Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 9, 2009 on Y&R

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Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 9, 2009 on Y&R

The residents of Genoa City mourned Brad's death. Jill regained control of Jabot, and she appointed Billy as the CEO. Chloe went into labor. Clint kidnapped Katherine. DNA tests showed that Jill and Katherine's DNA didn't match.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 9, 2009 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 9, 2009 on Y&R

Monday, February 9, 2009

by Anne Carpenter

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At Brad's house, family and friends gathered to mourn Brad's death. Nick seemed worried when Jack explained that Sharon had stopped by the cemetery to visit Brad's grave, because Phyllis was also there. Jack told Nick that it was fortunate that Phyllis hadn't been able to reach the cabin the night of Brad's accident because Jack knew that "things between Nick and Sharon became dicey." Ashley told Victor that she was relieved that Noah and Abby had chosen to remain close, because Abby would need a friend to lean on. Victor said that Abby could lean on him. Ashley reminded Victor that Abby would need time to grieve the loss of her father, and that Abby knew very well that Victor hated Brad. Victor insisted that if he could, he would thank Brad profusely for having saved Noah. Ashley told Victor that Brad had also saved her life once just as surely as he saved Noah's. Billy interrupted and suggested that Abby was fortunate to have her mother and Victor to lean on. Jack overheard when Billy addressed Victor directly, "You're certainly someone I would want in my corner."

Colleen approached Traci and demanded to know why Victor had come. Traci explained that Victor had come to support Ashley and Abby. Colleen's face stiffened. The doorbell signaled the arrival of another mourner. Lily answered the door and found Cane standing on the porch holding a casserole dish. Lily thanked Cane for stopping by to comfort Colleen. Cane seemed pleased that Billy had stepped up to support his family. Cane explained that he had learned from his grandmother's death that having family and friends who loved him was comforting. Seemingly on cue, Billy approached Lily from behind and cupped his hands around her shoulders. Cane seemed troubled after Billy said in response to Cane's statement, "No worries there."

Nick and Noah consoled Abby and Colleen. Nick told Colleen and Abby that their father had been devoted to them. Abby sobbed. Noah expressed his sincere appreciation for what Brad had done and said he would never let anyone forget. Traci thanked J.T. and Victoria for supporting Colleen the night Brad went missing. Victoria offered her condolences to Abby and Colleen. Victoria remembered Brad fondly as she examined a diminutive porcelain elephant she and Colleen had given to Brad as a gift. When she arrived, Lauren hugged Noah. Lauren told Noah that Eden had not come. Noah begged Nick to let him go to Eden. Nick hesitated, but eventually agreed.

Ashley told Abby that Olivia had arranged to have a tree planted in Israel in Brad's memory. Olivia's kind gesture touched Abby. Victor told Abby that they should choose a charity to which Victor would donate one million dollars in honor of Brad for saving Noah's life. Abby seemed interested, but Colleen became livid and reminded Victor that she had heard the threatening message Victor had left for Brad. Billy attempted to diffuse the situation, but Colleen added that Victor's presence made her sick. Traci raced to comfort Colleen. Victor calmly told Colleen to get her facts straight before she attacked him. Colleen sobbed and accused Victor of plotting to remove her father from Victor's company and from Abby's life.

Jack applauded for Colleen after she reminded Victor that everyone knew that he hated Brad. Abby pleaded with Colleen and Victor to stop fighting. Victor told Colleen that he empathized with her and never wished Brad harm. Ashley abruptly rose from the seat on the sofa beside Victor and hugged Abby. Across the room, Jack and Billy migrated toward Colleen and offered comfort. Colleen told Billy and Lily that Victor had no right to be in her father's house. Lily tried to placate Colleen and said that Victor would soon leave. Victor said he wasn't in a hurry to leave, but Ashley convinced him that they should go. After Ashley stepped away, Victor phoned Jill and said, "I think it's time to put our plan into effect."

Billy overheard Cane talking on the phone to their mother. After Cane hung up, he told Billy that their mother wanted to meet with them the next morning. Cane admitted that he didn't know why. Billy mockingly saluted Cane as he walked out the door. Lauren and Traci shared fond memories of Brad. Lauren apologized to Traci for seducing Brad when Traci and Brad were first married. Traci admitted that her life had improved after she left Brad and moved away. Traci added that she and Brad became better friends after they divorced, so everything had worked out for the best.

At the cemetery, Sharon stood over Brad's grave. Phyllis arrived. Sharon and Phyllis seemed stunned to see each other. Phyllis asked Sharon about Noah. Sharon said that Brad's death had shaken Noah, and that he blamed himself. Calmly, Phyllis told Sharon that Sharon and Nick had done a great job raising Noah. Sharon listened fixedly as Phyllis added that Sharon would guide Noah through the crisis because that was what families did. Sharon fought tears and said she would do anything to bring Brad back.

Phyllis caught Sharon's attention when she offered a sincere apology. Phyllis apologized for not having been more vigilant with Noah. Sharon seemed bewildered by Phyllis' apparent heartfelt confession. Phyllis continued, "I am sure we all wish we could undo that evening." After Sharon left, Phyllis knelt near Brad's grave and apologized to him. Phyllis admitted that many times in the past, she had wished Brad dead, especially on the day of her wedding when police placed her in handcuffs and escorted out of the church. Phyllis cried and said she didn't understand why the accident happened, and she was glad that Brad had saved Noah's life.

After Sharon returned from the cemetery, she ran into Nick on his way out of Brad's house. Sharon admitted that Phyllis had been civil when they encountered each other at the cemetery. Nick explained that Phyllis knew that he and Sharon had made love at the cabin. Sharon said that Phyllis had not mentioned the affair, and that Phyllis' behavior at the cemetery was unlike her. Nick agreed. Nick told Sharon that he had given Noah permission to visit briefly with Eden. Sharon seemed oblivious to Nick's statement. Sharon, lost in thought, explained that Phyllis had apologized to her even though Phyllis knew that Sharon and Nick had slept together.

Nick flipped open his phone just as Phyllis approached. Phyllis appeared to be eerily composed, and she asked, "Is it crowded in there?" Nick told Phyllis that he had stepped out of Brad's house in order to phone her. Sharon quickly excused herself and went inside. In an almost-disturbing monotone, Phyllis asked Nick why he had tried to call. Nick explained that after Jack mentioned that Sharon had gone to the cemetery, he worried that Phyllis and Sharon might run into each other. Phyllis explained that she had not said anything about Nick and Sharon sleeping together because the timing was wrong. Without showing emotion, Phyllis suggested that she and Nick step inside, extend their condolences, and return home to Summer.

Sharon walked into Brad's house unnoticed. Sharon picked up the tiny elephant figurine Victoria had earlier admired. Sharon glanced around quickly to ensure that guests didn't notice when she slipped the porcelain piece into her purse. Jack acknowledged Sharon's presence. Sharon approached Colleen and expressed her condolences. Sharon told Colleen that she was available if Colleen ever needed anything. After Sharon walked away, Phyllis and Nick offered comfort to Colleen. Phyllis told Colleen that her father was brave and courageous. After Phyllis and Nick left, Jack asked Sharon if she had seen Phyllis at the cemetery. Sharon lied that she and Phyllis had merely passed each other, as one was coming and the other going. Jack offered to drive Sharon home, but she declined Jack's offer and insisted he stay and comfort his niece. Jack seemed baffled by Sharon's uncharacteristic behavior.

Jack approached Billy and noted that he had seen his brother talking to Victor. Billy said, "You can't blame the guy for wanting some type of decent relationship with one of Ashley's brothers, can you?" Colleen overheard and said, "I am so glad that man is gone." Jack congratulated Colleen for standing up to Victor, whom Jack labeled a first-class bully. Colleen expressed regret that her outburst had upset Abby. Jack offered to take Colleen home to stay with him at the mansion, but Colleen said she preferred to stay at Brad's house. Lily and Traci volunteered to keep Colleen company. Jack told Colleen that Brad was smiling down on her when she gave "old money bags what he deserved." Colleen told Jack that she often wondered why he hated Victor, but she finally understood.

J.T. and Victoria stopped by Michael and Lauren's condo and told them that Brad had died saving Noah. Eden overheard and wanted to comfort Noah, but Victoria explained that Abby blamed Eden for Brad's death. Eden insisted that she visit Noah in person, but Michael nixed the idea of Eden showing up at Brad's house and confronting his bereaved family. Lauren recalled how Brad had been a rock for her during a difficult period in her life.

Michael stayed with Eden while Lauren went to Brad's house. Eden blamed herself for Brad's accident. Michael recalled the diverse circumstances that led to Brad's death and attempted to convince Eden that she was not to blame. Noah arrived. Eden told Noah that Brad was dead because of her. Noah explained that Brad's death was an accident. Noah's statement didn't console Eden, and she cried, "Abby told me that you almost died because of me." Eden added that perhaps she and Noah weren't good for each other. Eden pleaded with Noah to leave at once. Noah told Eden to call him if she needed him, and he left. Michael returned. Eden was upset and left to take a walk. After Lauren returned home, Michael told Lauren that Eden had gone out for a while. Lauren wasn't pleased that Michael had allowed Eden to go out by herself. At the cemetery, Noah knelt near Brad's grave and told Brad that he would never be able to thank him. Eden approached and said she also wanted to thank Brad and apologize. Noah wrapped his arms around Eden.

After Victor, Ashley, and Abby returned to the Newman ranch, Abby confronted Victor about his hatred for Brad. Abby claimed she was tired and went to her room. Ashley became concerned for Abby's well-being. Victor explained that Brad was a good father, but Brad was untrustworthy in his business dealings. Victor promised Ashley that he would mend his relationship with Abby. Victor's promise didn't appease Ashley.

After Nick and Phyllis returned to the tack house, Detective Wallace showed up to return items retrieved from the scene of Noah's accident. One item, a water bottle, contained whiskey. After the detective left, Nick, in angst, slammed the container of booze against a table.

A distraught Sharon sought solace at her mother's house. Sharon sobbed as she explained that she could have prevented Noah from going to the lake if she hadn't been at the cabin. Sharon added that Brad wouldn't have had to rescue Noah from the freezing water. Sharon cried and said that it was difficult to see Colleen and Abby so heartbroken over the loss of their father. Sharon said, "Oh, Mama, it's all my fault." Sharon buried her head into her mother's shoulder. Sharon's mother, Doris, gently shushed Sharon to calm her, and stroked her daughter's face.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 9, 2009 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 9, 2009 on Y&R

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

by Isaac

At Nick and Phyllis', Nick showed the liquor-filled water bottle to Phyllis. He wondered how Noah could possibly be drinking, knowing that alcohol was the cause of Cassie's death. Phyllis tried to calm Nick down. She told him that the bottle could be Eden's, or that it might not belong to either Eden or Noah. Nick said that this was the second time that alcohol had been present when Noah and Eden got together, and that he was tired of this "crap."

Nick met with Lauren at Crimson Lights. After telling Lauren about the liquor-filled bottle, he asked her if either she or Michael had noticed any liquor missing from their apartment. Lauren became defensive and said perhaps Noah, and not Eden, had put the liquor in the water bottle. Lauren reminded Nick that when teenagers fall in love, they sometimes do crazy things. Nick told Lauren that he and Sharon would deal with Noah, and that she and Michael could deal with Eden any way they wished. Nick said that he didn't want Noah and Eden to spend any time with each other.

Sharon stopped by at the Abbott mansion to pick up Noah, but Jack reminded her that he was at a drama club meeting and wouldn't be home until later. Sharon was going to leave and come back, but Jack talked her into waiting. Jack noticed that Sharon seemed on edge. He told Sharon that he hoped they were still friends, and then pushed Sharon to open up to him. Sharon told Jack that she was fine.

Detective Wallace arrived to ask Jack and Sharon questions about Brad Carlton's movements on the night of his death. Wallace found a map of the area surrounding the Abbott cabin in Brad's car, and wondered why Brad would have gone there. Sharon admitted that Brad had gone to the cabin to see her. Wallace asked Sharon why Brad didn't simply spend the night at the cabin, particularly since there was a bad storm. Jack told Wallace that Brad had dinner plans with his daughters and that he probably didn't want to disappoint them. Wallace remarked that if Brad had stayed at the cabin, he wouldn't have been where he needed to be in order to save Noah's life.

After Wallace left, Sharon decided that she wanted to go. Jack told Sharon that he knew she must be tied up in knots that Noah's accident must have reminded her of Cassie's death. Sharon snapped at Jack, telling him that she felt guilty about sending Brad away in the snowstorm, but also realized that if she hadn't, Noah would have probably died. She told Jack that those thoughts were going around and around in her head. Nick called Sharon and arranged a meeting with her for the following day, in order to discuss the situation with Noah. After Sharon got off the phone, Jack begged her to stay at the mansion. He told her that she could stay in one of the guest bedrooms, and that he would stay out of her life.

Sharon told Jack that she appreciated his offer, but said that she and Noah were no longer his responsibility. Jack said that he was simply trying to be her friend and that nothing was more important to him than her and Noah's well-being. Before Sharon left, Jack told her that he would always be there for her.

At the Baldwins', Michael said that Eden probably had put the liquor in the water bottle, but he resented the fact that Nick had immediately jumped to that conclusion. Lauren thought that trying to end Noah and Eden's friendship was an overreaction on Nick's part. Michael told Lauren that just because Nick Newman wanted something, it didn't mean that he would get it.

Phyllis called Michael, and told him that she needed to meet with him urgently. They met at his condo, where she told Michael that she was going out of her mind she had recently learned that Nick and Sharon slept together at the Abbott cabin. Phyllis was thankful that Nick had the decency to be honest with her. Phyllis told Michael that Nick said that he was in love with both her and Sharon. Michael was surprised that Phyllis didn't get angry with Nick. Phyllis said she needed to act rationally otherwise it would look like Sharon was the sane one, and that Phyllis was the "head case."

Michael told Phyllis that if she held her emotions in, eventually she might end up resenting Nick. Phyllis said that she had to think of the big picture and that she would do anything to keep her marriage together. She said that she had to prevent Sharon and Nick from becoming close again.

Back at home, Nick told Phyllis that he had met with Lauren at Crimson Lights, and that Lauren's attitude annoyed him. He said that it would be up to Nick, Sharon, and Phyllis to keep Noah and Eden apart. He told Phyllis that he had arranged a meeting with Sharon to discuss the matter and that he wanted Phyllis to be there. Phyllis told Nick that she had no problem with him meeting with Sharon privately. Nick thanked her for being understanding, and gave her a big hug.

Lauren ran into Daniel at Crimson Lights, and asked him where he had gotten the jacket that he had worn on the cover of the latest issue of Restless Style. Lauren was shocked to learn that it was a one-of-a-kind Amber Moore design. Lauren told Daniel that she wanted to display the jacket at Fenmore's, and then take custom orders for it. Daniel assured Lauren that Amber would be thrilled with that arrangement.

At Murphy's, Michael told Katherine, Murphy, and Amber that the judge had finally ordered a DNA test to prove or disprove whether Katherine was authentic. Katherine's DNA would be compared to Jill's. Amber hugged Katherine and told her that she would finally be getting her life back.

At the Chancellor mansion, Jill spoke to someone on the phone she told the person that she didn't care what the judge ordered. She wasn't going to comply with the order to supply a DNA swab.

Back at Murphy's, a technician swabbed Katherine's cheek. The tech said that the results of the test would be available within 24 hours. Murphy reminded Katherine that they had to go the hospital so that she could have a PET scan. Katherine said that she dreaded hearing the words "dementia" or "Alzheimer's." She thought it was ironic that one of the tests might prove that she really was Katherine Chancellor, but that the other test could prove that, eventually, she wouldn't remember who Katherine Chancellor was. Amber and Murphy told Katherine to keep a positive attitude. Murphy told Katherine that no matter what the results of either test were, he would support her.

Back home from her PET scan, Katherine paced nervously, awaiting the results of the test. The phone rang, and Murphy answered. It was the hospital, calling with the test results. After speaking to the doctor, Katherine broke down in tears and hugged Murphy.

At Crimson Lights, a worried Amber told Daniel that Katherine was having a DNA test, as well as a PET scan. Daniel cheered Amber up by telling her that Lauren wanted to feature her jacket design at Fenmore's.

Katherine called Amber with good news the PET scan showed that Katherine was not suffering from either dementia or Alzheimer's disease. A thrilled Amber told Daniel. Katherine told Amber that the doctors still hadn't figured out what was causing her memory loss, but at least the "big two" had been ruled out.

At Crimson Lights, Roger told Esther that he had spent the night dreaming about Esther in her wedding gown. He gave Esther an envelope containing plane tickets to Las Vegas he wanted to marry Esther on Valentine's Day. When Esther asked Roger why he wanted to elope, he told her that he knew that Esther's family didn't care for him, and that he didn't want the day ruined. He asked Esther to "do him the honor" of becoming Mrs. Roger Wilkes.

Esther returned to the Chancellor mansion and told Jill that she and Roger were eloping to Las Vegas on Valentine's Day. Jill wondered how Esther could be so stupid she said that Roger was only after Esther's fortune. Jill suggested an experiment Esther could tell Roger that she had donated her fortune to charity, and then see how fast Roger ran off. Esther told Jill that she was jealous of her upcoming marriage, and that, on Valentine's Day, Esther would be Mrs. Roger Wilkes.

The technician showed up at the Chancellor mansion to get Jill's DNA sample. Initially, Jill refused, but Esther convinced her to allow the technician to take the sample. When the technician left, Jill said that the only reason that she gave the sample was "to shut this criminal down once and for all."

Clint called Roger. Roger told Clint that he would be marrying Esther in Las Vegas on Valentine's Day. Clint said that, by this time the following week, he wanted a full inventory of the Chancellor mansion, as well as the exact wording on the title to the mansion. Roger said that he would find out what Esther was worth to the penny, and added, "Looks like the gravy train's about to pull into the station."

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 9, 2009 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 9, 2009 on Y&R

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

by Isaac

At Nick and Phyllis', Nick showed the liquor-filled water bottle to Phyllis. He wondered how Noah could possibly be drinking, knowing that alcohol was the cause of Cassie's death. Phyllis tried to calm Nick down. She told him that the bottle could be Eden's, or that it might not belong to either Eden or Noah. Nick said that it was the second time that alcohol had been present when Noah and Eden got together, and that he was tired of this "crap."

Nick met with Lauren at Crimson Lights. After telling Lauren about the liquor-filled bottle, he asked her if either she or Michael had noticed any liquor missing from their apartment. Lauren became defensive and said perhaps Noah, and not Eden, had put the liquor in the water bottle. Lauren reminded Nick that when teenagers fell in love, they sometimes did crazy things. Nick told Lauren that he and Sharon would deal with Noah, and that she and Michael could deal with Eden any way they wished. Nick said that he didn't want Noah and Eden to spend any time with each other.

Sharon stopped by at the Abbott mansion to pick up Noah, but Jack reminded her that Noah was at a drama club meeting and wouldn't be home until later. Sharon was going to leave and come back, but Jack talked her into waiting. Jack noticed that Sharon seemed on edge. He told Sharon that he hoped they were still friends, and then pushed Sharon to open up to him. Sharon told Jack that she was fine.

Detective Wallace arrived to ask Jack and Sharon questions about Brad Carlton's movements on the night of his death. Wallace found a map of the area surrounding the Abbott cabin in Brad's car, and wondered why Brad would have gone there. Sharon admitted that Brad had gone to the cabin to see her. Wallace asked Sharon why Brad didn't simply spend the night at the cabin, particularly since there was a bad storm. Jack told Wallace that Brad had dinner plans with his daughters and that he probably didn't want to disappoint them. Wallace remarked that if Brad had stayed at the cabin, he wouldn't have been where he needed to be in order to save Noah's life.

After Wallace left, Sharon decided that she wanted to go. Jack told Sharon that he knew she must be tied up in knots--that Noah's accident must have reminded her of Cassie's death. Sharon snapped at Jack, telling him that she felt guilty about sending Brad away in the snowstorm, but also realized that if she hadn't, Noah would have probably died. She told Jack that those thoughts were going around and around in her head. Nick called Sharon and arranged a meeting with her for the following day, in order to discuss the situation with Noah. After Sharon got off the phone, Jack begged her to stay at the mansion. He told her that she could stay in one of the guest bedrooms, and that he would stay out of her life.

Sharon told Jack that she appreciated his offer, but she and Noah were no longer his responsibility. Jack said that he was simply trying to be her friend--and that nothing was more important to him than her and Noah's well-being. Before Sharon left, Jack told her that he would always be there for her.

At the Baldwins', Michael said that Eden probably had put the liquor in the water bottle, but he resented that Nick had immediately jumped to that conclusion. Lauren thought that trying to end Noah and Eden's friendship was an overreaction on Nick's part. Michael told Lauren that just because Nick Newman wanted something, it didn't mean that he would get it.

Phyllis called Michael, and told him that she needed to meet with him urgently. They met at his condo, where she told Michael that she was going out of her mind--she had recently learned that Nick and Sharon slept together at the Abbott cabin. Phyllis was thankful that Nick had the decency to be honest with her. Phyllis told Michael that Nick said that he was in love with both her and Sharon. Michael was surprised that Phyllis didn't get angry with Nick. Phyllis said she needed to act rationally--otherwise it would look like Sharon was the sane one, and that Phyllis was the "head case."

Michael told Phyllis that if she held her emotions in, eventually she might end up resenting Nick. Phyllis said that she had to think of the big picture--and that she would do anything to keep her marriage together. She said that she had to prevent Sharon and Nick from becoming close again.

Back at home, Nick told Phyllis that he had met with Lauren at Crimson Lights, and that Lauren's attitude annoyed him. He said that it would be up to Nick, Sharon, and Phyllis to keep Noah and Eden apart. He told Phyllis that he had arranged a meeting with Sharon to discuss the matter--and that he wanted Phyllis to be there. Phyllis told Nick that she had no problem with him meeting with Sharon privately. Nick thanked her for being understanding, and gave her a big hug.

Lauren ran into Daniel at Crimson Lights, and asked him where he had gotten the jacket that he had worn on the cover of the latest issue of Restless Style. Lauren was shocked to learn that it was a one-of-a-kind Amber Moore design. Lauren told Daniel that she wanted to display the jacket at Fenmore's, and then take custom orders for it. Daniel assured Lauren that Amber would be thrilled with that arrangement.

At Murphy's, Michael told Katherine, Murphy, and Amber that the judge had finally ordered a DNA test to prove or disprove whether Katherine was authentic. Katherine's DNA would be compared to Jill's. Amber hugged Katherine and told her that she would finally be getting her life back.

At the Chancellor mansion, Jill spoke to someone on the phone--she told the person that she didn't care what the judge ordered. She wasn't going to comply with the order to supply a DNA swab.

Back at Murphy's, a technician swabbed Katherine's cheek. The tech said that the results of the test would be available within 24 hours. Murphy reminded Katherine that they had to go the hospital so that she could have a PET scan. Katherine said that she dreaded hearing the words "dementia" or "Alzheimer's." She thought it was ironic that one of the tests might prove that she really was Katherine Chancellor, but that the other test could prove that, eventually, she wouldn't remember who Katherine Chancellor was. Amber and Murphy told Katherine to keep a positive attitude. Murphy told Katherine that no matter what the results of either test were, he would support her.

Back home from her PET scan, Katherine paced nervously, awaiting the results of the test. The phone rang, and Murphy answered. It was the hospital, calling with the test results. After speaking to the doctor, Katherine broke down in tears and hugged Murphy.

At Crimson Lights, a worried Amber told Daniel that Katherine was having a DNA test, as well as a PET scan. Daniel cheered Amber up by telling her that Lauren wanted to feature her jacket design at Fenmore's.

Katherine called Amber with good news--the PET scan showed that Katherine was not suffering from either dementia or Alzheimer's disease. A thrilled Amber told Daniel. Katherine told Amber that the doctors still hadn't figured out what was causing her memory loss, but at least the "big two" had been ruled out.

At Crimson Lights, Roger told Esther that he had spent the night dreaming about Esther in her wedding gown. He gave Esther an envelope containing plane tickets to Las Vegas--he wanted to marry Esther on Valentine's Day. When Esther asked Roger why he wanted to elope, he told her that he knew that Esther's family didn't care for him, and that he didn't want the day ruined. He asked Esther to "do him the honor" of becoming Mrs. Roger Wilkes.

Esther returned to the Chancellor mansion and told Jill that she and Roger were eloping to Las Vegas on Valentine's Day. Jill wondered how Esther could be so stupid--she said that Roger was only after Esther's fortune. Jill suggested an experiment--Esther could tell Roger that she had donated her fortune to charity, and then see how fast Roger ran off. Esther said that Jill was jealous of her upcoming marriage, and that, on Valentine's Day, Esther would be Mrs. Roger Wilkes.

The technician showed up at the Chancellor mansion to get Jill's DNA sample. Initially, Jill refused, but Esther convinced her to allow the technician to take the sample. When the technician left, Jill said that the only reason that she gave the sample was "to shut this criminal down once and for all."

Clint called Roger. Roger told Clint that he would be marrying Esther in Las Vegas on Valentine's Day. Clint said that, by the same time the following week, he wanted a full inventory of the Chancellor mansion, as well as the exact wording on the title to the mansion. Roger said that he would find out what Esther was worth to the penny, and added, "Looks like the gravy train's about to pull into the station."

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 9, 2009 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 9, 2009 on Y&R

Thursday, February 12, 2009

by Laura Honzay

Phyllis said that George would take care of everything at the office for them. Nick said he realized that it was not the Valentine's Day she was expecting. Phyllis said that given what happened to them in the few weeks before, it wasn't the Valentine's Day anyone was expecting. Nick asked Sharon to stop at his house so he could tell her about the bottle of whiskey they found in Noah's belongings. When Sharon showed up, Phyllis offered to leave them alone to discuss Noah. Nick said that Phyllis should stay; she was Noah's parent, too. Nick said that they all needed to make a united front.

Michael and Lauren discussed how to deal with the alcohol situation with Eden. Michael said they should get it over with. Lauren said that Eden wasn't home yet.

Noah asked Eden what she wanted for Valentine's Day. Eden said she wasn't used to getting anything at the Ashram. Noah grabbed a flower and gave it to her. Eden said she could get used to that kind of treatment. Eden received a call from Michael and Lauren asking her to come home. When Eden returned, Michael said that he thought she had told them everything about the trip to the lake. They told Eden that they had found out Noah and Eden had alcohol with them. Eden worried that she had gotten Noah into more trouble. She begged Lauren and Michael to let her still continue to see Noah. Michael and Lauren said that wasn't up to them. Eden said that Nick's parents couldn't force her to do that.

When Noah showed up at Nick and Phyllis' house, he knew he was in trouble. Nick said it was time Noah took responsibility for his actions. When Nick said that they found a whiskey bottle in Noah's stuff, Noah became upset and wanted to go to his room. Nick said that Noah would be unable to see Eden again. Noah said that he wasn't Cassie, and they needed to stop treating him like he was. Noah said that they were trying to keep him from the one person who understood him. Sharon said they were just trying to protect Noah. Noah said that he couldn't stop living his life. Sharon said that she needed to go outside. Phyllis said she would go outside with her.

Sharon asked Phyllis what she was doing outside with her. Phyllis said that she understood what Sharon was going through concerning Noah. Sharon said that she had to protect Noah. Phyllis said that Sharon and Nick needed Noah to realize that he needed to protect himself. Sharon wondered what she would owe Phyllis for listening to her advice. Phyllis said that, believe it or not, she was a compassionate person.

When Nick and Noah were alone, Noah said that he knew that something was going on between Nick and Sharon. Noah said that instead of telling him to get his act together, maybe Nick should listen his own advice.

When Sharon and Phyllis returned, Nick was arguing with Noah. He said he would send Noah to boarding school if Noah didn't listen to them. Noah stormed off. Sharon said that didn't go very well. When Sharon left, Nick thanked Phyllis for being the voice of reason. Phyllis told Nick that she didn't think he handled the situation very well. She said that when someone tells you that you can't be with someone, it makes you want to be with them even more. Nick said that he knew that Noah was over his head regarding Eden. Phyllis asked if he felt that Noah deserved a second chance.

When Noah called Eden, she told him that she didn't want to get him into more trouble than he already was in. Noah said he wasn't worried about that. He said that he loved Eden. Eden said that she loved him, too.

Katherine was excited to finally be able to prove her identity. Murphy asked what she wanted to do on her last day as Marge. Katherine said that she wanted to return her apron at the diner and tell her friends the truth: that she was not Marge and she was going home where she belonged.

Katherine asked her friends to come to the trailer so she could return her work uniform and tell them about her true identity. She said she was Katherine Chancellor, and she needed to return home to her family. Joe Jr. told Murphy that when Marge got off the sauce, she would be able to get her job back. When they left, Katherine and Murphy laughed. Katherine said that she wouldn't have believed her either. Murphy told Katherine that he would really miss her. Katherine said that Murphy was the most wonderful friend she ever had.

Jill told Roger that she heard that he and Esther were planning to elope. Esther came downstairs and told Roger that she couldn't marry him right away. Roger wondered what could be more important. Esther said the possibility that Katherine might still be alive. Roger asked what the possibility was that this woman was really Katherine. Esther said the chances were slim, but that she needed to stay in town just in case. Roger said that he had a gift for Esther. He gave her a beautiful necklace. Roger said that he hoped she would wear it that evening. Esther was interrupted by a telephone call and excused herself.

Jill told Roger that he sounded desperate. She said that Roger couldn't wait to move in and start spending Esther's money. When Esther returned, Jill asked if Esther was going to choose Katherine or Roger. Esther asked when they were going to leave for Vegas. Jill wondered what Esther would do if she found out that the woman was really Katherine, after all. When Roger came downstairs, Esther said that she had changed her mind again. Roger said that he understood. He said that he had to unpack his bags and cancel their reservation. When he walked outside, he made a phone call. He said that Katherine had screwed everything up. They decided they needed to get rid of the problem.

Jill called Paul and asked that he conduct a thorough background check on Roger.

Chloe went to visit Billy to tell him that she thought he had feelings for her. Billy laughed. He told Chloe that Cane might have married her out of obligation, but she had become a Chancellor and she had everything she had ever dreamed of. Chloe said that Billy was right; Cane was great to her and would be an excellent father. Billy asked why Chloe was there chatting him up to see if he was still interested. Chloe said that wasn't what she was doing. Billy said that was good because he was going on his first trip with Lily over the weekend. Chloe said that Billy was still the same jerk he had always been. Billy changed his tune and told Chloe to sit down. Chloe said that Billy had dodged a bullet regarding her baby. Billy said that he wasn't father material.

Lily told Cane that it must have been hard for him when Jill picked Billy as CEO instead of Cane. Cane said that Billy must have manipulated Jill. When Cane saw Lily's ski goggles, he wondered what they were for. Lily said that she and Billy had decided to go to the cabin, after all. Cane said that he wished she wasn't seeing his brother. Lily said she wished he had never slept with Chloe. Cane felt that Billy would try to get Lily into bed and then not speak to her again. Lily said she knew that wasn't true because that had already happened. When Billy met up with Lily, he asked if she was ready to go. Lily said she had to get her things. As Billy paid for the coffee, he noticed a baby in a stroller. He gave the baby a long stare and then walked away.

When Cane returned home, Chloe said that he looked tired. Cane said that he was, but it was important to him that they finish hanging up the pictures in the nursery. Chloe said that she would love to. After they put up the pictures, Chloe said that her favorite part of the room was the rocking chair. She could imagine rocking the baby in the chair. Cane said that despite the way they had gotten together, he felt that he could count on her. He wished her a happy Valentine's Day and wanted to kiss her, but turned away.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 9, 2009 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 9, 2009 on Y&R

Friday, February 13, 2009

by Isaac

At Nick and Phyllis', Nick told Phyllis that he needed to go to the office to catch up on some work. He said that he wasn't sure if he would be home in time for dinner. The tension between the Newmans was obvious.

Sharon arrived at Newman Enterprises to do some work on the Beauty of Nature campaign. Nick ran into her in the conference room. They agreed that trying to keep Noah and Eden apart would only intensify Noah's interest in Eden.

Sharon asked Nick if he wanted to look at the project that she was working on. Nick walked behind Sharon, and leaned over her shoulder to see the computer screen. Both of them became uncomfortable, and Sharon stood up to close the door. They discussed if they could continue working with each other and not let their emotional feelings get in the way. Nick suggested that Sharon leave Newman Enterprises.

Sharon reluctantly agreed. Nick said that, with the history between them, working together would become even more difficult. Sharon asked some probing questions about whether or not Nick really wanted to reconcile with Phyllis. Nick admitted that what he and Sharon had together had been magic--but that he wanted to hang on to the life he had with Phyllis. Somewhat agitated, Sharon packed up her stuff, insincerely wished Nick a happy Valentine's Day, and left.

Nick returned home and told Phyllis that he had run into Sharon at the office. He informed Phyllis that Sharon was resigning from Newman Enterprises. He admitted that Sharon was a great worker, but that she had to leave in order for his marriage to Phyllis to work. Phyllis asked Nick if he still loved both her and Sharon. Nick replied that he, Phyllis, and Summer were his future, and that his feelings for Sharon were part of his past. Phyllis was thrilled.

Sharon went back to the conference room to look for Nick, but he had already left. She picked up a gold paperweight, caressed it, and then put it in her purse.

At Crimson Lights, Jana, Kevin, and Amber were excited that they would shortly learn the results of Katherine's DNA test. A somber Daniel came in and told the group that his New York art sponsor had called to tell Daniel that he was no longer going to display Daniel's art in his gallery--interest in Daniel's art had waned. Amber reminded Daniel that they could no longer use the money from Katherine's inheritance to further Daniel's career. Kevin told Daniel that he shouldn't give up his dream of being an artist, and that if he couldn't use Katherine's money, then he should find another source of funding. Daniel, a bit more upbeat, agreed, and left.

At Murphy's trailer, Murphy was about to leave for a lodge meeting. Katherine kissed him and told him that would be the last kiss he would receive from "Maybe Katherine." The next kiss, she promised, would be from "Definitely Katherine."

Katherine arrived at Crimson Lights to join Kevin, Amber, and Jana. She said that as soon as the DNA results confirmed that she really was Katherine, she was going to spread money around on her bed and roll around in it. Amber laughed and said that she and Katherine were definitely kindred spirits. Gloria called Kevin from prison and reminded him to get close to Katherine for Gloria's sake. Clearly irritated by the phone call, Kevin said that he had to go, then hung up.

Daniel went to visit Phyllis, and she quickly agreed to loan him the money so that he could put on his own art show.

Daniel returned to Crimson Lights and told the gang the good news about Phyllis' loan. Gloria called Kevin again, and Katherine overheard him arguing with his mother. Katherine asked Kevin if she could have the phone. Gloria told Katherine that she still considered the two of them friends. Katherine said that she would never forget Gloria's support while the two of them were in prison together. She also told Gloria that Kevin and Michael were fine young men. Kevin took the phone back from Katherine and asked Gloria if she were happy. Gloria told Kevin to continue being a "fine young man."

A waitress told Katherine that Murphy had called, and that he was having some car trouble. He wanted Katherine to pick him up at the trailer and drive him to Crimson Lights. Katherine said that she would, as she wanted Murphy by her side when it was officially announced that she was Katherine Chancellor.

When Katherine arrived at the trailer, Clint Radison greeted her and said, "Hey, Margie. Remember me? It's your old pal, Clint."

Murphy returned to the trailer and found a note that read, "Can't take anymore. I lied to you, Murphy. I am not Kay. Now I have to leave. Til we meet again." Murphy was stunned.

Jill received a call from the lab informing her that the DNA test results were ready. She immediately went to Crimson Lights, and told Kevin, Jana, Amber, and Daniel, "That woman is not my mother."

At the Ashbys', Cane told Chloe that he had a meeting at Jabot with Jill. Chloe was concerned that if Cane ran into Billy, the brothers might come to blows. Cane told Chloe that wouldn't happen, as Billy had gone to the Abbott cabin with Lily. He gave Chloe a kiss before he left.

Cane went to Jill's office. Jill informed him that she had done Cane the favor that he had asked for--she had found a lovely necklace that his father, Phillip, had given to Jill. Cane was thankful, as he wanted to give it to Chloe for Valentine's Day. Cane admitted that he wasn't in love with Chloe, but that he wanted their child to grow up with two parents. Cane said that Chloe had changed--that her lies, secrets, and manipulations were over.

Back at the Ashbys', Chloe told her "baby" that she had felt no spark when Cane had kissed her. She said, "And now, Billy is with the evil Ice Queen on a day named after your mother." Chloe tried to convince herself that she didn't care that Billy was with Lily, but she then called Jabot and tricked the receptionist into giving her the address to the Abbott cabin. Chloe went back and forth about driving to the cabin. She said that Cane would be a perfect father, and was a really nice guy. She then said, "I hate nice guys," put on her coat, and left the house.

At the Abbott cabin, Billy and Lily immediately got romantic with each other. When Billy took off his shirt and Lily wrapped a blanket around the two of them, Billy sarcastically said, "I'm glad we're taking this slow."

While playing Monopoly, Lily told Billy that she thought he was a good person, and that she trusted him completely. Billy nervously said, "I've got to tell you something." Chloe lurked outside the cabin and peered through a window. She entered the cabin without Lily and Billy noticing. Billy told Lily that he had dated Chloe in New York. Lily said that she had intuited that, so it was hardly earth-shattering news to her. Billy then blurted out that he, and not Cane, was the father of Chloe's baby. Billy and a shocked Lily then noticed that Chloe was standing there.

Lily read Billy and Chloe the riot act. She accused Chloe of breaking her and Cane up for nothing, since the only reason Cane had married Chloe was because he thought that Chloe was pregnant with his child. Lily turned to Billy and told him that he was disgusting. She said that Billy had destroyed Cane's life. Lily told Billy and Chloe that they deserved each other.

At home, Cane kept trying to write a Valentine's Day message to Chloe. His thoughts kept drifting to romantic moments that he had spent with Lily. He suddenly stood up and said, "What the hell am I doing? Lily, what am I doing?" With the necklace in his hand, he grabbed his coat and rushed out of the house.

Back at the Abbott cabin, Lily continued to admonish Billy and Chloe. She told Chloe how much it was going to break Cane's heart when he learned that Chloe's baby wasn't his. Lily accused Chloe of being sick, evil, and twisted. Chloe suddenly winced in pain, and said, "My water--I think it just broke."

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