Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 4, 2008 on Y&R

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J.T. Hellstrom and Victoria Newman were married
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 4, 2008 on Y&R

Amber and Daniel got drunk, and they hooked up. Lily admitted that she was falling for Cane. Gloria and Jeffrey moved into the Abbott mansion. J.T. and Victoria got married. Victor left to see Hope, who was dying of pancreatic cancer.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 4, 2008 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 4, 2008 on Y&R

Monday, February 4, 2008

by Anne Carpenter

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As Phyllis and Nick enjoyed breakfast at the tack house, they discussed their excitement over Jack's suggestion that they join him and Sharon in the fashion business. Sharon stopped by and told Nick and Sharon about her apprehension for Noah in light of Gloria and Jeff's impending invasion. Nick and Phyllis readily agreed to open their home as a refuge for Noah if needed. Sharon admitted that she and Jack were more committed than ever as they faced the challenge of unwanted house guests. Before Sharon left, Nick and Phyllis mentioned their excitement about the future project. Sharon warned Nick that Victor might not be pleased, but Nick maintained that it wasn't Victor's business.

After Sharon left, Phyllis and Nick studied fashion magazines and considered prospective models. Phyllis suggested that Daniel showed potential for modeling, but Nick recommended that professional models be used. Nikki stopped by and announced that Katherine had given her the reins at Jabot and that she'd chosen David as her co-CEO. Nick was a bit dumbfounded when his mother told him she wanted him to join her at Jabot. Nick turned his mother's offer down and told her that he had a secret project in the works with Jack. Nikki was disappointed, but Nick assured his mother it was for the best.

At the prosecuting attorney's office, Maggie consoled Heather after her boss dropped the case she'd put together against Victor for the murder of Ji Min Kim. Jill stopped by and suggested that Heather's case should have been focused on Jack Abbott. Heather maintained that she still wasn't convinced that Victor was innocent. After Jill became angry when Heather disagreed about Jack's level of involvement, Maggie stepped in and explained to Jill that no evidence connected Jack directly to the crime. Jill refused to back off her claim that Heather had focused her investigation on the wrong man.

After Jill's visit, Maggie and Heather scrutinized the body of evidence they had collected on the case. Since the surveillance tape at the club had been doctored, Heather realized that Jack could have been the last person to visit Ji Min's room, but Maggie insisted that their strongest piece of evidence was that Ji Min had planned to go public and admit that Jack illegally owned Jabot. Heather doubted that particular fact alone could persuade a judge to grant a search warrant. Dennis walked in and heard Maggie and Heather as they discussed the Ji Min case. Dennis firmly informed Heather that she had been taken off Ji Min's murder case and reassigned to simple cases involving narcotics.

Heather was crushed that she'd been demoted. Maggie attempted to reassure Heather before she left, but Heather was stunned. Heather recalled her conversation with Victor the day he'd told her that she had committed career suicide because she had pursued the case against him. Heather remembered that after she'd asked Victor if what he'd said had been a threat, he'd told her to take it any way she wanted. Victor had menacingly added that Heather was playing with the wrong guy.

After suffering a professional blow, Heather bellied up to the Athletic Club bar and drowned her sorrows in bourbon. Victor approached and told Heather, after he learned that she'd been demoted, that she could redeem herself if Jack was found guilty of the crime she'd once pinned on Victor. Adrian joined Heather at the bar after he learned that Colleen was busy covering another worker's shift. After Adrian told Heather that he'd read about her failed case in the paper, Heather, with her tongue loosened, proclaimed herself an excellent prosecutor who followed the chain of evidence and investigated every lead with merit. Heather claimed that she only wanted to find the guilty one, even though evidence was tainted and witnesses were paid off. Adrian assured Heather that sometimes things settled into place after being shaken.

As Adrian and Heather talked, Adrian gave Heather a comforting pat on her arm. Colleen took notice as she waited tables nearby. When Maggie and Paul stopped by the club, they drew Heather away from the bar and invited her to dine with them. At Heather's insistence, Adrian joined the group. As Maggie, Paul, Heather, and Adrian made small talk about books they'd read, Colleen waited their table and served drinks. As the cheery party offered toasts to one another, Colleen looked on with a sneer.

After Paul, Maggie, Adrian, and a drunken Heather finished dinner, Heather asked Paul to drop her off at the office. Paul agreed to help when Heather claimed she had a hunch to prove, but before she left, she invited Adrian to a future book club meeting. After Heather, Paul, and Maggie left, Colleen approached Adrian, who explained that Heather had lost control of a big case. A jealous Colleen, a bit unsympathetic to Heather's plight, wiped Adrian's kiss off her lips after he walked away.

At the coffeehouse, Gloria thoroughly enjoyed herself as she planned her strategies intended to drive Jack crazy. Gloria enlisted Jeff's assistance, too, when she sent him out to hunt for tacky decor she hoped Jack and Sharon found intolerably offensive. After Jeff left to collect his belongings at the Athletic Club, Kevin, who'd watched his mother as she had animatedly interacted with her husband, grilled her about why it seemed as if she looked forward to living with her creepy husband.

Gloria maintained that she had to act as if she was the victim of a man who'd married her for money and killed her to get rid of her. After Kevin asked how Gloria intended to oust the Abbotts, Gloria explained that Noah would be targeted and that Sharon would be forced to run for the hills to protect her son. Kevin thought that Jack and Sharon should witness Gloria's "murder," but Gloria assured her son the matter was handled.

At the Abbott mansion, Jack and Sharon prepared Noah for the invasion of Gloria and Jeffrey, who planned to move in after a judge ruled that Gloria owned half of John's estate. Noah expressed concern that Gloria had lost previous husbands to death, and he requested to move in with his dad and Phyllis. Sharon worried that Gloria would disrupt Noah's routine, but Jack wanted to keep his family intact. Jack planned to make Gloria sorry the judge had ever granted her the rights to even step inside his home. After Jack explained that he had no other choice than to allow his father's widow to move in, Noah questioned Jack about whether or not he planned to antagonize Gloria. As expected, Gloria arrived, and Kevin tagged along. Gloria flopped down on the sofa and arrogantly announced that she was home.

Jack protested when Gloria's movers delivered dated lamps, gaudy accessories, and a mannequin covered with a hideous red-feathered boa, which Gloria placed near the entryway staircase. Jeff brought in a case of cheap champagne, which Gloria served when they toasted the arrival of her portrait. Sharon and Jack stood dazed when Kevin arrived with an oversized, Baroque-framed painting of Gloria, depicted with her arms folded defiantly at her waist. Kevin hung the painting up over the mantel as Gloria offered Jack a glass of second-rate champagne. Jack refused. Jack likened Gloria's presence to the ninth ring of hell when the movers placed her behemoth recliner in the living room. Gloria was flippantly settled into her La-Z-Boy when Jack vowed to put her out on the street again.

Jill encountered Jeff as he moved out of the Athletic Club. Jill was aghast at the idea of Gloria moving in with Jack. When Jeff came on a little strong romantically, Jill was taken aback, but Jeff assured her he was just being friendly. Gloria showed up, and Jill egged her on with her plans to annoy Jack. Jill doubted that Jack would remain a problem for Gloria, who seemed pleased when Jill expressed her hopes that Jack would soon be jailed for Ji Min's murder.

At the Athletic Club, the district attorney, Dennis, apologized to Victor for Heather's role in Victor's arrest and failed prosecution in connection with Ji Min's murder case. Victor wasn't consoled and maintained that Heather had ruined his reputation and damaged the D.A.'s office. Victor also encountered David Chow at the club as David carried his luggage down the stairway into the lobby. Victor warned David to find another place to live if he intended to move in with Nikki on Victor's property. David told Victor that he and Nikki had begun to search for a place. Victor sarcastically suggested the slums of Tijuana. David just sighed and shook his head as Victor walked away.

At Jabot, Nikki immersed herself in new projects. Jill helped Nikki with the transition of power and commiserated with Nikki as she adjusted to life without Victor. David stopped by, and Jill decided that Nikki had absorbed enough of Jabot for one day. David was happy when Nikki told him that she enjoyed taking the helm at Jabot, but David was disappointed that their planned business venture was put on hold. David's mood improved when Nikki offered him the position of co-CEO.

When Nikki and David later met at the club, she told him that Nick had turned down her offer to join them at Jabot. A man approached, and David's face grew tense. The man called David by name, thrust out his arm for a handshake, and introduced himself as Walter Palin. David introduced Nikki to the man, but after he left, David was vague about how well he knew the man.

Victor stopped by the Chancellor estate because he wished to see Katherine, but Jill told him that Katherine was away at a doctor's appointment. Victor gave Jill a message for Katherine. Victor said that Katherine had made a ludicrous mistake when she'd appointed Nikki to lead Jabot because Nikki wasn't qualified to run a company of its size. Jill told Victor that he no longer ran Nikki's life and that Nikki would make Jabot proud. Victor had the last word and told Jill that he had warned her that she was in for a big surprise.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 4, 2008 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 4, 2008 on Y&R

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

by Laura Honzay

Gloria wondered aloud how to go about getting Jack and Sharon out of the Abbott estate. She told Kevin they could deal with the other problem at hand once Jack and Sharon were gone. Jeffrey arrived downstairs and asked what problem they were talking about. Gloria admitted that Jeffrey was her problem -- after all, he was taking all her money and threatening to put her in jail. Jeffrey told Gloria that he was upset that they were sleeping in separate beds. He said that she needed to get rid of the Abbotts because he didn't like sharing the estate.

Gloria said that she had the perfect plan. She brought over a reporter friend who would tell her story about returning to the Jabot estate. When Jack arrived at home, he asked what was going on. When Gloria explained that the reporters were there to tell a story about her moving back into the Abbott mansion, Jack couldn't believe Gloria would go that far. The reporter asked Jack if a judge had forced him to let Gloria live at the estate. Jack said that it had been his father's wish to have Gloria live there. They were interrupted by a knock at the door. It was Maggie with a warrant to search the premises regarding the Ji Min Kim murder investigation.

Paul went into Heather's office and found her passed out on the couch. When she awakened, she apologized for drinking too much bourbon the night before. Paul told Heather that she had not failed; the evidence she'd had on Victor had failed. Together, they discussed the new prime suspect in the Ji Min murder case -- Jack.

Paul told Heather that she should build a strong case before she told her boss, Dennis. Heather disagreed with Paul and decided to call Dennis right away. Heather told Dennis about her evidence regarding the case. Dennis said that he would put Maggie on it. When Heather begged Dennis to put her back on the case, he said that it was not going to happen.

At the coffeehouse, Paul talked to Maggie about helping Heather with the Ji Min case. Paul said that he needed to give Heather time to trust him. When Heather went to the coffeehouse, she admited that Dennis wouldn't put her back on the case. Heather thanked Paul for being supportive of her.

Amber told Daniel about her awful experience at the final Fresh Face of Jabot contest. Amber admitted that Daniel had been right. Phyllis showed up at the coffeehouse and was surprised to see Daniel's new hairstyle. She told Daniel that she had some news about a potential job, but he had to change his hair first. Amber overheard that Phyllis' new proposition involved design and fashion, and Amber became excited that she might have an opportunity to work for Phyllis' project, too.

Daniel saw Heather sitting alone and stopped by to cheer her up. He asked Kevin and Amber how they felt about throwing a party regarding their potential new jobs and also as a way to cheer Heather up. Jana commented to Amber that Daniel and Heather were a cute couple. Jana could tell that Amber was jealous.

Victor told Neil that Brad was sneaking around, trying to get Nick's job. Neil said that Victor was going to be hard-pressed to find a replacement for Nick. Victor said the only way Nick would return to Newman was if Nick made the first move. Victor said that his own son hadn't stood by him, and he declared the conversation closed because he didn't want to talk about it anymore. His son would not be returning to his company.

Nick and Jack discussed plans for their new business. Jack wondered how Victor was going to feel about Nick working with Jack. Jack said that Victor was going to look at it as a personal betrayal. Nick said that was Victor's problem, and he was not worried about it. Nick was fired up at the idea of their new project.

Phyllis showed up and asked why Jack was looking so tired. Jack told them about Gloria's latest schemes. To change the subject, Phyllis said that she had some ideas for their online fashion magazine. As they toasted to their futures, Victor walked in. He stopped by the table to find out why they were celebrating. Nick said that they would be working together on an online magazine. Victor wished him good luck, because online magazines did not make any money.

When Jack offered his seat, Victor said that he did not want to have anything to do with Jack, Nick, and Phyllis. Victor's words upset Nick. Phyllis told him not to worry about it. J.T. called Nick and reported that Victoria had taken her first steps again and that they were getting married over the weekend. Nick said that they would be there.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 4, 2008 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 4, 2008 on Y&R

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

by Isaac

Victoria was in bed as J.T. entered the room with a gift: a tuxedo T-shirt for baby Reed. A smiling Victoria said that their wedding would be perfect, but her mood seemed a little more ominous as she added, "It better be." After J.T. left, Victoria called Victor at his office and told him that everything was still on track for the nuptials. She seemed concerned that Victor was a bit distant, but he assured her that he was still extremely happy for her and was supportive of the marriage; he just had other things on his mind. Victoria told Victor she wanted him to do her a favor, but she needed to ask him in person. Victor assured her he would stop by the ranch to see her.

In the Newman living room, Nikki was busy making last-minute wedding preparations. David entered and told her that he had finished calling everyone on the invitation list and that everyone had said they would show up. Nick and Phyllis stopped by to see if there was anything they could do to help. Nick mentioned that since Noah was going to be the ring bearer, it seemed only appropriate that Sharon and Jack be invited. When Nikki said that Jack's presence would not make Victor happy, Nick suggested they not worry about that and just move on.

Nick and Phyllis visited with Victoria, who asked Phyllis to be her matron of honor. Victoria realized she hadn't originally been supportive of Nick and Phyllis' marriage, but she realized how good Phyllis was for her brother. Phyllis, who seemed pleasantly surprised by Victoria's invitation, agreed to serve as her matron of honor.

At the coffeehouse, J.T. told Paul he was marrying Victoria the next day. When Paul congratulated him, J.T. asked Paul to be his best man. Paul seemed honored and accepted J.T.'s offer.

As promised, Victor stopped by to see Victoria, and he told his smiling daughter that she was the only bright light in his life right then. She told him that Jack, David, and Nick would all be at the wedding, and when Victor said that sounded like a motley crew, Victoria asked her favor: that Victor be on his best behavior with them at the wedding, as she wanted the day to be perfect. Victor promised he would and then left. Victoria tried to walk over to Reed's cradle but didn't have the energy, and she collapsed. When J.T. found her, she expressed her concern that she wouldn't have the strength to walk down the aisle. He told her that he and Victor wouldn't let her fall. Victoria expressed her love for J.T. as they kissed.

Later, at Crimson Lights, Nikki and David took a break from their wedding planning. When David suggested a double wedding -- with himself and Nikki as the second couple -- Nikki said that she almost felt sorry for Victor, who had painted himself into a lonely corner.

At the Chancellor estate, Katherine was having her blood pressure taken by her doctor. He told her it was fine but that she shouldn't plan on going out dancing anytime soon. Cane arrived downstairs and appeared concerned that the doctor was there, but Katherine assured him it was just a routine checkup. The doctor opened the front door to leave, and Amber was standing there. Cane wondered why every time he blinked his eyes, Amber seemed to walk in. Katherine jumped to Amber's defense and told Cane that she had invited Amber.

Cane questioned why Katherine was suddenly Amber's new best friend, but Katherine told him to leave Amber alone because she trusted Amber. Amber told Cane that he needed to accept her friendship with Katherine, who was like a mentor to her. Amber asked why Cane wasn't at work, and he left.

As soon as Amber heard the front door close, she asked Katherine why the doctor was there, wondering if Katherine had had another one of her "spells." Katherine assured Amber that she was fine, and she praised Amber for standing up to Cane. Katherine told Amber that she'd begun jotting down thoughts for her memoirs, and when Amber asked her to read them, Katherine recited the beginning of Charles Dickens' David Copperfield.

When Amber admitted to never having read that book and asked Katherine how long it was, Katherine replied, "an entire lifetime -- like my story." Later, they enjoyed themselves as Katherine related an amusing story about being rejected by a former lover. Amber went off to the kitchen to get them some tea, and upon returning, found Katherine asleep on the couch. Amber gingerly placed a blanket on her, blew her a kiss, and left.

At the Abbott mansion, Sharon, who seemed surprised at how disheveled the house looked, arrived just in time to see Maggie and a few policemen leaving Jack in the living room. As Sharon asked Jack what the police had been looking for, Gloria, who was with Jeff, said that it probably had something to do with Ji Min's murder. Jack said the police had found nothing, but Gloria countered with the fact that just because they'd found nothing didn't mean he hadn't killed Ji Min -- for the moment, Jack might have just gotten away with it.

Jack asked Sharon if Noah had been upset with the police in the house, but Sharon said Noah had thought it was "cool." When she asked Jack if she had anything to worry about, Jack assured her he'd had nothing to do with Ji Min's murder, and Victor set him up either because he blamed Jack for his arrest or because he didn't like the idea of Jack and Nick teaming up in their new business venture. Sharon warned Jack to be careful of Victor. At Crimson Lights, Maggie told Paul she had strong doubts that Jack was involved in Ji Min's death.

Later, Gloria suggested to Noah that he, Jack, and Sharon move out. Noah wanted to know why Gloria didn't leave. Gloria explained to Noah that Jack's father wanted her to have the house, but Noah said that John was dead and wouldn't want Jack to move out. Gloria told the boy that Jack had done some bad things. As Noah told Gloria how mean she was, Sharon entered. Noah went upstairs, and Sharon went off on Gloria, telling her that if she ever talked to Noah like that again, Sharon would get a restraining order preventing Gloria from talking to Noah. Gloria accused Sharon of being a "drama queen" and suggested that Sharon, Jack, and Noah move out. When Sharon refused, Gloria told her to fasten her seat belt -- it was going to be a bumpy ride.

Sharon took Noah over to Nick and Phyllis', where Noah opined that Gloria was evil. When Noah went upstairs to see Summer, Sharon told Nick that Gloria was "the Wicked Witch of the Midwest" and also told him that the police had ransacked the Abbott mansion, looking for clues in Ji Min's death. Nick said that Jack was no killer, and Sharon told him that Jack thought Victor was behind it. Exasperated, she told Nick that she wanted to pack up and move to Miami. After Sharon left, Nick and Phyllis assured Noah that Gloria wouldn't be at his Aunt Victoria's wedding.

Back at the Abbott mansion, Gloria told Sharon that when Jack went to prison, she was going to completely redecorate. Jack and Sharon shivered at the thought, and when Jack suggested that Gloria might be the one behind the police search, Gloria said it had nothing to do with her -- it was just Jack's past catching up with him. Later, Jeff and Gloria were listening to a Korean opera at an extremely loud volume, and Jack and Sharon went downstairs to find out what the racket was. The Abbotts decided to temporarily get a room at the Athletic Club, where they could plan their retaliation, but they told Jeff and Gloria they were moving out permanently. After they left, Gloria told Jeff that she didn't trust them at all and that they were probably planning on returning.

Jill introduced Lily to Chloe, who was going to serve as Lily's fashion coordinator for the "Fresh Faces of Jabot" photoshoot. Lily told Chloe she'd learned quite a bit about modeling from Dru. Chloe knew of Dru's reputation as a model. As Chloe and Lily decided to have some lunch, Cane walked in, and it was obvious that Chloe thought Cane was "hot."

At Crimson Lights for lunch, Chloe told Lily she felt the "sexual energy" between Lily and Cane. Neil arrived, met Chloe, and was going to join the girls, but he left after Cane showed up. When Chloe left the table to take a phone call, Lily told Cane that Neil needed to accept the fact that she was falling in love with Cane. Lily suggested that Cane should spend time with Neil so Neil could see he was a good guy, and Cane said he would make that his mission.

At Newman, Victor was on the phone, inquiring about Hope's condition. He seemed quite concerned about the information he was receiving.

Jack went to see Victor at Jabot and blamed Victor for setting up the police search at his home in retaliation for Jack's business venture with Nick. Victor told Jack that Nick could make any mistake he wanted to, even working with Jack. He asked Jack to leave the building.

Back in his office, Victor remembered the day he'd fired Nick -- when Nick had told Victor there was no one left to love him. Neil arrived to see Victor, and Victor offered Neil the co-CEO position that had been Nick's. Neil was thrilled at his promotion, and they sealed the deal with a handshake. When Victor told Neil he needed Neil to hold down the fort, Neil wondered if Victor was going somewhere. When Neil left, Victor made a phone call; he said he wanted the jet standing by, because as soon as Victoria's wedding was over, he was flying out of town.

J.T. and Victoria
J.T. and Victoria's wedding day arrives

J.T. and Victoria's wedding day arrives

Thursday, February 7, 2008

by Laura Honzay

At the tack house, while Nick and Noah got ready for Victoria and J.T.'s wedding, Noah asked why Victor was angry with Nick. Nick tried to explain that it was the same situation as when Noah didn't listen to him and his mom. Victor was angry with him for the same reason. Nick said they needed to concentrate on the wedding and not worry about the reason that Victor was angry with him. Phyllis entered the room, and Nick said she looked amazing. He told Phyllis that he hoped what was going on between him and Victor wouldn't spill over into the wedding.

At the main house, Nikki and Helen entered Victoria's room, and Victoria thanked Helen for bringing her wedding dress. Victoria told Nikki that she was worn out after trying on her wedding dress, and she had to rest for a bit. She sat down on her bed and Nikki sat down with her and said that it was the beginning of Victoria's new life, especially after everything Victoria had been through that year. Victoria said she wanted everything to be special for her wedding day.

Nikki went downstairs and left Victoria to rest. She was impressed with how beautiful the living room looked decorated for the nuptials. Victor told Nikki that he hoped Victoria's marriage would end up being better than theirs. He didn't recall much happiness in their marriage. Nikki couldn't believe that Victor would say he didn't remember all the wonderful moments they'd shared and raising their kids. Victor walked away.

Victor approached J.T. and thanked him for making Victoria so happy. He told J.T. that he was impressed with how J.T. had been there for Victoria and Reed. He welcomed J.T. into the family. J.T. thanked him, and he went to see Victoria.

In Victoria's room, J.T. told Victoria he couldn't wait to see Reed in a tuxedo. J.T. gave Victoria a silver charm bracelet with three charms that represented something special in their lives. The house represented their first home, the booties were for Reed, and the doves represented their wedding day. When Nikki returned, J.T. kissed Victoria, gave Nikki a peck on the cheek, and left. Victoria showed off her bracelet, and Nikki said that one day, that bracelet would be full of charms. Victoria embraced her mother.

Victoria asked Nikki how Victor was doing. Nikki said he was okay and that they were both relieved because a few weeks earlier, Victoria had been very ill, but she was well enough that day to get married.

Downstairs, Victor was on a private call and told someone he would send his private jet to bring the specialist to Hope. J.T. approached, and Victor ended his call. Victor asked J.T. how the bride was doing. J.T. said that the bride was grinning from ear to ear.

Nick, Phyllis, and Noah arrived. Victor saw them, and he excused himself and left. Nick asked J.T. if Victor had given him the "welcome to the family" speech. J.T. smiled and said he certainly had.

Brad arrived and asked what was going on. Phyllis informed him that it was J.T. and Victoria's wedding day. Brad said he didn't want to intrude on the family gathering, but he'd wanted to drop by to give Victoria a gift.

In the meantime, Noah was hiding in another room and talking to Abby on the phone. He wanted Abby to help him figure out a way to remove Gloria from the Abbott mansion. He said he hated Gloria.

After Victor ended his call, he rushed out the door, said a curt, "Hi," to Katherine and kept going, leaving Katherine a little bewildered. She shrugged her shoulders and entered the house, where Nick greeted her. Katherine said she wanted to see Victoria, and she went upstairs.

In Victoria's room, Victoria was dressed and ready for her wedding when Katherine entered. Katherine said she'd brought her something borrowed and something blue in one item, a sapphire ring. Victoria was delighted and thanked Katherine.

Victor entered Victoria's room, and he asked for a private moment with Victoria. Nikki and Katherine left. He told Victoria she looked gorgeous and that he loved her. Victoria told Victor she loved him. She asked Victor to help her by holding her up during the ceremony. Victor said that he'd always held her up since she'd been a little girl and he'd taught her how to walk. Victoria took his arm, and they left her room to get the wedding under way.

Downstairs, Paul arrived, and J.T. told him that Victor had given him the "welcome to the family" speech. Paul smiled and said that Victor would pressure J.T. to make certain he kept Victoria happy. A few steps away, Nikki commented to Katherine that Victor had been acting weird. John Silva approached them and informed them that everything was set, and it was time for the ceremony. Nikki took a seat and held baby Reed.

As ring bearer, Noah was the first to walk down the aisle, followed by the matron of honor, Phyllis. Victor gave Victoria a peck on the cheek, and they proceeded to walk down the aisle.

At Crimson Lights, Sharon asked if Jack had gotten any sleep, and she griped about Gloria and Jeffrey living at the Abbott mansion. Jack said that Gloria and Jeffrey wouldn't be there for long. Sharon asked excitedly if Jack had a plan. Jack claimed he had something percolating. Sharon suggested that in the meantime, they should look at rental property, but Jack reminded her that they had moved out of the Abbott mansion in order to devise a plan to get Gloria and Jeffrey out. Jack made a phone call to someone to ask how the appeal was going with Gloria moving into the Abbott home, and he said he wanted the judge to change his mind.

Michael arrived and told Jack that he didn't have any control over what Gloria did. He reminded Jack that he was once again being investigated, and Michael couldn't take the credit for the investigation. Michael said that Jack had been under investigation long before he'd tried to shift the blame to Victor, and Jack was suffering the consequences. Sharon told Michael not to be too smug because she and Jack would beat Michael and Gloria. Michael said he was delighted that Sharon and Jack were so miserable.

After Michael left, Amber approached Sharon and Jack and informed them that she would love to be involved in their company. She told them that she designed clothes, and she was really good. Jack told Sharon that Amber had previously designed for Forrester, and she actually was really good. Amber showed Sharon some of her designs, and she walked away. Sharon glanced at the drawings and wasn't impressed. She told Jack that Amber's designs were too plain, but Jack thought they might be fun for the magazine. Amber returned and asked what they thought of her designs. Jack said they would get back to her.

Sharon suddenly realized that she'd left some important documents at the Abbott mansion, and she and Jack left to retrieve them.

At the Abbotts', Gloria entered the living room and asked what Jeffrey was reading. He said he'd read something that had convinced him to take action. Gloria asked if he was going to take the divorce settlement she'd offered, but Jeffrey said he would never leave her. Gloria asked how that had become the most depressing phrase in the English language. Jeffrey informed her that he would be taking half a million dollars and applying it toward a significant investment. Gloria asked if that investment was coming out of her money. Jeffrey corrected her and said it was "our" money, and he was going to buy a share in a private jet.

Alone, Gloria talked to John's photo and said that she'd never loved anyone as much as she'd loved him. At that moment, Kevin arrived, and Gloria immediately griped about Jeffrey spending her money like there was no tomorrow. She said he was acting strange, but she couldn't quite put her finger on how. Jeffrey entered and gave Gloria a big affectionate kiss on the cheek and walked away. Kevin suggested that Jeffrey might actually love her. Gloria told him to bite his tongue. She said Jeffrey was too happy.

Kevin gave Gloria a small bottle of liquid poison and told Gloria to take very small amounts at a time so there wouldn't be any damaging effects. He suggested that she begin taking the poison immediately so it would be very predominant in her blood system when she finally collapsed. He said that a drop would make her feel woozy, and when the doctor told her about the poison, she should act surprised. At that moment, Michael arrived, and he accused Gloria of throwing Sharon and Jack out. Michael was shocked when he saw Gloria's portrait over the mantel.

Michael threatened Gloria, saying that if she didn't talk to him immediately, he would turn Jeffrey in to the authorities on a blackmail charge -- and she'd better pray that she wouldn't be in an adjoining cell. Michael grabbed the vial of poison out of Kevin's hand and asked what Kevin was doing. Kevin claimed it was for the rats. Kevin said it was a joke from him and Jana. He said that Michael was aware of Jana's crazy sense of humor. Michael wasn't amused.

Michael received a call and informed Gloria and Kevin that he had to leave, but before he left, he warned Gloria that he was very close to letting her rot in prison. He said all her plans always backfired, and he warned her not to plan on poisoning Jeffrey because it wouldn't work. Michael sarcastically claimed he loved those family reunions.

Kevin told Gloria he also had to leave, and he put the poison in Gloria's hand. He said "bottoms up" and left. Alone, Gloria looked at John's photo again and said she really needed him.

Gloria was about to take a sip of her tea when Jeffrey walked in and scared her half to death. She accused Jeffrey of blackmailing her. Jeffrey claimed he was being easy on her and reminded her that they were sleeping in separate bedrooms and that she had more money than she could spend in three lifetimes. He asked what she was getting worked up about. Gloria screamed that she hated him. Jeffrey said that if Gloria only gave them half a chance, they could have fun together, especially living in the Abbott mansion. Gloria screamed that it wasn't fun. Jeffrey raised his voice and claimed it was fun, and he was getting a little sick of Gloria's attitude.

Jack and Sharon had walked in on Gloria and Jeffrey's argument. Jack asked if there was trouble in paradise.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 4, 2008 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 4, 2008 on Y&R

Friday, February 8, 2008

by Isaac

At the Newman ranch, Victoria and J.T.'s wedding began with Victor walking the bride down the aisle. Just before the minister spoke, Brad sneaked in and took a seat. The minister announced that J.T. and Victoria had written personal vows. J.T. went first, telling Victoria that while she'd been in her coma, he had brought her lattes every day, and he promised to bring her one every day for the rest of her life. He said her recovery was a miracle, and he promised to give her his love and be the best husband and father he could be. He vowed to honor her for the rest of his life. Victoria promised to drink all the lattes and cherish the strength of his love and the protection of his arms.

Victoria said she had dreamed of that moment since she'd been a little girl, but it was better than she had imagined. She promised to love him until the day she died. They took each other as their lawfully wedded spouses and exchanged rings, each declaring that they would wear their ring as a symbol of their love and devotion to each other. When the minister declared them husband and wife, all the guests were smiling except for the serious-looking Brad.

Later, Victor spoke to Victoria and J.T. and told Victoria that she was the most beautiful bride ever and that he was glad that J.T. was there to support her, as well. David broke out the Champagne and toasted the bride and groom, which prompted Victor to move away from the celebrants. Victoria spoke privately with Brad and told him she was surprised to see him there. He said it was wonderful that she and J.T. were so happy and that things had seemed to turn out the way they were supposed to. Victoria thanked him for being gracious.

Away from the guests, Nikki told Victor, who was on his cell phone, that he seemed preoccupied. He ignored her and walked away. When David joined Nikki, she told him that she was worried about Victor. David commented that Victor seemed more grumpy than usual, perhaps because he realized he had lost Nikki. Later, Katherine asked Nikki what was wrong with Victor. Nikki said that she'd tried to find out, but Victor wouldn't talk to her.

Paul congratulated J.T. and asked if a honeymoon was in the works. J.T. said that Victoria was still a little weak for that -- besides, he was starting his new job as head of security for Newman Enterprises the next day. Paul told J.T. how much he would miss him, and J.T. told Paul how much he appreciated all Paul had done for him.

Sharon stopped by to pick Noah up so she could tuck him in at Nick and Phyllis'. Victoria and the wedding party were in the midst of taking pictures, and Sharon couldn't help but notice how beautiful Victoria looked. Sharon congratulated Victoria, and afterwards, she ran into Brad. Sharon and Brad seemed extremely uncomfortable around each other, and as Sharon quickly ended their encounter by going off after Noah, a forlorn-looking Brad stared after her.

Outside the front door, Victor was on his cell phone, telling the person on the other end that they needed "to leave tonight" in order to avoid an approaching snowstorm. Katherine joined him as his phone call ended, and she said that something had to be terribly wrong for him to be outside in the cold. She wanted to know what was going on. Victor told her that Hope was terminally ill with pancreatic cancer. He couldn't believe that Victoria was starting a new life as Hope's was about to end. Katherine learned that Hope and Victor didn't know where Victor Jr. was. Katherine thought he needed to be with Hope at a time like that.

Inside, the happy bride and groom were feeding each other wedding cake as the guests looked on. When Nikki told Nick that something seemed to be bothering Victor, Nick said that perhaps Victor realized he had no family left.

Brad told Paul he knew Jack was being reexamined as a suspect in Ji Min's murder, and Brad asked Paul for more information. Paul told him all he knew was that the district attorney was reopening the case. Brad told Paul he thought Jack was guilty. After all, Brad said, Jack had everything to lose if Ji Min went public with the information that Jack really owned Jabot. Sharon overheard the entire conversation.

In Victoria's bedroom, Victor told his daughter that he was leaving for a while, but he couldn't tell her for how long or even where or why he was going. He told her not to worry, as she was in good hands with J.T.

Downstairs, the reception was starting to wind down. Paul offered Katherine a ride home, but Katherine remembered that Victoria hadn't thrown the bridal bouquet. Victoria threw it, and Nikki caught it. Katherine and Paul left, and J.T. carried Victoria upstairs as a smiling Victor looked on. Later, in Victoria's bedroom, J.T. and Victoria were glad to finally be alone. As J.T. put her on the bed, Victoria told him how happy and complete she felt.

Phyllis and Nick returned home and found Sharon, who had just put Noah to bed. Sharon was glad Noah was asleep, as he was exhausted from everything going on with Gloria at the Abbotts'. Nick told her that Noah could stay with him and Phyllis as long as necessary. When Nick asked after Jack, Sharon told him that Jack was irritated with Gloria and was being reinvestigated in the Ji Min case. Nick and Phyllis assured her that all of that would blow over, and Sharon left. When Phyllis said how beautiful Victoria had looked, Nick told her that Victoria was the second most beautiful bride he had ever seen. He and Phyllis began what looked to be a night of romance.

Back at the Newman ranch, Nikki and David joked about making wedding plans, since Nikki had caught Victoria's bouquet. They began kissing and didn't even notice when Victor left the house with a packed suitcase.

At Kevin's, Daniel and Amber prepared for the get-together to cheer up Heather. Amber mixed her special punch, which contained a lot of alcohol. Later, Kevin and Jana arrived, along with some friends, Lindsay and Mitch. Just as Heather arrived with a bottle of wine, a slightly tipsy Amber made a grand reentrance in an outfit of her own design, carrying a karaoke machine. When Daniel asked Heather if the party reminded her of college, she replied that it really didn't, as she had spent most of her time at college, studying. Amber seemed jealous of Daniel's attentiveness to Heather.

Colleen and Adrian showed up at the party. Rather than having Amber's liquor-laced punch, Adrian shared a glass of wine with Heather as they discussed books they were reading. When Daniel interrupted, Adrian rejoined Colleen. Amber seemed terribly alone as she saw Daniel with Heather, Kevin with Jana, Mitch with Lindsay, and Colleen with Adrian. A terribly off-key Colleen was the first to sing karaoke, and the group teased her. They tried to get Heather to go next, but she became extremely upset when they pushed too hard.

When Adrian asked Heather if she was okay, she sarcastically said she was having a great time. Observing Adrian and Heather talking, Kevin commented that they were one "erudite" couple. When Jana said that they seemed uptight, Colleen said that Heather was, but Adrian usually wasn't.

Heather was about to leave, but Daniel talked her into staying awhile longer. Amber sang a haunting love ballad and informed the impressed group that she had written it herself. After Amber's song, Heather left, and Amber, to herself, said, "There goes Cinderella, and she didn't even leave a glass slipper."

Later, with everyone gone, an inebriated Amber asked Daniel if he thought her song had really been good. As he assured her that she was awesome, they drew close and began kissing. They pulled apart, and Daniel told an agreeing Amber that it was a bad idea. They immediately started kissing again then began undressing.

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Edited by SC Desk