Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 7, 2000 on Y&R

SC Desk
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 7, 2000 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 7, 2000 on Y&R

Diane found out that Nikki had taken the sperm sample. Callie told Malcolm that she was married to Trey. Olivia tried to take away Malcolm's visitation rights. Victoria offered to pay off Larry. Ashley met her mystery man, Christian, in Genoa City.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 7, 2000 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 7, 2000 on Y&R

Monday, February 7, 2000

by Audra McKenna

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Diane's Penthouse:Victor is telling Diane about some of the problems he is having in his personal life and says he needs a place to stay. She asks what he has in mind. Victor gives her a file folder of listings of apartments in Genoa City. She asks him why and he says it's for her to choose one and sell the penthouse back to him. She looks astonished and he asks her what she thought it would mean. She tells him that the penthouse is not for sale. He asks her why she thought he wanted to see her. She says she's not entirely sure. He says she must have had some idea, and she says she thought he wanted to stay with her for a while to consider his options. He says, "With you? That's out of the question." She says don't you think it would work and he says, not given our history. She says, but you need a place to stay and you're comfortable with the apartment ... give it a chance.

The Ranch:Nikki is moping over a picture of Victor and the doorbell rings ... its Jack Abbott. He asks if Victor is home. She tells him that Victor is no longer staying at the Ranch. He says that he has heard there were problems. She wonders where he heard that. He tells her that Brad never told him, but he wondered why Brad was walking around with a smile on his face after giving up a small fortune. But that smile disappears when Victor got home. He asks her if he's getting warm.

Baldwin's Office:Christine enters his office and wants to know why he wanted to see her. He tells her that Paul might be guilty of harassment because he is having Warton followed. She says if that is true, it must be because his client thinks there is a good reason. He asks her if she wants it to go before a Judge. She tells him that Warton made threats. He scoffs that a threat to punch someone in the nose is no basis for interfering in his life. He says that he can go to court and get an order of protection and there may be grounds for a civil suit. She says she knew that he would take advantage of the situation. He tells her that Warton has rights and she asks what about Victoria's rights. Baldwin asks her if there is any proof that Warton is the stalker. He says that if Warton were her client that she would handle it exactly the same way. She tells him that he wouldn't have taken the case if it weren't for the Newman name. He says of course he would have. He tells her if Paul is not anxious to go to court, to call off the dogs or he will go to court and force rigorous action.

Paul Williams' Office:Paul is questioning Gladys the street lady about who got her to buy the flowers. She asks for a glass of water. He tells her about the lady that got the flowers and that she is being stalked and is very afraid. He asks her if she can describe the man and she says she can do that. She tells him that the guy was quite upset and that he had her repeat the message for the card over and over until she got it right. Paul tries to guide her and asks about his hair, his eyes, his clothes, etc. She starts to describe him and it turns out to be a perfect description of Fred, the detective that Paul had pick her up. Frustrated, Paul gives her a series of pictures (one being of Warton) and asks her if she can identify any of them.

Victoria's Office:Malcolm brings the proofs of the spontaneous shoot they did. She says they are very good. He asks if she wants him to take them over to the agency and she says no, that she will do it later. He apologizes to her for opening his mouth in front of Victor before. She says it's ok, but she just isn't ready to tell Victor about what's going on. Malcolm tells her that he feels responsible for what's going on because he took the photos and put them out there for the world to see. She tells him that it's not his fault. She says that she even got letters after they stopped the ads with her picture in them.

Ryan & Tricia's:Megan is on the couch asleep and having a dream about Tony. She dreams of them being together in happy times -- when they got engaged. Then the dream changes to when he was in the hospital and her agony when he died. She is crying in her sleep and wakes up screaming. Tricia comes home to find her in tears. Tricia asks if she had a nightmare and Meg says she feels like she's falling apart. Tricia tells her that she has been strong and brave throughout the whole thing and Meg says she couldn't have done it without her sister.

Gary The Ad-man's Office:Victoria is telling Gary what a great idea he had to get Malcolm to do the spontaneous shots of her. She says that he impresses her more and more each day. Ross comes in and she shows him the photos. Ross says that he has nailed down some strong newspaper positions and Gary asks him what about fashion magazines. Ross is not too pleased that Gary is questioning him and says that there is still time to get Valentines Day spots. Victoria says he'd better, because they are playing catch-up. A disgruntled Ross leaves the office.

Telephone Booth at Airport:Sam, the assistant to Tray, has just arrived at Genoa City Airport. He calls Annie at the office and asks if Tray has called. He tells her that if he calls to tell him that he's at the dentist and that he will get back to him.

The Photo Studio:Callie and Nate are waiting for Malcolm. He calls to say that he's at the hospital waiting to see Olivia and to find out about her biopsy. Callie is not too pleased that Malcolm is spending so much time with Olivia. Nate has been looking around the studio and tells Callie that he found a whole drawer of pictures of her and shows her a couple. They are headshots and she tells him they are taken for performers to put in their portfolio when they are looking for work. Nate says he didn't know she was a performer.

Ryan & Tricia's:Ryan comes in and sees Meg and Tricia hugging. He brought Chinese food home for dinner. Meg says she's going to go to bed and thanks them for their support. After she's gone, Ryan tells Tricia that it's probably best for Meg to rest as she has had a long day. He says it's best for them too. Tricia thanks Ryan for his help with Meg. He tells her he cares about Meg, but he wants to talk about them. He says that Dr. Thompson gave them good news and how does she feel about that. She says the same as him. He says it's been a long time and he won't push, but he won't lie either --- he misses her. She tells him she misses him too and they kiss.

Olivia's Office:Malcolm is waiting for Olivia and Dr. Walker comes in. Mal tells him that Olivia is still on rounds and that he was waiting for the results of her test. Dr. Walker says he can't discuss the results with anyone but her. Malcolm asks Dr. Walker if there is a possibility that Olivia is sick because of the divorce. Dr. Walker says that there has been a lot of research that proves that certain types of stress can contribute to immune system loss. Malcolm says he had no idea. Dr. Walker tells him that it is possible that the stress of the divorce could be contributing to the condition. Malcolm is really upset at the news.

The Ranch:Jack tells Nikki that Brad has always had a soft spot for her. She thinks that he made an assumption about her and Brad. Jack says that Victor moving out must mean that he found out about her and Brad. "Brilliant deduction", she says. He asks her how she feels about it and she says that she doesn't want any man in her life right now, not Victor and not Brad. She says that she has been molded and controlled for too long. She says she even has trouble picking out an outfit to wear because she's wondering if Victor will like it or not. He tells her that now she can wear whatever she wants. He asks her what the next move is and she tells him about Victor and Diane.

Gary's Office:Gary is showing Victoria, who is leaning closely over his shoulder, how he sets things up on the computer to make the ads. Ross comes in with a smarmy look on his face when he sees how close the two of them are. He says that the ads are in place. Victoria says good and then turns to tell Gary to keep up the good work. She leaves the office for a minute to get something. While she's gone Ross asks Gary what the hell is going on between them. Gary doesn't know what he's talking about. Ross says that it was Gary who first said that work and pleasure don't mix. He is getting a little heated. Victoria comes back and sees the tension and asks if something is wrong. Ross says no and leaves. Victoria asks Gary if he wants to go out and celebrate and have dinner ... Ross is lurking outside the door listening.

Paul Williams' Office:Gladys points to a picture and says that's him. Paul asks if she is certain and she says yes. Paul calls Fred in to take her back to the shelter. Chris comes in and Paul tells her that Gladys picked a man from the pictures that has been dead for three years. He says that she will be of no help to the case. Chris tells Paul about Michael Baldwin filing for an order of protection unless they call off the tail on Warton. Paul says he guesses that they don't have a choice. Chris asks what if Warton IS the stalker. Paul says that then Victoria is in even greater danger.

Ryan's Place:Ryan and Tricia making out on the couch and she pulls back. He says that it's important that they get back to normal and she says that she has missed it too. She asks if he has protection and he tells her not to worry. He says that the doctor said it was ok to start working on having another child. She doesn't look too thrilled at the option. He carries her off to the bedroom.

The Studio:Nate asks Callie if she ever made a CD and she says no. He asks why and she tells him that she guesses it's because she didn't have a good enough manager. He asks her why she stayed with him then. She says because she was young and foolish. He asks who the manager is and she asks why does he want to know. Nate says so he could tell him to either do a good job or get lost. She tells Nate that she finally did tell him to get lost. Enter Sam who says "and not a moment too soon, right Callie?" Callie asks what he's doing there and Sam says, "to make you disappear." Nate is hiding behind a chair looking pretty scared.

The Ranch:Jack can't believe that Victor is thinking about moving in with Diane. Nikki says he's doing it to punish her. She says Diane would do anything to get her hooks back into Victor. She says she had no idea how far she would go, but she does now. Jack asks what she means and she says to never mind. Jack says he can't believe that Victor would be that desperate. She says Vic is trying to get back at her. Jack says he can think of a more pleasant way to do that and she asks if he knows about Ramona. He says yes he knows about Ramona and let's not go there. He says that Diane has to be the last person on earth Victor would turn to ... he's been there, done that ... there's no way he would go back to her.

Diane's:Diane tells Victor that his suggestion is unacceptable. He says that they are at a standoff. She tells him that they both have a history in the penthouse. He asks, "and you have no desire to leave?" She tells him she's not about to move for his convenience. She says there is more than enough room and that he's welcome to stay. He's not about to be a guest in her home. She says that despite all the animosity, she remembers the good times they had. He snidely says, "and what's your point?" She says that they could work on being friends again. He just looks at her and says he should be going. She says to wait, that she has a solution. She says there is no harm in him listening to what she has to say ... and the credits roll.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 7, 2000 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 7, 2000 on Y&R

Tuesday, February 8, 2000

by Caryn

At the coffee shop, Mackenzie and Cody discuss her 16th birthday party.They are interrupted by Billy who wants to know why Mackenzie was so upsetwhen she heard about his trip to Aspen with Brittany. Mackenzie lies andtells him she was just sad that they weren't able to become friendslike Raul had wanted. The two agree to call a truce and go theirseparate ways for Raul's sake. Victor and Diane come to an agreementregarding their living conditions. Victor will move into the penthouseprovided Diane sells it to him. Diane agrees on the condition that helet her live there until she finds another place to live. After somebartering, they agree on three months. Later, an elated Diane tellsMarissa she plans on using the time to her full advantage....she willdo whatever it takes to get Victor back. When she goes to move herstuff to another room, she realizes the stored sperm is missing. Backat the Newman offices, Victor informs an agitated Brad that due to aclause in his contract, he won't be able to leave his job as easily ashe had hoped. Brad offers him money, but Victor says a bribe won'twork. Alone in his office, Victor vows revenge for Brad's affair withNikki. Michael informs Warton that the Newman's have agreed to leavehim alone. The ex-con is pleased, but wants more. He thinks theNewman's should pay for the trouble they've caused him. Michael tellshis client that the odds are very slim that they will pay him anymoney. When Victoria finds out about the agreement to stop followingWarton, she tells Paul and Chris she'll have to take matters into herown hands. At the hospital, Malcolm tells Olivia he will always careabout her even though they are divorced. Later, he tells Neil that hedoesn't want to jeopardize his ex-wife's health anymore and will agreeto keep his distance from her. Neil agrees that Malcolm can't have itboth ways, but tells him not to be so hard on's not hisfault that Olivia is sick. Neil promises to keep his brother apprisedof Olivia's condition. At the same time, Olivia receives her latesttest results and it's not good news. Despite her doctor's advice, sherefuses to take a leave of absence, but does agree to lighten her workload. After assuring Nate that everything is o.k. and he can leave,Callie confronts Sam alone. Sam tells her that Trey saw the ad for thedivorce in the paper and is planning on coming to Genoa City to gether back. Not wanting his friend to go back to his estranged wife, Samadvises Callie to go away. She should leave the country so that Treycan never find her. He admits to being the one who beat up Malcolm allthose months ago. When Callie becomes angry and refuses his request,he goes after her and grabs her throat!

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 7, 2000 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 7, 2000 on Y&R

Wednesday, February 9, 2000

by Audra McKenna

As the new ads for Brash & Sassy come out, Victoria continues to worry about the stalker. Nick reassures her that she is safe, especially with the bodyguard and with Warton under surveillance. Opting not to tell her brother about Paul calling off the surveillance, Victoria decides to take matters into her own hands and goes to confront Michael. She asks him why he's defending Warton and tells him she's willing to pay him off if he'll agree to leave her alone. Michael says he'll talk to his client. While at the coffee shop teasing Nina about her budding relationship with Tomas, Paul and Chris run into Nick and let it slip that they are no longer following Warton and that the homeless woman couldn't identify him as the man who had her send the flowers. An angry Nick wonders why Victoria didn't tell him the truth. Jill stops by the Abbott's to tell John that Billy and Brittany are planning on being in Aspen by themselves while her parents go off to other places to ski. Not wanting to believe that his son lied to him again, John calls Brittany's parents who confirm that they will not be with the teens the whole time. Billy is confronted by his parents and forced to admit the truth, but doesn't understand why they are so upset. John tells him that he can't be trusted and is no longer allowed to go to Aspen. A furious Billy wants to know how they found out the truth. Jill tells him that she overheard Mac and Raul talking about it. At the same time, Mac visits Sharon and discusses her feelings for Billy with her friend. Sharon tells her it's obvious she has a crush on the young Abbott and asks is he feels the same. Mac says there's no way...he's too into Brittany. Sharon suggests that Billy may just be with Brittany as a reaction to Mac's relationship with Raul. Still shaken from the run-in with Sam, Nate tells Malcolm that he is afraid to be alone. Malcolm assures his son that he will always protect him. When Nate leaves the room, Callie apologizes for putting the little boy in danger. Malcolm assures her that it's not her fault. He understands that she was young and naive when she got involved with Trey. Callie begins to tell Malcolm the truth, but Nate interrupts and asks to be taken home. Malcolm tells Callie to call the police while he's gone. Alone at the apartment, Callie contemplates what to do. In the meantime, Malcolm brings Nate home and tells Olivia what happened. Enraged at the danger her son was in, Olivia blames Callie and tells Malcolm he's not allowed to see his son while Trey is still a threat. Determined not to let that happen, Malcolm returns home to talk to the police. When he arrives, he finds that Callie has packed their bags. She tells her fiancé that she thinks they should run away, but he refuses. When Callie tries to stop him from calling the police, Malcolm demands that she tell him what is going on.

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 7, 2000 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 7, 2000 on Y&R

Thursday, February 10, 2000

by Caryn

Chris and Paul continue to tell Nick about the Warton situation. Nick is furious to find out that Michael is representing the "stalker" and that they have been forced to call off the surveillance. Chris explains that with no solid proof, they have to respect Warton's legal rights. An angry Nick heads over to Brash & Sassy to find out why Victoria kept the truth from him. When he, Chris and Paul get there, they find her office empty. In the meantime, Victoria, with Gary there for moral support, heads over to confront Warton. When they meet face to face, Victoria asks her bodyguard to leave them alone, then proceeds to tell Warton she's ready to strike a deal. Back at the Abbott's, John and Jill contemplate whether or not they made a mistake in coming down so hard on Billy for lying to them about his trip with Brittany. John holds to his decision and says that Billy has to learn to take responsibility for his actions...maybe he'll learn from his mistake. Later, they join Ashley and Jack for a meeting to discuss the plans for expansion at Jabot. When Ashley tells them she won't be able to make an important business function that evening, John and Jack become suspicious. Jack asks his sister if she is seeing Victor again and she promises that is not the case. In the midst of their conversation, she receives and call on her cell's Christian. Ashley asks Jack to leave the room and makes a date with Christian. At school, Billy tells a disappointed Brittany that he can't go away with her while Raul questions Mackenzie about her weird mood. Mackenzie lies and says nothings wrong while secretly telling herself she has to talk to Billy and figure out what is going on between them. When Billy shows up, Mackenzie begins to talk to him about everything, but he interrupts her with his accusations about what happened the night before at the coffee shop. He accuses her of telling Jill about his vacation plans because she is jealous of Brittany. Mackenzie lies and tells him she wants to be with Raul, not him. She says that he must have misunderstood his mother. She may have overheard her conversation with Raul, but she never spoke with her directly. An angry Billy tells her that the fact that they held hands the night before means nothing and that he wants her to stay out of his life for good. Olivia fills Neil in on the events of the previous night. She says that she can't let Nate be around Callie and has to do something about it. Leaving Neil with Nate, she goes to see Michael and tells him she wants full custody of her son. At the same time, Malcolm continues to grill Callie about what's going on with her and why she wants to leave town. Callie insists she thinks it's the only way to be free of Trey, but Malcolm refuses. He demands that Callie give him Trey's phone number. When he calls him in Detroit, Trey tells Malcolm that Callie is "his woman." Before he can elaborate, Callie disconnects the phone. A furious Malcolm wants to know what Trey meant when he called her his woman. A devastated Callie finally confesses the truth....she's married to Trey!

Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 7, 2000 on Y&R
Young and Restless Recaps: The week of February 7, 2000 on Y&R

Friday, February 11, 2000

by Soap Central

Chris and Paul continue to tell Nick about the Warton situation. Nick is furious to find out that Michael is representing the "stalker" and that they have been forced to call off the surveillance. Chris explains that with no solid proof, they have to respect Warton's legal rights. An angry Nick heads over to Brash & Sassy to find out why Victoria kept the truth from him. When he, Chris and Paul get there, they find her office empty. In the meantime, Victoria, with Gary there for moral support, heads over to confront Warton. When they meet face to face, Victoria asks her bodyguard to leave them alone, then proceeds to tell Warton she's ready to strike a deal. Back at the Abbott's, John and Jill contemplate whether or not they made a mistake in coming down so hard on Billy for lying to them about his trip with Brittany. John holds to his decision and says that Billy has to learn to take responsibility for his actions...maybe he'll learn from his mistake. Later, they join Ashley and Jack for a meeting to discuss the plans for expansion at Jabot. When Ashley tells them she won't be able to make an important business function that evening, John and Jack become suspicious. Jack asks his sister if she is seeing Victor again and she promises that is not the case. In the midst of their conversation, she receives and call on her cell's Christian. Ashley asks Jack to leave the room and makes a date with Christian. At school, Billy tells a disappointed Brittany that he can't go away with her while Raul questions Mackenzie about her weird mood. Mackenzie lies and says nothings wrong while secretly telling herself she has to talk to Billy and figure out what is going on between them. When Billy shows up, Mackenzie begins to talk to him about everything, but he interrupts her with his accusations about what happened the night before at the coffee shop. He accuses her of telling Jill about his vacation plans because she is jealous of Brittany. Mackenzie lies and tells him she wants to be with Raul, not him. She says that he must have misunderstood his mother. She may have overheard her conversation with Raul, but she never spoke with her directly. An angry Billy tells her that the fact that they held hands the night before means nothing and that he wants her to stay out of his life for good. Olivia fills Neil in on the events of the previous night. She says that she can't let Nate be around Callie and has to do something about it. Leaving Neil with Nate, she goes to see Michael and tells him she wants full custody of her son. At the same time, Malcolm continues to grill Callie about what's going on with her and why she wants to leave town. Callie insists she thinks it's the only way to be free of Trey, but Malcolm refuses. He demands that Callie give him Trey's phone number. When he calls him in Detroit, Trey tells Malcolm that Callie is "his woman." Before he can elaborate, Callie disconnects the phone. A furious Malcolm wants to know what Trey meant when he called her his woman. A devastated Callie finally confesses the truth....she's married to Trey!

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