At the Underground, Noah confronted Summer about owing him an apology. Summer huffed that she wouldn't apologize when Sharon had screwed up Summer's life for the past year, and Austin suggested that they not let the incident at Victor's ruin their night or allow them to forget that they liked one another. Summer and Noah hugged to make up, and Noah went to check on how things were going at the club. Austin suggested that he and Summer go back to see her mom, but Summer groused that she was tired of having to defend how she felt, and Austin asked if that had been why she'd thanked Jack for updating Kyle. She said Jack's intervention had made it easier, since she and Kyle had been close at one point. Austin asked how close, and Summer confessed that she had been in love with Kyle.

Summer recalled that Nick had freaked out every time she'd mentioned Kyle's name, and she hadn't understood why, but she'd discovered that Nick had been motivated to get another paternity test because he'd thought she'd been falling in love with her brother. Austin noted that Summer's life might have been very different if Sharon hadn't messed with the test results, and Summer said that there was one thing she was really glad about. She recognized that if she and Kyle had gotten together, she never would have married Austin, and being Austin's wife was the greatest thing to ever happen to her. They kissed, but Summer looked unsure as Austin pulled her into a hug.

Nick turned on the light in a cabin, and he found a friendly dog inside. He asked if the dog was his welcoming committee, and he suggested that he warm the place up and hang out for a while. Nick gave the dog some water, and he ignored a call from Victor. Meanwhile, Abby told Victor that Nick probably just needed space, like the other members of the family. Victor grumbled that it was his family's problem if they didn't want to be there, but he expected everyone to show up for Thanksgiving.

Adam looked up his obituary online, and he made his way across the room and trembled from the effort of trying to lift weights. Sage rushed in and told him to slow down, but he insisted that he needed to leave. Constance appeared and asked what he was talking about, and Adam covered by saying that he needed to get out of the room and see daylight, but Sage warned that he wasn't strong enough yet. Constance cautioned him against pushing himself too hard, but Adam swore he was up for it. Sage said she'd give him a painkiller and help him to bed after she got Constance settled in, and she wheeled Constance out of the room.

When Sage returned, Adam rejected any more sedatives, and Sage lectured that the medication was for his own good. She fretted that he'd nearly given himself away, and she wondered how long he could keep covering, but Adam scoffed at the idea that she was only looking out for his best interests. Sage said that she was helping Adam for Constance's sake, since Constance had acted like the grandmother she'd never had, and Sage owed her everything.

Sage cautioned that Constance was very frail, and Constance wouldn't be able to handle it if she discovered that Adam wasn't really Gabriel. Adam understood, and he said that he needed Gabriel as much as Constance did. Sage reminded Adam that he had to act like Gabriel, and Adam argued that he'd acted impulsively, just like Sage had told him Gabriel had. Sage countered that Gabriel never would have hurt Constance, and Adam vowed not to hurt her, but nothing would keep him from his chance to start a new life.

Later, Constance understood that "Gabriel" had been feeling cooped up, and she presented him with a book to read. She mentioned that he'd been in the middle of it before the accident, and it had been one of his favorite titles. Adam said she was very generous, and the dog that had been in the cabin scampered in. Constance remarked that the dog had been lonely without Gabriel, and Adam called to the dog, who growled at him. Constance asked what had gotten into the dog, since he and Gabriel had adored one another.

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Edited by SC Desk