Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 5, 2001 on Y&R

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Jack proposed to Phyllis
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 5, 2001 on Y&R

Tricia raped a drugged Victor, but he was arrested for raping her. Jill and Sean reconciled. Malcolm and Olivia concluded that Neil was involved with another woman. Colleen and her new friends smoked marijuana.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 5, 2001 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 5, 2001 on Y&R

Monday, November 5, 2001

by Reggie Jackson

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Nikki went to Victor's apartment to see if he knew how Nick was doing. Victor mentioned that Nick had stopped by the night before. Nikki wondered if Victor was all right because he was acting strange. He let her know that he was fine. She asked before leaving if the move for Tricia was set for that day, and he said yes.

Tricia was at her therapist's office and told her doctor that Victor had raped her. Her doctor called the police. The police arrived and wanted to hear the entire story. Tricia told the police how she'd helped a tired Victor to his room and then he'd taken advantage of her as she'd said no. They took Tricia away to do a rape kit. One of the detectives was skeptical of Tricia's story. Tricia's doctor let the detective know that there were serious issues with the way Victor insinuated himself into Tricia's life.

Nick visited Sharon, and the doctor told Sharon that she could be released that day. The doctor also asked the couple what they wanted to do with the baby's remains. They decided to bury the baby but were unsure about whether they should have a service. Nick told Sharon how he wished he could take her pain away. After Nick left to get Sharon some fresh clothes, Sharon asked if the doctor had ordered the paternity test as she'd requested. The doctor said yes, even though she wished Sharon had put the whole thing behind her.

Ryan and Neil were having breakfast, and Olivia stopped at the table, speaking to Ryan while ignoring Neil. Neil shared with Ryan that he and Olivia were no longer a couple. He also told Ryan that Ryan had been right -- he did indeed have feelings for Alex, and Alex knew.

Ashley joined Olivia for breakfast and told Olivia that she and Brad were back on track. Olivia told Ashley that things had not worked out for her and Neil, and she was not exactly sure why.

Malcolm and Neil discussed having her mother visit for the holidays. After Alex left, Olivia arrived, and Malcolm asked how she and Neil were doing. Olivia lashed out at Malcolm, saying that he had to be happy at her unfortunate circumstances, but he had no clue what she was talking about.

Nikki went over to Jack's office while Jack was still babysitting Abby. Nikki told Jack the sad story of Nick and Sharon losing the baby. They reminisced about the baby they'd lost.

Jill and Sean basked in the afterglow of making love all night and reconciling. Jill told Sean she would take each day for what it was worth and said how happy she was that they were back together for however long that was.

In his office, Victor met with Paul to discuss the surveillance system in Tricia's new apartment. A detective arrived and wanted Victor to go down to the station for questioning regarding Tricia's rape allegations. Victor thought it was absurd but went willingly because, as he stated, that woman was not stable.

Tuesday, November 6, 2001

Victor, who was in jail, refused to call his attorney. Tricia's charge that he'd raped her was ridiculous, and he was determined to end the fuss. He saw Tricia and demanded she go over to him and tell the truth. The D.A. informed him that he was not to speak to her. She questioned him separately about why he had Tricia living with him if he thought she was dangerous. She also told him that Tricia's doctors disagreed with Victor's assessment of Tricia, saying that she was getting better and that Victor was a detriment to her.

An officer took Tricia's statement, and as he did so mentioned Victor's constant surveillance of her. The officer vowed that Victor had gone too far and would pay. John Silva and Paul entered to speak to Victor and noticed Tricia's bruises. They wondered what could have happened. Tricia remembered leaving the pills out and asked to go with the police to get her stuff. The D.A. then ordered Paul to cease the surveillance on Tricia.

Victor demanded an apology from the D.A., who was sure that when the rape kit results were back, he would be exonerated. He even threatened a lawsuit. John demanded an immediate release for Victor, but D.A. Chen received the report and announced that the rape kit had returned positive with signs of forcible intercourse and semen as well as the blood type matching Victor's. Victor Newman was then arrested.

The police and Tricia arrived at the penthouse to get her things and to search. Paul spied Tricia sneaking something into her purse and confronted her on it. He demanded that she open her purse, but the cop interrupted and demanded that Paul leave or be arrested. Tricia smiled as he was led out.

Phyllis stopped at Baldwin & Williams to see Michael. She mentioned seeing Jack with Abby and his obvious but secret longing for a baby. She was worried that her loving him wasn't enough but couldn't talk with Jack about, since he was already concerned that she didn't trust that he loved her despite her inability to have kids. She was determined to find some other way.

In his office, Jack told Nikki that Phyllis couldn't have kids, and he didn't want to put her through in vitro. He said the matter was closed. Nikki said she was just worried about him. He assured her his life was full of happiness and he would be fine. He refused to put Phyllis under that kind of pressure.

At Malcolm's place, Olivia told Malcolm that she and Neil were through. He wished nothing but happiness for her. When he defended his brother, she threw in his face that he hadn't always gotten along with Neil nor known everything in Neil's mind (such Neil and Olivia's almost-relationship when she'd been married to Malcolm). Later, Alex showed up, and Malcolm mentioned his bizarre encounter with Olivia and wondered if she knew any woman Neil might be interested in.

In the McNeil apartment, Ryan and Victoria enjoyed some pre-wedded bliss, including an early present from her to him, which was a framed picture of them, and a song he wrote for her.

At Gina's, Neil and Alex talked about her and Malcolm. They'd gotten furniture together, and it was getting more and more serious. She also mentioned Malcolm's idea to all have dinner together. They both agreed that would be a bad idea and promised to keep their distance to avoid Malcolm picking up on anything. He told her that he wished there were two of her. She blushed.

Wednesday, November 7, 2001

Victor was arrested. The police were stalling so that charges could be filed. Victor might have to be held overnight for custody until a bail hearing could be arranged. Tricia pulled a disappearing act, and the police couldn't find her. Paul went to the police station and told Victor he'd followed the police and Tricia back to Victor's apartment. Paul had followed Tricia to the workout room and seen Tricia stuff something in her purse. Paul had asked the police to search, "and they refused."

The policewoman returned to the police station and told Ms. Chen, the Assistant D.A., that "Miss Dennison has disappeared." Carter called Tricia's plan a stroke of "genius." Carter then replied, "Old Moneybags will go down, and this time for good." The police told Ms. Chen that "the clothes were ripped and torn, and the fingernails Tricia talked about matched Mr. Newman's." The police went on to say that "the evidence supports Tricia Dennison's allegations." Victor asked John Silva to look through the surveillance tapes for evidence that would clear his name.

Carter turned to Tricia and asked, "You have Victor where you want him. You have a ton of cash. Why don't you start a new life?" Tricia cleared her accounts in cash. John Silva replied that "it doesn't look like Tricia is planning to stick around." Victor asked John and Paul to inform his family "before it hits the news"

Jack offered his support to Nick and Sharon about losing their baby. Jack and Nikki had gone through the same thing with losing their child. Phyllis stumbled upon the catalogue with children's toys in it. Phyllis noticed they were all older children toys. Jack told Phyllis, "There's something I should have told you a long time ago." Jack told Phyllis the story about Little Jack and how the heart of Jack and Nikki's deceased baby had saved Little Jack's life. Little Jack was eight years old. Phyllis told Jack, "I love you more than you will ever know." Phyllis looked at Jack's laptop and noticed Jack had been researching in vitro fertilization.

Olivia and Neil talked at Crimson Lights. Olivia knew Neil wasn't telling the truth about why he had broken up with her. Olivia told Neil, "If you're not going to tell me the truth, then I will have to find the answers on my own." Alex was curious as to why Neil had broken up with Olivia. Malcolm told Alex "it could be over another woman." Alex was surprised Olivia would open up to Malcolm.

Olivia was fishing for information out of Malcolm, but Malcolm didn't know the whole story of her and Neil dating at all. Malcolm told Alex, "I know Olivia. If there is another woman out there, you bet Olivia will find out about her." Neil replied, "I should have waited before things happened. They could have worked out, but with you feeling this way, I'm afraid they never will."

Alex confronted Neil at the coffeehouse. Alex asked him why he had broken things off with Olivia. Neil replied, "You already know why." Olivia went back to get her gloves and noticed Neil with Alex, talking alone on the patio at Crimson Lights.

The song "You're in My Heart" was going to be Ryan and Victoria's wedding song. Victoria thought the song should be "professionally recorded." Lauren Fenmore showed up to help Victoria with her dress but had some unexpected "bad news."

Thursday, November 8, 2001

by Ruth

Nikki ran into Larry Warton at the coffeehouse. He told her that he hadn't taken her up on her offer for help because he knew what her family was going through.

Victor had some trouble with one of the guys in his jail cell. It was interrupted by a visit from Victoria, Nikki, and Nicholas after John Silva found them to tell them the bad news. Larry Warton had overheard the conversation and warned Nicholas about who made the rules in jail. Victor reassured them that he would be out of jail before the wedding on November 9. He was sure that the tapes would prove that he was innocent.

Tricia talked to Matt Clark in the motel room about Ryan's impending marriage. She was sure that he had been her one true match in life and began formulating a plan to get rid of Victoria. Matt discouraged it, but her troubled mind was on one track only.

Paul Williams obtained a copy of the surveillance videos and watched them with Ryan and the man who was manning the video room that evening. He showed them that Victor had walked up the steps with Tricia behind him. He hadn't said no when she'd asked if she could accompany him. Paul refused to believe it and dismissed the man. It didn't look good for Victor.

Brad was able to admit to Ashley that he was worried about Colleen. Together, they called Traci in New York. Traci had just said goodbye to her daughter after another strained conversation about what was going on with her. She had new friends who Traci didn't know. Colleen was being rude to her mother and still resented the fact that they'd moved back in with Steve. Traci was comforted by their concern. Brad and Ashley hung up, sure that it was just a phase that Colleen was going through.

Colleen arrived at a friend's apartment, possibly at the same time she was supposed to be in dance class. She complained about her mother's nagging, and her friends sympathized with her. The boy in the room told the girls that, since they were both in such bad moods about their parents, he had something that would help. He went to the closet and lit a pipe for Colleen to smoke.

The other three inmates from Victor's cell talked about who he was and what they would do to him when he returned from his visit. The leader, who had fought with Victor earlier, told the guys that Victor had no clue what he was getting into -- "This is no board meeting," he told them. Soon after they talked, Victor reentered the cell. The look on their faces told him that he was not welcome.

Friday, November 9, 2001

In the jail, Victor's cellmates tried to attack him, but Victor fought back. A janitor helped out Victor, who swore that he would kill them if they tried it again. The guards broke up the fight. The janitor who helped him was impressed with Victor and told him to thank Larry Warton. It was Larry who'd told him to keep an eye on Victor.

The Newman family gathered at the ranch and worried about what Victor had to be going through in jail. Victoria explained that Ryan blamed himself, but the others didn't at all. Nick went to tell Sharon. Nikki hoped that the tragedy would help pull Nick and Sharon together. Paul and Ryan arrived with news. The surveillance tape only further incriminated Victor. They thought he had to have just been exhausted and not realized Tricia had been following him. But an hour later, Tricia had gone back down, her clothes torn, and she'd looked upset.

Paul thought that Tricia had known about the surveillance and used it to her advantage. They realized that if the tape got out, it could destroy Victor's chances. Nikki wondered about when Tricia had come on to Victor, but to the police, it would look like she had been the vulnerable woman who'd seen Victor as her father figure. She had obviously planned it out very well. Victoria asked how they would feel about postponing the wedding, and they all agreed that it should go forward. Nick and Sharon returned to their place, and Nikki headed up to bed. Ryan assured Victoria that the wedding was the best thing for everyone.

At Nick and Sharon's house, Sharon and Doris discussed the loss of Sharon's baby. She kept saying how unfair it was for the baby. Doris sensed that something else was bothering her and that she might be blaming Nick. Sharon explained about the fall and the fight that had led to it. She didn't go into detail, since she couldn't bring herself to dwell on it. She hinted that Nick wasn't as heartbroken as she was. Doris couldn't believe that.

Nick arrived, and Doris expressed her sympathy. Nick asked Sharon to go to the main house with him while Doris stayed with the kids. Later, Sharon was still distant from Nick, who was appreciative of her support to the family during the crisis.

At the hotel, "Matt" couldn't believe Tricia still thought she had a chance to be with Ryan again. They shared a very special love, and she was sure he'd see it again. She told "Matt" about how she'd met Ryan, how messed up his life had been when he'd met her, and how their love had grown. She went on about the obstacles they'd faced and overcome, such as Keith, Nina, and Victoria, and how it had been the best time of her life. When she'd lost the baby, it had bonded them even more.

"Matt" told Tricia it was too late, but she didn't want to believe that. Ryan had moved on, he told her but, Tricia had decided to deal with Victoria once and for all. "Matt" wondered how she'd possibly get to Victoria, since their guard was up. Once she showed up, they'd lock her up. She should have gone after Victoria first but then realized the perfect place to get at Victoria where there'd be no security. She called up the church where the wedding would be and got the time of the ceremony.

Brad and Ashley spent some quality time at home with Abby and looked forward to her upcoming birthday. They were both happy that they had been able to put the bad times behind them, but she wondered how Colleen was doing. Colleen was having a tough time, and they hoped that they could be there for her. If he wanted to go there to reach out, she was open to that, but he didn't think his involvement would help at that point. Ashley was sure Colleen's good genes and sensible head would get her through that tough time.

In New York, Colleen and her new friends got high off pot. Colleen realized she was late and worried her mom would see that she was high. They gave her tips on how to hide it from her mom. Colleen returned home and tried to sneak in but found her mom waiting in her room. Traci was just getting her laundry and asked about dance class. When she asked to see some steps, Colleen tried to brush it off. Traci saw that something was up and asked what was wrong. Colleen said to leave her alone so she could do her homework, and Traci agreed, saying she loved Colleen before leaving.

Sean and Jill stopped in at his place, and Jill was surprised to see that the couch she'd picked out for him was there. He'd gone back to the store and gotten it back after returning it. They enjoyed dinner together and realized what a weird road it had been to get them there. She wondered how to tell everyone that they were together again, but Sean couldn't care less. He teased her about her past as a manicurist. He'd found out through the Internet, and she was flattered he was interested enough to look her up. She then decided to show him her manicuring skills with a sensual pedicure.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 5, 2001 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 5, 2001 on Y&R

Tuesday, November 6, 2001

by Marian Crane

Victor, who was in jail, refused to call his attorney. Tricia's charge that he'd raped her was ridiculous, and he was determined to end the fuss. He saw Tricia and demanded she go over to him and tell the truth. The D.A. informed him that he was not to speak to her. She questioned him separately about why he had Tricia living with him if he thought she was dangerous. She also told him that Tricia's doctors disagreed with Victor's assessment of Tricia, saying that she was getting better and that Victor was a detriment to her.

An officer took Tricia's statement, and as he did so mentioned Victor's constant surveillance of her. The officer vowed that Victor had gone too far and would pay. John Silva and Paul entered to speak to Victor and noticed Tricia's bruises. They wondered what could have happened. Tricia remembered leaving the pills out and asked to go with the police to get her stuff. The D.A. then ordered Paul to cease the surveillance on Tricia.

Victor demanded an apology from the D.A., who was sure that when the rape kit results were back, he would be exonerated. He even threatened a lawsuit. John demanded an immediate release for Victor, but D.A. Chen received the report and announced that the rape kit had returned positive with signs of forcible intercourse and semen as well as the blood type matching Victor's. Victor Newman was then arrested.

The police and Tricia arrived at the penthouse to get her things and to search. Paul spied Tricia sneaking something into her purse and confronted her on it. He demanded that she open her purse, but the cop interrupted and demanded that Paul leave or be arrested. Tricia smiled as he was led out.

Phyllis stopped at Baldwin & Williams to see Michael. She mentioned seeing Jack with Abby and his obvious but secret longing for a baby. She was worried that her loving him wasn't enough but couldn't talk with Jack about, since he was already concerned that she didn't trust that he loved her despite her inability to have kids. She was determined to find some other way.

In his office, Jack told Nikki that Phyllis couldn't have kids, and he didn't want to put her through in vitro. He said the matter was closed. Nikki said she was just worried about him. He assured her his life was full of happiness and he would be fine. He refused to put Phyllis under that kind of pressure.

At Malcolm's place, Olivia told Malcolm that she and Neil were through. He wished nothing but happiness for her. When he defended his brother, she threw in his face that he hadn't always gotten along with Neil nor known everything in Neil's mind (such Neil and Olivia's almost-relationship when she'd been married to Malcolm). Later, Alex showed up, and Malcolm mentioned his bizarre encounter with Olivia and wondered if she knew any woman Neil might be interested in.

In the McNeil apartment, Ryan and Victoria enjoyed some pre-wedded bliss, including an early present from her to him, which was a framed picture of them, and a song he wrote for her.

At Gina's, Neil and Alex talked about her and Malcolm. They'd gotten furniture together, and it was getting more and more serious. She also mentioned Malcolm's idea to all have dinner together. They both agreed that would be a bad idea and promised to keep their distance to avoid Malcolm picking up on anything. He told her that he wished there were two of her. She blushed.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 5, 2001 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 5, 2001 on Y&R

Wednesday, November 7, 2001

by Natalie

Victor was arrested. The police were stalling so that charges could be filed. Victor might have to be held overnight for custody until a bail hearing could be arranged. Tricia pulled a disappearing act, and the police couldn't find her. Paul went to the police station and told Victor he'd followed the police and Tricia back to Victor's apartment. Paul had followed Tricia to the workout room and seen Tricia stuff something in her purse. Paul had asked the police to search, "and they refused."

The policewoman returned to the police station and told Ms. Chen, the Assistant D.A., that "Miss Dennison has disappeared." Carter called Tricia's plan a stroke of "genius." Carter then replied, "Old Moneybags will go down, and this time for good." The police told Ms. Chen that "the clothes were ripped and torn, and the fingernails Tricia talked about matched Mr. Newman's." The police went on to say that "the evidence supports Tricia Dennison's allegations." Victor asked John Silva to look through the surveillance tapes for evidence that would clear his name.

Carter turned to Tricia and asked, "You have Victor where you want him. You have a ton of cash. Why don't you start a new life?" Tricia cleared her accounts in cash. John Silva replied that "it doesn't look like Tricia is planning to stick around." Victor asked John and Paul to inform his family "before it hits the news"

Jack offered his support to Nick and Sharon about losing their baby. Jack and Nikki had gone through the same thing with losing their child. Phyllis stumbled upon the catalogue with children's toys in it. Phyllis noticed they were all older children toys. Jack told Phyllis, "There's something I should have told you a long time ago." Jack told Phyllis the story about Little Jack and how the heart of Jack and Nikki's deceased baby had saved Little Jack's life. Little Jack was eight years old. Phyllis told Jack, "I love you more than you will ever know." Phyllis looked at Jack's laptop and noticed Jack had been researching in vitro fertilization.

Olivia and Neil talked at Crimson Lights. Olivia knew Neil wasn't telling the truth about why he had broken up with her. Olivia told Neil, "If you're not going to tell me the truth, then I will have to find the answers on my own." Alex was curious as to why Neil had broken up with Olivia. Malcolm told Alex "it could be over another woman." Alex was surprised Olivia would open up to Malcolm.

Olivia was fishing for information out of Malcolm, but Malcolm didn't know the whole story of her and Neil dating at all. Malcolm told Alex, "I know Olivia. If there is another woman out there, you bet Olivia will find out about her." Neil replied, "I should have waited before things happened. They could have worked out, but with you feeling this way, I'm afraid they never will."

Alex confronted Neil at the coffeehouse. Alex asked him why he had broken things off with Olivia. Neil replied, "You already know why." Olivia went back to get her gloves and noticed Neil with Alex, talking alone on the patio at Crimson Lights.

The song "You're in My Heart" was going to be Ryan and Victoria's wedding song. Victoria thought the song should be "professionally recorded." Lauren Fenmore showed up to help Victoria with her dress but had some unexpected "bad news."

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 5, 2001 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 5, 2001 on Y&R

Thursday, November 8, 2001

by Ruth

Nikki ran into Larry Warton at the coffeehouse. He told her that he hadn't taken her up on her offer for help because he knew what her family was going through.

Victor had some trouble with one of the guys in his jail cell. It was interrupted by a visit from Victoria, Nikki, and Nicholas after John Silva found them to tell them the bad news. Larry Warton had overheard the conversation and warned Nicholas about who made the rules in jail. Victor reassured them that he would be out of jail before the wedding on November 9. He was sure that the tapes would prove that he was innocent.

Tricia talked to Matt Clark in the motel room about Ryan's impending marriage. She was sure that he had been her one true match in life and began formulating a plan to get rid of Victoria. Matt discouraged it, but her troubled mind was on one track only.

Paul Williams obtained a copy of the surveillance videos and watched them with Ryan and the man who was manning the video room that evening. He showed them that Victor had walked up the steps with Tricia behind him. He hadn't said no when she'd asked if she could accompany him. Paul refused to believe it and dismissed the man. It didn't look good for Victor.

Brad was able to admit to Ashley that he was worried about Colleen. Together, they called Traci in New York. Traci had just said goodbye to her daughter after another strained conversation about what was going on with her. She had new friends who Traci didn't know. Colleen was being rude to her mother and still resented the fact that they'd moved back in with Steve. Traci was comforted by their concern. Brad and Ashley hung up, sure that it was just a phase that Colleen was going through.

Colleen arrived at a friend's apartment, possibly at the same time she was supposed to be in dance class. She complained about her mother's nagging, and her friends sympathized with her. The boy in the room told the girls that, since they were both in such bad moods about their parents, he had something that would help. He went to the closet and lit a pipe for Colleen to smoke.

The other three inmates from Victor's cell talked about who he was and what they would do to him when he returned from his visit. The leader, who had fought with Victor earlier, told the guys that Victor had no clue what he was getting into -- "This is no board meeting," he told them. Soon after they talked, Victor reentered the cell. The look on their faces told him that he was not welcome.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 5, 2001 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of November 5, 2001 on Y&R

Friday, November 9, 2001

by Marian Crane

In the jail, Victor's cellmates tried to attack him, but Victor fought back. A janitor helped out Victor, who swore that he would kill them if they tried it again. The guards broke up the fight. The janitor who helped him was impressed with Victor and told him to thank Larry Warton. It was Larry who'd told him to keep an eye on Victor.

The Newman family gathered at the ranch and worried about what Victor had to be going through in jail. Victoria explained that Ryan blamed himself, but the others didn't at all. Nick went to tell Sharon. Nikki hoped that the tragedy would help pull Nick and Sharon together. Paul and Ryan arrived with news. The surveillance tape only further incriminated Victor. They thought he had to have just been exhausted and not realized Tricia had been following him. But an hour later, Tricia had gone back down, her clothes torn, and she'd looked upset.

Paul thought that Tricia had known about the surveillance and used it to her advantage. They realized that if the tape got out, it could destroy Victor's chances. Nikki wondered about when Tricia had come on to Victor, but to the police, it would look like she had been the vulnerable woman who'd seen Victor as her father figure. She had obviously planned it out very well. Victoria asked how they would feel about postponing the wedding, and they all agreed that it should go forward. Nick and Sharon returned to their place, and Nikki headed up to bed. Ryan assured Victoria that the wedding was the best thing for everyone.

At Nick and Sharon's house, Sharon and Doris discussed the loss of Sharon's baby. She kept saying how unfair it was for the baby. Doris sensed that something else was bothering her and that she might be blaming Nick. Sharon explained about the fall and the fight that had led to it. She didn't go into detail, since she couldn't bring herself to dwell on it. She hinted that Nick wasn't as heartbroken as she was. Doris couldn't believe that.

Nick arrived, and Doris expressed her sympathy. Nick asked Sharon to go to the main house with him while Doris stayed with the kids. Later, Sharon was still distant from Nick, who was appreciative of her support to the family during the crisis.

At the hotel, "Matt" couldn't believe Tricia still thought she had a chance to be with Ryan again. They shared a very special love, and she was sure he'd see it again. She told "Matt" about how she'd met Ryan, how messed up his life had been when he'd met her, and how their love had grown. She went on about the obstacles they'd faced and overcome, such as Keith, Nina, and Victoria, and how it had been the best time of her life. When she'd lost the baby, it had bonded them even more.

"Matt" told Tricia it was too late, but she didn't want to believe that. Ryan had moved on, he told her but, Tricia had decided to deal with Victoria once and for all. "Matt" wondered how she'd possibly get to Victoria, since their guard was up. Once she showed up, they'd lock her up. She should have gone after Victoria first but then realized the perfect place to get at Victoria where there'd be no security. She called up the church where the wedding would be and got the time of the ceremony.

Brad and Ashley spent some quality time at home with Abby and looked forward to her upcoming birthday. They were both happy that they had been able to put the bad times behind them, but she wondered how Colleen was doing. Colleen was having a tough time, and they hoped that they could be there for her. If he wanted to go there to reach out, she was open to that, but he didn't think his involvement would help at that point. Ashley was sure Colleen's good genes and sensible head would get her through that tough time.

In New York, Colleen and her new friends got high off pot. Colleen realized she was late and worried her mom would see that she was high. They gave her tips on how to hide it from her mom. Colleen returned home and tried to sneak in but found her mom waiting in her room. Traci was just getting her laundry and asked about dance class. When she asked to see some steps, Colleen tried to brush it off. Traci saw that something was up and asked what was wrong. Colleen said to leave her alone so she could do her homework, and Traci agreed, saying she loved Colleen before leaving.

Sean and Jill stopped in at his place, and Jill was surprised to see that the couch she'd picked out for him was there. He'd gone back to the store and gotten it back after returning it. They enjoyed dinner together and realized what a weird road it had been to get them there. She wondered how to tell everyone that they were together again, but Sean couldn't care less. He teased her about her past as a manicurist. He'd found out through the Internet, and she was flattered he was interested enough to look her up. She then decided to show him her manicuring skills with a sensual pedicure.

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