Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 4, 2005 on Y&R

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Gloria learned that her marriage to Tom might not have been legally over
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 4, 2005 on Y&R

Devon found his birth mother. Daniel remembered what had happened on the night of Cassie's accident. Daniel and Lily ran away from a gas station holdup. Brad accepted Victoria's job offer. Neil and Lily were reunited on the beach. Nick caught Daniel.

Gloria throws an Abbott Fourth of July bash
Gloria throws an Abbott Fourth of July bash

Gloria throws an Abbott Fourth of July bash

Monday, July 4, 2005

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by Jenny Smith

At the loft, Mac told J.T. that after a lot of thought, she'd reached a decision about them. She announced that she didn't want to walk away and that she was going to move back in. J.T. stammered that he didn't understand. Mac recognized that it would be difficult, but she was determined to stand by him because she loved him, and she was pretty sure he loved her, too. Brittany suddenly walked in and asked what was going on.

Brittany scoffed at the idea of Mac moving back in. Mac reasoned that the baby didn't change the way she and J.T. felt about one another, and she refused to lose him. Mac surmised that J.T. wasn't saying anything because he was scared, and she confided that she was scared, too. Brittany snapped that J.T. couldn't say it, but she would -- the thought of Mac moving back in was ridiculous.

Mac insisted that she and J.T. talk. Brittany swore that neither she nor J.T. wanted to hurt Mac, but they were dealing with a bad situation, and Mac injecting herself into it would only mess things up. Mac huffed that it would only mess things up for Brittany. Brittany asserted that she and J.T. were having a baby together, and she ordered Mac to stay away from them. Mac again acknowledged that it wouldn't be easy.

Brittany admired what Mac was trying to do, but she warned that things wouldn't play out the way Mac wanted. Brittany reasoned that Mac would be better off if they were realistic rather than having her get hurt all over again once the baby was born. Mac pushed J.T. to say something, and J.T. flatly stated that it was a bad idea for Mac to move back in. Mac was stunned that J.T. didn't even want to try.

J.T. agreed with everything Brittany had said, and he didn't want to put Mac through it. Mac insisted that she was a big girl and that they could handle anything as long as she knew he wanted her there. J.T. stated that he wished he could tell her that, but he couldn't. Mac questioned whether J.T. honestly didn't want her at the loft or in his life. Brittany started to interrupt, but Mac told her to get out. J.T. requested some time with Mac, and Brittany left.

Mac argued that J.T. couldn't just kick her out of her own apartment, and he hoped it wouldn't result in that. Mac contended that they had something special, and it couldn't have all been a lie. J.T. griped that she'd said she understood, but she didn't. He reminded her that he and Brittany had a baby on the way, and it had changed everything. He added that he couldn't deal with Mac right then, and she broke down in tears.

Nikki and Victor strolled through the park, and she remarked that it seemed like a lifetime since they'd taken a walk like that together. He imagined that the park would soon be packed with picnickers, and she mused that everyone would be celebrating the Fourth of July. He realized that she was thinking of Cassie, and Nikki sadly recalled that it had been Cassie's favorite holiday.

Nikki considered it strange to celebrate the day like usual, and she wondered if Nick would ever recover from Cassie's death. Victor lamented that Nick was not only stricken with grief but also filled with rage, and Nikki was shocked that Nick had left his family at a time like that. Victor thought it was more reason for them to be there for Sharon. Nikki whimpered that she really missed Cassie, and Victor held her close.

Nikki and Victor arrived at the Athletic Club, which was oddly empty. She guessed it was closed for the holiday, but Victor clarified that it was only closed to the public. Gina wished them a happy Independence Day and revealed that they had a private dining room for the whole day. Gina led them to a festively decorated table, and Nikki realized that Victor had planned it all along. Victor thanked Gina for her help, and she said she'd be standing by if there was anything they wanted.

Gina stepped away, and Nikki marveled that Victor had once again risen to the occasion. He poured their drinks and murmured that he'd done it to please the woman he loved. Nikki replied that the woman in question loved him back with all her heart, and Victor declared his belief that they could survive anything. Nikki stated that he made her believe it, and he considered them lucky to have one another. They exchanged words of love and clinked glasses.

Nikki and Victor danced, and she said she'd almost forgotten what a wonderful dancer he was. He replied that he felt like he was gliding on a cloud with her, and they kissed. He presented her with an envelope, and she noticed that it had both their names on it. He informed her that it was the itinerary for a three-week cruise in the Greek Islands, and he'd hired a yacht with its own crew and chef. She grinned broadly and cried that she loved him more in that moment than the day she'd married him. They hugged.

Nikki voiced surprise that Victor had remembered how much she wanted them to get away. He explained that he'd decided they should never take one another for granted again, and he hoped that by the time they took the trip, things would have settled down for the rest of their family. Victor thought the future for the Newmans would be much brighter, and he and Nikki embraced.

At the Winters home, Devon confessed to Dru and Malcolm that he'd seen his mother the night before. Dru assumed that Yolanda had gone looking for Devon, but Devon confirmed that he'd sought his mom out. Devon quickly regretted saying anything, but Malcolm pointed out that it wasn't something one should keep from their family. Dru requested a moment alone with Devon, and Malcolm assured Devon that he'd done the right thing. An awkward silence followed Malcolm's exit.

Dru noted that Devon hadn't heard from or seen his mother in a long time, and she wondered why he'd suddenly chosen to find her. He explained that it had felt like the right time, and he was glad he'd seen his mom. Devon admitted that it had been a relief to find Yolanda, since he'd been afraid that she'd moved or even died. Devon shared that she'd been exactly like he'd remembered, and she'd known who he was right away. He added that Yolanda was still doing drugs, but she was a survivor.

Dru inquired how bad the addiction was, and Devon defended that Yolanda wasn't a bad person just because she had some bad things going on. Dru pointed out that they'd dealt with addiction themselves, and Devon referred to Neil's drinking problem. Dru sympathized with how hard it had been for Yolanda to give Devon up because of her drug habit, and she understood if Devon didn't want to talk about it. Devon revealed that he'd tried to give his mom money before he'd left, but she'd turned it down. Dru hoped it meant Yolanda was trying to kick her habit, but Devon doubted it.

Dru asked if Devon was all right, and he snapped that he wasn't a little kid. Dru explained that age had nothing to do with it, since what Devon had experienced would rock anyone to the core. She asked if he was planning on seeing his mom again, and she guessed from his silence that he was. Devon assumed that Dru was mad, but she responded that she was proud of him. She stressed that while she loved being his mother, she'd never forgotten that he had a birth mother, and she understood his need to reconnect with Yolanda.

Dru suggested that she and Neil accompany Devon the next time he visited Yolanda, but Devon protested that there was no reason for them to get involved. Devon argued that it was his mom, and there was nothing Dru and Neil could do if he wanted to see his mother by himself. Devon blurted out that he didn't even know if he would go back because Yolanda had told him that she didn't want to see him. He stormed out.

At the Abbott mansion, John wished Jack a happy Fourth of July as Gloria fussed over the details of the party she was throwing for the occasion. John laughed and told her to relax, and she admitted that she was nervous because it was the first party she'd hosted since they'd been married. John assured her that he had complete confidence in her, and she threw her arms around him and thanked him.

Jack joined Ashley in the dining room, and she grumbled that she'd never seen Gloria that excited. Jack noted that their dad seemed pretty happy, too, and Ashley promised that she wouldn't make waves. She asked where Kyle was, and Jack regretted that his son wouldn't be there because Diane was swamped with work in Chicago. The doorbell rang, and Gloria greeted Lauren, Michael, and Kevin. Gloria gushed about how wonderful it was that her entire family was together, and she declared that she was so happy she could cry -- but she wasn't going to.

Later, at the Abbott pool, Sharon hoped it wasn't a problem that she and Noah had tagged along with Brad and Abby, and Gloria exclaimed, "The more, the merrier!" Esther handed Katherine a drink, and Katherine sternly expected that all cell phones and pagers had been turned off. Jack asked for a word alone with Katherine. Jill's phone rang, and Jill promised that it would only be one call.

Paul crossed over to Ashley, who jumped when he greeted her. He observed that it looked like he had her to himself that day -- unless Tom would be joining them. Ashley teased Paul for being jealous. Meanwhile, Lauren and Michael canoodled as Kevin told them to get a room. Michael glanced over at Gloria, who was posing for photos, and he contemplated how long her stint as queen of the manor would last. Jill stared disapprovingly at Brad and Sharon, who were standing close together as they talked.

Ashley invited Malcolm in and was glad he'd changed his mind about attending. Gloria was thrilled when Esther complimented her on the party. Gloria rushed over to say hello to Malcolm. Brad handed Sharon a drink, and she toasted to friendship. John manned the grill and inquired whether Noah and Abby wanted hamburgers or hot dogs. The kids insisted on having ice cream instead.

Sharon asked if Noah was having a good time. Noah asked if he could go swimming later, and Sharon instructed him to wait for her, since he wasn't a strong swimmer yet. Noah asserted that Cassie was watching over him as his guardian angel, and Sharon remembered that Cassie had said that in the hospital. Noah swore that Cassie wouldn't let anything bad happen to him.

Lauren realized that it was her and Michael's first time together out with friends as a couple, but he preferred a more private party. They kissed, and she figured that they hadn't been able to disappoint his mom. Across the deck, Jack asked what Brad was up to those days. Brad replied that he was enjoying his little girl and working on his golf handicap. Brad wondered how things were going with Jack, since word on the street was that Jack had his hands full. Jack called it an exciting time at Jabot, and he implied that he could use a right hand. Brad wished him luck finding one.

Sharon informed Jack and Malcolm that Nick had phoned from L.A. to report that he'd spoken to someone who had seen Daniel and Lily. Sharon added that Nick didn't think it would take much longer to find the kids. Jack wondered how Phyllis was holding up, and Sharon glowered.

Kevin thanked John for inviting him and Michael to the party. John recognized that it had meant a great deal to Gloria, and Kevin observed that he'd never seen his mom that happy. Kevin thanked John again and ducked away.

Malcolm pulled Paul aside to inquire whether there had been any news about Daniel and Lily. Paul reported that he'd been keeping an eye on debit or credit card activity, but there had been nothing. Paul queried how Dru was coping, and Malcolm indicated that the day had been especially rough on her.

Gloria headed into the house, and Michael chased after her to ask if she'd spoken to an attorney about Tom. She shushed him, but he warned that she couldn't afford to put it off. She refused to ruin the party by thinking about the "bastard," and she sauntered off.

Lauren joined Gloria inside the house and asked if she needed help with anything. Gloria bragged about how the guests were enjoying the lemonade, and Lauren called it a lovely party. Gloria envisioned how beautiful Lauren would look descending the Abbott stairs as a bride, and she planned to pitch the idea to John. Lauren advised Gloria not to do anything that would cause problems, but Gloria thought the mansion would be the perfect wedding venue. Gloria intended to keep her fingers crossed that John would agree.

Sharon helped Noah dry off after a swim. He asked if she was having fun, since Cassie wouldn't have wanted her to be sad. Sharon pulled Noah and Abby close to her as Malcolm snapped their photo. Ashley remarked to Brad that Sharon seemed to be doing well, and he figured that it helped being around the kids. Ashley surmised that the party was just what Sharon needed.

Jill cornered Malcolm and asked when he intended to return to Jabot. He hesitated to give a date because he was focused on finding Lily. Jill was anxious to get him back in the studio, but she admired his resolve to help Nick and Sharon run the coffeehouse. Jill hoped he would be as loyal to Jabot as he was to the Newmans, and Malcolm promised that he would be ready to get back to the studio once Lily was home. Jill glanced over at Sharon and Brad and commented that the sooner Nick got back, the better it would be for everyone.

Gloria flitted around to hand out appetizers. Kevin couldn't believe how well the day was going, and Michael dryly replied that no one had asked them to leave yet. Kevin marveled that they'd gone from not being welcome in the Abbott house to being guests at a family party, but Michael warned that they were skating on thin ice until Gloria had Tom declared legally dead. Kevin went to jump back in the pool.

Michael commented to Ashley that it was a nice celebration, and she conceded that Gloria had gone all out. Michael mentioned that he'd seen Ashley talking with Paul earlier, and he believed Paul was still smitten with her. Michael questioned whether things had cooled off between the two, since he hadn't seen her stop by the office in ages. Ashley curtly stated that things were going well with Paul, and Michael remarked that Paul needed a good woman to keep him out of trouble. Ashley seemed surprised.

Gloria told Sharon that she admired Sharon's bravery, and she thought Cassie was proudly looking down on her mom from heaven. Sharon smiled and thanked Gloria for saying that. Gloria called for everyone's attention and welcomed her guests to the Abbott family's celebration, and she couldn't wait to do it all over again the following year. She toasted to Michael and Lauren's engagement, and she crowed that she wasn't losing a son but gaining a lovely daughter-in-law. Gloria proclaimed that it was a wonderful thing to be able to share joyous occasions with her family. Sharon fought back tears as the guests raised their glasses.

Sharon retreated to the Abbott living room, where she sank into a chair and sighed. She opened her purse and took out a photo of Cassie, sobbing, "I miss you so much." Brad appeared in the doorway, and Sharon tried to regain her composure. He insisted that it was okay to cry, and he voiced surprise that she'd held it together that long. He hoped it hadn't been a mistake to invite her, and she swore it hadn't been because she'd had a lovely day.

Sharon was glad that Noah had gotten to play with Abby, and she thought she'd done pretty well for most of the time. Brad observed that she'd almost seemed like her old self again. Sharon confirmed that she'd felt that way, but then the feeling in the pit of her stomach had returned to remind her that her whole life was falling apart. She didn't know what to do or where to turn to make it any better.

Brad knew Sharon was sick of hearing it, but he reiterated that it would take time. Sharon confided that she'd lost it when she'd looked at the picture of Cassie, and she began to cry again. Brad pulled her into his arms to comfort her. Ashley stopped in her tracks when she walked in and saw them.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 4, 2005 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 4, 2005 on Y&R

Tuesday, July 5, 2005

by Jillian

Lily and Daniel sat by their fire on the beach and discussed how Phyllis could have found them. Daniel told Lily that he was worried about Phyllis having become involved. They seemed to be alone there except for a runner who happened by and asked them to watch his radio while he ran after his dog.

On the radio, there was a song dedicated to a girl who had been hurt by a drunk driver. Daniel listened intently to the song. He began remembering the accident again and had visions of Cassie. He then fell asleep and had another dream. The dream began revealing to him what had really happened on the night of the accident. He woke up just as the crash occurred.

Phyllis looked for Nick and Neil. Nick arrived, wanting to know where she had been. With her back to the men, Phyllis picked up a note and hid it under her blouse. She then left, telling Nick and Neil that she was tired of being treated like the enemy. Nick told Neil they should have followed Phyllis because he knew she was up to something. Neil said they should probably go back and wait for Lily and Daniel at Brendan's house. Nick disagreed and told Neil just that he was going "somewhere."

Meanwhile, Phyllis turned up at the beach restaurant, asking the waiter about the kids she had seen on the beach, dressed up as fruits. He told her they had just been a couple of kids looking to earn some money. She showed him a picture of both Lily and Daniel, and the man confirmed that they were indeed the kids he'd hired to wear the fruit costumes. Phyllis said that the boy was her son. She was sure they would have to return for their money, and he told her he expected them back in sometime the following day. Phyllis gave him her phone number just in case. Nick walked into the restaurant, ready to confront Phyllis.

Sharon had gone into the Abbott house after the pool party. Brad found her crying and embraced her. She had been thinking about Cassie and was looking at a picture of her, which she kept in her purse. Just then, Ashley walked in and gave Brad a strange look. Sharon thanked Ashley for having her at the picnic. Brad suggested that they plan another outing for the kids.

Abby and Noah ran into the room, laughing with each other. Sharon invited Abby to visit and play soccer at the ranch sometime. Ashley looked on at the interaction between Brad and Sharon. Sharon and Noah were ready to leave. Noah invited Brad to go to one of his games, along with Abby. Upon leaving, Sharon mentioned that she was going to the club for the workout she had missed that day.

Ashley told Brad not to let Sharon get too dependent on having Abby around. Brad felt that Ashley had something more on her mind. He said that, with Nick being so far away, he was concerned about Sharon.

Paul sat down with Nikki at the club. She told him about her romantic evening with Victor. Their conversation then turned to Nick.

Vinny took a seat at the bar and began talking to Bobby about Brittany. He told Bobby that he had a job for him.

Nikki remarked to Paul that Bobby didn't look happy. She went on to tell Paul that Brittany and Bobby had broken up because of J.T., who was the father of Brittany's baby. She added that Bobby had thrown Brittany out of their apartment, and Brittany was living with J.T. Paul hadn't known any of that and was shocked. He was confused because the last time he'd talked with J.T., all had been going well with him and Mac.

Nikki also told Paul about the anonymous baby gifts Bobby and Brittany had been receiving. She asked if he knew Vinny. Paul said he knew Vinny to be a small-time hood. He told Nikki not to be so sure that Bobby was out of the mob because they played for keeps.

Paul then went up to the bar and told Bobby that he was sorry to hear about Bobby and Brittany and also about J.T.'s involvement. Bobby coldly told Paul to mind his own business. Paul later found Bobby in the sauna and began grilling him again about Brittany and J.T.

Nikki saw Sharon enter the club and asked her to sit down. Sharon told Nikki about the Abbott pool party and that Brad had invited her. They talked about Nick being away and how obsessed he was about finding Daniel -- and that it was not going to bring Cassie back. Sharon said she felt alone and that Noah needed his father. Nikki urged Sharon to just give Nick more time to heal.

At the loft, J.T. told Mac that he could not deal with her then, there was no future for them, and that he would have to live up to the responsibility of his and Brittany's child. Mac told him if he didn't want to be with Brittany, he should be with her. J.T. did his best to discourage Mac. He told her to walk away, but Mac insisted she wanted to move back and would stand by him and help. She said that he was a good person for caring about the baby. J.T. said he had become that way because of her. Mac, in turn, told J.T. that he'd give her a reason to trust again. They shared a kiss.

Despite J.T. and Mac sharing their tender moment, J.T. was still adamant that he didn't want Mac to live there. She told him she wished she had never returned. J.T. told her he didn't need her in his life and that they should go their separate ways. Mac tearfully told J.T. that he'd used her, but she vowed to forget him. Yet again, a dejected Mac left the loft.

Daniel awakened, still on the beach, having had more flashbacks of Cassie. They were becoming more and more vivid. He had remembered himself being in the back seat, telling her to slow down. He remembered Cassie had been driving. He called out to Lily. Daniel then revealed his startling realization to Lily: Cassie had been driving.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 4, 2005 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 4, 2005 on Y&R

Wednesday, July 6, 2005

by Citrine

Nikki went to see Brad at the Abbott house and thanked him for being so supportive to Sharon and Noah. She wished Sharon could turn to her family. Brad said it was Nick she should be talking to, not him. Nikki agreed but said Nick was like a man possessed. Brad defended Nick, just as he had to Sharon, saying that Nick was doing what he had to do.

Brad encouraged Nikki to try to talk her son into returning home if she spoke to him. Nikki asked what Brad was doing with his time, and Brad said he was happy to spend so much time with Abby. Nikki was skeptical, saying that he had too much corporate talent to not be working. When she found out that he and Ashley had been discussing the same thing, Nikki wondered if Brad was going back to Jabot. He assured her that he wasn't.

Sharon went by Nick's office, hoping to feel closer to her husband, and was a little put off to see Victoria behind the desk, doing Nick's job. She'd heard rumors but hadn't known if they were true. Victoria said she was filling in for Nick because her father needed her. When Sharon saw how busy Victoria was, she had an idea of where Victoria could get some help. Victoria didn't think Sharon was qualified to assist her, but Sharon said she wasn't talking about herself.

Sharon said she wasn't ready to return to work yet. Instead, she thought Victoria should hire Brad. Victoria agreed that Brad would be an asset to Newman, but she didn't know if her father would approve or if Brad could work there under Victor's supervision, considering their strained relationship because of Abby. She told Sharon she'd think about it, though.

Paul sat in the steam room with Bobby and tried to get answers about his breakup with Brittany. To Paul, things didn't add up. He couldn't see J.T. breaking up with Mac, who he knew J.T. really cared about. He'd also spotted Bobby talking to Vinny at the bar. When he asked if Bobby was going back to his old life, Bobby basically told him to mind his own business. Paul said that Bobby could trust him and that he had some experience with the kind of people Bobby was dealing with.

After wrestling with his thoughts, Bobby told Paul the whole story about how the mob had threatened his and Brittany's baby. Paul assured Bobby that Paul would help him. When Bobby asked why Paul was so willing to help, Paul said that he'd dealt with those people before. They'd killed a girl he had been in love with. After Paul left, one of Vinny's goons entered the steam room and sat down next to Bobby.

J.T. walked into the Athletic Club and saw Mac in conversation with her grandmother. After watching her for a few minutes, he left and went back to the loft, where he found Kevin. Kevin had gone there, looking for Mac, and had been shocked to see Brittany so pregnant. He'd deduced that that was the reason J.T. and Mac had broken up -- Brittany was pregnant with J.T.'s baby. Brittany pointed out that it might be a chance for Kevin to hook up with Mac. Kevin wasn't sure he wanted to be Mac's rebound boyfriend.

While Brittany and Kevin were talking, J.T. arrived and was furious to find Kevin there. Kevin hurriedly left, and J.T. told Brittany that he couldn't stand thinking of Mac with someone like Kevin. He'd never forgive him for what he'd done to Colleen. Plus, it had killed J.T. to turn Mac away. He warned Brittany that Bobby had better figure out how to handle everything quickly, or J.T. was going to handle it himself.

At the Athletic Club, Mac was telling her grandmother how stupid she felt for going back to see J.T. Katherine said that Mac wasn't stupid; she was brave and willing to risk being hurt for the sake of being honest about her feelings. Mac said she was never going to trust a man again, and Katherine began telling her a story about her first heartbreak. As they were talking, Kevin showed up and asked Mac if he could talk to her alone. Although Katherine initially tried to rebuff Kevin, Mac told her grandmother it was okay. Kevin had been supportive to her through all of what she'd been through.

After Katherine left, Kevin apologized for advising her to talk to J.T. He'd since learned what was going on between Brittany and J.T., so he should have never sent her there. Mac assured Kevin it was okay. None of it was his fault; she should have remembered that J.T. was the kind of guy who dumped girls after they fell for him.

Nick caught Phyllis giving her phone number to the manager of the diner at the beach, and he asked what was going on. Phyllis quickly explained that she'd given him her number in case he saw Lily and Daniel and that she'd shown him pictures of the two teens. Nick told the manager that if they showed up there, it was Nick who should be called, not Phyllis. After Nick gave the man his number and walked out, Phyllis hurriedly told the manager to call her first, not Nick.

Malcolm called Neil at Brendan's to see if there had been any news about Daniel and Lily. While they were talking, one of the L.A. police officers showed up. Neil got off the phone and asked if the kids had been found, but she said no. However, she did tell him that a warrant had been issued in Genoa City for Lily's arrest. While they were talking, Nick and Phyllis returned.

When Neil and Nick both seemed to be blaming Daniel for everything, Phyllis hotly defended her son. She said that he wasn't a bad person, and it could just as likely have been Lily's idea to run away as it had been Daniel's. They weren't bad kids. The officer said she wanted to find them, too, and if they'd just cooperate, no one would get hurt. Phyllis said that Daniel wasn't a hardened criminal, and Nick muttered that he would be after a few years in jail.

At the beach, Daniel told Lily that his memory had returned. He wasn't sure if he was making it up or if it had really happened, but he could see himself lying in the back seat of his car while Cassie drove. He saw her hands on the steering wheel and remembered the car crashing. Shocked, Lily thought it over and realized that had to have been what Cassie had wanted to tell Daniel when she'd left the hospital and found him at the coffeehouse. Daniel said he had to go back to Genoa City and clear his name. Even if no one believed him, he had to stand up for himself. Lily suggested that the person they should call for help was her uncle.

Malcolm was still sitting in the Athletic Club when his phone rang with a collect call from Lily. At first, he seemed not to believe Daniel's story, but then he said it would all make sense. The important thing was for the two of them to get back as soon as possible. He promised to call Christine and tell her what Daniel had remembered, and Lily promised that she and Daniel would go right to her father at Brendan's place. However, after she hung up the phone, she and Daniel heard gunshots. They hurried from the pay phone to the front of the convenience store, saw the register drawer empty on the counter, and saw the store employee lying on the floor in a pool of blood.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 4, 2005 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 4, 2005 on Y&R

Thursday, July 7, 2005

by Soap Central

Daniel and Lily freaked out when they saw that the gas station clerk was dead. Daniel said they had to get to Brendan's, and they could call the police from there. Nick felt like Phyllis was hiding some information and demanded that she reveal what she knew. Officer Heisler ran in, saying there had been a fatal robbery in a convenience store down the road, and two teenagers fitting Lily and Daniel's description had been spotted fleeing the scene. Neil lost it and screamed at the cop that Lily was not involved in any of it.

Lily and Daniel arrived, unseen, and froze when they heard Phyllis' voice. They listened to what was going on and realized they needed to get out of there. Neil stated that he still felt that Phyllis was hiding something. Nick grabbed her purse and opened it, asking her what all the money was for. Phyllis finally admitted that she had seen Daniel and Lily at the beach and that she was trying to help only Daniel.

Sharon confided in Brad that everywhere she looked, something seemed to remind her of the tragedy. Brad told her to give him Noah's baseball schedule, and she again thanked him for being such a good friend.

Across the room, Malcolm and Christine had filled Paul in about the new information Lily and Daniel had told them, but Paul felt like it was just a story that two scared kids had come up with. Regardless, Christine felt like it was finally a defense she could try to build something on. Paul and Christine left to go build their defense.

Victoria asked Victor if she could bring someone in to help her run the company -- Brad Carlton. Victor said that if Victoria could convince him that Brad was worth it, he could have a job. Ashley and Tom returned from a White Sox game, and they talked about what a fun time they'd had. She felt that Tom was gaining a bigger interest in her when she wanted to keep the relationship strictly platonic. Tom was hurt but brushed it off to her like it was not a big deal. He turned to leave, anger flooding his face and emotions.

Michael asked Gloria if she had hired a lawyer yet. She said she had, but the process of declaring Tom legally dead would take about six weeks. Michael said that she couldn't tell anyone that he'd convinced her to do that, and she said that she'd only told Lauren. Michael was furious, and Gloria couldn't understand why, since Lauren was his fiance.

Lauren understood that if anyone had found out what Michael had done, he could lose his law license. She suggested running off to Vegas to be married right away, but he said that he liked the idea of a real wedding. He said he also couldn't wait to meet her son.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 4, 2005 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of July 4, 2005 on Y&R

Friday, July 8, 2005

by Citrine

Nikki spotted Katherine, Esther, and Mac sitting at a table in the Athletic Club restaurant when she walked in. She stopped to speak to them, and Katherine said they were trying to cheer up Mac, which wasn't easy. Katherine pointed across the room, where J.T. and Brittany were also having breakfast. Nikki told Mac not to give J.T. that much power over her. She was too pretty and had too much going for her to waste her time on him.

Nikki then moved on to the table where Sharon was sitting alone. Sharon wondered if Nikki was following her, but Nikki said she was glad Sharon was getting out of the house. Sharon admitted that she didn't want to be there alone, so she'd gone to the restaurant to write in her journal. Nikki was intrigued, not having realized that Sharon kept a journal. Sharon said she'd just started it as a way to cope with her feelings about Cassie.

Nikki had another suggestion that she thought might be helpful: Sharon could plan that year's gala. Sharon was aghast that Nikki wanted her to bury herself in a social event when she was still grieving. She was also defensive when Nikki mentioned Brad's name. Sharon abruptly left the restaurant, telling Nikki that she'd find her own ways to deal with her grief.

J.T. was uncomfortable about making a show of being at the restaurant with Brittany after he spotted Mac watching them. He wanted to leave, but when Brittany saw Vinny walk in, she told him to sit down. J.T. saw Vinny and said he didn't seem very threatening. Brittany reminded him that Vinny was working with other men, and it was their chance to show him that they were a couple. J.T. sat back down, taking Brittany's hand.

While Vinny watched, Mac crossed the room and confronted J.T. and Brittany. She warned J.T. that he was making a mistake by getting involved with Brittany. She'd hurt Billy, Raul, and even Bobby. Mac said there was no doubt Brittany would hurt J.T. one day, too. Mac then left with her grandmother and Esther, and later, J.T. and Brittany left.

Nikki watched Vinny as he stared at J.T. and Brittany then she confronted him at the bar. She wondered why he was so interested in the couple and asked who he was and if he was a member of the club. Vinny gave her his name then told her that he was out of there. Nikki watched speculatively as Vinny left the Athletic Club.

Bobby was annoyed when J.T. showed up at his apartment, and J.T. insisted that he hadn't been followed. He wanted to know what Bobby's plan was, because he was getting tired of playing the role of Brittany's baby's father. Bobby said the first part of the plan was convincing everyone that Bobby and Brittany had broken up. If that didn't succeed, there might not be a second part, because Vinny would have Bobby killed. J.T. warned him to resolve the situation quickly, or J.T. would do it himself.

After J.T. left, Vinny went to Bobby's to tell Bobby that he'd seen J.T. and Brittany together at the Athletic Club. When Bobby asked why Vinny was telling him that, Vinny said that he knew what Bobby's first job was going to be.

As ordered, Brad showed up in Victoria's office at Newman Enterprises first thing in the morning. When Victoria offered him a job, Brad turned her down. Before he could leave, Victoria assured him that she needed his talent and that her father, although he had reservations, supported her decision. She also said that if Nick returned, he would have to work with her regarding the decisions she'd made during his absence. If Brad was doing a good job, Nick would have no reason to get rid of him.

Brad finally accepted her offer, and Victoria told him that he had someone he could thank. Sharon had been a strong believer in thinking Brad would be right for the job. Brad was surprised that Sharon had had any influence over Victoria, and Victoria assured him that no matter what Sharon's opinion was, Victoria would have thought it was a good idea.

Sharon heard Victoria's comment as she walked into the office, and she acidly thanked Victoria for her faith in Sharon's judgment. When Victoria left for a meeting, Brad asked Sharon how she was doing and if she'd heard from Nick. Sharon said she was doing lousy, and there was no news from California. Even when that situation was resolved, however, she didn't think it was going to give Nick the peace he wanted. Brad said maybe not, but he still understood why Nick was looking for Daniel. Brad said that when Nick returned home, he'd find Sharon and Noah there, and they could all help each other deal with their loss. Sharon thanked Brad for being a good friend and hugged him, which Victoria witnessed from outside the office.

Lily and Daniel woke up on the beach, depressed because of the grim reality that faced them. They knew that Lily, not just Daniel, was considered a fugitive and a suspect in the shooting of the clerk at the convenience store. Daniel insisted that it was time for Lily to call the police and turn herself in while Daniel went on without her. Lily couldn't bear for them to separate and begged Daniel for a little time on the beach together so she'd have some memories to hold onto. As they were walking, she borrowed a surfer's cell phone and called her Uncle Malcolm to see if they'd found any evidence proving that Cassie had been driving the car. Malcolm told her they were working on it, but it might take some time. He begged Lily to return home and not to hang up on him, but she cut the call short.

Malcolm was in Paul's office with Paul and Detective Weber, who was curious about who Malcolm's call had been from. Malcolm and Paul continued to plead with him to let Paul investigate Daniel's car. Weber reminded them that it had already been gone over for evidence, was totaled, and was impounded. He was annoyed that they were going to try to find some evidence that would clear Daniel instead of seeing to it that Daniel paid for his crime.

Weber finally agreed that Paul could go over the car with one of Genoa City's CSI people, but only if Daniel turned himself in first. After Weber left, Malcolm told Paul that he might need to leave town for a while. Paul pointed out that if Lily returned, she was going to need her uncle's support. Malcolm told Paul that Paul had no idea how complicated the situation was.

Neil hung up from a call from Malcolm and seemed reluctant to divulge the details of their conversation to Phyllis and Nick. Phyllis guessed that Malcolm had heard from Lily and demanded to know what was going on. Neil said that Nick wasn't going to like what he heard. Malcolm had not only heard from Lily, but Daniel's memory of the accident was returning. He was sure that it had been Cassie, not him, driving the car.

Nick was furious, accusing Daniel of trying to get out of paying for his crime by blaming Cassie. He tore out of Brendan's house to go to the beach and look for Daniel himself. Phyllis and Neil followed him, persuading him to go into the beach caf to eat breakfast.

After Daniel persuaded Lily to go to the beach caf without him, he watched her walk across the beach. Neil had stepped outside the caf and spotted his daughter, and he ran to her and hugged her. He told her never to run away again and warned her that she'd caused all kinds of trouble for herself and others. But he was just glad to have her safe in his arms. When he couldn't reach Dru, he called Malcolm to tell him that Lily was safe, but as he was trying to call the police over Lily's protests, Nick and Phyllis went outside and saw Lily.

Phyllis wanted to know where Daniel was, and Lily tried to cover for him, but Nick spotted Daniel watching them from a distance. He asked Lily if Daniel had a gun. When Lily said no, Phyllis screamed for Daniel to run. Daniel took off down the beach with Nick in hot pursuit and Phyllis running after Nick. When Nick caught Daniel and threw him on the ground in a rage, Phyllis got between them, warning Nick not to hurt her son.

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Edited by SC Desk