Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 13, 2003 on Y&R

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Victor and Nikki were married
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 13, 2003 on Y&R

A delusional Ashley arrived at the gala in her robe. Raul and Brittany made up. Nick was determined to find out how Michael and Victor had underhandedly beat Tuvia. J.T. heard Colleen in the cooler and pulled her out to safety.

Kevin, in a rage, sets Gina
Kevin, in a rage, sets Gina's Place on fire

Kevin, in a rage, sets Gina's Place on fire

Monday, October 13, 2003

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by Nel

At a fundraiser gala at the ranch, Lauren told Nick that Michael had been pushing to give more exposure to Safra's products. Lauren said she'd pointed out that Jabot was a partner in her boutique. She said she'd told him he was ridiculous, and she'd thrown him out. She said it had appeared he might have wanted to bribe her. She said Victor wouldn't approve of Michael bribing people. Raul joined them, and he asked Lauren to dance. She accepted.

Laird told Sharon there had been an accident; the van had rolled over and the food was "roadkill." In a panic, she started making calls. Nikki watched Sharon from afar.

Michael told Victoria they should get completely hammered because he'd seen a lampshade in the other room that would look great on him. She laughed, and she asked if he danced. Michael said he was a "golden god of dance," and they stepped onto the dance floor.

Bobby told Brittany that if she wasn't having a good time, they should leave, but she said she was having a good time. He asked if seeing her ex-boyfriend had put her into a bit of a funk. He insisted she should be having a good time all the time. He suggested they get a drink.

Lauren told Raul that he wasn't going to win any Academy Awards for acting like it was okay not being with Brittany. Raul asked Lauren to dance.

Nick found Victoria, and he told her he knew why Safra's sales had been so high during the launch. He said Michael had gone to Lauren, he'd tried to influence her to give him better exposure on the shelves, and Michael had been about to bribe Lauren. Victoria asked if Michael had actually offered her a bribe. He said it was just a feeling Lauren had, but Nick trusted her. Michael arrived with a drink for Victoria. Nick told Michael he was onto Michael, and Nick left.

Nikki was watching Sharon when Bobby came up behind her and addressed her as Nikki Reid. He said that had once been her name. She asked if she knew him. He introduced himself as Bobby Marcino, and he said when he'd been a kid, he'd been a gopher at the Bayou. He said she'd really been something. He said he'd been too young to see the shows. He said the innkeeper had kept an eye on him, and he'd kept an eye on Nikki. Uncomfortable, Nikki said it had been a long time in the past. She said he was in her home, and if he continued talking about her past, he would find himself outside her home. Before he walked away, he said she still looked "damn hot."

Brittany found Raul and tried to apologize for Bobby, but Raul told her to forget about it. Brittany claimed Bobby didn't mean anything to her. She said she worked for him, nothing more. She said she would have preferred to be at the gala with him. Raul didn't respond, and Brittany walked away.

At home, Brad entered the living room with a tray of food, but the living room was empty. He called out to Ashley, but she didn't respond. He searched the house, but Ashley wasn't there. Brad called Frances to watch Abby because Ashley was missing.

When Frances arrived, told her that Ashley might have driven to Gina's, but no one was answering the phone at Gina's. Brad left.

While driving, Brad got a call from J.T., who asked if Brad had seen Colleen. Brad said he'd thought she was going to the gala with J.T. J.T. said they were supposed to have met at the boutique, but she hadn't shown up. Brad said Colleen wasn't at home, and he'd just left Gina's. J.T. said she was supposed to have met John at Gina's. Brad told J.T. that Gina's was locked and dark. Brad asked J.T. to call him when he located Colleen, and he explained he was dealing with something at the moment.

At Fenmore's. J.T. left a voicemail message for Colleen, saying he was waiting for her at the boutique. He asked her to call him. J.T. locked up and left.

At Gina's Place, Kevin was busy pouring alcohol over everything. In his fury, he threw a bottle against the wall.

Locked in the freezer, Colleen was banging on the door, begging for someone to help her and saying she was cold. On the other side of the freezer door, Kevin had put a screwdriver into the handle of the door. He told Colleen he wouldn't have to listen to her whiny little voice again because "what goes around, comes around, and it's called karma." He heard a phone ringing; he found it on the floor. J.T. was calling Colleen. Kevin let it ring. In another fit of anger, he threw the phone against the wall. It broke into several pieces.

Kevin found a box of matches. He struck a match and threw it on the floor, igniting the alcohol. Gina's was on fire near the freezer door where Colleen was trapped. Kevin ran to the front area at Gina's Place, and he kept throwing lit matches everywhere, starting a fire in each area. Near the front door, he shouted that Colleen shouldn't have messed with him. He said he never got mad; he got even. When Kevin left, Gina's was an inferno.

At home, Neil told Lily they needed to talk, and he promised he wouldn't get angry. Neil said that when she sneaked around with some older guy she'd met on the Internet, it made it more difficult for him to protect her when he didn't know what was going on in her life. Lily claimed she didn't need his protection, but Neil stated that as her father, he would protect her, no matter what.

Neil told Lily it was his job to protect her from the big things in the world she wasn't ready for. He said it was obvious she wasn't getting something she needed at home, or she wouldn't be searching for it elsewhere. He said he was sorry he'd let her down. Lily said it was her life. Neil claimed he'd missed out on a lot of years of being with her, and he couldn't make up for it. Lily said she wasn't asking him to, and she wasn't that little girl anymore.

Lily told Neil she was old enough to make her own choices. She asked him to trust her because she wasn't stupid. Neil explained that when she'd gone online and chatted with a man who was ten years older than her, she could have wound up in a very dangerous situation. She said she hadn't, and she wasn't going to. She accused Neil of trying to find another way of telling her what to do. He assured her he was only trying to protect her, not control her.

Neil told Lily she needed his protection because she was the most precious thing to him and Dru. He said he would lay down his life for her. He said he prayed daily that nothing bad would ever happen to her. He said he and Dru would always be there to protect her.

At the gala, J.T. asked Raul if he'd seen Colleen because it wasn't like her to blow him off, and she wasn't answering her cell phone.

J.T. found Gina and John. J.T. asked John if Colleen had attended the gala with him, or if John had met Colleen at Gina's. John asked why he would have met her there. J.T. said Cody at Crimson Lights had told him that John had left a message for Colleen that he wanted to meet her at Gina's. John claimed there was a mistake, and Gina said she'd closed up early. No one seemed to know where Colleen was. J.T. was very worried.

J.T. continued his search for Colleen. He told Gina and John that he'd called all of Colleen's friends, and no one had seen or heard from her. John asked if J.T. was sure that Colleen had planned to meet John at Gina's. J.T. said that Cody had told him that was where she was heading right after she'd gotten that message. Gina received a call telling her that Gina's Place was on fire. Gina, John, and J.T. left.

Sharon was on the phone, telling someone she had a lot of hungry people to feed, and she didn't care what it cost. Nikki stood in the background and eavesdropped. When Sharon ended the call, Nikki asked if Sharon needed some help because Sharon seemed upset. Sharon said the food had been delayed -- permanently. Sharon said she had to find someone to feed all those people immediately, and she walked away.

Nikki made one phone call to Francois. She told Sharon, Miguel, and Laird that the food was on its way. She said the food would all be cold but delicious. She asked them to be ready. She gave Miguel instructions on a few things he had to prepare with Laird's help. Nikki told Sharon she needed to keep the people dancing and happy until the food arrived. Sharon asked why Nikki had helped her. Nikki said she wasn't helping Sharon; she was helping the Arts Council and saving her family from embarrassment. Sharon thanked Nikki.

The food arrived, and Miguel and Laird arranged it on the table as Sharon watched. The head of the Arts Council told Sharon everything had worked out well. Sharon told her Nikki had made it all happen.

Diane told Victor it was a lovely event. He told her to thank Sharon, who had organized the event. Diane told him she'd made a sizable contribution to the silent auction, and she believed she would get a lovely painting out of the deal. She said she was enjoying her investment in Jabot because it was like betting on a racehorse one knew well, and one was sure it would win and provide a handsome payoff. Victor laughed, and he said there was a sucker born every minute.

Victor told Diane he was glad she'd made the investment because he'd always felt she'd taken him for a ride during the divorce settlement. He said it would give him a chance to get his money back when the company she'd invested in went belly up, and he would buy it back for pennies on the dollar. He said her retirement fund would shrink. He walked away.

In the backyard, Michael asked if Victoria wanted to check on the item she'd bid on, but she said no. Michael asked her to stay put while he checked on something. After Michael left, Damon joined her. She told him she was enjoying herself and the fresh air, and she didn't want to hear his excuse about why he hadn't been able to accept her invitation. He claimed he'd never said he wouldn't be there. She said he'd failed to mention he'd had plans with someone else. Damon said Diane hadn't asked him until after he and Victoria had spoken. He said he was glad Diane had asked and given him the opportunity to see Victoria.

Damon told Victoria he couldn't walk into Victor's house with her on his arm because it was about respect. She said Michael wasn't Victor's favorite person, and Victor had survived the fact that she was with Michael. Damon said he'd attended because he'd known Victoria would be there. Damon said he would expire if he didn't kiss her immediately. Michael returned in time to see them kissing, and he left.

Victor approached Nick and commented that Nick looked preoccupied. Nick said he was, and it was about Michael Baldwin. Victor admitted he'd given Michael permission to escort Victoria to the gala. Nick found it weird that Victor would let someone Victor hated as much as Jack date Victoria. Victor clarified that Michael wasn't dating Victoria, but Victor had given him permission to escort her to the gala. Nick commented that Victor and Michael had become quite the team. Nick left.

Inside, Brittany told Lauren there was a reason they had been avoiding each other all night. Brittany said she worked fast, but she had nothing on Lauren. She said Raul had barely moved out of the bedroom when she'd found Lauren kissing Raul. Lauren said Brittany was still in love with Raul, but Brittany couldn't blame everything on her because she hadn't been the one who had started taking her clothes off for a living. Brittany raised her hand to slap Lauren, but Bobby caught Brittany's hand before she could. Lauren thanked Bobby, and she told Brittany she wasn't Brittany's enemy. Lauren walked away.

Ashley walked into the gala, dressed in a robe and smiling at the blanket she was carrying. Victor saw Ashley sitting on the floor and staring at the blanket. He told her he would take her upstairs. She said she'd needed to see him. Brad rushed in, shouting for Victor to take his hands off Brad's wife. Ashley told Brad to stop because she wanted to show Robert to Victor. Jack told Brad to take Ashley home immediately. Ashley asked if Victor thought Robert was beautiful. Everyone was stunned as Brad and Ashley left.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 13, 2003 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 13, 2003 on Y&R

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

by Marian Crane

Gina, John, and J.T. arrived at Gina's. Gina was frantic. The fire chief asked Gina questions about the restaurant, speculating as to how it could have happened. J.T. asked if the place was empty, and so far, they had found no one. Gina reached the bartender who had closed the place. He was fine and had not seen Colleen at all that night. J.T. wondered where she could possibly be. They figured that someone had pretended to be John to lure Colleen to the restaurant. They couldn't imagine anyone could do such a thing. The fire chief found bits of Colleen's cell phone inside. J.T. tried to storm into the building. Brad arrived, and John and the others filled him in.

Michael stopped by Damon's place to see Damon. He was there to talk about Victoria. Damon figured that Michael was falling for her himself. Damon loved women and was close with many women. He wondered what Michael's true motives were. He asked if Michael was really the villain everyone thought he was or if he had a soft side. Michael scoffed at the backhanded compliment.

At the ranch, Victoria flashed back to kissing Damon. Nick asked her how she was doing, and they discussed Ashley's breakdown at the party. Nick blamed it all on Victor. He said whether indirectly or not, it was because of Victor. Victoria still believed that Safra had simply done better than expected and that there was no reason to assume misdeeds.

Nick wondered if Victoria was softening regarding Michael. She assured him she was not but had seen a different side of Michael. He'd cheered her up about Damon and been a perfect gentleman. Nick wanted to find out the truth about their father. Nick suspected that Lauren Fenmore was only the tip of the iceberg and that there were many more people who Michael had indeed bribed. Victoria thought it was futile, since Michael would have covered his tracks. Nick insisted on pressing on together.

Nikki and Sharon discussed the gala. They sympathized with Ashley. Sharon wondered if Nikki had been nervous that Ashley could have revealed Victor's ties to Abby. Sharon thanked Nikki for her help with the food situation at the gala. Nikki tried to brush it off, but Sharon kept pressing on about how Nikki had saved the day. She also wondered why Nikki had done it at all. Sharon had not changed her mind about Victor learning the truth but would not have told him that night. Nikki told Sharon that she had not saved the day to protect the secret. She said she had done it for the family. Nikki hoped that night had proven to Sharon that Sharon was not ready to be matriarch of the family. That was still Nikki's job.

Outside, Phyllis and Victor chatted about the chaotic night. Both said they could only imagine how the Abbotts were feeling about Victor right at that moment. Victor asked how Phyllis felt about Jack's allegations toward him. He asked her if she felt he had done something illegal to get Safra to do well. She admitted she was a woman who went after what she wanted and wouldn't be surprised if he did the same.

Victor resented that Phyllis thought he had done something underhanded. She also didn't believe he was responsible for Ashley's accident. Victor lamented on how one could only win at the expense of someone else. She said she had done things herself that were, in retrospect, wrong and had caused pain. He appreciated her talking with him.

At the Carlton house, Jack and Brad wondered about how Ashley was doing. Jack thought they should have taken her to the hospital, but Brad thought it was much too soon. Jack pointed out Ashley's history. Brad insisted on waiting until they saw how things looked in the morning. Jack insisted on figuring out a plan.

A very lucid Ashley walked in and asked what Jack and Brad were talking about. She had no memory of the past few hours. She asked about all the gossip. The last thing she remembered was falling asleep on the sofa when Brad had gone out for dinner. She wondered why he was looking at her so funny.

John called Brad to tell him about the fire and to to tell him to get down there as soon as possible. Brad headed out, leaving Ashley with Jack. Later Ashley wondered why Jack was being so weird around her. She suspected a run-in with Victor, but he said that was not it. She pressed for information. When she tried to go up to bed, she wondered why he wasn't leaving; however, she was too tired to argue and went to bed.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 13, 2003 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 13, 2003 on Y&R

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

by Citrine

Kevin pretended to Bobby that he'd been there working on the club's bookkeeping all night. When Bobby questioned whether Kevin had ever asked one of the strippers out, Kevin said he already had a girlfriend, one he wasn't going to introduce to anyone at Marsino's. Bobby wondered why Kevin was in such a good mood, and Kevin said his day had gone well. He'd had a little power that he'd been able to use, and it had made him feel good. Bobby left with a somewhat sarcastic remark, and Kevin glared after him, saying Bobby should be careful because Kevin might just forget to pay the fire insurance premiums.

J.T. again retraced Colleen's steps of the entire day for John, Gina, and Brad. Brad was desperate to get inside the burning restaurant, but the firefighters stopped him, saying there was no sign that anyone was in there. J.T. remembered that before he and Colleen had parted, Colleen had told him about going with Sierra to tell Dru and Neil about Kevin. J.T. seemed convinced that Kevin had something to do with Colleen's disappearance. Brad whipped out his cell phone to make a call.

Although Neil had a little chuckle over Dru and Phyllis showing up in identical dresses to the Arts Council gala, he was concerned to hear the news about what appeared to be Ashley's breakdown. Dru wanted to talk about Lily. Neil said they'd talked earlier, and he felt like they had connected. When Lily joined them, she tried to dodge Dru's questions, but her parents sat her down and had another talk with her about the dangers of the Internet.

Lily said she turned to her friends online because all her parents did was criticize her. Neil said those people weren't really friends; she didn't know them. He pulled up a list of Lily's previous emails and pointed out that his daughter had never met most of the people. He said they could be quite different from how they'd portrayed themselves online. When Dru got specific about Kevin, Neil said he didn't understand why Lily hadn't ended the association as soon as she'd found out how old Kevin was. Before they could get deeper into things, Neil took a frantic call from Brad asking Neil to bring Dru, Lily, and Sierra to Gina's at once.

Nikki found Victor sitting downstairs alone in the dark. He seemed very pensive, and she guessed that he was thinking about Ashley. She assured Victor that she understood; it would be hard for any of them not to think of how sad Ashley's situation was. Victor said something else concerned him. He seemed to be at odds with his children, especially Nick. It had hurt him to see Nick talking to Jack at the gala and know how much affection Nick felt for Jack. Victor said if he could do things over again, he'd be a better parent to his children when they were young.

Nikki assured Victor that he was a great father, and Nick and Victoria were both fine young adults with promising futures. When Victor wondered if there was anything Nikki regretted, she told him that if she could do things over, she'd never let him go. Cheered up, Victor was receptive to Nikki's reminder that he'd promised they could take a vacation. She wanted to go somewhere warm, lush, and tropical. Victor agreed that as soon as a few things were taken care of, he wanted nothing more than to spend some time away with Nikki.

Cassie and Sharon ate a snack and talked about the gala. Cassie said she and Adam had had a good time, except for Noah bugging them. Sharon laughed, happy that her daughter had enjoyed the party. Both Cassie and Sharon admitted they were a little concerned about Nick, who hadn't seemed to be enjoying himself. Cassie wondered if Sharon was keeping another secret from her, but Sharon assured her that wasn't the case. She didn't know what was bothering Nick. Sharon asked when Cassie had last seen him. Cassie said that he'd been with Victoria by the pool. She then helped Sharon take their dishes inside.

Victoria was unwinding and drinking warm milk when Nick showed up with a stack of files. He was determined to get to the bottom of the unusual sales figures for Safra. Only the Nelson chain had consistently shown extraordinary results, even though it had all the same demographics as some of the other stores where Safra wasn't doing so well. Victoria said that Nick was just determined to believe the worst of their father and Michael. She insisted that if he was so concerned, he should bring it up at the next board meeting, and anyone who'd done anything unethical would be dealt with then. Nick pointed out that if Victor was the guilty one, he'd never be held accountable. He said it was up to Nick and Victoria to make sure Newman Enterprises maintained a high standard of ethics.

Sharon walked in and wondered what Nick and Victoria were talking about. Victoria closed ranks with Nick, refusing to give Sharon any information. That only made Sharon more suspicious. She wanted to know what was going on. Nick said if he had to explain sales reports to her, they'd be up all night. He said if she'd just let him and Victoria finish their work, he'd be home sooner.

After Sharon reluctantly left, Nick figured out that the "Pete" he'd overheard Michael talking to on the phone might be Peter Hudson of the Nelson department store chain. He called Peter, pretending to be "Cory," Michael's assistant, and said Michael had reconsidered his decision. He asked if Peter would meet Michael at the health club's restaurant the next day. Peter agreed. After he hung up, Nick pointed out to Victoria that Peter Hudson hadn't even hesitated. Nick said that obviously, he was on the right track.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 13, 2003 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 13, 2003 on Y&R

Thursday, October 16, 2003


At Gina's, the fire appeared to be subsiding, but there was still no sign of Colleen. J.T. told Brad that he wished that he had never left Colleen at the coffeehouse. Brad decided that he could not wait any longer and tried to run into Gina's, but the fire marshals stopped him. Brad tried to get J.T. into it, too, but J.T. tried to calm Brad down, telling him that maybe Colleen wasn't in there and maybe someone had taken her phone or something else. Brad said he and his wife had just lost a baby, and if he lost Colleen, he couldn't bear it.

Kevin was at Marsino's, complimenting himself in the office and lighting his lighter when Brittany walked in. She asked Kevin if he had seen Bobby. Kevin told Brittany that she should watch out for Bobby because Bobby was not sincere. Brittany grew upset and said that she and Bobby had a strictly business relationship.

While Brittany looked for her song-writing notes, she leaned forward in front of Kevin on the desk. He liked it and told her that she smelled good. When Kevin asked Brittany if she wanted to go out sometime, she tried to let him down nicely. Kevin couldn't believe that "a stripper" would think that she was better than him, and Brittany left, telling him that she was a singer and that he was lucky she was not telling Bobby. Kevin said to himself that Brittany should think about who could help her career and who could make her go up in smoke.

Sharon went over to Victor's to pick up a purse she had left behind at the gala. Victor told Sharon that he was impressed with the way Sharon had handled the gala. Sharon said she couldn't have done it without Nikki. When Victor asked what she meant, Sharon told him how Nikki had saved the day by getting the food in a hurry when Sharon's caterers had been unable to show up. Victor said maybe that would help Sharon and Nikki change their attitudes about each other. Sharon said it was Victoria that had had an attitude with her. Sharon told Victor that Victoria and Nick were working at that late hour, and they didn't want Sharon to know what they were talking about.

Victoria begged Nick to stop being so determined to take Victor down. Nick asked her whether, if something illegal had really happened to boost Safra sales, she would want to know the truth. Victoria said they had nothing to feel bad about, insisting that what really mattered was who did the best in the end. Nick said if the sales were manipulated, they would have something to feel bad about, especially for putting Jabot on life support. Victoria said if Nick did find something out and disclosed it, she didn't want anything to do with it. Nick left, telling Victoria that he knew who was on his side.

When Nick returned home with a pile of paperwork, Sharon told him that she wanted to talk before they went to bed. Sharon wanted to know what Victoria and Nick were not telling her. She got mad because he wouldn't give her a straight answer. Then she realized why he might not want to tell her -- because it was about Victor.

Lauren said her goodbyes to Raul after the gala; she didn't want to be there when Brittany returned. Lauren told Raul that he really should talk to Brittany. Lauren said that Brittany still loved Raul, and he shouldn't drop something that meant so much to him. Raul still couldn't get over Brittany's job as a stripper. Lauren told him that life was too short, and he needed the kind of passion and intensity that Raul and Brittany had. Brittany walked in and was upset that Lauren was there.

Lauren left quickly and whispered to Raul that he should talk to Brittany. When Lauren was gone, Raul told Brittany that he wanted to talk to her. He said it was hard to let go; it was just too bad they were so far apart. He wanted to know if there was any hope that things would ever work for them again. Brittany said she didn't know, because Raul was the one she had wanted to be with at the gala, but she was not going to quit her job. She also didn't want Raul going over that again and again. She wanted him to be nice to her. Raul kissed her.

When Sierra, Lily, Dru, and Neil showed up at Gina's, they couldn't believe the fire was so huge. Brad told them that he thought Colleen might be in there. Brad demanded to know what had happened that day, because Lily or Sierra could have been one of the last people to see Colleen. When Brad found out that Neil had been over to Kevin's, looking for Lily, he wanted to know if Kevin knew that Colleen had told Neil where Kevin lived. Neil said he might have let it slip out. They started to realize that it was possible that Kevin could have lured Colleen into Gina's and started the fire. Sierra told Lily she knew Kevin had something to do with it; Sierra and Colleen had tried to tell Lily he was crazy. Lily wouldn't believe it, and she ran away.

Lily was behind Gina's, thinking about Kevin. She remembered when he'd told her that Colleen liked him, and he'd told her to make a choice between him and her friends. She remembered Kevin telling her that her friends would never come between them. Just then, Lily saw Kevin standing there.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 13, 2003 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of October 13, 2003 on Y&R

Friday, October 17, 2003

by Citrine

Sharon finally got Nick to admit that he didn't entirely trust her enough to talk about Newman business because she had a history of running to Victor. He pointed out that Victor confided things in her, and Sharon said she wasn't ashamed of that. Nick said that she continued to stay close to his father, despite the fact that it drove Nick crazy. Sharon said she lived in the hope that his relationship with Victor could be healed; she saw what the Newmans had as something precious and worth fighting for.

Nick wondered who Sharon would choose if she had to choose between supporting him or his father. Sharon assured him that she would choose him. She just didn't see why she couldn't be loyal to him and his family. Nick said it was late. When she asked if they were just going to call it a night, Nick told her how beautiful she'd been all night, and he kissed her.

Victor brooded about what Sharon had told him, that Victoria and Nick had been at the tack house, working on something they had refused to discuss with her. Nikki interrupted his reverie and wondered why she'd helped Sharon make the gala a success. Victor reminded her that she'd chosen to; that was the kind of person she was. Nikki said she wished she could be more ruthless, like him. Victor said that although he was presiding over a household of warring females, they had something better to discuss -- their vacation together. Nikki suggested they spend half their time on the beach and half their time on the slopes. She wondered if their getaway was all that was on his mind.

Victor said he wondered about what he'd created. He asked if they all lived too close together on the compound and said maybe they should have sent their children out into the world to carve out their own lives. Nikki said it might have been easier, but it would not have been better. She said that what Victor had done was wonderful and rare; she urged him not to lose faith in what he'd built. Victor admitted that at least the people dearest to his heart lived close by. Nikki reminded him she was close enough to snuggle up to every night if he wanted to. They kissed and went upstairs to bed.

Raul and Brittany chose not to resist their attraction to each other and ended up having sex on the sofa. Afterward, Raul commented on how awesome it had been, and Brittany said she'd dreamed of being with him again. Raul said he hadn't allowed himself to think about a reconciliation because it would hurt too much if it didn't happen. Brittany wasn't sure that Raul still understood her, but he said he did, even if they were the world's most unlikely couple. Brittany said they were still there, and she wanted assurance that they were still together. Raul started dressing, saying he wasn't sure what she wanted. He said it couldn't all be about sex; even if the sex was great, and although he loved her so much it hurt, he wasn't sure if that was enough.

Brittany said if Raul really loved her, nothing else would matter, not even her career. Raul told her what Lauren had told him. She had said that love needed difference, and people too much alike would be bored together. Brittany wondered if she'd been talking about Lauren and Raul, or Brittany and Raul. Raul insisted that there was nothing going on between him and Lauren -- but he couldn't get past her and Bobby.

Brittany said Raul just resented that people were noticing her. Anyone could take their clothes off, but people came to see her because no one was as talented as she was as a singer. Raul said she could keep telling herself that when she was still a stripper "years from now." Brittany said she didn't see any hope for them, and Raul went to his room alone.

The firefighters insisted that the smoldering restaurant was still too dangerous for anyone to go inside and search for Colleen. Detective Weber was skeptical when Brad expressed his concern about his missing daughter. He reminded Brad that Colleen had run away before, and J.T. had been involved that time. Brad insisted that Weber find Kevin Fisher and find out if he knew where Colleen was.

Around the corner, Lily urged Kevin to leave the scene, explaining that everyone seemed to think he might be responsible for the fire and Colleen's disappearance. Kevin said he hadn't done anything wrong, so he wasn't going anywhere, nor did he care what had happened to her "snotty bitch girlfriend." Lily asked where he'd been that night, and Kevin indignantly accused her of not trusting him, which surprised him after how intimate they'd been together. As Lily defended herself, Sierra saw them together and screamed, causing Neil to shout Lily's name.

The police had to restrain Neil, Drucilla, Brad, and J.T. from attacking Kevin. Weber remembered Kevin from Marsino's and asked what he was doing in the area. Kevin said he'd been walking home from work; he had seen the smoke and been curious. When Weber pointed out that it was awfully late to be leaving work, Kevin said Bobby was "a slavedriver." He vowed that he knew nothing about the fire or Colleen's whereabouts.

When Lily's parents accused Kevin of preying on their daughter, Lily backed up Kevin's assertion that they were just friends. Over the furious protests of the others, Weber found out where Kevin lived and let him leave, assuring the others he could be questioned later if there was a reason for it. Weber said he couldn't arrest the man for just walking down the street.

Although Neil privately cautioned that they didn't know if Kevin had any responsibility for what had happened, Dru was sure the entire fiasco had arisen from Lily bringing Kevin into their lives. Brad urged them to take Lily and Sierra home; they didn't have to stay until Colleen was found. Regardless of what Neil and Dru thought, he didn't blame Lily for any of it. He said she'd been traumatized enough. Neil told Brad to hang in there; they'd be praying for him.

Brad and J.T. muttered over their frustration with Detective Weber. J.T. wanted a chance to be alone with Kevin; he'd make Kevin confess. Brad was annoyed that they weren't taking Colleen's disappearance seriously because she'd run away before. The firefighters and Detective Weber assured Brad that they were not ruling out Kevin as a suspect, but they insisted the building was still too dangerous to go inside.

Brad and J.T. said they'd sign a release if the firefighters would allow them inside, but their request was refused. Later, Brad told J.T. that he finally realized how much J.T. cared about Colleen. Brad was terrified that Colleen was dead. J.T. insisted that it was too early to give up hope. He insisted Colleen was alive. Brad laughed because he was accepting words of wisdom from J.T., but he agreed that J.T. was right. He said they couldn't give up. J.T. then sneaked a flashlight off the firetruck and went into the restaurant, searching for Colleen amid falling debris.

While Kevin, back at his apartment, gloated about getting away with the fire and "frying" Colleen, congratulating himself for having the power of God, J.T. discovered Colleen's locket in the rubble and remembered returning it to her after they'd gotten back together. He was devastated, sobbing and refusing to believe that she was gone. As he sank down, weak with grief, he heard a thumping noise from the cooler. He rescued a semiconscious Colleen and ran from the restaurant, holding her in his arms and crying for help. Brad took Colleen from J.T. and handed her to paramedics, then the two men embraced with joy. As Colleen was given oxygen and taken away, a devastated J.T. looked on.

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