Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 24, 2000 on Y&R

SC Desk
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 24, 2000 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 24, 2000 on Y&R

Dru returned to Paris. Victor assured Neil that Victor's plan to recover Jabot would destroy Jack, but not hurt Ashley or John. Diane was overjoyed that she had become pregnant after she had been inseminated with Victor's sperm sample.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 24, 2000 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 24, 2000 on Y&R

Monday, April 24, 2000


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When Ryan discovers that Megan has been staying with Nina he is shocked. Megan tries to explain to her brother-in-law that she just can't see Tricia right now. She wants to now how much he knows about Tricia's involvement in trying to break up her relationship with Tony. Ryan interrupts the conversation to call Tricia and let her know that he has found Megan and that she is o.k. In the meantime, Tricia's discusses her situation with her father who suggests that Ryan may be the one to blame for her problems. Later, after Nina urges him not to give up on his wife and getting her some psychiatric help, Ryan heads home and tries unsuccessfully to seduce Tricia. Elsewhere, as Victor and Ashley continue to enjoy their romantic evening together, Diane sits back at the penthouse worrying about Victor's relationship with his ex-wife. As she contemplates his reaction to her pregnancy, Diane receives a phone call from Michael asking if he can come over. After a futile attempt to get Diane to leave Victor's place for good, Michael goes on to tell his old flame about his first day working with Christine and how well it went. He explains that the only way he is going to get the full redemption he desires for his past mistakes is to earn the respect and forgiveness of Christine...the one he hurt the most. At the same time, Christine arrives home to find an apologetic Paul waiting for her. As he explains to his wife that he still doesn't trust Michael, he assures her that he won't let the situation come between them. The two agree to make the arrangement work and share a passionate kiss. Finally, after sharing a wonderful family dinner with Lily, Neil and Dru discuss making love the previous evening. Neil tells Dru that it felt just like old times and that he is glad that it happened. Dru admits that she is also happy about it, but panics later at the thought of getting sucked back into her old life. Determined not to let that happen, she makes a frantic phone call.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 24, 2000 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 24, 2000 on Y&R

Tuesday, April 25, 2000

by Caryn

When Ryan discovers that Megan has been staying with Nina he is shocked.Megan tries to explain to her brother-in-law that she just can't see Tricia rightnow. She wants to now how much he knows about Tricia's involvement in tryingto break up her relationship with Tony. Ryan interrupts the conversation to callTricia and let her know that he has found Megan and that she is o.k. In themeantime, Tricia's discusses her situation with her father who suggests thatRyan may be the one to blame for her problems. Later, after Nina urges him notto give up on his wife and getting her some psychiatric help, Ryan heads homeand tries unsuccessfully to seduce Tricia. Elsewhere, as Victor and Ashleycontinue to enjoy their romantic evening together, Diane sits back at thepenthouse worrying about Victor's relationship with his ex-wife. As shecontemplates his reaction to her pregnancy, Diane receives a phone call fromMichael asking if he can come over. After a futile attempt to get Diane to leaveVictor's place for good, Michael goes on to tell his old flame about his first dayworking with Christine and how well it went. He explains that the only way he isgoing to get the full redemption he desires for his past mistakes is to earn therespect and forgiveness of Christine...the one he hurt the most. At the sametime, Christine arrives home to find an apologetic Paul waiting for her. As heexplains to his wife that he still doesn't trust Michael, he assures her that hewon't let the situation come between them. The two agree to make thearrangement work and share a passionate kiss. Finally, after sharing awonderful family dinner with Lily, Neil and Dru discuss making love the previousevening. Neil tells Dru that it felt just like old times and that he is glad that ithappened. Dru admits that she is also happy about it, but panics later at thethought of getting sucked back into her old life. Determined not to let thathappen, she makes a frantic phone call.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 24, 2000 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 24, 2000 on Y&R

Wednesday, April 26, 2000


NEIL'S PLACE / OLIVIA'S PLACE Lily is eating her breakfast while Dru is silently standing by thinking. Neil walks in the room and says good morning. Neil walks over to Dru and lightly touches her on her shoulder and asks her how she's doing. Uncomfortable, she responds that she's fine. The doorbell rings. It's Julia to take Lily to the park. Lily and Neil share a playful goodbye and she and Julia leave. Neil asks Dru why Julia was there to pick Lily up so early. She tells him that she wanted some time alone to talk with him before he went to work. She tells him she's leaving for Paris to work. She spoke with Sid and he told her about some assignments that have come up and she took them. Neil correctly assesses that Dru called Sid and not the other way around. Neil accuses Dru of running away because she's afraid of what's happening between them. Neil feels as though he's been played for a fool for assuming that something was happening between them. He should have remembered that her work always comes first. She tells him the only one who played him for a fool was himself. Dru tells him that what they shared was beautiful and fantastic but they never made any promises to each other. She's not leaving because she's afraid (girlfriend is SO running away), she's leaving because she loves her work and her independence and Paris is now her home. He asks her if she plans to take Lily with her. She tells him no, she promised Lily that she would spend a few days with her daddy and she's not changing her mind about that. She tells him Julia will bring Lily to Paris in a few days. Meanwhile at Olivia's, Malcolm stops by to drop off Nate's baseball glove that he left in the car. They talk a little about Nate's future baseball career and Mal prepares to leave. Olivia stops him and asks him if he's spoken with Neil lately. He tells her he has. She wonders if he knows that he and Dru made love the other night. He tells her he knows but why are they talking about it. She wonders if Neil and Dru and preparing to get back together. Mal tells her that Neil and Dru's sex life is none of their business. Why is she so concerned? She tells him that she's concerned about two people who they both love. Mal wonders if she doesn't want Neil and Dru to get back together; if she still has feelings for Neil. She assures him that she no longer has feelings for Neil. If Dru and Neil get back together, she will be the first one to congratulate them. She thinks it would be great for both of them, especially Lily. However, she knows Dru would be giving up a lot if she and Neil got back together. Mal counters that she would be gaining a lot too. Olivia admits that she was a little hard on Dru the last time they spoke and she wished she would've been more supportive. Mal tells Olivia not to lose sight of the fact that she and he are in the same situation as Neil and Dru; divorced with a child. Olivia reminds him that he divorced her and not to compare their situation to Neil and Dru's.

NINA'S PLACE / RYAN & TRICIA'S Megan walks in the living room as Nina is drinking coffee. Nina asks her how she slept and Meg tells her not well. She thanks her for letting her stay at her place and in Phillip's room. Nina tells her its okay. Megan still doubts what Grace told her. She doesn't really know if she can trust her. Nina tells her that the only way to get the real truth is to listen to her sister's side of the story. Megan admits that Tricia has been like a mother to her since their mother died. Losing Tony was the worse thing that ever happened to her. She doesn't know if she'll be able to survive if she finds out Tricia has been lying to her the whole time. She doesn't know how she'll be able to live without her sister in her life. Ryan walks in the living room and notices that Tricia slept on the couch last night. He asks her why. She tells him that she tossed and turned all night and didn't want to disturb him. She tells him that Grace was in town to see her but Sharon got to her first. Tricia tells Ryan that she's worried Grace has turned Megan against her. After all, Megan didn't want to talk to her last night. What if the friend she stayed with was Grace? Ryan tells her not to worry. What could Grace possibly tell Megan. After all, in her heart she knows the truth. Ryan tells her that she should stop feeling guilty about what happened and not to be so hard on herself. It's time for her to come to terms with what happened. Tricia angrily tells him she knows that he means she should see a psychiatrist. She tells him that she is not sick and doesn't need a psychiatrist. She just needs to talk to her sister. She orders him to tell her where Megan is. At that very moment, the doorbell rings; its Megan. She tells Ryan that she needs to see her sister alone. There are some things they need to talk about.

THE RANCH -- NICK AND SHARON'S Sharon comes in as Nick is working on the plans for the new coffeehouse. She jokingly comments that he neglected her last. They smooch a little and he tells her that he'll never do it again. Sharon tells him that today the social worker turns in his last report to the judge. Nick comments that he can finally adopt Cassie and make her an official part of the family. He suggests that they have a party to celebrate the occasion. Changing the subject, Sharon asks if he has seen Ryan around the office lately. He tells her yes, why? She wonders if he's affected by what's going on with Tricia. Nick comments how could he not be. Sharon tells Nick that Grace is in town and agreed with her that Tricia could have hit Tony on purpose and that Grace decided to tell Megan the truth. Sharon admits that she's having second thoughts. Nick asks Sharon if she thinks its right to not allow Megan to put the tragedy of Tony's death behind her. However, Nick tells her that he's sure the truth will come out without her interference.

JABOT Jack is on the phone with a friend trying to find out more inside information about Cheyenne Partners. However, his friend hasn't found out any information. He asks his friend to call him as soon as he hears something. Ashley comes in and asks if he's heard from the CEO of Cheyenne. He tells her no. Jill walks in wondering if he's heard anything also. They tell her no. They again discuss Jabot's financial future. Jack asks Jill if she said anything to John about their troubles. She assures him that she didn't. They argue some more about what they should do and out of the blue Ashley suggests that they ask Victor for help. Jack asks her if she has lost her mind.

THE PENTHOUSE VICTOR AND DIANE Victor comes in and goes to the bar for juice. Diane comes out of her room surprised to see him. She tries to get him to tell her about his trip. Was it business? Did his secretary go with him? Victor wonders why she's so curious about his trip. He wonders if she called the plane and hung up. She lies and tells him that it wasn't her. He tells her that he was thinking about calling her. They never made any plans for their dinner. She's surprised that he was thinking about her on his "business" trip. He asks her what they should do for dinner. She tells him that she was thinking they should just have dinner at home. He asks her to cook the dish she cooked the other night, the one he liked. This thrills Diane and after Victor walks out to get dressed for dinner, she excitedly tells herself that everything is working out just like she hoped.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 24, 2000 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 24, 2000 on Y&R

Thursday, April 27, 2000

by Caryn

Too upset to go straight to work, Ryan stops at the coffee shop to think more about Tricia's situation. Tomas shows up and offers a sympathetic ear. Ryan tells him that he's really worried and that Tricia could snap at any moment. Tomas encourages him not to give up on his wife and to keep trying to get her help. In the meantime, Megan stops over to confront Tricia. Tricia asks her sister if she is going to believe the accusations Sharon and Grace have made against her. Before Megan can answer her, Keith interrupts their conversation. Megan is shocked and hurt when he suggests that her feelings for Tony were just an infatuation and that she really wasn't in love with him. When he goes even further and insinuates that everything that has happened is Megan's fault, she snaps and shows him her wedding ring and announces to her shocked father that she married Tony in the hospital before he died. Over at Newman, Victor and Neil discuss the plans to destroy Jack. When Neil asks if he is sure that revenge on Jack is worth hurting Ashley and John, Victor says that it is, but assures him that he has found a way to not let that happen. At the same time, Jill and Ashley confront Jack and suggest trying to get another loan or perhaps working with Victor instead of against him. When Jack refuses, Jill storms out leaving Ashley alone with her angry brother. Jack accuses her of beginning to shift loyalties now that she and Victor have become romantically involved again. Ashley denies the accusation and reminds him that Jabot and their father mean as much to her as they do to him. Back at the ranch, Nicholas and Sharon pay Victoria a visit and ask her how her relationship with Gary is progressing. Victoria tells them that things are going well and that she has high hopes of it working out. When they leave, Victoria calls Gary and invites him over for lunch. Caught in the midst of another breakdown, Gary, fighting off Gabriel's voice in his head, tries to decline. When Victoria won't take no for an answer, Gary finally agrees. In the meantime, a reconciled Paul and Chris discuss the stalker case. Paul tells his wife that he now suspects one of Ross' close acquaintances of being the culprit. He begins to wonder about Gary when he finds out that he and Ross both dated two girls in their office. Finally, Dru tries to explain why she is going back to Paris to Olivia. As their conversation progresses, Olivia becomes aware of the fact that neither Neil nor Dru is happy with the situation. Olivia begs her sister to stay and sort out her feelings. Dru refuses and says a sad goodbye to Olivia and Lily and leaves.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 24, 2000 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of April 24, 2000 on Y&R

Friday, April 28, 2000

by Caryn

Paul questions Gary about the women in the office that Ross dated. Gary claims he didn't know anything about Ross dating them and adds that Ross never told him about his feelings for Victoria either. Gary then visits Victoria at the ranch and finds out she planned a picnic in the woods for them without her bodyguard. Nikki returns from New York and is pleased to see them together. Paul tries to question Ross at his apartment but Ross won't talk to him. Billy goes to work at the shelter and finds out he's working with Mac today. Brad is talking with Ashley about Jill's discussion concerning the Jabot financial problem when Jack comes in and claims that they don't need his money. Before he leaves, Brad announces to Jack that he didn't think he could be a bigger jackass then he is but Jack keeps proving him wrong. Megan advises Tricia that Sharon and Grace don't agree on anything except Tony. She demands the truth from her sister who responds by admitting that she did conspire with Grace but shifts the blame to Grace.

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Edited by SC Desk